Evento paralelo al Foro Económico Internacional de San Petersburgo:
Evento paralelo al Foro Económico Internacional de San Petersburgo:
Logo of the country UNIDO side event at the St. Petersburg International SMEs Forum and International Economic Forum 2016 : “Strengthening international SMEs alliances between the Russian Federation and Latin America and the Caribbean” 13 – 15 June 2016 St. Petersburg , Russian Federation Mr. Sigfrido Reyes President of PROESA EL SALVADOR Logo of the country Content • • • • Background / country information: El Salvador El Salvador’s exports Export instruments for the SMEs Trade experience between El Salvador and the Russian Federation • Export opportunities Capital: San Salvador Official Language: Spanish Area (km2): 21,041 Km2 /8,124 mi2 Population (million): 6.4 GDP (billion USD): 25.85 GDP per capita (USD): 4,273 Currency: US Dollar Time Zone: UTC – 6 El Salvador at a glance Advantages of doing business with El Salvador Productive Labor Force Competitive Costs Monetary Stability Competitive Infrastructure Attractive Tax Incentives Preferential Access to International Markets Strategic Location El Salvador’s exports USD 6.7 Billions per year (goods and services) + 3,000 Products +170 Markets +2,400 Exporters El Salvador’s exports Main export industries Mineral products Metal - mechanic 2% industry 5% Machinery and mechanical products Chemical products 5% 5% Paper products 5% Textiles 6% Plastics and rubber 6% Food and beverages 8% Other 4% Apparel 41% Agroindustry 13% Main Trade Partners United States Central America 39% 47% Panama 2% Dominican Rep Mexico 2% 1% Canada 1% China 1% Spain 1% Export instruments for the SMEs • Support through advisory services related to international trade PROESA supports businesses through free advisory services related to international trade in order to facilitate their entry into export markets. • Review and improvement of products and labels, finding buyers, export pricing, marketing strategy, legal and logistical advice, among others. • Export rules and regulations of destination countries, specific conditions for market access, information on certifications, foreign trade statistics and market information. • Business contacts, advice for participation in trade shows and missions. • Identification of export opportunities abroad. Adaptation Process Support Market Intelligence Trade Promotion • Support Programs PROESA develops comprehensive programs to provide assistance in the export process for SME, such as Exporting Step by Step and Exporting Step by Step Business Club. Trade experience between El Salvador and the Russian Federation Exports (2015): USD 560,871 Main export sectors (2015), % of total exports to Russia Agroindustry Apparel 95.5% 4.1% Paper products 0.3% Top export products, 2015 Coffee Jackets of synthetic fibers Cotton t-shirts Paper bags Imports (2015): USD 15,889,840 Main import sectors (2015), % of total imports from Russia Chemical products 73% Paper products 7% Top import products, 2015 Green Pullovers of iguana synthetic fibers Potassium chloride Cocoa Other fertilizers Ornamental Plant Cuttings Metal – Mechanics 19% Aluminum wire Urea Ammonium Fluting paper nitrate and Kraft paper Export opportunities PROESA promotes the following sectors: Services Goods Agroindustry Services Coffee and Cocoa Pet food and farm animal feed Animal and vegetal products Food and Beverages Processed food Diverse Manufactured Products: Pharmaceutical, Plastics, Metal mechanics, Apparel, Footwear IT services Tourism and medical tourism Creative industries (design, animation, audiovisual works. Construction, architecture and engineering services Legal services Aircraft maintenance Call Centers and BPO Logo of the country