Murder Most Foul
Murder Most Foul
Ilua SER~CES: ~!I~~!~: 00: {J\;= (l1~2k ~ ~\:'27B1 BREAKDOWN l TO @ 1996 Breakdown Services ltd. All Rights Reserved (File 1106e14-rh) L (Original 11 06e09-rh) L The infonnation ~ntained in this document is the excfusive property of BreaJcdaM1 Sennces. Ud. Ani unauthorized reproduction. duplication. copying or use of the information contained herein. without prior written consent of Breakdown Services. Ud.• is strictly prohibited. DEL I VERE D NOV 0 7 1996 UNIVERSAUFOX TELEVISION SLIDERS liTHE GAME'S AFOOT" ONE HOUR EPISODIC/FOX DRAFT: 11/5/96 PROD. K1815 Executive Producers: David Peckinpah, Tracy Torme and Alan Barnette Co-Exec. Producers: Tony Blake and Paul Jackson Producers: Mychelle Deschamps and Richard Compton Cons. Producer: Josef Anderson Director: Jeff Woolnough Writers: David Peckinpah Casting Director: John A. Aiello Casting Associate: Dino Ladki Casting Assistant: Laura Boeck Start Date: 11/15/96 Lo.cation: Los Angeles WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS ONLY TO: JOHN A. AIELLO UNIVERSAL STUDIOS 100 UNIVERSAL CITY PLAZA BUILDING #463, #100 UNIVERSAL CITY, CA 91608 PLEASE MARK SUBMISSIONS "SLIDERS." TREVOR: A boy about 11 to 15 to play 11, Trevor is a cocky kid, the leader of a group of "street urchins" in Park 21. In fact, Trevor is a brilliant young boy who has been given the opportunity to play the leader of The Baker Street Irregulars in Arturo's extended fantasy life. Just as gifted at deduction as the fiction~1 Mr. Sherlock Holmes, Trevor makes off with the Sliders' timer, and concludes its true purpose. Smart and too willing to show off, Trevor is an observant boy who spots the real killer, and winds up the target of a manhunt. .. LEAD (15) PLEASE SUBMIT CHILDREN WITH GUEST STAR CREDITS ONLY DR. PUNCH: Mid to late 30s, a pretty young woman evaluator, Dr. Punch is in charge of studying patients who have suffered an emotional breakdown (called a "fracture"), and devising an appropriate course of treatment. Convinced that Arturo is some kind of incognito government bigshot, Dr. Punch devises a rather elaborate therapy for Arturo ... 4 speeches & 4 lines, 2 scene (6) MRS. HUDSON: Late 30s to early 40s, Mrs. Hudson is the housekeeper at 221B Baker Street, who brings Arturo/Sherlock Holmes his evening tea, and later delivers a package to him ... 3 lines, 2 scenes (14) WONK: An eager, serious young government worker, he reports to Dr. Punch on the mysterious Professor Maximilian Arturo ... 1 speech & 3 lines, 1 scene (6) [Copyright 1996, BREAKDOWN SERVICES, LTD.] ANNE: This young woman leads a training session, during which the Sliders are indoctrinated into their new lives as role-playing extras in the role-playing fantasyland that is Park 21 ... 1 speech, 1 scene (13) YOUNG WOMAN: Mid 20s, pretty, a young woman in a business suit, named Darla, she is a security agent who spots Arturo "out of uniform," is convinced that he has "fractured" due to stress, and quietly sedates him .. .4lines, 1 scene (3) [Copyright 1996, BREAKDOWN SERVICES, LTD.] ~ \: GUIDE: Early to mid 20s, a guide at th~ entry to Park ~1, he her~~ the ne~ employees onto the trams, using an electronic bullhom, and seems conVinced that the Sliders are Idlots ... 2 lines, 1 scene (11) STORY LINE: The Sliders jump into a rigidly stratified society in which stress is relieved through intense roleplaying games, aided by mind altering devices, and Arturo is manipulated into believing himself the incarnation of Sherlock Holmes ... __.1 8REAl<OoWN ~CE.S: LI U p\0=rcz; rz:w~ ~ fJ?~MI =,. 8111d1:1:1c1wm $P.I\1t»C UIS. All HJgI\S RoIoMad (FiJa 11 06e09 rh) L UNIVERSAIIFOX TELEVISION SUOERS ..,.HE GAME'S AFOOTONE HOU}o( t;PISOD1C"'JFOX I. DRAFT: 11/519fJ PROD. K181S Executive Producers: Dav;d PeckinpcU1, Tracy Tonne and Alesn Barnette Co-Exec. Produccrc: Tony ttJake and Paul J;)cksoll Producers: MycheUe OeschMlps and Riellilrd Compton Cons. Producer: Josef Anderson Director: Jerr WuoInough Writar"S: DaVid Pecl<inpCh ~sting i Director. John A Aiello Cesting Associate: Dina Laaki CasU. &9 Assistant Laura Boeck Start 03tc: I' LOCQti~n: los Anoetes WRITTEN SUBMISSIONS ONLY I U: JOHN A. AIELLO UNIVERSAL S'I uoros 100 UNIVEtt::iAL CITY PlAZA BUILDiNG #465, #100 UNIVERSAL CI1Y, CI\ 91 SOS PLEASE: MARK SlJRMlSSlONS "SUDERS. u DR. BOUVAR: A tnm. saridy-h~ired man ill his mid 40$. Bolivar as a psychiatrisl ill an aJtemate wortd, in which people wno have suff'eretJ neNOU~ breakdowns are resto~ to health by role-plsVing in a large themp. P:11X After con~J ..din9 thal Arturo has ~c:tUre<r under stress, Bolivar orders a unique course nf treafl11ellt ~ tne Stidp.r pcstieot, electtoniC3lty manipulating Arturo into believing himself to be SherJuck HolmQ6. r,fllfI!mingJy u~ benign QJPcrvisor of 8 unique fOlln of mental therapy, Boliver M5 in fact "(,.ctured" I"3tt'\cr baUly, and Obs9£6ively Dclieves himself to bt: The Ripper. When the Mrang@d Dr. Bolivar flXQtcs on Wade a~ his next vrctim. it t;:tke$ csll of Arturo's dedudJVe to trap a o\GIdman•.• LEI\O (0) I FSTRADE: A handsome young man in 18805 p6iriod dress. wearing 8 suit ;iOd a bowter hat. he ploys InspGdOr lcstrade in the elaborate fdntasy world that ~ )")sr.( 'i-but in fact, he is Or. DunhiIJ. the Pane SupCMSor. OP.lieving himswlf to be sttlge-maneging a host uf performers in G comple~ drillma Involving Sheriock Holl1le-s and Jack The Hipper. Le.~rade wat.ehe:a in irritation as little things start goil19 out of control: frrst aU1l1n is selected by tne delusioniiJl Arturo to pl.aV watson, elnd next II real Rippe. ~'1arts ellmin<ing the supporting pt3ycrz. Faced with serious problems. Lcstrade tl8s no choice but to tnJst rn the deductive pnwers or SherlOC.l< t-Iolmes (Arturo) to restorG order••• l..EAD (13) l~pytight ·'996. BREAKDOWN SF.RVICES, LTD] TREVOR: A boy about 10 or 11, Trevor Is 3 cocky kid. the leader of a group Dr -svcet urchins" in P;trk 21. In Trevor is a bnl'iaul younq boy Who has been Oiven Ihe opponunity to play the IpAder of The Baker Street lrreglllCfrs in ArtUro's extended fent8~ life. Just as girted ilt deduc:tJon as the fictional Mr. Sherlodc Holmes. Trevor mQkcs on With the Slid~s' limer, and con dudes its tnJe purpose. Smart and too wiJIing to show oIT, Trevor is en ohservant bOy who spots the real kiUer, and winds up thQ target of a mc.1nhunt...lEAD (15) ~ . . ERIN: A pretty. harned young wnman, Erin ~ highly strcssea, and is as.~led a wor1dng vacation at l"'ark ~1. Oeli~hted to be g'lven the opportunity to do some serioua mte-pfaying lind &6cape from the tension of a I igid ~OCJety. Erin befriends 1118 Sliders :lnd delightedly transforms herself into ::J Victorian mlJsiooall pwriormer. Thnlled to be selected to ptly the important role of a Ripper victim. Erin winds up killed by the hopelessly insane Dr. Boliver...S speeches & 8 lines. 4 scenes (111 (Cnpyright 1998, BREAKDOWN St:HVICES. ,. TO.] U~~~~ I_~ NcwVIM ~ I I..arIh1 ~~~RlE8I;~ ~~ ~.., p94IJ4W !D])~I BPoEAl<ucJWNsaMCC: L'TD ·~ O'YU6~ ~ U\lAa ftIgIB ~ UNIVERSALIFOX TELEVISION : ~UDERS arrHE GAMe-5 AFOO,. ONE HOUR EPISOOICIFOX r DR PUNCH: A pretty young women evaluiltnr. Or. p~ Is in charge of studying pallenhi who h3vc surr~ an emoti0n:31 breakdown (called a "fracturej. ~nd devising an appropriate course of treatment. Convinced that ArtUro ;!\ som~ kind or InCcgnito governrma.nt bi9Sho~ Dr. Punch devises 8 rather RlrtbOI Gte therapy fnr ArbJro .. .4 speeches & 4 line$. 2 scene (8) \. MRS. HUDSON: A klndty older woman, MIs. Hudson is the houseku-per at 221 B Baker Street Who brings ArturolShcr1ock Holmes his evening tea. and ~ter deJavers,a par.kage to him .••3 Dnes. 2 =:ccnes (14) I I I· . PAGE TWO •.• WON K: An eager young government wonk. he/she reports to Dr. Punc:h on the mysterious Profes.c;nr Maximilian Arturo ... 1 speech & 3 lines. 1 scene (0) (Cop~ht 1996. BREAKlJOWN SFRVICES, LTD.} ANNE: 1 his young woma,l lyCKis a trafnJng session. during which the Slid~t& are indoctrinmed into thejr np.w Ii"es 8~ rol~playin9 ~s in the roJc-plaYQlG fantasyland (hal is Park 21 ••• 1 6peecn. 1 scene (1~) YOUNG WOMAN: A young woman in a business suit. named Darla. she lq ~ security agent who &PO~ Anuro "out of unltcnn." is convinced thall,y has ''tr3ctUrcd'' due to stress. and qu~tJy sed.atBS him ...4 bnCG. 1 scenp. fJ) [Copyrighf 1998. BREAKDOWN SE~V/CES, L Tn.} : GUIDE: A guide 3t tnc entry tn Park 21.· hel:ahe herds the new employees nnto lh~ tlGms. using an efcdronic bullhom. end seems C'.nnvin~d that the Sliders ::lI'C idiots.. ? lines, 1 S~lft (11) C'.A8BIE A. smlJlnJ:1 London CCJbbie. he :.sks ~r. Shltrloc:k I;tolmes"' for hi3 de.stinatinn ...1Iine, 1 s;cana (13) SECURITY MAN: Thi~ rough-looking man 1$ 0 security guard at Paf1l21, who gOGS running after TrP.vor and is blind sided by QlIiJVI ... 1 sPQQch & 2lincs, 1 scene (37) . /- \\ BOY~ This boy. who 1001<8 like a starving orph3n. is ac;tusUy a friend or Trevor's. Who passes slono a me~e to Uuinn and Wad~ ... 1 speach & 1 linc. 1 scene ~39) ) STORY LINE: Ills Sliders jump into s rigidly stralmw soclety In which stress is relieved through Intense rolepltlying games. aided by mind aJumng devices. and Arturo is manipulatYd into belieVing himself the InC3mo.bon of Shp.riock Holme.$•.. I I I I I Page 1 Coordinator: DINO LADKI. 1424 ~roduct i on No. Title K1815 "MURDER MOST FOUL (AKA THE GAME'S AFOOT)" (SLIDERS) }IIF.. Producer ~,/ "'lVID PECKINPAH, ALAN BARNETTE, TRACY TORME suprv. Producer TONY. BLAKE, PAUL JACKSON, MY CHELLE DESCHAMPS 11/15/96 - 11/25/96 ROLE Written By Director Sh,?oting Dates JEFF WOOLNOUGH COST INFORMATION DAVID PECKINPAH PLAYER QUINN SERIES REGULAR LOANOUT: OCO, INC. #22-2692377 JERRY O'CONNELL (WM/LA) (310) 274-7451 WADE SERIES REGULAR LOANOUT: BETTY, INC. #95-4591850 SABRINA LLOYD (PAR/NY) (212) 246-1030 ARTURO SERIES REGULAR JOHN RHYS-DAVIES LOANOUT: TALISMAN (BUCHWALD) PROD. LTD. #95-3581310 (310) 278-3600 REMBRANDT SERIES REGULAR LOANOUT: FIVE 0 UNLIMITED #95-4364323 ADDRESS/PHONE CLEAVANT DERRICKS (SMITH) (213) 852-4777 SUZANNE MARA (MSD/L.A) (310) 858-0333 (310) 289-1631 738 WESTMOUNT L.A. 90069 FRANK CASTRINA (CIRCLE) (310) 285-1585 (310) 670-1877 6715 WEST 86TH PLACE #9 L.A. 90045 DR. BOLIVAR (7) DAVID PURDHAM (HEND/LA) (310) 274-7815 (818) 780-7194 6707 CHISOLM AVENUE VAN NUYS 91406 ERIN (8) BRIGID BRANNAGH (SILMASSZ) (310) 289-0909 (310) 657-8466 911 WEST KNOLL DRIVE W. Holly 90069 (213) 960-6536 ANNE (9) HOLLY CLAMAN (SCHAPIRO) (310) 358-3215 (310) 553-6612 9908 ROBBINS DRIVE Bev. Hills 90212 INSPECTOR REED (10) BRIAN McNM1ARA (INN/ART) (310) 553-5200 (310) 398-9830 11730 NATIONAL BOULEVARD #19 L.A. 90064 MRS. TAYLOR (11) TAYLOR LEIGH (ACME) (213) 954-2263 (310) 276-9379 137 SPAULDING AVENUE, APARTMENT DR. PUNCH (5) ~ wvNK (6) "C" Bev. Hills 90212 (310) 247-6789 FORM 1911 IRev.5/871 Page 2 Coordinator: DINO LADKI, 1424 ~Production No. Title K1815 J/!JlC. Producer "MURDER MOST FOUL (AKA THE GAME'S AFOOT)" (SLIDERS) r~ AVID PECKINPAH, ALAN BARNETTE, TRACY TORME Suprv. Producer TONY: BLAKE, PAUL JACKSON, MYCHELLE DESCHAMPS JEFF WOOLNOUGH 11/15/96 - 11/25/96 ROLE TREVOR (12) MOTHER:KAREN(TAMY WYLIE DIGGS (13) YOUNG WOMAN (14) Written By Director Shoot i ng' Dates COST INFORMATION LOANOUT: WYLIE ENTERTAINMENT, INC. DAVID PECKINPAH PLAYER ADAM WYLIE (HOLLANDE) (213) 845-4160 #95-4546436 (17) LESTER BARRIE (METRO) FORM 1911 IRn.51871 (213) 368-9629 4103 1/2 GARTHWAITE DRIVE L.A. 90008 CARMEN' NOGALES (BIGLEY) (213) 223-1815 3710 RANDOLF AVENUE L.A. 90032 (888) 834-0161 DERIK VAN DERBEKEN (DIRECT) (213) 662-4334 2832 AVENEL STREET #6 L.A. 90039 (310) 777-3328 BRANDON MICHAEL (S. LANE) (805) 581-4667 3138 PAWNEE COURT SIMI VALLEY 93063 (818) 587-1561 (818) 501-2668 MOTHER: TERRY NOVITZKI DRIVE UPLAND 91784 (213) 857-4500 ~ BOY (18) (909) 985-0348 831 PEBBLE BEACH (213) 920-5533 (818) 761-9971 SECURITY MAN ADDRESS/PHONE BILLING Page 1 Coordinator: DINO LADKI, 1424 ,;Production No. Title K181S ~c. C' "MURDER MOST FOUL (AKA THE GAME'S AFOOT)" (SLIDERS) Producer AVID PECKINPAH, ALAN BARNETTE, TRACY TORME Suprv. Producer TONY BLAKE, PAUL JACKSON, MYCHELLE DESCHAMPS 11/15/96 - 11/25/96 ROLE Written By Director Shooting Dates JEFF WOOLNOUGH COST INFORMATION DAVID PECKINPAH PLAYER QUINN JERRY O'CONNELL (WM/LA) (310) 274-7451 WADE SABRINA LLOYD (PAR/NY) (212) 246-1030 ARTURO JOHN RHYS-DAVIES (BUCHWALD) (310) 278-3600 REMBRANDT CLEAVANT DERRICKS (SMITH) (213) 852-4777 ADDRESS/PHONE GUEST STAR, SHARED CARD, OPENING TITLES, POSe APD SUZANNE MARA (MSD/L.A) (310) 858-0333 (310) 289-1631 738 WESTMOUNT L.A. 90069 CO-STAR, SHARED CARD, END TITLES, POSe APD FRANK CASTRINA (CIRCLE) (310) 285-1585 (310) 670-1877 6715 WEST 86TH PLACE #9 L.A. 90045 DR. BOLIVAR (7) GUEST STAR, SINGLE CARD, OPENING TITLES, POSe APD DAVID PURDHAM (HEND/LA) (310) 274-7815 (818) 780-7194 6707 CHISOLM AVENUE VAN NUYS 91406 ERIN (8) GUEST STAR, SINGLE CARD, OPENING TITLES, POSe APD BRIGID BRANNAGH (SILMASSZ) (310) 289-0909 (310) 657-8466 911 WEST KNOLL DRIVE W. Holly 90069 (213) 960-6536 ANNE (9) CO-STAR, SHARED CARD, END TITLES, POSe APD HOLLY CLAMAN (SCHAPIRO) (310) 358-3215 (310) 553-6612 9908 ROBBINS DRIVE Bev. Hills 90212 INSPECTOR REED (10) GUEST STAR, SINGLE CARD, OPENING TITLES, POSe APD BRI~N (INN/ART) (310) 553-5200 (310) 398-9830 11730 NATIONAL BOULEVARD #19 L.A. 90064 MRS. TAYLOR (11) CO-STAR, SHARED CARD, END TITLES, POSe APD TAYLOR LEIGH (ACME) (213) 954-2263 (310) 276-9379 137 SPAULDING AVENUE, APARTMENT DR. PUNCH (5) McNAMARA. "c" Bev. Hills 90212 (310) 247-6789 FORM 1911 (Rev. 5/87) BILLING Page 2 Coordinator: CINO LACKI, 1424 tProduction No. Title K1815 J/III:5. "MURDER MOST FOUL (AKA THE GAME'S AFOOT)" (SLIDERS) Producer ~. . . AVID PECKINPAH, ALAN BARNETTE, TRACY TORME Suprv •. ' Producer . TONY BLAKE, PAUL. JACKSON, MYCHELLE DESCHAMPS S~ooting Director Dates 11/15/96 - 11/25/96 ROLE Written By JEFF WOOLNOUGH COST INFORMATION DAVID PECKINPAH PLAYER ADDRESS/PHONE GUEST STAR, SINGLE CARD, OPENING TITLES, POSe APD ADAM WYLIE (HOLLANDE) (213) 845-4160 MOTHER: KAREN (TAMY) WYLIE GUEST STAR, SHARED DIGGS (13) CARD, OPENING TITLES, POSe APD (909) 985-0348 831 PEBBLE BEACH DRIVE UPLAND 91784 (213) 920-5533 LESTER BARRIE (METRO) (213) 857-4500 (213) 368-9629 4103 1/2 GARTHWAITE DRIVE L.A. 90008 TREVOR (12) YOUNG WOMAN (14) CO-STAR, SHARED CARD, END TITLES, POSe APD CARMEN NOGALES (BIGLEY) (818) 761-9971 (213) 223-1815 3710 RANDOLF AVENUE L.A. 90032 (888) 834-0161 SECURITY MAN (17) CO-STAR, SHARED CARD, END TITLES, POSe APD DERIK VAN DERBEKEN (DIRECT) (213) 662-4334 2832 AVENEL STREET #6 L.A. 90039 (310) 777-3328 CO-STAR, SHARED CARD, END TITLES, POSe APD BRANDON MICHAEL (S.LANE) (818) 501-2668 (805) 581-4667 3138 PAWNEE COURT SIMI VALLEY 93063 (818) 587-1561 r BOY (18) MOTHER: TERRY NOVITZKI FORM 1911 (Rev. 5/871 Page 1 Coordinator: DINO LADKI, 1424 Title . •Production No. "MURDER MOST FOUL (AKA THE GAME'S AFOOT)" K1815 ~. (SLIDERS) Producer ,. AVID PECKINPAH, ALAN BARNETTE, TRACY TORME Suprv. Producer TONY BLAKE,'PAUL JACKSON, MYCHELLE DESCHAMPS ~1/1~/96 Written By Director Shooting Oates - 11/25/96 ROLE JEFF WOOLNOUGH COST INFORMATION DAVID PECKINPAH PLAYER ADDRESS/PHONE QUINN JERRY O'CONNELL (WM/LA) (310) 274-7451 WADE SABRINA LLOYD (PAR/NY) (212) 246-1030 ARTURO JOHN RHYS-DAVIES (BUCHWALD) (310) 278-3600 REMBRANDT CLEAVANT DERRICKS (SMITH) (213) 852-4777 DR. PUNCH (5) SUZANNE MARA (MSD/L.A) (310) 858-0333 (310) 289-1631 738 WESTMOUNT L.A. 90069 wvNK (6) FRANK CASTRINA (CIRCLE) (310) 285-1585 (310) 670-1877 6715 WEST 86TH PLACE #9 L.A. 90045 DR. BOLIVAR (7) DAVID PURDHAM (HEND/LA) (310) 274-7815 (818) 780-7194 6707 CHISOLM AVENUE VAN NUYS 91406 ERIN (8) BRIGID BRANNAGH (SILMASSZ) (310) 289-0909 (310) 657-8466 911 WEST KNOLL DRIVE w. Holly 90069 (213) 960-6536 ANNE (9) HOLLY CLAMAN (SCHAPIRO) (310) 358-3215 (310) 553-6612 9908 ROBBINS DRIVE Bev. Hills 90212 INSPECTOR REED (10) BRIAN McNAMARA (INN/ART) (310) 553-5200 (310) 398-9830 11730 NATIONAL BOULEVARD #19 L.A. 90064 MRS. TAYLOR (11) TAYLOR LEIGH (ACME) (213) 954-2263 (310) 276-9379 137 SPAULDING AVENUE, APARTMENT 'r "c" Bev. Hills 90212 (310) 247-6789 FORM 1911 ,Rev. 5/871 Page 2 Coordinator: DINO LADKI. 1424 ~~Pr-~~t~i~~N~o.------TT~i~tl~e-------------------------------------------------------------- "MURDER MOST FOUL (AKA THE GAME'S AFOOT)" (SLIDERS) K1815 ~. ~' Produce.r AVID PECKINPAH, ALAN BARNETTE, TRACY TORME Suprv. Producer TONY BLAKE, PAUL JACKSON, MYCHELLE DESCHAMPS Shoot i ng Dates 11/15/96 - 11/25/96 ROLE Written By Director JEFF WOOLNOUGH COST INFORMATION DAVID PECKINPAH PLAYER ADAM WYLIE (HOLLANDE) EVOR (213) 845-4160 MOTHER: KAREN (TAMY) YOqNG WOMAN (14) LESTER BARRIE (METRO) (17) CARMEN NOGALES (BIGLEY) (213) 223-1815 3710 RANDOLF AVENUE L.A. 90032 (888) 834-0161 DERIK VAN DERBEKEN (DIRECT) (213) 662-4334 2832 AVENEL STREET #6 L.A. 90039 (310) 777-3328 BRANDON MICHAEL (S.LANE) (805) 581-4667 3138 PAWNEE COURT SIMI VALLEY 93063 (818) 587-1561 (818) 501-2668 MOTHER: TERRY NOVITZKI FORM 1911 IRev.51871 (213) 368-9629 4103 1/2 GARTHWAITE DRIVE L.A. 90008 r' BOY (18) DRIVE UPLAND 91784 (213) 857-4500 (818) 761-9971 SECURITY MAN (909) 985-0348 831 PEBBLE' BEACH (213) 920-5533 WYLIE DIGGS (13) ADDRESS/PHONE JOHN A. AIELLO CASTING Show: SLIDERS Date: 11111/96 PRODCERS SESSION Location: Exec. Prod. Peckinpah, Tonne, 'Barnette Co-Producer: Tony Blake Co-Producer: Paul Jackson SlIPV. Prod.: Mychelle Deschamps Supv. Prod.: Richard Compton Director: Jeff Woolnough 'Cast Dir: John A. Aiello SANDERS 4:00 \ P INO PANTAZlst / b ~ I 4:00 V ) J' ~ - J BRANDON MICHA~ .. - 1/ STACEY LANE BOY ~~ /7 I BOY / {ZACHARY ELAN LEIGyij [) / 4:P~ --- Prod. Number: K1815 CODY McMAINS 4:00 50711A 1 " \:- SCHECHTER STACY LANE JOHN A. AIELLO CASTING Show: SLIDERS PRODCERS SESSION Exec. Prod. Pecki~pah, Torme, Barnette Co-Producer: Tony Blake Co-Producer: PCl:ul Jackson Supv. Prod.: Mychelle Deschamps Supv. Prod. : Richard Compton Director: Jeff\yoolnough Cast Dir: . John A. Aiello Date: 11111196 Location: 50711A Prod. Number: K1815 HOLLANDER SMITH H/H AIM INN G/M/L 10:45 10:45 LESTRADE SUCH DSA MSD DR. PUNCH ACME 11:00 DR. PUNCH WMA SCHOEN MRS. HUDSON S/C/R MRS. HUDSON EIW MRS. HUDSON D. SAKS GUIDE KSA GUIDE M.BERNSTEIN 11 :45 CABBIE BERZON 11 :45 CABBIE CARROLL 11 :45 CABBIE CARROLL CABBIE SJV SECURITY MAN QA 11 :30 11 :30 \\ . 12:od ' SECURITY MAN WALTZING GILLA 12:00 DIRECT 12:15 DONNA PEELE (T TIVE) ANNENOUNG WOMAN (213) 662-4334 SCHECHTER SANDERS HWA UNG WOMAN BIGLEY SLIDERS Notes 11/11/96 #K1815 ROLE OF DR. BOLIVAR LUCA BERCOVICI (BUCH) NOT AVAILABLE FOR DATES FEATURE, "ANGRY DOGS" UNTIL . END OF NOVEMBER JACK COLEMAN (INN) OFFER ONLY IAN BUCHANAN (G!MJL) OFFER ONLY SCOTT PAULIN (PARA) OFFER ONLY TERRY KISER (INN) OFFER ONLY WILLIAM BUMILLER (GAGE) NOT AVAILABLE-BEGINS REHEARSALS FOR LOVE,VALOUR,COMPASSION ON 11/11/96 NICHOLAS PRYOR (SDB) NOT AVAILABLE FOR DATES"90210" - BEGINS 11114/96 GREGORY ITZIN (B/O/B) NOT AVAILABLE FOR DATES MOW, "FRIENDS 'TIL THE END" ROLE OF "LESTRADE" JOHN D'AQUINO (WMA) OFFER ONLY - WE HAVE TAPE SCOTT BRYCE (PARA) AVAILABLE IN NEW YORK DA VID BEECROFT (DSA) AVAILABLE BUT NOT AVAILABLE TO AUDITION MARK KEILLY (BOR) NOT AVAILABLE FOR DATES"DIAGNOSIS MURDER" MARTY RACKHAM (METRO) NOT AVAILABLE FOR DATESON THE ROAD DOING STAND-UP JOHN DYE (GERSH) SERIES REG ON "TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL" ROLES OF "ANNE" AND "YOUNG WOMAN" DANIELLE WEEKS (APA) AVAILABLE BUT NOT AVAILABLE TO AUDITION ON 11111- WORKING JOHN A. AIELLO CASTING Show: SLIDERS PRODCERS SESSION Exec. Prod. Peckinpah, Tonne, Barnette Co-Producer: Tony Blake Co-Producer: Paul Jackson Supv. Prod.: Mychelle Deschamps Supv. Prod.: Richard Compton Director: Jeff Woolnough Cast Dir: John A. Aiello BOLIVER 10:30 BOLIVER PKI 10:30 BOLIVER SUCH SOLIVER H/H INN G/M/L DSA SCHAPIRO ERIN H/G ERIN S/M/S ERIN HOR 11:30 11:30 11:30 DAVID LEE SMITH (TENTATIV LESTRADE METRO LESTRADE BUCH PUNCH ATKINS PUNCH ACME PUNCH . GREENE PUNCH MSD INN ATKINS 11:45 STUDIO 11:45 CHATEAU 11:45 ANNE CHATEAU 12:00 BOLIVER BtH CIRCLE 12:00 COAST 12:00 WONK GOLDEY 12:00 WONK BBA 12:00 ERIN WMA SLIDERS Notes 11/8/96 #k1815 ROLE OF "DR. BOLIVER" MATT McCOY (METRO) OFFER ONLY - WE HAVE TAPE JACK COLEMAN (INN) OFFER ONLY IAN BUCHANAN (GIM/L) OFFER ONLY -AGENT SENDING TAPE SCOTT PAULIN (PARA) OFFER ONLY - AGENT SENDING TAPE TERRY KISER (INN) OFFER ONLY WILLIAM BUMILLER (GAGE) NOT AVAILABLE - BEGINS REHEARSALS FOR LOVE, VALOUR COMPASSION ON 11111196 NICHOLAS PRYOR (SDB) NOT AVAILABLE FOR DATES "90210" BEGINS 9/14/96 GREGORY ITZIN (B/O/B) NOT AVAILABLE FOR DATES MOW, "FRIEND 'TILL THE END" ROLE OF "LESTRADE" JOHN D' AQUINO (WMA) OFFER ONLY - AGNET SENDING TAPE SCOTT BRYCE (PARA) AVAIL ABLE IN NEW YORK DAVID BEECROFT (DSA) NOT AVAILABLE TO AUDITION ON 1118/96 MARK KEILLY (HOR) NOT AVAILABLE FOR DATES "DIAGNOSIS MURDER" MARTY RACKHAM (METRO) NOT AVAILABLE FOR DATES ON THE ROAD DOING STAND-UP JOHN DYE (GERSH) SERIES REG ON "TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL" ROLE OF "ERIN" LISA THORNHILL (WMA) NOT AVAILABLE TO AUDITION ON 11/8/96 - ILL JOHN A. AIELLO CASTING Show: SLIDERS PRE-READ SESSION Exec. Prod. Peckinpah, Tonne, Barnette .Co-Producer: Tony Blake. CO-Pro·ducer: Paul Jackson . Supv. Prod.: MycheHe Deschamps Supv. Prod.: Richard Compton Director: J Woolnough . Cast Dir: .A. Aiello Date: 1117/96 Location: 50711 A Prod. Number: K1815 STUDIO TALENT ERIN 12:00 . PUNCH H/G MSD (310) 858-0333 ERIN SCHECHTER 12:15 ERIN DIRECT 12:15 DR. PUNCH/ANNE CONTEMPORARY 12:15 DONNA PEELE