2014 Media Kit - Tow Times Magazine
2014 Media Kit - Tow Times Magazine
2014 Media Kit Brand Overview Using a multi-media approach to maximize your reach, Tow Times places your message in front of decision makers - whether via our website, reading the magazine in print or digitally or following our social media. We reach the towing industry. 50,865 Page Views 38,797 Total Avg. Qualified Circulation 8,505 Visits 2,280 Total Avg. Non-Qualified Circulation 6,396 Unique Visitors 12x Frequency For month of September 2013 1983 Year Established Private Corporation Founded by Towing Company Owners Tow Times Magazine @towtimesmag @towtimes Contact [email protected], 407.936.2492 or [email protected], 407.706.6797 to advertise. Tow Times Digital Edition is available on tablet and smartphone Source: 2013 VAC Audit Statement Audience Profile Tow Times reaches decision makers in companies that purchase towing and/or recovery products and services. • 97.0% of our recipients are owners/managers/decision makers • 57.3% of our recipients’ companies are towing/recovery/transport/road service/repossession • 35.6% of our recipients’ companies are auto repair/garage/service center/salvage/auto parts/recycling/body shop Source: 2013 VAC Audit Statement - April 2013 Contact [email protected], 407.936.2492 or [email protected], 407.706.6797 to advertise. Average Towing Company Owners are becoming more diverse demographically - Baby Boomers and Gen X share the industry with a growing number of Gen Y owners. • Average company owner is 50 years old • 66% of companies surveyed have nine or fewer employees - including the owner • Fleet sizes range from 1 to 750+ trucks • Average fleet size is 15 trucks • Median fleet size is 7 trucks *Survey data from a 2011 Industry Survey conducted by Tow Times. Tow Times is the only industry media that has historically tracked media buying and fleets through surveys. Contact [email protected], 407.936.2492 or [email protected], 407.706.6797 to advertise. Distribution 9.2% 13.8% 15.4% 4.1% 14.6% 13.3% 12.6% Source: 2013 VAC Audit Statement 13.0% U.S. Territories Canada International Contact [email protected], 407.936.2492 or [email protected], 407.706.6797 to advertise. .1% .7% .3% Editorial Calendar/Issue Theme January February March April May June Theme: NASCAR Theme: Repossession Sponsored by Dynamic Mfg. Theme: Light/Medium Towing Theme: It’s Show Time! Theme: Equipment Theme: Towing Feature: Business and Personal Insurance Feature: Stealthy Tow Trucks (Addons, Wheel-lifts) Feature: Motor Club Q&A Feature: Legal Cases that have Impacted the Towing Industry Feature: Equipment Wish List vs. Reality Feature: Finance Options Feature: Reducing Damages Feature: Hybrid Vehicles July August September October November December Theme: Big Boys Theme: Transport Trailers Theme: Shine ‘n Star Beauty Contest Photos Sponsored by Ford Trucks Theme: Annual SourceBook Issue Theme: Lights, Camera, Action Theme: Fleet Trends Feature: Getting Tied Up in Tie Downs Feature: Look at tow lighting, cameras and products to keep your fleet moving Feature: Fleet Survey Results Feature: Road Service Trucks here to stay? Feature: Rotator Recovery Contest Winners Feature: Tough Recovery Techniques Feature: Class 8 Chassis Feature: Dealing with Violence Contact [email protected], 407.936.2492 or [email protected], 407.706.6797 to advertise. 2014 Print Advertising Rates/Schedule Average 6x NET Rates A D Full Page 8 1/8 x 10 7/8 S I Z E S 1/2 Island 4 3/4 x 7 3/8 1/2 Vert 1/2 Horiz. 7 1/4 x 4 3/4 1/3 Vert 2 1/4 x 3 1/2 x 10 1/6 Vert 2 1/4 x 4 3/4 10 1/3 Horiz 7 1/4 x 3 1/4 1/3 Sq 4 3/4 x 4 3/4 1/4 Pg 3 1/2 x 4 3/4 Rates below reflect average 6x NET rate. Rates vary based on frequency and placement. Full 1/2 Island 1/2 H/V 1/3 Sq. 1/3 H/V 1/4 1/6V $3,129 $1,950 $1,750 $1,350 $1,150 $900 $600 H stands for Horizontal ad V stands for Vertical ad Added value options available with signed contract. Contact [email protected], 407.936.2492 or [email protected], 407.706.6797 to advertise. Important Dates Issue Space Close Material Close Mail Date January 11/08/2013 11/19/2013 12/13/2013 February 12/10/2013 12/20/2013 01/17/2014 March 01/13/2014 01/23/2014 02/14/2014 April 02/10/2014 02/21/2014 03/14/2014 May 03/17/2014 03/28/2014 04/18/2014 June 04/14/2014 04/25/2014 05/16/2014 July 05/16/2014 05/30/2014 06/20/2014 August 06/13/2014 06/30/2014 07/18/2014 September 07/14/2014 07/25/2014 08/15/2014 October 08/14/2014 08/28/2014 09/19/2014 November 09/15/2014 09/26/2014 10/17/2014 December 10/13/2014 10/24/2014 11/14/2014 Print Advertising Spend When purchasing print advertising, make sure you know what you are buying and what you are receiving for your ad commitment. Publication Avg Circ. Info. Source American Towman Multi-copy, same address* 79.4% Owner/co-owner/Pres. 34,083 4,209 BPA Tow Times Multi-copy, same address (Bulk)* 88% Owner/co-owner/Pres. 38,772 Verified Audit Circulation Tow Professional Mails to “Titles of Owner/Pres./CEO” 22,236 25 Added Value Available June 2013 Statement June 2013 Statement Marketing Materials Discounted Email Blasts (We can build) Discounted Mailing Lists Discounted Ad Design Social Media Programs Website Exposure Editorial *Two or more copies of the magazine are sent to a single address 2014 Print Advertising Terms and Conditions 1. Submission of advertising for publication constitutes acceptance of these terms by Advertiser and Agency. No conditions other than those set forth on this rate card and the insertion order shall be binding on Publisher unless specifically agreed to in writing by Publisher. 2. All advertisements and their content are subject to Publisher’s approval. Publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertisement, insertion order, space reservation or position commitment at any time. Publisher shall not be liable for any costs or damages beyond advertising rates if for any reason Publisher fails to publish an advertisement, or for errors in advertiser index. 3. Conditions, other than rates, are subject to change by Publisher without notice. Rates are subject to change upon notice from the Publisher, except as specified in a signed contract, and are based on combined print circulation. Cancellation of any space reservation by the Advertiser or its Agency for any reason other than a change in rates will result in an adjustment of the rate (shortage) based on past and subsequent insertions to reflect actual space used at the earned frequency or volume rate. 4. Cancellation or changes in orders may not be made by Advertiser or Agency after specified closing date or digital campaign close date. Failure to submit creative materials will result in full charge for all reserved space. Advertisements not received by closing date will not be entitled to approval or revision by Advertiser or Agency. In the event of timely cancellation, Advertiser and Agency agree to reimburse Publisher for any unit-related outside production costs incurred prior to cancellation. 5. Positioning of advertisements is at the discretion of Publisher except where specific positioning is granted, in writing, by Publisher. 6. Publisher is not liable for delays in delivery, or non-delivery, in the event of an Act of God, action by any governmental or quasi-governmental entity, fire, flood, insurrection, riot, explosion, embargo, strikes whether legal or illegal, labor or material shortage, transportation interruption of any kind, work slow down, or any condition beyond the control of Publisher affecting production or delivery in any manner. Any claim for under delivery not asserted within one year of insertion is waived. 7. Advertiser and Agency shall be jointly and severally liable for monies due and payable to Publisher for advertising ordered. Should collection efforts become necessary, Advertiser and Agency agree to pay reasonable attorney fees, expenses, and costs incurred in connection with collection of all monies due, and agree that Seminole County, Florida shall be exclusive venue for resolution of any disputes hereunder. 8. Advertiser and Agency warrant that they are properly authorized to publish the entire content and subject matter of all advertising submitted for publication. When advertisements containing the names, likenesses and/or testimonials of living persons are submitted for publication, the order or request for the publication thereof shall be deemed to be a warranty by Advertiser and Agency that they have obtained written consent of the use of the name, likeness and/or testimonial of each and every living person which is contained therein. Advertiser and Agency agree to indemnify and hold Publisher harmless from and against any loss, expense or other liability resulting from any claims or suits for misappropriation, libel, violation of rights of privacy, plagiarism, copyright infringement and any other claims or suits that may arise out of the publication of such advertisement as provided by Advertiser or Agency. 9. Creative work produced by Publisher remains the sole property of Publisher. 10. Until credit is approved, Advertisements are run on a prepaid basis only.2013 PRINT TERMS + CONDITIONS New Product/Press Release Policy The Basics: Press Releases should be clear, concise information about your company, employees or events. New Product Releases should offer a clear, thorough description of your product or service. If your product or service is not towing/recovery specific, it is helpful to tell us how it is applicable to the industry. If it is an upgrade, be sure to provide information about the underlying product and advise us about key features of the upgrade. Please note: Our print space for Press Releases and New Product Releases is limited. We honor releases from our paying advertisers first. We do not run "raw" releases. Our product coverage is summarized by our editors. Photo Requirements: Include a color photo for all New Product submissions. We prefer a white background, and photos shot in high resolution (at least 300 dpi) in .jpg format. (Don't send large files that are 72 resolution). Label the image with your company name, and the name of the person or product. For People items, please send a color head shot. Photos must be shot against a neutral (but not white) background, preferably grey. They must be 300 dpi. What We Cover: It's a good idea to carefully read Tow Times before submitting releases to get a feel for what we cover. Most product and services news will be reported on our website, such as launches of products and services, and upgrades; people; partnerships, alliances, mergers and acquisitions between vendors; and upcoming events such as open houses. We don't cover (with occasional exceptions) awards from competing publications; certifications; internal training programs; and the like. We reserve all rights to select what we deem appropriate for publication. Contact [email protected], 407.936.2492 or [email protected], 407.706.6797 to advertise. towtimes.com Banner Ad $500/month 468 pixels x 58 pixels Button Ad $300/month 100 pixels x 50 pixels Book Ad $500/month 300 pixels x 250 pixels 50,865 Page Views 8,505 Visits 6,396 Unique Visitors Contact [email protected], 407.936.2492 or [email protected], 407.706.6797 to advertise. For month of September 2013 Additional Online Opportunities NEW Towingequipmentsearch.com Towsafeprogram.com Tennesseetowshow.com Audience Towing company owners/mgmt shopping equipment Towing company owners/mgmt seeking safety information Those interested in attending the Tenn Tow Show/Museum weekend Advertisers Towing equipment distributors, finance and insurance companies Safety equipment suppliers and distributors, insurance and training companies Button ads available to show exhibitors only Stats Page Views - 1,847 Visits - 1,223 Unique Visitors - 998 Just released - tracking has begun! Page Views - 20,282 Visits - 5,599 Unique Visitors - 3,412 Distributor package available that includes print and online advertising - $800/quarter Contact Julie (info below) Sponsorship packages available that include print, email and online presence $500/quarter Contact Brenda Faulman [email protected] 407.936.2494 For 3rd Quarter 2013 Rates Contact [email protected], 407.936.2492 or [email protected], 407.706.6797 to advertise. Contacts Advertising Manager Show Exhibit Sales Brenda Faulman [email protected] 407.936.2494 Advertising Sales Sissy Figliolia [email protected] 407.936.2492 Advertising Sales Distributor Program Julie Lockman [email protected] 407.706.6797 Publisher Clarissa Powell [email protected] 407.936.2491 Editor Tim Jackson [email protected] 407.936.2493 Press Releases New Product Releases Social Media Shivangi Patel [email protected] 407.706.6798
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