Do you tweet? – Learn Social Media
Do you tweet? – Learn Social Media
EPPSON NEWSLETTER Vo l u m e 1 3 , I s s u e 2 M a r c h a n d A p r i l 2 0 1 2 Where Life’s Next Adventure Begins Do you tweet? – Learn Social Media T he Social Media Class at the Eppson Center for Seniors was created by Askhat Yerkimbay to help seniors become familiar with social media tools: email accounts, blogs, podcast, videocasts, and more. During the Social Media Class, participants will learn: • to create a Gmail account and other products, like Google search, Google alerts and Blogspot. This will help participants stay connected with other family members online. • to create a personal blog and write posts about life experiences, as well as sharing thoughts and ideas about various topics. For example, participants could create a blog about their family tree, the history of the land, or favorite recipes and cooking tips. The possibilities are endless! • to make a podcast and record their own voices. Later they will learn how to add background music and create their own radio program. Participants can record anything from interesting life stories and advice, to birthday wishes and congratulations and send it via e-mail to family members • to make short movies and slideshows by adding pictures and sounds. Social Media Class trainer Askhat Yerkimbay will volunteer at the Eppson Center for Seniors every Wednesday between 10:30–11:30 a.m. Feel free to meet with him in the computer classroom to address any questions about the Social Media Class. About the trainer Askhat Yerkimbay, a graduate student at the University of Wyoming, is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Journalism and Mass Media Communication, and a fellow in the Edward S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program. This fellowship is a Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs program within the U.S. Department of State that provides Eurasia’s emerging leaders with U.S. master’s level study at institutions across the nation. Askhat graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English, Kazakh philology, and Kazakh literature from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. He has worked as an editor for the Kazakh version of, an editor and journalist for Vox News Economy Radio Program, a trainer at the international journalism center MediaNet, and as a teaching assistant at the Kazakh National University. In 2011, Askhat organized a blog camp for over 100 Kazakh bloggers from around the world. In addition, his blog was nominated for “Best Blog” during last year’s Almaty Blog Camp. Take the Social Media Survey on the last inside page. Senior Companions Wanted: Senior Companion Clients R.S.V.P.ers Wanted (Retired Help a person continue to live an in- Needed: Could you or someone and Senior Volunteer Prodependent life by helping with gro- you know benefit from a caring vol- gram): Offer your time and cery shopping, light housework and unteer who helps with running er- receive many extras like liabilerrands. If you’re 60+ and want to rands and light housework? This ity insurance while volunteering. into the northern Rockies. was born and raised in one of the share your time, you qualify. Some program encourages you to apply backpack You our qualify if you’re 55. After retirements and theover passing suburbs east of Cleveland, Ohio, and volunteers may qualify to earn a so that you may stay in your home Noourmembership dues or income spent most of my life in the “Greater of parents, we decided to pull tax-free, hourly stipend. 745.5116. as long as possible. 745.5116. up stakes and head west, searching Cleveland” area. I was educated in guidelines. 745.5116. Meet your new board member, Wayne Karberg I for that place to settle down in this both Parochial and public schools, new phase of our lives. Southern and worked my way though college, graduating with a BS in Physics from climates were too hot and humid for us, and we wanted a place with Case Institute (now part of Case Western Reserve University) in 1969. less snow (Cleveland gets ALOT). The Line Dancers Colcannon, Celtic music Whilegroup searching for a spot throughout At that time, work for a graduating Sandy Newland, Albany County Public Pandemic Flu Andy Harkin, musician Wyoming, we stumbled into Laramie, Physicist consisted of either teaching andwriting found itclass in The Buttes, just south tending bar, engineers more TonyorHoch, Laramie Rivers were Conservation District Connie Currie and her Wayne Karberg of town.Association We moved to a rental in I leveraged myCaterings degree andofbegan Ron hirable! and Susan Mavrich, Laramie Rhonda Priest, Alzheimer’s work in the expanding power generation industry. I Laramie in 2007 while our dream house was built, and moved in the following year. was first employed by General Electric and provided I enjoy Wyoming’s wide open spaces; the field engineering at large power plants throughout the warm, US, but settled back in Center the Cleveland area appreciates working Eppson greatly thegenerous, generosity ofand its independent sponsors. people; hiking in the Snowy Range and Happy Jack; and the daily for the local utility in 1987. I found the love of my If you your business would be interested sponsoring program 2.6inmile roundtripastroll to the mailbox! My favorite life, Bonnie, in 1978, andorcontinued my work in the or participating in the P.A.T.S. City Bus Sponsorship Program, hobby is photography, favorite food is anything industry until I retired in 2005. We never had any we’d love to share your information in this columnethnic, in our favorite newsletter. European vehicle is my Harley, and children, but learned to live with dogs, instead. favorite person is my wife. All my life I enjoyed yearly trips to the West to Contact the Community Relations Director for more information. THANK YOU’S EPPSON CENTER SPONSORS Generous Sponsor of: Birthday Night Generous Sponsor of: Flowers on Birthday Night 745.5555 A man is trapped in a room with only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door, there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing • 307.721.4600 sun instantly fries anyone or anything that enters. 221 Ivinson Street Through the second door, there is a fire breathing dragon. How does the man escape? Dollar-of-the-Month Club Find the answer on the back page of the newsletter. Donations can be made at Monday Night Dinner or at reception desk. Dollar-of-the-Month Club Our proceeds go toward Eppson’s Donations canmany be made at Monday valuable programs.Night Dinner or at reception desk. Helping Eppson Center...One Dollar at a Time Our proceeds go toward Eppson’s many valuable programs. Helping Eppson Center One Dollar at a Time Prompt Local Delivery 312 S. 3rd St. ��������������������� How to Advertise The newsletter is published several times a year. Eppson Center is a not-for-profit social and Volunteers with steady hands charitable organization. Advertising profits go and an artistic eye, our community mission. toward accomplishing join us Fridays Contact Pamela for details. at 9:30 a.m. 1 year 6 mo. 1 issue We donateCard proceeds to Whitney Health Center and Eppson’s Size $150.00 $75.00 $25.00 Newsletter. Donate YOUR un-cut cards too (no names removed.) 1/4 Page $200.00 $100.00 $35.00 1/2 Page $300.00 N/A N/A Eppson Center Hours, Information, Staff, Board & Foundation Center Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Whitney Health and Wellness: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. 745-1510 PATS (Transportation): Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–12:00p.m. & 12:30 p.m.–4:00 p.m. Meals: Monday, 4:30 p.m. and Tuesday–Friday, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Eppson Center for Seniors 1560 N 3rd Street Laramie, WY 82072 [email protected] 307-745-5116 307-742-8669 (fax) [email protected] EPPSON CENTER STAFF Richard Cuthbertson, Executive Director Cindy Ishakanian, Accounting Assistant Vicky Ying, Finance Assistant Kareena Hopkins, Receptionist Marilyn Stover, Receptionist LIFE ENRICHMENT Pamela Lopez, Manager OUTREACH Nicole Lopez, Volunteer & Statistics Coordinator MAINTENANCE/CUSTODIAL Sherry Davis KITCHEN Dawn Jackson, Kitchen Manager Marie Kuntz, Kitchen Supervisor Esther Rogers, Assistant Carol Huckins, HDM Supervisor Sherry Wilcoxson, Kitchen Assistant Dennis White, Dishwasher WHITNEY HEALTH AND WELLNESS Gina Casper, ACC/Case Manager Amber Englert, Scheduling Supervisor Bonnie Henderson, Program Specialist Jody Hoberg, RN DIRECT SERVICE WORKERS Julie Wilson Nicole Lankford Cammy Mitchell Bonnie Prahl Brenda Spiegelberg Lania Barton Leilani Bergstrom Judy Sisneros, Respite Care PATS Tina Fisher, Manager Buddy Curby, Dispatcher Floyd Taylor, Driver David Wagg, Driver Ken Rehmeier, Driver Terry Pantier, Driver Mike Garret, Driver Robert Marshall, Driver Orin Harrell, Driver Tiana Watt, Driver 60+ $4.00/suggested donations with completed/updated AGNES form. Meal punch card; purchase 10 meals and receive 2 meals FREE, $40.00 60- $6.00/required. Meal punch card; purchase 10 meals and receive 2 meals FREE. $60.00 Tuesday meals: $2.00 Thursday meals: $3.00 Friday meals: Purchase your meal on Friday for $5.00 and eat free on the following Wednesday. EPPSON CENTER FOR SENIORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Todd Pearson Vice President: Wayne Karberg Treasurer: Flew Wilson Secretary: Ted Preston Directors Ray Jacquot Don Johnson Deborah Kratzer-Reid Nyla Murphy Matt Goetz Board of Directors meet the third Wednesday of month at 12:00 p.m. at the Center EPPSON CENTER FOR SENIORS FOUNDATION BOARD President: Shannon Markle Treasurer: Kathy Hamilton Secretary: Julie Wickett Directors Mario Ibarra Grant Showacre Donna Earley Chad Witte Connie Palmer Jessica Schneider Clarice Hoff Foundation Board meets the fourth Wednesday of month at 12:00 p.m. at the Center “This document was developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging, and the Wyoming Department of Health, Aging Division. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or the Wyoming Department of Health, and you should not assume endorsement of the Federal or State government.” UPCOMING ACTIVITIES After Monday Dinner at 5:30 Enjoy Some Entertainment MARCH APRIL March 5: Melodees (Birthday Night) March 12: Ray Jacquot – Ruins and Wilderness; 3 special places in Cedar Mesa, Utah March 19: ARK Regional Services- Dancing and sign language March 26: John and LuAnn Jackson April 2: Sterling Zill, classic violin (Birthday Night) April 9: Our Own Will Bessler (of the Melodees) with some of his own songs April 16: Laramie Dance – Ballet April 23: Barbara Basinger (accordion) Doug Woody (fiddle) April 30: Mark Miller, WY. Archeologist – Indian Wars I Wyoming Our volunteers are one of a kind and we appreciate each and every one of you for what you bring to the center as well as the patrons we serve. If you have volunteered in one way or another please contact Nicole to be sure we have your correct information. If you have skills and knowledge that you would like to share contact Nicole to see what opportunities are available. Eppson Center for Seniors and Albany County Campus of LCCC have partnered to offer GED Preparation classes for seniors, 60+, at no cost. Volunteer Dinner will be April 18, 2012 @ 5:30 p.m. Currently looking for volunteers for Home Delivered Meals, to help repair the one-way sign, repair some of the stained glass windows, and post flyers at local businesses. University of Wyoming/State Retirees meet at the Eppson Center Board meeting will be the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2:00 p.m., March 14, April 11, and May 9. Member meetings will be the 3rd Monday of each month at 10:00 a.m. March 19: Wyoming Legislative update. April 16: State of Wyoming Health Insurance and Medicare, Eric Goldenstein. May 21: University of Wyoming update, Tom Buchanan. Did life happen to you? Did you need to “Stop Out” from school before you could receive your high school diploma? Would you like to receive your GED – just for your own satisfaction? Where: Eppson Center for Seniors, 1560 N. 3rd Street, Laramie, WY 82072 When: Start at any time and go at your pace. 1:00-3:00 p.m. Why: Because it’s never too late. Cost: $0 Questions or to register: Contact Carol Miyake at 721-5138 ext. 4257 or Pamela at 745-5116 ext. 14. Legal Counsel with Shirley Kingston Fridays 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Schedule appointment at Eppson Center. AARP Tax Assistance February 3–April 17, 2012 Tuesdays & Fridays 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. In the billiard room Schedule an appointment with the receptionist at 745-5116 Time to set your clocks forward 1 hour March 11th. Good time to replace batteries in fire alarms. The Eppson Center will be closed Friday, April 6, 2012. Check us out on Facebook. If you utilize Facebook simply go to the Eppson Center Facebook page and read what others have to say; add your comments. The link to the Seniors on the Go Facebook page, You shouldn’t need to have a Facebook account to see these pictures.…you just won’t be able to comment on them. Hey good look’n What’s cook’n? Once a month a group of us like to go out on the town for a nice dinner. It’s a way to visit with friends and make new friends. If you would like to join us for dinner simply add your name to the “Dinner Out” sign-up sheet. If you need transportation let us know and we will be happy to pick you up. Cost of transportation $5.00 and order off menu. Thursday, March 15, 5:30 p.m. enjoy a meal with us at Corona Village. The Eppson Center web page is up. It’s a work in progress. Suggestions let Pamela know. Enjoy a hot nutritious meal Monday: 4:30–5:30 p.m. Tuesday–Friday: 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday & Friday: $4 Tuesday: $2 Thursday: $3 Contact Dawn for Home Delivered Meals Oops If a birthday, passing, thank-you or other information was left out please contact Pamela so that it can get into the next newsletter. Whitney Health and Wellness Center Blood Pressure Clinic New Hours Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday: 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Chair Massage ~ By appointment Table Massage ~ By appointment Whirlpool Tub ~ By appointment Foot and Hand Care ~ By appointment Acupuncture ~ Wednesdays, 1:00–3:00 p.m. Beltone Hearing Test By appointment the first Thursday of the month. Call 1-800-430-5282 to schedule. Caregiver Support Group Second Thursday of month, 11:45 a.m.–12:50 p.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group with Patty Butler Second Wednesday of month, 1:30 p.m. Wyoming Health Fair First Monday of month 7:00–10:00 a.m. Community Based In-Home Services (CBIHS) is used to provide services to keep qualified people living independently at home for as long as possible. Services available through the WHWC center include the following: • Case Management • Personal Care • Chore Services • Homemaker Services • Respite Care National Family Caregiver Support (NFGC) is available to individuals who qualify who provide care for the elderly at home. To be Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Direct number: 745-1510 Cancer Support Group Meets at Meredith & Jeannie Ray Cancer Center Women’s Group: Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. Co-ed: Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Ivinson Memorial Hospital Saratoga Room Second Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. Parkinson Support Group Ivinson Memorial Hospital Out-Patient Rehab Room Third Wednesday of month, 5:30 p.m. UW Stroke Support Group Second Tuesday of month 6:00–7:00 p.m. Free counseling by appointment 1-307-7662149 Bereavement Group Hospice of Laramie 1262 N. 22nd, Unit A Mondays, 5:15–6:45 p.m. qualified for these services, a client must be a person of any age caring for a qualified care receiver who is 60 years or older. Services available through WHWC include the following: • Assistance • Case Management • Counseling • Education • Information • Respite Care • Supplement Services To see if you qualify for assistance for CHIHS or NFCG contact Gina, 745-1510. Acupuncture Treatments by Dr. Shawn Palmer, N.D. T he Whitney Health and Wellness Center offers acupuncture treatments by Dr. Shawn Palmer, N.D. Dr. Palmer grew up in Laramie. After graduating from Laramie Senior High School, he earned a B.A. in Chemistry from Colorado College, an M.S. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Wyoming, and an N.D. degree from the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR. When Dr. Palmer was in college, his interest in alternative medicine began when he had a martial arts instructor that was interested in alternative medicine. Dr. Palmer knew then that he wanted to do something where he could make a difference in people’s lives. Dr. Palmer studied acupuncture in Boulder, CO and he has been practicing it for 2 ½ years. He has had his practice in alternative medicine for 5 years in Laramie. He has a very broad practice and can help people using a number of different tools. Dr. Palmer is available to help people with supplement, herbal, homeopathic and dietary advice. He also has other options for treating pain if someone is concerned about the acupuncture needles. Dr. Palmer graciously schedules acupuncture appointments at the Whitney Health and Wellness Center at reduced rates. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Palmer at the Eppson Center, call 745-1510. He schedules patients at the WHWC on Wednesday afternoons. Upcoming events Pathways to Wellness: Thursday, March 15th, 10:30 am–11:30 am Johna Strader with Wyoming Relay will demonstrate devices to assist with hearing phone conversations. Pathways to Wellness: Thursday, April 19th 10:30 am–11:30 am Megan McGuffy, registered dietician, will speak on eating right for Caregivers. WHWC Foot Fair ~ Thursday, April 5th from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon We will be doing free pedicures and offering toe nail polishing, paraffin dip, foot massage and refreshments. Space will be limited so on the day of the Foot Fair please sign up for your pedicure. M a rch & A pr il B irthdays The Eppson Center is honored to celebrate your birthday with you. If it is your birthday month First Interstate Bank will gladly purchase your birthday dinner. The beautiful flower bouquet is donated by Kiliens Florist. March Ackerson, Elanora Adsit, Roberta Anderson, Betty Andrade, Marie R. Aridas, RoseMarie Atherton, Mary Jo Balthrop, Billy Bridges, Lee Bruce, Bob Busterfeld, Marilyn Butler, Helen J. Byers, Norma Carlson, Robin Conger, Evelyn Conger, Susan Crosier, Herbert Decker, Patricia Decora, Wanda Doergers, Jack Dolan, Ed Earnshaw, Jean Edwards, Carol Farnham, Elvina Flader, Vivian Fluker, Shirley Galbreath, Gary Garrett, Lou Gaudet, MaryLou Geis, Gladys L. Gladstone, Marcia Gonzales, Robert Hancock, Shirley Hare, Janet Harnded, Wilma Harnden, Diane, Helseth, Maria M. Herdendorf, Phyllis Herdendorf, Robert Herrera, Beatrice Hing, Kay L. Holloway, Arlene M. Homan, J.R. Hoppe, Opal Housing, Betty Hyatt, Dennis Irving, Larry Jackson, Michael Johnson, Phyllis Jones, Don Kaper, Eva J. King, Amy Klinger, Carlos Koschnitzki, Rich Kunkel, Dot Kurz, Georgia Lake, Laura Lanum, Frances Leistner, Alice Lloyd, Loudine Lopez, Mararia C. Mallory, Eleanor McCormick, Henrietta McKay, Ruth Herring, Lois McLaughlin, Louise McWilliams, Mac Melvin, Phyllis Meyer, Linda Miller, Joyce Miller, Keith Miller, Lillian Mindle, Pat Moore, Jerry Neal, Jan Nielsen, Joyce Owens, Don Papa, Anthony Petersen, Ralph Petrick, Mary Podlesnik, Adelaide Prine, Margaret L. Ritchie, Roy Ruthven, Anne Smith, Helen Somodi, Jan Spackman, Eunice Spackman, Everett Stevenson Stover, Marilyn Strom, Joan Taylor, Jack Taylor, Patricia Thelman, Ramona Tihen, Renee Tomky, Peggy Trabing, Bonnie Trujillo, Viola Valdez, Vince Valora, E.R. Vialpando, Elva Vialpando, Josephine Wagg, Raquel Warner, Duaine Watkins, Margret Webb, Jim Weverstad, Ruth White, Fred J. White, Phil Wright, Ruth Young, George April Aanonsen, Herbert Anderson, David Barela, Charlotte Barela, Aurora Bedard, Roselyn Bennett, Avis Bennett, Tom Biles, Linda Billingsley, Jean Blakeman, Richard Brieske, Robert Brummond, Leone, Burman, Mary Cartwright, Janet Cattles, Sue Chesbro, Bonnie Clay, Betty Copeland, Dave Cronberg, Aloma Davis, Nancy Densin, Everett Dockter, Karen Durfee, Donna Ebbeka, Allen Edgar, Sally Eike, Art Falgien, Lois Gallegos, Gladys Garcia, Alejandro Gossman, Eldona Graham, Ed Graham, Joan Hallam, Judy Hange, Gary Hansen, Shirley Harak, Arnold Harak, Loretta Harnden, Jean Harokopis, George Harrison, John Hazelton, Nancy Heck, Frank Hidalgo, Harry House, Marjorie Irving, Lois Jackson, Edna Jackson, Mae Jeffryes, Vianetta Jensen, Howard Jensen, Rodney Johnson, April Jolley, Bill Jones, Edith Jones, Marie Kennedy, Roy Koscnitzki, Jeanne Kovsky, Pat Kuntz, Ron Leonard, Carmen Lindahl, Joanne Lindsey, Lisa Lippard, Velma Macey, Ginny Magrath, Francis Mains, Ruth A. Mathewson, Bernice Maurer, John McCabe Rose Mary McMichael, Pat McMichael, Roger Miller, Caralyn Miller, Jack Mills, John Mondragon, Eloisa Morad, Roland Moya, Pam Nielsen, Esther Norwood, Martha O’Byrne, Pat Paintin, Linda Parham, Melba Patterson, James Phillips, Karen Rddick, John Romero, Ami Rudolph, Ruth Scott, Jeanette Shaner, Nancy Slaughterbeck, Don Slaughterbeck, Joyce Stebner, Ron Taylor, Floyd Trusty, Duane Vit, Joe Wade, Charles Walker, Lucy Walker, Viola Wall, Duane Warhoff, Lois M. Weaver, Raymond Webb, Diane Williams, Dave Williamson, Margaret Wilson, Bill Wiseman, Patricia Birthday Fun Facts March Birthstone – Aquamarine Flower – Daffodil Famous People born in March Michelango Andrew Jackson Joan Crawford Nat King cole Harry Houdini Birthstone – Diamond April Flower – Sweet Pea Famous People born in April Casanova Doris Day Hans Christen Anderson Bette Davis Butch Cassidy GEM CITY GRAND Laramie City Bus Route The free bus route is planned to serve the busiest corridor in Laramie; Grand Avenue. The route will operate seven days a week and include many of the busier retail districts, employers, educational institutions, recreation, and conference facilities. State & local partners include: Albany County, Albany County Tourism, City of Laramie, Eppson Center for Seniors, Laramie County Community College, Laramie Main Street Program, Downtown Laramie Business Association, and University of Wyoming Monday–Friday: 2–3 buses will run from 7:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m., every 20–30 minutes. Saturday–Sunday: 2 buses will run noon– 10:00 p.m., every 30 minutes. If you have questions contact: University of Wyoming ~ 766-9800 or Eppson Center for Seniors ~ 745-5116 Laramie City Bus Route operated by University of Wyoming & Eppson Center for Seniors. The appointment busses will not be affected by changes being made. If you have used the Gem City Bus or Eppson Center bus let us know what you think. Partial funding for PATS provided by WYDOT. tops, Take Off Pounds Sensibly Eppson Center for Seniors Saturday, 8:00–9:00 a.m. Info: 760-6516 or 742-9085 Silver-Haired Legislature An election at the first of the year needs to be held at the Eppson Center for Seniors for an Albany County senior representative. Charlotte Davis will be finished with her term. Jan Webster has one year of her twoterm session. Anyone over the age of 60 can run for the two-term office. Nomination ballots will be passed out in January. The Wyoming Silver-Haired Legislature is a body of senior citizens who represent you at an actual legislative session every other year in Cheyenne. The purpose of the Silver-Haired Legislature is to identify, consolidate and coordinate the needs and concerns of senior citizens in regard to legislation. The SHL began in 1982 and is a unicameral legislature. Each county in Wyoming has the opportunity to be represented by two SHL. In addition, the Shoshone-Arapahoe Reservations can send four legislators. Would like to represent Albany County? Nominations are being sought for an upcoming election, and if you are interested in representing Albany County, contact Pamela Lopez. For more information on the SHL or about the bills, resolutions, proclamation and our connection to the National Silver-Haired Congress, please visit the website: Jan Webster would like to start a monthly “Senior Issues Gabfest” so that she is aware of Albany County senior populations concerns, and if viable, concerns can be taken to the legislature in the coming year. “Senior Gab Fest” will be Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 1–3 p.m. at the center. Yes, I am interested in representing Wyoming Silver-Haired Legislature, Albany County. Print Name: _____________________________________________________________ Contact Information: Address: _________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________ Over the age of 60? _________ Turn in nomination ballot to the receptionist or Pamela Lopez. Eppson Center for Seniors Medical Release Name:________________________________________ DOB:_________________________________________ March 2 – Curt Gowdy, Shore Line Trail. March 9 – Brown’s Landing Road starting at Lincoln Summit. March 16 – Crow Creek from Summit Trailhead. March 23 – Box Canyon, Vedauwoo. March 30 – Grays Gable, no transportation available that day. April 3 – Planning session 9:00 a.m. at the Eppson Center. Bring maps, information and suggestions. April 6 – No SOTG hike schedule due to Good Friday. April 13 – Turtle Rock. April 20 – Hidden Falls at Curt Gowdy. April 27 – Hutton Lake. If you are joining us on the bus the cost is $10.00. If you will be driving the cost is $5.00. Hikes are subject to change according to weather and ability to get to our destination. We do have back-up hikes/snowshoe outings if needed. The sign-up sheet does fill up fast, so don’t wait too long to sign-up. If the sign-up sheet is full put your name on the waiting list. If you have e-mail add that as well. “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is not path and leave a trail.” Emerson If you have plans to participate with Seniors on the Go you will need to complete the Eppson Center for Seniors Medical Release. If you have questions contact Pamela, Life Enrichment, 745-5116 x 14 or [email protected] Address:______________________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone No.: ___________________________________ Emergency Contact Name________________________________________ Contact Phone No.:____________________________ Relationship:__________________________________ Doctor Name:________________________________________ Phone No.:___________________________________ Medical Information Allergies: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ Medications:__________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ In the event of a medical emergency I will be taken directly to the nearest medical center for attention. By signing this form you are allowing the Eppson Center for Seniors to provide your medical information so that you may receive medical care. If you choose to not disclose any medical information you will still be taken to the nearest medical center for care unless you indicate otherwise. Name _____________________________________________ print _____________________________________________ signature Date:_________________________________________ Life Enrichment… “One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure…” Wm. Feather Education Albany Co. Health Fair, 7:00 –10:00 a.m., 1st Mon. of mo. Lions Club Breakfast; 6:30 a.m., Tues. Legal Counsel with Shirley Kingston; 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., every other Fri. of mo. Schedule appointment with receptionist or Life Enrichment. UW/State Retirees of Albany County, 10:00 a.m., 3rd Wed. of mo. UW/State Retirees of Albany County, Board Mtgs. 2:00 p.m. 2nd Wed. of mo. Dollar-a-Month meeting, 2:30 p.m., last Thurs. of mo. AARP Safe Driving Class; 1:00 –5:00 p.m., 3rd Wed. & Thurs. of mo. *you must attend both sessions to complete the course. Albany Co. Library; 1st & 3rd Thurs. of mo., 12 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly); Sat., 8–9 a.m. Veterans Coffee; Fri., 9:00 am. NARFE; 11:30 a.m., last Fri. of mo. Computer Lab available daily, 8:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. *GED Prep. Classes offered every Thursday, 1:00–3:00 p.m. No cost. Social Media class offered Wed., 10:30–11:30 a.m. in the computer lab. Fitness Senior Swim at Laramie Rec. Center; 8:00 a.m., Mon., Wed., & Fri. $ Strength Training on the Ball with Erin at Kourthouse, Mon, Wed, & Fri, 9:30–10:00 a.m. $ Balance, Stretch & Ab’s on Mat with Erin at Kourthouse, Mon, Wed, & Fri, 10:00–10:30 a.m. $ Resistance Training; Tue., & Thurs., 11:00 a.m. Exercise & Dance; Mon. & Thurs., 9:00 a.m. Bowling at Laramie Lanes; Mon., 1:30 p.m. $ Arthritis Exercise with Donna Earley; Mon. & Wed., 3:30 p.m. $ Musical Exercise; Tues. & Thurs., 10:30 a.m. Advanced Yoga with Connie Currie; Wed., 11:15 a.m. $7.00 Intermediate & Basic Yoga with Connie Currie; Thurs., 5:30 p.m. $7.00 Beginning Line Dancing with Norma Deibert; Wed., 9:00 a.m. Intermediate Line Dancing with Norma Deibert; Fri.., 9: a.m. Performing Line Dancing with Norma Deibert; Tues., 9:00 a.m. Seniors-on-the-Go; contact Life Enrichment for scheduled outings. $10.00 Nia; Thurs. 5:30–6:30 p.m $9.00 Too-Fit-To-Quit exercise equipment is available Mon.–Fri., 8:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. $8.00 60+ & $11 -60 For Fun Bingo; 12:30 p.m., Mon. Melodees; 1:30 p.m., Mon. Pinochle; 12:30 p.m., Tues. L’Opera Viewing; 1:15 p.m., 2nd Tues.– Spring Break. Watch for new schedule beginning in May. Biscuits n’ Jam; 1:00 p.m., 1st & 3rd Wed. of mo. Bridge Lessons: 12:00 p.m., Tues. Bridge; Tues. 1:00 p.m. Duplex Bridge; Thurs., 7:00 p.m. Shangri Rummy, Thurs., 1:00 p.m. Recycled Card Project; Fri., 9:30 a.m. Dinner Out; check for date, time, & location. We invite you to the Eppson Center to see the variety of activities and events that we offer. Many activities and events can be seen on Ch. 11 or in our bi-monthly newsletter. We also invite you to stay for lunch and visit with old friends or make new friends. If you would like to teach a class or have an idea for a class, contact Pamela. Classes can be ongoing or scheduled for mini-sessions. Reminder instructors’ all sign-in sheets must be completed and turned in the last day of class for the month. Also AGNES forms need to be completed in blue ink so that we can get credit. If you have questions contact Nicole. **Looking for a volunteer to assist with line dancing classes. *Looking for a volunteer to call Bingo. **Social Media class is offered by U. W. volunteer student Askhat Yerkimbay. If you have questions or need assistance setting up an e-mail account, want to learn how to make a video, take pictures, and more I encourage you to stop in and visit with Askhat. Not sure what you want or where you should start? Take the survey and turn into the receptionist or Pamela, Life Enrichment. Have a story to be told? Want to share some information? Be an Eppson Center news hound! Contact Pamela, Life Enrichment. If you are interested in renting the facility contact Pamela or Dawn. We will be more than happy to visit with you about your upcoming venue. Cast your ballot for 2011 employee of the year! Name:____________________________________ Department:________________________________ Why do you think they should be recognized? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ neighbors helping neighbors in the place we call home. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ If you have volunteered in one way or another please contact Nicole to be sure we have your correct information. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. Turn ballots directly into executive director, Dick Cuthbertson. Winner will be announced at the We are currently looking for volunteers for HDM drivers, bingo caller, computer volunteer instructor and cashier.dinner. If you have skills and knowledge that you would like to share patrons Our volunteers are one of a kind and we appreciate each and every one of you for what you bring to the center as well as the we serve. contact Nicole to see what opportunities are available. Please be kind to the computer. Hitting it with your keys or other objects will damage the screen as well as the system. To Our Patrons, In an effort to reflect accurate reporting of our meal numbers for state and federal grant purposes, beginning October 10 we will have a new check in policy for meals. We will still need for you to check in at the computer. When you check in with the cashier, you will be given a single meal ticket. This ticket is to be presented to the servers prior to receiving your meal. If you do not check in and do not have a ticket, you will be asked to return to the cashier to get a ticket. Just a reminder that if you do not check in, then the Eppson Center does not receive a grant subsidy for your meal. Thank you for your cooperation and patience, and thank you for your continued support of the Eppson Center. Richard Cuthbertson Executive Director Recycled Card Project When you purchase a card from the Recycled Card Project you help support Whitney Wellness and Health Center, and the Eppson Center newsletter. Thank you Powell Enterprise Grand Villa Edward Jones Investments for sponsoring the 15th Annual Harold Eppson Founders Day Pancake Breakfast Special thanks to the following businesses for our raffle items First National Bank VDR Volvo Murdoch’s First Interstate Bank Bank of the West Wal-Mart Cross Country Connection Brown and Gold Kathy Davis Bloedorn Lumber West Laramie Fly Store WANTED Steve Grabowski, the LAST OLD-FASHIONED OPTICIAN RUSTLING UP GREAT FASHIONABLE GLASSES MURDERING EYE CLINIC PRICES BEATING VISION INSURANCE “DEALS” REWARD est. 1977 BETTER, MORE ATTRACTIVE GLASSES THAT LAST LONGER THAN THE NEXT ROUNDUP! Spectacles – Antique to Ultra-modern 305 S. 2nd – 4 doors south of Grand Laramie City, Wyoming Territory (307) 745-3682 Congratulations to Bertha Ward for receiving the 2011 Community Service Award! Many of you may know Bertha as “that lady who is fit as a fiddle” as “an inspiration to us all”. However, did you know that Bertha, a retired teacher, has been active in volunteering for most of her life? Bertha has volunteered in a variety of capacities and will be awarded at the Community Service Award Banquet set for March 1, 2012. The Community Service Award is co-sponsored by the Laramie Lions Club and the Boomerang. A committee selects the winner each year, based on letters of nominations. At the Eppson Center Berthas’ volunteer services have ranged from helping to create the exercise area to serving as the Christmas elf for the holiday programs. She is the volunteer coordinator at the Wyoming Territorial Prison and Park; she tends to the flower beds, and cleans the school house and the pioneer cabin at the site. Bertha is an active member of other local organizations, including the Wyoming Homemakers’ Association and the Albany County Cow-Belles. She helps support groups and activities as diverse as Laramie Athletics Baseball, Jr. High and High School wrestling, Future Farmers of America, 4-H, Albany County Fair, Ivinson Memorial Hospital and the Laramie Union Pacific Train Depot Association and belongs to three Historical Societies; Albany County, Wyoming State, and Centennial Valley. When I congratulated Bertha on her award she wanted me make a correction regarding her age that was reported in the Laramie Boomerang; she’s 84 and not 83. Bertha regardless of your age we’re happy for you and honored to have you as a volunteer. If you or someone you know are experiencing difficulty with reading the mail, having problems with reading the road signs, or have a diagnosis of Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma or other visual impairment make plans to attend and visit with a representative from Wyoming Independent Living Rehabilitation. Wyoming Independent Living Rehabilitation Presentation Thursday, March 29th, 11:30 am–1:00 pm Eppson Center ~ East Wing Wyoming Independent Living Rehabilitation (WILR) educates and empowers Wyoming Citizens with providing the necessary tools to live with independence and dignity. Programs ranging from Independent Living, Visually Impaired Services for the Older Blind, Consumer Directed Care, Nursing Home Transition, Transportation Check Program and others. A GOOD THING TO KNOW Ever locked your keys in the car? Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on THEIR cell phone from YOUR cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at home press the unlock button, holding it near the phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Distance is no object…you could be hundreds of miles away and, if you can reach someone who has the other remote for your car you can unlock the door and the trunk. Better yet…check that you have your keys on you. Passings Robert J. Horst November 21, 2011 Arland Grover December 10, 2011 Beverly Edwards December 3, 2011 Arnold “Buck” Cook December 19, 2011 Grant A. Johnson December 4, 2011 June Marie Hanson December 21, 2011 Merna Soll December 6, 2011 Norma H. Scarpelli December 22, 2011 Esther Hays December 9, 2011 Maurice Wear December 24, 2011 Answers to your Medicare Questions Wyoming State Health Insurance Information Programs Senior Medicare Patrol (Medicare Fraud Prevention) ____Understand Medicare enrollment, claims, appeals ____Assess need for Medicare Supplemental insurance ____Understand long term care insurance ____Learn of options for low income persons ____Trained Volunteer Counselors Toll Free Call Riverton (800) 856-4398 Casper (877) 634-1006 Cheyenne (877 634-1005 Laramie (307) 745-1510 ____Help detect error on medical bills ____Part D- Prescription Drug coverage Social Media Class Survey Dear, participants, many thanks for your interest in the Social Media Class! This survey consists of questions which help us to identify the main goal of the course. 1.Name_________________________________ 2.Age___________________________________ 3. Sex male female 4. Have you ever participated in an Eppson Center class where technology was involved? yes no 5. How often did you use technology in your job, per day? less than 1 hour 1-2 hour 3-5 hour none 6. If you have an e-mail account, please, indicate it. You may choose more than one options. gmail hotmail yahoo aol other 7. Do you think that you need to know more information about privacy on the Internet? yes no 8. Are you interested in learning how to send emails from a mobile device? yes no 9. Do you have friends or family members who are send emails from mobile devices? yes no I do not know 10. Are you interested in learning how to create a blog and share your own ideas with others? yes no 11. Do you have friends or family members who are blogging? yes no I do not know what a blog is 12. Are you interested in learning how to create a social media account and be in contact with your friends and family? yes no 13. Do you have friends or family members who have a profile in Facebook? yes no I do not know what Facebook is 14. Are you interested in learning how to make an online radio program and share it via Internet? yes no 15. Are you interested in learning how to make short online videos about yourself and send it to your friends/ family members via Internet? yes no 16. Share any experience you have had with the Internet. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 17. What do you think should be the main focus in a course like Social Media Class? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Please, feel free to contact me if you have any question regarding to the survey! Thank you! Askhat Yerkimbay, (307) 343-3053, [email protected] Eppson Center for Seniors 1560 N 3rd Street Laramie, WY 82072 Brain Teaser Answer: The man waits for nightfall and once it is dark, he exits through the door made of magnifying glass.
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