What are Glyconutrients? The most i m p o r t a n t discovery for your immune system in the last 100 years is something called glyconutrients. Science and medicine have long tried to understand the code by which the cells in the body communicate with one another in order for its complex functions t o o c c u r. F o r example, how does your digestive system know which food components to absorb into the blood stream and which to ignore? Or which cells to attack and destroy and which to protect and nurture? That code has now been broken. This role is undertaken by glyconutrients. Researchers proclaim it to be the most important discovery in the history of medicine ..the key to a long, healthy life. What are glyconutrients? Glyconutrients are plant carbohydrates (monosaccharides). There are over 200 carbohydrates or sugars but only 8 are essential to bodily function. These are: •xylose •fucose •galactose •glucose •mannose •N-acetylglucosamine •N-acetylgalactosamine •N-acetylneuraminic acid (a sialic acid). These 8 essential glyconutrients combine with other molecules eg proteins and lipids, to form glycoforms or glycoconjugates which coat cell surfaces. When they combine with protein molecules, they form glycoproteins that coat the surface of every cell with a nucleus in the human body. When glyconutrients bind with lipids (fats) they form glycolipids which also adhere to the cell surface. Glyconutrients are the key to effective cellular communication and proper cell function. This has been established by the world's leading scientists and researchers. Glyconutrients are not vitamins, minerals, amino acids or enzymes, but are in a class of their own as nutritional supplements derived from plants. Glyconutritional supplements are formulated based on new understanding in the biochemistry of how the human body maintains health at the cellular level. Healthy cells lead to healthy tissue - healthy tissue leads to healthy organs - and healthy organs lead to healthy bodies. Every cell in our body - all 600 trillion of them needs glyconutrients. Despite the relatively recent discovery of glyconutrients and their functions, medical doctors and the general public are becoming increasingly aware of their importance in treating underlying causes of disease and in maintaining good health. As good as allopathic medicine is, it simply has NO answer to the increasing incidence of auto-immune diseases, cancers and degenerative diseases in Western societies. Glyconutrients will soon become a part of standard care by medical practitioners for all auto-immune diseases, cancers, and degenerative diseases. A glyconutritional approach gets at the root cause rather than treating only the symptoms. Glyconutrients are however only part of what is necessary to a healthy body. Other important scientific discoveries of the past century highlight the importance of a range of other dietary or lifestyle factors including vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, essential fatty acids, essential amino acids, antioxidants, and exercise. Why do we need glyconutrient supplements? In our diet today, the eight essential glyconutrients are often missing. Most diets today contain only two of the eight glucose and galactose. Glucose is supplied from such food sources a wheat, rice, and sugar cane. Glucose and galactose are supplied through the breakdown of lactose from dairy sources. If we are deficient in the 8 essential sugars, the cells will eventually lack the communication system necessary to maintain good health. Why are our diets deficient in glyconutrients? The so-called fresh fruits and vegetables we buy today have few glyconutrients (or nutritional value at all) because they are often grown in nutrient-deficient soil, picked before they ripen naturally, gassed, irradiated, artificially ripened, stored for days, weeks, or months, cooked, frozen, canned, processed, refined, pasteurised, genetically engineered, etc. Cooking and processing deplete glyconutrients further. Glycobiology has also found that beneficial bacteria in the colon breakdown polysaccharides to monosaccharides (glyconutrients). But the bacterial content of modern people is different from our ancestors and so this process is less efficient. Green harvesting allows long distance transport and allows fruit and vegetables to be stored for lengthy periods, but most of the essential glyconutrients are found only in food that is ripened on the vine/tree and they remain in the fruit or vegetable for only 48 hours after picking. Glyconutrients How do glyconutrients work? Glyconutrients are sugar molecules. 'Glyco' means sweet and so they are 'sweet nutrients'. The sugar molecules often form sugar chains known as glycans, and these chains of glyconutrients then bind with protein molecules on protein strands to form glycoproteins. The process of forming glycoproteins is called glycosylation. Cellular communication is literally the single most important concept in nutrition, and when we support this communication process we are empowering every single cell and every single part of the body to function the way it is supposed to. Glycoproteins have many functions in human cells eg: Function Example Structural role Collagen Transport role Transferrin Immunologic role Immunoglobulins Cell-to-cellcommunication Selectins Proteins in fertilisation Cell adhesion molecules Cell signalling Many receptors Clotting Plasma proteins Lipoproteins Lubrication Mucins Source: Dr Robert Murray There are many different glycoproteins formed when sugar chains and protein chains bind together. The function of the glycoprotein chain will be dependent on the arrangement of the 8 essential glyconutrients on the sugar chain, and the arrangement of the protein molecules on the protein chain. There are many glycoproteins and there are many functions. Some of the processes involving glycoproteins: •inflammation •bloodclotting •pepticulcers •AIDS(HIV) •influenza •fertilization •cancer •cysticfibrosis •arthritis Inflammationiscausedwhenwhitebloodcellscome outside the small blood vessels and attack bacteria in the tissue. Glycoproteins are instrumental in this process. Glyconutrient supplementation can increase the body's ability to attack and kill bacteria in tissue. TheHIVvirusbindsto2proteinsvia2glycoproteins in its envelope. Glyconutritional supplementation may prevent attachment. The adhesion molecules in between cancer cells are glycoproteins and when these weaken the cancer cells are released to travel to other parts of the body ie the cancer is able to metastasize. 日本發現人類容易感染之豬流感病毒 人類感染後會出現近6成的致死率之高病原性家禽流行性感冒(H5N1) ,在印尼發生由豬隻感染後,一部分變種為人類的咽喉和鼻子的細胞 易遭感染的病毒。解析出上述結果的東京大學醫科學研究所河岡義裕 教授表示,為了防備高致死率之新型流感的出現,實有必要對豬流感 加以監控。 H5N1 H5N1病毒表面充滿醣蛋白。 這項研究成果,乃河岡教授等在05-09年間共3回,在印尼的14個州隨 機選出702頭豬隻後,調查牠們的鼻涕、血液和糞便等所得出的結果。 05-07年所調查的豬隻中,有7.4%分離出了H5N1的病毒,這些豬隻均 為鄰近的雞隻中所流行的禽流感所感染。詳加調查的39種病毒中,有1 種一經接觸人類的鼻子和咽喉的細胞便會產生突變。 迄今為止所發現的H5N1,對人類來說均不易遭受感染。但根據此調查 結果,不免令人擔憂是否會出現人類易遭感染的H5N1。豬隻會感染禽 流感,也會感染人流感,故該病毒有可能係在豬隻的體內變種為使人 類易遭感染的。 文章來源:朝日新聞2010年9月1日 H1N1 (左)H1N1容易傳染但不易致命。 (右)H5N1傳染緩慢但容易致命。 註:避免H5N1感染,必須提升免疫功能,最重要須增加體內細胞醣蛋白最 外端醣鏈八種必需單醣的完整,具有足夠的辨識能力,同時增加免疫細胞 的能量供給,才能有效對抗病毒攻擊,保持健康。