Higher Education Two Penn Plaza New York, NY 10121-2298 order your examination copy today PLACE STAMP HERE TABLE OF McGraw-Hill Higher Education Comp. Processing and Control P.O. Box 445 Hightstown, New Jersey 08520-0445 Part One: Foundations of Effective Communication CHAPTER 1. Introduction to Public Speaking Chapter 2. Controlling Nervousness Chapter 3. Listening Part Two: Developing a Focus Chapter 4. Reaching the Audience Chapter 5. Selecting Topic, Purpose, and Central Idea Part Three: Preparing Content Chapter 6. Finding Information Chapter 7. Using Information Wisely and Ethically Chapter 8. Supporting Your Ideas Chapter 9. Visual Aids C ONTENTS Part Four: Organizing the Speech Chapter 10 The Body of the Speech Chapter 11 Introductions and Conclusions Chapter 12.Outlining the Speech Part Five: Presenting the Speech Chapter 13. Wording the Speech Chapter 14. Delivering the Speech Part Six: Types of Public Speaking Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Speaking to Inform Speaking to Persuade Persuasive Strategies Special Types of Speeches Speaking in Groups Appendix: Sample Speeches Glossary Notes Index PUBLIC SPEAKING FOR COLLEGE AND CAREER with Speechmate CD-Rom 3.0, Seventh Edition Hamilton Gregory Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College 0-07-297565-2 / 2005 / “ The first purpose of education is to enable a person to speak clearly and confidently.” – Norman Cousins American Essayist ❖ Coverage of technology, teamwork, and ethics in the context of speaking publicly in a richly diverse society BIBLIOMAKER, which automatically formats bibliography entries according to MLA and APA style guidelines, after students enter key information. ❖ Six new sample speeches, many with commentary. ❖ Emphasis on audience-centered communication addresses: how to analyze listeners; how to be sensitive to listeners needs and interests; and how to talk to and with listeners, rather than at them BIBLIOGRAPHY FORMATS, which gives examples of how to cite a variety of types of source material from MLA and APA. SPEECH CRITIQUE, which enables you and your students to evaluate speeches based on standard criteria, either on a computer or on a printed evaluation sheet. ❖ “Tips for Your Career” boxes demonstrate the relevance of public speaking in the workplace. ❖ Immediate assistance with the speechmaking process in Chapter 1 with a “Quick Guide to Public Speaking” and “Introducing Yourself to a Classmate,” which is accompanied by two new sample speeches ❖ “Using PowerWeb” exercises direct students to speeches and articles in the Public Speaking PowerWeb component of this book's Online Learning Center website. ❖ “Ethical Issues” icon throughout the book highlights passages that deal with issues of honesty and fairness – there are 22 ethical issues sections. ONLINE LEARNING CENTER ONLINE LEARNING CENTER NOW INCLUDES: While using the SpeechMate, students can connect to the Gregory Online Learning Center where they will find additional tools for studying and speech preparation such as : A NEW SURVEYTUTOR application that helps students prepare audience assessment questionnaires and analyze the results before a speech is given. ❖ Updated information on how to use and cite the Internet skillfully and critically ❖“A Brief Guide to Using PowerPoint” offers an extensive tutorial with updated coverage of visual aids. AVAILABLE SUPPLEMENTS ❖ Annotated Instructors Edition ❖ SpeechMate CD-ROM 3.0 ❖ Online Learning Center Web Site ❖ Instructor's Resource CD-ROM ❖ Instructor’s Resource Manual ❖ Teaching Public Speaking Online ❖ Speeches for Evaluation VHS Video POWERPOINT TUTOR, which explains basic steps in creating and displaying a PowerPoint presentation. ❖ Chapter quizzes ❖ Articles on relevant topics ❖ Key-term flashcards and crossword puzzles ❖ Business document templates ❖ Chapter overviews ❖ News and journal articles on topics relevant to public speaking ❖ Learning objectives ❖ PowerPoint slides ❖ Interactive exercises and worksheets ❖ A newsworthy “speech of the week,” and much more Dr. Richard F. Corlin, President of the American Medical Association “The Coming Golden Age of Medicine” (Commemorative) Anne M. Mulcahy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Xerox Corporation “Success in Management” (Informative) Robert Ingram, Chief Operating Officer and President of Pharmaceutical Operations, GlaxcoSmithKline “The Price of Prescription Drugs” (Persuasive) A NEW PUBLIC SPEAKING POWERWEB with text for recent speeches published in Vital Speeches of the Day, a library of news and journal articles on topics related to public speaking and to a a variety of important topics that students may use as source material for their speeches, plus a newsworthy, ed “speech of the week.” SAH /j b ❖ Chapter-opening vignettes with accompanying photos draw students into each chapter and illustrate important public speaking principles. Offer good in USA only OUTLINE TUTOR, which guides students through the process of creating a speech outline, providing helpful tips from start to finish. TO THIS EDITION Ptd. in USA Disk Two contains three full-length speech videos that show business and professional speakers in career settings. Each speech is divided into natural segments, with accompanying commentary by Hamilton Gregory. The text of these speeches can be accessed through PowerWeb (visit, click on Student Edition and then PowerWeb: Contents ). FEATURES NEW This request will be sent to your local McGraw-Hill representative for processing. Examination copies are for course adoption consideration only. On requesting an examination copy, please complete all of the information on this coupon. We value your privacy. McGraw-Hill Higher Education collects name, address, email, and textbook adoption information and uses it to notify you of products and services that may be of interest to you. We do not sell or share this information outside of MHHE. If you would like to review our Privacy Policy, please visit SpeechMate Disk Two ________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OUTLINE EXERCISES that involve unscrambling the parts of an outline by “dragging and dropping” those elements into the proper sequence. The exercises are based on nine different speech outlines. today Text Adoption Decision Date ________________________________ CHECKLIST FOR PREPARING AND DELIVERING A SPEECH, which helps speakers manage the preparation of their classroom speeches. order your examination copy o Strong o Moderate o Undecided TOPIC HELPER, which lists hundreds of sample topics for their consideration — for those students who have trouble coming up with a topic for a speech. 12 “Introductions: Arousing Curiosity” 13 “Conclusions: Citing a Quotation” 14 “Conclusions: Giving an Illustration” 15 “Relating a Speech to the Listeners’ SelfInterest” 16 “Using Deductive Reasoning” 17 “Using Inductive Reasoning” 18 “Appealing to Motivations” Likelihood of change: AN ALPHABETICAL GLOSSARY of all terms and their definitions, and key-term flashcards to help your students study and prepare for tests using key terminology. 1 “Conveying the Central Idea” 2 “Using a Vivid Image” 3 “Using an Example” 4 “Making a Contrast” 5 “Using an Analogy” 6 “Using Testimony” 7 “Using Statistics” 8 “Using Internet Graphics” 9 “Presenting a PowerPoint “Build” 10 “Introductions: Relating a Story” 11 “Introductions: Citing a Quotation” Please provide your e-mail address to receive information about other McGraw-Hill publications: The new 7th edition includes many fresh examples and sample speeches. And the expanded Throughout Public Speaking for College and Career, Hamilton Gregory demonstrates the real life applicability of the principles of public communication by drawing upon speeches made in the classroom, the community and the workplace. Through his easy-going narrative and unique examples Gregory exemplifies clarity. From his long experience in the public speaking classroom, he gives students the tools they need to speak with confidence. PRACTICE TESTS, for each chapter, including 30 multiple choice and true-false questions to help your students understand basic concepts and prepare for exams. 7 “Indian Weddings” (Informative) 8 “The Deadliest Natural Disaster” (Persuasive) 9 “Native American Crafts” (Persuasive) 10“Three Celebrity Heroes” (Tribute) 11“Scars and Bruises” (Self-Introduction) Current Text (Author/Title) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ offers a practical, accessible, and nonintimidating approach to public speaking. In addition to the emphasis on careers, visual learning, and listener diversity you’ve come to rely on, it provides a wealth of educational and career-oriented examples accompanied by patient, step-by-step instructions. 1 “Animal Helpers” I (Informative: Needs Improvement) 2 “Animal Helpers” II (Informative: Improved Version) 3 “Bicycle Helmets” I (Persuasive: Needs Improvement) 4 “Bicycle Helmets” II (Persuasive: Improved Version) 5 “How to Hide Valuables” (Demonstration) 6 “Food Poisoning” (Informative) VIDEO CLIPS Course Title ___________________________________________________________________ Estimated Enrollment ___________________ Public Speaking for College and Career EIGHTEEN VIDEO CLIPS AND FOURTEEN FULL-LENGTH SPEECHES by student and professional speakers that illustrate the various presentation techniques and elements of a speech. coverage of communication technologies and the new tutorial “A Brief Guide to Using Powerpoint” will bring you and your students up- to- the- minute on conducting Internet research and using visual aids effectively. FULL SPEECHES Office Phone # _________________________________________________ Office Hours ______________________ _____________________ Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College DISK ONE INCLUDES FOURTEEN FULL-LENGTH SPEECHES AND EIGHTEEN VIDEO EXCERPTS by students and professional speakers. Featuring all new videos with a special encore of the popular, “Indian Weddings.” Filmed by professional videographers to ensure the quality of video, editing, and sound. City/State/Zip ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hamilton Gregory, 0-07-297565-2 / 2005 / This robust and easy-to-use CD-ROM (a two-disk set), provides a variety of resources to help all types of learners prepare, organize, and deliver speeches. Icons in the margins of the text and at the end of each chapter indicate specific SpeechMate applications that are relevant to the content at hand. The SpeechMate toolkit includes: SpeechMate Disk One School Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ with Speechmate CD-Rom 3.0, Seventh Edition SpeechMate 3.0 College/University _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CAREER Department __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AND Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ COLLEGE For Fastest Service: e-mail your request to [email protected]. You can also order an examination copy by phone at 1-800-338-3987. In Canada, please call 1-800-565-5758. FOR YES! I would like to request a complimentary copy of Public Speaking for College and Career with Speechmate CD-Rom 3.0, Seventh Edition Hamilton Gregory/0-07-297565-2 / 2005 / PUBLIC SPEAKING