18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of Peace Catholic Parish
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Our Lady of Peace Catholic Parish
1 Our Lady of Peace Parish August 3, 2014 — 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Loaves & Fishes “I was hungry and you fed me…” Mathew 14:19-20 Jesus said the blessing, broke the loaves, And gave them to the disciples, who in turn Gave them to the crowds. They all ate and were satisfied. 701 PLAINFIELD • DARIEN, IL 60561 630-323-4333 Ministry Offered By The Marians of The Immaculate Conception 2 Pastor Page! “Ego and Sin” In any Roman Catholic frame of thought, the only word that one can normally find to describe the origin of world ills is the word, “sin.” This is what is confessed; this is what one accuses oneself of; this is what God forbids. And what is the origin of sin? To answer such a broad question as this one, most people typically refer to the book of Genesis and the story of the Garden of Eden, where sin is seen as having been brought into the world by our first parents, Adam and Eve, through their disobedience to God. But now let’s look at the word, “ego.” There are different ways of describing what ego is, as I have learned over the years, but rather than getting involved with so much verbiage, I would rather invite you to just consider the everyday, “street” usage. So, if I say that someone is “egotistical,” I am hardly paying him or her compliments. In this everyday sense alone, we see intuitively that to be egotistical means being unconnected to other people. An unchecked ego leads one to be competitive, to wanting to feel superior – to win! I can see how such attitudes can develop. After all, life in this world can cause some people to feel insecure, and a great way to feel “in control” again (or secure!) is by feeling a sense of power. Are we not raised to be competitive? If only by playing sports or watching sports, where winning is everything, we can learn to be competitive. To beat someone is then a natural response that we can have to other people. Having been so conditioned, some people try to beat others by gossiping, trying to dominate others by arguing through yelling – or worse; simply demanding that people “do things” their way, and then becoming shocked or angry when people do not. Such behavior easily alienates others, and therefore we can feel, once again, “disconnected.” You might be interested to learn that the Roman Catholic Church would refer to such behavior as “inordinate pride.” Surprised? Why? The poet Milton went so far as to have Satan say in one of his poems that he would rather reign in hell than serve in heaven. Satan is what pride looks like. Pride is the foundation of all sin, according to quite a few spiritual authors. Adam and Eve were guilty of pride, for they thought that they could be like God. The cure for such behavior can be found through the practice of listening to others, rather than yelling; to exercise patience rather than gossiping and trying to either beat or dominate others; to approach life from a balanced attitude of calmness, an attitude achieved through living a life of surrender to God, rather than by approaching life from a feeling of being superior to others. The opposite of pride is humility. There are so many lessons in the History of Spirituality to highlight the importance of humility. For example, Jesus would remain quiet before His accusers. He constantly said that everything he has received He got from His Father. Saint Padre Pio had been silenced by the Roman Catholic Church, and he accepted this judgment with Grace. Saint Francis of Assisi put aside his expensive clothes to adorn himself instead with a sack, which now we know as the Franciscan habit. These Saints practiced humility so as to get good at it, much like a doctor practicing medicine. Humility isn’t learned easily, but it can be learned though by the sheer practice of it. It starts with us being so motivated that we are at least willing to try. What can motivate us? This is the million dollar question. The answers naturally vary here. Let’s consider one conceivable answer as an ending to this letter. Through an initial reflection upon one’s life alone, perhaps one can see that egotistical behavior is just unsatisfying. One cannot really love through behavior which is egotistical. Why? Such behavior quite naturally again alienates others. Simply because it is unloving behavior, one is disconnected to others. Only love and the practice of love can be satisfying. It is here where we might see that egotistical behavior is not only sinful. It is sin, itself. Our ancestors lived with God but because of sin, they found themselves alone. Without God they were disconnected with the rest of the world. Our Redeemer came to show us how to connect again, to really love again, and in short, to come home. There are many doors to our home, and the biggest one has the name “Humility” blazoned right above it. Peace, Fr. Walter 3 LITURGICAL ROLES LECTOR SCHEDULE OFFERING COUNTERS August 11 August 9 5:00 P.M. - L. Wieczorek 6:30 P.M. - R. Wulff Bill Chromizky Mary Ellen Zuro August 10 Marlene Nedball Judy Hughes Robert Zuro Shirley Barton 7:00 A.M. - K. Sheridan 8:30 A.M. - G. Hunt 10:15 A.M. - P. Kenny 12:00 Noon - J. Jakosalem MASS INTENTIONS August 4—August 10 DAILY MASS: MONDAY-SATURDAY-7:30 A.M. MON: 8/4 (D) Henry Lazarski _______________________________________________ TUES: 8/5 (L) Legion of Mary Mbrs. _______________________________________________ WED: 8/6 (D) Joseph Nealon _______________________________________________ THURS: 8/7 (D) Kobiljak/Tomsovic Fam’s. _______________________________________________ FRI: 8/8 (D) Peter Impasto _______________________________________________ SAT: 8/9 7:30 AM (D) Rosmarie Crbone 5:00 PM Msgr. Jim (D) Velma/James Gartland 6:30 PM Fr. Walter (D) Frank Herout _______________________________________________ PARISH REGISTRATION (Third Sunday of Each Month) Downstairs Church Hall August 17 7:30-10:15 AM Chuck/Sabina Pilarski 10:15-1:00 PM John/Vivien Michalski READINGS FOR THE WEEK M: T: W: T: F: S: S: Jer 28:1-17; Ps 119:29, 43, 79, 80, 95, 102; Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22; Ps 102:16-21, 29, 22-23; Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 16:13-23 Na 2:1, 3; 3:1-3, 6-7; Dt 32:35cd-36ab, 39abcd, Hb 1:12 — 2:4; Ps 9:8-13; Mt 17:14-20 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a; Ps 85:9-14; Rom 9:1-5; Mt 14:22-33 ALTAR SERVERS August 4—August 8, 2014 Sean Abbott, Michael Bicek Saturday, August 9 7:30 AM— S. Abbott, M. Bicek 5:00 PM— A. Momchev, B. Chodl SUN: 8/10 7:00 AM Fr. Al (D) Kunjan Nadar 8:30 AM Msgr. Jim (L/D) OLOP Parishioners 10:15 AM Fr. Tony (D) John Bosh 12:00 Noon Fr. Walter (D) Dorothy Cangelosi Celebrants are Subject to Change 6:30 PM— T/B Rudolph Sunday, August 10 7:00 AM— A. Carrillo, B. Brown 8:30 AM— N/R Medina 10:15 AM— E. Kurley, R. Carli MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY DATES: Please help the less fortunate with a charitable gift. Your donation allows us to supply the needy with food from week to week. The recipients graciously thank you and God continues to bless you. Questions: Call Deacon Paul on 630-323-4333 Ext. 24. 4 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE STEWARDSHIP IS WHAT I DO AFTER I SAY, “I BELIEVE.” In gratitude, we announce: Budget: $24,500 7/27/14: PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Dear Heavenly Father, We place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatsoever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen. PLEASE NOTIFY THE RECTORY OF ANY CHANGES Please pray for the joyful rebirth into the eternal celebration of God’s love for the departed. For the Deceased of our parish Death is not something to be feared. It has no bitter end… but rather holds for us a light to better see our Friend. Through the Saving Waters of Baptism, we WELCOME the following at: (To Be Announced) Wedding Banns It is with joy that we announce the upcoming wedding(s) of: Congratulations To Stephanie Bradley & Tim Gannon, 8/2/14 Kathryn Deluhery & David Hankamp, 8/30/14 Anniversary Wishes Congratulations “Richard & Martha Herrick” As you celebrate your 75th Wedding Anniversary. May God continue to bless you with His richest gifts. John Andryzak, Alan Amann, Rena Arend, F. Arquilla, Kathleen Badon, M.E. Banas, Diane Basile, Abby Beranek, Winnie Beranek, Frank Bialas, Deacon Frank Bina, Carol Britig, Fran Brindac, Linda Bronsteader, Scott Bocek, Elizabeth/William Boggio, Sharon Bradley, Donna Bogda, Mary Both, Bourelle Brochocki, George Brower, Lisa, Calabrese, OFC, Aden/Kim Carlye, Cindy/Rita Case, Roy/Nancy Cheske, Valerie & Dorothy Chodl, Edward/Shirley Carter, Steven Chmielewski, Kelly Crewed, Ann Cristofaro, Paulettte Dabek, Lill Dargis, Bridgette DeHan, Miguel DeJesus, Butch/ Jim Dennis, Anne Deutsch, Frank DiPadova, Cindy Dolle, Joseph/Carmel, Jay Dvorak, Marianne Doherty, Brittany Domaradzki, Diane Durkin, Helen Draus, Zaory Edqueda, Kimberly Ferrari, Donna Fiorito, Linda Fischer, John Foster, Garret Fleming, Brian Freid, Maryellen Giner, Scott/Deanna Gehrke, George Grabert, Mary Pat/Emmett Healy, Ryan Heedy, Kelly Hedrick, Alice Hencinski, Laura Heren, Rachel Herman, Becky Hollaway, Candice Hough, Joanne Hug, Christine Jelinski, Sandi Jeziorski, John Johnson, Kay Johnson, Mike Jozwik, Gaye, Rosemary Kaiser, Erma Kieback, Kevin Keily, John Klocek, Anne Kairis, Taylor Kassell, Edward/Frances Kmetz, Maria Komperda, Sylvia/John Krones, Lorraine Kuenster, John/Michelle Landato, Barb LaSalle, Mary Leske, Jeanine Marie Lewakowski, Scott/ Deanna Gehrke-Lewakowski, Mary Lezaj, Rev. David Lord, MIC, Ray Lupori, Al Malley, Carol Manalley, Virginia Marsico, Tosha McKathrine, Lunetta McLaughlin, Rachel Medina, Dolly M. Michael, Adeline Mika, Michael Ed Miller, Ronald Molfese, Susan Monaghan, Katlyn Montgomery, Jane Motl, Randall Moody, Genevieve Mroz, Dorine/Ray Muenzing, Daniel Murray, Rita Murtaugh, Rich Myers, Jose` NaRose/Walter Nawracaj, Jeff Nigowski, Joan Novak, Elaine Oltman, Vicki Olsowka, Ken O’Toole, Jr. Edward/Joan Palasz, J. Pisarczyk, Eileen Pattenaude, John Paul, Charlie/Gloria Pavesich, Adam peters, June Pincuspy, Daniel Poloway, Cindy/John Pratt, Roger Ramona, Joan Ritzert, Roger Rodrigues, Joan Rolaff, Laura/George Rossano, Carol Rutledge, Lillian Sagat, Charlene & Scott Samuel, Charlie Sanders, Mary Martin Saso, Riley Slovey, Karlton Smith, Joan Sobocan, Marylyn Sobun, Patricia Soukup, David Sniegowski, Laureen Spencer, Virginia Stack, , Marsha Stelter, Veronica Siwek, Bernice Szaflarski, Paul/Annie Teich, Mary Teske, Irene Tobolski, Virginia Todro, Steven Trinco, Chuck Tucker, Elaine Vassallo, Alana Celeste Venegas, Baby Martin Viau, Jaycelyn Herman-Walsh, Rich Waliczek, Jr., Alison Weingahtner, Therese Wess, Laverne Widiger, Patricia Wilson, Henry Wlezen, Patricia Wolf, Robert Wort, Jr., Geraldine Youngbrandt, Peggy Youngren, 5 6 7 WE ARE IN NEED OF BEREAVEMENT MINISTERS Won’t You Consider Volunteering Your Time & Talent? HOPE Because of the normal changes in people’s lives, the ample number of ministers has been reduced and Our Lady of Peace is seeking new ministers. THIS IS NOT GRIEF COUNSELING. You will have personal contact with families who are mourning the death of a loved one, and will be helping them plan the funeral liturgy. Is God calling you to this very fulfilling and worthwhile ministry? If you are interested or have any questions, please contact: Larry Fudacz (630-323-4333, Ext. 23 or [email protected] Bereavement Support Support HOPE’S Front Door Back to School Drive Supplies collected will be distributed to local families who are having trouble making ends meet. For your convenience, school supplies can be dropped off at several locations around town, including Culver’s of Darien, 541 Plainfield Rd. Distribution will begin on August 11th. This event is sponsored by Downers Grove Junior Woman’s Club. For more information please call Diane at 630-322-9803. 8 Job posting for part time YOUTH MINISTER: Our Lady of Peace Church is accepting resumes for an evangelizing Catholic to develop, grow and lead middleschool (grades 6-7-8) youth ministry. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Develop, plan, coordinate, supervise and publicize programs and events, i.e., bible-study, movie discussions, times of reflection, retreats; participation in service opportunities, social and diocesan events. Be a team player with excellent interpersonal and communication skills; Knowledgeable in word processing software, email and social media. Maintain necessary office and program records, including a log of activities and time. Part time: 10-15 hours per week, year-round. Hours: Vary, mostly evening and weekend hours. Requirements: Be a practicing Catholic in good standing. Youth ministry experience is preferred. Bachelor’s degree in a related field preferred, or be willing to procure a certificate in youth ministry within 12 months of employment (paid for by employer). Protecting God’s Children Certificate (Virtus) and background check required. Email or send resumé to Jeanne Waliczek, Religious Ed. [email protected] Our Lady of Peace—709 Plainfield Rd., Darien, IL 60561 R.C.I.A INVITATION May the Lord guide each of us, by our prayers and invitation, to encourage those individuals in our lives who may wish to embrace the Catholic Faith. May they be open to hearing our heartfelt invitation to be one of us by attending the RCIA open house in September. Do you know someone who may be a candidate for RCIA? • • • Non-Catholics who want to learn more about Catholicism, For those who want to become Catholic, For baptized Catholics who have not received their first Communion and/or their Confirmation, but are not comfortable in inviting them personally. Please fill out the information below and put it into the collection basket marked RCIA. Deacon Larry will send them a Letter of Invitation. NAME _____________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________ CITY/ZIP _____________________________ 9 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet—Sunday, September 14, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. For couples celebrating 25, 50 and more than 50 years of marriage Last Name ____________________________________________________ Husband________________________ Wife_________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ City__________________________ Zip_______ Phone________________ Parish you Attend OUR LADY OF PEACE City DARIEN Date of Marriage__________________ # of Yrs. Married in 2014_______ A reception will be held in the Parish Commons following the mass. _____We will attend the Mass and reception. _____We will attend the Mass only. Because of space limitations, no additional guests, please. Caregivers/helpers are very welcome. Pre-registration by mail, fax, phone, email or online is required by August 29, 2014 Online registration: http://conta.cc/1pTQvOF The Office of Family Ministry 16555 Weber Rd Crest Hill, IL 60403 Fax: 815-221-6089 Phone: (815) 838-5334 Email: [email protected] The Thirty-sixth Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, September 14, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. Couples celebrating anniversaries of 25 years, 50 years, and more than 50 years, are welcome to attend the event. Couples will receive a special blessing during the liturgy and will receive an anniversary certificate after the Mass. Our celebrant will be Bishop R. Daniel Conlon. Because of space limitations, there is not room for additional guests. However, if necessary, a caregiver/helper is very welcome to attend with the couple. Pre-registration is required; please complete and return the form or register online by August 29, 2014. For more information, please call 815-838-5334. 10 OUR LADY OF PEACE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH R. C. I. A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) GLOSSARY OF TERMS CATECHUMENATE: The process of a determined period of time, in which the Church helps those unbaptized adults prepare for the Sacrament of Christian Initiation. ELECTION: The process of selecting those catechumens who are ready to take part in the celebration of the Sacrament of Initiation. GODPARENTS: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS • • • For those who are not Catholic and are interested in learning what it means to be Catholic. For those who are interested in becoming a member of the Catholic community. For those baptized Catholics who have not received all of their Sacraments. For Information call: Deacon Larry Fudacz 630-323-4333-ext. 23 The person(s) selected by the candidate (catechumen) to accompany him/ her during the Rite of Initiation. SPONSORS: Those persons chosen to accompany the candidates when they seek admission to the catechumenate and remain with the candidates to oversee their progress. (Sponsors may also be chosen as godparents). CHRISTIAN SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation are the Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church does not re-baptize Christians. Adults already baptized in another Christian Church are simply asked to make a Profession of Faith, are Confirmed and receive the Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. 11 STEP TWO: CATECHUMENATE † A time for learning more about Catholicism. † A time for praying about your journey in faith. Entrance into the RITE OF ACCEPTANCE Sunday Morning November 30, 2014 A JOURNEY IN FAITH STEP ONE: WELCOME AND PRE-CATECHUMENATE † A time for getting acquainted. † A time for awakening to where you are in faith. † A time for recognizing the Lord in your life. OPEN HOUSE SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 7:30 PM In the CHURCH HALL Evening of questions, input, sharing. ___________________ STEP THREE: † A time for repentance and healing. † A time for purifying and preparing for Easter. Celebration of RITE OF ELECTION February 22, 2015 † Continuing prayer, discussion & input, climaxing in a Day of Recollection on Sunday, March 22, 2015. _____________________ Regular Meetings Thursday Evenings 7:30PM From: September 11, 2014 to Easter Vigil – April 4, 2015 at 8:00 PM STEP FOUR: TOPICS INCLUDE: Faith, Revelation, Scripture, Tradition, God, Trinity, Creation, Angels, Devil, Mary, Saints, Church, Holy Spirit, Sacraments, Vocation, and Infallibility. LENT EASTER VIGIL † The time of commitment. Saturday Evening – April 4, 2015. The celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation; those not baptized will be baptized, all will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation & share in the Eucharist for the first time. 12 13 MARIAN COMMUNITY Rev. Walter Dziordz, MIC - Pastor 630-323-4333, Ext. 14 Rev. Ron McBride, MIC – Parochial Vicar Ext. 29 [email protected] Rev. Al Micka, MIC - Pastor Emeritus Rev. Anthony Kelpsas, MIC Clergy: [email protected] Msgr. Jim Burnett Email: [email protected] DEACONS – 630-323-4333 Frank Bina – Ext. 25 Paul Brachle – Ext. 24 Larry Fudacz – Ext. 23 [email protected] Dennis Stolarz – Ext. 19 [email protected] PARISH Kathleen Curinka – Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor 630-323-4333, Ext. 10 [email protected] For Bulletin Submissions [email protected] Raye Ann Durr - Receptionist/Clerical Assistant, Ext. 17 [email protected] Kellie Moore – Business Manager/Parish Administrator 630-323-4392 [email protected] Jackie Noel—Business Office 630-323-4392 [email protected] John Berardi - Music Director 708-828-2138 [email protected] Monty Sharp – Facilities Manager 630-674-3192 – [email protected] SCHOOL WEBSITE: www.olopschool.org Dr. Marian Stockhausen – Principal 630-325-9220 - [email protected] Secretaries: 630-325-9220 Eileen Gray [email protected] Barbara Sweeney [email protected] PARISH WEBSITE www.olopdarien.org PARISH COUNCIL EMAIL [email protected] 14 EUCHARISTIC LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday Evening Masses: 5:00 & 6:30 PM Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:15 AM & 12:00 Noon Morning Mass: Monday-Saturday 7:30 AM HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Vigil Mass (Evening before Holy Day) 7:00 PM Holy Day: 7:30 & 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM CONFESSIONS Immediately Following Saturday Morning Mass PARISH REGISTRATION Visit on-line: www.olopdarien.org Click On: Welcome & Registration Or Call Office: 630-323-4333 Ext. 10 or 17 Or Visit the Church Hall – 3rd Sunday of each Month 7:30 AM – 1:00 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Jeanne Waliczek – Coordinator 630-986-8430 – Ext. 10 [email protected] Michele Perisin – R.E. Administrative Assistant 630-986-8430 – Ext. 11 [email protected] Shane Liston—Youth Minister [email protected] Dc. Larry Fudacz – RCIA & Marriage Prep. 630-674-0356 630-323-4333 – Ext. 23 – [email protected] RECTORY FAX 630-323-4354 SCHOOL FAX 630-325-1995 RELIGIOUS ED.FAX 630-986-1214 BUSINESS OFICE FAX 630– 323-0379 To schedule an Anointing of the Sick or a priest visit only, please call our answering service at 630-323-4391. Calls will be returned in a timely manner, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 9:30 PM, based on priest availability, and arrangements will be made to assist your request. No other calls will be handled by this service. Thank You. MARRIAGE: Our Parish is a wonderful setting to celebrate your Sacrament of Marriage. Couples must make arrangements at least 9 months to 1 year before your proposed wedding date to allow for ample time for Marriage Prep. Please contact Deacon Larry Fudacz. BAPTISM: Parents need to be registered members of the parish. First time parents must attend one hour (plus) of Pre-Baptismal instruction held on 2nd or 3rd Tuesdays of February, April, June, August, October and December at 7:30 p.m. in the Church Hall. The Pre-Baptismal class may be taken before the birth of the child. Call Fr. Ron for more information and to schedule, at 630-323-4333 Ext. 29. EUCHARISTIC HOME AND HOSPITAL VISITATION MINISTRY: Our PASTORAL CARE MINISTERS are available to bring Communion to Shut-Ins at home, in hospitals and nursing homes. Request CARDS for PASTORAL CARE VISITS can be found in the Church Lobby and may be placed in the weekend collection basket OR, please contact Deacon Frank Bina 630-789-9521.
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