C A L T E C H C Dynamical S Cylindrical Manifolds and Tube Dynamics in the Restricted Three-Body Problem Shane D. Ross Control and Dynamical Systems, Caltech www.cds.caltech.edu/∼shane/pub/thesis/ April 7, 2004 Acknowledgements Committee: M. Lo, J. Marsden, R. Murray, D. Scheeres W. Koon G. Gómez, J. Masdemont CDS staff & students JPL’s Navigation & Mission Design section 2 Motivation Low energy spacecraft trajectories Genesis has collected solar wind samples at the SunEarth L1 and will return them to Earth this September. First mission designed using dynamical systems theory. Genesis Spacecraft Where Genesis Is Today 3 Motivation Low energy transfer to the Moon 4 Outline of Talk Introduction and Background Planar circular restricted three-body problem Motion near the collinear equilibria My Contribution Construction of trajectories with prescribed itineraries Trajectories in the four-body problem – patching two three-body trajectories – e.g., low energy transfer to the Moon Current and Ongoing Work Summary and Conclusions 5 Three-Body Problem Planar circular restricted three-body problem – P in field of two bodies, m1 and m2 – x-y frame rotates w.r.t. X-Y inertial frame Y y x P m2 t X m1 6 Three-Body Problem Equations of motion describe P moving in an effective potential plus a coriolis force _ U(x,y) y L3 L4 P (x,y) L5 m1 (−µ,0) m2 (1−µ,0) Position Space x L1 L2 Effective Potential 7 Hamiltonian System Hamiltonian function 1 H(x, y, px, py ) = ((px + y)2 + (py − x)2) + Ū (x, y), 2 where px and py are the conjugate momenta, px = ẋ − y = vx − y, py = ẏ + x = vy + x, and 1−µ µ 1 2 2 − Ū (x, y) = − (x + y ) − 2 r1 r2 where r1 and r2 are the distances of P from m1 and m2 and m2 µ= ∈ (0, 0.5]. m1 + m2 8 Equations of Motion Point in phase space: q = (x, y, vx, vy ) ∈ R4 Equations of motion, q̇ = f (q), can be written as ẋ = vx, ẏ = vy , ∂ Ū , v˙x = 2vy − ∂x ∂ Ū v˙y = −2vx − , ∂y conserving an energy integral, 1 2 E(x, y, ẋ, ẏ) = (ẋ + ẏ 2) + Ū (x, y). 2 9 Motion in Energy Surface Fix parameter µ Energy surface for energy e is M(µ, e) = {(x, y, ẋ, ẏ) | E(x, y, ẋ, ẏ) = e}. For a fixed µ and energy e, one can consider the surface M(µ, e) as a three-dimensional surface embedded in the four-dimensional phase space. Projection of M(µ, e) onto position space, M (µ, e) = {(x, y) | Ū (x, y; µ) ≤ e}, is the region of possible motion (Hill’s region). Boundary of M (µ, e) places bounds on particle motion. 10 Realms of Possible Motion For fixed µ, e gives the connectivity of three realms P m1 m1 P m1 m2 m2 Case 1 : E<E1 m2 Case 2 : E1<E<E2 P Case 3 : E2<E<E3 P P m1 m2 Case 4 : E3<E<E4 m1 m2 Case 5 : E>E4 11 Realms of Possible Motion Neck regions related to collinear unstable equilibria, x’s 1 L4 0.5 y L3 L1 m1 0 m2 L2 -0.5 L5 -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 x The location of all the equilibria for µ = 0.3 12 Realms of Possible Motion Energy Case 3: For m1 = Sun, m2 = Jupiter, we divide the Hill’s region into five sets; three realms, S, J, X, and two equilibrium neck regions, R1, R2 X S R1 J R2 13 Equilibrium Points Find q̄ = (x̄, ȳ, v̄x, v̄y ) s.t. q̄˙ = f (q̄) = 0 Have form (x̄, ȳ, 0, 0) where (x̄, ȳ) are critical points of Ū (x, y), i.e., Ūx = Ūy = 0, where Ūa ≡ ∂∂aŪ _ U(x,y) L3 L4 L5 L1 L2 Critical Points of Ū (x, y) 14 Equilibrium Points Consider x-axis solutions; the collinear equilibria Ūx = Ūy = 0 ⇒ polynomial in x depends on parameter µ L3 -1.5 L1 L2 -2.0 _ U(x,0) -2.5 -3.0 -3.5 -4.0 -4.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0..5 1.0 1..5 2.0 x The graph of Ū (x, 0) for µ = 0.1 15 Equilibrium Regions Phase space near equilibrium points Consider the equilibrium q̄ = L (either L1 or L2) Eigenvalues of linearized equations about L are ±λ and ±iν with corresponding eigenvectors u1, u2, w1, w2 Equilibrium region has a saddle × center geometry 16 Equilibrium Regions Eigenvectors Define Coordinate Frame Let the eigenvectors u1, u2, w1, w2 be the coordinate axes with corresponding new coordinates (ξ, η, ζ1, ζ2). The differential equations assume the simple form ξ˙ = λξ, η̇ = −λη, ζ̇1 = νζ2, ζ̇2 = −νζ1, and the energy function becomes ν 2 2 El = λξη + ζ1 + ζ2 . 2 Two additional integrals: ξη and ρ ≡ |ζ|2 = ζ12 + ζ22, where ζ = ζ1 + iζ2 17 Equilibrium Regions For positive ε and c, the region R (either R1 or R2), is determined by El = ε, and |η − ξ| ≤ c, is homeomorphic to S 2 × I; namely, for each fixed value of (η − ξ) on the interval I = [−c, c], the equation El = ε determines the two-sphere λ λ ν 2 2 2 (η + ξ) + ζ1 + ζ2 = ε + (η − ξ)2, 4 2 4 in the variables ((η + ξ), ζ1, ζ2). 18 Bounding Spheres of R n1, the left side (η − ξ = −c) n2, the right side (η − ξ = c) η 2 =0 |ζ| η−ξ=−c η−ξ=+c η−ξ=0 ξ η+ξ=0 n2 2 ∗ =ρ 2 =0 | ζ | |ζ| |ζ| 2 =ρ ∗ n1 The projection of the flow onto the η-ξ plane 19 Transit & Non-transit Orbits There are transit orbits, T12, T21 and non-transit orbits, T11, T22, separated by asymptotic sets to a p.o. ξ T21 η T22 n1 n2 T11 T12 Transit, non-transit, and asymptotic orbits projected onto the η-ξ plane 20 Twisting of Orbits We compute that d arg ζ = −ν, dt i.e., orbits “twist” while in R in proportion to the time T spent in R, where 0 2 1 2λ(η ) T = − ln(ρ∗ − ρ) , ln λ ν where η 0 is the initial condition on the bounding sphere and ρ = ρ∗ = 2ε/ν only for the asymptotic orbits. Amount of twisting depends sensitively on how close an orbit comes to the cylinders of asymptotic orbits, i.e., depends on (ρ∗ − ρ) > 0. 21 Orbits in Position Space Appearance of orbits in position space The general (real) solution has the form u(t) = (x(t), y(t), vx(t), vy (t)), = α1eλtu1 + α2e−λtu2 + 2Re(βeiνtw1), where α1, α2 are real and β = β1 + iβ2 is complex. Four categories of orbits, depending on the signs of α1 and α2. By a theorem of Moser [1958], all the qualitative results carry over to the nonlinear system. 22 Orbits in Position Space α1 < 0 α2 > 0 α1α2<0 y α1α2>0 α1α2>0 α1 > 0 α2 < 0 L α1α2=0 α1α2<0 x 23 Equilibrium Region: Summary The Flow in the Equilibrium Region In summary, the phase space in the equilibrium region can be partitioned into four categories of distinctly different kinds of motion: (1) periodic orbits, a.k.a., Lyapunov orbits (2) asymptotic orbits, i.e., invariant stable and unstable cylindrical manifolds (henceforth called tubes) (3) transit orbits, moving from one realm to another (4) non-transit orbits, returning to their original realm These categories help us understand the connectivity of the global phase space 24 Tube Dynamics All motion between realms connected by equilibrium neck regions R must occur through the interior of the cylindrical stable and unstable manifold tubes R 25 Tube Dynamics: Itineraries We can find/construct an orbit with any itinerary, e.g., (. . . , J, X, J, S, J, . . .), where X, J and S denote the different realms (symbolic dynamics) X Realm Forbidden Realm R1 R2 S Realm J Realm 26 Construction of Trajectories Systematic construction of trajectories with desired itineraries – trajectories which use no fuel. – by linking tubes in the right order → tube hopping 27 Construction of Trajectories Ex. Trajectory with Itinerary (X, J, S) search for an initial condition with this itinerary X Realm S Realm y Sun Forbidden Realm J Realm x 28 Construction of Trajectories seek area on 2D Poincaré section corresponding to (X, J, S) itinerary region; an “itinerarea” X Realm U4 Forbidden Realm U3 U1 R1 R2 S Realm U2 J Realm The location of four Poincaré sections Ui 29 Construction of Trajectories T[X],J is the solid tube of trajectories currently in the X realm and heading toward the J realm – Let’s seek itinerarea (X, [J], S) T[X],J T[J],S TX,[J] U3 L2 p.o. L1 p.o. TJ,[S] U3 U4 U1 U2 T[S],J TS,[J] U2 T[J],X TJ,[X] How the tubes connect the Ui 30 Construction of Trajectories 0.6 ([J],S) U = (T[J],S U3) 0.4 0.2 y 0 -0.2 (X,[J]) U = (TX,[J] U3) -0.4 -0.6 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 y Poincare Section U3 {x = 1 − µ, y > 0, x < 0} T[J],S TX,[J] J realm 31 Construction of Trajectories An itinerarea with label (X,[J],S) T Denote the intersection (X, [J]) ([J], S) by (X, [J], S) 0.6 ([J],S) 0.4 0.2 y (X,[J],S) U = (X,[J]) ([J],S) 0 -0.2 (X,[J]) -0.4 -0.6 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 y 32 Construction of Trajectories Forward and backward numerical integration of any initial condition within the itinerarea yields a trajectory with the desired itinerary X Realm S Realm y Sun Forbidden Realm J Realm x 33 Construction of Trajectories Trajectories with longer itineraries can be produced – e.g., (X, J, S, J, X) 0.08 Jupiter 1 0.04 y 0 0 Sun -0.04 -1 Initial Condition -0.08 -1 0 1 0.92 0.96 1 1.04 1.08 x 34 Restricted 4-Body Problem Solutions to the restricted 4-body problem can be built up from solutions to the rest. 3-body problem One system of particular interest is a spacecraft in the Earth-Moon vicinity, with the Sun’s perturbation Example mission: low energy transfer to the Moon 35 Low Energy to the Moon Motivation: systematic construction of trajectories like the 1991 Hiten trajectory. This trajectory uses significantly less on-board fuel than an Apollo-like transfer using third body effects. The key is ballistic, or unpropelled, capture by the Moon Originally found via a trial-and-error approach, before tube dynamics in the system was known (Belbruno and Miller [1993]) 36 Low Energy to the Moon Patched three-body approximation: we assume the S/C’s trajectory can be divided into two portions of rest. 3body problem solutions 37 Low Energy to the Moon (1) Sun-Earth-S/C (2) Earth-Moon-S/C Sun-Earth-S/C System Maneuver (∆V) at Patch Point Earth-Moon-S/C System Moon L2 y Sun Earth x 38 Low Energy to the Moon Consider the intersection of tubes in these two systems (if any exists) on a Poincaré section Sun-Earth L2 Portion Using "Twisting" Maneuver (∆V) at Patch Point Lunar Capture Portion Moon's Orbit L2 y Sun Earth L2 orbit x 39 Low Energy to the Moon Earth-Moon-S/C – Ballistic capture Find boundary of tube of lunar capture orbits Ballistic Capture Orbit Sun-Earth Rotating Frame Initial Condition L2 y Moon's Orbit . Initial Condition Earth y (Sun-Earth rotating frame) Tube Containing Lunar Capture Orbits Earth-Moon L2 Orbit Stable Manifold Cut Sun Moon Earth x y (Sun-Earth rotating frame) Poincare Section 40 Low Energy to the Moon Sun-Earth-S/C – Twisting of orbits Amount of twist depends sensitively on distance from tube boundary; use this to target Earth parking orbit Earth Targeting Using "Twisting" P-1(q2) P-1(q1) Earth Poincare Section q2 Strip S Pre-Image of Strip S Stable Manifold Unstable Manifold y-position y-velocity q1 L2 Earth Sun L2 orbit y-position x-position 41 Low Energy to the Moon Integrate initial conditions forward and backward to generate desired trajectory, allowing for velocity discontinuity (maneuver of size ∆V to “tube hop”) . Sun-Earth L2 Orbit Portion Using "Twisting" Initial Condition 0.01 0 Lunar Capture Portion Initial Condition 0.01 0.02 Sun L2 y y (Sun-Earth rotating frame) Sun-Earth L2 Orbit Unstable Manifold Cut 0.03 Earth-Moon L2 Orbit Stable Manifold Cut 0.04 0.05 Moon's Orbit Earth L2 orbit 0.06 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 y (Sun-Earth rotating frame) Poincare Section x 42 Low Energy to the Moon Verification: use these initial conditions as an initial guess in restricted 4-body model, the bicircular model Small velocity discontinuity at patch point: ∆V = 34 m/s Uses 20% less on-board fuel than an Apollo-like transfer – the trade-off is a longer flight time 43 Low Energy to the Moon Inertial Frame Sun-Earth Rotating Frame ∆V Earth y L1 Earth L2 y ∆V Moon's Orbit Sun Moon's Orbit Ballistic Capture Ballistic Capture x x 44 Current and Ongoing Work Multi-moon orbiter, ∆V = 22 m/s (!!!) ⇒ JIMO Low Energy Tour of Jupiter’s Moons Seen in Jovicentric Inertial Frame Callisto Ganymede Europa Jupiter 45 Current and Ongoing Work Ongoing challenges Make an automated algorithm for trajectory generation Consider model uncertainty, unmodeled dynamics, noise Trajectory correction when errors occur – Re-targeting of original (nominal) trajectory vs. regeneration of nominal trajectory – Trajectory correction work for Genesis is a first step 46 Current and Ongoing Work Getting Genesis onto the destination orbit at the right time, while minimizing fuel consumption from Serban, Koon, Lo, Marsden, Petzold, Ross, and Wilson [2002] 47 Current and Ongoing Work Incorporation of low-thrust Spiral out from Europa Europa to Io transfer 48 Current and Ongoing Work Coordination with goals/constraints of real missions e.g., time at each moon, radiation dose, max. flight time Decrease flight time: evidence suggests large decrease in time for small increase in ∆V 49 Current and Ongoing Work Spin-off: Results also apply to mathematically similar problems in chemistry and astrophysics – phase space transport Applications – chemical reaction rates – asteroid collision prediction 50 Summary and Conclusions For certain energies of the planar circular rest. 3-body problem, the phase space can be divided into sets; three large realms and equilibrium regions connecting them We consider stable and unstable manifolds of p.o.’s in the equil. regions The manifolds have a cylindrical geometry and the physical property that all motion from one realm to another must pass through their interior The study of the cylindrical manifolds, tube dynamics, can be used to design spacecraft trajectories Tube dynamics applicable in other physical problems too 51