16th - Stuart, NE
16th - Stuart, NE
Volume 35 Issue 33 The Wrangler August 16, 2012 1 The Wrangler August 16, 2012 Phone: 402-925-8564 Fax: 402-924-3647 E-mail: [email protected] Go Online to view The Wrangler!!!—New Issue Available Friday at Stuart Web Page—www.stuartne.com TAKE PRIDE in STUART’S Future——–Shop at HOME 2nd Annual Haymazing Race With another Hay Days weekend come and gone, another Haymazing Race has been put in the books. This year, the third annual Haymazing Race took place on Sunday, August 5th at the Atkinson City Park. The weather was gorgeous and there was a great turnout. With a record number of team entrants – 27 teams signed up this year – the third annual Olympic themed race was a success. On your marks, get set, go! Teams of two charged off across the park to complete challenges including a blindfolded, stick horse obsta- cle course, the balance beam, badminton, basketball and field hockey. There was a station where they had to organize the five Olympic rings in the correct color order, and each team even had a chance to cut six minutes off of their final check in time by polishing off an Olympic Smoothie – a blended combination of Greek yogurt, Feta cheese, olive juice and green olives. Going home with the bronze with a third place finish was Team Kennor – Sandy Kennedy and Becky (Continued on page 2) Zach Kunz Awarded Local Memorial Scholarship Zach Kunz, son of Ken and Jan Kunz of Stuart, is the recipient of a $500 Krotter Hoffman Christina Kaup Memorial Scholarship offered through the Stuart Community Foundation. While in high school, Zach was involved in music, athletics, National Honor Society, FFA, speech, one acts, and mock trial. Zach will be attending Wayne State College this fall where he will major in Computer Science. Congratulations Zach! August 16, 2012 The Wrangler What’s Happening This Week At Atkinson/Stuart Country Club Friday 8-17 Friday Night League--4:00pm--Husker Room Rehearsal Supper @ 6:00pm, Dining & Lounge Saturday 8-18 St Joseph Golf Tournament & Supper--12:30 tee-off Monday 8-20 Women's League--4:00pm Tuesday 8-21 West Holt Golf--10:00am Board Meeting--8:00pm Wednesday 8-22 Wednesday Night League--4:00pm 7:00pm to 9:00pm--Steaks, serving off menu Thursday 8-23 Pioneer Seeds--5:30 Complete Calendar visit our Web Site www.atkinsonstuartcountryclub.com Haymazing Race—(Continued from page 1) Parkside Manor Silent Auction 2 Avera St. Anthony’s Hospital Report Admissions July 31 Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 4 Aug. 6 Hugh Carr, Amelia Kenneth Martin, Inman Mrs. Daniel Kohle, Stuart Mrs. Patrick Bergman, Orchard Robert Carr, O'Neill Mrs. Dustin Barthel, Ainsworth Patricia Hurlbert, O'Neill Dismissals Aug. 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 4 Carol Murberger, Ewing Lumir Ratkovec, O'Neill Mrs. Daniel Kohle & Daughter, Stuart Hugh Carr, Amelia Robert Carr, O'Neill Mrs. Patrick Bergman & Daughter, Orchard Borer, with a final time of 17:12. Second place and silver medals went to Team Lech – James and Austyn Lech, Various themed baskets are with a final time of 16.18, and gaining currently being displayed at ParkAug. 5 the gold and first place were The Darts side Manor. Bids will be accepted Aug. 6 – Alex Fritz and Ashley Randolph, with through August 20th. Proceeds from a final time of 14:53. Each team was the silent auction will go towards the also required to make a team flag this purchase of a soft serve ice cream year. Award for Best Team Flag was Births machine for the residents. Stop in Team Kennor – Sandy Kennedy and Born to Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kohle and see what we have to offer! Becky Borer. They won movie passes of Stuart, a baby girl on 8/2/12, compliments of the Murphy Theatre in weighing 6lbs., 14½oz., and has been Stuart. Wrangler Office Hours named Kennedie Anna. The other teams that participated 402-925-8564—Please leave a Born to Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bergincluded Pam Winer and Emily Burk; message if I do not answer. I will man of Orchard, a baby girl on Chris and Perry Winer; Megan & Ryan return your call as soon as possible. 8/4/12, weighing 7lbs., 11½oz., and Coffin; Renae Osborne and Carrie has been named Breeya Dawn. Monday-11-3:30PM Holt; Shannon Kellner and Tarra Born to Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Barthel Janzing; Michele Davis and Katie OlTuesday-11-6PM of Ainsworth, a baby girl on 8/6/12, son; Connie Whitlock and Denise weighing 5lbs., 14½oz. Sperling; Sawyer Williams and Evan Laible; Dawsen and Devin Jargensmeier; Doreen and Franklin Fessler; Adam Flannery and Annie When emailing The Wrangler Fischer; Bruce and Shirley Rossman; items for publication please contact John and Mary Flannery; Jake Fareon Sun. Aug. 26th. me if you have not received an well and Brooke Rossman; Jamie Serving from 8 AM - 11 AM Rossman and Riley Chohoan; Rhonda email back by Tuesday morning of Menu is and Kodey Kerkman; Carissa Konrad that week. This will help me not miss Breakfast Casserole, French Toast and Jacqueline Keogh; Deb Liewer items and clear up frustrations of Egg Bake, Muffins , Rolls and Drink and Janelle Wallinger; Mike and Julie things not getting published. Thank Free will offering. Fritz; Aaron Chohon and Emma Larby; you for your cooperation in this Come and enjoy Shannon and Zach Gunter; Ben matter.—Doreen Fessler, Editor Janssen and Ben Slaymaker; and Lukas Laible and Mason Hale. We would like to say a giant Thank You to Yard of the Week all the teams that participated in the Haymazing The residents of the Parkside Assisted Living in Stuart wish to Race 2012, also to our sponsors who donated show their appreciation for all of the hard work the citizens of Stuart do prizes: the Murphy Theatre in Stuart and Don to keep Stuart a beautiful town. They are aware of all of the weeding, and Sandy Holtgrew, but mostly to our fantastic mowing, planting and especially the watering that is family who gave us their time and their weekYARD done during this dry time. To honor the hard working end to help with the race – You guys help us OF THE families of Stuart, the assisted living residents have take the ideas in our heads and bring them to WEEK decided to nominate a “Yard of the Week”. life and we appreciate it! Now it’s back to the (Sorry for the misprint last week.) The “Yard of the drawing board to plan next year’s Haymazing Week” is Kurt and Gina Kramer ’s. Drive by and Race. We can’t wait to see you all there! have a look. Diane Osborne and Becci Martin Christian Mother's Breakfast Reminder August 16, 2012 The Wrangler 3 Classified Ads Stuart Fire Department Has 2 Items For Sale: DON SCHMADER FAMILY “CLEAN OUT THE HOUSE” Sealed bids are being accepted by the Stuart Rural Fire Department on these items. Mail bids to: Stuart Volunteer Fire Department, POB 87, Stuart NE 68780 Bids must be postmarked by 8/24/2012. #1 SKID UNIT Made by Smeal MFG. Co, Snyder NE Model BW250 P9 Serial #87033 250 Gal Water Tank 12 volt electric start, 9 HP, B&S engine Gorman-Rupp pump w/primer Electric rewind hose reel w/100' fire hose 2-1" hose connections w/valves Measures 6' long, 4' wide and 59" tall This slides into a standard pickup box. This skid unit was working when removed and was replaced by a larger unit. #2 ELECTRIC REWIND HOSE REEL 38" wide, 18" diameter Will hold approximately 200' of 1" fire hose 100' hose included This was working when the truck it was on was taken out of service. If you have any questions about either of these items you may contact: Dan Malone @ 402 340-1487 or Randy Jardee @ 402 3405314 We reserve the right to refuse any and all bids. FUNDRAISER GARAGE SALE BAKE SALE PROCEEDS DONATED TO: Stuart Community Foundation Fund Medical Clinic Fund ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, AUGUST 25TH 8:00 AM- 3:00 PM AT THE DON SCHMADERER GARAGE 211 N PARNELL, STUART, NE (½ BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET, BEHIND ENVY) Many, Many Miscellaneous Household items-the garage is-overflowing with great deals! Help Wanted Looking for help in the construction field. Experience preferred but not necessary. Please contact Mike Bock at 402-822-0022 Cell or 402-924-4104 Home Birth Announcement Dan and Jonna Kohle of Stuart, NE, are the proud parents of a daughter, Kennedie Anna, weighing 6 lbs 14 ½ oz, and measuring 18½ inches long. Kennedie was born on August 2, 2012 and is welcomed home by big sister Kemberlyn. Grandparents are Jerry and Regina O’Connor of Kearney, NE and Jim and Linda Kohle of Stuart, NE. Great grandparents are Bill and Doris Kohle of Stuart, NE. Kitchen Items Dishes Tablecloths - linens Furniture – including Oak Secretary and Day Bed Books – large selection for adults and children VHS Videos –large selection for adults and children Toys and Games Decorations - Including many Holiday Items Candles Child’s Bike Ping Pong Table Pictures and frames Little Tikes outside toys WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO HELP YOU PLAN YOUR FUTURE Kaup’s Financial Advisors, Inc., is the oldest and largest investments securities firm in North Central Nebraska offering a large choice of services to meet your need…from financial, retirement and estate planning, to individual stocks, bonds and mutual funds. INSURANCE•INVESTMENTS INCOME TAX PREPARATION RETIREMENT PLANNING ESTATE PLANNING Call today for an appointment. 402-924-3607 or 800-933-3607 KAUP S F I N A N C I A L A D V I S O R S , I N C. 113 Main St.•PO Box 265•Stuart, NE 68780 Securities through VSR Financial Services, Inc.--Member FINRA, SIPC August 16, 2012 The Wrangler 4 Happy Birthday Landfill Hours Stuart Township Library Tuesday—4PM-8PM Thursday—4 PM-8 PM Saturday—4 PM—8 PM Sunday—2 PM—6 PM The landfill will be closed after hours! Monday-2:00 PM. - 5:30 PM Wednesday-2:00 PM - 5:30 PM Friday.-11:00 AM– 5:30 PM Stuart Public School Lunch & Breakfast Menu Breakfast Lunch Monday, August 20 French Toast Sticks, Hot or Cold Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Tuesday, August 21 Smores, Hot or Cold Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Wednesday, August 22 Egg To Go, Hot or Cold Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Thursday August 23 Long Johns, Hot or Cold Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Friday August 24 Breakfast Boats, Hot or Cold Cereal, Toast, Fruit, Juice, Milk Monday, August 20 BBQ Pork on Bun, Baked Beans, F & V Bar, Milk Tuesday, August 21 Orange Chicken, Rice, Green Beans, F & V Bar, Milk Wednesday, 22 Tacos, Peas, F & V Bar, Milk Thursday August 23 Breaded Beef Patty, Smashed Potatoes, Gravy, Corn, F & V Bar, Milk Friday August 24 Chicken Strips, Sweet Potatoes, TT, F & V Bar, Milk Preschool Breakfast Menu Monday, August 20 French Toast Sticks, Peaches or Juice, Milk Tuesday, August 21 Smores, Grapes or Juice, Milk Wednesday, August 22 Thursday August 16 Egg To Go, Banana or Juice, Milk Long Johns, Strawberries or Juice, Milk Friday August 24 Smores, Grapes or Juice, Milk August 11 Don Shearer August 17 Shannon Sis—Tanisha Fahrenholz Justin Estill August 18 Karen Myers—Joan Dobrovlny Ralph Olberding—Jenny Stracke Rose Malone August 19 Ashley Kramer—Zachary Michka Alex Kunz August 20 Michelle Lindbloom Jennifer Schmaderer August 21 Loretta Gill—Kyra Tubbs Alex Jarecke August 22 Brian Olberding—Matt Ramm Teri Michka August 23 Conner Hermsen—Calvin Alder Travis Morrow—Jack Kaup Happy Anniversary August 17 Harvey & Kathy Wewel Brandon & Anita Hanson August 19 Mel & Marge Stracke August 22 Martin & Marilyn Miksch News from stuart’s ChurChes Abundant Grace Assembly of God 7 miles East of Stuart on Hwy 20 Wednesday Adult Bible Study & Girls Club (ages 3-8) @ 6:30 pm Sunday Sunday School—9:45 am Morning Worship Service—10:45 am Children's church—11:15 am St. Boniface Catholic Church Stuart Community Church Mass Time Sunday Morning Services 9:30AM Saturday, August 11—7:00PM Sunday, August 12—10:30AM Office Open-8AM-4PM-Tues. & Wed. Confessions for St. Boniface will be after the 11:15 Masses on Tues., Wed., & Thurs. or by appt. Announcements Aug. 18/19-Missionary here Aug. 21-Parish Council mtg. @7:30 Aug. 23-Ladies Guild @Parkside Aug. 26-Christian Mothers Breakfast Announcements Pastor Wayne Owens will be in Stuart on Tuesday’s. 924-3375 is the Church number or you may call him at home at 925-2250. August 16, 2012 The Wrangler Parkside Manor News July 30-August 4, 2012 Monday morning ber. Exercise was was the time for l:l visits done right before and sensory stimulation, lunch. Diana was with activity staff going here to do hair from room to room visitstyles during the ing with folks. Later, day today. Sevthey met in the living eral residents room for reminisce time went outside at where we talked about noon for a picnic. price comparisons from It was a beautiful 1945 until 1995. We day with not much were really surprised at wind, so it was what we learned, and all really enjoyed by agreed things have the folks who atreally changed. Exertended. The cise was done to the grilled hamburgLloyd and Bettye S. celebrate music tape. The readers with all the the August birthdays ing group finished up the fixings, potato second in a series of “Little House” salad and melon tasted really good books. Every day we have people sitoutside. A good crowd was on hand ting outside. for Thirsty Thursday where we served Evelyn Paxton prayed the Rosary a meat and cheese tray along with all with the residents Tuesday morning. the favorite beverages. This is a fun We were happy to listen to Marjorie time for everyone who attends, as well Bussinger play the piano for the resias the staff. dents this morning also. Bingo, one of Pastor John Ryding was here to our favorite activities, was held in the lead the Protestant church service afternoon. The helpers we had today Friday morning. Elaine Schorn was were Joan Murphy, Judy Schmitz, Punk here to play the organ for the hymns Steinhauser, Alice and Jason Fahrenthat were sung. Several games of Wii holz. The prizes that were won were bowling were played afterwards. We used for social hour. The residents were happy to listen to Marjorie’s pihave been watching the Olympics ano music for a few minutes. Most of whenever they are on. the ladies had their nails freshly polWednesday morning, there was a ished throughout the day. Father Luke group of residents who wanted to spend Steffes was here to celebrate Mass time outside. We were very happy to with the residents and people from the have Tyler Stanley come to play music community. We honored 8 of our resiand sing for us right before lunch. We dents who have August birthdays at enjoyed hearing his music very much, the monthly birthday party this afterand thankful that he wanted to entertain noon. Everyone was happy to have us. Judy was busy in the beauty shop Frank Murphy here to play his keymost of the day. We played a lively board and violin for us after the birthgame of ball toss in the living room, and day party. also a group went out and shucked a Amber Neibauer read the local batch of sweet corn. We have really papers to the residents Saturday, and been enjoying the fresh garden produce also spent some time outside with oththat has been brought in to us. For soers. She was the hostess for the Satcial hour today, the kitchen staff made urday social hour. We had numerous s’mores for social hour in honor of Navisitors in the facility throughout the tional S’mores Day. The regular weekend which makes all of us very Wednesday movie was shown at 4:00. happy. It is great to see everyone. The folks who enjoy movies really look The residents and staff of Parkside forward to this day. Manor and also the Assisted Living A couple of games of cards were wishes to convey our deepest sympaplayed Thursday morning. Later, they thy to the family and friends of Darla studied the states and capitols; it is alElsbury. She will be missed by all of ways fun to see how much we rememus. 5 PARKSIDE MANOR MENU August 20-24, 2012 Monday Roast Beef Dinner, Dinner Roll, Butterscotch Pudding Parfait Tuesday Honey Mustard Pork, Baked Potatoes, Sour Cream, Baked Beans, Bread, 5 Cup Salad Wednesday Meatloaf with Tomato Sauce, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green and Gold Beans, Rice Pudding, Dinner Roll Thursday Crispy Ranch Chicken, Cheesy Broccoli Rice, Bread, Banana Split Dessert Friday Salmon Loaf, Scalloped Potatoes, Squash Casserole, Cornbread, Lime Parfait Square Time to Check & Change Your Filters In Your AC & Furnace!! Stop in today & pick one up today!! Wm. Krotter Company 924-3611 Stuart Locker Stuart Livestock Supply 924-3301 Store Hours Monday-Saturday 8:00AM-6:00PM Your Hometown Grocery Store Custom Butchering & Processing, Cleaning Pick-up, Film Processing, Complete Line of Animal Health Products We accept WIC checks and EBT cards. August 16, 2012 The Wrangler 6 Dedication To Our Service Members Please send cards and letters. They will enjoy hearing from you. Service Members Overseas Hickman, Lynetta L. MACS-4, ATC, DETA, Unit 37215 FPO AP 96603-7215 Marine Lance Corporal is a niece of Glen Revelle Stationed at Okinawa until July Sgt. Markvicka, Casey L. A. Co. 7-101st TF LIFT APO AE 09355 Son-in-Law of Rose Barritt and the late Dan Barritt Lena M. Shearer 2060 Santa Clara Ave, Apt. E Alameda, CA 94501 Lena is the daughter of Don Shearer A2C Revelle, Arik A. 18101 E. Steamboat Ave #186 Aurora, CO 80011 Nephew of Glen Revelle Stationed at Buckley Air Force Base SSgt. Terrance Kaup 1291 Hammerstone, Dr Idaho Falls, ID 83401 S. Sgt. Anthony Shearer 361 Shawnee Ln Superior, CO 80027 Kurtis Campbell 6024 95th PL N.E. Marysville, WA 98270 LCPL Benjamin Cobb VA Medical Center ID-TR One Veterans Drive Minneapolis, MN 55417 Attention!—Anyone with family members in the service please send their address to The Wrangler. Cards and letters from their community and family will cheer them up in this hard time away from home Visit the website for Nebraska Troops www.nebraskatroops.com MAJOR ARTIFACT EXHIBIT IN SEWARD The Nebraska Archaeological Society (NAS) invites the public to attend the Eighth Annual Nebraska Artifact Show to be held on Saturday, August 25th, at the Seward County Fairgrounds in Seward Nebraska. Doors will be open from 9AM until 5PM. Admission is free to the public. Special guest speakers are attending. At 1:30PM, Dr. Brad Logan and Dr. Lauren Ritterbush of Kansas State University will provide an extremely interesting presentation on Late Prehistoric Sites and current research in North Central Kansas. Come and find out about these early sites and the people who created them. We are indeed fortunate to have Drs. Logan & Ritterbush present their findings concerning this period in the archaeological record. Rick & Doris Hamilton of Spirit in the Wind Productions in Stuart, Nebraska will present flint knapping and have native plants and their uses on display. The National Park Service will have a Junior Ranger area for youth and children of all ages to have some hands-on experiences. An atlatl throwing (spear throwing) area will provide additional interest. A tipi representative of those used on the Great Plains will be on loan from Don Strinz Tipi, Inc. of Milford. The tipi will provide an interesting back- drop to the flint knapping and Junior Ranger activities. Archaeologists and Paleontologists will be available for artifact and bone identification. An additional guest speaker, Ms. Kelli Bacon, Preservation Archivist, will give a presentation at 11 am concerning the excavation which occurred earlier this summer at Fort Robinson. The Nebraska State Historical Society led an excavation of Building 14, an adobe officers’ quarters, at Fort Robinson because the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission wants to reconstruct it. Kelli was part of the excavating team and will share some exciting information about this important project. Kelli is also Secretary/Treasurer of the Nebraska Professional Archaeological Association and she will be available throughout the day to help people individually with their questions at the Nebraska State Historical Society (NSHS) and Nebraska Association of Professional Archaeologist (NAPA) booth. Professional Archaeologists from the Nebraska State Historical Society, The Midwest Archaeological Center of the National Park Service, and the University of Nebraska State Museum will be participating along with Paleontologists from the State (Continued on page 7) Country Bake Shoppe 402-924-3820 Garfield St., -Stuart, NE Serving 1 Special Daily with Sandwiches & Salad. Regular Daily Rolls & Donuts, Pies or Cakes by order Wed.-Sat. Keep those Motors & AC’s Running! Small Engine Tune-Up & Repair!! Check out NEW SNAPPER MOWERS WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL and all other Brands & models **will pick up & deliver MYERS REPAIR Stuart, NE 924-3911 Alignments, Car, Truck, Tractor Repair, Tune-ups, oil change, lube, Custom Hydraulic Hoses & AC’s August 16, 2012 The Wrangler 7 You are invited to attend Postmaster Installation Ceremony for Barbara Steskal Postmaster Lindsey Janzing, DVM 402-340-5151 (Call or Text) 87798 Ostrich Lane Atkinson, NE 68713 Grooming Available Email: [email protected] Facebook: Elkhorn Veterinary Clinic 1:00PM on Friday August 17, 2012 Stuart Post Office Refreshments will be served HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Card of Thanks A HUGE thank you to the Stuart Ambulance Crew for responding to my late evening call and getting me to the hospital in such a timely manner, it's greatly appreciated. Also thank you to the doctors and nurses at West Holt Hospital for their excellent care. I'm back home and doing very well. Again… THANKS to all who helped and have sent get well wishes. Lois Skala Artifact Exhibit (Continued from page 6) Museum. This is a wonderful opportunity for attendees to bring in an object or artifact to have it professionally identified and to have their individual questions answered. The NAS President, Mr. Kevin Hammond, stressed this is an educational show, and there will be no buying or selling of artifacts permitted. There will be approximately 100 tables of prehistoric artifacts on display as well as some interesting fossil items. A number of the private artifact collections at this show are considered “world class” in quality and are rarely available for public viewing. There will be artifact exhibits from at least six states and possibly more by show date. There is no charge to exhibit (please contact Mr. Dick Eckles at 402-225-2525 prior to the show). Everyone is invited to attend this educational, fun and free family event, so plan to come and browse the displays and/or listen to the special guest speakers and other experts. Food and refreshments will be available for purchase and proceeds benefit a local youth group. The Show is sponsored by the Nebraska Archaeological Society with funding provided by the Nebraska Humanities Council Nebraska Cultural Endowment; The Union Bank & Trust Co.; The Seward Area Chamber of Commerce; and The Assurity Life Insurance Co. For additional information concerning the show, or if you are interested in displaying your collection or becoming a member of the Nebraska Archaeological Society, please contact Mr. Kevin Hammond (402) 4235700, Mr. Dick Eckles (402) 2252525 or please visit the society web site at: http:// web.nas.googlepages.com Custom Sewing & More 925-8623—925-8564 This Weeks Special John Deere Baby Blanket $39.99 We make various size quilts, do machine quilting, mend, and make scrub uniforms. Call Us For More Details!! August 16, 2012 The Wrangler 8 Darla Elsbury A celebration of life will be held for Darla Elsbury, age 83, of Atkinson, NE, on Thursday, August 16, at 10:30 A.M. at St Joseph's Catholic Church in Atkinson. Visitation, with a prayer service, will be held on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, from 3:00 to 8:00 P.M. at the Seger Funeral Home in Atkinson, NE. Father Luke Steffes will officiate with music by singer Bonnie Krysl and organist Terri Vrooman. Burial will be in St Joseph's Catholic Cemetery at Atkinson. Pallbearers are Darla's grandsons: Bob, Brent, and Kevin Ogden; Joshua Aguirre; Jeremiah, Jacob, Jordan, and Josiah Wondercheck; Jeff Elsbury; Pat and Chris Gentele; Matt Elsbury; Nate and Ian Cambras. Honorary pallbearers are Darla's granddaughters: Nikki Shald; Jennifer Scott; Jasmynn Gilger and Jerica Moorehead; Amy Elsbury; Sarah Klinger; Jessica DeBerg, Chantele Elsbury, and Emily Elsbury. Seger Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Darla was born on February 18, 1929 in Ewing, NE to Ralph and Lily (Dalton) Davis. She and her younger sister Donna attended country school and then boarded at St Mary's Academy in O'Neill, NE. Darla graduated from High School in 1945. After graduation she worked at the telephone company in O'Neill as a switchboard operator. She married Ray Elsbury on May 3, 1950. They made their home in Atkinson, NE, where they raised 8 children. Darla was a member of the Catholic Daughters, St Joseph Altar Society, and the American Legion Auxiliary. She was a Charter Member of the Atkinson Firebelles and also served on the St Joseph School Board. She worked at the Good Samaritan Center for several years, and also worked at Prairie Winds Assisted Living. Darla most enjoyed spending time with her family. She never forgot a birthday, anniversary, or special occasion. She also enjoyed quilting, embroidering, playing Scrabble and solving challenging crossword puzzles. Darla passed away August 11, 2012 at Parkside Manor in Stuart, NE. She is survived by her children: Ellen Ogden and husband Don of Atkinson; Cathy Deitemeyer and husband Rob of O'Neill; Marcia Wondercheck and husband Warren of Atkinson; John Elsbury and wife Sheryl of Atkinson; Raedeen Gentele and husband Dennis of Atkinson; Mark Elsbury and wife Jackie of O'Neill; Will Elsbury and partner Kevin Thohinang of Alexandria, VA; Cheryl Cambras and husband Max of Los Angeles, CA; 23 grandchildren and 32 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; her sister Donna DeBacker; her husband, Raymond; her daughter Caroline and her grandsons Jason Elsbury and Tony Aguirre. Birth Announcement Born to J.P. & Neely Murphy of Kearney, a son, Ryan on July 31st. He weighted 8lbs., 14oz. And joins brother, Carson and sister Lainey. Grand parents are Gale & Cinda Bertrand of Kearney and Connie & Joan Murphy of Stuart. Card of Thanks We would like to thank everyone for the all the lovely cards, notes, phone calls and gifts we received for our 60th wedding anniversary. Where does the time go!? We want to thank our kids for the lovely three days that we were all at our daughter’s in Wayne. It was great to have our kids together. Again thank you all for taking the time to remember us. It meant a great deal to both of us. Jim and Marilyn Hytrek Dr. David S. Spann, D.D.S. Lanay E. Hansmeyer, RDH 255 N. Maple Street P.O. Box 25 Ainsworth, NE 69210 (402) 387-2404 A Friendly Practice Providing Accommodating Family Dental Care Offering Oral/Inhalation Sedation, Digital Imaging & Professional Atmosphere OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00AM-5:00PM The Wrangler August 16, 2012 Atkinson Good Samaritan Society/Prairie Winds News August 5-August 11, 2012 Hello from the Good Samaritan Society Atkinson. The Catholic Communion and Protestant Church Services were held on Sunday morning. In the afternoon we had ice cream and coffee during the Sundae Social. This is a great time for friends and family to visit with the residents. Many residents went out for Roll N Stroll Monday morning. This is an excellent opResidents enjoy the nice weather at Good Saportunity for them to get maritan Society outside and enjoy the weather we have been having. Bible Study with Jean was at 11:00 a.m. The residents are always grateful for her offering her time to speak to them. In the afternoon we had Fun in the Sun. Several children from the community came to play outside where we had sprinklers, water toys, and a slip and slide. This was fun for the residents and the children both and was a beautiful day! Tuesday we started the day off with Coed Exercises and Nuerobics, which is a good time to get out and get some exercise. The residents always enjoy one of their favorite activities Bingo on Tuesday afternoons. There was a big crowd and thank you to the volunteers who help out with this activity. Following Bingo we had Lemonade on the Patio, where many residents came out to enjoy the sunshine. Pastor Randolph was present Wednesday morning to hold Church Services at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel. Reading was offered prior to Lunch, which is a time the residents can gather around and relax while listening in to a good book. Manicures is a popular time for the women to come out and get their nails done and fresh polish applied, they seem to really enjoy each other’s company and have a great time. Several residents came out for Chair Dancing on Thursday morning. They enjoy exercising to the music. What’s in the News was read to keep them up to date and informed in the latest happenings. We had Sam’s General at 2:00 p.m. This is a fun time for the residents to come out and buy certain items. Friday morning Father Luke was present to hold Mass at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel. The Kitchen Crew helped the Dietary Staff out by peeling potatoes for them. We had Baking in the afternoon where they made delicious peanut butter cookies which were enjoyed by the residents and staff. This is always a fun treat that we look forward to on Fridays! Several residents came out for Friday Open Everyday Night at the Movies to enjoy popcorn Tue-Fri—7:30AM-7:00PM and watch “Three Men and a little Lady”. Saturday 7:30AM-7:00PM We are looking forward to another great Sunday 7:30AM-1:00PM week! 9 West Holt Pharmacy Atkinson, NE Stop in today for all your over the counter and prescription needs Use the Drive Thru Window! Order refills online- ask Pharmacy for more information Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sat 9AM-1PM 925-2651 r’s a G → o y Sh Bod p Located 1 mile northwest of Stuart Quality Auto Body Repair & Painting →Glass Repair & Replacement →Towing Available →Insurance Claims Assistance (402) 924-2020 Gary Stoltenberg, Owner Naper Cafe & Lounge 402-832-5272 Sun-Thurs—8AM - 8:30PM Fri.& Sat—8AM - 9:30PM Friday Night Special Smoked Pork Chop August 17, 2012 With Potato, Soup & Salad Bar We Welcome WIC Checks & Food Stamps Quality &Service are #1 Locally owned & operated CHECK OUT OUR MILK CARDS BUY 12 GET 1 FREE ON GALLONS OR ½ GALLONS The Wrangler Susan Straka Independent Beauty Consultant August 16, 2012 10 Foundation Unveils New Website and Foundation Friday Web Episodes 46581 875th Rd. Stuart, Ne 68780 402-340-5155 www.marykay.com/sluebbe [email protected] ATKINSON — West Holt Medical Services Foundation has refreshed its public website giving it a fresh new look and feel while adding more content and making information more easy to find and accessible. Along with the new website, there is a new feature called Foundation Fridays. Foundation Fridays are web episodes that showcase donor stories and the needs of West Holt Medical Services. “The web is ever changing and constantly improving that is why we felt we needed to give a fresh look to our website and to add content, such as, Foundation Fridays, to provide an easy avenue for our community to keep abreast of the exciting events happening at the Foundation. Our most recently released web episode highlights our long time donor Mitchell Equipment,” says Monique Johnson, Foundation Director. Please visit our new website at www.westholtmed.org and click on the Foundation tab. To view our Foundation Friday episodes, click on the Foundation tab and click on the link for “Meet our Donors”. For more, visit www.westholtmed.org and LIKE us on Facebook The mission of the West Holt Medical Services Foundation is to obtain, invest, and distribute funds which will help advance and improve the quality of care in North Central Nebraska provided by West Holt Medical Services. Music Festival Saturday, August 18th ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET INC. “The Old Reliable” www.atkinsonlivestock.com Phone 402-925-5141/Cell 340-1821-Mike MIKE and DIANE TASLER, Owners ATKINSON, NEBRASKA Don’t Forget To Renew Your Subscription to The Wrangler $14.00—Regular $10.00—College Student Runs from August to May At Basketball Court on Main Street Featuring the band Findings Grilling Hamburgers & Hot Dogs at 6:00PM Music Starts at 7:00PM Free Will Offering Everyone Welcome Sponsored by Stuart Community Men’s Council The Wrangler August 16, 2012 ATKINSON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FUND ANNOUNCES FIRST BIG GIVE ATKINSON EVENT Atkinson, Neb. – Today, the Atkinson Community Foundation Fund and Atkinson Mayor Dave Fredrick announced the first-ever Big Give Atkinson 24 hour giving event to be held on Thursday, November 1 and Friday, November 2. They encourage all Atkinson residents and others Atkinson fans to contribute to local nonprofits on that day. The need for funding has never been greater as our nonprofits are stretched to meet current needs and carry out their work. The Atkinson Community Foundation Fund will offer an incentive for gifts made during the Big Give Atkinson event—a $500 prize will be given to the nonprofit with the most donors during the Big Give Atkinson event. “The Big Give is an amazing opportunity for us to come together and show how big hearted our community is,” said Monique Johnson, Chair of the Big Give Atkinson, Vice President of the Atkinson Community Foundation Fund, and the West Holt Medical Services Foundation Executive Director. “Our local nonprofits deserve our support for all they do to strengthen our community.” Designed to promote philanthropy in Atkinson, the Big Give Atkinson event will be 24 hours of online giving and other traditional means of giving such as mailing a check to the nonprofit or by stopping at the Giving Station set up specifically for the event in Atkinson. This event allows nonprofits to share their stories, attract new donors and raise substantial funds that will improve the community. “The Big Give Atkinson event offers nonprofits a remarkable platform to inspire and attract donors to support their causes,” Mayor Dave Fredrick said. “I urge our community organizations whether you are a 501c3 charitable nonprofit or other type of organization that provides services or funding for the betterment of our community to get involved in the Big Give Atkinson and share your stories with the community. I am confident this day will show the pride and compassion our residents have for our town and the nonprofits that enrich it.” All local nonprofits are encouraged to register for the Big Give Atkinson event by calling Monique Johnson at 402-925-1956. The definition of a Charitable Nonprofits is a nonprofit with an IRS 501c3 status. Donations to a charitable nonprofit are tax-deductible. The definition of an organization is an organized group of individuals that are not incorporated as a 501c3 but have been in existence in Atkinson for over one year and has provided services or funding for the betterment of our community. Donations to an organization are NOT taxdeductible. 11 Mid America Land & Realty If you are looking at selling or buying real estate in the Holt, Rock, Brown or Boyd Counties CALL TODAY! NEW LISTING!!! 206 S. Carberry St. Atkinson, NE Check out this home today! This nice cozy home has a great location near the hospital and the downtown area. It has 1224 sq. ft. which includes 2 bedrooms, 1 full bath, kitchen and living room area with wood flooring. It has a gas furnace and central air. The roof and circuit breakers were updated within last 2 years. It also includes a 528 sq. ft. detached garage that includes a former living area that would make a great workshop. This house includes a stove, refrigeration and washer/dryer. Call today to set up a time to view! For more details please call: Stacey J. Dexter, Salesperson Ph.# 402-340-2990 Stuart, NE MALR, PO Box 111, Ainsworth, NE 69210 April Good, Broker Please check out our website at www.midamrealty.com Nonprofits will receive help to create online giving pages for their organization and will receive training and tools to help publicize the event. The first training session will be held on August 22 at 7:00pm at The West Holt Memorial Hospital in the conference room. You must pre-register to attend by contacting Monique Johnson at 402-925-1956. Stuart Stock Car Races 60th Consecutive Year Stuart Park—Stuart, Nebraska August 19, 2012 Sponsored by Stuart Fertilizer Stuart Concrete 7:00PM August 16, 2012 The Wrangler 12 West Nile Virus Season Continues As the 2012 West Nile Virus season continues, Nebraska has had three positive human cases. In 2011 there were 29 human cases of West Nile Virus in Nebraska and no deaths, which was a decrease from the previous year 2010 when there were 39 human cases and two deaths. North Central District Health Department will continue to conduct West Nile Virus surveillance through October 2012. The surveillance includes mosquito trapping and collecting dead birds to send in for testing. Trapping mosquitoes provides knowledge of West Nile positive mosquitoes showing us areas where West Nile Virus is present. Fifteen counties in Nebraska have mosquitoes that have tested positive for West Nile Virus. In the North Central District Health Department region Holt County has had two positive mosquito pools for West Nile Virus and Cherry County has had one positive mosquito pool. North Central District Health Department will be accepting reports and collecting dead birds. All species of birds are being collected this year in order to quicker determine if West Nile Virus is in our area. If you find a dead bird, and the bird is in good condition and has been dead less than 24 hours, please double bag the bird in plastic, freeze it, and then call North Central District Health Department at 877-336-2406 or 402-336-2406 immediately. All reports of dead birds are sent to Nebraska Health and Human Services System. Reports of dead birds help to identify areas in Nebraska where West Nile Virus activity is prevalent. Most people who are infected by a mosquito have no symptoms or only mild flu-like symptoms. Less than one out of 150 people who get bitten by an infected mosquito and become infected will get seriously ill. However, people over 50 and those with weakened immune systems are especially vulnerable to the disease and are more likely to experience (Continued on page 13) Deadline for Wrangler Deadline for submission for The Wrangler will be Monday at 3PM. NO EXCEPTIONS. Publication is available Wednesday morning. Reminder: If I am not at the office and you do not want to leave your item in the drop box, you can always leave it at the city office. Thank you in your cooperation. Thank you. Doreen Fessler Story Hour-The Atkinson Public Library’s last week of story hour featured “Night Shivers’! There were forty-eight children that came in to make monster puppets for Craft Day on Monday, and thirty-three children watched “Monsters, Inc.” for Movie Day on Tuesday. On Thursday, Beth Laible, Bonnie Lech, Heather Slaymaker, Rachel Lech and Judy Hagan entertained sixty-seven children and thirteen adults reading stories about monsters under the bed, scary monsters, not-soscary monsters, and how to scare monsters away! They sang songs, drew monsters, and concluded with “The Monster Mash”!—Article reprinted with permission from the Atkinson Graphic. Article in July 19th issue. August 16, 2012 The Wrangler West Nile—(Continued from page 12) serious consequences. Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk, so try to limit your exposure during these times. Ways to reduce your chances of being bitten by a mosquito and contracting West Nile Virus include the following: * Applying mosquito repellent containing DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus; Wearing long-sleeved shirts, pants and socks; Avoid going out at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active; and Eliminating standing water to reduce mosquito breeding sites. Here is a list of precautions to follow when using DEET: A product that contains DEET and sunscreen is NOT recom mended. Avoid spraying in enclosed areas; do not use DEET near food. Apply DEET sparingly on ex posed skin; do not use under clothing. Do not use DEET over cuts, wounds or irritated skin. Wash treated skin with soap and water after returning indoors; wash treated clothing. Store out of reach of children, and read all instructions on the label before applying. Do not allow children to apply DEET. Do not use DEET on the hands of young children; avoid applying to areas around the eyes and mouth. Do not apply directly on children. Apply to your own hands, and then put it on the child. Red Cross Blood Drive ♂The Atkinson Red Cross Blood Drive will be held at the Atkinson Community Center on Wednesday, August 22, 2012 between the hours of 11:00AM and 5:00PM. To make your appointment to give blood call Gaylene Mitchell at 925-5934 or Belinda Asher at 925-5657. This year our firefighters have shown what a difference volunteering can make. It’s up to the rest of us to show what we can do as volunteers. The goal for this blood drive is 89. The employees of the Good Samaritan Center and the Parkside Manor in Stuart will be competing for a “Gallon Challenge.” Let’s see if we can exceed the goal. 13 If you think a child is having a reaction to a product containing DEET, wash the treated area immediately; contact your health care provider or local poison control center at 1-800-2221222. You can eliminate mosquito breeding sites on your property by: Emptying wading pools when not in use. Getting rid of old tires, cans, bottles, jars, buckets, drums, and other containers that are outdoors. Repairing leaky pipes, outside faucets, and move air conditioner hoses frequently. Eliminating puddles created by lawn watering or rainfall. Changing water and scrubbing vases and bird baths twice a week. For more information on West Nile Virus call Ryan at North Central District Health Department at 1-877336-2406 or visit the DHHS Web site at http://dhhs.ne.gov/publichealth/ Pages/wnv.aspx. North Central District Health Department serves Antelope, Boyd, Brown, Cherry, Holt, Keya Paha, Knox, Pierce, and Rock Counties. Stuart Recycling Center HOURS – Wednesday 12 PM – 4 PM Saturday -12 PM – 4 PM Please prepare recyclables as follows: 1. NEWSPAPERS ONLY 2. Cardboard: Boxes must be cut and flattened 3. Plastics – sorted as follows: A) regular plastics B) colored plastics C) milk jugs (plastics may include containers from food, beverages, soap, liquor, milk, lotion, detergent, shampoo and medicine bottles, etc.) 4. Aluminum cans (beverage cans or pet food cans) 5. Tin cans rinsed, labels removed and flattened (food cans, coffee cans, etc.) Please have all recyclables clean and sorted before you bring them in. This will help make this project a success. Thanks for your cooperation. NOTE: NO LONGER ACCEPTING - Magazines, catalogs, office paper, computer paper copier paper, envelopes, homework and scratch pads The Pit Stop Stuart, NE—924-3491 Sun.-Thurs. 6AM-10PM Fri. & Sat. 6AM-11PM Happy Hour Every Monday-Friday 3:30PM-5:30PM ½ Price Pop Back To School Special Wednesday-Friday-Aug. 15-17 Students that mention this ad will receive a free small bag of popcorn. August 16, 2012 The Wrangler The Wrangler Doreen Fessler, Editor P.O. Box 88 Stuart, NE. 68780 14 Presorted U.S. Postage PAID Stuart, NE. 68780 Permit No. 3 The top line of the Address Label is the date your ‘donation’ expires. Please check the date so you don’t miss an issue!! Donations to receive The Wrangler by mail are $14.00 per year. College student rate is $10.00 and will be mailed only from August to May. Payments may be mailed to: The Wrangler, PO Box 88, Stuart, NE 68780. Completed articles may be mailed to the above P.O. Box, dropped off at the Drop Box at 203 N. Main St. in Stuart, or taken to the City Office. The office phone number for The Wrangler is (402)-925-8564. This is my cell number. The fax number is 402-924-3647 E - mail address:wrangler@ elkhorn.net. If no answer please leave message. Deadline for publication is Monday at at 3PM with Publication available on Wednesday morning. Thank you. For Sale Are you or your loved one getting the special attention and quality care that you or they deserve? Parkside Manor has just what you need. Please come visit us to see what we have to offer. 2007 Trailblazer LS 4/4 Silver 4/DR—Loaded-Very Clean 2006 Trailblazer 4/DR SPT UTIL Very Nice-Clean Silver Check our prices on Tires-lots of brands & sizes Oil-cases, gallons, 5 gallons 30 gallons, & 55 gallons Stuart West O'Neill · -402-336-4720 “QUALITY COMES FIRST” •PAINTING •GLASS REPAIR JERRY & SUSAN MYERS 402-924-0900——402-340-5498 508 E. 1st Street • P.O. Box 185 •Stuart, NE 68780 Batteries & Parts Give us a call for your next service job and other repairs. Cobb Motors The Picture Show JM Collision Center 924-3951 or 924-3901 August 10-12, 2012 Total Recall Rated PG13 Thought for the Week All Shows Times Are In 3D August 17-23, 2012 My life is a song only I can sing Sun-Thurs. 8:00 pm-One Show 2 Shows Friday-Saturday 7:00 and 9:30 pm Friday, August 17—7PM & 9:30PM Saturday, August 18-7PM & 9:30PM Sunday, August 19—2PM& 5PM - Krissy Lanni Total Recall Rated PG13 Admission Prices 2D—12 &Under-$5 & Adults-$7
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