Newsletter - Port Authority Police Benevolent Association Inc


Newsletter - Port Authority Police Benevolent Association Inc
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Port Authority Police
Benevolent Association, Inc.
Vol. VII
No. 1
February 2011
hicle’s locked doors but eventually persuaded the female
to unlock the doors herself. Rail opened the door and the
woman lunged at him with a knife and retreated back into
the vehicle. It was then that Rail realized the blood on the
woman’s neck was from self-inflicted knife wounds. Rail was
shocked to see the woman’s four-month-old son on the seat
behind her.
After a tense standoff, Rail was successful in disarming the
On Thursday, February 4, 2010, Port Authority Police Officer Thomas
woman and taking her into custody. As Rail entered the veRail was on routine patrol in the vicinity of the George Washington
hicle, he noticed a single-burner, gas camping stove, with a
Bridge in Fort Lee, NJ. At approximately 4:15 p.m., Rail was dislit flame on the front seat. The lit stove crepatched to investigate a reported motor vehicle acThomas
ated a lethal environment within the sealed
cident on the entrance road to Palisades Interstate
vehicle, requiring Rail to act with extreme
Parkway. Once on scene, Rail observed a 2000 Audi A4
caution in order to extract the baby safely
that appeared to have veered off the roadway into
from the vehicle. Rail then coordinated
one of the many large boulders lining the roadway.
The boulders
courage while emergency medical response for the woman
and the child.
safety barrier
It became apparent that the woman tried to
for vehicles
an armed
intentionally drive the vehicle off the roadtraveling the
way to send the vehicle into the Hudson Rivindividual,
road, which
er below, meaning almost certain death for
and a situation her and her son. When that attempt failed,
is high above
the Hudson
she lit the stove to ensure the death of her
that required
River. As Rail
son and then proceed to attempt suicide by
all his skills as slitting her throat.
the vehicle,
a police Officer Police Officer Thomas Rail exhibited extreme
courage while confronting an armed individin a precarious position, he
ual and a situation that required all his skills as a police ofnoticed a female in the rear
ficer. His quick thinking and swift actions resulted in averting
seat with what appeared to
a murder/suicide while placing himself in grave danger. The
be blood on her neck. Rail
Port Authority PBA is honored to award Police Officer Thomas
attempted to open the veRail the 2010 PAPBA Cop of the Year Award.
Page 2
An Official Publication of
The Port Authority
Police Benevolent Association, Inc.
611 Palisade Avenue
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
Ph: 201.871.2100
Ph: 212.947.3754
Fx: 201.871.2343
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web site:
FIrst VIcE PrEsIdENt
Robert Morris
Mike DeFilippis
RJ White
rEcOrdINg sEcrEtary
Steve Ekizian
FINaNcIal sEcrEtary
Frank Conti
Phil Erickson
ExEcutIVE sEcrEtary
Brian Bull
BOard OF trustEEs
Bob Egbert
Chris Carini
Cesar Morales
Joe Arias
Gus Mokanos
Marci Rosenblum
RWD Group
(845) 364-0222
From President
First, I want to
(GWB) for being
selected as the
the Year. I also
congratulate all
the 2010 Cop
of the Month
their outstanding
police work. The professionalism shown by these
members and the extraordinary level of their
work shows the Port Authority Police Department
in a positive light to the public and other police
agencies. Since I became President of the PBA,
I have sought to highlight these individual acts
of bravery and extraordinary conduct by our
members in order to better promote our job.
Police officers, firefighters, and teachers have
come under attack by politicians who want to
blame the excesses of government on public
servants. In this down economy, no one wants
to pay extra taxes or tolls. With no one else to
blame, we are a good target for the political
propaganda that union workers with pensions
and benefits are the cause of all the problems.
No one complains about the multi-million dollar
annual bonuses paid to the bankers, CEOs, and
mortgage brokers that derailed our economy,
but everyone thinks that our pensions and
benefits are too rich.
In this political environment, there has never
been a more important time to promote the
outstanding job that our Department does day
in and day out. We keep the citizens of the
metropolitan area safe from crime and other
security threats and still keep the region’s
airports, bridges, tunnels, and transportation
facilities operating efficiently. In this time of
diminishing public budgets, we must promote
the professionalism of our Department and
our membership. I can’t state enough that our
membership needs to be proactive and do our
job diligently on a daily basis or we risk the job
not being around tomorrow. The best way to
protect your job is to get out and be the police!
To that end, we have created a new award to
recognize the Command that has been the most
active, where our membership is doing its job,
day in and day out. I am happy to announce that
our first Command of the Year Award goes to the
The Port Authority PBA joined nearly 70 public employee unions that gathered in Albany on February 1 as part of the New York State Public Employee Conference’s Legislative Gathering. This annual event is a chance for the municipal labor organization to present its unified legislative agenda
to New York’s lawmakers and let them know that despite the state’s fiscal woes, the budget cannot be balanced on the backs of public employees. Shortly after the gathering, Governor Andrew
Cuomo presented his proposed $132.9 billion budget for the state’s fiscal year beginning April 1,
plugging a $10 billion gap without raising taxes, but warned that as many as 9,800 state workers
could be laid off if public employee unions do not give up wage and benefit increases. He also
called for cuts in funding for state operations, Medicaid and education. The proposed cuts brought
sharp rebukes from unions who are being asked to shoulder a lot of the pain. Under his plan, state
operations would see a reduction of $1.4 billion, which includes expected wage and benefit cuts of
unionized workers. The Governor’s proposals immediately drew ire from unions. “We are all willing
to do our part, but this budget proposal does not spread out the pain,” said PAPBA President Paul
Nunziato. He added that the PAPBA will be meeting with other big police unions from around the
City and State on an ongoing basis to try and stay in front of the challenging issues ahead. “This is
definitely going to be a rough year. The State’s problems are bad, and the City’s aren’t any better.
We’re taking hits on all fronts and the more we can band together with other police unions, the
better off we will be in the long run,” he said.
Lincoln Tunnel. The 75 members assigned there
compiled 726 arrests and a staggering 17,086
summonses, all while keeping the Tunnel traffic
flowing and serving motorists with a courteous
and professional attitude. Congratulations to all
the members of the Lincoln Tunnel Command!
Our members are out on the front lines every
day while the Agency we work for takes us for
granted. PA civilians who do not understand or
appreciate what we do put us in harm’s way
by not providing us with proper equipment
or manpower. This not only jeopardizes us,
but also the people we are sworn to protect.
Budget crunchers on Park Avenue are just
looking at numbers and don’t have any concept
of policing. The police professionals who do
understand the consequences of cutting these
budgets have no real voice in setting their
budgets. This has to stop. The PBA is working to
eliminate added levels of bureaucracy for our
safety as well as the people we protect every
day. I think the Executive Director, Deputy
Executive Director, and incoming Chairman of
the Board of Commissioners are realizing the
need to cut the layers of bureaucracy out of the
Public Safety Department. The PBA is working
to accomplish this inside the Agency as well as
with the Governor’s offices in both states and
numerous politicians from New York and New
Jersey on both sides of the aisle.
While the PBA fights these bureaucratic battles,
we need to reconnect with the public (as do
police everywhere) so they remember what a
difficult and dangerous job we perform on their
behalf, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days
a year. The public needs to be reminded why we
are entitled to the pensions and benefits that
we earn. A routine day in our profession is the
worst day of a citizen’s life: they or someone
they love was hurt, killed or the victim of a
crime. We, as law enforcement officers, have to
respond to these tragedies and protect people
from events that other people run from. The
public honored police after September 11,
2001. They said that no one would ever forget
and they thanked us for our service. Well, less
than 10 short years later, they have forgotten
and it is our job to start reminding them.
We need to do our jobs in a professional and
visible manner to help everyone remember why
their children want to grow up to be police
From left: Chairman,
Board of Trustees
Bobby Egbert,
Treasurer RJ White,
Assemblyman Peter
Abbate, President
Paul Nunziato and 1st
Vice President Bobby
Morris at the New York
State Public Employee
Conference Legislative
Gathering on February
1, 2011 in Albany.
Page 3
George Washington
Brian Ahern
Matt McKeon
holland Tunnel
Manuel Cuprill
Giovanni Perrotta
Kennedy airport
Michael Balestracci
Peter Candela
Robert Paulsen
Jordan Esposito
Thomas Koster
LaGuardia airport
Anthony Baicich
Dominic Palumbo
John Garrone
Marciano Shay
Lincoln Tunnel
Anthony Giardullo
Paul Pimenta
newark airport
Lou Defelice
Patrick Nascak
Chris Demetriades
Andrew Kurpat
Brian O’Connell
Port authority Bus
Robert zafonte
Marcus Ciserano
PAPBA Report is produced by the
Port Authority Police
Benevolent Association.
Entire contents copyrighted.
Page 4
Port authority
Jerry Colligan
Jim Higgins
Christopher McNerney
Michael Mollahan
Port newark
George Brown
Howard Latimer
Special Operations
Raymond Butler
Brett Porigow
William Riiska
Vinny zappulla
Staten island Bridges
Jerome Crimi
Alexander Hamaty
World Trade Center
Angel Serrano
Peter Sippel
Bobby Morris
There has been a lot going on so far this year, although we are only just beginning February. I would like to start off with a few recent positive notes.
On January 2, 2011, President Obama signed into law the James Zadroga
9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, also called the “Zadroga Act.”
This new law provides health care and medical monitoring for those exposed to toxins released by the attack on the World Trade Center towers and reopens the Federal Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) to provide
economic relief to those harmed by the attacks. You may be eligible for
additional compensation for your injuries, wage losses and medical care from the Zadroga Bill
benefits. If you would like more detailed information about this new law, please contact the
Union office. Another change that took effect at the beginning of this year deals with health
insurance for young adults. Beginning January 1, 2011, Federal Health Care Legislation requires
essential health benefit extensions for your adult children up until age 26 regardless of their
financial dependency, residency or employment/school status.
Unless you have been living under a rock, you have read or heard on numerous occasions from
the media and politicians alike that public sector employees and their benefits and pensions are
the cause of New York’s fiscal problems. In New York, government pension contributions have
risen sharply. The media and politicians scare the public into believing the system will soon go
bankrupt unless we trim benefits. The truth is, New York’s pension system is solvent and
fully funded. While it’s true that contributions have risen, it is because for years, City and State
governments relied on high-performing pension funds to pay for their share of contributions. In
fact, in 2000, New York’s share dropped to zero. Municipalities did not have to contribute for
years, yet public employees in contributory plans continued to pay into the system. The collapse of Wall Street led to the reduction in those investment returns, thus forcing higher City
and State government funding. This is not the fault of public employees, yet the media likes
to blame it on someone and we’re the target. As the saying goes, if it’s in print, it must be the
truth. Quite honestly, it’s in print so often that if I didn’t know any better, I might believe it, too.
New York State legislators are also trying to refocus the public’s attention off their ineptitude
and on to something else. With the 2010 elections changing the face of politics in New York,
we now have a Republican majority in the Senate, a Democratic minority and a newly formed
Independent Democratic Caucus with four Senators. Let’s see what gets accomplished now versus what we’ve watched in the last two years with the Senate fiasco over which party was the
controlling party. I wish I had the space here to speak about New Jersey and the union bashing
taking place on that side of the river. But, I guess I’ll save that for my next column.
Simply put: we have our work cut out for us. It seems that the common and popular stance
will be to bash unionized workers. With 10 percent unemployment and a desperate workforce
that has seen reduced wages and benefits, one would think that public anger would be directed
at those who caused this mess to begin with. Wall Street executives are enjoying millions in
bonuses, while New Yorkers are being asked to direct their anger at the “greedy” cops and
firemen. Public employees have become a convenient scapegoat for those who would rather
distract from the fact that corporations are enjoying record profits while not creating any new
jobs. There is a blatant need to educate the public. The PAPBA is doing our part in that area and
has joined together with other police and fire unions in an education program that you will hear
more about in the coming months. As a union member, you will have to, as sad as this sounds,
defend yourselves to family, friends, and strangers if you haven’t already. Speak out about the
job we do, the hours we keep, the situations we encounter, and explain that we do our jobs
to protect others and are entitled to fair compensation. Congratulations to our Top Cops; they
truly deserve the accolades and are an example of what we do and how hard we work. Do your
job and in unity we will get through this tough time.
Mike DeFilippis
I would like to start by wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year.
During the past year, numerous New Jersey Police Departments faced serious financial problems and hundreds of Police Officers were laid off. Being
the New Jersey State PBA Delegate, I attend both the State and Bergen
County conference meetings. Many New Jersey Departments are gearing
up for even more layoffs in 2011. The murder rate, along with violent
crimes, has increased in several major New Jersey cities in which the Port
Authority has facilities. Every day our Officers have to deal with the possibility of terrorist attacks
and now increased gang violence due to municipalities downsizing their Police Departments.
Let’s see what steps Police Headquarters has implemented: Discontinue heavy weapons training
because it costs too much. You now have more than 125 Officers who can no longer carry these
weapons. Excellent decision with European terrorist intelligence warning of a Mumbai style terrorist attack, and gang violence being on the rise. The Port Authority should step up to the plate
and assist municipalities by increasing our patrols and covering all posts.
On the other hand, the Port Authority had no problem paying for a Weehawken Police Officer on
Lincoln Tunnel property backing up a Port Authority construction crew. A grievance was filed that
is still pending. In fact, we had several problems with other Police Departments on our property
providing construction protection at the George Washington Bridge, Newark/Teterboro Airports
and Port Elizabeth. Due to the paperwork supplied by the Delegates, all were resolved and the
Departments were removed.
Any time you observe another Department in our jurisdiction, doing our job, call the Tour Commander to the scene. Also, notify your delegate. Protect our jobs! Take a good look at the World
Trade Center security issue. This is our house — 37 of our Officers died in our house. Many Officers were injured, became ill and had to retire. Several have recently passed away. The men and
women of the Port Authority Police answered the call on September 11, 2011. Many lives were
saved due to their heroic efforts. Our Officers worked 12 hour tours, had their RDOs and vacations
cancelled for a long period of time and never complained. Other Departments were treated to
9-11 vacations and concerts while we remained on 12-hour tours. How quick the Port Authority
forgets when giving away our house.
Commisioner Ray Kelly wants to send 600 NYPD officers to our house. People are being murdered
in the Bronx and Brooklyn but he has no problem sending Police Officers from these crime-ridden
precincts to our house. This is pure politics. Commissioner Kelly is appeasing his rich friends on
Wall Street, while poor people are being gunned down. Keep your 600 Police Officers where they
belong. It’s time for the civilian leadership at Park Avenue, along with the uniform leadership at
Police Headquarters, to step up to the plate on the World Trade Center security issue. I know a
place where Commissioner Kelly can put his 600 Police Officers. BEND OVER RAY!
On a brighter note, several of my New Year’s resolutions have already come true. Bye-bye Chief
Pumpkinhead Whittaker and Sidney Fields. Let’s not forget retired Inspector Preston Fucci. I hope
you all had the opportunity to see Preston’s video on our contract discipline. All the veterans
know what a class act Preston was. For you younger Officers who didn’t know Preston, picture
this: Whittaker and Fucci on the game show Jeopardy. Whittaker wins -500 to -450. Preston, keep
up the good work with your national Right to Work Committee. Your next video should be on a
topic that you have firsthand knowledge of: alcohol in law enforcement.
I would like to welcome Deputy Superintendent Jerry Speziale to the job. Jerry put the Passaic
County Sheriff’s Department on the map. We all hope he can do the same for this job.
Remember it’s the professional Police Officers at the Port Authority who make this job work. We
must go out every day and protect our jobs. Be safe and back each other.
Page 5
John McAusland
General Counsel
disciplinary representation
Brian Bull
PBA Representative
certified Public accountants
McEnerney, Brady & Co.
(973) 535-2880
New york chaplain
Rev. Joseph D’Angelo
(516) 223-9101
New Jersey chaplain
Father David Baratelli
(908) 232-1162
Police stress counselor
Peter J. Killeen
New York State Association
of PBAs, Inc.
National Association of Police
Organizations, Inc.
New Jersey State Policemen’s
Benevolent Association, Inc.
New York State
Public Employee Conference, Inc.
Police Conference of
New York, Inc.
RJ White
InAdequATe STAFFIng A PRoBlem
Page 6
Pa Employee
(212) 435-2870
Ny state Police
& Fire retirement
(866) 805-0990
(518) 474-7736
(800) 422-8463
PaPBa Office
(201) 871-2100
(212) 947-3754
represent people at
work. The philosophy of
a union, that a group is
more powerful than any
individual, has not changed throughout time. By
joining together with other workers, there is a
better chance of having a voice and influence at
the workplace.
them a voice in the workplace. Unions also
kept management from taking advantage of
employees. Unions play a pivotal role both in
securing legislated labor protections and rights
such as safety and health, overtime, and family
medical leave, and enforcing these rights on the
job. Since union workers are more informed, they
are more likely to understand their employment
protections as well as social insurance programs
like Workers’ Compensation.
The beginning of the American Labor Movement
started with the Industrial Revolution. Textile
mills were the first factories built in the United
States. These factories sprung up all over and a
demand for workers increased. They hired large
amounts of young women and children who
were expected to do the same work as men for
less wages.
Many Americans take their job benefits for
granted, forgetting the struggles our ancestors
underwent for their security and happiness.
As per the United States Constitution, every
American is entitled to the right of “life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness”. If the workers
were controlled and overpowered by their
employers, you can rest assured that they would
never enjoy the aforementioned constitutional
During this period, the United States had the
highest job-related-to-fatality rate of any other
industrialized nation in the world. Eighty hour
or more work weeks were the norm and wages
were extremely low. Men and women earned 20to 40-percent less than the minimum deemed
necessary for a decent life. The number was
even worse for children. The American Labor
Movement of the 19th Century developed as a
result of city-wide organization that unhappy
workers were establishing. These men and
women were determined to receive the rights
and privileges they deserved as citizens of a free
country. No longer would they put up with being
treated like slaves and work under unbearable
conditions. Workers realized the importance
of economic and legal protection against the
powerful employers who took advantage of
The Labor Movement had an extremely violent
and ugly side, complete with strikes, riots,
and loss of life. The country would not have
survived if the people had not compromised
and shared the wealth. It was hard fought, but
over time unions were successful in obtaining
better pay and working conditions for workers.
Unions protected the rights of workers and gave
Today unions have become the scapegoat for
politicians explaining the reasons for the current
fiscal crisis. All of a sudden, our salaries are
too high, medical benefits are too costly, work
rules are counter productive, and they want to
remove our guaranteed pensions. A naive public
is blindly agreeing with them.
I guess mismanagement of funds at the federal,
state, and local government levels has nothing
to do with anything. How about corruption and
corporate greed? No that’s not it; it’s the fault
of the poor working men and women who get
up every morning to go to work to pay their
ever increasing bills and put food on the table.
There are forces out there working 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week to whittle away at hard-won
benefits and turn the clock back on the Labor
People must be educated to the fact that all
Americans are entitled to a fair and honest
wage, affordable healthcare coverage, a
safe work environment and protection from
employer greed. The current trend of the rich
get richer and the working men get shafted
must be halted. The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Page 7
reports that Unions lost 612,000 members in 2010,
dropping the unionized share of the work force
to 11.9% from 12.3% in 2009. That follows a loss
of 771,000 workers in 2008, continuing a steady
decline from the 1950s when more than a third of
workers belonged to unions. Union membership
in the private sector fell from 7.2% to 6.9%, a
low point not seen since the infancy of the labor
movement in the 1930s.
Unions have had a substantial impact on unionized
and non-unionized workers. Many laws that benefit
working people, union or not, would have never
been passed without heavy union support. OSHA,
minimum wage, and the 40-hour work week are
some examples. Unions reduce wage inequality
because they raise wages more for low and middle
wage workers than for higher wage workers.
Unions have set norms and established work
practices that have become more generalized
throughout the economy, thereby improving pay
and working conditions for the entire workforce.
Also, many fringe benefits such as pensions and
healthcare were first provided in the union sector
and later spilled over to non union workers.
Also, the union grievance procedures have been
mimicked in many non-union workplaces to
provide due process in the workplace.
Unions must once again take a stand and defend
themselves against the attack. The public must
be re-educated as to the benefits and history of
unions and the politicians must be exposed for
who they really are.
Union members must get more involved and
familiar with the issues at hand. It is essential
for union survival to have the full support and
participation of its members.
Remember, an honest man deserves an honest
As many of you are aware, the Port Authority Board of Commissioners voted to eliminate the EZ Pass program for non-represented personnel and
retirees. Non-represented personnel were permitted to continue to use
their Port Authority EZ Pass accounts for commuting until such time as the
Port Authority relocates back to the World Trade Center.
Effective January 1, 2011, Port Authority EZ Pass transponders for retirees,
including police retirees, were terminated.
The PBA has filed two grievances: one on behalf of active members objecting to the Port Authority’s unilateral termination of this contractual
benefit and a second on behalf of retirees receiving this benefit.
We continue to monitor and review this situation and will keep the membership up to date on developments.
The 20Th annual awards luncheon of The
federal law enforcemenT foundaTion was
held november 12, 2010 at the waldorf astoria in new York city. event
speakers were major General danny rothschild reT idf, 35th commandant General John f. amos, usmc. ray Kelly, roger alies ceo fox
news, area leaders of the fBi, marshalls, dea, ice, dhs, u.s. secret
service, nYfd, nYPd, PaPd and us Postal inspectors. attending from
the Port authority were michael fedorko, robert sbarra, anthony
whitaker and George albin, as well as assorted inspectors and captains
and many PaPBa members. anthony Bergamo, federal law enforcement
Foundation Chairman is on the left, and PO Anthony Alfieri is on the right.
A SHoRT guIde
Page 8
John McAusland
General Counsel
You took the test. You passed the background check and
you were hired. You completed the rigorous training to be
a Police Officer. You completed your first patrol, made your
first arrest and (hopefully) many more. You are a seasoned
Police Officer. Now, out of the blue, someone has served you
with a civil summons and complaint or the law department
is demanding that you speak with them concerning a lawsuit.
You have now passed your final hurdle: you are a defendant
in a civil lawsuit! congratulations and welcome to the club!
while your career choice has many positive aspects, one
of its most frustrating features is that you are a target for
unscrupulous attorneys and their clients just for doing your
job. The unfortunate fact is that too many PBa members will
be sued at some point in their careers by people who have
been properly arrested or summonsed.
That is the bad news. Now, the good news: you have
protection. under the memorandum of agreement, the Port
authority must provide you with a legal defense and must pay
on your behalf any damages assessed against you for actions
that you take in the normal course of your duties as a Police
Officer. The legal term for this protection is indemnification.
You may find out about a legal claim against you in a variety
of ways. You may be personally served with the summons and
complaint. You may find out because another Police Officer is
named in the lawsuit and that Officer may be served. Finally,
you may find out because the Port Authority Law Department
seeks to speak to you about the claim.
Regardless of how you find out, you should take two steps
immediately to protect yourself. first, try to get a copy of
the summons and complaint so that you can see what claim
is being made against you. second, apply immediately for
indemnification. Forms to seek indemnification should be
available at each command from the Police desk.
Being a defendant in a civil lawsuit is certainly never fun,
but it does not need to be the end of the world or your
Port authority career. if you follow these simple steps,
you will maximize your protection from civil damages:
1. Apply for Indemnification. As soon as you become
aware that you are a defendant in a law suit, apply for
indemnification immediately. Even if you have not been
served or have not yet seen a copy of the lawsuit against
you, seek indemnification as soon as possible.
2. contact the PBa. if you are concerned about the
allegations of the suit and you want to discuss your
conduct or another officer’s conduct in the incident, the
best person to communicate with is me. i am an attorney,
so our conversation will be privileged from disclosure and
i will be able to give you some insight as to the merit of
the claims against you. if a claim is made for punitive
damages against you, it is very important that you speak
with me because the Port authority will not indemnify you
against a punitive damage claim. we will need to evaluate
the merits of the punitive damage claim to ensure that
you are properly represented as to that claim.
3. obtain documentation. from the time you become aware
of a claim, go to your records and get every document
that you can find about the incident. Your memo book,
handwritten memos, arrest reports and other similar
documents will help refresh your recollection concerning
the incident and will be helpful in your defense.
4. Remember Rule 3. Until you receive written confirmation
that you are indemnified, do not speak with the Port
authority law department or any person claiming to
represent the Port Authority. We have clarified with the
Port authority that attorneys for the Port authority should
not be communicating with you until a decision is reached
on indemnification, but, on occasion, contacts are still
made directly to defendant Police Officers. If contact is
made directly to you, contact the PBa immediately!
5. Cooperate. Once you are indemnified, cooperate
fully with the Port Authority’s defense team. It is your
responsibility as an employee of the Port authority to
assist in defending claims against you. more importantly,
it is in your interest that these claims are dismissed. The
best way to assure dismissal is to make sure that the Port
Authority’s attorney (who is now your attorney as well)
fully understands all of the facts surrounding the incident.
To be personally served, you must be handed the summons and complaint by an individual. It is not acceptable for the desk officer
to receive it on your behalf or for it to be mailed to your home, neither of those methods constitute proper service on you. If you
have not been personally served, be sure to inform the attorney for the Port Authority of that fact.
The PBA congratulates all Police Officers on their award s
and is honored to call them PBA members.
Page 9
The Port authority PBa
recognized 21 Port
Authority police officers as
May 2010 AnthonyAlfieri—PATH
‘Cops of the Month’ during
2010. Each Officer was
June2010 LennyAverhoff—LT
presented a ‘cop of the
July2010 BrianCassidy—LT
Month’ certificate along
with a gift of appreciation
from the Port authority
PBa. it is from these 21
Police Officers that the PBA
recognizes one Officer to
September2010 PhilErickson,DannyRodriguez,
November2010 ShaunKehoe—BT
December2010 RobertWallace—PATH
represent the PBa as its
2010 cop of the Year.
The accounts of the January through
April recipients appeared in the PBA’s
previous newsletter.
coP oF THe monTH
May 2010-December 2010
coP oF THe monTH
Page 10
May 2010
BoBBy cITko
May 2010
May 2010
MAY 2010
The Board of Trustees is proud to announce the selection
of three Police Officers involved in two separate incidents
as the PBa may 2010 cops of the month
On Saturday, May 15, 2010, at approximately 0100 hours, Itwaru Deo, Jr., was
operating a 2005 Volkswagen Passat with two passengers on North Service Road
in John F. Kennedy International Airport at a high rate of speed. Deo, it was later
learned, was intoxicated with a .132 blood alcohol level. While traveling south
on North Service Road, Deo struck a vehicle that was stopped at a red light at
the intersection of North Service Road and an entrance ramp to the northbound
Van Wyck Expressway. After striking the vehicle, Deo’s vehicle veered left into
a tree on the opposite side of the road, striking the tree with such force. Deo’s
vehicle was propelled back to the road and flipped over. Both passengers in Deo’s
vehicle were killed instantly and Deo fled the scene on foot. Police Officer Bobby
citko, JFK Command, arrived on the scene to assist with the carnage. Learning
the driver had fled, Citko was able to get a description and immediately began a
canvass of the area. A short time later, PO Citko came upon an individual matching the description. He conducted a field interview of the person who stated he
had just been carjacked. PO Citko took the individual into custody and returned
to the scene. While at the scene, the now suspect stated to Citko that he was
driving the vehicle. Citko placed him under arrest. After the initial investigation
was completed, Deo was charged with two counts of Vehicular Manslaughter, two
counts of Aggravated Vehicular Homicide, Reckless Endangerment 1st, Operating
a Motor Vehicle under the Influence of Alcohol and Reckless Driving.
On Sunday morning, May 9, 2010, Police Officers Anthony Alfieri and Victor Talamini, PATH command, were in the vicinity of the PATH Station at 14th Street and
Sixth Avenue in Manhattan when they were flagged down by a man who reported a
robbery-in-progress in a nearby plaza restaurant. The man informed Alfieri and Talamini that the suspect was armed with a handgun. Both Police Officers responded to
the location, Alberto’s Pizza, on Sixth Avenue and gained access to the establishment
after observing two employees cowering in fear behind the counter. After entry, Alfieri
and Talamini were alerted to a third person by the employees who yelled, “That’s the
guy.” The Officers ordered the suspect to show his hands and get down on the floor.
The suspect ignored the Officers’ commands and, after a tense standoff, shouted,
“Fuck you mother fuckers...I’ll kill you”, as he reached under his jacket as if to retrieve a weapon. Police Officer Talamini was able to grab the suspect’s arm as both Officers wrestled the suspect to the ground. After subduing and handcuffing the suspect,
Talamini recovered a silver pistol from the suspect’s jacket. An investigation revealed
the suspect menaced the employees with the gun after the owner approached the
suspect regarding a theft that just occurred in the restaurant. The pistol, unknown
to the Officers at the time, was an imitation. The suspect was subsequently charged
with Attempted Robbery 2nd, Burglary 2nd, Criminal Use of a Firearm 2nd and Resisting Arrest.
coP oF THe monTH
JUNE 2010
JUNE 2010
Page 11
A Sunday morning in spring can be a quiet time for police on patrol. Not the
case on Sunday, June 13, 2010, when at about 0745 hours, Police Officer
lenny averhoff of the Lincoln Tunnel Command heard a loud crash with the
sound of braking glass. With that sound came motorists who began pointlenny AVeRHoFF
ing PO Averhoff to the Mercedes-Benz dealership on West 40th Street. Upon
arrival at the dealership, Averhoff observed an abandoned, four-door, gray
Chevrolet facing eastbound on the westbound street with its engine running
and driver’s side door open. PO Averhoff also noticed that one of the large,
dealership showroom windows was shattered. Averhoff, who had informed his
Command of the situation, was alone on the scene when a female ran toward
him from llth Avenue. At the same time, a male walked toward Averhoff from
within the showroom. The female, who had the same last name as the man,
informed Averhoff that the man was the driver of the vehicle, was driving
erratically and was high on drugs. Averhoff, still alone, approached the man
and ordered him out of the building. The man continued walking toward
Averhoff, but now in a threatening manner, and shouted, “Allah is God, no
one can stop me”. The man continued to ignore Averhoff’s orders. Averhoff
requested immediate assistance as the man became combative toward Averhoff. Once backup arrived, Averhoff and another Officer,
after a violent struggle with the man, were able to take the man into custody. The back-up Officer, as a result of being assaulted by
the man, suffered injuries requiring hospitalization. The following day, PO Averhoff followed up with the dealership manager who was
able to provide a video of the incident. The video showed the man attempting to enter the premise through locked entrances and
then intentionally driving his vehicle into the showroom window to gain access. PO Averhoff’s actions the day of the incident along
with his diligent follow up that resulted in further charges, are a credit to both him and this Department. The Port Authority Police
Benevolent Association is proud to name Police Officer Lenny Averhoff its June 2010 Cop of the Month.
JULY 2010
JULY 2010
On July 15, 2010, at approximately 1805 hours, Police Officer Brian Cassidy
was on duty at the Lincoln Tunnel monitoring the evening’s rush hour traffic.
The Officer observed a vehicle, occupied by a male and female, with a outdated state inspection sticker. Cassidy performed a motor vehicle stop during
which the female operator of the vehicle was unable to produce a driver’s
license, vehicle registration or insurance card. PO Cassidy later determined
the vehicle operator had a suspended license.
PO Cassidy’s attention was also on the male passenger who at first provided
Cassidy with false identification. After being questioned a second time about
his identity, the man gave Cassidy what turned out to be his true identity.
While conducting his investigation, Cassidy detected what he believed to be
the odor of fresh marijuana coming from the vehicle. After receiving permission to search the vehicle, PO Cassidy recovered a large amount of marijuana
under the driver’s seat and from under a rear passenger seat. Further investigation revealed the marijuana was placed in both locations by the male passenger without the driver’s knowledge. The driver was
issued numerous summonses for the motor vehicle violations.
PO Cassidy’s investigation also revealed the male had 12 outstanding warrants. It was determined the suspect was wanted by Union
City Police as a result of a racing accident two weeks prior. In that incident, which the suspect fled, three people were left injured.
One of those was a 15-year-old female passenger in the suspect’s vehicle who suffered head trauma and the loss of a finger.
PO Cassidy’s keen observation, professional skills, and tenacity resulted in an important arrest along with the closing of numerous
outstanding warrants. His actions are a wonderful example of the good police work conducted each day by members of this Department. The Port Authority Police Benevolent Association is proud to name Police Officer Brian Cassidy the July 2010 Cop of the Month.
coP oF THe monTH
Page 12
August 2010
AUgUsT 2010
On the evening of August 25, 2010, Police Officers John Berardi and Patrick
carroll of the PATH Police Command were on patrol inside Newark Penn Station
when they observed an individual jump over a turnstile without paying the fare.
The suspect entered a train car where he was apprehended by Berardi and Carroll and removed from the train.
Once off the train, the Officers began asking questions regarding the suspect’s
identification. The suspect gave conflicting information, such as stating he was
17 years old but supplying a birth date that would make him 18 years old. He
was later proved to be 22 years of age.
August 2010
While continuing their investigation, the suspect was instructed to put the duffel bag he was carrying on the ground. The suspect refused to comply, shoved
PO Carroll, and began to run. Both Officers pursued the suspect and continually
ordered the suspect to stop. The suspect ran onto the eastbound Track 1 platform and tossed the duffel bag onto the track. Berardi and Carroll continued
their pursuit of the suspect who was now attempting to kick through a set of
locked, double doors at the end of the platform. PO Carroll was able to grab a
hold of the suspect, who violently resisted Carroll’s attempt to control him by
assaulting PO Carroll. The suspect continued his attack on Carroll and Berardi
as they struggled to physically restrain the suspect.
Eventually the suspect was handcuffed and Carroll and Berardi continued their
investigation. The suspect denied the duffel bag he threw to the tracks was his
and indicated he stole it from a passenger on the train. PO Carroll retrieved
the bag from the tracks from which the Officers recovered a handgun, 24 bags
of marijuana, 10 bags of cocaine and three vials of cocaine.
As a result of being assaulted by the suspect, PO Carroll sustained lacerations
on both hands and an injured right knee. The Officers’ keen observation and
tenacious pursuit of a felon resulted in removing a handgun, along with a quantity of narcotics, from the streets of Newark while subjecting the Officers to
extreme danger.
The Port Authority PBA is proud to honor Police Officers John Berardi and Patrick Carroll as the August 2010 Cops of the Month.
How to Nominate a PO for Cop of the Month
To nominate someone for a future Cop of the Month award, please submit their name(s),
command and recount of the incident you are nominating them for. All submissions should be
sent to the PAPBA office, or given to your Command Delegate. Those selected as Cops of the
Months should show that they went above and beyond the call of duty as a Port Authority Police
coP oF THe monTH
Page 13
september 2010
PHIl eRIckSon
september 2010
On Wednesday, September 8, 2010, at approximately 1930 hours,
Police Officer Kevin Hart, George Washington Bridge Police Command, received a radio call of a possible suicidal person on the
westbound lower level of the bridge. PO Hart responded, along with
Police Officer Thomas Rail, to the location and observed a male
who had made his way over the bridge’s side railing and climbed
down the support structure below the lower level catwalk. The Officers were able to make contact with the person, who later was
determined to be an emotionally disturbed.
While engaging him in conversation, the Officers were successful in
persuading the man to climb back up the support structure to the
lower level. It was then that the Officers, at great risk to their own
safety, were able to rescue the man by pulling him to safety high
above the Hudson River.
Later in the month, on September 22, Police Officer Phil Erikson,
while on patrol at approximately 1310 hours, responded to a report
of a man attempting to possibly jump off the George Washington
Bridge in the vicinity of the New Jersey towers at the south walkway. Upon arrival, PO Erikson observed Police Officer Daniel Rodriguez talking to the man, who had climbed over the railing and was
poised to jump. After distracting the man, both Officers were able
to get hold on the man, barging him back over the railing and rescuing him from almost certain death.
Both these incidents show the dedication and undeniable courage of
Port Authority Police Officers in saving lives. The unselfish actions of
these brave Police Officers led the Port Authority Police Benevolent
Association to name them the PBA’s September 2010 Cops of the
september 2010
september 2010
dAnny RodRIguez
coP oF THe monTH
Page 14
October 2010
Po Rudy FeRnAndez
PBA President
Paul Nunziato
and Police Officer Rudy Fernandez, Staten
Island Bridges
Command, who
was the October
2010 PAPBA Cop
of the Month.
The PBA is proud to announce the selection of Police Officer Rudy
fernandez of the Staten Island Bridges Command as the October 2010
“Cop of the Month”.
In the early morning hours on October 10, 2010, Police Officer Rudy
Fernandez finished a midnight tour and was heading home on the Outerbridge Crossing. He came across a motor vehicle accident in which a
vehicle, with heavy front end damage, was blocking both New Jersey
bound lanes. Fernandez secured his personal vehicle and responded
to the accident to render assistance when he was informed by a witness that the operator of the disabled vehicle was currently at the
bridge’s superstructure and preparing to jump from the bridge. Fernandez responded to the superstructure and observed an individual
who climbed over the bridge railing and was holding on with a meager
grasp. Fernandez, who had his portable radio with him, began to coordinate responding PAPD patrol and ESU units along with units from
the Perth Amboy Police Department. At the same time, Fernandez was
able to start a conversation with the individual, a United States Marine Corp and Iraqi War veteran who
was experiencing difficulties as a result of his war service, along with family problems. In addition to all
Fernandez was dealing with, he was also able to arrange for family members of the individual to respond
to the scene in case their assistance would be helpful. At one point, the individual wanted to speak with
his wife. Knowing the individual had an adversarial relationship with her, Fernandez told the individual he
would not bring his wife to the scene unless he came over the railing to the roadway. Just as it seemed
the individual would comply, he suddenly became agitated when he noticed increased police presence
and climbed down to a substructure walkway. This prompted PAPD ESU personnel, with the assistance of
Fernandez, to quickly attempt what became a successful rescue.
PO Fernandez, using his training, experience and professionalism, was able to bring a dangerous situation
to a successful conclusion and save the life of a distraught individual. The PBA congratulates Police Officer
Rudy Fernandez on his selection of the October 2010 “Cop of the Month”.
November 2010
SHAun keHoe
The Port Authority PBA Cops of the Month for November 2010 are Po shaun Kehoe, Po dan Galvin and Po John Basile of the Port Authority Bus Terminal Police
Command, for their actions on November 12, 2010.
At approximately 1107 hours on that day, PO John Basile observed a vehicle commit a motor vehicle violation in the vicinity of Eighth Avenue and 41st Street.
Basile directed the operator of the motor vehicle to move the vehicle to the
street side and then stop. The motor vehicle operator briefly complied with the
order then chose to flee in the vehicle westbound on 41st Street. Basile, along
with POs Kehoe and Galvin, pursued the vehicle as it headed toward Ninth Avenue. Before reaching Ninth Avenue, the operator turned left into the New Taxi
Roadway where he was stopped by the metal pillars, which prohibit vehicular
traffic from 42nd Street.
As the three Police Officers entered the New Taxi Roadway, the suspect placed the
vehicle in reverse and accelerated to a high rate of speed toward the Police Officers, striking Police Officer Galvin and injuring him. After injuring PO Galvin, the
suspect once again, and still in the vehicle, fled on 41st Street.
coP oF THe monTH
Page 15
November 2010
dAn gAlVIn
POs Kehoe and Basile were again able to stop the vehicle and contain the suspect’s
actions from causing additional harm to members of the public. After violently
struggling with the Officers, they were able to arrest the individual. It was at that
point the Police Officers realized the suspect had a juvenile in the vehicle who was
later released to a legal guardian. Further investigation revealed the suspect had a
suspended driver’s license in both New York and New Jersey.
The Port Authority PBA is proud to honor PO John Basile, PO Dan Galvin and PO
Shaun Kehoe as November 2010 Cops of the Month for their efforts to protect the
public with total disregard for their own safety.
November 2010
In sports it’s the guy who puts the points on the board who gets the recognition. The
same can be said for Police Officer Robert Wallace of the PATH Police Command, who
in December, put some pretty impressive numbers up.
Among PO Wallace’s activity for the month, four arrests stand out as examples of Wallace’s diligence in performing his duty.
Starting on December 2, while PO Wallace was on patrol in Journal Square, Jersey
City, he came upon an individual who did not have a legitimate reason to be in a
transportation facility. After the individual refused numerous lawful orders to leave
the facility, Wallace detained the individual for a routine warrant check. It was revealed the individual had three active warrants; two from the City of Newark and one
out of Ewing Township.
December 2010
RoBeRT WAllAce
A few days later on December 5, Wallace stopped a suspect for Theft of Service
in Newark Penn Station. After the suspect was arrested, PO Wallace recovered an
amount of alleged cocaine from the suspect.
PO Wallace was not done with Penn Station when, on December 17, he arrested
another suspect for Theft of Service. This time a warrant check turned up an outstanding warrant out of Newark for Bail Jumping. In addition, during a search of the
suspect after arrest, Wallace recovered an illegal knife adding the charge of Possession of a Weapon for Unlawful Purposes to the other charges of Theft of Service and
Bail Jumping.
On December 20, while on patrol, Wallace recognized an individual wanted for a robbery that occurred in the 23rd Street PATH Station the day before. Wallace was able
to detain the suspect and have him positively identified in a line-up. The suspect was
subsequently charged with Robbery in the First Degree, Assault in the Second Degree
and Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Fourth Degree.
As a result of Police Officer Robert Wallace’s outstanding police work and devotion to
duty, the Port Authority PBA is proud and honored to recognize him as the December
2010 PBA Cop of the Month.
Page 16
Lincoln Tunnel Command
Feb. 24, 2011
General Membership
The Assembly
5:00 p.m.
March 24, 2011
General Membership
The Assembly
5:00 p.m.
Delegate POs Anthony Giardullo & Paul Pimenta
The Lincoln Tunnel Command would like to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Safe
New Year.
We would also like to take this time to thank the PBA for recognizing the Lincoln Tunnel as the Command of the Year. We want to extend a hearty thank you to the Police
Officers at the Lincoln Tunnel for their continued dedication to duty that enabled us to
achieve this honor. We have a lot of hardworking men and women at the Tunnel and it
is great to be recognized for our efforts. We also send out a thank you to Captain Hardy
for encouraging the men and women of this Command to go out and do their jobs to
the best of their ability.
We would like to congratulate PO Cangiarella and his wife and PO Harrington and her
husband on the new additions to their families. Also congratulations to PO Zerega and
PO Panos on their respective marriages this year. We would also like to send get well
wishes and a speedy recovery to all who are out sick or injured. And lastly, a warm
welcome to recent transfers to the Lincoln Tunnel, PO Ford and PO Vega. As everyone
knows, this was a difficult year for our Command with the loss of PO David Tellado.
We would like to thank everyone who went above and beyond to help us through those
terrible days, including but not limited to the PBA, Pipes and Drums Honor Guard, Pete
Killeen, and all those who assisted in any way. It really meant a lot to the entire Command and to Dave’s family. Please keep Dave’s family in your prayers.
Delegate POs Brett Porigow,
Ray Butler & William Riiska
Since our last update, SOD has welcomed back PO Weinberg (K9) and PO Franco (CVI)
from injury-related absences. We welcomed some new SOD babies in the past few
months: PO Sal Lobrutto (K9) had twins, Giovanni Anthony and Giulianna Elena; PO
Kreush (K9) had a baby boy, Jackson Matthew; PO Deprisco (K9) had a baby girl, Angelina
Rose; PO Evan Weinberg (K9) had a baby boy, Steven Ian; and PO Cascante (CVI) had a
baby boy, Marco Antonio. PO Zappulla get well soon!
The rumors are not true, the job is NOT teaching the dogs to drive the patrol cars in
an effort to eliminate the Police Officers assigned to the K9 Unit…not yet, anyway. The
bosses found out the dogs were too young…and apparently are unionized as well! Who
Page 17
Delegate PO Angel Serrano
Our main objective at the precious World Trade Center site has been to maintain it safely and securely while construction of the remaining towers are built.
Therefore, there isn’t much activity due to grounded sectors and various fix
patrol posts. Last year I explained how the World Trade Center is one of the Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey’s most unique commands and how we are
currently building six new sky scrapers along with a state-of-the-art transportation hub, and a memorial site. Today I’m expressing to you the difference a year
makes! Recently, The Daily News reported that Port Authority Police Officers
working at the World Trade Center site will run security at the PATH hub and
take part in police operations at the office Towers under terms of a controversial
memorandum of understanding reached in 2008 in which the NYPD was given
overwhelming control of the 16-acre site. We all hope that we remain here at
the World Trade Center no matter who joins us on site! The World Trade Center
symbolizes the Port Authority and our Police Department and will forever be our
most unique Command.
In other news at the World Trade Center, many Officers feel morale is at an alltime low. Morale has become an issue some say due to loads of estrogen, while
others say it’s due to diminished testosterone! Most feel it’s a sense of entitlement among many and a lack of maturity among others. Either way you look at
this situation, we all need to stop blaming each other and do something for one
another! Enough with the _ _ _ s. Just stating the facts!
Congrats to Officers Perez, Holder, Harris and Cumminings on their new baby additions to their respected families. God bless them all. Best regards to our former Inspector Sue Durett and Capt. McCalluy. A toast to your retirements! Congrats to Tony
“Rib Tips” Brooks on more than 25 years of service! Too late for early retirement,
huh? Warm wishes go out to Paul Rodriguez and his family, as he is never to return.
We wish you all the best! Class #106 looking forward to another beer garden reunion!
Another Officer “JJ” John Johnson or “MM” when he is out with his cohorts has also
been told he is never to return due to his “ carrot finger”. Best wishes to you and
your family as well. Frank Annunziata, good luck on your return to “JFK”. Let’s stay
in touch and catch up sometimes! To Sgt. “Downtown” Brown: wishing you a speedy
recovery. Ummm, too late for that, right? Our time keeper Pilar, thank you again for
all your hard word and dedication! You’re simply the best. Happy birthday Lt. Gloria
Frank. Thank you for all you do. Looking forward to the new 8. Finally, bosses in the
words of Rodney King “can’t we all just get along”?
sIB Command
Delegate PO Al Hamaty
Page 18
the following are PaPBa
members in good standing
who retired since
may 2010.
PO t. Vitulano
may 30, 2010
PO s. Jablow
July 10, 2010
det. sgt. J. leather
July 10, 2010
PO J. Verdi
July 10, 2010
lt. s. chin
July 13, 2010
PO a. mccrystal
July 24, 2010
PO l. Forte
July 30, 2010
Insp. s. durett
sept. 16, 2010
PO N. Kester
sept. 26, 2010
PO a. schafer
Oct. 22, 2010
I will have to at some point begin to consider retirement from a job I have aspired to
do since childhood. I want to take this opportunity to speak to my brothers and sisters
in blue about us. We were 40 Bridgemen in June of 1928, the first of The Port Authority Police Department when the Outerbridge Crossing and Goethals Bridge opened in
that same month and year. We worked for the first agency in the U.S., created under a
provision in the Constitution of the United States, through an agreement between the
states of New York and New Jersey. The agency was named The Port of New York Authority, which was created to bring separation from political pressures and corruption
and would work in the best interest of the public.
We, The Port Authority Policen protect and serve that public in many different ways,
at many different Commands today, unlike any other Police Departments, at our Tunnels, Bridges, Airports, Trains, Bus Terminals, Marine TermInals, World Trade Centers
and our SOD who provide a more specialized degree of protection to the public. What
an impressive group of men and women, who work and did work for The Port Authority
Police Department. These are individuals who know they can make a difference in public service. We are assigned to a Command, but we are members of one Police Department and a Union that represents us. Follow the direction of your PBA Executive Board
Members, some of which I’ve had the pleasure of working with and your leadership in
that Union is an equally impressive group who will continue to guide all of us through
these troubled times. Remember, stay safe.
ESU Delegates
ESU would like to wish a warm welcome back to POs Vaivao, McKenna, O’Dea, Whitman,
Ross and whoever else we may have missed…nice job guys! A get well soon to POs
Taianni, May, Vecchia, Egan and of course, Sinopidis! George, Aflac called and said they
can no longer insure you…please call them back when you choose a less risky line of
work, like digging in a coal mine! Our sincere condolences to P0 Morelli on the passing
of his mother late last year…but also congratulations on his new baby girl! What can
we say brother…circle of life. Also a belated congratulations to P0 Costello on the new
addition to his family…great luck and health!
Truck #5 would like to thank whoever is responsible for sending the Medium Duty over
as an early Xmas gift…they’d like to thank you 12 on one in front of 4 Vestry Street,
you name the date and time. Chip Michaels, congrats and good luck…to both of you :)
Congratulations to newlywed Joe Windisch…even great runs have to come to an end
sometimes pal :(
Finally, we’d be remiss to fail to acknowledge the many fine and distinguished Chiefs
and Inspectors on their recent retirements, but to the men in ESU, there is truly one
standout who cannot go unrecognized, our beloved Captain Kevin Feeley. Sir, we can
only hope that should you choose a new line of work after the Port Authority, that that
employer will show you the same care and concern you’ve shown us during your tenure
with SOD. You were a real gem!
P.S. — OT tip for 2011…if the current fiscal situation fails to improve, try “accidentally”
breaking the toe of the guy next to you…worked for us! Sorry Mark.
By POs Michael Balestracci,
Jordan Esposito, Thomas Koster,
Robert Paulson & Peter Candela
The state of the JFK Command is dismal at best. The plan put forth by headquarters,
and implemented by the JFK Command staff, to curtail police services has been an
overwhelming success. Simply put, the services the public expects from its police are not
provided by the Port Authority Police Department at JFK Airport.
Page 19
For example, The JFK AirTrain still remains an unpoliced railroad. The original patrol plan
for the AirTrain called for 20 Port Authority Police Officers spread over each day’s three
tours. No one can deny the success of the AirTrain. Thousands of people use the system
each day but, none of these people can rely on the PAPD for safe transit because we
are nonexistent on the trains, platforms and stations. Now, to give Headquarters some
credit, let’s be honest, if a person becomes the victim of a crime but there is no police
officer to report it to, did a crime actually occur? And, if a crime is actually reported,
through no fault of Headquarters or the JFK Command staff, how does it somehow
become a Non-Criminal Incident Report?
the following are PaPBa
members in good standing
who retired since
may 2010.
Speaking of NCIRs, one thing we can all be proud of is the JFK Command’s lead position
regarding the number of Lost Property Reports. Because of the outstanding Command
leadership of staying on top of this problem and identifying its underlying root cause,
it is now understood that only the world’s most forgetful people use JFK Airport. This
social phenomenon, which has always baffled scientists, now has sociologists excited
about finally figuring out this tragic social behavior. There is talk of a Group Citation
honoring the members of the JFK Command for their hard work in this breakthrough
Insp. l. Fields
dec. 16, 2010
Another amazing leap forward, pioneered by the JFK Command staff, which is
being watched closely by police commanders worldwide, is the use of cell phones
for dispatching Police Officers. The implementation of this technology in police
communications could lead to finally abandoning those bulky, expensive, magic
speaking boxes, known in the business as “Portable Radios”, and the elimination of
that annoying problem of wondering whether those portable radios will actually work.
The brain trust behind this plan will, undoubtedly, be enshrined in the annals of law
enforcement on a level equal with Sir Robert Peele.
Finally, in an a to lessen the work load of each Police Officer at JFK, the Command
staff has been successful in getting other law enforcement agencies to agree to
pick up where we fail ajob at the AirTrain/Jamaica Station. Also, the robbery,
larceny, hustler problem at the Howard Beach Station appears under control with
the exceptional work of the New York City Police Department Transit Bureau.
Then, there is the invitation to the Taxi and Limousine Commission to address JFK’s
illegal taxi activity. And, of course, where would we be without the Command staff
recommendation to the TSA that the TSA should open their own investigations on Port
Authority Police Officers who do not subject themselves to the superior authority of
TSA screening personnel? Now, that’s backing your cops!
So, there you have it. The plan to continue to demoralize and marginalize the JFK cops is
well underway and appears to be on the road to success. Coupled with the Department’s
demeaning and divisive promotion policy, those in charge, whoever they may be, must
be thrilled by how dysfunctional and inconsequential they have made the PAPD. Have a
great New Year.
cpt. W. mccauley
Nov. 30. 2010
asst. chief c. torres
dec. 21, 2010
capt. r. losak
dec. 24, 2010
dep. chief a. Whitaker
dec. 25, 2010
capt. F. desio
dec. 30, 2010
asst. chief g. albin
dec. 31, 2010
capt. d. Burns
dec. 31, 2010
PO a. Welch
dec. 31, 2010
Delegate PO Matt McKeon & Brian Ahern
Page 20
Our condolences
to the family of:
PO D. Tellado
Oct. 24, 2010
Happy new year from the George Washington Bridge.
First off a few birth announcements: Congratulations to PO Mary Jarvis, and PO
Christian Orscher on the births of their children. We wish you the very best. A big
welcome home to Chris Arroyo. Thanks for all you do for us and your country. A
good-bye to Scott Benoit, enjoy it brother. Next a big welcome to Lt. Chip Michaels
to the midnight tour. You are a breath of fresh air from all the complaining we have
had to deal with from a certain boss. To all those out sick or IOD — get well and
return soon. We would like to wish Inspector White a farewell. We hope you land
somewhere with less headaches and more morale.
A big thanks to all of our officers for trying to do more work with less resources. Your
work is greatly appreciated. Budget cuts to the F.J.C. security guards make a heavy
load even heavier; keep up the great work. Please have a safe and happy new year
and remember to back each other up out there.
Marine Terminal Delegates
Here at the Marine Terminals things have changed for the worse. Our Command was
enlarged by picking up a whole new GAOE, which is Port Jersey and Port of Bayonne.
Port Jersey encompasses Global Marine terminal BMW and Weeks Marine. Port of
Bayonne encompasses Cruise ship line Royal Caribbean, Marine Drydock and many
other small businesses and warehouses.
Both Terminals encompass many city and state roadways. Like most things in the
PAPD, your Command increases in size and your manpower decreases. Before taking
over the PJMT and Bayonne Terminal, we turned out four sector cars down here at
the NJMT command. Since taking over PJMT, we now turn out three sectors at NJMT.
We do turn out two sectors for Port of Bayonne and Port Jersey Terminals. So you
can see, they stole one sector from down here at NJMT to have two sectors up in
PJMT. Figure it out. When the Marine terminal was much less productive, it turned
out three sectors. Now the second largest shipping Port in America is Port Authority
and we still turn out only three sectors. Our vehicles are a sight for sore eyes other
than the three SUVs we have. We would be better off on two-wheel segways to get
around. Our newly transferred Police Officers are still in a trailer in the garage with
no bathroom accommodations (more than two years). These Officers weren’t just
assigned here out of the Academy. The PAPD knew they were transferring Officers
here. These are not rookies, but veteran officers. In closing, all is not bad. We go to
work and most of the time we go home in the same safe condition. Thank God. Also
we have four newborn additions to our family. PO Gant, a girl; PO Brown, a boy; PO
Keown, a boy; and PO Arroyo, a boy. From our Command to every Command, happy
New Year. Be safe and back each other up. A special hello to Gus Danese. Stay strong
POs Brown and Latimer.
Delegate PO Jim Higgins
Greetings from PATH. Congratulations and good luck to Gus Kapsis and Billy Doyle on
their recent retirements; we wish you guys the best. Congratulations to all of those
at PATH command who had recent additions to their families.
Congratulations and good job to the guys for being honored Cops of the Month this
past year: POs P. Carroll, J. Berardi, V. Talamini, A. Alfieri, and B. Wallace.
Welcome aboard PO Sorace and PO Dillardo to the PATH Command. Congratulations
to all of those who passed the Sergeant’s exam. Congratulations and good luck to
Lt. Kelley Hennessy and Chief Walcott on their recent promotions.
Delegate POs Marcus Ciserano
& Robert Zafonte
Happy New Year fellow members! The Bus Terminal would like to applaud PO
Plunkett who has safely returned home from fighting overseas for our Country. We
cannot thank you enough for your bravery and dedication. We would also like to
acknowledge the following members who have received the PAPBA’s “Top Cop of
the Month” awards — POs Kemble, Reilly, Galvin, Kehoe and Basile. Thank you for
making the BT proud.
As we begin 2011, there is no question that the future of our job is about to be
challenged. State politicians continue to propose more cuts and continue to come
after labor unions. Our pensions, salaries and benefits are all under attack! Last
year Camden, Newark and Atlantic City all experienced police layoffs. Is New York
next? In the last three years, we have watched the bean counters do their best
to dismantle our Department. Our motorcycle unit has been disbanded, aviation
unit’s helicopter has been sold, and our patrol boats are left idle at our airports.
The idea to do more with less has become the Port Authority’s motto, leaving
facilities like the Bus Terminal more vulnerable to a terrorist attack.
Where is the pride? Sometimes many of us find it hard to remember why we joined
this Department. We have a promotion system that is corrupt to the core and has
become nothing more than a water cooler joke. Supervisors have been guided
foolishly to keep police activity down in order for them to continue earning record
breaking salaries. They have become blinded by the Port’s “BS” to do more with
less and keep the cops’ salaries inline, even if it means selling out the integrity of
this Department and compromising public safety.
So, what do we do? Stick together! Become more involved with your Union and
do your job! I have noticed in the last few years that people are forgetting what
it is to be in a union. I see cops more worried about being in good graces with
Supervisors. Some have lost their way and have become more concerned with
chasing the “carrot” then sticking together. Wake up and support your union!
Let’s work together, protect our job security, and ensure that we make the Port
Authority Police the world’s best police job. It’s time we become proud again.
Page 21
Holland Tunnel Delegates
Page 22
The Holland Tunnel Command is one of the smallest commands in size but not in
activity. We have 57 Police Officers assigned to the facility, over half of which have less
than three years on the job. We normally produce activity that ranges within the top
three commands in regard to summonses issued. Also, we usually produce anywhere
between 300-500 arrests per year, which is a lot considering the small number of
Police Officers assigned to the Command.
In regard to arrests, we would like to acknowledge P0 Fernando Garcia with getting
ANOTHER gun collar that involved two active “Bloods” members, as well as POs
Sepelya and Narvaez for seizing more than four pounds of marijuana while conducting
a routine car stop.
Congratulations to PO O’Neill on the birth of his daughter, and condolences to PO
Konopada and PO Hassel who experienced deaths in the family. We welcome back
Officers Cuprill, Perrotta and Matias from IOD, and wish Officers Dunphy, Cardoza
and Berraud a speedy recovery from their injuries. Congratulations to all the Police
Officers who passed the recent Sergeant’s exam, especially PO Fernando Garcia who
scored a perfect 100. Remember, strength in numbers! Support your PBA, support your
delegates, and stay safe out there.
Delegate PO Marciano Shay
2010 was an eventful year for all of us. We said farewell to Commanding Officer
Inspector Larry Fields, Staff Lieutenant Emilio Sepluveda and Sgt. Thomas Hoey who
between them had more than 100 years of Port Authority experience (you can add
another 30 plus years if you include Inspector Fields’ alter egos “Sid” and “Viscious”).
The three of them never hesitated to tell you “how the job used to be” or the “back
when I was a cop” story. Each of them brought something to the Police Command that
can never be replaced. Whether it was mountainous piles of paper on “Sepi’s” desk or
Sgt. Hoey racking up thousands of hours on working overtime at EVERY Command and
saying, “Hey, I’m only working so other Sergeants don’t get forced”, yeah that was
believable. Each of them are missed and we wish them a happy retirement.
We also had the pleasure of moving into a $40 million plus police building nicknamed
the “Inspector Honig Memorial Building” by Police Superintendent Fedorko (because
Honig spent about three years helping the architect “design” the building but never
actually had the pleasure of sitting in the new Commanding Officer’s office, with
custom leather chair, cherry wood desk, large windows overlooking the new LaGuardia
tower and the runways due to his transfer. The Command boasts four large cells in
the arrest room, state-of-the-art cameras, conditioning room, 10 bays for emergency
vehicles, and numerous other amenities.
We can only hope 2011 treats us just as well.
Page 23
How many times have you said, “OK, I will facebook you tonight to see what’s going on.” When
did the word “Facebook” become a verb It seems like overnight! Two years ago, many people hadn’t even heard of the Facebook Social Networking site ... and now everyone and their
grandmother seems to be on it. Yes, it is fun to catch up with old friends, old flames and distant
cousins ... but what impact does this have on our jobs as Police Officers? The message here is
“BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU POST ON YOUR STATUS.” Why? Because what you post on there or on any
social networking site is not only a representation of your own personal name but as a representation of the entire Port Authority Police Department. This will affect the company you work for
and the fellow Officers who depend on you.
You may feel a FALSE sense of anonymity while venting your frustrations with your job or employer, but I assure you that your colleagues and supervisors are watching ... and reading. A
good rule of thumb is: If you wouldn’t say it at roll call or to someone’s face, then don’t post it
on Facebook. Also, keep in mind that when something is posted, texted, e-mailed, tweeted or
blogged anywhere on the world wide web or to a friend, it could be quoted, indexed and virally
spread without your permission because it is posted on a public forum. So, if you want to vent
your feelings over the misgivings of supervisors, fellow officers or even the public, please choose
your forum cautiously. The best way would be in person, to a friend or over coffee. Protect
yourself and protect our jobs.
There are social networking laws and employee policies that are being penned all over the
country, especially in major corporations. We all must remember that there could be ramifications for posting ill-willed comments on such public forums as Facebook. The law holds that
disciplinary actions can be taken by an employer if an employee uses a public domain to destroy
the employer’s business or cause disharmonious working between colleagues and employers.
The bottom line is, if you post something that could damage the “good will” of the company you
work for, you can be in a lot of trouble, both civil and legal.
If you have kids or have read the newspapers lately, you know that Facebook is a playground
for the most unlikely bullies, as well. Unfortunately, adults are not immune to cowardly bullies.
Some victims have even committed suicide over irresponsible postings by others on Facebook.
The issue is THAT serious and, in this case, words CAN hurt someone. So, be careful what you
post about people, as well. And, of course, be careful what you post about your personal life.
Many supervisors, employers and even college recruiters now check the social networking sites
as part of their routine interviewing process for potential candidates. This could indeed affect
your future in regards to promotions, future employment or even your acceptance into higher
education institutions.
BE SMART. Remember that what you post on social networking sites not only reflects on you but
on your fellow Officers and the Port Authority Police Department. Do not undermine the company
you work for or belittle your fellow Officers with flippant and negative comments about the serious
job we do every day. Many of us take our job extremely seriously and are proud of what we do.
We are in contact with thousands of members of the traveling public each day and we work hard
to maintain a level of professionalism that is necessary for us to command respect and cooperation from that public. To be cut off at the knees by a casual, yet vile “status” posted by a Police
Officer venting about a stressful day at work is not only irresponsible, but it could be criminal. If
you have something to say, say it directly to the person or vent your feelings directly to a trusted
friend or PBA delegate. Don’t post it on a public domain for everyone and their grandmother to
see. When it comes to social networking, think like the Police Officer you are and should be. One
that is responsible, respectful and proud of the job you have sworn to do.
Why? Because what
you post on there
or on any social
networking site is
not only a representation of your own
personal name but
as a representation
of the entire Port
Authority Police
Page 24
4-3 in seventh
TouRnAmenT FlIeS
HIgH FoR 9 yeARS
Staten Island, NY: Once again in early September we gathered to remember the great
loss to our Department from the September 11 attacks. Before we start the tournament,
we pause in a 37 seconds moment of silence and the playing of our National Anthem. We
stand almost 200 strong, year after year to show our respect and to bond in our national
past time.
It was nice for a change not have to worry about the weather. It seems almost every year
I am following the path of a hurricane or tropical storm, but as fate would have it, we had
a beautiful day for softball.
So the teams came piling in with pretty much the same complaints as always. Who picked
out these colors for the T shirts? I didn’t know they still made puke green. Matt McKeon
saying “Great job with the scheduling, why don’t you just give us the best two teams to
play every year?”Angel Serrano telling me “I don’t have a very good team this year,” and
five guys on his team are waiting for the next MLB draft! And of course “The umpires are
blind”, “The bathrooms are dirty”, “Can’t you get me comp time” and the universal call
to excellence “You suck”. With all that said, I love this game!
The timing of this tournament is always played within a week of September 11 because
dates are important and we all experience a time of anguish in this period. I believe this
tournament helps us get through this time while also showing a commitment to our lost
heroes. It also establishes a tradition amongst us, and it’s a tradition that defines the heart
and soul of a group or a nation. Speaking of timing, our tournament was also in the midst
of the Mosque/Cultural Center controversy. Therefore, we simply stated our case on the
back of our T-shirts “Move the Mosque, it’s just not right”. So in our great country, we will
continue this discussion on the pros and the cons of building this Mosque, but I can only
say,” I don’t hate, I’m just not ready yet”
So the tournament went on, and here we are, swinging bats, throwing balls and eating
dogs (frankfurters, not to alarm PETA people), the PBA set up shop and Vinny Zapulla was
strong arming people to buy PBA stuff, he was wearing a long trench coat and talking out
the side of his mouth, he scared a couple of kid spectators, and attracted a few New Jersey housewives, but no arrests were made at the end of the day.
The day went on with few problems and many laughs; we were like a bunch of kids at the
playground. What is it about this game that takes hardened guys and gals of the street
and turns them into children again? I do not know but its fun to play and just as much fun
to watch. In the next section, the results of each team after three games, the top eight
teams with the best record and lowest runs against and highest runs scored, advanced to
the elimination rounds.
PO Lou DeFelice
Page 16
Path A
Path C
Path B
Elimination Round-Quarter Finals
Path A defeats GWB — 6-5
WTC defeats NIA D — 11-10
SIB defeats LGA — 10-8
NIA A defeats LTA — 15-8
Elimination Round-Semi Finals
Path A defeats SIB — 8-4
NIA A defeats WTC — 12-1
The championship game went seven innings, as NIA A was leading going into the
bottom of the seventh, but Path A got a
huge clutch hit, and won the game. This
is Path’s third championship trophy since
the inception of this tournament; the
Holland Tunnel is the only other team to
accomplish this.
Thank you to all 19 teams that participated this year, it was an incredible
turnout! Thank you to Superintendent
Michael Fedorko for attending the tournament and supporting the troops. Thank
you to our PBA, SBA, DEA and LBA for the
financial and moral support. Thank you
to Lisa Kurdyla and Jeff Freifeld for the
excellent photography.
The proceeds from this tournament partially went to the family of deceased
brother Officer Dave Tellado of the
Lincoln Tunnel. The remainder of the
proceeds will be used to enhance the
development of a new website www., which is in progress and
will provide future information about the
tournament, tournament-scheduling, directions to the field, a PayPal section to
accept donations from outside sources,
and updates on the use of any funds received. This also includes costs to register with the IRS as a section 503c not for
profit corporation.
Finally yet importantly, since we are
nearing the 10th year since that terrible
September morning, I thought it would be
special if we invited a team from Shanksville Pa. (UA Flight 93), a team from the
Pentagon, a team from NYPD and a team
from NYFD. Jerome Crimi will be assisting me on making these contacts. If anyone would like to give me any input on
this upcoming tournament, please email
me at [email protected] or you can look
me up on PA Outlook.
Page 26
So, what did you do on
your summer vacation?
Dan was a member of a 9/11, first-responder, fundraising effort called the “Tour of Duty Run”. This
4,600 mile, 31-day run that traveled through 20
states would be quite a journey for anyone, but
for Dan it was actually the culmination of a journey that began almost nine years earlier.
Dan’s journey goes back to September 11, 2001, when
he was working for Bear Stearns, the investment
banking giant. At the same time Dan was a soldier
in the New York Army National Guard. He earned a
commission as a Second Lieutenant after completing the U.S. Army’s Reserve Officer Training Corp
program at Loyola University in Maryland in 1997.
On that day, Dan had to change from his business suit to his Army uniform as a result of the
attack on America. Dan left his office and, because there was no public transportation, walked
to the Armory on 68th Street and Park Avenue and
began a mobilization that would see him and his
unit deployed to the World Trade Center to assist with the rescue and recovery efforts. While
at the World Trade Center, Dan saw firsthand the
death and destruction caused by America’s enemies. And, like many New Yorkers, Dan lost some
friends that day.
After his mobilization, Dan returned to Bear
Stearns to continue his investment
but, he was left
with the feeling
he needed to do
more for others
and for himself.
His brother Pat,
a New York City
and currently a
Lieutenant in the
served as an influence on Dan’s
thoughts of considering
service. Because
of his brother
and, along with
his military experience,
thought of becoming a Police Officer was not all that foreign
to him. In 2002, Dan took the Port Authority Police Department entrance examination. He was
not notified to begin processing for the PAPD until
2008, but, the time in between was anything but
Dan’s banking career was progressing well and included a
promotion to vice president but, another military mobilization loomed ahead for him. This time Dan, now a U.S. Army
Captain, was going to war. He received orders for a deployment to Iraq with the famed “Harlem Hellfighters,” a legendary United States Army unit.
Page 27
Dan’s deployment began on December 7, 2003, Pearl Harbor
Day, a day that shares a unique, historical importance with
September 11, 2001. He returned from the war in February
2005 and after his long deployment, once again returned to
Bear Stearns and his banking career.
Three years after fighting a war, Dan received an appointment to the Port Authority Police Academy. Many things
changed in the five years since he took the test and now had
a major decision to make. Dan decided to become a Police
Officer. Of that decision, Dan said, “God was looking out for
me the day I decided because the day after I left Bear, its stock
tumbled dramatically. Over the weekend Bear ceased to exist
and that Monday, St. Patrick’s Day, was my first day in the Police
Dan graduated from the Police Academy and was assigned to
the JFK Police Command before being transferred to the PABT
Police Command. Eventually Dan transferred to the World
Trade Center Police Command, where he is a member today.
It is as if Dan was destined to be assigned to the WTC Command. “I feel very fortunate to be a Port Authority Policeman,” he said recently while speaking about the Tour of Duty
Run. He went on to say, “I feel an additional sense of duty
to make sure those 37 PAPD officers who died that day are
properly remembered.”
Dan became aware of the run from a high school friend with
whom he coached rugby. His friend’s father and two brothers were members of the New York City Fire Department.
The idea of taking on such a challenge appealed to Dan. And
Brett Porigow with Nero September 10,
2010 South Queens Boys and Girls Club
Photographer: Kara Eusebio
so, on August 12, 2010, at 0846 hours, the Tour of Duty Run
stepped off at the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles starting the
4,600 mile odyssey, which can be called the ‘Beginning to the
End of Dan’s Amazing Journey’.
The Tour of Duty Run was organized by the Australian Fire Brigade that has performed long, fundraising events in the past.
The run was also representative of the long history of the United States and Australia coming to the aid of each other. To
honor that cherished alliance, the Run was completed by both
Americans and Australians. Thirty-two runners insured that
there was a runner on the road every hour of every day for 31
In a letter Dan wrote to explain the Tour of Duty Run he stated,
“Each dawn of the Run will be dedicated to the individuals
whose lives were tragically taken in their tour of duty. We run
to remember their honor and sacrifice, respect their courage
and appreciate their commitment to service and devotion to
Well said Dan and, well done!
Call the Union to update your records
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Same As The
old clASS WAR
There is a class war brewing between the haves and the havenots.
according to a recent column in the new York Times, the “haves”
are public-sector employees who enjoy “cadillac pensions” and
the “have-nots” are those in the private sector who don’t.
In recent months, right-wing think tanks and elected officials have
been beating the drum that the decent wages and benefits that public
employees enjoy are the cause of our economic woes.
News sources frequently cite accounts of those scamming the system
by earning two pensions or skirting overtime rules. The perception is
that most public employees retire with $100,000 pensions, when the
truth is the average pension is $33,000.
With a 10-percent unemployment rate and a desperate workforce who
have seen dwindling wages and benefits, one would think that public
anger would be directed at those that caused this mess to begin with.
But, in an expert sleight of hand, Wall Street executives are enjoying millions in bonuses, while we are being asked to direct our anger
at the “greedy” sanitation workers and cops. Public employees have
become a convenient scapegoat to those who would rather distract
from the fact that corporations are enjoying record profits yet are not
creating any new jobs.
Attacks on labor are nothing new, however: with anxiety about the
recession, it is easier than ever to direct anger against those who
have struggled to maintain some semblance of middle-class life—all
at the “taxpayer’s expense.” Americans are suffering “pension envy.”
This is not to dismiss the challenges that states face as they struggle
to meet financial obligations in light of stark budget shortfalls. In
New York, government pension contributions have sharply risen, and
alarmists warn the system will soon go bankrupt unless we trim benefits.
The truth is, of course, New York’s pension system is solvent and fully funded. While it’s true that contributions have risen, it is because,
for years, city and state governments relied on high-performing pension
funds to pay for their share of contributions. In fact, in 2000, New York’s
share dropped to zero. Public employees, however, continued to pay into
the system.
The greed which led to the collapse of Wall Street also led to the
diminution of those investment returns, thus forcing higher government funding. This is not the fault of public employees.
The reality is, good pensions and retirement security are good for the
economy. The vast majority of public-sector retirees remain in New
York. They pay taxes, buy products and support local businesses.
Ultimately, however, this is not about pensions, it is about a concerted effort to pit working families against one another. After all, when
corporations are wringing as much productivity as possible from their
workforce while slashing pay and benefits, public-sector workers with
decent wages and retirement security are a glaring example of what
is possible when workers organize.
There is indeed a war going on, but the real war is against the middle
class. Rather than envying public-sector benefits, we should be demanding the same for the entire workforce.
By Sen. Diane Savino (Democraic Senator representing parts of Brooklyn and Staten
Island. Chair of the Senate Civil Service Committee)