gnarls - Privateer Press Events
gnarls - Privateer Press Events
® ™ GNARLS The first season of War-Torn Alliances takes place in the Gnarls, a region blanketed by vines, especially along the Dragon’s Tongue River. Venturing too deep into the Gnarls can be a dangerous proposition, thanks to several secluded trollkin and bogrin communities. Fighting in the Gnarls will be a dangerous undertaking despite the assistance your forces will receive from your allies. Tread cautiously in No Man’s Land, beware the Black Spot, and move with great care lest the Whirling Gauntlet rip your forces asunder. Scenarios Players can randomly select a scenario for 1-on-1 games before each game by rolling 2d6 and then picking the corresponding scenario from the table in the War-Torn Alliances rules document. Scenarios suitable for team games will be noted and can be randomly selected by rolling a d6. • Skorne – Basilisk Krea: Paralytic Suffering; Cyclops Savage: Predicted Threats; Titan Sentry: Vicious Stomp • Legion – Nephilim Protector: The Best Defense; Raek: Lashing Tail; Carnivean: Blightfire Tide • Minions – Bull Snapper: Food Coma; Ironback Spitter: Got Your Back; War Hog: Reactive Tissue Experimentation For Unbound games, see p. 56 in No Quarter Magazine #37 for how to randomly determine scenarios for 1-on-1 and multiplayer games. Faction-specific upgrade checklists for War-Torn Alliances: Gnarls can be found in No Quarter Magazine #40. Alliances The following models are available for War-Torn Alliances: Gnarls. Alliances are faction pairings that represent an uneasy agreement to battle toward a common goal. These tenuous accords will change with each War-Torn Alliances season. Allied factions will work together to conquer territory on the league map, so use your allies to your advantage and work hard to maintain your foothold, lest another alliance moves in to usurp your claim! Please see the Alliances section in the War-Torn Alliances rules document for more details. Alliances for this season are as follows: • Cygnar–Circle • Protectorate–Skorne • Khador–Trollbloods • Cryx–Blindwater Congregation • Retribution–Thornfall Alliance • Mercenaries–Legion Upgrades The following upgrades are available for War-Torn Alliances: Gnarls. • Cygnar – Sentinel: Rotational Accelerator; Ironclad: Aggression Amplifier; Stormclad: High-yield Generator • Protectorate – Devout: Defenders of the Faith; Redeemer: Divine Compensator; Templar: Lawbringer’s Judgment Season Models • Cygnar – Arcane Tempest Gunman • Protectorate – Deliverer Firestarters • Khador – Frostwind Lord • Cryx – Cephalyx Instigator & Drudges • Retribution – Chain Blade Protégé • Mercenaries – Scattershot Deck Gun • Trollbloods – Troll Whelp Scrappers • Circle – Tharn Bloodbringers • Skorne – Extoller of Ancestral Wrath • Legion – Blighted Nyss Strider Kill Team • Minions – Teufelgeist Season models are legal for all league games throughout their season but are not legal models for use outside of the WarTorn Alliances league. Season model stat cards can be found in No Quarter Magazine #40. Awards The following awards are available for War-Torn Alliances: Gnarls. Champion Medal The Champion medal goes to the player with the most points on the league scoreboard. Participation Patches • Khador – Decimator: Subjugation Rounds; Destroyer: Tide of All players participating in a War-Torn Alliances league season receive a participation patch. • Cryx – Ripjaw: Hollow Bone Construction; Scavenger: Death’s Commendation Patches Victory; Devastator: Reinforced Frame Shadow; Leviathan: Spiked Fusillade • Retribution – Chimera: Ghost Field; Griffon: Arcanika Reinforcement; Manticore: Excessive Force • Mercenaries – Avalancher: Rockslide Cannon; Freebooter: Reserve Hopper; Mangler: Home Wrecker • Trollbloods – Troll Axer: Hunger Driven; Winter Troll: Flash Freeze; Dire Troll Blitzer: Custom Slugger • Circle – Argus: Blood Scent; Woldwyrd: Nature’s Fury; Pureblood Warpwolf: Enhanced Regeneration Players can earn commendation patches by completing predetermined tasks each season. Commendations for War-Torn Alliances: Gnarls are as follows: • Hobby – Model and paint three 50 mm objective markers or paint three Privateer Press objective markers. Please see the Painting, Modeling, Proxies, and Conversions section of the War-Torn Alliances rules document for complete painting and hobby rules. • Combat – Play five games against five different factions. (Your own counts.) • Alliance – Play two team games with the faction you are allied with this season. Gnarls 1 Whirling Gauntlet Summary: Players attempt to control a zone on their opponent’s half of the board. Mark two zones (8˝ x 6˝ rectangles) in accordance with the diagram below. Place a 5˝ Cloud Effect AOE in the center of the board. At the end of each player’s turn starting on the second player’s first turn, the AOE deviates d6˝. Models within the AOE after the deviation are thrown d6˝ in the direction of the deviation roll. Models within the AOE suffer –2 to attack rolls. At the end of each player’s turn, starting on the second player’s second turn, a player earns 1 control point if he controls the zone on his opponent’s half of the board. A player controls the zone if he has one or more models completely within the zone and his opponent does not. Victory Conditions The first player to earn at least 2 control points and have more control points than the opponent immediately wins the match. Additionally, a player wins the game when his opponent has no warcasters/warlocks remaining in play. Player 2 Deployment 10˝ 16˝ 6˝ Player 2 AD Line 6˝ 20˝ 4˝ 20˝ Player 1 AD Line Player 1 Deployment 8˝ 16˝ Gnarls 2 Black Spot (team) Summary: When a captain receives a black spot—the mark portending his demise—his successor must prepare for a well-earned promotion. When a player’s first warcaster/warlock is destroyed or removed from play, he must immediately deploy a different warcaster/warlock with equal or fewer warbeast/warjack points completely within 3˝ of his table edge. Warjacks do not go inert from the loss of the first warcaster. Warbeasts do not go wild from the loss of the first warlock. The newly deployed warcaster/warlock immediately takes control of the battlegroup controlled by his predecessor. A new warlock starts with no fury. Victory Conditions A player wins when he is the only player with one or more warcasters/warlocks in play. Gnarls 3 No Man’s Land Summary: With battle lines drawn, two great armies converge on the ground between them. Mark an 8˝-wide area, running east to west, centered on the table. This is the No Man’s Land. A player controls the No Man's Land if he has one or more models completely within it and his opponent does not. All a unit’s remaining models must be completely within the No Man’s Land for a unit to control it. A warrior model must have a CMD greater than 1 to control the No Man's Land. Ignore destroyed or inert warjacks, wild warbeasts, and fleeing models when checking for control. Victory Conditions 6˝ A player wins when he is the only player with one or more warcasters/warlocks in play. Starting on the second player’s second turn, a player wins when he ends his turn in control of the No Man’s Land. 7˝ Contents and Game Rules ©2001–2012 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privateer Press®, Iron Kingdoms, WARMACHINE®, Cygnar, Khador, Cryx, Protectorate of Menoth, Protectorate, Retribution of Scyrah, Retribution, HORDES, Circle Orboros, Circle, Legion of Everblight, Legion, Skorne, Trollbloods, Trollblood, warcaster, warjack, warbeast, and all associated logos and slogans are trademarks of Privateer Press, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to photocopy and retain electronic copies. Any such duplications shall be intended solely for personal, noncommercial use and must maintain all copyrights, trademarks, or other notices contained therein or preserve all marks associated thereof. Privateer Press reserves the right to remove this permission or revise contents herein at any time for any reason.
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