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Conferences Speakers & Events
Elephants, Teeth, Animal Training and Animal Care
Elefanter, Träning av djur - Utfodring och tandsjukdomar hus djur
(English version)
Seminar Programme May 4th 2013
07.30 - 09.00 Arrival & Registration
09.00 - 09.10 Welcome
09.10 - 10.30 Wild elephants - captive elephants
Alan Roocroft
Elephant behaviour, nutrition and enrichment
Elephant Business
Animal Training
- Why do we train and which animals should we train
Protected Contact Training - Why?
The safety of animal keepers when training animals.
What do we train elephants to do and why?
Problems and problem solving.
10.30 - 11.30
Understanding the elephants teeth and tusks
Dr. David Fagan
Elephant dentation and related problems.
Colyer institute
Dietary requirements for elephants.
Dietary requierements for most animal species in captivity
11.30 - 11.45
Break 15 min. Coffee/tea
11.45 - 12.30 Part 1 of 2: Digestion and Nutrition
Animal nutririon in the wild and in captivity
Feeding animals in the Zoo/Animal Park, pets and other domesticated animals
12.30 - 13.50
Vet. Tine M Søland
Kbh ZOO &
Kbh Universitet
13.50 - 14.50
Part 2 of 2: Digstion and Nutrition
Vet. Tine M. Søland
Modern feeding schedules - right or wrong?
Kbh ZOO &
Caring for animals in relation to their nutritional needs.
Kbh Universitet
Problems and problem solving related to feeding.
14.50 - 15.50
The use of LASER technology - elephant dental visit
Introduction to LASER technology for both the public and Vets.
Clinical Cases on a variety of animals
The use of LASER on a variety of animals.
Challenges and problem solving in connection with dental care.
Dr. David Fagan
Colyer Institute
Break 15 min. Coffee/tea
15.50 - 16.05
16.05 - 17.00
The elephant as an endangered species
Alan Roocroft
In situ - ex situ Elephant Business
Problems and problem solving
Can we save them from extinction?
17.00 - 17.30
Discussion panelAlan Roocroft
Safety and nutritionDr. David Fagan
Tine M. Søland
Med flera....
17.30 - 18.00
Final Words - Silent Auktion closing - good bye drink
(programme times are flexible and may change )
General information:
Contact: [email protected] Telephone direct Karina M. Nielsen: Marian W. Gunson: web: www.conferencesspeakersandevents.se
+46 (0) 760 284 251
+46 (0) 737 192 181
Upon arrival you are required to register in front of the Aula at Polhemskolan. Please assure you arrive in good time
for this, preventing unnescessary delay of the seminar start time. The registration will be open from 7.30 - 09.00.
People who have booked lunch and coffee collect their food voucher at the registration point.
Aula X
Polhemskolan i Lund
Trollebergsvägen 41
Click here to see a map of the area:
222 29 Lundhttp://kartor.eniro.se/m/n8rGA
Lunch will be served in the restaurant att Polhemskolan. Peole who are bringing their own food are welcome to eat here as well.
During the lunch we will be mingling whilst holding a
“Silents Auction”. This year al the profits from the “Silent Auction” will to to the Swedish Carnivore Assosiation who are striving towards a society where people
and predators can coexist in Sweden. To learn more
about the Swedish Carnivore Assosioation please visit
The globally known company Biolase,
who are the forefront of LASER surgery
will be represented at Polhemskolan on
this day and available to answer queries.
Dave will introduce you to the methods of modern laser
technology in dental care on elephants and on a variety of
other animal species in captivity. He will be talking about
a number of clinical cases in using the laser on different
animals including the challenges often associated with
dental care. A unique upportunaty to learn from Dave’s
vast experience working with almost every species of animal.
Tine Mangart Søland:
will be talking about animal nutrition. How and what
animals eat in the wild, comparing that to what animals
Alan Roocroft :
eat in captivity – in the zoo, on farms, and our own pets –
Will be talking about the past, present and future of el- everything from wild tigers, giraffes, primates to domesephants. He will be comparing the life of a wild elephant tic horses, birds, cats and dogs. Tine will also talk about
with those in captivity. For instance, does an elephant in the importance of animal nutrition, with emphasis on
captivity have the same behaviour and is it just as ‘smart’ how we should feed them.
as an elephant in the wild? He will be talking about elephant nutrition - the way they feed naturally versus how Tine will be talking about modern feeding schedules
they are fed in captivity.
and animal nutrition, taking into consideration captive
animals - wild specimens as well as tame. As an animal’s
Allan talks about enrichment and elephant training - condition is affected by being incorrectly fed -Tine talks
how we used to train elephants ‘hands-on’ in captivity about animal nutrition in relation to the animals health
with the high risk of danger working at close quarters and needs in relation to what suits a particular animal.
to large animals. How positive reinforcement, including This includes compensation, plus nutrition relating to
protected contact training with more focus on the safety breeding, and focusing on a wide variety of wild animal
of the keepers, is taking over in today’s animal institu- species as well as domestic animals such as horses, birds,
tions. He will also be talking about animal training and cats and dogs.
animal wellbeing in more general terms and which animals should be training and why? How can we transfer We will finish the day with a discussion panel, discussing
this thinking to other animals in captivity, not only zoo safety and nutrition. The discussion is open to everybody
animals but also our farming and pet animals, such as and participants will have the possibility to ask questions
horses, dogs, birds etc?
to the panel.
In today’s world, elephants are brutally hunted for their
beautiful ivory and their natural habitat is disappearing
Can we save them from extinction at all?
David Fagan:
will be speaking about elephants teeth and dental management in captivity. The unique way in which an elephants teeth work - the challenges of elephant dentistry
and how we can help improve this. He will be talking
about nutrition – diets, dietary requirements, dietary alternatives for most other animal species in captivity.
- an interesting and educational day filled with
opportunaty to forge new contacts between people
and various industries...