the document
the document
j SOUTH Y O R K S H 7 3 K PD T.TC ? *D* D I V I S I O N WEST B A R P O L I C E STATION 5 A P R I L 1989 D DIV ISI ON OPERATION ORDER 3/89 F .A . CUP SEMI FINAL S A T U R D A Y 15 APRIL 1S89 D OP ER AT IO NS FROM 7PM ON FR ID A Y 14 'APRIL TO 3AM ON SUNDAY 16 APRIL 1989 O 1.0 INFORMATION 1.1 On Saturday 15 April 19S9 Liverpool will p lay Nottingham Forest in the F.A. Cup semi final at Hillsbo ro ug h. This is an .all ticket match and a capacity crowd c? 54,251 is e x pe c t e d . Copies or tickets and stand allocation is at A pp e n d i x "C". i l l In the event cf a draw' at full tiae 30 m i n u t e s of extra time will be played. 1.2 r Division will be policing the match itself and the environs cf Hillsborough. D Division responsibilities are limited to the additional desands placed upon the Di vi si o n by the arrival and departure of supporters of b ot h clubs who will use the city centre. Both have sisilar r e d/ wh it e colours. 1.3 Traffic Division are assuming responsibility for all match traffic which will enter and leave the South Y or ks hi re Police area. To that end each affected Division is s up pl yi n g a number of officers, to Traffic. 35 D officers will be seconded to Traffic on 15 April 1SS9. Traffic Order be in g produced. 1.3.1 The seconded officers will work from C5CC to 2000 and will be briefed at the Driving School, Brightsice Lane at 0900 on 15 April ISSS. They, under the control of Traffic, will police the traffic routes in' D Division. Dl control room will maintain a close liaison with the traffic controllers. 1.3.2 Traffic Div have undertaken the task of p u b l i c i s i n g traffic routes and parking areas via tr Depar ii.c £• — S 1 Zicw z-r denand on D policing resources will cccur ^c -C occur cr. hence the 1. 5 the on ic however past experience has shown that problems cc the evenings which precede and follow the match long time span of the operation. The majority of supporters will travel to H il l sb o r o u g h by various means on 15 A p r i 1 1 S 5 S , however it is likely that some will travel to Sheffield on the the p r ev i ou s day and ths: seme will remain in the city centre on the e ve ning following the match. 1.6 Certain areas have been set aside for coach and car parking designed to m a x i m i s e xs e g r e g a t i o n . Dl Control roon have caps and will be able to advise. Private cars from Liverpool will be encouraged to p a r k in the Parser. Cress area and those free Nottingham in the Nee ps en d area. 1.7 RAIL TRAVEL The Liverpool Special Train will arrive and depart from W a d s l e y - B r i d g e . The Special Trains from No tt ing ha m will arrive and depart from S he ff i el d Kid 1a n d . For tilings and platforms see Appendix " D” 1.7.1 There are 4 Special T ra in s laid cr. tc transport supporters to and from Nottingham. The combined capacity cf the trains is 2,140 in each direction. Ad di ti on al ly there are a numb er of service trains from Nottingham. 1.7.2 .-There is 1 Special T r ai n laid on tc transport supporters t and from Liverpool (into W ad sl e y Bridge) with a c apacity of 3 S Q . Many Liverpool s u p p or t er s will travel by scheduled services into and out of Sheffield Midland. Liverpool enjoys w i d e s p re a d support and supporters from all over the U.\ can be expected to travel into Sheffield Midland cn service trains. The train times from destinations where Liverpool are known to have a strong following ar 6 r-'n at Appe nd ix " D Supporters trave 1ing to and from c hef f ield on th e Not 1 1n g n a Special Trai n s w i 11 be using the v:orth End Gate . All other visitors wii 1 be u si n g t he normal ticket b arr ie r gate s . See Appendix "Z" I cr plan cf Sheffie I c Mid land . Sk i 1 1 and tact will be recu i r sd to hive the Live 7pool and Not ts supp orters . r«ij -;.e Lie:v e 11 i**e. ^ u w « ic . Sheffield United are p laying at Nor thasp ton on 15 April 1889 H^ n o u s n wn s r ^ ^ ; no special trains, it is p ro ba b le that a number will travel t: ano xros Ncrtnarpton by rail. ine major threat will be from the Liverpool supporters whose hard core are.well known for causing disorder and committing cr ire (esceciaij. shop theft) cn such occasions. c PSV ARRANGEMENTS Supporters arriving at Sheffield Midland will be transporter: to and from the grou nd on a d edicated fleet of SYT buses. Tc maintain segregation d if fe re nt routes will be used for each group as follows; NOTTINGHAM FANS Depart from North End Gate then board S ‘:T buses in Sheaf Street. Travel to SWFC via ; SHEAF SQUARE, POND STREET,FLAT STREET, HIGH STREET, ANGEL STREET, WEST BAP. SHALESM00R, GIBR AL TA R STREET, PENIS TO NE ROAD . L IVE R PO O L FANS Depart fron ticket barriers then board SYT buses parked outside South Luggage Exit and facing CROSS TUR NE R STREET. Travel to SWFC via;gates, CROSS TURNER STREET, SUFFOLK ROAD, GRANVILLE SQUARE, S.T M A R Y 'S ROAD, ST KAP.Y'S GATE, HANOVER WAY, NETHERTKORFE ROAD, MEADOW STREET, UPFERTHORPE, ALBERT TERRACE RO AD ,MIDDLEWOOD ROAD AND LEFFINGS LANE. 3.2 5 • y .3 j ■ A total of 35 PSVs are available 15.4.6S 6 will be parked at each be stacked on East Bank Road and Inspector on duty at the Midland for the day. rron 0930 cn exit. The remainder will will be called up by the SYT Station when required. The fare is lOOp return and fans will knew of this before arriving at Sheffield. They will receive a yellow return ticket on boarding which will speed the return loading. Each v ehicle will hold 80 passengers. 2 officers will accompany each PSV and, once they have cropped their passengers, the officers will return to Sheffield Midland for another load. Officers arriving at SWFC after 2:45?a -ill not return but will report to the Gys at SWFC and re fern into serials to act as a reserve. the After natch t he sa E5 c retur n t n e fans to She f f ie aceos ? an y the saae group s as are inside the st at icn the retur n on t h e enpty PSVs for :edure will be adopted to Midland. The serials will -se inward j c-urr.ey . Once fans officers n a v be required to After the Eaton Live rsoc 1 ia ~- -. Nor: h * rc m Wards end Road Nor Notti nghas f ar.s w a n load in ' gr cun d f ae ing city. iQ Buses re tu rning with L ive rpoc e . *- p c 2.C , 5 r the c n e way S ‘•"S bsric Is 1 - 2 will b e cep i1 w«■*;■*r :& • ensur fz £ ~ 2. • r.c one c is BZiZ s. a L a z irne . SYT drive rs ha v e b :ha= Strss ■king area cr:e:ec. - c. . j r r. z.n g w z t n N o 1 1 1 n g na 1 J. 1 a p C1r o a c n t h e an s s^ s 1 4 - r e e t . Serials 3 S h e f f ir 1 Midland frcn Shea c e P - o y c C to line the arrival ar e 3. z 0 er.sure that or 1 On c r 5 V a t a t.i- o d is entarks , The far. £ v i er. t c r z n r o u 5 n * he K o r * *•>» c G at£ rV — * .u i♦a t It is ir.c erative that buses do n ct t rave 1 in convoy an c *L only on e bus at a tir.e (the le bus ) ei ther loads c r cn lo ads ill Th i £ V i i2 assist the searching c er * Is at the ground and as sist V i th segregation at the C he ie Id Mid l a n d . — Supporters (ca inly fron Nottingham ) will be arriving and departing on service coaches at Pond Street. Serials 17 - 18 (7CCp\ 1 be d e plo ye d in the area to instruct, b o t h groups to the SYT PSV services departing for SV?C frcn outside ffield M i d l a n d . csing gr ou p 's returning PSVs clash at Hoyle Street and istone Road. Serial IS will patrol the area after the oh until all PSVs have passed that point. bus station is new and the serials d e p l o y e d there will iliarise themselves with the layout and relevant platforms nted and dog section officers will be a va il ab l e at the land Station for the arrivals and depa rt ur es . Their ervisors will liaise with A/Supt. King for deployment on April 1S5S but will be at the Midland by 0930. ENTION a i^ ic i pa te and deal e f f e c t i v e l y with the additional threat d^P.'rder and crime pcsed by the influx of visitors. ensure that the sup?orters arriving and departing ffielc Midland are segregated and contai ne d at all as to p revent them entering the city centre. m ini mi s e di sr up ti on to those not oarry cut from times involved operations with smartness and professionalism. HOD r- & 11v = ■H sd ~ ^ in the operation are shcvn at Append ix and phases are shown at A p p e n d i x " B Serials operation ■e 1 i.s 1900 r s r.r. d i v i d ed into C1w r r :c a y or. Sa*-; r d a y 14 2 0800 ■e 3 Durin 5 6 4 J • r- match of s e 5 e details « vO J t*£ I£CJ a re Sczu 1929 April t as c 2.y follows: to 19 53. 15 April 1959 n £ i c r. end of S*J —-— /- ~ From cr. pha ses April 15 :e 5 to shew;“ - L1C o u at until complete a p p r o x i m a t e iy CD « uHC ay A p p e n c ix i£ .. 3 dispersal l £ 0 'j April 1959 .. . 0600 to 1800 cn 15 April C Group will provide cover at .nd D2. Fron 1800 on Saturday 15 April 1S89 to 0500 on ay 16 April 1959 cover will be provided by A Group at D1 D 2 .( B and D Groups (D1 and D2) will be used on this ation along with other D staff.) 3.5 Simila rl y from 0600 to '£00 C Group - C h a rg e Office - will p ro vi d e cover. They will be relieved by A Gro up who will cover fron 1600 to 06D0 cn Sunday IS April 1SS9. B Group will wo rk as an extra process tear; from 1200 to 2400. D Group will take weekly leave. 3.5.1 There is a possibility that Saturday even ings prob lens cay be compounded by Sheffield United/Vednesday inspired disorder in the City Centre which has been simmering for several wee,ks. 3.5.2 The usual criteria will be applied as to where prisoners are taken in the first instance. ! 3.5.3 Fr i so n er Identification: Liverpool: MERCR0 051 709 1763 Nottingham: FORCE CONTROL 0602 670111 12 dogs ar.d handlers and 6 mounted officers will be a v a i 1a b 1e in D D ivis icn from 1000 on £a tu rd ay 15 A p r i 1 1SSS. Inspectors Hand-Davis and Fhenix will ensure that their duties are structured so that cover is maintained. Supervisors will attend the briefing in the Gym at D1 at 0S00 or. 15 April 1SSS. 4.0 ADMINI ST RA TI ON 4 .1 Superintendent Bates the D Division operat 4 .2 A/Supe r in tender* t King ion . 4 .3 Chief Inspector Donne Cen tr e arrangements ».< 4 .5 4 .£ Inspector H e r pe r wi supporters arriving a I n s 1 0 c * c r D 6 *-■s — — rr'- - - -« — w **-*111 c.. ■C. res:::,s::-ie ror •tin? from Midland for the U ~ i rl spar, cf the cper 4.7 BRIEFINGS 4.7.1 O f fi ce rs involved in ] Eeeden at 1900 hours at West Ear Folice Station. r\ 4 Liverpool C - - - Inspectors Martin a ~ d time N Got'. i ~ I A . 1.2 O ff ice rs involved in Phases 2 , 3 and 4 will be briefed A/ S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Ring at 0900 hou rs on Saturday 15 A pr il 1989 in the Gyn at Vest Bar P ol ic e Station 4.7.3 O f fi c e r s involved in Phase 5 nay be b ri efe d by Chief I nspector D o n n e l l y and Inspectors Martin and Beeden at 1900 hours on Saturday 15 April 1989 in the Gyn at Vest Ear Pol ic e Station. This bri ef in g will only take place in the light of a vastly different si tu a ti on unfolding froc that e nvisaged . Officers involved will be advised by control. 4.8 Normal un if or m will be worn with helE-et chinstraps down. If the we at he r is bad then anoraks and w a t e r pr o of leggings will be worn. 4.9 At 0400 on S a tur da y 15 April I95S the duty Inspector will ensure that the lower section of S cotland Street fron Furnace Hill cc-wn is coned on both sides.The area is required for 'transits and horse boxes. No wa i ti n g p at r ol s will be carried out to ensure the area reaains clear. 4.9.1 At 04 00 on S a t u r d a y IS April 1959 the duty Inspector at Dl will also ensure that both sides of F cr nn a t Street and Turner Street are ccned tc enable the SYT busses conveying su pp orters have free access. No w a i t i n g p at r ol s will be Bade to ensure these s tr ee ts are clear. 4.10 Road Tr affic Div is io n will be c a ki n g requests cf the Su p er i nt en d en t s Dl and D2 to cone off certain road sections. These requests will be sace by ce ssage switch and are not yet to hanc . 4.12 At i: J Uv on — a t u r z a y it April icrr sduty inspectors — i e T;s u ite • p,s * ceres j ~ 5 cc I iect ed . 4.12 HEALS by (u 1 an c v—} Parrrr. v r r c 14 April ;gaget or. pur-itc orcer patre.s serials 1 - 4, D C and V, 1959, on : r : c s y and 1 cog handlers. O f fi ce rs engaged on public order p at rols on Saturday 15 April 19 59 serials 1 - 4, dc£ handlers , D C and V, and counted officers. All D staff p r o v i d i n g shift cover except C Group at Dl at Dl and D2 Serials 5 hot drink - IS will be supplied with a packed eeal snd on reporting for duty at CSOO at Dl. COOKE D MEALS Of ficers from C Group at Dl will take a cocked breakfast at Vest Bar between 0S00 and 1000 on 15 April 1S89 Serials 5 - IS engaged cn PSV escorts will aeai at SVFC in the Gym after half tice . receive a cocked Senior officers, logistics staff, dog section, counted officers and controllers will take a cooked ceal at Vest Ear whilst the natch is being played The D officers seconded to traffic will receive a cooked D e a l at the Driving School whilst the c at ch is being played Seri a l s l - 4 , D C and v, 17 - 19 will be ing played at D 1 whilst the catch 15 Qj staggered thus:l - 4 1 cL r> D C and V 17 - 18 O v e r t in = t o s u p e: .iss snouic hse er.; take a cooked seal Their sittings ^t*c .1 w ww . • V ,' 1J ■sec with SEM! free duty. FINAL and r* rl D D iv si on del 6 .*■ V e of ce r 5 v .1 .1 ca in t.a in norsal cover and h a v c CJ•** T u 6 s r c 8 S uc CO p e w ith any a c c 11 x on al dec ands — who aides V £ o kly le av e wi •l 1 re P 1 a ce the CID on Det C <- ives t . for w i1 1 *• u x r. in UT; 1. f err. or. 2 5 A? r i 1 1SSS (s ee Append ix A c O tja v e z Zf 0 e c eployed t 0 cut i e Q ). De T A /** £ ^ V*e s w 1 1 1 the shoplifting teas. Ferso-rel Carrier Dl Transit Dual purpose Dl Sherpa Staff Car for Superintendent Bates Panda car for A/Superintendent King. Ccc cu ni t y Liaison vehicle for Chief I nspector Donnelly ^ COMMUNICATIONS HQ C o m m u n i c a t i o n s are f itting a P e d c s attachment and radio in Dl Co ntrol Boon. This operation will be using channel 29 on 15 April 19SS from 0900 to 2000 April will be the c on troller for the event cn 1£ 1 959. He will main ta in a log and be assisted by PC The officers will w ork 0800 until stood down On F r i d ay 14 April I9S9 the d u t y Inspector "D" Group will ar range for 50 extra radios and 3 VHP sets to be collected free HQ C o E D u n i c a t i o n s . T hey should be depos it ed in the Area office at Dl. and PC l o g i stics officers are Inspector Young,PP C cf D Community Liaison Department. The teas will be r e spo ns ib le for all packed meals, radios and vehicles. Their d u tie s will corser.ce on F r id ay 14 April 1963 when they will ensure that all extra equipment and packed Heals are to hand. The On S a t u r d a y 15 April 1S69 they will issue the equipment and neals to Serials Sergeants/ Drivers. Each Sgt will r ec eive radios at the ratic of 1:2 officers. It will be n e c e s s a r y acic stock with the "spares" from Dl/2. Serials 1-3, and 16-19 are mainly E Group officers from Dl who have personal issue radios. O ff i c e r s providing shift cover at Dl and D2 will transmit cn their normal c h a n n e 1 s. L ikewise those officers engaged on public order patrols on Frida y 14 April and the evening of S a tu rd ay 15 April 1SS9 will use the normal Dl channel Call signs: Chief Ir. s r e c t cr Constable. Do: DK X R a y l Dl X R a y 1 Victor 2 N are / 2 oca t i o: Collar numtei Radio traffic will be kept to a minimus. Inspe: tors anG Serial sergeants will keep control informed of the mo vemen ts of PSVs and groups of s u p p o r t e r s . 5.8 rrcn 0900 until 2000 on 15 April 1889 officers engag the operation will use channel 29. Hatch Control at using channel 25. PS [ w ill make regular c w i t h the F Division controller as the cay progresses 5.9 No officer will stand down wi t ho u t author it y of cont s u per vi so rs will ensure that their staff are accoun y Chief Superjfluendent DISTRIBUTION Chief C o n s t a b l e ^Assistant C hi ef Constable (Ops) C h ie f S up e ri n te nd e nt s D, F, Ops and Traffic S u p e r i n t e n d e n t s D,D CID, F, Dl, D 2 , FI e f I ns p ec t or s D CID,D!,D2 ■ £.rrs i sn' .e-eii : 1 v - - - *. L ' C lr 5 ; e : ; c : s r . a r . c - J a v i s cTiC V ar.c r h e r . i x In s pe c to rs Charge Office In sp e ct o r habbott, ET? S e rg e an t s listed Force O p e r a t i o n s Fcos C on tr o l Poets Dl and D2 SWFC H a t c h Co ntrol Roon v- C3RSO F F I C E R S ;';-‘.:^Sup er In t e nc ent3B a t e sio;4^f.'^i-^'S t a f f--;off i c e'r'vp£P sj ’ ^ ' h r7-i--. :r-*r T4&£J&’/ S u 'p e r in t e j f d e n ^ v K in g x ^ sls^ 'S S t a f f l O f . f i c e E ^ |j E c | ir'-rPKre'fAT-ricfTpf>iTir;'':TlnriTi'fil -1v iSvoVi” fraf f ; n-F-F.-i f’p T ;r-T:iP ( 1 ‘’ '■-?':I a s p e c t o r: -=Youp g;;%D .-j 6g 1S t -1 c s :7f r v P . S ; :££>p c *W?-C*2 2 3 s S S » S ^ t ™ :-■.£>&n x B jj■ ■ .cv e c D u e ; # v ^ t s c c r 5 - f c K 1 A L v o r 5 Y ^ .E so o r t C ; -FC T O -i:Vf c "-':PG ■- -PC - r . ’--ru 3 ^ ‘;■■•••,;.--•■•> " ^ ^ :PC ”'58s':-?'.-:"'“■■■■.;r:~ ■" ;- SERI AL .‘.3 ( - ob i I e -) '-.-■Y-fv--5ERIAL-:43rS7 - E s c o r t *ffp-~y~v _ E:Dl-'r:^-^•:^:^>~=:.^;VP.S-S7.S5 ‘^ D S:ECS3ia2 m m m m m -A-w- i**r ’ ■*r” •^ i -,1-.v.='-■-.=• '■■■^ s T ^ : ; k~.*>r;„ S E R l £ L -”S P.S7 - E s c o r t \''^';;v---V ■•.-rPS ' l l o V D 1'^-\-~-.^Cv';^::rS--Ig.ST ^ ■m p c z 2f:V c\f P C s - 7 .7 8 ;-" :&PCVB99 -•-pc /-iaoo"^ PC -■VP-C : 3P72'I* -;-::£ : ' P C :;- >■ p C -:-^773 "€'.•:'£32 .".. • C ;• 272 "'“7 :: ■ ' - - . p c ".'■■•'3 4 3 -.";’ : ':V;: P C •:■■■'i 8 4 9 ^ " V ;- 2 S 4 5 "PC -iiso :-‘^ r ^ ' ^ P C ;:[ • ^ 5 ^ y P C . - !2 3 3 5 - PC ~ -C'iC. - . ; - - . - PC-.-A351 p c -^2163 ^ .•* r -'— i v, ~ •■ ■ VA' '; P C v : .‘-25 5 ..3 ■-: ? :.v*.r;.L *:.•, • ,];y £ 2 P J l A L .13 M o b i l e ' • :;-'PS '2653' P C .-ill. ■.■."-r.-.~'- .;■■ -7-;:: :. .. - A P P E N D I X B/l PH A S E 1 1900 HOU RS OH FRIDAY 14 A P R I L 1989 TO 0800 SATURDAY 15 APRIL 1969 S ER IA L S INVOLVED: 1,2,3 and D C and V fron 1S00 with Serial 4 and 2 dog handlers fron 2200 D UTI ES 1900 Report for duty at C*yr,Dl. B ri efe d by Inspectors Beeden and Martin then pa tr o l as follows; Serial 1 City Centre I Serial 2 London Road above Arundel Gate Serial 2 City Centre belov Arund e 1 Gate Serial 4 Vest Street area fros 2200 D C and V Back up Serials 1 - ^ as n e c e s s a r y D c £ Ha ndlers Patrol C i t y Centre At C23G Serials 1 - 4, D C and V will stand dewn with Duty Inspector at Dl P H AS E 2 SE RIALS | in consultation 0800 - 1500 OH SATURDAY 15 A P R I L INVOLVED : 1889 5 ,5 , 7 , 5 ,9 .10 ,11, 12 , 12 . .14 ..1 5 , 1 5 , 1 7 , 1 £ , 13 . ?r:r 1200 1,2,3,4 and D C and V will join Mounted ar.d Dog section officers. ther. DUT IE S Cc 01 reocrt for cuty. Sgts. collect equipment fr: logistics in Dl parace rocr. Serials take real an: net c'rink before briefing. 09C0 Brief ir.g in Gyr by A/€u?er in ter.dent 0830 Serials 5 - 1 6 nake way to Midland Station. 5 - 1C :• t o t report to Inspector Harper 11 - IB report toInspe Kir.r Dews. iu> 3 ^ A P P E N D I I B/2 0S30 Serials 17 and IS patrol Pond Str ee t area.Prepare for arrive! of service coaches, locate platforms concerned 0330 Serial 19 to be mobile until 1200. 1200 Serials 1 - 4 and D C and V return to.duty. Fatrci as for Phase 1 commanded b y In sp ectors Martin and Beeden 1500 End of Phase 2. See p ara gr ap h 4 .12 arrangesen t s . PHASE 3 - 1500 in Dl - constantly available FROM 1500 TO END OF HATCH Serials 1 -4 and C and V to ma intain at all times in vulnerable areas e s p e c i a l l y where visitors have parked. Officers tc take meal as detailed 4 .12 of Controllers to monitor situation commanders at D Division. PHASE 4 above for hot meal - S ERI AL S IN VO LVED:! in Paragraph at SVFC and upca" END OF HATCH UNTIL DISPER SAL OF SUPPORTERS - 19 Serials 5 - 15 will escort their respective groups to Sheffield Midland and see them onto the platforms Serial IS ;o r.oj le Street / ? e." i st cne Road are?, where returning FSVs clash. re:;cir. until stood cc-n . ee: to see supporters b £ ck o r . i o s e r v i c e the cc-^c r . f r 9 12 ^ ^ 1 r 6 o o r * »c Sr.S’fficlc Midland. 1 - 2 will line the FSV coach standing area in Sheaf Street. 3 - 4 will line the F EV coach standing area in Fornhar* Street. D C and V will remain on mobile patrol. As soon as sufficient officers have returned from S-FC on the PSVs then serials 1 - 4 will resume mobile patrol ^ APPEHDI2 B/3 Mobile serials and D C and V will patrol Phase 1 C.A-i e n a . IS will stan c a own. Serials 5 - 15 will be sto 3d down King's discretion. at A/Superintendent t/J *-< (ji Mounted and part or the Dog section A/Super in ter. dent. King ‘s c iscret ion -t Crt areas as ter .o stana cow: riefing for Serials 1 - 4 and D C and V by Chief nsp ec to r Donnelly at Dl Gyn - nay be cancelled ee pa ra g ra p h 4.7.3 above. .nspe-cti -4 and D C and V will s discretion. stand down at Duty T\ ^ tocendix F A CJ? SZMI FI>5kL KIN TICKET l-.'i‘- ^ g j p ^ f c s ^ a g s g i ^ ^ i l .-^, ’..i;■•..* ■■i=:» - = >'■ -■^sgsssggi CD'JJJR CODZNZ- - LIVERPOOL B T O 'l bCsFTTri ST.-.vO - VEST S T V O PJR ? IE LETTINGS IANZ TERRACES (eSLso CN-er^rLr.ted 'LTv'ZRPDOL AREA*) - CD1CUR C X D C - fC T T D G 'l^ . FTfZST CfA'CS - STICK yiDP (a-lso cverprlr.-.ed *K77T1} JCHAH AREA*) E liJ Z - S C L T H S 7 A ‘0 GR£=><’ - SCLTH STAND (UNCO.’ERED) foiT) * 'A bit Hillsborough Ground firs I —Aid R o o m ' ' f^vmroof/ 7>in‘ixJmraf •c *•.*\» o * ••*c*»»»'V/K Oymntikim ^ rvTvTT": . .: i ;u <0 Is (ft ‘-X-V' t \?U *> .'f •B «\lr*1r‘il1'w >u3 1 I4 > .'{• Pltyur't v,V,.ii iy Fnnr. E n t r a n c e md E n c l o s u r e s Police Control Tunnel■ . riv r i » 'p SOimi STAND 10-22 ]n_,ra_xn_ otnci*i 23-20 37-42 P*rfc nmtrarn«®ilu ktv mnnK. rn r s .,.r7777i n/r«clor* r#«fr«nc< fxTrrnnniiAH Fottrer nwri’oinv.itr, -v JIJJ - 01100 - 2400 INULMINt; Q ( s r i u i a i.s j IH si u :i-i - i i-;i .IJ PI ATM )I<M 05.10 0 7 . 17 5A 0(>. 55 UU.10 0 7 . 24 1.1 VIJKIUJL - MANCIIIuSTliK U‘J . 35 11. 35 13.35 r ri IlMATIUUM UNO IV •III Sill I ' l A T I D KM lz .:ii 1 01) 2.1 07 14 HA 2C 12. 45 1 1)7 411 OH 27 SA1J OH.l'J 2A 13.02 I (J? 04 Oil 42 2/Ml Oil. '10 O‘J .32 11) 13. 12 1 U'J 21.) JO.05 r.Aii Oil. 50 10.10 2C 11!) 45 10 2.1 2A11 O'J.23 ■1 0. 1U 71J 10 411 1 I 27 r»Aii 0!J. 50 J1.10 7U 10 5(1 11 27 5/MI JU. 23 11.21 2A 1 1 4l> 12 27 2A1I 10.50 12. 10 2C tSKUVK’.K) 12 211 13 05 5/Ml U . 2:i 12. 1U HA sin:i-i'ii:i.i) H A ITI II <M IV. 4') 111 25 1/MJ 12.23 13. IU I1IJ 0‘J . 21 I1A 1.1 411 14 Hi 2/M.I 12.50 1*1.10 2(J io .: i5 HA 14 (Hi 14 42 fi/Ml 13.23 14.21 r»A 11. 1.1 llll l-l 4 2 1!. I'l :*/\ii 14.23 15.23 5A 12. 2.1 SAI1 13. 14 2A 14.24 I1A 15.14 IIA -v •Qi X I G K i 1 5 . 4 . II!) - 0(100 - 240(1 cimuiNi; t si : iai ;) !il II I I I I II JJ PI A T I U K M m m c iik s t k u U V IiW V iU l. siii-:ii-11:1.1) W( rrrs J 7 .2 7 5A i n . Ji) 1 ‘J . 12 1 7 . fill 1 !).0 5 17 111.22 IIIJ l'J . Il l - 111.00 l‘ J .IS 111 1 U . 4 ‘J 2C 2 0 . Oil - in. on id . z:i l ' J . 1(1 IIA 2 0 .1 !) 2 1 .0 7 in. in i d 20.2 11 2C 2 1 . 45 2 u . 4!> 71) 2 i ..'// .- iii Illivl l'Mvl S i l l .1-1 i i :i .IJ l\) 1)1 J<l IV I ‘I ATI-UKM 15 17 54 (i/\ii 1!. 111 .51 5A1) 1U 211 1!l .01 liAlJ 1!) . 5 li i ;a j i I!) I t - * 1!) 34 21) 2 1 . ay - 1!) 4 .S 2 0 .21 !iA 22.1 11 2 3 .2 7 71J 2 3 .5 2 .;i;j 211 2(1 (N I-U V IO K ) 20 iii ll/\ 5AJ) 5 l) liAl) 20 31 21 .07 ()AI1 SIIHFI- 11-I.U - ► NUlT.S P IA T IU K M 20 51) 21 .07 5AIJ 1 7 .2 2 111.31 IIA 21 11 21 4 'J GAI) 111.31 l'J .2 !) 2A * i~ 27 23 51 IIA *l!).3 4 20.311 IIA 23 24 00 15 I I/M) 2 0 .2 4 2 1 .1 !) 2A 21 . 2 3 2 2 . 1-I 711 >:<22. 2 7 2 3 .2 4 IIA U U . 50 21; 2 3 . <10 *iu rn • T R A I N S CAI.I. A T N l / I T lNlil INM ANIJ 1D l-RIIY *1X1111 T R A I N S l.'AI.I. A T UUllJY AND N U IT IN lill'V v l o> c: ? s v «=OR Ffey % Foe 1 . } nformatlon/Intention. 1.1 The match will attract a capacity crowd of approximately 55 , 00 0 spectators. A larQe percentage of the crowd will travel by road, either by coach or priv ate car. Special tr ai ns will alco co nve y Liverpool fans to Wadsley Bridge s t at io n a nd Nottingham Fo rr es t supporters to Sheffield Midland station. A convoy of buses will transport fans arriving at Sheffield Midland to the ground. The gates at the ground will be open from 11am. 1.2 It is the intention of the Road Traffic D i v i s i o n to assist the free movement of traffic and the segregation of supporters both before and after the game so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible both to persons attending the match and to the general public. 2. M e t h o d . 2 .1 Superintendent Brougham will be in overall command assisted by Inspector Scholey. C h i e f Inspector Shaw will be in command of the sector north of the ground i.e. the Liverpool routes and C h i e f Inspector Lax will be in command of the sector south of the g r o u n d i.e. the Nottingham Forest routes. 2.2 Traffic Division night staff on Friday 14th April 1989 will remain on duty until 8.00am. Unless instructed otherwise the 6 2 d staff on 15th April and all officers involved on duties re the natch will work from 08.00 until approximately 20.00. No o f f i c e r will retire from duty unless authorised by asupervisory 'fficer. — All intersections on the motorway and all key traffic points will be manned from 10am. There will be car patrols detailed to s e c t i o n s of the motorway and motorcycle patrols covering other routes. All officers must ensure that football traffic is c o r r e c t l y directed. Officers on static points must ensure that p r i o r i t y is given to the heaviest traffic flow which will o b v i o u s l y be the football traffic. All officers at locations c o n t r o l e d by automatic traffic signals will be issued with a key to t u r n off the lights as and when necessary.There are bound to be locations where traffic will build up and delays occur. This c o u l d lead to frustration particularly by anyone not attending the natch. Officers should therefore deal firmly but friendly w i t h any complaints re traffic movement. w p p i 2.4 Thor e aro no car parking facilitio* at H i l l *b or o football ground en d alt dr Ivors should be ® n co u ra ge d to park up whan ■wit-hi-n wal k in g -diotanoo -of th« ground. Thor® will no doubt come a stage w h e n supportars will make more progress by walking. 2.5 Ei g ht personnel carriers have been aquired and will be driven by of ficers shown at Appendix'B*. These vehicles will be used to tran sport officers on static points, delivery of packed seals etc. I p tl 2.6 T h e r e is a remote possibility that some supporters will travel o n the A57 from Hyds to S h ef f ie ld via the Snake Pass. To reduce the possibility of this, during the night of 14th April |J989, Ba rns l e y Traffic Section will collect a diversion sign from rl s ub -d i v i s i o n and transport it to the Junction of the A57 and 628 at Hyde where it will be positioned to divert traffic away from the A57 and along the A628. The officers detailed for this task will inform the police at Glossop of their intention. After the kick-off, Chief Inspector Shaw will arrange for the sign to be re- co ll ec te d and returned to Fl. !• 2.7 C o a ches will not be searched en on arrival at the parking area route but will be searched 3 2.8 3 A public order detail will be present at Woodhall Services to prev ent any disorder at that location. The detail will consist of o f f i c e r s shown at Appendix *B'. t | Briefings: 3. 1 | A briefing will be held at driving school at 9.00am for all those offic e r s on static points and all motorcycle wing officers 3.2 ] j , A briefing will be held at Woodhall police post at 8.30am for all officers shown on A p p e n d i x ’B ’ with the exception of Inspector Walker and the Transit drivers who will attend the driving school briefing. 4 . Cofnmuni ca t ions : 4. 1 All mobiles equipped with VHF radio will operate on channel one. Personal radios will not be issued to those officers on static points shown in Appendix ’D ’ except at certain strategic locations, in these cases portable VHF sets will be issued. &»greg*t i o n n the g r o u n d dictates that Liverpool fans will travel via the M62 - Ml - A61 and o n the A628 - h i . Those cuppo rt e rs travelling down the Ml will exit at Junction 36 and will be directed on the A61 to the ground. In the event of junctio n 36 becoming heavily conjested, Liverpool traffic will be re di re c t ed to Junction 35 and follow the emergency route shown in Ap pe ndi x *A*.This diversion will not be taken into use without instruc tion from a super vis or y officer. 5.2 Th e Liverpool coaches will be par ke d Ha lif ax Road by beat personnel. 5. 3 on Claywheels Lane and No ttingham Forest The Nottingham suppor te rs are e x p e ct e d to travel north on the Ml motorway where they will be directed to leave at junction 34, Tinsley. From there all traffic will travel along Attercliffe C o m m o n - Weedon Street Brightside Lane.At the Junction with Upwell Street traffic will be split. Private cars will continue along Brightside Lane - S av i ll e Street - Sutherland Street Gower Street — Burngreave Road — Rutland Road to Neepsend Lane where they will be advised to find parking. Coaches m i n i — buses and vans will be turned right at Upwell Street and will then travel via Owler L ane to Herries Road. These vehicles will then be parked at the Herries bus depot. 5.4 In the event of the primary route for cars becoming o v e r — conjested there are four secondary routes available shown at appendix *A*. Some traffic may be sent on the coach route. None of the alternative routes will be used without consulting a supervisory officer. 5.5' Despite ths above instructions any Nottingham supporter travelling by car and particularly wishing to leave the motorway at junction 33, Catcliffe, and travel via the Parkway will be al l o w e d to do so. 5.6 Supervisory officers must ensure Operations room informed of any traffic diversions effected. are kept 5.7 A reserve of eight officers shown in appendix D will remain o n standby at Driving school. If implementing the emergency routes necessitates further manpower these officers plus the motorc ycle wing should be used. 6. B r j mecs. 6.1 The Doncaster Brimec crewed by PC jwill be on standby at West Bar from 09.00. will take a meal *t West Bar. and PCI These officers 6.2 The S h e f f i e l d Brimec crewed by PC will be on standby at Claywheels off i ce rs will meal at Claywhee ls Lane. 7. and PC Lane from 09.00. These Mr:ols 7. 1 A l l of fi ce rs w i l l be provided with one pa ck ed meal to be c o n s um ed o n l o c a t i o n and a hot meal will be provided during the 'match. O f f i c e r s o n traffic points a nd the Motorcycle Wing will meal at D r i v i n g S c h o o l . A l l other officers will meal as sh ow n in Appendi x ’ B ’ . 8. F o r c e Coaches. 8.1 T he c o a c h bac-ed at Claywheels Lane will be driven by and will transport officers from C Division to the ground. He will be at C2 sub-division for e . 15 am and at Cl for 9.00am am Th i s c o a c h will later park up at Leppings Lane/Catchbar Lane between 2 . 4 5 pm a n d 4.30 pm and will be used to hold officers on standby. 8.2 T h e drivinc school coach, -driven by ______________ |w i 11 also convey o f f i c e r s -fro.'n C division to the ground. This coach will be at C3 s u b - d i v i s i o n + o r 8.15am and at Cl for 9am. On comple tion of these d u t i e s this c o a c h will be parked at Claywheels Lane. 8.3 The c o a c h bast'd at Carcroft will be driven by anc wi 1 i t r a n s p o r t A division officers to the ground. He will be at A 1 for 0 8 . 3 0 hours. This coach will be parked up on Penis tone Road, near gate 0 between 2.45 pm and 4.30 pm to hold officers on standby. 8.4 T he personnel carrier, B90 C D A , based at Claywheels Lane will be d r i v e n bv I This vehicle will attend at El for S . 3 0 a m to t r a n s p o r t officers to the ground. I Mv; . ! I 9. Cell Buses. 9. 1 II She-ffield cell bus m a n n e d Krajewski is to be at the ground, I 9.2 I 9.3 n by PS804 Webster gate 0, by 9.00am. and PCI 185 D o nc as ter cell bus man n ed by PS2514 Naylor and PC1467 Gover is to be at the ground, gate 0, by 9.00am The new S.Yorks cell bus will be man ne d by PS526 L a n g da l e and PC701 Whi£e.The vehicle m u s t be at FI sub-division by 9.00am. 9.4 Der b ys hi re cell bus will be parked up at Eccles-f iel d po li ce station by Derbyshire officers who will collect it a-fter the match. It will be manned by PS1579 Nunn and PC1404 Ackers. 7 Superintendent, Road Tra-f-fic Division. A P P E N D I X ’ft’ 9 A L T E R N A T I V E ROUTES t £ I ■ ™ a f-lvtrppol X In the e v e n t of Ml junction 36 beco®iny blocked traffic Junction 35 M h c r i the following s h o u l d be r e - d i r e c t e d s o u t h t o « m s r g e n c y r o u t e will be s i g n p o s t e d : T u r n r i g h t at J35 into C o w l e y Hill - t u r n left into Nether L e n a — Mill L a n e - turn left into Church S t - stra i g h t on to G r e n o s i d e - t u r n left back o n A61. I* i N o t t i n g h a m Forest; 1. In the e v e n t of S h e f f i e l d Road, Tinsley b e com in g blocked i t r a f f i c can be temporarily d i v e r t e d along the f o l l o w i n g route: U n d e r t h e viaduct — t u r n l eft into Meadowh al l R o a d - Barrow R o a d - turn left Tyler S t r e e t Holywell R oa d - C a r l s i l e Street E a s t — into Go w er Street (back o n advised route). m 2. be In the event of W e e d o n S t r e e t d i v e r t e d as follows: becoming b l o c k e d traffic may A l o n g Att erc li ffe C o m m o n — Attercliffe Road — at Norfolk B r i d g e t urn ri gh t into S u t h e r l a n d Street - G ow er S tr ee t (back on a d v i s e d route). ^^3. In the ev e n t of Minna R o a d d i v e r t e d as -follows: becoming U p B a r n s l e y Road - t u r n left into *t H e r r i e s R o a d on the coa c h route. b lo c ke d traffic can be Norwood R o a d - turn left 4. A n y N ot tin gh am traffi c l e a v i n g the motorway at Junction 33 S h e f f i e l d Parkway, will be d ir e ct ed to leave the Parkway at P r i n c e of W a l e s Road Staniforth Road A t t e r c l i f f e Road S u t h e r l a n d S t r e e t - back o n t o a d v i s e d route. T hi s route has been s i g n e d by the A.A. In the ev e n t of traff ic t a i l i n g back onto the m o tor wa y at Ml J u n c t i o n 34, traffic will be d i v e r t e d north to leave at junction 3 5 a n d p r o c e e d as follows: T u r n left into Cowley H ill — t ur n left into Net he r Lane - at ^*ffic lights turn left onto The Co«unon Cross Hill H i Q h g r e a v e - Barnsley R oa d - L o n g l e y Lane - H e r r i e s Road. V i i « APPENDIX T R A F F I C P A T ROLS Bam - 6 p m SATURDAY 15th A P R I L Not* re weal*; i ^|Csl! E iQ n rt *B* DS WE W CWL Buy * * * * * 1999 Drivng School. W o o l e y E d g e Service*(NB) Woodhall Services (SB) C l a y w h e e l s Lant these o f f i c e r * should p u r c h a s e a «e*l locally a n d claie appropriate alloMance O-F-F i cer (s ) D uty GHX1 Supt. Brough am Inspe ct or Sch oley P C 2 3 4 6 Leek Officer Ass ist Dri ve r GHV1 Chief Insp. O f fi ce r i/c N o r t h e r n i.e. Liverpool rout es GHV2 Chief Insp Lax GCI 1 Inspector Cawthor n e S up er vi si on T r a f f i c S o u t h DS GEI 1 Inspector Brown S u p er v is i on T ra f f i c N o r t h WE GCI 2 Inspector Walker S up er v is i on t r af fi c po in ts DS GCS1 Sg t . Sup er vi s io n R o t h e r h a m DS GFS1 Sgt. S up er vi si on S h e f f i e l d CWL GAS 1 Sgt. Su pe r vi s io n D o n ca s te r Buy GES1 S e t . Bax ter Su p er vi si on Ba r ns l ey WE MCI 1 P C 1 6 0 3 Hoiderness P C 207 Williams M ot o r w a y patrol GC21 P C 2 6 3 7 Rich ar dso n J u n c t i o n 29 - B a r l b o r o u g h W MC21 P C 1 0 1 9 C a r t w r i Qht PC J u n c t i o n 31 - A s t o n W P C2 8 6 4 Marshall J u n c t i o n 33 - C a t c l i f f e DS MC31 Shaw Myers PC 170 St evens Meal in overall c h a rg e DS secto r WE O f fi ce r i/c S o u t h e r n sector W i.e. Nottingham F o r e s t route W W Call Sign 1* Of icer Duty KC12 PC1906 Edw ards PC1217 Hall J u n c t i o n 34 - T i n s l e y DS KB 12 P C I 167 W a t k i n s o n PC 165 Hinds J u n c t i o n 35 - T h o r p e H e s l e y WE MB21 PC 90 6 Bagrval 1 PC2 6 03 Brown J u n c t i o n 36 - T a n k e r s l e y WE MB 22 PC 13 67 Rowe PC2 13 9 Rowett J un c ti o n 37 - D o d w o r t h WE B21 «v.t WE P C 2876 Rodgers PC 678 Scott hi Barlborough - T i n s l e y W GEll PC1 B3 0 Webster PC2716 florrel 1 as a bo ve w HA21 PC 762 Stacey PCI 263 Shepher d Ml Tinsley - H a i g h P C 2 3 2 6 R umbl e P C 2 5 B 5 Botfi e 1 d MAI 9 P C2757 Q u a n b o r o u o h * WE • Patrol PCI 323 Axup PC220S W a t s o n MA31 Patrol A1 A1 A1 <M> & M l 8 as above Buy Buy Buy — G F 1l PC20B6 Trcek P C 2 6 9 6 Rsdley' GBll PC2532 Wilson PC 1937 Farrell MC22 PC 111 h a r pies PC 73 6 Radley MC23 PC2724 Pi 1 ley PC 5 32 Roebuck MBl1 PCI 78 0 Rymer PC1831 G r i m s h a w H 3 A616/A61 PC PC2134 Brown PC2534 St e p h e n s o n M C 19 GA31 |j Meal Patrol A616 S h e f f i e l d - Flouch as above CWL CWL Ml for escort of t u r n e d back vehicles. Effect sl o w lane closure N. of T i n s l e y after match to facilitate e n t r y at junction 34. DS DS DS DS Patrol HI Haigh - T a n k e r B l e y WE The f o l l o w i n g o f f i c e r * Hill Woodhall S e r v i c e s . k. 0 u a a I H P S 1069 P S 1 67 PS2864 PC 375 PC2839 PC1609 PC1006 .P C 1767 PC2406 PC2841 P C 194 PC2892 P C 1651 PC2705 PC28B0 P C 1929 PC 6 8 6 PC2344 P C 1284 PC 3 4 4 Btaala Wilkie t H ilnar t Marsh all t Th o m a s * Barkar Wabb Cartwright Ball Rudd Wood Reed Smith Marti n Sanderson Sweet Law A1 len Hunt Wa 11 ace Nicholson <form a public or bar patrol to covtr All to work B aa x 8 p m and a t t e n d the briefing at Woodhall p o s t at 6.30am. D oncas ter aection to arrange c o l l e c t i o n of their Transit ■froa Clayxheels Lane during F r i d a y night 14/15 April 89 » T h e S h e f f i e l d contingent will travel by Transit -from C l a y w h e e l s Lane and will call at Roth e r h a m on route to Woodhall to collect these officers. All officers to meal at Woodha ll So u t h b o u n d Services The -Following of fi ce rs will parade -For briefing at D r ivi ng School *t 9 am a n d will drive personnel carriers. These will be used to deploy o-F-Ficers to sta ti c points, d is tr ib ut e p a c k e d seals, r e f r e s h m e n t v ehi cle a n d an incident back-up vehic le carrying e m e r g e n c y equipment. O n stand-down these v ehi cl es must be parked up at D r i v i n g School a n d the keys h a bd e d to Inspector Walker. Mr. D P a r k i n (refreshment vehicle) Ol iver P C 1 6 2 2 Bar rs (incident back-up) P C 2 6 9 7 R odg ers Mr. A1 1 A. above o f f ic er s will PC 22 6 7 PC 657 PC 116 PC 21 2B ©eel at driving school. S om ers et L og a n Bell Cranswick APPENDIX.»C’ M O T O R C Y C L E WING DUTIES Call sign Officer Duty WHI1 I n s p e c t o r Cooper I/C Mot or cy cl e P a t r o l s WTS1 H CS2 Walton PS536 A P S 2 6 4 3 L indsay S u p e r v i s i o n N o t t i n g h a m Forest routes WAS1 ^WBSl _PS2730 PS2397 D i lcock F a r n s wo r th S u p e r v i s i o n &f Liverpool routes WBll WB22 P C 1419 PC2090 Marshal 1 Graham A616 S t o c k sb ri dg e — O u g h ti br id g e - H i l l s b o r o WB21 WC12 WF21 PC15B5 PC1677 P C 1319 Chapman Wheat Hodgs on A61 T an kersley to Niagra as above as above WB12 WA22 PC2733 PC2449 Edge Mi rfi n as above + duties re Barnsley v Biroingham WA 13 WEI 1 PC14E7 PC1E69 Derbyshi re Bui 1ivant Standby junction 34 re diversions WA21 WA33 PC1504 PC2555 Cooper Zalad Catcliffe - Parkway Park S qu ar e WA 12 PC 1796 Sco thern Prince o f Wales Rd. St an if or th Road W A32 PC2459 Thomas Sheff iel d Road - Attercliffe C om mo n/R oad - Norfolk Bridge. WA31 WF22 PC2A57 PC 3 7 0 Cooper Shelton Sheffi eld Road - Weedor, St. Brightside Lane - Upwell St.Fir Vale WE 12 PC21E2 Fenney Fir Va le - Herries Rd to gr oun d WE21 PC 1 7 4 A Pul f rey Brightside Lane - Sutherland Gower St. - {Brunswick Rd. Nursery St. if necessary) WF1 1 PC1820 Bing ha m Gower.St — Burngreave Rd. Rutland Rd - Neepsend - ftPPEN P ir -Bl DUTIES RE S T A T I C TRAFFIC POINTS 1 M g t t l n o h a m Forest - p r l w i r y route: Pre-Match Officer Locat i on J u n c t i o n 34 Island o / s P l u m p e r s Ar*s PC 73 7 PC709 P C1 47 5 PC1B74 ^.T.B. P C 24 I V u l c a n Road Id h e f f i e l d Parfitt Jenkinson Lath House Earnshaw P o * t -» at ch yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no PC785 Roch yes yes B r i g h t s i d e La ne/Weedon -Street. PC£>3 Kelly yes yes B r i g h t s i d e La ne/ U pw el l S t r e e t ATS PC23S1 Burgess PC2432 Bunting yes yes yes yes Up well ATS PC7B6 Emmerson yes yes PC237 PC533 Wastnage Schofield yes yes yes yes PC609 Parker yes yes PC632 Hawker yes yes PC2026 Mitchell PC23S2 Lewis yes yes yes yes PC745 Waterhouse yes yes PCB06 Bray yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no Rd/ W ee do n St. ATS Qwler St /Hollywel 1 St La ne road works Dw l er La n e / R u s h b y St lounda bout ' ^•11 Owle r ATS L a n e / F i r t h Pk. Rd. f] A.T.5. F ir va le ■ te-i Si *”*e r r ie s Road/Moonshine L a n e ro un da bo ut ■^1 N e w h a l l ^ Larve Road/B.r ightsi de ATS M M S a v i 11e St. East/ S u t h e r l a n d St. ATS PC103 2 Cameron tOSl S u t h e r l a n d St./Gower St. PC 1718 Ho**ell PC2118 Beaumnont Go>*er S t ./ E 11 esmere Rd PC2156 Ansel 1 • J ean sign Duty Officer | WD22 HF12 PC2M 1 PC2114 Wallace Pashley A61 West Bar to H i l l s b o r o as above } WD21 P C 1024 Howe Infirmary Rd. - L a n g s e t t Rd. h id dl ew o od Rd. ~ P a r k s i d * Rd. 1 WDU 1 WD12 PC1773 PC2463 Robson Stevens City (Park Sq - W e s t Bar) As above PC2200 PC27 Wheeler Copley Escort L iverpool Te a m Escort N o t t s Forest Taam I KC21 W A 11 J0 the a b o v e t w o officers Mill remain on s t a nd b y at driving school a v a i l a b l e f or other duties until such time as re qu i r e d for team coach es c or t. I After t he m a t c h it may be other locations. Insp. re-deployment. necessary to r e-deploy o f f i c e r s to Cooper will be respo ns ib l e -for P C 3 0 8 1 Martin yes yes P C 3 3 A 6 Smith yes yes j^itsmoor Rd/Minn* Rd P C 2 & 6 5 Pierpoint yes yes R u t l a n d Rd/ C ookswood R d TS P C 1 6 9 7 Mynett yes yes R u t l a n d R d /N e ep se nd La n e P C39 Shipley yes yes PC662 Thurman yes no M«r 8t/Burng» T6 c Rd rng r ea ve Rd/ttinna Rd r p a r k w a y / P a r k Square PC T h u r m a n to cover this p o i n t after the match x c h a n g e St/Park Square f Par k S q u a r e / S h e a f St. I 1 rk Square/Commercial PC2421 St f p e l i c a n cr< •ossing Blonk S t / E x c h a n g e St. P e l i c a n crossing Blonk St/W i cker Hill yes a b o v e officer to cover this poi n t after the match yes T W dl TW dl yes yes PC 2 2 1 2 Wragg P C 1 6 6 2 Holmes f N u r s e r y St/Wieker PC Ho lm es to cover this point afte r the match C a s t l e Square 3 ■r nival PC2141 Boyle P C 1 0 6 8 Catchpole P C1 767 Goodyear yes no yes yes yes yes yes no Rd/Elonk St PC Goodyear to cover this point after the match island P C 21 79 PC 2 90 3 no a b o v e 2 T W ’s to cover this p o i n t after the match i L a d y ’e Bridge crossroads AT S? ISnig Hill/West Bar island no i ^est Bar •3 cker/Spital Hill Middleton Ainsworth yes yes yes no PC Ainswo rth to cover this point after the match j ;H.oyle St/Gibralter St PC241B McCormack yes yes |P e n i s t o n e Rd/Rutland Rd PC54 Ibbetson yes yes PC286 Benstead yes yes N u r s e r y St/Corporation St 1 4 1^4 v r o o c l - . p r i m a r y route* Prm O f f i ce r jLocation tch Po»t-*atch P C 32 29 Prica y et yea Jnali-fax R d / K l l n e r Way ATS P C 2 9 7 9 Ward y»* yes JHalifax ATS P C 27 25 Pluimar yas yes i A ^ i f a x Rd/Claywhaels ^ T n e AT S PC148 yes yes ^Halifax PC16B7 Mullins yes yes P e n i s t o n e Rd N o r t h / Herries Rd South PC1783 Brougham yes yes P e n i s t o n e R d / B r a d f i e l d Rd PC14B6 Walshaw yes yes Hi 11-foot B r i d g e ATS 1564 yes yes Whaal L a n a Rd/Foxhill Rd R d / L e p p i n g s Lane Jarman Mace The -Following off ice rs will remain di versions, p r o v i d e reliefs etc: m ■-jjj -as-i PC 4 7 P C1 3 6 4 PC 4 6 0 PC 511 PC PC 679 PC 783 PC2322 PC2761 Battye Ferneough Jenkins Fox All o f f i c e r s s h o w n in this at 3pm. on Appendix s ta nd by t.o implement Hudson B ra mha m Thompson Cr aw ley will meal at Drivi ng School 1 « 1 « p i s t r 1b u t l o n % B jd! A.C.C Operations C h i e f S u p e r i nt en d en t Nesbitt C h i e f S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Duckenfield, *F* d i v i s i o n C h i e f S u p e r i nt en d en t Broomhead, * D ’ d i vi si on S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Brougham S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Marsh C h i e f In spe cto r Edmundson, O p e r at i on s Ro o m Chie-F I nsp ect or Shaw C h i e f Inspec tor Wall, Driving School C h i e f I nsp ec tor Lax Duty Inspector, Operations Room Inspec tor S te ele Inspec tor Cawthornn I ns pec to r Schol ey Inspec to r Cooper I ns pec to r B r o w n R o t h e r h a m Traffic Office S h e f f i e l d Traffic Office D o n c a s t e r Traf fic Office Barnsley Traf fic Office m &w FA CUP I •«i •r .1 ;-J'. fc s s s i -. • -r.‘-v .-* ii ’*& B ' # B y / mL ‘ E ^n B C S is r \/r A S T .< rri_ ir-* ~ A A4 C--ri "x s ^ ^ k. *K3k -g-"j» >—w , ’M MJkTI1 >r4*^ .v,-'**Ssefi.' Chief Inspector Edir.undson ! : m ^ "' -''>5* ■ V‘- - • V .... ^c.^.v;V v ' ^ ^ r ^.:£££- _•• ^ ( .* ",>»^ :f* • " ■•»-»* -a v-. - W - * - BXTTH YORCSOFE KXJCE •F' DIVISION CFERATICKM, ORCER »F’ 1/89 6th April 1989 F A OJP SEMI FPftL - LIVERPOOL v HJITDCHAM FOREST SAlURDftY 15TH APRIL 1989 DISTRIBUTION Chief Constable V Assistant Chief Constable (Operations) Chief Superintendent Operations and Traffic Chief Superintendent 'F' Division Deputy Divisional Corrrnander 'F' Division Detective Superintendent 'F' CID Superintendent 'FI' Sub Division \ Superintendent 'F2' Sub Division Superintendent *E2’ Sub Division 'FI' Sub Division, Control Roorr. v . I 'F2' Sub Division, Control Room Sub Sector Chief Inspectors Ground Control 'F' Administration Chief Superintendent ’A', 'B', 'C', 'D', ‘E ’, and CID s %. •f* *—\ SOUTH Y O R S m S POLICE • r DIVXSION OPgmiCK CKER T 1/69 D W T E s e t h t a d l 1989 F A CUP - SEXI F D & L KXLLSFOFOOGH. SHEFFIELD LIVERPOOL v H O T T D G W FOREST SA3UKEAY 15TH APRIL 1989 # 1. pggfrgiTicy i.i The F.A. Cup Semi Final tie between Liverpool and Nottinghr: Forest Football Clubs will take place at the Sheffield Wednesday Football Stadium, Hillsborough, Sheffield on Saturday 15th April 19:r, kick-ipff at 3.00pm. The gates allowing access to the ground will cpen at 12 hoot and admission will be granted to ticket holders only. 1.2 In an effort to minimise traffic and spectactor congestion end to neximise segregation, the stadium has been divided in accordance witr: Appendix 'S'. 1.3 Liverpool supporters have been allocated tickets for the Vfe: Stand and Terraces end the North Stand and access will be via th= turnstiles in Leppings Lane. 1.4 Nottingham Forest supporters have been allocated tickets fcr the » Spicn Kop and the South Stand and access will be via the trimstiles \ in Penis tone Hoad North and at the rear of the South Stand. \ Tne tickets have teen colour coded zrxz details are shewn at Appendix 1.6 A sterile area has been created between the turnstiles at fcs the South Stand and those in Leppings lane. 1.7 To further assist in the segregation of opposing supporters vithin the grourxd, tickets have been allocated to ’neutral’ supporters (i.e. rooczy.ll Association and Sheffield Wednesday Football Club) in the North Stand (Penis tone Road end) and the South Stand (Leppings Laoe end). 1. 8 The rrxiting of vehicles and spectators has generally been designed to ensure that the approach of respective supporters will preset the.71 at trie end of the stadium appropriate to their particular tirket. *' 1.9 E x tz z . tins will be played in the event of a draw at full-tiiE. .10 If, following extra-time, the match receins drawn, then the replay will take place at Manchester United Football Stadiur.. XHTSiTION It is the intention of the Police to allow this match to tate place and to ensure public order and safety both inside and outside the football ground, to segregate and control opposing fans and prevent tmeses sary obstruction of the highway and damage to property. This will be attained end displayed with a high standardof smartness and professionalism. K3HX) Chief Superintendent Duckcnfield vill be in overall ccnrand of this e^ent. The operation will be in three phases, as follows Rvtv 1 - Before the notch (1000 - 1500hrs) Rvtse 2 - During the natch (1500 - 1630hrs) ** Rrese 3 - After the natch (1630hrs until standdown) ** *"* Subject to 30 minutes ’extra time’ Tbe operation will be divided into three sectors, each of which vill be designated to a Senior Officer who will have responsibility for thfet Sector. The Sector areas are shown on the nap atAppendix *S’ endtthe Senior Officers are:\ SETTOR OFFICER Sector 1 (Sheffield Wednesday football Stadium) Superintendent Greemood Sector'2 (Liverpool Supporters) Superintendent Marshal], Sector 3 (Nottingtem Forest supporters) Superintendent Ga^ms - i \ Each Sector will be further divided into Sub Sector with a Chief Inspector in charge, as shorn at Appendices A(i) and A(ii) i Separate Operation Ordezshsve been prepared by ’D* and Traffic DixdL^ons in respect of Policing arrsngenents for Sheffield City Centre tr»i ^{1 M o to rw a y and the routes to and from the stadium. PHEI MATCH BRTEFIH3 The event is being Policed by Officers, sore of wham have never visited Sheffield Wednesday Football Stadiun previously and who, therefore, will be xnfamililar with the ground and locality. In an effort to alleviate this problem, a pre-match briefing will .take place at 10.00am on Friday 14th April 1989 at Sheffield Wednesday Football Grcund, entry via the 'Gymnasium’ gate in Penis tone Road North. All supervisory' officers of the rank of Inspector and above should attend. (3 ) 3.4 FEPORTDC FOR Pfflf 3.4.1 A H Officers shewn in the attached Appendices vill, unless otherwise sLcted, attend at Sheffield Wednesday Football Sta&ivxn at 5.45am on Saturday 15th April 1989 and occupy a fbrth Stand seat as identified ir. their Serial Instructions, for briefing at 10.00am pra y : . Entry to the stediun vill be via the •Gyimasiim Gate' in Penis tore Road North. 3.4.2 On arrival, each Inspector vill report to the fchunistraticc. Desk situate inside the entrance to the gyimasiira and vill report his serials present. 3.4.3 Police Officers attending in their own vehicles rust find taeir own parking facilities outside the football ground. 3.4.4 The parking facilities at Niagara Sports Ground and Clayvfrerls Lane vill JOT be used. 3.5 BKIEHNS - >ftTCH DMf 3.5.1 After reporting for duty Officersvill be briefed in th= North Stand • as to the general requirements of the day and vill commence duties £n accordance vith the instructions of their individual Inspector. \\ 3.5.2 Inspectors vill ensure that officers under their ccrrrrend disperse tfr their resp ective places of duty vith a miniirum of delay. 3.5.3 Sergeants vill brief merrbers of their respective serials as to their individual duties as outlined in Appendices B, C and D. 3.6 Q Q H ) SECLEm \ 3.6.1 ^3.6.2 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club vill be responsible for the ovemicht (14th/15th April 1989) security arrangements at the Immediately following briefing, two 'explosives' dogs vill stadiurri assisted by the Serials scheduled for duty inside the ground. 3-7 CR3K IX \L D f/ESTIGAnCK EEPAKPEWT 3*7.1 MerD=rs of this Department vill be on duty at the ground. A ranne^!^ CID post vill be situated in the gyrmasiurr. at the ground ard et HaTrrerton Roec Police Station and vill deal vith all carpIain ts of c r iz E and arrests for crirrinal offences made in connection vith this event whirr: do not re<?' .:.Te irrrediate attention. Any such ccnplaints vill be directed to whichever of the above locations is most convenient. 3-7.2 in addition, tea.Ts of officers vill operate cainly on foot outside the grtxrrd, paying particular attention to the probler, of pickpocxsts and 'auto—crirm'. V Detective Superintendent McKay vill have an overall responsibility for crine and CID Operations as a whole and duties of personnel are shs^Ti 3.7.3 a t Jo o en d ix . , V •N r (4 ) \i 1 ! I I 3.E DOG SBCTICN 3.E.1 Merrbers of the Dog Section vill rroinly be used as a deterrent before and after the match on the routes to and fran the stadivn. at the coach parks, transit van parks, railway station, private vehicle parking areas and escorting supporters to and from the stadium. 3.E.2 Ibey vill not nornally be used in public order situations but the Sector Camander has the overriding discretion to use dogs in such circuTstances tfoere he feels a serious public o rd er situation racy occur. • | j 3.E.3 r • ^ Duties of the Dog Section personnel are set out at Appendix 'G'. 3.5 M C M E D SECTION 3.9.1 Hsrrbers of the Haunted Section vill be employed outside the ground tc maintain order, segregate supporters and escort them fran end tc their transport. 3.5.2 fH' Duties of the Mounted Section personnel are set out at Appendix *H'. | -------------- \ 3.It CCKTFCL ROCK 3.1C.2 A Control Room vill be established at Sheffield Wednesday Football Stadium in the Police Control Box situate between the South and Vfcst Stands. 3.1C.2 Superintendent Mirrav vill be in overall control vith the assistance of Officers shown at Appendix 'I'. 3.1C.3 Tbe Control Room will oversee the entire operation and vill oper cc both UHF and VHF channels. #3.i: 3.12.1 r s x m c c a tn rO L Road Traffic Division vill be responsible for traffic control s r d vill be producing a separate operational order. .' rfPe I IVi 3.12.2 'F* Division points are shewn at Appendix 'J '. 3.12 TRAVEL AKD POLICING AERANGE>£NTS 3.12.1 Trse routes to the ground and designated parking areas for coachas, transit vans and private vehicles are show at Appendix 'S'. 3.12.2 FUCHS SICTCTC Signing of the routes to the ground hasbeen arranged in conjunction vitn Sheffield Wednesday Football Club. In the event of congestion, contingencies exist for detours to be implemented by msfrbers of the Road Traffic Motor Cycle King. I (5 ) v " 4 I 3.12.3 BY TRAIN - LIVERPOOL Broadly speaking, Liverpool supporters vill travel on 'special' trains and alight at Kadsley Bridge Railvey Station where they will walk the half mile to the ground under Police supervision. Service trains will also be operating to Midland Railvey Station and supporters using this service will travel by ‘special' South Yorkshire Transport bases, under escort, to the Leppings Lane end of the ground where they will alight. 3.12.4 Details of the train arrival/departure times and duties relating thereto are shorn at Appendix 'K'. 3.12.5 BY TRAIN - N 7 I T P C H W FOREST Nottingham Forest supporters who travel by train will alight at Midland Railway Station in the centre of Sheffield and travel the three mile journey to the ground by 'special* South Yorkshire Transport buses, iroer escort, and will alight on the Penis tone Road North side of the stadium. ^ 3.12.6 .3.12.7 Details of train arrival /departure tines and duties relating thereto are shown at Appendix 'K'. BY OQftffl - LIVERPOOL Liverpool supporters travel by coach vill be encouraged to use M62/M1 motorways, leaving the latter at Tankers ley (Junction 36). Duties relating thereto are shewn at Appendix 'L*. 3.12.8 Coaches fond approaching the venue by other routes should be directed to the designated parking areas and not the stadiur. itself. 3.12.9 On arrival at the designated parking areas, where practicable, an officer wiLl board each coach and inform the passengers of the restrictions inposed by lav and the Ground Regulations. Supporters will then alight and walk to the ground under police supervision. \ ^2.10 BY CDftCH - HJITEfGHftM FDRSST " i! ,♦ hbttingharr. Forest supporters who travel by coach vill be encouraged tfp,^ use the KI rrotorvsy leaving et Tinsley (Junction 34). Duties relating r thereto are shewn in the *D' Division Operation Order. ^ \T f* ~*12.11 Coecres fcyjrd approaching the venue by other routes should be directed to the designated perking areas and not the stadiur. itself. -*•12.12 On arrival at the designated parking areas, where practicable, an officer will board each coach and inform the passengers of the restrictions inposed by Lav and the Ground Regulations. Supporters will then alight and walk to the ground under police supervision. **• BY TFAM5IT Vffl - LIVERPOOL •12.13 Liverpool supporters who travel by transit van or similar vehicles will be encouraged to use the M62/K1 mDtorways, leaving the latter at Tanksrsley (Junction 36). However, it is not feasible to atteqpt to channel such vehicles through one ‘checkpoint1 and it will be the duty therefore of ^ 1 Serials outside the ground to check these vehicles and their occupants as outlined at Appendix \K’. »i !| ;i 4.12 VZEED O K M S 4.12.1 Xr. •ddition to the static cameras sited at the Football Siadiun, s&bers of the Underwater Se&rrfi Uhit vill be operatinga hand-held video camera to servitor the arrival and departure of stjppcrters. During the catch they will operate inside the stadivm. 4.13 O fiE K X 4.13.1 All overtime claims vill be sufcnittad to supervisory officers and vill be dearly sorted ’SEMI TOftL - LIVERPOOL v NGTIXNGnrK FOREST", 4.14 g p o R T D c off duty 4.14.1 It vill be the responsibility of individual Inspectors tc report the Wttle of their Serials off duty, account for any nentser not present and ensure that radios are returned. He vill also suendt the de-briefing form previously supplied to him. S^rinls 1-21 vill report off-duty at the Gytmasiviru Serials 22-64 vill report off-duty at Claywheels Lane. 4.12.2 Ainhorisation vill be sought via Ground Control before air Serial is 'stood down'. CHIEF Sa-fcaiKajCOiT *F* DIVIS3Q* APFDG1CES A(i) Senior Officers Duties A(ii) Inspectors Duties B Sector 1 (Ground) Duties C Sector 2 (Liverpool) Duties D Sector 3 (Nottingham Forest) Duties E Specimen Tickets F Q D Duties G Dog Section H Mounted Section I Administration, etc. J Traffic Control K L Trains Coaches - Liverpool and Nottingham Forst M Transit vans - Liverpool N Transit Vans - Nottingham Forest 0 Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol) Art 19S5 end Ground Regulations. P Cooes 0 fojte signing R Special Constabulary S fcps T Briefing siting nlan ^ Schedule of manpower A f f P C O »A(1V senior o m e n s turns O d e f Inspector* and abcve will H7T by their name and ranX. w t m o w e a call sign but vill be identified Chief Superintendent DxXarJield Liaison - Inspector Se*ll Call Sign India 26 GROUrC CTXTRX Superintendent Murray Sector 1 (Ground) Superintendent Greemox Sector 1A Chief Inspector Beal Serials 1-10 Sector IE Chief Inspector Creaser \ Serials 11-19 Reserve Serials 20/21 SECTOR W D (LIVERPOOL) Sector 2A Superintendent Marshall Chief Inspector Waring Serials 22-33 and 44, 46, 47 (, 48 Sector 2B Chief Inspector Purdy Serials 34-51 excluding 44, 46, 47-4 sector thfsz Sector 3A (H?rmg-aK K g g s p Superintendent Oaprran Chief Inspector Surmer Serials 52-56 Sector 3S Serials 57-64 ^ Chief Inspector Price JtfTOQg *jqur DGITCTORS StJCTOK U - QUEF P S K C TOR BEAL Call Sign Sub Sector 1 (Serials 1-3) Inspector torling *F* India 1 Sub Sector 2 (Serials 4-6) Inspector Harvey 'HQ’ India 2 Sub Sector 3 (Serials 7-8) Inspector Calvert 'HQ‘ India 3 Sub Sector 4 (Serials 9-10) Inspector Booth 'E1 India 4 1 V \ SECTOR 1(B) - CHIEF INSPECTOR CREASER Sub Sector 5 (Serials 11-12) Inspector Woodward 'F1 India 5 Sub Sector 6 (Serial 13) Inspector Bullas 'HO' India 6 Sub Sector 7 (Serials 14-15) Inspector VCiite *F' India 7 Sub Sector 8 (Serials 16-19) Sub Sector 9 (Serials 20-21) Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector India India India India Slices 'F' Purdy *Trg' Delaney 'F 1 Ber&sford BA 83 9A 9B (4 ) 1 3.12.2* transit vans vill be directed to the desi^uttd parkinc tr*a vhart g ^ p o r t i n vill alij^t and velX to the ground inder police r**jviiion. i ' t r n n B i r v w - w i t o o p h fosst \ hrrtins^iam Forest supporters vho travel by transit van or sizular vehicle vill be encouraged to use the Ml motorway, leaving et Tinsley (Ihnction 34). However, it is not feasible to attenpt to channel such vehicles through one 'checkpoint' and it vill be the d-ty, therefore, cf all serials outside the ground to check these vehicles c d their occupants as outlined at Appendix 'K*. \ \ 3.12.H All transit vans vill be directed to the designated parking area vhere supporters vill alight and valk to the ground inter police rpervision. \ 3 .1 2 .1 “ SP3PTDC EVENTS (OCKTHX CF ALOCHX) ACT 1985 - AS JtfPCED I, A jrecis of the Act is shown at Appendix 'O'(i). This legislation vill be strictly enforced in relation to coaches and transit vans or similar v*£icles, as veil as persons entering oar attempting to enter the ground. ] 3.12.1= FEZVXEE VEHICLES - LIVERPO OL Liverpool supporters vho travel by private vehicle vill be encouraged^' tr use the M62/M1 motorways leaving the latter at Tankers ley (Junction y . ) . They vill proceed to the designated parking areas on the Parson C=3ss/Foothill estates. 1 i Ct arrival at the designated parking areas, supporters vill alight end ^clX to the ground under police supervision. ] 3.12.2! It is envisaged that traffic will also approach the sta&iim via the FLzxjch (A616). There is a contingency plan should the vdIlte of this traffic be such that it is impracticable to direct it to the designated perking areas referred to at paragraph 3.12.18. \ i ^ 12.2: fbzvaie vehicles - wcyrroesgiw k s e s i ' Hrrtin^isr. Forest s u p p o r t e r s t£ x > trsv^l by private vehicle vill be ezcouraoed to leave the Ml rrotorvay at Tinsley (Junction 34) and procee^ tc tbe desigrjated parking area in the Naepsand area of the city. |\ I 3*12.21 Ct. arrival, supporters will alight and velk to the ground under police vision. 3 *12*2: c m o s s a^d tra^it vans - Rgnsy j s j r p 3 *12-2< Gnr»rhes and transit vans will not leer.-e their designated parking areas irrzil authorised to do so by Ground Control. The return jojmey for these vehicles will be the reverse of that on the inccrning journey. V CCftOES AND TRANSIT VANS - GENERAL ft roach or transit other than the tc use routes other ^ ■fprs . following van will be allowed to load, unload or perk in any designated parking areas, nor will they be allowed than those designated unless diverted by Police consultation vith Ground Control. — 1 0 <tf ' (7 ) 3.12. 25 ^ WtfCTC RgSTRICTICES h r j o g of vehicles in the irradiate vicinity of the ground c£ ai sain rot-is will be strictly controlled by use cf parking cones. These ell be set ocz during the early hoars of the day in accordance vith Appendix* P and Q. f I 3.12.26 3.12 The Earrgency Services have been infonaed of all parking res-=_rtions/ arTtroenents. ] 3.12.27 I It t d U be the responsibility of Police Sergeant 102 Fidler t: ensure that “these cones are in position before 0700 hours Saturday Ih: April 1989. 3.12.28 No cfficer vill allow any \%hide to park in contravention of riese car any eiher restriction without seeking the authority of GroanfIsntrol. 1 3.12.29 I I • I B C m OP VHUCLES Where a vehicle is perked in such a position as to warrant ~ zl, then this vill be arranged by the officer concerned through Graurc following consultation vith his supervisory Inspector. T w d E vehicles will be available to remove vehicles. 3.12.30 Where a vehicle is parked in contravention of parking restrict^ns andV£bes not EErit rescval, then the driver nay be dealt with in the ue==1 «anne». 3.12.31 CAR E&RRDC There vill be limited privately operated car parks in the vici~~ ry of the ground. No assistance will be given in the operation of the&= r=nnercially run C3_r parks. It is intended that private chicles vill as ± as practicable, use the designated perking areas shewn at Appends *S'. This operation will be carried cut by centers of the Special Cbnsr.rr-.ary whose duties are shewn at Arpendix ’R'. Parking will be permitted c. all roac where restrictions do not apply. ^.2.32 SCCE T0K&52IKE TRANSPORT B0S2S South Yorkshire Transport will operate 'special buses' free: Ki£_*nd Railway Staticr. to the ground. At the end of the Hatch, buses fcr trszEportzticn$>i Liverpool Supporters back to the railway station will be parte; in j\ ^ Penisrroe Road North frar. ferdsend Road North to Leppings Lan= roanaabdut" facing txwards city. Buses for transportation of Nottingham Fzrsst s'jppcr^srs back to the railway station will be parked in Penirme Road North cxrtsioe the ground and facing towards city. 3.12.33 The rocking of the Sooth Yorkshire Transport buses both to an£ zmn the Stadiin is shewn at Appendix *K1. 3*12*34 SH&Y1K n KZZXxZSDAX FOOTBALL CLUB - OFFICIAL CAR PARK Only drivers possessing official passes vill be allowed access — this part of the cround which is situate at the rear of the South Stand. lartain coaches containing F.A.. and Club officials etc, will be allots: re enter the car park and drop passengers off before driving to a parkier area away frco t±e ground (Sheffield Wedriesday Football Club Training O r.—i:. r Kiddlesjood Road). IC^-! «•! r tf 3.12.35 Ondar no cirojratances vdll any ether vthiclt, other than Pilic* vthicles bt aHnmri tccass. 3.12.36 Sae gates giving access to the South Stand Car Park will else at 2.00pm end vill not re-open until half an hour after kick-off. This fact has been publicised to persons having legitimate access. 3.12.37 C2j±> Stewards vill be arployed at the access points i nLacings Lane end Penis tone Road North to control access and egress. 3.12.38 Vehicles owned by the television ccnpaay providing coverage of the gone Kill be permitted to park in the South Stand car park at bcth the Leppings lane and Penis tone Road North ends. 3.12.39 B U K D C - POLICE VEHICLES Authorised Police vehicles vill park is the car park at the rear of the crjanasiim accessed via the ’Gymasiun gate' adjacent to Gate *0’. Cnly cff iciftl vehicles vill be allcwed access and oovenent into end out of the rrrrunf nust be kept to an absolute minirum. ->.12.40 C E S T R U C n O S - OTHER T H W BY VEHICLES it Traders, Ticket 'Touts’ and any other person causing obstruct] :tL be roved on. If they persist then they vill be arrested and br sro^ght tc the Police Roam where they vill be dealt vith as outlined in paragraphs 4-1.1. to 4.1.8 (Headed ‘Prisoner Process'). 3.13 I&ZIKW f rc pe j oy 1zzzin<= vill carry Liverpool supporters to feds Ley Bridge Station. These trains and the Station vill be manned by BTC Police who have the responsibility for policing this property. Officers should cnly enter the station for the purpose of police dbties at the invitation of, . ere. acccnpanied by, a Berber of the BTC Police. This also applies to al otiasr railway property, including sidings, cuttings, lines, etc. \ V -'.14.1 3.14.2 a v i i i i D ssn&szAX k v i s a l l c u b grocec FssiLanas A precis of the Ground Reculaticns is shzvr. at Appendix ’O'(ii). } - Wte—e an officer seizes property by virtue of the Ground Ref lations1 ' he v -m -.A) Supply the parson fran vihcrr, the article has been seized vith his ‘collar nurber ’. B) Infarm that person that the iterri a s y be recovered on ccrxletion of the game from the Police Property Post at the rear -of the Spion Kop, in the case of Nottingham Forest supporters, end ths Police Property Post at the rear of the West Stand, in the case **' of Liverpool supporters. C) Affix a label to the item bearing the owners name and the officers ’Collar nurber'. D) ensure that the item is taken to the appropriate Police Property arxd entered in ths Property register. x-- _ , (» It is a condition e£ artry to the ground that persons agrat t= be M r ± a d . Any person refusing to be searched will be in bra*± cf thou conditions and will be refused entry. U C B B O FRPOSZS The creat sajarity of licensees in the ianediate vicinity of "±± ground vill cither d o s e their premises completely at lunchtire and esrly or operate a 'selective door' vhe.reby football supporters are = n aAnirrad. Zt %cLll be the responsibility of all Serials outside the grocx zo idftntify those premises *£iich renain open and to scnitor the beieviour cf prrsrr^ resorting thereto. Adrtitimal attention aust be given to 'Off Licence' presdses e=f consideration given to sruitably advising proprietors should ex=s££ive tiles of alssh ol be evident. 'Alcohol is not available to menfcers of the public inside the crtund. B c a z s c y AN3 e v a c o a i i c f p b o c h x r s s In the event of an emergency situation arising (ie fire or barf- call) Wiich ray require evacuations of all or part of the stadivm, tz= procec^re outlined vill be followed: Grounc control will pass the following message ever the P A s y z z ^ . anc ' this v~ *n indicate to Police personnel that a provisional energ=rcy and evacuE.ri.on procedure is in force: •THE ATCECftJCE CF KR KEADCK3 IS URGENTLY REQUIRED AT POLICE CCKIRCL. “ Should an emergency evacuation be necessary then an oral messagi will be passed - z jd Police personnel via Inspectors and Serial Sergeants, giving speeif-- instructions as to the action to be taken. \ In the event of an 'all clear’.situation, the follcving inessage will be passed tx> Police personnel indicating that the necessity for e^Ergency ev’a g g — inn has ceased: KEADiKS IS NDLOC’ GE?. RZ3JIKED AT PXIC E COKTOOL." Evacuation procedures far various parts of the stadium are shoe: on the appropriate serial order. AQQKXSTRATIQN HUSGHEy. ppnrrcq All persons arrested or detained inside the ground vill be tater. in the first instance, to the Police Roar at the rear of the )tarth Starf. Thij&e arrestez outside the grourc vill either be taken to the Police r a r or Baxnnext=x> Road Police Station (in the case of Nottingham Forest supporters) Whichever is cost convenient. I^iree vehicles vill operate in the area for the sole purpose of transportation of prisoners in order that Bobile units trey rerr:- free fcr nornal cities. 4.1.3 Hber* a prisoner is taken to the Police toorr, details vill be obtained, the prisoner searched, the arresting officer and prisoner photographed together and For* PACE 19 catpleted. Ihe arresting officer vill then ccrplete the necessary p&perworfc which he vill hand to the Process S^aexvisor in the gyrmasium, vhich is adjacent .to the Polire fcxxn. Once the paperwork has been checked, it will be handed to ras Officer in Qiarge of the Police Boon end vill accanpany the prisoner and his property to the expropriate station for process ing/chargin:. 4.1.4 Vhere a person is arrested for a criminal offence, the prisoner vill firstly be taken by the arresting officer to the CTD point in the gycaasium or at the station, tftere the officer in charge vill decide or. the further course of action. 4.1.5 The duties of the •Prisoner Process* teams engaged on this rperation are s h o o at Appendix "I". ^_1.6 Twc vehicles with detention facilities will be parted adjarsnt to the Police toom for the retention of prisoners and a further detention vehicle vill be parked at each of the two Police Stations fcr identical purposes. I 4.1.7 After initial process, persons detained will be transferred to Haraartcn Road Police Station (in relation to Nottingham Ftrest supporters) and Eoclesfield Ftalice Station (in relation to Liverpool supporters). 4.1.8 Inspectors rrust ensure that officers in serials under their conw and do not go off duty without firstly submitting the requisite p s p e s v o r k . 4.1.9 E.TFTTTOS • 1.10 COOST AFPEfcFA'CE Vfriert an arrested person is charged and bailed to Court thai the 'bourt dates allocated to this operation vill be strictly adhered t z . On all occasions, therefore, the staff at the Charge Office Bridge Street, Sheffield will be consulted as to availability of dates befcre a prisoner is released on bail following charge. 1.11 Provisional arrangernents have been made should the Ttrrber of persons arrested and kept in custody or the seriousness of offences necessitate a Special Court being convened on Monday 17th April 1989. In trie event of such criteria being met then Chief Superintendent *’*• CXicks^field vill be informed in order that this contingercy can be put into operation. - Wher* circuT stances are such that a person is to be ejected frcm the stadiirn for breach o f the ground regulations, then he will not be photographed, etc. but will be taken to the Police Ffcrar, vher^ his det a^Ls will be recorried on an ’ejectio n slip' for entry in the Police Roan Recister, p rio r to e je c tio n . i m a m c / r o c OULDREX flipmf of Kissing children vill be passed via telephone to Ground Qxtrol In order that the necessary action can be taken. toy child v b o has become separated fran his parent /guardian vill be taken to the gyrm&sium at the rear of the North Stand. Ground control vill than be informed via telephone in order that the repaired artier, can be taken. rO»C FKFSOY All found property vill be taken to the Administration Desk in the gyaatsiun and the register carrpleted. OKIKXM All South Yorkshire Police Officers vill wear full uniform, including helmet (with chin strap down) and gloves. Anoraks will be v o m is . iaclenent weather. Female officers should wear trousers and not 1 aXirts TRANSPORT - POLICE K K O t€L Officers arriving in police transport will alight at Gate 'O' in Perd stone Road North and drivers of vehicles already nominated fcr use C-rring the police operation vill report to Inspector Scarfe at that location. That Officer vill give direction as to relocation of ■Chicles. On carrpletion of the gare and dispersal of the crowd, drivers vill report to the Traffic AcJninistration Desk in the crsnasiuER to collect the vehicle keys in readiness for the return \ journey. \ Police vehicles viiich are not taken into use during this operaticr. vill be parked at the Road Traffic Division prernises at Clayv^seels Lene, folloying consultation with the officer in charge of those preirises. Kays for such vehicles vill be handed in to the logistids^ officer at that location. % | REn&iHBfrS The meals (one hot) will be prcr/ided and these vill be distributed at uealing locations prior to the allocated meal tines. Refreshments vill be taken as indicated on the individual serial oraer at the venues stated. MAPS M e 25 of the Ground and surrounding area are included in this order at Appendix 'S’. - (U) ^ f 4 .8 CFganOfrL GREEK - KSTKIEUnCH * 4.8.1 This Operational Order vill be issued toInspectors end £nue. A Serial Oerter vill be distributed to*11 Sergeants. « 4.9 PFESS W O RBLICTIY ^ || I 4.9.1 Publicity has been-given to traffic routes and parking arrangements for the event by the Football Liaison Officer end Press Liaison Department, 4.9.2 All ocrnents concerning the event and replies to enqiliries from the tradIn vill be handled by Chief &f«rintendent Duckerfiald cr through the Press Liaison Office tfiich is rnder the coctrol of Superintendent Pratt. 1 4.10 . OPLMKTS 4.10.1 Any canplaints against the Police vill be dealt vith in ecsordance vith Force Standing Order 5S. Ccnplainants +£& approach Police Officers engaged on this operation vill be directed to the Officer shown at Appendix 'I '. Ccrplaints received at Harnfertan Eoad Po^pe station and Ecclesfield Police Station vill be dealt vith by the Duty Inspector. 4.11 OCM4UKICMTCKS 4.11.1 All cotmurdcatians relevant to the event vill be directed through Ground Control. 4.11.2 Tie following UHF/VHF channels vill be utilised in re la tin to this aoeration:(A) LHF personal radio channel 25 vill be used by all supervisory officers, both inside and outside the ground. (E) LHT personal radio channel 19 vi.ll be used by all C D personnel eng aged cn duties in the Parson Cross etc Neep&erd private parking areas. (C) 4.11.3 VHF raiio channel 1 vill be used by nobile petrols. V' V H *F1' Sub Division's operational functions vill continue tc be transmitted on UHF personal radio channel 35. 4-11.4 PELrsonal radios vill be issued at the Administration Desk in the gy_liasiur. to s U supervisory officers. 4.11.5 Srxict radio discipline vill be maintained at all times. Messages rajst be kept as short as possible and, where this is not the c a s e , G round Control has the overriding option of cutting short any ^ trsjisrission, irrespective of rank. 4•H •6 Ground Control C2n also be contacted on internal extension 2277. APPEXU 'M U .V ottck - O C Z F DCTECTOR K *K P G (LIVERPOOL) Call Sign Sob Setter 10 (Serials 22-25) Inspector Hurphries 'A' India 10 S>^> Sector 11 (Serials 26-29) Inspector Selwood 'E' India 11 Sife Sectcr 12 (Serials 30-33) Inspector Millett 'A' India 12 SECTOR 2B - CHIEF DSPBCTOR PJRTTsT (LTVEKPOOL) Sub Sector 13 (Serials 34/35) Sdb Sector 14 Inspector Townend 'A* India (Serials 36-38) Inspector Ellis 'C' India Sab Sector 15 (Serials 39/40) Inspector Brennan 'C' India Sub Sector 16 (Serials 41-43) Inspector Brocrrhead 'C* India CDfcCH KBCE • SEARCH SQUADS Sub Sector 17 (Serial 44) Inspector Wardle 'E' India Sub Sector IE (Serial 45) Inspector torton 'E' India MOBILE I K T ^ > Sub Sector ~_a (Serials 46-48) Inspector Walker 'Ops’ India Sub Sector 2 j (Serials 49-51) Inspector Robinson ’HO1 India \ APFQtra IH SreCTOKS (OOWT'D) ! i SECTOR 3A - CHIEF IHSTBCTOR SU*€K (NDTTDGWM FOREST) d l l Sign Sub Sectcr 21 (Serials 52/53) Inspector Charles 'C* India 21 Sub Sectcr 22 (Serials 54-56) Inspector Newey 'C' India 22 1 I SECTOR 3E - CHIEF INSPECTOR PRICE - H J TTDOW ! FOREST 1 1 Sub Sectcr 23 (Serials 57/58) Inspector Bateren 'C' Sub Sectcr 24 (Serials 59/60) Inspector Burgess 'C' India 23 I India \24 Inspector Wallace 'E* India 25 MOBILE. UKTTS Sub Sector 25 (Serials 61-64) \ LIAISON Inspector Sewell 'F 1 India 26 AEKIKISTSAnCN Inspector Bennett ‘F’ lU Lnoia 27 Inspector Scarfe 'Traffic' India 28 • TRANSIT fJJJD C Jm C hi/t& S£F \’E SERIALS/ CXyOi SUH^/ISIQK sub retail I PS 4*4 Ch«?rer. »F' PC 1 « 9 tfelpel* 1) 2) PC 3151 Hsrs&en 3 ) PC 25B8 Burfcinshav 4 ) PC 417 lllinghworth 5} PC 12 £5 Scith £} PC 446 Grocne 7) PC 234B Hanscc tf 8) PC 7 CO Helliwtll * 9 ) PC 442 Qucksar. 10) PC 2 W 6 Holres 11) PC 1247 Street 2) PC 1542 Brookes 13) PC 2611 KiJLsar. g|) PC 1432 Lsdb |S) PC 23E7 Collins 16) PC £14 Fimesan h i) PC 3154 Richardson 11) PC 75? Bradshi-r.* 19 JC 19”7 Farthing ^ P l C ? 2 Croot (Tmg) f « * I sa r to r i BEKD fg ER rwa w r o o a »r iM p r to c Curling R>ae> 1 and 2 (B e fo a and A iring watch) Twenty Police Constables - perimeter track (Equidistant spread around ground). The Sergeant vill retrain in the vicinity of the player's tunnel throughout this duty and the Officers on the trark will follow his exarrple by standing end facing the crowd at the following times:Before kick-off, half-time and full-time and also during any stoppage of play or when there is any crowd unrest. This will be indicated during the game and shortly before half and full-time by the sergeant leaving the player's tunnel and standing near the touch line. Particular attention should^b^paid^to prevent any person cliitbino the fence t p ^ i n acces^to the ground. B * gates oust retain bolted a t / a l l times except vher. in use. N3 ONE ls( TO BE ACCESS TO THE TRACE FRCM TOE t er ra c es wrraoor CONSENT o f A SENIOR OFFICE?. (EXCEPT TO RECEIVE MEDICAL ATIPtTION) Riase 3 (After eatcfa) As the ground clears. Officers of this serial vill rteair. in location until instructed otherwise. Meal - staggered before rater, iz gym. SEATDt- FDr. BHZEFING AS PE? PIAV (ATTACHED) APPEfCDC *7’ Bnsrgency Evacuation Procedure \ In the event of such a situation arising (indicated at item 3.16 in the Serial instruction). PC's at either end of the ground will take up positions at the fence gates. T h e se gates will only be opened if a specific message to evacuate is given on the public address system. SOUTH S T M © LOWER LEVEL Serial 2 P' J355 Cox ?F' F w )51 Jarfcscc 1302 Pitt 1526 >3cGL^imsss 1^2 Sii^ssan 3225 ioberts - 341 K a n - 157 fest ^ ^ 95 Purslsy - 2417 rotcbeUL 2423 Hsrxring’dsy Stiwerec ^"ing cz-ch in Gvm. AT1N3 F3K ERI-EFTNC PER r - « A T ^ C r Z D "e k d o : *T' \ Fhase 1 (Before Batch) A) 2 PC’s will be located behind turnstiles 19-22 to ensure persons entering these premises do no; possess ^ items prohibited by the ground males (Banners, etc..j \ I veapons or missiles) or alcohol. v »\J B) 2PC's will be situated behind turnstiles 33-36 to ensure items shewn above are not brought into the ground. C) Remaining PC’s will patrol rear of terraces to maintain order. Rase 2 (During catch) All officers vill be located at the rear of terraces and maintain V ifoase 3 (After natch) This serial will take up a position in front of-these terraces on the perimeter track to prevent a pitch invasior. or ensure the safety of the match officials and players. ♦ . SOUTH STAMP PPPE* LEVEL c « r la l 3 pS 577 Gardner •F' fix pc 60 Godley ! PC 70 Wiiteley PC 591 Tune PC 1317 Bennett PC 1340 Crookes PC 1584 Collier PC 1949 Storey PC 1962 F-Hirst PC 2817 Hudsac PC 3341 Mitchell ii i PS 2777 Johnson Phase 1 (Before match) A) 2 PC's vill be situated at the rear of turnstiles 23-28 to ensure persons entering these premises do not possess iters prohibited by the ground rules (Banners, etc., weapons or missiles) or alcohol. B) Two PC's vill be situated behind turnstiles 29-32 to ensure iters shown above are not brought into the ground. C) Renaining PC's vill patrol the stand concourse to maintain order. R a s e 2 (During watch) Officers will be located at the entrances to the stand to maintain order as required. *• R a s e 3 (After aatdi) Rerain until stand clears of all supporters, >£AL - Staggered during natch In Gym Seating for briefing ir plan attached pperdix 'T' EMERGBC* EVACUATION PROCEDURE V In the event of such a situation arising (Indicated at 3.16 in "the serial instructions) PC’s in the upper level of the South Stand vill take ur positions at the internal partition gates and ensure tbey are open. Those on duty on the lower level will ensure that exit gates at either end of the stand are open. Further instructions will be as directed by control or passed over the public address system. . \ Officers will be nominated for indivixxjel points at the start of this duty. 111 RBfficyy i * Znspaetor I c v t y B O m STAND CAR PAfS (Penistont teai errf) iarial 4 V PS 266 Jakes •£' i PC 302 Ski±r.r> PC 723 Wuttaxer PC 385 Walter ^|i PC 203 Baines ft) PC 2679 Astir. Y i ) PC 1200 WoaS g-rr * 7) pc:2621 Wood & ) PC 1412 teZloucfcJLin ^9) PC 3334 Du£2ev 10) PC 242 Chilis Fhaae 1 (Before watch) t A) 2 PC's vill be located at the players e ^ n a to maintain order, ensure the safe entry of the teams and officials and prevent access by unauthorised persons In conjunction vith the Club's staff. i C) 4 PC's to patrol in the area between the getes and the players entrance (in pairs) to maintain order. l D) 2 PC's vill assist club staff between the gates at Penistone Road to prevent inEJthorised access by vehicles. These gates will close for vehicle access fc x 2.D0£m to 3.3Cpn. B) 2 PC's vill supervise queues at turnstiles 29-36 and prevent items prohibited by the ground rules {Barriers, etc., weapons or missiles) or alcohol beinc carried into the ground. R a s e 2 (During catch) Remain on patrol in car paxX as above and prevent entry into this area by supporters without tickets. Cover whole of car park after half time y^ien Serial 5 are nealin|. i MEAL R a s e 3 (After match) 'lStg m)cick- ^ f Remain in this area until crowd dears, prevent ucvetifent by vehicles until spectators on foot have left the area. Seating for fcri per plan attached (Appendix ' 7 ' ) Serial 5 SOJIH STAND CAR PARK (Leppinrs Lane end) * PS 1084 Hodoett *E' 1) PC 596 Smitr. I 5 K 933 Hotley •3) pc 499 Cartvcrigi:t ) PC 769 Mutc± 3131 Levis 851 Wicker. 7\ p r 1535 F?.S— 1n ) ? C 2512 Cralpey 1564 Kace 1177 Devis R a s e 1 (Before natch) A) 3 PC's will supervise queues at turnstiles 23-28 to ensure persons entering these premises do rxr. possess \itens as above. T B) 3 PC's supervise gusues at turnstiles 19-22 to prevent items shown above being carried onto the grtxnc. C) 4 PC's to patrol in the vicinity of the control vehicles to ensure their security. R a s e 2 (During natch) Levisxon' I* Ii RenEin on patrol in the car park as above and prevent entry into this area of supporters without tickets. Prior to h~lf time this serial has responsibility for the locle of the car park whilst Serial 4 are mealing. .Seating for hi fcs Per plan ;(Appendix 'T’J I "h e a l ter half tire ■in gym. :ng R a s e 3 (After catch) This serial will be located in the area betwe=r. the official car park and the exit from the enclosure at the rear t>f the West Stand to prevent Liverpool supporters entering the Official car park and supporters who are leaving the South Stand from exiting other than via Penis tone Iced. This vill be in conjunction with other serials and Mounted Dept. 4 PS 729 Narturr; *E' ■ ) PC 28 Brewitt >) pc 2818 tershall ij pc 861 Wadrwcnh ;} PC 3217 Allen ,) pc 3162 Pears ,j PC 1159 Long ) PC 142 Long ,) PC 99 Coe ) PC 515 Cawkwell ) PC 1828 Metcalfe 90LHH gPtff) CAE PAFtt (Barriers) Raaae 1 (Beform watcfc) Ihis serial will supervise the barriers r: be «r«cted at cither end of the roadway between tursniles A-G at Leppings Lane and the start of the Scxjrr Stand car part. They vill prevent access to this area by ell Liverpool supporters and any other persons without jegitinate reasons (i.e. vith tickets) front enterinc. Vehicles vill be prevented from entering t z car parte fxor. Leppings Lane. Phase 2 (During sntch) 4 PC's will remain in this area throughout the natch to supervise barriers and prevent access. R a s e 3 (After Batch) ' Seating for hrisfing as per plan attached (•Appendix »T') Ehsure barriers remain in position and opccsing far^f do not ccme into contact.Remain until are* clears all supporters. >EAL Vteal staggered cLrring game > in gym BiExgency BvacuaHnn Procedure In the event of such a situation arising {radicated at 3.16 of the serial instructions) Officers cn duty in the car park vill ensure that access gates z z Leppings Lane and Penis tone Road are clear and unobstructed and no vehicles - except emergency services - nrve. r ;.-~ I# I Inapactor Calvut PKH CP g g s m R m m 1 and 2 (Before and Airing t d > ) PS 752 Batty 'E’ 1) PC 815 toftlol 2) PC 1103 Edwards 3) PC 1782 Tenple 4 ) PC 264 Hirst 5) PC 2748 Abrahans 6) PC 734 Thomtar. 7) PC 1183 West 8) PC 2080 Nettleship 9) PC 841 Gillen 110) PC 2321 itilliacsan I I I II 1 f£AL: After kick off in gym. PC's vill be located at the antrances to the Spion Kop terraces in pairs to maintain order and ensure that these entrances twain clear at all tines. In the event of Liverpool Supporters gaining ectry into this end of the ground they vill be contained at the extreme southern part of the terraces at the rear of Gate l t o await transference under escort to their own area. ItCER FP ClhJLlCPHasS vill any supporters be transferred iron these terraoes to other parts of the ground via the perimeter track. R a s e 3 ( A fte r n a td i) Remain in ground intil these terraoes are clear of all sipporters. ^ating for briefing A per plan attached J REAR OF SPION KOP TERRACES PS 1203 Marples *E' Jr) PC 411 Bellamy 2) PC 41 Warnsley 3) PC 2975 Wocdcocx 4) PC 1123 Thornhill 5) PC 145 Tew 6) PC 3122 Andrews 7) PC 265 Fletcher l 8 ) rc 1267 Lougher *9) PC 3200 Grey 10) PC 2656 Yandy Siting for briefing plan attached ^pendix 'T') After half tirre in gym. Ras e 1 (Before match) A) 2 PC's vill in official car premises do not rules (Banners, be located behind turnstiles 37-42 2 relocated park) to ensure persons entering theSe possess items prohibited by the ground etc., weapons, missiles) or alcohol. B) Remaining officers will be at rear of turnstiles situated on Penis tone Road 43-76 to ensure that items as shewn above axe not brought into the ground. Ra s e 2 (During netch) 1 This serial will remain on patrol in the rear of the Spion Kop terraces to prevent unauthorised access and ensure security of kiosks, etc. V R a s e 3 (After natch) • This serial will take up a position in front of the S$ion Kop on th e perimeter track to prevent a pitch invaaio^/ ensure the safety of match officials and players. ' Biergsncy Evacuation Pmrwfrrre i 1 In the event of such a situation arising (indicated at 3.16 in the serial instruction) PC's on Serial 8 will ensure all exit gates are open. Further instructions will be as directed by control either by radio or the public address system. N. Pi* I F A CUP SEKI F D A L i i SPLCDgH TICKET I i i :• i t 'IQ6EOVBIUP - - C L O P CODING - LIVERPOOL E33K - K3KIH STAND \ 3KP I E - \ WEST STAND LErFINGS LANE TERRACES (also overprinted •LIVERPOOL AREA") QLCXP OjD D C - NOrmgiAM FOREST CFAVGE j v SFZON KGP [ a l s o overprinted " N J SLC£ - socm STAND G s >«' - SOCTH STAND(UMXVERED) I T D C H ? # AREA’) \i t ^ K SUB SECTOR 4 Inspector Booth FPQSTCMS BOM) TOCTCLBS 1 PS 76T Jessop *£' PC 20i£ liftsfcfes |) PC 2765 Goddard * 3 ) PC 1<~= Capes i) pc 33-3 Slack 1) FC 32E3r Sutcliffe |) pC 273 Holland 7) PC 33E McKay ) PC 27E: Lows ) PC 191 Firth 3) PC S S i Welsh Rase 1 (Before watch) This serial vill be responsible for turns tilss 43-54. They vill ensure persons entering these presses do not possess items prohibited by the ground rule* (Banners, etc., c a p o n s , missiles) or alcohol. They vill also maintain order and ensure orderly queues art formed. vill be done in conjunction vith Mounted Officers vhc are on duty at this location. 1 1 Rase 2 (Daring Batch) This serial vill be located at Entrance *2' to the Spier. Kop. Ratine fcr briefing Rase 3 (After Ketch) is per plar. attached {App T) -MEAL: After At the eormenosTent of Phase 3 this serial vill leavs th= ground and supervise loading of SYT buses ir Penistcne I # 5 *** Road. Serial 10 | PS lC.s: Hoy lane FENLSTONE FCftD TUF^STILES 'E' Rase 1 (Before natch) i PC 3142 Webb L PC 2197 Laveraci'-. | PC Ezr2 Stokes PC 16-54 Gagg 219C Harris 227 fest ■s-’? Dealing 2C*97 Cousins 325 Froooatt '*”'C 5S£ '^rxrpsor. • This serial vill be responsible for turns ti-Lss 55-64. 5-64. They will ensure persons entering these premises d o ECt\ possess items as shown above. They vill a Is: rain intair. ^ order and ensure orderly queues are formed. This vi be done in conjunction vith Mounted Officers vb o are on duty in this location. »'fc R iase 2 (P o rin g a e tc b ) \\l This serial vill be located at Entrance 'Y ' to the Spicn Kop. for briefing P-r P-L»r. attached >*=ndix 'T ') . x_TTe_r ->ric k o f f ] gyrZ' Rase 3 (After natch) At the coTrnencerrent of Phase 3, this serial vill leave the ground and supervise loading of SYT buses in Penistone Road. ! *• SUB SECTOR 5 * ZispKtoc B 11 2279 Edwards *J 1074 Ticket t 2857 Turner 873 Cakes 1529 Friend 2571 Tit terror. 2409 larkin 2209 Brohpy 1847 Bungay 1479 Vhnoe 1506 Karsh ICR3H S T W C - UPPER I£VEL Ftaaae 1 (Before watch) A) Six PC's vill be located in the are: at the rear of turnstiles 1-8 (Leppings Lane end) to ensure that the fans entering the ground are not in possession of itens prohibited by the ground rules (Banners, etc., weapons, missiles) or alcohol. B) 4 PC's and 1 Sergeant vill patrol cn the upper level concourse to maintain order, paving particular attention to refreshment bars. ) PC 3116 Ellis Rase 2 (During natch) 1 All Officers vill be located on the tcper concourse to maintain order, paying special attention to refreshment bars as trouble vas experienced bene last year. Phase 3 (After match) |”EAL: After .tick off in gym. At the carm&ncernent of Phase 3 (Ten c±mtes before end of game) All the serial vill take vp position at \ the upper concourse exit gate (Top of ranp) to Penis tone Road to prevent supporters leaving end entering Penis tone Road. ALL SUPPORTERS MUST BE DIFECIED TO LEPPINGS LANE EXIT. \ I11 "9 «r I Q O M S T V O - I Q O LEVg, aerial 12 PS PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC 455 MsCall *J2» 463 Killer T£' 1615 Griffi=» fE' 414 Lodge T V 2554 K&7je *511 2683 Kield *51* 384 Raech 3292 fcite 'J1 ’ 688 Shftfn V ~ T 2 1 1054 Ksvwood ’D' 3102 Thames *D' -aA g for triefLng as x ^^an attached ;See pendix ‘T ’ R a w 1 (Bftfare atcb) A) 2 PC's will be located at the rear of Gate 'O' (Perxistone toad) to assist the stewards and preven*. unauthorised access. B) 2 PC's will be located at the gate to the car pork at the rear of the gyimasiun (Penis tooe Road) to assist the stetertis and prevent uvKthorised aocess. C) 2 PC's vill be located at the rear of turnstile? 73-88 in Penistone Ibad to ensure persons entering are not in possession of articles prohibited by the ground rules i.e. banners, weapons, missiles or alcohol. D) 4 Remaining PC's vill patrol lower level concourse of Ftorth Stand paying particular attentio: to refreshment bars. Rase 2 {During B a tc h ) A) 2 PC's to remain at Gate 'O' for duties outj&inel above. B) 2 PC's to remain at car park for duties out above. C) 6 Remaining PC's vill patrol concourse in pairs, paying particular attention to refresbrent bars. Riase 3 (After natch) At the ccmrencernent of Phase 3 (10 minutes before gams) all the serial vill take up position at loafer concourse exit gates to Penistone Road to prevents supporters leaving and entering Penistere Road. ' ALL 1AL: After If time gym. MUST EE DIRECTED TO LEPPUGS LAKE EJGT Bnergancy Evacuation Procedures IS \ In the event of such a situation arising, PC’s loess: at the gates at the end of each level giving access to ramps leading to Penistone Road vill ensure these are open. Officers vill also take up positions at exit gates i: Penistone Road and Leppings Lane to ensure these are open. Further instructions vill be as directed by control or passed over- the public address systerOfficers vill be nominated for individual points at the start of this duty. iV* SOB SECTOR 6 1 Inspnctar Balias 13 1 PSPC 2592 2001 Burra-. *£' Shimon ICST SPtfP Pbaae 1 (Before itch) 2 I 4 * I \ 1 * 1 PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC 3088 Cocplend 1494 Naylor 298 Schol*y 2167 Frost 360 Schofield 3170 Fairclrxjgh 1618 Shearwood 10 Mercer 2717 Savourr 928 Parkin " 1423 NewboLf ting for briefing :« per plan attached |v3pendix 'T') A) 2 PC's will be located at the forth entrance gates to this stand to assist stewards ir. supervising entry and where necessary preventing entry of unauthorised persons. B) 2 PC's vill be located at the South entrance gates to this stand to assist stewards ir. supervising entry and where necessary preventing entry of unauthorised persons. C) 2 PC's vill patrol the ooncourse/bsr area to maintain order. D) 6 PC's vill be located at the front cf the Stand to prevent missiles being thrown/Stand tickets being dropped to the terraces belav or persons clinbing frar. the terraoes to the stand and to maintain order. ^ Ftasp! 2 (During Kntcfa) V. PC's vill be located at the entrances tc the stand to maintain order. R « s e 3 (After match) Retrain in stand until clear. Weal- After kick off in gym jpben relieved by Serial 16 EC3GE?C5f EVACUATION PHOCEDUFE In the event of such a situation arising indicate te\ at 3.16 in the serial orrler. PC’s vill cake up positions at the emergency exits at the extreme front corners of the stand and ensure tie gates , are unlocked. Other officers vill t=k£ _r posit ic^is at the entrance steps to the stand end agsin \ \ ^ ensure the gates axe open. ' '' Further instructions vill be as directed try control or passed over the public address system Officers vill be ncminated for individual points at the start of this duty. r 8CB EBOCT 7 | c— 4*1 14 I C T O C S L M C B ? W g Jtft) g A R PCLDSJE (9CUIH) PS PC PC PC PC PC ) PC 1 PC 1 PC ) PC 1 PC Rase 1 (Before t c b ) Inspector fcits 1341 Crawfcri »B’ 2887 Grant 2819 Hdtaxa 136 Smllmer. 1777 Branstoc. 2806 Butler 75 Coy 1002 Wild 975 Washinct= 1964 Sewell 3232 Burton gating for briefir= as |r plan attached (Appendix'T') MEAL: I ^ f e r kick off gym Serial 15 |3 PS 1757 B u m s ^ H PC 2342 Beard ) PC 1543 Aitkin 4 PC 107 Carling H PC 853 Burke /PC 2191 Llewellyn ) PC 2654 Richarcszjn |f PC 78 Booth ^ PC 1675 Rich ) m ? 3 6 4 Ford 2605 Webster This serial will ensure that supporter! entering throo^i turnstiles A-G do cot enter in passession cf items prohibited by the ground rules (toners, etc.. weapons, missiles) cr alcohol. They vill also ensure order is maintained on the terraces. Rase 2 (During Match) This serial will be located in the central tunnel to the leppings Lane terraoes to maintain order as required. Rase 3 (After ■atciO Supervise exit of supporters into Leppizcs Lane. S LEPPPCS L M C TSBRXi: JtfO REAR BCLC3SUFE (NORIHK Rase 1 (Before- gstrh) This serial vill ens-jre that s u p p o r t e r s entering through turnstiles 5-16 do not enter ir. possession cf items prohibited by the ground rules (Banners, etc.. weapons, missiles cr alcohol). They vill also ensure order is naintained on the terraces. Rase 2 (During retch) \ This serial vill be located in the tunn=l to the North Pen in the Leccings lane terraces, to rrsintair. order as required. Rase 3 (After natdh) 1 J:-ZAL: ^In gym lifter half-time Supervise exit of s^rporters into Leppings Ian B-gRGE?CY EVACUATION PROCEDURE -.bating for brie±±ng j'cis per plan attaczaed "'(Appendix ’T ’) In the event of such a situation arising indicated at 3.16 in the serial order, PC’s vill t=ke up positions at the exit gates and ensure trey are oper.. Further instructions vill be as directed by contfirol or passed over the public address systec. u si Officers vill be ocrf.rated for individual points at the start of this djty. SUB SECTOR • R f f Inspector Sytas/Iaspactcr ftcdy 1 Serial 16 I B T D C 5 L M C 1URGTXLES _ PS 1288 Payne *£’ 1 PC 9066 Huckster 7 PC 2980 Kright 1 p: 1715 Best 1 pc 115 Huckste? 7 PC 259 Coney ) PC 607 Taylor 1 PC 963 Evans " PC 620 Yates j PC 2<96 West j|Pl 2076 Cerrone tto am 1 (Before mtch) This serial vill They vill ensure items prohibited weapons missiles order and ensure be responsible for turnstiles A-G. that persons entering do not possess by the ground rules (banners, etc., or alcohol). They vill oeir.t&in orderly queues are fanned. Ruse 2 (During Batch) This terial vill be located in the West Stand and relieve Serial 13. Fbase 3 (After Batch) 3 >£A1: In gym •efter Ivalf time 1 A p i n g for briefing i^TJer plan attacdied |ti*vjpendix 'T') We.rial 17 f■5 <68 Whitlam *F2' [C 2rl3 Oakland 2533 Wadsworth ^ 3j27 Tagg Pulfrey 9 Elson 3 Wiitton ~ Wilson [ '3 Kirkby 1 &-2 Moons Thorrpson t • = for brie finr P^-an attached ^psndix *T*) In Gym ~ half time At the corrmencement of Phase 3, this serial vill leave the ground and take up a position in Leccings lane opposite the turnstiles to await exit cf' si^jporters and prevent disorder. - A LEPPIN3S U ? C TlffgSTIIgS Ftwy 1 (Before catch) This serial will be responsible for turnstiles 1-8. They will ensure that persons entering do « n possess itens prohibited by the ground rules (as above-. They will scaintain order and ensure that orderly queues are fonted. s Fhasfi 2 (During natch) r This serial will be located in the central r_n to the leppings Lane terraces. Rase 3 (After aetch) At the ccnrnencemant of Phase 3, this serial vill leave the ground and take up a position in Leccings Lane opposite the turnstiles to await exit of supporters and prevent disorder. * r**Se r U l II PS .) PC !) PC ;) PC ) PC ) PC ) PC ) PC ) PC ) PC ) PC 758 Horgm -r 2961 'R' 3118 & u * — 1639 Helntoah 1171 Hbrifiald 513 FtandJ 159 Karsh 1834 Scholey 2172 Prince 2960 Alexander 3342 Blount •FI’ UEPTOCS W C TOHSTILES fteae 1 (Before match) \ This serial vill be responsible for turnstiles 9-16. They vill ensure that persons entering d: not possess items prohibited by the aground rules (banners, etc., weapons, missiles or alcohol). Ibey vill maintain order and ensure orderly queues are fonted. R a s e 2 (During match) *_ This serial vill be located in the tunnel to the Harth pen. R a s e 3 (After match) Z£T-» In gym kick off At the ccnnencenent of Ftase 3, this Serial will leave the ground and take up a position in Leppings Lane opposite the turnstiles to await exit of supporters and prevent disorder. iting for briefing as - plan attached (Appendix *T') irxal 19 IEPPDGS LAfC TgfrSTH£S PS 323 Proctor *F' •C 611 Booth 2963 Singh C 1124 Pratt *C 2902 Roberts C 3249 Jccksor. C 2333 English - 276 Robinsor. Lockley - ^F35 Bumless - ./6 Glaves Ras e 1 (Before retch) : In gym r half time This serial will be located at Leppings lane and ensure that orderly queues form. They vill assist other serials at this location as required and in the event of vehicles, coaches, arriving, supervise their unloading. ^ Ras e 2 (Doing Batch) This serial vill rerain outside the turnstiles until half tire before takingrefresbrents. ^ \ u Rase 3 (After natch) v •\ At the ccnrrencerEnt of Phase 3 thisserial will leave the ground and take up a position at Leppings Lane roundabout and assist serials 30 and 31 in maintaining segregation of supporters at that location. g for briefira as attached (Appendix ’T ‘) V Ttfrtor k w W ■CBPBBPMB » VS VC VC 1C 1C VC VC VC VC VC VC •» O P T lDMKifflae 2000 Baqr£s=ti I S M Gdq ^ J U 2551 t ll'-ags 2E73 Ifeit ‘ 567 2493 2261 *S< Ifcrtcc. 722 Cm 27M M m hr« T m i . t :ALr After kick off in E ° Vbeee 1 CBafoce — teh) This serial %dll act as • Ibhtvi Serial and v&thin the gpnasiui unless directed «heivise Vheee 2 (During — tch) As above Vhaee 3 fAfter t d b ) This serial will take if> a position ir front of tte Itorth stand on the perimeter track to prevent a pitch brasion/ecmffe the safety of wmsd\ officials and placers. iting for hrie±ing per plan crtached (Appendix 'T') rial 21 q a t O BESE3VE5 \ Rase 1 (Before »fah) 2607 1141 2064 2130 2304 2507 2577 2330 2372 2^ - Eddison *E CtV’ Scdri F&i-— InrjJYd £i Crocicss RLLkas Stewis; VS 1 grwprJustire Griffiths Duffv it c^vai-lsble -• Afrer h*lf tdrre Piis serial vill act as a reserve serial and renain in the area adjacent to the Police control box between the South stand anc Leppings Lane terraces. Rasa 2 (During watch) As ebeve. V Itee 3 (After Batch) *his serial Kill take up a position in front oS 11 the ISsst Stand on the periaeter track to v 1 Iprevent a pitch invasion/ensure the safety of BE!tch officials and players. JTdlx N. n mi- ~ ■ Isti&B W M2 CCICP - KnttBBOP , n 1544 Hodgitts IlKJMCUAi ) PC 2 K 6 C O a ^ w a I PC 1390 Hiasett h PC 2*67 Wnotrty ‘i PC 3194 Beach ) PC 3160 M n a c ') PC 2739 Long ! ) PC 3337 Jbemptsn lb— I Cfcfaa trti) PC's will patrol is pain in Ki&lMood Ibad frcn Itadslsy tana to Crofton A w u to sairuin crtar and promt any clash of supporters. Direct supporters to aids atraat parting and aaintiin security of businass pnoditf, paying facial attention to local public houses aad shops. It— a 2 fDuring awtdb) tefrashnants at Traffic Dept., Clayttiaels Lana one* authorlaad by »tch control. Ibaac 3 (After watch) £ for bricking as r ^ a n M ttadmS. (See pcndix *T') On ccrmanoeraent of R a w 3, this aerip.2 will resume patrol in location as above. Paying particular attention to shops and supermarkets and prevent any dash of sijjparters. M Jial 23 KELIC OTOER - KHIIflOOD KttD PS 2305 Loraas *A1' PC 1698 fcfartin PC 703 Bxamtcr. **C 2862 Taylor PC 2158 Cron X: ’SSS Brant -<A^93 fciLigent Shsw R aasr 1 (Before asstcfe) PC's will petrol in pain in Hidilewcod toad frca tfiadsley lane to Kinto Road to Kintein order end \ peevent any clash of supporters. Direct supportebs to aids .street parking and aaintain security of 1 fcisimss prandses, psjing special attention to local public bouses en i shcps. 1758 fc L n fid c ftisse 2 (Em~ing Batdh) ^-r>9 for briefing as ?leri attached (See ~dix »T’J fefreshrrsnts at dsytfieels Lene. cnce authorised by control. k b tch Rasa 3 (After Batch) On ccxmencenent of Rasa 3, this serial vill resume petrol in location as dbove, paying particular . attention to shops end prevent ary clash of afporters. v tesL$i n PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC m i Dole: •*!' 2S06 KitfllaU 1*37 Bxocvahev 90S Butltr 2205 U&r± 1741 Xll Cli 1760 Sncxiac 552 ting for hntfiag as per in tttaded (See appendix ) tm » w n n a c rp k k > 1 deface mteb) PC's will petrol in pain in Kiddla>cod Ibad fro* Kinto toad to KiUiborough Precinct to eelntain orttr and prevent any clash of tupporters, paying special attention to shops end in particular licensed prendses. 2 (During Match) tefrashnants in gysnasixxn vhen authorised by Batch control. Ibaee 3 (After aetcfc) On camencenent of Ftese 3, this serial vill resume patrol in location as above, paying special attention to shops and licensed prendses and prevent any clash of supporters. ferial 25 h jr ij c c k e p .- Hniggroum h ® c d c t t ?S 2640 fC 2800 k: 2225 ?c 3216 l^#09 i^T351 -C 2S37 rC 3077 £ i os i F te rrr 1 Sinrc Purvis 9cnit± W ile Envrirr G iis c c lfee>s Foster ing for bri_pas per *-■ttached (See J^pendix 'T') R a s e 1 (Before Batch) PC's vill patrol in peirs in Hiddlewood toad frtm Hillsboroucfr Precinct to Bradfield Road and frcm t Bradfield Road to the Old Blue Ball Public House.\ Patrols vill also be requjred in the Hillsborough' Precinct, paying special attention to the supermarkets tdiere looting could take place. Rtase 2 (During sstcfa) * RefreshrTEnts at gynrasiun vfoen authorised by match control. R a s e 3 (After sstcb) On conrencenent of Rase 3, this serial vill resuTE patrol in location as above, paying particular attention to shops and to prevent any clash of supporters. v U M w c ttM U fcf VC 1«82 Mxme r VC 1734 Ibster . PC 1789 Flatten j K 164 Cttson I PC 2872 Harrett P PC 2354 Plxrcid9e I *r tm r * , V M T O g tC to K X JO mt * L M C ?6£*sLS r PS 2420 Qreplcy *A1* I PC 1442 O M ittn / VC 1431 J r ta c n etac f c M I h t 1 (Itfoti r t A ) VC's vill patrol la pairs in Pmrkside Ibai end Cfcte&bar Lana to MlAtaln order and prevent any dash of rival Reporters, paying special attention to shops and licensed pradtts. Zt Is esser.tial ttet vigilance is Maintained cr this road as it is the *ein route betvaen either end of the groni. 2 (During astth) 1 1 Join the S.Y. Volioe coach in Lappings lane near to Catchbar Lana for standby duties until time vhen you vill be taken to Oayttoels Lana for nael. tb a s e 3 (After Batch) viting for briefing as per I attached (See Appendix I Or. ccrnencenent of Phase 3, this serial vill resure petrol in location as above, paying specie! attention to prevent any clash of rival supporters, bearing in k drri that Hillsborough Park (Parkside too* end) vill be used as a car park. . I • |Serial 27 R E L I C C R r a - I B U S T X BQM?/I£PPDCS W C PS 1684 Hozlev ’AI • 1 PC 2054 Wilkes * PC 2752 Jcwitt PC 2584 Mask i PC 1432 Wright 1 PC 2526 Ayres PC 2042 Derury 598 Stubbins 1 2711 Pattison R w y 1 (Before Batch) 1,\ng for briefing as per sttaci^ed (See Appendix V This serial vill be responsible for Banning the barriers to be placed at the souths of the following roads to I prevent access by Reporters. It is essential that access be prevented to all but residents. At similar events in the pest considerable dsnage tes been caused by grrxjps of Exporters, both before, durinr and^fter the g s t e j 1 1) 2) 3) 4) p£nistcn2Fted fcbrth/Vare fegd Penis tcoeRaad North/Fieldingfeed Leppings Lare/Vere Road Lejpings Lena/Fielding Road ^ i t*| | *3 R y g y 2 (Curing Batch) Rpsjiin at locations given above to prevent s-jpporters *£ to are unable to enter the ground gaining access to these roads. Phasff 3 (After b e t ch) Daring catch ^^^ggered at Clcy^ieels ~~i2 to ensure cowtr for ;ints in Pteise 2. Rerain until all crowds have cleared and ccnsenVto rerove the barriers is given by Sector Inspector. It is essential that no vehicles be allowed into Leppings ifine until all supporters have cleared the trc& . ■ <L W L K C E P » J P C f T O K I P S / L g T P C i l*C 1A M 1 Ifctetdfl W O Q } t U * x i VA 1 ' 3 •C 217? Wmrt jc 2t4* taitfa ic C C ■C C C m tichnnb 1*20 Httisor. 40 fcndinaon 373 Marten 2399 K r w 2644 Roberts I this aerial tdll be responsible for Htriag the barriers to be piarad at tht aouths of the following roads to prevent any ftfvorttn gaining access. It is «s*«ntial t»*t KOtti be prevented to all but rwi&nts. At mimA'tir « w t i in the put, considenbl* d n g e has been canffl by groups of supporters before be!are, during and after the gantt1) fenistone Raad Ibrth/Bickerton toad 2 ) Lappings Lane/Bickertan Ibad 3) Lappings Lane/LeaXe Road 4 ) typings Lane/Famdal* Vbad R a a e 2 (During aatda) fing for briefing as per m attached (Sae appendix Drain at locations given to prevent stppcrters are unable to enter the g r a n d gaining access to these roads. it' R a s e 3 (After »tch) Staggered durrlng Fch at Clayrfieels Lene rensure cower for points 2 . Jial 29 PS 1561 Reynolds BA 2 ' av. 3145 Pmton 12 1169 Kerr t ll4 Bradley ^ 2665 Fletcher ->] 214 -Coulson ^ 2915 Severn .JrC 2840 Ffearson _j_~- 1280 Hedridge • ■_|Jxng fQr brief inc es ~ plan attached (Se= Pirxiix *T*} I! Remain until all crowds have cleared and consent to rencve barriers is given by the Sector In£pector. is essential that no vehicles be allowed into Lepjkipgs Lane until all Reporters hove cleared the area. A PUBLIC OSES - LOPPINGS L W C R a s e 1 (tefbre astcfa) Shis serial trill be responsible for ■anninc the barriers to be plamefl at the souths of the follfvirc roads ti prevent eccess by Reporters:\ 1) 2) Lappings I^ne/Shenstcn* feed Lappings Lane/Eskdale Roetf 2 PC's on each road. iS remaining PC's will petrol Leppings I s r s an to iseintain order end prevent persons oxTiring at the ground in coaches unloading. Rvts<» 2 (During Hatrfi) ' M Coring k b tch . ^ Sa r ed at d s y ^ b e e l s ____________ ^ to. ensure cover points in PHase 2 Remain at locations given above to prevent supporters who are unable to enter the ground gaining access to the roods and to mint order. .N. R a s e 3 (fcfter eatda) Remain until all crowds hs\% cleared and ccnsent to rencve barriers is given by Sector Inspector. It is essential that no vehicles be into Leppings Lane until all supporters have cleared the area. © 5 » ______ H F P f t W J I driJD n 2427 Jtahton * « ' iMBKtBTWlkCt *A ® parrt* f a p - IPTOCi Utff KXWOUT 1 wtdi) K 141? M a n i l a V C 2M ? F h x t PC K PC PC I PC PC M O tMori 243 I m k n 431 Riteon 174 titleh 28M MeFtalarje 29^5 Greatarcc fhis aerial vill b» located at the nurtahnr. at the ^rction of Lapping* Lane/Penistone Road ltor±./Hexrias fcad. They vill intuit that Liverpool n p p n e n «ho trevtl down Halifax Ibad/ftanistcne Hoad Rant from the ■Dtoney do not gain access to Berries Ibad cr that part of Penistone Ibad leading to the Spicn Kop. They vill also ensure that Nottingham Pbxeit aqppcrters whose vehicles vill be perload in Harries Ibaf end fenistone ftoad do not gain access to Lepplnp Lane or fenistona Ibad Ifcrth. R a s e 2 (During »tch) Join the S.Y. M i c e coach in Leppings tane seer to Catchbar lane for standby duties until half-lire vher. you vill be taken to Clayuheels Lane for Haase 3 (After ■atx±i) ;at^nc fcr briefinr as per Iff; ettaied (See ^jpendix r> Location as in Phase 1 to ensure that sqpporaers -Leaving the ground do not ccre into contact. V i i srial 31 1 j PS 2SS1 Pearson *A2' ) PC 235 Elackhan | FC S29 Evans i K 2735 ' 1K>: Kent ( 139 lengley 1 ;-C 1239 feybould > PC 1S3< Smith 1 2355 feodoock • j2t_inc fcr briefing as }cached (See RELIC QFSER - L g T O G S UtfC ROUECftgirr Ftese 1 (Before natch) This serial vill have similar responsibilities as outlined in the serial above in relation to seerejbticn of supporters before the Batch but vill else have"\ responsibility for ensuring that the traffic islend reseins clear cf traffic to allow convoys of Liverpool supporters coaches to round it to gain access to their designated unloading/parking places. Unless di otherwise, they will prevent such coaches g*:~* to Leppings Lana. *■ Prase 2 (Djring Batch) Join the S.Y. Police coach in Leppings Lane Dear to Catchbar Lens for standby duties until half-tins vhen you will be taken to ClaytAeels Lane far Beal. i Itaase 3 (After aatch) V At the end cf the KStch they vill prevent all traffic travelling into Leppings Lane and that part cf Fenistcne Rood leading from tie ground intil directed to allow traffic to flew again by control. W L t t ( i a W O , > l B O T O » P D i a B Ibaaa 1 m sae*w *b± ) n u n >«t* vJ3* fcstnsxaM yc PC rc fC PC PC PC *his aarial will be responsible for part of Vfcnistoat toad Itarth froa the traffic island at tbi Junction**tb Lappings Un* to tha travallar* Rwt hfcUc House. This road will be axtensively used by Liverpool supporters an rout* frcn Wad*ley Bridge Sution and coach parking areas in Clayt*aals Lane asl Pfcnistor* foad Harth/Halifax Road. They will eairain order and ansur* that Reporters do not poasau itar* prohibited by the ground rules (Banners, ate., adsiUas, wannrn . or alcohol). 2103 Ffcoet t n tfri£it 22N Cooper 3110 Bfcords 201 Qlney 1K8 Tvts 3067 Kenan a ting for briafips as ir plan attached (See £*rrfix *T*) A) 2 PC's will ba locatad at the top of Rxagara Road to prrvant access into this toad by footatll stpporters or any other unauthorised parsons %ho teas to gain access to the Niagara Sports Ground. B) Remaining officers will be locatad oc static points at the kerb edge or, if necessary, on thE central I# reservation {dependant on the volume of traffic) to ansure public order. Raae 2 (During watch) t Join the S.Y. Police coach in Leppings l*r* ee near so Catchbar Lane for standby duties isitil If-tire when you will be taken to Claywheels Lane for ***">. Rvcvr 3 (After Batch) Officers will be situated in locations e= given for Phase 1.: aaaoaaflfefeaetatfetttttt • i 33 H B U C CBEE3 PJffROL - PEXISTJC BOM) W 3 g \ gfoasa 1 (Efefore eatcfa) "< PC PC PC ?C 2228 2576 1858 3282 2922 2689 2063 2091 2749 Atkin ’AZ ’ ItEwan Griffin Peacock Denton Lacey Stevensac. Highton Allen I$ This serial will be responsible for the jzrt .of } \I Fftnistone Road North frrm the Traveller* fest FmLic House to Kardsend toad North, this road will be extensively used by Liverpool supporters en route fras feds ley Bridge Station and coach parking areas in Halifax Road. Biey will Bain tain order acd ensure tlat supporters do not possess items prohihitef by the grun3 rules (banners, etc., weapons, missiles cr alcohol). Officers will be located on static point* at the kerb «3ge or on the central reservation (depefant on volu* of traffic) to ensure public order. V ‘t-ing for brief in r as plan attached (f ^ndix *T'} Phase 2 (During BBtch) Officers will join th* S.Y. M i c e coach in Leppings lane near to Catchbar lane for standby duties 3 itil N*lf ti*e Wien you will be taken to Claytheels Lec*_far «eal. Fhase 3 (After pstcfa) Officers will be situite-f in the lcc^tic-.: •CUtfr'-y- I ts O PS PC 2) PC PC PC PC t) PC PC PC I» L 22<B tt ’A31 5C*£ Gar. 1222 Hood 2716 2R5 2575 2566 775 K a r J c y 3234 Cote CD>a n a m m > c « w a f i i w c lhaae 1 (Before t e h ) ©ds aerial %dll supervise the deeding of Liverpool cc*det In Clayvtoels lane. PC's tdll «aure that supporters lacviag the coaches do not p t w t itens prefcihitad by the ground rules (banners# etc* Meipcs, aissilac or alcchol). Once ClJty^eels Zjly is foil* tills Serial %dU be re-located and assist Serials 39 and 40 in Halifax Roai. Rase 2 (Hiring Match) S' 'tine for hct<Lfing as ettacbed (See hj^ndix 'T') Refreshaents at CLaytheels lane, ifraffic Dep:. At half tine will be picked xf> bv South Yorkshire Police coach and taken to Leppings lane near to Catchbar Xane for sandby duties. \ R a s e 3 (After Batch) Supervise loading of supporters crto coac^s. t \ t IV n •trial 3S OCta VBJFTKM-CLXnBZl£ U&L P a x I (lefqte t d > ) PS 1) PC 2) PC 3) PC I) PC I) PC i) PC 1) FC J) PC 2936 LLndLp 'A3* 2527 C M ? 106 Goss 1130 Bims 130 Parfdn 1320 ttil&an 1923 Ster.iforth 2848 totinson 796 Muir This serial trill supervise the tdsading of Liverpool ooKhes in Gay*£>eels L a . PC's will ensure that exporters laru; the coaches do a x p o w m itns preedited by the ground rules (banners* w a p en s, usiles or alcchol). (toe Claytheels lane is fall, this Serial will be re-located and a** re Serials 39 and 40 is ftdifax toed. R a s e 2 (taring itch) _ g for briefing as per plan ttached .(See Appendix *T') Refresfrnents at Claywheels lane, half will be picked up by the Sooth icscshire Police coach and taken to Leppiras Lane near to Catchbar lane far standby ^ — ** Ra s e 3 (After itch) At the ocsBKcesaent of Rase 3, '± ls Ser will take qp a position at Lrpc'.nrs lane roundabout and assist Serials 3C c x 31 in maintaining segregation of R^rcrsrs at that location. Chce the bulk of r o a r e r s have passed this Serial will join Seriil 34 in Clay^eels Line to assist with cra±. loading duties. BDIE: * Clayv^gels I& re will be subvert tr “2t> Parking* cones far its full le^rr: ro allc*^ Liverpool's ccaches to park MEET S t ENFORCED. Barriers will also b& rriil&ble t(5 prevent access frac Penistcne R oeS Access sust be allowed far persces working at the Meurious premises including th= brewery arxf bakery >£iitih will be cpen on this zy. mM W KX* M '(? I Z t LmI PS PC PC PC PC PC PC PC » PC ! X public m a - m i x m s m a v v t s i B 1S29 f t m *C* 2403 f e n s 13 Kd k 72 U pticr 3185 T r o t' 3044 DorntH 1429 Bashf=rth 2910 Cn a . r 1266 M s b w * w d si « Ibftx j ( t e l Btfl) This serial will work in conjunction with Haunted Officers to supervise Liverpool npporuxs leaving the trains at Itodslay Station. They will ■anhall the supporters and only allow there to laeve uhen all have left the station pcvnises. Uhexe accessary, Marches will be carried out to ensure that it«m prohibited by the $rturs3 rules i.e. banners, adssiles. weapons or alcohol, are not in their possession. fhaae 2 (During »tefc) Refreshments at dcyrfieels Lane. At half-tine will be picked up by the Fblice coach and taken to Leppinjs L e v near to Catdfc&r lane for .stanfiay duties. % *» iting for briefing per plan attained « ^i p e n d i x • * • • Itese 3 (After actch) Resume location at ttedsley Station to ensure mA»r is naintainad and qjeues fora in a proper aonne^; »\ al 37 5 2407 Venabli 451 Cocker • 2969 Dunn • Cbclev “ l Srir^^x2547 fersoEr. 2929 BenrE— 260 Shiprsn 211 BricXlej PUBLIC OS E R - B M E I g SPJlCM/TRMy ECEPTICN *C’ Phase 1 (Before BBtcfe) This serial will work in conjunction with Jtounted Officers to supervise Liverpool supporters leaving the trains at fcfedsley Station. They *rin Earshall the supporters end only allow them to leave ' all have left the station premises. Hhere peoed^lry, searches will be carried out to ensure that’supporters are not in possession of items prohibited by the ground rules i.e. banners, veapons, or alcchal. This serial will ROT escort supporters to the ground but remain static at this location. 3 for hrief^Dg as an attached ,S e e be *T* ) Rtase 2 (During Batch) Refreshments at Clayvbeels lane. At half time will be picked up by the Police coach and taken to Leppings Lane near to Catchbar lane far standby duties. Itaase 3 (After ■etch) ■esune location at t&isley Station to ensure"artier is eeauLntwined en d farmed in e proper Berrier. ? teasLS VS 2t2 fissington *C' ) PC 11)6 Shizten ) PC 3212 ItesbL? ) PC 1779 MUlijoaon ) PC 1961 fcrtlar ) PC 2790 Yarns* ) PC 1917 Cooke ) PC 1477 Hill ) PC 1723 Bishc^ m e m x m & tk* * < m b s b o «cw> n « g Pbaaa 1 (ltfort artd*) This atrial will auptrvist the unloafcag of Liverpool ■ini b u m in IterdMnd toad North. K ’i vill tract that aqpporttr* laaving the coaches & sot possess iters prohibited by the ground rules (aeners, ttc.. wapens, tittiltt or alcohol). I t o c 2 (During »tda) ftefrastaents at Clay^ttla Lane. At half-tiae will be pickad vp by the £: folioe coach and taken to Leppings Lane mar tr Catchber Lane for standby duties. Ibase 3 (After itch) mating for brie£ir>g as ^r^Lan attached (See T ^ p i x 'T') ThJce vp a position with Serial 20 infrxt of the Narth Stand on the perireter track tc prevent a pitch invasion/ensure the safety of bzz±. officials and players. ^ ¥D !Z iThis road will be sifbject to *Ho Fnrk.inr* cones and only sdni buses, etc. vill be all'll to park. Barriers will also be available fcr erection at the entrance to this roac t: control entry. \ W. t! M 1 la p c ^ 1 1 I I • t r i a l 39 c o * a w c p o a i - warn* $gk> PS PC PC PC PC PC PC PC PC Ihue 1 Hefcre artA) 2332 toy!* ’C' 2662 Shiel 2560 Ball 1927 T m yla r 2775 H*er 126 Bell 578 Rowley 14 Ouaiyjn 535 Wain f t t m *C Shis serial will r^xrvise the deeding of Liverpool coaches in Halifax toai'Penistone Boad tocth. PC’s vill ensure ttet supporters leaving the coaches do not possess itess prohibited fey the ground rules i t banners, aossiles, weapons cr alcohol. Ibase 2 (Daring ■stdb) 1 Befreshnents at Clr.%i*els lane. Seating Cor briefing as per plan attached (See appendix *T*) Rase 3 (After m stx ± ) Supervise loading c£ supporters crto coaches. 1 Serial 40 COKE EBCIPnCK - ® L IF M KMD \ Riase 1 sod 2 (Before » t c b and daring «ntd)) PS 1 ) PC 2 ) PC 3) PC 4} PC 5) PC 6 } PC 7) PC r> * t PC • 965 Clote *C’ 2056 Lister 3311 Baker 1961 Lawrence 1149 Hash 2 8 2 Davis 3150 Marsh 2338 1 903 Pearson - , ^sating far brier ing es I par plan attached (See appendix 'T*) Doties will be identical to and worked in conjunction with Serial 39 above. Rase 3 (After ■Btx±t) At the contaencssnent cf Rase 3, Seriai tdll take x%> a position at Leppixcs Lane \ roundabout and assist Serials 30 end 31 in Bointaining segregation of supporters at thst location, toce the bulk of supporters have passed this Serial will join Seriil 39 19 and ' assist with coach leading djties. " Ii gririju K U 2 Mufesn 2) VC 2153 DwJbirl 2) VC 27*3 Ley 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) •) VC VC VC VC VC VC €35 Gatharoole 3176 Cil-xnir 443 Stilling* 2779 Ifataon S64 S t a n c h 3128 Devlin M U C • m u m w o this aerial will patrol Halifax Ibad iron tbd&le? Station to Southey Green Ibad. Officers will vex In pairs to Maintain order, ate. 2 (During Batch) Join SY M i c e coach In Unis tone (bad Itarth taar to SUFC Gate 'O' for standby duties uitil half-tine then will be taken to GLeptaels Lena for aaal. *c for briefing as per £jer. attached (See fbaae 3 (Aftar atcfa) Appeatix •!') Patrol location outlined above. 42 PUBLIC t K P - B M J ™ K3K) 1 PS ?C PZ PZ PZ PZ 2171 Kee.-«n 'C* 1) 2-556 Canadine 2) 2348 Drwujg 3) 2525 Suter 4) 2ZA B o v m 5) 2456 Hountford 6 ) PZ 2~is Sykes 7) PZ 3 K 9 Kil>d=son 8 ) PZ 3I2D Osbourne Phase 1 (Before Batch) m Somber This will patrol Halifax IbaS fron Green Ibad to Browning Road. Officers vill virr. in pairs to ■aintain order, etc. Phase 2 (During Batch) Refreshments at Traffic Dept., Clay^eels Lane. Phase 3 (After eertch) Saatiac for briefing as per plan attaciied (See A r'ceo±±x *T' ■— Jial w q PS L253 Grahs: *C’ 1 ) PZ 2'5*40 Haase 2 ) PC 2£.2c H^tn—jc 3) PZ 21 :i Hirst *"5) PC 2515 anith 5) PC 314 McCoy 6 ) PC 725 KiitLinc^ism 7) PC UL70 Drarts£d-dd 3) PC K rnii»r Seating £ar briicfing as pl=n attached (See 'Vpencfr *T* ) Patrol location outlined above. \ ininimotw^ RELIC (5SER - mLIFRX FOM> \* "This serial vill patrol Halifax Road fra* Brpwrzp: ibad to Baerlands Avenue. Officers vill\aorx'il pairs to Beintain order, etc. Ihase 2 (Dtiring natch) Refreshnznts at Traffic Dept., Clayuheels Lane. Phase 3 (After aatch) Ifetrol location outlined above. **• HUE: These officers vill ensure that Liverpool supporters travelling in private cars are directed to park in side roads on adjoining estates. y j w a j g (f twi<rtBr M U C C K O » CDOt MOPnOC/SEMCH TO D » 1315 N u ^ a t 'R* 1 ) 1C 2042 ftndtiock *A1* Ha— 2) PC 2) PC 4) PC 5) PC 6 ) PC 7) PC •) PC PC D) PC This aerial will wx*. in conjunction with Ibad Traffic Officer* on the A616 at Ous^tifcridge on the oM^ay syste* to tt n n d x coaches art ■ini buses carrying Liverpool aupporten. 710 M m »A1* 2371 Bain tow XI 2216 Killiar XI 2932 Bradley Al 3323 Rrter Al 1484 CbUlss Al 2845 tunszfiald Al 2729 Sudourth Al 2778 Prioe Al 1 (Before t d h ) Vehicles stopped will be checked to passangexs are in possession of tickets, ere not unSer the influence of alcohol or in possession of Alcohol and are considered fit to attend this •vent. tfciere this is not the esse, or tfrieic they arc in possession of alcohol or infer it's Influence consideration should be taken regarding action under the appropriate legislation or xiruming them to the sotor^ey. « < ^ h g for brie*ing as er plan attache (SEE ppendix *T') All coaches/ttani buses checked will have a label,issued to sector Germanders, affixed to the windscreen prior to them being alloaad to lem. Ra s e 2 (During watch) Refreshments at Traffic Dept., Claywheels Lane. Haase 3 (After watch) At the end of the watch this serial will join Serials 19, 30 and 31 at Leppings Lane traffic island to assist with the segregation of supporters. \ g ! t J W 3B J X \ rial 45 n M O H ciy *17' VC 2431 Ar*s U PC 2500 Itetyr* A2 PC 1218 GL=wer A2 PC 2520 Kicking PC 3203 Caepper A2 PC 1629 fogen A2 PC t il Hclaes *2 PC 2350 Fk Sc m t A2 PC 297 Bc t b s 12 PC 571 He=* A2 __ __ tapactor ibrtflB V HBLIC CTDPt - 0 0 1 KDgnCH/SEMCH C U D > t a n t o lr r 1 (fcfon tdi) M i •M'rim'i vill w c k in conjunction with Ibad Traftir Officers on the A61 on the Bcffield tide of the Tfcnkarslay sotoney Jirction (Exit 36) to check at random coaches and wini buses carrying Liverpool Reporter*. Chicles stopped will be checked to ca passengers are in p o u m i c n of tickets, not under the influence of alcohol o r in possession of alcohol and are considered fit to attend this event. Wbe.iT. this is cot the case, or where they are in possession of alcohol or under it's influence, consideration should be taken regarding action inder the appropriate legislation or returning them to the SDtorvey. foe triefing as pxan at tiered (Se« mdix 'T*} All coaches Mini buses checked will have a label, (issued to sector castander*) affixed tc the y windscreen prior to then being allowed to leave A* Ra s e 2 (During BBtcfa) ' Refreshments at Traffic Dept., Claywheels Lane and then return to Tankersley for standby duties with a view to deployment as a mobile unit. Rase 3 (After watch) fcnain in Tarifcersiey as a scbile tnit. \ (Jog"1 » UcU14t K * n * Pftna - O il p « »t v c p a r » i K W47 h r .: *T2* ) PC 1363 fc^r. ) PC 3069 ) PC 3168 tr ia ; j) PC 1041 Her* •) PC 782 Hanswarth jb aaa 1 fBagoci t A ) lhi* aerial will patrol tte StocksbriA* u m payin* particularjrttantion to licansad prm dxts •nd to ndntain order. jhaae 3 (During tefc) « ^ * 1, t o 3.15^3.45^. gaae 3 (Aftar atdi) ^ ^ 9 for briefing as per * n « t a c h a d (See appendix ‘ J Batiol In ana as outlined in Phase 1. ICBIIE PATRX - Oil, SICK HtfPD W PS PC PC PC PC P^ 681 Hill •F2* 583 Dsvis 2378 Webster 844 fees 300 Hays 2628 Churrc jtaaae 1 (Before artcfa) » u s aerial will patrol the Daepcar/Outf-.utori tibridk* **»*. paying particular attention to licensed csed "l. premises and to Main tain order. R a s e 2 (During antch) tefreshrents at ^ a£^- 4pn-4.30pm, to, Patrol prior to Traffic t w . 4jn. R a s e 3 (After grtrfc) ting for briefing es per n attached (See Appendix Ratrol in area as outlined in Phase 1. \ ->»aeat)tt»»a M3BIL£ PATRX - O&L S IQ i "TMCP 'S 1 9 4 8 H i l l e r * F2 ’ 1301 n ~ S » " y - 320 Bra3sbav C 3278 Stage 3144 ftobi^son-Pouell - 893 Hague Iv- R a s e 1 (Before astch) % IV This serial will patrol the kadsley/Kidil-wDod area, paying particular attention to lice-sed Premises to oaintain order. R a s e 2 (During MBtdi) fefreshments at 'Claytheels Lane at 3.15gc. Itesira patrol at 3.45pm in above area. -r»9 for hriefing as per attached (See Appendix 3 (After m atch) Patrol in area as outlined above. J n w g k u ft 2207 9 tm * * n % w a c L ■> o a c « t w c d p o o r Phaat 1 (Brfati t A l D 1C 137 Carol It) PC t * «aiiB» 2 7 3) PC 333 Cfcilvir g)) fC 1B22 Hutchinaon fir Sch ft) PC 407 Jobnsor. Cfc* Patrol toddll a m , p*yi»9 spatial ettciion to liotnsad peniMs. Phase 2 (Curing w t A ) Haal at S.ISsn at Oayttaals Iax», Tiafiir Dtpt. tetua patrol at 3.45pr to&iH/Paraon Crass area. Iteitlng for briefing as n r plan a t U d a i (Sae Phaaa 3 (Aftar Match) |pp«aUx »T') Patrol in area as outlined in Phase 1. tHIIHMMHI trial 50 fs * !) FC I) PC i) PC ) PC ) PC 1075 Kallbruok Cr Sch 1614 Lund P ros 3052 Kiltes Pros 1140 Buckley Pros 315 Staberts Cr Sc± 1106 fctlow Cr Sch mating for briefing as plan attached (See psndix ‘T*) ICBIIE warn, - CALL S K X T V C D FIVE* Rase 1 (Before watA) Patrol Parson Cross area, paying apacir* attenttqn to lioensad premises to t u n tain order. Phase 2 (During ■atdi) V 3.00pn petrol Parson Cmss/FoxhiU area. 4.00pn seal Q ay*t>ccls Lane, Traffic De^t. tesuse petrol 4.30pc. Phase 3 (After ■etch) testae patrol as outlined in Phase 1. •■aaaa t*t \ E £ B H £ BffHX - CALL SIGN "TRH30 S D T ^ 7S0 Cress-ey ^ ^‘v* 2327Hlnchc.1 iffe ttng *§X87 Wilson (V^ ^ 2521 Clarke Cps — 5?9 Kakin Dr Sch 2609 Morgan Eer Sch -irjg for briefing as plan attached (See -rxLbc »T’) I* i Patrol GTenoside area, peyino special attention to licensed pnerdses end to rain tain order. Phase 1 (feforc Batch) \\i R a s e 2 (During Batch) 3.15pm seal - Cleywheels Lane, Traffic Dert. 3.45pm resune petrol GremsiSe. Phase 3 (After watch) fcsirae petrol as outlined in Fhase 1. v LrialS com* mama*- gwcrzs *»o kb PJCE/Hoggg p p fit Ibd^daHn I £ 271 MchtA 1) PC lf74 Janas H — a 1 dafoet aafccfe) F >PC 2m fade. h i) PC 1344 Ramac m > PC PC PC PC 2652 2M6 1306 3138 Sapsfsrd taley Kim Gaarirg This aerial will supervise the tnloei^sg of >btti.*#«rB Fbrast coachas at Btrrias Ibad Bus Gfcjkje. PC'* will ansura ttet supporters leaving the txm r^m db no: possess l t « prohibited by tha groirx* rules i.e. banners, wapans, Missiles or .alcohol. Aey over-Dow will be directed to part on the South •Ida of Berries ftaad South and Rausoc. Sprinr Hoof. ffeaaa 2 (Curing aefcefe) satins t o bris*1ng as tr pier, attached (See pendix *T') Befresh*nts at dBy**»els Lane, Traffic De^t. At half•'tine vill be picked up by SY Poliae o u c h n * taken to Ffcnistcne load Harth near to Cite 'O' & 7 T for standby duties. Whose 3 (After Batch) Sqpervise loading of supporters onto caches. \ ial S3 ?S 1C73 Bounds ?C 9 5 3 H j g g l g a p * iscETncK - berries b o n d b us g a b j e /£s r s t p <; p p •C* ^ Uttley *C 3£9 Lawrence C 243 Lythali C 1£51 Spurr 3 202* Hoy lard 3 2 2 0 J je s b s ■ w * Hogg ftaese 1 (Before catch) This serial vill supervise the unloadl~g of fottinc^m Fbrest coaches at Merries Raa3 Bus Garage. PC's vill ensure that si^porters leaving the conrfies dc rot possess itess prohibited by the ground rules i.el Banners, vaspons, Brissiles or alcohol, toy overfLov will be ..directed to park on the south ccf ferries Road South sod fe^son firing Bead. Phase 2 (During satrfi) 9 far brief irsg as zn ettached 3pengix 'T') RefreshRsnts at Claytteels lane, Traffic De~; At half-tire vill be picked up by SY Prlice coach and taken to Fenistone Road North near to Gate 'C * S*7C for standby tkities. R a s e 3 (After natch) Supervise leading of supporters onto coaches. HJIfet- ferries toad and texdsend Road vill be subject to 1 b taking* restrictions %£±± vill be Strictly enforced in relation to private cars. SYT buses vill park on Herries (bod on rbe opposite side to their gersge. \ o I V _________ T W | f 1W ItoNv'C* rff f F r W L M P f f l o i K g n a » » M w a P D o a fegeLM vs 2934 Boyk FC K PC PC PC PC PC PC _ *€' 2177 *ally 3097 Allan 1573 Harm 3243 Kilay 1216 Manglat 2043 Claniaki 3146 Norton 1104 Taylor ting for briefing per plan attached s Appendix »r ) Ifcaaa 1 ffriett t c b ) this aerial will ar*ur» that Nurias toad South m i n i claar o£ all parted can to tHo* the unloading of 9XT tots carrying lbttio£«m wpportar*. Coach** will onload on the Itorth aide of this roaS# having trvs%Uad along toaistone toad from the Midland Station. Say will auptrviM unloading and ara=* tt*t supporters are not in possession of iteas prohibited by the ground rules i.e. banners, weapons, or alcohol. They will also supervise the unloading of any Ifettinghan coaches %ho way be directed to unload erd park on the hard shoulder in this roaf (south aide) as an overflow Cron other parking lea Lions. Rase 2 (Curing Match) •efreshnents At half-time and taken to Gate ‘O' for at deyuheels Lane; Traffic Dept. vill be picked SY Police coe^h Fenistone toad ttarth near to SWPcY' standby Autias. \ Phase 3 (After eatcfa) Supervise loading of supporters onto ccaches/buses rial 55 OOPOi tECEJttON - gSBIES BCftD 9CUIH Rase 1 (Before natch) • 2467 Carter *C* 1511 Barren 3332 Tyler Westwood Goug^i H 5 S Sfeshington 2738 Mcrsn 337 Baldwin 732 Xates 9 for briefing plan attached jpendix *T‘) This serial will be located at the function of \ ferries Rasd be3 Herries Road South to ensure tha\ tottingbsa coaches arriving at this location ere directed to tie car parking areas at SXT bus g»r?»gp in Barries . toy owerflca*- Kill be directed to parking cn the South side of ferries Road South fe s c r . fa r in g to a d . ;• j \| Rini buses, t o h s , etc., vill be directed to the parking area in tevsan Spring toad. They will ensure that passengers do not unload until they are in the appropriate parking aree. jtaase 2 (During Match) tefreshraents At half-tine and taken to Gate *0* for at Clay^heels Lane, Traffic Dept. ' vdll be picked up by SY Police coajh ftsiistone toad Nbrtb SfFC * atandby duties. Rase 3 (After ratch) Rjpervise landing of supporters onto conrhgs^ ............... ferries toad South vill be subjes^^to *JO SftfKItXT’ cones to allov KDttinrfvc coaches to parr. *P£ lg^n=3CTICfr£ VILL BE TXF& CZL. Co?~E! vil? br pCLT'yjrZ n- ‘ k-~ — ■ 1—rial 14 wdc Iff 2140 feylcr * C IVC M O fiuttr PC 14 Itrrt jVC 2155 E&esds I PC 340 tfeldzxr. PC 977 tk±t*r£ .VC 1775 Hztptries VC t5l %Cint«r ^VC 2523 B u s c m s ft— I mm warn* - ietao< m a te pd 1 Hriea t d > ) This serial vill sipervise the mlot^ag of Jtottingffln f b m t sdni buses in tewex Spring Road. FC't vill ansur* that supporters laoviag the b u m do not potm» i t » prbhifcitad by the ground rulw i.e. banners, vMjxrs, idssne* or alcohol. Ptot 2 CDuring aatcfc) king fcr briefing as !•plan «rtachB* • * Appendix •!») 1 i ’ Pefrwinents At half-tine «nd taken to Gate 'O' Cor at Qeytfwels 1st* , Trmffir Dept. will be picked by SY PoL^e coach Redstone Road Ibrth neer to SWPC standby duties. - Raaae 3 (After — tch) Supervise loading of’supporters onto pashes. ^ \ I 1 1 KJTE: This road vill be subject tc *Jb taking' cones and only edni buses, vans, etc., vill be « T t o pork. Barriers vill also b» gva.ilsble for erection at the entrance to this road to control entry. — larial §7 1 VS ) VC ) VC ) VC 4) VC ) VC ) PC 7) VC VC i I f 1771 John tone *C* 1143 tocfcett 271 B n g l n S 1513 *»m b 3015 Portairon 2694 Pell*grlne 2040 Ffcrocvorth 1805 UtfaK 1539 test ■ C C T P VOKJC cut -W « USD Vhaae I tlaCcce t d O This aerial will to* responsible foe petrolling Htrries Hoad (PC*s in pairs) Croc rae tmiltey viaduct to the Fi*e Arches PJblic tose, to aaintain orter and ensure that any parking restrictions a n anforead. Direct Jfattingharn Vbcaat aupportan la private ^nhicuaa to park in loceticca Ja aide roads. 2 (Peeing wmte±) Join fy Police coach in Perdstone fca! Ibrth near to SWFC Gate *0' for standby fbties until half-tiJoe then will be taken to Clajrfiael* Lane Cor anal. fbaee 3 (After watch) Seating for briefing as per attached plan (See Appendix *T') Serial 58 PS 2928 WilliaEBan Pros. PC 1966 Hitton Trg PC 1839 Powell Trg PC 1709 Spooner Trg PC 3237 Hislqp Cps PC 794 Palmar C ^"^^323 Mittan C *.1B q 7 Giiber"fcborpe C PC 1947 lisngfard C . PC 1914 Royale Petrol in the area outlined above z: oaintain order. V REL IC ORDER - HE3KTES SPED Phase 1 (Before watch) This serial be responsible far petrolling Berries Road (PC's is pairs) frox r r Five Arches Public House to the traffic island the junction with Moonshine Lane/Siirecliffe toed to B&intaim order .and ensure that any parking restrictions ' ore enforced. Direct Kottin^an Rarest supporters in private ^ cars to pork in locations in side r ~ a £ s . x| Ftest 2 (During va td h ) siting for briefing ar plan attached Appendix *T*) W Join SY Police coach in Penistone icad North near to SWFC Gate ’O ’ for standby fcties until half-tine *ten vill be taXen to CLr^eels Lane for aeal. Ifaaae 3 (After watch) V Patrol in tht area outlined ahcve r z ceintaln order. A l VttLIC C K P * KXXUPfc K»P M Ifaaaa 1 tlrfcn t A ) VS 2037 Vana^las i FC 2343 fer&Lnar i fC 8 McCerr*ll i VC 3325 Grwpaan i K 875 Ley t* 1 VC 1952 ) VC 2917 VC 2783 VklL VC 2169 lowrr * t' A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 FC's vill patrol in pairs in ftvdstcne Ibad Irtrt Varksids load to toreu£\ toad to ■■inn in order and prevaat any dash of npporttrs. tdract aivpoctars to tide stxaet parking and aeintAin security of business pcwniMs. 8jpocia1 attention to be givan to the tnfarosraent of parting Eaatrictions on Banistone toad. A3 2 (During watch) Join f¥ tolice ooach in ftanistcne Ibad North naar to 8WFC Gate *0* for standby duties tsitil half-tin \h tn vill be taken to deytftieels lane for anal. for hritfing per plan *t3L^*d se Appendix *r* J "ial 60 3 (After watch) vill resore On oartnencenent of Ptoe 3, this petrol in location as above and prevent any of supporters. PBRI.TC CRIER - K 3U S T X RQftD Itese 1 (Before Batch) S 2019 B o ^ s z n c 25 Durham A2 'E ' ^ W 2 8 Lighten A3 ^ • ^92 £391 2593 552 1278 2012 L a n g fie J d A3 S t s n i f r z r T k A3 Kusscr. A3 lo v e E l Lana E l E u s ta c e E l \ PC's vill patrol in pairs in Penis tone fcad fxrrr. Borough itoad to Burton Street to Maintain order and prevent eiy clash of supporters. Direct supporters to side street parking. Maintain security of business prerrises. Fhase 2 (Curing eatcfa) 4 | I*6* Join SY Police coach in Penis tone Road forth near to SWK: Gate *0* for standby duties until half tine %hen wi II be taken to ClaytAe&ls Lane for neal. lhase 3 (After notch) -ir>9 for briefing ■sr plan attached Appendix *7* Ch oamaenoement of ftiese 3. this serial vill tenure petrol in location as above and prevent any clash of supporters. U rU l 1 K PC K PC PC PC 870 Oiprir> **g 9 M Quiir Ops 3262 Baliatt Ops 2923 talryqple 2497 Sezhailic 2942 m n i c s o n taatz m e n -cm mi • w m w & B r n — > 1 (lefare t d h ) Driver IQ JQ IQ Petrol TirmlM « m , paying apectal rrsentien to licensed praise*. tbaee 2 (Paring wrtA) S.lSpa aaal - GLaytfceels lane 3.4Sp» rests* patrol Firvele/Southry fceen area. Phaa> 1 (After ■etch) J a g far briefing as pl*n attached (Sk Appendix Petrol is aie* es outlined in Pbese 1. ri*l_62 1CBIUE PKBCL - CALL P O i U t f C P P O S T Broun Srg ~ 93 Turner O p s - Driver - 1236 Smith Qps : 2389 Martin A2 : CO Marvin A2 - 1414 Gordon A 2 • 2649 Bashforzh A2 R t a e 1 (Before ■atA) Petrol Southey (keen area, paying arrrir1 at to licensed praises. Pbaae 2 (During aetcb) 3.00pm Patrol Flrvale/Southey Green c s . 4.00pm-4.30pm Meal - deywheels Lane. for briefing r plan attached Sfpandix »T') ^2 ♦ - 3 332 Baattie Cfcjs w-"?40 Sawbothscr Ear Sch 3173 Kirk Prrss 390 Leach Pres •-£40 Pattisoc Cps -691 Hbccack K Q cr brief inr iplsn attached 2 psn dix *T’ ) R a s e 3 (After ante*)) Pfetrol in area as outlinad in Phase 1. BDBIIE FATBX - Q L L SEgt "gtfOJ K D S T Rytsr 1 (Before Batch) *■ 1 i» Patrol Hillshorcucft/lflngsett Read paving special attention to licensed premises. P tw tr 2 (During Batch) 3 . 15pm * a a l - O ayth eels Ia n s , T r a f f ir Itept. 3 . 45pm resuae p a tro l HiLLsboruuc^) Phase 3 (After aettch) Petrol in area as outlined in Riase 1. V *- ICKTtt W OOL- CM1. B « »gtftP t t f R K 2737 fellttt Cfc* $4 firth Trg 9C 711 Pont C*» K §08 Kncvtar Opt PC 1(2 G ille tt N » PC 3197 Da&rdan Trg fhaae 2 (During »tc±i) 1 t l t o m t± i) Patrol Oriartonyitoepeand arta, paying ajrtil attention to Hoanead prandm s . 3.00p* patrol Otdartcn/Naapaand araas. 4.0fr» l.30f Baal - Claytfoals Lana, Traffic 6apt. iting for feriaTing F*r plan attached * Appendix 'T*) lhaae 3 (Aftar atdi) Patrol in araa as outlinad in Pbasa 1. \ v (je^t) A P F O C U *P' CTD DOTIES D E E E TOP GRCXN) Detective Inspector Towell - I/C Gyanesian DS 727 Lialley DC 296B Ball TDC 570 Stcker DC 2569 Blake Pickpocket DS DC DC DC 517 Scith 2540 Lindsay 458 Ballam 491 Lilley DS DC DC DC 457 HcSIcy 1108 Locking 1209 Asfcev 2812 Iarrence CP1SJ1K TBZ CKXftP Detective Inspector Sea ife - I/C Mobile Response Car DS 805 Bjocton DC 1788 Hirst Motcc cyclists PC 420 Levies PC 525 Bevington ) Motor cycles rr be collected ) from ’Fl’ Foot PKtTXDls DC 1600 Jaoes DC 735 ttfce Hexries Road/Hal:fax Road PC 2302 Fowll DC 146 O'Brien Middlewood Road DC 2405 Djuss DC 3119 Baoguley Penistone Road tr include O^ierton Staaiin car park DC 366 Stevenson PC 1826 Waltcn Neepsend 1DC 1181 Drajling Hillsborough Car rzrk PC 16 SI toilding O P (aCKAL SCE DIVISION. r m p c ■!F1» SOB PIVIS30K DS 829 CXjghtar. - I / c DS 1094 Ellis DC 2202 KaUcer 2619 Mottrarn DS DC DC K? 1745 2088 3206 1980 8 .0 0 am - £.01 pn 8 .0 0 am - £.o: pm 8 .0 0 am - 8.O.* pm 8.0 0 am - 8.0: pm Sturgess Brown Levin Nottingham Noon Noon Noon Noon to to to to mir— * mid^i— t znidrizrt mi n-- — DC 358 Hydes 6.00 pn - 6.O.* am % 'F 2 ' SOB DIVISICK DS 846 k’illia m s c n - I / c 8.00 am - 8.01 pn DC 649 Fox 8.00 am — 8.01 pn DC 2270 P erkins "PC 3231 Earwooc DS 1578 H old em ess DC 1161 StanifcrrLh 10.00 am - l C _ : o pm 10.00 am - 1C.I0 pm Noon to Piini; Noon to midni ~— DC 1152 McManus 6.00 pm — 6.0* 2tp. APFPCO *C’ GOG SSCTICN Herbtrs of the Dog Section vill be deployed as follcvs:- DOG VAN AREA Wads ley Bridge Railvay Station Leppings Lane Traffic Island Herries Road Coach Park Leppings Lane Turnstiles Penis tone Road/Parks ide Road Penis tone Road/Bradfield Road Hi IIfoot Bridge I Penis tone Itoad to City Centre Middlewood Road/Hillsborough Corner Kiddlewood Road/Wadsley Lane MiddlewDod Road/Deepcar Stocksbridge/Oughtibridge Tankers ley V In a d d itio n to the abos«e, two h an d lers together w ith 'e x p lo s iv e s ' cogs w i l l perade at S h e f f ie ld Wednesday F ootb all Stadium a t 8am on Saturday \ r 15th A^rril 1989 to se a r c h th e in t e r io r o f the ground. AFFQCIX K X H I E D SECTION Hertoers of the Mounted Section will be deployed as follow H3HSES 6 AREA Leppings Lan= 10 - Penis tone Roae North turnstiles 6 Wads ley Bridge Railway Station 4 Halifax Road* A Herries Road* 3-D \ * At Phase 3 , two rrerrbers o f the Mounted S e c tio n w i l l b e deployed in H illsb o ro u g h Park. Ite r e t a in in g t w >.-11 tak e up a p o s it io n a t Leppings Lane t r a f f i c I s la n d . APEBODC 'I* ACKTKLSTRKnCH. CC KIHX HD CLJSKZTi g P J Y KxiKigiRxniy Inspector Bemett PS <67 Sewell PC 3018 Sheldon PC 3082 Fletcher LIVERPOOL PRCFERT? M O I T M B ^ FOREST PS 1153 EocriPC 3253 Ca.’rpoell PS 102 Fidler PC 538 Horn ) ) Inspector Lewson S 1264 Bevitt G R X K 3 CCKIH3L PS ’ PC PC PC €16 Goddarf 1335 Ryan 1370 Bicharu 1421 Guest COSTXIY (GROPED) PS 1164 Colley PS c28 Long PS 1127 Hardy PC IrlO Hullev PC 1403 Jones' ^ ^ 1 5 7 7 Barden 766 ffcrshall Director* s Entrance PC 3 !7 1 S te p h e n s PC 3 1 3 B C r u t t e r d e n PC 3063 Marshall Mrs Drabble Cones, barriers, ) meals ) SECTOR DRIVERS Chief Supt: Sector 3: PS 459 Ecoakir-scr. PC 1E€2 Baxter. Logistics Clavwheels Lane CELL BOSES GROTO 9.00 M 1. PS 2514 Naylcr PC 1467 Glover 2. PS 526 Langdale PC 701 White TRANSIT ALLOCATION RESERVE SERIALS QQfiCB SUPERVISIQb' SRdHD Inspector Scarfe PS 2450 Hickie FRISCKSR TRANSIT VANS \ (1) Ground - PC 2554 Hcrledpe (2) Leppings Lane roundabout - : ircr_s i'£* PC 75D Sirens (3) Eradfield Road - PC 5.21 .?»2V ** At Phase III hce 1 and 2 to take up position e: Lepcincs Lane roundaixnjt and No.3 in Catchbar Lane adjacent to park to provide forward holding areas ir. case of arrests. \ (% S V Process Supervision - Inspector Bums PRISONER w r y s s (EAMKSKTGE RQftD POLICE STATION PRISONER F&TTFSS HTI^i/IELD ttottingbac Forest LIVERPOOL Inspector Aicbeson DS 952 Czrlesworth PC 744 Eirst PC 621 Bell PC 2524 K.’ers PC 1776 Er-own Inspector Wilson DS 510 fiercer PC 426 Butchins on PC 1784 Donohue PC 253 Biles PC 2031 Codling CHI, BOB SBHMggqS RCftD POLICE STATION CELL EOS lo.oo 10.00 AH fa vm vsP T E L D PS 804 Webster PC 1185 KrajusJti PS 1579 K-nn PC 1404 Ackers % V CCMPIAINIS AGAINST THE POLICE Inspector _ Riley - Sheffield Wednesday Football Club (cyzriasiim) \ * * * * * * * * * ; \M ALL STAFF SUBJECT TO APPENDIX 'I ' WILL TAKE THEIP HOT >£A1 AT THE DIRECTION BENNETT APFPCDC ' J ’ T W JTI C POINTS The following list denotes traffic points within ’F’ Division *hir±i require coverage by uniform personnel* 1. A61 - Grenoside traffic limits 2. Halifax Road/Kilner Way TL 3. Halifax Road/Foxhill Road TL 4. Halifax Road/Claywheels Lane TL 5. Penistone Road North/Herries Road South TL 6. Penistone Road/Parkside Road TL 7. Penistone Road/Bradfield Road 8. Penistone Road/Neepsend Lane I V Personnel deputed to man these points will parade at 10.00 ac on 15 April 1989 at the South Yorkshire Police Driving School, Bright side Lane, Sheffield, for briefing by Inspector Walker prior to deployment. Reef Traffic Division will be responsible for mealing and transportation to ard from traffic points. r APTPODC T TOAPC 1. F C T T O O g M K S E S T Five special trains carrying Nottingham Forest supporters willarrive at Midland Station; the tiraaswill not be available until the week of the serd-firel and therefore will be given at briefing. i i Each train has a capacity of 550. 1 Hie fare for these special trains is inclusive of the bus fare to the grand. SYT will run buses fran the Station to the ground using a route along Peristooe Road 1 and unloading iz. Herries Road South; these buses will be under motor cycle escort. 8 After the match, a similar operation will take place to return Nottingham Forest supporters to t±e railway station , loading in Penis tone Road North opposite the ground and usir^r an identical route back to the station. 1 9 ^ ^ -P & rtu re . tunes vill be given at the briefing. | is the facility to delay the trains in the event of extra tire bein: played. * 2. LIVERPOOL V 3 s p e c i a l t r a in s c a rr y in g L iv e r p o o l supporters w i l l a r r iv e a t fe d s le y Bridge S t a t io n a t t i r e s y e t to be arran ged ; th ese w ill be made a v a ila b le a t b r ie fin g . I Each t r a in has a c a p a c ity o f 550. D eparture tim es v i l l a ls o be g iv e n a t th e b r ie fin g . ^ th e r e i s a f a c i l i t y t o d e la y th e - tr a in s in the even t o f e x tr a tim e being p la y e d . \ th e support f o r L iverp ool i s w idespread , i t i s a n tic ip a te d th at supporters w i l l _ v e l by s e r v ic e tr a in fror. a l l p a r ts o f the country to Midland Railway S ta tio n . ^ rangerrH nts hr.-*= th e r e fo r e been cade fo r those a r riv in g a t Midland S tatirr. to b^ tr a n s p o r te d by SYT bu ses to th e around by a route sep arate from th at used by Nottihgharr; F o r e st s u p p o r te r s , t r a v e llin g alo n g L angsett Road, Middlewooa Road and a r r iv in g 'at * L ep pin gs Lane w bere th ey v i l l u n lo a d . eri^ o f th e game, SYT b u ses v i l l be a v a ila b le to retu rn any p erson a r r iv in g in t h i s rrenner be ex. t o th e M idland Ffeilvey S ta tio n . These b u ses w ill be located in i-e m s to n e Road N orth on the ' t o c i t y ’ carriagew ay o u tsid e Bee le y Vood S p ecial S ch o o l. APPODDC *L* Vi€' CDKHES LTVDPOCL • • ' 1 All Liverpool coaches should leave the K1 Motorway at Exit 36 (linkers ley) and travel via the A61 to designated parkinc areas. 2 Tbe geographical location of Liverpool, coupled with the countrywide support enjoyed by the Club, suggests that coaches could well approach trie ^stadiun by other routes, particularly the A616. If **•-*«» is the case, then they rrust be brought to tie designated coach perking area. 3 Tbe serials engaged on duty at Tankersley and Oughtibridae vill operate selective stop and search procedures to ensure (a) passengers fczve tickets, (b) they are not in possession of alcohol and (c) tbey are not drunk. When this has been done, each coach vill have adhesive sticker placed on the nearside of the windscreen and it will be allowed to proceed to the designated parking area. < All coaches vill be allowed to travel to the ground vithajt specific escort, although members of the Road Traffic Motor Cycle Wing will be providing overall mobile supervision. All coaches vill be directed tr the traffic island at Leppings l a x where in the first instance, tbey vill park in Clayvheels Lane. Chce this area is full then \ coaches vill be directed to park on the 'out lane' of the dual \ carriageway in Halifax Road, parking to ocrrmence at the top of the" c.y.l carriageway and then work twares the stadiun. 5 AU. c o a ch es v i l l park before being perm itted to s e t down p a ssen g ers tise r e b y en su rin g th a t the occupants knov e x a c t ly v h ere tc r e tu r n to cn c c n p le tio n o f th e fo o tb a ll match. 6 f c e r s i t i s d isc o v er e d that passengers on a coach a r e not in p o s s e s s io n c f t i c k e t s , or are in breach o f le g is la t io n con cern in g a lco h o l a t S p o r tin g E vents, then Ground Control v i l l be inform ed for c o n sid e r a tio n a s t o r etu r n in g such v e h ic le s out o f the Force area under e s c o r t . \ ’ K hare in d iv id u a l p assen gers only are in v o lv ed v* hsve ccns-jTsd a lc o h o l ir. su ch amounts th a t th ey are drunk, or are in p o sse ssic r . o f a lc o h o l, t± sr. they should be a rrested and detained pending tra n sp o r t. FOREST Ncc t i n char: Forest supporters who travel by coach v i l l be ercouraoed to u s e th e Ml ’motorway le a v in g at E xit 34 (T in s le y ) . TYiis aspect o f the o p e r a tio n w i l l be d e a lt w ith by 1D1 D iv isio n O ffic e r s and i s th e s ir o j e c t o f a sep arate order. coach es v i l l be parked in the South Y orkshire Transport Garage, ^ ^ r r ie s Road South and, i f n ecessary, Pavson Spring Road. APPOODC *K' TRWCIT V W 6 - LIVERPOOL Transit vans, etc. carrying Liverpool supporters vill be encouraged to travel via the H62 and MI motorways leaving the latter at Junction 36 (Tankersley). Hcwever, it is envisaged that such vehicles vill also approach the stadiun from the Flouch (A616). Such vehicles will be stopped and thoroughly searched to ensure that they are not carrying alcohol and the passengers have not consumed the same to an extent vhere they are drunk. All passengers will be checked to ensure that they are in possession of tickets. The vehicles vill then proceed to the designated parking area in Wardsend Road North where passengers vill alight and walk to the ground. It is not feasible to atterrpt to channel such vehicles through one 'checkpoint' and therefore it will be the duty of all serials on duties outside the stadiirr. to monitor and check such vehicles and their occupants. Should any vehicle arrive, without having been checked on the outskirts, which is found to be carrying passengers without tickets or in breach of the legislation relating to the carriage and cons-jrption of alcohol en route to sporting events, then Ground Control will be informed for consideratio as to returning the vehicle to the motorway for escor If necessary, the driver and passengers will be dealt with for breach of the relevant legislation by way of surmons or arrest, dependant on their individual condition. APPPCDC *tr TRwerr v a n s - n d t t d g w i pdr es t Transit vans, etc. carrying Nottingham. Forest supporters will be encouraged to travel via the K2 motorway leaving the latter at Junction 34 (Tinsley). Such vehicles will be stopped and thoroughly searched to ensure that they are not carrying alcohol and the passengers have not consumed the same to an extent vtere they are drunk. All passengers will be checked to ensure that they are in possession of tickets. The vehicles will then proceed to the designated parking area in Ravson Spring Road where passengers vill alight end walk to the ground. It is not feasible to attenpt to channel such vehicles through one 'checkpoint' and therefore it will be the duty of all serials on duties outside the stadium tc monitor and check such vehicles and their occupants. Should any vehicle arrive, without having been checked on the outskirts, which is found to be carrying passengers without tickets or in breach of the legislation relating to the c a r r ia g e and consurpticr. of alcohol en route to sporting events, then Ground Control vill be informed for consideration as to returning the vehicle to the motorway for escort. If necessary, the driver and passengers will be dealt with for breach of the relevant legislation by way cf svjrmons or arrest, dependant on their individual condition. » APPPODC * 0 ' ( 1 ) I SPOFTOC EVPfTS (0CWTWX OT ALOCHX) ACT 1985 I AS A^EJCED BY W E RBLZC CREES AT 1986 I 1 1. | 2. 3. VEHICLES (A) It is an offence for an operator to knowingly carry alcohol or allcv it to be carried on a public service vehicle cr rini trjs/ van or train, etc. travelling to or from a football natch. (B) It is an offence to possess alcohol on a public service vehicle or nimbus/van or train, etc. vhen travelling to or frcr a foctball catch or to be drunk on such a vehicle. (C) A Constable may stop and search a public service vehicle, or rz r S bus/van or train etc. where he has reasonable grounds tc susper: alcohol is being carried. prear i n t o g r o j p (A) It is an offence to possess alcohol when entering or atterptinr A> enter a football ground. \• (B) It is an offence to enter or atterrpt to enter a football ground v W n in possession of bottles, cans, etc. (or part of) which are capable of causing injury. This includes drinking glasses but no: th=r=ns flasks. (C) A Constable may search any person he suspects is attempting tc enter the ground with articles mentioned. CCN3XT IN GCUND \ It is an offence to enter, attenpt to enter or be in a football grand ' when drunk. i: 4 ._ (A) | j (B) 5* ,\ '% - I\ Alcoholic drink rray only be sold in those parts of the ground designated which ■•will be out of view of the pitch. Alcohol m rp not be taken out of the designated areas. SALE OF ALOCHX Pi GROUND A Constable in uniform nay cause a bar in a football grord tc close if he believes the continued sale of aloohol is derriner.til to good order orpublic safety. PYKTTECHmCS I t i s an offen ce to p o s s e s s fir e w o r k s, smoke b arb s, e t c . when in or e n te r in g /le a v in g a f o o t b a ll ground. 6. ] 1 FOERS In addition to the powsr-s of search, a Constable rrev a r r e s o r . corrdtting or vho his corrritted an offence under the Ac: APFOPDC *C* ( i i ) GSCXJf© SBGUIATTCNS 1 Unauthorised persons a n not permitted to entsr upon the field of play. 2 Ihe cliirbing of floodlight pylons, stands anf other buildings in the ground is forbidden. 3. The oonsurption of intoxicating liquors is permitted only in authorised places and in accordance with the Sporting Events (Control =f Alcohol) Act 1985. 4 Fireworks, stroke canisters, bottles, glasses, cans, flags, banners, -poles and other similar articles or containers including anything which could or might be used as a weapon, arc not permitted vithin the ground, and any perscc in possession of such an article or container nay be refused entry or ejected fran the gnsxd. 5 Under no circurstances is it permitted to thrrv any object onto the pitch. C Any person vtoo fails to corrply with instructions from a steward may be ejected from the ground. 7 Any persons who remains in a gangway mey be e'erted from the ground. 6 The Club reserves the right to refuse adtnissicc to or eject any persons who refuses to be seer±ed by a Police Officer. , \ \ \ \ 9 Cie Club reserves the right for its servants z ± .agents to rerrove frcrr. this ground any person who doe? sot ccrrply with Ground Regulations and with the RlLss and Regulations of the Football Association an: The Foi^all League or whose presence on the Ground is or mild {\ 3 reasonably be construed as constituting a sovr=s of danger, nuisance or annoyance to other spectarrrs. K7IE: Item 8 above outlines the contractual agreement between the football supporter and the Club. It does not create a pc*er to search and any search rrust be with the consent of the individual supporter. Refusal is cerely a bar to entering the ground and not a criminal offence. Waare a search is conducted with consent, it is a search vithin tlje meaning of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 19B4. Section 3(i) of the Art requires an of ficerto make a record of the search in vriting unless i t is not practicable to do so and large scale searches srh as those at football retches fall within this section. There is not ±erefore a requirement to ccrrplete a Form PACE/ 1. \\dl APFQODC ‘P1 PARCCNG RESTRICTIONS K) R T O C CPCS •M: parking1 cones will be placed in the following locations prior to 7am on Srrrrday 15th April 1989 by civilian staff under the direction of Police Sero^nt 102 Fidler:2 > Halifax Road - out of city lane from Parson Cross Roai to Cowper Avenue. 2) Foxhill Road - out of city lane fron Halifax Road to Parson Cross Road. 2) Wandsend Road North - both sides. <) Penis tone Road North - from Claywheels Lane to Railway Bridoe - both sides -) Claywheels Lane (including one vay system) from Penis tooe Road North to Limestone Cottage Lane (Both sides) 6) Niagara Road - both sides. “) Leppings Lane - both s id e s . £) B erries Road - from P en is tone Road North to Wordsworth Avenue - b oth s id e s . 9) 1-) B e r r ie s Road - Wordsworth Avenue to Galsworthy Road {A-ay from ground s id e o n ly ) . Wandsend Road - Both s id e s . II) B e r r ie s Roed South - both s id e s . 12 ) Galsworthy Road. 12 ) Ravson Spring Road - both .s id e s . 14 } Parks id s Road - from P enis tone Road to Catchbar Lane one sid e o n ly - a lo n g sid e park. \ „ Catchbar Lane from Parkside Road to Leppings lan e - cne s id e on ly - a lo n g s id e sc h o o l. If ) Middlewood Road - one s id e only (a lo n g sid e park) from Parkside Road to Hawksley Avenue. 1~ ; P en is tone Road N orth/P en is tone Road - both s id e s frcrr. Leppings Lane is la n d t o Neepsend Lane. IS Li v e r se y S tr e e t - one s id e frtrr. Penis tone Road car park en tra n ce. 1- P en is tone Road North - from. Kins ter Road to Vere la n e to be coned w ith 'Junto C ones'. Poad - in s id e c j g y p o n *0* KX7ZE SIGGJC LIVERPOOL C O M E AH) C*R RCPIES 1. Primary rrute signed by AA in consultation with Operations and Trz±fic Division 2. A57-A62E 3. X628/A61£ to be placed i n location fay Deepcar officers Bayfields crossroad - Derbyshire, to indicate route foorzll tx&ffic is to follcv. A628 to be placed out by Road Trzzfic during night of 14 April 1989 H jrre c a ra fo re s t oqmz k d o k rx tis s £ All Nottingham. Forest vehicles vill use a route fran the motorway, arrrring at Brightside Ls=>e. At this point, cars will be directed along Saville Sreet East, Sutherland Erzreet, Gower street, Bumgreave Road, Mina Road, Rutland k z z . to Keepsend La=»=_ - Coaches and -z= sis will travel via Upwell Street, Pirvale and Berries fc=£ to ground. i Primary routs will again be signed by AA in consultation with Cperet±=s ar*3 Traffic Division. Additional signs indicating car parking areas will be in position by LIT air. and will be placsi out by civilian staff responsible for parking cones. * ** *** * IIt V APFPCDt » r SPECIAL CCNSTABUIAW BJrZES Speer. -.1 Constables vill be on duty in oomection with this e\«nt to supclanent the Regular Officers. They will in particular be involved in connec tion with the control of traffic avey fron the inmsdiate vic- — ty of the ground. Thej -will parade at 9.45em in the Gymasiixn for briefing and take up their duties as soon as possible. Refreshments vill be available in the <&Krasi\xr. during the netch. vill K7T be issued to tiecbers of the Special Constabulary supervisory ran)cs. DUTIES (a) Herries Road - encourage end supervise parkin: in side roads on Longley, Norwood and Shirecliffe Estates by Nottingham Forest supporters. (b) Langsett Road - ocouraae and supervise parking in the area between Langsett Road n d Infirmary load by Nottingham Fbrest supporters. (c) Neepsend Lane - encourage and supervise parking in the area around old gas vorks by Nottingham Forest supporters. (d) Halifax Road - encourage and supervise parking in side roads on Parson Cross/Foxhill estates by Liverpool supporters. (e) Middlevood Road - ercour©ge and supervise parking in side roads cn Marlcliffe and Wisewood estates by Liverpool supporters. "* (f ) terries Read South - patrol length of road froc Penis tone Road hfcirth to Five Arches to prevent parking of vehicles on hard shoulders (Both sides). This duty to carmence at 10.30arr.. JJ7PPDC *S* MAPS Division of *tadi\jn Liverpool routes and parking areas Sector 2 Nottingham Forest routes and parking Sector 3 O/erall parking areas (Sectors 2 t 3) Location of mobile units (T1-T10) netfield Wednesday F. C. Hillsborough Ground Police Room Room OMMiikm 77-88 73-76 55-72 n n S rk lib ' Fla f t eP a y F a n s E n tra n c e a n d E n c lo su re s I Police C ontrol O tttektl Dtrmetmrt mmtnma* rm u tt m r t NCTITINGJLAM FOREST supporters {SBC FINAL 1989 ^ LIVERPOOL ROUTES AND PARKING AREAS , 7MDCX BUB FMKDC I JMMD ROND Crown inn' P.H [gQftCH.PAIB(lM^*^CIAXMHEKL8.IANBx-„. , 4 CAR PABQPC - PCKHILL EST A m COACH PARKING.- HALIFAX ROAD (CAK PARKING - PARSCN CHQ6 S ESTATE |m.1. MOTORWAY «| <=fF £L D WEDNESDAY F ootb*i CkA) «•>?£ JUNCTION 3 6 - TA N K E R S LEY e ' HALIFAX »OAD LIVERPOOL COACHES LIVJ31P00L .CAR-PARJCOfG ^j o xh ill ’a n d PARSON .CROSS J ■n O x fADSLEY BRIDGE ; KADSIZY^STAT ’i jy is & o o z j R r i l i s h Ro i j w n d s l e y B r i d ge ■y . °<o \ ■QVI»P5CJIpCEKI;BUSAAN./.\..... '''35x XNG“- WARDSEND ROAD .NORTH CCACK PARKING l3VERPOOL,CAR _PARKING J yrjSEyOOD.AKD. KARCLIFFE f estates. • / a j rZ TkG* UXI FDW/ - FAXXXX3 AMfcS A 1 K< s £ R ^ • 'yrb .*V*'»*rx^O * \HtSiW sc ^[fc3r7£sC£ 5 S 5 S J |P ' Notts Fst. Car Parking -PT. . #§t - -.:irV^ £ I- k Vr«5 fl i*-— '• ^ jT ' *s r/ w js § k > ^ S S Il 7 f'£v S 3! & .>S~« - 5Z & \ T-* » J SEMI FINAL 196 9 t NOTTS FOREST ROUTES AND PARKING AREAS NIAGARA Ground a SHlFFlCLD VtONtiOA* F.C F ir v a l e Packing C a n ny and HarriM Road South To M o n c h c s l « r Car p a r k in g A57 Car parking Owiartcn e •went n s c M n n o n c g"Pt»lg3-M4 * v 3 8 - Specials Rev 37 - G D Rev 36 - CZD Hew 36 - 1 Ir*p. 2 R 10 PC's (serials 61, 62) Rev 34 - 1 Insp 1 FS 8 PC’s (aerial 5 9 ) Rev 33-- 1 Insp 1 Fs 8 PC's (aerial 5 7 ) Rev 32 . - 1 PS 8 PC’s (aerial 5 3 ) Rev 31 - 1 F5 8 PC's (aerial 5 3 ) Rev 3D " 2 K*« 10 PC's (aerials 50 I 5 1 ) Rev 29 " J **P 2 H ’« 10 PC’* (aerial 46 1 *7 ) Rev 28 ■J 3 K 10 PC’s (aerial 44) Rev ZJ - 1 PS 8 PC'* (aerial 42) Rev 26 - 1 PS 8 PC'* (aerial K ) H w 25 - JO rc’« (aerial 3 S) Row 24 1 Insp 1 K ]o PC’* (aerial 36) R ^ 2 3 - J**P 1 * 6 PC’s (aerial 3 4 ) # 2 2 - 1 PS 8 PC's (aerial 32) Rev 23 ~ J 1 H 6 PC's (aerial 30) Rev 20 - 1 B 8 FC's (aerial 2 c) ?kv: 19 “J 2 FE 8 PC's (aerial 26) taf IB “ 3 PS 8 FC'c (aerial 2A) ^cv 17 * 1 Inep 1 re 8 PC's (aerial 22) tew- 26 1 Insp 1 re 10 PC's jo) Vv 25 1 K 10 PC’s (serie2 IE) *cv 14 * J Insp 1 FE 20 PC's (serial 16) ■tv 13 - 1 Insp 2 re 20 FC'e (aerial 14) ■0»‘1? ~ 1 PS 10 PC's (aerial 12 ) CV 11 1 PS 10 FC's (serial 20) 3 *- 20 - 1 PS 10 PT s (g eri^ Ej 3.* 9 - 1 PS 8 PC’s (serial 6 ) 8 - 1 K 10 PC’s 1 (serial 4) 3 PS 10 PC's ( e e ^ 2) 1 Insp 1 PS 20 PC's (aerial 1) CTD C3D 2 PS 10 PC's (aerial 63 1 64) 1 PS 8 PC’* (ae-itl 60) 1 PS 8 PC's (aerial 5 8 ) 1 PS 8 PC's (aerial 5 6 ) 1 Insp 1 PS 8 FC’a (aerial 5 *) 1 Insp 1 PS 8 PC’a (ferial 5 2 ) 1 Insp 2 PS’a 10 PC’s (serial* 48 I *9 ) 1 Insp 1 PS 10 PC’* (aerial 45) 1 PS 8 PC's (a rt* : 4 3 ) 1 Insp 1 PS 8 PC's (aerial 4l) 1 Ins? 1 PS 8 PC’s (aerial 39) 1 PS 10 PC’a (aerial 37) 1 PS 8 PC’s (aerial 35) 1 PS 8 PC’a (aeritl 33 ) 1 PS 8 PC’s (aerial 31 ) 1 PS 8 PC's (aerial 29 ) 1 PS 8 PC's (aerial 27 ) 1 PS 8 PC’s (aerial 25) 1 F5 8 PC’s (aerial 23 ) 1 15 1C PC’s (aerial 21) 1 PS 1C PC’s (aerial 19) 1 R 1C PC's (aerigl 17) 1 re 1C PC’s (aerial 15) 1 Insp I PS 12FC's (serial 1 Inep 1 PS 10K 's (serial 1 Insp 1 FS 10PC's (aerial 1 Insp 1 PS 10PC's (aerial 1 PS 1C PC's (serial 5) 1 PS 1C PC's (serial 3 ) as Rev £ - 5 - Senior OiTicsrs CfTicers II1=* b u s i n g ars 2^.167-178 1B3-194 22-38 to “se e r^ n rrx fi I Q '■'3 3-23 to e -— -crcc K L y. R ae 22-38 to use entrance Q i p N 3-21 to use c^rarce K I L 1 w w x iu n r r sqedule or Q» Sqpt ground 1 CONSOL ETC hblic tom , m m ot Qi Insp 1 2 1 a m 2 4 H3BHES CZD 1 kszkve 1 5 6 Znsp PS K 9 19 200 8 16 30 13 33 274 3 10 50 2 4 22 2 2 20 37 64 596 >< i « t V \ ' as ■ ( I ■ SOUTH YORKSHIRE POLICE DIVISION OPERATIONAL 3 i# e / * FA CD?/SEMI FINAL BRIEFING NOTES I LI VE R P O O L -v- NOTTINGHAM FOREST SATURDAY 15 APRIL 1989 I I 1 INFORMATION 1.1 K I C K OFF TIME - 3.00 PM GATES OPEN - 12 noon In the event of a draw after 90 rinutes, will be played. extra time 1.2 This is an all ticket came and/a c apacity crowd of 54,000 may be expected. 1.3 Liverpool supporters have been alloc ate d the whole of the Lappings Lane terraces,*' West Stand and North Stand. Entry into the ground for/all Liverpool fans is via the Leooincs Lane t u r n s t i l e s ^ t / ' No ttingham Forest supporters have been alloca ted tne Spion Kop terraces a n f both levels of the South Stand. Entry into the ground^ is via the Peni sto ne Read and South Stand car pa r k turnstiles. •: 1.5 1.6 All rickets have b ^ n colour coded - this is shown in the attached Appejsaix. 0 Club colours isoth normally play in red/white and, £ theref ore, the great m a j o r i t y or supporters p& may be expected to be dis pla yin g identical favours. The teams will play Liverpool - Red in the (normal) Nottingham Forest - White TR AVEL following strips: strip LI V E R P O O L (A) Private cars may be expected to travel bv the advised route M52/M1/A61, a r r i v m in Sheffield on H a l if ax Road. These vehicles will be enco ura ged to parx in sice roads, well away from the crcuna on the Foxhill and Parson Cross estates. (B) .2 3 Private cars m a y also be expected to travel via A628/A616, a rri v i n g in Sheffie on Middlewcod Road. The se vehicles will be encouraged to park in side roads off Miadlewooa R o a d , well a w a y from the groun- Coaches May be expected by the advised rc'jte M62/M1/A61 to Halifax Re a d cr A623/AS16 to Middlewcod Road. All coaches will be directed to the c e s g i n a t e d parking areas where t h e y will unload. The de sig nated coach p ark is Cla y v h e e l s Lane, with any overflow on Halifax F.oad dual carriage way - out of city.lane. Mini vans May be excected by e ith er cf the above routes - they will be d ire c t e d tc park in Warcsend Road North (opposite Wadsley Bridge S t a t i o n . ) Special trains to K a d s l e y Eridge coaches/ Trains (A) Ail derails will be supplied at briefing (3) 1 Arrive D ep art 2 Arrive D epa rt 3 Arrive Service trains Depart to M i d l a n d Station Those arriving at this station will be brought to the Leppings Lane end of the ground on SY? vehicles und er Police escort. After the m a t c h PSV's will be parked in Penistone Road North opposite Claywheels Lane to t ra n s p o r t Liverpool fans back to the M i d la nd Station. TRAVEL - N O T T ING HAM FOREST to w T"£5V el Private cars may be exp A C w rr . ± ^ ^r V 2.l 1 along th e Ml lea v i n g T i s 1 sy ] _ follow a route to F ir v 5. 0 V* ere wh r V w 1 11 be direc ted along Barns a **r r%cad +-c p>U " 1 end £ r.c A c o n t 1 •-»r-€ ncy Road to arrive at also exists to direct ther. along H e m e s Road if excessive c o n g e s t i o n occurs. They will be e n c o u rag ed to park ir. sice roads off Nsepsena Lane, Per.istoae Read and Herries Road. ■ I 1 .8 . 2 Coaches May be expected to fcllcw the acvised route via .Ml, leaving at Tinsley and a r r i v ing at Firvale. They w i l l be directed along Kerries Road to park in the SYP bus garage in Kerries Road with ar.v o v e r flow parking on Herries Road Scuth and Rawscn SDri nc Road. 1.8.3 Mini coaches/ vans Mav be excected to follcw the same routas coaches. They will park on Rawson Spring Read. 1.8.4 Trains Scecial trains to Midland Station All details be supplied at briefing 1 I )• Arrive Depart . 2 Arrive Depart 3 Arrive Depart 4 Arrive Depart 5 Arrive Deoart Service trains c arrying Not t i n g h a m Forest supporters may also be exp ect ed at the Midland Station. All supporters arriving at this station will be transported to the ground ur.cer police escort on SY? vehicles u nl oad ing in Herries Road Scuth. After the match buses w i U be parked in Penistone Road North (opposite the ground) to transoort t h e m back to the station. INTENTION 2.1 It is the police intention to a l l o w this event to take place with the minimum disruption to those not involved arte to ensure public safety both inside and outside the cround. THOD 3.1 Tne event will be in three phases: =se 1 - Before the match 10.00 am - 3.0G pm Pr.ase 2 - During the match 3.00 pm - 4.3 0 pm Pnase - After the match 4.30 pm - until stand 3 * subject to 30 minutes extra time down' i 3 .2 i BRIEFING - HATCH A briefing will take place for ail officers commencing at 10.00 an (parade S.45 am) i 3.3 ■ I Immediately following the briefing the crcunc will be searched for suspicious objects or unauthorised persons. 3 .4 CRIME All complaints of crime will be dealt with by CID who will be on duty at the gymnasium and Kammert on Read Poll ce Station. Complaints will be di rec ted to the most suitab le location. «■ V GROUND SE CURITY 3.5 _ ■ HATCH CONTROL/COMMUNICATIONS This is located within the ground. Personal radios will operate cn channel 25. VHP sets will operate on channel 3.6 PARKING RESTRICTIONS Khere these exist (either yellow lines or parking cones) they will be enforced by all serials. 1 3 .7 PJELHOVAL OF V E g i C 7' ^ This will only be done when abs olu tel y necessary. It viII be authorised by a supervisory o f f i cer and arranged • via Match Control. 3.8 OBSTR UCT ION S - OTHER THAN BY VEHICLES ?rraor Trade** s, ticket touts etc, will be moved c n . If they p e r s i s t t h e y w i l l be a r r e s t e d a n d b r o u g h t to the P'dice 3 .9 room PRISONERS for charging etc. (General) ■1 All persons arrested inside or out sid e the ground w i l 1 be brought to the police room situate under the North Stand. On arrival they will be p r o c e s s e d and detained. Arresting officers will be required to submit a short file cr.iy. There will be NO requirement for c:f:cers to charge or complete ar.v a dmi nistrative proced: 3.10 PRISONERS (Charging) rcllowing administrative procedures at the Dclice room, prisoners will be forwarded to the f o l l o w i n g stations fcr char cine etc: Liverpool - Ecclesfielc Nott mgha.m Forest - Kammertcn Road \[2V 2 . 3.11 SEARCHING - TURNSTILES Khere persons are searched at the turnstiles, property seized in accordance with the ground rules, then the following procedures will be f e l l o w e d : (a) The seizing Police Constable must supply the owner with his collar number (b) Inform the person where the property may be retrieved after the match: Liverpool fans Nottingham Forest (c) Police property post at the rear of the West Stand - Police property pest in the Owls Shop - rear Spicn Kcp Affix a label bearing the owner's name and his own cellar (c) - number Ensure the item is taken to the appropriate location It should be noted that the ground regulations allow cameras, flags, banners etc tc be seized. Discretion should be exercised and only items likely to cause a danger seized. Such items may include large flags, banners and poles but not small flags and cameras. 3.12 SEARCHING - COACHES ETC All officers cutsice the ground should carry out random checks of such vehicles for breaches of legislation. Where officers at Ouchtibridce and Tankerslev have checked coaches which are in order, they should affix an adhesive label with a tick thereon to the wi ndscreen to prevent further checking. Where offences are disclosed the appropriate action should be taken-. Items seized as evidence should be deposited in the gymnasium for retention. 3.13 EJECTIONS All persons ejected from the tnrcuch the pci ice room. 3.14 must be processed GROUND RULES An extract of the relevant 3 •15 ground SPORTING EVENTS (CONTROL rules is attached. OF ALCOHOL) An extract of the relevant sections ACT 19 85 is attached. iT i i 3.16 E M ERG ENC Y E V A C U A T I O N PROCEDURES The procedure relevant tc this ground is attachec. 3.17 FO U N D CHILD REN Kill be init ial ly reported to the Ground Control and if r.ct claimed taken to the gymnasium. i 3.IS REFR ESH MEN TS Tvo meals are available. The packed meal will be given to serials i m med iat ely after briefing and this will be consumed due tc the extinger.cies of duty. The second meal which will be cooked will be taken strictly in accordance with the instruction shewn in the serial order. i !• 3.19 \ COMPLAINTS Any person compla ini ng abcut police officers will be referred to the cvmnasium or Hammer ten Read Police Station. ADMINIS T R A T 1 0 N 4.1 OVE RTI ME Special All overtime claims will be clearly marked 'SEMI FINAL - / Liverpool -v- Notts Forest' and submitted via the officer's cwn section in the normal manner. | 4.2 J • J Event. R EP ORT ING OFF DUT Y S up erv iso ry Inspectors must report the whole of their subsecto r off duty anc account for any person net present. They will go off duty at the fo l l o w i n g locations: Ground - Gymnasium, Public Order - Claywheels Lane. (Serials 1-21) (Serials 22-6^) Prior to leaving these locations, they will submit the de-brief forms and ensure all radios are h a nde d ir.. * . ^ B t H S a AH3 EV/CLKnCK FSGCSXFES In the ever.t of an ersT-rency situation arising in the stadijr. (;e firs cr both call) which ns; re-^iire evacjation I of ell c.- pert of the gT'ourd, the prcceijre outlined vill (a ) be- fellc^ed: C cr.trol Focn w ill p ess the follow ing oessage - | H e atte n d a n c e cT ft* fte sd a e i s irg s T tly re q u ired a t P o lic e C o n tro l _ e\cruetiori procs±jre is in force J(b) Ln the ever.t This vill be c v l t the FA systarr. etc will indicate to police officers that a prcvisicr-a. £.-»j cf sr. emergency evarjaticn being necessary, £r. oral nessage will be pp-ssei ty thepolice cffic in charge gdvi-vg specific instrjc: icns as to artier, to te taken by the public 1 (c) Ir. the ever,; cf s n all clearsirjaticr., the fcllo-ing nessag? will be passed: (d) Evar-aticr. proc-rd-res for various parts cf the grol t c ft- W e a ± w e is n c longer reqdLrsd at Falice Central 1 . are s'ro-r cn the ercrcpriate seri-i crder . A?FgCIX ’A’(2) * CRGLH) R S X L A n P S i- Lrauth-orised p e r r - a r e not permitted to enter upor. the field of play p ‘ T>>r climbing cf floodlight pylons, stands cr other biiicings in the lu. The constrrp-ticr. ; Sporting Events I>^ i intoxicating licjors is perrrdtted only irs c''j y is fcrbidoe.n places and in accordance with the Icnrrcl of Alctrcl etc) Act 19=5 :r.s, sn>:f osrdsters, bottles, glasses, c a n s ^ & , b£.nr>ers, poles and other sin''.-r articles cr ... , c"■ ■ '2rs inc-tcir-g anything vie.' cou_c cr ri^J^ce user as a vesper., are not permittee w-.thir. the jreure sr-d s-ny per^cr i- pcssesicr, cf s-jch a-, a r ^ ^ f c r container ray be refused;.' cr ejs-rte-d fror. the px--:. |2 . I'roer no cirr-irsiHnres is it perrdt^^to throw- any object on to the pitch :• Any person who fails tc c c m p l t r u e ::ens fro:, a sta-~zrd ray be ejected frcr. the grcind. j~person vrvo repairs in aj^;;,nc;' be ejected frcr. the gram-d. p- 'The Club reserves tTt= righto refine admission to cr eiect any perscr. vhc refuses to be s-^arch by a police officer ' ■ The Crco reserves^^right for its ser.-ants and agents tc remove frcr. this ground any perscr, vhc does net ■ £a7?.--v. ^ " C t m k ner^l ations a-.c with Rules ire Reg’jlaticr^ cf roctoall .-3 3 oci='.irr, arc 7>je j roc’ .^11 L e ^ ^ c r vr/ose preserve cr. the Grourc is or coQld reascra'oly be cor^tr^-d as ccrs:it-tiru: a so_ „e cf^^zer, cr a~.-c\a.~re to ether spectators. PPFESDTX ’A ’(3) SFgRTDC 5. ryrs (CCKIHX CF A L H H D ACT 1965 «) It is ar. c C C zra for an operator to .'ccwincly r ~ ~ : alcohol or allcv it tc be carried cr, a public settee vehicle travelling to cr frcr: a fcotbell ratoh (3) It is an offerer to possess alcci-cl cr, a pu'olic vehicle, ircludi-z rriri buses etc, or train vher. travelli-^ to cr fror. a football ratoh * A Ccnsta'ole ns: step a-.-d search a public vehicle vr.-ere he has reascra'cle gra-rcs to s-jspe:t alcohol is hp•~ - carried r>7D (••0 It is an offer.o-r to possess alcohol ■►r«e.n e.-.terirx cr atterrrtin* to enter a fee'.'rail ground 7* £.“■ offerer to enter cr £::e— : to enter a fcctball zrojrc vr.-er. in tcsocssior. of bottles, ca~^ etc ^ |cr part cf .' ■«r_o.-. ar? capable cf ca^sits inj'cry. This includes cri-.--irx glasses but nc: the:rcs P - ’UJCT i\ c?n \-s an tc, stterpt to enter, or be in e football grcurc dr^>.. CF ,-icaOL r\ -7H o -•■= pitch. *— ‘t-T— ^v’" cr-y be sold in those parts of th.-e grour>d oesigrate-d vhich vdll be cut cf \~ev of A_ octjo: ra,v net be taJ-:er. cut of ckaigrate-d L'^as. >2 ) r.$ Constable ir ■^■ifcrr, rsy r.-_r~e a bar in a footbal] grcLrxl toclose ‘ ^ ‘Orcl is detrimental to gtcc order cr public safety. if he believes tr>;cer.tir.t-ec s^.e :ar- *° the rr^rs to search, s Constable rnv arrestan.'.' perscr.ccrri:ti'j: cr vrc . h^-rcomtteo ■ tro-;-r the A.— . (5 ^ . an F A CUP SEMI FINAL SFECD^EN TICKET kr-asg^ "r^.'L'iv1.1.; I; k'■11!-';,‘aI" •=:'3 >.* •■- ■ CCiajR CCQING - LIVERPOOL BRCKS ^ED. - NDSTH STAND - VEST STAND '■ K PURPLE - LAPPINGS LANE TERRACES (also overprinted "LIVERPOOL AREA*) coic u r c c o u -c - rviru&izx fdrest CfLVJCS - SPICN KO? (5.130 overprinted *b u n JuKCHAM AREA") BLI-rH; - SCUTH STAND - SOUTH STAND {L7CO/EKED) HilJsborougij Qround Hoorn r.iviu u xx)!, c u m x rn -u c Oymnnkjm Honru STANO 1 - 1G Pltymr’i vay and Fnns Gn Tunnmt Enclosu f’olico Control ^0^22 SOUTft STAND mWsjDtftni Timur tii r<: TTTTn Olrmctora Fntranc No t t in g h a m Forrnrrr m rrro rrro ts SE>Q FDRL 19£3q SECTOR 2 - LIVERPOOL HALIFAX FCAD LIVERPOOL CCACHE? Liverpool car parking POXKILL A?C PAPSCN CFC5S ESTATES J O x VADSLEY BRIDGE KAQSLEY STATI LIVERPOOL TP. LIVERPOOL KDH BUS/VAN PARKING - WJESEND FCAD K^Trl ^POO o LTVt_-\POC!L CAR PARKING WIS3CCD A SD HARLCLI S M TO R L 1983^ Notts Fcrest Coech Park y & Notts Forsst Coach and Mini bu park P 0 ‘° - J c a bltoh po. t o y P A R K S t. * LENHOx Ro a d Oosor«y ^ . . Z 3 D I " illsborough Pork Owlerton APPENDIX'A( i ) ' SENIOR OFFICERS DITTIES Chief Inspectors and abcve will 'JOT use a c~-qi1 sign but will be icentifi bv their nane and rank. OVERALL COMMAND Chief Superintendent Duckenfie Liaison - Inspector Sev^ll Call Sign India 26 GROUND CONTROL Superintendent f-furrav Sector 1 (Ground) Superintendent Gresnvscoc Sector Chief Inspector Seal Serials 1-10 Sector 13 Chief Inspector Creaser Serials 11-19 Reserve Serials 20/21 SECTOR TWO (LIVERPOOL) Superintendent .Marshall Sector 2A Chief Inspector Waring Serials 22-33 and 44, 46, 47 & 48 Sector 23 ) Chief Inscector Purdv ■Serials 34-51 excluding 44, 46, 47. & 43 SECTOR THREE (NJ1T£MG-^M FOREST) Superintendent Chapran Sector 3A Chief Inspector Sumer Serials 52-56 Sector 33 Serials 57-64 Chief Inspector Price J APPENDIX • A C i i ) ' INSPECTORS SECTOR 1A - CHIEF INSPECTOR EEAL I I ]; Call Sicn Sub Sector 1 (Serials 1—3) Inspector Eerling 'F' India 1 Sub Sector 2 (Serials 4-6) Inspector Harvey 'HQ' India 2 Sub Sector 3 (Serials 7-8) Inspector C-.lvsrt 'HQ' India 3 Sub Sector 4 (Serials9-10) Inspector Booth 'E' India 4 1< SECTOR 1(B) - C-ZEF INSPECTOR CHEASER ] Sub Sector 5 (Serials Sub Sector 6 Sub Sector 11-12) Inspector Woodward 'F' India 5 (Serial 13) Inspector Bullas 'HQ' India 6 7 (Serials 14-15) Inspector White 'F' India 7 Sub Sector 8 (Serials 16-19) Inspector Sykes 'F' Inspector Purdy 'Trg' India 8 India 8 Sub Sector 9 (Serials 20-21) Inspector =er=srcra 3 1 uj : w u> 1 ■^''I S « APPENDIX 'A(ii)1 . 4 IfCPECICRS (CCNT'D) I i SECTOR 2A - CHIEF INSPECTOR WARING (LIVERPOOL) Cal1 Sign i 1i Sub Sector 10 (Serials 22-25) Inspector H Sub Sector 11 (Serials 26-29) Inspector Selvcoc 1E' India 11 Sub Sector 12 (Serials 30-33) Inspector Millett 'A' India 12 u m p h rie s 'A* India 10 i I I SECTOR 23 - CHIEF INSPECTOR PURDY (LIVERPOOL) I > 1 I Sub Sector 13 (Serials 34/35) Inspector Tcvner.d 'A' India 13 Sub Sector 14 (Serials 36-38) Inspector Ellis 'C' India 14 Sub Sector 15 (Serials 39/40) Inspector Er-._ — . -’t ' India 15 Sub Sector 16 (Serials 41-43) Insoector Brccrrhead ’CT India 16 India 17 1 CC&CH RSCE?I'ICN « SEARCH SQUADS Sub Sector 17 (Serial 44) Sub Sector 18 (Serial 45) Inspector Wardle ’r,’ bk Inspector Hz Sub Sector 19 (Serials 4 6-43) inspector Walker 1Ccs 1 India 19 Sub Sector 20 (Serials 49-51) Inspector Robinson ’H Q 1 India 20 MDBILE UNITS fl I a 9 1 I - ' J APPENDIX ' A ( j ± ) I | INSPECTORS (OCNTD) I SECTOR 3A - CHIEF INSPECTOR SIMtER (NDTTDGiAH FOREST) I I O i l Si r—i - Sub Sector 21 (Serials 52/53) Inspector Charles ‘C India 21 Sub Sector 22 (Serials 54-56) Inspector Nevrey 1C 1 India 22 I XjR 33 - CrD!ZF INSPECTOR PRICE - NOOTINCHAlM FCkZST f c 1 1 Sub Sector 23 '(Serials 57/53) Inspector Eaterran 1C 1 India 23 Sub Sector 24 (Serials 59/60) Inspector Burgess 'C1 India 24 (Serials 61-64) Inspector Wallace 1E 1 India 25 LIAi SCN Inspector Sev»el_l 1F' India 25 AU-d?'vlS'irAlJ.CM Inspector Eenr.ett 1F 1 Ir.di£ 27 Inscectcr Scarre 1Traffic1 In.dis 2S 1 HCBILE UNITS 1 1 Sue Sector 25 TRANSIT ALLOCATION/RESERVE SERIALS/ 1 1 1 I CCVtCH SU?^IPVTSICN I 1 T SovTDC RAN' FIE ERIZFIN 1 I I I 1 Seats 167-173 Seats 183-194 r.O-r >Few 37 - CID Fo.- 36 - CID PC's (serials 61, cl’ _'C 1 Ir s p . 2 FS 1 -!_e- 1 CC C .-_'s (serial 7 ? 1 Frv: 3s 1 Its? 1 FS c PC's (serial 37) Few 33 Few 32 - 1 FS S PC's (serial 35) Few 31 - ^ FS 5 PC's (serial 53) Few 3 0 - 2 FS's 10 PC's (serials 3C i =1) Few 29 - 1 Ir-s? 2 FS's *0 FC's (serial - 6 L -") Few 2S - 1 : 10 FC's (serial -^) Feu- 27 - 1 £■ r_ s vserial *2) Few 2 6 - 1 f ?: e fsus—'s' Fev; 25 - 10 CID 20 PC's (seria1 c PS 5 PC *s (serial e\T! 8 P5 fc' IT-Sp ser; ’ ~ 5 =~1c -■■s? * •«-» w rw c 2 PS ’ 5 30 ?: InSw F5~£ Ir.s? -3) -3 ) PC"5 : 63"*‘s* — S 1 = (serial ;-£1 “C ^ 3 •e-* " ^ •- iser:a_ «c) V s isaris_ »« .w 5 vS5. . =_ £cv; 22 •- 1 PC's -serial 53: C ’s (s^riel V)) -c-v 2C rev 19 :cv 2c 5 PC's serial 2£) > 2 P5 c (seris :CW IT r i ?S : PC's (seria r I PS 1C 7C*s (ser: al IC P T s (serial 18) :CV 16 “cw _ _ FC's iserial PS S FC's (serial 1 £ FC's iserial 29) -.'/ 7=* £ FC's (serial — >• S FC's (serial 2') 10 PC's (serial 21) 10 PC's (serial 19 • T» 1C PC's (serial "" 8 FC's (serial £ PC's iserial 20 ) r_-« *cw :j .— » :cv 12 5 1C 1 PS 1C PC's (ser; J\ 1-) / ^ ,r’1* (s^rtzu IC P C ’s (serial »m ^ PC's '"serial 10": 13) * - \ • o' . W- c ^ s -serial 6—- c •;s =i‘ c ERTE73C AREA - *"~z r-*--• y. Lr PI N 'F ' M FOOTBALL DUTY; DIVISION SEMI FINAL DATE: 15 AP R I L 198: LIVERPOOL -v- NOTTS FOREST I SERIAL N U MBE R DETAILS OF O FFI C E R S m m EMPLOYED Sergeant DT/OT 1 PC DT/OT 2 PC DT/OT 3 PC DT/OT 4 PC DT/OT 5 PC DT/OT 6 PC DT/OT 7 PC DT/OT 8 PC DT/OT 9 PC DT/OT 10 PC DT/OT INCIDENTS A K D COMMENTS REGARDING DUT Y (INCLUDING ARRESTS BY M E M BE RS OF SERIALS ETC) MUS T BE S H O W N O VER LEA F Signature , ^ |~|| m a ill of Sergeant in charge THIS FORM M U S T BE COMPLETED AND H A N D E D IN TO TEE SERGEANT IN CHARGE P O L I C E ROOM PRIOR TO LEA VIN G THE. GROUND ') c ? ~ : c : al n o t ic e u?OIND Kt-uoLA. iuNS ■ • • —2 ; r 5 s a r e p l a y e d in acccrdar. ee v i t h the Rules j - s o c i a t i o n 2r.d The Fe e : . ba i l League and the Laws c f P . eg u l a : : c n s o f The . - c c r t a l l Ci?s. 1 ,... c a.-.r.ot be g u a r a n t e e d to t a k e p l a c e on any p a r t i c u l a r day c r a t ar.y p a r t i c u l a r |. 2n;J - k= c l u b r e s e r v e s t he r i g h t t o change i t s a d v e r t i s e d f i x t u r e s w i t h o u t not Ir.d without l i a b i l i t y . a refund of any cash a d mi s s i o n char ge pai d at the t u r n s t i l e w i l l be c a d e . I=efur.ds w i l l be r.ace ir. r e s p e c t c f s e a t s booked in and p a i d f o r where a - i t c h i s p o s t p o n e d , s u b j e c t t o a t i r e l i m i t a t i o n , d e t a i l s of v h i o h can be o b t a i n e d the Sox O f f i c e . ■,’n a ut h o r i s ed p e r s o n s a r e not p e r m i t t e d to e n t e r upon t h e f i e l d of p l a y . i t h the e x ce p t i o n c f a u t h o r i s e d pr'-;ss r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s h o l d i n g 1lining c f p h e c o g r a r h s c r c i n e phot ography i n s i d e t h e Ground i s o f f i c i a l passes, in : i c n , no r e c o r d i n g w h e t h er f c r Radio o r T e l e v i s i o n c r f o r p r i v a t e purposes a specia- authorisation .-^ther Tor t r a n s m i s s i o n or o t h e r w i s e i s p e r m i t t e d save " ^ J ^ r i t i r .g by the Cl ub. H -1 y persons s p e c i f i c a l l y a u t h o r i s e d ir by t i e Club a r e p e r m i t t e d to d i s t r i u t e without char ge c r o f f e r f c r s a l e i n t h e Ground ar.y Newspapers , P e r i o d i c a l s c r .-.v e t h e r a r t i c l e s . 1Unnecessary r c i s e »s, use cf -Radio s e t s and b e h a v i o u r l i k e l y to suer, as tr.a t cause confus i on cr n u i s a n c e of any k i n d i n c l u d i n g f o u l c r a b u s i v e language i s not ?d in Ar.y —v r.p a- r t of the Ground. The c i i r b i r . g of f l o o d l i g h t p y l o n s , s t a n d s or o t h e r b u i l d i n g s i n t h e Ground i s "bidden. .s.e c c n s u r p t i c n c f i n t o x i c a t i n g l i q u o r s i s p e r m i t t e d c i n a u t h o r i s e d p l a c e s and in rrordar.cs with t h e S p o r t i n g Events ( C o n t r o l o f A l c o h o l e t c . ) Act 1535'r- i r e v c r k s , scicke c a n i s t e r s , b o t t l e s , g l a s s e s , c a n s , f l a g s , b a n n e r s , p o l e s and e t h e r a r t i c l e s c r c o n t a i n e r s , i n c l u d i n g a n y t h i n g which could o r e i g h t be used as a a r e n e t p e r m i t t e d wi t h i r . t h e Ground, and any p e r s o n in p o s s e s s i o n of such r £ f r e e z h t Grcur.d. THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE CUP SEMI-FINAL LIVERPOOL v N O T T IN G H A M FOREST '.ROW AT HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM SATURDAY 15th APRIL 19SS - KICK OFF 3.00 PM i SEAT i i ! ENTRANCE ROW: GANGWAY GANGWAY ;£ SEAT: \£ jgE 61V B J U P THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE CUP SEMI-FINAL LIVERPOOL v o - ROW N O T T IN G H A M FOREST ! SEAT AT HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM SATURDAY 15th APRIL 1989 - KICK OFF 3.0 0 PM ! ; ENTRANCE GANGWAY GANGWAY ROW: S h effield W ednesday F.C. pfc Hillsborough S heffield /< , /£/ - V) LJ 2C f r ' . t- UJ < _l ^ —i i i! u fii a'ii f; — UJ r - cn is. £ ■M- O 5 tu | <r < < cc O — w T> i . as O -o — u O a gc \, ‘ . ... \ • K S .Tcu-. / S pfv":'.-::;o tr S h e f f i e l d W e d n e s d a y F .C . p l ° H ills b o ro u g h S h e ffie ld £O *1 w o> a i£ U ) E == 0) e o ets e | o 2 CJJ « c e o o CL it Q) O -rQa H o c 'O .c ’ c3 H- s >o k_ . to UJ cc {_ UJ < _J C C -J — UJ ?■ to u. UJ ° | 1X1 § I ° 5 o «£ o City. / n Sheffield Wednesday F.C. pic Hillsborough Sheffield & •C O) </) 3 — o ____________ tonsow«9i L - C lT .I / 1u = u SS,*!, c— i n . -© - lllifr ral ifs/Ii S*IDKko? - Te C«» P -Q ° E E J3 2 2 O) 2 03 E “ ■ >, e T OC ' 5 ° & 0) o s f sm I s3D 5S X£ T>5? s* PfVSTCSfec*0 A6> £ n tr * n c i ta S w u H jII 6 North S u n t f C ir P M 5 1 P 2 .o o e a> 0) CO o> E E C_ J k O) e Q. TO O O r V) u j cc b m cc -I r W u. HI o s w 5 I O uj O m cc 0. ; THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE CUP SEMI-FINAL C LIVERPOOL C v ROW N O T T IN G H A M FOREST ISEAT I j c AT HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM SATURDAY 15th APRIL 1989 • KICK OFF 3.00 PM < c I ENTRANCE GANGWAY GANGWAY ROW: c ,£ SEAT: £ TO BE GIVEN UP THIS PORTION TO BE RETAINED ( THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE CUP SEMI-FINAL S-,5 . ' * 1 vAT HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM - TO BE GIVEN UP THIS PORTION TO BE RETAINED : !" ' : THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION CHALLENGE CUP SEMI-FINAL n LIVERPOOL c ^ .N O T T IN G H A M FOREST z : - ;'1' ' : ; * ; :• AT HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM : . v ;;-; >1 ^ ; v v : } , ' . . S a t u r d a y 15th a p r i l 1989 - k i c k o f f 3.00 PM ^ENTRANCE GANGWAY ; GANGWAY ROW : S h effield W ednesday F.C. p!c Hillsborough S h effield CO 3 CO ■“ O _0) £E .O o “cao E SinpjfiiWja^CJuft J' Pn E E >» "a c O ° O) O 5 o2 0 5 ujf <r < < ^ 1 5 O o /-N Q. 03 E nirtnce to Sports Hall b N r t h Stand Car Park c </: s|S « 5 * « o Si o >i u* CC - I g; CL - cr » e -4 (/) in a: C3 ;= cr I I-A - a £■£ T i— 2O o .o o u. UJ OQ CC PtWSTONE ROAfl A 61 . Sheffield Wednesday F.C. pic Hillsborough Sheffield G W f2 I .o° E CD CO E^ CD O) E B «3 E E ^ >, 2 £5 fifllf (0 u O >s lililf C 2: “ ■ cd O S BinJI i? .f sPili o> £ eg o w 5 LU cc LU qTW UJ cc LL LU O5 UJS cc < |o LU O Q. CD CC F JS3D O To City. n PEN1ST0NE R O M * .61. Sheffield Wednesday F.C. pic Hillsborough Sheffield O) -C CO 3 ® § En E « S) s O PIN5ST0NE ROAD A 61. CD E E O2 oc *« 2o CO Entrance to So o rti Kali b N oah Stand Car Park CO r o W O ) o -C *— .o o s w CD ra c Q ° £: 0) >§ 2 cc -j : W u. LU 02 2 LLI< cc cc 1UJ oo m cac. & < *\ SOUTH YOWCSHWE POUCH*1” 7-7 FROM: Superintendent fcrrt REF: STATWN/OEPT.: OPS Chief Superintendent Nesbit DATE: ..TO. 1J.V.89 SUBJECT: SATETT OF SPORTS OHOUNDS I refer to the correspdrtdence frocoi.Qiie.f Superintendent (MS) in respect of the above. •T'r- Enclosed for information is a copy of the Certificate issued by the then South Yorkshire County Council in Decamber 1979* Also attached is a copy of the first Draft prepared by the City Council in August 1987. ____ Referring to the latter could I draw your attention to paragraphs 5 fc 6 which have been totally deleted from the new draft. Siailalrly could I draw your attention to paragraph 10 which outlined the duties of stewards. To some degree the first draft aade the stewards answerable to police officers. In the latest draft the reference to police has been totally removed. Generally speaking the new draft certificate ,apart from matters relating to the police, is reasonably consistent with the first draft. However you may consider it appropriate at some stage to seek the views of Chief Superintendents Broomhead and Duckenfield. Superintendent [pQCtlMttTKOi ... . 71 IQ:;-'. 2*.OA89 Of’^tOO 1 document record print Other Document Number Date ■\ ;oajiv Description PHE HATCH 6RXEFING FA CUP SEMI FINAL GIVEN 14.4.89 D12 F A CUP SEMI FINAL - FRIDAY 14 APRIL 19S9 Ladies and Gentlemen * The event tomorrow is the FA Cup Semi Final Nottingham Forest. the gates will However, beteen Liverpool and The kick off is at 3 o ’clock this afternoon and • be open at 12 noon. there will Inevitably be a number of supporter* who arrive early and we shall have a certain number of gate* in. all parts of tfie g r o u n d \ h a y will be capable of opening from 11am and we will endeavour to get people Into the ground as quickly as possible. I ruust stress that if supporters do not have a ticket then whatever they say they will not be allowed into the ground. The ground has a capacity of 54,000 people. It i* an all-ticket m^tch and all tickets have been sold so there is no rooft for anyone •A who does not have a ticket because we will break safety limits. The stadium has been divided to ensure maximum segregation and. to reduce any possibility of public disorder. Th* West Stand to my left, otherwise known as the Lt-pjurHMv and th* stand that you are fitting in now, • '•* PAGE D12 •ar*» for U-? Liverpool Supporters. All access to these areas is at th-it end vr<ich is the l.epping? Lane End. Th* Nottingham Forest Supporters have been allocated tickets for the Spion Kop, which is on my right, and the South Stand, which is directly behind me and where the Director** Box and the Player* Tunnel is. To ensure that supporter* from Nottingham Fore»t do not flow along the back cf the South Stand and toward* Lepping* Lane End we have created a sterile area along the back of that *tand. Tickets are colour-coded and clearly identified for the section* of the ground, and when asked for advice you should examine the ticket, and give Information accordingly. Copie* of.the ticket* are on di*play on the information board*. • The routine vehicles and spectator* ha* been designed to bring Liverpool Support** into that end of the ground which i* easily accessible to them, and in simple terms that 1* from the north and the Nottingham Forest fans have been routed from the south to approach South Side of the ground. ‘ If the teams are drawing at full time today there will be extra time and all cut plans need to be adjusted accordingly. There is one difficulty with the two teams, and that 1« with regard to identification of the fans by colour*. Those of you with football knowledge will appreciate that both Liverpool and No.ttlng* *$ v;filay in red in normal league match**, and their cupporter* usually^ PAGE D 12 we-ar rao and white. On the d^y no doubt the -Tans will still wear their colours, normal supporters but on the field I -am told that Liverpool will wear their usual red strip and Nottingham will play In white. It it our intention today that this match will take place without any public d i s o r d e r and we must ensure the safety of the public, both Inside and outside the ground, and segregate the opposing fans* 0 This will mean control by Police Officers and in addition to ensure things run smoothly there will be no obstruction of the highway and ' we must be extremely vigilant to ensure that there is no damage to property, either in the ground or in the vicinity of the ground. I will expect a high standard of turnout, good attitude towards members of the public, and professionalisn that reflects credit not only on the police service in general, but on South Yorkshire Police in particular. I want the public to be treated properly but thoses who transgress dealing with firmly but fairly within the law . I cannot stress too highly the word ’S a f e t y ’. t the ground will be .. . full to capacity today and some of you may never have experienced a football match of this nature. Our job is to ensure the safety o f . spectators and you must make sure you know the escapes routes; the', problem areas, and that you are fully conversant with your' responsibilities should a crisis arise. There will be a tr.viseJM^Mp atmosphere within the ground but you must not be caught, .up £ PAGE D12 7 ev;nts that a r e taking place on the field, you must r e m a i n detached arsd clear headed at all tifties to respond to events. I shall be in overall command of the operation but have delegated certain areas of res puns 1b i 1ity to particular Superintendent* who will have a number of Senior Officer# under their command. The Control Room, which is in the far corner to my left and is the blue box attached to the South Standr will be Superintendent Murray. Superintendent Greenwood will have command within the Stadium and touch line level. Superintendent Marshall will have responsibility for the Liverpool Supporters on the north side of the ground, and Superintendent Chapman will have responsibility for the Nottingham Forest Fan* who are approaching from the south *1de of the g round• All Inspectors who attended the briefing yesterday, these officers will, at the end of this briefing, speak to their respective contingents and advise them of what they expect and of the particul problems in their area. Any difficulties or any decision* within thoses areas will be taken by Section Superintendents. natters, I should at this point mention CID there are teams of detectives in the area and Detective Superintendent McKay Is responsible for crime matters. : ' In «»ore general terms and in respect of .trains, there il only pn* t ,._r r • ' Z PAGE D 12 Ir j i n t rurr; Livy: pool 14.C J t n e which will arrive -at Wadsley Bridge Station. fan; arriving at that, location can wall, easily into the g»ound and withuut too much difficulty. will At, 4 trains from Nottingham arrive at the Sheffield Midland Station, between 12.30pm and l.KOpm and buses are being provided to the ground. the return journey for the Nottingham fans travelling by train may be a little different. Buses will be parked outside the ground in Penistone Road North, facing towards City, and fans will be able to get on these and eventually make their way back to the City Centre. 1he train times will, be adjusted to ensure that Nottingham fan* don't misa their train, either by traffic congestion or extra time, but they should not be allowed to dawdle along the route. I should mention at this point that whilst there is a rigid policy with regard to Liverpool Station. fans arriving by a special train into Wadsley Bridge About 1,000 will no doubt arrive by service train and travel from the City Centre by bus. . '.i r These Liverpool fans who have arrived at the Midland Station and travel by bus will department they will Gentlemen, be directed to Liverpool allocated transport buses that will be parked near Wadsley Bridge Station and be conveyed to Sheffield City Centre. the order covers most eventualities and I can't in this limited time cover everything, but there will be additional briefings.;' by your Supervisory Officers and your Inspectors have had a copy of the Operational Order and are fully conversant with what our intentions are today. Let me just say thiss " PAGE D 12 firm but fa:r policiny with the correct attitude. Safety of supporter's in this ground is par-iihount. Nobody gets in without a ticket. Nobody takes a drink or banner* into the ground and nobody goes in who i% drunV:. I will now pass you onto Mr. Murray. t-"' OF REPORT I. I f o v-Grv-O ■/ivb _ * LiiiE: . Uli a n c G e n t 1e m e n ,W5r! eve nt N o i 1 1 nciii'i the gates must they Th e r oris' will s t re s s be that s-=y t h e y will ground has m a t c h a n d ali J0 k A Ii o p e n at if ar.v possiuii' a capacity t0 e r. a :e L i v e r p o o l u n i c r. the ihe Mo * * i no ham F o r e s t c- 5 — .O C Q hav pU£'llC la nt ha V 9 into be • l- ' it isrr.oc; '.Z s u o d c rters not tickets t h i• men t CK i wnaosve oround. people It so t h e r e ,11- ticket is ab is no room for anvo 7 01=01 S u s >k C - ter s . Leppi c Su 5?c'lsr- i. iocioe-.. 1.1 tor c.i n r To ensure that supports.'; from Nottingham r z r sst do not flow a the back of the South Stand ana towards the Leppings Lane End -s na.v created a sterile area aior.c the back of th that stand. Tickets are colour-coded and the ground, clearly identified f c r the sections of and when asked for advice you should examine the ticket and give information accordingly. Copies if the tickets are cn display on the information boards. (• If teams are drawing at full time today there will be extra time- and all our plans need to be adjusted accordingly. There is one difficulty with the two teams, to identification of the fans by colours. and that is with recard Those of you with foetiall knowledge will appreciate that both Liverpool and Nottingham play in red in normal Isague matches, ar.d their supporters usually wear red and white. I-r is cur intention today that this match will take place without anv _ € public disorder and we must ensure the safety c? the public. 'i*»i — -be r.c w^% v r‘ul i i c O r wtic \ oi**way enc «■*e rr■_~ ~ j 5 j?,>r* vie: l%r. *. to c-r.;u i t.,= L t.r>o r 5 is no dimace to proper*./, iher »v either in ground of in the vicinity cf the g r o u n d . I will expect a high standard of turnout, good attitude towards members of the public, and professionalism that reflects only on the d o I ice servic:- i“• general, but :n zCj.i'r, Y credit not : r:;:hi re Fell::- ro r.i r • dealing with firmly but fairly within the law. I cannot stress too hi:hly the were TUi: ’S a f e t y . ’ inis orcund will is uo capacity today and some of you may never have s:<pe rsiencec a football match of this nature. Our job is to ensure tr.s safety cf spectators and you tr.ust make sure you know the escapes routes, the problems areas, and that you are fully conversant with your responsibilities should a crisis arise. Thera will fca a t r 52sr.ccus {< atmosphere within the crcund but you must not be caucht up in t.^is thge events that are taking place on the field you must remain detached and clear headsd at all times to respond to events. The Control Room, which is in the far corner to my left and is the blue box attached to the South Stand, will be commanded by Superintendent Murray. $1 ^ • ' — 1 Vouch ^ 5 T Vi 0 T \ "t line G r 3 a t Va* C C C *.'* ^ * ** S s u o rn n \r.s m i T h ' n t h e c 'S i v p t.. Ieve I . — 1• c -• £ 1l cs r - i/ ~Z^ -• ‘ ;r r‘^ 0 n * ’r r i C *' *- * - ’■ r « c. rtQ Q- tT i's il<1 ^ -Vt-'-7 ■? Of *• ” t C^GUrC- ' 2. ^ ,-v!•%.• aHfl S u p e ^ l ~ 1 ChaI'iTian will hi ■= r e 3 : ;r.s * ri 1 i ty for the Nottingham r are ap-proachi n< from the South of the ground. All Inspectors who attended briefing yesterday, at the end of this briefing, arse sdvise their area. these officers will, speak to their respective :ont ir.gents £,he?r, c- ■ _ e ; ;.*.;y expect and cf tne par t i c u .s.* :jl* " = 0 : f FA 1/ I Section Superintendents. matters. I should ■=t this point s=-;icn C There are teams of detectives in the area and £•= vSCwlVg Superintendent McKay is res pons i h i s for crime mat ter=. In more genera 1 t e rrr:s and in repsect of trains, ther; is c-niy one train from Liverpool whicr. will arrive at Wadsley E r z z g s 14.02. Station at Four trains from Nottingham will arrive at tre Sheffield Midland Station between 12.30 and 1.£C'pm. Bus ies are : = im to the crcund. The train times will be adjusted to ensure that«si fans don* t miss their trains, either by traffic congestion cr e .■Ira time. mention at this point that whilst there is a ricid to Liverpool q c 1 i zv I with reaard fans arriving by a special train into Wads!ey £ ridge about . . 10 0 0 Gentlemen, the order covers most eventualities and I car ’ I limited time cover everthing.. but there will be aadi t in this b-'iefing^ by your Supervisory Officer wnc'havT a copy of the operational order and are fully conversant with what our intentions are tc;=v. •_ %•t iti e ju st c .=v t i s : ■ irm rjut fair policing with t^*.e correct attitude. Safety cf supporters in chis ground is paramount. Nobody gets in withcut a ticket. Nobody takes drink cr tanners into the crsur-d and nobod*. 1; I Cr will “ f. . now :-3i5 v z ■„ : - \ • f U C'J < V Briefing Notes On Friday the 14th April after the main briefing to Inspectors and above held at Hillsborough I then briefed Inspectors and above whe were to be under my command at the semi-final match. I told than that in particular from experience I could forsee two problems arising. One was the question of supporters from the Leppings Lane terrace being hauled up by feilow supporters into the West Stand at half time thus creating over capacity in the West Stand. The second problen I related was based on experience of the semi final match between the same teams last year in that it was quite forseeable that there would be a large element of Liverpool supporters by whatsoever means would be purchasing tickets for the Spion Kop. This problem had beer, evident last year and that cordoning Police Officers had come under threat to personal safety. It was agreed with the Inspectors concerned that we would go to the Spion Kop after my briefing and axanine the area and how it could best be Drotected. * ft and reserved for Liverpool supporters. I specifically spoke in clear terms about behaviour of Liverpool supporters based on my previous experience. I told Officers that in niy view generally speaking if things were going well for Liverpool supporters crowd manag^ient should be reasonably well achieved, however should things in any way not go well them then they had proved extremely difficult to contain and moods would easily change. I related_an_lncident. to them which I .had witnessed uccurring at a Sheffield Wednesday - Liverpool match during thr- period of the Coal Indus tr\ . 1: was a i tnj; tine at I recnl 1 that tne then i;op wab over capacity with Sne*:i«_•ic* Wcdnescay supporters ana out of necessity same v.ere transferred to pen on the Leppings Lane terracing (the Liverpool supporters occupying the Uest End oi m e ground including the terracing). A pen was left empty between Liverpool supporters and those Sheffield Wednesday supporters that had been transferred and a line of Officers was put in the vacant pen between the supporters. On transierrine the Sheffield Wednesday supporters the Liverpool supporters wen: wild attesting to scale the jt-;jwing in a." attempt to get to the fie’c V.edr.rscav suzr-ortors. Itwns necessarv for same Officers to draw truncheons to contain the Liverpool supporters. I reminded Officers of the need for extreme care insearching supporters and in mind the dangers of weapons suchas Stanley knives, knives articles which may be retained in a to bear or sharp bladed persons pocket. Officers were also told of the dangers of weakening a police line by taking away supporters either under arrest or for the purpose of ejecting them thus reducfng the police cover and thereby potentially putting their colleagues at greater risk to their personal safety. Above all I told the Officers that in my view a successful operation hinged direct^ on the alertness of Constables and that i: they were to be seen as not being awake to potential problems then supporters would readily take advantage o! the situation. On conclusion of the briefing i then went to the bpion Kop with Inspectors tc discuss specific plans in relation to the segregation of Liverpool supporters '.of whom it may be expected that there would be more than last year] from Not tinsh?::: Forest supporters on whai was an area u.ith a capacity for containing 21.000 people. I also reminded Officers that sune Liverpool supporters had climbed over the Leppings Lane perimeter fenee at the end of last yearn semi final game and the: manpower had been arranged to prevent a repetition n also discussed separate;', wit* Inspector Darling the normal plan to iunnel players and officials into the player's tunnel at the end of the game). < A.‘ier the main brief ins on Saturday morn ifie I personal iy briefed 111* fiei ials r;a\ ini tioties or: the J-.pior: hop in terms of u — jiiaxjs for 1 .?t< soiree*;! losi e! ilii: supnc r-(‘vs arie also neijirjed tc them :r.'iye points :.*i«! I hat; <; op ‘in- as tr behaviour u! i.ivenw.M-ii supporter-, scarchine. alertness and the unaesiraui ii lor arrest ejection which would weaker a .nolice cordon and thus put their c:ei leasu-es 3 1 risk. / Chief Inspector Beal, Chief Inspector Creaser and Inspector Calvert, all of whom have had extensive experience of policing the Hillsborough stadium, were not present at my briefing on Friday but on Saturday I discussed with them the particular problems, as outlined previously, I had foreseen as would affect their areas of responsibili ty. At the conclusion of my briefings I confirmed that everyone was familiar with their allocated duties. ( BRIErTNG SHEET - F.A. CUP SEMI FINAL - 15.4.89. 0.4 . ALL IN5 PECTCR5 HAVE RECEIVED A FULL COPY OF TODAYS OPERATIONAL ORDER AND >nLL BRIEF SERIALS UNDER THEIR COHAND AS TO THE CONTENTS OF THE ORDER AND THE SERIALS SPECIFIC DUTIES. I WILL CONFI.'CE THIS BRIEFING TO WHAT I CONSIDER THE IMPORTANT POINTS. EMERGENCY EVACUATION ??.C<^~-t?Z ONE OFC-j R MOST IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS IS TO SAFELY EVACUATE THE STADIUM SHOULD THE NEED ARISE. THIS CAN ONLY EE ACHIEVED IF AIL O m C E R S KNOW" THEIR SPECIFIC DUTIES . IF AN EMERGENCY SITUATION SHOULD ARISE, WHEREBY IT MAY 3E NECESSARY TO EVACUATE ALL OR A SECTION OF THE STADIUM, THE FC'LLO.vTN-G MESSAGE Wl 11 BE PASSED OVER THE- STADIUM PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM:- .,1■y 'K ' POLICE CONTROL THIS WILL BE.YCUR SIGNAL TO TAKE UP THE SPECIFIC POSITIONS AND DUTIES D E S I S T E D TO YCj“a ND 'STAND BY ‘THERE. IF IT IS NECEE5ARY TC TARRY CUT THE EVACUATION A MESSAGE TO THAT EFFECT V.TLL EE PASSED OVER THE PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM AND THE 3TAD-IUM WILL 3E EVACUATED. IF VS AS POLICE OFFICERS ACT IN A PROFESSIONAL? DISCIPLINED AND ORDERLY MANNER WE WILL SET AN EXAMPLE TO THE PUBLIC WHICH WILL g i v e t ~z m c o x t h e n c e a n d p r e v e n t p a n i c . T r 1.- 0 z * ' /"*•- i — r \ S w - : a ; -> t r - ■» .— — — ~ * v-i » * r~. c™ ** * —> C3 * r - - % r —* 2 O t i i i w* * t t x * 'Tw'\VC“T C"C“wC * THAT THERE! S NT NTZ1 FCR AN EVACUATTON THEN THE FCLLC.nT?^ (h56\ MESSAGE WILL EE PASSED:" MR MEADCKS IS NO LONGER REQUIRED A? POLICE CONTROL" This will be your signal to starve down end resume ycur norrrc duties. TELEVISION AND VIDEO BESIDES THE FIXED CCT/ CAMERAS WHIG^i^CPERATE IN THE C-RCUNE OFFICERS OF SOUTH YORKSHIRE POLz€ e AND ALSO OUR COLLEAGUES F? - .NOTTINGHAM WILL 3E USING- HAND HELD VIDEO CAMERAS WITHIN THE GROUND. B.B.C. THE V.HOLE OF/THE EVENT WILL ALSO BE RECORDED BY THE IF T H E R E O F ?R03LE>S INSIDE THE GROUND THEN NO DOUBT THE MEDIA CAMERAMEN WILL EE AJS INTERESTED AS OUR C a N. TRAVELLING FANS FRCM LIVERPOOL ONE SPECIAL TRAIN WITH CN EGARD WILL ARRIVE AT'WADSLEY • BRIDGE STATION AT . ATS DEPART AFTER TKEr'MATCH AT :"0‘ / UNLESS THERE IS EXTRA TIME, WHEN THE TDS^WILL BE ADJUSTED / APPROXIMATELY 1000 LIVERPOOL FANS ARE EXPECTED TO TRAVEL ON SERVICE _TRAJNS_I>TO MIDLAND STATION, WHERE THEY' WILL EE MET / BY ’D* DIVISION OFFICERS .AND ESCORTED ON SPECIAL BUSES TO THE GROUND. COAOiES ARE EXPECTED THEY WILL PARK?,’ UNLOAD AND LOAD s / UP AFTER Tht EVENT IN HALIFAX ROAD FACING AtfAY FROM CITY. AND THE REMAINDER^WILL ARRIVE IN PRIVATE TRANSPORT AND VANS AND MINI3USES,'SHCXJLD EE DIRECTED TO WARDSEND ROAD.WHICH IS OPPOS WADSLEr ERIDGE STATION'. / FECH NOTTINGHAM r FOUR SPECIAL TRAINS WILL ARRIVE AT MIDLAND STATION THEY 'wILL DEPART AFTER THE KATGi AT AGAIN THE TIMES /.ILL EE ADJUSTED IF'EXTRA TiC-E IS PLAYED. sy ADDITIONALLY AETHER 1000 FANS. MAY TRAVEL EY SERVICE TRAINS. / ' THESE WILL ALL EE MET BY 'D ' DIVISION* OFFICERS AND ESCORTED ON /' SPECLAL BUSES TO THE C-PCUND. s / CCAC-ZS ARE EXPECTED AND WILL PARK, UNLOAD AND LOAD UP / A.FTER THE EVENT-‘A ? THE BUS DEPOT ON KERRIES ROAD. THE REMAINDER ✓ S / WILL ARRIVE/IN PRIVATE VE-ilCLZS AND VANS AND MINI3USES WILL EE DIRECTED' TO RAWSON SPRING ROAD, OFF HERRIES ROAD SOUTH. co^cne^ ^ " r^ " ‘ OactT - PRISONERS AND EjeCTION^ ALL PRISONERS ARRESTED IN OR IN THE VICINITY^Pr THE GROUND WILL BE TAKEN TO THE POLICE RCCM AS WILL ANY^PERSON WHOM AN OFFICER • FEELS SHOULD EE EJECTED UNDER THE GSCUND RULES. THE SERGEANT CN DUTY WILL EE INFORMED OF THE-^CIRCJMSTANCES AM) WILL DECIDE CN MAY EE TAKEN TO ECCIZSFIELD^LICE STATION OR HA;-2-EETGN ROAD IF . /cIT IS MORE Cvav ZNIZNT. ECCLESFIZLD WILL HE USED,TO PROCESS . LIVERPOOL SUPPORTERS ONLE AND HAMMERTON ROAD- NOTTS FOREST. ALCOHOL I WOULD REMIND YOU THAT IT IS A^X^FFENCE: (1) TO POSSESS ALCCHOL WHEN'e.NTERING OR ATTEMPTING TO ENTER THE GROUND (2) TO ENTER, ATTE^J'^TO^E:NTER OR =E IN THE GROUND WHEN CRUNK (3) TC- ENTER CR^.TTE-PT TO ENTER WHEN IN PCSSESSICN OF BOOTIES'? CAN’S ETC. (BINi WILL EE PROVIDED NEAR THE TURNSTILES FOR SA.'-E) M uuv- * § .u A i-u M e ^i h \A(i (-ftT'ft{>tfe 'i- H o e®ve lu , e • *• : * '* Ro^cfeM \ UrU.^£=~ U'\f'L-A'TA&£-£i^ v b C J =t - A ' \ f c - If- IF F la&S ^ H iU ^ V'AU/S. < L f v u S > (A Q ) r ^ocrfrfl 'PIU><*<Uku,fc- ^ u -e e S . £ ^ < \ C K /Ccrt<r, -tvCKfc-t ^'OS K S . ^e A ^a A vir^O r f\u^®t-Vou •"" ' ^ ^a 06> P1u A^fc$> CKjA ^ W * C o h Pu M ^ S '^OK>'\ \> .^ F * 4 -Pu &u c "T l-Wt: * A Q. W^WiO-flL "" 0 ^ ^ (I;^4 {U fo ) e o i ^ o u Ca u . &G c& . V C,V\. %ih% «*• t\-\ m k «s . ^ ,^H£- <H*iK 0*\ (J-rxlXV © f 4 X '- ^r\xLL- o ^ \ f ’o l$ \ M o u * < r ^ C fo - ^ M ’C 'b o ^A . " <- ^ ^ L M <KW . C o w K ^ C ^ t^ u GcfLouNb ^ ''0 . •—> HokU£> (+LS0 *~\ C <r~^> ~ X ( O U U i Cotirt.%.0Lofs C ju . W l ^ ' ) OvM- m . f ~ O U » v V k -=> ouxS. »UoP- l&t£- o f Kof « r (U i& I n I L ^ M 2- ^ - f ^ V V A W u>\U~ 4&- sW ) ifc- t A & f c U - ' CcWJ6«<«^ Pk* f\J(_5 d c m & v A C x Mfcy 4wlL>> he K\0 , t^CscS. HusSMcfc- lCK^ P & M ©£_ ESfc.c'te'b. ^ u W x G . . r\ t ^ C c . , ^ -To ( L<gJ^6>. * C o H?<-Y \t\ Fj NS^Y m a v £>£ £jiPa^^>Cx To P c . . , 't’O i A r tU* *€ .*& * vav -C^ \fc£Cfior\ Cic|Vt\G:Ol^’t^ vO. ‘^tf.ukfk) ^ ' CjML fAU K •U-osfeS 2 . 1 H / . / / *> o 'iiPJUi * * fvtfeA Q 'msJ L m J k : . <Q /4 ^ dA\s^b / o u < < j > e o»4 ^of <<> fe w e s t ‘ ^ -e ^ J M a S ^ C x U s > '}fc > > / ^ i x f - f - ^ L E> ^Uiols. f t * t e « = u , * * » j> < fiss*A.y < 0 ©fe^uufto^ U A#*1! «,fcOulv<Y ,b#we- <5e£l‘*v!Y ^ ' _ f ^ & I L 0 - £ - * f u & lOi^- to fio fh fo e U.\feP\r&c- r ^c6tS». / ifeAM CfcAcW^ /L lfa o * 4 ' 0 ^ Pj^. y h tw. *k h ^tct<€t N yOc*, ft/eV \ u6r°^ 'W< S > °'*'<’- (J2V?> fo i~ OP -> Lv\Jfe W c O t - . f=M^, /*|4 » A ^ rW^ - > ‘UtVv^ tofA- //1 a (Ls k s o . (i) BRIEFING Sem i-F inal I n tr o s e l f We have S ector 2 A ll a c t i v i t i e s o /s ground in r e s p e c t o f L iverp ool s p e c ta to r s . * Two S ecto rs - 2A, 2B 2A Ch/Insp Waring S e r ia ls 22 - 33 44 46 47 48 2B Ch/Insp Purdy S e r ia ls 34 - 51 exclvx3ing 44, 46, 4 7 , 48 SECTOR 2A * C /Insp Waring Sub-Sector 10 Insp Humphries S e r ia ls 22 - 25 Sub-Sector 11 Insp Selvcod Serials 26 - 29 Sub-Sector 12 Insp Millett .SECTOR 2B Serials 30 - 33 Purdy Sub-Sector 13 Insp To-.vnend Serials 34/35 Sub-Sector 14 Insp Ellis Serials 36 - 38 Sub-Sector IS Insp Brennan Serials 39 - 40 Sub-Sector 16 Insp Broomhcad S e r ia ls 41 - 43 (3) COACH RECEPTION SEARCH SQUADS Sub-Sector 17 In sp Wardle S e r ia l 44 Sub-Sector 18 Insp Morton S e r ia l 45 MOBILE UNITS Sub-Sector 19 Insn Walker S e r ia ls 46 - 48 Sub-Sector 20 Insp Robinson S e r ia ls 49 - 51 (H ) 6 3 THIS IS VC1AT EACH SERIAL WILL DO: C/Tnsp Vfarinq Humphries, S e lw o d , M ille t , Wardle, Morton S e r ia l 22 PS Ilo d g itts 23 PS Lcmas 24 PS Dolan 25 PS Perry P u b lic Order, Middlcwood Fd + H illsborough P recin ct 26 PS Cropley Parkside Rd - Catchbar Lane 27 PS P eniston e Road/Leppi ngs Lane B a r r ie r s, U rin a to rs, F reeb ies 28 PS Wilson P en iston e Road/Leppings lan e B arriers 29 PS Reynolds P u b lic Order Leppings Lane 30 PS Ashton 31 PS Pearson * 32 PS 33 PS Atkin 44 PS Hughes F2 Coach R eception/Searching A616 O/Bridg to G Phase 1 Phase 3 - Leppings Lane Islan d 46 PS Hunt F2 Tango 1 Stocksbr.i dge 47 PS H ill F2 Tango 2 O/bridge 48 PS M iller F2 Tango 3 Wadsley/Middlewood " " Leppings Lane Roundabout Pub Order - P en iston e Rd N " " P cn iston e Rd N SERIAL DUTIES C /I Purdy in sp s Townend, E ] l i s , Brennan, Brocmhcad, Robinson 34 PS S h erratt 35 PS Lindop 36 PS France Coach Rcc. If Claywhcels «t M Phase 3 Leppings Lane Isla n d Train Rccp. Wadsley M " “ Remain a t S ta tio n 37 PS 38 PS T issin g to n M ini-bus r e c . Wardsend Road North Phase 3 A s s is t S e r ia l 20 on p itch 39 PS Doyle Coach Roc - Hx Rd 40 PS Cloke ii n ii it Phase 3 Leppings Lane 41 PS P u b lic Order 42 PS Keenan ft II 11 H 43 PS II it n ft 43 PS Murray Coach Rec - Tankersley 49 PS Shaw Tango 4 F o x h ill 50 PS Hcd 1brook Tango 5 Parson X 51 PS Cresscy Tango 6 Grenoside H a lifa x Road Segregation L iverpool in N/Stand & W/Stand T u r n stile s on Leppings Lane. Colour Codes L iverpool Brown - North Stand Red - West Stand Purple - Leppings T-ane Terrace A lso overp rinted "Liverpool Area" Forest Orange - Kop Blue - S/Stand Green - S/Stand (uncovered) 3 Phases -1 10 am - 3 pm 2 3 pm - 4.30 pm 3 4.3 0 pm - Stand down Get la d s out minimum o f d e la y . S gts t o b r ie f th e ir r e sp e c tiv e s e r i a l s as per ord er. CrijTie m a ilers t o gym. Crime p riso n ers L iverp ool - T rain s. Times n .y .k . Each 550 3 s p e c ia ls in t o Wadsley B ridge. Fans walk t o ground under P o lic e s u p e r v isio n . S e rv ice tr a in s a ls o in to Midland S ta tio n . Buses under e sc o r t to Leppings Lane. P ick up SYPTE. Via Middlewood Road. Searched p r io r t o e n tr y . Don’t go on B /R ail Prop u n le ss in v ite d . Coaches - Two areas - Claywhecls Lane - f i l l up f i r s t . H alifax Road Don't a llo w anyone t o g e t o f f u n til (a) They have been spoken t o - searched - check t ic k e t s (b) So t h e y ' l l know where to g e t back on t h e ir bus. Drunks can go backi In d iv id u a ls a r r e s te d . Look out for the sticker which will show coach has been searched. (8) T ran sit Van Parking area - Wardsend Rd I f poss sea rch in g , spoken t o No unloading elsew here Check t i c k e t s . I f drunk or no t i c k e t s d e ta in . Inform ground co n tro l fo r e s c o r t out o f fo r c e a rea . P r iv a te Cars - Parson C r o ss/F o x h ill E sta te s W iscw ood/M arcliffe Rd a rea s A fter Game - Coaches and t r a n s it s D on't move u n t il ground c o n tr o l say s o . S.Y .T. buses fo r L iverpool - These w ill be parked in P enistone Road North frctn Wardsend Rd North t o Leppings Lane Roundabout fa cin g c ity . O utside B celey Woods S p ec ia l School. (9) PROPERTY/SEARCHING/GROUND RESS No banner poles No big flags No big inflatables No cameras If prop seized - give collar no to person Tell the person to claim prop frcm Police prop post. Rear of West Stand. SPORTING EVENTS - DRINK Draw attention to Appendix 'O' which relates to main provisions. GENERAL POINTS High vis presence Deploy troops in fairs Be on the ground Problems with Indiscriminate parking Thefts frcm cars Pick pockets Impress that officers must deal with jobs. (10) Account for your serials Prisoners Paperwork Firm but fair A IIT H JIX .1 I n s p e c t o r (miiIaI r*\(r~ *C* ya-Mi sucroit 10 lk jrfiL rj.e s r-o rl/i) m n .ic (uniat - H H D im n m v u t 'It. 1MIIJC amj l - KlUti^XH n^t> 2A » w .< ; l-S 154 4 )) IV 354 ■/) !<.' C lm 3) 1C 7'JCC i)')U 4) PC 2 tb 7 Ke IV jM ji i ».’i: )C * s w i ll j n t i o ) H iisb ct 1 W o d slcy l^ n o I'lmx r t y p re v e n t a n y s t r e e t M 1C 3)94 lfc-«:li to t) IC 3160 J o l u i s u 1 b u s in e s s s id e lo c a l 7) IC 2739 Uhiij til IC 3337 11>C 1I(>S3II IS 1G20 I> .1 = \ V .V ) I JC 21)00 K i - — 1 2) 1C 1 0 3 7 I I mv»4' 1 ( U ’f o i v n n l d i) 1V »U | 11 1I. f W 2 C m f to n c l a s h o f in t o a n 2 /»d a U uad im in tn in s u n o r t e r s . p a y in a Ito u sc s M ultU r*/.**! A vvnuo p n r k in q (tX irirx i r e s id e n t s o n c c ‘t o i« ir?* p r e m is e s , jju b lic Ilw isc in D ix v c t o td c r s h o p s ’. A tte n tio n ‘ nnd 6 ti|ip o rtc rs n o i n l o i n , s e c u r i t y S |M ? c iA l tu r n o f to . I C r . <u»J IC 90b 4 ) PC 2 20b 5 ) PC 6 ) rC 7 ) rC 17G 0 S r c v r i d t. 0 ) IC 0 5 2 a t T r a f f i c b y i v p t . , rm tcli C lv iv v * > ecls B tt c n li o n 1741 S t-*n-rt?v p r e m is e s . 3011 C i-L T -.o r. S e a t in g Lvuie p lo n c o n t r o l . in llo o d t o H v tsc 2 to |v > irs i i > llills 'jr x tio o li any p re v e n t V i^r: c la s h s to p s (D u rin g o f and luo.) I ’M - c i n c t to I i w n> iiiu n » n iw 1 t r r t . in t- t|«-< f ^ i r t i c u l n i »•■ 1 n i'iiM -'l w itd i) lU r^ c.-o rr* ? K o l r e s l n r r n l s i n g)Tiv%siv*n v I kmi n u t lior m itcli c o n t r o l . m itc h ) a u t l n r i s e d » n lcii) w il l H in to lln o .siv i- 3 ) 1 l o r tr - _ r n t l n d i e c i i-'i'J S ee n s t*y p o r A))fxM iiJLx Ilwiso 3 ( M t e r » « tr ti) • r ) llw xso On 3 lio A tin « j f o r p l a n b r i e f i n g n t t e c ) ted a s ( t e e irn tc h ) crinnenoem M it p a t r o l l* :r ( A f te r in o f llio s e l o c a t io n a s a t t e n t i o n to s lo p s a n d a n y o f s u p p o r te r s . c l a s h On c c m i o n c o i e n l o f llv»se 3 . t h i s 6 c n o l w i l l i f M f | V ) t r o l i n l o c a t i o n n s n b o v c . (viyi iicj s |.- < 'i ( .l nttt-:.-. t o sliojis find lic e r\s i5 d p r t t f i i s n s m x l |» n - v r n t nny c l as) i o f 6 u p j » r t c r s . .• 3, t h i s a b c r.x j, s e r i a l P a y in ? 6 u p e iim rk c ts w i l l resu i* ? p a r t i c u l a r a n d p re v e n t Aj>j>ei«dix 'T* ) U u l a l m u .ic g a n t - Miuotixxx) 23 i-S 230 5 U * m s 1 ) I\T 169B M art in 2 ) IC 703 3) 1C 2UC? 4 I JC !*) JC 6 ) IC 299 3 7 ) It' 4L*i U) 1C I'/b U H ia so * A r IX.‘ * s 1 (Ik; fo il* w i l l W ad slo y Jym e 215H C ra n p re v e n t a n y 1609 ilrn n l to s t r e e t s i d e b u s in e s s S lw w l«cr p l a n A j> f*»j»lix f o r in fiu b lic llw iv ? 2 jv iir s M in to c la s h o f U iu scri in Hood M id d lrw o o d to n o i n ’. a i n s u j> |io rto rs . p a r k in g p m u i s e s , l o c a l a n d p o y in g a n d Ifcwid o r d e r D ire c t n v iin ta in s jio c in l n * .te:» tio n (lX irirw | b r i e f i n g a ttaclw * < ! 'T ' ) os a t n o tc h c o n t r o l . 11nr»c 3 c o r e On coiiittnccfivw it j o t r o l in 2 0 0 0 S i-'T c : IX T 's r c 2 2 ? ej Iv r - v llillstio rrjo cjli 3216 S rz-. llro clliclcl 4 ) IK 2 909 5 ) 1C 1 3!> ) 6) IC 203 7 7) IC 3077 0) IC 1091 3 ) o f ?> to a u th o r is e d a t t e n t i o n o f a s to a n d slio p s 3, a b o v e , t h i s s e r i a l w i l l m y c l a s h M w tr-e 2 p o y in g • -ty . VvA: 4 tlie be in M iiV llrw < .* » 1 n r a d f i e l d O ld O lu e r e q u j n t l sjie c ia l v tiere a t c o n t r o l. llw iw 3 ( A f te r caim en cejiien t in B a l l in o w l r t K .>nl H ix\l <w»l l\ib lic H i" a t t e n t i o n lo o tin y <j)inw >sii*n f it" fn > " U .m r.r. I lilU ln in n i/c to IN * tnV .c j.liu -.-. v1> »-n o n t l i o r i s c i l t>y t i t d i ) of n ^ is e lo c a tio n n s to and s u p p o r t e r s . j £k > to ( D u rin g m itd i) a t t e n t i o n S j^ T . ; to a ls o m i t d i IM t r o l of f a i r s :<*j Q i re s u jt; p .'ty jn c - p a r t i c u l a r p re v e n t P rv c iiv rt, in P re c in c t Itoad w i l l s u p e n in ik e ts W » iitcti) p a t i o l K e f r e s lm :n ts s u ff ** )»o r r t t ec rr ss . L _ / L _ r . T7 . T ~ - a * : " Son t i n g f o r b r ^ r . f i n g ns p e r p ln n n ttn cliec r^-e /^(jieiirlLx "I"' ) I*li/»se w ill P a tr o l s by n o tc h ) l o c a tio n (B e fo re PC (S e e ( M t e r 1 'M 1) m u c h ) l^in o , P e r r y 2 ) slrjp r., C la y v d ie o ls 2 6 4 0 fro in suj> j> orter5 s e c u r i t y PS a n d W in l i e l d K ef r e s i d e n ts A n t i n g to » i n s c im tc ii) iv itr o l T rty lo r miL.ic acLER - miJ-c30tx«i narm.T fqm) slio jis 3, n lm v e . to t l i i s sc rrin l jm y in g p r e v e n t w ill m |n r t i c u l n r a n y c ln s li of *m Oo IOJI S1C T U I 11 .'iiisp u c tu r- OcJwiioO 'r . ' _irw > /C A iq iw p A f« : '. njii.ic oia»3i - mnsTCTi: iQMi/iJJTii-wi: V --- J tk^rinl'.20 U .iittl I ) <-1 IC i m i i . ic 26 2620 C n *ploy 1442 H o tte r * IT y v M r *AI * 1 C '* 2) IC 14)1 3) »C I01W llim urr 4 ) IC I 7J 4 to M cw «a«3i ) O tlrU w w | / m »p a u jim i riv n J 6) IC 164 v ig ilai> ee 7) IC 2B72 0) IC 2354 | « n t m >I «»f d Vi | i ' . n u in I f e n e tt , to In ru u lc i n ' l * a i k r. i « > c n n h ilA ln .o tO c r p im iiw jr-, is Uwvl ftu) p rv w n i any A trl t t * v i » v | « y i » ‘«l > J * * c i « l a t t e n t i o n I a u jo iif u m iln tairM x l U ?lv«on on c i ll w r It tiiis is c ss p n tin l rxvul ! o f cik os U ic it < : I a M» is U mj ground. fo r (S ec o s *TM O ) to cuurcr»ccn*;nl be 3) IC 25b4 IC 1432 IC 6) IC 2042 7) IC 5*JU «) IC 2711 i* :M in < j p la n I 020 40 C) PC 373 7) PC 2399 PC S m irt fv u itli P a t t lf o I t a u l inf»cr IL irt^ or» W ren 2644 S c a lin g U iury S tu tib iiis tin? I'a llis c Y ! fo r a s any b ii c f in g aIIacIuhI \ Sc *o a s P lw ise o s cIasIi of H illsb o ro u g h a c a r 5,' th is at» o v c, r iv a l P ark s e r ia l p ny in g w ill sp e c ia l s u p jo r te r s , (P a rk sid e rc s u ic R obert £ Rood end) b rid ^ -T i: (Sf-c n s po r op fio n d ix 'T*) w ill M E A L S i Stoggcrt“-i i.iring n a t c h at Cloyk't**^ to ensure cover f a r poi n t s in rtiase 2. |* :r A f> pci>dlx 1) 2) 3) 4) Pcnistono Hood Ncirth/Vcrc Rood •. Penistone Hoad H i r t h / f i e l d i n g Pivid l£(>|iing& Uix*/Vcrt Hoad Lt|)jMn<jt L/in o/r i d d i n g .Ilond S e r ia l 29 PS 1561 lU *yr>ol±i 1) PC 3J45 iM nto r. 2) PC 1169 *A 2 ' IC 114 IC 2660 h ra d lt'y 5) PC 214 tl*ese roads*. 6) IC 2915 S even: 7) PC 2040 IH sor^-ar I x i r i n t j n o i < li blA«/joii.*d r»l C l a y v 1» ? « l s I'lta se c o v e r *. M tvnl R c m i i n o l l o c a t i o n s a i r e n t o p n - v r n t s u t u i i c i i win. o r e u n a b l e t o e n t e r t l « g r o u n d i > i i n i n y or-.ress t o t ruads. a a 3 I M te r im td tl Reno in u n til n n o v c b a r r ie r s i s a l l e s s e n tia l U u w u n til tum e c r w i s i s a l l Iw ive g i ^ n th a t na b y s u p p o rte rs ai\i c le a re d tl>e v e h ic le s S e c to r be h av e ccv n cn t to l a |* c t o r . a llo w e . c le a r e d v n to •-* M U |t> it« js a iu a . ... lo r ] 1 wir-o g ai3 < 1 - i u t i k s (Itafo rc ia^a: tro lctQ fl) IC 1200 lk -d rin p : lx * p p in g s I v u i e / S l m n s t o n c lifxvl l/ * |) fu n g s L n n e / L s k r l a l e lUvid I C s on ea ch ro>i<l. p e r p la n A p p en d ix fo r b r i e f A itA ct«w ? itvj remaining r C ’s will [Mtrxil ‘M «-’*1 ^ to imintain or d e r and prevent persons a-ivin.j at U-«s grouiKi in coacl>es unloading, Soc * T ') nwisc 2 (rxirii^q w i t c t i ) ... i l i i m i n Al l o c a l i o c « g i v e n alKi ve l o p i e v r l v.1»o a r e u n a b l e t o e n t e r U>o giTxu<) ru id s and to n o i n i a i n o r d r r . Ilkise 3 (After nn tdt) en su re L o /* e/ro n * L ilf n e t c i n r C oulsoc. % ttenoin «t locations gi v e n olwvc to prevent supporters are uw»ble to ertter tlw? grou/>d ^lining access to In I^a o c / I ^ o Kj * I t c o d U *niil*ys . w !k > to l^jijjin g s serial will be n-sit.nsible for U.- U . m . - i s to lx' placed at tl« ntxjths of tlx; Io 11 i n '-'»j n»wls >” p r w e n t occess b y s u j v « rtersi- K err 3) 4) S e a tin g U utc 3 ) ' 4 ) f O M V L P T i h c s lam: g aiic:i- »>Ase 2 (tXirlng |K > iu tb P c n i s l o n c Itond H3 r » l > / f l i c k e r n « > U?[V*n 9 s L n /> o /B ic k i’- r l o i i Ktxitl n *T‘ ) tU A I - S ) 1) 2) in p a rk . • I’p q g r o c fo r n llo c h w l a tte n tio n b e a rin g / n v c e ? (a irin g im td i) p la n Ibis serial will b e resp o n s i b l e for mvviing the barriers to b e placed at tlw? f m u t h s of tl*?. f o U < * a n g roads to prevent access b y supporters. It is essential tlwit access t<c prevented to all but residents. At similar events in tl* past c o n s i d e r a b l e danyicy* lw»s been caused by of sufjorlcrs, b o t h before, during and A f t e r ttJS k Wright 2 5 2 6 Ayies 5) IC V r . c r i n l v i l l ><• n - r . |o n s H > l < - !<•( iu v i '_ - i . | tl « - l»>i i ic i •• I t . <»• p ) n c « ) n l U « - nu.illis of l l * - f o l l i - . T J ti. r . r u w r . t n>*/ w i i n r l o r s o - i i r i i n y m x c s s . .< t >" tlioV ncct-’S i lie u r c v r n l i x l l o n i l I n n l e s i V n t " . A< n i n i i l n r r v c n l s i f . IN r l « s l . c o i . :. i . V r n(»l« c a u s e d b y g r o u i * of m i ” r i e i - s U - t o i v clu. »"•! ond o f le r H e g a n e i- tticlw »rd: IC (lV :lorg i m l r i i ) Hus 1 Hwvso 1 (lte forc m i t c h ) -* M i * ley * A l 1 Wilkes 2) P C 2 7 5 2 Jowitt 4) tlw it used o f lo c a tio n ruuuc a a m S e rial 27 1664 in p re v e n t m ind 2054 761 * to >4u;n |w r A jqiendL x { M tro l PS 21140 IC W ilM r. nkVU* 7 ( U irin g mnlc*Q b r ie f in g atto c liu d 1C 2.127 JC 0) llfcvu? 3 (M lc -r' w fit ci >) 1 ) IC 3 ) tlm t join iu» r».r. l*ol Ice* a v t c h in Ivuw near Catrlritor Jvinc for 6lat*lby dut i e s until Iwnll tine you will U.* taken to Clny*1»ecls l"*t-; for nutl. p la n 1) 2 ) 4) to 2400 ) ‘h * i » r i d » ? <(^ fc tii( i^ et . S c a lin g ll w v a i ) PS n iitd p wi J J 5) ic 1 7b9 riAHHw> (* *•*.< ■» pa k k m h : lUamin until All cmwilf.’lifl’ v e c l e arwf and cr^isunt to r w o v c tl« tnrrlorft is. g i v e n b y Scclor Insj».*ctor. ll is essential U*at noi vehicle s tx? allowed into lappings La i k * u»til all suj>porters l«ve clearrd tlw area. M y isc MEA1-S* lxirir»g S ta g g e re d |^4 i>e ( o r iJ '•i i to At C la y - r ^ o ls en su re iK iin ts in (A fte r u n til n w o v c b a r r ie r s csn sen tial c o c c i’ ll^ s .t 3 ftivuiin 2 I vhm: pw lctO a ll llw il uni i 1 a l l mij i . » M r i *-> A«:r *«> c rc w ls is no Ivive g iv e n b y v e h ic le s s u m o r t e r s c le a n * ! S e c to r be Iw ive on: c u m m ln sp -_ -io r. a l l f ^ x l c le a ic ^ l i: *«> 'iiI M U» is Uii -mi w ( , . m u .ic l-s 2027 A%hUm •/*?’ 1) IV 1417 o iq « 3 i 1 1h i* jun~ t Ion K J IvT O l ( Iiw m m i ?4 3 IC s e i i a I |t«v>i. 11«7 w ill t r o w l tltMt W olcli nnto rw n y ’ • IC 2004 tt'la r lA r * " l>A rl I IC 290b G ie a tu ic jt w iU o l a l s o *1*»sc e n s u re P c/v ist« K » tl»nt Ux* iu»ad to lcA <liii<) to tl«e do *n o t g a in N o rtli. ' wU> I m u c»r S pior. tu ? tl*at Kop* ’1 1 * , y t i^ r o r t e r s If. 1 2 9 'j l\M lf. 1) 1C 2H9!> IW in i'. 2) IC 210.1 3) 1C lO l 4) IC 2290 i ) IC 3110 IC 201 U»e you w 'U .1 S .Y . P o lid e ta n c ' fo r 1 W 8) 1C 3007 K ent tan S e a tin g ' b e c o n d i’ in to k e n L cp p in ^n La.** wxiyi d u tie s to 'C la y w tie c ls la 'i > c n eai' ri*.K l rtoad l o r p la n b r i e f trip ottn cl» o d 3 ( A l te r ; l a n f o r b r ic f i.o g a t t a d i e d (S ee os j« r A pfxsndix L o c a tio n U * n s g ro u n d do P ltnse os n o t to corno e n su re I n to o r a l c o h o l ). A) *T’ ) to ’ g round 2 IC ’s to p re v e n t o r an y 1 I : I ’S 20B) rc 2 35 B lack )« i7 iv a r s u n E vans I rc 919 ; I IC 2 73b 4 I IC 1900 i ) IC 139 ‘A 2 ‘ i n e C T o iJt O u s e 1 - l t p p in c s (Ik ifo ro ’ i n is s e r i n ) o u tlin e d Kent o l in Iw ive U>e s e r i a l s ^ ^ j o r i e r s tx ?fo rc ies;> r.x » sib i l i t y la n g le y s im ila r f o r tlx? n o lc h e n s u rin g r e la tio n bul tlw it w ill tlie IC 12 39 H ay b o u lri " I IC 1934 S m ith s u p p o rte rs co a c lirs : I IV 23b9 W o c < l e o c L. d c s i g ’t n t e d u n lo a d ifio /p a rk .in g p lA ce$r o tlrtrv is e ., U*»y fu c )» .c o n d ie s to S e a tin g ; « r | i 1a j i for b r i e f i n g A t t A lin 'd ( Iiftping*; t r a f f i c ^o to ro un d a llo w convoys i t g a in v i l i , pp even t to 2 Joir. tl» e n c re £ .s U nless to C atctib ar La/»e fo r you w i l l be c o a c ^ sta n d b y to k e n to in 1y * |ip in g s d u tie s u n til C lay w t> ecls t r e . ’c l l i n g Riirti o l in to le a d in g t r c f f i c to tlr* l/?f>i>ingri f n m lie* / tlic a g iin U«*y l v> r»o g ro u n d b y w ill oiwl, u n til c o n tr o l. t<>|» o l p u J w h it N ia< m a loo tt> rtll w!»o tr ie s food & o |* |n ite rs to i> nn C m u ix l. rxi tl»r ext vulivit* on s i a l i c tl** ol j.a fits c e n tia l t i a f l i c ) lo im td i) f o r you be co ach sta n d b y ta k e n to in la p p in g s d u tie s C layv ?« eeL s l* n e u n t i l L ane r>ear to l» a ll-tin e fo r v4*cn n « *al. w ill p iw o n i b e s itu a te d in l« ~ a tio n s os give** ft>r 1. r.ll p a t t o i 2720 in^iyixn: i<yu> m . - m i 1 (O c fo rt.* I ) IC 2!»76 h tlU » n m i s 2) IC lB bO G r if f in IV n isto n e 3) IC 3202 K *;> cock IVm ^ c s e r i a l to w ill Koad IC 2922 L in to n V .H ten siv ely IC 2009 l* c e y W ndsley B rid g e 6) IC 2063 S tcv ei\srf) lla lifn x K oad. n c a l. 7) IC 2091 H ighton c u |)p o rte rs A .U <*n r u lf s 2749 ir .ilf ic £>?«M i n g j w ir * . of ro n isto m ' |jc r d iro c tc d to nllow * A*>jx*i»dix p la n fo i t>r j c * l i . ' i j f\r. of u se d do w ill on 2 t^ ¥> to rcsf*jrvsibl< * frm . R<»ad by *n«y no t and w ill jx issess lo c a te d en su ii* (iX iriiK i tl«* lliis l*»it n*v1 s o in ^ ir tn s n n in ta in ite n s en on o riW r s t a t i c P u t.ljr !-• r * m * i *• a i t * < » ‘. a u l p ro U ib itw l m is s i le s of f u - ‘. t w ill ocvwrh l u r k i n g w eap o tii. c e n tr a l fo r T r a v e lle i^ l.iverfr»> l e t c . , be tlx? !* > rth . S ta tio n (b .u u » e rs, t r a f f i c ) n t t i»*.*ln.*d ( t k * o be H o rth W ardsend b) IC fm tcii) A tk Jn 4) inti f a r g g j y to n ear )v a li- t l- ai*e tlv it locat< -<l o r d e r . P o lic e w il l be n e c e ssa ry , (d ep en d an t LAne O lf ic e r s m itc h oidc r iu-nr. m is s ile s , by person s w ill i( S .Y . o r ei» f) tl>e rckvl S p o rts o r , th e U v is^ PS a ccess 8) iU > e t c ., at tliis o f f i c e r s edge C atclib ar rm i . i c 3 3 d ire c te d c o in in g linne C criv il Mrtv* 3 (Aft«;r n>Ud>) At j« o sscs» tlie ir nn trJi) P o lic e Iv h i M i* * ' m ili ta n t Iw ive l.iv crj> o o l ’T ’ ) S ,Y . lo c a te d in to islaiu l c f Ivine# (U iriiK j w ill ns a s Ukr ^ !>!/»! in»* a » # I a/»1 s e g re g a tio n a is c *) o f t r t r o f l i r n m k. i i i s c l e a r l.iv ri|» -« l O msc 3 ( A f t e r im td > ) r e s p o n s ib ilitie s obove’ in be (D a rin g O f f ic e r 's rm td i) w ill b y ly » i» e <fc> n o t (lian n ars, N ia g a ra p u b lic 2 P tw ise U n lo T)iey u n o u tlK > riso d tl«e k e rb e n su re le a v in g i c u r t w w r ia n h iir.o<l K .% lslr*y C I a j V i c c I s su p p o rte rs w ill IU * to im n g H iasc m in Road. a c c e s s to tlrf' J o in 3 1 (' 5^— " -------- - lo M y tiiifn i f o r n e i l . •:*) S e r ia l c x to n ii'.v ly r u le s O liv e r a c c e s s h a lf,-lijtx * 'w 1 > c n tK it's u iip rrrte rs c o n ta c t'. t^» a re a s th a t tl>e a t 1 m ( 5k.*o rn ild i) in u m m itd i) r ^ r tli/lla lif a x r e s e r v a tio n i d l i n g m txntt e i r c t n en fo rk in g dy 0) H w se w ill r,j.|it> r l e r s ct*ach ^ n,>c A p jv /x ljx sta n d b y H iis D lw an li O il*"/ 1960 , - p a i h x (Ikifotv 1 a n d ‘e n s u r e »w>sc 2 (IJ u rin q irritd i) Jo ir. h o M IC (x q rjt Tiiis r . r r i a l w i l l l>c* rvs|*i»i-'«iblf l o r |*a M ol l'» i ^ - , ( M i > n h I r o n tU? ( r a l l i c i s I aih! a i IN* )»un I if»nw» th U*jH*in<j«; I aik' t o tlw* T r n v r ' l l t T s h»*M l\»M i« | i « r w . C(K »|«'r 7) \ d u ic IlMirU? V J 1 W r'ic jlil C) p e r C atc* £ iar i 32 U crrics* le w * a n d ‘a c c e s s . t o ^ I ^ ^ S 5 ’ ll * * r.u ;* o rti> i s Rond fo re s t j w i i k c d $i n nl fo rtli/lk T r io t llo rrien U io t .N o ll in g lw n lU vu) t\r.u*W.r>ji l.iv c ij< * > l a c c e s s w i l l ttie Rood nf lu» rtil/IV n ir.W x te g il n v e h ic le s Sc o a I I A i i e / I ' e n i s l e * * ^ Ifcjad ciiraito I Ia I i I a n w it IV ni sto n e P cn isto itc or In? , l o c a l m l la p p in g s d o 'A * W H U .lt) w ill ol H U l^ rtt *rr i a h : K (lk<H ) U i*l< M b I 74 - (IfctlO M * } * IC 4 ‘ lm jw c to ^ tvliM k/i i I IV 2967 llust 900 .• » , |« > in ts e n s m e by or tin* tU it tjiu u n fllix ilid l). at tN * r e . ^ r v d t io /i |> u b lir In n . in on K cil» v * > iu j» * c u tler. m itc it) *T‘ ) O ff ic e r s w ill n ear to w lien yuu w ill 3 ( A f te r 11^-^ O f fic e rs H o s e jo in C atclih ar 1. w ill be tl>c Lax»e ta k e n S .Y . fo r to P o lic e stan d b y c t^ c h d u tie s C layvl>c*e 1 s in l<rjvnjg*» u n til lvuw fc»r h ill iu m I*1 tu r I. irotciO be s i t u i t r d in tl>o lcjco tifx is /»s g iv e n fm «*■! SIC TC H 13 '• I n s p e c to r Tbwncyrf ’Al f W j a l 2248 1) ? ; bU6 M t) ? ; 2b86 7> ? : 779 6) ? : 3234 3) S lw rro tt *A) l u o a T i o i - o A Y w iraajg l a m 1232 T lii* »k**J s e r i a l U u tl L i r p o o l 20i>b D onnzson w ill 237b T u n * tr ooa=r>cs g ro u n d U raL - o r M tc d llc y d o not r u le s S e r ia l S e r i a l s 39 s u p e rv ise U»at in jo ss e s s Once 40 ite m s e t c , H a lifa x I* * 's U k? a pons, L&nc- r e - lo c a te d in L a/te. p ra fu b ite o w d u rJ o n d in r le a v in g C lay v to eels w ill.b e and th e C la> % .i* eels s u p p o rte rs '(b a n n e rs , a J c o h o l) .. t h i s Cot>b w ill coaclics e n s u re 3t> CCW 3I I t t U - J T I W U k m is « :J e s i s and by f i d , a s s i s t 1) IC 2i>27 2) ic 106 3) rc 1130 IC 130 5) rc 1320 6) 8) „ IC rc rc l.iirlv p lliis D e w y s e r ia l L iv erp o o l w ill D iiins S e a lin g fM ir p la n A ^ ts r d ix fo r b r ie f i n g attacJfcid as (S ec At ground 1923 S ta n if o r lh a lc o tto l). 2048 K obL iso n S e ria l 7g6 39 M u ir w ill h a l f tin t? t o l ic e La t h t o n e a r be p ic k e d conch C atch b ar ru le s and 40 2 and L ane l^vnc. u p by ta k e n fo r T r a f f ic I> ?fn. 1A >k. S o u th to stan d b y o tto c)> ed c r .i e * . f o r b r ie f i n g (Sec a s A ^ ie n d ix p er f l a n to coach C atch b ar s u j j o r t e r i K Lvm*. le a v in g i t e r s H r l»y f u ll , a s s is t d> ut b ile s is £.*ii H alifax of K "s. p riT .ib il* * d i r i r u , it** l o r a t e c th is .V iid ls . ro tc h ) at C la> vi> c*els p ick ed P o lic e S e a tin g L cpp^.-gs u ilu iJ in y C la> -vheels be in v k - C la \" w '» v * ls (b an n ers, (D uring be in jo s s e s s 0>ce w ill Hw xsc suj*.* rv is< th at not Ref re s )n e n t s C layv< > ecls Y o rk s h ire do W ilso n Road. w ill ococ)>es ensure co ach es P a rk in w ill a t a A Y X t H 3 3 > r, *A3‘ C oss 4) 7) • 2936 Ilwipo 2 (D uring K ntdt) Hc5 r e s l m e n t s - 11yvr.o 1 (ffrrfoio n u i i ) PS llwvx* 1 (lfc^forc w t d i ) 271B Ilc rln l : Gant ?: ?: p: ?: 2) 4) g y w n i 34 up by and U*e tak en Lane fo r Iv in :. S o . . —. h tc At i xu 1<m *‘ i*r<ti I > ;j'i:;is sta n firy 1w t I f >o rk s h ie r d.-. i r s . *T*) Fhasc (A fter *utcJ0 3 'T ') Hwioc 3 (A fte r gptcii) At th e w ill S i ^ e r v i s e l e a d in g o f s u p p o r t e r s c n t o c o a t r i e s . caim en cerren t ta k e up roundabout th is C lay w h eels 3, a s s is t a t th e S e ria l Lane w ill to c f and 31 S e ria l v . i h 34 coach in a t s u jr n r te r s j c l r . a s s i s t 31 S e r ia l Lane s j j ^ c r t e r s c.i b u lk tin s Lngs S e r l& ls se g re g a tio n Cnee lo c a tio n . o f p o s itio n and tra in ta in in g p assed a tli^t Iw ive in lo a d in g dut ie s . HOltt: ),. C lflyw heels ra rk in g * Lane concs L iv e r p o o l's n^tJtC E l). p re v e n t A ccess th e Ar H a rrie rs a c c e ss n u st v a rio u s b akery w ill fo r w hich be t >e to f u l l le n r-.h to p e r* - w ill frcro be t l s : f o r be IU* a v a ila b le p e r sons c c a l l t v to te^d . in c lu d in g open to M JfiT P e n is - c o - allo w ed p rem ises w ill s-r.^ e c t i t s coaches ti»e th is w o rk in g at bre***ry an* d»y. XK CUU S I E T O I t 14 ln o p o c to r ;i*Ti i a l 11 S e r ia l _30 IU H .1 C c i q i i r - t h a i h l*S l a n IC 240: *C‘ Itifta; J IC 1) K_»m T ills IC 7? O ffic e rs 4) K LLat * v )ie t IC J04< 7 1 e i s e r ia l w iU lo tlic tr a in s Za j v i c 1 1 tlic ftu p fo rtc r* s A iM o rih have : r » k le f t a t w ill be weapons o r a lc o fttl, Iltflso (IX jring 2 K efreslrru n ts as [ c r th c t r i e f i n g and tak en pi/s.* • * incited fo r »tandt> y a : to lliem o u t gro u /x l o r e to le a v in g n n rs U 'ili le a v e to 'e n s u r e r u le s 'n o t N n u n ted w il l W >ere v < V ?n a l l n e c e ssa ry , tliat item s i .e., b a n n e rs. in tlte ir m issile* up IC 3212 N esb it T h is s e r ia l 3> IC 1779 k*i 1 J i j v ? K o n m ini buses 4) IC 1981 D u tler tlia t su p jio rte rs *C I.n n c n e a r t y p i n g s tl»e to P o lic e 5) rc 2790 Y a n w item s 6) IC 1917 Cooke w eapons, 7) 0) rc 1477 IU 11 PC 1723 D is)>op (lu rfo iv - u M a rjja * w vu> K irm n n td i) w ill in s u |* .* rv is e W ardscnd 2 by m is s ile s (D u rin g R e /re sfn e n ts a t w ill and Lane fo r . Ilw isc 3 tl»e vin lf* * ! ~ iy N o rth . lV * s c o a c lr s tV* g round o n '.iv < * i|« w ill m l riis u n 1 n » sse ss \ ru le * « * u ., a lc o lto l). im ld i) At h a lf ~tiire llte o r tin* Koad le a v in g p r o h ib ite d H vasc coach C atcliiw ir 1- n r w * . C Jayv4*eeJs tak en be to sta n d b y p ic k e d L o p p in g s up t>y tN L ane i SV t o l*w \io* C ateld»M d u ti e s . S e a tin g p e r Mmc 3 (After w t d i ) p la n A pjxsndi-x •• - (A fte r tm trfi) Lane d c * .ie s. *• 1 < by *7*) (See a 1) p o sse ssio n . Lono, p i'e k o d la x x r r io * ?) M w r^; coach C ia y M io ^ ls b e liur; l*S in? •T i f . s i n g : o n I C J 1 30 S l * * t l i u n > r o t d i ) J f • ti^nt? w t 11 fc r a llo w p re m ise s , c a r r i e d by w ith S u p p o rte rs S t a t i o n . ' *T l<*y o n ly s t a t i o n p ro h ib ite d At S ta tin g an d jp 'c o n ju n c tio n L iv e rp o o l V o d sley tl*? tc&rche* Z snrock w ork s u p e rv is e i k i n 30 s ta tic * * (Ib rlo rr )) rc H?V >c 2 9 1 C I C 17U itf x j 3 t i c h / w a i r i i j y * urt(j«i 2) I i ‘6 K I X U . ’ C* ••• -i* . far b r ie f in g a ita c lv .'d *T*) a s ( 5oe Take a p o s itio n on tl»e w ith S tan d p itc h in v a s io n /e n s u re and nesure 1 o ca ti e r . e t '- W a d s l c / S t a t i o n t o i n s u r e orderi s m tin ta in e d end q u e u e s form i n a p ro p er manner. up lio rth S e r ia l |je riin r? Ie r tlte 70 t»t tr*> ck tc piev cn t s a f e t y o f r«5tch to lu rk in g * IN ' a o ((ici/* l& p la y e rs . H 3T E :l> iis a/xl road o n ly p a rk . S er i a l l *S % 37 a n u t j u u j c 240? 1) IC 4S1 2) 1C 296* Z i m T liis 3 / IC 1679 :* - e y O ffic e rs 4 ) IC 3291 S c o f i e l d tl»e !>) 1C ? H * s e r i a l U te su jjp n rtcra Iw ivc searclies 8) IC 211 £r--= K ley a r e not ground T ills b u t fc r n r i e f i n g e7t»-tl»ed in W x lsle y a l l S t^pm w i p la n a t sanr»tlcn 2979 2 t0 w ork st^ jo rv isc :« rv w tt IC IC S e a tin g w ill to tr a in s 7) A ^tcn d iM M A n c L r y . s t a t j p j / t h a i 'n w r p ^ r j w . C irip cr 6) j « r - »w\sc 1 (lk;farr ro td i) V -'w -ib lu s l e f t a n d w i l l t be s e r i a l rem ain S ta tio n . H iry o n l y ‘a ) l o w c a r r i e d i . e . w ill o f o u t to item s to le a v in g trv irslw ll leav e t h i s en& ure vt*?n n e c e ssa ry , tlv » l p ro h ib ite d w cajo n s, K 7 f, e s c o r t a t tl* v n w ill M ounted p r e m i s e s , 1■ W l c r c b a iu ic rs , s t a t i c w ith s u p p o rte rs O iry s t a t i o n in 'p o s s e s s io n ru lp * c o n ju n c tio n L lv cri> o o l s u p j'io rtc rs by U kj m is s ile s s u p p o rte rs to o r th e a lc c m .1 . grouxc - l o c a t i o n 1, a s (S ec llwisft 2 (During in t d i ) *7 R e fre s ln rn ts a*. At fc jU , .b e an d f o r l» alf tijm C la y v iic e ls ta k e n to U -p p iiig s sta n d b y d u tie s . 3 Jlcsu ie (A fte r lo c a tic r. im in la in o d a rd J,an<*. picke< l up L ane *>car b y tlie to I'u lic e C atclib ar coach Lane w > td i) a t W ad slp y q u e u e s a r e S to tiM i'to fo n rc d in a e n su re o rd e r p ro p e r m im ncr. is b e a t s u b je c t b u s e s , B a rrie rs e rtfc tio n e n try . w ill m ini th e w ill e t c . w ill a ls o be e n tr a n c e to c Ti i x .* s tie to a v a i l a t l e tliis nxvi for to e o n w o l c u i s i x r i a i 16 n il rjin u t '* in i 1) 2) 3) 4) 51 t) 7) 6) 1-J IC IC IC IC IC IC IC IC i*> 211? > * y l e ' 266? £!je 1 256T r^.11 J9?T t r y l o r 277} w\**r i26 U i - 1 576 Fvrwlcy 14 0±LZ)\ m * 535 Wi__n ctw n m n j T i m - " . HQ lns(»ctor • Ifrsjjrctor lUwwvm KT* haI. ii ax IK v % o 1 (Unfore cntch) T h i s serial will st>|*?rvise tlx- unloading of Livcijrol cck'j.lics in Halifax Itond/INjnir.tone Itoad Hortli. IC*s will ensure that s u n o r t c r s l e a ving tl* coaches d o r>ot fossess it one; prc/iihited by tJ»c ground rules ic banncrr., n d s siles* w e a p o n s or nlcdtol', i n i i u c a a iD » - r i n 1 41 myu> l:% 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 0) l*S' ni? H u d & ‘.xi ‘C IC 2) 53 H k w j b i r i 1C 2763 ; IC 63!> C . U f ^ i r c o l e IC 3176 C l L r r j u r IC 4 4 3- Sil'ldings PC 1779 Wats o n IC 064 Stnrwsrli IC 3120 DcA’i i n Hw\ne 2 (D uring w itch ) Ref r e s i d e n t s a t Clayvd>ccls L'tixr. Seating fcr b r i e f i n g as l*»r pl/ui e v _ s (See A ^ c u l i x Ilrtso 3 (After w>td>) This serial will p A t r o l H a l i f a x R o t f h i m R><lslry Station to Soutlx?y G r e c R o a d . t^iiccis will wjr in pairs to m a i n t a i n oi\i?r, etc. Owise 2 (Ouri/tg n u t c h ) Join SY Police c o a c h in K»nistc*rf* Khvl near to SWfC Cate *0* for s t a ndby £ Jt \v*> imt »J Ivalf-tiire w^ien w i l l be taken to C L r > V w t ‘ls l^vi»*• for n e a l . S c a t i n o for b r i e f i n g as p er p l a n I See Af>jcf>dix 'T* I Ilv^e 3 (After rmtch) S e r i a l 42 FU1L1C Patrol location outlir>ed a I j t j v c . 41 loading of s u n o r t e r s o n t o coaches* ocw 3 i m o i n r i c r j - t i a l i f a x n o w H i a s e 1 arri-2’(Before untdi ami du ring pntch) *4 S iS icjm i 1 (Ikrfo ie t m t d ») '* * Su;crvise Serial h a m t ax lUrvBrfrvwl VC' 1*5 965 c; *c* 1) IC 205* l i s t e r 2) IC 3311 £*!kker 3) IC 1961 LowTe/»ce 4) IC 1149 *«ssh i) IC 282 r«-.*is 6) IC 315? Hr^bh 7) IC 2336 W - s s c l 1 6) IC VI)3 r*t-srson Seating for b r i e f i n g as per plan a;*ji:liod (See Apjiciidix *7* IXitics will be identical to and vor ked in c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h Serial 39 above. 11 Lifjp 3 (After witch) At the ctnnrjrJCCJK'nt of llwisc 3# this Serial will take 11; a p o s ition at Loppings Lane roundab out a n d assist ’Serials 30 and 31 in m a i n t a i n i n g s egre g a t i o n pf sujiorters at that location. C*>rc tl»c bulk'o f'cujjorters liave p a s s e d tliis Serinl vail join Serial 39 and ass i s t w i t h faoach .loading duties. •Q ■ u • 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 2171 Ke e n a n *C' 2466 Canadino 1 34 8 Drvczo 1925 Sutcr 104 nov'U.1 2456 Mount ford 179 Sykes 3149 W i l k i n s o n 3020 Osbo unic PS PC PC PC PC 1C IC IC IC - HALIFAX I Q M ) Hiase 1 (Hefore rrntch) This serial will patrol H a l i f a x Rv»* firm S<Mitltf*y Green Road to B r v w n i n g toad. will w.nk in pairs to m a i n t a i n o n W , etc. PUiso 2 (During nutct>) Refreshments at T r a f f i c l*?pt. . H uso h'tin*. 3 (After nntrii) S e a t i n g for b r i e f i n g ns p e r plan attacl*;d (See Apjicndixi *T*. Patiol location o u t l i n d i o I<a *c . Serial miLic orm< 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 0) PS IC IC PC PC PC IC IC 1C 43 r 1253 CrsCvun *C* 2940 Hous e 2C2C Karris *3101 Hirst 251} .Smith 314 ‘M ^ C o y i 72*> Wtnt‘tin<jl u*un 1176 t’r.vrtficld 00 Collar S e a t i n g for b r i e f i n g os per p l a n atlacfu?d (Sec Apjxjixlix *T* ) - Ha l i f a x f o m > This serial will patrol H a l i f a x trim l i n w n n Ro.)d to Deerlands Avenue. O f f i c e r s will w u k in pairs to nuin tain onier, etc. Hwise 2 (Curing mit c h ) Refreslrtfnts at T r a f f i c Dept,. CL-'.-Vwelt* Ian*;. Iltase 3 (After nntdi) Patrol location outlinetl abov e . HLHti ll¥?se o f f i c e r s will e n s u r e tlwit supporters travelling in p r i v a t e o*rs nre d m * < t«* to fvirk in side roads on ad^oi/iir»f estates. SUl !3X7IH» 17 Vm u i Ia 1_4 4 : \o 1) 21 3) «) 5) 6) 7) 0) *) 10) 1*% IC IC 1C IC IC IC IC 1C IC 1C 1' j 1• .» lltMf 4l\ •IV* 104? III •zk *AI 7 1 0 ,M a n e *A1* 237J llairsA1 2 2 R llill^*.r A1 2932 Ural.j •y Ai 332) Uuc k i r A1 1404 C o l l - i 1! A] 104!* 2a:nc-r field J 1729 S u i j w - n h A1 2770 Price /.I h iii.ic ’^ | . -* *. I n s pector (jia u t - a w n K ir ille i a x . r j »r n n / M A i m «un a x r i a i Inajmctor H M w 1:ini1 A'j s cmad 1 (Hclon; w»(d>) l*S 960 hVirrny ' • Jtnwr. A2 Ftcxlcviul A? IC 1210 Clover A2 IC 2I»20 (ticking IC 3203 Crnjjper A? r c 1G29 Hogan A2 IC 01) llolmrs A2 IC 23l>0 PtrckcTvcr A? IC 297 n^rtves A2 IC 571 JLj x c A? J) IC 2431 2) rc 2!>00 Ihis serial will v/jrk in ct»nju«»ct ion wit h Ibvul T r a ffic O t l i c e n on tt«? A 6 I 6 at Ougfitibridgc on tl»e o n o « w n y sys tar to dieck ot r/u>dcr coacIkjs and mini buse s c a r rying Liverpool sujijor.ers. Vehicl es stopped will be cl»ockect to ensure pAssencjurs nix* in possessio n of tickets, ore not uixlcr tlie influence of alcoliol o r In pos session of alcoliol e/id arv conside red fit to a ttend this event. iin i.ic o n m 3) «> 5) 10 6) D 0) 9) 0) W » e r e this is i»ot the case, or ^*»re tl>ey arc in p o s s e s s i o n of alcctol o r under it's influence c o n s i d c r a t i o n sluuld be taken regarding action under W»e approp riate legislati on or returning tltcm to tl« irotorway. S e a t i n g for b n * : ? i n g as pur p l a n ottocttii (SEX A j* « i» d lx 'T* ) ib *E' - a h V 3 i m n j - r u n / r jA i< f 1 *f w '_ iJ * i II wise 1 (lk:fuir imt(1>) lt\is cerial will w o r k in conjunct i o n w \ v R.vl Tinflic OJficcr s on U«; AG I on tl*c Sr>cffield s LS. of tl«I n n k e r s l e y motorvoy junction (Exit 3(<» :: d « ^ k nt r a n d o m coacltes and mini buses c a r ryinr Livvi|i«cil sv^.forters. Ve^ucle?; stopped will be clicked to m r j r v fos'.rnv arv in possession of tickets, not vi/vU.* !;«• inf ol aic o/ol o r in joss ession of n 1colo I srii ajc co n s idered fit to atte nd this event. K' ^ r e this is not tlv; case, or v**?re u«r/ arc in p o s session of alcohol o r under it's iri__*‘. ‘«ce. con s i d e r a t i o n should be taken rrtv'irUin; Artimi irrier tU» appropriate legislation o r i t r ^ m n g C a m to tlie motorwrty. floating foe brief i n g as A ll c oocltes/m ini buses d ie c k e d w i l l h3ve a l a b e l . i s s u e d t o s e c t o r ccm ran d crs, a f f i x e d to th e w in d sc re e n p r i o r to th a n b e in g allowed to leav e. per plan atta c h e d Ap p e n d i x *T* ) (See /vU coacltes/nuni buses checked will lir.* a lal<cl (issued to sector ccrTmanders) af f i xed ~-Z tin* w i n d s c r e e n prio r to them being a l l o w e d t: leave. Itrase 2 (During rmtcii} nwisc 2 (During rotch) R e f reshments at Traffic Cfcpt., Clayw**rC« L u * anc then return to Tankersle y for stan±r. duties w- U i a v i e w to deployment as a n u b i l e x _ t . Refres|#ncnts at Traffic Dept., Cl-flyv*cels Lone. H w i s c 3 (After imtdi) Mvrse 3 (After iratdi) At tlte e n d of tl*e ma t c h this serial will join Serials 19, 30 and 31 at bef>pingsLaSe traffic island to assist wit h tlv segrcynt ior. of supporters. ‘ r ■ Ur-nin in Tankersley as a rtjbile unit. . . . i. • ;V,V ! #v: h' ■© a n an 19 m n tr tahm . - c a ij. s i o i IIvim* 1 (Jk'fmt* mild)) --------T"’ - l 2 ) I V 30B9 K u m j w 3 | l*C 31 CO T r i o ; 4 ) IV 2041 Ikxhj This serial will patrol tlio StocKr.’ndyr* area joying particular a t t e n t i o n to licc.srd p rrmises ojtd to maint a i n oi d e r . H im : *17 * H w \sc 2 ( D u r i n g w i t d i ) ;■> 1 j. . . ■ ,1 2 r c 333 O g i l v i e 4 ! rc 1R22 H u t c h i n s o n Dr Sch rc 407 Jolumor,* C^»s >V2l i n g ( o r b r i e f i n g /is pnr p l a n . a t taclircl (Sec expendix ’T ‘ ) '•1 S e r i a l 4/ K l l l l i ! PATOJL - CALL S1Q4 *TA/CT) TVC* Serial 5) ' • i\ Patrol in area os o u t l i n e d in l*Ua*( I . 1) 2) 3) 4) " T A M I) ITJ/)l* PatrcZ F o x h ill a r e a , paying s j o c i a l attc.'*. li c e n s e d p r e m ise s . 2 (D uring match) T his s e r i a l wi 11 p q t r o l • th e Decjjcar Ought i b r i d y ? a r e a , paying p a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n u li c e n s e d prem ises and t o . r r a i n t a i n o r d e r . 1 ; 6' z 4 - ILallbrook Lurri PC 3052 Wil k e s rc 1140 U u c k l c y rc 315 Rotterts rc 1106 *Tatloc Mial a t 3 .1 5 p rn at Clayw*«cols T r a M . r r**j»t. Resu*c p a t r o l a t 3.45fin FoKhill/Par%c>n C r’.*'? a r r a . I ^ vic 3 ( A f t e r im tch ) P a t r o l i n a r e a a s o u tlin r-d in I n a s c 1. mini: pathqi.- caix sip* •tmd nv\:m 50 1075 . PS rc 1614 11wise 1 ( lte fo re m atch ) Dr Sell Pros Pros Pros Dr Sell Dr S c h Iliase 2 (D uring ir a tc h ) R e f r e s id e n ts a t C layw Seels Lane, T r a f f ic D ep t. Meal 4fi»*-4.30prn, P a t r o l p r i o r to 4pr.. iting for b r i e f i n g as re_r plan attacl*?d (See •exjendix *T' J ntase 1 (Before rmtcii) Patrr.1 Parson Cross area, paying s p e c i a ’ i t u n t i o n to lice nsed premises to maintain o r d e r . M wtr^; 2 (During nntcii) j.OZTn p atrol Parson Cross/Foxtul 1 aru-i. 4.0l£TT»meal Claywtteels La/^, l Y a ffic t v - : . Resin? p a t r o l 4.30pn. Flwcx? 3 (After i m t d p Ilwise 3 ( A f t e r rm tcti) Rcsirc patrol as outlined in Hhise S cnt l n y (or b r i e f i n g o s per p l a n at toe lied (S*a6 Afifjcndix 1. P a t r o l In a r e a a s o u t l i n e d i n Plwsc 1, *T* ) f e rial 46 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) l*S IV IV IV PC IV 194B M i l l e r *17* 130! G u s r r y 320 U i o d s r ^ w 327B S t a o r 3144 Robi^son-rt**ill B93 llagv* K i n i i : p a tio ( . - c a l l s i p j mT N c n t i r o : * S/M-iftl 51 M use 1 (Ik;fore n i u d p i ’S 760 Civcr.ey Cor«j>c 1 r c 2327 l l i n c l i c l i f f r Tn»g : rC'23U7 Wi lsor> Oj* Ihis serial will p^t r a l tl»c Wadsley V.iddlc-vood area, paying p a r t i c u l a r -attention t: licensed premises to m a i n t a i n order. :■ rc 2521 ciai k p Ops A rc 599 K i k i n Dr Sch : IV 2609 t o r t p n Dr: Sch MflUIi: P A11 Q L - C A 1 X S 1 Q < ‘T A M I) SIJ<" llwric 1 (Deform mitdi) Patrcl Crenoside arva, paying sjvcial at'.< licensed premises and to n u i n t a m order. Hyp*? 2 (Durii>g mitd>) l l v r a 2 (D uring mUcii) RvficslviiMiK at Clflj'Wv'ch l^me At Pcsuie |Otrul at 3V45r»n‘in 'above « r v 5 . S e a t i n g for b r i e f i n g os |>er pi A n attacliod (Set; Appe ndix *T*). Hwase .:n • ' S e a t i n g ( o r h r r d f m g as |jcr p lait attael*-*d I Se< A(>f>citdix *T' ) 681 tlill *F2 583 (bvis 2 J7fl W e h a : e r 044 I(ccs 300 llays 2t20 Cliurrs Hjtiirwon *JU 1 ( b e fo r e r u t f l i ) l*S 2 2 0 7 S l v w * ! / ' 1 • IV 037 Carol ; rc 29 76 W ilJim e ; Ref reslnrnts At Clayw**?cls Lane 3-lrrr’v-3.45|»)». Rcsuic patrol 3,4!>ir j I1wv.e 3 (After mitcli) KIlll-T PAT! PI. - C A U . S 1 W Seri a I 49 5) IV 762 Iksiew.r^. l*S IV IV IV IV IV 20 lnapoctor *t a n ii ) w i) iv n o !*S H U g n a i l n c f i i c t o r MilJcrc U't lnl 4L o a n u i S* i n g ’for l»ri<*fiixj p»«; per plnn a l i n c U x J (l>-u Pcnc^ndix *T*J 3.1!i;n> n r a l - Cl/iy«rfa**ls I a i ^*, T r A f f i c 3 . 4 5 r m r t ' S i i K ' j k i t r o l C r v i i o s i d < k, 3 ( A f t e r m atcit) 3 (After imt c t Q Resume patrol as outlined in Ptusc P a tro l i n a r e a n s o u ilin le d above. 1. I*'' A I * n 7 f l) t X Ai n ? * ) ! * flY U K IUII.IC 0 8 1 3 1 A T 1906 Urwiutlioriscd [orso os ajc not p e r m itted vmicii;; •. ■ .■. " to enter u p o n tl>e field of ploy. (A) It is a-'i o f f ence for a n 0|«rat0 r to .Knowingly o t r r y alcotiol ^ or alio. it to be c a r r i e d o n a publ i c ser vice vc.\lcle or nuni bus/ v a n or train, etc. t r a ve lling to o r f r u n a foottkill ,n\>tcl., , ■n«> c l i n b i n g of floodlight pylons, stands a n d ot l « r b u i l d i n g s in the ground is forbidden. (U) It is a.-. ci fence t o p o s s e s s alcolol o n o fwiilic service veliiclc or m i n ! U . u ' v a n o r train, etc. t r a v e l l i n g tc or Iron a football T lw c o n s u ' u H i o n of intoxicating liquors is p e r m i t t e d o n l y in au-Jorised places and m a c c o r d a n c e w i t h tlw Sperling Events (Control o! nutcli or lo be drunfc o n such a vehicle. (C) Aloottol) Act A a m s t a f . e n a y H o p a i d sea r c h a p u b l i c servicc veliicle. or mini b u s / v a n cr train etc. wliere I* las r e a sonable gr ou n d s to susjiect alcolinl Is b e i n g c arried . nina im o acxni (A) ..i ... .. 198i. Fireworks . fcnoke canisters, bottles, glosses, cans, rlags, banners, poles and oilier s i m ilar a r t i c l e s o r containe rs including anytliing vliich cxiuid or might be used as a veajioii. a r e not p e r m i t t e d w i t h i n L*ie ground, a n d any in p o s s e s s i o n of such a n article o r c o n t a i n e r iruy b e r e f u s e d e n t r y o r ejected I r a n tlie grwrvi. It is or. o ! f e n c e t o p o s s e s s alcoliol vtien e n t e r i n ? o r alienating to e n t e r a football ground. (II) (ii ) ata*«) nncin^Ttcr^ s i w r u c iviifp.; i c a i n n , o r Aicurji.) a c t iiii!, AS »Q* 'O' (1) , . Un d e r no circumstanc es It is or. o f f e n c e to e n t e r o r attaint to enter a f o o t b a U ground vlien In pos s e s s i o n of bottles, cans. etc. (or part o: > w h i c h arc capable of c a u s i n ; injury. Tliis Includes d r i n k i n g g l a sses but not t N e m o s is it pe r m i t t e d to tliro. any object o n t o tl»e pitch. Any p e r s o n v 1 » fails tc cor^ily w i t h i nstructions f t O T a s t e w a r d ejected f r o m tl>e g round. flasks. A n y p e r s o n s v 1k > rui»i-"J in a 9 uigway n o y t«! ejected (C) the ground. Ons grxxni with Articles ntintioned. g t ttiCT IM Q d > € ) It is a n o f f er** U »? C l u b r e s er ves tlie rigtit to r ef u s e admissicti to or ej e c t a n y persore wlio refuses to be sea:i*UM . to enter, by a Pol i c e Officer. attraipt to e n t e r or. be in a foottwill ground v4k:i\ d i U i i k . s a u fum A C o n stabl e n a y s e a r c h a n y person be susjiects is attemptin g to enter : o r A ) / j n i. i n a t * i i > (a ) Alo»*K>lic d r i n k n w y o n l y be sold in U k >s c (vuts of U*r yroniid desWj>vite2 **ilch wil l be out of v i e w of tt>c pitch. AI c o Iv d I noy i»ot be te<? o out of tl« d e s i g n a t e d a r e a s • (1)) A Co n s t a t l e in u n i f o n n [ m y cause a b a r in a football grtKind to clo s e if b e l i e v e s U»e c o n t i n u e d s o l e of alcofol is dctriii«M»tol to cr\fc*.r o r jiuhlic safety. . , in fu m n e n c s It is a n offe.*ra to j o s s ess fireworks, * 1 • ‘ • s n o k c baibs, etc. wt«n in or en t e r i n g / l e a v i n g a football ground. KM16 In w l d l t i o n tc U*? powers of search, a C o n s t a b l e tusy arrest any person ociurJtting o r has co r m i t t e d a n o f f c n c c un d e r O jc Act Hie C l u b reserv es Vie rigtit for its s e r v a n t s a-.I b c j . - i . i s to r m n v c f r a n this ground any p e r s o n vlio d o e s not c o c p l y w i t h G rou n d Iteojlations and w i t h tlie Itiiles and iu.-g.ilal ions of tl«- m o t b a U A s s o c i a t i o n ai.l II.U-*a<j>ie or. wltosc p r e l a t e oil tlw* Grwirul is or r^^il.l jea'.oiw.ljly Ih; c o i .sln rd as const i tut in.j n r.cxm <- ol>r. i m i snice or orroyaice to oilier s|*-ctalor s . KJir .1 Item 0 a b o v e o u t lines l)c contractual a g r e e n t n t betwiM-i. tl«To o t b a l l curiporter and the Club. It does not c r e a t e a p » * r to s. n..' orri any search n u s i be .with U * tMnsent of Hie i n d i v i d u a l suin»>ru-i. tk-fusol is n o r e l y a b a r to entering tlie ground and n o I a off VC^-re a scare), is c o n d u c t e d w i t h consent, it is a seart:). w ithin U*ni'sariing of tlie nol l c e and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, Section 3( i I < / w t requires a n o f f i o e r t o crake a rec ord of tlie s e a r c h in w r i tin g luilr 1- is not p r a c t i c a b l e to d o so o.-*J large scale such as IUj«. fiotbiill iratclcs fall w i t h i n this section. Tliere is o o t tlierefore a requirweent to c o . p l e t e a Form P,\1E/ 1. V A IIIM U X M I* Kxinn) gCTim r a c u r sfm i hum . 1 S P D C JM D I TIC K E T Hiailicrs of tlie f t x u U c d Section will be d e p l o y e d os fbllo.*st- u * c a :s AKTA 6 lappings Laiic 10 iVnistooc Rood 6 W a d s l e y Oridg? Railway 4 4 North turnstiles • Stotior H a l i fax Road* »- .• Itcrries Road* irnr:-..,.. 'L.-iTTrrn cgtffliiaicifc - l.TvnKTOQi. * At Ht a s e 3, two nuib o r s of U>e Mx intcO Section will be d e p l o y e d In H i l l s b o r o u g h Park. Tic re m a i n i n g two will t a k e u p a p o s i t i o n at Loppings Lo ne traffic isloid. UKM N _ f O T O I STAND RED • - VEST ST A J© IW L C - L U T IN G S IANC TOUIACK! (n lc o o v u r p rin t« l ... * u v e i u >o o l a U f a * ) couxm TOt; - lorrimiAK Ipurer “ w a - G l 'i c t l KCH* l « l a n in e 1 . ■ asm - stjjm i•. \& 10. */ •• * *»_ i*i ■*" , ■ i.; o m p rin iK i r-C Lrni r r A i o - w r i i o w M B '| S e e Thfm <ii B U S K E R Mi'te'Z: i ri* J Vf,v I®J Pv*5 1 go CT-' CE> , 3 9811 EAW /1/17J.M 1 WG401 (S.O.B25) WEST MIDLANDS POLICE Reference: KMP/EAW From: Chief To: Hr Date: refer to Andrew of logs your request Collins used Appendix by "A" throughout QC, the the incident incident log was terms reference. of final the There this the is an semi I draw (A of to is your at Police for from from open as to GODARD, changing in turn his to "B" Superintendent ground refers control briefing control for believed the second MURRAY lack year a and the morning related this moment the there to but the is local recorded is and only force PC believed not there This are no document is believed led a to the The m e ssage contact to log local ground tape recording of any possess sound nor too m u c h the recordings radio It was to It is transcribed control his 0800 various messages important t he match starts hours. being ground of final. created As a post relates 1421 is station log and w h i c h at radio control semi did concludes this and at evidence. radio were the m e s s a g e s in that box. Actions in the CHIEF are w e l l ground advanced control SUPERINTENDENT and to obtain should be statements from on Friday hand by a to means. statement. and and tanoy difficulties police through then to Passed telephone 1988 BARNES. Superintendent in his he a recorded ground that that control. entry log w h i c h room is Pc is The then commander entrance". to to do w i t h an a weakness during indicating by Lane It relating required. is request referred to sub divisional are Station by a use This his control The following 1444. control 1035. one the any the Police contact log on policing. force to create connects entry all messages The the control log. 616 and ground and PS that FI , identified of to and obtained). control. channel he Road Leppings ground the on dated being at throughout that Neither the this operative incidents a commander through intention to made entry is ground radio again final 1989. information/incidents message. MARSHALL contact Appendix an attention two methods created This to m a k e existance Hamilton push on system. semi the 15 A pril Superintendent MURRAY this one officer not Saturday instructed entries FI Superintendent for by to from communication they on all its 0828 this people of note at entered time MARSHALL tape 1989 Forest, left attention Sergeant radio be the for There were log which was control to Notts to computerised that "From request to be on availability recording timed to the statement states in entry a force report logs'. Superintendent MURRAY under versus Groups brief incident related by a 'radio commander control log w h i c h created final inserted force created fixture. message printout extended - Liverpool incident above to Yorkshire an commander extended you want regard to whole a in w h i c h with South refers station with This 17 M a y COM M UNICATIONS of Semi Station: PEMBERTON JONES SUBJECT: I Superintendent the at persons the involved latest. 15/04/89 17:56 FI A F1230 SEMI FINAL EXTENDED INCIDENT 02 (STARTED 15/04/89) PAGE 1 OF * 1041:HAl176 REC BY: 0 SERIAL: 491 1DEN1:F11164 1449 11/04/89 PHONE: i ~ C A T I O N :SWFC GROUND/HAMMER!ON POL,SHEFFIELD ■( 97 RAS REF:F 100/00/00 SUB DIV:F1 £>.™CE: SUPT MURRAY D E T a II : SEhl PINAL LIVERPOOL V NOTTS FOREST THIS (NcrDENT CREATED FOR RECORDING OF ALL INFO/INCIDENTS RELATING TO THE AHOVE FIXTURE. GROUPS TO NOTE ITS EXISTENCE AND USE AS REQUIRED. I T ADD COMMENTS: I— lo Rb PoT ^ OK) IO 15/04/89 17:56 K1A F1230 SEMI FINAL 10141 :HA 1176 EXTENDED INCIDENT 02 (STARTED 15/04/89) INCIDENT LOG ’^52 FI 1364 D E :2200 AK r 1487 F 1487 D E :0 6 0 0 : 12 12/04/89 OX 0^>4 0 F 1341 0633 1CONS Dt:. : 1400 :13 13/04/89 AK 14 1A f 1 3 :5 *1 MA :NOTED B h 14 J6 F 13341 RC :97:126 1416 F I 3341 IC/PS 112/ 1402 c-1 :<341 0827 082H we:;1? 08 -.?9 ADD F X230 F 123© F 1230 F 1230 (COMMENTS »UH. 15/04/89 OP M A :FR(.>M SUH'i MiJWRAY THIS MESSAGE '10 BE LEFT OPEN AS MA:INSTRUCTED AND ALL MESSSAGE'S TO DO WITH SEMI-FINAL MA:E'NlEREi.) ON THIS MESSAGE : PAGE 13/04/89 17:56 F1A K1230 5EMI FINAL EXTENDED INCIDENT 02 (STARTED 15/04/89) PAGE 3 OF 104t:HA1176 0923 FI 1322 M A :THE BELOW MENTIONED VEHICLE WILL BE PARKED IN THE REAR !A925 FI 1322 MA: YARD, BLUE ROVER REG N O BELONGS TO NOTTS POLICE >5 FI 1322 M A :WILL BE THERE UN'l 1L THE END OF THE MATCH. 1A HA1176 RC: W :J 34 lJ W H A 1176 1 T:2:SEM I FINAL J044:HA1176 DELAYED ENTRIES; KROM D2 IR 267-TEMP T/LIGHTS UPWELL ST CAUSING 15/H4/89 PROBLEMS BEAT CONTACTING ENGINEERS POINT COVERED LATER BY PC 7S6 EMMERSON (INFORMED) 1045:H A l 176 MA31 SLIGHT SPILLAGE OF DIESEL ON CATCLIFFE ISLAND, FOR INFO JL5/04/89 OF ALL M/CVCLES. HIGHWAYS INFORMED 10*6: HA 1176 HC01 NOW IN POSITION AMD TO BE USED AS CID CONTROL HILLFOOT 15/04/89 BRIDGE 1 123:HA2470 FROM MC21- TW(.) COACHES, PURPLE COLOUR FROM WARRINGTON,LIVERPOOL 15/04/89 TRAVELLING A S / FROM ASTON. GROUND CON'iKUL. INK.tRMtD. ADD COMMENTS ^ 15/04/89 17:37 FI A F1230 3EMI FINAL EXTENDED INCIDENT 02 (STARTED 13/04/89) PAGE A OF 1041:HA1176 1126:HA2344 CALL RECEIVED THAT ON STOCKSBRIDGE BY PASS INTOCITY THE LAY BY 1S/04/89 NEAH TO PENISTONE TURNOFF THERE ARE ABOUT 6 YOUTHS PLAYING FOOTBALL IN THE L A Y B Y AND ONTO THE DUAL C/WAY t'^-;HA2*70 WB21 WP-1 1 CHECKING ON ABOVE YOUTHS ^3*/89 l;30:HA247W WFSl REQ 2 EXT k A OFFICERS *10 WORK POINTS SHEAF ST. 1?/04/89 DUE 10 BUSSES PARKED OUTSIDE MJDLAND STATION CUTTING SHEAF S> *0 ONE LANE. B/SIOE LANE CONTACTED fWO OFFICERS ATTENDING 1 lo0:HA2*V0 WFSl REO. RAO 10 COVERAGE HE ABOVE 13/0A/89 11J6:HA247W WD22 - ROYAL HO'! EL BRAuF lE'LO RD AHpftoX 30 YOU'I HS l3/v)4/89 DRINKING OUTSIDE >HE PUB. GROUND CON'JRd L INFORMED 1 j-jo:HADEAN RADIO SHEFFIELD INFORMED KE SHEAF* ST. 13/0*/89 ADD COMMENTS: i # 4 15/04/89 17:5? F 1A F 1230 SEMI FINAL EXTENDED INClDFN'l 02 (STARTED 15/04/89) PAGE 1041:HA1176 1139-.HAB1RC OBS REQ FROM F2 F-OR WHITE TRANSIT VAN CONTAINING 20 J^/04/89 YOUTHS TKROWINo BEER CANS UUI OF VAN APPEAR TO BEDRUNK , SEEN EUE LN IRAVELLINti TOWARDS F /BALL GROUND. f i ^ : M A 2 4 7 0 ABOVE OH T A I L S C J " C . j/0 4 / 8 9 11 a;*;HA.254m- DY01 ON DU'l Y INj-iR, b<Yi ,+1 I. PUBLIC ORDER DUTY 1 1 i49 :HA2470 MC21 STANDING (RAV-FIC AT 1 INSl EV REQ MATRIXSETTING AT 30MPH 15/0^/89 N/B AT 1.V1, 50MPH N/B AI V CATCLIKFE ALL CLEAR, HOWEVER HARK SQUARE ISLAND GETTING FULL SWITCHED TO T/LJSHT CONTROL FOR THE TIME BEING (SCSI INFORMED AND ai.REaDY AT TINSLEY 1150:HA2470 GB21 SIGNS NOW rtU'T Af A61/A6I6T. 15/04/89 1 2 0 5 : HA24 70 FROM MCI2 MaTRiX 9 N/B TO 40 15/04/89 ADD COMMENTS: I OF * 15/04/89 17:57 FIA F 12150 SEMI FINAL 1041:HA1176 1209:HA247O 15/04/89 16:HA2470 ^^34/89 W«:HA2470 15/04/89 EXTENDED INCIDENT 02 (STARTED 15/04/89) PAGE 6 OF WA22 T/LIGHTS SWITCHED OFF HILLFOOT BRIDGE OFFICER WORKING POINT TRAFFIC BUILDING UP AT J35 WITH BOTH SETS OF SUPPORTERS GBIl ATTENDING TO ASSIST FRON GB11 - PASSING MOlOR1ST COMPLAINS OF TEMPORORY TRAFFIC LIGHT A628 DERBYSHIRE STUCK ON RED BOTH WAYS. PASSED TO DERBY'S iO CHECK WILL BE LEFT [N THE 1220rK11322 ANOTHER VEHICLE l-'KOn NOT'iS, CAVEL IER REAR YARD AT HRPS.UN'flL THE END OH THE MATCH.BELONGING TO NOTTS 15/04/H9 POL ICE. 12 2 2 1HA 2^ Via FROM GO.'- INFORM Ai.L M/(.:Y(;Ltb IHA i ALL POINTS ARE TO BE COVERED BY HANU >-ROM r»K>W ON, PRIORITY TO BE GIVEN TO F/BALL 15/04/89 TRAFF I<: T22*<:HA24 70 WD12 REO OF>)CfcR fo WORK HO 1N * yHEAf- ST HARK SO B/LANE A nF.NO.(N(-< iS/04/89 AD!) C0MMEN1 S : 4 5/0A/8<? 17:57 FI A F1230 EXTENDED INCIDENT <32 (STARTED ltj/04/89) PAGE SEMI FINAL 7 OF 1041:H A 1176 BELATED EN'RY:__________ YoRKSHlRfc TELEVISION,TELEPHONED 1226:F11322 RE I'HE MATCH,WISHING TO NO, A NUMBER OF QUESTIONS, RE J^ ,'04/89 MAN HOWfcW U'OR.KINH, t£r 0 Th EK QUESTIONS HE ANY UNDER COVER OFFICE R w o R K jNS o r a n y SPtClAu PICK k o CKET SQUADS WORKING PASSED FOR 1 HP. ATTENTION O h SUH i MURRAY A| MATCH CONTROL. \ 2:-'-v :HA24 /0 GcSi TRAFFIC KUlLOiNb UP A i1FRCL fFKF COMMON AREA GHVi INFORMED CHECKJMb CAiCI. JFKfc U/fH A VIEW fO DIVERTING 1*?/kK/8*? TO PARKW a v A VOLVO , ALSO LEFT IN REAR YARD,UNTIL ANOTHER VEHICLE 1230:F 11322 AFTER MATCH. P.fc'LONblNb 10 POL fOF OFFICER. 15/Q4/89 1230:HA2470 WA12 NO fwAEFIO US'lwci HRlNCt- of- WALES RD AS YET GHVI INFORMED 15/04/89 1246:HA2470 GHV 1 TRAFFIC DivERlHD FROM 1 IN^LEY TO THORPE HESLEY l‘5/04/8‘? 1248:HA2470 GCfa'l TRAFFIC e E f N t . i DIVERTED UNDER THE VIADUCT NOW 15/0A/S9 ADD COMMENTS: 4 15/04/89 17:57 FI A F12J0 SEMI FINAL EXTENDED INCIDENT 02 (STARTED 15/04/89) PAGE 8 OF 1041:H A 1 176 1256:HA2470 0G22 I HAVE JUST STOPPED A COACH OF NOTTINGHAM ROWDIES 1 5 /0 4 / 8 9 COACH REG. NO. WE HAVE WARNED THEM RE CONDUCT PLEASE INFORM COACH RECEPTION. RECEPTION INFORMED. f^tf:HA2470 WA33 APPROX 50 YOUTHS COME OUT OF DARNAL HORTICULTURAL CLUE ^Kl4/89 HEADING FOR AlfERCLIFFE MAYCAUSE TROUBLE B E A T INFORMED Ij:_‘.4:F 1BARN SEE INCIDENT 519, SPECIAL CONSTABLES POSSIBILY REQUIRING 15/04/89 ASSiST a NCE n EEPSEND LN. i ;J45:HA24'0 FROM MCl'i" ALL CLEAR CAiCL.IPPE AREA PLEASE CANCEL MATRIX 15/04/89 MATRIX CLEAR l'J51: HA2470 WA12 RfcOUEST AMtf TO WHITE HART H a l IP'AX RD, MAN SAT ON BROKEN )5/04/89 BO !'lL E ‘ 1• AMB ATTENDING 1403:F1230 RfcPOKf <!iF SUPPORTERS UR (NA V J.N(a IN PEOPLES GARDENS. PASSED TO MAT 15/04/89 CH CONTROL RC RYAN 14V*..S:H A B I RC CALL ON 9 9 9 5S PROM 1 hqmE >/N STATING A 15/04/89 WHj'TE Tk a n S 1 1 VAN | CONTAINING LIVERPOOL SUPPORTERS TRAVELLING O n THE a .si T OWAROb H 1LLSBOROUGH. 1WO YOUTHS JUMPED OUT ADO COMMENT#: 4 15/0A/89 17:57 F 1A F12J0 tX T ENDED SEMI FINAL ttf41;HA1176 IN C ID E N T 02 (STARTED 15/0A/89) PAGE 9 OF OF BACK ONTO TWO GiRLS WALKING BY.(HINKS THE GIRLS MIGHT HAVE BEEN HUR I. VEHICLE HAD WORD 1 \ ON SIDE \S:HAMETT |tf4/69 «-l> H H V H i e S Hfl>,LON<iLEV,iiH P E ‘iUES« A S S I S T A N C E 14k3t> AC 6V1 ■tv♦y: VEHlOL.ES LE.H ! A i HKFS«'C<tNNtC'i E D W I T H T H E M A T C H 1A i i :F 1J322 FOLLOWf Nb , ai_L N o M S P O L I C E V E H I C L E S . 15 •' &*+ / H'-f UN C arphone C A L L F R O M 14 1A ; H A M E T r I H A I A UiHJfF. Kfcr.NAUI.V MAST^RVAM VRM ‘ i ( . ) T H h f c F F E l C ■ in/W4/89 CONTAIN1MG A NUMBER '’ YOUTHS HAVE N U M B E R 0»*Y(.k.(THS H A V t BEEN DRIVING ERRATI CAL.t.Y UP r jo u LEAVING Ml AT ON 34 THF. Ml N(.)MT HBOUnD-VFHI Cl.F. rjou CALLER H/A /3 PENTLAND AV E,CLA V | O N ,BRADFORD APPRoX 1^ YOUTHS ON WASTE b'KOUND, LEADER RD.APPEAR TO ARMING THEM 14".:8:F 1BARN SEI VES W I T H WOODEN S'fi CKS. PASSED TO PC RYAN GROUND CON. l5/tf4/&9 FROM SUPT.MARSHAL FI. REQUEST CONTACT G R O U N D , m . 1 4 4 A :F l B A K N FOR PEOPLE NOT TO PUSH AT LEPPINGS LN ENTRANCE. PASSED TO RS'&ftjfD !?</CiA/89 ARD GROUND CON. ado Co m m e n t s t 15/04/89 17:58 FIA F1230 SEMI FINAL 1041:HA1176 1507: HA2470 15/04/89 ■■*8:HA2470 l(^3A/89 1 & 3 :HAMETT tXlENDED INCIDENT 02 (STARTED 15/04/89) F £ 0 « _ 6 R 0 U N P C O N T ROL OPE RATI REPEAT oreRAflC^fStffiiM^ — D^TAlL^,Gi«OUte$^i^ ' Ff^ff-r.-GRjpUND CONTROL ’: FLEET OF AMBULANCES -TO WXiafSB^. \*YOl'"TRAVVELIKiG TO SCEHE^ 1 3 / 1 3 4 / 8 9 1510:HA2470 '.AUTHORISATION FOR OP SUPPORT FROM.i’ ^ gpl 15/04/89 1510:HA2544 AMB SUPT CLARK SENDING THEIR INITIAL REb^NSgi 15/04/89 1510:HAMETT CY01 TRAVELLING TO SCEM515/04/89 151J:HAGU1H-AY ATTENDING^ 15/0^/89 1512: HALOCK C2 PC 1,C2 OFFICERS ATTENDING ASAP AT 15/04/89 ADO COMMENTS: f PAGE 10 OF 4 15/04/89 17:58 FIA F1230 EXTENDED INCIDENT 02 (STARTED 15/04/89) PAGE 3EM1 FINAL 1041 : H A H 7 6 1517: HAMETT RHH CASUALTY PUT ON STANBY FOR' LAReE;^ 15/0A/89 17:D 1.3260 FOLLOWING O F U C E R S AT 1ENDING FROM D1 - TRANSIT 1, 3, 4, 5 1^14/89 AND SERIALS 18, 19, 20. ALSO ALL AVAILABLE DOG HANDLERS. 1 1^3; H A M PC fcRll INSP SGT AND 1 W PC to GROUND POLICE ROOM 1 5/0-*/8V l518:HA24/v3 FROM GROUND CON'I ROL REQ CAS BUREAU SETTING UP PLEASE l5/tf4/8* AT BOTH HOSP 1518: D23 J57 J SGiS, 7 PC'S A M E N D I N G PROM 1)2 15/04/89 ^PC L e <i J 1 : PC 1 : PC 15/04/89 PC ;PC PC PC 79? liOPLb'Y ALL A< IENDING P'ROM El IN TRANSIT It j 5 /'04 /89 F R O M A2. PC PC SUP'i ASH'fON ADO COMMENTS: P PC INH(:>r med PC , APS PC . PC 11 OF 15/04/89 17:58 F 1A F V 2 S U SEMI FINAL 1041:HA1176 15 19:HA0iUTH IS/04/89 19:HA247G 'JJzi4/8v tz>J9:E2543 15/04/89 1519 :F2850 15/^4/89 EXftNDUD INC1 DEN't 02 (START ED 15/04/89) PAGE NGH INFORMED ‘10 EXPECT CASUALTIES. MCI 9 :GC21 WITH C U M I N G EQUl PI MEN'l "TO SCENE, GF11 COMMS VEH GBS1 LEPPCNGS LN TO BLOCK HOAD SEWGEANi ANL1 6 PC'S AClbNDING FROM £2 FROM ECCLbSFIELD INSPECTOR HUDSON PS STRAFFORD PC .PC 1242 ARMITAGE A T T E N D I N G PC DIRECT TO GROUND 3519:B 13204 2 SERGEANTS AND 20 CONSTABLES EN ROUTE NOW FROM OAKWELL FROM B 1 : A/TNSP 2/98 REEVE, A/PS PC 658 15/0*/89 P C 1 PC COWGlLL, PC PC 2/50 LALLY, PC >066 HARGREAVES, PC 15/0: h a m ETT AMB SERVICE FOREWARNING RDGH AND fcDGH FOR CASUALTIES 15/04/89 ADD COMMENTS: 12 OF 13/04/89 18:01 FlA FI 230 SEMI FINAL EX IENDED INCIDENT 1041 :HA1176> 3520:HA2470 AY01 TO SCENE 1 S/04/89 ••‘1 :HA2470 GFSl IS COMMS VEHICLE *40U \Jfc?4/»9 1^22: H a 1 3 7 4 M B 11 02 (STARTED 15/04/89) PAGE 10/4 H T L L S S ^ o J5/04/89 )523 :HA.J ACK SUP I loRR IKA iNiin G CONTACIE.D + .A I IENDING PE CAS BUREAU 15/04/89 lt‘2 ^ : A H 2 0 4 BUPt R ’ !Wi'ENDt N i nKI U.fSHlP !5/tf4/y9 PS PC PC PC ALl_ AT I'ENl ilMu F K«.)M OoNCaS'I £ K . VEHICLES 1- r 1523 :HAME IT F/e DiRtC'.hL) 10 A i ) Ai' Rfc.AR OF POLICE ROOM 3 5/04/89 AD0 COMM’ENTS: 13 L5/04/89 18:01 F1A F123U 3EMI PINAL 1041:HA1176 1524:HA1374 lS/04/89 ~'A :HABIHC ]' -^i4/3^ 1j f p :B2GRAH 1'5/i?n»/89 EXltNDED INCIDENT 02 (SIARlED 15/04/89) PAGE CR31 1C3/4 C2 OFFICERS C R 2 1 / C 2 o 1/ C 2 1 1,INSH PLUS 4 OFFICERS 62 OFFICERS 4 MOf- lL.b'S, 1 SGT PLUS 10 PC'S P C ’S 2964 0233 1N PC 1N IlN PC* S[ (N PC'S PC PS 2340 IN I526:HA&IHC B191/B291 10/4 HILLSBOROUGH 15/04/89 1b '? / :HA 2470 FROM G/CONTROL CONFIRM FAT ALITIES AT THE GROUND 15/04/89 1527:023157 P S 1S 717. 2396, 15/04/B9 P C ’S 962, ATTENDING FROM D2. AOO COMMENTS: 14 OF 4 15/04/89 18:01 FI A SEMI FINAL 1041:H A 1 176 1528:HABIRC 1=./04/89 29:FI BARN 1 0A/99 I^fcflsHABIRC 04/yc? 1*3.50:B 13204 15/04/89 FI 238 EXTENDED INCIDENT 02 (STARTED 15/04/89) 15 OF ER11 10/4 GROUND FROM PS61<b/GODDARD PLEASE WARN MEDICO LEGAL CENTRE TO EXPECT SEV ERAL BOD It'S, NO NUMBERS A'I THIS STAGE WOODALL. SUPPORT AND BY01 10/4 GROUND KROM HATCH. CONTROL AT OAKWt.LL. FOOTBALL GROUND THE 4 HORSES A Hf-[ hrJ ROUTE i A HJRED HORSE BOX (RAVEL!.ING St.OWL V MAJOR I N C IDh'N i t«.)X ENRoU Ib FROM t'CCLESFIELD TO 1530:F2S50 H 1LLS BROUGH 15/04/B9 !5.'l :HABIR C MAI 9 INFORMED »0 G o IO l £ h P(NGS l n 1S/CD^/Q^1 )5.31 :HAB IRC M a :>1 ]0/a GROUND 15' 04/89 a PAGE D0 COMMhNT S : dent 103 180489 0P3037 TYPING SERVICE DOCUMENT Other Document Number Date 180489 Description GROUND CONTROL LOG - F A ■15.4.89 D19 CUP SEMI FINAL 150489 F.A. CUP SEMI - FINAL NOTTINGHAM FORSET V LIVERPOOL 0800: Control Operative 0959: Briefing •1018: End Briefings 1040: Supt Chapman - Notts Forest o/s 5 arches waiting for it to ope commences PS 616 Ch Supt C/I Price 1042: PC 1035 informed C/I Price - Assistance will be required from specials at Traffic Point Herries Rd S/Penistone Road 2 Special Constables supplied. •1053: 13 - 14 to go to gate •1055: Insp Sewell. ’W ’ for briefing One officer to be at Betting Booths North Stand, South Stand at 3pm to accompany cash. •1115: PAGE D 19 •1117 - Radio Checks - Serials 1-2-3-4 ■1 145 •1215 Horse & Jockey - Freemason - Drinking Supporters 1225 Radios to be delivered to Five Arches & Devonshire 1230 Royal Hotel - Full - Possible 1240 Two coaches approaching from Catcliffe bearing Forest Stickers (L’pool Fans) problems later turned round - others may have slipped through Supt Chapman informed •1250 Lord Mayor of Liverpool will be leaving at 4.30pm. Can a m/cycl' escort him through. Drunks outside - T3 •1H57 •1305 Shoplifters - •1309 Parkwood Road, Parking - T4 problems - obstructions being caused (from CID post) -T10 •1312 - Towards H/fa:< Road containing 6 - stolen sweets circulated - Detained •1314 1 14 - L ’pool train on time ETA (1400) Contains 1325 Large numbers of L'pool 130 fans with Hop tickets being sent to Pen Rd from L/Lanes End - Supt G ’wood to provide contingency y * PAGE t X D 19 •1330 Specials requiring assistance o/s pub Neepsend. Not known which Traced - In order 1335 Victoria & Royal full & very boisterous 1337 T9 & T10 to Royal - Problems - Shut 1339 9995 RU - A61 — coach — rowdy supporters, May be drunk — Checked by S45 in order 1408 — A61 - white transit - Assaulted 2 females - Circulate 1417 Supt M - Close Leppings Lane - Closed 1421 B?T Kit to Rawson Spring Road - F1 END OF REPORT SA/6 TAPE TAPE REF KVP TIKE (Real 30/9/17 TIKE 1440 CONTROL ROOM - 1520 HRS I S . 4.89 CALLER Time) lm At Darton. (1441) At Darton. D A R T O N Yes thanks v e r y much indeed operator, bye by e now. l m 10s 8m Bye. 30s (1448) Fire Control. Hello Fire this Just 3 m 40s 50s a moment. Pardon. You will 8m Okay. be, if I come I ’l l slash your wrists you, by Yes, is your that about Go then. that. there for gu m . I k n o w y o u ’r e busy, Sorry on exceedingly coffee were too hot, it. No, go on then, how can I heLp you. 200, passed 9m 1440, (1448) you it it are came is a joey, a w a r e , any from my by yo u no doubt idea w h e r e love. Oh just a moment, please Just a sec . 9M Yes w e ' r e 10S false just putting and malicious it now. Yes. I ’ll h a v e 9m 20s Thank a look. you. No telephone number (unintelligible). passed through 2. SA/6 No telephone so y o u male number passed, d o n ’t k n o w o f or female it w e r e calling. Ho. Okay then lov e . Okay. 9m 30s Bye. (1449) 12m c 50s (1452) Operations PC Rook, good afternoon. Oh good afternoon to y o u , (unintelligible) sorry this to is trouble you. You ought to be. Pardon. You 13m ought afternoon to be like o n an today. Yes Yes its not, sunshine, its how (Unintelligible) beautiful can we h e l p you. Veil 13m 10s the check with (1453) 13m I'm doing roadworks 20s 30 yet, are What I ’v e got here delays 40s Just a minute. North and is time. junction 13m have at this exit loads, 33, been junction lane thats from, a feeling finished. 3 33 a n d 50s Between there, 33 and 34, So t h e y ’re, s t i l l So i t ’s there. still yes still 34 closed diversion by I have 34. 13m 30 some Junction slip road Ml closed they been cause Southbound carriageways to the Ml clear. ? may to w i d e t h e y ’v e 31, they repairs southbound 30s to right, just wanted you whether junction 31, radio, I done to 13m the and closed. that SA/6 3. Well just the third lane. Yes, 14m And the (mumbles), that's all v e have. So Yes just a minute, just junction ( ' x 14m 10s o n, just a minute, got hold that m a n y on, hold have a minute. They Hold 31 will surely have. on , we've pages, it takes. (1454) Isn't Yes, no it junction still just 33, seems 34, 33 to 34, it, isn't it awful. be which is on. T h a t ’s fine. Okay. Thank you v e r y much. Pleasure now. Bye 14m 20s bye. Bye. 16m Control room Sergeant (1455) Is 16m 2536 there 10s Yes. Can I have Ken Rook a quick word in Ops, apologising 16m please. 20s on m y its I'm knees (Oh s u g a r ) . 'Hello mate. Yes. Hello. Hello. Aye 2536. No he's just condng. finished SA/6 16m 30s A. Oh sorry. Hello. Aye Sorry about this, i t ’s Ken Rook in Ops, v e ’ve re-sent it again, I c a n ’t spell properly. Oh I see. They cannot assist in Surgreaves. I w a s g o i n g t o s a y I ’v e 16m AOs (Laughter) I ’ve looked at it. I ’ve looked at it again, and i£ you read it plain, which A082 has just acknowledged I ’ve put a sorry, it should read penalty? book. Okay thanks a lot. Apologies for that. Cheers. 16m 50s Tara now. 1 7m 30s Hello Force Control. (1457) Hello Force Control i t ’s South Yorkshire Ops Room here. Yes. 17m AOs Just for your information, if y o u ’re not aware, we have a little village football game going on today. Oh yes. And as a result of that we are not taking any abnormal roads. No loads. 17m 50s No loads, and its absolutely chaos. ......... ... j see, where is this at, up at Barnsley or.. No i t ’s Hillsboro, its Sheff, It; Liverpool, Notts Forest 5. SA/6 in FA Cup Semi Final. 18m (1457) I see. So w e ’re not taking any loa ds . Very good. Okay. W e ’ll, W e ’ll do the same then. Thank you very much indeed. Sounds like a good idea. Y e s . Okay. 18m 10s Okay, cheers. Ta. 18m 40s Humberside Police, can I help you. (1458) Hello Humberside. Speaking. Aye good afternoon, that’s not Inspector Fox is it. No. 18m SOs Oh it sounds very much like it, its PC Rook, Force Operations Sheffield. Hello. Due to the FA Cup Semi Final w e ’ve got going on in Sheffield. Yes. Which has took all our manpower and others, w e ’re not accepting any more l oa d s . That's abnormal loads. 19m Yes so if y o u ’ve got any coming can you advise them that w e ’re not gcing. We're not going to convey them. \a 6. SA/6 And you are please PC 19m 10s PC Rook, South. Yorkshire Police, yes. Rook. Right then w e ’ll re-route North Yorkshire. 19m 20s it over Yes or if y o u ’ve got to come this way y o u ’ll, they’ll just have to be parked up, at Hatfield7 or somewhere like that until tomorrow morning. Leave it to us. Okay. We w o n ’t leave you in it. Thank you very much indeed. • Thanks. 19m 30s Tara mate. Ta-ra. (1459) Radio. 21m 30s (1501) 22m (1501) Echo November 3 10.7 over XS XS to Echo November 3. 10.7 your message please over. Echo November 3 just to say I ’m 10.1 from Hackenthorpe, Echo November 3 over. 22m 10s Echo November 3 Roger. ’Ph on e’ PC 23m 40s (1503) Hello y o u ’re Foxtrot 111 a r e n ’t you. Yes. 2 3m 50s Right i t ’s a burglary chapel please. Yes. I t ’s the sorry (3 7. SA/6 Yes. 24m (1503) Foxtrot 1. Yes. Can you, can you ring this number 30. Yes. 24m 10s 38. Yes. 75. Yes. 24m 20s To arrange a rendezvous with the vicar for all the church, to arrange a mutual time. I ’m putting you say. at i t ’s Oh, wonder where that is, I place chapel on thgre^anyway yes h e ’ll tell us w o n ’t he. 24m 30s 24m 40s i t ’s a h e ’s the minister. Mr Good heavens. 24m 50s Yes h e ’11/then you can sort something out with him. Great. Okay then. Okay. T h a t ’s lovely. 8. SA/6 Tata. 25m Tara. (1504) 27m 10s (1507 01) 27m 20s Hello Hello ambulance, yes is one of your supervisors there please me love. Hello. Yes, good afternoon, i t ’s PC Rook South Yorkshire Police Operations Room. Hello. 27m 30s (1507.15) 27m 40s (1507.26) There’s been an incident at Leppings Lane end of the Hillsboro football, Hillsboro football ground where we, we may need a few ambulances i t s ’s just to advise you at this stage, the re ’s been a lot of pushing and shoving and there might have been quite a few injuries. Thats Leppings Lane end of the football ground. 27m 50s (1507.34) T ha t’s Leppings Lane of Hillsboro all w e ’re doing at the moment is just advising you that we may need we may need a few, ambulances to attend. Well w e ’ve got, yes w e ’ve got that facility. 28m (1507.45) You have got that facility we will come back to you should you require them. Y es. But i t ’s just to sort of pre warn and pre advise you at the moment. Okay 3 0 y o u d o n ’ t d e f i n i t e l y n e e d us now. 9. SA/6 28m 10s (1507-53) Hot at the moment, not at the moment, just, unless he vants you to (Shouts Sir - in back ground male shouts 'We want a fleet of ambulances) Hello Hello. Hello. 28m 20s (1 5 0 8 .0 0 ) Yes we are, we are requesting a fleet of ambulances, to A fleet of ambulances. Yes all, all ambulances that are available to Hillsboro please. All ambulances that are available so y o u ’ve quite a few injured then. 28m 30s (1508.1A ) A lot injured, apparently one of the gates, has they’ve been pushing and pushing and shoving I understand and one of the gates has, they’ve collapsed the gates and there’s. Okay then, w e ’ll instigate an initial response and w e ’ll take it from there. 28m AOs (1508.25) Yes all ambulances y o u ’ve got available they said. Well we c a n ’t do that. I ’ll send you an initial response and w e ’ll, w e ’ve got to keep (unintelligible). 28m 50s (1508.34! Yes can I have your name please sir. Superintendent Clarke. - Superintendent Clark, I ’m PC Rook, Superintendent. Thank you very much. Okay now. Bye bye. 29m (1508.41) Bye bye. TRACK 9 15 05 10 RC X 209 Hello its Control I've got a three 9's call for you. ) ( RC NO ) child by the name of Who RC RC Yes this from child a home had taken streaking kit some alcohol the mothers got so he better go and be checked out. Right you are then RC Okay thanks Bye 15 06 59 15 06 29 RC Thanks bye Hello Hello Hello ambulance yes is one supervisors there please my love Just a moment of your RC ? Hello Yes good afternoon its P.C. (---- ) here South Yorkshire Police operations room RC Hello F/C We've got urn an lane urn end on incident the at urn Wednesday Football Ground. leppings Sheffield We may need a few ambulances its just to advise you at this and stage shoving (----- ) a lot of pushing and there might have been quite a few injuries. RC That's Leppings Ln end of the Football Ground F/C Leppings Lane (------) Hillsborough. we are doing All at the moment is advising you. RC Okay F/C That we may need afew, afew ambulances to carry the injured RC We l l we've got er we've got that facility F/C (----------- ) come back to you should we require you RC Yes F/C Its just *2 sort of er advise you at the moment RC Okay so you don't definitely need us now F/C Not at the moment, not at the moment (delay) F/C Hello RC Hello F/C We are requesting a fleet cf ambulances Fleet of ambulances F/C All ambulances that are available to Hillsborough please RC All ambulances that are available so you have got quite a few injured then F/C A lot of them, gates they apparently at one of the have been pushing, pushing and shoving I understand that one of the gates has (---- ) collapsed or broke l % RC Okay, we will instigate an initial response and we'll assess it from there okay F/C All, All ambulances you've got available I understand RC Well we can't do our initial that I will response and we'll send you assess. We've got officers on the scene (RVJ) F/C Right can i have your name please sir RC Superintendent Clark F/C Your Superintendent Clark RC That's right F/C 15 08 13 ) P.C. here Superintendent Clark RC Thank you very much F/C Okay now RC Bye Bye F/C Goodbye 15 08 27 Hello Police F/C Ambulance (---- ) Leppings Lane end, Leppings Lane end. Yes F/C ( You ) definitely want an ambulance to Leppings Lane end F/C A big fleet of ambulances, as many as you've got love Theres one on its way H immediately F/C We want more than one Yes just hold on whi le we get the ambulance up there we've got officers in 15 08 51 the vicinity that can assess it for whi 15 10 18 Ambulance service B/T Thank you, ambulance service I wonder ambulance, if you what it been messing about should is me send little an lads and he's banged his head Can you give me the address please No No Can you give me your please (—H I) Right How long will it be ( telephone number Track No. 11 X207 Time 1507-49 Hello Hello were you wanting us Right, no we weren't You weren't No Oh Alright 1507-57 ? 1510-25 OK then Hello Leppings &iLco\-e, Yes FC 1510-30 1512-54 Hello love is supt. Clark there please Hold the line B/Moor Hello Batemoore Control a 999 call for you BMoor Righto No. BMoor TRACK NO 10 DESCRIPTION X-208 TIME Hello Doncaster Station 15.05.11 R.C. Hello you Done Stn Yes R.C. its a 1 year old child by the name of its Cont ro l three nines for Done St R.C. Yes apparently she rung the Hospital and they've advised the relative to take her into hospit al this child has taken some powder and swallowed some powder from a hair streaking k i t t h a t t h e m o t h e r h a s got so they've advised her to go and have her checked out Done Stn Thank you 15.05.59 R.C. OK Thanks Bye 15.10.35 Control Hello Can I help you 9 J u s t t o l e t y o u know ....... operation........ all the m a n p o w e r f rom all over South Yorkshire.......... Leppings Lane R.C. OK Caller R.C. Right we'll r e s p o n d for your help Caller Much obliged to you R.C. Goodbye then thankyou 15.11.04 7 (f02A) KATCH-DAT STAJT OR DOTT: 1 5 th A K 1 L 1989 HOHJHAL ADDITIOHAL TOTAL SUFKRVTSORT (Car pa rks, p la y e r s tunne l s t i l e room, commissionaires etc) 45 - 45 TOTHSTILE OPERATORS 85 - 85 ADDITIOHAL TURHSTILK OPERATORS 5 5 SOOTH STAHD (Stewards) 42 13 55 SOUTH STAHD (Stewards and Gatemen) 31 20 51 WEST STAHD (Stewards and Gatemen) 26 11 37 26 64 WORTH STAHD (Stewards and Gatemen) 38 rop (Stewards and Gatemen) 25 9 34 297 79 376 4 <12§S> SHEFFIELD VERSUS LIVERPOOL F.A.CUF i~ 15/4/SV S A TL ' R D A t" ( 3 .00 - WEDNESDAY V NOTTE SEMI FOOTBALL FOrvE FINA-_ CL'JB I ( { r 2 NORTH s GATE STAND CHECK TOTAL 1 1 0 0 0 •-r 1^ 4 C A o / • 0 1 • GATE TOTAL 1120 1074 103S 1033 9c2 101 1 767 iee i , X c• 'w. **» o 75 tij 0 l'> £0 ~1 C **7 0 GATE FF.ICE 0. 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.50 w • Zj '.1 =. 3 0 -. 0 0 — - 0'-'- GATE VALUE 0. 000. 00 0 . 7215.00 7382.30 4o=3.Ov 49=5.50 752. : 7£0 . 0 0 t \ t *!* ««i 0. 0 0 C •0 0 c •~ 0 — e l'1 0. >1 t \ <m\ <; 0 i* r.4 «< S3 o 1«.• •••• 0 i“ ‘*2 / r 7- 5 : GATE c v (■• t . I 31' 7 Z T 24 -L.—‘ 1.r o^ n -1-' 25 ^ W2 -i! T 3* j 31 T*? T C iA l.3 c ~rfi Li V'.5o , ,:ERED CHECK TOTAL GATE TOTAL £: -"E Fr.‘-„c S A “£ VALUE 0 o 6--4 553 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0- .0 0 o 2c 1 -C 1&4 -VS j"O j" 90 39 1 502 463 472 o/ c .5v 0- 00 .. V .‘VO 0 •00 7 .50 •j „ 0 - 00 v .00 6.50 0 .00 2 = 3 2 .5 0 q . oo 0 . -.-o ■I1. 00 2 4 = 3 . 50 4740 1 -0* £ 5 6 0 .5 0 ... o o o o 0 i ’\ r< 1 1 6 t 5 . 30 0 .00 •r 4 STH < GATE o i9 *•-* •-I- STD CHECK". TOTAL GATE TOTAL =-.=■" — 3 - ‘C . C- 2Z£ 5 •5 v — •=■.- .9 0 I t -2. -*0 •3A T E PRICE '.-ATv-LUc 5 LANE G-TE - GAT = TGT AL CHECK TOT AL ■ * <■--■t• V».' 4. C O 4. 0 0 “ .0 0 4. 0 0 4. 0 0 ^ .00 f r i ~ • i'. E F G 120= 1243 — c“- C‘ T O T A L ? .- •*;. 0 0 — —*< xx •O v 30 = 0 0. C O — c.**i v.o 1’ ,, TDTAl E L E F F IM e ,0 0 o *oo 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 i t .1 I*\J'~m .1 0 •O v f‘l ♦1«*• -•. 3-4 ,r GATE VAi_’J£ GATE PRICE 312 405/ 0 12 c • UNC ■• ' 0 104? 1 7033 c ■s.. 0 0 Lw * 5 2 - . -X 23 32. 0 0 2‘8 1 5 2 • 0 0 L c I «' / WEE-~ E T A r-E G A "E 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 CHEZ1 TDTAL 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 ~ 6 ^ * vdr GATE Tu7 AL 634 3c2 7 / er-* -r 60*^ V64 /3 j &3c %>? v / l - < & • «*-t»-c. ~Lr^ FF, I C E •3A T s. V hiU J E 0. 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 7. 0 0 7. 0 0 7. 0 0 0.00 0 -0 0 0. 0 0 0.*» s^ss.oo T 2 S T :. - > 0 w'iZ'i. -.’O r* REPORT OF A U T O P S Y ^ ""S O U T H Y O R K S H I R E ( WE S T ) by Dt'. Prof. Alin Usher N sxe Age of deceased ... .3.9 years C c e - j s a s i o n ......... .. Sales..Representative.. 1- 4 20 T i-c ~ Date c, Ptace cf dcstr. •;*) k n o w n and t i m e , where , of exam ination , , o r ( b) e s t i m a t e d ___ .... 15.4.39 ................... at 11.35 a.m.......................................................... City Mortuarv * p e r f o r m e d .............................. * ........................ Observers present ...................................... ............................. ................................................................................................................................... External exam ination • The body was that of a fair haired, heavily built, middle -aged white male, 176 crns in height, weighing 83 kgs. Rigor mortis was absent in the arms, present in the legs. -’here were small fragments, of what appeared to be, blue paint, over the lower abdomen, ace was massively sufrused, as was the upper chest, it too showed blue paint. There were a rew petechiae in the eyelids. Eyes - bluer pupils equal and central. There was massive subconjunctival suffusion, and one or two petechiae. Nose - unobstructed. There was-a blood sained fluid running from both angles of the mouth. ?archrented abrasion, irrmediately below the anterior superior iliac spine on the right side, about 5 errs x 2cn\s with no vitaj. reaction. There was a slightly larger abrasion, in precisely the same area on the other side of the acdOTen^ about 9 arts x 2 cms. Genitals ncrrral. There was a srnsj.1 abrasion, about 0.7 ans^td'the right of the midline, on the lower line of the jaw. •■fair was very rair. Some haemorrhages beneath the skin were seen on both flanks. Internal ex am ination ( P l e a s e d e a l w i t h t h e c o n t e n t : o f t h e C R A N I A L , T H O R A C I C a n d A B D O M I N A L C a v i t i e s in t h a t o r d e r a n d i n c l u d e the result c f any c o m p l e t e d H I S T O L O G i C . -L a n d / o r B A C T E R I O L O G I C A L e x a m i n a t i o n ) . HEAD Scalp: numerous petechiae over ie occipital region, but ended to form a bruise, in an area about 3 arc x 2 cms Skull: normal thickness, intact.Meninges: extremely congested. There was a snail amount of fluid blood in the subdural space, overlying both cerebral hemispheres. Erain.- weighed 16C0 g and showed some generalised swelling. There was prominence of the cerebellar tonsils. Sorre grooving of the hippocampal unci, particularly on the ngnt side. The cerebral vessels were virtually free from atheroma. Occasional petechiae in the wire matter. .'•OJTH, THPCAT A NECK STRUCTURES T'cr.cus; .T.iiu congestion of ;r.c posterior quarter. otherwise nerval, no bite marks or bruises. Internal Examination continued '7HO.-AX Ri b c ? c e ! i n t a c t . Pleural cavities: clear arc dry Trachea and air passages: markedly congested and contained a little vomitus. Luncs: vere black with congestion. Left weighed 630 c and the richt weighed 320 g. There were several su'cpieural petechiae and ecchyroses, mainly over the pcstericr segments of the lower lobs. Pulmonary arterial tree was clear, Qiaprregm: shewed petechias1 haemorrhages and mostly ecchymoses on its superior surface. Pericardium: normal. Heart: weighed 360 g and was cf normal size and contour Valves: normal, no endocarditis. Coronary arteries: showed a little atheroma, almost all concentric. No serious degree of occlusion was seen. Myocardium: appeared healthy. There was, presumably, haemolyticstaining of the endocardium of the anterior leaflet of the valve, which extended up into the aortic intima. Aorta: showed patchy haemolvtic staining,only in the thoracic portion. ABDOMEN Peritoneum: normal. The abdominal wall showed no bruising. Stomach: was healthy andcontaiend about 500 mis of aslightly greenishfluid, smelling of drink.Particles of food were seen. Intestine: normal. Colon: normal. Liver: weighed 1980 g and appeared-normal. Biliary system: nox::iai. Pancreas.: .nornsJ. Spleen: weighed 160 g. It was somewhat soft but otherwise normal. Adrenals; norma1. Kidneys: together weighed 240 g. The capsule stripped readily, leaving a smooth surface. Corxico medullary definition was good. Ureters: normal. 31adder: healthy,containeda smallamount of urine. Prostata: appeared normal. SKELETON: normal. CONCLUSIONS This man was involved in a mass movement of the crowd at the semi final football match at Hillsborough on Saturday 15th April, 1989. This man appeared to be normally developed and healthy and I have found no natural disease which cculd have caused or contributed to his death. In my view he had a normal expectation of life for his age. He had clearly, at some tine, been pressed against some sciid object, such as a rail, which had marked across the front of the lower pelvis. Ultimately he was unable to move his chest in respiration, and thus perished from asphyxia. There is now no medical reason why the body may not be disposed of. I have retained a sample of blood tor analysis should you deem this necessary. In m y o p i n i o n t h e c a u s e o f c e i t h w a s ;— I. 1.(o) D i s e a s e o r c o n d i t i o n direc ti y lead ing to death TRaunatic asphyxia d u e t o o r as a c o n s e q u e n c e o f A n t e c e d e n t causes i fl>) M o r b i d c o n d i t i o n s , if a n y , g i v i n g ri s e t o t h e a c o v e c a u s e s t a t i n g t h e u n d e r l y i n g c o n d i t i o n l ast ...j d u e t o o r as a c o n s e q u e n c e o f <0 2. O t K e r s i g n i f i c a n t c o n d i t i o n s c o n t r i b u t i n g t o the") death but not related to the disease or condition v c a u s i n g It ... ... ... ... ...J 2. .. is a n y . o r a n y f u r t h e r . H i s t o l o g i c a l o r 5 a c : e r i o ! o g ' c a i e x a m i n a t i o n t o b e d o n e ? Q uaiifcatior.s*^' A c c r« !! ■ rr,<“ >ic Patholcgv, Medico-Legal Centre, Sheffield. SOUTH YORKSHIRE (WEST DISTRICT) HM CORONER DR. S. POPPER REPORT OF AUTOPSY Dr. D.N. Slater, Consultant Histopathologist, Rotherham District General Hospital, ROTHERHAM S60 2UD Tel: Rotherham 820000 Ext.24 HILLSBOROUGH IDENTIFICATION No. 67 HAT-'.f OF DECEASED Raymond CHAPMAN SEX Kale AG.-: approxin-.cjr.e ]y 4 5 years IDENTIFICATION BY D t . Ins. TiiruTiS PLACE PERFORMED Medico-Legal Centre, Watery Street., Sheffield DATE OF EXAMINATION 16th April 1909 OBSERVERS PRESENT DC CLOTH .IMG REMOVED Nil SPECIMENS TA?vEN 5 mi fluoridated blood. Handed tol p.m. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION The body is that, measuring of a middle aged balding grey haired :na!,r; 181 c;;nin height and weighing 8(3 Kg. Both pupils are brown-girey and ere equal measuring 3 diameter.A bilateral arcus The mouth *- - - 1 *. L. . . iiC L i v n ; is not edentulous. in is present. The tooth appear reasonably ■ Rigor mortis is established and hypostatic lividitv is of a posterior distribution. - 1 - The body appears ur.circuxcioseci. The face displays extensive cyanosis with accentuation on the right sice. There are numerous petechial haemorrhages within the facial skin and also conjunctiva. suffusion. There is conjunctival The cyanosis and petechial haemjorrhages extend to the level of the upper sternum. There is evidence of vomitus in the mouth. General hygiene good. Hand/toe nails - good condition. The body displays no external signs of. violence. The body displ.ays the following marks of injury: The right groin displays two tramline linear abrasions measuring 5 and 2 Right hand - there ct , in size separated by a distance o: 0.5 c:m, is a 0.5 cm abrasion over the 5th metacarpa: phalangeal joint. Left hand - there is a 0.2 cm abrasion over the 4th nwjzacarpal phalangeal joint. The dorsum of the right ankle displays an obliques abrasion measuring 3 cm in siz«. There is evidence of bruising measuring 6 x 2 cm over the righ: knee.joint. Tlvsry is evidence of grit/grass part i<„•;]Lete matter in the distribution of the underpants. INTERNAL EXAMINATION haemorrhages over the frontal and temporal areas. also larger purpuric areas up to 2 cm in size. The skull is normal with no evidence ofd fracture. The meninges are normal. There are The brain weighs 1245 c.' There are numerous petechial haemorrhages on the surface. There is congestion of the cortical veins with evidence of cerebral oeaejna end cerebella coning. The cerebral arteries display no evidence of significant atheroma. There is no evidence of thrombotic occlusion. Thoracic Cavity & Neck; The neck muscles are normal. The carotid artery and jugular vein are normal. The thoracic aorta rind oasophaeus appear normal. Tlie d iaphragiu is norrnaI. The thymus gland is normal. The mouth contains a sma.ll anoun: o: vomitus. There is no fracture to the hvoid bone or thyroid cartilay*. The; larynx and main stem bronchi art.* normal. Thy re is no evidence of inhalation of vomit. The peripheral bronchi are normal. The right and left lungs weign 505 and 460 g respective 1y . Both are cedematous . There is evidence of numerous pleural haemorrhages. The main pulmonary art*ry is normal. The pericardial sac contains 5 ml of clear yellow fluid. The heart veighs 310 g. The myocardium of the left ventricle appears normal with no evidence of infarction. There is no evidence of fibrosis. The aortic, pulmonary, mitral and tricuspid valves are normal The righ^ and left coronary vessels display mild aLherr.-ma. There is approximately 2 Oi luminal occlusion of the l;;i:t anterior d e s c e n d i n g coronary artery. There is no evidence o thrombotic occlusion! There is no evidence of congenital heart disease. A b d o m i n a l Cavity: The liver weighs 1320 g and appears norma 1 . The spleen weighs 190' g and appears normal. The aorta and inferior vena cava appear normal. The gall bladder and bile ducts are normal. The oesophayjs, stomach, duodenum, sma.ll and large iness tin-*-: are norm.3.!. The stomach'conta; »*s 7.30 mi of partially digested food residu'.:-. 30 th kidneys weigh 115 c and appear to have a fine granular cortical surface. The ureters, bladder and genitals are normal. The bladder contains approximately 200 ml of clear yellow urine. Muftcu1o -Ske1eta 1 System: There is no evidence of bony injury. Specifically there is no damage to the cervical or thoracic spine; nor fractured ribs. CONCLUSIONS From the history available to me I am informed that Raymond CHAPMAN di--d in the 'Hillsborough incident’. Autopsy revealed evidence of severe asphyxia ij< ter:;'=c cyanosis and petechial haemorrhages within the face and upper chest. It is my opinion that death was a result: of traumatic asphyxia. The appearances are trcnsisccr.c with severe intensive blur.r. compression of the chest and possibly abdomen and are entirely consistent -with the general history of the c ire urns - 4 - available to rr.e relating to the death. Mr. CHAPMAN, who was middle aged, displayed only mild hardenir. of his coronary arteries and in ny opinion the natural disease present was totally insufficient to contribute in any way towards his death. Autopsy revealed no evidence to suggest that any second party was maliciously involved in the d«ath of this individual by direct purposeful vicionce. Autopsy revealed that Raymond CHAPMAN could have been expected t'j hav:i hid a norm.?.! 1 : i"^ eixoectancv. A spocimen o L ‘blood for alcohol estimation was handed to D c . D«ac.h in rny cpinion w a s not. due to natural causes and there no contraindication to cremation. CAUSE OF DEATH I a) Traumatic asphyxia. D . N ; S LATER B -M cd.sci., K.B.Ch.B., C o n s u l t a n t Hi s tope, t h e l o g i s t P o lic e Photcornoh index CKA?".A.\' 6 7.1 General view. Abrasion l e r t a.R.C.Path Faciai ankle - 5 - cyanosis is THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION LIMITED ( Founded 1863 Pc/ron: H e r M a j e s t y T h e Q u e e n President: H . R . H . T H E D u K E O F K E N T Chairman: F.A. MlLLlCHlP Phone: 01-402 7151Cbl 454 Telex: 261 110 Facsimile: 01 -402 04S6 Chief Executive: R. H. G. Kelly fcis 16 LANCASTER GATE, LONDON W2 3LW O ur Ref: To: RHGK/MD/PFS/80 Your Ref: 17 th April 1989. All Member Clubs Dear Sirs, Re: Ground Safety Following the tragic events at Sheffield Wednesday F. C. last Saturday, you are instructed to undertake, in conjunction with your Local Licensing Authority, a^ zm me d ia te review of ground safety. This should include the perimeter fencing installed, the agreed capacity levels of all standing areas and thes^rfcutes to and from the ground. f £ ) A report should then be forwarded to The Football Association, stating any immediate action taken to implement changes and any longer term measures that you have initiated. You should also advise us if no changes have been found necessary. Yours faithfully, hib^f Executive c. c. County Football Associations All Senior Leagues R eg istertd O ffice: 76 Lancaster C a te, L o n d o n W 2 J L W Inco rp ora ted in L o n d o n R eg istration N u m b e r 77797 i n Nfew c w )i : h u \l f t ('• MPWS au o 'Z o h -li^ tr v W deatlfi! Saturday's disaster si Sheffield Wednesday's Killsbcrcjjh ground when S5 people were crushed to death has highlighted the direct conflict between silcfy in d police perception c! the best way to contain hooligans in football c/cwds, H was claimed this week. The consultir.j; eng in eer responsible far safety at Hillsborough was worried by crowd control fences there long brfcre the incident. T he fences w ere asked far by the ground's licensing'rr.y a direct request by me police. Police influence on ‘trst’iic paths* izfcen by football fans has been consi dered by at least one m em ber of an Institution of S tructural Engineers" com m ittcc appraising sports ground safety. A req u est for funds to speed i:s work was turned down by the Departm ent of th e Environment. The controversial fencing that co n tributed to the se v e rity <;f the disaster w u serec ted specifically at the request of the police, claimed safety engineer Dr Bill Eastw ood. T h e re was no legal _ Raiiir.'s acting as racial carriers Tur.-.shles - C:engs-e Central tunnel iccess High perimeier fe n c e ; A30YE: Layout cf the Leppings Lane stand. BELOW: Radial barriers and the perimeier fence penned in fans. V The destroyed crush barrier. requiri/mer.t for the side railings that ensuivd fans w e r e trapped in :i small central pen on the terraces ;c d neither the e n g in eer nor the d u b owned the stadium Krid req u ested their installation. '1 have long objected in general lo the need for such radial barriers, which in ;in em e rg e n c y prevent sp e c tators moving aw ay from a source of danger or trouble, nnd I_was unlvippv : about.. their. mstiilLiiioh.iit. HiltsbsKV ' ough's."id Enstw<>i*d."_wh()’is a Fellow ; of IChL 'Hut liiev w ere risked for by the ll ten licem'infiTau'Jioriiy! South*. Yorkshire C oun ty Council following a' recom m endation fnini the police.'.,.'." In calling for an urgent "review o f * sports p o u n d snfety ' codes. East-, wood niaintninod tin ! they ivcre not specific enough on how and w here Iw 1. crow.; ct-r.:r- ic.-cirs sh.> .U 5r' T h e re k s* i:-o a car.: .. i cv:ce! o.iM'er.-.rstcd ; the <•'. £■ ; h t expense c! spectator safety. 'T h e codes c:rcuss bcth pc-ri.r.t-te: and rid:;! fcti.-ir.g or.-y in ccr.-rr.l term s and sh ie ld give much b e tte r guidance' he si:d. ‘Ali fencing. e s p e cially high perim ctcr barriers, may be ber.ettcizl ir. dctcrir.s hochgar.s L-.vadin j '■he pitch but is v e ry undesirable in the ever.; cf a disaster. T h e r e is nothin,;: in the codes which says you must h.:ve r.idial barriers r.r.d th e re should now be a ma.or rt;h.r.k on the desirability of ell fences’. Eastwood, se n io r p artn er with Easr.vood L P a rtn e rs and consultant lo stadium ow ner Sheffield 'Ver..-i£cav Football Club for the last : 0 years, said the ground ‘complied fuliy’ with the 1575 Safety cf S p o rts Grounds Act and its accompanying G reen Guide settin g out specific standards. His claim was backed earlier this w eek by cu rre n t licencing authority Sheffield C ity Coundl. ’Our preliminary conclusions indi cate that the arrattsem er.l of barriers and /cnees met th e Act’s require m e n ts’ said the council's director of health ;:nd consum er services David l’urcivin. ’Barriers tested so tar with stood 'Jar* more than the required load ar.d we have no reason lo believe any o; them in th e ceninti pen w ere inadequate.’ Tlie Struct urals’com m ittee liKikin? in to s p o n s .eround safety was e s ta b lished after the f'oppiewell review following the Bradford fire disaster four years njto. *li w as considered by StPucturals’ m em bers that the G reen Guide did not take things very far. so w e decided to ftet all the facts of previous disasters together, analyse th em and com e up wilh conclusions’ said a member. ll is understood that ;i pan uf the report is »« the subject of ’traffic control’. A request to the L-oE for iur.dir.^ to s|>eed up the p r ic e s s of collation and analysis was refused. S'C E has been told. T he departm ent h a s provided reso u rces in ihc form ot a com m ittee m em ber, however. A s well as the 95 killed another 1li.i people v.-ere injured, many seriously, w h en spectators surged into a j o b ’. wide by 15m deep enclosed terrac e a re a shortly afler the start of b s l Saturday’s FA Cup semi final betw een t'! Liverpool and Nottingham F o rest, j V T h is section of central terracing Lm?.m ed iale!y behind th e goal at the •$~ground's Leppuigs Lane e n d 'w a s rJ-alrM d\-*clos« t o . its; 22tX)' capacity• '•'■‘w hen police' opened an'e x te m ai p t e ' ..^TKe'mie.ntion y .s s toaSoiv the. ja'.e: aiming Ians into side' terracing w here^ t h e r e 'w a s still sp a c e available; b u t. j f r t i o s t rashejJlhrough a 3{5i wide t unael.. beneath the" n u in covered w e s te rn ■'.' stan d and crowded dl'cvtly into th e .'c e n tra l eackised te rra d n g . - ) T.-jc- total I ' v - i i.-.r.g tcrraces, f i 'i p i 's s : w ere cor.-.riir.ed by a 3m high ;tce! n-.c;h perun-cter fer.ce b o r ic -n t: tlic- pi:i h a n : crccted in the early jrT i's. It was brared i.n :.*•? of the earlier perim eter barrier, a jrr. hi~h concrete wail. The urn high s:e ei railings that run racially across the : 5m deep terraces divide il into th re e main arcs? o: a ct-Ts;r.-il enclosed per! and two side terraces and w ere installed ir. the rr.:d 19S0s following police requests for b e lte r crowd control, sal: Eastwood. T he idea was to allow fans cf cpposLr.g sides :o stand in the same terraced area. segregated by racial fencing, but this has n e v e r actually been adopted at Hillsborough. About 60 of the 3l*’J or so varying g-.h crush barriers, sited in three ws right across the terracing. w ere ..e c t e c in 1966 and consist of 6sr.’~.i ctam e'.er horizontal scarfold bars with braced steel channel uprights bedded directly into the co n crete steps. T he remaining crush barric-rs. with un braced steel box legs. w ere added in I'.Cy when the ground was first required :o obtain a safety licence. The te rra c e s' c e s s a t i o n under th e act as a 'pea k viewing area' G'e.’itands that all crush barriers and l o w e ra re a s of the p erim eter fence are designed to withstand a 595 kg-'m run horizontal loading. T h e act aiso speci fies that th e area m ust be capable of evacuation in eight m inutes and E a st w ood stre s s e d that this could be achieved through normal exist points without reco u rse to the seven gates positioned along th e perim eter. 'T h e se g ates w e r e installed specifi cally to allow police to e n te r the terracing from th e pitch and w ere . to do with crow d evacuation' said. 'Hut it was always in my mind _-i in a real em e rg e n c y they would act as a good safety valve.' The gales' spring loaded quick release catches a : e designed so they cannot he o jv n e d from inside the terracing. T he [K’rim e ter fencing w as r e latively undamaged during Saturday's c ts a sle r but one 4.3m long older type cru sh b arrier w as totally destro yed and scaffold b ars on two o thers deflected by up lo 2(K>mm. 'All 13 o r so b a rriers in this central section passed load te s ts last July'said Eastwood. 'W e have now te s te d again th e two deform ed barriers and they a r e still able lo w ithstand a loading significantly above th e design load.' He estim ated th a t the actual loading o n these two b a rriers during the crush w a s probably around 900kg/m r u n '5 0 Or above design limits and equiva le n t to a load of so m e 400kg on any p e r s o n standing nea.*by.‘<■£. punr.u ? '• Such increased loading is possible, said E astw ood, b ecau se the assum ed bajTier.desisri crowtfdensity of 5.4 pebple"'nr car. in practice be exceeded b y up to 50'S w hen fans are squashed in very’ d o s e ly to g eth er. - . B ir id K ip ra rd • CffismMlmg ©©MCffete !y@wr E r e ild c r .n c f (he p c ijm e r tr c a r f- g ccerse «as this week being blamed fur the closure a fie r je s l five cf E rih in 's first t r i c e s h hav» a fe ll/ calh ccic protected re in forced concrete deck. The H year old chloride damaged Army and Navy flyover a; the junction of the A130 and the old A32 at Chelmsford, E jf e x was resurfaced only b s t year at the cost of £125 O’JO two layers of sl-:id resistant polymer concrete. This also contains an expensive platinum coated protec tive titanium mesh anode (A'CE 10 November I9SS). Designed to extend the life of the structure by 10 years, the cathodic oroteciion is apparently siili working, u u t the two coat 16mm thick 1CI 1 horotop CP H o~ or.ial polymer con crete cn the 15 span flyover is losing its bond and crumbling and delaminat- BTp agrees bridges need extra £380M Sirippingthe flyover's coaling. T h e D T p has already increased the m oney available for inspection in the coming y ear by oOVr. T h e depart m ent's overall expenditure on bridge m aintenance has risen from an e x pected £36M in th e last financial year to a forecast S101M this year. The Department of Transport h 2 S Maunsell recom m ends 44 propos admitted if needs up 1o C380M extra for als for preventing further deteriora its 15 year bridge rehabilitation tion of which the D T p is already programme in order io carry out repairs Considering i'2 inducing a greater identified in the G Maunsell & Partners concentration on maintenance and report* on concrele bridges. inspection. The report says that a total of E v e n - effort should be made to £SS0M needs lo be spent on stren g prevent bridge joints from leaking. thening the structures. Roads <£ C on crete surfaces e x c is e d i ‘i spray Traffic M inister P eter iiottomley said but not to rain .should be impregnated thai the greater proportion of this had with silane. then washed down after already been anticipated and Included ev e n - winter. in ihe existing programme, valued at One future design ‘iiie.’isuie could up lo I’loOOM (XCE 26 N ovem ber be an increase in co v e r lo reinforce 19S7). m ent. The DTp said that the £3S0.M was .Maunsell recom m ends thal cover an upper bound and expected econo in deck soffits o v er roads should be mies of scale to reduce costs. Il would increased even before a studv is bid for extra fund? from the T reasury carried out. in the normal way. R esearch proposals are also high The report reveals far m ore wide spread _chloride attack caused b y . lighted including the need lo define deidng salts than had been expected. • ra le s of corrosion so that timings for rem edial work can b e b e lte r planned. T w o h u n d r e d rand om ly c h o s e n R e s e a r c h into, sealing surfaces bridges representative of the d epart ment's 5933 w ere teste d in the tw o . against w a te r and salts penetration b y ' using .isobutyl silane" is likely lo be year study CVC£ 3 March): • ' v ' Increased, a s are trials of cathodic T he report says action is needed protetfkm.'v'-;:‘iJ now to a rre st deterioration and repair L ong lerrh effectiveness and the defective bridges. = About 20% of mainte'nance n ecessa ry to keep both tested stru ctures are ‘poor’ meaning form s of protection operational need that c tz s a c t r C2 involving c o n - “ to' be bettefirnderst(K"i£~' -crete or steel replacement may be * The 1*erf( o f Cimcrdc in necessary . Only 60 b ridges are Undoes by G Maunseil & Partners is ‘go6d’, the remaining 99 being classed available from HMSO. price t i 1. 9 5 . mg. ' I vr.'p.'iny i : e .‘ IteC.eC t r u p '. o ! <■: thvir Sii-: E 'H .v C:v Council “ .-.cir-::; e n g : n o e r Te-ny i ci'u. j sy.-ter;:. !: h.-i ;:;t->:;:::ed consullan: T ra-.ers Morc.-n. wi:!-, tl-.e approval <,f K ssex CC 1C1 Chem.'cals A: i ’i),y;:;ers which :u r ;l;e d the surfacing, to c:;rrv out urger.t test?. ' vfr\-«r.x!nus tof;r.d ou: the cause. We do not t f o k it is the cathodic protection b.u we asked T ra v e rs Mor&'sn lo examine slitwhole problem and .give us a report as soon as poisibie' said Tarntac technic al services m anager Doug irvine, T ravers Morgan was this week taking core sam ples for labor:,'.orv examination and testing. In t l v r.iean lime affected a re a s including the expensive amide m esh w ere being stripped down to the original concrete base. . T h e flyover is expected to re-open temporarily to traffic this w eek pend ing a perm anent ,<oh:ti. in and necessarv repairs. • ' X’ j'Ssssa???i *t W g k z m 'tZ T K G E ^ets 2. new editor Ty Byrd ta le s over this week as editor cf Me» Ciril Engineer f o 11o »rin g management changes at the magazine's publishing company Thomas Telford Limited. Byrd has been managing e d i t o r of the magazine for nine y ears a n d becom es only th e third e c i l o r in SCE'% 17 y ear history. He lakes o v er the day lo day editorial control of the magazine from Hugh Ferguson, who rem ains editor in chief but w hose responsibilities have b een greatly e x panded lo in dude T T L ’s new w eekly A W Builder ^which is lo be launched in September.-. T h e new ed ito r jo ined the staff of A 'C £ a s features edito r having been technical editor for th re e y ears O f Construction AVscs. th e international T h o m p s o n O r g a n is a tio n w e e k ly magazine. Byrd w as previously a m anagem ent trainee w jlh x o n t.u c to r G eorge WVnpey. ’ I « • • \ » MTU »l»? PtRSDNi K n / \ r v WOT SAN) t M B IU S H IK O H S «ioyt TO V IS T SIA*) Krrcutcxn *« ma - - m w n r wxn nin T0U 1 uaa i GCKTi w n vwrsutr* n E A 8 T W O O D ft PARTNERS ll.A«4rtttl HMIt IS K la |IM ft*>4 illtAI t*i a^Mn SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY FOOTBALL CUB RLC. LAYOUT Of FACILITIES AT LEPPINGS LANE END AS AT 15 th APRIL 1989 CWAWW OffCXtD Amwvio DATI W R T H W tn KARAU 6.A.R. SCAlt 1=250 O*AW»fO * I 1H2T/1 MEETINGS OF STEWARDS, GATEMEN AND ANCILLIARY STAFF TOOK PIACE ON THURSDAY 6TH AUGUST AND THURSDAY 13TH AUGUST 1987, BOTH MEETINGS COMMENCED AT 7.30 P.M. Members of staff were welcomed by Company Secretary, G.H. Mackrell who introduced: i) Station OfficerT South Yorkshire Fire Brigade • ii) Inspector C. Calvert - South Yorkshire Police iii) Duty Officer - Peter Wells, St. John Ambulance Brigade Station Officer Showed staff present how to extinguish a small fire using the relevant fire extinguishers. A practical demonstration took place. Bnphasis was placed on the point that stewards, gatemen etc. should only tackle a minor fire, if in any doubt the Fire Brigade should be alerted at once. Inspector Calvert: Went through the duties of stewards vis-a-vis members of the general public, ihe emergency evacuation procedure was discussed and examined in detail. Inspector Calvert answered questions from the floor regarding the responsibility of stewards in the event of crowd misbehaviour. It was emphasised that crowd control was the responsibility of the police, in addition it was pointed out that the division of responsibilities was clearly set out in the instructions for Matchday Staff. Duty Officer Wells: Gave a demonstration of basic first aid designed to assist in the resucitation of spectators. It was emphasised that if at all possible trained members of the S.J.A.B. should be called to assist. Doug Lock: Went through "instructions to Matchday Staff" and emphasised the need to report for duty on time. Graham Mackrell then closed the formal part of the meeting and thanked all those present for attending. MEETINGS OF STEWARDS, GATEMEN AND ANCILLIARY STAFF TOOK PLACE ON TUESDAY 16TH AUGUST AND TUESDAY 23RD AUGUST 1988, BOTH MEETINGS COMMENCED AT 7.00 P.M. Those present were welcomed by Company Secretary, G.H. Mackrell who introduced: i) Station Officer South Yorkshire Fire Brigade ii) Inspector S. Sewell - South Yorkshire Police iii) Duty Officer - Peter Wells, St. John Ambulance Brigade Station Officer [_- Gave a demonstration of the various fire extinguishers located within the ground. He emphasised however that matchday staff should attempt to extinguish only minor fires. If in any doubt the alarm should be given and the Fire Brigade summoned immediately. Inspector Sewell:- Went through the duties of stewards in relation to their function within the ground. The emergency evacuation procedure was dealt with in detail. Duty Officer Wells:- Gave a demonstration of basic first aid. The location of S.J.A.B. members situated within the ground was pointed out to those present. Graham Mackrell on behalf of the club agreed to provide a small gate onto the pitch between the South Stand uncovered seating and the Kop in order to assist S.J.A.B. members gaining access to the pitch, in addition Mr. Mackrell agreed with Mr. Wells to provide such First Aid materials as were requested. Mr. Wells agreed to provide a list of requirements prior to the commencement of the season. Doug Lock:- Went through "Instructions to Matchday Staff". minor amendments: He highlighted two i) Stewards may be required to report for duty more than two hours before a match, if prior notice is given. ii) Smoking is not permitted by matchday staff whilst on duty. Graham Mackrell then closed the formal part of the meeting and thanked all those present for attending, and particularly wished Station Officer Miles a long and happy retirement. * Note - At the meeting held on 16th August 1988 Mr. Mackrell had to leave at approximately 7.30 p.m. Mr. Lock took the chair and gave the vote of thanks. From Da:e Rsf. Tel. Ext The Building Survey*-, Department of Land and Planning jQ 11th 'August, 1363 BSD/AB/J3 4 1 6 2 - Kr. Butler For the attention of Kr. D. M. Bcvnes *■ Acting Head of Administration and . Legal Department Ref. Sheffield Wednesday F.C. PLC Estimated Terrace Capacity I refer to the telephone call between Mr. Bovnes and my Principal District Surveyor, Kr. 3utler, earlier this afternoon. The approximate holding capacities produced for the standing terrace areas do not take account of any turnstile ingress limitations, or those of egress or emergency egress limitations since it is my understanding that the Fire Authority will consider all these matters being that they have the primary function of estimation of terrace capacity. These figures therefore need to be carefully checked with those produced by the Fire Authority to ensure that account is taken of the need for any further limitations for the purposes of the proposed certificate amendment. My calculations based on the "green guide" modified by the Taylor Inquiry recommendations give the following:1. 2. 3. Spion Kop ^ North West Terrace (Upper) North West Corner (Lower) 18,200 2,300 630 (Pen 7) In accordance with our consultations, figures have not been produced for Pens one to six of the West Terrace. I would appreciate the sight of the Fire Authority figures before- the Certificate is amended. SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL SAFETY OF SPORTS GROUNDS ACT 1975 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF CENTRAL SAFETY CERTIFICATE ISSUED ON 21 ST DECEMBER 1979 TAKE NOTICE THAT THE SAFETY CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY FOOTBALL CLU3 LIMITED IN RESPECT OF THE HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM, PENI STONE ROAD, SHEFFIELD BY SOUTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ON 21 ST DECEMBER 197 9 IS HERE3Y AMENDED AND ADDED TO The aaendcents are as specified in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2. THESE AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS ARE ISSUED 5Y THE SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL IN RESPECT OF THE PREMISES DESCRIBED ABOVE BEING A SPORT GROUND DESIGNATED BY ORDER UNDER SECTION 1 OF THE SAFETY OF SPORTS GROUNDS ACT 1575 A3 A SPORTS GROUND REQUIRING A SAFETY CERTIFICATE. The terras and conditions hereby inposed are those which Sheffield City Council consider necessary or expedient is secure reasonable safety at the Sports Ground when ic is in use for an activity in respect of which this Certificate is issued. The amendments and additional conditions shall come into operation on the 12tn day of August, 1989. Dated the 11th day of August 1989 . Mr. Ian Podmore, Chief Executive on behalf of and duly authorised by the Sheffield City Council TO:- Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Limited APPENDIX 1 - AMENDMENTS Current provi'sion 1. Amended Provision Schedule 1 - Interpretation Provisions (a) The- Act - means Che SafeCy of Sports Ground Act 1985 (a) The Act - means the SafeCy of Sports Grounds Act 1985 including any modification or re-enactment thereof and any subordinate legislation trade thereunder (b) The County Council - means the South Yorkshire County Council (b) The Council or the County Council means the Sheffield City Council (c) The Stadium - -^aans the Hillsborough Stadiun, Penistone Road, Sheffield (c) The StsJiun or Sports Ground - means the Hillsborough Sports Ground, Penistone Read, Sheffield 2. Schedule 2 - General Terms and Conditions (a) Condition 8(2). The Holder shall ensure that during every specified activity a physician employed or retained by the Holder is available to attend at the First Aid Room if requested and that his whereabouts are known to those in the Police Central Control Room at the Sports Ground. (a) Condition 8(2). The Holder shall employ at least one medical practitioner (in addition to any medical practitioner employed to treat the Holders employees) to be present at each Specified Activity and available to deal with any medical exigency at the Sports Ground. He/she shall be trained and competent in advanced first aid. He/she shall be present at the Sports Ground at least one hour before kick off and must remain until half an hour after the end of the Specified Activity. The medical practitioner must be immediately contactable and his/her whereabouts known to the Police Control Room. (b) Condition 8(3) The Holder shall arrange for the attendance at every Specified Activity of such numbers of qualified First Aid assistants as the County Council shall require but without prejudice to the foregoing the Holder shall ensure that at every specified activity there is at least one First Aid assistant for every 2,000 spectators. (b) Condition 8(3) The Holder shall arrange for the attendance at every Specified Activity of such numbers of qualified First Aid assistants as the County Council shall require but without prejudice to the foregoing the Holder shall ensure that at every specified activity there is ac lease one First Aid assistant for every 1,000 spectators. Anended Provision Curren-t Provision 3. Schedule 3. The number of spectators admitted to the Sport9 Ground and to the various areas of spectator accommodation within the Sports Ground shall not exceed the following figures i Spion Kop South Stand Upper South Stand Lover West Stand North West Terrace North Stand 16,850 5,567 3,310 4 ,465 Total Crowd Capacity 50,174 9,852 • The number of spectators admitted to the Sports Ground and to tiie various areas of spectator accosaodation vi thin the Sports Ground shall not exceed the following figures:18 'Leo Spion Kop South Stand Upper South Stand Lower West Stand North West Terrace North Stand 5,567 • 3,310 4,465 1 4SC 9,882 Total Crowd Capacity ft t. * f* [VOUtm w l <>t N O LT/t Wf-ir r e .te .4 iz * {ufiWi} iyO 2, Uo cfo APPENDIX 2 - ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS The Holder shall arrange with South Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance Service for the attendance of at least one'fully equipped ambulance at a Specified Activity where 5,000 or more spectators are expected to attend. The Hoider shall provide and maintain suitable and sufficient cutting equipment to enable perimeter fencing to be removed quickly if necessary in the event of an emergency. The Holder shall ensure that stewards (a) are properly trained in the use of this cutting equipment and (b) use the equipment when directed to do so by the South Yorkshire Police. The Holder shall inspect each turnstile and measure its potential rate of flow and shall ensure that each turnstile is and remains capable of admitting spectators at the anticipated rate and shall provide a report to the Council of the results of such inspection by 16th August, 1989 . The Holder shall enter into a written agreement with the Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police setting out the respective res.ponsibilities of the Club and che Police for croud safety and control. The agreement shall specify responsibilities for the filling of all terraced areas of the_ Sports Ground and the monitoring of spectators in such areas to avoid overcrowding. A copy of the agreement shall be supplied to the Council by 16th August, 1989. Any variation of the agreement shall be agreed in writing in advance and the Council notified of the variation. All gates in radial or perimeter fencing shall be painted in a different colour from the rest of the fence and marked "emergency exit". All gates giving access from the terraces to the pitch shall be open during a Specified Activity. keptfully (a) The Holder shall immediately visually inspect all crush barriers for signs of corrosion. Any barrier found to be affected by a significant degree of corrosion shall be repaired or replaced by 16th August, 1989. (b) The Holder shall immediately review the layout of barriers in each terraced area to ensure that it complies with the criteriacontained in Chapter 9 of the Green Guide. (c) The Holder shall notify the Council in writing of the results of the inspection and review carried out pursuant to conditions 27(a) and (b) by 16th August, 1989 . The Holder shall immediately review the signposting for spectators both inside and outside the Ground and any information printed on tickets. The Holder shall notify the Council of the results of this review and of its proposals in this regard by the 16th August, 1989. The Council may at any time by notice in writing, for reasons of public safety, require the Holder to carry out such works and/or inspections as may be specified in the notice. The Holder shall comply with any requirement or conditions specified in that notice. No spectator shall be allowed access to that part of the Sports Ground knovn as The W est T e r r a c e . A-wo ^ r v^J cr/FV 15th August, JS39 r, Tii*-- County Fire Officer, r^viL jor..' 1 Headquarters, Wellington Street, i I/C*-r Sir, Ccffc-ty Certifiestts - Sheffield United Football Club and Sheffield Wecnc-sdry Footb<.l] Club____________________ r.v : Ac you arc s v t r c , in Jntcric Cortific«t<* has been issued to Sheffield United Fcctb_.l Club vith r vised figures for capacity end stt;vQrding and tbt existing Ct r1 1 for S r . f . i field V<idx;tsd;.y Footb< 11 Club has b-^cn £inal->rly to r,c\c. As you are ew^rt, this is vith <s vi<*v to lcplccentlog vh.-.-t is prob- bly thi Doti. icport^nt lnte-rlc recocntnc^tion Dcde by Lord Juf.'.ic- T^ylcr in his report upon the.- Hillsborough Disaster. However, I unc-.-rstcnd froc conversations tlu<t ny staff hove vith our ovn Building Surveyor th..t there h.'.s not been sufficient tic,- to complete the ce-c«ssary c«-Itul.-it ions using the fornula laid dovn by Lord Justice Taylor for this purpose in his lnt*ria reconEx-ncctions . It is clt-.arly essential that the relevant c^lculat lor:s art- rv-.di- h s soon es pcr-slbl *r with i viev to tho Certificates being anenced to reflect this f«ct. I consider tbr-t it Is Dost lnportant thct the Certificates arc anonded btfort big Batches take place at the- respective Sports Grounds. Please would you therc-fore liaise vith the Building Surveyor to ensure that the neccssary calcul?tions are E&de and the relevant figures available as a natter of urgency. I confina that I have written to the Building Surveyor In 6icJ[ltr terns. II there is any difficulty, please contact Mr. Eovnes, ny Chief Licensing Cffic-.-r, Yours faithfully. Acting Head of Department. JU 7 Z 1-DC 4 - i'.i t . W oodhfrsd SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL SAFETY OF SPORTS GROUNDS ACT 1975 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF GENERAL SAFETY CERTIFICATE ISSUED ON 21ST DECEMBER 197 9 1. TAKE NOTICE TEAT TEE SAFETY CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO SEEFFIELD WEDNESDAY FOOTBALL CLUB LIMITED IN RESPECT OF TEE HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM, PENISTONE ROAD, SHEFFIELD BY SOUTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ON 21ST DECEM3ER 1979 (AS AMENDED ON 11TH AUGUST 1989) IS HEREBY FURTHER AMENDED AND ADDED TO 2. The amendments are as specified in Appendix 1. 3. THESE AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS ARE ISSUED BY THE SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL IN RESPECT OF THE PREMISES DESCRIBED ABOVE BEING A SPORT GROUND DESIGNATED BY ORDER UNDER SECTION 1 OF TEE SAFETY OF SPORTS GROUNDS ACT 1975 AS A SPORTS GROUND REQUIRING A SAFETY CERTIFICATE. 4. The terms and conditions hereby imposed are those which Sheffield City Council consider necessary or expedient to secure reasonable safety at the Sports Ground when it is in use for an activity in respect of which this Certificate is issued. The amendments and additional conditions shall come into operation on the 19th day of August, 1989. Dated the 18th day of August 1989. Signed Mr. H. M. Webster, Acting Head of Administration and Legal Department on behalf of and duly authorised by the Sheffield City Council TO:- Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Limited APPENDIX 1 ~ AMENDMENTS Schedule 3 of the Safety Certificate issued by South Yorkshire County Council on the 21st December 1979 and as amended on the 11th August 1989 shall be further amended to read as follows "The number of spectators admitted to the Sports Ground and to the various areas of the spectator accommodation within the Sports Ground shall not exceed-the following figures:Spion Kop South Stand Upper South Stand Lover West Stand North West Terrace-Upper North Stand 18,200 5,567 3,310 4,465 2,300 9,700 Total Crowd Capacity 43,542" Additional Condition 10 shall be amended to read as follovs:"10. a) No spectator shall be allowed access to that part of the Sports Ground known as the West Terrace except in the circumstances specified in b. b) Spectators may be admitted to that part of the West Terrace of the Sports Ground known as the North West Terrace - Upper if the South Yorkshire Police Officer in command at the ground is of the opinion that use should be made of that area in an emergency to ensure the reasonable safety of spectators at the Sports Ground." HB7AAI/JL SHEFFIELD CITY COPWCIL SAFETY OF SPORTS GROUNDS ACT 1975 HOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF GEKERAL SAFETY CERTIFICATE ISSUED ON 21ST DECEMBER 1979 1. TAKE NOTICE THAT THE SAFETY CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY FOOTBALL CLUB>LIMITED IN RESPECT OF THE HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM, PENI STONE ROAD, SHEFFIELD BY SOUTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ON 21 ST DECEM5ER 1979 (AS AMENDED ON 11TH AND 18TH AUGUST 1989) IS HEREBY FURTHER AMENDED AND ADDED TO 2. The amendments are as specified in Appendix 1. 3. THESE AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS ARE ISSUED BY THE SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL IN RESPECT OF THE PREMISES DESCRIBED ABOVE BEING A SPORT GROUND DESIGNATED BY ORDER UNDER SECTION 1 OF THE SAFETY OF SPORTS GROUNDS ACT 1975 AS A SPORTS GROUND REQUIRING A SAFETY CERTIFICATE. 4. Tne terms and conditions hereby imposed are those which Sheffield City Council consider necessary or expedient to secure reasonable safety at the Sports Ground when it is in use for an activity in respect of which this Certificate is issued. The amendments and additional conditions shall come into operation on the day of 989. Dated the /?** day of IaM . 198S Signed_________________________ ________ Mr. H. M. Webster, Acting Head of Administration and Legal Department on behalf of and duly authorised by the Sheffield City Council TO:- Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Limited HB8AAA/JJJ APPENDIX 1 - AMENDMENTS The Safety Certificate issued by the South Yorkshire County Council on 21st December 1979 and amended on 11th and 18th August 1989 shall be further amended to read as follows:Schedule 3 ---------- V The number of spectators admitted to the Sports Ground and to the various areas of the spectator accommodation within the Sports Ground shall not exceed the following figures: Spion Kop 16,800 South Stand Upper 5,567 South Stand Lover 3,310 West Stand 4,465 North West Terrace Upper 2,300 North Stand 9,700 Total Crowd Capacity 42,142 Condition 5 Without prejudice to the provisions of Section 8 of the Act the Holder shall not cause or permit the Sports Ground or any of its installations to be altered (which term shall exclude minor remedial works which do not in any way affect the safety of the Sports Ground) in any manner whatsoever without the prior consent of the Council. In addition, no temporary structure shall be installed without the prior written consent of the Council. The Holder shall supply the Council with copies of such plans, specifications and calculations as the Council may reasonably require to enable any application for such consent to be considered and shall comply with any conditions attached to that consent. PB/63/DB139 SOUTH Y O R K S H I R E POLICE F/JAN/DR Ref: From: Chief Superintendent Nesbit, 1F ' Division To: A/Assistant Chief Constable (Operations) Mr. Broanhead SUBJECT: Station/Dept: Date: 'F' EHQ 22 November 1989 NORTH WEST TERRACING - HILLSBOROUGH FOOTBALL GROUND SWPC v SHEFFIELD UNITED - 21 NOVEMBER 1989 Approximately five minutes before the kick off at 8 pm I went to the rear of the North West Terracing where I saw 200/300 people standing in the gangways and at the bottom of the stairwells being unable to gain access into the terraced area. Having examined the situation I realised that there was no way this number could safely be accommodated within that terraced area and I made inmediate plans to have them transferred to available seating within the North Stand. Whilst carrying out this exercise I was informed by Chief Inspector Beal that a further 100/150 spectators were still outside in Leppings Lane waiting to be admitted. On ny instructions the turnstiles were closed and were not re-opened until the people who had been unable to gain access to the North West Terracing had been placed in the North Stand. Having successfully achieved this I then arranged for the spectators who had been waiting outside to be also accommodated within the North Stand. I am concerned that the present Safety Certificate allows 2300 people to be acconmodated within the North West Terraces as a contingency, and having discussed the matter with Superintendent Sleath and Mr. Mackrell, Secretary of the Sheffield Wednesday Football Club, we are all agreed that this figure should now be revised to 1500 maximum. •Superintendent Gen/2 From Date ' Ref. Tel. Ext. \tT>e e u n a i n g saiveyor, Department of Land and Planning 23rd November, 1989 BSD/A3u/KTH/Kl 0ADK 4162 -Mr. A. Butler To Head o f A d m in istra tio n and Legal Department For the attention of Mr. j. Derricott Ref. Safety of Sports Grounds Sheffield Wednesday Football Club PLC Capacity of Upper North West terrace Subsequent to a naeting at Hanmerton Road Police Station on 22nd November to discuss various natters arising fran the match between Sheffield Wednesday and Sheffield United on 21st Noventer, I have had cause to revise the recctmended holding capacity for this area of the ground. # ’* You will recall that the present capacity figures were produced within on list August, 1989, and therefore only a paper exercise was carried out m that restrictive tine. .. A earlier today revealed the extent of the area of terrace partially blinded by the screen between the North West Terrace and the North Stand. Accordingly that area has been emitted from the gross available area of terrace. t capacity of the regaining areas has been re-calculated and modified in accordance with the Taylor recommendations, ■giving a resultant rigure of 1,7170. Th e hoiding Eastvreod and Partners drawing number 1610/64E has been used for the layout ot^this area. In a telephone conversation between Mr Stranpe of Eastwood and Partners and my Principal Structural Engineer, late this afternoon, it was intiaated that this drawing nay not be accurate, and that the gross available space nay be slightly smaller than is shown on the drawing ^>as ^een^resurveyed and revised drawings received, I would reccmrena that the holding capacity for the Upper North West Terrace be a rraxuriLEn of 1/500. i.C .d. I'L (W . f<* ^* ^"*4 , W'fc* A*- •*€ A u , jlCxxsl* ' fy<) 2 4 ^ - r f i— ^ £ <«. Cf~t ^ ^ ^ / H M Webster Esq LLB Head of Department Sheffield City Council ' Administration & Legal Department Town Hell Sheffield SI 2HH ^ 4 *7 ^/*? Z_Cr„ '/f * T •_H■ } * / ACC(0)/TrB/KIH 23 November 1989 Ife fL k h e . (ip ) ^ 7 V ?or the personal and urgent attention of Mr John Derricott J* i M ’U v Dear Sir HILLSBOROUGH FOOTBALL GROUND - THfc NORTH VEST TERRACE As you are aware, on the evening of 21 November 1989 Sheffield Wednesday played Sheffield United at the Hillsborough Stadium. As a contingency the north west terrace was taken into use to accommodate the Sheffield United fans. The present capacity of this terrace is 2300 but, in the view of the officer in charge on the night - Chief Superintendent Nesbit 1F 1 Division - that number cannot be safely accommodated. Approximately five minutes before the kick-off there were 200/300 people standing in the gangways and at the bottom of the stairwells, being unable to gain access into this terrace. Having examined the situation, Chief Superintendent Nesbit concluded that this number of people could not be safely accommodated within the terraced area and made pleas to have them transferred to another part of the ground. Whilst this exercise was being carried out it was seen that a further 100/150 spectators were still outside in Leppings Lane waiting to be admitted. These people, too, were accommodated in the north stand. It will be seen that around 450 people could not be accommodated and this was at a time when tickets had been sold which should have ensured that the capacity would not have been exceeded. It is the view of Chief Superintendent Nesbit that the capacity for this north west terrace should be reduced, and he has held preliminary discussions with the Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Secretary, Mr Graham Mackrell, who has agreed that a realistic figure should be 1500 maximum. C o n t'd • «/ 3403 . . . Clearly, urgent attention needs to be given to this natter since the fixture next week on 29 November - Sheffield Wednesday -v- Liverpool - is expected to draw a good crowd end it would seen that lessons had not been learnt if on that night gates had to be closed before the official maximum capacity had been reached. I await your early reply. Yours faithfully A/Assistant Chief Constable (Operations) Copy to! Mr G Mackrell , Chief Superintendent Nesbit '!^ * V VZ/JJLS/JjLS/11621 24th Kovacber, 1959 Kasiri* Eastwood t fartnsrs, Consulting Kaglotcrv, i- T :,rj.:v ..... r-* v •For tba attention of Hr» J» 'StTaa&e De*r •Hr * Strang • ;V^ ‘ v ;: *'• ;i * ’* *' *y|*h» The Sheffield fa’ednesday Football Club ~ Capacity of ^orttrSeax Terrace '^"T-' I refer to your telephone cotrreraation with Hr*. TJoodhexJ oa tbe 24th Novecber, 1989. I confira that tbe Chair of the General Forpo+aa Paael-fcM authorised that the safety certificate be ax&ehded to reflecttbe facc-'tfeat tbe capacity of the north vest terrace should be reduced to £1,500 la r i c v a f tfee crowd control difflcultiea there were at the catch on tbe 21st ’Bowabex* ."I.eaderstand that this accords with tha new calculation* you hare sade ttds ■week. I look forward to hearing froa you vith the revised plan you hare prepared of this portion of the stadiua. JLb you are avare frost the conversation with Krs. VoodheaJ, the 3oilding Surveyor has advised &e that the plaa upon which the origloal calcalac±*as vaa based vaa Incorrect.. In view of the fact that fresh calculations hava ^ ctn aada In respect of tbe north vest corner, this appears to reaolve tbe .problea in that respect* However, I aa concerned about the plans and calculations for the recainder of the ground. With reference to the Kop area, I understand that you are confident that these plans are correct. I would be .grateful if you would confira this. I aa pleased to note that you wi21 be attending the Ceneral Purposes Panel Meeting at 2.30 p.n. on Monday, the 27th November, since 1 aa rare nenbers will require clarificscion of a large Dusker of natter* at that Deetln£Yours sincerely. Head of Department BH20/FW2411 734CO-4 - M r s . Voodhaad REPORT OF THE HEAD OF AI ADMINISTRATION AND LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSES PANEL EMERGENCY ITEM /] "d~L » ' 1 L . A. L (laJLo-UoV-t ' SAFETY OF SPORTS GROUNDS ACT 1975 (AS AMENDED) I ^ Capacities of Terrace Areas at Certificated Football Grounds and in particular the North West Upper Terrace, Sheffield Wednesday Football Ground 1. Introduction 1.1 On Wednesday, 22nd November, 1989 at the request of the South Yorkshire Police, Officers from the Administration and Legal Department, the Department of Land and Planning and the South Yorkshire Fire Service attended at Hammerton Road Police Station to view extracts from the Police video of the football match that had taken place at Hillsborough Sports Stadium the night before. 1.2 The Police highlighted the problem that had been experienced by a number of spectators in the North West Upper Terrace of the Ground and the action they had taken to alleviate the prob lem.x ^Z c TigS 1.3 It was suggested that in the absence of further data, a revised capacity of 1,500 be placed in this area and that the General Safety Certificate in respect of Sheffield Wednesday Football Club be amended to reflect this. It was pointed out by the Police that the Club had no objection to this and the proposal was confirmed by Mr. Mackrell on behalf of the Club on Thursday, 23rd November, 1989. 1.4 The General Safety Certificate was amended with the approval of the Chairman of the General Purposes Panel on Friday, 24th November, 1989. I attach a copy of the amendment. 2. Building Surveyor's Memorandum of 23rd November, 2.1 Mr. Butler informed my Chief Licensing Officer (Sports Grounds), Mr. Derricott, in a telephone conversation at approximately 10.30 a.m. on 23rd November, that Mr. Strange of Messrs. Eastwood & Partners, Consulting Engineers, had spoken to Mr. Sherriff, Principal Structural Engineer, Department of Land and Planning, and suggested that the plan on which capacities had been calculated for the North West Upper Terrace of the West Terrace was incorrect. 2.2 Mr. Butler confirmed this in a memorandum to me dated 23rd November, 1989, and received by my Chief Licensing Officer at 11.30 a.m. on 24th November, 1989. I would draw your attention to paragraph 6 of the memorandum. 2.3 The capacity of 2,300 was incorporated into the Safety Certificate after I received a memorandum from the Building Surveyor dated 11th August, 1989 (copy attached). This amendment was authorised by the Panel at its meeting on 17th August, 1989. 1989 Messrs. Eastvood & P a rtn ers My Assistant Solicitor, Krs. Woodhead, telephoned Messrs. Eastwood & Partners on Friday afternoon, 24th November, 1989 at approximately 1.00 p.m. and spoke with a Mr. Strange. rMr. Strange pointed out that a revised plan was being drawn up based on calculations that had been made that day. He informed my Assistant Solicitor that the initial calculations for the area put the capacity at 1,594. This figure has not yet been confirmed by Messrs. Eastwood & Partners . My Assistant Solicitor queried whether or not the plans for the Spion Kop Terrace area were correct. Mr. Strange confirmed that the plans deposited with the Council for the Spion Kop were, as far as he was aware, up to date and correct. I have written to Messrs. Eastwood & Partners confirming my Assistant Solicitor's telephone conversation and inviting a representative to the Panel meeting on 27th November (copy letter attached). Items for Consideration To confirm the actions of the Chairman in conjunction with the Head of Administration and Legal Department in authorising the amendment to the General Safety Certificate in respect of Sheffield Wednesday Football Club reducing the capacity for the North West Terrace Upper from 2,300 to 1,500 . , To consider what further action, if any, is needed in view of the forthcoming match on Wednesday, 29th November, 1989. To consider asking the Club to the Ground for the purposes of submit a full set of plans reassessing capacities. in respect of Document s A t t a c h e d The amended Schedule of Capacities incorporated into the General Safety Certificate for Sheffield Wednesday Football Club. The Building Surveyor's memoranda dated 11th August, 1989 and 23rd November, 1989. My letter to Messrs. Eastwood & Partners dated 24th November, 1989. Re commenda tions The Panel is recommended to:(a) confirm the action taken by the Chairman inconjunction with the Head of Administration and Legal in reducing the capacity for the North West Terrace Upper of Sheffield Wednesday Football Club to 1,500; 'I (b) a s k the. A d v i s o r y Group t o p r e p a r e a s e t o f p l a n s r e g u l a t i o n s c a n be u s e d by t he Cl u b t o d r a w up a s e t o f p l a n s t o e n a b l e c a p a c i t i e s t o be r e a s s e s s e d a t t h e S p o r t s G r o u n d . wh i c h <• H. M. Webster Head of Administration and Legal Department Town Hall SHEFFIELD November, 1989 SGIA AD /JJJ 252 SHEFFIELD CITY COONCIL SAFETY OF SPCRTS GROUNDS ACT 1973 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF GENERAL SAFETY CERTIFICATE ISSUED ON 21 ST DECEMBER 1979 IAKE NOTICE THAT THE SAFETY CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY FOOTBALL CLl’3 LIMITED IN RESPECT OF THE HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM, PENI STONE RO.AD, SHEFFIELD BY SOUTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ON 21 ST DECEMBER 1 979 (AS AMENDED ON 11 TH, 18TH AUGUST, 1989 AND 15TH SEPTEMBER, 1989) IS HEREBY FURTHER AMENDED The amendment is as specified in Appendix 1. THIS AMENDMENT IS ISSUED BY THE SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL IN RESPECT OF THE PREMISES DESCRIBED ABOVE BEING A SPORT GROUND DESIGNATED BY ORDER UNDER SECTION 1 OF THE SAFETY OF SPORTS GROUNDS ACT 1975 AS A SPORTS GROUND REQUIRING A SAFETY CERTIFICATE. The terras and conditions hereby imposed are those which Sheffield City Council consider necessary or expedient to secure reasonable safety at the Sports Ground when it is in use for an activity in respect of which this Certificate is issued. The amendment shall cone into operation on the 24th day of November, 1989 . Dated the 24th day of November, 1989. Signed *. .— ------------- -----------------------Mr . H. M. W e b s t e r , Head o f A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d L e g a l D e p a r t m e n t on b e h a l f o f a n d d u l y a u t h o r i s e d by t h e S h e f f i e l d C ity Council TO:- S h e f f i e l d We d n e s d a y F o o t b a l l Club Limite d APPENDIX 1 - AMENDMENT The £afety Certificate issued by the South Yorkshire County Council on 21st December 1979 and amended on 11th, 18th August and 15th September 1989 shall be further amended to read as follovs:Schedule 3 The number of spectators admitted to the Sports Ground and to the various areas of the spectator accommodation within the Sports Ground shall not exceed the following figures: Spion Kop 16,800 South Stand Upper 5,567 South Stand Lover 3,310 West Stand 4,A65 North West TerraceUpper 1,500 North Stand 9,700 Total Crowd Capacity PB/63/DE139 41,342 SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL SAFETY OF SPORTS GROUNDS ACT 1975 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT OF GENERAL SAFETY CERTIFICATE ISSUED ON 21ST DECEMBER 1979 1. TAKE NOTICE THAT THE SAFETY CERTIFICATE ISSUED TO SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY FOOTBALL CLUB. LIMITED IN RESPECT OF THE HILLSBOROUGH SIADIUH, PENISTONE ROAD, SHEFFIELD BY SOUTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY OOUNCIL ON 21 ST DECEMBER 1979 (AS AMENDED ON 11TH, 18TH AUGUST, 1989, 15TH SEPTEMBER, 1989 AND 24TH NOVEMBER, 1989) IS HEREBY FURTHER AMENDED 2. The amendment is as specified in Appendix 1. 3. THIS AMENDMENT IS ISSUED BY THE SHEFFIELD CITY COUNCIL IN RESPECT OF THE PREMISES DESCRIBED ABOVE BEING A SPORT GROUND DESIGNATED BY ORDER UNDER SECTION 1 OF THE SAFETY OF SPORTS GROUNDS ACT 1975 AS A SPORTS GROUND REQUIRING A SAFETY CERTIFICATE.; \ 4. The terms and conditions hereby imposed are those vhich Sheffield City Council consider necessary or expedient to secure reasonable safety at the Sports Ground when it is in use for an activity in respect of which this Certificate is issued.' The amendment shall come into operation on the 27th day of November, 1989. Dated the 27th day of November, 1989. Signed Mr. H. M. Webster, Head of Administration and Legal Department on behalf of and duly authorised by the Sheffield City Council TO:- Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Limited K38AAI/JJJ APPENDIX 1 - AMENDMENT' The Safety Certificate issued by the South Yorkshire County Council on 21st December 1979 and amended on 11th, 18th August, 15th September 1989 and 24th November, 1989 shall be further amended to read as follows ?Schedule 3 The number of spectators admitted to the Sports Ground and to the various areas of the spectator accommodation within the Sports Ground shall not exceed the following figures : Spion Kop 16,800 South Stand Upper 5,120 South Stand Lower 1,920 West Stand • 4,465 North West TerraceUpper 1,400 North Stand 9,700 Total Crowd Capacity PB/63/DB139 39,405 0 i ) w'OniiS £-SQ iijvA s s i s t i r . i C;i . e f C o n s t ab l e .iost ii'iclanos Hoi i c e . t i.J \j X Otl wloyti house C d r . o r s C i r c u s gueensway 1rrd i ( lien ^ c/i’Q mC\,\LPj ; / i Fj / j-.. <.. . n .......... . A Uet-tM ;?,C D c 't : ' ; it' v j O ' i - i S c o n r i n i l : : i o n c f your -uMepnone c o n v e r s a t i o n wi t.o my d e p u t y Cn i e f Cor.sT.colo, i , r P nayes e a r i ’. e - voo^y, l w r i t e i n r e l a t i o n t o e c c r . t i c n a l f a c t s wr.icn navo ui'.;-:': j i K o v :j i*cc, i o i n . ' i j t o tiie Upper worth West T e r r a c i n g a t t:ie HU lsi>orough S t i u i u i i uiiUj in p u i ' . i c u ( u r > in r e l a t i o n t o t h e c a l c u l a t e d c a p a c i t y f o r t n a c ^ ^ i \ r c d o t ■.n o c r u i ^ r n j , 4 Lt'rj: w>ei ii Fir.j i 1,00n p l a c e ois io Apri 1 i J o j t/ie cap a ci t y f o r -.10 upper nC-it l i r r i v i w dj a n a , o b v io u s ly , tu a t nun^er or ticr.ers vould be s o l e , r o l l o v i n<j t i . e 0 5 s a s t e r , t h i s s e c t i o n o f t r i e g r c u n o r e n i i s i e u u n u s e d , i i c v e r c . ' . c l e s s , t h e L o c a l (, u- . , , i o r i t y i n l i n e w i t h t h e r - i c o n M e n u a l i o n s o f Lord ( . u s t i c e i c y l o r , rc ra js e s s e u trie c a p a c i t y as r-.s t i i ( i s e a s o n p r o y r e s s e ' - i i t ^ c c a j ' . e r . e c e s i a r y >.0 u s e t i i e u p p e r n o r . - t i n u s t l e r r a c e ^.s a n e r v ^ r g i r n c y c o n t i n G e i v a r e a t o a c co m m o d ate v j s i t i r . g f a n s , anu t i n s was e n c a p s u l a t e d in tn e S . i f e t y L i j r i i t 1c u Z \ j i s s u c c i / v t ; i e L o c a l n u t i i o r i t y . B e fo re the even in g o f novenber o n ly a few nundrec s p e c ta to rs had L'L-eri a c c o r i r i o o a c e d i n t h e a r e a r e f e r r e d t o b u t o n t h e e v e n i n g m e n t i o n e d i e : 2 1 N o v e m b e r xbo'j j r . e f f i e l d W e d n e s d a y p l a y e d S h e f f i e l d U n i t e d a t t h e H i l l s b o r o u g h S ta d iu m in t h e Z e n i t h D a ta S y s te m s C up. As w i l l be a p p r e c i a t e d , t h e r e was nuch lo c a l i n t e r e s t in tin's m atch and w it n th e c o n s e n t o f th e Local A u t h o r i t y A d v i s o r y G ro u p , th e U p p e r N o r th W est T e r r a c e was u sed to accom m odate S h e f f i e l d Uni te a fa n s , i r e p e a t t h a t a t t h i s tim e th e a u t h o r is e d c a p a c it y hao been a s s e s s e c as 2 ,3 u u and t h a t am ount o f t i c k e t s , o r t h e r e a b o u t s , w ere s o ld f o r •.his a r e a . F:v_o e f o r e k i c k o f f th e a r e a was f u l l and no m ore s p e c t a t o r s c o u lo be s a f e l y accom m odated. I t was s e e n t h a t t h e r e was b e tw e e n 2uo anc 3uu p e o p le s ta n d in g in th e gangways to th e te r r a c e and a t th e bottom o f th e s t a ir w e lls w a i t i n g to g a in a c c e s s , b u t due to th e d e n s it y o f th e crowd th e y w ere u n a b le to do so. The C h ie f S u p e rin te n d e n t In c h a rg e , H r N e s b it, co ncluded t h a t no m ore s p e c t a t o r s c o u lo be s a f e l y accom m odated w i t n i n t h is t e r r a c e a re a and th o s e who w ere w a i t i n g to g a in a c c e s s w e re ta k e n to a n o th e r p a r t o f th e ground. W h i l s t t h i s e x e r c i s e was b e in g c a r r i e d o u t I t was s e e n t h a t a f u r t h e r 1 0 0 / 1 5 0 s p e c t a t o r s w e r e s t i l l o u t s i d e t h e t u r n s t i l e s 1n L e p p l n g s L a n e , w a i t i n g to be a d m itte d . D u r in g th e game i t was n e c e s s a r y f o r s p e c t a t o r s c o m f o r t t o r e n o v e a f u r t h e r 350 from th is te rra c e . E s tim a tio n s a re t h a t once s p e c t a t o r s had been removed ab o u t 1 ,7 0 0 p e o p le rem ained b ut th e y w ere s t i l l c lo s e ly p acked . As s t a t e d p r e v i o u s l y t h i s was t h e f i r s t t i n e s i n c e t h e Sem i F i n a l on 15 A p r i l 1969 when t h e a r e a had been a t c a p a c i t y , and i t was a b u n d a n t ly c l e a r t h a t t h e n u m b e r o f s p e c t a t o r s shown on t h e c e r t i f i c a t e , i e : 2 , 2 0 0 c o u l d n o t be acco m m o d ated , b u t a t th e tim e o f th e Semi F i n a l th e f i x e d c a p a c i t y f o r t h i s a r e a was 2 , 8 0 0 . Im m ediate d is c u s s io n s to o k p la c e betw een C h ie f S u p e rin te n d e n t N e s b i t and t h e S h e f f i e l d W ednesday F o o t b a l l C lu b S e c r e t a r y , M r Graham M a c k r e l l , and t h e y a g r e e d an e m e rg e n c y f i g u r e o f 1 , 5 0 0 m axim um . On 2 3 N o v e m b e r 1 9 8 9 I w ro te to Mr H M W eb ster - copy l e t t e r e n c lo s e d - th e Head o f S h e f f i e l d A d m i n i s t r a t i o n and L e g a l D e p a rtm e n t a d v i s i n g him o f o u r c o n c e r n and a s p e c ia l m e e t i n g o f t h e G e n e r a l P u r p o s e s P a n e l w a s c a l l e d f o r 2 . 0 0 pm o n M o n d a y 2 7 November 1989. Between tim e s , D e r r ic o tt, the Local A u th o rity had been drawn was. i t was d is c o v e r e d fro m an o f f i c e r o f t h e C o u n c i l , M r John S a fe ty in S p o rts Ground O f f i c e r , t h a t th e p la n s w h ich th e used to d e te rm in e th e c a p a c it y f o r th e N o rth W est U pper T e rra c e t o a s c a l e w h ic h show ed t h e t e r r a c e t o be l a r g e r t h a n i t a c t u a l l y A t t h e m e e t in g on 27 N o vem b er 1 9 8 9 an e m e r g e n c y i t e m was i n t r o d u c e d w h ic h e n c a p s u la te d th e in fo rm a tio n c o n ta in e d in th is l e t t e r to th is p o in t. A copy o f th e notes f o r th is m eetin g a re in c lu d e d . T h e r e was p r o lo n g e d d i s c u s s i o n as .to t h e r e v i s e d c a p a c i t y f o r t h i s a r e a o f t h e g r o u n d a n d M r John S t r a n g e , who was r e p r e s e n t i n g E a s tw o o d and P a r t n e r s a t th e m e e tin g , s u g g e s te d t n a t th e c a p a c i t y to be f i x e d a t 1 ,4 0 0 w i l l a llo w tim e f o r e x a c t c a l c u l a t i o n s t o be m ade, b u t he was s u r e t h a t t h e f i g u r e o f 1 , 4 0 0 , w h i l s t e r r i n g on t h e s i d e o f s a f e t y , w o u ld n o t be t o o f a r fr o m t h e exact fig u re . S o , on 15 A p r i l 1 9 8 9 we h a d a c a p a c i t y o f 2 , 8 0 0 w h i c h h a s now been r e d u c e d to 1 , 4 0 0 , a r e d u c t i o n o f iOOS! A t th e m e e tin g , th e q u e s tio n was n e v e r a s k e d , o r in d e e d , c o n s id e r e d r e l a t i v e to t h e a c c u r a c y o f th e p la n s f o r th e L e p p in g s Lane T e r r a c e on w h ic h th e c a p a c i t y had b e e n c a l c u l a t e d , a q u e s t i o n w h i c h I h a v e now a d d r e s s e d t o t h e L o c a l A u t h o r i t y i n my l e t t e r , a c o p y o f w h i c h 1s a t t a c h e d . I need n o t s p e l l o u t t h e i m p l i c a t i o n s w h ic h s u r r o u n d t h e f a c t s now b r o u g h t t o l i g h t , b u t i f I can be o f f u r t h e r h e lp t o y o u in t h i s m a t t e r , I w o u ld be p le a s e d i f y o u c o u ld c o n t a c t me. Yours s in c e r e ly A /A s s is ta n t C h ie f C o nstable O p eratio n s .EASTW OOD & PARTNERS (Consulting - ...St, Engineers) 23; Andrews House K ingfield Road C'uv.icrs VV. E a s t w o o d : ; :: = A.A. W o o d f R .C .A . E a s t w o o d ; iy - c.. " •• : ; s C.3. Greaves S. Preston ■ • 12/13 • .•••.:• i • •: . i- D . 3. S t e p h e n s 554554 554330 • -t v . • • ; ; i- : ■ . ; G .M . Seaman (0742) (0742) :: .*-• : : -• G. 5 o i r Tej.: Tak: • ; e = Hm on Garden Lonoon EC1N T e i . : ; 01) 2 4 2 SAN 7436 Fax.: S424 ; 01) 404 WE/X3/ ■:'rn -;:1£?r a ;icn ^" a i r . e m e i a <_ity Council, Town Hail, Sheffield 1. — Dear Mr. i -epart-.ient, 4 January 199C r~ys c.c r. ^ . — c=rr_ccc Derricctt, Sheffield ivecr.esday Football Ground Capacity or No r th West Corner ? excuse tne ce^ay letter Oi. 6 December 19S9. m giving a detailed response to your I n e e d ed to have some checks made on the .ueasarements of the terrace. Arr a ng e m en t s were made for these m easurements to ce made on two occasions. rain all day. Each time there was h e a w The work was c om p le t e d just before Christmas. 3y way of background, you will no doubt be aware that we did -----7 ® “ *■ ^ survey of tne Leppings Lane end of the cround when ’ the original Safety Certificate was applied for in 1978-79. The Club provided drawings p r ep a re d by their previous consultants of the North stand, the West stand the North West co rner from which we made measurements. There were no drawings available of the older parts of the ground (the Kop and the South stand) we were commissioned by the C lu b on site, and to make the necessary measurements for which we quoted a specific fee. This is all well documented in our correspondence with the Club at the time and in our report to them of January 19 79. We have now measured the up p e r part of the North West corner, and t..ere is a considerable d i sc r e p a n c y between the actual measure-ssocte’es J . A. S t r a n g e C £ '■q A. J . C l o u g h *• • S:*uc* E E — C E"? V • V . R. T a n d y r - z - z J.M .W ood ~ V ' Sc. C E^c. M ! C E ; S i ru c ’ £ C. M . P o l l a r d R.K. G o d d e n 5 c-n . " r S Z - **• < S t * ct V I E i S n s v a ’ on V i - i ce*> ~ v t ' t c .n E~.0 ‘s n d - No. 1823 '^-i // ^ ((26^ EASTWOOD & PARTNERS .tents and z'r.cse scaled from the drawing based upon that provided by the Club. Instead of z'r.e 29CO which had r.cticnally been considered to be L\crth West corner, -he capacity of the upper the total area available wo ul d only take 2242 on the basis of 54 spectators to iCrtr . The discrepancy between the drawing and the actual measurer,en is not in any way apparent from a visual inspection of the terrace At the tirr.e when we were reporting in 197 2, we were made aware that in September 1970, following a report by the Club's previous consultants the police had agreed a capacity for the elevated :icrth '.Test corner cf 2,CCG spectators. That figure or a higher one had been used in all the m a j o r from the World Cup in 1966. in 1973/79. Constable's There was thus no reason for us to be alerted We enclose a copy cf the 1970 report and the Chief letter to the Club dated 30 September 1970. Obviously we have been concerned about the possibility that the calculations for the terrace in front of the West stand might also have been based on a misleading plan. Cur check measurements have shown that the actual area is such that it could accommodate the 'notional' number cf spectators with a slightly lower density than 54 per 1 0 m 2 . Yours sincerely, SHEFFIELD W E D N E S D A Y F O O T B A L L C L U B L I M I T E D HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM REPORT ON CROWD CAPACITY 1970 HUSBAND & COC O N S U L T I N G ENGINEERS. A N D AR CHI TECTS. 2sS G LCS SCP R O AD. SHEF r IE.LD. S10 2JB. - sna - 5015 f/ J EPTEMBER. 1970. St. ERMIN'S, C A X T O N STREET. WESTMINSTER. LONDON. S.W.l. ,/ HILLSBOROUGH STADIUM SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY FOOTEALL CLU3 LIMITED ZONE II W 1 i j *j c I 1 1 d LOCATION STANDING West Terrace North West Pen North West Elevated Deck Stage 1 Spion Kop LINEAL FEET OF TERRACE DIVISOR 10,540 1,300 1.34 1.34 7,860 975 7,700 900 4 ,096 29 ,092 1.34 1.34 3,072 21,700 3,000 20,000 33,607 31,600 10,003 5,569 3,356 4 ,471 23,404 23,404 57,011 55,004 1 1 1 1 E F G H SEATED North Stand South Stsnd South Terrace West Stand - - - - - - - - GRAND TOTAL COMPUTED CAPACITY LIMIT AGREED WITH POLICE — | j j | !j July 27,x 1970 VIH/KOS / 2 7 5 7 r,• . iay 1 of , £-S-* • * General .v~na;:er and Secretary* Sheffield i.'ecnescay Foot call Club Ltd., Kiilsborou-^n, Sheffield, S o IS'tl Dear Mr, Taylor, Capacity of Klllsborcu ~h Stadium Th?.r.k you for your letter cf DCth July cn.clcsin.-5 a copy cf tne Chief Constable's letter uatcd loth July in connection with the Ground Capacity of h'illsbor'.urn Stadium. I understand the words "scientific calculation-1 were used by your ^oocself in tne original terms of reference to us but in the absence of any known formula we have dealt "with this matter by empirical means. Ve assembled a small c r o w d of people in our dra^in^ office to represent a sample of r. crowd str-nding reasonably close to :etaer. i.'e then established a coefficient of 1.3^ lineal feet per person on each step of terrace, each person be in 7, allocated the full depth of the terrace whatever its dimension. We then referred to our detailed surveys of the terrace tnd we also measured on site the Sen-own usable length of the terrace steps, m^klns due allowance for ^on-r.vays, passageways, stairways, etc. and the length of eacn section was civided by the coefficient to establish the capacity. We re.-ard the fore 5. in*; r.3 an interin approach to the problem, until such time as tiie ccefficic-nt could be checked by the use cf crowd counting devices. Yours si p cerely 2 c ,.,.,3 -r .... :-'Tf M CONSTABULARY S H E Fr Fp Ii rc iL'nJ c. ’ ra .n. .' D ^ ^OTHEV. pCL'.C?. HEADCi-''•* ■-*S ?0. tCX n- ‘ CM'.i G*i:‘ SHE?:-:SL3 o s e. C> *» CsM*.:s:e if , S3 SLY T[UruC'S S!> fv-tf'C.- -=s:* TUi* ’-e.1<4^ --.-V /- A'-' r:^r Stf. • :-vJAND CoT" ! ~ V “ i OCf!970 ! /2 ~ ( £ ' / O . A.ort - .............. I r w r ite to vi--" ycu c n —r. th e ra.xi-.u-- ^ ' i a c ". r a t h e r "ban r„rv — 'n . V cur c c i>t rO -u • > J C h ie f Const .. j-ko re^<=n'r.or.e converss." i T , ------------ c say -,r.av r;;^ l-'f riven by Messrs. .-\usoar.'. =. ^ I s c , t c say „ , = vt_ +o aec you vnen !;e •returns vo to asree cn .one =incr ad^t-er.s as t;rs t o be r t & l U * *> « * apportion,«J « t ^ ‘V r t o arrive at the agrees :lfare cf of the stand.j'-e ar— s -« 5?,COO. Yours s in c e r e ly , ucr.s & “r . 1 i t, W. T a y lo r j Z s q ., G eneral >!ana{;er i S e c re -a ,, , ^ Ilf Sheffield 've-.'-ne='-a7 ;00,'“a‘'‘L H ills b o r o u g h , S h e ffie ld . S6 1S .< Iff iL -5 City of Sheffield M e t r o p o l i t a n D istrict Administration & Legal Department M a r k W e b s t e r . S ol i ci t or H e a d of D e p a r t m e n t T o w n Hall Sheffield S I 2HH Tele p h o n e 0742-7264^4 Facsim ile 0742-735003 O u r reference GP/262/WJD T elecom G o ld 79: LLA 3020 Telex 54243 SHFUB G cr Your refe rence 265871 MONREF G (quote ref I LA 3020) 10th January, 1990 The Deputy Chief Constable, South Yorkshire Police, Police Headquarters, Snig Hill, SHEFFIELD. S3 8LY Dear Sir, Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975 (as amended) Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Capacity of North West Terrace (Upper Section) Please find attached the letter I have recently received from Messrs. Eastwood & Partners concerning the capacity of the North West Terrace (Upper Section). The letter will be referred to the next Advisory Group for discussion. Should you however, require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact my Chief Licensing Officer, Mr. Derricott, on the number given below. Yours faithfully, Head of Department enc. 1/JJJ For te le p ho n e enquiries on th is m an e r please r in g ................. Telex 54243 (A d m in is tra tio n & Legal) SOUTH YORKSHIRE POLICE Ref: From: PC 808 ROSEVEAR To: CH SUPT MOLE SUBJECT: FOOTBALL LIAISON SECTION Station/Dept: Date: B DIVISION OPS DR/SM OPERATIONS 13 Septerrber 90 ATTENDANCES AT HILLSBOROUGH Set out below are attendances at Hillsborough pre-disaster to the 1984/85 season. Attendances in excess of 30,000 are shown:11 2 89 34,825 Manchester United League 14 1 89 31,524 Liverpool League 7 5 88 35,893 Liverpool League 9 4 88 51,622 Liverpool/Fbrest Semi Final 27 1 88 38,953 Everton FA Cup 20 1 88 34,535 Arsenal Littlewoods Cup 9 1 88 33,306 Everton FA Cup 32,400 Manchester United League 10 10 87 *■ 12 4 87 51,372 Leeds/Coventry Semi Final 14 3 87 48,005 Coventry FA Cup 27 12 86 40,950 Liverpool League 25 8 86 33,007 Everton League 29 3 86 37,946 Liverpool League 12 3 86 35,522 West Ham FA Cup 9 11 85 48,307 Manchester United League 4 5 85 37,381 Everton League 9 4 85 39,380 Manchester United League 2 2 85 48,246 Liverpool League 30 1 85 36,505 Chelsea Milk Cup 8 9 84 33,421 Spurs League 25 8 84 32,950 Notts Forest League ■J a VS 1610 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., ISSSSI!' To Professional Services in connection vith various works associated with application for Certificate of Gro u n d Safety Interim Fees Account lio. 1 L ump sua on account £5,000.00 &s w ork carried out before rate of V.A.T. was changed - V.A.T. at 6% 4 0 0 .0 0 £ 5 /400.00 - with compliments - r t-^ A p-'rO'T i L >V »JL\ WE/KH 1610 The Secretary, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., Hillsborough, Sheffield 6 . 22 July 1980 To Professional Services in connection vith Granting of a Ground Safety Certificate Duties including maling survey of South stand and various other parts of ground. Making drawings to requirements of the South Yorkshire County Council for use in discussions and for inclusion in Certificate of Ground Safey. Preparing a comprehensive report to the Club. Preparing a further report including our own calculations of capacity, exit times etc. for consideration by S.7.C.C. Attending various meetings, conducting negotiations to obtain relaxations and agreement with the local authority. Preparing tender documents for various works, including remodelling exit arrangements, constructing new exits fro» stands and Spion Kop, strengthening existing crush barriers and providing additional barriers, upgrading fire resistance in South stand, new emergency lighting system, complete re-wiring of South stand. Supervision by visits Valuing work and issuing Certificates Agreed fee Fee for testing crush barriess, boundary fences, ballustrades in South stand. Re-testing barriers which had to be strengthened. Issuing report. £18,000.00 3.500.00 Less fee already received £21,500.00 5,000.00 Fee now due V.A.T. at 15% #187300765 2.475.00 im WE/KH/1610 The Secretary, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd. , Hillsborough, S h e ffie ld 6. Dear 8 August 19 80 Eric, Safety Certificate J.979 - Professional Fees As the work associated with obtaining the safety certificate 1979 plus the rewiring of the South stand etc. is now complete retention nonies at the end of the maintenance period, I have pleasure in presenting'our fee account. You will recall that last February the charges for our professional services were agreed at £18,000 plus of course the cost of testing and retesting the crush barrier* of £ 3 ,5 0 0 .' We had £5,000 in fees last year which leaves £16,500 outstanding. When sending fees accounts X like to say thank you for employing us but in this case it has been a. particularly pleasant experience working with you. Yours sinoerely, H z i EASTWOOD & PARTNERS Consulting BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Engineers W. Eastwood B.Eng, Wi.0. F.Eng. FJ.C.E. F.I.Svucl£. F.G.S. M Cora-E. 8.£n*. ph.0. C.Eng. F.I.C.E. A. A. Wood FJ.SvuctE.M.I.W.E.3.M C mL A. Q. Burdttt G M. B.Se.(lne),C.Enfl.M.I.C.E. R. C. A. Eastwood B.Sc.C.Eng„M ICE.M.I.SuuclE. Q*offr*y Splr C. S. OrMvss A. J . Clough J . A. ttr*ng* A. L. P*roy C .ln t.. M J .C L . • III.,c.lif..H.I.C.E.. M.I.Jtruet.E. Our R t f : I X . C.E»», M .C .I.iJ, M JjladkE. HJ.S«n«a-E. WE/KH Your R t f : H.Tedt.fHoe.h1.Sc. C.E«f., fA.C l .. F.l.lirvct.E-. f.m u n .l., fl.R .T .fj. Invoice No. The Secretory, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 1SW. To Professional Services in Inspecting and Testing Electrical Installation in Connection with Renewal of Ground Safety Certificate' Survey of the electrical installations in the West Stand, North Stand, Spion K o p , Leppings Lane and Penistone Road entrances involving (a) Tracing and listing of all circuits (b) Assessment of maximum loading for each circuit and checking against cable capacity and fuse/circuit breaker. Correcting fuses as necessary. (c) Visual examination of all items of equipment and of accessible wiring to check condition. Testing of the elect££cal installations in each area involving disconnection and reconnection of every circuit to carry out t(a) pMftrity checks for connection points, socket outlets and single pole . switahed items. (b) e a r t h continuity checks for eaah circuit, (o) earth loop impedance measurements for each circuit. (d) insulation tests for each group of circuits including identification of faulty circuits. (e) arranging for faulty circuits to be replaced as extension to .the contract for the re-wiring of the .South stand. Supervision of this re-wiring work. (f) inspection and testing of emergency lighting equipment including one hour test on batteries. Issuing I.E.E. and B.S. Inspection and Test Certificates. R»gi*ter*d In England - N ^ / l 134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 9 2 3 f 61 2402 1 December 1980 Partner's time say A s s o c i a t e p a r t n e r ' s t i m e 16 h o u r s a t £ 1 0 A s s i s t a n t E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r 80 h o u r s a t £9 C ar m i l e a g e 157 a t 1 6 . 5p V . A . T . a t 15% - w ith com plim ents - / BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 ZASTWOOD & PARTNERS Consulting W. Eastwood Engineers B.Eno. Ph.D.. F.Ene. F.I.C.E. F t Strucl E, F.G S , M Con* E. A. A. Wood B Eng.. Ph 0., C.Eng.. F.I.C.E, F.l StructE.. M I.W.E.S- M Con*.E. A. G. Burdstt R. C. A. Eastwood AiM&ftM: C M.. B Sc (Ene ). C Ene . M l C.E. G e o ffr e y Splr C. S . Greevee A. J . Clough J . A. Stran ge A. L. P w y B.Sc.. C Eng. M I C E„ M I Struct E. C .E n g ., M .I.C .E ., M .I.M * cK .E . 9 E n g ,. C .E n g .. M . |,C . E .. M . I. S tr u e t.E . Our R e f : B A . . C . E n j .. M .C .I.S .S .. M .I,M * c h .E . C .E n j.. M J .S trw c t.E . Your R e f: M T # « K .( H o n . ) . i . S c . . C . E n j . F.l C .E ., F. l S i r u c t . E . . F . I . M u n l . , H . % . T . P . i . Invoice No.: The S e c r e t a r y , S h e f f i e l d Wednesday F o o t b a l l C lu b L t d . , H illsb o ro u g h , S h effie ld , S6 1SW. W E/K H 2419 1 December 1 9 8 0 To S e r v i c e s i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h R e n e w a l o f C e r t i f i c a t e o f Ground S a f e t y 1 9 8 0 ( O t h e r " t h a n E le c tr ic a l In sta lla tio n ) D r . E a s t w o o d and J o h n S t r a n g e a t t e n d i n g g r o u n d a t s h o r t n o t ic e t o m eet lic e n s in g a u th o rity rep resen ta tiv es b efore s e m i-fin a l. C orrespondence r e f u t i n g t h e need f o r c e r t a in m a t t e r s w hich were r e q u e s t e d . A r r a n g i n g and c a r r y i n g o u t t e s t l o a d i n g o f b a r r i e r s i n l o w e r p a r t o f S p i o n Kop ( j u s t o v e r o n e - f i f t h o f a l l b a r r ie r s in grou n d ). P r e p a r in g s p e c i f i c a t i o n and d raw in gs f o r s t r e n g t h e n i n g o f n in e b a r r i e r s w hich f a i l e d th e test. S u p e r v is in g th e c o n t r a c t o r s s tr e n g th e n in g b a r r ie r s I n s p e c t i o n b y D r. E a s t w o o d o f w h o l e g r o u n d . C a r r y i n g o u t f o r m a l i n s p e c t i o n i n company w ith lic e n s in g a u th o r ity en g in eer. I s s u i n g r e p o r t on b a r r i e r t e s t i n g and on t h e i n s p e c t i o n . P r e p a r i n g and s i g n i n g c e r t i f i c a t e t h a t t h e str u c tu r e s e t c . are s a t i s f a c t o r y . P r e p a r i n g l i s t o f m a i n t e n a n c e ifcems f o r c l u b . £15 0 .0 0 g ra tis D r . E a s t w o o d ' s t i m e £ 2 0 0 l e s s 25% d i s c o u n t . D r. E astwood p r e p a r in g and s i g n i n g c e r t i f i c a t e . A s s o c ia t e P a r tn e r 's tim e in v i s i t s , s u p e r v isio n o f t e s t i n g ( t w i c e and i n d r a w i n g up c o n t r a c t and s u p e r v is in g s t r e n g t h e n i n g o f f a i l e d b a r r i e r s . T ime o f t h r e e s t a f f i n t e s t i n g b a r r i e r s and th en r e - t e s t i n g n in e f a i l e d b a r r ie r s . D r a w i n g up r e p o r t . T r a n s p o r t i n g equipm ent t o a n d from g r o u n d . Charge f o r u s e o f equipm ent in c lu d in g share o f c o s t o f r e c a lib r a t io n c e r tific a te . 210.00 6 6 5 .0 0 Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 1 74 9231 61 x ii Brought fo rw a rd E n g i n e e r s t i m e i n p r e p a r i n g d r a w i n g s and m a k in g s i t e v i s i t s d u r i n g s t r e n g t h e n i n g o f b a r riers. Car m i l e a g e f o r a l l v i s t s 109 a t 1 6 . 5p £ 1 ,0 3 5 .0 0 3 9.50 17.98 £ 1 ,0 8 2 .4 8 V . A . T . a t 15% 162.37 £ 1 ,2 4 4 .8 5 -with com plim ents - EASTWOOD & PARTNERS C o n s ul ti n g E n g in eer* W. Eastwood B Eng.. Ph D.. F Eng.. F I C.E. P.I.Struct.E_ F.G S.. M.ConvE. A. A. Wood B Enj . Ph D.. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.l Struct E.. M.I.W E.S . M.Conj E. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood Aiixicia: G.V.. B Sc.(Eng). C.Enj.. M.I.C.E. G e o ffr e y Spir C. S . Greaves A. J . Clough J . A. Stranga BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 B.Sc. C.EnB.. M I C E . M.I.StrueiE. C . E - I .. M.l C.E.. K.l.M .ch.E . B.Enf.. C .En f.. M.I.C.E.. M.I.StrtlCt.E. Our Ref B > .. C .E n ,.. M.C.I.B.S'.. C .ln f.. M.I Struct.E. WE/3R Your R e f : Consultant; A. L. Parcy : M (Hon >. B Sc.. C.Enj.. f.I.C.E., F.l Struct.E.. f I.Mun.E.. M.A.T.P.I. Invoice No.: 3 0 0 8 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., Hillsborough, 30 December, 1981 SHEFFIELD.6 To Profeaalonal Services In Insnectlig and ---Reporting on South Stand Roof. Various discuaaiona and corrtapondence with local authority working party during year following granting of Certificate of Ground Safety. Preparing drawing* of a acaffold fraae with platform* giving access to all parts of a roof truss and one bay of roof. Inviting tenders for erection of scaffold. Supervision of erection. Carrying out detailed inspection of roof. Measuring sires of the various steel M a h e r s . Making calculations to determine adequacy under wind loading or snow loadings. Writing advisory report with copies to South Yorkshire County Council (January 1981). Informing Sheffield Building Surveyors Departaent that in our view no further inspections are required in the next few years. Partnera ti»e Associate Partner Graduate Engineer Technician 75.00 135.00 60.90 18.00 10 hours 0 £13.50 7 hours 0 £ 8.70 4f hours 0 £ 4.00 £288.90 Registered in England - No. 1134531 VAT Sep;$ :rii' 0 n No. ,7 2 ■ f I*? Brought Forward *il«ag« 45 allaa 0 18.5p Printing and binding report - gratia V.A.T. O 15% - with complioanta - EASTWOOD & PARTNERS Consulting BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Englnaars W. Eastwood B.Ervg , Ph.D.. F t n B.. F I C E.. F.I.St’ jc t.E . F.G S , M.Coni.E. A. A. Wood B E r s . PhD .. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.l Struct E.. MJ.W.E.S . M.C onj E. A. G. Burden G M.. B-Sc.(Eng), C Eng.. M.I.C.E. R. C. A. Eastwood ic e.,m .isvuci.e. A fiX 'fiiu G a o ffrey Spir C E-* . M l C.E.. M.I E. C. S . Graavas A. J . Clough J . A. S tra n g* ».A.. C .Erj.. M.C.I S.S.. C.£ a | „ M.I C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. Our R e f : C Ertf.. M.I.Struct l . VS/SB Your Ref : Conwlttm: A. L. Parcy{Hon ). ft Sc., C.Enj., f I.C E.. F l Scfwet.6.. F.I Muft l . . M.R.T.F.I. Invoice No.: Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD. 6 3039 30 December, 1981 To Professional Services in connection with repairs to cracks in North West Stand. December 1980 to April 1981 Preparing specification for repair work. Iviting tenders. Reporting to you supervision of work by visits. Certification of aaney due to Contractor. S c a l e fee for small contract^ . is 10% of cost of work carried out (£2,256.25). £ 225.62 3 3 .8 4 V.A.T. e 15% £259.46 - Vith compliments - Registered in England "A T .7-ig cvatlon No. N o ! 1134531 172 5 231 61 ’44 \ EAS TWOO D & PARTNERS Consulting W. Eastwood B.Er>s. Ph.D. F.EnB. F I.C.E. F.LSrructE. f.G S - M.Coni.E. A. A. Wood B.Er>s. Ph.D. C Eub.. F.I.C.E. F.I.StructE. M.I.W.E.S. M.C o m .E. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood G M_ B.Se.(Eng). C.Eng . M.I.C.E. Q a o ffr r r Splr C. S . Q r u v M A. J . Clough J . A. S trsng a BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Englnaars B.Se. C.Eng. M.I.C.E. M.I.Struct E. C.Enf.. M.I.C.E., M .I.M « fi.£ . I.E fif., C .E n f., M.l.C.E.^M.I.Strvct.E. C.Eng., M.C.I.8.S.. M.l.Mech.E. Our R e f: C-Efif., M .I.Strua.E. Your R * f: M.T k * (Hon.). B.Se.. C.Enf.. F.I.C.E.. FJ.Struct .E.. F.l.Mun.E., M.R .T.P.I. Invoice No.: IX/SIB Cwvvfu*:; A. L. Parcy k Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., Hillsborough, Sheffield. 6. 3113 31 December 1981. To Professional Services During 1981 in Connection with Certificate of Ground Safety Attending meeting with STCC working party on 7 April (before F.A. Cup semi-final) Associate partners (structural and elactrlcal) both involved. Time of structural associate partner in preparing our own internal memo for Dr. lastwo*d. Writing letter to City Building Surveyor following the meeting giving Dr. Zaatwood'a opinion as to why some roof trusses In south stand are leaning and stating that olub had been advised that monitoring not necessary* Detailed inspection of ground by Dr* Xastwood in Julj followed by a further brief inspection after work had been carried out on defective barriers and boundary fence. Issuing by Dr. Xastwood of a Certificate concerning barrier testing, and also a certificate following annua} structural Inspection. Correspondence in January/February resisting £ ^ <-C requirement that electric wiring be checked every year (me have issued a flye rear certificate for all the new wiring). Ve did however agree that fire alarms and public address ■ystem be tested once per year. Carrying out test on alarms etc on 16 February. ^•paring sketch of fire-proof metal cabinet for batteries raquestad by fire officer. Ordering trickle charger and modifying alarm Regittered in England V AT P?oistration “Jn U 1134531 I ajatea w irin g to allow trlwkle charge when public addreas ajatea sot la u n (we had been alaled by aanufacturera lltaratura lato be Having there via a conatant trickle charge). Checking after lnatallatlon. Preparing vlrlng dlagraaa ahowing full vlrlng ajatea aa Modified for attaching to aide of aapllfler together with lnatructlona. Providing aaatvr coplea to Mr. Ingland and coplea to 8.Y.C.C, Reporting to 8.Y.C.C. after fire-proof cabinet and trickle charger lnatalled. Certifying electrical contractor'a accounta. Letter to 8.Y.C.C. regarding Monitoring device adjacent to batteries > f public addreaa ayetea, indicating that thla was not justified. Dealing with B.Y.C.C, reply. ; r Z - ' .-'i. ' Dr. Xastwood*s tiae ln vUltaV-iupectlonr general aupervlalon and lasting.Annual Certiflcate etc. ■ Aaaociate partner (John S t r a w ) A hours at £18.00 Aeaoclate partner (Ton* Clox*h )i* teetlng,■; attending seetInga, geoetol^gtfpervislon of! ... electrical Matters. 9 booora it tJS.OO >Assistant eleetrical eMinMl£iirepar l M f v A'- • dUgraaa* lnapec ting s| Car alleage in eight • *TV *-4 ■: "j&K'i , b PARTNERS EASTWOOD C o n su ltin g BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 E n g in e e r * W. Eastwood E Eng, Ph D . F Eng F I C.E.. F.l.Struct E.. F G S.. M.Coni.E. A. A. Wood B Eng . Ph D., C Eng . F.l C E.. F.l SvuC'. £.. M .I.W E.S . M C o r.j £. A. G. Burdett G M.. B Sc fEf'S). C.Eng . M l C.E. R. C. A. Eastwood e Sc. C.Eng. M l C.E-. W lstruct E. AlJK'tftCJ■ ' G ao ffra y Spir C. S. G r u v i i A . J . Clough J . A. S tr a n g s C.Erf., M.I C.E.. H.I.Mtch.E. fi.E-'j., C.Erif., M.1C.E.. M,l.Struct.E. C.£pf.. M.l.Struci E. Your R e f: Consultant: A. L. Parcy TS/SR Our R e f: ft.A., C.E"* . M.C.I.B S.. M.I.Mtch.E. M Tt«h.(Hon.). ft Sc., C.Er>* . F.l.C E.. F.l.Struct.E-. f I.Mwn.E., M.R.T.P.I. Invoice No.: Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD. S6 30 December, 1981 T o Professional Services in Reporting on Alternative Schemes for Extra Standing or Seating Accommodation at S.ff. Corner of Ground. Initial netting with Mr. England and Mr. Addy to discuss requirements. Carrying out detailed survey of existing terracing at S.W. Corner. Preparing a scheme which could accommodate. 700 standing spectators without loss of capacity on the existing terrace. Carrying out basic calculations for structure. Three drawings illustrating the scheme. Preparing budget cost estimates. Advisory report dated 12 June, 1981. Following discussions, preparing a more comprehensive scheme for complete redevelopment of S. w. corner with elevated deck sweeping round from South Stand to West Stand with possible capacity of up to 2544 standing or 1380 M a t e d spectators. Making calculations fofstructure sufficient to make cost estimate. Preparing drawings to Illustrate schemes. Considering possibility of constructing In stages Including a further eatenslon backwards if South Stand is eventually extended. Advisory report dated 13 July, 1981. Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 9231 61 3391 £ Partner’s time In directing work and writing reports. Associate Partner 12 hours P £13.00 Senior Chartered Ingineer li hours 0 £12.00 Chartered Engineer 22f hours 0 £ 9.40 Graduate Engineer 9 hours 0 £ 8.70 Draftsman 75 hours M £ 5.00 Draftsman 37 hours 6 £ 6.40 Draftsman li hours 4 £ 4.00 3Q0 00 156. 00 15. 00 211. 50 78. 30 375. 00 236. 80 6. 00 £1378. 60 206. 79 V.A.T. 6 15% £1585. 39 - With compliments - BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS Consulting Engineer* W. Eastwood B.Eng. Ph.D. F.Eng. F.I.C.E. F.l.Struct. E. F.G.S. M.Coru-E. A. A. Wood B.Eng.. Ph D . C.Eng. F.I.C.E. F.l.Struct.E. M.I.W.E.S.. M.Coni E. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood G M . B.Sc.(Eng). C.Eng.. M .I.C .L 6 .Sc.. C.Eng. M.I.C.E. M.I.StructE. Allocate) : G e o ffrey Spir C .E n j.. M.I.C.E.. M.I.M«ch.E. C. 8 . O r M V i i A. J . Clough J . A. Strang* ! > . . C.Enf., M.C.I.B.S., MJ.Mach.E. B.En|., C .E n |.t M.I.C.E.. M.I.Strvct.E. WE/SR Our R e f: C . I n f . , M.I.Strvct.E. Your R ef: M.T«ch.(Hon.), B i t . . C.Efif., F.I.C.E.. F.I.Jiruet.E., F.I.Mun.E., M.R.T.P.I. Invoice No. Cwtfufient: A. L. Percy Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., Hillsborough, S H E FF IE L D . 3443 30 December, 1981 86 To Professional Servlcee In Reporting on Possibility of Providing Boxes at Rear of South or West Stand. June - August 1981 Initial discussions with Mr. Addy and Mr. Ingland. Considering possibility of Incorporating boxes under existing roof or at -back of each of the two stands. Preparing outline scheaes. Carrying out sufficient structural calculations to enable cost estimates to be Made* Preparing drawings. Advisory, report dated 14 July 1981. Further Meetings on site vlth Mr. Addy to discuss schemes. £ Partners tlMS In directing vork,devising sc heats and vrltlng report. Associate Partner Making calculations and supervising preparation of dravlngs Senior Engineer Draftsnan Junior DraftSMan 25 hours • £13.00 40| hours 6 £12.84 27 hours t £ 5.00 40 hours 0 £ 4.00 350.00 325.00 520.03 135.00 160.00 £1490.02 223.50 V.A.T. O 19% £1713.52 Regittered in England - No. 1134631 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 0331 31 EAS TW OO D & PARTNERS Consulting W. Eastwood B.Enfl. Ph.D. F .E n j. F I.C.E. F.LStructE. F.G.S. M.C oru.L A. A. Wood B.En*., Ph.D. C.Ens. F.I.C.E. F.I.Stru«.E_ M.I.W.E.S. M.ContE. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood G .M . B.Se.(Eng), C.Eng. M .I .C L G *o ffr* y 8plr C. S . OrMVM A . J . Clough J . A . Strang* BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Engineers B.Sc„ C.Enfl. M.I.C.E. M.I.SlruciE. C.Eng., M.I.C.E., M.I.Mtch.E. I.E n ( „ C.Enf., M.I.C.E., MJ.S<rvo.E. Our Ref: » A „ C.Enf., M .C J.B 4., M.I.M«d>.E. C.Enf., M.I.Strvct.E. A . L. Percy Your Ref: M.T*ch.(Hon.). ».$«.. C .E n f.. F.I.C.E., F.I.Strvet.E., FJ.Mun.E., M.R.T.M. Invoice No.: Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., Billsborough, sm rT Z L D . W Z/8R 3465 SO Decenber. 1981 e To Professional Services in Dealing vlth jftrengthoning of Crush Barriers a ad Boundary Jsnce~Posts which railed to Carry Teat ioidl ‘ JUly to September 1981. Informing Mr. England of the failtue to carry test load of certain crush barriers and boundary fence. Preparing drawing■ for strengthening vork. Inviting tenders. Shoving vork to contractors. Advising on tenders. Supervision of vork by visits. Dealing vlth repair to concrete vhlch had fallen tTCm roof to exit tunnel due to rusting of reinforcing steel. 'Lr Agreeing valuation of vork vlth contractor. Issuing certificate. Partners tlse Associate Partners time y u u r r l £13.00 Draftsman preparing six A4C'jP5tiitrating repair J2™ _ _ 9fhours Q £7.90 Chartered Xnglneer (one visit) 1$ hours O £9.00 5.00 91.00 68.40 13.50 £177.90 •i £1170 at 10,1 of co-t of works i.e. 10% £117.00 ••rtiiav-* : *s Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Fffistrstion No. 175 sv * ; Is 0 £ Car aileag* 4 5 all«s Q BO.Op 9.22 £126.22 18.93 V.A.T. 6 15% £145.15 - With coapliatnts EAS TW OOD & PARTNERS Consulting W. Eastwood B.Eng . Ph D.. F.Enfl.. F I C F.(.Struct E.. F G S.. M .C oni.E . A. A. Wood 8 Eng . Ph D.. C Eng.. F.I.C.E. F I Siruci E.. M.I.W .E.S.. M .C o n i E. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Engineer* G.M.. B.Se.(Ene). C.Ens.. M l C.E. B.SC. C.En9 .. M.I.C.E.. M.I.Struct E. A iiociotu ; QaoHray Spir C. S . Greavea A. J . Clough J . A. Strang* A. L. Parcy C.Enf.. M.I C.E.. M B.En f.. C .En f.. M.I.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Our R ef: » .A „ C.Enf.. M.C.I.B.S.. C.Enf., M.I.Struct.E. WE/ SH Your R e f : M .T itk .(H o » .l, » Sc.. C.Enf.. F.I.C.E.. F.l.Struct.E.. F.I.Mun.E.. M.R.T.P.I. Invoice No.: 346 5 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club ltd. , Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD. 6 30 December, 1981 To Professional Services In Testing of Crush Barriers and Boundary Fences. July 1981 Transporting equipmnnt to ground. Testing this years quota of barriers. Devising test for boundary fence to satisfy Sheffield City Building Surveyor. Drawing up records for report. Partner and Associate Partner's tlae Assisted Xnglner 42$ hours Q £7.SO Two Junior Assistants assisting with tests 2 z 35j hours Q £3.00 Visits by Chartered Engineer to supervise 10$ hours e £9.00 Hire of equipment Transport and car mileage 63 miles 0 20.5p 75.00 306.00 213.00 94.50 o 3.1! Cost of initial tests. £791.64 September 1981 detesting certain barriers which had failed to carry test load and had to be strengthening. Drawing up record of tests4Tk,ftnsporting equipment from ground. Associate Partner Assistant Engineer 7$ hours 0 £7.20 Two Junior assistants 2 x 5 hours 0 £3.00 20.85 54.00 30.00 3.69 Mileage 18 miles Q 20.5 Cost of retesting £107.94 Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. registr-' ,-Jo. 172 <j23 . 61 £899.59 <~ }C' *«* .T*J o \ o \ £ Brought Forward Total ch«fu« V.A.T O 15% 899.59 899.59 134.93 £1034. 52 “ With c o a p l i M n t s - cAb I W O OD & PARTNERS Consulting W. Eastwood BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Engineers E.Eng., Ph.D.. F.Eng. F I C.E. F.I.Struct E. F.G S.. V.Cor.S.E. A. A. Wood B Eng , PhD .. CEng. F.I.C.E. F.I.Sttuct.E.. M.I.W E.S. M Cons E. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood G W.. B.Sc.(Eng). C.Eng. M.I C.E. 6 Se., C.Eng.. M.I.C E . M l Struct E. A iiooettJ . G aoffray Spir C. S. Graaves A. J . Clough J . A. Stranga C .Ei'f . M I C E.. B .E -, . C E " l . M l C.E.. M.I Struct E. Our R e f : B A., C .E i'l-. M.C.I B.S., C-Enf.. M l.Struct.E. Your R e f: Consultant; A. L. Parcy WE/3H M ). B.Sc.. C.Enf .. F.I.C E.. F.l Struct.E.. F.I.Mun.E.. M.R.T.P.I. Invoice No.: Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD. S6 3540 30 December, 1981 To P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s i n Investigating P o s s i b l e Schem es . t o R o of o v e r the Kop. Including E x t e n s i o n t o Accommodate an Additional 5000 S p ectators. Carrying out survey of levels at top of kop and at the back of the bank so as to design staircases, foundations etc. Outline design of a roof to cover the kop in its present form. Sufficient calculations to be able to estimate costs. Preparing scheme drawings. Outline design of a roof to cover a 'squared off* kop with new structural deck beneath to accommodate extra 5000 spectators. Preparing scheme drawings and cost estimates. Preparing a 'half way house' scheme with the roof extended, but the with the structural deck not included in the first stage. Cost estimate. Advisory report dated 4 September 1981. Partner's time Senior Chartered Engineer Chartered Engineer Draftsman Junior Draftsman 46 2 44 39 hours hours hours hours 0 6 0 © £ £12.80 £ 8.40 £ 5.00 £ 4.00 110.00 588.80 16.80 222.50 158.00 £1096.10 164.41 V.A.T. 6 15% £1260.51 Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 9231 61 - With cr^pli^sntn ~ _ /5*- B owmakw House 23 Khtgffold Road Shrffi*W S11 9A8 T«l.: (0742) SS3871 EASTWOOD & PARTNERS Consulting Engineer* W. Eastwood B.Eng. P h D . FEng.. F.I.C.E. F.l-Souei.E. F.G S . M .C on iE. A. A. Wood B Eng. Ph.D. C Eng. F.I.C.E. F.LStruetE. M.I.W E S . M.C oni E. A. G. Burden R. C. A. Eastwood G .M . B-Sc.(En9 ), C.Eng. M.I.C.E. B Se. C.Eng. M.I.C.E. M .t.StruetL A s io titt tt : G*offr*Y Splr C. S . G rM vai A. J . Clough J. A. Strang* C.Eng.. M.I.C.E.. M.I.M*ek.E. t.Eng., C.Eng,, M.I.C.E.. M.I.Strwcc.£. WE/JA8/PM » > . . C.Eng.. li.C.I.B.S.. M J.M .eh.E, O urR *!: C.Eng.. M.I.Strucs.E. Your R»1: M .T*th.(H on.). B.St.. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.Struct.E.. F.I.Mun.E.. M.H .T.P.I. Invoice No.: C o n tu H tn t: A. L. Farcy Yorkshire Television Ltd., T.V. Centre, Leeds. LS3 1J8 3971 8 December 1982 To Professional Services in Connection vith Proposed Camera Facilities in the South 8tand at Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd., Taking initial instructions from_____________ of B.B.C. and working froa his sketohes sent to us vith his letter dated 24 February 1982. Visiting Hillsborough and taking measurements of the existing structure and construction. Preparing scheae drawings 3971/1, 2 end 3 sent with our letters dated 14 April and 21 April 1982. Sending these drawings for coaaent to South Yorkshire County Council. Preparing alternative scheae, shown on drawings 3971/4 and 5, sent with our letter dated 18 June, to aocoaeodate the lifting beaa over the front of the stand, after aeetin^ on 18 llsy 1982. Ragittarad In England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Regisua'ion No. 172 9231 61 /5<f 2 Partner's time (Dr. W. Eastwood) | boar 0 25.00 Associate Partner's time (J. Strange) 22fr boars 0 1 8 .00 Engineer's tine ( \ 59 hours 0 1 0 .00 Engineer's tine ( ) 2 hours 0 9.09 Draughtsman's time ( 20J hours 0 7.96 Draughtsman's time ( ) 8 hours 0 5.40 Draughtsman’s time ( ' ^ 7J hours Q 3.63 18.75 400.50 590.00 18.18 163.18 43.20 27.23 1261.04 Car mileage 36 miles at 20.Op Half of this due from Y. T. V, 7.20 1268.24 634 .12 95.11 V.A.T. Q 15% £729.23 - With Compliments - P.EMiNDcR StMT T f FEB* 1983 •tijj*v E A S T W O O D &• P A R T N E R S C o n su ltin g W. Eastwood B Eng.. Ph D . F Eng F.l C E.. F I Si'-jc: E.. F G S.. M.Cont.E. A. A. Wood 5 Erg . Ph.D. C Eng.. F I C.E.. F I Struct E„ M.I.W.E S . M Cons E. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood Bowmaker House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 E n g in e e rs C M.. B.Sc.(Eng) C Eng. M.I.C.E. S Sc.. C.Eng.. M I C E . M I Struct E. A llo c a te s : G e o ffr e y Spir C. S. Greaves A. J . Clough J . A. Strange C E n j . M .I C E .. M I . M . c h E. 6 E"!-. C.Enf.. M.I C.E.. M.LStruci E Our R e f : B A.. C.Er-j.. M C.I.B.S.. M.I.M .ch.E. C.Enj.. M l Struct.E. WE/SE3 Your R e l : C om uH sr,!: A. L. Percy M .T » tM H o n .). B Sc.. C Enj.. F.I.C.E.. F I Struct.E.. F.I.Mun.E.. M.K.T.P.I. Invoice No. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, SheffieId S6 1SW 3911 31 Deoember 19 82 To Professional Services in connection with Ground Safety Visits and Inspections, 1982 Discussions and correspondence with SYCC concerning capacity of exits in North stand. Special visit to measure widths. Calculating exit times. Dr. Eastwood and John Strange attending meeting with Working Party on 4 February. Explaining hew exit capacity had been i calculated during tour of ground. Correspondence concerning temporary structures for televised matches. Inspection of corroded stanchions adjacent to gate 'O1 on Penistone Road. Preparing drawings for remedial work. Negotiating with Bless Vale (Fabrication) Ltd. to agree a price for repair work. Inspecting whilst work in progress. Correspondence with Contractor. Agreeing his account and issuing payment certificate^ Reporting on corroded crush barrier clips and red Is in our letter dated 12 July. Preparing A4 size drawing, schedules of work and tender documents for the r e p l a o e m n t of clips and rails including those at Lepping Lane end. Reporting cn tenders obtainedt in our letter dated 27 July. Placing letter of intent with Bless Vale (Fabrications) Ltd., for the repair work. Inspecting the work, agreeing the acoount with the Contractor and issuing the certificate authorising payment. A visit by Dr. Eastwood on 16 August to inspect the ground prior to ths meeting with SYCC. A visit by John Strange to instruct the ground Registered in England - No. 1134&31 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 9 2 H 61 ISb staff how to carry out certain maintenance work before the inspection by SYCC. Reporting cn 20 August on the condition of concrete columns at the rear of the South stand and preparing a specification for repair work. Attending meeting with SYCC working party on 24 August. Dr. Eastwood and John Strange involved. Writing to SYCC on 27 August resisting their suggestion that work be done on the joint between the North West terrace and West Stand. Preparation of our certificate following the annual inspection including a list of recommended remedial work. Dr. Eastwoods time 12 hours at £25 Associate Partner 30 hours at £16 Graduate Engineer 4 hours at £9.09 Draftsman 3^ hours at £9.22 Draftsman lJj hours at £5.37 Nine return journeys 72 miles at 22p V.A.T. @ 15% - with compliments - REMINDER SENT MAR 1983 £ 300.00 480.00 36.36 32.27 8.06 15.84 $72.5 3 130.87 £l,003.40 BOWMAKER HOUSE 23 KINGFIELD ROAD SHEFFIELD S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS Consulting Engineer* W. Eastwood B.Eng.. Ph.D.. FEng.. F I C.E.. F.I.StruCI.E.. F.G S.. M.Coni i. A. A. Wood B Eng . Ph D.. C Eng. F.I.C.E. F.l Struct E_ M.I W E.S.. M Cons E. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood C U . B Sc (Eng). C.Eng.. M I C.E. B Sc . C.Eng.. M l C E.. M.I.Struct E. Aiiocietu : G aoffray Spir C .E n f M . I C.E.. M.I.M»ch E. C. S. Greave* B.Enf.. C.Enf., M.I C.E.. M.l.Struct.E. A. J . Clough J . A. Stranga B.A.. C.Enf . M.C.I.B S.. M.I.Mtch.E. WE/JAS/KH Our R e f: C.Enf.. M l.Struct-E. Your R e f: M.T»ch (Hon.). B Se.. C.Enf .. F.I.C.E.. F.l Struct.!.. F.I.Mun.E.. M.R.T.P.I. Invoice No. Consultant: A. L. Percy Wheffield Wednesday Fottball Club Ltd., Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 1SW. 3563 26 April 1982 To Professional Services in connection with the installation of radial fences at Leppings Lane and various security gates. Taking site measurements, preparing designs and working drawings. Preparing and inviting tenders. Dealing with S.Y.C.C. working party. Certification of money due to Contractor. Scale fee for small contratts less than £20,000 is lot. Cost of works carried out is £7,549. V.A.T. at 15% £754.90 113.24 £868.14 - with compliments REMINDER SENT 2 4 JUN m i] Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 9231 61 EASTWOOD Consulting W . E a s tw o o d Bow m aker House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T el.: (0742) 583871 & PARTNERS Engineers e Er.g., Ph D.. f Eng.. F.l C.E.. f . l . S i r u t t E« f G S.. M .C o n s . 1 . A. A. Wood B E r g . PfiD.. C Eng.. F.l C E.. F I.Struct E.. M.I.W.E S.. M.Cor.s E. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood G.M.. B.Sc(Eng). C Eng.. M.I.C.E e sc c.Eng.. m i.c e , m i struct e A ssoc i *-9s : G eo ffrey c. A. S. J. S p ir C . E n i . m j .C.E.. M.i .Mtch.E. G rM V eS B E*f.- C . E n | . . M.I.C.E.. M.l.$lfw « . E C lo u g h B.A.. C.Enf., M .C .I. fi S.. M.i.Mtch.E. J . A. S tr a n g * WE/KH Our R e f: c.E»|.. M.i.Siruet.E. Your Ref: B Se.. CE-i.. F.i.C.t. f iStruet.E.. F.i.Mun.E.,M.R.T.p.i. in v o ic e C o ^ su tt* n t: A. L. Percy Inv n irp Nn WO. Sheffield Wednesday Football Clhb pic, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 1SW. 4699 17 June 1983 F o r t h e a t t e n t i o n o f Mr. E. E n g la n d To Professional Services in connection with a New Score and Message Board Fee calculated in accordance with the Association of Consulting Engineers Agreement, Model Form of Agreement 'A' with the July 1979 scale of fees. Agreed contract sum £5,654.00 Value of structural steelwork £3,450.00 10% of the Additional structural i.e. 13/4 total cost of £5,654.00 1^/4% of the cost of the steelwork of £ 3 , 4 5 0 . 0 0 565.40 60.38 Additional cost for initial survey in plan and also levels of stands. Preliminary setting out and subsequently informing G.E.C. Claudgen Ltd. of the overall length of the score board. Associate Partner's time (JOhn Strange) and Engineer's time I | ) 113.12 Travelling expsneas Prints of drawings gratis gratis £748.90 112.34 V.A.T. at 15% £861.24 - with compliments - REMINDER SEHT Registered in England - No.^ 1134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 9231 61 'U U r- o n s u ltin g _as \ vowma*er douse 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 5S3871 & PAR I iSi t rib Engineer* B Eng.. PhD.. F.Enfl. F.I.C.E.. F I.StruciE.. F G S.. M.Corw.E. B Ehq , Ph D.. C Eng . F.l.C E.. F I.StfuCt.E., MJ.W.E S.. M.Cons I »*. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood G.M.. B.Sc (Erg). C Erfl . M.l.C.E E Sc.. C Enfl.. M I C E.. M.l.St'uc: .E Associates' G eo ffre y Spir C . E n j . M .l.C .E .. M .I.M tc h .E . C. S. G reave* B . E n j . C E n j . . M .l.C .E .. M l.S tru ct.E A. J . Clough B A .. C .E n * ., M .C .I.B S.. M .l. M t c h . E . Our R e l : J . A. Strange C Er»| , M .!.S tru c t.E . Your R e l : M T#th.(Hon.). B Sc., C.Enj., F.l.C E , F.l Struct.E., F.I.Mun.E.. M.R.T.P.J. Invoice No.: WE/JAS/PM Consutltnt: A. L. Percy 4644 28 February 1984 The Secretary, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic., Hillsborough, Sheffield. S6 1SW To Professional Services in connection with testa on Handrails and Walls along the Ramp at the back of Spion Kop Visit to the ground by Dr. Eastwood on Wednesday 29 February at 2.30 p.m. to inspect the movement of the walls and slabs resulting from the construction work being carried out at the back of Spion Kop. Discussions and correspondence with _____________ the Architect for the development at the back of Spion Kop, to organise the testing of the handrails and ramps, as requested by the Officer Working Party. John 8trange attending meetings on site with representatives of M.J. Gleeson Ltd., and the Department of Planning. Preparing records of all tests for submission to local authority. Preparing our written report dated 6 September 1983. Transporting the test equipment to and from the ground. Partners Time (Dr .W.Eastwood) 1} hrs 0 £26.00 39.00 Associate Partner (J.A .Strange 5 hrs Q £17.00 85.00 15}hrs 0 £10.64 162 .26 Technician c/f Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 9231 61 £286.26 2 £ b/f 286 .26 13 bra 6 £ 6.71 87.23 13$hrs 0 £ 3.80 51.30 2 bra 0 £ 5.40 10.80 Use of test equipaent 50.00 Van hire to transport equipment to and froa site 10.00 502 V.A.T. 0 15% CO 6.75 Travelling 27 miles Q 25p 75 .35 £577 .69 - • With Compliaents - S E glN D E R SENT - rjul; w . EASTWOOD C o n s u ltin g W. Eastwood Bowmaker House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 & PARTNERS E n g in a a r* B E n g . . P h 0 . . F E n g . F.I.C.E.. F . I . S l r u c t E.. F . G S - , M .C onst. A. A. Wood B Enj , Ph.D.. C Ens. F.I C E.. F.I.S'.iuct.E.. M.l.W.E S.. M.Cors E. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood G M.. B.Sc.(Ers). C.Eng , M.l.C.E. e sc m ic .e .m i.s : > u c : e. A ssociate s' G a o ffra y Spir C.lnt.. M.l.C.E.. M.I.M*«h.E. C. S. G raave* B.Enj.. C.Enf.. M.l.C.E,. M.l.Strgct.E A . J . Clough ft.A., C.Enj., M.C.IB S.. M.l Mech.E. J . A. Stranga C.En|.. M.l Struct.E, Your R e l: M.T#eh.(Hon.). B Sc.. C.E»|.. F.I.C.E., P.I.Strvct.E., F.J.Muft.E.. M.R.T.P.J Invoice No.: Our Rel : WE/JAS/PM Consukint: A. L. P#rcy 4644 28 February 1984 The Secretary, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club plc.f Hillsborough, Sheffield. S6 1SW To Professional Services during 1983 in connection *ith tests on Crush Barriers Testing the yearly quota of crush barriers at Leppings Lane end in June 1983. Transporting equipment to and from the ground. Preparing records of all tests for submission to local authority. Preparing our written report dated 29 June 1983. Associate Partners Time (J.A. Strange) 1$ hrs € £17.00 £ 25.50 35$ hrs G £ 9.68 343.64 7§ hrs Q £ 6.37 47.78 Technician 152.90 19} hrs © £ 3 .80 75.05 Use of test equipment 50.00 Van hire to transport equipment to and from site 10.00 6.75 Travelling 27 miles Q 25p REMINDER SENT 711.62 106.74 V.A.T. Q 15% - 4 HI! £818.36 1QS4' - With Compliments Registered in England - No. 1134531 * • • -r r • ••'.............- * •- 1' * c« EASTWOOD & PARTNERS Consulting Enginaar* W. Eastwood E Eng.. Ph D.. F.Eng., F.I.C E.. f I.Si'uet.t.. f G S.. M.Coni.E. A. A. Wood B Eng . Ph D_ C E n j. F.! C l F I Struct E. M.1.W.E S . M.Cors E A. G. Eurdett R. C. A. Eastwood Bowmaker House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 5&3871 G M.. E Sc lEng). C.Eng. M.l.C.E E Sc .C.Eng.. M .1C E. M .IS w u t:.£ Assocates: G a o ffra y Spir C. S. G rM v a * . M .l C t .. M I M«ch E. B . E n f .. C .E p j .. M .l.C .E .. M . l . S t r u n . E WE/JAS/PM A . J . Clough B .A ., C E n j . , M . C l . e i , M . i. M t c h . E . Our Ref: J . A. Stranga C.E pij ., M . I . S i r u a .£. Your R e l: M .T*«h.(H0n.). 6.Sc.. C .£ **.. M C E . f t Struct.E.. M M u* M.R.T.P.I, Invoice No.: Corisutunt: A. L. Percy The Secretary, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic., Hillsborough, Sheffield. S6 1SW 28 February 1984 To Professional Services during 1983 in connection with the Certificate of Ground Safety Inspection of the ground by John Strange on 16 February 1983. John Strange attending meeting with the Officer Working Party on 21 February. Correspondence with S.Y.C.C. concerning the safety of the South Stand roof. Negotiating with George Shaw Engineering (Sheffield) Ltd to agree a price for repairing barriers tested at Loppings Lane. Inspecting work when complete and corresponding with the Contractor. Agreeing his account and issuing our Certificate for payment. Inspection of the ground by John Strange on 18 July 1983. Inspection of the ground by Dr. Eastwood, on 27 July accompanied by Ur. D. Sherriff of Department of Planning. Dr. Eastwood attending meeting with the Officer Working Party on 11 August. Preparing A4 size drawings and tender documents for various structural repairs around Spion Kop area. Registered in England - No. 1134531 V A.T. Registration No. 172 F231 4g44 2 Reporting on tenders obtained, dated 30 January 1984. in our letter Preparation of our certificate following the annual inspection Including a list of recommended maintenance and remedial work. g Partners Time (Dr. W. Eastwood) 8 hr* Q £26.00 208.00 Associate Partner (J.A. Strange) 27$ hrs © £17.00 471.75 \) 18 hrs G £6.71 Draughtsman Travelling 51 alles © 25p 120.78 12.75 813.28 V.A.T. 0 15% 121.99 £935.27 REMINDER sent t 4 ■\\ ] \ ' - With Compliments - EASTWOOD & PARTNERS Consulting St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547268 Enginaers W. Eastwood F E n g . B E n g . . Ph D-. D E r g . C E n g . f I.C E.. P.P i Struct t . F G.S.. M Cc-.j.L A. A. Wood BEng.. PhD.. CEng.. F.l C.E.. F I.Situcl E.. M.l.VS E.S. M Conj E. A. G. Burdett R. C. A. Eastwood G .M . B Sc (Eng). C Eng., M I C E. BSc.. C E ng. M.l C.E. M l.Struct E. A u o c itttt: G a o ffra y Splr C .E rj.. “ .! C.E.. M I.Mich.E. C. S. G r M v a i B-Enf., C.Enf., M.l.C.E.. M-l.Struct-E. A. B.A.. C.En|., M.CJ.B.S.. J . Clough J . A . S tranga Our Ref: Your Ref: C.En|., MJ.Stnjct.E- Consuttsnt: A. L. Parcy WE/JAS/KH Invoice No.: M .T«M H on.). B Sc-. C.Enj.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.Struct E-. F.I.Mun.E.. M.H.T.P.I Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6JLSW. 5735 12 October 1984 For the attention of Mr. R. Chester To Professional Services in connection with the repairs to concrete columns of south stand exposed during the construction of the new reception and club rooms “ Work required to make columns safe to carry superstructure. This work did not in any way arise from new loads applied by the reception and club rooms which are all at ground level and apply no loads to the columns. Fees calculated in accordance with the Association of Consulting Engineers Conditions of Agreement 2 (1981) with the July 19S9 scale of fees. Fee calculation based on the cost of the works which has been agreed with the Contractor as being £7897.25. 10% of £7,897.25 789 72 V.A.T. at 15% 118.46 £908.18 - with compliments - Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 ”9231 61 St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 E ASTW OO D & PARTNERS Dirtctort: W. Eastwood A. A. WOOd R. C. A. G. Spir E a s tw o o d F.Eng.. B.Eng.. Ph D.. D.Eng.. CEng.. F.I.C.E.. P.P.I.Struet.E.. F.I.M#ch.E.. F.G.S.. M.Coni.E. B.Eng.. Ph.D.. C.Eng.. F.I.C EF I.Struct.E.. M.I.W E.S.. M Cons.E. B,Se.. C.Eng.. M.l.C.E.. M.I.StruevE. C.Eng.. M I C E.. M I.MeehE. Associttes: C. S. G r M v i i B.Enf., C.En|., M.l.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. A . J . Clough S C . E n j . , M.C.I.8.S., M.I.Mtch.E. Our Ref: J . A . S tra n g * C-E"f.. M.l.Struct.E. Your Ref: S. Preston B.En|.. C>Enf., M.l.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. Invoice No.: 5605 R. Tandy C.En|., F.l.Struct.E. V ^ /JA S /P W G. D o u ghty Consu/ttnt: A . G . B u rd en G.M.. B.Sc.(Enf.). F.I.C.E^ F.I.5trun.E. The S e c r e t a r y S h e f f i e l d Wednesday F o o t b a l l Club p i c . , H illsb orou gh , Sheffield. S6 1SW 22 January To P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s d u r i n g 1984 i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e C e r t i f i c a t e o f Ground S a f e t y Issuing tenderB for various structural repairs around Spion Kop area. Reporting on tenders in our letter dated 30 January 1984. Writing a letter of intent 1 March. Supervising and and general correspondence Agreeing their account and for payment. to G. Banks Ltd on inspecting their work with G. Banks Ltd. issuing our Certificate Dr. Eastwood attending meeting with the Officer Working Party on 29 February. John Strange attending meeting with the Officer Working Party on 9 August. Preparing our list of remedial work recommended to be done during the next maintenance period, accompanying our letter dated 13 September. Replying to your letter dated 19 September. Correspondence with George Corderoy & Co. dated 10 October 1984. Dr. E astw ood's g e n e r a l a d m in is tr a tio n Registered in England - No. 1)34531 V.A.T. Registration No. 17Z 9231 61 1985 Partner'8 time (Dr. W. Eastwood) Associate Partner's time (J. Strange) 2 1 V 4 hours at £19.50 Technician's time (________ 1 hour at £4.43 Travelling 62 miles at 25p 75.00 414.37 4.43 15.50 509.30 V.A.T. at 151 76.39 £585.69 - with compliments - St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS Consulting Engineers Dhtctort: W. Eastwood F.Eng., B.Eng. Ph.D.. D Eng . C.Eng.. F.I.C.E., P.P.I.StruetE.. F.I.M#ch.E.. F.G.S.. M.Cont.E. A. A. Wood B.Eng.. Ph.D.. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.Smjct.E.. M.I.W.E S.. M.Cons.E. R. C. A. Eastwood G. Spir B.Se.. C.Eng.. M.l.C.E, M .I.SvuetE. C.Eng.. M.l.C.E.. M I.Mcch.E. Assoctitts: C . S. G reaves S.Enj.. C.Enj., M.C.C.E.. M.IJtrun.E. A . J . Clough B A.. C.Enf.. M.C.I.B.S., M.I.M»eh.E. J . A . S tranga C.En|.t M-1-Struci.E. G. D o u gh ty C.Enf.. FJ.Scrvct.E. S. P ra ato n B.En|.. C .tr,j„ M.I.C.E.. M.LSirun.E. R. T an d y C.En|., FJ.Struct.E. Our Ref: WE/JAS7CM Your R e f: Invoice No.: 5735 Consufttnt: A . G . B u rd rtt C.M.. B.Vc.(En|.). F.I.C.E, F.I.Strvct.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic., Hillsborough, Sheffield. S6 1SW To Professional Services in connection with the construction of the new reception and club rooms Taking initial instructions from Mr. G. Gardner, RIBA on 20 April, 1984. Calculating load which would be applied to each foundation (mainly all different). Inspecting trial pits with Building Inspector and agreeing a foundation level and bearing pressure. Detail drawing of case where drain passes through foundation. Providing details to and liaising with precast concrete manufacturer. Checking his calculations and details. Making calculations and giving advice on various bits of old structure were exposed. Agreeing with local authority. Preparing calculations for loadbearing blockwork and brickwork (most walls needed an individual calculation) Looking at design of link bridge and supports. Assisting with problems associated with glazing over reception area; designing steel supporting angles to prevent spreading. Design of internal walls and barriers. Preparation of calculations for Building Regulations Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 172^9231 61 22 January, 1985 approval including calculations for above. stand Preparation of drawings for all foundations, structural members and walls, and reinforcement schedules. Supervision by site visits. Attending site progress meetings. Partner's time (Dr. W. Eastwood) Associate Partner's time (J. Strange) 16^/4 hours at £19.20 Senior Chartered Engineer's time ( 983/4 hours at £16.90 7} hours at £12.36 Engineer's time ([ 4} hours at £12.86 Draughtsman's time ( 2 hours at £11.17 7J hours at £6.91 ( 4 hours at £7.05 ( 5 hours at £7.05 ( Travelling 170 miles at 25p 105.00 312.00 1,668.87 92.70 57.87 22.34 51.82 28.20 35.25 42.50 2,416.55 2,250.00 Account say V.A.T. at 15% 337.50 £2,587.50 - with compliments - f E AS T W O O D & PARTNERS Consulting St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 Engin««rs DifClOrs: W. Eastwood F Eng., B.Eng.. Ph D.. D.Eng.. C Eng , F.I.C.E.. P P.I.Struct E.. F.I.Mtch.E.. F.G.S.. M.Conj.E. A. A. Wood B.Eng.. Ph D.. C.Eng.. F.l C E.. F I.Struct.E.. M.l W E S.. M Cont.E R. C. A. Eastwood G. Spir B.Sc.. C.Eng.. M I C E.. M.I.Struct.E. C E n g .. M I C E.. M .I.M e c h .E . Associsttt: C. 8 . Qraavaa B .E n f.. C .E n f .. M J.C .E .. M .I.S tru ct.E . A . J . Clough B A .. C .E n f ., M .C .I.».S.. M.I.M *ch.E. J . A . S tra n g * C .E n f., M .I.S truct.E. G . D o u ghty C . E n f F .I . S t r u c t . E . S. Praston B .E n f., C .E n f .. M.I.C.E., M .U Struct.E. R. Tandy C .E n f ., F .L Struct.E . Our R e f: WE/JAS/KH Your Ref: Invoice No.: 5840 Cemulitnt: A . Q. B u rd att G .M .. B .S c .(E n f.), F .I.C .E , F J.S tru c t.E . The S e c r e t a r y , Sheffield Wednesday Football Club PLC, Hillsborough, S h effield , S6 1SW 22 J a n u a r y 1985 To P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s d u r i n g 1 9 8 4 i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t e s t s on C r u sh B a r r i e r s T e s t i n g th e y e a r l y quota o f c r u sh b a r r i e r s , a t L e p p i n g s Lane e n d , n o r t h - w e s t c o r n e r i n Ju n e 1984. T r a n s p o r t i n g e q u i p m e n t t o and f r o m t h e g r o u n d . P rep a rin g w r it t e n r eco rd s o f the t e s t s and d r a w i n g s f o r s u b m i s s i o n t o t h e L o c a l A u t h o r i t y . P rep arin g ourw r i t t e n r e p o r t d a ted 2 5 J u ly 1984. P a r t n e r ' s t i m e (D r. W.E a s t w o o d ) J h ou r a t A s s o c i a t e P a r t n e r ' s tim e (J. S tr a n g e ) 4 /4h ou rs a t T e c h n i c i a n ' s tim e |) 3 0 / 4 h o u r s 2 . hours a t 2 6 / 4 hours 15 h o u r s a t £ 2 7 .3 0 £ 1 9.50 a t £11.17 £7.05 a t £ 4 .4 3 £3.99 U se o f t e s t e q u i p m e n t Van h i r e t o t r a n s p o r t e q u i p m e n t t o and fr o m s i t e T r a v e l l i n g 38 m i l e s a t 25p 13.65 82.87 343.48 14.10 116.29 59.85 50.00 40.28 9.50 730.02 V.A.T. at 15% 109.50 £839.52 - w ith com plim ents - Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 9231 61 St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 EASTWOOD & PARTNERS Consulting Engineers D irt cl o n : W. Eastwood F.Eng.. B.Eng.. Ph.D., D.Eng.. C Eng.. F.I.C.E.. P.P.I.Struet.E„ A. A. Wood B.Eng.. Ph.D.. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.StnjciE, M .I.W E.S.. M.Cont.E. R. C. A. Eastwood G. Spir Associates: B.Se„ C.Eng.. M .l.C .E, M.I.SUuct.E. C.Eng.. M.l.C.E.. M.I.M#ch.E. F.l.M»ch.E.. F.G.S.. M.Cont.E. C. 8 . G r*a v *s B.Enf., C .E n j., M .l.C.E., M.(.Struct.E. A . J . Clough B-A_t C.Enf M H.C.I.B.S., M .I.M « h .E . J . A . S tra n g * C.Enf., M.I.Struct.E. G. Doughty C.Enf., F.l.Struct.E. S. Preston B.Enf., C .Enf., M.I.C-E., M.I.Struct E. R. Tandy C.Enf., F.l.Struct.E. Our R e f: W E /C M Your R ef: Invoice No.: 6648 Consuftsnt: A . Q. B u rd rtt G .M .. ».Sc.(En,.). F.I.C.E., F.l.Struct.£. The Secretary, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic., Hillsborough, Sheffield. So iDA 16 July, 1985 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Spion Kop Roof Rei.Tibursement of planning fees paid or. your behalf in connection with roofing the Kop. 24.00 24.00 £48.00 - With Compliments - Registered in England - No. 1134531 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 9231 61 St. Andrews H o u m 23 Klngfield Road Sheffield S11 9A8 T*l.: (0742) 683871 TaUx: 847266 EAS TW O O D & PARTNERS Consulting Engineers Dn e t o n : W. Eastwood F.Eng. B E n g . P h.D . D.Eng.. C .Eng, F.I.C.E. P .M .S tru e tE . F.I.M teh.E., F.G .S. M.Con«.E. A. A. Wood B .Eng. P h.D . C .E ng. F.I.C.E. F.l.Struct.E . M J.W .E.S. M.ConwE. R. C. A. Eastwood G. Spir B.Sfc. C .Eng. M .l.C.E. M J.S truclE . C.Eng., M .I.C.L. M.I.Mach.E. A u o c U lti: C. S. OrsavM I.E n f. C E n f. MJ.C.E.. MJ-Jtrvo.E- A. J. Q. S. R. U , C E ng, M.CJ.I.S.. H J»«*i.E . J . Clough A. Strang* Doughty Preston Tandy Our R et: WE/CM Your R tf: C-En*. M J-Sw etX C £ n f, F JJtru ctX Invoice No.: 5 7 0 5 B.Enf.. C E n f. MJ.CE.. HJ.Struct.E. C .tnc.. PJ-Jutkt.E. Contvhtnt: A. Q. Burdstt P J.C .E , FXScnacc.E. The Secretary, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic., Hillsborough, Sheffield. SS lsw 16 July, 1985 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic New Turnstiles at Leppinqs Lane B n d ~ Reimbursement of planning fees paid on your behalf in connection with new turnstiles at Leppings Lane endt 76.00 47.00 EL^S.OO • # ' A " t 1’ r With .'Compliments - V , • v-,v r.; A? ' V . J ■•’ .- fr \ ••■. • •r < r > - V . ,.•^^ .' T*. .. .f » V •'■• \. ■ . •••• ~ I**.-: _____ Registered In England - N O .U 3 4 5 3 1 V.A.T. Registration No. 172 9231 61 Pv'-c-'X EASTWOOD & PA RTN ERS. C O N S U LTIN G EN GIN EERS ^ ^ 0 ^ -^1 c . S>~ MEMORANDUM FROM : v^. T° : h ^ 3j ^ kk SVvy^-'^JH DATE: , | JOB No: SUBJECT: A JOB : j iiJ & 5 ^ c«tcrw»~t o - c—eA^*Jt ^ w 'V fib o c . 'J 0 ” 05 • C^-c^LdbJl li o-vAulA LvA~ Uk Cr-)L-a niJil © ~l0 S 0 _ © tU i - •» cJos^X.' £ 1 1 5 J\ toj QsO S-^rl“ 1 ? 1 \ IS-^I L*1 *^ & £c & o>c£^.^ cw-J. V '-«U. ^ cM ZsvJ. - V - e V x— JU ^ J ^"\) <— »~ruv '^ t^ 6 ^ ^ — Sr ^ L 1^—0 S (•«^4 /rv>vo ^*-ol<* | ^ fcoti ^ <wW © fcS04 - cot ^ Ur^bU «£ 7 5 0 T - 8-7 oL^—*>( J ^ o A J S I'vtl ^^ v J s uoVo ^ htv-M j <£» 1-^ 8e >fe 0 l'isit. 1 4 u -v &- o-oli-if L-Wlc t ^ ^ t /Jlc ■ (g£> ibl EASTWOOD & PARTNERS, CONSULTING ENGINEERS MEMORANDUM FROM : JOB : TO : JOB No: SUBJECT: (GT DATE: S .w . r • C UJ 5 ./ znas ^ 0 cto-ttr I'iSST CrlA - 1 ISO CCO't'C* . . . . _.S I*-u^j" W 5owt^- ~l ) 14 •7 0 ^ 4 7 o£ 0 T-cU <.eo 4 SK~J St-u-A Kl^A. v4 \ ^33 «*w(' .si-J. ?^53 U/£l C.n^a ^ . «. St— L, ----------- .... k. *t -t +u — + Tllw 4 •*- To — ■4 £ ’3418-^4 H'iG'i . 44 +- ^T6°in ■68 V £ 1124-7 6 <3|Srs^ • 54 I.It e to - 18 ..2 2 Sl~n«t-C. WL*-XA^ c »JL'a«^.0 3n o s 4| -------ll(ro^>- • 4- CO *v-v fe>(, 4 8 (,(.08 ^ <^tL £»S I"7 ^ «— J Lo*-!-'!c ^vyl«i6 S - ~> - 4- -* £ ru-->4 + AS ^ + 1 0 0 4 .Q I b \S ~ $ 1 7 5 10 • IfcV T 7 “t \oA 0 ^ ^ I »S V^v 4 iXr-c. y ^ U 355 'J si 4 ^ ■-jq i« S 04 ^<5 VI •<\^ (.5 0 "1oso A b I O 3 'D 0 ^514 0*^ 4 £ a4-ft p ( 4-S*v ^ i m 1101401 * € n . £ I DO 4 ‘8 1 q 0!0!• 0 1 W <2 ? n ft*2 19183- >5 £ a i s o .oo EASTWOOD & PARTNERS (Consulting St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) S83871 Telex: 547266 Engineers) Directors: W. Eastwood F.Eng.. B.Eng. Ph.D.. D.Eng. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. P.P.I.SuucvE.. F.I.M»ch.E.. F G .S . M.Cont £. A. A. Wood B.Eng.. Ph.D.. C Eng. F.l C.E. F.I.Strua-E. M.l W.E.S, M.Conj.E. R. C. A. Eastwood G. Spir B.Sc. C Eng.. M I C.L. M I Struct.E. C.Eng.. M I C E.. M.l Mech.E. Associtits: C . S. Greaves B.Eng.* C.Enf.. M.I.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. J . A. S trange C.Enf., M.KStrvct.E. S. Preston B.Enf., C.Enf., M.l.C.E.. M.I.Strwct.E. R. Tandy C.Eftf., FJ.Stmci*E. G. M . Seaman B.Sc.,CEnf„ M.l.C.E., M.I.Strwct.E, J . M . W oo d B.Sc., C.Enf.. M.I.C.E., M.I.Svua.E. Our R e f: WE/JAS/KH Your R e f: Invoice No.: 6517 ConsuHtnt: A. G. B u rd en G.M.. B.Sc-(EnS.), CEnf., F.I.C E., F.I.Stfuct.E. S h e f f i e l d Wednesday F o o t b a l l C lu b PLC, H illsb orou gh , S h effield , S6 1SW. 9 December 1985 F o r t h e a t t e n t i o n o f Mr. R. C h e s t e r To P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s d u r i n g 1 9 8 5 , up t o 31 O c t o b e r 1 9 8 5 , i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t h e C e r t i f i c a t e o f Ground S a f e t y Dr. E astw ood a t t e n d i n g m e e t in g w i t h t h e O f f i c e r W o r kin g P a r t y on 23 J a n u a r y , 1 9 8 5 . Dr. Eastwood i n s p e c t i n g a f l o o d l i g h t p y l o n and p r e p a r i n g o u r r e p o r t d a t e d 25 J a n u a r y , 1 9 8 5 . Commenting upon t h e p o i n t s r a i s e d by S . Y . C . C . d u r i n g t h e i r i n s p e c t i o n , i n o u r l e t t e r d a t e d 11 F e b r u a r y , 1 9 8 5 . R e p l y t o y o u r l e t t e r d a t e d 5 March 1 9 8 5 , c o m m e n t i n g upon t h e b a t t e r i e s f o r t h e e m e r g e n c y l i g h t i n g system . R e p l y t o t h e l e t t e r s e n t t o u s from a b o u t t h e g u a r d r a i l on t h e N o r t h stand. P r e p a r i n g o u r r e p o r t and c o s t e s t i m a t e f o r a p o s s i b l e f e n c e i n f r o n t o f t h e N o r t h and S o u t h stan d s. Our l e t t e r s d?.te<\ 21 May 1 9 8 5 , a b o u t t h e p a i n t e d woodwork i n t h e S o u t h s t a n d . R e p l i e s t o t h e l e t t e r s e n t t o u s from a b o u t t h e p r o t e c t i o n o f t h e w ooden f l o o r i n g i n t h e South s ta n d . John S tr a n g e a t t e n d i n g m e e tin g w it h th e O f f i c e r W o r k in g P a r t y on 6 J u n e , 19 85 and r e p l y i n g t o t h e i r com m ents i n o u r l e t t e r d a t e d 12 J u n e , 1 9 8 5 . Dr. Eastwood a t t e n d i n g m e e tin g w it h C h ie f S u p e r i n t e n d e n t M o s e l e y and C o u n c i l l o r Mike S m i t h o n 13 J u n e , 1 9 8 5 , a s r e p o r t e d i n o u r l e t t e r d a t e d 17 J u n e 1 9 8 5 . Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 IbS 2 Our l e t t e r t o I n s p e c t o r C. C a l v e r t d a t e d 25 J u n e , about th e m o d i f i c a t i o n s b ein g c a r r i e d o u t a t t h e L e p p i n g s Lane e n d o f t h e g r o u n d . Dr. Eastwood a t t e n d i n g m e e t in g w i t h t h e O f f i o e r Working P a r t y on 7 A u g u s t , 1 9 8 5 . Commenting upon t h e p o i n t s r a i s e d by S . Y . C . C . d u rin g t h e i r i n s p e c t o n , in our l e t t e r s d a t e d 12 A u g u s t , 1985 and 15 A u g u s t , 1 9 8 5 . P reparing e s t im a te fo r p a i n t in g th e s t e e l deck in the S ou th s t a n d and r e p o r t i n g t o Mr. Addy o n 27 A u g u s t , 1 9 8 5 . R e p l y t o l e t t e r d a t e d 22 A u g u s t 1985 fr o m S . Y . C . C . in our l e t t e r d a t e d 27 A u g u s t , 1 9 8 5 . Commenting upon t h e a l a r m p o i n t s and fire e x t i n g u i s h e r s i n o u r l e t t e r d a t e d 20 S e p t e m b e r 1985. C o r r e s p o n d e n c e w i t h C o r d e r o y and C o . , p r o v i d i n g docum entation fo r th e g ra n t a p p l i c a t i o n s , in our l e t t e r s t o them d a t e d 2 0 S e p t e m b e r , 1 9 8 5 , 26 S e p t e m b e r , 1985 and 1 O c t o b e r , 1 9 8 5 . Dr. E a s t w o o d ' s g e n e r a l a d m i n i s t r a t i o n and n e g o t i a t i o n s w ith S.Y .C .C . d u rin g y e a r . P a r t n e r ' s tim e (Dr. W. E a s t w o o d ) A s s o c i a t e ' s tim e (J . T e c h n i c i a n ' s t im e Strange) 16 / 4 h o u r s a t £2 9 * 50 1 8 . / 4 h o u r s a t £2 3 . 6 0 2 /4 hours a t £12.76 1} h o u rs a t £ 8 .6 6 T r a v e l l i n g 45 m i l e s a t 2 6 . 5p 494.13 430.70 2 8 .7 1 12.99 966.53 11.93 978.46 V .A .T. 146.77 a t 151 £ 1 ,1 2 5 .2 3 - w ith com plim ents - . E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 5S3871 Telex: 547266 Engineers) Directors: W. Eastwood F.Eng. B.Eng. Ph.D.. D.Eng. C.En8 „ F .I.C .t, P.P.I.SliuctE.. F.I.M k Ji .E.. F.G.S.. M.Con«.L A. A. Wood B.Eng.. Ph.D. C.Eng. F.I.C.E. F.I.Struet-E. M.I.W.E.S.. M Coni.E. R. C. A. Eastwood G. Spir B.Sc.. C.Eng.. M .I.C E . M.I.Struet.E. C.Eng.. M.l.C.E.. M.I.Mech E. Assoa»i»s: C. S. Greaves B.Enj.. C .E n j.. M.l.C.E.. M.l.Struct.E. J . A . Strange C .E n j .. M .I.S tru n -E . Our R e f: S. P reston B.Enj., C.En|„ M.l.C.L. M.Uiruct.E. R. Tandy C .En|.. FJ.Struct-E. Q. M . S u m a n S.Sc.. C .E n |., M .I.C E .. M.I.Strwct.E. J . M . W ood B.Sc.. C .E n |.. M J.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. WE/JAS/KH C r e d i t N o t e No. 6517 Comuhtnt: A. Q. Burden G .M .. B.Sc.(fni ). C .En |.. S h e f f i e l d WBdF H'S'kfi’i y ,,lf ‘o o t b a l l C lu b PLC, H illsb orou gh , S h effield , S6 1SW. 9 December 1985 For theaattention of Mr. R. Chester CREDIT NOTE To c a n c e l l a t i o n o f o u r i n v o i c e No. 6517 d a t e d 9 D ecember 1985 V .A .T. £978.46 a t 15% 1 46.77 £1 ,1 2 5 .2 3 Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 3U. EASTW OOD & PARTNERS (Consulting St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S1 1 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 Engineer*) Directors: W. Eastwood F.Enfi . B.Eng. Ph.D.. D.Eng. C Eng.. F.I.C.E., P.P.I.StruetE.. F.I.M»eh.E.. F.G.S. M .Coni.E. A. A. Wood B Eng.. P h.D. C.Eng. F.I.C.E. F.I.SovetE. M .I.W .E.S. M.Cons.E. R. c. A. Eastwood G. Spir B.Sc.. C.Eng. M I C E - M.I.Struct.E. C.Eng.. M.l.C.E.. M.I.Mech.E. Associates: C. S. Greaves B.E«f.. C.Enf.. M .l.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. J . A . Strange C.Enf.. M .I.S tn ct.E . Our Ref: S. P reston B.Enf., C.Enf.. M .l.C.E., M .I.Struct.E. Your Ref: R. T an d y C.Enf.. F.),Strua.E. G . M . Seaman B.Sc., C.Enf.. M J.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. J . M . W oo d B.Sc., C.Enf., M J.C.E.. M .I.Struct.E. Invoice No.: W E /J A S /K H 7050 Consultant: A . G. B u rd ttt G.M.. B.Sc.(Enf), C.Enf.. F.I.C.E., F.l.Struct.E. S h e f f i e l d KEdnesday F o o t b a l l C lu b PLC, H illsb oro u gh , S h effield , S6 1 S K . 9 D ecember 1985 For the attention of Mr. R. Chester To P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s d u r i n g 1 9 8 5 i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h t e s t s on Crush B a r r i e r s T e s t i n g t h e y e a r l y q u o t a o f c r u s h b a r r i e r s , on t h e l o w e r a r e a o f S p i o n Kop t e r r a c e i n J u n e and J u l y , 1985. T r a n s p o r t i n g e q u i p m e n t t o and fro m t h e g r o u n d . P rep arin g w r itte n reco rd s o f the t e s t s . P r e p a r i n g o u r w r i t t e n r e p o r t d a t e d 28 A u g u s t , 1 9 8 5 r f o r s u b m i s s i o n t o t h e L o c a l A u t h o r i t y and S . y . C , C. P a r t n e r ' s t i m e (Dr. W. E a s t w o o d ) i h o u r a t £ 2 9 . 5 0 A s s o c i a t e ' s t im e ( J . S t r a n g e ) 2 hours a t £ 2 3 .6 0 T e c h n i c i a n ' s tim e ( 27§ h o u r s a t £ 1 2 . 8 2 15 hours a t £7.23 1 5 J hours a t £5.91 3 0 . hours a t £4.62 30 / 4 h o u r s a t £ 4 . 2 5 U s e o f t e s t e q u ip m e n t Van H i r e t o t r a n s p o r t e q u i p m e n t t o and from g r o u n d T r a v e l l i n g 24 m i l e s a t 2 6 . 5p 14.75 47.20 352.55 108.45 9 1.60 1 3 8.60 130.69 100.00 20.00 6.36 1 ,010.20 V.A.T. at 15% 151.5 3 £ 1 ,1 6 1 .7 3 - w ith com plim ents Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 EASTWOOD & PARTNERS (Consulting St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 5E3871 Telex: 547266 Engineers) D irt cl o n : W. Eastwood F.Eng.. B.Eng. Ph.D.. 0 Eng. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. P.P.I.StruclE. F.I.M»eh.E.. F.G.S. M.Cons.E. A. A. Wood B.Eng. P h.D . C.Eng. F.I.C.E.. FXStrucLE. M.I.W.E.S., M.Cont.E. R. C. A. Eastwood B.Se. C.Eng.. M.I.C.E. M.I.Struct.E. G. S p ir C.Eng.. M.l.C.E.. M.I.Mech E. Awocittts: C. S. Greaves B.Eflf.. C.Enf.. M.l.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. J . A. Strange C.Efif., M.I.Struct.E. S. Preston B.Enf., C.Enf., M.l.C.E.. MJ.Stnict.E. R. Tandy C.En(., F.I.Stnict-E. G. M . Saaman B.Sc.. C.Enf., M.l.C.E.. M.I.Stmct.E. J . M . W ood B.Sc., C.Enf., M.l.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Our Ref: WE/JAS/KH Your R e f: C r e d i t N o t e No. 7050 ConsuluM: A. G. Burdatt C M . B.Sc.(Enf ). C.Enf .. S h e f f i e l d We<£A%\s&'Ayei£ootball C lu b PLC, H lllsoO rou gh , S h effield , 8 6 1SW. 9 December 1985 F o r t h e a t t e n t i o n o f Mr. R. C h e s t e r CREDIT NOTE To c a n c e l l a t i o n o f o u r I n v o i c e No. d a t e d 9 Decem ber 1985 V .A .T . 7050 a t 15% £ 1 ,0 1 0 . 2 0 151.53 £ 1 ,1 6 1 .7 3 Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting Engineer*) Dirt cion: W. Eastwood F.Ervg.. B Eng. Ph.D. D Eng.. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E. P.P.I.Sttuct.E.. F.l.M#ch.E.. F.G.S. M.Coni.E. A. A. Wood B.Eng. Ph.D. C E ng. F.l C.E. F.I.Strucl.E. M.I.W.E.S.. M.Coni.E. R. C. A. Eastwood B.Se.. C.Eng.. M I C E.. M.l Struct.E. G. S p ir C.Eng.. M I.C.E.. M .I.M tch E. Associttts: C. 8 . Greavea B.Enf., C.Enf., M.l.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. J . A . Strange C.Enf., M.I.Struct.E. S. Preston B.Enf., C.Enf.. M.l.C.E., M.l.Struct.E- R. Tandy C.Enf., F.I.Strvct.E. Our Ref: G. M . Seaman B.Sc.* C.Enf.. M.l.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. J . M . W ood B.Sc.. C.Enf.. MJ.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. V.T/SV76648 Your R e f : Invoice No.: 6648 Contufttnt: A. G. B urdett G.M.. B.Sc.(Enf.). C.Enf.. M C E.. M.Struct.E. 3 0 Z'ecu rbor 1?35 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Ltd. Hillsborough, S H E F F IE L D . S6 1SW. To 3uilaiqg Regulation .Fees Paid to the City of Sheffield in Connection with Roofing of Kop Fee for plan stage of Building Regulations approval paid on your behalf V.A.T. at 15% E310.0C 121.50 £931.5C -with compliaants- Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting S t. A n drew s House 23 K ingfield Road S h effield S11 9A 8 T e l.: (0742) 583871 T elex: 547266 Engineer*) Q ln c tt r t: W . E astw ood F .Eng. B .Eng. PK.D. D.Eng. C E n g . F .I.C E . P.M .S»uet.E . F J.M «*i.E . F.G .S. M .C om X A . A . W ood S.E ng. Pti.D . C E n g . F J .C E . FXStrucLE. M.I.W.E.S. M.Cow-E. R. C. A . Eastw ood G . S plr B.Sc. CEng. M.LCE. MJ.Ssucl E. C E ng. M.I.CE. MXfcUehX A tte d ttts : C. S. Q r M V M J . A. Strang* U n |, CEa j , ru .C E . M.LStrwa_E. Our C^A(. M J i t f W L L I. Preston i.b v x . CE*f . MACE, MXScmct-E- R. Tandy Q. M. S*aman J . M. Wood CE»«|. F J ^ tm a X U c , C E n |. MACE. M JJctmlE. W E/JA S /D FD Ref: Your R ef: Invoice No.: 3 7 0 5 H e . CE»*.. MXCE. M L S naX . Ceotu/unt: A. Q. v * Burdett w M iw e ti w . n > , eB.Sc.(Eitt . « b i c n | ..). j , CEnj., w c n |.( C.M.. 9 December, 1985 Sheffield WedHfcWify,e,f‘ootball Club pic., Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD S6 1SW For the attention of Mr. R. Chester To Professional Services in connection with 8afetv Works associated with the Modifications to Lappings Lane End Interim Account Ho. 1 Carrying out surveys of the existing turnstiles, toilets and curtilages at that end of the ground. Designing walls, barriers, fences and toilet accommodation. Preparing drawings and contract documents. Inviting tenders and reporting on those returned. Correspondence with and certification of money to Gleesons (Sheffield) Ltd. Fees calculated in accordance with the Association of Consulting Engineers C o n & l S & g a of Engagement, 1981 Edition, and based on the following costings. Estimated final cost of the works of E74,400 Percentage fee for work of an average complexity calculated at 9 / 4 % % 7,254.00 $*/7% of £747409 ~ . f' S Ajsount now due say 97*i%------- 7,072.65 85.86 Travelling up to jj0.9T85’T24' miles I 26.5p 7,158.51 VTX.'TT I 15t^---- :--- 1,073.78 £8,232.29 ... f - With Ccopliments ------------ RegieandW England - No. 1833144 VAT. Registration No. 391 1198 47 '& h EASTWOOD S t. A ndrew s House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T e l.: (0742) 583871 T elex: 547266 & PARTNERS (Consulting Engineers) Dirtclon: W . Eastw ood F.Eng., B.Eng. Ph.D.. D.Eng. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. P.P I.StructE.. F.l.M tch.E, F.G.S. M.Cont.E. A . A . W ood B.Eng. Ph.O. C.Eng. F.I.C.E. F.I.StJuct-E. M.I.W.E.S., M.Coru.E. R. C. A. Eastw ood B.Se. C.Eng. M I C E. M.I.Struct.E. G. S pir C.Eng.. M.l.C.E.. M.I.Mtch.E. Associates: C. S. Greaves J. A. Strange B .E *f, C.Eng.. M.l.C.E, M.l.Struct.E. Our Ref: C.Enf., MASlrvcl.E. S. Preston B.Enf., C .Enf, M.l.C.E.. HI.Struci.E. R. Tandy C .Enf, F.l.StrucuE. G. M . Seaman B.Sc, C .E nf, M.l.C.E, MAStract.E. J . M . W ood B.Sc, C.Enf.. M.l.C.E, MAStruct.E. WE/JAS/KH Your R ef: Invoice No.: 6 804 Consulttnt: A. G . B urdett G.M.. B.Sc.<Enf.). C.Enf.. F.I.C.E;. F.I.Struct.E. S h e f f i e l d Wednesday F o o t b a l l Clu b PLC, H illsb orou gh , S h effield , S6 lsw. 9 December 1985 For the attention of Mr. R. Chester To P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h S a f e t y Work a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e N o r t h S t a n d Roof I n t e r i m A c c o u n t No. 1 I n s p e c t i o n o f t h e N o r t h s t a n d r o o f s t e e l w o r k and sh eetin g . P r e p a r i n g o u r r e p o r t d a t e d 26 March 1985. I n v i t i n g t e n d e r s f o r c l e a n i n g and p a i n t i n g t h e s t e e l w o r k and r e p a i r i n g t h e r o o f i n g . R e p o r t i n g on t e n d e r s r e t u r n e d . Correspondence w i t h and c e r t i f i c a t i o n o f money t o John P h i l l i p G a z z a r d L i m i t e d and P r o c t o r R o o f c l a d L i m i t e d . F ees c a l c u l a t e d in accordance w ith the A s s o c i a t i o n o f C o n s u ltin g E n gin eers C o n d itio n s 6fEngagem ent, 1 9 8 1 E d i t i o n , and b a s e d on t h e f o l l o w i n g l i k e l y f i n a l c o s t o f th e works. John P h i l i p G a z z a rd L t d . P r o c to r R o ofcla d Ltd. say £74,6 3 7 .0 0 9 ,4 3 0 .0 0 £ 8 4 ,0 6 7 .0 0 Sca le f e e ,i n c l u d i n g q u a n tity su rveyin g s e r v ic e , i s 9 i%. 9j% o f £ 8 4 , 0 6 7 . 0 0 £ 7 ,9 8 6 .3 6 Amount now du e s a y 9 7 J% T r a v e l l i n g up t o 31 O c t o b e r 1985 80 m i l e s a t 2 6 . 5p 7 ,7 8 6 .7 0 g ra tis £ 7,786.70 V .A .T . a t 11% 1 ,1 6 8 .0 0 Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 - w ith com plim ents - £8 ,9 5 4 .7 0 EASTWOOD & PARTNERS (Consulting St. A ndrew s House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T e l.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 Engineers) Dirtaort: W . Eastwood F.Eng., B.Eng. Ph.D.. 0 Eng.. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. P.P.I.SuucvE.. F.I.M»ch.E.. F.G.S.. M.Cont.E. A. A . W ood B.Eng.. Ph.O.. C Eng.. F.l C.E.. F.I.Struct-E.. M.I.W.E.S.. M.Cont.E. R. C. A. Eastw ood B.Sc.. C.Eng.. M.I.C.E.. M.t.Struel.E. G. S pir C.Eng.. M.I.C.E.. M I.Mech E. A u o c ittts : C. S. Greaves B.Enf.. C.Eng., M I C E.. M.l.Struct.E. J . A. Strange C .E n f .. H .I-S in ict.E . Our Ref: S. Preston B.Eng., C.Enf., M.I.C.E.. HI.Slrucl.E. R. Tandy C.Enf., F.l.Struci-E. G . M . Seaman I.Sc., C.Enf., M.I.C.E.. MJ.Struct.E. J . M . W oo d B.Sc.. C.Enf.. MJ.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. W E /J A S /K H Your R e f: Invoice No.: 6 955 Consulttnt: A. G. B urdstt mj C M.. B.Sc.fEnf.). C.Enf.. S h e f f i e l d W e d H & k d a ^ o o t b a l l Clu b PLC, H illsb orou gh , S h effield , S6 1SW. 9 December 1985 r F o r t h e attentiDn o f Mr. R. C h e s t e r To P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s i n c o n n e c t i o n w i t h S a f e t y Works a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e p r o t e c t i o n o f th e e x i s t i n g tim b er deck in th e South sta n d • O r g a n i s i n g and a t t e n d i n g t r i a l o f s t e e l s h e e t fix in g . I n v i t i n g te n d e r s fo r the c o v e r in g o f th e s t e e l d e c k w i t h s t e e l s h e e t s and c o a t i n g t h e s h e e ts w ith a n o n - s lip su r fa c in g . R ep ortin g on t e n d e r s r e c e i v e d . C o r r e s p o n d e n c e w i t h and c e r t i f i c a t i o n o f money t o P r o c t o r R o o f c l a d L t d . , A l l c l a d L t d . , S a f e t y U n d e r f o o t L t d . and S h i r t c l i f f e C o n t r a c t s Ltd. j F ees c a l c u l a t e d in accordance w ith the A s s o c ia t io n o f C o n su ltin g E n gin eers C o n d itio n s o f E n g a g e m e n t , 1 9 8 1 E d i t i o n and b a s e d on t h e f o l l o w i n g a g r e e d c o n t r a c t sums A l l c l a d Ltd. S a f e t y U nderfoot Ltd. S h i r t c l i f f e C o n t r a c t s Ltd. P r o c to r R oofclad L td. £153.08 £ 8 ,2 7 8 .9 1 £ 1 ,3 4 1 .1 2 £5 0 ,8 4 6 .0 0 £ 6 0 ,6 1 9 .1 1 S c a l e f e e f o r w ork o f t h i s v a l u e i s 10% T r a v e l l i n g 81 m i l e s a t 2 6 . 5p V .A .T. £ 6 ,0 6 1 .9 1 gra tis £6 ,0 6 1 .9 1 909.28 a t 15% £b , 9 7 1 . 1 9 - w ith com plim ents Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 EASTWOOD & PARTNERS (Consulting S t A n drew s House 23 K ingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T e l.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 Engineers) Dirtaors: W . Eastw ood F.Eng.. B.Eng. Ph.D.. D.Eng. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. P.P.l.Suuet.E.. F.I.M»eh.E.. F.G.S.. M.Cont.E. A . A . W ood B.Eng., Ph.O. C Eng.. F.I.C.E. F.I.StJueU.. M.I.W.E.S.. M.Cont.E. R. C. A. Eastw ood B.Sc.. C.Eng.. M.I.C.E. M.I.Struct.E. G. Spir C.Eng.. M I C E.. M.I.Mech.E- A ito titft: C. S. Greaves J. A. Strange S.Enf.. C.Enf.. M.I.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Our Ref: C.Enf., M.LStruet.E. S. Preston B.Enf., C.Enf., M.I.C.E.. MXStrun.E. R. Tandy C.Enf.. F.I.Strvo.E. G. M . Seaman B.Sc.. C.Enf., M.I.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. J . M . W ood B.Sc.. C.Enf,, M.I.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. WE/JAS/KH Your R e f: Invoice No.: 7074 Consutttnt: A. G. B u rd en G.M.. B.Sc.(Enf.). C.Enf.. S h e f f i e l d WBdn'es'day“f o o t b a l l C lu b PLC, H illsb orou gh , S h effield , S6 1SW. 9 December 1985 For t h e a t t e n t i o n o f Mr. R. C h e s t e r To P r o f e s s i o n a l S e r v i c e s f o r t h e p r o v i s i o n o f a R e sid en t E ngineer to s u p e r v is e v a r io u s c o n t r a c t s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h S a f e t y Work S u p e r v i s i o n b e t w e e n 19 J u n e and 28 Ju n e ( p a r t - t i m e s a y i w eek ) and 1 J u l y - 17 A u g u s t , 1 985 ( f u l l t i m e 7 w e e k s ) by G r a d u a t e E n g i n e e r ) o f t h e w o r k c a r r i e d o u t on t h e m o d i c i c a i : i o n s a t L e p p i n g s Lane e n d and S o u t h s t a n d s t e e l s h e e t f ir e p ro tectio n . 7J w e e k s a t t h e a g r e e d r a t e o f £ 2 5 0 . OO/week V .A .T. a t 15* £1 ,8 7 5 .0 0 281.25 £2 ,156.25 - w ith com plim ents - Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 S t. A ndrew s House 23 Kingfield Road S heffield S11 9AS T e l.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting Engineers) D m cl o ft: W. Eastwood F.Eng. B Eng. Ph.D.. O.Eng.. CEng.. F.I.C.E. P.PJ-SlruetE. F.I.M«eti.L. F.C.S. M.C o iu .E. A. A. Wood B.Eng. Ph 0 . C.Eng. FJ.C.E. F.I.StrvctE. M.I.W.E.S.. M .C oniE . R. C. A. Eastwood B .S c .. C . E n g . M .I.C .E . M.l.StTVCI-E. G. Spir C.Er>g.. M.I.C.E.. M.I.M tch.E. A sse cittts: C. 8 . O r M V M B.Enf., C.Enf.. MJ.C.E.. MJ.Struet.E- J . A. Strenge C.Enf.. MJ^truct.E. 8 . Preston B.Enf., C.Enf., H.I.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. R. Tandy C.Enf., F.I.Struet.E. Q. M . S H m i n B.Sc.. C.Enf.. M.I.C.E.. M.I.Struet.E. J . M . W ood B.Sc.. C.Enf.. M.I.C.E.. M.i.Stmet.E. Our R e f: WE/SEB Your R e f : Invoice No.: 6648 Consufitnt: A. Q. B u r d r t t G.M., B.Sc.(Enf ), C.Enf., F.I.C.E., F.I.Struct.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Hillsborough Sheffield S6 1SW 17 February 1986 To Professional Services in connection with Roofing Over the Kop Interim Fee Account No. 1 To outline designs of enlarged Kop roof including boxes earlier in 1985. Preparing cost estimates and report to Board. gratis To preparing design for roof over existing Kop.without enlargement, and obtaining full planning consent in 1985. gratis To preparing design for roofing over enlarged Kop including new deck to accommodate extra 5000 spectators, new entry and exit routes, toilets and turnstiles, and obtaining planning consent. Making all necessary structural calculations, producing complete set of working drawings and Bill of Quantities, Preparing tender documents. Inviking tenders. Considering tenders and reporting to the Club. Submitting calculations and complete set of detail drawings (except for disabled toilets) to local authority for Building Regulations approval. Fee due at this stage is 85% of eventual fee ■ 0.85 x £68,000 V.A.T. @ 15% Af j , of I ---------------------------- ^ - w i t h compliment Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 £57,800 8,670, EiStTTO WE/KB/6648 B. HcGem E s q . , Chairman, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club PLC, c/o Presto Tools, Penistone Road, Sheffield 6. 8 May 1986 Dear Chairman, Roofing of the Kop I have pleasure in enclosing a oopy of the latest programme for the works. You will see. that thip shows only a few items not completed by Saturday., .23 August • not interfere with the adalsslon of spectators. These should . The programme is tight, and a lot of windy or wet weather could make it difficult to keep to programs. But the whole team has the right spirit. At the progress meeting .. with the contractor held « « . . . yesterday all critical path items were in line with the programme. Sone non-critical items are up to one week late, but these do not cause any concern at present. The crane is due to arrive on site on Wednesday, 14 May, and will be erected before the weekend. will coemence as programmed on 19 May. Steelwork erection Our inspectors reports on the blast-cleaning and painting of the steel are complimentary. Beevor Concrete appear to be well up to prograsuae and i „ my engineer's report on the concrete units which have already been > * cast says the quality of finish is good. I aa going away on holiday for just over two weeks, starting next weekend. Richard Sastwood and Alan Wood^ltw$> of my partners) will both be available should any emergency arise, whilst I am away. You very kindly asked me to let you know our fee position. Attached is a schedule of fee accounts for all the vork we have done for the club in the last 16 months since January, 1985. The years work on the Lepplngs Lane end, the south stand deck, painting the north stand, testing crush barriers and general safety vork and negotiations was all charged for on 9 December. He drafted the accounts in such a way as to maximise the grants for the club whilst at the same time giving discounts. The photocopy of the carbon of my letter of S December will explain all this. I sent our first invoice for services in connection with the Kop on 17 February. You will probably know that the fees which I agreed vlth Dick and Keith represent a substantial discount on the normal scale. I have also not charged for the abortive designs for a Kop roof with boxes, nor for the studies on the south stand roof which were carried out last year. I also do not intend to charge for the abortive work in changing all our drawings to oailt the concrete and steel deck, a completely new set of calculations for the Town Hall, and then changing back again. As a result we are now losing heavily on the project, but of course thirels a payback in the form of publicity. X refrained from sending Interim fee accounts for the Kop roof, the first of which was due in August 1985, when our sketch designs were approved by the club and planning consent obtained. By February we had finished all design (the first design) and were due to 85% of our fees. You will see that at that stage we were owed a total of £80,682 plus £12,102 V.A.T. We received £25,000 (£21,739 fees plus £3,261 V.A.T.) on 17 March. This almost cleared the accounts for last years work. Including the fees for the Kop, the outstanding fees are now £58,942.98 plus £8,841.45 V.A.T., making £67,784.43 in total. Z very much appreciate your raising the point. Yours sincerely, RKG/KH Sheffield Wednesday Football Club PLC, Hillsborough/ Sheffield, S6 18W. 2 May 1986 Statement of Account as at 2 May, 1986 Invoice Date 9.12.85 9.12.85 9.12.8S 9.12.85 17.2.86 Invoice No. 7074 6955 6804 Details * if VAT * Total f Supervision of various safety work contracts (June - August 1985) 1875.00 281.26 2156.25 Safety work associated with timber deck in South Stand €061.91 909.28 6971.19 J Safety wofck associated with North Stand roof 7786.70 1168.00 8954 .70 J 6705- Safety work associated with Leppings Lane end modifications 6648 Fee Roofing over the Kop 1 1 7158.51 1073.78 * 8532.29 57800.00 8670.00 66470.00 80682.12 12102.3* 52784.43 Lets payment on account 25000.00 Balance due 67784.43 v rrr.% 1 ---- / S t. A nd rew s House 23 K lngfleld Road S heffield S11 9AS T a l.: (0742) 583871 T elex: 5472M E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS ( C o n s u l t i n g En g i nee r *) D in a o n : W . E astw ood F.Eng. B .Eng. f h - D . D .E n g. C E r v . F J.C .E . P.P.I.Struct.E_ F .I.M tc fc X . F .O .S . M .C ont.E . A . A . W ood B .Eng. P tc D . C.E n g. F J.C .E . R. C . A . E astw ood B S e. CEng. M I C E. M .IJ w e if G. Splr C .F n g . M l .C X . M .I.M a e h E. C. S . OraavM J . A . S tra n g e C.Ejvj., M i S m o i . FJ.SWiet.E_ M J .W .E .S . M .C o n tE . C E a j , H J .C X , H J .Ic n M x i. Our Ref: I . P r e sto n R. T and y C E n t , F J ^ tr w o X 0 . M . Seam an t i c , C E r « . H J.C .E.. H J S m c U . J . M . W ood i.J e ., C E iif ., M J .C .I. H U m C . I . U j , C E n *.. M J .C .L . HJ-Suvci-E. WE/SEB Your R ef: Invoice No.: 6648 C o n w lu n t : A . Q. Burdatt G J 1 , IS b t E iif .). C.Eng.. F J .C X . FXStrwcuE. 30 October 1986 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough Sheffield S6 1SW To Professional Services in connection with Roofing over the Kop Interim Fee Account No. 2 Services during the construction period. Fe« due at this stage (say) 99%t of £68,000 Less pajpnent received to-date V.A.T. 8 15% - with compliment* ----- 1 Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T.' Registration No. 391 1199 47 !l i I i I EASTWOOD St. Andrew s House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T el.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 & PARTNERS (Consulting Engineer*) D irtc to rs : W . Eastw ood F.Eng., 8 E n g. Ph.D.. D .Eng. C E n g ., F.I.C.E.. P.P.(.Struct E.. F.l M *c h .E ., F G.S . M .C o m .L A. A. W ood B.Eng,. P h .D . C.Eng,. F .I.C .L . R. C. A. Eastw ood B Sc . C Eng., M.I.C.E.. M .|.Sm jct.E G. Spir C.Eng.. M .I.C .E ., M l M «ch E, F.I.StruCt.E. M .I.W .E.S., M .C o n tE . A s s o c U its : C. S. G reave* B.Enj., C .Enf.. M.I.C.E., M,I.Struet<E. J . A . S tra n g * C .E n j,. M.|.Struct.E. S. Preston B.Enf,, C.En f,, M.I.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. Our R e f: WE/KH Your Ref: R. Tandy C-Eftf., F.I.Struet.E. G. M . Seaman 8 .Sc.. C.En f,, M.I.C.E., M.I.Struct-E. J . M . W ood B.Sc.. C.E n f,, MJ.C.E., M.I,Struet.E. Invoice No. 6804 Consultant: A . G . B u rd stt G .M ., 8.Sc.(Enf.), C.Enf.. F.I.C.E,. F,l .Struct.E. R.H. Chester Esq., Secretary, Sheffield Wednesday FootballCClub PLC, Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 1SW. 31 October 1986 To Professional Services in connection w ith North Stand Roof Services in 1985 in instigating and overseeing work carried out by Proctor Roofclad Ltd. Carrying out numerous experiments with hosepipes to locate sources of leaks. W ork in 1986 in supervising Total Protection in applying sealing to joints. Further experiments and testing with hosepipes. Numerous site visits to record positions of leaks before Total Protection's work was carried out and since. Dealing on many occasions with letters of complaint from season ticket holders. Base our fee on scale charge for Total Protection's work in 1986. £1/040.00 10% of £10,400.00 156.00 £1,196.00 V.A.T. at 15% - with compliments - Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 EASTWOOD S t. A ndrew s House 23 K ingfield Road Sh effield S11 9AS T e l.: (0742) 583871 T elex: 547266 & PARTNERS (Consulting Engineer*) Directors; W . Eastw ood F.Eng . B E n g . Ph.D.. D Eng. C E n g .. F.I.C.E.. P P I.Struct E.. F .I.M K h .E .. F G .S.. M .C ont.E . A. A. W ood B .E n g. Ph.D.. C.Eng.. F.l C .E . F .I.S v u c l.E . M .I.W E.S.. M .C o n i.E . R. C. A. E astw ood 8 Sc.. G. Spir C.Eng.. M I C E . M .I.Struct.E C.Eng.. M .I.C .E .. M I M «ch.E. A s s o c it t t i : C. S. Q reeve* B.Enf.. C .Enf.. M.I.C.E.. H.l.Struct,E. J . A . Strenge C .Enf.. M.I.Stmct-E. S. Preston B.Enf.. C .Enf.. M.I.C.E.. H.l.Struct.E. Our R ef: WE/KH Your R ef: R. Tendy C .Enf.. FJ.Struet.E. G. M . Seaman 8 .Sc., C .Enf., M .I.C.E., M.I.Struet.E. J . M . W ood 8 .Sc.. C.En f., M J.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. Invoice N o .:7 8 7 3 C o m u /U n t: A. G. B u rd ett G .M ., 8.Sc.(Enf.)( C.Enf.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.Struet.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club PLC, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 1SW. 31 October 1986 To Professional Services in connection with Roofing over the Kop Services of Resident Engineer f during the period 1 June to 31 October 1986 (Including holiday relief by June July August Sept. Oct. ) Hours Worked 224 2 2 4 ij hours at £5.62 1,261.69 238} 199 i 68 18$ 524} hours at £6.01 Overtime hours (Saturdays and evenings) payable at 50% extra 67 hours at £2.81 118 hours at £3.00 Travelling 909 miles at 28.5p 3,152.25 188.27 354.00 259.07 5,215.28 V.A.T. at 15% 782.29 £5,997.57 N o t e : Rate increase due to staff increments effective from 1 July 1986 Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 - with compliments - E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS St. A n drew s House 23 K ingfisld Road S heffield 811 9A 9 T s l.: (0742) 583871 T slsx: S472M ( C o n s u l t i n g Eng l n a a r s ) D ln e te n : W . E astw ood f .E n g . t .E n g . f h . D . D .E n g. C - t n g , F .I.C .E , P .M . S tru c t E , F J .M « c h .E , F .O .S . M .C o m X A . A . W ood B .E n g. P h .0 . C.E flfl. M .C .E . F X S v u e t E . M J .W .E .S . M Co d l L R. C. A. E astw o od U c . C .E n g . M I C E . M .I.S tr u e iX Q . Splr C .E n g . M .L C A . M .I.M k K E . d tto c to tu : C. S . QrMVM Ii> (, J . A. I t n n g t Claf.MJJcnaX S . P rM ton M J .C L , M J ^ tn tc L E . Our Raf: C £ a| . H J.C X. M J^im cxX It. Tandy CE**„ FJJcrwxX Q. M . Seam an J . M . W ood L S c. C ir * _ M.LC-E-. H J i n a i . WE/JAS/SW Your R tf: U t , C E n f. KXC.E, MXStracLE. Invoice No.: 6705 C c M u /U n t: A. Q. Burd«tt 20 November 1986 G J 1 . U e .( E * * .) , CEi<( .. rxcx. rxsuw.L Sheffield Wednesday Football Club plc«, Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD. S6 1SW/ For the attention of To Professional Services. In Connection with. ... Safety Works associated with the Modifications__ to Leppings Lame End Final Account _____ ' ' t- Carrying out surveys of the existing turnstiles * toilets and curtilages ^^that^endo£toej£round. Designing walls, barrierj^jCenQ^ji^. toilet . accommodation and refreahment il[aol\ities^ „J Preparing drawings and c$i&rftc£ 4<*cu«ei*M* -v Vi Inviting tenders and repgi^ti^yg. _on Averse returned, ^ Administoring the Contra^p^ during^_tlje _wo£f| Including correspondence with and "certification ^ of noney to Gleesons (S^effiel£) Lt<H• Agreeing ; the Contract Sun and issuing, the Pinal aijd,., ..... Maintenance Certificates^ .2,*... . ’ ■'*... Correspondence with and Certification of jooney to Murphy Pipelines Ltd^, jQr^ relation tp the „ repair and replacement o^^lej^ljig^gas^pip^sj ’ Fees calculated in accordancf^ with. the ^Asspciation of Consulting Engineers CQjid4£ifi&* of ^Bx^^qenent _ 1981 Edition and based on jth^. fgllQwing co^tings.^ Ragist arad In England - No. 1833144 V-A.T. Ragistrttion No. 391 1199*47 l« i Agreed Contract Sum with Gleesons (Sheffield) Ltd. £74,896. Agreed sum with Murphy Pipelines Ltd. £600.80. Total cost of the works £75,496.80. Percentage fee for-work of an average complexity is calculated at 9 /4%. 9 3/4% of £75,496.80 Mileage up to 30.9.85 £7360.94 324 miles @ 26.5p Mileage from 31.10.85 to 17.10.86 78 miles @ 28.5p 85.86 22.23 7463.03 Less amount received to date 7156.51 310.52 V.A.T. @ 15% 46.53 £357.10 -with complimHnts- S t. A ndrew s House 23 K lngfield Roed S h effield S11 9AS T e l.: (0742) 583871 T elex: 5472M A S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting Engineers) D H cten : W . Eastw ood F .E ng , B .E n g. f h . 0 . D -E n g. C .E n g , F .I.C .E . P.P.I.S sru ctE . F.I M »ch.E_ F.O -S - M .C on*.E . A . A . W ood B .E n g . P h .0 . C .E n g . F .I.C .E . R. C. A. Eastw ood 8 S c _ C .E n g . M J .C .E . M .l-S ouet-E. Q. S plr C .E n g . M I.C .E . M J .M tc h .E . F J .S tru e tE . M .I.W .E .S . M .COrtLE. Auocktu: C. S . OrMVM » .E n *. C .E n |. M J.C .E . M J.S trv e .E . J . A . Stran g* C .E « |. H J J t r a a i . S . P rM ton ■ . E r | . C t n j . M J .C .L . M J.Jtnict.E . R. T andy C E a| . Our Raf: W E /K H Your Ref: P J J tra a l Q. M . i M m t n ■.S c . C .E * * . MJ.C.E-, M J -S tr v a X J . M . W ood » .J c . C-Ent., M J .C X . MJ^cntcLE. Invoice No.: 8334 C o n tu t ttn t: A . Q. B urdrtt _ ' G.M.. U e.(E n |), C.En«.. FJ.C.E.. FJ.Slmct.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club PLC, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 1SW. 1 January,1987 To Professional Services in Testing and Inspecting Crush Barriers in August/September 198d Carrying out loading tests on approximately one third of barriers of original Kop. Carrying out visual inspection of all barriers throughout the ground Liaising with local authority so that they may witness the carrying out of tests. Arranging for repairs to be carried out la certain cases. Issuing our report on the testing to the Club and the local authority. ji Partner's time in organising the testing. Making a supervisory visit during the testing. Preparing adv^&r^ report £50.00 Associate partner's time (J.A. Strange) in carrying out visual inspection of barriers 37.35 Technician's time (L 3 In supervising field work and correlating results 44i hours at E8.3Q Junior technician's time ( } 29 hours at . n 14.50 Junior technician's time )29 hours at £4.50 Draughtsman 111 hours at E9.50 Total time charges Registered in England - No. 1833144 C /fw J 369.35 •" -V' 130.50 130.50 109.25 £826.95 V X T . Registration No. 391 1199 47 m B/tMd Van hire to transport all equipment to site and back to office at end of testing period Hire charge for testing equipment 4 days at £40 per day Car mileage 50 miles at 28p 826.95 40.00 160.00 14.00 1,040.95 ... V.A.T. at 15% 156.14 £i,;*£.09 with compliments EASTWOOD & PARTNERS (Consulting St. A ndrew s House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T e l.: (0742) 583871 T elex: 547266 Enginaart) U ir tc to r s : W . Eastw ood F Eng . B .E n g. Ph.D.. D -E n g . C Eng., F.I.C.E-. P.P.I.Struct.E.. F.l V « c h .E „ F.G.S.. M .C o n i.E . A. A . W ood B Eng., P h .D . C .E n g . F .I.C .E . F.I.Struct.E. M .I.W E.S.. M .Con».E. R. C. A. Eastwood B Sc.. C Eng . M I C E . M .I.S truct.E G . Spir C.Fng., M l C.E.. M I.M tc h E. A s s o c iit is : C . S. Greaves B.En|.. C.E n f.. M .I.C .E.. M.I.Struet.E. J . A . Stranga C.Enf., M.t.Struct.E. S . Praston B.Enf.. C .Enf.. M .I.C.E.. M .I.Struct.E. R. T an d y C.Enf., F.l.Struct.E. Our Ref: W E/KH Your R e f: G. M . Saaman B.Sc., C .Enf.. M .I.C.E.. M.I.Struet.E. J . M . W ood B.Se., C EnS.. M .I.C .E.. M .I.Struct.E. Invoice No.: 7672 C o n t u lt t n t : A . G. Burdatt G .H .. B.Se.(Enf ). C .Enf.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.Strucx.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 1SW. 3 February 1987 For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Professional Services in connection with General Safety Work carried out during 19fe6 Dr. Eastwood preparing for ana attending the half yearly inspection with the Officer Working Party on 22 January. Correspondence on behalf of the Club with L the Sports Editor of the Morning Telegraph regarding safety of steel deck in south stand. Our letters dated 6 and 12 February, to S.Y.C.C. about the existing exit tunnel on Spion Kop. Our letter of advice dated 24 March, following Mr. Chester's letter dated 20 March about the inspection adn maintenance agreement proposed by Messrs. Chloride. O u r reply dated 22 April, to Mr. Chester's letter dated 21 April about the quick acting bolts for the emergency gates. Dr. Eastwood preparing for^^ttending a meeting of the Officer Working Party on 10 July. Assessing new crowd capacity following enlargement of Kop, and reporting in letter, dated 26 June, to the Officer Working Party. Studying and commenting, in our letter dated 14 July, on the document published by the Home Office entitled 'Fire Safety and Safety at Sports V e n u e s '. Inviting tenders for general safety work as recommended by Officer Working Party, and arising from Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 IV testing and inspection of crush barriers. Our letter dated 4 August, to the Officer Working Party, about exit widths and crowd capacities on Spion Kop. Or. Eastwood and John Strange attending a meeting of the Officer Working Party on 7 August. Our reply, dated 13 August, to the letter from S.M.O.C. dated 14 August. Dr. Eastwood and John Strange attending meeting of General Purposes Committee on 21 August. Our reply, dated 9 September, to the letter from S.M.D.C. dated 27 August . Studying and commenting in our letter dated 10 September, on the copy of the General Safety Certificate sent to us by Mr. Chester. Discussions between John Strange, Mr. Chester and D.P. Sounds about the P.A. system. Our letter, dated 25 September, to S.M.D.C. about the accommodation figures for the disabled. John Strange attending two further meetings in September with representatives of the Officer Working Party to discuss safety aspects of original handrails and barriers etc. on Spion Kop. Our letter dated 30 September reporting on the background to the fire protection and action to be taken overthe South stand roof. Correspondence with and certification of money to George Shaw Engineering (Sheffield) L t d . , for work done requested by the Officer Working Party in July. John Strange attending a meeting with representatives of the Officer Working Party on 12 September. Our letter, dated 15 October, to the Officer Working Party. Our reply, dated 21 October, to S.M.D.C. to their letter dated 13 October, about barriers and handrails etc. Our letters, dated 3 and 14 November, to the Chairman about the South stand roof. Dr. Eastwood meeting the Fire Services representative on 14 November, at the Ground. 3. Discussions between the Club and Local Authority prior to the Royal visit. Our letter dated 18 December, to the Officer Working Party about the proposed new entrance on Penistone Road. Director's time (Dr. W. Eastwood) 40* Associate's time JJ. Strange) Engineer's time (I Technician's time ( n m T hours at £29.00 25$ hours at £24.90 5 hours at £12.51 1$ hours at £14.58 li hours at £10.21 Travelling 51 miles at 28.5p Prints 132 at 57p each 1,167.25 634.95 62.55 21.87 15.31 14.54 75.24 1,991.71 V.A.T. at 15% 298.75 £2,290.46 with compliments S t. A ndrew s Housa 23 Klngfiald Road S h afflald 811 9A 8 T a l.: (0742) 683871 Talsx: 647268 E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting Engineers) D lneten: W . Eastw ood F.Eng.. I .E n g . P h .D . D-Eng. C E n g . F .I.C .E . P .P .I.S B u c tE . F .I.M « rf> .£ , F .Q .S . M .C o m X A . A . W ood B.En g, rh.D.C E n g . FJ.C.E. F X S tn je tE . M J .W .E .3 . M . C m E . R. C. A. E astw ood l - S e . C .E n g . M .I.C .E . M.I.Stn»Ct.E. 6 . S pir C -E n g . M .I.C .E , M I.M M h .E - A $ to d ttu : C. S . Oreavaa I.E n |, C .E n,, MJ.C.E.. MJ.Strun.E. J . A . Stran g* C E « |, MJ.Stn<a.E. S . Praaton L E n t, C.Enf, MJ.C.E., MJ^tnKt-E. R. T end * C-E/ij., FJ-Stnics-E. O. M . S**m *n J . M . W o od •-St.. C.Enf., MJ.C.E, M.I.StrwcuE. Our Your R *f: WE/KH R «(: ■-Sc. C E nj.. MJ.C.E, M-LStmo-E. Invoice No.: 7347 C o M u J ttn t: A . Q. Burd*tt G .M .. LS c.(Eni ), C.En( .. F J .C E , FJJtrvct-E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 1SW. 3 February 1987 For W l the w i w attention a w w c i t w ^ w u of Mr. e G. e Mackrell* .................... .. " To Professional Services in connection with the Emergency Lighting System Receiving instructions from Mr. R. Chester in his letter dated 6 September 1985. Our replies dated 9 September and 22 October 1989. Supervision and telephone calls with Sandas Batteries Ltd. Director's time (Dr. W. Eastwood) J hour at C29.00 Associate's time (J. Strange) 2 hours at £23.60 Associate's time (A. Clough) 6} hours at £23.60 14.50 47.20 153.40 4.77 Travelling 18 miles at 26.5p 219.87 32.98 V.A.T. at 15% £252.85 . - - \ - - with compliment* - ; '. Ragictarad in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 EASTWOOD & PARTNERS (Consulting S t. A ndrew s House 23 K ingfisld Road S h effield S11 9AS T a l.: (0742) S83871 T elex: 547266 Engineers) D in e to n : W . E astw o od F .E ng . B.Eng.. Ph.D .. D .E n g . C .E n g , F.I.C.E.. P .P .I.S tru elE .. F .I.M *c h .E „ F.G S.. M .C o n t.E . A . A . W ood B .E n g , Ph.D .. C .E n g , F .I.C .E , F .I.S tru clE .. M .I.W .E .S ., M .C o m .E . R. C. A. E astw ood G. S p ir B .S e , C E n g , M .I.C .E .. M .I.Struct.E. C.Eng . M .I.C .E .. M l M tc h E. A tto e itu i: C. S. G r ea v ss S.En,.. C .E n f, M .I.C .E .. M.I.Siruct E J . A. S tra n g s C .E n ,, M .I.Struct.E. A . J . C lough # > , C E n ,.. M.C.I.S.S., M.I.Mach.E. S. P r s tt o n S.En,.. C .E n ,.. M I C E., M J.Jtruct.E. R. T sn d y C .E n ,., F.I.Jtruet.£. G. M . S sa m s n S.Se, C .E n ,.. M .I.C .E .. M .I.Struet.E. J . M . W oo d B .ic , C .E n ,.. M.I.C.E.. M .I.S tru a .E . Our Rsf: W E /JA S /S L W Your Rsf: Invoice No.: 7593 C o m u H tn t: A . G. B u rd stt G .H .. B.Sc.(Enj ). C .E n ,, F .I.C .E , F.I.Struct.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hilisbcrough, Sheffield, S6 1SW. For the Attention of Mr. G. Mackrell l*o professional Services in connection with the $e w Entrance on Penistone Road Interim Account No. 1 Carrying out surveys of the existing properties. Preparing designs, drawings and contract documents. Inviting tenders and reporting on those returned. Supervising P..M. W a l k e r ’s work by site visits. Submission of drawings and calculations for Building Regulations and Planning Approval. Correspondence with and certification of money to the Contractor. Fees calculated in accordance with the Association of Consulting Engineers Conditions of Engagement, 1981 and based on t h e following costings. E stim a t e d final cost of the works say £26,000. This figure to be adjusted w h e n the contract sum is agreea with the Contractor. Percentage scale fee for work of an average complexity calculated at 10% Registered in Englsnd - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 2 July 1987 10% o f £ 2 6 , 0 0 0 ■ £2600 Say 95% of £2600 now due, construction work almost complete £2470.00 Travelling expenses due to us - no charge gratis Prints of drawings chargeable under standard Agreement - say gratis 2470.00 V.A.T. at 15% 370.50 £2840.50 - with compliments - cAbiW OOD & PARTNERS (Consulting S t. A ndrew s House 23 K ingfield Road S h effield S11 9AS T e l.: (0742) 683871 T elex: 647266 Engineers) D it t c l o r t : W . Eastw ood F .E ng , B E n g. Ph.D .. D .E n g . C-Eng.. F.I.C.E.. P.P.I.Struet.E .. F.l M«ch.E., F G .S . M .C o n i.E . A . A. W ood B.Eng.. Ph.D.. C Eng.. F .I.C .E . R. C. A. Eastw ood G. S pir B Sc.. C Eng.. M .I.C .E ., M .I.S tru c t.E F.I.Struct.E . M .I.W .E .S ., M .C o n i.E . C.Eng.. M .I.C .E .. M l M ech.E . A u o u iU i: C. S . 0 reev es B Enj., C.En f., M .I.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E J . A. S tren g e C Enj.. M.I.Struct.E. S . P resto n S.Enj., C .E n j., M .I.C .E .. M .I.Struet.E. R. T en dy C .Enf., F.I.Struct.E. Our R e f : W E /J A S /S L W Your R e f : G. M . S eem en *.Sc„ C E n * ., M .I.C.E.. M .I.Struct.E. J . M . W ood ».Sc„ C .E n j.. M .I.C .E.. M .I.Struct.E Invoice No. 8732 C e n iu H tn t: A. G. B urdett G.M., «.Se.(Enc.),C .E n ,.. F.I.C.E., FJ.Srruct.E. Sheffield Wednesday Foo t b a l l Club pic, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 1SW. 2 July 1987 For the Attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Professional Services in connection with Repairs to 'Stand's Public House Preparing specifications, drawings and contract documents for repairs to the roof and external painting. Inviting tenders and reporting on tnose returned. Correspondence with and certification of money to Re-mastic Ltd. Fees calculated in accordance with the Association of Consulting Engineers Conditions of Engagement, 19 81 and based on the following costings. Agreed final cost of the r oof repairs £12,000. Likely cost of painting works £944. Percentage scale fee for work of an average complexity calculated at 10% 100% due on 10% of £12000 say 70% due on 10% of £944 Travelling up to 30.6.86 24 miles at 28.5p Prints of drawings 4 at 5 7p V.A.T. at 15% - With Compliments Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 £1200.00 66.08 6.84 2.28 £1275.20 191.28 £1466.48 A S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting S t. A ndrew s House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T el.: (0742) S83871 Telex: 547266 Engineers) O f f cion: W . E astw ood F.Eng. B.Eng., Ph.D.. D E n g. C .E n g , F.I.C.E.. P.P.I.StruevE.. F .I.M tch .E .. F.G.S.. M .C o n i.E . A . A. W ood B.Eng, Ph.D ., C Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.StruetE., M .I.W .E S . M .C o n i.E . R. C. A. Eastw ood B.Sc.. C.Eng., M .I.C .E .. M .I.S truct E. G. Spir C.Eng., M I C E., M .I.M te h E. A u o c itfi: C. S. Q r M v d S.Enj.. C .E n j, M .I.C.E.. H .I.S tru n .E . J . A . Strang* C.Enj.. M.I.Strvct.E. A. J . C lough S. P resto n B.A.. C E n |.. M.C.I.B.S.. M .I.M *eh.E. B.Enf.. C .Enf.. M.I.C.E.. M.I.Strucc.E. R. Tandy G. M . S a a m in C .E n f.. F.I.$cruct.E. J . M. W ood B.Sc. C.En f.. M J.C.E.. M .l.Scrna.E. B.Sc. C .Enf.. M .I.C.E.. M .U tm e i.£ . Our Rat: WE/KH Your Raf : Invoice No. 8678 C o n s u fttn t: A. G. Burdatl G.M .. B.Sc.(Enf), C.Enf.. F.I.C.E.. F.l Struct.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, 7 July 1987 S h e ffie ld , S6 1SW. For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Professional Services in Providing Continuous Site Supervision during Installation Of Sheeting on North Stand Roof Fee as agreed in the Chairman's letter to us dated 10 April 1987. Say two thirds of work now complete V.A.T. at 15% £3,000.00 , 2 000.00 300.00 E 2 ,300.00 with compliments Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 EASTW O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting St. Andrews House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T el.: (0742) SS3871 Engineers) D ir t c t o n : W . Eastwood F .E n j. B .E n j., Ph.D .. D .E n s . C .E n j.. F.I.C.E.. P.P .I-S taict-E . Telex: F.I.M »ch.E., F G .S .. M .C o m E. A. A. Wood R. C. A. Eastwood G. Spir 547266 B EnB.. Ph D .. C Eng . F.I.C.E.. F I Struct E.. M .I.W E.S.. M Coni.E. c.Ens, m.i.c.e..<ct e. C .E n j . M I C E.. M .I.M tc h .E . A tto c ittu : C. S. Q rM v e * 8 .Enj., C .E n j.. M .I.C .E .. M .I.Struct.L J . A . S tra n g * C.E n j., M.I.Siruct.E. A . J . Clough 8.A ., C .E n j.. M .C .I.8.S.. M .I.M K h.E . S. Preston 8-Enj., C .E n j.. M.I.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. R. Tandy C .E n j., F.I.Scruct.E. G. M . S u m a n 8 .St., C E n j., M .I.C E..M.I.Struct.E. J . M . W ood 8.Sc., C .E n j.. MJ.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Our R e f : WE/KH Your R e f: Invoice No. 8678 C o n s u ttin t: A . G. B u rd etl C .M ., B.Sc-(En( ). C.Enj.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.Struct.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 1SW. 7 July 1987 For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Professional Services in connection with New on North Btand Roof Fee of £7000 proposed in our letter dated 25 March 1987 and accepted in your letter dated 10 April 1987. 70% of fee due at tender stage, and remainder due as work proceeds. More than two-thirds of work now completed so at least 90% of fee due. 90% of £7000 £6,300.00 V.A.T. at 15% 945.00 27,245.00 - with compliments - Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 ^ --------- E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting S t. A ndrew s House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T e l.: (0742) 583871 T elex: 547266 Engineers) D ir t cion: W . Eastw ood F.Eng. B .E n g. Ph.D.. D Eng. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. P.P.I.Struct E.. F.I.M »ch.E.. F.G.S.. M C o m E. A. A. W ood B.Eng.. P h .D . C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.l.Struct.E.. M .I.W .E.S.. M Coni.E. R. C. A. Eastw ood G. Spir B.Sc.. C.Eng . M .I.C E . M l Struct E. C.Eng.. M .I.C E.. M I >/.»ch E. A n o d ttti: C. S. Graavas 8 En j.. C.En f.. M.I.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. J . A. Stranga C.Enj., M.I.Struct-E. A . J . Clough B.A., C E n f.. M.C.I.B.S., M .I.M k Ii E. S. Praston B.Enf., C.En f.. M .I.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. R. Tandy C .E n f., F.I.Scruct.E. Q. M , Saaman B.Sc., C.En f.. M .I.C.E.. M.I.Struet.E. J . M , W ood B.Sc., C .E n f„ M.I.C.E., MJ.Scruct.E. Our Ref; WE/JAS/JAN Your R e f: Invoice No. 7771 C o m u tt tn t: A . Q. B u rd ett G .M., 8.S c (E a j ), C.Enf., F.I.C.E.. F.I.Scruct I. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD. S6 1SW For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Professional Services In Connection with the Facilities for the Disabled at the Spion Kop Snd and in the North Stand February - December 1986 Receiving initial instructions from the Chairman to investigate the possibilities of accommodating facilities for the disabled in the vicinity between the north stand and Spion Kop. Carrying out surveys of the north stand and north-west corner of Spion Kop. Preparing our drawings 7771/1 and 2 and reporting in our letter dated 13 May 1986. Submission of drawings for toilets to local authority for Building Regulations Approval. Meeting between Mr. Chester and John Strange, on 18 September 1986. Issuing instructions and drawings to the contractor for the toilets. Correspondence with and certificiation of money to the contractor. Registered in England - No. 1833144 10 July 1987 2 Partner (Dr. W. Eastwood) 51/^4 hours at £24.90 Associate {J. Strange) Graduate Engineer ( Graduate Engineer { 2 hours at £32.00/hr. \ £64.00 130.73 8 hrs at £12.Si 100.08 3* hrs at £11.17 39.10 Draughtsna n ( > 3 hrs at £13.93 £ 41.79 Draughtsman ^ ) 8 hrs at £14.58 116.64 27 hrs at £10.11 272.97 Draughtsman ( ) Junior Draughtsman) Mileage \ ) 3 hrs at £4.41 9 miles at 28.So 13.23 2.57 £781.11 V.A.T. at 15% 117.17 £898.28 - with compliments - St. Andrew s House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T el.: (0742) 583871 EASTWOOD & PARTNERS (Consulting Engineer*) Dirt cl on: W . Eastwood F.Eng. B.Eng., Ph D.. D .E n g . C.Eng., F.I.C.E.. P.P.I.Struct E. F .I.M tc h .E ., F.G.S.. M .C o n i E. A. A. W ood T e le x : 547266 B Eng.. Ph.D .. C Eng.. F.I.C.E.. P-I-Struct-E.. M .I.W .E .S .. M Coru.E. R. C. A. Eastwood G. Spir B.Se.. C.Eng.. M I C E.. M l.Struct E. C.Eng . M I C E.. M I.M .c h E. A tio c itr ti: C. 8 . G reave* B.tng.. C.Eng., M .I.C .t.. M.I.Struct.E. J . A . Strange C-Eng., M .I.S trua .E . A . J . Clough B A .. C-Eng., M .C.I.B.S., M.I.Mach.E. S. P re rto n B.Eng., C.Eng., M .I.C .E ., M .I.S trvn.E. R. Tandy C.Eng., FJ.Struct.E. Q. M . Seaman B.Se.,C.Eng., M .I.C .E.. M.I.Struct.E. J . M . W ood B.Sc.. C.Eng., MJ.C.E. 1 . 1.Struct.E. Our R e f: WE/JAS/JAN Your R e f: Invoice No.: 8658 C e n tu ltm t: A. Q. B urdett C M .. B.Sc.fEng ). C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.Struct.E. 15 July 1987 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD. S6 1SW For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Professional ServiceB in Connection with the Preparation of t Report for the Possible Accommodation for the Disabled at the Leppings Lane End of the Ground December 1986 - April 1987 Receiving initial instructions from the Chatman. Consideration of three possible locations for the disabled at the Leppings Lane end of the ground. 1) North-west corner. Carrying out surveys of the lower area of terracing, preparation of two drawings 8658/Figures 1 and 2, a cost estimate for the scheme and crowd capacity calculations. 2) In front of the West stand. Carrying out surveys of the terracing, preparation of two drawings 8658/Figures 3 and 4, a cost estimate for the scheme and crowd capacity calculations. 3) South-west corner. Carrying out surveys> of the terracing, preparation of two drawings 8658/ Figures 5 and 6 and cost estimate for the scheme and crowd capacity calculations. Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 2 Preparation of our report dated 16 December 1986 in which *e recommended that facilities for the disabled should be losated in the North stand, as shown on the two drawings 8658/Figures 7 and 8. Submission of drawing 7771/2A to the Officer Working Party on 2 March 1987. Letter to Officer Working Party dated 3 June 1987. Preparation of artistis impression as requested by Keith Addy for the Promotion of the "Pun Run". Partner Associate Associate Draughtsman Draughtsman (Dr. W. Eastwood) 2 ^ 4 hrs at £32.00 (J. A. Strange) 21 hrs at £24.90 (J. A. Strange) 2 hrs at £26.00 24 hrs at £14.58 ( 2 hrs at £15.24 ( £ 72.00 522.90 52.00 349.92 30.48 Artist's Perppective Drawing of the Proposed Terrace (See Copy Invoice Attached) gratis Travelling gratis - 10 miles at 28.5p £1,027.30 Less 10% discount 102.73 £924.57 138.68 V.A.T. at 15% £1,063.25 - with compll nts - S T W O O D & PARTNERS St. A n d re w * House 23 K ln g fl.ld Roed Sheffield 811 9AS T el.: (0742) 5*3871 Telex: 547266 Fax: 0742 554330 Enflln««r») (Con»ultlnfl F.Eng. B.Eng.. F h -D . D E n g . C .E n g . F I C E_ F .F .I.S tru e tE . w. iU w o o d F .I.M te h .E . F.G.S.. M C om .E. A. A. W o o d r~ — ^ 0^ £ g g t W B.Eng.. P h .D . C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.StrucVE . M .1 .W 1 .S . M C o rn -L O O d B .S c . C .E n g . M .I.C .E . M .I.Struct-E C.Eng.. M .I.C .E . M .I.M te h .E . 0. tpf' C . * • G '* « ve# B.Eng.. C .E n g . M I C E.. M .I.S tru c t E. g. Fr—ton B E n g . C Eng.. M I.C.E.. M .I.S tru c tE . Q. M. SMman B Sc.. C.Eng.. M I C E.. M l Struct E. O ut R t f : WE/JAS/SLW Your R a t : J . A . • t r * n f l« A . J . Clouflh C.En f., H.I.Struci.E. I . A . C .E n f., M .C .I.I.S .E .. M .I.M k K.E. Invoice No.: C .En f.. F.I.Struct.E. It. Tandy J . M . W ood 8678 I.S c., C.En f.. M .I.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. C o r a u lU flt : A . O. fu rd e tt C M .. I.S c (E » i.). C .Enf., F.l.C.E.,F.I.Struci.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Pic, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 IS* p or the attention To ££ 5 October 1987 Mr. C. Mackrell Services in Providing Site Super during the I ret ailduicn of the New Sheeting. P r o f e s s io n a l v i s i o n owaHd i\C C I Fee, as agreed in the Chairman's letter to us dated 10 April 19 87 £3000.00 Work now complete, 100% of fee due Less amount already received £ 2000.00 £ 1000.00 V.A.T. at 15% - With Compliments - R*gi*1»r*d in Englind - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 150.00 £1150.00 .S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Conaultlng S t. Andrews House 23 Kingfleld Road Sheffield S11 9AS T el.: (0742) 5S3871 Telex: 647266 Fax: 0742 664330 Englnaara) Director! : W . Eastw ood F.Eng. E .tr« o . P h D . D .E n g . C.Eng.. F.I.C.E., P.P.I.Stn>ct.L. F .I.M tc h .E . F.G.S.. M .C o n i E. A. A. Wood B .E n g. Ph.D_ C.Er>g_ F.I.C .E . R. C. A . Eastw ood B.Se_ C.Eng.. M I C E . M .I.Struct-E. G. Spir C.Eng.. M I.C .E . M l M cch.E. C. S. Greaves B.Eng., C.Eng . M I.C E . M l Struct. E. S. Preston B.Eng.. C.Eng.. M .I.C .E .. M .I.S tru C lE . G. M . Seaman B .S c . C.Eng.. M I C E . , M .I.S trucvE . F.l S o u et.E . M .I.W E-S- M Cont.E. OurR*f: A u o o lta i: J . A . S tra n g * WE/JAS/SLW Your f t c f : C .Enf.. M.I.Strvct.E. A . J . Clough B.A.. C .Enf.. M.C.I.B.S.E., M .I.M k K.E. R. T an dy C.Enf.. F.I.Strvct.E. J . M . W ood B.Sc. C.En f.. M.I.C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. Invoice No.: 8678 C o n t u iu n t : A . Q . B u rd att C M., a .S U E n f.). C.Enf., F.I.C.E.. F.I.Stru«.E. Wednesday Fobtball Club Pic, .111 1 .rough , Sneffi-ild, S6 1SW. For the ^t.wenLion of Mx • G . l'iackr&ll 5 October 1967 To Professional Services in connection with Recladding the North Stand Roof Fee of £7000 proposed in cur lettor dated 25 March 19S7 and accented in ■'•our letter dated 10 April 1987. Work now complete/ 100% of fee due Lass amount already received V.A.T. at 15% - With Compliments - Ragiatarad in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Ragiatration No. 391 1199 47 £7000.00 6300.00 700 .00 105.00 £805.00 EASTWOOD & PARTNERS (Consulting St. A ndrew s House 23 Kingflald Road S heffield 811 9AS T a l.: (0743) U3S71 T a la *: 6472M Fax: 0742 554330 Englnaara) Dir^cto*: W . Eastwood F.Eno. B .E n * . P h .D . D .E n g . C .E n o. F .I.C .E . P .M .S tr u c tE _ F.I.M »ch.E_ f .G .S . M .Con«.E. A . A. W ood R. C. B .E n *. f h . D . C .E n g . F .I.C .E . F .I.S tru c tE . M .I.W .E .S . M -C o o l E. A. Eastw ood l i e .*. m . i . c e . m .i.s o u c le . Q . Splr C .En g. M .I .C E . M .I.M *c h .E . C . S. Greaves B .E n g. C .E n g . M .I.C .E . M .I.S tru c tE . 8 . Preston I.E n g .. C .E n g . M .I.C .E .. M .I.S o u c l E. G. M . Seaman I . S c . C.Eng.. M .I.C .E . M .I.S tru c tE . A nocU tn : J . A . Stranga O ut I M : WB/JAS/JPO Your H d : CEfif. M .IJinja-E. A . J . Clough • A . . C .E »f.. M .C J.I.S .E ., h . l. h « k . E . R. Tandy C.Enf., F.I.Strvct.E. J . M . W oo d B.Sc. C .E » (.. M .I.C .I., M .I.S trun .E . Invoice No.: 9305 C o n s u lta n t: A . O . B u rd att r C.M ., B.Sc.(Enf.), C .Enf., F.I.C.E., F.I.Strucc-E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD, Si 1SW 6 October 1987 F o r the attention of Mr. G. Mackrail. To Professional Services in Connection with the Testing and Repairs of Barriers in July/August 1987 I I1 1 barriers of Spion Kop Terrace. • Preparation of sketches for the repair and strengthening of barriers which failed the tests. Arranging for the repairs to be carried out by R. M. Walker Construction Ltd. Correspondence with and certification of money due to the Contractor. Preparation of our report,, dated 18 August 1987, on the testing. Associates time (&. Strange) 7 hrs. • £26.00 Technicians time ( hrs. t Technicians tine ( 3ft hrs. • £8.14 Technicians time ( 33 hrs. § £4.52 Technicians time ( 30 hrs. 9 £4.52 Van hire to transport all equipment to site and back to office at end of testing period. Hire charge for testing equipaent, 4 days at £25 per day, Car mileage 56 miles 9 30.Op/m V . A . T . 8 151 - With Compliments Ragiatarad In England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 182.00 • 149.16 135.60 40.00 100.00 16.80 i 978.92 1 146.64 £1,12^76 E A S TW O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting S t. A ndraw s Housa 23 Klngflald Road Shaffiald S11 9AS T a l.: (0742) 583371 Talax: 547266 Fax: 0742 554330 Engineers) Oil W . E astw ood F.Eng. t.E n g . P h .0 . O.Enft. C l a o . F .I.C .L . P.P.I.Struct. L . f .L M * c h .E . r .C .S . M .C o n * .L s.tno. A. A . W ood MlD. c.tno. F.LCL. FJ S tr u c tL . M .I.W .L S . M .C o m L R. C. A. E astw ood lie . Q. 8 p lr C. S. C E n g . M l.C L . M J .S tru c tt. C . l n f l . M .I.C .L . M .L M * c h .L OrMVM l . t n f l . . C .E n g . M .I .C .L M .I.S tr u e tL 8 . Praaton ■.E n g .. C.Eng_ M .I.C .L . M IS t r u c l E . Q . M . Saaman B .S c . C . l n g . M .I.C .L . M .I.S tr v e t L AaoeUtM: J . A. Strang* A. J . Clough R. Tandy J . M. Wood Our ft*f: W E /J A S /S L W / Tour ft*f: C l i 'i , M.LSc/wct.1. t J U C .E n |.. M .C .L » .S .I_ H . I . H * d a . Invoice No.: C J x | . , F.l.Struct. I . 6722 t.S c. C h |. . H.I.C.I.. M.Utrvct.1. Consultant: A. O. lu r d ttt G.H.. LSc(En|.). C.lng.a F J.C L , fl.S ir.o _ l. Sheffield Wednesday Footbali Club pic, Hillsborough, Sheffield, S6 ISM. 29 October 1987 For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Planning Application Fees paid to City of Sheffield in connection v/ith the display of two signs for the new restaurant. - S i th Compliments - Rsgittsrad in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Ragrrtrrtion No. 391 1199 47 £18.00 E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Comultlng S t. Andrews Houss 23 Kingfield Road Sheffisld S11 9AS T el.: (0742) 583871 Telex: 547266 Fax: 0742 554330 Engineer*) Directors: W . Eastw ood F.Eng. B .En g. P h .D . 0 Eng. C.Eng.. F.l.C L . P.P.I.StructE.. F.I.M *eh.E _ F.G.S.. M .C o n t L A . A. W ood B.Eng. Ph.D .. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.I.Struct.L . M .I.W .E .S .. M .C o n iE . R. C. A. Eastw ood B.SC.. C .E n g. M .I.C .E . M .I.S t/uC tE . G. Spir C.Eng.. M .I.C .L . M .I.M t c h .L C . S. Greaves B.Eng.. C.Eng.. M .I.C E.. M I.SlruCt.E. S. Prsston B.Eng.. C.Eng., M .I.C .L . M .I.S tru c t.L G . M . Ssaman B .S c . C .E n g . M .I.C .L . M .I.S tm e t L J . A . S tra n g * C.Eng., M.I.Siruci-E. Our R t l : WE/KB Tour R tl A . J . Clough B.A., C.Eng.. M.C.I.B.S.E., H.I.H«ch.E. R. Tandy C.Eng.. F.I.Strvct.E. J . M . W ood B.Sc, C.Eng.. M .I.C .E.. M.I.Siruct.E. Invoice No.: 8945 C o n s u lta n t: A . Q. B u rd att C M.. B.Sc.(Eng.), C.Enf., F.I.C.E.. FI.Struct.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, 4 January 1988 Sheffield S6 1SW. For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Professional Services in connection with the Anti-Hooliganism Measures proposed by the Football League Studying the proposals accompanying your letter dated 10 March 1987 and preparing our written comments of 13 March. Preparation of the ground layout drawing 8945/1 issued on 29 April, 1987. Dr. Eastwood attending meeting on 2 June with representatives of the Club and Football League. Partner's time (Dr. W. Eastwood) 4 hours Associate Partner (J.A. Strange) l.hour Senior Draughtsman { } ll1/4 hours at £12.05 Travelling 9 miles at 30p 134.00 26.00 135.56 2.70 298.26 V.A.T. at 15% 44.73 £342.99 - with compliments - Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 EASTWOOD & PARTNERS (Consulting S t. Andrew s House 23 Kingfield Road Sheffield S11 9AS T e l.: (0742) 583871 T elex: 547266 Fax: 0742 554330 Englnttrt) OiTCtofa: W . Eastwood F.Eng. B .E n g. P h .D . 0 E n g. C .E n g. F .I.C .L . P .P .I.S tru c tE . F .I.M tc h .E . F.G.S.. M .C o r u .L A. A. W ood B.Eng.. Ph.O . C .E n g . F .I.C .E . F.I.S trvctE .. M .I W .E .S . M .C o n * .L R. C. A. Eastwood b .Sc.. C .E n g. M .I.C .E . M .I.S tru c t E. G. Spir C Eng.. M .I.C .L . M .I.M iC h .L C. S. Greaves B.Eng.. C.Eng.. M I C E.. M .I.S tru c t E. S. Preston B.Eng., C.Eng.. M .I.C L . M .I.S tru c t.L G. M . Seaman B .S c . C.Eng.. M .I.C .L . M .I.S truct.E. A uociiW i : J . A. S trang * Our R t l : WE/JAS/JB/J693 Tour R t l : C.Eng., M.I.Strvct.E. A . J . Clough B.A.. C.E n f.. M.C.I.B.S.E.. M.I.M*cfc.E. R. Tandy C.Enf., F.I.Struct.E. J . M . W ood B.S«.. C .Enf.. M.I.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Invoice No.: 9693 1st March 1966 C o u u itin t: A . Q. B u rd rtt C .M .. B.Sc.(Enf.). C .Enf.. F.I C E.. f I.Struct.E. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Plac, Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD, S6 1SW. For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Professional Services in connection v;lth the Rebuilding of Turnstiles follosing the .'.ccidgr.i on Penlstone cr. Friday 13th M o v enber 19 S7 Inspecting the damage and meeting representatives of the Police and BuiIdin? Survivors De o a r t m e n t . Obtaining prices from three contractors for hhe rebuilding work and placing an order on bhbalf of the Club with the chosen contractor. Placing an order on behalf of the Club for the turnstile mechanisms. Telephone calls and correspondence with hhe contractor and supplier of the turnstile mechanism. Checking accounts and certifying money due to the contractor and supplier of the turnstile mechanism. Final inspection of the work. Directors Time (Dr. Eastwood) 3/4 hr £ 35.00/hE“ Associates Time (J A Strange) 18J hrs e £26.28/hr Senior Technicians Tine 1$ hrs 0 £15.52/hr Travelling 56 miles 0 3Op; mile Plus V.A.T. at 15% - With Compliments - Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1199 47 £ 26.25 486.18 £ 23.28 £ £ £ £ 16.80 552.51 82.88 635.59 EASTW O O D & PARTNERS S t. A n d re w s House 2 3 K in g fie ld Road S h e ffie ld S11 9 A S T e l.: (0 7 4 2 )5 8 3 8 7 1 T e le x : 547266 F a x :(0 7 4 2 )5 5 4 3 3 0 (C onsulting Engineers) Directors ! W . E astw o o d F.Eng.. B.Eng.. Ph.D.. D.Eng.. C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. P.P.I Struct E F.I.Mech.E.. F G .S-.M.Cons E A . A . W ood B.Eng..Ph.D ..C Eng .F.I.C.E.. F.I.Strucl.E.. M l W E.M . M .C o n t E R .C .A . E astw o o d B.Sc.. C.Eng.. M.I.C.E.. F.I.Struct.E. G .S p ir C Eng .F I.C.E.. M .I.M *ch.E C. S. G reaves B Eng..C.Eng.. M l C.E.. M.I.Struct.E. S. Preston B.Eng.. C.Eng.. M.I.C.E.. M .I.Struct.E. G .M . S eam an B.Se.. C. Eng.. M I C.E.. F.I.Struet.E. C o n a u to n t: A . G . B u rd att Our R t f : G .M .. B.Sc.lEng.l. C.Eng.. WE/JAS/SEB F.I.C.E.. F .I.S tru cU . * * Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Your R t f : Hillsborough, Sheffield Invoice No. 10481 86 1SW 12 October 1988 ^or the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Professional Services In connection with the Testing and Repair of Barriers in ---------------July 1355 ----Testing the yearly quota of crush barriers at the ground, on the lower area of the Leppings Lime terrace. Carrying out a visual inspection of all the barriers throughout the ground. Agreeing a price for the repair of corroded barriers with Specialist Welding Services Ltd. Correspondence with and certification of money due to the Contractor. Preparing written records of the tests. Preparing our written report dated 3 August and sending copies to the Local Authority and Officer Working Party. £ Associates time Technicians time (J. Strange) hrs 9 1% hrs 8 36% hrs 9 26% hrs 9 26% hrs 9 Van hire to transport all equipment to Hillsborough and back. Hire charge for testing equipment, 3 days at £25 per day. Car mileage 49 miles at 32.0p/m 4k £29.00 £19.25 £ 8.65 £ 5.45 £ 5.45 123.25 28.87 315.72 144.42 144.42 40.00 75.00 15.68 £•"•537 .35 133.10 £1>020.46 V.A.T. 9 15% - with compliments - J<AiltrMgi Cfa».F.L9trucU. A. J. Clough R. Tandy J .M . Wood C .M . Pollard B A ., C-Eng., M .C .I.B S.E., M .I.M ^ h .E . C.Eng.. F.I.StrucLE. B.Sc., C.Er>£. MACEM.I.StrucLE, B .E n g .C .E n g ..M .I.C .E .. F.S.C-A. (Accour M .I.S tiucL E . & Adm<r>tgrrfftio< Registered in England - No. 1833144 R. K. Godd Mantlet) E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS S t. A ndrew s House 2 3 K ingfield Road S h e ffie ld S11 9A S T e l.: (0 7 4 2 )5 8 3 8 7 1 T elex: 547266 F a x : (0 7 4 2 )5 5 4 3 3 0 (Consulting Enginaars) Director*' W . E a s tw o o d f Eng B Eng Ph D O Eng . C E n g .F .IC .E ..P P I Struct E.. f I M « h E . . F G S .M C o n » E A . A . W oo d B E n g . P h D . C Eng . F I C E R. C . A . E a s tw o o d B S e C Eng . M I C E .F I Struct E G .S p ir C Eng F I C E . . M l .M K h E C . S . G reaves B Eng . C Eng . M I C.E . M I Struct E f I Struct E . M I W E M . M Cons E S. P re s to n 8 Eng . C Eng M I C E . M I.Struct E G . M . S eam an B Sc .C Eng.. M I C.E..F.I Struct E. Contuttam : A . G . B u rd e tt O ur R t f : G M .B .S e lE n g ). C.Eng . WE/JAS/DFD F I C E . . F.I.Struct.E Your R « f : Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic., Hillsborough, Invoica No.: 7 5 9 3 SHEFFIELD S6 1SW 6 December, 1988 For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell To Professional Services in connection with the N e w Entrance in Penistone Road Final Account Carrying out surveys of the existing properties. Preparing designs, drawings and contract documents. Inviting tenders and reporting on those returned. Supervising R. M. Walker's work by site visits. Submission of drawings and calculations for Building Regulations and Planning Approval. Correspondence with and certification of money to the Contractor. Fees calculated in accordance with the Association of Consulting Engineers Conditions of Engagement, 1981 and based on the following costings. Percentage scale fee for work of an average complexity calculated at 10%. 10% Of £26,712.92 £2,671.29 Travelling expenses due to us - no charge. gratis Prints of drawings chargeable under standard Agreement - no charge. gratis Less amount already received. £2 ,671,.29 £2 ,470,.00 V.A.T. £ £ 201,.29 30,.19 £ 231..48 at 15% With Compliments _ Au o c u im : J. A. Strange A. J. Clough R. Tandy J. M. Wood C C rtQ .. F .I.S tr u d E . C .M . Pollard R.K.Godden B J L .C .E n g . M . C I B S E.. C .E n g ..F .I.S tru a.E . S.Se..C.Eng.. M .I.C .E .. B.Eng.. C E n g .M .IC .E .. M A StrueLE . M .I.Sm xtE. F.S.C A . (Accountant & Admiruslr«t*on M .I.M ach .E . M «r\*g«r) Registered in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. Registration No. 391 1 1 9 9 4 7 HE/KB/9648 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 1SW. 19 December 1988 For the attention of Mr. 0. Maokrell Dear Graham, Facilitiea for the Disabled in the Horth Stand We have now prepared our fee account which Z have pleasure in enclosing. You will see that this has been made out on a time basis mainly because we were subjected to a great deal of time wasting by the local authority and the working party. You will recall that there were arguments about the width of the rasp, about the hand rails,and particularly about the level of the safety rail in front of the wheelchairs. Z became heavily involved in the arguments, including a special visit to satisfy myself that what we were proposing was right. John had to arrange a sp * 4 | i meeting with members of the working party. A number of alterations had to be made to our drawings although we did manage to limit the extra expenditure>^9£:|5t having a horizontal rail approximately attthe eye level of the people in the wheelchairs. Zt will be seen that my time has not been charged for. Ke have also not charged for travelling expenses and prints of drawings both of which are admissible in the normal conditions engagement, tfe have also then deduced 10% from the hourly rate charges. Zn total, our various discounts add up to about 20% of the bill which a u n i that ws have worked it i k sargins, without discount, usually wor) You will also rsoall that we paid our < cartoon showing th« facility for uss ix was £100 which we have been pleased tc contribution. Kith all good wishes for Christsai Yours six c A S T W O O D & PARTNERS S t. A n d re w s House 2 3 K in g fie ld Road S h e ffie ld S11 9A S T e l.: (0 7 4 2 )5 8 3 8 7 1 T e le x : 547266 Fax: ( 0 7 4 2 ) 5 5 4 3 3 0 (Consulting Engineers) W. E as tw o o d F Ertg., B Eng.. Ph.D. D.Ef\g., C.Eng.. F.l C E-.P.P I St'uCT E F.I.Mech E . F G S . M Con*.£ A . A . W ood B.Eng . Ph D , C. Eng .F.I.C E.. F I Struct.E.. M.I.W.E.M., M.Cons E. R. C. A . E a s tw o o d B Sc.. C.Eng.. M.I.C.E.. F.i.Struct.E. G . S p ir C. S. G reaves C.Eng.. F.I.C.E-. M.I.Mvch.E. S. P resto n B.Eng., C.Eng.. M.I.C.E., M.l.Strud.E. G. M . S eam an B.Sc.. C.Eng.. M.I.C.E.. F.I.StructE. B Eng..C.Eng.,M.I.C.E.,M.I Struct.E. C o n iu lta n t: A .G .B u r d e t t KE/JAS/KB Our R « f : G.M., B.Sc. (Eng.). C.Eng.. F.I.C.E.. F.i.Struct.E. Y our R «f : Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pie, 9648 Invoic. No.: Sheffield, S6 1SW. For the attention of Hr. G. Mackrell TW 19 December 1988 To Professional Services in connection with the Facilities in the NOrth Stand for the Disabled Taking site dimensions 06 the existing strudrfeae, designing the ramp and platfora and handrails. Preparation of drawings and tender docusients. Preparing of Building Regulations application. Correspondence and special Meetings with the local authority and Officer Norking Party, see* aeabers of which made unreasonable requests. Issuing tender documents and reporting on these tenders in our letter dated 3 December 1987. Further discussions and correspondence with the Officer Working Party in 1988. Issuing a second set of tender documents and reporting on those tenders in our letter dated 26 April 1988. Appointing the Contractor, visits to site during the Contract, correspondence with and certifying money due to the Contractor. V t., lastwood'.s time Associate's ti»e (J. Strange) Senior Draughtsman*s time Junior Draughtsman's tlae gratis 1,041.34 521.42 18.90 48.67 gratis si & Travelling expenses due to us - no charge Prints of drawings chargeable under standard agreement - no oharge gratis Less 10% Alscount 1,630.33 163.03 V.A.T. at 15% 1,4(7.30 220J.Cb A u o cu tM : J.A. Strange A.J.Clough CEng.F.I.StrucLE. B_A_. C E n g .. M .C l.B.S.E.. M.I.M«cK.E. £1.687,43 with coapliments R.Tandy J.M.Wood C.M . P ollard R.K.Go. C .Eng- F.LStrua.E. B.Eng.. C E n g .. M I C E .. F - S C A (Act S A dm ini«n M w tagw l B.Sc.. C E n g ., M J.C E.. MLStrucLE. M L S tr u c U . R«gt>tar*d in England - No. 1833144 V.A.T. ftogistrstion No. 391 1199 47 ( % & Z S t. A ndrew a H ouae 23 K in g fie ld R o a d S h e f f ie l d S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 5S 4554 Fax: (0742) 5 S 4330 E A S T W O O D & PARTNERS (Consulting Engineera) D irector! : W . E a a tw o o d f Eng . B Eng . D . D Eng . C Eng . F l-C E.. P P I Struct E . f.l.M«ch E . f C 5 . M Con» E A .A .W o o d B Eng . Ph D . C Eng . f I C E . f I Struct E . M I W E M . M Com E R .C .A .E a a tw o o d G .S p ir C .S .G ra a v a a C Eng . f I C E . M I Mech E S . P r a a to n G .M . S e a m a n D .S . S te p h a n a B Sc . C Eng . M I C E . F t Struct E B Sc . C t " j . M I C t . f I S'tuci E B Eng . C Eng , M I C E . M I Struct E B Eng C E n g . M I C E . M I Struct E C Eng FI C E . f I Struct E . FB I M Our R ef : WE/JAS/ Sheffield Wednesday Football Club PLC, vourRef Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 1SW. x w e n o u c Credit Mote 9648 For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell " Date: 15 August 1989 CREDIT NOTE Raj Facilities In the North Stand for the Disabled By cancellation of our InvoioeNo. 9648 1 #467.30 dated 19.12.88 220.10 V.A.T. at 151 £1,687.40 - w i t h compliments - J . A. S tr a n g e A. J . Clough R. T andy J . M .W ood C.M . P ollard R. K. Q odden C Eng *F I Struct.E B _ A ..C E n g ..M C .I B S E . M.I.Mecfc.E. C.Eng.. F.i.Struct.E. B.Sc.. C.Eng.. M.I.C.E.. M .I.Strud.E. B.Eng.. C.Eng.. M.I.C.E.. M-I-Sjruct-E. F.S.C A. (Accountant k Admmialretion Manager) Registered in England - No. 1833144 */ 4 f R • 'icP *ifi 3*«1 1199 47 (56? 7 o'] E A S T WO O D & PARTNERS St. A ndrew s H ou se 23 K in g fie ld R o a d S h e f f ie ld S11 9AS Tel.: (0742) 554554 Fax: (0742) S54330 (Consulting Engineers) Director* : W . Eastwood F E ng.. 6 E n g . Ptt D . D E n g . C Eng . F I C E . P . P I . S t r u c t E.. F I M «ch I A .A .W o o d . F G S .. M C o m E. B E n g . P h D . C ( n g . F . l C E.. F I S tru ct E . M I W E M , M C o "» E R .C .A .E astw ood B Sc . C E n g . M IC E . f.l S tru ct E G .S p ir C Eng .F I C E . M I M c c n E C .S.Greaves B Eng .C E n g . M t C E . M I S t r u c t S. Preston B Eng G .M . Seam an B Sc . C E n g . M IC E . F I S t r u c t E O .S . Stephens C Eng . F I C E . FI S t r u c t . E . F B t M C Eng M I C E . . M I.S truct E E v: e / j a s / j a n O ut R e t : Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic, Hillsborough, SHEFFIELD. S6 1SW For the attention of Mr. G. Mackrell You' *f invoice No.: 10889 Date: 26 October 1989 To Professional Services in Connection with the New Toilet F a c i l i t i e s In the South Stand Carrying out survey of the existing toilets. Preparing designs, drawings, specifications, schedules and contract documents. Inviting tenders and reporting on those returned. Administering the Contract during the work, including correspondence with and certification of money to R. M. Walker Construction Limited. Agreed Contract Sum with R. M. Walker Construction Limited at >£23,909.32 Fee 10% of £23,909.32 £2,390.93 Building Regulations Fee 40.00 Mileage 17.15 49 miles at 35p per mile Cost of drawings and printing and binding of document to which we are due, no charge Gratis £2,448.08 367.21 V.A.T. at 15% £2,815.29 - w i t h compliments - A a a o d iu t: J. A . Strange A. J. Clough R. Tandy J.M .W ood C .M . Pollard R.K. Godden C E n g . F.i.Struct.E. B.A.. C.Eng.. M.C.I B S E.. M.I.Macft.E. C.Eng.. FJ.StnjctE. B S c ..C J n g ..M .I.C J .. M.I.Slrua-E B.Eng.. C E n g .. M.I.C.E.. F .S C A . (Acepvnun* & A 4m *v«tr«uon M.I.Snua.E. Man«9«r) ftogirt*r*d in England - No. 1833144 •' A T R - - Nr m f Sheffield Wednesday F o o t b a l l C l u b pic Directors5 Report and Accounts fo r th e year ended 31st M ay, 1985 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the eighty-sixth annual general meeting of the company will be held a t the Cutlers5 Hall, Sheffield on 28th October, 1985 at 7.00 p.m. for the following purposes:1. To receive the report of the directors and the accounts for the year ended 31st May, 1985. 2. To elect two directors. 3. To re-appoint the auditors, Pannell Kerr Forster, and to authorise the directors to agree their remuneration. 4. To transact such other business as may be done at an annual general meeting. The register of transfers will be closed from the 27th September, 1985 until after the meeting. R. H. CHESTER Secretary Hillsborough Sheffield S6 1SW 22nd August 1985 Members of the company entitled to attend and vote at the meeting are entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend and vote on a poll in their stead. A proxy need not also be a member of the company. To be valid, proxies must be lodged at the registered office of the company not later than 48 hours prior to the time appointed for the meeting. Note: Please note that holders of ‘C’ shares of £10, 6% redeemable debenture stock 1990 and unsecured loan stock are not entitled, by virtue of such holding, to attend or vote at the annual general meeting of the company. S h effield W ednesday Football Club pic. Founded 1867 Incorporated 1899 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICIALS Vice-Presidents 5 . Ashton C. Turner Registered Office and Transfer Office Hillsborough, Sheffield SS 1SW. Auditors Pannell Kerr Forster, Chartered Accountants, Knowie House, 4 Norfolk Park Road, Sheffield S2 3QE. Board of Directors H. E McGee (Chairman) M. Sheppard J.P., F .C A S. L Speight O.B.E. C. Woodward K. T. Addy E. Barron G. K. Hulley Solicitors Broomheads Fountain Precinct Sheffield Manager Howard Wilkinson Bankers National Westminster Bank pic Secretary R. H. Chester 00® a a v a a is Trustee for Debenture Stockholders Alliance Assurance Company Limited. axoKKYH H3<ioo;> xhy ,\v a OZOsVce T i O O 06. 60- Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Report of the Directors The directors present herewith the audited accounts of the company for the year ended 31st May, 1385. Financial Results and Dividends The revenue account Is set out on page 3. The directors recommend no dividend be paid. Review of the Year The principal activity of your company continues to be that of a professional football club. The Season 1984/85 will be remembered by all connected with the dub for our successful return to the 1st Division after fourteen years absence. W e finished in eighth position: a very creditable performance In our first season back in the top flight when we were challenging for a place in Europe until virtually the last match. In the M ilk Cup we again reached the quarter final, eventually losing to Chelsea after three memorable games which were each watched by crowds in excess of 36,000. In the FJ l Cup a 3-2 away defeat at the hands of Ipswich Town saw our exit in the fifth round. Our Central and Northern Intermediate sides also had better seasons finishing 6th and 9th in their respective leagues. Nigel Worthington received his Northern Ireland International Cap whilst Tony Gregory and Kevin Pressman both received their England Youth International Caps. The average home gate for league matches was 27,000 and our supporters received national acclaim for their exemplary conduct by being awarded a “Top of the Kops“ award by a leading national newspaper. Our successful season, however, has been tempered by severe crowd disturbances at matches in which our club had not been taking part and in particular fay the tragic disasters at the Bradford City ground and the Heysel Stadium in Belgium. The subsequent redactions by H.M. Government and the football authorities will have tar reaching effects on soccer generally in this country and may inevitably adversly affect our club at least in the short term. Financially our year was also very satisfactory showing a surplus before tax of £493-579 despite having paid out transfer fees totalling £667,750 against those received of £592,500. The club continued with its policy of improving the amenities for spectators by spending the sum of £492,000 on additional facilities. The directors wish to thank, on your behalf, aJI the players and staff for their excellent efforts during the season and in particular Howard Wilkinson, our manager, and Dick Chester, our secretary, for the very creditable achievements. Directors Directors who held office during the year and their beneficial interest in the share capital and debentures at the end of the year are as shown below:Ordinary shares Debentures *A' No. H. E. McGee M. Sheppard S. t_ Speight C. Woodward K. T. Addy E. Barron G.-K. Hulley •S’ No. 7 12 2 4 9 1 2 Nominal value £ 70 120 20 40 90 10 20 5 20 2 10 12 7 3 Nominal value £ 500 2,000 200 1,000 1,200 700 300 37 370 59 5,900 No. Nominal value £ 6 500 2 200 8 800 The only change to the directors' interest in the share capital and debentures in the year was a purchase bv K. T Addy of 2 *A' ordinary shares. . TTie directors who retire by rotation are Messrs M. Sheppard and C. L Woodward who, being elialble offer themselves for re-election. w Fixed Assets The changes that occurred in the fixed assets during the year are set out on pages 6 & 7. In view of the specialised use of the freehold land and buildings at Hillsborough, the directors are unable to give an indication of the excess of tne market value over book value. The buildings will continue to be maintained lo their present standard and it is not considered appropriate to provide depreciation on the freehold stadium. Auditors A resolution to re-appoint the auditors, Pannell Kerr Forster, will be proposed at the annual general meeting. By Order of the Board, R. H. CHESTER, Secretary Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 iSW . 22nd August, 1935. d H v a a .is axoicKYH — h 3<k >o :> x h v ay a 0b0b 9C6 TiO^J 9£ • CT 60- Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Revenue A ccount Year ended 31st May 1985 Notes Income Match receipts Season tickets Transfer fees receivable Miscellaneous income 1985 1984 £ £ 1,316,492 453,020 592,500 404,029 1,119,469 199,564 207,500 268,000 Operating Income Donations from development associations 2,766,041 103,872 1,794,533 105,407 Total Income 2^69,913 1,899,940 3 Expenditure Wages and salaries ' Football expenses Ground and property expenses General administration expenses Depreciation and loss on disposal of fixed assets Transfer fees payable Total Expenditure Surplus Before Interest income from fixed asset investments Other interest receivable Interest payable Surplus Before Taxation Taxation 5 6 7 9 904,335 280,073 356,107 113,786 839,119 243,216 138,537 83,990 106,599 667,750 33,971 475,150 2,428,650 1,813,983 441,263 85,957 9,717 78,372 (30,773) 9,851 35,991 (11,868) 57,316 33,974 498,579 22,841 119,931 — 475,738 119,931 Surplus After Taxation Transfer to debenture redemption reserve 17 9,063 6,956 Sutplus For The Year 18 466,675 112,975 £00 ® ckokkyh hhjooo a>q OSOt '9C6 XiOS 0(5. 60. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic B allance Sheet 31 st May, 1985 Notes 1985 £ Fixed Assets Tangible assets Investments: Debenture redemption fund investments Other investments Current Assets Stocks Debtors Cash at bank and in hand £ 1,640,566 12 12 102,098 6,105 95,227 15 Total Assets less Current Liabilities Capital and Reserves Called up share capital Share premium account Revaluation reserve Other reserves Profit and loss account £ 2,012,517 Net Current Assets Creditors - Amounts falling due after more than one year £ 11 13 14 Creditors - Amounts falling due within one year 1984 15 16 17 18 34,740 223,425 859,062 26,329 68,453 589,143 1,117,227 683,925 874,610 544,571 242,617 139,354 2,363,337 1,875,147 165,719 151,971 2,197,618 1,723,176 124,550 1,616 627,710 181,014 1,262,728 124,550 1,616 627,710 173,247 796,053 2,197,618 1,723,176 Approved by the board on 22nd August, 1985 H. E. McGEE ) NL SHEPPARD \ D,rectors oxokkvh hsjood khy ay a OoOS 9C6 TiOS iS'ST 06. 60-0 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club p ic Notes on Accounts Year ended 31st May, 1985 1. Accounting policies fa) Transfer fees paid or received are written off to revenue account in the year in which the transfer is completed. (b) Donations from the development funds are credited to revenue account as and when receivable. (c) Leasehold properties, fixtures, fittings and motor vehicles are being written off over their estimated usstu! life at rates varying from 7.5% to 25% . No depreciation is being written off the freehold stadium. The rates of depreciation have been increased to reflect a reduction in the anticipated useful fives of the assets purchased in recent years. (d) Repairs and ground maintenance costs are charged against income as they are incurred. (e) Stocks on hand, being the stocks held by the Owis Shop, are valued a t the lower of cost and net realisable value on a first in first out basis. Provision is made where necessary for obsolescent, slow moving and defective stock. (0 Grants The sports council grant on Middlewood Road training ground is being credited to revenue account over the same period as depreciation is provided on the asset Grants towards capital expenditure received from the Football Ground Improvement Tryst are credited to the appropriate asset accounts. (g) A finance leased asset is financed by a lease agreement which confers rights approximating to ownership. This asset is treated as if it had been purchased outright The corresponding lease commitment is shown as an obligation under a finance tease. The depreciation on the asset is charged to the revenue account following the company's normal rates. Lease payments are treated as consisting of capital and interest elements. The interest is charged to the revenue account. 2. Turnover The total turnover for the year, being all relative to the sole activity of the company in the U.K. exclusive o f VAT, amounted to £3,015,727 (1984 £1.853.370). 3. 1985 Miscellaneous Income 119,761 1,404 1984 £ 41,671 144,117 80,808 1,404 404,029 268.000 £ Rent and hire of facilities Publicity Commercial activities Transfer from sports council grant (See Note 17) 81,444 201,420 4. Staff Costs 772,084 53,091 26,680 £ 752,038 49,678 16,148 851,835 817,864 Number BO Number 74 £ Wages and salaries Social security costs Other pension costs Average number employed in the year Number of employees whose emolments fell within the following ranges:£30,001 - £35,000 £35,001 - £40,000 2 1 2 2 5. Income from Fixed Asset Investments Interest on debenture fund listed investments Bank interest 00® (IH V aa.lS 0X0KKYH H3d00;> \ ’HV .vva ' £ £ 9,541 176 9,730 9,717 9,851 0 6 0 C 9C6 121 T I0 O S'S : C l 06. 60 Notes on Accounts Sheffield Wednesday Footbal! Club pic 6. Continued 1985 £ 78,372 Other Interest Receivable Bank and short term deposit interest Interest on transfer fees etc. 7. 1984 £ 34,049 1.942 — 78,372 35,991 £ £ 19,875 1,994 8,904 325 2,492 9,051 30,773 11,868 £ 1,500 £ 1,500 92,652 5,326 31,124 2.847 Interest Payable and Similar Charges interest payable on bank and other borrowings repayable within five years Interest on finance lease Interest on loans not repayable within five years Profit on Ordinaiy Activities before Taxation The profit on o rd in a l activities before taxation is after charging:Auditors* remuneration Depreciation and amortisation written off owned tangible fixed assets Depreciation on teased asset under finance lease Taxation £ 22,841 Corporation tax on the investment income at 30% £ — The company has accumulated tax losses totalling approximately £450,000 which are available to offset against any future taxable profits arising from trading activities. 10. Directors Emoluments No emoluments have been paid to the directors during the year. 11. Fixed Assets - Tangible The increase in book value at 9th January, 1975 to £1,000,000 followed a professional valuation by Messrs Eadon Lockwood & Riddle on that date of £2,312,000. This valuation was made on the basis of depreciated replacement cost, but in view of the specialised nature of the stadium, the directors felt it was inappropriate to include the asset in the accounts at that figure. As there is no intention to dispose of the property, no provision has been made for an estimated potential tax charge of £128,000 which would arise on a sale at book value. At 1/6/84 £ Cost or valuation Land and buildings Freehold - valuation in 1975 - cost Long leasehold Additions o Disposals 1,000,000 Plant Fixtures and fittings Fixtures and fittings under a finance lease Motor vehicles At 31/5/85 c £ 1,000,000 224,930 355,534 294.373 519,303 355,534 1,580.464 82,494 91,919 31,629 48,827 294.373 1.874.837 1,835,333 6,875 166,346 00 .011) 24.600 (27,473) 79,358 258,265 31,629 45,95^ 492,194 (37,484) 2^90,043 i goo® < <i.\okkvh H3doo:> \'Hv av <i OSOo 9C6 U 0 © 06. eo o Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Continued 11. Fixed Assets - Tangible (Continued) At 1/6/84 £ Depredation Land and buildings. Freehold - valuation in 1975 - cost Long leasehold Plant Fixtures and fittings Fixtures and fittings under a finance lease Motor vehicles Net book amounts Land and buildings Freehold Long leasehold Plant Fixtures and fittings Fixtures and fittings under a finance lease Motor vehicles Charge for year £ — — — __ Eliminated on disposals £ At 31/5/85 £ _ — — — 53,947 26,665 53,947 78,946 36,705 6,009 19,160 26,665 2,845 51,653 6,326 11,489 <9,374) 80,612 74.9*6 88,358 12,335 21,275 104,767 98,978 (16,219) 277,525 80,612 — (6,845) — — A t 1/8/84 £ At 31/5/85 £ 1,224,930 301,587 1,519.303 274,922 1,526,517 1,794,225 3,548 55,214 25,620 29,667 4,412 169,907 19,294 24,679 1,640,566 2,012^17 The historical cost o f the freehold properties included at valuation is £479,495. 12. Fixed Assets • Investments Debenture redemption fund investments Listed investments at cost Bank deposits awaiting investment Market value of listed investments 1985 £ 94,026 8,072 1984 £ 88,109 7,118 102,098 95,227 102,785 100,414 * The listed investments are listed on a recognised stock exchange. Movements in debenture redemption fund investments:Loan stock at cost At 31st May, 19S4 Additions £ 88,109 8,000 Disposal 96,109 2,083 94,026 Other investments Unlisted shares at cost . Unsecured loan stock at cost £ 5 6,100 6,105 7 ------ — 6o o® a a v m is (K okkyh — HHdooo \H Y .vva OZOo 9 06 T i O O 3) 6£ •' o I 06. 60 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Continued 13. Stocks Goods for re-sale 14. Debtors Due within one year Trade debtors Other debtor? Prepayments and accrued income Due after more than one year Other debtors 1985 £ 34,740 1984 £ 26,329 £ £ 160,653 10,724 41,130 32,032 17,415 16.226 212#J7 65,673 10£18 2.780 223,425 6 8 /5 3 . 15. Creditors Amounts felling due within one yean8ank loan and overdraft Trade creditors Other creditors:Interest free loan notes Taxation and sociaJ security Obligation under finance lease Accruals and deferred income - £ £ 20S.362 308,354 237,942 500 56,053 6,292 297,049 500 117,300 5.793 183,036 874,610 544,571 — The bank loan and overdraft are secured by a floating charge over the assets of the company subject to the 6% redeemable debenture stock security. Amounts falling due after more than one yeanOther creditors: 6% redeemable debenture stock 1990 1,104 debentures of £100 each (secured on the company’s assets) 12% loan notes of £100 each repayable on 12 months notice Obligation under finance lease Corporation tax 110,400 18,400 14,078 22,841 112,700 18,900 20,371 165,719 151,971 — The 6% redeemable debentures are redeemable at par on 30th November 1990. 16.Called up Share Capital 1935 and 1984 Original shares of £5 each *A’ shares of £10 each "S’ shares of £100 each ’C shares of £10 each Unclassified shares of £100 each Authorised No. £ 250 50 1,375 13,750 2£00 250,000 15,000 150,000 860 86,000 Allotted & fully paid £ No. 50 250 1,113 11,130 954 95,400 1,777 17,770 — — 19,785 3,894 500,000 124,550 On 31st May in any year the holders of ten ‘C shares may require the Club to convert their shares into one 'B' share, such conversion becoming effective upon notice being given to the Club. oto® ' a a v a a jis oxokkvh -— H H d a o o >chy a v <i 0S0S 9C6 T 1 0 O 00:CT 06. 60 0o Notes on Accounts Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic 17. Continued Other Reserves 1985 £ 1984 £ £ £ Debenture redemption reserve at 31st May, 1984 Transfer revenue account Profit on realisation of investments Profit on redemption of debentures 95,727 9,053 68 40 88,414 6,956 437 120 104,398 95,927 Less nominal value of debentures redeemed J 2.300 700 102,098 95227 Redeemed debenture reserve a l 31 si May 1984 Add nominal value of debentures redeemed ~ 37,300 2,300 36,600 700 39,600 37,300 Grants Sports Council Grants Middlewood Road improvements at 3 ls t May. 1984 Transfer to miscellaneous income 18. 40,720 1,404 42,124 1.404 39,315 40.720 181,014 173,247 Profit and Loss Account At 31st May 1984 Surplus for the year £ 795,053 466.675 At 31st May 1985 1.262,728 19-Capital Commitments 1985 1S84 £ Contracted but not provided Authorised by the directors but not yet contracted 'no© <i\okkyh HHdOO.O \-HY -vva £ 190,000 — ' OSOo 9C6 I i O O — 400,000 00: cx 06. 60. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pfc S tatem ent o f Source and Application o f Funds Year ended 31st May, 1985 1984 1985 £ Surplus before Tax Adjustments for items not involving the movement of funds:Transfer from Sports Council Grant Loss (Profit) on disposal of fixed assets Depreciation £ 498,579 (1,404) 7,621 119,931 (1,404) (200) 9&97B 34,171 32J5S7 105,195 Other Sources of Funds Football Ground Improvement Trust Grgnt Realisation o f investments Tax repayment Proceeds of sale of fixed assets 116^835 2,151 71,994 11,471 13.644 2,805 6,3<M Application of Funds Purchase o f fixed assets Debenture fund investments (net) Other investment Loan stock repaid Debentures redeemed Lease instalments 132,630 92,614 735,404 245,112 609,029 8,000 209,113 17,847 6,105 500 2,300 5.793 580 5.295 100 (631,727) (232,935) 104,577 Increase in Working Capital Increase in stocks increase (decrease) in debtors (Increase) in creditors Movement in net liquid funds:(Decrease) increase in cash in hand Increase in short term deposit loans (increase) decrease in bank overdraft and loan 12,177 8,411 2,798 154,972 (123,178) (47,966) (190,107) 40,205 "(235,275) (1,028) 245,153 (179,553) 88,664 148,964 9.824 64,472 247,452 104,677 12,177 10 0® ayvaa/is <i\okkyh — H 3 d00j XH V AVa OoOS 9C6 TiO© I0:CI 06. 60-OC S h effield W ednesday Football Club pic Auditors’ Report to the M em bers W e have audited the financial statements on pages 3 to 10 in accordance with approved Auditing Standards. These accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of the freehold stadium. For the reasons stated in the Directors’ Report, the company has not complied with Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No. 12 in that no provision has been made for depreciation on the freehold stadium. Except for the effects of accounting for depreciation on the freehold stadium in the manner described in the preceding paragraph, in our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Club at 31st May 1985, and of the surplus and source and application of funds, for the year then ended and comply with the Companies Act 1S85. PANNELL KERR FORSTER Chartered Accountants Sheffield. 22nd August, 1985 aavacas axoKKVH HHdooo xhv .wa 0S05 9C6 110® t o :Cl 06. 60-' Sheffield Wednesday Football Clubpic Directors* Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st May, 1986 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the eighty-seventh annual general meeting of the company will be held at the Cutlers* Han, Sheffield on Thursday, 9th October, 1986 at 7.00 pjn. for the following purposes: 1. To receive the report of the directors and the accounts for the year ended 31st May, 1986. 2. To elect three directors. 3. To appoint ArthurAndersen & Co. as atxtftors for the ensuing year, and to authorise the directors to agree their remuneration. A. To transact such other business as may be done at an annua] genera! meeting. The register of transfers will be closed from the 8th September, 198$ until after the meeting. FL H. CHESTER Secretary Hillsborough Sheffield S61SW 5th September, 1986 Members of the company entitled to attend and vote at the meeting are entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend and vote on a poll in their stead. A proxy need not also be a member of the company. To be valid, proxies must be lodged at the registered office of the company not later than 48 hours prior to the time appointed for the meeting. Note: Please note that holders of ‘C’shares of £10.6% redeemable debenture stock 1990 and unsecured loan stock are not entitled, by virture ofsuch holding, to attend or vote at the annual general meeting of the company. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic. Founded 1867 Incorporated 1899 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFfiClALS Registered Office and Transfer Office Hillsborough, Sheffield SS1SW Vice-Presidents S. Ashtoo C- Turner Aodrtocx Panned Kerr Forster, Chartered Accountants. Khowte House. A Norfolk Park Road, SheffieSdS2 3QE. Board of Directors H. E. McGee (Chairman) M. Sheppard, J-P-, F.C.A. S. L. Speight. 0 3 £ . C. Woodward K. T. Addy E. Barron GL K. HuHey SoBcJtors Irwin Mitchell, Bank Street. Sheffield. Manager Howard Wilkinson Banters National Westminster Bank pic Secretary R. H. Chester ( iH v a a is iix o iv iv Y H Trustee for Debenture Stockholders Alliance Assurance Company limited - — H 3 <j o o .:i \ hy a y <i 0 z0 O 9C6 T iO O O0 : c I 06. 60. f I • Report of the Directors Sheffield W ednesday Football Club pic The direclors preswa berBwilh the audited accounts of the company for the ysar end«d 31st May. 1586. Financial Results and Dividends Tbe revenue account is set out on page 5. The directors recommend no dividend be paid. Review of the Year Tbe principal acthfty of your company continues to be that of a professional football dub. The yaw underreviewwasa successMoneIn that we finished theseasonin the Slh posxSooof Divisco Or» and progressed through the rounds of toe FA Cop to lose in the Semi-Fral to Ewrtoo at the Aston VBa ground. Bobby Robson, the England Manager, asked for Howard WSMoson to be past of the England management squad for the World Cup Series in Mexico; an honour which reflects we# an both our Manager and Chib. Martin Hodge, our goalkeeper, narrowly missed the call to Mexico. He HeraSywas sat with his passportin his hand, and teas only advised Shortly before the doadEn* expired that ha would not be needed. Financially the Club was strengthened — though shareholders should note our prtfit was orfy doe to the surplus on transfer lees. Dwing the year wespent £340,000on improving tacffifles far ourspectatocs. and duringthat yearwe were able to finalise the plans for the project "Roof the Kop“. The Boardwish to thank,on your behalf, all members of oursfaff tor the s&fing woricdone dwing the year to makethese results possible. Director .T Directors who held office during the.year and their beneficial interests in the share capital and debentures at the end of the year are as shown below: *A* No. R E . McGee M. SheppanJ S. L Speight C. Woodward K.T. Addy E. Barron G. KLHuUey 7 12 4 4 12 1 e 46 Ordinary shares •0Nominal value NO. £ 70 5 120 20 40 2 40 10 12 120 7 10 SO 3 460 59 Nominal value £ 500 2.000 200 1,000 1.200 700 300 S&00 Debentures Nominal No. value £ 6 600 2 8 200 800 The changes m the directors* interest in the share capital and debentures in the year were a purchase by S. 1_ Speight of 2.'A' ordinary shares, a purchase by 1C T. Addy of 3 ‘A* ordinary shares and a purchase by 6 . K. HuSey ol 4 'K ordinary shares. The diraclocswhorefire ty rotationare Messrs.SLL Speight, E. BarronandG.K.HuQey who, being eligible, offerthemselves for re-filecfion. Charitable Donations Charitable decagons amounted to £445 in the year. Fixed Assets The changes that ocamed in the fixed assets during the year are set out on page 7. In view of the specialised use of the freehold land and buildings at Hillsborough, the directors are unable to give an Indication of the excess of the market value over book value. The buildings will continue to be maintained to their present standard and it is not considered appropriate to provide depreciation on the freehold stadium. Auditors The directors win propose the appointment o( Arthur Andersen & Co. as auditors to the members at the/nnual General Meeting. Sheffield WednesdayFootball Club picwish to place on recordtheir appreciation o( the long and valued service received from PanneD Kerr Forster. By Order of the Board. R. H. CHESTER, Secretary _ * ~ . — 2 £ 10® OHVa&lS <1\ 0 KKVH " Hillsborough. Sheffield S 6 1 SW. 2®h August, 19S6. Revenue Account Sheffield W ednesday Football Club pic Year ended 31st M ay, 1986 Notes Incom e. Match receipts Season tickets Transfer fees receivable Miscellaneous Income 1985 £ c 1,142,554 502,982 1,187,000 305,731 1,316.492 453.020 592300 404,029 Operating Income Donations received from development associations and gifts towards the Roof on the Kop 3,138,367 2^66,041 110,296 103,872 Total Income 3,248,563 2369,913 1,182,004 333,059 188,558 102,366 904,335 280,073 356,107 113,786 97,589 1,021,250 106,599 667,750 2^24,836 2,428,650 323,827 441,263 4 Expenditure _ Wages and salaries Football expenses Ground and property expenses General administrator! expenses Depredation and loss on disposal of fixed assets Transfer fees payable Total Expenditure Surplus Before Interest Income from fixed asset Investments Other interest receivable Interest payable 910® 1S86 6 7 8 11,015 84,206 (26,680) 9,717 78,372 (30,773) 68,541 57,316 Surplus Before Taxation Taxation 10 392,365 6,916 498,579 22,841 Surplus After Taxation Transfer to debenture redemption reserve 18 385,452 8,891 475,738 9,063 Surplus For The Year 19 376,561 466,675 OHVaCLIS axOKKVH — H3d00D \HV AVa’ OoOS 9C6 Tiofi C0:CT 06. 600o Balance Sheet Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic 31st May, 13S6 1986 Notes £ Fixed Assets Tangible assets ' investments: Debenture redemption fund Investments Other investments Current Assets Stocks Debtors £ 2,012^17 13 109,808 102.098 6,105 16 22,693 753,500 401,905 34,740 223.425 859,062 1,178,098 1,117.227 848,262 874,610 Net Current Assets Total Assets (ess Current Liabilities 329,836 242,617 2,726,575 2.363,337 146,950 165,719 2,579,615 2,197,618 124,5S0 1,616 627,710 186,450 1,639,289 124,550 1,616 627,710 181,014 1,262,728 2,579,615 2,197,618 16 Capita! and Reserves Called up share capital Share premium account Revaluation reserve Other reserves Profit and loss account £ 2,285,931 Cash at bank and in hand Creditors—Amounts falling due after more than one year £ 12 14 15 Creditors—Amounts falling due within one year* 1985 17 18 19 Approved by the board on 28th August, 1986. H .E . McGEE 1 r Directors . iTO® a n v a a .is ckokkvh *--- h h jo o o \ hv .vva OSOo 9C6 I I O S CO : C T 06: 60 Cl' M. SHEPPARD i 0 Sheffield W ednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Year Ended 31st May, 1336 1. Accounting policies (a) The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cosi convention as modified by the revaluation of the freehold stadium. (b) Transfer fees paid or received are written off to revenue account in the year in which the transfer is completed. (c) Donations from the development funds.are credSed to revenue account as and when rec«vabte(d) Leasehold properties, fixtures, finings and motor vehicles sre being written off over their estimated useftf Efe at rales varying from 7-5% Jo 25%. No depreciation is being written off the freehold stadium. (e)Bepairs and ground maintenance casts are charged against income as they are incurred. CO Stocks on hand, being the stocks bold by the Owts Shop, ana vaJuocfat the lower of cost and net realisable value oo a first in fast out bass. Prwiaoo is made where necessary for obsolescent, slow moving and defective stock. (g)Grants 71)9 Spoils Council giant on MidcDewood Road training ground is being credited to revenue account over the same period ss depreciation is provided on the asset. Grants towards capital expenditure received ftom the FootbaH Grounds Improvement Trust are created to the appropriate ass«t accounts. (h) A finance leased asset is financed by a lease agreement which confers tights approximating to ownership. This asset is treated as if it had been purchased outright. The corresponding tease commitment is shown as an obligation under a finance tease. The depreciation on the asset is charged to the revenue account following the company's normal rates. Cease payments are treated as consisting of capita] and interest elements. The interest is charged toJhe revenue account 2 . Comparatives A new computerised accounting system was introduced from 1st June. 1985 that produces more detailed information analysed between the different activities of the Qub to give the Board of Directors better information on which to base their decisions. Some of the comparative figures shown in the profit and loss account are not made up in the same way as this year's figures. 3. Turnover The total tumovsr tor the year, being aO relative to the sole activity of the company in the U JC exclusive of VAT, amounted to £3,453.638 (1385 £3,015.727). 4. Miscellaneous Income 1S8S Rent and hire Of facilities Publicity Commercial activities Transfer from sports council grant (See Note 18} 1985 £ £ 27,449 152,058 122,650 3,574 51,444 201,420 119,761 1.404 305,731 404,029 S. Staff Costs E Wages and salaries Social sozurfty costs Other pension costs E 978,953 77,977 2S.0&4 772,064 53,031 26.680 1,085,004 851,835 Number Average number employed in the year 82 Number 80 Number of employees whose emoluments feO within the following ranges: £30.001—£35,000 £35,001—£40,000 _ £40.001—£45,000 “ 5 2 1 1 . 2 . — £ 5 0 ,0 0 1 — £ 5 3 ,0 0 0 OHVaCLlS (ix'OKJiYH — 1 H3J000 \’HY AVd ^ ^ O Z O ' f 9C6 U O S ' ----- fO:CT ‘ 06 . 60--0 Notes on Accounts S heffield W ednesday Football Club pic Continued G. Income from Fixed Asset Investment* 198S 198S £ Interest on debenture fund listed investments 8anK interest £ 10,566 449 9.541 176 11,015 971? 7. Other Interest ReceJvrbie Bank and shori larrn deposit interest Other interest receivable 8. 9. £ £ 80,875 7 BJ372 — Interest Payable and Sim ilar Charges Interest payable on bank and other borrowings repayable within five years Interest on finance lease Interest on loans not repayable within five years ' 84,206 78,372 £ £ 25,1 &S 1,495 — 19,875 2 6 ,6 SO 3 0 ,7 7 3 1,394 R oot Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation The profit on ordinary activities before taxation Is after charging: Auditors' remuneration Depreciation written off owned tangible fixed assets and loss o q disposal Depredation on leased asset under finance tease 10. Taxation 1,500 1,500 31,262 6,326 100273 6.326 ' Corporation tax on the Investment income at 30% Adjustment in respect of previous year £ £ 26,424 (19,508) 22,841 — 6,916 22£41 The company has accumulated tax losses totalling approximately £570,000 which are available to oSset against any future taxable profits arising from trading acfivrBes. 11. Directors' Emoluments No emoluments have been paid to the directors during the year. 610® OHVaCLlS ax'OKKVH " H3<1000 AVd 020*6 9C6 TiO© SO^CT 06. 60 '0o Notes on Accounts Continued Sheffield W ednesday Football Club pic 12. Fixed Assets—TangGaie The increase in book value of freehold land and building; a t 9fh January. 1975 to £1,000.000 followed a professional valuation by M esas Eadon Lockwood & Riddle on lh at dale of £ZS12fiOQ. TJvs valuation was madeon the basis of depreciated replacement co s. but in view of the speciaEsed nature of the stadium, the directors fell it was inappropriate to include the asset m the accounts et that figure. As there is no intention to dispose of the property, no prevision has been made for sn estimated potential tax charge of £123,000 which would arise on a sale at book value. Cost o r valuation Land and bu&lings Freehold —Valuation 1975 — Cost Assets under corstmcfioo Long leasehold Plant Rrfures and fittings Fixtures and fittings under a finance lease Motor vehicles Depredation Land and buildings Freehold Long leasehold Additions vxnjoco 519,303 — 355,234 — 53,403 291,231 — — — --— 1.000,000 572.705 Z91.2S1 355,534 1,574,837 79,358 258^65 • 31,829 * <5.954 344.684 — 19.078 — 12£50 — ------14.463 2^19.521 79,358 277,343 31.629 44.341 2^90,043 ' —* ' " 376,612 14,4^3 2,652,192 n" At 1/6/85 £ Plant Fixtures and finings Fbdyres and finings under a finance lease Motor vehicles Assets under construcSon Long leasehold Plant fixtures and finings - Fixtures and fitSngs under a finance (ease Motor vehicles £ C h aigefor year E&mln&ted on disposals £ — 26.SS9 80,612 74.946 8&358 12235 21.Z75 A t 31/5/86 £ £ -J— — 80,612 277,525 H el book amounts Land and buildings Freehold - Disposals At 1/6/85 £ £ A131/S/86 £ __ — 107.261 26,669 974 52,320 6,326 8,982 — — .— 7,538 107.281 75^20 140,673 18.651 22.721 9 5 ,z n 7,536 365,261 A t 1/S/B5 £ 1,519,303 — 274,922 A t 31/5/86 £ 1,572,706 291,281 248,253 1.794,225 4.412 169^07 19,294 24.679 2,112^40 3,438 136,665 12£63 21.620 2,012,51? 2^86,331 The historical cost erf tha freehold properties iodudod at valuation is £473,495. OHVaaiS (IKOKKVH ..iv ;. HHdOOO N'HV AVa (iZO't 9C6 t'OO £0;CT 06. 60. Notes on Accounts Sheffield W ednesday Football Club pic Continued 1386 13 . Fixed Assets—Investm ent* Debentwe redemption fand investments Listed investments at cost Bank deposits awaiting investment 101,526 8^82 1385 £ 94.025 8,072 109,808 102.098 120,592 . 102.765 £ Market value of feted investments The fisted investments are Ested on a recognised stock exchange. - Movements In debenture redemption fund investments: Loan stock a t cost At 31st May, 1885 AddiSons £ 84,026 7,500 101,525 14. Stocks £ 22.693 Goods for resale * £ 34.740 - 15. Debtors Due within one year Trade debtors Otherdebtoes Prepayments and accrued income Due after more than one year Other debtors £ 677.2S7 5,593 36,495 £ 160,653 10.724 41.130 719,451 212^07 34,049 10,918 753,500 223.425 £ £ 89,944 368^10 V /m 206,362 308,354 — 500 114,360 6,790 265,025 500 56,053 6,292 207,049 848^62 874,610 1 6 . Creditors Amounts faffing due v«thm one year: Bank loan and overdraft Tradp creators Cocpora&xi tax O tter creditors: .interest free loan notes ‘ Taxation and social security Obligation under finance lease Accruals and deferred income The bank loan and overdraft are secured by afloafing charge over the assets of the company subject to the 6% redeemable debenture stock security. o x o k k v h 'Sis: ^'o'siV YiosT 90:CI 06. 60-'0o S heffield W ednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Continued 15. Creditors (Continued) Amounts tetfing due after more than one year: Other creditors: 6% redeemable debenture stock 13901,091 debentures of £100 each (secured ext the company's-assets) 12% loan notes of Cl 00 each repayable on 12 months notice Obfigafioo under finance lease Corporation tax 1S8S £ 1S85 £ 109,100 17,800 7,287 12.773 110.400 18.400 14.078 22,841 146,960 165.719 The 6% redeemable debentures are redeemable at par on 30th Hovember, 199017 . Called Up Share Capital 1S88and1S85 Authorised Original shares c f £S each 'A ' shares of £10 each *B* shares o f £100 each *C* shares of £10 each Unclassified shares o f £100 each - No. $0 1,375 2^00 ' 15,000 660 . - . £ 250 13,750 250,000 150.000 86^X>0 Allotted end fuBy paid e No. 50 2S0 1,113 11.130 954 95,400 17.770 1.777 — — 19,785 500,000 3£94 124J550 r ■■ * ------- — O n 3 is t May in any year, thehoidetsof ten *C* shares may require the Club to convert their shares into one ‘S' share, such conversion becoming effective upoa notice being given to the Ctub_ 1986 18. Other Reserves £ 102,098 &S91 Oebenture redemption reserve a t 31st May 19S5 Transfer revenue account Profit on realisation of investments Profit on redemption of debentures _r 1385 £ 119 £ 35^27 S.063 68 40 111,108 1.300 104.338 2£00 — . Less nominal value of debentures redeemed _ 109,808 Redeemed debenture reserve at 31st May, 1985 Add nominal value of debentures redeemed 39,600 1,300 £ 102.098 37,300 2^00 40,900 39,600 Grants Sports Counca Grants MMdiewood Road improvements St 31st May, 1985 Transfer to msscaSaneous income 39,316 3.S74 40,720 1,404 35,742 39,316 188,450 i* • 19. Profit and Loss Account At 31st May. 1885 Surplus for the year 181,014 £ 1,262.728 - 376.551 At 31st May, 1986 1,639.289 2 0 . Capital Commitments 1936 '£ Contracted but not provided 300,000 190.000 The. contracted amounts have been reduced by the grant assistance expected from UieFooSjafl Grounds Improvement Trust. — — 9 32>2-, ‘ . > **-'v' ftHVCKLlS (1N0KKVH *—*- H3d00D A va -y *-- : ■.■ *•'* Oo Oo 9C6 TiOO '90 •■Cl 06. 60 t Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Statement of Source and Application of Funds Year ended 31st May, 1986 1386 1385 £ Surplus before T sx t 332,368 Adjustments far Hems not invoking the movement of funds: Transfer from Sports Counc9 Grant Depredation and loss on disposal of fixed assets Loss on investment & S 74) 97,588 6,105 (1.404) 106J599 100,119 Other Sources of Funds Football Ground Improvement Trust Giants received 167,744 — 4,610 Realisation of investments Proceeds of sale of fixed assets £ 438,573 105.135 116.835 2.151 13.644 172^54 132.630 664,841 736.404 Application of Funds Purchase of fixed assets Debenture food investments (net) Other investment Loan stock repad Debentures redeemed Lease instalments Taxation paid 544,356 7,500 — 600 609.039 8,600 6.105 500 2J300 1,180 5.733 13,651 Increase In Woridng Capita] (Decrease) increase in stocks Increase in debtors (Increase) in creditors 573^80 S 3 1 .7 Z 7 91,251 104,677 (12,047) S30.075 8 ,4 1 1 (8££39) 154,972 (123,1TB) 431,783 40.205 Movements In net liquid funds: Increase (decrease} in cash In hand (Decrease) increase in short term deposit loans Decrease (increase) in bank overdraft and loan accounts 282 (562,119) 221,309 10 an vaais <I\0KKVH H 3J 00.0 \'yV AV'a OJ028) 245.153 (179,653) (340^28) 64.472 31.2S1 104,677 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Auditor^’ Report to the Members We have audited the financial statesnents on pages 3 to 10 lo accordance with approved Auditing Standards. For tha reasonselated in the Directors' Report, the company has not compGed with Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No. 12 in that no provision has-been made for depreciation oo the freehold stadium. Except for the effects of accounting for depreciationon the freehokl stadium in the manner described in thg preceding paragraph, in our opimoo, the financialstatementsgive a true end tSirviewof the stale of affairs of the Club at 31st May, 1986, and of the swplus and source and application of funds, tor the year then ended and comply %wththe Companies Act 1985. PANNEULKERR FORSTER Chartered 'Accountants Sheffield. 28th"August, 1986 _ *" t > l-oO® - '- ' v (IHVdCaS <I\0KKYH io:CT H3J00D xirv .\va 06. 60-0Z Sheffield Wednesday F o o t b a l l C l u b pic D ire cto rs1 R eport and A ccounts fo r th e ye ar ended 3 1 s t M ay, 1987 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the eighty-eighth annua! general meeting of the company will be held at the Cutlers’ Han, Sheffield on Thursday, 8th October, 1987 at 7.00 p jn . for the following purposes; 1. To receive the report of the directors and the accounts for the year ended 31st May, 1987. 2 . To elect two directors. 3. To appoint Arthur Andersen & Co. as auditors for the ensuing year, and to authorise the directors to agree their remuneration. 4 . To transact such other business as may be done at an annual general meeting. The register of transfers will be dosed from the 7th September, 1987 until after the meeting. G. H. MACKREUL, Secretary Hillsborough Sheffield S6 1SW 4th September, 1987 Members of the company entitled to attend and vote at the meeting are entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to attend and vote on a poll in their stead. A proxy need not also be a member of the company. To be valid, proxies must be lodged at the registered office of the company not later than 48 hours prior to the time appointed for the meeting. Note: Please note that holders of ‘C’ shares of £10,6% redeemable debenture stock 1990 and unsecured loan stock are not entitled, by virture of such holding, to attend or vote at the annual general meeting of the company. S h effield W ednesday Football Club pic. Founded 1867 Incorporated 1899 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICIALS Vice-Presidents S. Ashton C. Turner Registered Office and Transfer Office Hillsborough. Sheffield S6 1SW Auditors Arthur Andersen & Co. St. Paul’s House, Park Square, Leeds LS1 2PJ. Board of Directors H. E. McGee (Chairman) M. Sheppard, J.P-, F.C.A. S. L_ Speight, O.B.E. C. Woodward KL T . Addy E. Barron G. K. Hulley Solicitors Irwin Mitchell, Bank Street, Sheffield. Manager Howard Wilkinson Bankers National Westminster Bank pic Secretary G. H. Mackrell. F.C.C-A. 0® ' GHYCKUS' (1X0KKVH Trustee for Debenture Stockholders Alliance Assurance Company limited HHdOOb X'HV AVa OoOo 9C6 T10S SO-CT 06. 60 0 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Report of the Directors For the Year ended 31st May, 1987 The directors present their annual report on the affairs of the company, together with the accounts and auditors’ report, for the year ended 31st May, 1987. Principal Activity and Business Review The principal activity of the company continues to be that of a professional football club. After a good start it was somewhat disappointing in finish in thirteenth place in the First Division, .but once again we fared wen in the F.A. Cup only to loss at home to the eventual winners Covenuy City in the 6th Round. Nigel Worthington and Siggf Jonsson once again regularly represented their countries. Carl Bradshaw, Tony Gregory, David Hirst and Kevin Pressman all played for England at Under 19 level as did Scott Cam at Under 17. and this bodes well for the future of the chib. The hlghspot of the year however was the opening of the new Kop complete with its magnificent roof, surely the finest structure of its Kind in the Football League, by Her Majesty the Queen on 12th December1986. Aday for all of us to remember. We wish to take this opportunity, on yourbehalf, of thanking all membersofstafffortheir valuable work done during the year. Results and Dividends Results, dividends and recommended transfers to reserves are as follows: Retained profit at 1st June 1986 Profit for the year a fte r taxation Proposed transfer to debenture redemption reserve £1.639.289 242.673 (8,917) Retained profit at 31st May, 1987 £1.873.045 The directors recommend that no dividend is paid. Directors and their Interests The directors who served during the year, together with their beneficial interests in the shares and debentures of the company, at the start and end of the year, are shown below: Ordinary shares H. B. McGee M. Sheppard S. 1_ Speight C. Woodward K. T . Addy E. Barron G. K. Hulley Debentures Nominal value C1 "A1 No. Nominal ' value £ *B’ No. 7 12 4 4 12 1 ;6 ' 70 120 40 40 120 10 60 5 20 2 10 12 7 3 500 2,000 200 1,000 1,200 700 300 46 ; 460 59 5.900 No. —. Nominal value £ — 6 — — — 600 — — — 2 200 8 800 — ■— The directors who retire by rotation are Messrs. H. E. McGee and K. T . Addy who, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. Charitable Donations Charitable donations amounted to £1,370 in the year. Fixed Assets The changes that occurred in the fixed assets during the year are set out in Note 10 to the accounts. In view of the specialised use of the freehold land and buildings at Hillsborough, the directors are unable to give an indication of the excess of the market value over book value, th e buildings will continue to be maintained to their present standard and it is not considered appropriate to provide depreciation on the freehold stadium. Auditors The directors will place a resolution before the annual general meeting to re-appoint Arthur Andersen & Co. as auditors for The ensuing year. By Order of the Board, G. H. MACKRELL. Secretary o® (1S0KKVH Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 1SW. 27th August. 1987. r a n t n <KY WQ H3<IUU- xa A ' 0Z 0Z9 C 6 U0 ® 80--CT 06. 60 0 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Profit and Loss Account Y ear ended 31s t M ay, 1987 Notes 1987 1986 (Note 22) £ Turnover Match receipts Season tickets Miscellaneous income £ 2 1,255,729 547,795 519,224 1,142,654 502,982 305,731 3 2,322,748 1,951,367 4 1,147,709 379,959 267,865 144,551 1,182,004 333,069 188,558 102,366 127,024 97,589 2,067,108 1,903,586 Other Operating income Donations received from development associations and gifts towards the roof on the Kop 118,936 110,296 Operating Profit 374,576 158,077 5 Costs and Expenses Staff costs Football expenses Ground and property expenses General administration expenses Depreciation and loss on disposal of fixed assets Transfer fees receivable (payable), net Investment income Interest payable and similar charges (163,250) 165,750 6 64,015 95,221 7 (31,670) (26,680) Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 8 243,671 392,368 Tax on profit on ordinary activities 9 998 6,916 242,673 385,452 1,839,289 1,262,728 Profit for the Financial Year Retained Profit, beginning of year Transfer to debenture redemption reserve 19 Retained Profit, end of year (8,917) (8,891) £1,873,045 The accompanying notes are an integral part £1,639,289 this profit and loss account. 1 J.Z01 aavaais <i\'okkvh HHdOOO K H Y A V a 0 60:CT 06. 60- Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Balance Sheet 31st May, 1987 1987 Notes 1986 (Note 22) £ £ Fixed Assets Tangible assets Investments 10 11 Current Assets Stocks Debtors Investments Cash at bank and in hand 2,452,150 118,106 2,286,931 109,808 2,570,256 2,396,739 — 22,693 753,800 12 13 14 Creditors: Amounts falling due withiri one year 327,689 200,000 348,176 1,178,098 502,805 851,836 373,060 326,262 2,943,316 2,723,001 156,590 179,128 £2,786,726 £2,543,873 124,550 1,616 627,710 159,805 1,873,045 124,550 1,616 627,710 150,708 1,639,289 £2,786,726 £2,543,873 Net Current Assets Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 16 Net Assets Capital and Reserves Called up share capital Share premium account Revaluation reserve Other reserves Profit and loss account 18 19 19 19 19 Total Capital Employed 401,905 875,865 15 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities --- Signed on behalf of the board on 27th August 1987 H . E . M cGEE M . SHEPPARD 1 > Directors J The accompanying notes are an integral part of this balance sheet ® a a v a a . i s <kokk vh H3doo;> .vhv ,\v a OCOS 9C6 TiO© 0 1 : CI 06. 60 0o Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Year Ended 31st May, 1987 1 . A cco u n tin g P olicies T h e principal accounting policies are*. (a ) Basis of accounting T h e accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation o f land and buildings. (b ) Turnover Turnover comprises the value of m atch receipts and season tickets, less percentage paym ents to th e Football League and Football Association, and receipts from th e Football League, and o ther m iscellaneous incom e, all exclusive o f value added tax. (c) Transfer fees T ran sfer tees payable and receivable are w ritten off to the profit and toss account in the year in which the transfer is com pleted. (d) Donations Donations from th e development associa tions are credited to the profit and loss account when receivable. (e) Repairs R epairs and ground m aintenance are changed against income as they are incurred. (f) Grants T h e Sports Council grant relating to Middlewood Road training ground was transferred to deferred income upon receipt and is being credited to th e profit and loss account over th e same period as depredation is provided on th e a s s e t G rants towards capital expenditure received from the Football Grounds Im provem ent Trust are credited to the appropriate asset accounts. (g) Taxation Corporation tax payable is provided on taxab le profits a t th e current rate. D eferred taxation is provided using the liability m ethod to th e extent th at the directors believe it is likely to becom e payable in the foreseeable future. (h) Tangible fixed assets Land and buildings are shown a t original cost or subsequent valuation. Other fixed assets are shown a t co st D epredation is provided a t rales calculated to w rite off th e cost o r valuation, less estim ated residual value, of each asset on a straight-line basis over hs estim ated useful life as follows; Leasehold land and buiidings — term of th e lease P lant and m ach in es — 7 .5 % to 2 5 % p er annum T h e freehold stadium is not depreciated. T h e directors do not consider such depredation to be necessary as the buildings will continue to be m aintained to their present standard. ® Leases Assets held under finairca leases are in itially reported a t the fair value of the assets, with an equivalent liability categorised as appropriate under creditors due within o r a fte r one year. The asset is depredated over.the shorter o f th e lease term and its useful economic life . Finance charges are allocated to accounting periods over the period of the lease to produce a constant rate of return on the outstanding balance* R entals under operating leases are charged on a straight-fine basis over the lease term . 2 . M iscellaneo u s Incom e P ubfidty Com m ercial activities R ent and hire of facilities Sports Council grant 1385 £ 1987 £ 3 1 5 ,0 7 3 196,489 4 ,0 8 8 3 ,5 7 4 152.058 122,650 27,449 3,574 £519,224 £305.731 3 . S eg m en t In form atio n Turnover for the year related entirely to the principal activity o f the company and was earned w ithin the UK. 4 . S ta ff C osts Particulars of employees are as shown below: Em ployee costs during the year amounted to: W ages and salaries Social security costs O ther pension costs '6S0® aHv<i<iiSaxoKicvH — aadooS khy ay a 1987 £ 1 ,0 4 0 ,6 9 9 8 0,4 0 6 2 6,6 0 4 1986 £ 1 ,0 /5 .9 6 3 77,977 28.064 £ 1 ,1 4 7,70 9 £1,182,004 osos gce'Tioo o t h -t oe. eo-o Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic 4. Notes on Accounts Continued S ta ff C osts (co n tinu ed ) T h e average w eekly num ber o i persons em ployed by -the company during th e year was 8 2 (1986 — 82). Directors’ remuneration N o directors received rem uneration from th e com pany during y e a r (1986 — None), Higher paid employees Employees o f the company, other than (Snectors, whose duties were wholly o r mainly cfecharged in the United Kingdom, received rem uneration (excluding pension contributions) in th e following Tanges: £30,000-£35,000 £25,001-£40,000 £ 4 0 ,0 0 l-£ 4 5 ,0 0 0 £50,001-£55,000 N um ber 2 3 — 1 N um ber 5 2 1 1 19 8 7 1986 r 5. T ra n s fe r F ees R eceivab le (P ayab le), N e t £ R eceivable from other clubs Payable to other cJubs £ 2 3 7 ,0 0 0 (4 0 0,25 0 ) 1,187.000 (1.021,250) £ (1 8 3 ,2 5 0 ) 6. In v e stm e n t Incom e 198 7 Incom e from fixed assets investm ents — fisted in th e U K O th er interest receivable and sim ilar incom e 7. £165.750 In te re s t P ayable an d S im ila r C harges O n bank loans, overdrafts and other loans — repayable within five years, by instalm ents — repayable within five years, not by instalm ents 1986 £ £ — 8 4 ,0 1 5 10,565 84,655 £ 6 4 ,0 1 5 £95.221 1387 £ 1986 £ 1 ,4 95 3 0 ,1 7 5 1.495 25.185 £ 3 1 ,6 7 0 £26.680 Included in the above is the interest elem ent of charges payable under finance leases am ounting to £1,495 (1986 — £1 ,4 9 5). 8. P ro fit on O rdin ary A ctiv itie s B efore T a xa tio n P rofit on ordinary activities before taxation is staled after charging: 1 98 7 Depreciation of owned tangible fixed assets Depreciation of leased tangible fixed assets Auditors’ rem uneration oco® a a v a cn s oxo k k v h hh<iooo xhy avq 1986 £ £ 1 1 0 ,1 0 5 3 ,5 4 3 1 ,5 0 0 88,945 6,326 1,500 o s o s s>ce t i o o tt-c t 06. 60 0o Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic 9. Notes on Accounts Continued T a x on P ro fit o n O rd in ary A ctivities T h e la x charge Is based on the profit for the year and com prises; 1987 1986 £ Corporation tax on investm ent income a l 3 0 % (1985 — 30 % ) Adjustm ents in respect o f previous year £ 25,424 998 — <19,508) £998 £6,916 T h e com pany has accum ulated tax losses to tailing approxim ately £461,000 (1986 — £570,000) which are available to offset against future taxable profits arising from trading activities. 10. T a n g ib le F ixed A ssets (a) TTie movement in the year was as follows: Land and buildings F reehold £ C o s t o r V alu a tio n Beginning of y e a r Additions Disposals Transfers 1,572.706 End of year 2 ,064,198 Long leaseh o ld £ 3 5 5 ,5 3 4 5 ,0 3 8 (2 0 5 0 5 ) 491.492 A ssets u n d er c o n stru ctio n £ 291,281 200.211 P la n t and m achinery £ 432,671 96.133 (16,996) T o tal £ 2,652/192 301,382 (37,501) (491,492) 340,0 6 7 — 511,808 107,281 2 5 ,5 0 8 (4.517) — — — 257,980 88,140 (10,469) 365,261 113.648 (14,986) — 128.2 7 2 — 335.651 463,923 N e t B ook V a lu e beginning o f year £1,572.706 £ 245.253 £291,281 £174.691 £2,286,931 N e t B ook V alu e end of year £2.064,198 £211,795 c._ £176,157 £2,452,150 D ep reciatio n Beginning of year C harge Disposals End o f year — — .— - 2,916,073 (b) Basis of valuation P lan t and m achinery and long leasehold property are shown at c o s l Freehold land and buildings are shown a l a directors’ valuation in 1975 (with subsequent additions a t cost) as shown below: 1987 - 1986 £ D irectors’ valuation A t cost Cost or valuation end o f year £ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 ,0 6 4 ,1 9 8 1,000.000 572.706 £ 2 ,0 6 4 ,1 9 8 ' £1,572.706 A professional valuation of the freehold stadium was perform ed on 9th January, 1975 by M essrs. Eadon Lockwood & R iddle. How ever, this valuation of £2,312,000 was m ade on th e basis of depredated replacem ent cost and, in view of th e specialised nature o f the stadium, the directors felt it inappropriate to include th e asset in th e accounts a t that fig ure. Consequently, th e directors reduced th e valuation to £1,000.000, fo r accounts purpose, as o f that dale. (c)T h e original cost, and aggregate depreciation based on cost, of freehold land and buildings included at valuation were; 1987 O riginal cost Depreciation based on cost 1986 £ £ 4 7 9 ,4 9 6 1 0 7 ,2 0 6 479,496 107,205 £ 3 7 2 .2 9 0 ''<i\'okkyh H3d00.3 \'HV AVa OoOo 9C6 T-0S> £3 72 ^ 9 0 IT:CT 06. 60- Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Continued 1 1 . F ixed A ssets In vestm ents D ebenture redemption fund investm ents: lis te d investm ents a t cost B ank deposits awaiting investm ent M arket value of feted investm ents 1987 £ 19S6 £ 9 9 ,6 3 2 1 8 ,4 7 4 101,526 8.282 £ 1 1 8 ,1 0 5 £109.808 £ 1 1 7 ,9 3 8 £120,532 T h e movement in listed investm ents, which are listed on a recognised stock exchange, w as as follows: e> C ost a t 1st June, 1986 Disposals 101,523 (1,894) C ost a t 31st M ay, 1987 £99.632 1 2 . S tocks G oods for resale 198 6 £22.693 1987 £— 1 3 . D ebtors Am ounts felling due within one year. T rad e debtors O ther debtors Prepaym ents and accrued income Amounts falling due after more than one yean O th er debtors 1987 £ 181,671 8 8 ,7 4 8 5 7 .2 7 0 677^257 5 ,699 3 6.495 3 2 7 ,6 8 9 719,451 — 34,049 £ 3 2 7 ,6 8 9 £753,500 198 5 £ 1 4 . C u rren t assets investm ents These comprise amounts deposited w ith various m anaged unit trust funds and a re stated a t c o s t 1 5 . C red ito rs — A m ounts F a llin g Due W ith in One Y e a r Obligations under finance leases and hire purchase contracts B ank loans and overdrafts T rad e creditors O ther creditors — UK corporation tax payable — VAT — social security and PA YE' — other Accruals and deferred income i- 1 987 £ 1 986 c- 6J90 5 ,7 7 9 163,111 89,944 368,310 1 2 ,7 7 3 67,621 3 9 ,3 1 4 500 2 0 6 ,9 1 7 3,333 42,102 72^58 500 268,599 £ 5 0 2 ,8 0 5 £851,835 6JS0 T h e bank overdraft is secured by a floating charge over the assets o f the com pany, subject to th e security of the 6 % redeem able debenture stock. 1 6 . C red ito rs — A m ounts Fallin g Due A fte r M ore Th an O ne Y ear O th er creditors — redeem able debenture stock 1990,1,083 debentures of £100 each (secured on the company’s assets) — 12% loan notes of £100 each repayable on 12 months notice — Obligation under finance lease — Corporation tax Accruals and deferred income — Sports Council grant 198 7 £ 1986 1 0 8,3 0 0 1 7 ,7 0 0 998 9 98 2 8 ,5 9 4 109,100 17,800 7,287 12,773 32.168 £156,590 £179.128 c The 6% redeemable debentures are redeemable al par on 30th Novem ber. 1990. 8 SCO® dHYaa.lS (IMOKKVH H3J00D \"HV AV3 OSOS 9C6 TIOO ri:CT 06. 60--0 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Continued 1 7 . D e fe rre d T a x a tio n Th ere Is no defended taxation as accelerated capita] allowances are exceeded by corporation tax Josses carried forward. 1987 £ C alled U p S h are C ap ital Authorised: 5 0 original shares o f £5 each 1 ,3 75 *A’ shares of £10 each 2 .5 0 0 ‘B* shares o f £100 each 1 5,000 *C’ shares o f £10 each 8 60 unclassified shares of £100 each A llotted, called up and fully p a d : 5 0 original shares of £5 each 1 .1 13 'A* shares o f £10 each 9 5 4 *B ’ shares of £100 each 1 ,77 7 4C ’ shares of £10 each 250 1 3 ,7 5 0 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 150,00 0 8 6 ,0 0 0 1986 £ 250 13,750 250,000 150,000 86,000 £ 5 0 0 ,00 0 £500.000 £ 250 1 1 ,1 3 0 9 5 ,4 0 0 1 7,770 £ 2SO 11.130 95,400 17.770 £ 1 2 4 ,5 5 0 £124,550 O n 31 st M ay jn any year, the holders of ten "C* shares m ay require th e Club to convert th eir shares into one ‘8* share, such conversion becom ing effective upon notice being given to the Club. 1 9 - R eserves O f total reserves shown in the balance sheet, the following am ounts a re regarded as distributable or otherwise: D istributable — profit and loss account N on-distributable — share prem ium account — revaluation reserve — other reserves T o tal reserves 1987 £ 1 ,8 7 3 ,0 4 5 1986 £ 1.639,289 1 ,6 1 6 6 2 7 ,7 1 0 1 5 9 ,8 0 5 1,616 627.710 150.708 . £ 2 ,6 6 2 ,1 7 6 £2,419,323 No deferred taxation has been provided in respect of the revaluation reserve, since th e directors consider that no liab ility to tax wiO arise in the foreseeable future. T h e m ovem ent on other reserves during th e year was a s follows: D eb en tu re redemption reserve £ B alance a t 1st June. 1985 T ran sfer from profit and loss account P ro fit on redem ption of debentures N om inal value of debentures redeemed 109,808 8,917 180 (800) B alance a t 31st M ay, 1987 20. £118,105 G u aran tees an d O th e r Financial C om m itm ents C apital com m itm ents A t th e end of the year capital commitments were: R edeem ed debenture reserve £ 4 0 .9 0 0 £ 150708 8,917 180 800 £41,700 1987 C ontracted but not provided T o tal £159,805 1986 £ 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 £300,000 T h e contracted am ounts have been reduced where applicable by the grant assistance expected from the Football G rounds Im provem ent Trust. 2 1 . S u b s e q u e n t E vents S ubsequent to 31st M ay. 1987, the company sold players fo r £641,000 and purchased a player fo r £262.000. 2 2 . P rio r Y e a r A cco u n ts T h e accounts to 31 st M ay. 1986, before certain reclassifications, were examined and reported on by a firm of chartered accountants other than Arthur Andersen & Co. aavaais <jkokkvh hh< iuod khv .vva OgOZ 9C6 T'iO© CT:CT 06. 60 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Statement of Source and Application of Funds Y e a r e n d e d 3 1 s t M ay, 1 9 8 7 1987 £ S o u rc e o f F u n d s Profit on ordinary activities before taxation A dd (deduct) item s not involving th e m ovem ent o f funds -—depreciation — loss on disposal o f tangible fixed assets — transfer from Sports Council grant — loss on sale o f investm ent T o ta l funds from operations Football G rounds Im provem ent T ru st grants received P roceeds from disposal o f tangible fixed assets A p p lic a tio n o f F u n d s T axation paid P urchase of tangible fixed assets a t cost D ebenture fund investm ents (net) R epaym ents o f loans from lessors R epaym ent (and current m aturity) o f long term loans Increase in net current assets, as shown below 2 4 3 ,6 7 1 1 1 3 ,6 4 8 1 3 ,3 7 6 (3 ,5 7 4 ) — M ovem ent in net liquid funds — cash a t bank and in hand — bank loans and overdrafts 95,271 2 ,3 1 7 (3 ,5 7 4 ) 6 ,1 0 5 4 9 2 ,4 8 7 1 6 7 ,7 4 4 4 ,6 1 0 £ 4 3 3 ,2 7 8 £664,841 3 ,3 3 3 3 5 8 ,4 0 0 (1 ,8 9 4 ) 6 ,2 8 9 720 6 6 ,4 3 0 (2 2 ,6 9 3 ) 13,651 5 4 4 ,3 5 6 7 ,5 0 0 6 ,2 9 3 1 ,7 8 0 91,261 £664,841 (1 2 ,0 4 7 ) (4 2 5 ,8 1 1 ) 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 2 7 4 ,3 0 6 5 3 0 ,0 7 5 2 5 ,8 0 2 4 3 1 ,7 8 9 (4 3 ,5 3 7 ) (4 5 6,9 46 ) 1 16 ,41 8 8 4 ,1 6 5 £ 6 6 ,4 3 0 T h e accom panying notes are an integral part o f this s ta te m e n t 3 9 2 ,3 6 8 3 6 7 ,1 2 1 5 7 ,0 1 8 9 ,1 3 9 £ 4 3 3 ,2 7 8 In c re a s e (D e c re a s e ) in N e t C u rre n t A s se ts S tocks Debtors Investm ents C reditors falling due within one year 1986 (N o te 2 2 ) £ (8 6 ,2 3 9) £91,261 Sheffield W ednesday Football Club pfc A uditors’ Report to the Members W e have audited th e accounts s e t out on pages 3 to 10 In accordance with approved Auditing Standards. As explained in Note 1, th e company has not com plied with S tatem ent of Standard Accounting Practice N o. 12 in thai no provision has been m ade for depreciation on the freehold stadium . Except fo r the effects of not depreciating the freehold stadium as described in the preceding paragraph. In our opinion, th e accounts, which have been prepared under the historical cost convention as m odified by the revaluation of freehold land and buildings, give a true and fair view of th e state of affaire of the com pany a t 31st M ay, 1987 and of the profit and source and application of funds for the year then ended, and comply with th e Com panies A ct 1985. A R TH U R A N D ER SEN & C O . Chartered Accountants Leeds. 27th August, 1987 CO® ,K vk.S (KOKKVH — S3J003 .SUV AVfl oioi Vc'e n o s **’«» 06' 6(1 Sheffield Wednesday FootbollClub pic D irectors’ Report and Accounts fo r the year ended 31st May, 1988 N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that th e eighty-ninth annual general m eeting o f th e com pany will b e held a l the C utlers’ H all, Sheffield on Thursday, 6th O ctober, 1988 a t 7 .0 0 p.m . fo r the following purposes: 1 . T o receive th e report of the directors and th e accounts fo r the y e a r ended 3 1s t M ay, 1988. 2 . T o e le c t tw o directors. 3 . T o appoint Arthur Andersen & Co. as auditors fo r the ensuing year, and to authorise the directors to ag ree th e ir rem uneration. 4 . T o transact such other business as m ay b e done a t an annual general m eeting. T h e register o f transfers will b e closed from th e 5th S eptem ber, 1 9 8 8 until a fter the m eeting. G . H . M A C K R E LL, S ecretary Hillsborough S h effield S 6 1 S W 2n d S eptem ber, 1988 M em bers of the com pany entitled to attend and vote a t the m eeting a re entitled to appoint a proxy o r proxies to atten d and vote on a poll in their stead . A proxy need not also be a m em ber of the com pany. T o b e valid, proxies m ust be lodged a t th e registered office o f th e com pany not later than 48 hours prior to the tim e appointed for the m eeting. N o te : P lease note th at holders of JC ’ shares o f £ 1 0 ,6 % redeem able debenture stock 1990 and unsecured loan stock are not entitled, by virture of such holding, to attend o r vote at the annual general meeting o f the com pany. S heffield W ednesday Football Club pic. Founded 1 8 6 7 Incorporated 1899 BO A RD O F D IR EC TO R S AND O FFICIALS V ic e -P res id en ts S . Ashton C . Tu rn er R egistered O ffic e and T ran s fe r O ffice Hillsborough, Sheffield S 6 1SW B oard o f D irecto rs H . E . M cG ee (Chairm an) M . S heppard, J .P ., F .C A S . L . Speight, 0 3 . E, C . W oodw ard K. T . Addy £ . Barron G . K. H ulley A rthur Andersen & Co. S t. P aul's House, Park Square, Leeds LS1 2P J. Auditors S o licito rs Irwin M itchell, S l Peter’s House, Hartshead, Sheffield S i 2E L M an ag er How ard W ilkinson Bankers S e cre ta ry G - H . M ackrell, F .C .C .A . N ational W estm inster Bank pic T ru s te e fo r D eb en tu re S tockholders A lliance Assurance Com pany Limited ® ' qsokkyh H3d003 X'HV AVQ OZOZ 9Ct5 110© 06. 60- Sheffield W ednesday Football Club pic Report of the Directors F o r th e Y e a r e n d e d 3 1 s t M a y , 1988 The directors present their annual report on the affairs of the company, together wish the accounts and auditors' report, tor the year ended 31st May, 1988. Principal A ctivity and Business Review The principal activity of the company continues to be that of a professional football club. A t the end of the season the team held a respectable eleventh place in the First Division. Hard woric ■was required to recover from a weak start and this was successful in providing some exciting highlights to the year. These included reaching the quarter final of the UtUewoods Cup and the epic confrontation with Everton in four F A - cup-ties. On 16th April we were one of the teams invitod to tate part in the Football League Festival of Football at V/ernbSey. Winning through to the final we narrowly tost to Nottingham Forest 1-0 on penalties. Three of the clubs’ players: Nigel Worthington, Siggt Jansson and Tony Galvin were regtriarty called on to represent their countries a t senior level, wtolst Mel Stertand was capped by England in a *8 International. A t the Football Association's request we hosted an excellent F.A . Challenge Cup Semi-Final between Nottingham Forest and Liverpool in our stadium on 9th A pril During the last season and dose season 10 new professronals were recruited to the titutr. Cranson, Fee, Galvin. Harper, Hodgson, M cCall, Owen. Proctor, Pearson and W est Doting the same period we said goodbye to: Brarmigan. Chapman, Chamberlain, H azel, Hayward, Jacobs. Marwood. Morris. Owen, Shelton. Shutt. Smith. Snodin and W alker. W e offer our thanks to them for their services to the Club and wish them well in the future. The long term strategy (or developing the D ub's quality through th e encouragement of younger players and concentration on comprehensive team strength is still on course. Consistent progress in sporting accomplishment and financial stability is envisaged in the year ahead. One sign of this success is that the Executive Club has now readied capacity and there is a waiting list of supporters anxious to enjoy the excellent facilities. Increased income and improved conditions for players was a factor in this year’s operating loss of £73,568. After bank interest and d efiat in transfer fees during the same period the overall loss is £448.865. On your behalf we take this opportunity of thanking our supporters, players, staff and stewards, and everyone connected with the Club, for their unstinting support and effort throughout the year. R esults and Dividends Resutts. dividends and recommended transfers to reserves are as follows: Retained profit at 1st June, 1987 Loss for the year after taxation Proposed transfer to debenture redemption reserve £1.873.045 (442,846) (10,038) Retained profit at 31st May. 1988 £1.420.161 The directors recommend that no dividend is paid. D irectors and th e ir Interests The directors who served during the year, together with their beneficial interests in the shares and debentures of the company, a l the start and and of the year, are shewn below; Ordinary Debentures Ordinary shares shares ‘A* No. End o f year H . E. McGee M . Sheppard S. L. Speight C_ Woodward K. T . Addy E. Barron G . K_ Hulley ' Nominal value £ £ No. 70 120 40 40 120 10 80 80 5 6 21 3 10 13 12 44 7 12 4 4 12 1_ 88 Beginning of yesr Nominal value £ £ 600 2.100 300 1.000 1,300 1.200 400 400 No. Nominal value __ 6 __ 600 2 _ 200 £ R E. McGee ,w w _ _ 7. 70 5 500 M. Sheppard 12 120 20 2.000 6 600 120 20 2.000 s . L. speignt 4 40 2 200 C. Woodward 4 40 10 1,000 K. T . Addy 10 100 12 1,200 £ . Barron 1 10 7 700 G . 1C Hulley 66 60 3 300 2 200 60 3 300 The directors who retire by rotation are Messrs. M . Sheppard and C. Woodward who, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. C haritable Donations Gharitable donations amounted to £160 in the year. Fixed Assets Auditors I S u £ n £ £ W1’11place a reso!tJlion before a"™ 21 general meeting to re-appoint Arthur Andersen & Co. as auditors for the By Order of the Board. G . H. MACKRELL Secretarv Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 1SW. 26th August. 19S8. r ® [g] (IHVdCUS dxOKKYH 0 0 D N-av- AV-a ' o» : uoO « ‘ .ct o«. eo-o Sheffield W ednesday Football Club pic Profit and Loss Account Y ea r ended 3 1 s t M ay, 1988 N o te s T u rn o v e r M atch receipts S eason tickets M iscellaneous incom e C o s ts a n d E xp e n s es S ta ff costs Football expenses G round and property expenses G en eral adm inistration expenses D epreciation and loss on disposal of fixed assets 1987 £ £ 2 1 ,2 6 5 ,4 8 0 4 2 7 ,4 8 5 5 0 0 ,8 6 8 1 ,2 5 5 ,7 2 9 5 4 7 ,7 9 5 5 1 9 ,2 2 4 3 2 ,1 9 3 ,8 3 3 2 ,3 2 2 ,7 4 8 1 ,4 1 0 ,2 2 7 4 4 3 ,9 5 2 2 3 7 ,1 6 5 1 4 3 ,8 8 4 1.147,709 3 79 ,95 9 2 67 ,86 5 144,551 1 1 8 ,1 6 0 127,024 2 ,3 5 3 ,3 8 8 2 ,0 6 7 ,1 0 8 8 3 ,9 8 7 118,936 (7 5 ,5 6 8 ) 3 74 ,57 6 * 4 O th e r O p e ra tin g In c o m e D onations received from developm ent associations and gifts tow ards the roof on th e Kop O p e ra tin g P ro fit (L o s s ) T ra n sfer fees payable, n et Investm ent incom e Am ounts w ritten o ff current ass e t investm ents Interest payable and sim ilar charges 1988 5 6 (163,250) 64,015 7 (3 2 5 ,8 7 5 ) 2 3 ,0 2 9 (3 4 ,9 3 8 ) (3 5 ,5 1 4 ) P ro fit (L o s s ) on O rd in a ry A c tiv itie s B e fo re T a x a tio n 8 (4 4 8 ,8 6 6 ) 243,671 T a x cred it (charge) on profit (loss) on ordinary activities 9 P ro fit (L o s s ) fo r th e F in a n c ia l Y e a r 1 ,8 7 3 ,0 4 5 T ra n sfer to debenture redem ption reserve 18 R e ta in e d P ro fit, end o f y ear (31,670) 6 ,0 2 0 (4 4 2 ,8 4 6 ) R e ta in e d P ro fit, beginning o f year — (998) 2 4 2 ,6 7 3 1 ,6 3 9 ,2 8 9 (1 0 ,0 3 8 ) £ 1 ,4 2 0 ,1 6 1 (8,917) £ 1 ,8 7 3 ,0 4 5 T h e accom panying notes are an integraJ part of this profit and loss a cc o u n t SCO® aavaa.i's (1\okkyh HHdOOO \HV AVa OSOt 9C6 Ti.0S> ST-« 06- 60' Sheffield W ednesday Football Club pic Balance Sheet 3 1 s t M ay, 1988 N o te s F ix e d A s s e ts T an g ib le assets Investm ents C re d ito rs : Am ounts falling due w ithin o n e year 2 ,4 5 2 ,1 5 0 1 1 8 ,1 0 6 2 ,7 8 6 ,5 5 5 2 ,5 7 0 ,2 5 6 12 5 4 8 ,4 1 1 13 2 1 5 ,0 6 2 8 ,0 9 4 3 2 7 ,6 8 9 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 3 4 8 ,1 7 6 7 7 1 ,5 6 7 8 7 5 ,8 6 5 1 ,0 5 5 ,5 3 1 5 0 2 ,8 0 5 14 (2 8 3 ,9 6 4 ) N e t C u rre n t A s s e ts (L ia b ilitie s ) T o ta l A s s e ts L e ss C u rre n t L ia b ilitie s C re d ito rs : Am ounts falling due a fte r m ore th a n one year N e t A s s e ts 17 18 18 18 18 T o ta l C a p ita ) E m p lo yed 3 7 3 ,0 6 0 2 ,5 0 2 ,5 9 1 2 ,9 4 3 ,3 1 6 1 5 8 ,4 7 1 1 56 ,59 0 £ 2 ,3 4 4 ,1 2 0 £ 2 ,7 8 6 ,7 2 6 1 2 4 ,5 5 0 1 ,6 1 6 6 2 7 ,7 1 0 1 7 0 ,0 8 3 1 ,4 2 0 ,1 6 1 1 24 ,55 0 1 ,6 1 6 6 27 ,71 0 1 59 ,80 5 1 ,8 7 3 ,0 4 5 £ 2 ,3 4 4 ,1 2 0 £ 2 ,7 8 6 ,7 2 6 15 C a p ita l a n d R e se rv es C a lle d up share capital S h a re prem ium account R evaluation reserve O th e r reserves P rofit and loss account 1987 £ 2 ,6 5 9 ,1 7 2 1 2 7 ,3 8 3 10 11 C u rre n t A s s e ts D ebtors Investm ents C ash a t bank and in hand 1 98 8 £ S igned on behalf o f the board on 2 6th August 1 9 8 8 H, EL McGEE M- SHEPPARD 1 r Directors J T h e accom panying notes are an integral part of this balance s h e e t to® a a v m i s <l\o k k v h — HSdOOO .vva 0S06 9C6 TiO© 9T:6T 06. 60- Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Year Ended 31st May, 1988 1 . A cco u n tin g P olicies T h e principal accounting policies are; {a) B ass o f accounting T h e accounts are prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation o f land and buildings. (b) Turnover Turnover com poses th e value of m atch receipts and season tickets, less percentage paym ents to the Football League and Football Association, and receipts from th e Football League, and other m iscellaneous Incom e, all exclusive of value added tax . (c) Transfer fees T ran sfer fees payable and receivable are w ritten off to th e profit and loss account in th e year in which the transfer is com pleted. (d ) Donations D onations from the developm ent associations a re credited to th e profit and loss account when receivable. (e) Repairs Repairs and ground m aintenance are charged against incom e as they are incurred. (0 Grants T h e Sports Council grant relating to Middlewood Road training ground was transferred to accruals and deferred incom e upon receipt and is being credited to the profit and toss account over the sam e period as depredation is provided on th e a s s e t Grants towards capital expenditure received from th e Football Grounds Im provem ent Trust a re credited to the appropriate asset accounts. (g) Taxation Corporation tax payable is provided on taxable profits a t the current rate. D eferred taxation is provided using th e liability m ethod to th e extent that the directors believe it is likely to become payable in the foreseeable future, (h) Tangible fixed assets Land and buildings are shown a t original cost or subsequent valuation- O ther fixed assets are shown at cost. D epreciation is provided a t rales calculated to w rite off the cost o r valuation, less estim ated residual value, of each asset on a straight-fine b a a s over its estim ated useful fife as follows: Leasehold land and buildings — term o f th e lease P lant and m achinery — 7 .5 % to 2 5 % p er annum T h e freehold stadium is not depredated. The directors do not consider such depredation to be necessary as fne buildings w ill continue to be m aintained to their present standard. (i) Investments Fixed asset investm ents are shown at cost Jess amounts written off. Current asset investm ents are stated a t the low er of cost or m arket value as at the y e a r end. G) Leases Assets held under finance leases are in itially reported a t th e fair value o f the assets, with an equivalent liability categorised as appropriate under creditors due within or after one year. T h e asset is depreciated over the shorter o f th e lease term and its useful econom ic life. Finance charges are allocated to accounting periods over the period o f the lease to produce a constant rate o f return on th e outstanding balance. R entals under operating leases are charged on a straight-line basis over the lease term . 2 . M iscellan eo u s Incom e 1988 1987 £ Publicity Com m ercial activities R ent and hire o f facilities Sports Council grant £ 3 2 2 ,6 2 4 1 7 2 ,87 0 1 ,8 0 0 3 ,5 7 4 315,073 196.469 4,088 3 .5 7 4 £ 5 0 0 ,8 6 3 £519,224 3 . S e g m en t In fo rm atio n Turnover for th e y e a r related entirely to the piincipal activity of the company and was earned within th e UK. 4 . S ta ff C osts Particulars of em ployees are as shown below: Em ployee costs during the year amounted to: W ages and salaries Social security costs O th er pension costs 1988 o® axO KKYH' — HHdOOj n-h y AVa £ 1,274,776 101,149 34,302 1,040,699 80.406 26.604 £ 1 ,4 1 0 ,2 2 7 £1,147,709 OtOZ 9C6 TiOO <w va<L-is 1987 £ 9i:ci 06. 60 - Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Continued 4 . S ta ff C osts (co n tin u ed ) T h e average w eekly num ber o f persons employed by the com pany during the year was 84 (1987 — 82). Directors’ remuneration No directors received rem uneration from the company during th e y e a r (1987 — None). Higher p aid employees Employees of the company, other than directors, whose duties were wholly o r m ainly discharged in the United Kingdom, received rem uneration (excluding pension contributions) in the following ranges: £30.001-£35.000 E 35,001-£40,000 £50,001-£55.000 19 5 5 N um ber 4 1 1 1SS7 N um ber 2 3 1 198 8 1987 S . T ra n s fe r Fees R eceivab le (P ayab le), N et Receivable from other d u b s Payable to other dubs 6. £ 1 ,3 3 1 ,5 0 0 (1 ,6 5 7 ,3 7 5 ) 237,000 (400,250) £ (3 2 5 ,8 7 5 ) £(163,250) In vestm ent Incom e 1988 1987 E £ 9 ,2 7 8 13,751 8,297 5 5 .71 8 £ 2 3 ,0 2 9 £64,015 1988 1987 t £ 1 ,61 8 3 3 ,8 9 6 30,175 £ 3 5 ,5 1 4 £31,670 Income from fixed assets investm ents — listed in the UK O ther interest receivable and sim ilar incom e 7 - In te re s t P ayable an d S im ila r C harges O n bank loans, overdrafts and other loans — repayable within five years, by instalm ents — repayable w ithin five years, not by instalments 1.495 Induded in the above is the interest elem ent of charges payable under finance leases amountinq lo £1 618 (1987 — £1,495). 8. P ro fit (Loss) on O rdin ary A ctiv itie s B efo re Taxation Profit (loss) on ordinary activities before taxation is staled after charging: 1988 198 7 107,7 6 4 9 ,4 5 9 2 ,7 5 4 1 ,5 0 0 110,105 3,543 e D epredation of owned tangible fixed assets Depredation of leased tangible fixed assets H ire of plant and m achinery under operating (eases Auditors' rem uneration £ 1,500 I4 0 1 coo® H3dOCi:> \HV AYd OCOo 9C6 Ti0iG» tT :fT 06. 60 ••OS Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic 9. Notes on Accounts Continued T a x o n P ro fit (Loss) on O rdinary A c tiv itie s T h e ta x credit (charge) is based on th e profit (loss) for th e year and comprises: 1958 1987 £ £ Corporation tax credit (charge) a t 2 7 % (1987— 3 0 % ) (£958) £ 6 ,0 2 0 T h e com pany has accum ulated tax losses totalling approxim ately £923.000 (1987 — £461,000) which are available to offset against future taxable profits arising from trading activities. 1 0 . T a n g ib le Fixed A ssets (a ) T h e movement in th e year was as follows: Land and b u ild in g s D isp o sa ls F reeh old £ 2 ,0 5 4 ,19 8 248.1 7 4 — Long leaseh o ld £ 340,067 2.-475 — End o f year 2 .3 1 2 ,3 72 3 42.54 2 £82,776 — — 128,272 25.695 — 335,651 91,528 (2,628) 463.923 117.223 (2.62S) — 153,967 424.551 578,518 N et B oo k V alue beginning of year £2,064.198 £211.795 £176,157 £2,432.150 N e t B o o k V alue end of year £ 2 ,312,372 £188,575 £158,225 £2,659,172 C o st o r V alu ation B eginning of year A dditions, net o f grant D e p re d a tio n Beginning of year C harge Disposals — End o f year P lan t and m achinery £ 511,808 79,533 (8,555) T o tal £ 2,916^073 330.182 (8.565) 3.237,690 Included in fixed assets above were assets held under finance leases with a net book value of £12,847 (1987—£6,642). (b) Basis o f valuation P lant and m achinery and long leasehold property are shown at co st Freehold land and buildings are shown at a d irectors' valuation in 1975 (with subsequent additions a t cost) as shown below: 1988 £ D irectors’ valuation A t cost 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 ,3 1 2 ,3 7 2 £ 2 ,3 1 2 ,3 7 2 Cost o r valuation end of year 1987 £ 1,000.000 1,064.158 £2,054,198 A professional valuation of the freehold stadium was perform ed on 9th January, 1975 by Messrs. Eadon Lockwood & R iddle. H ow ever, this valuation of £ 2 .3 1 2,00 0 was m ade on the basis o f depreciated replacem ent cost and, in view of th e specialised nature of the stadium , th e directors fe lt it inappropriate to include the asset in the accounts at that fig ure. Consequently, the directors reduced the valuation to £1,000,000, fo r accounts purposes, as of that date. (c) T h e original cost, and aggregate depreciation based on cost, of freehold land and buildings included at valuation were: 1988 £ O riginal cost Depreciation based on cost coo® H3d00:> \'HY -\v<l 1987 £ 4 7 9 ,4 9 6 (1 0 7 ,2 0 6 ) 479,496 (107.206) £ 3 7 2 ,2 9 0 £372.290 OZOo 9C6 TiOO l-T.-fT 06. 60'0 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Continued F ixed A sset In vestm ents D ebenture redem ption fund investm ents: Investm ents listed in the UK a t cost B ank deposits M arket value of listed investments listed in th e UK D eb tors Am ounts failing due within one y e a r T rad e debtors O ther debtors Prepaym ents and accrued income — incom e tax recoverable — other 1988 £ 1987 9 9 ,6 3 2 27,751 9 9,632 18.474 £ 1 2 7 ,3 8 3 £118,106 £ 1 1 7 ,4 0 2 £117,938 £ 1988 £ 1 98 7 3 1 6 ,4 6 5 1 7 1 ,9 1 0 181.671 88,746 4 ,8 4 8 5 5 ,1 8 8 57,270 £548,411 £327,689 £ 1 3 . C u rren t A sset In vestm ents Th ese comprise amounts deposited with various m anaged unit trust funds and are staled at the lower of cost or net realisable value. C red ito rs — A m ounts Falling Due W ith in O ne Y e ar Obligations under finance leases and hire purchase contracts Bank loans and overdrafts Trade creditors O th er creditors — UK corporation tax payable — VAT — social security and PAYE — other A ccruals and defenred income 1988 1987 3 ,2 3 4 4 3 2 ,4 9 3 3 7 3 ,8 4 7 6,790 5.779 163,111 — 3 5 ,7 5 6 5 7 ,9 4 9 500 1 5 1 ,7 5 2 12,773 67,621 39,314 500 206,917 £ 1 ,0 5 5 ,53 1 £502,805 fa T h e bank overdraft is secured by a floating charge over the assets of th e company, subject to the security of the 6% redeem able debenture stock. 15. C red ito rs — A m ounts Fallin g D ue A fte r M ore Than O ne Y e a r O ther creditors — 6 % redeem able debenture stock 1990 1,073 debentures of £100 each (secured on the company’s assets) — 12% loan notes of £100 each repayable on 12 months notice — Obligations under finance leases — Corporation tax Accruals and deferred income — Sports Council G rant 1988 £ 1 987 1 0 7 ,3 0 0 1 7 ,70 0 8,451 — 2 5 ,0 2 0 108,300 17,700 998 998 28,594 £158,471 £156,590 c The 6% redeem able debentures are redeem able a t par on 30th Novem ber, 1990. 16. foo® D eferred T axatio n There is no deferred taxation as accelerated capital allowances are exceeded by corporation tax losses carried forward. H3<J(XI.:> \HY AVa OSOo 9C6 TiOO ST:H 06. 60 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Notes on Accounts Continued 1 7 . C alle d U p S h are C apital Authorised: 5 0 original shares of £5 each 1 ,3 7 5 *A’ shares of £10 each 2 ,5 0 0 *B’ shares o f £100 each 1 5,000 ’C ’ shares of £10 each 8 6 0 unclassified shares of £100 each 1988 1987 £ £ 250 13,750 250.000 150.000 250 13,750 250.000 150,000 86,000 86,000 £500,000 £500,000 £ £ A llotted, called up and fully paid: 5 0 original shares o f £ 5 each 1 ,11 3 ‘A* shares o f £10 each 9 5 4 'B ' shares of £100 each 1 ,7 7 7 *C' shares of t1 0 each 250 11,130 95,400 17,770 250 11,130 95.400 17,770 £ 1 2 4 ,5 5 0 £124,550 O n 3 i st M a y in any year, the holders often ‘C shares m ay require the Club to convert th eir shares into one ‘B* share, such conversion becoming effective upon notice being given to the C lub. 18. R eserves O f total reserves shown in the balance sheet, the following amounts are regarded as distributable or otherwise: Distributable — profit and loss account N on-distributable — share prem ium account — revaluation reserve — other reserves To tal reserves 1988 £ 1,4 2 0 ,1 6 1 1987 £ 1,873,045 1 ,6 1 6 6 2 7 ,7 1 0 1 7 0 ,0 8 3 1,616 627,710 159.805 £ 2 ^ *19 ,5 70 £2,662,176 No deferred taxation has been provided in respect of the revaluation reserve, since the directors consider that no Gabitrty to tax w ill arise in the -foreseeable future. T h e m ovem ent on other reserves during the year was as follows: B alance at 1st June, 1987 Tran sfer from profit and loss account P ro fit on redem ption of debentures N om inal value of debentures redeemed B alance a t 31st M ay, 1988 19. 118,"i05 10.038 240 (1,000) C l 2 7,383 G u ara n te e s an d O th er Financial C om m itm ents (a) C ap ital commitments A t th e end of the ye a r capital commitments were: Contracted but not provided (b) D eb en tu re redem ption reserve £ R edeem ed debenture reserve £ 41,700 T o ti £ 159,805 10,038 240 1,000 £42,700 £170,083 1988 £— 1987 £150.000 Lease commitments Th e com pany has entered into an operating lease in respect o f plant and m achinery for which the total rent charged WaS (1987 £NiI}. The lease, which expires within 2 to 5 years, has a minimum annual rental Of £ 3 ,0 /2 . 20. S u b seq u en t E vents Subsequent to 3 ls t M ay. 1988, the company sold players for £827,000 and purchased a player for £275,000. £00® H3d00::> SHY AYa OCOo 9C6 TiO© ST-.n 06. 60--0Z Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic Statement of Source and Application of Funds Y e a r e n d e d 3 1 s t M ay, 1 9 8 8 198 8 £ S o u rc e o f F u n d s P rofit on ordinary activities before taxation A dd (deduct) item s not involving th e m ovem ent o f funds — depreciation — loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets — transfer from Sports C ouncil grant T o tal funds from operations Football G rounds Im provem ent T ru st grants received Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed assets In crease in finance lease loans D ecrease in net current assets, as shown below 243,671 — — — — 1 2 ,6 5 8 5 ,0 0 0 1 5 ,6 6 4 6 7 8 ,2 0 1 £ 7 1 1 ,5 2 3 A p p lic a tio n o f F u n d s Loss on ordinary activities before taxation Add (deduct) item s not involving the m ovem ent of funds — depreciation — loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets — transfer from Sports Council grant T o tal funds used in operations Taxatio n paid P urchase of tangible fixed assets a t cost D ebenture fund investm ents (net) R epaym ent of loans from lessors R epaym ent (and current m aturity) of long term loans Increase in net current assets, as shown below (1 1 7 ,2 2 3 ) (9 3 7) 3 ,5 7 4 3 3 4 ,2 8 0 1 2 ,6 0 0 3 4 2 ,8 4 0 9 ,2 7 6 1 1 ,7 6 7 760 — — 2 1 5 ,8 7 4 1 5 ,0 6 2 (1 4 2 ,3 4 1 ) 8 8 ,5 9 5 M ovem ent in net liquid funds — cash at bank and in hand — bank loans and overdrafts (3 4 0 ,0 8 2 ) (4 2 6 ,7 1 4 ) £ (6 7 8 ,2 0 1 ) T h e accom panying notes are an integral part of this statem ent. 1 13,643 13,376 (3,574) 367,121 5 7 ,0 1 8 9 ,1 3 9 — — ' £ 43 3 ,2 7 8 4 4 8 ,8 6 6 £ 7 1 1 ,5 2 3 In c re a s e (D e c re a s e ) in N e t C u rre n t A ssets Stocks Debtors Investm ents C reditors falling due w ithin one year 1987 £ — — — _ 3 ,3 3 3 3 58 ,40 0 (1,894) 6,289 720 6 6 ,4 3 0 £ 4 3 3 ,2 7 8 (22,693) (4 2 5,8 11 ) 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 2 7 4 ,3 0 6 2 5 ,8 0 2 (43,537) 8 4,1 65 £ 6 6 ,4 3 0 Sheffield W ednesday Football Club pic Auditors5 Report to the Members W e have audited the accounts set out on pages 3 to 10 in accordance with approved Auditing Standards. As explained in N ote 1, the company has not com plied with Statem ent of Standard Accounting P ractice N o. 12 in that no provision has been m ade for depreciation on th e freehold stadium . Except fo r th e effects of not depreciating the freehold stadium as described in the preceding paragraph. In our opinion, the accounts, which have been prepared under th e historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of freehold tand and buildings, give a true and fair view of th e state of affaire of the com pany at 31st M ay, 1988 and of the loss and source and application of funds for the year then ended, and comply with th e Com panies A ct 1985A R TH U R A ND ER SEN & C O . C hartered Accountants Leeds. 26th August, 1988 Page 33 SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY FOOTBALL CLPB P.L.C. Accounts to 31 Msy 1986 ADDITIONS to fixed assets FREEHOLD LAND & BUILDINGS Cost £ Roof and improvements to the Kop South Stand Retention on club rooms Protective decking South Stand toilets Seeuri ty room 291,281 11,200 F.G. I. T. grant received £ - - Net Total £ 291,281 11,200 49,575 36,478 2,156 37,181 36,251 - 12,394 227 2,156 80,125 47,984 32,141 Vest Stand Turnstile and other improvements at back of stand Sports Hall 470,815 4,715 (4,715) 126,131 344,684 1,259 49,713 6,118 465 1,401 1,735 41,613 - 1,259 8,100 6,118 465 1,401 1,735 60,691 41,613 19,078 FIXTURES, FITTINGS AND EQUIPMENT Multigym equipment Video surveillance equipment Cash registers Paintings Deep spiker power loader MOTOR VEHICLES Austin Metro A648 XHL Hi-aee Van A375 YWE Rover 216 B525 GWB 2,750 5,600 4,500 SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY F.C. PLC ACCOUNTS TO 31 MAY 1957 ADDITIONS TO FIXED ASSETS COST F.G.I.T. GRANT RECEIVED £ FREEHOLD LAND AND BUILDINGS Roof and improvements on kop. / North Stand New Entrance behind North Stand.' South Stand South Stand Decking. West Stand:Turnstile and other improvements, at back of Stand. Sports Hall:Multi-gym extension NET TOTAL 674/608 475/711 198/897 10,000 10/000 1/271 1/271 1,930 12/393 506 688,315 (10,463) 506 488/104 200/211 MIDDLEWOOD ROAD TRAINING GROUND Irrigation Machine. 5/038 SOUND EQUIPMENT Public address systems (Re new kop roof) 9/925 MOTOR VEHICLES Vauxhall Cavalier D892 PWE Toyota Carina D213 PAK 7/750 7,916 15,666 FIXTURES/ FITTINGS AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT Catering equipment Video Surveillance equipment Medical equipment Sports Hall lockers Sports Hall equipment (Multi Gym) Sun-bed Middlewood Road alarm system Switchboard Cash register Computer equipment 29/273 28/979 693 925 633 2/697 679 -2/520 1/320 2/823 SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY F.C. PIC ACCOUNTS TO 31 MAY 1988 ADDITIONS TO FIXED ASSETS COST FREEHOLD LAND AND BUILDINGS £ Roof and improvements on kop. North Stand New Entrance behind North Stand K Cladding North Stand Roof Stand:Extension of Ticket Office. Improvements to Tavern. West Stand Various improvement works. 28,103 F.G.I.T. GRANT RECEIVED £ 7,658 NET TOTAL £ 20,445 19,161 132,416 19,161 132,416 4,996 67,357 4,996 67,357 3,799 3,799 255,832 7,658 248,174 MIDDLEWOOD ROAD TRAINING GROUND Fencing 2,475 MOTOR VEHICLES Contravator Kubota B7100 Mini Tractor Mower ^fcjyota Carina E344 XHE 3,657 2,100 3,000 8,800 17,557 FIXTURES, FITTINGS AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT Computerised crowd Monitoring Equip. Pagers Franking Machine v Carpets Carpets re Steps Restaurant Robot coupe Alarms Alterations re Tavern Catering Equipment Computer Equipment Toilet Flush control Equipment Central Heating-Development Offices C.C.T.V. Equipment-Grant Received • 14,905 759 1,550 5,2a 670 388 850 14,937 23,717 1,540 1,330 1,110 66,977 5,000 14,905 759 1,550 5,221 670 388 850 14,937 23,717 l-,540 1,330 1,110 (5,000) 5,000 61,977 -&H£PFI£U-D W B D f v i E S A Y P-C- P U C /^ C .C O tirtk Vo 3 » Mom l^ S S , /A O D iTJor^.TTQ -Fjy& D . ASS EXS^ •G-l-T. Fhge.T R2SRT----* W t^-L L A N D A r s b R u i t —D i H G o .G o o j'-.O-rJ y^-'oV Qr^'QfJte cvv^lCop__________ J 9 if__ ...... T ^Norl-U..S}*o-rLcl„: n . _ ±z:..j,r1:T::T-n . Eotnc>/».CC-.t>c)vAc!_ f>lo£t^A S K v \ J ?! N o r M ^ jS Ho^l!-Di^oJbUcLiAic^a. t CLouicl'-r^ l>fo/:t*>jjSI'o<«\cl .&©©£. - p t - C W v Xa I__ — V '&tJ-l Iol ixt LOj Q : 5 o v / m SI"D/\d_J.r: j! Ha k\fcjp_ck _____ j ____ &'<.S r^ i LcJjL. S s. -Jbl!. Dcv\ CAlllocV^IcX'-^V> C LA.Z>*d Lctfcxj Lotf^j oJ-ft’ cAS Seo-\<)j~S c^ro o^ . . _. _ .. | ,• .. .j | i: i t ___ 'So ^ m D equipnoe^T 11 ; ;! I ii P<2/-^vv\ <^M(5 fcton ^ S \-Jb -_rrwcu>w |^:.jSoj^. . IS ft»S SiX H Z 3331 3X7J 2-2Cfl .fo9 U±JX2 lit7.Q R~73_XJ __L_8_SS X 58S if0 : 2-588 W-O 8 o l > 2 .; t ! ; : ... .... ! 2-5 .. • T A i O -<tO *4-155 S 25 ' v5 I I » : . • 31 • |._.1 3 5 o | j __|___ -__ j___ j_A_350_ --1 - , i S 6 o S . 2 S : . c|.3ii.: • I] GiqH-jXSL MoTnR VE.MIC.I-E1S____ fe^cujjU^-XS' — - — uEo^'otjv— CcxcLacc # r lyiLsbUiLlG^ca lU3.ioQ FJ73 g >+os _ M l i o I388&! lOi F i y T u R E S j PiTT<^r.S Ar4C) O '-HC& GX2u SOWa JQIc u j <lS_, C u J tU ^ Qas~ p U ^ ^ p F v (jl M ^ r 1^ C v _I \ r •• i Li- e d T cJcei"_ , ai.acxx_: "I" i DAT ______ i------ r — i Fife- 0 7 . £ $ _ 'EASXWOODJ-E^glt!EAS P L A is I.P C E S 1Q-— PS * 5 .G g a a ^ n e A- -__43CL. IX &Ofc 1| 9 f . ---------------- ,------t r *—C ^ . , ^ r 12. 8 s : •• t .. CT. i> -i5 ? S :: • •• ! _ i- ___ . jL ______L___ r > ! ... jw rp » » r. , , . w w i * N _____ \ __ U__ f . O ' 9 . 1 W E .T /W O ft^ * N O fi-T H 1 'S A ftT Y V v fc ^ -M o fc lF tC A T ic rJ S T o L.UArviE i 1 jl II i ii 1 ' ! S T A N D flO O P "77 S t 7 0 *»isg«;l : i! s i ____ _ .1 r i ^ A * - lo f e r It j oq-. * (o &.. QAODM&&______ !_'P ^ A r^ -Q P -^ T H STA *U>..GtC.J , ■■ ..Soi_-._j_______i_. ©2 oa-j S7_eastv>A3co-e. pa&tneAS ,y*JLt/s wflve/.(i£ fcf> -t-Scxm* stand. iqq i .711____ *>3- 02-! 87 nt. n a 87 i6- cfe-. 87 *5 • C 7-I.S7. r * ° -- •07; 07- 87 07.: S7. <*1 * 7 a- K)iS*7 cfc •O S7 ;*5T • 05 • *o- $7 c5 • IO-;S7 JR. io-; 87 _.S£Av/c^-S Que. MCwNTif>iC(___ .^TBSn^C 6Agp.lE^S PLA/srSiNC, PeAMlSSvor^.__ O iSAG>LXD_AjLEA ;____ I• Q. . t o 5 .f f o . 3 3 o a 5~ __________ I -ij— " < n j AU- •' -1 - -ji.- I . icco J-..i! P-E. Pe^i^TCrJE. ftoAO &KT*Ar4CE- i o i 2-9 FoO<2* Y£y\£-S K/>. 'NTeNAMCE. A M 6 g.€,P<M^.S ; ; RSS/ Sfe t n wc? m q %7 to 057 m i/ ms| M . L. i5 ; - i A P P ljc-a t i o N J POoFeiS.Df^Ai- CH fiJLCJdS U£. CPO'-^US X*\S 72J0 f,AFery wofcAC 3fe7V S5 g-t--& C -T g -> C .A i- /N S P E C T » g > H __________ ; 11+7 1 • Ig&Ol (a %'S £ASTWccO-tPAC-TrJfc£-S “ToTAi— F o £ —• -• f:- > u h n i n C ii Cfe I... lowoqft 92-4-;57.__________ 7gl j. f i -------- r~ I------p .,tt£. N O d T H S T A M D (Zo o P . .... esoo. I* »l THEW_Shl&ET«r4G -~^0<tTH STAMP_ ^..PCCO.L. ______L. G C a &d m e A PftoFesSitfrJAC oh^2x*es OE-aOo^b: 2501 • -1 . L EASTvvt3CO-f PACTix&AS 97S I Z ii ■7001. : 11 CL,. oi- 8ff C2- 03- 8* i£i. o l *g M -E.. P,AC.q 1EA ^ I ._,:Fte.S.Or£._WESTSTAv»t> GA& •+. ST o££_!__ OJ4-3..- . V jilP ii^C, ,c/t_A-nrYMi Qg <nP tor-»F E ftir>:_-_ .&s J h a s t i w c c o -I ■1 S5 « • J 1_ HS HSt, 33 120 .2.01 GROUND IMPROVEMENTS AT EILLS30R0UGH 1. 2. 3. 4. F in a n c i a l ye ar ending 31 s c 'Hay 1986 £352,784 F i n a n c i a l ye ar ending 3 1 s t May 1987 £239,115 F i n a n c i a l y e a r ending 31sC May 1988 £263,079 F i n a n c i a l year ending 31s c May 1989 £81,441 local £936,419 V ADD Foocball Ground Improvements TrusC f o r above y ears £686,588 P r o f e s s i o n a l fees of W EasCvood & P a r t n e r s £46,111 Total Amount spen t on g e n eral maintenance and r e p a i r s 1985/86 to 1988/89 seasons £1,669,118 £162,8.70 Sheffield Wednesday Football Club pic SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY F.C. PLC ANALYSIS OF TRANSFER FEES Transfer Fees Receivable £ Transfer Fees Payable £ Net Payable (Receivable) £ For The Financial Year Ending 31 May 1984 207/500 475,150 267,650 1985 592/500 667,750 75,250 1986 1/187/000 1/021/250 1987 237/000 400/250 163/250 1988 1/331/500 1/657/375 325/875 1989 2/384/623 2/175/305 (209/318) £5/940/123 29.6.89 Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 1SW. Telephone: (0742) 343122 Telegrams: Wednesday Sheffield 6. Telex No. 547709 W EDNES Fax No. 0742 337145 Registered in England No. 62478 M E. S«cr*uiy G M Macfcral. f C C A M jn»g»r R ABniiOn CVecion M Sfwpp«nJ. j p., f C A (Ve«-Cn»»TT>»n). S L O B E., C Wootfwird. k T *o<3y. E. Barron. G K. H jtry £6/397/080 (165/750) £456/957