Vol26-No171 - Lunds kommun
Vol26-No171 - Lunds kommun
The Lundian Vol. 2014 Vol.26/No. 26/No.170, 171,Autumn Autumn/Spyken Issue 2014 FREE NEWSLETTER For Members of The EnglishSpeaking International Community in Lund and their Friends, Near and Far. Important Days and Dates this Autumn October 24 . United Nations Day November 1 – All Saints Day 4 – Hijra, Islamic New Year; Solidarity Day 9 – International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism 9 – Fathers Day 10 – Mårtens Goose Eve December 13 – Lucia Day 24 – Christmas Eve 25 – Christmas Day 26 – Boxing Day (Annandag jul) 31 – New Year’s Eve 01 – New Year’s Day 2014. Source: www.calendarlabs.com Elefanten i rummet: Afrofobi i närbild. English Internationals nya projekt (2014 – 2015) vill fortsätta med ett forum där fokus ligger på att förstärka arbetet med att motverka diskriminering av den afrikanska diasporan i Sverige. Ett viktigt mål med projektet är att ta fram en kvalitativ studie av levnadsstandarden för afrosvenskar i Sverige. Denna del av projektet kommer att bli ett tillägg till den kvantitativa och kvalitativ forskning som vi har redovisat i vår tidigare rapport om den afrikanska diasporan i Sverige, och den Mångkulturella studien av afrofobi. Vi skall sprida en omfattande enkät med frågor om hur målgruppen upplever sitt förhållande till vissa av samhällets institutioner. De flesta sådana institutioner har inte någon aktuell forskning om diskriminering av afrosvenskar pga Sveriges avsaknad av termen ”ras” som diskrimineringsgrund sedan 2009. Projektet syftar till att motarbeta okunnigheten om, och diskrimineringen av Se sidan 3 An International Magazine Young People are the Future – so How Did They Vote? By Maxine Pater, Olivia Borgström, Lund (Spyken High School, Hu2) The national election recently took place in Sweden, the result shocking some, while paining others. Many are unsure about the consequences of these results. How will a government without a majority carry out their decisions? How could a racist party come in third place? Are we moving into an era of racism and nationalism? Is Sweden retreating into the ignorance of the past, instead of moving toward an equal future? The young people are the future, right? They will govern this country some years from now, and dictate the path of society. So how did the young people of Lund vote in the school elections? The three biggest high schools in Lund share their approval of the environment party (miljöpartiet) but that is about their only main common interest. The Moderates (moderaterna) came in first place with the environment party not far behind in both the Polhem School and the Cathedral School. The Spyken School, on the other hand, elected the Environment party at first place with the social democrats (socialdemokraterna) thereafter. The Polhem School chose the Social democrats at a third place while The Cathedral School chose the People party (folkpartiet) and Spyken chose Feministic initiative (feministiskt initiativ). The fact that the Environment party is so big among youth does not surprise us, since we are the ones who have to live with the global damage caused by our former generations. Of the three schools, the Polhem School had the highest amount of votes on the Sweden democrats while the Spyken School had the lowest. Of course, while the three mentioned schools have primarily voted on parties for environment and equality, some schools See Page 2 Inside this Issue … Front Page: Young People Vote Page Two: Editorial / Opinion Page Three: På lätt Svenska Page Four: Media Watch: Books, Films, Radio. The Lundian Magazine Editorial “Race” Did Affect the Swedish Election Lund, Sweden. M. A. Diakité, Publisher and Editor With help from volunteer writers at Spyken High School in Lund, this issue marks another milestone for keeping non-Swedish readers informed of what’s going on in Lund – and Sweden in general. The article on page 1 about young people and how they voted was written by young people who are future voters and hopefully rulers of this country. They did a great job and readers should be proud of them. If you haven’t read that article, and the one on page 3 of this issue, please do, and send your (positive) comments to [email protected]. Thank you. As you must know by now, the results of the national elections for major political offices this year were seriously affected by the environment, immigration, threats to ecucation and health care introduced by the previous government and the divisions created by the right wing (many call them fascists) Swedish Demorats (SD). There was a clear shift towards the left and persons of immigrant heritage are visible in the new government. This despite the fact that the SD saw an increase in votes by that made them the third largest party in Sweden. The Left Party received fewer votes than the Green Party and have so far not been invited to join the Social Democrats and Greens to form a government. Sweden now has a minority governemnt. Stay tuned. We are now entering the final months of 2014, and the weather reflects it. It’s been wet and there have been floods and clouds haning in the sky. But November and december are fun months too as this is the festive season with parties and dinners all over the place. Swedish dishes such as goose, blodsopa (blood soup), blodkorv (blood sausage), pepperkakor, glögg (with or without alchohol), cinamon buns, coffee rings with saffron and tons and tons of pastries. Yes, this is the best season to be in Sweden. Enjoy. The Lundian is published by The English International Association of Lund, Sandgatan 2, 4th floor, 223 50 Lund (By appointment only!) Phone: +46 70 654 2126 +46 46 222 1229 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.thelundian.com From Page 1 – How did They Vote do not share the same values. Thoren and Vipan – two job preparing gymnasiums – have both elected the Sweden democrats at first place. Now, we cannot help but to notice how the schools with lower educational levels are more prone to elect parties like the Sweden democrats. Coincidence? Perhaps. Or perhaps racism and nationalism is strongly connected to your perception of the world. And surely, your perception of the world is defined by your knowledge of it. It is much easier to see others as “we and they” when you know nothing about them or are unbeknownst of the injustice in our history. Now, we do not doubt that our opinion on the topic has been made clear, but we believe in equality for everyone. A great man once expressed his desire to live in a nation where you would not be judged by the color of your skin, but by the content of your character. This man, Martin Luther King, was not talking about our nation and he was not talking about it recently, yet it is still relevant to the current situation in Sweden. Approximately 50 years have passed since he stated his wish, yet it is still a relevant topic, something which we cannot begin to comprehend. Perhaps you are wondering how this is related to the elections of the youth in Lund. Well, since the youth are our future and will, as we previously mentioned, run the country and dictate the path of society, we think it is important that we consider the conditions of their education. As the results of the different school elections in Lund show that students who take lower educations were more inclined to choose racist parties; we think we should make sure that the education in subjects such as history, social- and nature science have more focus, regardless of education level, to guarantee that future voters are not only aware of the mistakes made in our history as to prevent future wars, but also know how to learn from each other and consider the environmental issues. Why live in a world where we are isolated in our own countries when we can travel, explore, try new things and share knowledge? Why live in a world filled with animosity towards each other and with a threat of war when we can create friendships and learn from one another? We think we should fight for a world with equality for everyone and in order to accomplish this we need to start with the youth. The result of the election in Lund alone is proof that educating the young is essential for acceptance and world peace. http://www.mucf.se/skolval-014/ValresultatRiksdagP74y3t.do Publisher and Managing Editor: M. A. Robinson Diakité Copy Editor: Jack B. Nimble Photo Editor: Monique Fransen Art Director: Monique Fransen Also Special thanks to Spyken High School in Lund County, Media Tryck, the Board of E.I., The Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Lund University information personal and many, many others. ISSN: 1404-9511 2014 © English International More Books to Read: A Swedish Dilemma (ISBN 07618-3151-7), University Press of America, Lanham, IL. A worthwhile book about the dilemma of becoming a multiethnic society. Available at www.amazon.com 2 The Lundian Magazine Local News… På lättsvenska A Newcomers Guide to the City By: Angelica Bendrén, Amanda Mårtensson & Hanna Leander (Spyken High School, HU2) Photographers: Angelica Bendrén, Amanda Mårtensson & Hanna Leander Lund is a city filled with life, cultures and interesting people. If you are new in Lund it might be interesting to get to know our favourite places to go; maybe for a Swedish “fika”, which is a frequently used word for sitting down with a cup of coffee and some cookies, or a nice walk in the park. Here is the perfect guide for you. Saluhallen (directly translated as The Hall of Sale) is a fairly small building in the middle of central Lund; on the outside it might look boring with its old fashioned red brick facade, but trust us; you will not change your mind if you give it a visit. Even though the place looks small on the outside, you will easily get overwhelmed by the inside. The list of things they sell is long, they have everything from an American store to Asian foods as well as all kinds of cheese and desserts. When walking into this building you will face a cultural experience to remember. Here you will be able to eat at their restaurants or you can buy your own food to cook at home, such as special fish and Italian pizza. See Page 4 The English International Association of Lund (EIA) was founded in 1987 in Lund, Sweden by a group of international researchers, foreign students their Swedish friends and sympathizers. It was based on solidarity with the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Two important groups we are concerned with are migrant workers and ethnic minorities as defined in UN, regional, ILO and other instruments protecting the rights of those, regardless of their original status. th The association maintains an office on the 4 floor of AF-Borgen and persons who wish to join and take part in activities are welcome to visit. Leave a note with your contact information if we are not in for the moment. We shall contact you. Contact info: www.thelundian.com. Från sidan 1 – om Afrofobi afrosvenskarnas situation i dagens Sverige och minska afrofobin i landet. Dessutom vill vi förbättra kunskapen om afrosvenskarnas rättigheter och rutiner i deras kamp mot rasism och diskriminering. Projektet är av allmänt intresse pga att kampen mot diskriminering i Sverige ligger i de internationella fördragen, EU-direktiv, den svenska grundlagen, inhemska lagar som BrB (1971), Arbetsrätt och Civilrätt (Diskrimineringslag (2008:567). Se också Afrikanska diasporan i Sverige, utgiven av The English International Association, Lund 2009 (www.thelundian.com/Särskilda rapporter). Lunds Integrationsoch Mångfaldsrunda uppmuntrar och stödjer arbetet för allas lika värde och en välkomnande stad i enlighet med lagstiftning, överenskommelser och handlingsplaner som vårt land och vår kommun har anslutit sig till. Rundan byggs upp av olika steg fördelade över året: processutveckling, inspirationsforum, planering, arrangemangsvecka, reflektion och nystart. Här kan de medverkande både uttrycka egna erfarenheter och se världen ur andras perspektiv, för att tillsammans utforska nya vägar till inkludering och jämlikhet. Rundan erbjuder inspiration, kontakter, samtal och tillfällen att skapa aktiviteter som vidgar normer och främjar jämlikhet mellan människor med olika erfarenheter. Alla erfarenheter kring t.ex. etnicitet, kön, ålder, sexualitet, funktionsförutsättningar och trosuppfattning, är lika värdefulla. Med stöd av Rundan kan olika förvaltningar, organisationer, företag och ideella föreningar, knyta an till gemensamma, gränsöverskridande och årligt återkommande sammanhang i Lund. Rundan ger möjlighet att kraftsamla och visa upp något av allt det som sker i kommunen och ta del av goda exempel. Den erbjuder en struktur utifrån vilken arbetet kan utvecklas och förbättras. Info: 046- 35 50 00 Det finns en ny bok om diskrimineringslagen: Diskrimineringslagen – från princip till praktik, beskriver den värdemässiga grunden för dagens svenska diskrimineringslagstiftning och visar att begreppet diskriminering rymmer ett flertal olika dimensioner, såsom känslor, levda erfarenheter, normer och juridiska ramar. Utöver att presentera den lagstiftning som är framtagen för att motverka diskriminering syftar denna bok till at normkritiskt och tvärvetenskapligt föra samman strukturella, juridiska och praktiska perspektiv och exempel på diskriminering. Boken riktar sig till studenter som läser kurser som behandlar diskrimineringsfrågor. Den är även lämplig för yrkesverksamma inom de områden som berörs av diskrimineringslagen, såsom skola, hälso- och sjukvård och socialtjänst samt för personer med personalansvar. Författarna: Filippa Swanstein & Karin Henrikz, Malmö Mot Diskriminering, Malmö. © Studentlitteratur AB, www.studentlitteratur.se 3 The Lundian Magazine “Café & Le”(directly translated as Cafe & Smile) is a music cafe located near Saluhallen. It offers lots of things, such as salads, sandwiches, coffees and much more for a reasonable price. We gave it a visit to ask a few questions and were both surprised by the English speaking skills among the staff and all the things they served. We are recommending this cafe since their dishes are freshly cooked; you can even take a peek while it is in the making. There are mainly Italian focused dishes, with a fair amount of pasta dishes, but you can enjoy a Greek Caesar salad or a Swedish pie if you would like. This cafe is special because it is a so called “music cafe” which means that cosy music is always played in the background, as well as there is an open mic every Saturday. Come and sing along! Stadsparken (directly translated as “the city park”) is the biggest park in Lund. It is a family friendly place which suits all ages. Here you can go for a relaxing walk around the lake and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. If you are not in the mood for a walk there are also lots of hammocks where you can lay and relax on our (very few, but still) hot summer days. In the park you will find the paradise for children, there is a big playground equipped with trampolines and swings only to mention a few. For the animal friends Stadsparken has a number of different birds to offer. You can feed the ducks in the lake or visit big cages where there are hens, budgerigars and peacocks. Also, in the park there is a swimming hall called “Högevallsbadet”, a cafe and restaurants. BOOKS TO READ THIS AUTUMN Here are some more books worth reading this season. Most of them are available at local libraries in Lund, Malmö and other cities. All of them will give insights into living in Sweden. Some are in Swedish. Tusen år av invandring: En svensk kulturhistoria (1992). Immigrants have been arriving in Sweden since the end of the Stone Age. If you read Swedish, this book is a very good historical account of migration to Sweden. During recent years immigrants themselves have written a number of books and made films. The growing list is too long to be published here, but the few mentioned below are well worth your while to read. Available at local public libraries. Afro-Nordic Landscapes: Equality and Race in Northern Europe (In English) challenges a view of Nordic societies as homogenously white, and as human rights champions that are so progressive that even the concept of race is deemed irrelevant to their societies. The book places African Diasporans, race and legacies of imperialism squarely in a Nordic context. How has a nation as peripheral as Iceland been shaped by an identity of being white? How do Black Norwegians challenge racially conscribed views of Norwegian nationhood? What does the history of jazz in Denmark say about the relation between its national identity and race? What is it like to be a mixed-race black Swedish woman? How have African Diasporans in Finland navigated issues of race and belonging? And what does the widespread denial of everyday racism in Nordic societies mean to Afro-Nordics? This text is a must read for anyone interested in issues of race/ethnicity in the Nordic region and Europe at large. As Paul Gilroy writes in his foreword, it is a book that "should be studied with care and profit inside the Nordic countries and also outside them by the broader international readership that has been established around the study of racism and 'critical race theory'." (http://www.routledge.com.) Somalis in Malmö (in English) is a non-fictional account of Somalians living in Malmö (2013) that was published by the Open Society Foundation London. It is in English and is part of a series on minority communities in Europe. Available on: opensocietyfoundations.org. Egna Roster Egna Bilder (EREB – in Swedish) is a beautiful book that contains interviews of Somalis in Malmö, many who have never been their homeland. It contains interviews New York. OninDecember 19, 2013, the UN Generalwith members of an issued older generation of Somalisestablishing who are telling Assembly a draft resolution an the youth about the history of their culture and homeland. International Decade for People of African Descent. Published by Hidde Iyo Dhaquan, Lars Åberg and a group of The decade startseditors, on January 1, 2015 onthat Swedish and Somali the book is partand of aends project December 31, 2025. See General Assembly aims to revise the collective memories of Somalians living in Resolution www.ohchr.org. Malmö. and A/68/L.34. provides anSource: exhibition that will run until 29 June 2014. The book can be purchased through Bokus and Adlibris. Information about the book and the project are at Join The Lundian on Facebook [email protected]. . UN News Why We Publish in English Though Swedish is clearly the first language of Lund Lund’s ‘Internationella’ 1959-1976 is about the community of (after all, we are in Sweden), English has always been foreign and Swedish students who lived in that first the lingua franca of the non-Swedish academic international house for students that is still affectionately community. is why TheItEnglish referred to as This “Internationella”. is largelyInternational in English with Association of Lund publishes newsletter tips in articles in Swedish by persons whothis lived there untilwith it closed and information for readers English. Readers’ pro1976.To obtain a copy, see the in website: www4.lu.se/mediatryck/bok-kompediefoersaeljning. bona articles and opinions are welcome. Send an inquiry to [email protected]. We publish articles Afrofobi, En or kungskapsöversikt overa afrosvenskars situation I in Swedish English and have website: dagens Sverige. Editor: Tobias Hübinette. This is a report www.thelundian.com. Volunteer writers are welcome. about the marginalization of Afro-Swedes in Sweden. It was commissioned by the Minister for Integration, Mr. Erik Ullenhag (Ministry of Employment) and provides a systematic review of 4 the current situation on afrophobia experienced by Swedes of