Untitled - Sportline
Untitled - Sportline
$'f.w ItttIBoDUCT|0ll HOWTO USETHIS MANUAT WARITIINGS & CAUTIONS CARE & MAINTENANCE WATCH FUIUCTIONS KEYS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS ACOUIBING HEART RATE MEASURING STRIDE LENGTH MAIN OPEBATING MODES SETNilG t}lE WATCH R'TIGTIONS SETTING TIME & DATE SETTING OAILY ALARM FINDING YOUB TARGET HEART RATE ZONE SFMNG HEART RATE ZONES AND USEH PROFILE TARGET HEABT RATE ZONE ALERT SETT NG YOUR RESTING HEART HATE SEIT NG PEDOMETER SENSITIVITY LEVEL SEIT NG THE COUNTDOWN TIMER SFI-T NG DUAL-TIME 1 I 2 3 4 5-b 7 8 9-10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 ir( OPERATII{G THEWATCH PEDOMffER MODE 20 OPEHATING THE CHRONOGRAPH 21 OPEffATING THE COUNTDOWN TIMER n VIEWNG THE EL BACKLIGHT SYSTEM .22 BEPLACING THE WATCH BATTERY ZI TROUBIT SHOOTING 24 BANGES & SPECIFICATIONS E WARRAilTY fr Congratulations on your purchase of a Sportline Personal Fitness Monitor. Please keep in mind; your watch is a sensitive technical instrument. With proper care and maintenance, it will last for many years. Howevet improper care and handling can cause the various sensors t0 be damaged and to stop functioning. HOWIO USE THIS MANUAT Sportline Personal Fitness Monitors have many unique features and functions. Please read all sections of this manual carefully and become fully familiar with the operation 0f the watch before using it in the field. Proper setup and operati0n will greatly enhance tie watches usefulness and your enjoyment. The manual is divided into sections outlining each of the major functions 0f the watch. A drawing of the watch screen that represents the starting point or other important screens for each operational process are shown ad.iacent to the instructions for the process; important keys are shown indicating PREss & HorD and PREss. The steps for the programming or operation are adjacent to the screen illustration. Key points and important information are shown in highlighted blocks. ,',-11,1';E+;,,1ri.,:1illf i, r .|,if,lti;].]i,.t1 r'i)'i :i 'ir:- r,:r.ill starting any exercise program or pedorming any vigorous ptrysical activity. we strongly suggest you visit your doctor for a complete physical and to discuss your plans. cAuTIo : Your watch is designed to be water resistant to a static pressu;e of 5 ATM and can be worn while showering and light swimming. However, we recommend that extensive use of the unit in the water be avoided whenever possible. Care should be uken not to press any keys while the unit is submerged as this can force moisture past the key seals and damage the unit. wAR G: Before cAmoil: Avoid exposing pur watch to extreme conditions for a prolonged period of time. CAUflot{: Avoid rough usage or severe impacts to your watch. oo t{oT use hand cream as it will insulate ttre signal between the skin and sensor contacts. oo rm use the fingertips where the skin is dry and thick. For those wittr ex$emely dry skin, moisten fingers and wrist with tap water or a conductive gel. clEAil the Back Cover occasionally by using a damp cloth. Then wipe dry to remove any residual grease. ctfAN your skin and fingers with soap and water for a better signal transmission. Avolo doing awkward motions during measurement. lt may create inaccurate heart rate readings. '::::::. . . . o I{EttEB attempt to disassemble or service your unit 0O 0T oeose the unit to exfeme heat, shocks, magnetic fields, electrical noise, strong vibration or lorq-term exposure to direct sunlight D0lt0T drop fi step on the watch. r0 CtEAt{ THE UIUI: wipe with a lightly moistened cloth. Apply mild soap to the area if there are stubbom stains 0r marks. Do not expose the unit to stronq chemicals such as oasoline. cleanino solvents, acetone, alcohol or insect iepellents as they ma-y damage the unit's ieal, case and/or- finish. sroRE the unit in a dry place when you are not using it. I[OTES: 1. 7. 3. Before using your watch, remove tire LCD display sticker fta is affixed to fie warch fuce when purchased. To conserve power, the watch has been set in Power Saving Mode atthe factory. To activate the watch, simply press any button. When the watch is not in use you can put it back into Power Saving Mode to prolong the battery life. To do so, hold the "Mode", St/Stp and "Lap/Reset" buttons down simultaneously for three seconds. CUSTOMER SUPPOBT lf pu have questions, commenb or need assistance wifr your Sportline 512 Pedometer Heart Hate Watch, you may contact Customer Support by calling t{cassr. t NME o Time/Day/Date/Month 12- or 24hour format Dual l-me Daily Alarm HEABTRAIE CHBONOGRAPH o 1/100 second resolution . 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99 seconds TIMER o 1-second resolution o Bange: 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59.9!l seconds Finger-Touch Single user-selected HR Zone HB Zone Alert PEDOMETER Steps hercise llme Disbnce Calories o 2 sensitivity levels o hlorie Consumption OTHEB o EL Backlight SWtem ETUGITII(EY I'ODE TEY srA (sA) PI(EV BESETKEY HEART BAIE SENSOR t MODE KEY . . . Scroll through operating modes P8CSS & ltltrI!: Enter/Exit the programming sequence Set wlues being adjusted in programming sequence BESEr l(EV (Rl o PBESS & HOID: Beset Chronograph or . Countdown limer Decrease setting values being adjusted ln programmmg sequence I.IGHTI(EY STARTATOP KEY(VS) a Access Alarm in'lrme mode Tum Alam 0N or Off in Alarm mode Start/Stop Countdown Imer . Start/Stop Chronograph o lncrease setting wlues being adjusted in ' programmtng sequence . Activates (EL) backlight system HEARTRATE SENSORS . Acquires Finger Touch Heart Rate ACOUIRII{G HEART RATE: FINGER TOUCH Heart rate may be acquired from any operating mode (not in any Setting Sequence). 1. With the watch attached to your wrisl pBEss & H0tr) I|EART RArf, sEtrsoB with your index finger- t$ft z 3. You nay exit Heaft naE node at any tine by fuessing the Mode. SUrt/SAp or Beset key Continue pnessrc & Holorrrc until heart rate displa]rs. 0nce Heart Hate is acquired, BEI"EASE THE sENsoR. Heart Rate will continue to display for a period of approximately 5 seconds. :. HOWT0 MEASUREYOUR STRIDE LENGT}I It is important to calculate your average stride length for the watch to accurately calculate your distance and speed. To calculate your average stride length walk/run ten steps. Measure the distance traveled and divide by 10. This is your average walking/running stride length. a@ q€> € s q&t a@ q'@, START WAI.ff ING/BU'INIlIIG o@ d&t o@ al@ cg &t DIYIDE IOTAT q&| DlsrAlrcE 8Y 10 taF6E v&& !aei! nx 'ttttrri The Sportline S12 Pedometer Heart Rate Wabh has 7 main openting modes: lime/Date, Heart Rate Zone, Besting Heart Rate, Alarm/Chime, Chronograph, Countdown Timer and Dual llme. Scroll through modes by pBEssrilG the [01]E key. Ihe watch also has 4 Pedometer sub modes (see following page). You may acquire Heart Bate by PfiESSI G & Hol.olf,G the Heart Bate Sensor in any operating mode. pness) rntss) TODE' HODE. tlE gr mlEzo E EESN { pres re DUAIllllE coumDow nxEn G IEAfiTRAIE ArAnU/tHlilE PfiEss { 'rom ,|' cHnollo€f,APB L the Sportline S12 Pedometer Heart Rate Watch has 4 Pedometer sub modes. To access Pedometer mode, PnEss the RtsEr key in Time/Date mode. Scroll trrough sub modes h7 Rnessil{c in Pedometer mode. You nny acquire Heart Rate by PRESSIilG & $olDlt{G any operating mode. fte pnessF Heart Rate Sensor in PRESS ffi ln'E,DAII tie iltooE key m0E BCn0sEltrg osTl cc CII-OBIES BUN ED to SETTNG TIME AITD DATE ln llme mode, pREss & HoO the M00E key to enter the programming sequeme. The variable being adiusted will flash on and bff-z. Reset Secon-ds to zero (00) by PBESS|NG the STABT/srop(sA) or BEsEr(R) key. Adrance to Set Minutes by pBEssrNG the iloDE key. 3. Adjust Minutes by PRESstr{c srAttT/sTop (to increase} or ReSEr (to decrease). Set Minutes and advance to Set Hour by pnEssil{c tt}e M0DE key. 4. Adjust Hour by PRESSII{G SA or B. Set Hour and advance t0 Set Year by PBESSil{G the tr00E key. 5. Adjust Year by rBessillc VS or B. Set by PBESSING the MoD€ key. 6. Adjust Month by PRESSTNG s/S or R. Set by pREsstilG the MoDE key. 7- Adjust oay by rnessilc sA or n. Set b/ pRESstilG $e il00E key. 8. Adjust Month/Date display format by eREsstNG sA or B. Set Format by PnESliil{G ille iloDE key s. Adjust 12l24hour format by pREssrNG s/s or R. Set Format by enEsstNc the t. il008 key 10. Turn Key Beep 0N or OFF by rnesstNc sls 0r R. Set by pREsstitc the M00E AITJUSI: SA o. R SET: ltf0DE key. fl. PRESS & HolD the M0DE key to exit the Programming Sequence. t il SETNNG DAILYAIABM The Sportline S12 Pedometer Heart Rate Watch is equipped with a Oaily Alarm. To SetAlarm: ln Alarm Mode, PRESS & Hol.D the MoDE key to enter the Programming t. Sequence. z Adjust Hour by PtEsSil{G fie Sts or 3. 4. 5. s. psEsstilG the M00E key. Adjust Minutes by pREssmG the s/s or B key. Set by pREsstilc the moDE key. PRESS & HotD the MoDE key to exit the Programming Sequence and return to Operating mode. Turn Alarm 0N or OFF by enrssilc the snm/srop (Ssl or key. Alarm icon will display in far right of screen when activated. Tum Hourly Chime 0N or oFF by pBEssrNG the REsEr (R, key. Hourly Chime icon {9)will display in far right of screen when Chime is activated. R key. Set by A0JUSI SE or R {N SEI: MoDE IP FINDING YOUR TARGET HENRT NNTE ZONE Losing weight and managing to keep it off is a lot easier when you exercise in your target heart rate zone. To get the most out of any exercise program, pu should target 55% to 85% of your maximum heart rate depending on your fitness level and objectives. Fat Burning Zone: 55o/o - 65% ol maximum heart rate. This zone is ideal for fitness beginners on a low to moderate intensity program. Exercising in this zone reduces blood pressure and cholesterol and nearly allttre calories burned are fats. Cardio Zone: 650/o - 75% ol maximum heart rate. Reaching this zone requires more intense aerobic activity and is perfect for fitness enthusiasts working to bum maximum calories from fat and carbohydrates. Endurance Zone: 7590 - 857o ol maximum heart rate. Exercising in the Endurance Zone is generally recommended for attrletes in training. Cardiovascular strengthening, increased metabolism and elevated caloric burn are the primary benefits. l3 L l1 i. SETTING HEART RAIE TARGET ZONE AND USER PROFILE the Spordine S12 Pedometer Heart Rate Watch allows you to set a Target Heart Rate Zone for targeted exercise. The watch automatically calculates your Maximum Heart Rate from your User Profile. ln Heart Rate Zone mode, pREss & HotD the MoDE key to enter the t. Programming Sequence. (Hi in display) by pREsstr{c the srABTtsrop {sA} or z Adjust Upper Zone Limit pBEssrr{G a nEsEr (Rl key. Set ry the il0DE key. Adjust Lower Zone Limit (Lo in display) by pREssrNG the srAnrArop (s/sl or REsEr (il key. Set Target Zone by pBESslItc the iltooE key. Adjust Age by pREssrNG s/s or R key. Set by pREsstNG the MoDE key. Adjust Gender (lvFMale, EFemale} by p8EsslilG s/s or B key. Set by ptEsstilc s. the M00E key. Select Units (lmperial or Meuic) by PRESSTNG Vs or 3, 4. il008 R key. 8. 9. lO S/S or I Set by pRESslNc the key. NO'lEz This setting will effect Distance and Speed displays in Pedoneter node. 7. AlullSI: SEf: 00E Adlust Weight by rnEssrilG sA or R key. Set by pREssrilc the it00E key. Adjust Height by PBESSTNG sA or B key. Set by PREssu{c the MODE key. Adiust Stide Lengfi (see "Measuring Stride Lengtr" page Blby PnEssilrc s/s or R key. Set by PREssritG the MoDE key. PBESS & HolD the rtooE key to exit the Programming Sequence and retum to Heart Bate Zone mode. t4 HEART RATE TARGET ZONE ATIRT The Sportline Si2 Pedometer Heart Bate Watch has an audible signaltratale(s you when you are above or below your Target Heart Rate Zone. This feature can be turned 0N or OFF from Heart Bate mode by pREsslNc the sTAsTlsrop (s/sl key. ruff{ 0r/0t s/s +: A I5 SEITIT{G YOUB BESIIIIG HEANT RAIE Your Resting Heart Rate is a useful reference for tracking your fitness progress. As you gain fitness, your Besting Heart Rate will lower. NOTB it is rccomnended tu ched< you Resting Heaft flaE iust afw wdking in the noning. yow Eesting Heaft Rate urdet d{f|siswt cf'tditions, For bett resla, r. z M ln Resting Heart Rate mode, pREtis & Hoto the HTABT RAIE sEllsoRs until heart rate is acquired. Ao audible beep will sound. Your Besting Heart Bate will be displapd and PRESS $n SENSo8 recorded. t6 SETNNG PEDOMEIER SENSMUTY LEVEL The Sportline S12 Pedometer Heart Rate Wabh allows you to set the pedomete/s Sensitivity Level to best match your walking/running stride.To test which level'is best suited to youi while wearing the watch, take several steps with the watch in Pedometer Sensitivity Sefting mode. Adjust the sensitivr'ty (Hi or Lo) to best match the number of strides bken. (A setting that is too sensitive will exaggerate the steps taken. A setting that is not sensitive enough will result in the number of steps Alt{lsr: SF o.8 under reported.) ln Pedometer Mode, Pf,Ess & H01D fie mooe key to enter the Programming Sequence. L Adjust Sensitivity by PnEssrltrc the STARTAIoP (sA) 0r BESET t8l key. 1 PaESs & Ho[o t€ imoE key to exit the Programming Sequence and retum to Pedometer mode. r. SEI MODE t t7 sETnilG IllE Goul{tDor'vil nilEn The Sportline S12 Pedometer Heart Bate Warch is equipped with a 100-hour Countdown limer. To set limen PRESS & EOUr the ilDE key in Timef mode. Adjust Secords by pREssrilc the srAfiT/srop 6,s1 or rcsEI (Bl key. Set by PRESSTLC the moDE key3. Adjust Minutes by pR€ssrt{c the Vs or R key. Set by pnEsslilc the ,/loDE key. L Adjust Hours by pnEsslrc the s/s or R key- Set by p8Ess[{c the MoDE key. 5. PnEss & floul the M00E key to exit the Programming Sequence and return to Imer mode. 1. z A[n ST: SEr: SA orB I00E tg SETNilG DUAL.TIME PnEss&|l0u]rloDEPnEssfiGsrop6rAfiT(s,s]nEsEI{RlpREs:stitc$00El. r. PRESSINGSARPBESSINGMODE4PRESS & HOI.OMODE AllJllSt S/s or B SEE UODE 4 tl|r r9 PEDOMETER MOOE The Sportline S12 Pedometer Heart Rate Watch has 4 Pedometer sub modes. To access Pedometer mode, pnEss the BEsEf kE in ilme/Date mode. Scroll through sub modes by psEssrr{G ttre MooE kq/ in Pedometer mode. You may acquire Heart Rate by RRrsstilc & HotDtilc the nEAffr RArt sE]{son in any operating mode. pnEss the $Anf,Arop (Vsl key. Pedometer icon 1. To. _STABT recording Pedometer information, will flash in lower left of screen when Pedometer is activated. 2. To ST0P recording, pnEss the sA key for 2 seconds. 3. To HESEI the Pedometer, advance to STEPS by pREssrilc the MoDE key. pBEss & Horo the B key (the pedometer must be stopped). lt will ask if you wish to "RESEL" Select YES or N0 by PBEstllI{c sF or R. Selecting N0 resumes Pedometer mode with all previous data. Selecting YES resets the pedometer count to zero and all data will be erased. 4. After YES or N0 has been selected. pnEss trtooE to continue and retum to Pedometer mode. (i) niIE/DAIE STEPS EXERCFENMg carlnl€s n mdt DISTAflCE SPEED ao OPENAililG IIIE CHNOilOGIAPH The Sportline Sl2 Pedorneter Heart Bate Watch is equipped with a 100-hour Chronograph. To operate the Chronograph: r. z r. To STABT timing, pBEss the srAnrl$rcp (Vsl key. To ST0Ptiming, PREssthesls key. To RESEIthe Chronograph, pREss&lr0to the REsEr(nl key. ' srAf,T/sroP n fiG:SA 8Es€t: R 2l OPERANI{G THE COUNTOOWN NMER The Sportline 512 Pedometer Heart Rate Watch is equipped with a too-hour 'llmer. To operate the,limer: Countdown z To sTABT timing, pBEss rtre srAnr/|sroP To SToP tlming, mEss $e sA key. 1 To RESET the t. limer, p8Ess & HorD the (sal key. BESET (Rl key. snBT/sfl'P rMrNo s/s VIEWI{G THE BACKUGI{T SYSTEM The Sportline Sl2 Pedometer Heart Rate Watch is equipped with an electroluminescent (ELl Backlight System for viewing the display in low light conditions. To openate the Backlight System: 1. BESEE R PBESSthe Etkey. I{OTE: a(cesslve 0se of Ba*light Systen nay significantly reduce battery life. aa The Sportline 512 Pedometer Heart Rate Watch uses a single CR2032 lithium battery. Battery replacement will L be required from time to time. and should occur when: The display fades in part or completely The heart rate function will not activate 3. Backlight System does not operate 1. ofyourThe Sportline S12 Pedometer Heart Bate Watch, we recommend you take it to a watch repair service center or certified jeweler. This will ensure that the water resistance will be retained after battery replacement. To replace the battery CUSTOMER SUPPORT lf you have questions, comments or need assistance with your Sportline Watch, you may contact Customer Support by calling 1-800-338-6337. e3 S l2 Pedometer Heart Rate POTENTIAT CAUS$ FOR NO HEABT RATE READING OR TONG RESPON.E TME CAUSE: DBY SKIN soumoil: Apply conducb've gel thoroughly to fingers. Tap water may help if conductive gel is not available. IIEMOBS CAUSED BY PBESSING 0N SEI\|SORS T00 HARD : Decrease finger pressure on fre Sensor Pads. CAUSE: MUSCI.E sourno CAUSE DEAIT SIfi{ ON.WRIST OB FIilGER SoumoN: Hub off excessive dead skin with a towel CAUSE A THIII t.AYEf, O,F BOOY GREASE IilSUTAIES IHE ECG SIGI'IAI PSR'EifNilG WATCH IBOM DETECITII{G ECG HEAAT RAIE S0tuflot{: Wipe wist and the back of watch with a tissue or soft towel. CAUSE EXCBSSIVE BODY HAIB sotufloil: Apply conductive gel to wrist. BAfTEfill Beplace the battery in \ /atch. GAUSE: LOW Soufloil: 24 TIME o AM. PM. hour, minute, second a lZlZ4hourtormat c Calendar: m0nth, date, day display with auto leap year adjustment ATARM Daily alarm a Alarm duration: 30 seconds CHBONOGRAPH r Resolution: 1/100 second c Measuring range: 99 hours,59 minutes, 59-99 seconds PEDOMETER o Step Fange:0-999999 " Exercise llme: 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99 seconds TIMER o 1-second resolution n Fange: 99 hours. 59 minutes, 59.99 seconds HEART RATE o Bange: 43-200 beats per minute a 1 User Programmable Heart Rate Target Zones a Age setting range: 5 - 99 years Height setting range: 36 - 84 in. (92 - 214 cm) setting range: 0 - zl40 lbs " Weight (&200 ks) OTHER . " " Electroluminescent {EL) backlight Water resistant up to 50 meters Battery: CR 2032 o Distance:0-248.55 mi. (0-400 km) o Calorie Range: 0-99999 kCal o 2 sensitivity levels { { a5 - FOR PURCHASES MADE IN THE ['.S. f at arry time within five {5)year ftom the purchase date ofthis product, h fails to perform properly because of def€cts in ma@rial or manufucturing, retum it prepaid to: EB SPoRT GR0UP,586 oak Ridge Roarl, Hazleton, PA 182112 Cornplete this Guarantee Certi{icate ard encloce h {or a copy of it}with the product GUARAiITEE CERTIFICATE (PLEASE PRINT CI.EABLY} TEL I'IAME STORE PUIGHASEI} FROM ADDRESS DATE OF PURCHASE crY PURCHASE PRICE STATE PfiOBI.EM WInI 2P PFODUST REPI.ACEMENT ftis producl has been care,fully designed, manufuctured and packaged. If any parts are missing or damaged. please contact tA at the addrcss above and we will replace the unit at no charge. (Guarantee does ngt cover crystal or battery) OZXIS oistdbuied by Sportline@, Hade{o0, PA 182U FOB PUBCHASES TIIADE IT{ lUE UIC Should you experience problems wirh this item, please return it !o the point of purcbase. This will not affect your statutory rights. Altematively retum it to the address shown below for a repair/replacement. Sbcso (U(} U4 Ecdclet 8!'i.ers Par& W.i.widft [oed, ttlbrca.r.t Wm gGA tu tw'iPodline.com lraltihd h tlo lK ry qarcqs. (U$ Ud., Wbr@$.r UrR{ $A e6 www.sportline.com 02008 Distributed by Sportline@, Yonkers, NY 10701 Distributed in the UK by StarCase (UK) Ltd., Worcester WR4 9FA sB4823tS01SP0