Electric Wire
Electric Wire
Find Yourself in Lansdale Founders Day is an all day event designed to celebrate the incorporation of the Borough. The day features events all around town and is topped off with a fireworks display our founders would be proud of! Electric Wire August 2016 Lansdale Police Officers Earn Their Bars and Stripes Lieutenant Alex Kromdyk Sergeant Adrienne Gori The past few months have been busy in the Lansdale Police Department. In order to ensure the department operates with greater efficiency, positions have been created and welldeserving staff members have been promoted. The department is proud to announce a new Lieutenant, Sergeant and Detective. Lieutenant Alex Kromdyk was promoted from the rank of Administrative Sergeant after twenty-five years of service to Lansdale as a Patrol Officer, Detective Joel Greco Detective and Sergeant. In this new role to LPD, Lieutenant Kromdyk will assist Chief McDyre with researching, planning, writing and evaluating all police services delivered to the Lansdale community. Gori’s promotion, Officer Joel Greco has a new title, Detective. You may have heard Detective Greco’s name previously as he was named Officer of the Year for 2014 after only four years on the force. Additionally, the Department is happy to have our first female Sergeant, Adrienne Gori. Sgt. Gori began her career in Lansdale as a Patrol Officer in 2000 and became a Detective in 2010. “These officers have earned their promotions through great leadership skills, dedication to fellow officers and to the people of Lansdale,” said Chief Robert McDyre. “I’m proud of all three of them and know they will continue to thrive in their new positions.” To fill the vacancy created by Sgt. Music on Main Street Concerts Return Be Part of Our Civics 101 Workshops Wednesdays, September 7—September 28 Returning This September Join the Department of Parks & Recreation for free lunchtime concerts in Railroad Plaza. The series is held on Wednesday afternoons from 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm. Concerts are held weather permitting and are a great way to break up the day. Join us outdoors with wonderful music! September 7 TBA September 14 Danielle Miraglia September 21 TBA September 28 Anthony Cubbage You learned how government evening sessions where you’ll worked in sixth grade, but if learn the responsibilities of you’re like us you forgot it by Council and how citizens can the time you got to become more involved. You’ll seventh. Good news! The also learn about Police Borough is offering another set services and resources and of Civics 101 workshops to what happens at District refresh your memory. If you Court. If you’re interested in are interested in learning how heading “back to school”, email Lansdale government operates, Tracy at [email protected] join us for three two-hour for more information. Talking Trash Discussions continue on the possibility of a single trash hauler in the Borough. Three meetings have been held and below are the pros and cons of the three proposed options. Upcoming Events SEPTEMBER PROS CONS Option 1: Borough-Wide Contracted Trash Collection Single contract throughout the entire Borough Cheaper than private contracts No purchase costs for equipment or preparation of bid documents and personnel for Borough drafting of the contract Tipping fees included in contract Totes provided Official collection routes defined Reduced roadway wear and tear, BOROUGH OFFICES CLOSED 07 Committee Meetings 6:00 pm—9:00 pm Borough Hall collection system 05 LABOR DAY Implementation of a new trash Engineering and legal expenses for Work Session trash truck traffic, maintenance 9:00 pm Borough Hall 10 Bike Night 6:00 pm—10:00 pm Downtown Lansdale 12 Library Committee 6:30 pm Library 14 Parking Authority 7:00 pm Borough Hall 17 Cruise Night 8:00 pm Main Street 19 Economic Development Committee 6:30 pm Borough Hall Planning Commission 7:30 pm Borough Hall costs, noise and harmful emissions Option 2: Borough Owned & Operated Trash Collection Borough owned trucks add diversity to service and control over Start-up costs included into annual costs collection and disposal Implementation of a new trash No bids required Totes provided Cheaper than private contracts insurance costs for vehicles and Customer Service hotline equipment Official collection routes defined Reduced roadway wear and tear, collection system Maintenance, repair, fuel and Hiring of additional staff including salary, benefits and insurance trash truck traffic, maintenance Construction of storage space for costs, noise and harmful compost, yard waste as well as emissions equipment Option 3: Residents Responsible for Waste Disposal No change to current system Highest cost of all options Ability to choose disposal Residents responsible for totes contract No designated Customer Service No financial outlay to Borough No additional Borough 7:30 pm Borough Hall 21 7:00 pm Borough Hall hotline Department Visit lansdale.org to view the full presentation 20 Zoning Hearing Board Numerous trash contractors operating in the Borough No official trash collection route Council Business Meeting