Euro Fair Statistics 2008 PDF
Euro Fair Statistics 2008 PDF
Euro Fair Statistics Euro Fair Statistics Audited Key Figures of Trade Fairs and Exhibitions in Europe Austria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Facts about Euro Fair Statistics 4 Hungary Introduction 5 Italy UFI message 6 Moldova Definitions 8 Norway Location of the events 11 Poland Event data by city 12 Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Ukraine FACTS ABOUT EURO FAIR STATISTICS The 2008 edition contains the audited statistics of 2,195 trade fairs and exhibitions from the following 20 countries: Austria 28 Croatia 23 Czech Republic 81 Denmark 5 Finland 97 France 615 Germany 291 Hungary 29 Italy 184 Moldova 1 Norway 2 Poland 222 Portugal 47 Romania 4 Russia 87 Serbia 1 Slovak Republic Spain 36 341 Sweden 68 Ukraine 33 4 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 At these events a total of 655,964 exhibitors, 53.8 million visitors and 25.6 million square metres of rented space were registered. 42% of the fairs and exhibitions were addressed to trade visitors, 38% to private visitors and 20% to both target groups. UFI estimates that the total net space annually rented in Europe is approximately 53.0 million square meters. The audited trade fairs present in this report therefore represent almost half (48%) of the European trade fair market. INTRODUCTION Trade fairs and exhibitions play a vital role in today’s business world. It is therefore of fundamental importance that customers have access to reliable exhibition data. Auditing exhibition statistics provides the most consistent means of measuring return on investment. This report includes the data provided by the 11 bodies mentioned on the right who guarantee that the events contained in this report have been audited according to the definitions outlined on the following pages. Further information is available by contacting each auditing body directly (contact details are provided on page 7). Sergei Alexeev President of Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs Raffaele Cercola Chairman Italian Exhibition and Trade Fair Association Matthias Limbeck President of FKM-Austria Leo Potkonen Chairman of the Finnish Union of Trade Fair Organizers Hans Standar President of SFC, Denmark, Norway, Sweden Pedro Aleixo Dias BDO bdc & Associates, Portugal José Antonio Vicente President of AFE, Spain Thierry Hesse President of OJS, France Michael von Zitzewitz President of FKM, Germany Thomas Jermiin Director of the Danish Audit Bureau of Exhibitions and Fairs Boguslaw Zalewski Chairman of the Board of Directors CENTREX, Hungary Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 5 UFI MESSAGE UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, is now responsible for producing this report which was originally initiated by FKM (Germany). However, the data presented in this report remains the sole responsibility of each respective body. UFI’s goal is to develop this report in the future both in terms of geographical scope and contents (adding, for example, the industry sector and the name of the auditor). Due to the different levels of development and global diversity, methods may vary slightly from one country to another. UFI continues to play an important role in developing a basic minimum standard for the industry (including the publication and implementation of “UFI’s Auditing Rules”). Auditing should be done in a consistent manner to make figures comparable, enabling exhibition organizers to manage exhibitor expectations in terms of attendees from one country to another and providing exhibitors and visitors with accurate information. In addition, UFI has developed its own “UFI Approved Event” label for international events. This label can only be issued and maintained with a regular audit of the event. UFI is the association of the world’s leading tradeshow organisers and exhibition centre operators, as well as the 45 major national and international exhibition associations, and selected partners of the exhibition industry. UFI’s main goal is to represent, promote and support its members and the exhibition industry worldwide. By promoting the unique characteristics of trade fairs, UFI: • Provides an efficient networking platform where professionals of the exhibition industry can exchange ideas and experiences; • Promotes trade fairs and exhibitions globally as a unique marketing and communications tool; • Provides its members with valuable studies and research regarding all aspects of the exhibition industry; • Offers educational opportunities and a variety of professional seminars; and • Deals with issues of common interest to its members through regular meetings of its regional chapters and thematic working groups. UFI represents 538 member organisations in 82 countries around the world. 843 of its members’ exhibitions have earned the UFI Approved Event quality label. If you have any questions or comments, please contact [email protected]. Paris, February 2010 6 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Vincent Gérard UFI Managing Director UFI Headquarters 35bis rue Jouffroy-d’Abbans 75017 Paris, France (33) 1 42 67 99 12 THE FIGURES LISTED IN THIS REPORT HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY: AEFI – Associazione Esposizioni e Fiere italiane Via Emilia, 155 47921 Rimini, Italy Phone: +39 (0541) 744 229, Fax: +39 (0541) 744 512 e-mail: [email protected] CENTREX – International Exhibition Statistics Union Albertirsai út 10. H-1101 Budapest, Hungary Phone/Fax: +36 (1) 26 36 368 e-mail: [email protected] Scandinavian Fair Control (SFC) Slottsgatan 14 55322 Jönköping, Sweden Phone: +46 (36) 71 53 56, Fax: +46 (36) 71 27 26 e-mail: [email protected] AFE - Spanish Trade Fair Association C./. Albadalejo, 4/Bajo, Oficina 28 E-28037 Madrid, Spain Phone: +34 9 15 62 10 22, Fax: +34 9 15 64 42 73 e-mail: [email protected] FUTFO – Finnish Union of Trade Fair Organizers c/o Jyväskylä Fair Ltd P.O. Box 127 40101 Jyväskylä, Finland Phone: +358 14 334 0000, Fax: +358 14 610 272 e-mail: [email protected] Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics (FKM) Littenstrasse 9 D-10179 Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 (30) 2 40 00-0, Fax: +49 (30) 2 40 00-3 40 e-mail: [email protected] Association for Voluntary Control of Fair Statistics (FKM-Austria) Messeplatz 1 A-1021 Vienna, Austria Phone: +43 (1) 72 72 00, Fax: +43 (1) 72 72 04 43 e-mail: [email protected] OJS – Fairs & Exhibitions Statistics Association (France) 11, Rue Friant F-75014 Paris, France Phone: +33 (1) 53 90 20 07, Fax: +33 (1) 53 90 20 19 e-mail: [email protected] The Danish Audit Bureau of Exhibitions and Fairs Badstuestraede 20 DK-1209 Copenhagen K, Denmark Phone: +45 33 12 38 10, Fax: +45 33 91 08 10 e-mail: [email protected] BDO bdc & Associates Avenida da Republica 50–10° P-1069-211 Lisbon, Portugal Phone: +351 2 17 99 04 20, Fax: +351 2 17 99 04 39 e-mail: [email protected] Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF) 13, Sovnarkomovskaya St., GSP-1080, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia Phone: +7 (8312) 77 56 80, Fax: +7 (8312) 77 56 95 e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 7 DEFINITIONS AFE – Spanish Trade Fair Association (Spain) BDO bdc & Associates (Portugal) Space The amount of exhibition space let is divided into hall areas and open-air areas, and is also differentiated between Spanish and foreign exhibitors. Special shows include stands, displays and demonstrations which deal with the general concept, or specific themes, of an exhibition but are independent of the exhibitors. Gross exhibition space comprises the net exhibition space and the related gangways and service areas. Space Obligatorily, the hall space must be distinguished from the open-air space, always using square meter (m2) as the unit of measure. Rented space should still be decomposed into national and foreign exhibitions. Surfaces granted free of charge and/or supporting activities – restaurants, conferences, shows, circulations and parking should not be considered in the statistics. Exhibitors Direct exhibitors: Exhibitors occupying their own stands who receive bills from the exhibition organiser which are settled directly. Indirect exhibitors (or firms represented): Exhibitors which do not have own stands, but present products on directexhibitor stands. In the case of group or collective participation, the different exhibitors are considered direct where they occupy an area of at least 9 m2. Exhibitors occupying a space of less than 9 m2 are considered indirect. Exhibitors Obligatorily, the exhibitors should be separated into direct and indirect exhibitors. These should also be subdivided between national and foreign. An exhibitor is considered direct if he occupies an area rented by himself for the display of his products or services. If a representative presents his products in modules of a direct exhibitor, he is classified as an indirect exhibitor (represented firm). In the particular case of the occupied area by the indirect exhibitor being of 9 m2 at least, the latter will be considered as direct. The localization of the exhibitor’s office determines his classification as national of foreign. Visitors Identified visitors: At the entrance of the exhibition these visitors must show a card or numbered slip showing their identification. The number of these visitors is determined according to the number of completed cards or slips. Season tickets are counted once, irrespective of the number of times used. The number of visitors buying their tickets on entry to the exhibition corresponds to the number of tickets sold with proof of the corresponding receipt. 8 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Visitors A distinction between national and foreign visitors must be made. Foreign visitors should be identified through registration and control of their personal identification cards showing their address. Non-identified and non-controlled visitors admitted free of charge should not be considered in the statistics as well as, for example, those bearing press cards and, in general, all those bearing administration passes. CENTREX (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic & Ukraine) Space The rented space is divided up in hall space and open-air space which is rented and paid for by exhibitors. The total space data also includes the special demonstration area. Exhibitors An exhibitor with his own stand (direct exhibitor) is one who occupies a stand for his company receives the bill from the exhibition organiser and settles it directly. A represented firm (indirect exhibitor) is one who does not have a stand of his own, but presents his products on a stand of a direct exhibitor. Coexhibitors at an exhibitor’s stand or participants at a collective stand are also considered as exhibitors for statistical purposes if they exhibit their own goods employing their own personnel on the exhibitor’s stand or at a common stand organised by a collective stand organiser and their autonomy can be undoubtedly recognized even without physical separation. These companies are considered as exhibitors regardless that the invoice is being issued on the exhibitor or on a collective stand organiser. The nature of the participation and the identity of each exhibitor at the stand should be very clear from the application form sent to the exhibition organizer. Visitors The number of visitors is calculated on evidence. The number of paying visitors is established through financial evidence: number of sold tickets (prepaid or on the spot) and number of tickets/ entry passes paid by the exhibitor or a third party. Visitors with paid passes for a given period are calculated on the basis of a financially reasonable minimum number of uses of the pass. 4 visitors are counted for each family ticket sold. For persons arriving with vouchers, registration cards or similar valid free passes, tickets can be counted as visitors only if evidence is available. The number of foreign visitors is established either by tickets sold at special counters for foreigners, filled in-registration cards with evidence of the foreign origin of the visitor or through representative visitor surveys. DEFINITIONS DO (Denmark) FUTFO (Finland) SFC (Denmark, Norway & Sweden) Space The total rented space of an event refers to the area used by and paid for by the exhibitors. A distinction is made between hall space and open air space. Areas given free of charge to exhibitors are not counted. Exhibitors An exhibitor with his own stand (direct exhibitor) is one who has obtained a contract for an exhibition stand in its entirety, or who uses a specified, clearly delineated portion of an exhibition stand using his own personnel to promote goods or services. A represented firm (indirect exhibitor) is one whose products or services are offered through a direct exhibitor. The number of exhibitors with their own stands may not be added to the number of represented firms, except when evident. Visitors The number of visitors is the sum of paid entries, invitation cards used, and other used tickets which can have been obtained by conference visitors who have had access to the trade fair grounds. A visitor who visits a trade fair over a period of many days is counted once a day. Exhibitor, press, service and personnel cards and passes are not counted. FKM (Germany, Serbia and some events in Italy & Russia) Note: The specific events audited by FKM in Italy and Russia will be identified as “audited by FKM” Space The rented stand space is broken down according to hall space and outdoor exhibition space, as well as according to space rented by domestic or foreign exhibitors. Stands, display panels and demonstrations, which deal with the theme of an event comprehensively or specific aspects of it, independent of exhibitors, are treated as special shows. Net exhibition space consists of the rented stand space and space for special shows. Gross exhibition space consists of the net space plus the corresponding access and service areas. Exhibitors Companies or organizations, which offer goods or services via their own personnel from their own separate rented space, are counted as exhibitors. Additionally represented firms are companies whose goods or services are offered by another exhibitor. The number of exhibitors may not include the figures for additionally represented firms. Visitors Beginning from 2001, the visitor figures are calculated according to the number of entries to the trade fair centre. The number of entries per day can, on the one hand, be determined by an electronic visitor admission system, whereby a maximum of one entry is registered per day. Organizers which do not use such a system, can calculate the number of visitors according to the number of day tickets sold and the minimum use of multiple-day tickets sold; it is assumed that such tickets are used at least as often as is economically worthwhile in comparison to the day ticket. Basis for establishing the number of visitors can also be a registration, irrespective of whether an entrance fee has to be paid or not. In such cases, the number of entries can be determined by a visitors-admissionsystem or – if an entrance fee has to be paid – by the minimal use of the tickets sold. FKM-Austria (Austria & Croatia) Space The total rented space of an event is based on the amount of space rented by the individual exhibitors. The amount of rented space is divided into hall areas and open-air areas, and is also differentiated between domestic and foreign exhibitors. Exhibitors Exhibitor figures are compiled from the number of companies who have rented an individual stand and who use their own personnel to promote goods or services. Represented firms are companies whose goods or services are offered by another exhibitor. The number of exhibitors may not be added to the number of represented firms. Visitors The number of visitors is based on the amount of entrance tickets sold or is based on an electronic registration system. One entrance per visitor per day is counted. Visitors buying a multiple entrance ticket can use the ticket on several days during the show (counting of entry is based on the ticket price – if the ticket costs 20 % more than the one day ticket, two visitors are counted). Complimentary tickets, exhibitor tickets, press tickets etc. have not been taken into consideration. Free entrance tickets are counted if based on an electronic registration system and the registration includes the full address of the visitor. Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 9 DEFINITIONS ISF - Istituto di certificazione dati Statistici Fieristici (Italy) Note: In Italy, the specific events audited by FKM will be identified as “audited by FKM”; the ones audited by ISF (Istituto di certificazione dati Statistici Fieristici) will be identified as “audited by ISF”; the data for all the others events are provided by the Conference of Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces. Space The rented space of a fair is the area effectively occupied by the exhibitors, invoiced and paid at the official price. The space is divided up in hall space and open-air space and in area rented by Italian and foreign exhibitors. Areas given free of charge to private exhibitors are not counted. Exhibitors An exhibitor with his own stand (direct exhibitor) is one who occupies a stand for his company, receives the invoice and pays it. Exhibitor figures are divided up in Italian and foreign exhibitors. A represented firm (indirect exhibitor) does not have a stand of his own, but is present in the stand of a direct exhibitor. He cannot be considered, if he does not pay the official fee for the participation Visitors Any person entering a trade fair presenting a ticket or a card proving payment of the entrance fee, or an invitation card with a control slip is considered as a visitor. Visitors admitted free of charge are counted only, if they give elements for their qualification and identification. Foreign visitors are counted only, if their identification is possible. Honorary cards, exhibitor, press and service cards and passes are not counted. Permanent access cards are counted only once. 10 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 OJS (France) Space The given figures refer to area (booth space) occupied by exhibitors and co-exhibitors whether it is paid or unpaid. It corresponds to the number of square meters effectively occupied. It does not include in this case the area used for features in relation with the theme of the exhibition. Exhibitors and co-exhibitors The main exhibitor is the entity contracting directly with the organizer and presents its products/services with its own personnel. Co-exhibitor is the entity which presents its products/services on the main exhibitor’s stand under his trade mark with its own personal. Visitors Any person entering the fair / trade show during its official opening hours who presents at control access either a ticket, or a card proving payment on the entrance fee or an invitation card with a numbered control slip is considered as visitor. A journalist is counted as visitor. Visitors exclude the staff of exhibitors, exhibition centres, services providers and organizers’ staff. An additional visit, to be verified as made on a different day from the first visit is considered as a re-visit. The visitor whose address is located in another European or third country is considered as foreign visitor. The figures listed in the Euro Fair Statistics brochure concern the number of total visits: “visitors entries” is the total number of visitors admissions at the fair / trade show during its official opening hours. RUEF - Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (Russia & Moldova) Space The total rented space includes both hall space and open-air space rented by the exhibitors. The rented space is divided into national and foreign in accordance with the exhibitor classification. Exhibitors The exhibitor figures include those companies who rented on any terms (paid or free of charge) an individual stand for the full period of an exhibition and who used their own or employed personnel to promote goods and services. Exhibitors are considered as being both main and co-exhibitors. A represented company is one who does not have a stand of his own personnel but whose goods and services are demonstrated by an exhibitor. The number of exhibitors may not be added to the number of represented firms. Visitors Visitor figures are determined by an electronic or a non-electronic visitor control, as well as by a number of paid entry tickets and individual invitations collected at the entrance. Speakers and participants of complimentary events (seminars, conferences, congresses etc.) can be taken into consideration if they were registered at the entrance and visited the exhibition event. Honorary cards, administration personnel, exhibitors and press cards are not counted. LOCATIONS OF EVENTS Sweden Finland Norway Russia Denmark Poland Germany Czech Republic Ukraine Slovakia France Austria Croatia Moldova Hungary Romania Serbia Italy Portugal Spain Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 11 CITIES WITH EVENTS IN 2008, BY COUNTRY Austria Graz........................................................... 41 Innsbruck.................................................. 44 Klagenfurt.................................................. 50 Ried............................................................ 92 Salzburg.................................................... 95 Wels......................................................... 111 Wien......................................................... 111 Croatia Zagreb..................................................... 112 Czech Republic Brno........................................................... 24 Ceské Budejovice..................................... 28 Ostrava...................................................... 75 Prague....................................................... 90 Denmark Copenhagen.............................................. 31 Fredericia.................................................. 37 Finland Helsinki...................................................... 42 Jyväskylä.................................................. 46 Lahti........................................................... 53 Oulu........................................................... 75 Pori............................................................ 87 Riihimäki................................................... 92 Rovaniemi................................................. 94 Tampere................................................... 101 Tornio....................................................... 102 Turku........................................................ 105 Vaasa....................................................... 105 France Agen........................................................... 13 Albi............................................................. 13 Alençon..................................................... 13 Amiens...................................................... 13 Andelnans................................................. 14 Angers....................................................... 14 Angoulème................................................ 14 Arles.......................................................... 15 Arras.......................................................... 15 Aurillac...................................................... 15 Autun......................................................... 15 Auxerre...................................................... 16 Avignon..................................................... 16 Besançon.................................................. 18 Biarritz....................................................... 19 Bordeaux................................................... 21 Bourg en Bresse....................................... 22 Bourges..................................................... 22 Brest.......................................................... 23 12 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Brignoles................................................... 24 Brives........................................................ 24 Caen........................................................... 27 Cannes...................................................... 28 Castres...................................................... 28 Cergy-Pontoise......................................... 28 Chalon sur Saone..................................... 29 Chalons en Champagne........................... 29 Chambery.................................................. 29 Chartres..................................................... 29 Chateaubriand.......................................... 30 Cherbourg................................................. 30 Clermont.................................................... 30 Colmar....................................................... 31 Deauville.................................................... 31 Dijon........................................................... 32 Douai.......................................................... 32 Gap............................................................ 38 Grenoble.................................................... 41 La Ciotat.................................................... 52 La Roche................................................... 52 La Rochelles............................................. 52 Laval.......................................................... 53 Le Havre.................................................... 54 Le Mans..................................................... 54 Lille............................................................ 55 Limoges..................................................... 56 Lons Le Saunier....................................... 58 Lorient....................................................... 58 Lyon........................................................... 59 Macon........................................................ 60 Marcq en Barœul...................................... 63 Marseille.................................................... 63 Metz............................................................ 64 Montluçon................................................. 67 Montpellier................................................ 67 Moulins...................................................... 70 Mulhouse................................................... 70 Nancy......................................................... 71 Nantes....................................................... 71 Neufchateau.............................................. 72 Nevers....................................................... 72 Nice............................................................ 72 Nîmes......................................................... 73 Niort........................................................... 73 Orange....................................................... 74 Orléans...................................................... 74 Oyonnax.................................................... 76 Paris........................................................... 77 Pau............................................................. 86 Périgueux.................................................. 86 Poitiers...................................................... 86 Quimper..................................................... 91 Reims......................................................... 91 Rennes...................................................... 91 Romans..................................................... 93 Rouen........................................................ 94 Saint-Brieuc.............................................. 94 Saint-Étienne............................................. 94 Saint-Malo................................................. 94 Sainte-Clotilde - La Réunion.................... 94 Saintes....................................................... 96 Strasbourg................................................ 98 Tarbes...................................................... 102 Toulouse.................................................. 103 Tours........................................................ 104 Troyes...................................................... 104 Valence.................................................... 105 Vannes..................................................... 107 Vertou...................................................... 108 Vichy........................................................ 109 Vierzon..................................................... 109 Germany Ansbach.................................................... 14 Angsburg................................................... 15 Bad Salzuflen............................................ 16 Bayreuth.................................................... 17 Berlin......................................................... 18 Braunschweig........................................... 23 Bremen...................................................... 23 Chemnitz................................................... 30 Darmstadt.................................................. 31 Dortmund.................................................. 32 Dresden..................................................... 33 Düsseldorf................................................. 33 Erfurt.......................................................... 35 Essen......................................................... 35 Feuchtwangen.......................................... 36 Frankfurt/Main........................................... 37 Freiburg..................................................... 38 Friedrichshafen........................................ 38 Hamburg.................................................... 41 Hannover................................................... 42 Hofheim-Wallau........................................ 44 Husum....................................................... 44 Idar-Oberstein........................................... 44 Karlsruhe................................................... 46 Kassel........................................................ 46 Kempten.................................................... 47 Köln............................................................ 51 Leipzig....................................................... 54 Lörrach...................................................... 58 Magdeburg................................................ 62 Mainz.......................................................... 62 Mannheim.................................................. 63 München.................................................... 70 Münster...................................................... 71 Nürnberg................................................... 73 Offenbach.................................................. 74 Offenburg.................................................. 74 Passau....................................................... 86 Pirmasens................................................. 86 Rosenheim................................................ 93 Rostock..................................................... 93 Schmallenberg.......................................... 96 Schweinfurt............................................... 96 Stuttgart..................................................... 98 Villingen-Schwenningen........................ 109 Wächtersbach......................................... 110 Hungary Budapest................................................... 26 Debrecen................................................... 31 Italy Alba............................................................ 13 Ancona...................................................... 14 Arezzo........................................................ 14 Bari............................................................ 17 Bergamo.................................................... 18 Bologna..................................................... 19 Bolzano...................................................... 21 Brescia...................................................... 23 Cagliari...................................................... 27 Cernobbio.................................................. 28 Cesena....................................................... 28 Cremona.................................................... 31 Ferrara....................................................... 36 Firenze....................................................... 36 Foggia........................................................ 37 Genova...................................................... 39 Jesolo........................................................ 45 Longarone................................................. 57 Marina di Carrara...................................... 63 Milano........................................................ 64 Milano-Rho Pero....................................... 65 Modena...................................................... 67 Montichiari................................................ 67 Padova....................................................... 76 Parma........................................................ 85 Piacenza.................................................... 86 Pordenone................................................. 87 Rimini......................................................... 92 Riva del Garda.......................................... 93 Torino....................................................... 102 Trieste...................................................... 104 Valenza.................................................... 107 Venezia.................................................... 107 Verdun..................................................... 107 Verona..................................................... 108 Vicenza.................................................... 109 Moldova Chisinau.................................................... 30 Norway Oslo........................................................... 75 Poland Bielsko Biala............................................. 19 Bydgoszcz................................................. 27 Gdansk...................................................... 38 Gdynia....................................................... 39 Katowice.................................................... 47 Kielce......................................................... 47 Krakow...................................................... 51 Leszno-Wilkowice..................................... 55 Lodz........................................................... 57 Lublin......................................................... 58 Poznan....................................................... 88 Szczecin.................................................. 100 Torun........................................................ 103 Tuchola.................................................... 105 Warsaw.................................................... 110 Wroclaw................................................... 112 Portugal Braga......................................................... 22 Lisbon........................................................ 56 Porto.......................................................... 87 Romania Arad........................................................... 14 Bucharest.................................................. 25 Clu-Napoca................................................ 31 Russia Ekaterinburg............................................. 34 Kazan......................................................... 47 Khanty-Mansiysk...................................... 47 Krasnoyarsk.............................................. 52 Moscow..................................................... 68 Rostov-on-Don.......................................... 93 Samara...................................................... 95 Sochi.......................................................... 96 St. Petersburg........................................... 96 Surgut...................................................... 100 Serbia Belgrad...................................................... 17 Slovak Republic Bratislava.................................................. 22 Nitra........................................................... 73 Trencin..................................................... 104 Spain A. Coroña.................................................. 13 Aguedulce................................................. 13 Albacete.................................................... 13 Armilla....................................................... 15 Badajoz...................................................... 16 Barbastro.................................................. 16 Barcelona.................................................. 16 Bilbao......................................................... 19 Cadiz.......................................................... 27 Cornella..................................................... 31 Elche.......................................................... 34 Ferrol......................................................... 36 Gijon.......................................................... 39 Girona........................................................ 39 Jaen........................................................... 44 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria................... 53 Lleida......................................................... 56 Lugo........................................................... 59 Madrid........................................................ 60 Mahon........................................................ 62 Malaga....................................................... 62 Mollerussa................................................. 67 Ourense..................................................... 76 Palma de Mallorca.................................... 76 Reus........................................................... 92 Santa Cruz de Tenerife............................. 95 Santander.................................................. 95 Sevilla........................................................ 96 Silleda........................................................ 96 Talavera................................................... 101 Teruel....................................................... 102 Torre Pacheco......................................... 102 Valencia................................................... 106 Valladolid................................................. 107 Vigo.......................................................... 109 Villagarcia de Arousa............................. 109 Zaragoza.................................................. 113 Sweden Gothenburg............................................... 40 Jönköping................................................. 45 Malmö........................................................ 63 Stockholm................................................. 97 Sundsvall................................................ 100 Umea........................................................ 105 Uhraine Kiev............................................................ 49 Lviv............................................................ 59 1 4 FOIRE EXPOSITION D'AGEN 1 9 8 694 3 437 0 5 257 HABITAT DECO JARDIN - AGEN 1 3 3 295 3 295 0 JOURNEES BIEN ETRE - AGEN 1 4 794 794 SIFEL FRANCE - International exhibition for the technical means of the fruit and vegetable industry 1 3 7 956 Expo Agro-Almeria-XXIV 1 3 FERIAL-XVIII 1 Automóvil-IV Salón Del Automóvil IV Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign A Coruña (E) MOVE 16 20 19 T/P 1 384 0 0 173 0 0 0 P 36 661 0 0 0 137 0 0 0 P 9 636 0 0 0 0 109 0 0 0 P 6 869 6 522 505 1 434 149 388 56 0 0 T 15 132 6 361 6 361 581 9 196 24 208 63 T 428 4 6 638 6 638 1 176 P 2 609 2 4 7 992 7 692 1 42 P 5 466 1 16 3 000 2 500 1 100 Antigua 1 3 478 478 1 18 P Comerci@ 1 3 1 628 1 628 1 49 P Expovicaman 1 4 21 572 2 140 7 342 1 93 Ferimotor 1 4 10 127 6 277 3 850 1 23 Naturocio 2 3 948 948 32 2 32 1 48 1 10 10 304 4 671 0 5 633 0 0 218 0 0 1 6 10 825 6 792 60 4 033 0 238 3 ANTIQUAIRES - AMIENS 1 4 1 094 1 094 24 0 0 1 65 FOIRE EXPOSITION - AMIENS 1 9 10 376 5 299 144 5 077 0 6 HABITA ET PAPILLES - AMIENS 1 3 1 829 1 829 0 0 0 0 Agen (F) 325 Aguadulce (E) 300 Alba (I) Fiera Internazionale del Tartufo Bianco d'Alba 0 500 0 30 0 0 P Albacete (E) 31 2 335 T/P 6 711 P 6 664 T/P 1 673 0 P 33 627 0 0 P 26 309 2 0 0 P 3 108 262 7 0 0 P 35 586 121 0 0 0 P 4 240 Albi (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - ALBI Alençon (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - ALENCON Amiens (F) Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 13 Exhibitors Visitors NOCIMA (SALON DU MARIAGE) - AMIENS 1 2 618 618 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 P 1 335 SALONS CE AMIENS 1 1 470 470 26 0 0 1 56 3 9 3 T 538 1 3 4 837 4 837 914 5 191 8 25 14 T/P 4 917 1 5 1 596 1 596 0 0 0 0 102 0 0 0 P 10 010 ANTIQUAIRES - ANGERS 1 4 2 205 2 205 36 0 0 94 1 0 0 P 5 404 BROC ET PUCES DES PAYS DE LA LOIRE 1 2 3 268 3 109 0 159 0 189 0 0 0 P 7 573 EVENEMENT FRUITS ET LEGUMES 1 2 804 804 9 0 0 65 1 0 0 T 1 819 FOIRE EXPOSITION - ANGERS 1 9 23 442 10 931 328 12 511 10 17 468 22 0 0 P 86 658 HABITAT - IMMOBILIER ANGERS 1 4 8 588 7 338 0 1 250 0 0 330 0 0 0 P 26 297 MAISON BOIS - ANGERS 1 4 5 631 5 631 375 0 0 9 278 27 0 0 T 22 752 SIVAL ANGERS - A trade fair for equipment and technology for the wine-growing, horticultural, arboriculture and vegetable-growing sectors 1 3 14 075 14 075 687 0 0 9 512 37 0 0 T 21 559 VEGETAL - Les Visites Vertes, the buyer's cicuit 1 3 12 402 12 402 3 150 0 0 14 622 163 0 0 T 15 913 486 VINS DE LOIRE - The Loire Valley Wine Fair 1 3 6 292 6 292 0 0 0 0 599 0 0 0 T 9 119 1 158 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - ANGERS 1 3 1 006 1 006 0 0 0 0 98 0 0 0 P 9 880 1 4 15 168 2 953 0 12 215 0 0 204 0 0 0 P 16 417 2 5 3 408 2 241 18 1 167 48 2 276 3 7 P 37 712 Agromalim 1 4 10 724 1 511 638 8 713 302 7 245 68 63 63 T/P 7 614 Transport-Ar 1 4 14 185 1 718 262 9 727 927 7 132 25 92 92 T/P 6 601 1 4 6 058 6 058 74 438 7 T 4 116 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008EVENTS EVENTS BY CITY 2008 BY CITY Total Foreign Ancona (I) 68th International FISHING Fair 169 Andelnans (F) FOIRE AUX VINS DE FRANCE - OENOLOGIE GASTRONOMIE - ANDELNANS Angers (F) 0 2 Angouleme (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - ANGOULEME Ansbach (G) KONTAKTA Arad (RO) Arezzo (I) OROAREZZO 14 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 986 Exhibitors Visitors ECORISMO - ARLES 1 2 1 366 1 227 0 139 0 9 108 0 0 0 P 2 348 PROVENCE PRESTIGE - ARLES 1 6 1 394 1 394 0 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 P 29 123 Belmoda-VI 1 3 2 081 2 081 1 87 T/P 2 610 Concab-IX 1 4 4 431 1 234 1 47 T/P 10 350 Feria General de Muestras-XXX 1 9 5 327 4 016 1 125 T/P 8 333 Fórmate-II Salón Andaluz de la Formación para el Empleo 1 3 1 259 1 123 1 34 T/P Juveandalus 2008 1 14 6 674 2 424 2 275 1 8 P 34 540 Oleosur 2008-MAC 2008 2 4 2 738 1 998 740 1 58 T/P 2 796 Salud y Belleza-III 1 3 2 075 2 075 1 78 T/P 1 218 AUTO / MOTO- ARRAS - Cars exhibitions 1 3 4 030 4 030 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 P 8 391 FOIRE COMMERCIALE D' ARRAS - Arras multi branch fair 1 5 3 068 2 142 0 926 0 0 130 0 0 0 P 11 704 IMMOBILIER ET HABITAT - ARRAS 1 3 1 899 1 899 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 P 4 638 MARIAGE - ARRAS - Wedding ans familials events exhibitions 1 3 1 094 1 094 27 0 0 1 82 2 0 0 P 4 942 TERROIRS ET SAVEURS- ARRAS 1 3 2 039 2 039 9 0 0 1 156 1 0 0 P 9 822 afa Augsburg Spring Exhibiton 1 9 16 857 15 771 485 1 086 4 468 16 24 P 81 022 Americana 2 5 7 686 7 148 1 309 538 12 191 42 P 35 695 GrindTec 2 4 11 565 11 565 3 110 24 338 125 T 11 069 RENEXPO 1 4 6 189 4 916 1 022 1 273 416 16 302 49 T/P 13 907 1 9 7 205 2 515 0 4 690 0 0 126 0 0 0 P 17 539 1 4 923 903 0 20 0 0 68 0 0 0 P 2 652 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Arles (F) 17 Armilla (E) 1 311 4 Arras (F) Augsburg (G) 80 2 657 Aurillac (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - AURILLAC Autun (F) HABITAT ET IMMOBILIER - AUTUN Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 15 Exhibitors Visitors 1 5 2 549 1 947 0 602 0 0 110 0 0 0 P 10 192 FOIRE PRINTEMPS- AVIGNON 1 9 18 952 10 531 0 8 421 0 0 426 0 0 0 P 46 222 ID CREATIVES - AVIGNON 1 4 374 374 8 0 0 1 49 2 0 0 P 6 810 LES RDV DE LA MAISON INDIVIDUELLE 1 3 632 632 0 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 P 3 801 KMO - Plastics Processing Fair 1 4 6 603 6 603 431 7 216 20 T 4 137 124 ZOW - Furniture Components 1 4 21 535 21 535 10 709 33 717 374 52 30 T 21 645 9 092 FECIEX-Feria de la Caza, Pesca y Naturaleza Ibérica 1 4 4 711 2 588 722 2 93 39 1 1 T/P 9 216 FEHISPOR Feria Hispano FEHISPORHispano-Portuguesa Portuguesa 1 4 4 349 3 917 1 540 2 116 50 3 T/P 4 610 HOGAR- Feria Hispano-Portuguesa del Hogar 1 4 3 962 2 974 1 284 2 76 32 T/P 3 505 IBEROCIO-Feria de la Infancia y la Juventud 1 5 3 560 90 18 2 5 1 P 33 586 MAYORES-Feria de los Mayores de Extremadura 1 4 5 425 856 32 2 21 2 P VENTA DIRECTA- Feria Hispano-Portuguesa de Venta Directa al Consumidor 1 3 996 996 150 2 38 6 Ferma 1 4 6 800 873 9 2 101 1 Ferma Gourmet 1 4 274 274 75 2 26 7 IFB Motor 1 3 2 018 892 1 8 P Salonovios 1 3 439 439 1 35 P 938 Alimentaria Barcelona 2 5 116 215 108 213 13 114 69 1 403 273 T 157 632 Antiquaris Barcelona 1 9 4 515 4 427 509 5 95 12 P 22 233 Avante 2 3 4 655 3 315 147 7 100 7 BNF 1 3 2 537 2 121 88 4 61 Caravaning 1 9 31 747 30 973 929 8 103 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008EVENTS EVENTS BY CITY 2008 BY CITY Total Foreign Auxerre (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - AUXERRE Avignon (F) Bad Salzuflen (G) Badajoz (E) 2 1 T/P 1 619 P 5 019 Barbastro (E) 5 927 1 126 2 T/P included in Ferma Barcelona (E) 16 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 487 2 780 92 769 T/P 784 4 T/P 5 964 16 T/P 22 887 33 418 111 Exhibitors Visitors Equiplast 3 5 19 640 18 987 5 162 17 286 104 T 161 Estudia 1 5 6 949 6 635 33 3 150 2 P 41 328 Eurosurfas 3 5 4 885 4 830 1 026 11 124 41 89 86 T 50 Expoaviga 2 4 11 649 9 324 1 130 17 182 39 44 26 T 9 651 Expodidàctica 2 3 3 500 3 260 320 13 167 22 T 869 Expohogar Otoño 1 4 8 339 7 738 516 11 147 21 T 6 959 126 Expohogar Primavera 1 4 13 324 12 224 771 11 219 26 T 10 554 250 Expominer 1 3 886 708 267 16 130 57 P 11 073 111 Expoquimia 3 5 38 717 38 441 2 535 19 660 92 T 679 Festival de la Infància 1 9 14 587 13 422 4 2 67 1 P 47 660 Futura 1 2 1 101 1 101 24 3 56 2 P 1 889 Hostelco 2 5 60 123 55 253 8 407 19 940 212 T 1 689 Instalmat 2 4 6 520 5 887 316 6 171 14 T 281 Liber 1 3 6 272 6 272 554 16 260 16 T 3 434 Motoh! Bcn 2 5 23 374 22 080 2 067 15 241 53 T/P 38 806 Ocasión 1 10 9 414 9 414 1 20 P 6 030 Salón del Turismo 1 4 15 776 12 863 1 389 2 788 170 21 239 54 T/P 17 066 Salón Náutico 1 9 100 155 49 006 11 061 4 137 1 120 20 587 125 T/P 118 566 BI-MU MEDITERRANEA Macchine Utensili Robot Automazione 2 4 6 885 6 885 224 145 3 119 70 T/P Costruire - Edil Levante 2 4 14 847 9 656 204 5 191 235 6 48 10 T 12 295 72° Fiera del Levante - Campionaria Internazionale 1 9 56 149 42 945 3 294 13 204 32 102 791 137 49 8 T/P 938 293 2 9 7 250 5 417 115 1 833 68 5 259 10 7 P 36 352 1 2 1 252 1 252 704 20 85 66 1 T 3 000 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign 1 165 1 922 321 1 294 from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 981 627 Bari (I) 29 see note see note note: audited by ISF Bayreuth (G) Oberfranken-Ausstellung - Reg. Consumer Exh. Belgrad (RS) INTERGEO East 1 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 17 1 3 7 000 7 000 600 Art Forum 1 4 5 944 5 944 2 849 bautec/Build IT/Solar Energy 2 5 16 236 16 236 belektro 2 3 9 811 FRUIT LOGISTICA 1 3 Import Shop 1 InnoTrans Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Bergamo (I) SHOW WAY 2008 - Enterteinment Professional Tech. Exh. 62 15 26 163 957 18 9 811 140 47 387 47 387 5 6 150 2 4 International Green Week 1 ITB - Travel trade show 103 82 T/P 6 783 547 75 P 28 833 7 093 719 58 T 53 926 2 966 6 229 6 T 15 580 125 39 186 68 2 115 1 864 T 50 430 35 755 6 150 3 025 57 530 277 P 42 184 1 055 67 972 61 740 30 342 41 1 914 987 T 88 330 33 124 10 49 776 49 776 14 701 52 1 571 601 P 424 502 9 339 1 5 92 383 91 916 61 079 181 7 599 5 955 T/P 149 776 34 748 Moderner Staat - Public Administration 1 2 3 149 3 149 33 3 213 2 T 3 620 40 PostPrint / directexpo 1 3 2 628 2 628 32 12 160 14 T 1 757 ANTIQUAIRES - BESANCON 1 4 939 939 12 0 0 1 49 1 0 0 P 6 159 BROCANTE DE NOEL - BESANCON 1 2 3 474 3 474 36 0 0 2 174 2 1 0 P 5 358 BROCANTE DE PRINTEMPS 1 2 3 459 3 459 54 0 0 2 173 3 0 0 P 5 224 EVASION - BESANCON 2 2 2 598 2 598 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 P 6 783 FOIRE EXPOSITION - BESANCON 1 9 22 296 9 797 219 12 499 170 12 492 14 0 0 P 122 153 FRANCHE COMTE, TERRE D'AROMES 1 3 5 500 5 485 1 200 15 0 1 35 1 0 0 P 8 726 HABITAT DECO & JARDINS - BESANCON 1 3 6 594 6 594 57 0 0 3 275 3 24 0 P 20 727 IMMOPOLIS- BESANCON 1 3 531 531 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 P 2 523 MARIEE - BESANCON 1 3 759 759 3 0 0 1 75 1 0 0 P 5 728 MICRONORA - International microtechnology and high precision trade fair 2 4 9 315 9 315 3 445 0 0 17 579 217 0 0 T 14 881 VINS DE FRANCE - BESANCON 1 3 750 750 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 P 5 563 Berlin (G) 6 232 467 2 046 150 4 984 3 995 Besançon (F) 18 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 1 700 Exhibitors Visitors ANTIQUAIRES - BIARRITZ 1 5 1 402 1 402 28 0 0 1 65 1 0 0 P 4 429 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - BIARRITZ 1 3 459 459 0 0 0 0 73 0 0 0 P 2 523 1 3 17 934 10 706 963 6 175 90 20 581 47 93 93 T 870 Biemh 2 6 57 093 57 093 6 832 22 784 137 734 680 T 57 553 3 530 Bisuteria 1 3 1 401 1 249 105 5 48 5 T 1 697 10 Construlan 2 4 10 056 10 056 495 9 242 16 T 15 612 326 Creamoda 1 4 2 567 1 331 46 2 79 5 T Desembalaje (1ª Ed.) 1 2 5 240 5 240 760 4 123 16 P 2 320 Desembalaje j (2ª ( Ed.)) 1 2 4 400 4 400 600 4 102 12 P 3 915 Expoconsumo 1 4 4 505 4 505 142 4 67 8 P Exponatur 1 3 8 338 4 984 80 3 77 6 P 4 199 Expovacaciones 1 4 9 780 9 780 251 10 229 23 T 19 195 11 Fosminer 1 3 527 527 95 8 73 19 P Geo 2 2 4 4 435 4 435 100 6 142 6 T 3 869 381 Nagusi 1 4 8 187 7 252 1 60 P P.I.N. 1 23 28 787 21 023 1 47 P 91 615 ARTE FIERA - INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY ART SHOW 1 5 15 539 15 539 4 179 P 32 652 0 CERSAIE - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF BUILDING INDUSTRY CERAMICS AND BATHROOM DESIGN 1 5 96 245 90 260 16 114 5 985 COSMOPROF - INTERNATIONAL PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS EXHIBITION 1 5 88 689 82 187 28 426 6 502 DESIGN ON BOARD - BOAT DESIGN 1 4 1 478 1 478 EIMA - INTERNATIONAL FARM MACHINERY SHOW 2 5 103 180 103 180 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Biarritz (F) Bielsko Biala (PL) ENERGETAB International Power Industry Fair Bilbao (E) 174 297 17 9 included in Expovaciones included in Expovaciones Bologna (I) 269 69 1 500 1 018 211 29 15 T/P 83 875 25 675 1 030 2 128 1 249 64 18 T/P 150 853 39 221 16 77 1 3 T 20 033 0 19 252 1 635 436 T/P 140 682 22 509 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 19 EXPOSANITA' - INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND HEALTHCARE EXHIBITION 2 4 25 247 25 095 3 561 INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S BOOK FAIR 1 4 17 414 17 414 LAMIERA - WASHING MACHINERY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT FOE METAL SHEET, TUBIING, SECTIONS AND FRAMEWORK; MOULDS, WELDING, HEAT TREATMENTS, SURFACE FINISHES AND TREATMENTS 2 4 27 632 LINEAPELLE I ed - ITALIAN FASHIONWEAR PREVIEW SHOW 1 3 LINEAPELLE II ed - ITALIAN FASHIONWEAR PREVIEW SHOW 1 MOTOR SHOW Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign Total Foreign Total Foreign 116 293 241 T 28 488 1 353 14 582 860 773 246 235 T 18 391 8 230 27 632 1 767 417 38 148 120 T/P 18 670 1 472 46 330 46 330 8 683 1 124 315 122 52 T 22 381 9 274 4 45 818 45 818 8 537 1 100 308 113 52 T 23 029 9 525 1 9 57 270 54 338 40 735 175 62 20 3 T/P 1 000 259 50 PROGETTI E PAESAGGI - PROJECT AND LANDSCAPE 1 4 144 144 0 23 Q QUADRUM SACA - EXHIBITION OF TYPE BARS,, FRAMES, ACCESSORIES, PRINTING TECHNOLOGY AND GRAPHICS 1 4 10 567 10 567 6 185 239 119 7 6 SAIE - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PREFABRICATED BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 1 5 113 348 70 073 8 991 43 275 1 384 170 282 162 SAIE SPRING - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PREFABRICATED BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 1 4 12 660 12 380 1 180 280 266 30 18 SANA - INTERNATIONAL HEALTHFOOD, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT EXHIBITION 1 4 16 214 16 214 789 455 35 SIMAC - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY 1 4 11 802 11 802 1 286 202 TAN-EXPO FUNERAL AND CEMETERY ARTICLES 2 3 11 061 11 061 918 TANNING - TECH INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF MACHINERY AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE TANNING INDUSTRY 1 4 6 203 6 203 415 20 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 2 932 50 Total Represented firms 659 note: audited by ISF 152 Foreign from … countries Total Visitors Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 856 8 251 17 T T included in Design on board 7 381 2 655 T/P 129 550 5 468 6 T 17 603 1 014 521 36 T/P 65 447 4 301 40 13 4 T 4 289 1 710 185 33 23 11 T 15 635 1 979 97 14 15 3 T included in SIMAC see note Exhibitors Visitors ALPITEC 2 3 3 575 3 575 1 353 122 67 12 3 T 8 793 ARREDO 2 5 9 014 9 014 929 178 30 36 9 P 25 629 BIOLIFE 1 3 2 301 2 301 610 176 6 11 3 P 6 807 FIERA D'AUTUNNO 1 6 12 087 10 892 1 211 285 59 32 10 P 48 411 HOTEL 1 4 12 003 12 003 1 542 345 87 128 25 T 15 921 INTERPOMA 2 3 8 117 8 117 1 301 226 65 56 10 T 11 157 KLIMAENERGY 1 3 4 229 4 229 774 155 48 21 12 T 4 588 KLIMAHOUSE 1 4 11 870 11 870 3 266 357 141 70 30 T/P 40 992 PROWINTER 1 3 4 837 4 837 1 177 169 57 27 13 T SPORTITALY 1 3 5 080 5 080 160 114 11 33 26 T 3 072 TEMPO LIBERO 1 4 11 674 10 142 744 248 41 43 2 P 41 449 VIATEC 2 3 3 448 3 448 158 113 29 32 13 T 1 942 ATIP'EXPO BORDEAUX - Pulp and paper industry trade show 2 3 729 729 132 0 0 5 43 7 0 0 T 778 CADEAUX A P'ART BORDEAUX 1 3 675 675 112 0 0 1 91 1 0 0 P 8 853 CONFOREXPO 1 12 52 138 49 196 1 987 2 942 0 13 925 20 903 437 P 121 598 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - BORDEAUX international fair 1 12 89 872 32 896 4 787 56 976 13 278 36 1 257 205 0 0 P 225 771 FORUM DE L'INVESTISSEMENT - BORDEAUX 1 2 269 269 12 0 0 1 24 1 0 0 P 1 145 JUMPING L'EXPO - BORDEAUX 1 3 1 404 1 404 0 0 0 0 68 0 0 0 P 18 659 MAHANA BORDEAUX - A trade fair to take you everywhere 1 3 1 048 1 048 144 0 0 3 74 6 0 0 P 13 170 SALONS CE BORDEAUX 1 1 2 1 048 1 048 0 0 0 0 102 0 0 0 T 1 075 SALONS CE BORDEAUX 2 1 2 509 509 12 0 0 1 68 2 7 0 T 605 VINITECH - international trade exhibition of winegrowing, viticultural equipment, bottling and packaging 2 3 33 900 33 900 6 984 0 0 16 628 138 200 103 T 28 603 VINS DES VIGNERONS INDEPENDANTS BORDEAUX - Wine trade of winemakers 1 3 1 499 1 499 0 0 0 0 248 0 0 0 P 17 570 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Bolzano (I) 1 195 1 532 80 40 included in Alpitec Bordeaux (F) 36 3 899 3 863 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 21 Exhibitors Visitors FOIRE EXPOSITION - BOURG-EN-BRESSE 1 9 10 446 10 446 0 0 0 0 236 0 0 0 P 39 923 VOYANCE - BOURG EN BRESSE 1 9 65 65 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 P 1 129 1 10 13 820 3 712 9 10 108 0 1 278 1 0 0 P AGRO - International Trade Fair for Agriculture, Cattle Breeding and Food 1 5 8 678 3 295 126 5 383 0 2 134 4 107 78 T/P 27 167 22 CONSTRUNOR - International Trade Exhibition for Machinery & Building Materials 2 4 2 205 2 205 18 0 0 1 42 1 10 7 T/P 3 757 97 FEIRA DO LIVRO - Book Fair 1 16 1 727 1 727 0 0 0 0 38 0 137 12 T/P LARMÓVEL - Trade exhibition for furniture, interior decoration and household appliances 1 9 1 584 1 584 0 0 0 1 28 1 9 4 T/P 8 251 55 SALÃO DE UTILIDADES - Utility Goods Show 1 5 225 225 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 T/P included in AGRO SALÃO DO VINHO - Wine Show 1 5 99 99 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 T/P included in AGRO AUTOSALON, AUTOSERVIS 1 6 19 402 17 710 1 071 1 292 300 7 140 19 0 0 T/P 85 682 BIBLIOTEKA, PEDAGOGIKA, ART 1 4 2 429 1 614 367 0 0 9 109 28 0 0 T/P 31 281 BIOSTYL, ESOTERIKA 1 3 1 520 677 159 0 0 2 85 26 0 0 T/P BRATISLAVA COLLECTORS DAYS 1 2 1 508 1 508 603 0 0 17 163 82 0 0 T/P 1 636 CHRISTMAS DAYS 1 17 3 701 3 532 150 62 10 8 320 15 0 0 T/P 76 067 CONECO, RACIOENERGIA, CLIMATHERM, CONECOINVEST, SLOVREALINVEST 1 5 24 436 17 328 4 542 3 888 831 13 695 230 0 0 T/P 61 880 CSIL, CAR PLAST 1 3 1 080 1 056 153 24 0 7 61 18 0 0 T/P included in Autosalón DANUBIUS GASTRO, EXPOSHOP AND GASTROPACK 1 4 8 889 7 089 1 603 0 0 9 286 85 0 0 T/P included in ITF Slovakiatour EXPOREKLAMA, SIGN SLOVAKIA, OFFICE 1 4 1 348 938 211 0 0 4 49 13 0 0 T/P 2 459 IDEB 1 3 18 489 7 329 3 558 3 160 755 28 245 174 0 0 T/P 7 618 INDUSTRY EXPO 1 3 2 858 2 064 447 12 0 6 108 27 0 0 T/P 1 569 INTERBEAUTY 1 3 4 133 2 601 391 12 0 8 165 39 0 0 T/P 14 793 ITF SLOVAKIATOUR, HUNTING AND LEISURE 1 4 9 950 7 145 1 297 34 0 29 293 58 0 0 T/P 34 751 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Bourg en Bresse (F) Bourges (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - BOURGES free entry Braga (P) Bratislava (SK) 22 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 included in Interbeauty Exhibitors Visitors LEDERMODE Autumn 1 3 1 072 964 155 0 0 2 44 10 0 0 T/P 414 LEDERMODE Spring 1 3 1 079 995 313 0 0 3 44 13 0 0 T/P 881 MODDOM, TZB, LUXDOM, TECHDOM, CLEANTECH 1 5 9 327 8 215 1 472 202 10 9 245 52 0 0 T/P 21 669 MOTOCYKEL, BOAT SHOW 1 4 7 709 6 671 393 38 14 8 102 21 0 0 T/P 23 152 SLOVAK DENTAL DAYS 1 3 1 514 1 514 179 0 0 8 68 11 0 0 T/P SLOVMEDICA, NON-HANDICAP 1 3 1 380 876 216 4 0 3 69 15 0 0 T/P SPORT, FISHING AND LEISURE TIME 1 4 1 425 1 247 317 0 0 7 39 13 0 0 T/P included in Motocykel WATCHES AND JEWELS 1 3 1 684 1 556 464 0 0 11 79 31 0 0 T/P included in Bibliotéka 1 9 9 853 7 475 290 2 378 7 349 10 P 59 589 Bremen Classic Motorshow 1 3 12 314 12 314 1 179 12 435 50 P 29 978 CARAVAN 1 3 9 473 9 473 21 3 78 2 P 16 445 fish international 2 3 6 033 6 033 1 715 40 383 188 T 10 980 1 534 INTERGEO 1 3 11 987 11 818 2 464 29 472 139 T 13 936 2 787 outdoor / fahrrad.markt.zukunft 1 2 2 850 2 850 128 5 133 6 P 9 430 Reiselust 1 3 2 605 2 605 345 12 190 27 P 15 250 549 waste to energy 2 2 1 639 1 639 297 7 105 22 T 1 140 253 575 306 T/P 34 987 0 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 4 633 Braunschweig (G) BRAUNSCHWEIG MESSE - Reg. Consumer Exhibition Bremen (G) 169 15 4 2 1 769 see note see note note: Visitor attendance determined by a representative poll in the combination of CARAVAN/Reiselust. Recurring names were permitted Brescia (I) EXA - Recraetional firearms and weaponry exh. 1 4 7 940 7 940 621 AUTOMOBILE - BREST 1 4 5 389 5 069 0 320 0 0 23 0 0 0 P 5 316 AZIMUT 1 3 2 547 2 547 0 0 0 0 217 0 0 0 P 21 057 CREATIVA - BREST 1 4 911 911 112 0 0 4 82 8 0 0 P 12 888 HABITAT EXPO - BREST 1 4 5 365 5 365 0 0 0 0 226 0 0 0 P 20 166 HABITAT EXPO - PRINTEMPS - BREST 1 3 4 456 4 456 0 0 0 0 184 0 0 0 P 10 656 see note note: audited by ISF Brest (F) Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 23 Exhibitors Visitors SVL - BREST 1 4 6 308 6 308 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 P 2 756 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - BREST 1 3 1 224 1 224 0 0 0 0 117 0 0 0 P 8 247 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - BREST 1 4 4 069 4 069 0 0 0 0 378 0 0 0 P 44 171 1 9 12 314 3 624 234 8 690 0 1 266 26 0 0 P 45 252 1 3 402 402 0 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 P 3 076 ANIMAL VETEX 2 5 3 878 1 876 60 177 40 4 77 3 4 4 T/P AUTOTEC 2 5 72 583 36 233 4 526 11 750 878 26 592 196 12 6 T/P boat Brno 1 4 3 814 3 188 321 80 0 6 70 8 2 0 T/P Building Center EDEN 3000 1 5 795 580 0 5 215 0 1 229 0 0 0 P Caravaning Brno 1 all year round 4 6 826 5 760 400 186 0 5 41 7 3 1 T/P CHRISTMAS MARKET 1 10 6 936 3 814 177 137 0 5 286 11 67 8 P COSMETICS 1 2 2 392 689 78 0 0 6 45 7 9 0 T/P included in STYL I. EnviBrno 1 3 827 807 63 0 0 7 68 8 1 0 T included in VodovodyKanalizace Fishing 1 5 3 142 2 542 77 0 0 4 108 7 0 0 P included in MOBITEX FOND-EX 2 4 3 116 3 081 528 0 0 17 184 74 3 3 T included in WELDING GO 1 4 4 966 3 896 492 570 0 18 301 49 52 12 T/P 35 185 1 030 IBF 1 5 53 080 23 187 2 776 29 773 1 932 21 826 158 29 13 T/P 95 381 5 215 IMT 2 5 19 984 18 979 3 499 1 005 99 21 518 260 39 34 T included in MSV INTECO 2 4 5 078 3 878 171 0 0 7 110 9 3 2 T/P included in SALIMA INTERKAMERA 1 4 852 347 0 0 0 1 22 0 2 0 T/P included in INVEX/DIGITEX INTERPROTEC 2 4 1 536 1 512 614 24 0 11 86 36 5 2 T included in PYROS/ISET INVEX / DIGITEX 1 4 13 805 7 796 328 526 0 14 181 31 8 1 T/P 55 572 KABO I. 1 3 4 085 3 687 944 0 0 11 149 46 3 2 T/P included in STYL I. KABO II. 1 3 4 076 3 899 858 0 0 13 158 48 3 3 T/P included in STYL II. Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Brignoles (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - BRIGNOLES - Brignoles multi branch fair Brive (F) FÊTE DES VINS DE FRANCE - BRIVE Brno (CZ) 24 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 included in TECHAGRO 62 735 2 169 included in SPORT LIFE 134 255 included in SPORT LIFE 61 011 0 2 403 Exhibitors Visitors MBK 2 4 3 671 3 671 227 0 0 4 95 13 10 5 T/P included in SALIMA MEDICAL FAIR 1 4 10 555 6 841 498 814 0 18 321 52 188 137 T/P 17 857 1 641 MOBITEX 1 5 10 409 10 172 612 237 0 13 204 35 12 2 T/P 65 595 2 082 MODELS Brno 1 4 5 782 1 082 2 0 0 2 25 1 1 1 P MSV 1 5 46 578 36 172 6 741 6 181 801 28 1 401 393 50 40 T 97 482 9 784 OPTA 1 3 5 144 4 694 554 0 0 11 106 28 116 115 T 6 548 1 315 PLASTEX 2 4 3 021 3 021 948 0 0 19 184 77 12 7 T included in WELDING POVODNĚ 1 3 2 556 0 0 2 556 951 4 24 3 1 0 T included in VodovodyKanalizace ProDítě 1 5 3 813 3 113 121 0 0 3 87 5 1 0 T/P included in MOBITEX ProFintech 2 4 1 286 1 286 281 0 0 5 86 17 3 2 T included in WELDING PYROS/ISET 2 4 9 075 3 517 132 1 446 0 7 167 16 7 2 T REGIONTOUR 1 4 7 051 6 195 595 6 0 8 616 93 504 151 T/P included in GO S1 1 3 1 554 1 104 16 0 0 3 48 3 0 0 T/P included in STYL I. SALIMA 2 4 12 072 11 961 1 927 8 4 26 524 136 169 126 T/P 37 446 SHK 1 5 10 469 9 926 787 543 9 10 228 26 5 3 T/P included in IBF SILVA REGINA 2 5 10 365 1 417 115 6 657 306 9 149 19 19 10 T/P included in TECHAGRO SPORT LIFE 1 4 31 526 12 012 1 467 98 0 14 333 44 10 2 T/P 43 224 2 477 STYL I. 1 3 12 328 8 655 2 245 0 0 17 434 133 21 10 T/P 19 050 1 932 STYL II. 1 3 11 521 8 656 2 328 0 0 16 445 139 12 6 T/P 14 411 1 550 TECHAGRO 2 5 51 041 33 835 2 853 16 406 1 038 18 473 101 36 22 T/P 93 020 7 354 URBIS 1 5 3 577 1 373 264 2 001 0 6 135 22 2 2 T included in IBF VINEX 1 4 2 354 2 306 461 18 0 14 126 42 31 24 T/P included in SALIMA Vodovody-Kanalizace 1 3 7 754 6 183 289 1 271 54 9 235 23 13 4 T 9 278 578 WELDING 2 4 4 940 4 940 967 0 0 10 116 34 7 4 T 12 945 2 196 1 5 9 607 9 246 2 227 361 59 22 305 139 60 57 T/P 4 597 84 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign included in MOBITEX 13 543 1 463 5 334 Bucharest (RO) INDAGRA FOOD Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 25 Exhibitors Visitors AGRO+MASHEXPO 1 4 18 452 18 434 402 18 0 11 155 21 2 2 T 20 201 AUTOMOBIL 2 5 14 238 6 433 39 315 20 5 103 4 3 1 P 16 945 BNV 1 5 15 511 13 222 2 148 2 289 1 19 534 177 P 54 006 BUDAPEST BOAT SHOW 1 4 9 733 9 118 269 50 0 10 139 14 0 0 P 17 848 BUDAPEST MOTOR SHOW 1 5 13 442 8 806 66 6 0 7 105 6 1 0 P 44 752 CARAT 1 4 582 486 166 0 0 10 50 16 0 0 T/P included in TRAVEL CHEMEXPO 2 4 2 520 2 520 449 0 0 9 107 33 117 111 T included in INDUSTRIA CONSTRUMA 1 5 25 898 20 881 3 318 4 818 782 29 772 180 55 42 T/P DECORSTONE 2 5 966 653 202 283 0 8 38 13 0 0 T/P included in CONSTRUMA ELECTROSALON 2 4 2 244 2 199 352 0 0 11 110 23 85 82 T included in INDUSTRIA EQUIFEST 1 3 2 212 1 412 90 0 0 2 60 6 0 0 T/P 12 200 FEHOVA 1 4 8 693 5 768 218 99 0 11 238 18 0 0 P 41 474 FOODATECH 2 3 2 501 2 501 132 0 0 8 106 12 31 31 T 10 458 HUNGARIAN GARDEN FAIR 1 4 1 041 1 041 30 0 0 2 43 1 0 0 T included in AGRO+MASHEXPO IFE FOODAPEST 2 3 3 914 3 613 1 261 0 0 26 291 98 3 0 T included in Foodatech INDUSTRIA 2 4 8 796 8 596 1 458 0 0 18 373 113 160 125 T 16 006 ÖKOTECH 1 4 2 410 2 192 749 155 34 9 170 39 34 24 T 6 153 RENEXPO Central & Southeast Europe 1 3 1 452 1 083 269 251 42 6 78 31 13 12 T 3 549 SECUREX 2 4 1 318 1 277 284 0 0 9 61 12 26 26 T SNOW-SHOW 1 4 5 106 4 060 827 8 0 6 139 53 SPA 1 4 2 052 1 552 63 0 0 6 134 5 9 0 P TRAVEL 1 4 16 508 13 318 3 149 0 0 47 912 189 0 0 T/P TRUCKEXPO 2 5 4 280 613 137 3 667 0 5 50 4 0 0 T/P UKBA 2 3 4 911 4 195 304 0 0 11 118 16 49 42 T VITICULTURE & VINICULTURE 1 4 612 612 18 0 0 3 25 3 0 0 T Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Budapest (HU) 26 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 P 57 136 2 285 included in INDUSTRIA 19 959 included in SNOW SHOW 61 233 included in Automobil 8 526 included in AGRO+MASHEXPO Exhibitors Visitors AFRODYTA Health and Beauty Fair 1 2 390 340 0 0 0 1 44 0 0 P free entry GRYF-BUD 26th Building International Fair 1 3 843 663 0 180 0 1 56 0 0 T/P free entry POLTOOLS Machine Tools Trade Fair 1 3 302 302 0 0 0 1 26 0 0 P free entry WOD-KAN 16th International Fair for Machines and Facilities for Water Supply and Sewage Systems 1 3 12 331 6 085 462 5 754 30 10 410 41 311 T 7 975 Equisur - Feria del Caballo 1 4 1 112 1 32 T/P 8 555 Exposición Internacional Canina 1 2 144 1 12 T/P 2 284 Feria de Comercio y Turismo de la comarca de la Janda 1 3 552 1 36 P 1 228 Feria de muestras y promoción turística Sierra de Cádiz 1 3 1 104 300 1 74 T/P 3 313 Juvelandia 1 21 5 912 1 409 940 P 33 781 Semana Gastronómica del Atún 1 4 608 408 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - CAEN - Caen international multi branch fair 1 11 36 868 13 264 1 305 23 604 HABITAT, DECORATION, JARDINAGE ET LOISIRS CREATIFS - CAEN - Housing exhibition 1 4 2 808 2 808 0 IMMO PARADE - CAEN 1 2 473 473 L'ETUDIANT - CAEN 1 2 1 952 PUCES CAENNAISES 1 3 SALONS CE CAEN 1 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - CAEN Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Bydgoszcz (PL) Cádiz (E) 219 98 57 1 24 T/P 298 36 506 149 0 0 P 191 496 0 0 0 168 0 0 0 P 15 850 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 P 1 350 1 952 0 0 0 0 143 0 0 0 P 31 339 2 608 2 608 129 0 0 152 5 0 0 P 7 563 1 812 812 0 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 T 573 1 3 1 373 1 373 0 0 0 0 145 0 0 0 P 10 420 1 12 31 115 16 096 1 368 15 019 452 62 506 75 46 5 T/P 158 294 Caen (F) 1 229 Cagliari (I) 60^ Fiera Internazionale della Sardegna see note note: audited by ISF Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 27 Exhibitors Visitors MAPIC - The international market for retail real estate 1 3 12 628 12 201 9 045 428 428 43 971 799 0 0 T 9 550 6 544 MARCHE DU FILM - cannes market 1 10 5 970 5 970 4 608 0 0 35 250 210 0 0 T 11 178 9 559 MIDEM - The international music market 1 5 9 007 9 007 7 886 0 0 52 271 241 1 972 1 688 T 9 092 7 705 MIP TV FEATURING MILIA - The world's audiovisual and digital content market 1 5 22 058 19 073 16 892 2 985 2 841 51 528 465 0 0 T 13 358 11 620 MIPCOM - CANNES - The World's Audiovisual Content Market 1 5 22 365 19 447 17 304 2 918 2 774 62 1 773 1 589 0 0 T 13 581 12 003 MIPDOC-CANNES - The international show case for documentary screenings 1 2 1 236 1 236 0 0 0 0 320 0 0 0 T 776 665 MIPIM FEATURING MIPIM HORIZONS-CANNES 1 4 26 487 23 660 20 097 2 827 2 392 65 513 405 0 0 T 29 645 24 107 MIPIM HORIZONS 1 3 2 674 2 674 2 568 0 0 31 138 130 0 0 T 1 211 954 PLAISANCE CANNES - cannes international boat show 1 6 93 840 19 491 9 915 74 349 49 195 27 504 261 553 410 T/P 65 204 1 604 TFWA WORLD EXHIBITION - Duty free and travel retail world exhibition 1 5 17 298 17 298 11 647 0 0 27 424 296 27 17 T 14 842 13 375 FOIRE EXPOSITION - CASTRES 1 10 10 807 4 407 0 6 400 0 0 187 0 0 0 P 34 768 LOGIS-EXPO 1 4 2 409 2 259 0 150 0 0 95 0 0 0 P 1 2 1 069 1 069 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 P 23 913 COMOCREA - Textile Design Show I ed. 1 2 600 600 234 27 12 T 318 120 COMOCREA - Textile Design Show II ed. 1 2 600 600 230 30 14 T 273 108 PROPOSTE - Furnishing and Curtaining Textiles Producers 1 3 6 300 6 300 2 400 105 49 T 8 000 4 946 1 3 13 025 12 483 895 542 411 80 180 68 T 21 520 4 422 Advent markets 1 3 1 377 592 0 720 0 1 100 0 0 0 P 27 388 Beer fest 1 2 3 851 414 0 537 4 2 62 5 0 0 T/P 11 605 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Cannes (F) Castres (F) Cergy-Pontoise (F) L'ETUDIANT - PONTOISE Cernobbio (I) Cesena (I) MACFRUIT - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PLANT, TECHNOLOGY AND SERVICES FOR Ceské Budejovice (CZ) 28 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Exhibitors Visitors Bread Basket 1 6 31 640 5 330 118 16 690 387 6 534 15 47 43 T/P 104 565 Education and craft 1 3 6 997 3 372 30 406 0 3 162 2 1 1 T/P 11 833 Fashion show 1 4 4 147 219 0 48 0 1 17 0 1 1 T/P Hobby 1 5 22 760 4 804 30 8 905 89 5 468 9 25 25 T/P 62 965 Hobby autumn 1 4 8 229 2 521 16 1 828 62 4 178 4 1 1 T/P 24 644 Mobile salon 1 3 22 976 4 063 45 8 741 0 3 75 2 4 3 T/P 17 023 Presentation of secondary schools 1 1 196 196 0 0 0 1 42 0 0 0 P CITE 71 - CHALON SUR SOANE 1 2 1 422 1 422 0 0 0 0 130 0 0 0 P 1 078 HABITAT ET IMMOBILIER - CHALONS SUR SAÔNE 1 4 2 601 2 400 36 201 0 152 2 0 0 P 7 473 AUTOMOBILE - CHALONS EN CHAMPAGNE 1 4 8 000 8 000 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 P 6 502 FOIRE EXPOSITION - CHALONS EN CHAMPAGNE 1 11 57 072 10 305 207 46 768 713 12 737 21 0 0 P 203 612 GASTRONOMIE -METIERS D ART-SENIORSANTIQUITES CHALONS EN CHAMPAGNE 1 3 2 640 2 640 0 0 0 0 195 0 0 0 P 8 062 HABITAT ET ENVIRONNEMENT - CHALONS EN CHAMPAGNE 1 4 5 273 5 273 0 0 0 0 267 0 0 0 P 16 189 MARIAGE - CHALONS EN CHAMPAGNE 1 2 666 666 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 P 2 183 FOIRE EXPOSITION - CHAMBERY - Savoy multy branch fair 1 10 16 208 9 371 71 6 837 0 5 360 5 0 0 P 66 320 HABITAT ET JARDIN - CHAMBERY - Home and Garden Exhibition 1 4 9 108 4 672 9 4 436 0 1 298 1 0 0 P 26 427 SAVEURS & TERROIRS - CHAMBERY - Flavours and country products 1 3 1 847 1 847 81 0 0 1 111 2 0 0 P 12 006 ENERGIES ET ECO-HABITAT - CHARTRES 1 3 1 035 1 035 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 0 P 3 279 LES ARTISANALES - CHARTRES 1 4 5 793 5 643 45 150 0 4 453 6 0 0 P 40 363 M.T.A. 1 1 4 037 3 087 0 950 0 0 73 0 0 0 P 7 617 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - CHARTRES 1 3 1 620 1 620 0 0 0 0 143 0 0 0 P 18 145 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign included in Hobby Autumn included in Advent markets Chalon sur Saone (F) Chalons en Champagne (F) 594 Chambery (F) Chartres (F) Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 29 1 4 29 682 3 713 0 mtex 2 3 1 250 1 250 SIT - Saxon fair for Industry and Technology 1 3 2 078 1 3 1 ID CREATIVES - CLERMONT FERRAND SALONS CE CLERMONT CLERMONT-FERRAND FERRAND Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Chateaubriand (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - CHATEAUBRIANT Châteaubriant multi branch fair 25 969 0 0 363 0 0 211 11 117 23 2 078 28 3 168 499 499 0 0 0 0 4 2 524 2 246 390 278 44 1 4 1 028 1 028 101 0 1 1 764 764 46 VINIDOME 1 4 2 865 2 865 VOYAGES ET LOISIRS - CLERMONT FERRAND 1 3 1 761 CARREFOUR NATIONAL DE LA PECHE ET DES LOISIRS 1 3 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - CLERMONTCOURNON - International Fair Clermont-Cournon 1 HABITAT - CLERMONT FERRAND 0 P 43 403 4 T 1 206 2 13 T 2 545 62 0 0 0 P 4 340 14 143 40 33 20 T/P 12 530 0 5 116 9 0 0 P 15 135 0 0 1 57 1 0 0 T 672 0 0 0 0 405 0 0 0 P 36 459 1 761 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 P 6 958 5 650 5 650 195 0 0 4 143 5 0 0 P 14 648 10 43 250 12 260 330 30 990 100 17 698 23 0 0 P 166 507 1 4 7 558 6 802 0 756 0 0 316 0 0 0 P 41 265 1 1 351 351 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 P 819 1 3 1 719 1 719 36 0 0 1 133 1 0 0 P 6 446 1 3 45 45 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 P 10 023 1 5 6 432 6 432 0 0 0 0 252 0 0 0 P 32 028 Chemnitz (G) 106 Cherbourg (F) VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - CHERBOURG Chisinau (MD) ExpoVin Moldova Clermont (F) Clermont Ferrand (F) JE RESTE CHEZ MOI.COM - CLERMONTFERRAND SALON DES SENIORS-VOS ENVIES A PLEIN TEMPS SUPERCAR - SHOW VIVRE SA MAISON - CLERMONT-FERRAND 30 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 3 380 Visitors 1 5 10 375 3 152 1 081 6 879 519 FOIRE EXPOSITION - COLMAR - Colmar multi branch fair 1 10 23 421 9 593 63 13 828 SITV - International tourism and travel trade exhibition 1 3 2 952 2 952 1 008 0 Bolig i Bella 1 3 3 677 3 677 4 156 Copenhagen International Fashion Fair, Autumn 1 4 43 561 43 561 24 1 096 Health & Rehab 1 3 7 033 7 033 Agrotur (Salón Nacional de Turismo Rural) 1 3 1 452 1 232 Feria Infantil de Nadal (Salón de la infancia y la juventud) 1 15 3 384 Nuvi Baix (Salon de Bodas, Acontecimientos y Actos Sociales) 1 2 Rebaix (Feria de las Rebajas) 1 Salón de la Inmersión Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Cluj-Napoca (RO) AGRARIA 11 294 83 438 435 T/P 13 456 279 348 10 0 0 P 201 185 0 223 61 0 0 P 22 233 P 11 030 T 32 291 T/P 8 384 T/P 1 418 Colmar (F) Copenhagen (DK) 4 215 27 2 53 1 3 220 1 15 P 17 805 1 275 647 1 41 P 335 3 1 013 1 013 1 67 P 1 3 1 241 1 109 123 7 86 12 9 CREMONA MONDOMUSICA - Exh. of Handcrafted Musical Instruments 1 3 3 366 3 366 1 474 203 94 66 FIERA INT. DEL BOVINO DA LATTE - Int. Dairy Cattle and Agricoltural show 1 4 26 176 21 254 3 860 4 922 472 366 64 71 1 9 5 558 3 477 84 2 081 40 5 234 8 1 5 469 469 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 Debrecen Home Style Fair 1 3 494 488 0 0 0 1 39 0 Energoexpo 1 3 1 821 591 188 0 0 6 38 8 Cornellà (E) 12 29 T/P 2 768 35 T/P 6 849 1 946 36 T/P 34 201 849 P 40 798 0 P 30 000 0 0 P 2 526 1 0 T 1 610 Cremona (I) Darmstadt (G) Hessenschau - Living, Housing, Leisure Deauville (F) FESTIVAL DU FILM ASIATIQUE CID Debrecen (H) 29 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 31 Exhibitors Visitors Farmerexpo 1 4 17 962 6 585 107 7 909 113 8 300 10 7 3 T/P 23 406 1 319 Hajdúép Construction Fair 1 3 1 084 905 0 149 20 2 64 1 0 0 T/P 5 290 58 ANTIQUITES - DIJON - Antique dealer's fair of Dijon 1 10 2 789 2 789 161 0 0 129 9 0 0 P 13 249 CITE 21 1 2 1 281 1 281 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 T 2 260 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE ET GASTRONOMIQUE - DIJON - International 1 12 13 765 13 765 1 509 0 0 26 589 60 0 0 P 201 050 HABITAT - DIJON 1 5 3 674 3 674 0 0 0 0 205 0 0 0 P 20 041 IMMO D'OR - DIJON 1 3 722 722 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 P 2 279 PUCES DIJONNAISES 1 3 1 822 1 822 66 0 0 2 110 4 0 0 P 6 815 SALONS CE DIJON 1 1 856 856 46 0 0 1 67 1 0 0 T 673 Boulevard.DORTMUNDER HERBST 1 10 13 885 13 885 424 11 519 18 P 95 237 286 CREATIVA 1 5 8 396 8 396 643 7 415 33 P 72 609 1 089 DKM - Finance and Insurance Industry 1 3 9 853 9 853 368 13 397 26 T 12 304 174 FAHOBA.kreativ 1 3 2 918 2 918 313 5 68 7 T 2 141 62 HobbyTronic 1 5 2 376 2 376 748 2 61 1 P 45 641 4 518 INTERMODELLBAU 1 5 8 457 8 457 675 14 402 38 4 P 97 654 17 285 Inter-tabac 1 3 9 440 9 440 1 866 26 253 95 2 T 6 251 1 581 JAGD & HUND - Hunting and fishing 1 6 12 174 12 174 2 314 26 538 149 P 73 361 8 950 Ordertage Inneneinrichtung - Interior design 1 3 3 179 3 179 88 3 63 3 P 3 804 87 West German Minerals Days 1 2 1 434 1 434 276 18 208 43 P 5 427 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Dijon (F) 1 056 Dortmund (G) 1 note: Visitor attendance determined by a representative poll in the combination of Intermodellbau/Hobbytronic. Recurring names were permitted Douai (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION REGIONALE - DOUAI 1 10 8 577 7 090 0 1 487 0 0 252 0 45 0 P 78 127 MARIAGE - DOUAI - Salon du mariage de Douai 1 3 529 529 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 P 3 082 VEHICULES DE LOISIRS - DOUAI 1 9 12 906 12 906 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 P 21 517 32 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 see note Exhibitors Visitors aktiv+vital - Health and Wellness 1 3 1 247 1 232 24 15 4 153 4 P 5 791 auto mobil with Vinum & Kulinaria 1 3 7 464 7 364 27 100 2 171 3 P 26 548 Dresdner Ostern - Garden, Pet and Handicraft 1 4 3 834 3 595 387 239 6 272 16 P 51 940 Dresdner Reisemarkt - Travel Market 1 3 5 846 5 755 1 065 91 30 498 134 40 10 P 27 480 Hunting, Fishing, Riding / Forestry and Wood 1 3 4 174 2 000 89 2 174 8 278 11 1 1 P 20 508 Pieta - Funeral and Cemetery Equipment 2 3 2 848 2 808 358 40 7 113 15 T 1 363 BEAUTY INTERNATIONAL 1 3 24 290 24 290 2 518 20 576 86 T 50 035 1 651 boot 1 9 106 454 106 198 50 689 256 72 57 1 701 731 P 267 379 42 781 CARAVAN SALON 1 10 95 425 93 534 21 495 1 891 274 24 605 167 P 159 278 drupa p 4 14 174 681 173 175 103 466 1 506 446 53 1 953 1 250 T 390 044 229 736 EuroShop 3 5 106 871 106 805 59 800 66 48 1 895 1 012 T 104 766 61 707 GDS / GLS / Shoes & Accessories - Spring 1 3 57 281 57 281 38 554 40 1 297 946 T 27 130 11 829 GDS Event for Shoe & Accessoires - Autumn 1 2 43 419 43 419 23 596 32 798 473 T 25 937 9 960 glasstec 2 5 68 640 68 438 45 738 48 1 271 861 T 55 073 30 676 hogatec 2 4 24 602 24 602 2 510 19 472 73 T 40 639 2 601 see note 2 IAM - International Investors’ Fair 1 3 3 557 3 557 254 12 163 42 P 13 327 400 see note 1 IMA - Amusement and vending machines 1 4 11 145 11 145 1 128 15 161 44 T 8 566 1 268 InterCool 2 4 11 683 11 683 2 936 17 300 108 T 10 482 2 725 see note 2 InterMeat 2 4 16 591 16 591 4 258 18 391 140 T 16 538 4 631 see note 2 InterMopro 2 4 10 034 10 034 2 410 15 248 101 T 10 334 2 480 see note 2 interpack 3 7 173 954 173 245 101 535 709 60 2 746 1 900 T 171 073 103 157 MEDICA / ComPaMED 1 4 127 569 127 479 67 814 90 68 4 831 3 372 T 136 871 67 204 METAV 2 5 53 765 53 765 7 752 23 844 160 T 52 024 6 815 ProWein 1 3 37 929 37 929 21 689 45 3 160 2 408 321 303 T 33 386 8 113 PSI Messe 1 3 36 360 36 360 16 845 28 863 405 13 11 T 19 382 11 950 REHACare International 1 4 29 515 29 515 6 732 29 750 266 T 52 002 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Dresden (G) 66 168 Düsseldorf (G) 202 99 149 see note 1 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 33 Exhibitors Visitors Top Hair 1 2 3 706 3 706 657 8 109 16 T 17 123 TourNatur 1 3 3 940 3 940 586 13 271 78 T 37 172 Tube 2 5 41 423 41 417 25 762 47 1 026 724 T 35 295 18 671 see note 3 wire 2 5 53 584 53 584 36 506 49 1 130 814 T 42 499 24 989 see note 3 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign 6 from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign see note 1 note 1: Visitor attendance determined by a representative poll in the combination of Caravan Salon/TourNatur/IAM. Recurring names were permitted note 2: Visitor attendance determined by a representative poll in the combination of InterMopro/InterCool/InterMeat/hogatec. Recurring names were permitted note 3: ascertained by a representative poll Ekaterinburg (RU) Mother and Child. Games. Toys. Hobbies 1 4 901 895 0 6 0 1 141 0 8 0 T/P 6 880 0 Wooden House. Woodprocessing. Wood in Interior Design 1 4 1 518 951 0 567 0 1 119 0 9 0 T 15 720 160 AGRITECO-6ª Feria de la tecnología agraria del mediterráneo 1 3 5 786 2 250 1 24 Alicante Calidad- 5ª Feria de productos alicantinos de calidad 1 3 13 239 8 279 1 110 Alicante Spirit Tunning Show- 4º Salón del tunning 1 3 16 647 1 826 192 2 28 3 Antic Auto Alicante 1 3 5 949 5 617 298 4 91 6 CARAVANING- 16ª Muestra provincial de caravaning y tiempo libre 1 10 10 475 10 475 1 Elche (E) 332 17 T/P 901 P T/P 3 286 T/P 6 425 33 P 6 801 5 De Compras-FIRALACANT 1 3 1 373 1 310 1 56 P Educ@emplea- 7º Salón del empleo y la formación 1 3 4 678 3 646 1 78 P Equina Costablanca 1 4 6 175 1 162 3 42 EQUIPA 1 3 2 008 1 840 1 34 EXPOCAR- 11º Salón del automóvil de ocasión 1 3 10 437 10 087 1 50 EXPOFIESTA- 15ª Feria nacional de las fiesta populares 1 3 3 812 2 996 1 64 T/P EXPONADAL- 15ª Exposición de ocio infantil y juvenil 1 12 6 693 398 1 14 P 34 135 Exposició Internacional canina 1 2 4 892 448 60 2 19 P 1 374 EXTETIC-17º Salón de estética, cosmética, belleza y peluquería 1 2 4 272 2 545 60 5 111 T 9 392 34 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 40 350 2 1 1 115 P 3 021 T 2 294 P 2 306 1 3 4 518 2 473 FIRAHOGAR 1 10 10 668 10 668 FIRAUTO-25ª Feria del autómovil y motocicletas 1 3 17 787 13 792 FIRAVINUM-XVI Feria de alimentación y vinos 1 2 536 392 FUTURMODA 2 3 4 684 3 370 FUTURMODA 2 3 2 694 Homes & Gardens Show 1 3 IDINOVA- 2ª Feria de investigación, desarrollo e innovación 1 INTERPLURAL Total Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Fira Novios- 8º Salón de las celebraciones Rented Space (sq.m) Visitors Total 3 116 1 Foreign 2 Total Foreign 1 321 P 4 640 72 P 2 948 1 28 T 4 102 4 95 6 T 1 270 1 843 12 2 69 1 T 1 217 5 407 4 151 446 4 163 17 P 3 1 030 895 20 2 32 1 T 363 1 2 3 567 1 620 15 2 64 1 P 998 TURAL.COM- 4ª Feria del turismo alternativo y complementario 1 3 558 518 1 19 VIVERALIA-5º planta 5 Salón Sa ó profesional p o es o a de la ap a ta ornamental 1 3 10 787 10 787 495 4 122 6 Grüne Tage Thüringen - Agricultural fair 2 3 11 202 4 416 30 6 786 2 265 Haus + Technik - House building, living and modernizing 1 3 2 451 2 320 18 131 2 inoga with IKA 2 4 4 173 4 157 375 16 International pedigree dog show 1 2 1 477 1 160 6 317 Rapid.Tech 1 2 506 506 Reisen & Caravan - Travel & Caravaning 1 4 5 608 Riding - Hunting - Fishing 1 3 Thüringen-Ausstellung - Reg. Consumer Exhibition 1 ALUMINIUM 350 91 Total T/P 73 1 Foreign Represented firms Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2 87 5 T/P 6 T 2 467 118 3 P 21 446 140 1 T/P 6 307 26 326 126 T/P 22 200 2 71 1 P 15 577 93 30 4 45 3 T 822 70 5 608 408 13 253 42 P 31 246 4 749 4 289 271 7 198 14 P 23 529 9 10 126 10 126 365 6 653 10 P 62 387 2 3 27 411 27 411 15 453 45 873 483 T 16 886 6 214 Composites Europe 1 3 4 716 4 716 1 818 21 254 100 T 8 061 2 886 DEUBAU 2 5 26 258 26 258 1 520 16 730 65 T 71 254 1 568 E-world energy & water 1 3 13 498 13 498 2 618 21 456 111 T 13 471 2 142 Erfurt (G) 460 35 Essen (G) 13 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 35 Visitors Fahrrad Essen - Bicycles, accessories, recreation 1 3 2 771 2 771 117 7 79 8 FIBO 1 4 30 427 30 427 10 412 33 478 191 Golf Essen 1 3 2 141 2 141 39 4 67 4 HAUS + GARTEN - Spring and leisure fair 1 5 5 395 5 395 51 3 281 3 IPM - Intern. trade fair for plants 1 4 41 711 41 711 18 268 40 1 287 METPACK 3 5 10 292 10 292 7 014 25 MODE-HEIM-HANDWERK - Reg. Consumer Exh. 1 9 14 297 14 297 834 REIFEN - Tires and more 2 4 26 862 26 195 12 274 REISE/CAMPING 1 5 28 929 28 929 2 334 SECURITY 2 4 36 010 35 890 8 211 SHK Essen 2 4 31 655 31 655 START Essen 1 2 2 432 2 432 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign P 23 823 524 T/P 49 703 7 853 P 10 292 226 P 50 800 596 T 59 412 15 625 222 173 T 6 851 5 001 12 639 32 P 158 870 159 40 578 378 T 17 452 10 017 29 612 143 P 82 322 1 811 42 1 068 458 T 40 541 8 878 1 700 13 513 38 T 51 422 1 697 81 5 165 7 56 P 3 698 228 7 135 T 5 209 667 120 12 21 3 note: Visitor attendance determined by a representative poll in the combination of Reise/CAMPING/Fahrrad/Golf. Recurring names were permitted Ferrara (I) H2O - EXHIBITION OF DRINKING WATER TREATMENT AND DISTRIBUTION 2 3 7 777 7 777 676 86 223 Certamen Jóvenes Diseñadores 1 3 112 112 28 2 26 7 P 1 668 Expoclásicos 1 3 906 906 63 2 20 4 P 3 524 Feria de Muestras del Noroeste 1 6 5 613 4 520 603 8 156 17 T/P 20 652 XV Ocasión Auto 1 3 4 998 4 998 1 11 P 1 488 3 3 6 751 3 052 132 3 699 9 159 12 T 3 881 322 MOSTRA INT.LE ARTIGIANATO 1 9 44 850 41 350 3 000 3 500 15 850 80 P 151 830 17 320 PITTI IMMAGINE BIMBO 1 3 20 254 20 254 4 819 19 406 149 T 10 084 3 506 PITTI IMMAGINE BIMBO 1 3 20 038 20 038 5 309 23 422 164 T 7 647 3 062 PITTI IMMAGINE FILATI 1 2 7 834 7 834 927 9 85 24 T 4 783 1 865 Ferrol (E) 1 093 100 23 9 Feuchtwangen (G) EstrichParkettMesse - Fair for floor works 595 Firenze (I) 36 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 422 80 see note see note see note Exhibitors Visitors PITTI IMMAGINE FILATI 1 3 8 414 8 414 1 246 13 93 29 T 5 527 2 534 PITTI IMMAGINE UOMO 1 4 33 440 33 440 7 098 25 736 191 T 20 565 7 827 PITTI IMMAGINE UOMO 1 4 34 523 34 523 6 963 25 755 204 T 24 782 9 055 TASTE 1 3 5 000 5 000 0 170 0 T/P 7 294 798 1 6 44 053 23 683 4 400 713 115 T/P 162 466 1 436 Ambiente 1 5 193 597 193 597 111 345 84 4 580 3 168 T 139 245 63 281 Automechanika 2 6 172 548 159 179 97 174 71 4 471 3 558 T 161 269 79 674 Beautyworld 1 3 7 580 7 580 3 368 27 333 209 T 8 469 3 498 see note Christmasworld 1 5 51 554 51 554 27 237 40 1 023 714 T 31 568 17 236 see note decorate life: tendence / collectione 1 5 110 966 110 966 52 955 74 2 879 1 679 T 63 241 21 910 FACILITY MANAGEMENT 1 3 1 955 1 955 48 2 122 1 T 2 811 118 Heimtextil 1 4 135 415 135 415 99 599 65 2 728 2 274 T 84 516 54 766 Light + Building 2 6 132 474 132 063 60 109 55 2 227 1 294 T 167 084 69 724 Marketing Services 1 3 4 115 4 115 172 13 231 29 T 5 834 229 Musikmesse 1 4 50 789 50 471 30 163 47 1 650 1 055 T/P 78 491 25 273 see note Paperworld 1 5 72 677 72 677 45 391 60 2 240 1 740 T 56 207 33 443 see note ProLight + Sound 1 4 32 294 31 904 18 257 42 840 498 T 31 286 14 077 Texcare 4 5 19 566 19 566 10 493 23 261 159 T 15 275 7 923 viscom frankfurt 1 3 7 808 7 808 1 888 25 277 79 T 10 553 1 688 Agricultural Trade Fair 2 3 10 352 10 352 136 20 79 1 T 16 169 Knittting and Handcraft 2 3 2 000 2 000 P 11 423 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Foggia (I) 59° Fiera internazionale dell'Agricoltura e Zootecnia 20 370 2 140 220 50 Frankfurt/Main (G) 13 369 411 318 390 5 115 195 28 298 2 note: ascertained by a representative poll Fredericia (DK) 170 81 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 37 Visitors Baden Messe incl. Schalten und Walten 3 9 12 738 8 434 459 4 304 100 9 521 23 CFT with bike aktiv + tourism fair +fit for life 1 9 19 195 14 005 683 5 190 18 7 361 INTER BRUSH 4 3 9 008 9 008 5 698 26 Kulturbörse - Stage Productions and Music 1 4 2 029 2 029 223 Modellbau - Model Construction 2 4 982 970 45 Plaza Culinaria 1 3 4 989 4 989 522 EUROBIKE 1 4 44 412 41 952 22 235 2 460 Fruchtwelt Bodensee 2 3 6 603 6 593 908 10 IBO - Consumer and investment goods 1 9 19 254 16 592 998 2 662 INTERBOOT 1 9 32 078 28 863 8 962 OutDoor 1 4 35 915 34 718 23 033 Pferd Bodensee 2 3 6 863 6 863 471 TUNING WORLD BODENSEE 1 4 14 365 13 653 661 712 1 9 7 123 7 123 173 AMBERIF 15th International Fair of Amber, Jewellery and Gemstones 1 5 5 158 4 450 AMBERMART 9th International Amber Fair 1 3 1 103 BALTDENTICA 7th Baltic Exhibition of Dental Materials and Equipment 1 3 BALT-MILITARY-EXPO / SAFETY Baltic Military Fair, Fair for Rescue and Security 1 BALTPIEK Fair of Bakery, Confectionery and IceCream Products Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Freiburg (G) P 75 800 49 P 50 113 184 133 T 5 838 11 296 43 P 2 760 6 130 7 P 13 623 6 247 27 P 27 733 36 929 631 90 84 T/P 61 287 12 213 48 56 40 T/P 15 584 76 9 533 57 59 5 T/P 69 640 1 532 3 215 750 15 539 132 179 147 P 91 849 20 666 1 197 447 38 784 609 54 52 T 19 062 10 560 8 200 23 P 19 620 80 9 221 21 T/P 101 100 0 0 2 263 20 P 61 530 688 20 0 12 445 54 T 9 739 874 229 0 0 4 121 17 T/P 2 882 1 085 1 085 0 0 0 2 88 1 T 2 650 3 3 411 1 360 406 355 0 9 118 20 T 2 483 1 3 1 905 1 579 33 43 0 3 91 3 CIEPŁY BAŁTYK Hotel Investment Fair 1 3 980 932 48 0 0 4 109 6 P included in GTT GASTROEXPO Fair of Hotel, Gastronomy and Shop Equipment 1 3 1 160 886 12 18 0 5 73 7 P included in GTT GOŁĘBIE The International Fair of Racing Pigeons and Accesories 1 2 1 146 294 250 2 0 2 55 16 P 2 346 12 32 4 3 841 Friedrichshafen (G) 452 22 247 15 569 Gap (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - GAP - Gap Fair Exhibition 0 0 Gdansk (PL) 38 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 2 752 Exhibitors Visitors GTT Gdansk Tourism Fair 1 3 2 184 1 237 130 191 0 14 275 31 P 10 121 MLECZNA REWIA Dairy and Ice Cream Fair 1 3 917 885 12 0 0 2 62 1 T included in Baltpiek POLYACHT Gdansk Fair of Water Sports 1 3 1 653 589 36 554 0 4 97 6 P included in GTT TECHNICON, INNOWACJE, EDUCATIO PLUS Industrial Technology, Science and Innovation Fair 1 3 1 466 764 14 0 0 2 81 4 T 2 253 URODA Beauty Products and Hairdressing Fair 1 2 2 295 1 431 36 0 0 2 142 1 P 7 501 1 4 2 504 0 0 2 248 6 2 94 1 P 11 850 1 9 150 559 50 793 16 050 99 766 33 475 40 961 265 T/P 236 322 52 Feria Internacional de Muestras De Asturias 1 16 42 303 12 914 1 510 29 389 21 571 58 P 97 886 Agropec 2008 1 3 22 P 4 301 Detiqueta 2008 1 2 1 551 1 551 1 111 P 1 411 FICNI 2008 2 4 13 394 3 911 70 16 151 1 IX Feria de Turismo y Comercio del Principado de Asturias - Turicom 08 1 3 1 993 1 993 36 2 61 Medpi Iberia 1 3 2 217 2 145 389 9 Cinegètica 1 3 1 481 1 297 117 Eco-Sí 1 3 1 090 712 18 Equus Catalonia 1 3 10 679 1 355 195 Expo Jove 1 4 1 565 1 185 FIAC-Feria Industria, Agrícola y Comercial 1 6 14 751 7 763 Firahabitatge 1 3 1 906 Firarebaixa 1 5 Firarebaixa Estiu 1 SPV-Salón de la Planta, Jardín y Complementos Tot Nuvis Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Gdynia (PL) WIND and WATER Boat Show Genova (I) International Boat Show 448 377 0 Gijón (E) 734 9 483 190 55 T/P 864 1 T/P 2 482 122 25 T 3 73 5 2 75 1 6 156 15 1 37 2 305 1 466 3 54 14 2 371 2 371 1 112 2 2 1 028 750 1 49 1 3 3 692 2 587 4 96 1 3 2 387 2 189 1 136 234 24 Girona (E) 142 150 2 774 6 738 510 44 3 9 T/P 6 467 P 3 856 T/P 15 168 P 6 116 3 P 36 342 P 3 787 P P 9 12 T/P 14 P 1 699 95 907 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 39 Visitors Automässan 3 4 14 836 14 768 68 34 263 Baby & Barn 1 3 2 327 2 319 8 1 105 BAD 2 3 1 680 1 680 5 73 Båtmässan 1 10 19 298 18 992 306 5 Book & Library Fair 1 4 12 819 12 749 70 Home and Villa 1 4 8 045 IDA 2 3 Logistik & Transport 1 Miljöteknik Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Foreign Open air Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Gothenburg (S) T 18 305 P 10 690 T 5 407 307 P 85 279 20 946 T/P 78 216 8 045 7 313 67 P 26 860 1 439 1 439 4 46 6 T 5 407 3 2 359 2 239 120 18 111 59 T 5 084 2 3 2 700 2 605 95 11 123 19 T 2 838 MyDOG 1 4 12 652 12 652 5 139 2 P 35 945 På två hjul j 2 4 14 140 14 140 11 206 9 P 63 679 Park Expo 2 3 1 284 1 284 3 58 3 T 5 407 ProcessTeknik 2 3 4 220 4 220 28 175 420 T 4 359 Public Transport 2 3 8 270 8 184 19 141 33 T 5 116 Riksstämman 1 3 4 579 4 579 7 255 T 13 319 Student & Knowledge Fair 1 3 1 912 1 912 6 143 P 11 904 Trä & Teknik 2 4 11 088 10 932 156 39 280 299 T 11 809 TUR - Travel and Tourism 1 4 15 876 15 756 120 106 1 195 705 T/P 44 932 Underhåll 2 4 7 983 7 825 158 35 280 459 T 10 195 4 11 662 11 652 10 40 191 664 T 10 200 Verktygsmaskiner 86 279 5 Vitalis 1 3 1 473 1 473 7 71 T 3 944 Wellnessmässan 1 3 2 154 2 154 4 121 T/P 6 845 40 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Foreign Exhibitors Visitors ferien - vital vital air for holidays, travel and tourism 1 3 3 737 3 737 364 0 0 5 130 17 65 29 P 8 326 0 Häuslbauer building fair 1 4 15 018 14 809 450 209 0 7 397 25 28 1 P 32 205 0 Lebensart fair for living, garden and art 1 4 14 166 10 662 1 141 3 504 213 8 302 24 9 0 P 28 787 288 ANTIQUAIRES - GRENOBLE 1 5 1 513 1 513 45 0 0 2 84 2 0 0 P 5 316 ARTENIM - GRENOBLE - Contemporary Art Fair in Grenoble 1 4 1 500 1 500 279 0 0 6 41 8 0 0 P 6 696 BOIS - GRENOBLE - (SALON EUROPEEN) European wood show 1 4 5 797 5 797 252 0 0 7 266 13 0 0 T 24 779 CREATIVA - GRENOBLE 1 4 1 513 1 513 166 0 0 6 125 12 0 0 P 16 321 FOIRE DE PRINTEMPS - GRENOBLE - Grenoble multi branch fair - Spring 1 5 8 255 8 098 75 157 0 3 263 5 0 0 P 31 223 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - GRENOBLE international fair 1 12 22 235 21 311 688 925 0 14 592 41 0 0 P 129 800 IMMOBILIER - GRENOBLE - Real estate exhibition 1 3 1 371 1 371 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 P 3 495 L'ETUDIANT - GRENOBLE 1 3 1 666 1 666 21 0 0 2 190 2 0 0 P 53 047 S.A.M. - mountain equipment exhibition 2 3 13 049 12 276 3 315 773 18 14 319 51 0 0 T 12 845 SALONS CE GRENOBLE 1 1 529 529 15 0 0 2 74 2 4 0 T 445 Arbeitsschutz aktuell - Industrial safety 2 3 8 287 8 287 671 16 289 28 10 1 T 11 259 338 DU UND DEINE WELT/Modellbauwelt 1 9 14 884 14 884 1 402 27 575 53 P 91 727 1 009 hanseboot 1 9 39 886 36 526 11 329 27 765 124 P 96 059 4 131 HANSEPFERD 2 3 12 653 12 653 1 096 17 483 47 P 55 189 552 INTERNORGA 1 6 49 366 48 784 7 289 24 976 171 6 1 T 111 185 4 225 NORTEC 2 4 9 639 9 639 526 14 400 34 12 3 T 13 707 315 REISEN HAMBURG 1 5 26 726 26 686 3 504 40 72 1 020 338 49 19 P 73 604 736 SMM - Shipbuilding, Machinery & Marine 2 4 51 717 50 673 23 571 1 044 56 1 968 1 251 10 3 T 53 006 15 425 USSIFA - Watches & Jewellery 1 3 2 601 2 601 136 5 105 8 T 2 817 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Graz (A) Grenoble (F) Hamburg (G) 3 360 791 582 269 Hannover (G) Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 41 ABF - Leisure and sales exhibition 1 9 42 533 42 339 1 318 Altenpflege+ProPflege 1 3 23 790 23 790 BIOTECHNICA 1 3 8 317 CeBIT 1 6 CeMAT 3 DOMOTEX Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign 194 from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 16 824 50 P 127 403 1 316 17 708 59 T 33 572 8 317 1 310 27 523 114 T 11 285 2 144 206 329 201 186 67 152 5 143 76 5 168 2 641 T 512 327 86 583 5 80 048 72 417 28 823 7 631 37 1 040 458 T 58 007 20 302 1 4 97 701 97 701 72 234 60 1 457 1 151 T 47 629 26 434 EnergieSparTage 1 3 841 821 18 2 68 1 T/P 2 142 EuroBLECH 2 5 87 683 87 683 39 499 38 1 520 678 T 69 546 23 993 EuroTier 2 4 89 172 88 061 29 739 1 111 46 1 767 746 T 130 798 22 366 HANNOVER MESSE 1 5 168 439 167 659 42 383 780 64 4 846 2 179 T 193 222 35 939 Hannover Messe: Digital Factory 1 5 5 219 5 219 391 12 248 22 T 46 760 8 417 see note Hannover Messe: Energy gy 1 5 36 769 36 330 11 819 439 47 911 498 T 98 157 20 711 see note Hannover Messe: Industrial Automation 1 5 65 239 65 113 10 465 126 36 1 200 419 T 125 594 27 631 see note Hannover Messe: Micro Technology 1 5 1 857 1 857 172 19 150 55 T 50 238 8 440 see note Hannover Messe: Pipeline Technology 1 5 1 511 1 311 187 8 59 12 T 37 292 9 994 see note Hannover Messe: Power Plant Technology 1 5 2 666 2 666 524 15 74 26 T 42 702 10 804 see note Hannover Messe: Research & Technology 1 5 9 448 9 448 2 357 20 440 129 T 56 614 10 360 see note Hannover Messe: Subcontracting 1 5 30 197 30 182 15 291 15 50 1 540 950 T 60 672 14 258 see note Infa - Information and sales exhibition 1 9 27 574 27 012 1 755 562 30 1 090 75 P 193 605 Pferd & Jagd, Equestrian sport, hunting, fishing 1 4 19 318 19 283 1 180 35 25 694 69 P 76 920 Promotion World 1 5 3 771 3 771 147 7 159 8 T 36 133 6 901 see note 20 200 2 304 44 15 note: Visitor attendance determined by a representative poll at Hannover Messe. Recurring names were permitted. Helsinki (SF) Arena 08 2 3 1 635 1 635 0 2 60 19 T 2 268 Arts and crafts Fair 2008 1 3 2 493 2 493 0 3 278 0 P 36 216 Caravan 2008 1 4 3 766 3 766 0 1 33 0 P Child 08 1 3 2 334 2 334 0 3 163 135 P 54 727 DigiExpo 08 1 4 3 699 3 699 0 3 53 33 T/P 48 784 42 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 included in Matka Nordic Travel Fair 2008 Exhibitors Visitors Educa 2008 1 2 2 348 2 348 0 6 215 82 T ELMA 2008 Helsinki Food and Agriculture Show 1 3 2 382 2 382 0 3 256 0 P Environmental Technology 08 2 3 3 002 3 002 0 4 109 61 T Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Foreign Open air Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total 10 736 included in Arts and crafts Fair 2008 5 706 included in Health+Wellness 2008 Fashion+Beauty 2008 1 3 2 484 2 484 0 10 145 0 T/P Fillari 2008, Kunto 2008, Retki 2008, Kalastus 2008, Swingi 2008 1 3 4 626 4 626 0 8 262 9 P 28 618 FinnBuild 08 2 4 20 760 20 760 0 17 594 269 T 38 190 Finnish Dental Congress and Exhibition 2008 1 3 1 923 1 923 0 9 92 62 T 8 074 Finnish Nursing Exhibition 1 2 1 371 1 371 0 2 137 57 T 7 080 FinnTec 08 2 4 8 751 8 751 0 7 193 587 T 17 090 Forest 2008 Helsinki Forest fair 1 3 1 800 1 800 0 1 75 0 P 3 4 439 4 439 0 6 278 0 T 4 386 Forma Autumn '08 Foreign included in Arts and crafts Fair 2008 Gastro 2008 2 3 8 719 8 719 0 29 266 0 T/P 18 103 Health+Wellness 2008 1 3 2 972 2 972 0 5 234 0 P 36 554 Helsinki Boat-Afloat Show 1 4 2 444 738 1 706 22 156 0 P 12 345 Helsinki Book Fair 2008 1 4 6 023 6 023 0 3 264 28 P 68 053 Helsinki International Boat Show 2008 1 10 24 705 24 705 0 8 323 401 P 89 188 Helsinki International Fashion Fair I/2008 1 2 2 539 2 539 0 9 117 0 T 3 271 Helsinki International Fashion Fair II/2008 1 2 2 462 2 462 0 10 103 0 T Housing Markets 08 1 4 602 602 0 1 25 1 P Matka Nordic Travel Fair 2008 1 4 12 528 12 528 0 74 1 096 727 Model Expo 2008 1 3 698 698 0 2 80 0 P included in Child 08 MP 08 Motorcycle Show 1 4 12 358 12 358 0 8 173 0 P 74 918 Own Home 08 1 4 4 709 4 709 0 3 261 47 P OwnCabin 08 1 4 3 061 3 061 0 3 142 63 P included in Own Home 08 OwnYard 08 2 4 3 896 3 896 0 6 132 44 P included in Own Home 08 PetExpo 08 1 2 1 112 1 112 0 3 95 0 P included in Child 08 PlasTec 08 2 4 691 691 0 3 47 114 T included in FinnTec 08 T/P 3 396 included in Own Home 08 84 915 52 701 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 43 2 Exhibitors Rented Space (sq.m) Total 1 144 Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Visitors Open air Foreign 1 144 Total Foreign 0 4 Total Foreign 42 Represented firms Total Foreign 0 Admission for Trade/Public 1 Space from … countries Duration Days Shoe and Bag Fair I/2008 Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY T Total Foreign 628 Shoe and Bag Fair II/2008 1 2 1 065 1 065 0 8 43 0 T Sisusta! 08 1 4 957 957 0 2 86 0 P included in Helsinki International Fashion Fair II/2008 included in Own Home 08 Skiexpo 2008 and BoardExpo 2008 1 3 5 065 5 065 0 5 154 0 P included in DigiExpo 08 Studia 08 1 2 2 090 2 090 0 7 129 0 T/P 13 995 The Finnish Medical Convention and Exhibition 1 4 3 280 3 280 0 5 168 90 T 13 159 ToolTec 08 2 4 1 542 1 542 0 2 30 95 T included in FinnTec 08 ViiniExpo 2008 Trade days for wines and spirits 2 3 1 743 1 743 0 8 55 0 T/P included in Gastro 2008 Wedding&Love 2008 1 3 592 592 0 1 54 0 P included in Health+Wellness 2008 Wine, food & good living 2008 1 4 1 326 1 326 0 3 108 0 P included in Helsinki Book Fair 2008 InNaTex - Intern. fair of natural & organic textiles (Jan.) 1 3 4 435 4 435 918 18 171 40 8 2 T 1 689 259 InNaTex - Intern. fair of natural & organic textiles (Aug.) 1 3 4 043 4 043 796 16 200 46 6 2 T 1 388 208 Husum WindEnergy 2 5 17 956 16 938 4 685 1 018 29 745 233 T 24 639 8 303 new energy husum 1 4 2 121 1 900 15 221 2 123 1 T 10 840 Nord Gastro & Hotel 1 2 3 369 3 369 1 153 T 4 030 1 4 2 240 2 240 138 11 163 12 T 2 725 554 1 4 17 799 14 060 1 125 7 436 63 T/P 31 810 0 Alimensur-VI 1 3 3 524 924 1 39 T/P 7 411 Art Jaén-II 1 5 1 522 1 522 2 27 P 3 749 Bioptima-II 1 3 7 333 4 067 5 100 T 7 211 Hofheim - Wallau (G) Husum (G) 114 Idar-Oberstein (G) INTERGEM Innsbruck (A) spring fair 3 739 470 0 0 Jaén (E) 44 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 64 1 12 38 11 Construcción de la Provincia de Jaén Exhibitors Rented Space (sq.m) Total Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total 5 3 429 2 448 Visitors Open air Foreign Total Foreign 625 Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Space from … countries Duration Days Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total 1 56 16 T/P 4 136 1 76 5 T/P 3 921 2 52 1 T/P 10 347 1 15 P 28 045 2 78 T/P 9 397 Ecoliva-VII 2 3 3 082 1 909 Equima-IV 1 3 5 228 1 332 Feduca-VII 1 22 4 750 4 750 Ibercaza-II 1 3 6 458 1 933 Jaen de Boda-I 1 3 2 548 2 483 1 72 6 P 7 467 Savoc-VI 1 10 7 820 7 820 1 13 4 P 9 106 VIII Feria De Turismo Interior de Andalucia. Tierra Adentro 1 4 13 097 3 305 1 80 35 T/P 10 058 1 6 6 279 T/P 5 941 Bilsport Performance & Custom Motor Show 1 5 21 934 18 984 Elmia Agricultural Exhibition Livestock & Technology 3 4 15 573 Elmia Garden 1 2 Elmia Material & Funktion 1 Elmia Recycling 24 24 7 200 2 1 Foreign Jesolo (I) Nauticshow - Salone internazionale della nautica 6 279 198 74 6 20 9 869 see note note: audited byy ISF Jönköping (S) 2 950 12 290 771 P 68 838 15 573 21 332 140 T 21 306 5 339 5 339 8 149 3 T 3 047 2 1 459 1 459 11 89 52 T 1 556 2 3 7 860 1 416 15 67 20 T 5 664 Elmia Subcontractor 1 4 17 659 17 659 56 1 170 310 T 16 355 Elmia Traktor Power Weekend 1 2 407 407 1 6 0 P 7 197 Foto & Video 1 2 1 577 1 577 8 52 11 P 5 060 Kartdagar och GIT-mässa 1 3 1 257 1 257 8 62 10 T 1 664 PRomotion EXPO, autum 1 3 4 471 4 471 5 164 141 T 3 197 PRomotion EXPO, spring 1 3 5 044 5 044 9 176 73 T 3 055 Scandinavian Caravan Show 1 5 30 408 29 635 14 137 45 P 41 648 6 444 773 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 45 2 4 71 069 10 693 Work-08 - Elmia Working Environment/Work-08 2 3 5 565 5 565 World Bioenergy 2 3 7 339 2 787 Building and Home Renovation 2008 1 3 5 964 Electricity Telecommunications Light and Audio Visual 2008 2 4 FinnMateria 2008 2 Free time 2008 Total Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign 60 376 from … countries Truck Exhibition Rented Space (sq.m) Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 29 386 120 T 43 275 16 229 45 T 7 012 4 552 26 166 43 T 5 664 5 882 82 1 274 119 P 31 559 8 812 8 812 0 2 210 650 T 16 269 2 2 920 2 920 0 2 121 46 T 3 438 1 3 4 901 4 755 146 2 290 100 P 14 704 Joulumarkkinat 2008 1 2 2 878 2 878 0 1 262 0 P 17 902 Jyväskylän Kirjamessut 2008 ja Viini 2008 1 2 1 727 1 727 0 1 136 51 P 6 374 KoneAgria 2008 1 4 15 087 12 437 2 650 6 192 204 T/P 29 944 RallyExpo 2008 1 4 10 147 1 639 8 508 4 52 14 T/P 66 563 Tekniikka 2008 2 3 5 492 5 492 0 5 179 695 T 10 246 fahrrad.markt.zukunft - Bicycles, fitness and tourism 1 2 1 346 1 346 96 5 75 5 P 4 946 50 Horizont - Tourism, Caravaning, Outdoor Life and Angling 1 3 9 099 9 099 338 8 172 20 22 P 16 230 357 Inventa/Giardina - Garden and Lifestyle 1 4 12 603 12 603 393 4 466 15 2 P 38 387 Karlsruher Hochzeits- und Festtage - Wedding days 1 2 1 766 1 713 9 2 147 1 P 4 317 LEARNTEC 1 3 3 340 3 340 368 9 202 25 T/P 3 308 Offerta - Regional consumer exhibition 1 9 27 235 25 935 1 379 1 300 11 873 48 RESALE 1 3 9 687 7 825 2 947 1 862 31 504 205 1 3 886 740 2 66 2 Jyväskylä (SF) Karlsruhe (G) 53 324 3 1 P 133 545 T 10 081 T/P 3 274 Kassel (G) DENEX 46 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 146 248 6 615 Exhibitors Visitors AUTOSALON / AUTOSERWIS International Automotive Fair; Automotive Technology Fair 1 3 11 716 1 166 12 123 0 2 76 1 0 P DENTEXPO KATOWICE Silesian Dental Exhibition 1 2 358 358 0 0 0 1 38 0 0 T DREMASILESIA - MEBELTECHEXPO Exhibition of Woodworking Machines and Tools 1 3 1 100 1 032 18 50 0 3 30 2 0 T EXPOCHEM KATOWICE Exhibition of Technologies for Chemical Industries 1 2 428 397 31 0 0 4 43 6 0 T free entry FLOWERTARG 29th Ornamental Plants and Gardens Architecture Fair 1 3 893 164 0 478 0 1 45 0 3 T/P included in Targbud GLOB International Fair of Tourism, Sports, Sailing and Tourist Equipment 1 3 1 119 840 52 227 0 6 167 6 0 P GOŁĄB International Fair of Carrier Pigeons 1 2 545 106 62 17 0 4 31 10 0 P 1 3 3 417 3 089 328 0 0 16 260 18 133 T 1 3 169 82 0 87 0 1 18 0 0 T/P SGK Silesian Exhibition for Collectors 1 1 362 352 10 0 0 4 124 4 0 P ŚLĄSKIE TARGI KSIĄŻKI Silesian Book Fair 1 3 723 192 0 0 0 1 36 0 0 P TARGBUD 23rd Fair of House Building and Interior Refurbishment and Decoration 1 3 1 636 1 017 10 574 35 3 114 3 0 T/P 6 511 Intermebel 1 4 1 099 1 091 20 8 0 2 96 1 8 0 T 5 950 0 VolgaStroyExpo 1 4 7 336 4 148 910 3 188 450 18 454 62 25 1 T 9 240 180 1 9 14 063 5 932 260 8 131 22 4 382 18 P 105 189 1 3 1 170 1 170 0 0 0 1 131 0 21 0 T/P 6 512 AGROTECH 1 3 23 723 18 287 760 5 436 170 12 416 28 0 0 T/P 33 609 ALARM 1 2 751 634 6 117 4 3 23 2 0 0 T 1 037 ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET 1 3 695 686 193 9 0 11 46 15 0 0 T included in Metal Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Katowice (PL) HPS International Fair for Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Control and Drives INTERECO-ECODOM International Ecological Fair, International Fair for Measurement and 6 040 free entry 1 359 4 576 2 762 included in Targbud Kazan (RU) Kempten (G) Allgäuer Festwoche - Rural tradition exhibition Khanty-Mansiysk (RU) Products of Ugra Land 13 Kielce (PL) Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 47 Exhibitors Visitors AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA 1 3 32 328 9 150 1 612 20 008 2 261 26 560 90 264 0 T CONTROL-TECH 1 3 813 813 253 0 0 17 105 57 40 0 T included in Metal Dog Fair 1 1 185 181 0 4 0 1 17 0 0 0 P 4 698 DOM 1 3 4 053 2 913 40 1 140 0 4 232 9 0 0 T/P 16 037 EDUKACJA 1 3 1 544 1 459 15 10 0 3 148 2 0 0 P 10 402 EKOTECH 1 3 576 576 69 0 0 4 32 5 0 0 T included in ENEX EMPLOYMENT FAIR 1 1 555 555 6 0 0 2 84 1 0 0 P ENEX; ENEX Nowa Energia 1 3 1 708 1 423 20 55 0 3 106 2 2 0 T 4 415 GASTRO-TECH 1 3 1 073 1 005 12 0 0 2 59 1 0 0 T/P 2 029 INTERKAMIEŃ 1 3 390 369 10 21 0 4 37 4 0 0 T JOB, CAREER, DEVELOPMENT 1 1 94 94 0 0 0 1 23 0 0 0 P 1 490 KIELCE FASHION 1 3 676 525 175 0 0 4 29 6 0 0 T/P 3 914 KIELCE SPORT - WINTER 1 4 7 785 7 785 240 0 0 10 218 19 0 0 T/P 2 613 KIELCE SPORT-LATO 1 3 6 064 5 195 160 869 0 6 181 7 0 0 T/P 1 683 LAS-EXPO 1 3 1 363 466 0 897 0 1 40 0 0 0 T included in Agro-Tech LOGISTYKA 1 4 2 000 1 592 52 408 0 4 70 3 16 0 T included in MSPO MASZBUD 1 3 8 086 1 410 590 6 034 505 16 123 36 35 0 T included in Autostrada METAL 1 3 3 994 3 963 1 304 31 0 28 324 185 0 0 T MODNY ŚLUB 1 3 483 373 0 0 0 1 31 0 0 0 P MSPO 1 4 20 097 9 010 2 161 11 087 438 22 291 113 14 0 T MTS 1 3 138 116 8 22 8 3 28 3 0 0 T/P OGRÓD I TY 1 3 1 864 310 0 1 554 0 1 72 0 0 0 P included in Dom Pigeon Fair 1 2 885 885 0 0 0 1 57 0 0 0 P 1 263 PLASTPOL 1 4 14 204 13 952 6 216 252 6 33 837 436 51 0 T 16 208 PNEUMATICON 1 3 642 642 30 0 0 5 50 10 16 0 T included in ENEX PROGLASS 1 3 258 258 64 0 0 6 24 5 1 0 T 3 342 REHMED-EXPO 1 3 1 156 1 156 70 0 0 5 100 25 0 0 T/P 2 157 ROTRA 1 3 1 286 992 158 294 0 6 52 8 15 0 T 1 521 48 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 21 813 included in Proglass 3 357 included in Kielce Fashion 12 464 Exhibitors Visitors SACROEXPO 1 3 3 514 3 001 431 155 0 11 244 31 3 0 T SPORT-OBIEKT 1 2 1 144 675 6 69 0 2 33 1 0 0 T included in Alarm STOM 1 3 2 475 2 475 312 0 0 14 164 46 7 0 T included in Proglass TIL 1 3 729 720 107 9 9 8 48 20 0 0 T included in Autostrada TIWS 1 3 1 392 1 357 60 35 0 7 83 10 0 0 T 1 337 TOPGUM 1 3 3 321 481 58 0 0 3 38 3 33 0 T 418 TRAFFIC-EXPO 1 3 1 083 1 023 127 60 0 10 56 10 11 0 T TRANSEXPO 1 3 10 176 8 294 709 1 882 0 14 178 40 0 0 T VENUS 1 3 650 514 0 36 0 1 71 0 0 0 T/P included in Dom VOYAGER 1 3 264 256 0 8 0 1 31 0 0 0 T/P included in Dom WELDING 1 3 790 781 99 9 0 6 48 8 0 0 T included in Metal Building & Architecture (Autumn) 1 4 18 152 12 581 1 945 5 187 401 20 844 111 0 0 T/P 31 642 385 Building & Architecture (Spring) 1 5 24 476 16 373 4 127 6 824 356 14 789 157 0 0 T/P 48 254 645 BEZPEKA (SECURITY) - Security Systems and Equipment 1 4 4 139 3 614 264 0 0 8 185 16 0 0 T 9 971 Design Living Tendencies 1 4 11 821 11 429 3 078 32 0 11 390 96 0 0 T/P 24 187 EIA: Electronics and Industrial Automation 1 4 940 844 41 0 0 3 59 5 0 0 T included in elcom elcomUkraine - Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Energy Efficiency 1 4 9 733 8 337 2 410 510 0 12 383 145 0 0 T 14 423 Food Expo Ukraine 1 4 3 104 2 528 827 37 33 13 139 40 0 0 T/P 12 881 Franchising 1 3 504 364 48 0 0 5 31 5 0 0 T 3 956 Furniture technologies, Components, Textiles. Furn’equip (Autumn) 1 4 2 435 2 355 466 0 0 6 112 17 0 0 T/P included in Design Living Tendencies Industrial Cold - Industrial Refrigeration Equipment, Air-Conditioning, and Ventilation 1 4 2 397 1 797 107 0 0 7 75 12 0 0 T included in MaRHo Inter Agro 1 3 19 721 17 729 1 875 497 0 12 343 108 0 0 T/P 18 072 403 Jeweller Expo Ukraine (Autumn) 1 4 7 922 6 813 512 0 0 11 241 41 0 0 T/P 25 305 176 Jeweller Expo Ukraine (Spring) 1 4 6 828 6 444 498 0 0 7 236 36 0 0 T/P 22 778 143 KinderEx (Autumn) 1 4 267 267 15 0 0 2 25 1 0 0 T/P Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 4 311 included in Autostrada 3 125 Kiev (UA) ( ) 325 328 included in Kyiv Fashion (Autumn) Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 49 Exhibitors Visitors KinderEx (Spring) 1 4 527 307 0 0 0 1 40 0 0 0 T/P Kyiv Fashion (Autumn) 1 4 7 001 6 522 1 721 0 0 14 338 77 0 0 T/P 14 389 212 Kyiv Fashion (Spring) 1 4 5 874 5 185 1 380 0 0 11 326 81 0 0 T/P 13 157 136 28 003 698 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Kyiv International Furniture Forum comprising of: Furniture Technologies, Components, Textiles, Furn’equip (Spring) Total Foreign included in Kyiv Fashion (Spring) 1 5 5 907 5 870 2 322 37 0 9 225 74 0 0 T/P included in Kyiv International Furinture Forum 1 5 13 012 11 695 3 915 37 0 12 339 150 0 0 T/P included in Kyiv International Furinture Forum Kyiv Salon of Watches 1 4 702 702 0 0 0 1 33 0 0 0 T/P included in Jeweller Expo Ukraine (Autumn) MaRHo - Equipment for Shops, Restaurants, and Hotels 1 4 5 410 4 810 253 0 0 7 183 11 0 0 T Modern Hotel 1 4 958 958 0 0 0 1 53 0 0 0 T/P Optics Salon. Ukraine 1 3 1 502 1 214 24 0 0 3 55 3 0 0 T/P Pack Fair 1 4 2 919 2 876 1 077 43 0 12 183 63 0 0 T/P Restaurant Expo Ukraine 1 4 3 637 2 927 391 0 0 7 106 18 0 0 T/P Kiev Expo Furniture (Spring) 10 927 included in Restaurant Expo Ukraine 3 773 28 included in Food Expo Ukraine 19 631 213 included in Restaurant Expo Ukraine Restaurant Prod Expo Ukraine 1 4 1 171 1 171 111 0 0 4 87 6 0 0 T/P REX - Advertising, Marketing, and the Mass Media T-REX - Technologies, Equipment, and Materials 1 4 6 066 5 477 146 64 0 6 402 13 0 0 T Salon accessories and fashionable adornments (Autumn) 1 4 616 616 0 0 0 1 74 0 0 0 T/P included in Jeweller Expo Ukraine (Autumn) Salon accessories and fashionable adornments (Spring) 1 4 785 745 0 0 0 1 72 0 0 0 T/P included in Jeweller Expo Ukraine (Spring) Vending Expo Ukraine 1 4 497 497 18 0 0 2 30 1 0 0 T/P included in Restaurant Expo Ukraine World of Glass & Tableware 1 4 726 726 28 0 0 3 31 2 0 0 T/P included in Restaurant Expo Ukraine GAST 2008 - gastronomy show 1 4 10 404 8 676 776 1 728 0 17 468 81 57 40 T 13 349 1 201 Häuslbauer building fair 1 3 13 710 11 831 767 1 879 0 4 408 30 2 1 T/P 22 603 226 int. Wood fair 2 4 26 374 11 292 3 994 15 082 2 856 19 431 162 23 18 T 20 153 6 046 19 917 Klagenfurt (A) Köln (G) 50 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Visitors CARBON EXPO 1 3 2 349 2 349 1 869 65 236 194 19 domotechnica 2 4 15 169 15 169 13 396 37 727 670 2 ecclesia 1 3 2 531 2 531 323 9 173 19 handarbeit & hobby 1 3 8 208 8 208 3 051 26 215 119 Haus & Wohnen 2 4 9 418 9 418 156 11 507 imm cologne - International furnishing show 1 7 151 490 151 490 83 677 50 InterKarneval 1 3 1 721 1 721 251 INTERMOT 2 5 57 409 57 409 INTERN. HARDWARE FAIR/PRACTICAL WORLD 2 4 93 510 ISM - International Sweets and Biscuits Fair 1 4 Kind + Jugend - The Trade Show for Kids’ First Years 1 Modellbahn - Model railways, accessories, toys, hobbies Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign 18 Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign T/P 6 406 5 094 T/P 10 808 7 491 P 2 573 1 T/P 9 424 12 43 P 21 483 1 068 698 138 T/P 106 677 5 90 8 P 13 171 27 658 36 966 660 86 38 T/P 172 883 16 100 93 510 59 048 61 3 270 2 671 90 60 T 56 413 31 280 53 456 53 456 36 559 67 1 516 1 272 120 60 T 33 828 21 016 4 43 149 43 149 27 714 42 765 609 4 3 T 16 757 12 240 2 4 3 960 3 960 222 13 192 20 P 59 483 ORGATEC 2 5 69 421 69 421 37 264 38 615 386 50 22 T 52 699 24 435 photokina 2 6 67 115 67 115 39 842 47 935 640 437 246 T 116 547 34 478 spoga + gafa 2 3 131 025 131 025 82 939 57 2 150 1 645 86 74 T 38 433 21 960 Book Trade Fair in Krakow 12th 1 4 3 281 2 875 36 0 0 6 482 9 0 0 P 23 537 EDU.PL 10th Education Fair in Krakow 1 3 968 712 42 1 0 5 131 8 0 0 P 5 682 ENOEXPO 6th International Wine Trade Fair in Krakow 1 3 565 338 227 0 0 5 78 26 0 0 P 0 T 462 T 8 338 P 9 450 T 10 345 101 2 488 33 715 Kraków (PL) included in HORECA EUROBIOTECH Biotechnologies in Agriculture 1 3 602 105 24 0 0 5 22 5 0 EUROTOOL 13th Trade Fair of Machine Tools, Tools, Devices and Equipment for Material 1 3 6 128 5 591 355 82 0 20 342 108 454 HORECA/GASTROFOOD 16th International Trade Fair of Hotel and Catering Equipment; 7th Food 1 3 3 130 2 806 244 0 0 8 229 39 0 1 3 4 791 3 871 120 0 0 20 278 53 187 1 3 2 594 2 182 269 0 0 3 97 19 0 0 P 4 611 1 2 367 367 0 0 0 1 49 0 0 0 P 2 067 KRAKDENT 16th Trade Fair for Dentistry in Krakow MUSIC MEDIA 4th Instruments, Music and Proffesional Stage and Lightning Equipment Trade NOWY DOM, NOWE MIESZKANIE 3. 3rd Housing Fair Cracow 0 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 51 Exhibitors Visitors NOWY DOM, NOWE MIESZKANIE 4. 4th Housing Fair Cracow 1 2 434 434 0 0 0 1 60 0 0 0 P 3 216 NOWY DOM, NOWE MIESZKANIE 5. 5th Winter Housing Fair 1 2 268 268 0 0 0 1 42 0 0 0 P 2 759 SPA & WELLNESS Spa & Wellness Facilities, Services and Equipment Trade Fair 1 3 981 875 6 0 0 2 85 1 0 0 P 1 551 TUNING SHOW 6th Krakow Tuning Show 1 2 4 759 3 260 0 1 015 0 1 165 0 0 0 P 12 853 1 4 3 334 3 020 9 314 0 2 301 1 60 0 T 10 510 1 9 9 965 1 702 0 8 263 0 0 165 0 0 0 P 38 460 EQUID'ESPACES - Horse show 1 3 2 423 2 408 129 15 0 3 120 7 0 0 P 14 224 88 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE HAUTE HAUTE-SAVOIE SAVOIE MONT-BLANC - Haute-Savoie Mont-Blanc 1 10 26 374 15 804 538 10 570 196 8 581 33 0 0 P 89 153 374 FORUM DES MAIRES ET DES COLLECTIVITES DE HAUTE SAVOIE 1 3 2 523 2 523 0 0 0 0 128 0 0 0 P 2 601 MIEUX-VIVRE EXPO - Art of living and Leisure Show 1 4 9 294 9 169 255 125 0 3 414 11 0 0 P 32 171 112 NATURELLIA 1 3 1 356 1 326 31 30 0 3 162 3 0 0 P 6 995 23 SIMODEC - International screw cutting machine tool show 2 5 10 431 10 431 2 358 0 0 7 271 57 0 0 T 14 999 1 962 ANTIQUAIRES - LA ROCHELLE 1 4 3 015 3 015 0 0 0 0 165 0 0 0 P 7 456 ART & OBJETS - LA ROCHELLE - ARTS ATLANTICS 2 3 856 856 0 0 0 0 87 0 0 0 P 2 653 ATLANTICA - L.A ROCHELLE 1 3 10 474 6 253 39 4 221 500 3 260 6 0 0 T 3 486 FOIRE EXPOSITION - LA ROCHELLE 1 10 29 029 11 606 2 441 17 423 0 7 432 8 0 0 P 58 268 GRAND PAVOIS - International in-water boat show 1 6 37 912 6 888 361 31 024 2 403 13 534 37 0 0 T/P 80 554 HABITAT - LA ROCHELLE 1 3 3 105 1 980 27 1 125 0 1 142 1 0 0 P 6 000 JARDINS PASSION - LA ROCHELLE 1 3 1 764 1 764 0 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 P 6 291 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Krasnoyarsk (RU) Construction and Architecture 110 La Ciotat (F) NAUTIQUE MARSEILLE METROPOLE Marseille Boat Show La Roche (F) La Rochelle (F) 52 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 11 1 063 Exhibitors Visitors MARATHON DE LA ROCHELLE 1 2 426 426 12 0 0 2 49 2 0 0 P 19 497 PASSERELLE - LA ROCHELLE 1 3 1 280 1 280 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 P 8 327 SUNNY SIDE OF THE DOC 1 4 1 289 1 257 648 32 32 36 503 282 0 0 T 855 Caravan 2008 1 3 14 029 13 586 444 6 80 52 T/P 16 107 Garden Fair 2008 2 3 2 524 2 478 46 2 133 14 T/P 11 489 Muovi Plastics 2008 3 3 2 156 2 156 0 6 91 63 T 5 737 Raksa 2008 1 3 6 111 6 018 92 2 287 81 T/P 22 499 Security and Defence 2008 3 3 4 086 3 413 673 4 131 19 T/P 21 129 SisustusRaksa 2008, OLO.MUOTO-08 1 3 3 079 3 078 1 2 96 14 T/P 10 415 Terve Elämä 2008 1 3 2 068 2 068 0 3 120 76 T/P 4 621 Woodworking g 2008 2 4 4 821 4 811 10 4 104 113 T 7 725 3 2 001 2 001 P 3 503 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 357 Lahti (SF) Las palmas de gran canaria (E) 1ª Muestra de Artesanía Canaria CELEBRALIA 2008 -Feria de Bodas y Celebraciones 1 3 2 167 1 731 328 1 81 P 2 498 FISALDO 2008 -Feria de los Saldos y Oportunidades 1 5 3 524 3 089 435 1 123 P 34 018 PLANETA GC -IV Feria de la Infancia y la Juventud 1 21 1 17 P 40 995 FOIRE - LAVAL 1 5 20 004 5 978 0 14 026 0 0 249 0 0 0 P 22 877 HABITAT - LAVAL 1 3 3 798 3 708 0 90 0 0 188 0 0 0 P 11 282 HABITAT EXPO - LAVAL 1 3 802 802 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 P 5 588 L'ETUDIANT - FORUM DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR / RENCONTRE DES METIERS 1 2 2 852 2 852 0 0 0 0 119 0 0 0 P 11 229 MARIAGE ET PRET A PORTER - LAVAL 1 2 561 561 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 0 P 2 373 NATURE ET BIEN-ETRE - LAVAL 1 2 810 810 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 P 4 271 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - LAVAL 1 3 432 432 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 P 3 326 Laval (F) Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 53 Exhibitors Visitors FOIRE DU HAVRE - Fair of Le Havre 1 10 5 064 4 883 0 181 0 0 234 0 0 0 P 39 807 HABITAT - LE HAVRE 1 4 2 831 2 819 0 12 0 0 145 0 0 0 P 9 915 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - LE HAVRE 1 3 1 227 1 227 1 227 0 0 0 126 0 0 0 P 11 793 FOIRE DU MANS "LES QUATRE JOURS" 1 5 47 706 11 847 14 35 860 0 1 609 1 0 0 P 100 757 HABITAT - LE MANS 1 3 4 033 4 033 0 0 0 0 207 0 0 0 P 14 902 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - LE MANS 1 3 824 824 0 0 0 0 83 0 0 0 P 3 626 AMI - AUTO MOBIL INTERNATIONAL with AMITEC 1 9 58 668 58 405 26 233 263 130 16 465 70 9 2 P 274 412 27 990 CADEAUX - Gifts / Comfortex - Interior Design (Sept.) 1 3 14 142 14 142 623 12 480 29 T 11 865 190 CADEAUX -Trade Fair for Gifts (February) 1 3 9 695 9 695 411 11 324 18 1 T 7 809 denkmal - Conservation, restoration, old building renovation 2 3 7 736 7 736 1 829 13 437 124 1 T 11 308 euregia - Local and regional developm. in Europe 2 3 691 691 83 7 57 8 T 1 975 Fachdental Leipzig - Dental surgeries and laboratories 1 2 3 989 3 989 312 10 183 19 16 16 T 4 837 FleiFa - Trade fair for the butchers’ trade 2 3 1 630 1 630 111 5 62 6 12 1 T 1 374 Games Convention 1 5 45 679 42 869 5 694 31 546 233 27 7 T/P 203 005 14 210 Haus-Garten-Freizeit/mitteldeutsche handwerksmesse/ImmobilienMesse 1 9 24 523 24 523 2 002 16 1 058 81 2 P 170 241 340 Leipzig Book Fair 1 4 14 055 14 055 1 482 32 2 147 393 7 T/P 129 141 2 970 MIDORA 1 4 3 991 3 991 318 23 161 42 T 2 719 52 modell-hobby-spiel 1 3 10 643 10 643 573 10 469 32 P 103 369 2 791 ORTHOPÄDIE & REHA-TECHNIK 2 4 10 562 10 562 3 218 29 366 157 T/P 18 042 4 691 Sachsenback 1 3 7 715 7 715 427 7 211 13 20 7 T 9 237 92 Touristik & Caravaning International with fahrrad.markt.zukunft 1 5 24 265 24 265 3 632 50 1 072 332 75 32 P 71 467 1 043 Z - Subcontracting Fair 1 4 5 125 5 125 1 377 20 442 142 T 7 795 850 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Le Havre (F) Le Mans (F) Leipzig (G) 54 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 2 810 400 9 1 1 1 368 Exhibitors Visitors 1 2 3 357 0 0 1 107 0 1 21 0 0 0 P AMENAGO - LILLE 1 11 4 878 4 878 242 0 0 1 154 7 0 0 P 29 462 CADEAUX A P'ART LILLE 1 3 543 543 42 0 0 1 87 2 0 0 P 5 767 CONGRES DE LA SOCIETE D'ENDOCRINOLOGIE 1 4 375 375 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 T 990 CONSTRUIRE NATUREL - LILLE 1 5 1 306 1 306 81 0 0 2 82 5 0 0 P 8 858 CREER - CREER Trade Show 1 3 3 278 3 278 81 0 0 3 249 7 0 0 P 15 550 361 EASYFAIRS EMPACK NORD - EasyFairs Empack Nord 1 2 984 984 147 0 0 2 79 12 0 0 T 1 069 146 EASYFAIRS SHOP INNOVATIONS NORD EasyFairs Shop Innovations Nord 1 2 510 510 147 0 0 3 41 12 0 0 T 334 25 ENVIES CULINAIRES - LILLE 1 4 556 556 0 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 P 5 675 ENVIRONORD 2 3 1 317 1 317 36 0 0 1 95 3 0 0 T 3 781 FORUM DE L'INVESTISSEMENT - LILLE 1 2 268 268 12 0 0 1 26 1 26 1 P 1 556 ID CREATIVES - LILLE 1 4 799 799 71 0 0 3 100 6 0 0 P 10 438 LILLE ART FAIR - European Contemporary Art Fair 1 4 2 961 2 961 1 104 0 0 6 73 24 0 0 P 12 838 LYCEEN ET ETUDIANT - LILLE - Student and high school exhibition 1 3 3 961 3 961 279 0 0 5 331 29 0 0 P 61 789 SALONS CE LILLE 1 1 2 2 035 2 035 93 0 0 2 164 6 0 0 T 2 413 SALONS CE LILLE 2 1 2 1 255 1 255 59 0 0 2 171 6 18 6 T 2 323 SIAHM 2 3 1 807 1 807 108 0 0 4 79 5 0 0 T 4 243 TENDANCES HABITAT - LILLE 1 4 2 466 2 466 45 0 0 1 138 2 0 0 P 15 958 TISSU PREMIER 1 - TISSU PREMIER 1 2 3 524 3 524 1 660 0 0 13 211 94 0 0 T 5 077 2 063 TISSU PREMIER 2 - The fabrics and accessories fair for european manufacturers and retailers 1 2 3 568 3 568 1 720 0 0 20 225 109 0 0 T 5 590 1 317 VAD - LILLE 1 3 4 195 4 195 1 066 0 0 16 266 58 0 0 T 7 535 562 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - LILLE 1 3 360 360 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 P 3 662 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Leszno-Wilkowice (PL) ROLTECHNIKA Agricultural Exhibition free entry Lille (F) 110 137 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 55 Exhibitors Visitors FOIRE DE LIMOGES ET DU LIMOUSIN Limoges multi branch fair 1 10 18 467 7 140 313 11 327 0 9 366 11 0 0 P 69 531 VINS - LIMOGES 1 3 840 840 0 0 0 0 137 0 0 0 P 7 777 ARTE LISBOA - Contemporary Art Fair 1 6 4 302 4 302 1 125 0 0 6 87 31 0 0 P 18 100 0 BTL - Lisboa Travel Market 1 5 19 179 19 125 3 042 54 0 31 366 66 214 134 T/P 58 336 734 FIA-LISBOA - International Handicraft Exhibition 1 9 12 024 12 024 4 077 0 0 41 584 226 5 0 P 114 265 0 FUTURÁLIA - Youth, Education and Employment Exhibition 1 4 7 413 7 413 189 0 0 6 186 15 92 0 P 32 815 0 HOREXPO - International Hotel, Catering and Vending Exhibition 2 4 16 248 14 990 1 885 1 258 0 6 312 60 4 3 T 26 132 272 INTERCASA - International Furniture, Decoration and Lighting Exibition 1 9 12 719 12 719 72 0 0 4 213 5 4 2 T/P 69 059 39 MOTOEXPO - Motorcycle, M t l Bicycle Bi l and d Accessories Exhibition 1 9 7 576 7 576 9 0 0 2 64 1 18 13 P 40 900 0 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Limoges (F) Lisbon (P) NATALIS - Lisbon Christmas Fair 1 9 3 933 3 933 252 0 0 7 305 18 0 0 P 25 687 0 NAUTICAMPO - International Exhibition of Boating, Camping, Caravanning, Sport and 1 9 24 627 22 290 306 2 337 0 4 250 13 76 41 P 75 427 0 PAPERGIFT - International Exhibition of Stationery, Educational Material, Toys, Gift, Party 1 4 10 668 10 668 477 0 0 5 211 18 55 51 T 10 665 106 PORTUGAL TECNOLÓGICO - Technologies Exhibition 1 6 6 299 6 299 0 0 0 1 63 0 0 0 T/P 21 428 22 SALÃO IMOBILIÁRIO DE LISBOA - Lisbon Real Estate Exhibition 1 5 8 274 8 238 450 36 0 4 151 9 47 1 T/P 21 237 96 TEKTÓNICA - International Building and Construction Fair 1 5 28 953 25 620 2 124 3 333 117 10 498 49 75 57 T 49 580 669 Cucalocum/ Cucaesport 1 10 1 700 1 15 P 14 376 De Nuvis 1 3 1 415 1 88 P 577 Eurofruit 1 5 3 722 2 678 12 51 Formació I Treball 1 3 1 204 1 204 1 42 P Lleidantic/ Lleidaretro 1 3 1 058 1 058 1 50 P Lleidaocasió/ Lleidatuning/ Lleidamoto 1 3 8 483 6 162 1 66 P Lleida (E) 56 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 304 948 721 10 38 30 T included in Sant Miquel 1 510 Petitalia 1 3 1 106 1 106 Sant Miquel 1 5 16 164 3 520 18 12 644 APTEKARZE Pharmacists Meeting 1 3 260 30 0 BEAUTY FAIR Fair of Beauty and Healthy Living 1 2 562 383 FILM VIDEO FOTO Fair of Photographic, Film, Video and Cinema Equipment 1 3 4 018 Games & Toys Games & Toys Fair 1 3 INTERBUD Building Fair 1 INTERFLAT 14th Trade Fair for Interior Furnishings and Household and Garden Articles Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign 1 47 110 12 189 3 187 0 0 2 7 1 0 10 0 1 49 3 717 50 5 0 2 958 803 18 0 0 4 6 109 4 691 79 715 1 3 1 314 993 20 INTERTELECOM International Fair of Electronic Communications 1 3 2 992 2 550 O OG Lodz od Cardiology Ca d o ogy Co Conference e e ce KARDIOLOGIA Exhibition and Convention 1 1 865 KRAINA DZIECKA Exhibition of Articles and Services for Mother and Child 1 3 Lodz Educational Fair 1 Lodz Festival of Health, Divinations and Strangeness (Autumn) Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total P 1 388 70 T 20 392 0 0 T 121 0 0 0 P 1 425 154 6 0 0 P 13 794 5 55 3 0 0 P 4 334 0 7 376 6 0 0 T/P 20 277 101 0 2 74 1 0 0 P 3 864 208 36 0 10 133 19 0 0 T 10 219 165 0 0 0 1 20 0 0 0 T 1 134 457 383 0 12 0 1 52 0 0 0 P 1 749 3 1 247 1 176 8 9 0 2 182 2 1 0 P 11 636 1 4 829 807 0 22 0 1 232 0 0 0 P 5 980 Lodz Festival of Health, Divinations and Strangeness (Spring) 1 3 697 676 0 21 0 1 193 0 0 0 P 4 033 NA STYKU KULTUR 14th International Touristic Sites Fair 1 3 1 077 986 37 0 0 13 126 18 0 0 P 2 718 National Roofing Showroom 1 2 2 005 895 60 0 0 5 44 4 0 0 P 3 336 NATURA FOOD Natural Food Days 1 3 1 053 614 0 65 0 1 110 0 0 0 P 2 916 REHABILITACJA Rehabilitation Equipment and the Disabled Equipment Fair 1 3 6 136 4 569 210 27 0 14 299 48 0 0 T 11 673 VETMEDICA Fair of Veterinary Medicine 1 2 657 248 0 0 0 2 34 1 0 0 T 799 1 7 6 317 6 157 1 578 160 13 183 50 13 10 T/P Foreign 33 Lódz (PL) Longarone (I) MIG - Mostra internazionale del gelato artigianale 17 787 4 718 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 57 Exhibitors Visitors BOIS ENERGIE - Bois Energy Exhibition 1 4 7 252 2 507 484 4 745 100 9 163 26 0 0 P IMMOBILIER - LONS LE SAUNIER 1 3 1 314 1 314 0 0 0 0 91 0 0 0 P ENERGIES ET ECO-HABITAT - LORIENT 1 3 1 147 1 147 0 0 0 0 72 0 0 0 P 4 816 HABITAT EXPO - LORIENT 1 3 2 529 2 529 0 0 0 0 135 0 0 0 P 8 253 1 10 11 054 8 699 433 2 355 136 5 486 43 113 19 P 76 680 AGRO PARK Agricultural Fair 1 3 4 917 361 70 4 243 0 2 73 1 0 P AUTOSALON 14th Motor Industry Fair 1 2 3 166 2 412 0 204 0 1 31 0 5 P 6 190 EDEN 4th Fair for Gardening g 1 3 1 038 588 0 207 0 1 43 0 0 P 5 299 EDUKACJA 4th Education Fair 1 2 492 468 6 0 0 2 81 1 0 P 15 112 ENERGETICS 11th Power Industry Trade Fair 1 3 1 037 712 0 85 0 1 76 0 0 T Exhibition of Technologies for the Food Industry 1 3 1 395 1 395 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 T GASTRO 11th International Fair of Gastronomy 1 3 597 528 0 19 0 1 34 0 0 P 498 International Job Fair 1 1 275 223 52 0 0 9 59 13 0 P 6 450 LUBDOM JESIEŃ / ARANŻACJE 25th Construction Fair; Furniture and Interior Equipment 1 3 1 552 1 203 0 299 0 1 116 0 0 P 4 759 LUBDOM WIOSNA 24th Lublin Construction Fair; 2nd Stone and Stonemason's Services Fair 1 3 3 118 2 602 0 466 0 1 202 0 0 P 6 573 LUBTECH 1st Garage Equipment Fair 1 2 241 226 15 0 0 2 12 1 0 P LUBTOUR 6th Trade Fair for Tourism 1 2 513 418 10 10 0 2 30 1 0 P PASJE Hunting, Gunnery and Paramilitary Fair 1 3 429 131 0 98 0 1 19 0 0 P 2 168 Wedding Services; Beauty and Fashion 1 2 793 743 0 0 0 1 99 0 0 P 4 020 ZOO PARK Zoological Exhibition 1 2 1 588 40 0 32 0 1 17 0 0 P 4 206 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Lons Le Saunier (F) 16 360 482 free entry Lorient (F) Lörrach (G) REGIO - Reg. Consumer Exhibition 10 582 Lublin (PL) 58 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 included in Autosalon Exhibitors Rented Space (sq.m) Total Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Visitors Open air Foreign Total Foreign Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Space from … countries Duration Days Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Lugo (E) Equigal 4 1 691 1 061 630 1 55 T 1 880 4 979 Expolugo 2008 1 4 3 022 3 022 140 3 74 4 P Lugostock 2008 1 3 1 704 1 704 120 2 59 5 P Dental-Ukraine 1 3 1 519 1 519 147 0 0 11 124 27 308 282 T 4 171 Woodprocessing 1 3 1 332 1 012 88 320 18 6 110 13 171 109 T 3 195 COULEURS ET METIERS 2 3 2 141 2 141 146 0 0 5 99 8 2 0 T 5 077 50 EASYFAIRS BUILDING INNOVATIONS RHONEALPES - EasyFairs Building Innovations Rhône- 1 2 870 870 87 0 0 4 67 4 67 4 T 1 456 17 EASYFAIRS EMPACK RHÔNE ALPES 1 2 1 155 1 155 84 0 0 4 92 6 0 0 T 1 043 18 EQUITA LYON - Horse trade fair 1 5 8 428 8 428 942 0 0 7 289 31 0 0 P 77 140 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - LYON - Lyon international multi branch fair 1 11 42 150 42 150 1 813 0 0 23 1 077 94 0 0 P 214 688 ID CREATIVES - LYON 1 4 720 720 33 0 0 3 72 4 0 0 P 9 646 IMMOBILIER - LYON 1 1 3 2 208 2 208 0 0 0 0 127 0 0 0 P 10 053 IMMOBILIER - LYON 2 1 3 2 160 2 160 18 0 0 1 167 1 0 0 P 7 631 L'ETUDIANT - LYON 1 3 3 921 3 921 0 0 0 0 271 0 0 0 P 71 485 MAHANA LYON - Atrade fair to take you everywhere 1 3 2 567 2 567 325 0 0 8 248 23 0 0 P 26 800 2 4 31 996 31 996 12 697 0 0 32 642 298 0 0 T 18 344 6 191 2 4 61 317 59 320 9 552 1 997 86 35 1 958 453 232 152 T 73 938 8 692 PRINT'OR - International trade show for jewellery and horlogy professionals 1 3 7 560 7 560 654 0 0 12 304 36 0 0 T 6 471 286 SALON DU BRICOLAGE ET DE L'HABITAT 1 4 1 898 1 898 0 0 0 0 135 0 0 0 P 12 065 SALON HORMATEC 1 3 3 702 3 702 249 0 0 7 148 13 0 0 P 5 504 SALONS CE LYON 1 1 2 2 039 2 039 114 0 0 3 165 3 0 0 T 2 372 SALONS CE LYON 2 1 2 1 306 1 306 0 0 0 0 165 0 20 0 T 2 218 SDL 1 2 1 189 1 189 0 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 T 358 Lviv (UA) Lyon (F) PISCINE - LYON - World spa and private swimming-pool show POLLUTEC-LYON - International Exhibition of Environnemental Equipment, Technology and 104 27 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 59 Exhibitors Visitors SIDEC - CHASSIEU 2 2 1 687 1 687 0 0 0 0 145 0 4 0 T 2 784 SITEO 1 3 4 229 4 229 284 0 0 5 134 8 0 0 T 1 395 69 SLTT 2 3 1 243 1 243 66 0 0 82 3 0 0 T 2 797 10 STIM 1 3 3 043 3 043 99 0 0 223 9 0 0 T 2 617 83 TENDANCES MAISON - LYON 1 10 8 172 8 172 279 0 0 248 7 0 0 P 28 373 VINS DES VIGNERONS INDEPENDANTS LYON - French independent winegrower fair 1 3 1 607 1 607 0 0 0 0 258 0 0 0 P 7 264 HABITAT - MACON 1 4 2 530 2 430 9 100 0 1 160 1 0 0 P 7 424 VOYAGE ET LOISIRS - MACON 1 3 472 472 18 0 0 48 3 0 0 P 1 821 Almoneda 1 9 8 403 8 403 552 7 227 12 P 12 005 Arco Madrid 1 6 24 333 24 333 13 839 38 370 240 P 23 205 Aula 1 5 10 781 10 781 579 12 198 46 92 46 P 5 753 Bisutex (1ª Ed.) 1 5 9 312 9 312 724 20 340 39 125 52 T included in Intergift 1a Ed Bisutex (2ª Ed.) 1 5 9 537 9 537 797 12 336 40 157 64 T included in Intergift 2a Ed Casa Pasarela 1 4 6 193 6 193 748 3 100 11 Construtec 2 5 28 140 28 140 2 766 38 479 101 331 Decotec 2 5 2 478 2 478 567 9 51 14 26 Estampa 1 5 3 590 3 590 365 8 96 10 P 1 456 Eurobijoux & Accessories 1 3 915 915 192 6 70 13 T 543 50 Expo Reclam 1 3 13 081 13 081 1 506 12 313 54 53 T 9 218 912 Expodental 2 3 14 956 14 956 1 452 29 263 44 429 T 26 553 2 149 Expofranquicia 1 3 6 717 6 717 617 1 229 23 T/P 9 131 201 Expo-Ocio. La Feria del Tiempo Libre 1 10 10 224 10 224 312 8 200 11 P 6 073 Expooptica 1 3 6 407 6 407 479 12 118 25 T 8 404 756 Feria Int. del Mueble de Madrid 1 6 48 584 48 584 9 068 23 392 83 T 36 425 2 251 Feriarte 1 9 10 709 10 709 641 206 11 P 3 669 Fer-Interazar 1 3 9 957 9 957 934 154 20 T Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total 4 Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Macon (F) Madrid (E) 60 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 P 7 916 143 226 T 27 967 1 152 21 T 383 6 145 67 included in Construtec Exhibitors Visitors Ferremad 2 3 1 765 1 765 88 8 73 4 16 13 T 2 338 37 Fiaa 2 4 19 780 19 780 3 492 17 156 45 113 76 T 7 750 1 072 Fitness 1 4 10 381 10 381 384 9 151 17 T/P 14 767 278 Fitur 1 5 100 905 100 266 21 466 639 114 2 872 1 104 9 008 2 000 T/P 202 250 28 205 Genera 1 3 10 227 8 552 2 227 1 675 17 257 68 98 62 T 24 433 2 372 Habitalia 1 10 3 080 3 080 1 54 P 1 573 Iberjoya (1ª Ed.) 1 5 15 290 15 290 4 193 18 473 173 T 9 466 1 100 Iberjoya (2ª Ed.) 1 5 16 316 16 316 4 064 17 470 153 T 16 309 1 067 Iberpiel/Marroquinería (1ª Ed.) 1 3 2 960 2 960 251 6 57 8 T included in Modacalzado Iberpiel/Marroquineria (2ª Ed.) 1 3 1 991 1 991 359 8 52 13 T included in Modacalzado Iberpiel/Peleteria 1 3 3 976 3 976 1 062 7 74 30 T 14 498 Infosecurity y 1 2 708 708 137 6 57 12 T 974 Integra Madrid 1 4 6 176 6 176 308 5 157 22 P 8 137 Intergift (1ª Ed.) 1 5 92 787 92 787 6 004 53 1 079 107 789 466 T 61 749 3 692 Intergift (2ª Ed.) 1 5 84 095 83 618 5 430 41 971 108 810 509 T 42 013 2 902 Logitrans 2 3 8 897 8 897 558 11 153 23 164 18 T 5 565 196 Matelec 2 5 53 821 53 479 6 518 48 1 033 268 2 112 1 773 T 65 790 4 955 Modacalzado (1ª Ed.) 1 3 26 480 26 480 3 831 11 460 108 T 14 557 2 606 Modacalzado (2ª Ed.) 1 3 23 235 23 235 3 344 14 414 92 T 13 290 2 579 Multiproducto Selección 1 3 10 386 10 386 224 9 162 8 37 4 T 1 846 139 Ofitec 2 4 19 737 19 737 4 261 8 170 35 82 46 T 10 211 1 414 Piedra 2 4 22 632 22 632 5 892 19 415 184 362 76 T 17 700 2 689 Promogift 1 3 4 820 4 820 218 8 125 10 T 3 735 300 Propet 1 3 5 944 5 944 20 2 87 1 T 7 602 128 Salón del Vehículo de Ocasión 1 10 32 083 32 083 1 53 P 17 834 4 Salón Internacional del Automóvil de Madrid 2 11 67 527 50 357 3 367 1 108 7 P 289 737 140 Salón Look Internacional 1 3 19 445 19 445 2 650 14 355 72 T 73 085 1 624 Salón Náutico 1 5 22 121 22 091 1 169 23 203 20 P 18 941 172 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total 478 342 17 170 30 Foreign 235 104 from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total 118 Foreign 95 Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 2 597 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 61 Saver 2 3 8 865 8 865 Sein 1 3 1 224 1 224 Sicur 2 1 42 619 42 089 4 172 SIMA 1 5 40 910 37 195 Simm 1ª Ed. 1 3 26 934 Simm 2ª Ed. 1 3 Tem Tecma 2 Veteco Viscom Sign 2008 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign 317 from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Total Foreign 20 98 1 21 29 758 139 826 5 903 31 421 142 162 26 934 6 180 26 658 20 618 20 618 5 281 24 4 22 879 22 879 1 688 2 4 54 179 53 732 5 420 705 18 T 49 461 4 399 T/P 122 760 2 769 168 T 17 813 2 182 521 154 T 9 777 1 472 19 282 35 291 205 T 11 904 836 28 559 77 558 356 T 43 614 4 580 1 3 10 685 10 685 1 041 11 202 36 130 11 T 12 337 943 AIR MAGDEBURG 2 3 6 877 2 678 43 4 199 4 108 4 P 7 267 LBA - Reg. g building g trade exhibition 1 3 1 911 1 707 15 204 2 132 2 T/P 3 875 MAGDEBOOT 1 4 3 629 3 152 477 1 104 P 8 085 1 4 1 595 1 457 456 8 107 33 T 357 1 9 16 922 14 406 679 8 759 16 P 75 329 Ágora 2 3 2 845 1 433 16 2 34 1 T 1 644 Celebra Málaga 1 3 2 010 1 396 1 73 P 3 008 Feria Andaluza del Recreativo 1 3 6 817 6 817 301 Feria Internacional del Turismo Cultural 1 447 142 T Foreign 136 268 159 Total 4 499 530 10 Represented firms Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY T/P 724 Magdeburg (G) 2 Mahón (E) Eurobijoux & Accessories 147 Mainz (G) Rheinland-Pfalz-Ausstellung - Reg. Consumer Exhibition 2 516 Málaga (E) 17 122 11 T 4 3 850 1 944 131 5 51 8 T/P 1 900 Jardinova - Salón del Paisajismo, Jardín, Piscina y Wellness 4 1 785 1 785 116 3 41 2 T/P 1 648 Mediterranean Golf - I Salón de Golf del Mediterráneo 4 844 639 27 3 53 2 T/P 471 62 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 8 Exhibitors Visitors Muestra Infantil de Málaga 1 18 7 150 1 211 1 18 32 P Salón Inmobiliario del Mediterráneo 1 4 1 714 1 714 1 29 1 T/P Golfmässan 2 3 2 418 2 418 10 132 5 P 6 012 Home and Villa 1 4 9 355 9 355 5 305 70 P 40 976 Kommek 2 2 2 177 2 177 3 99 1 T 5 940 Motormässan i Malmö 3 4 8 657 8 599 2 115 5 P 34 650 Skoldagarna 2 3 3 063 3 063 5 190 3 T 6 187 Skånemässan 1 4 4 573 4 545 3 269 4 P 21 951 1 11 67 125 36 201 1 962 30 924 110 19 1 422 75 P 343 402 1 3 333 333 0 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 P 3 665 CARRARAMARMOTEC 2 4 21 077 13 325 1 279 7 752 1 510 20 384 77 39 12 P 14 898 2 871 SEATEC 1 3 13 200 13 200 637 23 621 79 244 171 T 9 135 235 EASYFAIRS BUILDING INNOVATIONS MEDITERRANEE - EasyFairs Building Innovations 1 2 588 588 27 0 0 2 50 2 0 0 T 463 4 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - MARSEILLE Marseille international multibranch fair 1 11 54 118 26 301 2 345 27 817 1 064 30 1 354 249 181 62 P 371 733 878 FORUM DE L'INVESTISSEMENT - MARSEILLE 1 2 350 350 12 0 0 1 29 1 0 0 P 3 226 L'ETUDIANT - MARSEILLE 1 3 1 857 1 857 0 0 0 0 163 0 0 0 P 42 258 MAHANA MARSEILLE - A trade fair to take you everywhere 1 3 1 231 1 231 78 0 0 4 86 4 0 0 P 16 820 PISCINES & SPA ET BIEN ETRE - Pool and spa exhibition 1 4 4 720 4 720 50 0 0 2 126 4 0 0 P 14 471 SALONS CE MARSEILLE 1 1 2 1 521 1 521 99 0 0 3 142 3 0 0 T 1 719 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 37 077 Malmö (S) 58 28 Mannheim (G) MANNHEIMER MAIMARKT - Reg. Consumer Exhibition Marcq en Baroeul (F) VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - MARCQ EN BAROEUL Marina di Carrara (I) see note note: audited by ISF Marseille (F) Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 63 Exhibitors Visitors SALONS CE MARSEILLE 2 1 2 918 918 21 0 0 2 120 3 8 1 T 1 513 SIDEC - MARSEILLE 2 2 2 232 2 232 0 0 0 0 147 0 4 0 T 2 096 CREATIVA - METZ - Creativa - The European Fair of Creative Leisures 1 4 2 274 2 274 199 0 0 6 166 18 0 0 P 24 139 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - METZ - International Trade Fair of Metz 1 11 29 379 17 469 1 543 11 910 72 15 748 65 0 0 P 157 848 0 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Metz (F) MARIAGE - METZ 1 3 1 324 1 324 0 0 0 87 0 0 0 P 6 635 SALON DE LA MAISON ET DE L'HABITAT-METZ 1 4 6 020 6 020 174 0 0 278 8 0 0 P 17 698 SALON DES ANTIQUAIRES-METZ 1 4 1 334 1 334 21 0 0 43 2 0 0 P 3 657 SALONS CE METZ 1 2 919 919 12 0 0 2 59 2 0 0 T 812 TOUT'NATURE 1 3 1 364 1 364 87 0 0 3 129 7 0 0 P 6 029 URBEST -GRANT EST 1 3 3 108 3 108 139 0 0 3 98 5 0 0 T 4 309 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - METZ 1 3 642 642 0 0 0 0 101 0 0 0 P 5 055 ANTEPRIMA I ed. - Trend Selection 1 2 3 021 3 021 376 139 21 T 2 227 585 ANTEPRIMA II ed. - Trend Selection 1 2 3 244 3 244 376 145 21 T 2 499 749 CHIBIDUE 2008 - Int. Exh. of Giftware 1 4 793 793 191 33 8 T 7 495 896 FILO I ED - Yarn, Fibres, Textiles Design 1 2 1 200 1 200 0 77 17 T 2 542 0 FILO II ED - Yarn, Fibres, Textiles Design 1 2 1 176 1 176 0 83 18 T 2 683 923 INTERNATIONAL EXPODENTAL 1 4 7 834 7 834 1 469 268 83 T 12 475 725 see note MIART - Int. Modern and Contemporary art Show 1 4 12 026 12 026 1 874 242 65 T/P 38 130 0 see note T 8 355 4 067 Milano (I) 3 47 49 3 36 MIFUR - Int. Fur and Leather exhib. 1 4 24 848 24 848 7 757 226 88 MIFUR SMALL VILLE - Int. Fur and Leather exhib, Small Ville Edition 33 1 3 1 883 1 883 24 44 1 T 16 930 8 065 MILANO MODA DONNA - Ladies' wear 1 7 30 000 30 000 0 90 11 T 32 297 2 583 40 012 3 201 MILANO MODA DONNA II ED - Ladies' wear 1 7 30 000 30 000 0 93 13 T MILANO MODA UOMO I ED - Men's wear 1 4 17 000 17 000 0 47 0 T MILANO MODA UOMO II ED - Men's wear 1 4 17 000 17 000 0 45 0 T 64 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 see note Exhibitors Visitors MILANOVENDEMODA I ed - Women's Fashion 1 4 7 796 7 796 1 708 227 48 T 7 787 2 219 see note MILANOVENDEMODA II ed - Women's Fashion 1 4 6 379 6 379 2 078 215 57 T 6 544 1 853 see note MODAPRIMA I ED - Int. Fashion and Fashion Accessories Show 1 4 1 894 1 894 15 89 1 T 1 706 881 MODAPRIMA II ED - Int. Fashion and Fashion Accessories Show 1 3 2 058 2 058 16 79 1 T 1 728 874 SI SPOSAILTALIA COLLEZIONI - International Bridal Exhib. 1 4 8 187 8 187 2 078 147 42 T 5 766 1 773 VENDITALIA - International Vending Exhib. 2 4 11 304 11 304 679 226 23 43 15 T 13 972 3 612 AF - Int. Handicraft and Markets show 1 10 56 078 56 078 19 504 1 459 442 1 316 488 P BI.MU - Exh. Of Robot Automation 2 5 69 903 69 903 6 121 972 110 773 684 T 96 411 5 841 BIAS 2008 - Automation and Industry y Machinery y 2 4 12 643 12 643 5 112 421 195 773 726 T 48 562 7 439 BIT - Int. Tourism Exhange 1 4 49 585 49 585 14 540 547 186 1 344 915 T/P 109 571 14 236 EICMA - Int. Exh. Of Cycle and Motercycle 1 6 61 818 61 818 0 963 366 T/P 504 999 1 282 EIMU - Int. Exhib of Office Forniture 2 6 19 860 19 860 2 273 163 24 T/P included in Salone del Mobile EUROCUCINA - Int. Exh. Of Kitchen Forniture 2 6 33 615 33 615 4 513 140 23 T/P included in Salone del Mobile EXPOCONFORT/ EXPOBAGNO - Int. Exh. Bathroom Furniture 2 4 153 732 153 684 25 684 1 720 452 656 516 T FESTIVITY - Games and Toys exh. G! come Giocare 1 4 16 499 16 499 1 101 122 14 16 12 T FLUIDTRANS COMPOMAC 2008 2 4 13 602 13 602 2 877 367 148 146 121 T 37 970 10 763 FRANCHISING & TRADE - Int. Franchising exh. 1 4 6 019 6 019 585 153 23 86 16 T 7 369 358 IDEABIELLA I ED (Part of Milano unica exhibition) Italian Textile Show 1 4 5 499 5 499 975 75 23 T 30 279 9 655 IDEABIELLA II ED (Part of Milano unica exhibition) Italian Textile Show 1 4 5 499 5 499 956 76 22 T 31 442 10 231 IDEACOMO I ED (Part of Milano unica exhibition) Italian Textile Show 1 4 1 184 1 184 44 35 2 T included in IDEABIELLA Milano Unica I ed. IDEACOMO II ED (Part of Milano unica exhibition) Italian Textile Show 1 4 1 342 1 342 22 39 1 T included in IDEABIELLA Milano Unica II ed. LIFT - Int. Exh. Of Elevator 2 4 6 751 6 685 1 207 198 54 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign see note note: audited by ISF Milano - Rho Pero (I) 48 66 30 17 T 166 873 see note 39 875 included in MACEF Spring 9 704 2 970 see note see note Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 65 Exhibitors Visitors MACEF AUTUMN - Int. Home Show 1 4 99 232 99 232 19 767 1 666 381 184 116 T 75 400 10 746 see note MACEF SPRING - CHIBI & CART 2008 - Int Home exh. 1 4 106 309 106 309 0 1 764 341 258 143 T 85 467 11 804 see note MADEEXPO - Architecture, Design, Constructions 1 4 103 329 103 329 4 799 1 607 94 269 139 T 170 779 16 025 MECHANICAL POWER TRANSMISSION 2 4 1 243 1 243 364 71 41 43 37 T 18 354 3 717 MICAM SHOEVENT I ED - Int. Footwear exh. 1 3 74 301 74 301 0 1 665 526 44 14 T 38 773 20 903 MICAM SHOEVENT II ED - Int. Footwear Exh. 1 3 74 115 74 115 0 1 672 574 38 11 T 41 900 21 150 MIDO - Int. Exhibition of Optic and Optometry instruments. 1 4 54 873 54 873 25 388 812 513 435 397 T 35 107 23 198 MIPEL II ED - Int. Leather exhib. 1 4 19 456 19 456 4 926 441 134 95 31 T 17 369 8 065 MIPEL I ED - Int. Leather exhib. 1 3 19 619 19 619 4 370 476 140 104 29 T 18 251 9 871 MODA IN I ED (Part of Milano unica exhibition) Italian Textile Show 1 4 14 866 14 866 2 826 435 110 T included in IDEABIELLA Milano Unica I ed. MODA IN II ED (P (Partt off Mil Milano unica i exhibition) hibiti ) Italian Textile Show 1 4 14 769 14 769 2 719 436 107 T iincluded l d d in i IDEABIELLA Milano Unica II ed. PRATO EXPO I ED (Part of Milano unica exhibition) Italian Textile Show 1 4 1 800 1 800 0 46 T included in IDEABIELLA Milano Unica I ed. PRATO EXPO II ED (Part of Milano unica exhibition) Italian Textile Show 1 4 2 200 2 200 0 59 T included in IDEABIELLA Milano Unica II ed. 2 7 9 858 9 858 808 133 10 T/P included in Salone del Mobile 1 7 5 902 5 902 925 114 19 T/P included in Salone del Mobile SALONE INTERNAZIONALE DEL MOBILE - Int Forniture exh. 1 7 152 207 152 207 19 683 1 298 230 T/P 378 825 SASMIL - Int. Exh. of Accessories and Semifinished Prod. for the Furniture Industry 2 5 3 837 3 837 224 85 6 T included in MADEEXPO SHIRT AVENUE I ED (Part of Milano unica exhibition) Italian Textile Show 1 4 2 780 2 780 605 45 13 T included in IDEABIELLA Milano Unica I ed. SHIRT AVENUE II ED (Part of Milano unica exhibition) Italian Textile Show 1 4 2 604 2 604 605 43 15 T included in IDEABIELLA Milano Unica II ed. SICUREZZA - Security show 2 4 19 402 19 402 630 378 43 193 147 T 21 027 1 420 see note SICURTECH EXPO 2 4 9 584 9 584 455 147 23 17 11 T 7 026 427 see note SMAU 2008 - Ict and Consumer Electronics Exh. 1 4 10 731 10 731 682 327 27 156 20 T 46 179 1 639 SALONE INTERNAZIONALE DEL BAGNO - Int. Bathroom exh. SALONE INTERNAZIONALE DEL COMPLEMENTO D`ARREDO - Int. Furnishing 66 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 213 286 Exhibitors Visitors VISCOM - Visual Communication Exh. 1 3 16 326 16 326 2 500 XYLEXPO - International Exhibition Wood Technology 2 4 75 627 74 963 19 773 665 1 2 3 480 3 080 280 400 Autotardor 1 3 3 929 1 998 1 256 1 20 P Autotrac 1 3 7 199 3 047 3 477 1 35 P Expoclàssic 1 2 2 407 2 157 267 3 91 12 Fira de Sant Josep 1 3 26 949 3 178 30 20 330 3 Immollar 1 3 1 596 1 476 1 52 2 4 17 246 17 246 1 987 4ÈME MONTLUÇON TUNING SHOW 1 1 531 531 0 0 0 FOIRE DE MONTLUÇON 1 9 20 619 8 956 0 11 663 CREATIVA TOURISME LOISIRS MONTPELLIER 1 4 3 469 3 469 90 ENERGAIA - International renewable energies exhibition 1 3 5 873 5 873 EQUISUD - MONTPELLIER - Montpellier Horse trade show 1 4 8 577 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - MONTPELLIER Montpellier international multi branch fair 1 11 HABITAT - MONTPELLIER - The Home Exhibition 1 L'ETUDIANT - MONTPELLIER Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total 112 Total Foreign 321 61 853 282 192 15 Represented firms Total Foreign 239 161 Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign T 21 038 2 193 T 81 980 42 514 T 5 626 583 5 451 9 4 830 note: audited by ISF Modena (I) MOTORSPORT EXPOTECH 180 51 Mollerussa (E) 23 772 25 P 456 218 T/P P Montichiari (I) METEF - International Alluminium Exh. 414 92 141 89 T 18 906 0 21 0 0 0 P 4 588 0 0 315 0 0 0 P 87 849 0 0 5 145 9 0 0 P 17 577 719 0 0 7 201 25 0 0 T 16 861 8 259 189 318 0 5 242 9 0 0 P 52 937 32 082 26 774 5 153 5 308 1 030 34 912 168 667 306 P 167 528 3 6 921 6 921 586 0 0 9 239 22 0 0 P 17 969 1 3 2 559 2 559 72 0 0 5 207 8 0 0 P 48 620 SALONS CE MONTPELLIER 1 2 638 638 21 0 0 3 90 4 10 1 T 776 SETT - Touism equipement and techniques trade fair 1 3 12 475 12 475 1 372 0 0 5 308 16 0 0 P 6 348 Montluçon (F) Montpellier (F) 320 1 617 166 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 67 Exhibitors Visitors SUDIBATP - WORLD ROC EXPO 2 3 4 020 4 020 108 0 0 4 110 4 0 0 T 3 500 VINISUD - International trade fair for Mediterranean wines and spirits 2 3 16 702 16 702 927 0 0 14 1 727 141 0 0 T 32 660 9 245 Agrofarm 1 3 3 063 2 787 1 285 276 0 17 169 69 5 1 T 2 780 250 Agroprodmash 1 5 24 122 24 092 8 267 30 0 32 753 275 3 2 T 17 315 1 074 AgroTech Russia 1 5 31 172 19 564 6 176 11 608 1 363 21 519 216 5 0 T 15 610 1 093 All-Russia Exhibition of Sci-Tec Projects of the Youth NTTM 1 4 2 245 2 245 0 0 0 1 200 0 5 0 T 2 140 20 Apteka 1 4 3 343 3 343 402 0 0 18 337 39 17 5 T 6 793 204 Care Mother and Child 1 3 1 073 1 073 363 0 0 14 117 30 5 0 T 3 341 100 Consumexpo 1 5 16 857 16 857 6 233 0 0 26 779 310 5 4 T 15 997 800 CranExpo 1 3 939 939 117 0 0 6 78 9 9 1 T 1 120 150 DOMEXPO (Autumn) 1 4 5 203 5 203 2 709 0 0 27 379 190 16 0 T/P 15 480 930 Elektro 1 5 14 706 14 131 5 627 575 0 29 708 320 10 3 T 12 032 722 Expoclean/Dry-cleaners and laundry 1 3 3 272 3 272 1 283 0 0 15 175 61 9 2 T 3 810 190 ExpoElectronica 1 4 9 487 9 487 2 113 0 0 26 478 179 31 6 T 11 380 1 480 FASTEC 1 4 2 346 2 346 1 004 15 197 97 T 2 390 114 Federal Exhibition and Fair of Small and MediumScale Business Enterprises Production 1 4 1 947 1 947 0 0 0 1 154 0 135 0 T 1 380 30 Fire safety of XXI century 1 4 3 352 2 180 282 1 172 105 13 175 20 16 0 T 4 880 150 GasSUF 1 3 929 881 180 48 0 11 64 14 15 0 T 1 160 120 GEOFORM + 1 4 1 274 1 274 83 6 77 5 T 3 647 132 Hunting and fishing in Russia (Spring) 1 5 9 783 9 107 1 606 676 0 22 689 67 12 0 T/P 55 110 3 860 Inlegmash 2 5 3 269 3 269 2 639 0 0 18 222 187 0 0 T 4 990 750 Interlakokraska 1 4 4 690 4 690 1 899 0 0 22 262 89 6 1 T 5 626 563 International Chemical Assembly-ICA 2 3 1 230 1 230 513 0 0 13 144 62 8 1 T 2 090 210 International Forum PCV Expo 1 4 7 122 7 042 2 499 80 50 20 376 121 T 9 116 509 Leather - Footwear - Fur - Technology (Autumn) 1 4 3 260 3 260 632 0 0 11 285 45 2 1 T 17 500 350 Leather - Footwear - Fur - Technology (Spring) 1 4 2 823 2 823 585 0 0 9 254 35 3 2 T 19 830 2 180 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Moscow (RU) 68 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 see note see note see note Exhibitors Visitors Lesdrevmash 2 4 15 549 13 742 7 760 1 807 138 28 571 306 2 0 T 10 400 680 Mebel 1 5 42 469 42 448 21 113 21 0 36 1 168 605 58 32 T 39 180 2 350 Metal - Expo 1 4 15 988 15 988 3 873 0 0 33 648 194 61 12 T 16 226 974 Metalloobrabotka 1 6 30 967 30 339 12 401 628 30 31 767 391 1 1 T 26 604 2 581 MiningWorld Russia 1 3 2 754 1 754 809 1 000 150 20 156 67 33 16 T 2 410 70 Mir Detstva 1 4 12 894 12 894 2 420 0 0 31 546 74 0 0 T 12 580 503 Mir Stekla 1 4 8 329 8 315 4 866 14 0 24 396 228 6 6 T 9 508 1 112 Mother and Baby 1 4 2 754 2 754 481 0 0 8 123 15 6 1 T/P 4 350 40 MSOO (Autumn) 1 4 2 491 2 491 300 0 0 8 100 12 0 0 T 1 937 81 MSOO (Spring) 1 4 5 522 5 522 692 0 0 13 169 39 8 4 T 4 450 220 NDT Russia 1 3 1 793 1 703 150 90 0 5 140 10 21 3 T 3 700 180 Neftegaz g 2 5 28 066 24 335 9 381 3 731 548 40 1 048 385 13 5 T 19 620 1 370 New Russian Style 1 4 4 040 4 040 96 0 0 6 264 8 6 0 T/P 7 170 220 Obuv. Mir Kozhi (Autumn) 1 4 7 482 7 482 5 849 0 0 10 357 276 0 0 T 5 630 730 Obuv. Mir Kozhi (Spring) 1 4 8 025 8 025 6 523 0 0 12 383 309 2 1 T 7 070 850 Otdykh / Leisure 1 4 8 887 8 887 4 481 0 0 55 871 541 11 5 T 14 920 1 340 Plastics Industry Show 1 4 2 518 2 494 643 24 0 11 151 51 8 5 T 3 917 235 Power Electronics and Energy Saving 1 3 1 017 1 017 230 0 0 11 128 24 12 0 T 2 210 110 Prodexpo 1 5 43 845 43 676 11 112 169 0 59 2 111 797 23 9 T 45 175 3 162 Reklama 1 4 7 421 7 419 868 2 0 22 323 42 23 7 T 15 910 640 ROSUPAK 1 5 17 824 17 550 4 383 274 0 33 871 236 25 1 T 18 507 1 481 Russia Education Week 1 4 3 881 3 881 36 0 0 3 277 2 1 0 T 2 670 30 Russian Antique Salon (Autumn) 1 9 4 345 4 345 72 0 0 2 218 1 1 0 T 11 600 120 Sklad. Transport. Logistika 1 4 7 537 7 003 1 320 534 0 20 250 34 5 3 T 6 520 30 Sviaz - Expocomm 1 5 13 438 13 054 4 187 384 0 24 676 230 6 0 T 22 370 1 230 Textillegprom organized by Textillexpo (Autumn) 1 4 18 066 17 626 5 575 440 14 20 1 252 347 25 1 T 12 730 760 Textillegprom organized by RLP-Yarmarka (Spring) 1 4 14 581 14 165 2 073 416 36 17 1 139 174 22 2 T 23 000 2 070 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 69 Exhibitors Visitors Tires and rubber 1 4 2 375 2 350 1 111 25 0 16 174 80 14 3 T 2 918 292 Toy and Game 1 4 3 208 3 208 344 0 0 10 161 22 5 0 T 5 500 110 Wasma/FiltSep 1 4 1 187 1 047 194 140 0 8 102 13 20 1 T 2 414 77 Zdravookhraneniye 1 5 20 985 20 863 8 264 122 0 40 1 060 350 4 2 T 18 415 1 202 1 10 9 829 5 424 0 4 405 0 0 237 0 0 0 P 1 10 19 175 13 659 487 5 516 485 9 605 33 0 0 P 90 451 122 Analytica 2 4 24 753 24 642 6 140 111 36 1 033 372 46 26 T 33 065 10 695 AUTOMATICA 2 4 31 277 31 277 3 837 41 859 249 T 32 557 8 504 C-B-R 1 5 27 075 27 009 8 033 60 1 488 642 49 12 P 96 783 2 903 electronica 2 4 88 164 88 164 34 060 46 2 797 1 612 522 394 T 72 970 32 716 EXPO REAL - Commercial Property Exposition 1 3 37 294 37 294 11 325 46 1 845 485 11 2 T 42 246 13 179 EXPOPHARM 1 4 23 564 23 564 1 215 24 496 61 7 1 T 23 380 Garten München 1 7 7 694 7 694 615 8 178 16 15 P 96 978 GOLF EUROPE 1 3 8 560 8 560 4 924 25 279 160 T/P 4 617 2 518 HEIM + HANDWERK / Food & Life 1 9 29 788 29 788 4 103 26 958 159 P 104 185 1 354 HIGH END 1 4 10 902 10 902 1 987 25 231 76 T/P 13 895 IFAT - Water - Sewage - Refuse - Recycling 2 5 120 582 105 643 27 463 41 2 605 840 T 119 476 40 084 inhorgenta Europe 1 4 29 089 29 089 7 004 44 1 222 440 T 30 202 9 338 Internationale Handwerksmesse 1 7 32 753 32 753 3 928 29 1 022 199 T 142 028 2 841 Intersolar - Solar Technology 1 3 43 740 41 700 15 103 42 1 080 509 T 52 014 ispo - winter 1 4 94 811 94 811 68 945 48 2 026 1 679 T 61 686 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign note: audited by FKM Moulins (F) MOULINS FOIREXPO - Moulins multi branch fair free entry Mulhouse (F) FOIRE - MULHOUSE - Mulhouse international multi branch fair München (G) 70 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 66 14 939 2 040 4 369 273 24 8 see note 41 263 see note Exhibitors Visitors MAINTAIN 1 3 5 930 5 930 249 7 252 16 T 4 959 623 SYSTEMS 1 4 18 200 18 200 1 200 33 1 061 122 T 39 000 2 730 1 62 T 998 3 211 4 P 29 803 3 69 4 P 6 192 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign note: Visitor attendance determined by a representative poll in the combination of Internationale Handwerksmesse/Garten München. Recurring names were permitted Münster (G) business online 1 2 1 104 1 104 Spring - Flowers, leisure and garden fair 2 5 4 466 4 398 101 Kunst- und Antiquitäten-Tage - Antiques exhibition 1 5 1 758 1 758 110 ANTIQUAIRES - NANCY - Antiquities trade fair 1 4 1 651 1 651 76 0 0 2 66 2 0 0 P 4 555 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - NANCY International trade fair 1 11 24 730 14 251 1 243 10 479 302 22 690 104 0 0 P 116 541 HABITAT DECO - NANCY - Home trade fair 1 5 5 697 5 525 93 172 0 4 268 4 269 96 P 26 979 ID CREATIVES - NANCY 1 4 517 517 40 0 0 2 62 4 0 0 P 9 081 MARIAGE - NANCY 1 3 1 054 1 054 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 0 P 5 577 SALON PASSEPORT POUR L'EMPLOI, FORMATIONS PROFESSIONNALISANTES 1 2 808 808 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 P 4 819 SALONS CE NANCY 1 2 462 462 8 0 0 1 57 1 4 1 T 595 ANTIQUITE - NANTES - Antiquities exhibition 1 4 1 977 1 977 9 0 0 112 1 0 0 P 6 350 ARTIBAT GROS OEUVRE - TP - PAYSAGE Artibat First Fix - public Works - Landscaping 2 3 17 749 11 548 378 6 201 0 8 490 23 0 0 T 16 151 77 ARTIBAT SECOND OEUVRE - EQUIPEMENT Artibat Second Fix - Equipment 2 3 15 126 14 355 576 771 0 11 725 43 0 0 T 33 444 103 CARREFOUR INTERNATIONAL DU BOIS International timber trade show 2 3 7 040 7 040 1 767 0 0 19 429 106 0 0 T 10 723 1 621 CREATIVA - NANTES 1 4 1 847 1 847 148 0 0 5 145 10 0 0 P 24 839 1 4 627 627 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 0 P 3 809 1 2 447 447 36 0 0 2 37 3 0 0 T 394 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - NANTES - Nantes international multi branch fair 1 11 36 751 15 663 518 21 088 0 23 730 34 0 0 P 102 154 HABITAT - NANTES 1 3 9 557 9 557 0 0 0 0 398 0 180 94 P 23 022 68 23 Nancy (F) Nantes (F) CUISINE ET TENDANCE - NANTES (COMPOSANT DE HABITAT) EASYFAIRS BUILDING INNOVATIONS GRAND OUEST - EasyFairs Building Innovations Grand 27 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 71 Exhibitors Visitors HABITAT SAIN - NANTES 1 3 2 052 2 052 0 0 0 0 157 0 64 42 P 10 245 IMMO PARADE - NANTES 1 3 1 116 1 116 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 P 7 946 INDUSTRIE ET SOUS-TRAITANCE - Industry Subcontracting 2 3 5 283 5 283 36 0 0 3 421 5 0 0 T 9 192 MARIAGE - NANTES 1 3 1 458 1 458 0 0 0 0 112 0 0 0 P 7 428 PECHE EN MER ET BATEAUX DU PECHEUR PLAISANCIER - Angling / Fishing boats exhibition 1 3 4 649 4 649 36 0 0 2 74 3 0 0 T/P 27 041 SALONS CE NANTES 1 1 2 1 387 1 387 29 0 0 1 118 1 0 0 T 1 687 SALONS CE NANTES 2 1 2 687 687 0 0 0 0 98 0 6 0 T 1 164 SIT NANTES - Nantes Tourism and Leisure Exhibition 1 3 2 679 2 679 0 0 0 0 413 0 0 0 P 37 947 SSTT 1 3 2 898 1 395 0 1 504 0 0 101 0 13 0 T 1 709 VEHICULES DE LOISIRS D'OCCASION NANTES - Leisure vehicules exhibition (second 1 3 11 144 11 144 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 P 2 099 VEHICULES DE LOISIRS NEUFS - NANTES Leisures vehicules exhibition 1 4 18 866 18 866 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 P 5 552 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - NANTES 1 3 1 753 1 753 0 0 0 0 154 0 0 0 P 12 550 1 9 3 189 1 684 0 1 505 0 0 92 0 0 0 P 11 931 1 10 8 137 5 335 120 2 802 0 7 263 8 0 0 P 40 432 AGECOTEL - Mediterranean professional shwo about coffee house, restaurant, hôtel and catering 2 4 4 466 4 466 430 0 0 4 167 13 99 44 T 13 456 BIONAZUR - Organic products trade show 1 3 931 931 45 0 0 4 99 5 0 0 P 60 000 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - NICE - International Fair of Nice and open air sector 1 10 18 966 12 920 1 044 6 046 199 18 661 54 0 0 P 127 436 FORUM DE L'INVESTISSEMENT - NICE 1 2 195 195 12 0 0 1 23 1 0 0 P 2 153 MEUBLE MAISON DECORATION - NICE - Salon meuble maison décoration 1 9 6 626 6 626 102 0 0 3 153 3 0 0 P 19 794 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 20 31 Neufchateau (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - NEUFCHATEAU Nevers (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - NEVERS Nice (F) 72 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 740 Exhibitors Visitors ANTIQUAIRES - NIMES 1 9 2 163 2 163 0 0 0 0 102 0 0 0 P 8 203 ARTENIM 1 5 1 791 1 791 216 0 0 6 60 6 0 0 P 8 203 BIJOUTIFUL - NIMES 1 3 867 867 0 0 0 0 104 0 0 0 P 6 759 IMMOBILIER - NIMES 1 3 1 206 1 206 0 0 0 0 151 0 0 0 P 3 054 MAISON - NIMES 1 3 1 701 1 701 0 0 0 0 114 0 0 0 P 6 506 NIMAGINE 1 9 2 037 2 037 0 0 0 0 187 0 0 0 P 24 063 1 9 19 372 7 836 78 11 536 0 354 5 0 0 P 87 668 Agrokomplex 1 5 23 499 4 907 1 608 14 892 2 055 17 582 117 54 40 T/P 72 507 Coopexpo p p 1 5 761 747 107 14 0 2 67 10 0 0 T/P Furniture and living 1 6 24 465 21 190 2 375 2 874 474 10 483 77 0 0 T/P 72 177 721 Gardenia/ Enviro 1 4 2 335 203 0 922 111 4 124 8 0 0 P 36 438 720 Gastra 1 4 1 965 1 938 197 27 0 2 92 4 0 0 T/P 5 909 136 International Engineering Trade Fair 1 4 29 805 20 500 5 442 9 145 1 098 27 842 319 526 478 T 21 667 1 950 Lignumexpo/Les/ Wood / Forest 1 4 13 970 6 283 1 107 6 223 738 6 211 55 0 0 T/P 10 904 56 Trading markets 1 5 384 384 22 0 0 2 51 3 0 0 T/P included in Agrokomplex Young creator 1 3 1 346 1 262 18 0 0 3 106 3 0 0 P included in Gardenia BioFach / Vivaness 1 4 44 587 44 587 22 465 79 2 764 1 825 T 46 484 17 523 BRAU Beviale 1 3 42 030 42 030 17 015 49 1 394 563 T 34 164 7 174 Chillventa 2 3 32 298 32 298 16 503 43 803 509 T 29 512 10 329 CONSUMENTA 1 9 26 926 26 926 2 084 14 867 72 P 141 707 e_procure & supply 1 2 2 483 2 483 175 4 115 7 T 2 903 145 embedded world 1 3 14 945 14 945 3 435 28 675 266 T 17 341 4 175 EUROGUSS 2 3 10 201 10 201 3 786 33 403 173 T 7 098 1 420 FREIZEIT, GARTEN + TOURISTIK with AutoSalon 1 9 29 369 29 369 2 525 15 674 129 P 116 982 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Nîmes (F) Niort (F) FOIREXPO NIORT - Trade Fair of Niort Nitra (SK) 822 included in Agrokomplex Nürnberg (G) Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 73 Exhibitors Visitors GaLaBau 2 4 50 348 50 348 6 583 26 983 147 T 63 729 5 098 HOLZ-HANDWERK / fensterbau/frontale 2 4 89 684 89 684 15 140 34 1 276 323 T 102 947 15 442 IFH/INTHERM 2 4 37 751 37 751 3 953 19 652 82 T 50 905 713 Interzoo 2 4 48 605 48 605 28 836 72 1 436 1 102 T 37 200 22 916 IWA & OutdoorClassics 1 4 31 540 31 540 20 166 51 1 046 774 T 31 715 19 405 mailingtage 1 2 6 719 6 719 505 12 422 31 T 7 691 581 PCIM 1 3 5 295 5 295 2 060 25 252 128 T 6 493 2 208 POWTECH/TechnoPharm 2 3 26 753 26 753 5 856 28 1 009 272 T 15 409 4 618 SENSOR + TEST 1 3 8 470 8 470 1 796 25 562 155 T 7 934 1 507 SMT / HYBRID / PACKAGING 1 3 15 545 15 545 2 651 28 633 174 87 60 T 24 382 6 826 Spielwarenmesse - International Toy Fair 1 6 104 544 104 544 54 284 61 2 670 1 806 13 9 T 79 816 41 801 SPS/IPC/DRIVES 1 3 57 932 57 932 6 695 32 1 386 285 219 100 T 48 105 7 769 START Nürnberg 1 2 1 275 1 275 12 2 115 1 39 3 T 1 919 Werkstätten 1 4 5 363 5 363 269 7 213 16 T/P 12 020 I.L.M. Summer Styles - Intern. Leather Goods Fair 1 4 11 575 11 575 3 478 16 223 76 T 6 018 1 137 I.L.M. Winter Styles - Intern. Leather Goods Fair 1 3 11 464 11 464 3 597 19 216 80 T 4 940 964 Badische Weinmesse - Reg. Wine Exhibition 1 2 1 335 1 335 1 133 P 3 689 74 OBERRHEIN-MESSE - Consumer Exhibition 1 9 23 009 11 208 768 11 801 80 9 496 28 14 2 P 76 201 7 544 1 9 7 121 671 27 6 450 0 2 151 2 0 0 P 22 252 ANTIQUITES - ORLEANS 1 4 1 656 1 656 51 0 0 3 85 3 0 0 P 5 958 CARREFOUR DES METIERS ET DES FORMATIONS 1 2 801 801 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 P 10 000 FOIRE EXPOSITION - ORLEANS 1 10 17 601 9 086 18 8 515 0 2 349 2 0 0 P 57 697 GASTRONOMIE - ORLEANS 1 4 2 028 2 028 6 0 0 1 151 1 0 0 P 18 237 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign 5 56 48 Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Offenbach (G) Offenburg (G) Orange (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - ORANGE Orléans (F) 74 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Exhibitors Visitors HABITAT & DECORATION - ORLEANS 1 4 5 107 4 797 0 310 0 0 258 0 0 0 P 19 084 L'ETUDIANT- ORLEANS 1 2 1 801 1 801 9 0 0 1 148 1 0 0 P 26 934 MARCHE DE NOEL - ORLEANS 1 3 1 810 1 810 27 0 0 2 145 2 0 0 P 18 821 MARIAGE - ORLEANS 1 2 700 700 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 P 3 567 METIERS D'ART - ORLEANS 1 3 1 136 1 136 0 0 0 0 142 0 0 0 P 14 853 SALONS CE ORLEANS 1 2 506 506 0 0 0 0 66 0 7 0 T 605 TERRE NATURELLE 1 3 1 298 1 298 60 0 0 1 123 1 0 0 P 7 412 Båter i sjøen 1 4 22 164 55 P 15 846 Sjøen for alle 1 10 21 218 21 218 34 221 5 P 50 678 Apprentice,students of Secondary school and U i University, it P Pedagogy, d F For T Tech h 2008 1 2 882 812 0 0 0 1 104 0 T/P Gastro festival Ostrava 1 3 3 331 1 134 0 48 0 1 62 0 T/P 6 801 Holiday and Region 1 3 2 110 1 658 37 240 0 3 100 7 T/P 6 211 House and flat 1 4 2 834 2 064 27 103 0 3 128 2 T/P 10 492 InDent 1 3 1 807 817 0 0 0 1 53 0 T/P 2 133 Living garden 1 3 2 760 1 813 0 72 0 1 41 0 T/P 4 823 Roofs and isolations, Building of Ostrava 1 4 2 602 2 045 40 105 0 2 147 1 T/P 7 671 Sport, model, hobby, garden 1 3 1 793 643 59 544 0 3 47 3 T/P 6 211 Construction Fair Oulu 2008 1 3 3 633 3 435 198 1 214 46 T/P 16 209 Forward in Life Education and Working Life Fair 2008 1 2 1 277 1 193 84 2 134 60 P 7 110 Kunnossapito 08 - Maintenance 2 2 3 360 2 996 364 1 110 68 T 3 364 Midnight Sun Book Fair 2008 1 2 877 877 0 1 91 33 T/P 3 584 Oulu Grand Fair 2008 2 5 3 534 1 968 1 566 5 192 95 P 26 525 Sopimusvalmistus 08 - Subcontracting 1 2 540 540 0 1 37 15 T Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Oslo (N) Ostrava (CZ) free entry Oulu (SF) included in Kunnossapito 08 - Maintenance Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 75 Celebra 1 2 679 679 Galisenior 1 2 2 410 2 410 Imaxe 1 2 1 835 1 835 Megaxove 1 4 5 100 1 449 Mostra da Oportunidade 1 4 2 912 2 912 Previsel 1 3 626 596 Termatalia 1 3 2 728 2 610 Vinis Terrae 1 2 2 526 2 526 Xantar 1 5 4 324 4 324 837 1 3 1 463 1 463 0 Asphaltica - Urbania. Salone internazionale attrezzature e tecnologie per pavimentazioni e 2 3 6 119 6 119 Auto e Moto d'epoca - Mostra dell'auto e della moto d'epoca e della ricambistica originale 1 3 30 802 City Logistics Expo - Salone internazionale della logistica urbana 1 3 Fiera Campionaria Internazionale di Padova 1 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Ourense (E) 1 29 40 2 87 4 150 3 66 5 1 38 2 86 1 26 24 205 1 72 2 106 8 0 77 0 0 0 P 3 592 112 10 193 32 41 10 T 3 658 327 30 802 1 809 11 559 85 T/P 36 782 3 097 3 348 3 348 186 7 127 22 12 12 T 1 568 129 9 21 258 21 258 935 14 291 45 55 6 T/P 223 270 0 321 107 T 19 133 3 216 T 9 225 768 180 504 P included in Mostra T/P 1 T/P 639 P 8 P 7 649 T/P 69 T/P 3 124 34 T T/P 946 Oyonnax (F) HABITAT - OYONNAX 0 0 Padova (I) Flormart - Miflor. Salone internazionale florovivaismo, attrezzature e giardinaggio Flormart - Miflor. Salone internazionale florovivaismo, attrezzature e giardinaggio 1 3 44 936 44 936 3 403 26 830 94 1 3 10 329 10 329 728 9 270 34 International Bike Expo Show 1 3 27 436 27 436 3 371 17 435 74 94 8 T/P 81 151 4 630 Tecnobar & Food - Salone professionale internazionale pubblici esercizi, alberghi, comunità 2 4 10 257 10 257 16 1 175 1 268 21 T 22 433 1 969 Antic Art 1 9 1 295 1 295 30 2 36 2 P 1 757 Baleart 1 5 1 511 1 499 1 109 P 4 000 Fira del Llibre 1 10 552 480 1 23 P Fira Stocks 1 3 1 100 1 100 1 50 P Palma de mallorca (E) 76 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 8 368 1 5 1 369 1 369 Habitat Menorca-Construcció, Decoració I Interiorisme 1 3 1 056 Nupcial 1 3 Pista de Gel 1 Saló Nàutic Internacional de Palma 1 Total Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign 24 from … countries Habitat Construcció- Saló de la Construcció i Decoració Rented Space (sq.m) Visitors Total Foreign 9 66 1 056 1 2 044 1 537 23 600 600 9 27 369 2 526 202 24 843 4 1 272 1 272 0 1 Represented firms Total Foreign 49 28 Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total T/P 4 638 35 T/P 3 130 1 85 P 1 524 1 1 P 5 521 1 540 33 183 14 335 254 T/P 25 862 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 T 3 474 Foreign 9 2 609 Paris (F) AFU ANALYSE INDUSTRIELLE - Industrial analysis exhibition 1 3 1 163 1 163 128 0 0 7 71 10 0 0 T 1 997 ANIMAL EXPO 1 2 5 641 5 641 68 0 0 3 81 4 0 0 P 27 267 ART PARIS - Contemporary art fair 1 6 5 686 5 686 2 441 0 0 20 120 49 0 0 P 17 060 BEYOND BEAUTY PARIS - Beyond Beauty Paris 1 4 8 320 8 320 3 755 0 0 36 533 220 0 0 T 10 734 CADRES & CO PARIS 1 1 1 750 750 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 T 1 142 CADRES & CO PARIS 2 1 1 850 850 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 T 1 555 CAMIFEXPO PARIS 1 3 2 456 2 456 0 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 P 3 620 CARTES & IDENTIFICATION - The world leading event for smart cards and identification industry 1 3 14 174 14 174 10 674 0 0 47 460 359 18 13 T 30 188 CHEVAL - PARIS - Paris Horse Shaw 1 9 13 101 13 101 2 003 0 0 10 348 44 0 0 P 137 252 CHOCOLAT - chocoland and chocolate show 1 5 3 314 3 314 909 0 0 18 140 35 0 0 P 93 418 CHOISIR SA MAISON 1 3 2 452 2 452 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 P 12 351 CNGOF 1 4 463 463 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 T 2 016 COIP / VOIP EXPO 1 2 667 667 18 0 0 1 59 2 0 0 T 1 998 84 CONSTRUCTEO (DANS LE CADRE DU SIMI) 1 2 2 337 2 337 133 0 0 3 135 11 29 6 T 2 347 74 COPROPRIETE 1 3 2 741 2 741 0 0 0 0 156 0 1 0 P 9 246 73 DENTAL FORUM - The event for dental Technicians and Industry Professional 2 3 1 788 1 788 501 0 0 12 102 35 0 0 T 3 650 139 DISPLAY - The digital display and viewing exhibition 1 3 1 455 1 455 156 0 0 97 13 0 0 T 3 294 254 DOCUMATION - Optimise, manage, publish, information 1 2 1 158 1 158 107 0 0 94 9 0 0 T 3 632 171 6 192 3 143 20 422 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 77 Exhibitors Visitors ECLAT DE MODE / BIJORHCA 1 - The fashion side of jewellery 1 4 6 074 6 074 3 202 0 0 33 377 189 0 0 T 12 736 4 766 ECLAT DE MODE / BIJORHCA 2 - The fashion side of jewellery 1 4 7 213 7 213 3 719 0 0 37 459 223 0 0 T 13 844 4 591 EMBALLAGE - World packaging exhibition 2 5 63 960 63 960 23 697 0 0 44 1 502 659 677 525 T 55 126 17 961 EMPLOI DES INFORMATICIENS ET INGENIEURS IT 1 1 339 339 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 P 450 EMPLOI PUBLIC 1 3 2 396 2 396 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 P 11 927 4 ENERGIES RENOUVELABLES - PARIS 2 3 5 129 5 129 1 453 0 0 14 238 56 0 0 P 14 783 921 EQUIP'BAIE - Windows, doors, shutters and solar protection international exhibition 2 4 20 988 20 988 6 891 0 0 17 386 140 0 0 T 24 420 2 391 ÉQUIP'HOTEL - The world-class event for the restaurant, hotel and catering industries 2 5 43 933 43 933 10 553 0 0 31 1 451 362 60 43 T 63 174 11 556 EQUIPMAG - The shop-fitting equipment and technology exhibition 2 4 8 585 8 585 712 0 0 12 368 31 0 0 T 11 496 865 ETHICAL FASHION SHOW 1 4 723 723 237 0 0 19 119 36 0 0 T 3 019 EUROPAIN-INTERSUC - International chocolate, confectionery, biscuits, gourmet products, 3 5 29 417 29 417 9 453 0 0 32 578 212 0 0 T 88 723 31 092 EUROSATORY - The international exhibition for land,airland and homeland defence 2 5 51 580 27 104 21 012 24 477 10 691 51 1 210 825 0 0 T 52 414 24 444 EXPOBOIS - The wood industry exhibition 2 4 17 899 17 899 7 160 0 0 14 322 141 0 0 T 15 185 1 138 EXPOFIL 1 - Expofil 1 4 1 240 1 240 1 091 0 0 16 46 42 0 0 T included in Premiere Vision EXPOFIL 2 - Expofil 1 4 1 298 1 298 1 140 0 0 15 50 45 0 0 T included in Premiere Vision EXPOPROTECTION / FEU - Exhibition for risk management 2 4 26 499 26 484 7 529 15 0 33 777 236 375 221 T FAME (COMPOSANTE DU WHO'S NEXT) 1 Womenswear trade show 1 4 3 687 3 687 1 688 0 0 14 167 79 7 3 T included in Who's next FAME (COMPOSANTE DU WHO'S NEXT) 2 Womenswear trade show 1 4 3 995 3 995 1 836 0 0 18 185 91 5 2 T included in Who's next FATEX - Fatex 1 3 1 089 1 089 1 071 0 0 8 114 112 0 0 T 6 573 1 972 FEMOV 1 3 10 300 10 300 1 062 0 0 17 615 86 213 134 T 12 667 1 550 FIAC - International contemporary art fair 1 4 9 078 9 078 5 357 0 0 19 209 122 0 0 T/P 65 927 FISCAP 1 2 479 479 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 P 4 261 FOIRE D'AUTOMNE - PARIS 1 10 10 821 10 821 173 0 0 9 367 12 0 0 P 68 246 78 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total 29 793 Foreign 6 336 Exhibitors Visitors FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - PARIS - Paris multi branch fair 1 13 100 867 97 064 17 457 3 803 116 81 2 675 819 0 0 P 674 525 FOODS & GOODS 1 2 7 260 7 260 1 458 0 0 22 581 128 0 0 T 6 527 1 2 3 157 3 157 86 0 0 5 118 7 118 7 P 22 338 2 4 7 010 7 010 534 0 0 9 257 29 0 0 T 7 509 769 FRANCHISE EXPO PARIS - International franchise show 1 4 10 279 10 279 1 400 0 0 21 379 82 46 2 T 32 810 3 322 FROMAGE ET PRODUITS LAITIERS - Cheese and dairy trade fair 2 4 1 434 1 434 99 0 0 5 87 9 0 0 T 5 287 1 724 1 3 8 875 8 875 330 0 0 536 19 0 0 T 16 174 411 2 4 20 680 20 680 972 0 0 23 694 72 0 0 T 25 885 2 050 ID CRÉATIVES - PARIS 1 4 721 721 83 0 0 4 74 8 0 0 P 9 419 IDÉO BAIN - The bathroom exhibition 2 6 14 850 14 850 6 022 0 0 12 218 91 0 0 T 62 215 IMMOBILIER - PARIS 1 4 5 401 5 401 150 0 0 6 253 6 0 0 P 35 212 INDIGO 1 - INDIGO 1 4 2 397 2 397 1 857 0 0 16 170 132 0 0 T 15 524 12 561 INDIGO 2 - INDIGO 1 4 2 451 2 451 1 899 0 0 12 195 154 0 0 T 13 845 10 135 2 5 42 106 42 106 6 933 0 0 8 918 197 404 334 T 33 886 3 081 1 5 724 724 285 0 0 11 59 20 5 5 T included in SIAL INFOSECURITY SALON ET SYMPOSIUM, TENUE CONJOINTE AU SALON STORAGE 1 2 1 727 1 727 224 0 0 9 115 24 0 0 T 2 968 210 INTERCLIMA + ELEC - The hvac, electrical systems, regrigeration, new sources of energy and 2 4 37 522 37 522 7 668 0 0 23 612 156 0 0 T 105 128 5 113 INTERFILIERE - PARIS 1 - Interfiliere 1 3 5 209 5 209 4 174 0 0 22 179 135 0 0 T 15 037 10 133 INTERFILIERE - PARIS 2 - Interfiliere 1 3 8 841 8 841 7 645 0 0 25 323 265 0 0 T INTERFILIERE EVOLUTION DAYS - PARIS 1 1 2 663 663 474 0 0 9 65 45 0 0 T 463 156 INTERFILIERE EVOLUTION DAYS - PARIS 2 1 2 531 531 330 0 0 11 47 28 0 0 T 324 96 INTERSELECTION - Interselection 1 3 7 951 7 951 3 106 0 0 21 306 154 0 0 T 5 478 1 637 INTERSELECTION - Interselection 1 3 6 828 6 828 2 452 0 0 21 231 115 0 0 T 6 573 1 972 FORUM DE L'INVESTISSEMENT - PARIS - The major financial show in europe FORUM LABO & FORUM BIOTECH - Laboratory forum : research, development, analysis and HEAVENT - PARIS - The Trade Fair of everything exception HOPITAL EXPO - INTERMEDICA - International week for health professions, technologies and INDUSTRIE PARIS - The exhibition for industrial equipment and manufacturing professionals IN-FOOD, TENUE CONJOINTE AUX SALONS SIAL ET IPA - The event of B to B solutions for the Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 748 2 197 included in Mode City Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 79 IP CONVERGENCE - Global technology event for smart communication 1 3 5 972 5 972 279 0 0 IPA, TENUE CONJOINTE AUX SALONS SIAL ET IN-FOOD - World food process exhibition 2 4 14 189 14 189 3 292 0 0 JEUNE CREATION 1 6 546 546 268 0 JODON 1 4 1 545 1 545 0 JOURNEES INTERNATIONALES DE BIOLOGIE The annual meeting of medical biology 1 3 5 523 5 523 1 3 6 252 1 3 L'ETUDIANT - PARIS 1 LIVRE - Paris book fair Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 318 24 0 0 T 12 913 374 23 403 131 169 145 T 55 126 17 961 0 23 105 52 0 0 P 2 024 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 T 2 298 185 0 0 8 178 16 0 0 T 9 773 2 242 6 252 120 0 0 280 8 0 0 T 8 059 88 4 202 4 202 21 0 0 179 3 0 0 T 10 714 339 3 5 479 5 479 165 0 0 8 361 18 0 0 P 219 884 1 6 18 166 18 166 1 809 0 0 27 1 134 155 0 0 T/P 157 055 LOISIREXPO - Professional tourism and group l i leisure activities ti iti exhibition hibiti 1 3 1 608 1 608 39 0 0 195 6 0 0 T LOSANGEXPO 1 3 2 448 2 448 0 0 0 0 82 0 310 0 T 3 878 29 M TO M - The mtom solutions show 1 3 1 455 1 455 156 0 0 3 97 13 0 0 T 3 294 254 MADE IN FRANCE - Made in France 1 2 853 853 0 0 0 0 113 0 0 0 T 1 890 85 MAINTENANCE EXPO 1 4 676 676 60 0 0 2 41 3 6 6 T 2 462 249 MAISON&OBJET 1 - International home-style exhibition : home decoration, giftware, tableware 1 5 107 716 107 716 47 417 0 0 37 2 219 763 0 0 T 145 543 60 685 MAISON&OBJET 2 - The show for home-fashion 1 5 103 731 103 731 44 572 0 0 36 2 141 737 0 0 T 111 391 41 450 MAISON&OBJET OUTDOOR-INDOOR - The annual gathering for the art of indoor_outdoor 1 5 9 922 9 922 7 840 0 0 36 104 74 0 0 T included in Maison et Objet 1 5 3 549 3 549 1 856 0 0 13 134 52 0 0 T included in Maison et Objet 2 4 14 487 14 487 2 831 0 0 12 276 57 0 0 T 19 108 1 979 MAP - LE MONDE A PARIS - International B to B to C tourism fair 1 5 11 722 11 722 2 412 0 0 831 356 0 0 P 105 393 1 653 MARIAGE AU CARROUSEL 1 3 1 738 1 738 0 0 0 124 0 0 0 P 8 554 MARITIMA - The Industrial Maritime Trade Show 2 4 2 131 2 131 160 0 0 182 14 0 0 T 7 219 203 MARKETING POINT DE VENTE - Point of purchase communication show 2 3 3 916 3 916 738 0 0 182 27 0 0 T 9 143 1 101 LE NOUVEAU SISEG - International exhibition on facilities management and purchasing LE NOUVEL EDUCATEC EDUCATICE Professionnal exhibition of educational and MAISON&OBJET PROJETS - The annual gathering devoted to high-end specifiers MANUTENTION EQUIPEMENTS & SYSTEMES International show for equipment & services for 80 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 0 12 1 806 included in Salon CE Paris Exhibitors Visitors MAROQUINERIE 1 - The leather goods trade fair 1 3 2 482 2 482 643 0 0 10 82 20 0 0 T 5 441 1 315 MAROQUINERIE 2 - The leather goods trade fair 1 3 2 093 2 093 484 0 0 9 102 24 0 0 T 5 141 1 080 MD EXPO - The direct marketing, communication and mail event 1 3 3 202 3 202 213 0 0 9 172 14 0 0 T 11 821 330 METAL EXPO - Metal in construction exhibition 2 4 2 181 2 181 330 0 0 6 60 10 0 0 T 4 016 MEUBLE PARIS - International trade fair for furnishing and decoration 1 5 43 695 43 695 18 442 0 0 18 368 147 35 7 T 33 341 10 911 MIDEST - International subcontracting exhibition 1 4 22 542 22 542 7 878 0 0 30 1 609 664 136 13 T 19 512 2 809 MODAMONT 1 - International trade fair of trimming and supplies for fashion 1 4 6 160 6 160 4 506 0 0 23 264 200 0 0 T 19 592 12 217 MODAMONT 2 - International trade fair of trimming and supplies for fashion 1 4 6 252 6 252 4 652 0 0 20 271 206 0 0 T 22 017 13 322 MODE CITY PARIS - Mode City Paris 1 3 12 745 12 745 9 610 0 0 36 460 366 0 0 T 24 881 16 486 MONDIAL BODY FITNESS FORM'EXPO - Trade and large public show for fitness, wellness and 1 3 7 049 7 049 1 086 0 0 7 103 17 0 0 T 18 875 MONDIAL COIFFURE BEAUTE 1 3 9 962 9 962 2 220 0 0 16 223 71 2 0 T 32 982 3 467 2 16 82 596 76 663 1 843 5 933 4 466 23 356 130 0 0 T/P 1 037 716 6 549 1 9 6 226 6 214 278 12 0 8 117 11 0 0 P 67 326 MONDIAL REEDUCATION EQUIP'SALLES - All the world of physiotherapy 1 3 5 399 5 399 397 0 0 5 132 8 0 0 T 9 323 267 MUSEUM EXPRESSIONS - Museum Expressions, the heritage product trade show 1 2 1 169 1 169 337 0 0 13 132 36 0 0 T 3 468 95 MUSICORA 1 3 2 547 2 547 563 0 0 16 221 61 0 0 T/P 17 083 MUSIQUE ET SON - Music and Sound Show 2 4 7 842 7 842 709 0 0 9 172 31 0 0 T/P 27 384 NAUTIC PARIS - Paris international boat show 1 10 69 541 69 541 8 407 0 0 23 868 94 0 0 T/P 252 808 NOW! DESIGN À VIVRE 1 - Design for living 1 5 8 508 8 508 5 761 0 0 13 169 97 0 0 T included in Maison et Objet NOW! DESIGN À VIVRE 2 - The show for design in the home 1 5 3 411 3 411 2 010 0 0 16 103 51 0 0 T included in Maison et Objet OBJETS ET COMMUNICATION 1 1 2 1 057 1 057 12 0 0 1 83 1 0 0 T 2 002 19 OBJETS ET COMMUNICATION 2 1 2 1 056 1 056 21 0 0 2 86 2 0 0 T 1 724 21 MONDIAL DE L'AUTOMOBILE - Paris International Motor Show MONDIAL DU MODELISME - PARIS - World wide models miniatures and scale models show - Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 9 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 81 Exhibitors Visitors PARAMEDICAL LE SALON EMPLOI DES INFIRMIERS 1 1 462 462 27 0 0 1 41 2 0 0 P 800 PARIS PHOTO - European photography fair 1 4 3 001 3 001 2 353 0 0 18 123 91 0 0 P 35 568 PATRIMOINE CULTUREL 1 4 2 976 2 976 175 0 0 253 10 0 0 T 14 134 PECHES SPORTIVES - PARIS 1 3 3 894 3 894 207 0 0 14 135 15 0 0 P 6 893 PHARMAGORA 1 3 12 518 12 518 942 0 0 1 318 27 0 0 T 24 281 PHOTO - French photo trade fair 1 5 6 231 6 231 156 0 0 6 127 8 0 0 T/P 43 935 PISCINE & SPA - Swimmings pool show (pools, Spas & saunas) 1 10 7 606 7 606 439 0 0 2 99 7 0 0 P 45 319 PREMIERE CLASSE 1 - The international fashion accessory designers trade show 1 4 4 279 4 279 2 410 0 0 26 453 251 18 12 T 13 136 6 237 PREMIERE CLASSE 2 - The international fashion accessory designers trade show 1 4 2 476 2 476 1 435 0 0 21 333 199 13 7 T 17 423 11 047 PREMIERE CLASSE 3 - Accessory designers trade show 1 4 4 390 4 390 2 510 0 0 28 475 263 21 12 T 18 356 8 412 PREMIERE CLASSE 4 - Accessory designers trade show 1 4 2 529 2 529 1 436 0 0 22 323 190 6 5 T 12 528 7 370 PREMIERE VISION 1 - The world's premier fabric show 1 4 38 302 38 302 28 688 0 0 27 702 592 0 0 T 48 248 36 422 PREMIERE VISION 2 - The world's premier fabric show 1 4 38 478 38 478 28 888 0 0 27 727 609 0 0 T 44 251 32 135 PRESTIGE - PARIS - The upmarket real estate trade fair 1 3 806 806 141 0 0 5 45 8 0 0 P 3 226 PRÊT A PORTER PARIS ® 1 - The heart of fashion 1 4 21 400 21 400 10 971 0 104 964 540 0 0 T 41 286 15 070 PRÊT A PORTER PARIS ® 2 - The heart of fashion 1 4 18 910 18 910 10 539 0 0 44 975 613 0 0 T 44 236 17 243 PSI PARIS - The european promotional product professional show 1 3 4 984 4 984 2 192 0 0 17 229 104 0 0 T 3 569 695 RELIGIO 1 3 747 747 45 0 0 4 85 6 0 0 T/P 1 749 RENOVER 1 3 2 446 2 446 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 0 P 33 363 RENTREE - PARIS 1 2 558 558 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 P 11 729 RFID EXPO ET UNIVERSITY 1 2 662 662 80 0 0 10 71 14 0 0 T 2 061 258 RMP - Trade show and conferences on project management 1 2 284 284 27 0 0 3 29 3 0 0 T 1 066 26 S.I.A - Paris international agricultural show 1 9 42 068 42 068 2 506 0 0 18 1 059 60 0 0 T/P 604 422 4 457 82 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 5 494 Exhibitors Visitors SALON DE LA RECEPTION NUMERIQUE "SRN" Television, multimedia, access control, low 1 2 1 090 1 090 249 0 0 4 40 7 0 0 T 1 960 SALON DE L'APPRENTISSAGE ET DE L'ALTERNANCE - PARIS 1 3 2 492 2 492 0 0 0 0 155 0 0 0 P 54 726 SALON DE L'ÉTUDIANT SPÉCIAL NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES - PARIS 1 2 324 324 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 P 8 867 SALON DE L'ETUDIANT SPECIAL SANTE, SOCIAL ET PARAMEDICAL - PARIS 1 2 573 573 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 0 P 18 104 SALON DES ÉTUDES ET CARRIÈRES INTERNATIONALES - International studies fair 1 2 1 194 1 194 0 0 0 19 166 119 0 0 P 26 654 SALON DES FORMATIONS ARTISTIQUES PARIS - Art studies fair 1 2 1 640 1 640 27 0 0 3 120 3 0 0 P 29 431 SALON DES FORMATIONS ET DES MÉTIERS DE L'ENVIRONNEMENT 1 2 216 216 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 P 8 762 SALON DES FORMATIONS PARAMEDICALES 1 1 309 309 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 P 774 SALON DES MASTERS ET 3ÈMES CYCLES PARIS 1 2 1 740 1 740 147 0 0 4 146 12 0 0 P 18 217 SALON EUROPÉEN DE L'INGÉNIEUR European career fair 1 2 1 650 1 650 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 P 3 691 SALON INFIRMIER 1 3 2 441 2 441 159 0 0 2 174 7 0 0 T 18 615 SALON MOTO LEGENDE 1 3 5 471 5 471 639 0 0 6 267 25 0 0 P 16 777 SALON ONLINE 1 2 564 564 21 0 0 2 59 2 0 0 T 4 580 SALON SPÉCIAL BAC 1 2 1 183 1 183 0 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 P 9 197 SALON SPÉCIAL GRANDES ÉCOLES - PARIS 1 3 2 053 2 053 63 0 0 3 164 7 0 0 P 34 632 SALONS CE PARIS 1 1 3 5 495 5 495 146 0 0 4 308 5 0 0 T 7 923 23 SALONS CE PARIS 2 1 3 1 975 1 975 6 0 0 1 159 1 19 0 T 7 830 24 SALONS SOLUTIONS 1 3 2 452 2 452 82 0 0 3 186 5 0 0 P 4 121 139 1 4 9 854 9 854 1 142 0 0 11 421 58 0 0 T 24 318 1 410 2 4 9 555 9 555 1 220 0 0 16 267 57 84 65 T 8 173 651 SECA - The European Call Centers and CRM Exhibition 1 3 2 647 2 647 506 0 0 184 23 0 0 T 11 443 253 SEMO - The french market research exhibition 1 2 1 553 1 553 78 0 0 131 11 0 0 T 5 668 111 SERI - SALON EUROPÉEN DE LA RECHERCHE ET DE L'INNOVATION - European research & 1 3 3 676 3 676 627 0 0 361 85 0 0 T 29 331 1 021 SATIS-SIEL-RADIO - Trade show for audiovisual, live entertainment & event, media SCS PARIS - International show of energy, automation, transmission and mecatronic Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total 15 Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 148 68 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 83 Exhibitors Visitors SFCL 1 2 321 321 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 T 875 SFORL 1 3 1 174 1 174 0 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 T 3 776 SFRO - PARIS 1 3 461 461 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 T 655 SI GESTION 1 2 1 878 1 878 55 0 0 136 4 0 0 T 3 120 52 SIAL, TENUE CONJOINTE AUX SALONS IPA ET IN-FOOD - The global food marketplace 2 5 112 339 112 339 85 526 0 0 100 5 174 4 109 303 177 T 147 860 85 343 SIL - PARIS - Salon international de la lingerie 1 4 15 967 15 967 10 225 0 0 32 426 304 0 0 T 27 147 17 159 SILMO - International optics and eyewear exhibition 1 4 35 613 35 613 15 467 0 0 37 828 545 0 0 T 42 235 21 981 SIMI - The commercial property show for the french market 1 3 6 867 6 867 0 0 0 0 321 0 0 0 T 15 893 214 SIMP 1 2 425 425 238 0 0 13 94 44 0 0 P 784 SIREME - International exhibition for renewable energy and energy management 1 3 4 529 4 529 570 0 0 8 196 20 0 0 T 15 425 852 SIREST IDEAS 2 4 7 165 7 165 403 0 0 12 268 23 0 0 T 12 406 359 SITL EUROPE - International week of transport and logistics 2 4 17 637 17 637 3 065 0 0 20 690 155 0 0 T 27 531 3 270 SMCL - The city and local authorities equipment show 1 3 23 517 23 517 514 0 0 770 23 0 0 T 50 928 621 SOFCOT 1 4 3 742 3 742 0 0 0 0 136 0 0 0 T 3 835 SOLUTIONS INTRANET ET TRAVAIL COLLABORATIF 1 2 401 401 16 0 0 1 41 1 0 0 T 1 812 52 SOLUTIONS LINUX / OPEN SOURCE - Linux and open source for business 1 3 1 840 1 840 48 0 0 212 14 0 0 T 8 618 199 SOLUTIONS RESSOURCES HUMAINES Human Ressources Management Show 1 3 2 026 2 026 100 0 0 3 146 6 0 0 T 4 158 154 SRLF 1 3 894 894 0 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 T 2 941 TEXWORLD 1 - Worldwide fabrics rendez-vous 1 4 15 574 15 574 15 562 0 0 36 822 819 10 10 T 16 223 14 223 TEXWORLD 2 - Worldwide fabrics rendez-vous 1 4 15 593 15 593 15 543 0 0 32 878 872 0 0 T 15 505 13 557 THE BOX 1 4 1 940 1 940 1 244 0 0 28 204 123 0 0 T 9 879 6 187 1 4 12 321 12 321 3 191 0 0 55 390 118 0 0 T 20 504 682 1 2 1 790 1 790 79 0 0 6 122 6 0 0 T 3 016 173 1 6 19 008 19 008 3 131 0 0 10 276 62 31 27 T 8 898 971 TOP RESA - PARIS - Paris international travel market TRAÇABILITÉ, TENUE CONJOINTE AUX SALONS PROGILOG ET SOLUTIONS RFID - The TRADEXPO - The show that drives business 84 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Exhibitors Visitors TRADEXPO - Volume goods trade show 1 6 21 812 21 812 3 907 0 0 10 298 65 0 0 T 9 426 1 056 TRADEXPO - Volume goods trade show 1 4 9 599 9 599 1 401 0 0 8 166 18 0 0 T 3 937 419 TRANSPORTS PUBLICS - The European Mobility Exhibition 2 3 8 958 8 958 4 476 0 0 15 218 67 0 0 T 6 214 779 VAE EXPO - The trade show dedicated to the foodto-go sector 1 2 1 654 1 654 73 0 0 3 118 6 3 0 T 3 427 138 VENDING PARIS (EX. DA VENDING EXPO) International vending show 2 4 6 742 6 742 1 644 0 0 14 173 56 7 0 T 6 400 1 563 VERSION SCRAP - PARIS 1 3 552 552 76 0 0 38 5 0 0 P 5 250 1 114 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign VINS DES VIGNERONS INDEPENDANTS CARROUSEL DU LOUVRE VINS DES VIGNERONS INDEPENDANTS PARIS - Wines, producers, authenticity wine trade 1 1 1 260 1 260 36 0 0 4 190 6 0 0 T 563 1 4 3 680 3 680 0 0 0 0 602 0 0 0 P 58 725 VINS DES VIGNERONS INDÉPENDANTS PARIS - Wines, producers, authenticity wine trade 1 5 6 205 6 205 0 0 0 0 1 014 0 0 0 P 114 671 VISCOM EUROPE EX. VISUAL COMMUNICATION EUROPE - The french visual 2 3 7 679 7 679 1 867 0 0 21 237 81 0 0 T 10 063 1 675 VOCAL EXPO 1 1 198 198 21 0 0 2 24 2 0 0 P 439 18 WHO'S NEXT 1 - International lab for fashion trends 1 4 8 793 8 793 4 607 0 0 33 465 235 35 14 T 35 198 13 064 WHO'S NEXT 2 - International fashion show 1 4 9 438 9 438 4 890 0 0 34 553 296 31 11 T 45 954 14 298 2 4 47 741 47 343 3 019 398 1 846 127 266 24 T 52 616 5 446 2 4 7 118 7 118 135 214 10 25 1 T included in CIBUS 1 3 5 178 5 178 354 214 19 130 100 T 6 418 148 GOTHA - INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUES SHOW 2 9 1 942 1 942 96 68 3 P 8 630 0 MECSPE - MECHANICAL EXHIBITION 1 3 4 511 4 511 244 143 11 T 5 697 89 Parma (I) CIBUS - INTERNATIONAL FOOD INDUSTRY EXHIBITION DOLCE ITALIA - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF CAKES AND SWEETS INDUSTRIES EUROSTAMPI - EUROPEAN DIES & MOLD PRESSES & INJECTION MACHINES 79 44 see note see note Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 85 Visitors MERCANTE IN FIERA "AUTUNNO" INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUES, MODERN 1 9 20 546 20 546 680 1 057 52 MERCANTE IN FIERA "PRIMAVERA" INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUES, MODERN 1 9 20 520 20 520 836 1 058 50 0 2 9 13 183 11 002 2 391 2 181 75 9 459 72 AUTO ET MOTO - PAU 1 4 7 727 7 613 0 114 0 0 41 FOIRE EXPOSITION - PAU 1 10 15 377 6 088 18 9 289 54 3 HABITAT DECORATION JARDIN- PAU 1 4 6 868 4 637 0 2 231 0 MARIAGE - PAU 1 3 594 594 0 0 NOEL, ARTISANAT D'ART, COLLECTIONNEUR ET HOBBY 1 3 1 903 1 903 0 FOIRE EXPOSITION - PERIGUEUX 1 10 27 781 7 032 HABITAT EXPO - PERIGUEUX 1 4 6 730 2 4 1 ARMES ANCIENNES - POITIERS Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign T/P 53 021 594 0 T/P 42 622 481 26 7 P 67 112 0 0 0 P 9 126 314 3 0 0 P 68 166 0 296 0 0 0 P 17 178 0 0 42 0 0 0 P 2 175 0 0 0 160 0 0 0 P 4 905 38 20 749 100 289 4 289 4 P 63 309 3 478 0 3 252 0 179 0 0 0 P 8 111 13 946 6 996 390 6 950 800 277 30 115 104 T 11 847 2 351 2 1 064 1 064 20 2 37 1 53 51 T 291 25 1 2 703 703 0 0 0 0 118 0 0 0 P 3 811 ART DE VIVRE AU JARDIN - POITIERS 1 1 1 946 1 946 0 0 0 0 136 0 0 0 P 460 EQUIPEMENT PROFESSIONNEL ET DU BRICOLAGE - POITIERS 1 2 2 926 2 926 0 0 0 0 251 0 0 0 T 735 FOIREXPO POITIERS 1 9 13 986 3 635 36 10 351 0 3 237 3 0 0 P 71 274 HABITAT EXPO - POITIERS 1 3 1 383 1 383 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 P 3 539 ID CREATIVES - CHASSENEUIL DU POITOU 1 4 612 612 41 0 0 2 66 3 0 0 P 5 523 L'ETUDIANT - POITIERS 1 2 2 119 2 119 9 0 0 1 96 1 0 0 P 32 248 note: audited by ISF Passau (G) Passauer Frühling DreiLänderMesse - Regional exhibition Pau (F) Périgueux (F) 0 Piacenza (I) GEOFLUID - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT FOR Pirmasens (G) plw - leather and more Poitiers (F) 86 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Exhibitors Visitors MAISON CONFORT - POITIERS 1 3 2 334 2 334 0 0 0 0 165 0 0 0 P 10 180 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - POITIERS 1 3 207 207 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 P 2 568 2 4 4 053 4 053 203 5 89 6 T 4 545 21 4 311 2 501 1 79 P 65 363 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Pordenone (I) PROMOSEDIA - Salone Internazionale della Sedia 1 456 see note note: audited by ISF Pori (SF) Holiday housing fair in Pori 2008 1 810 0 Porto (P) ALIMENTAÇÃO - International Food Exhibition 2 4 3 117 3 117 328 0 0 2 86 30 7 4 T 11 839 ALITEC - Equipment for the Food Industry and Horeca Channel 2 4 1 629 1 629 89 0 0 1 43 1 12 11 T included in ALITEC AUTOCLÁSSICO - International Classic and Vintage Automobile and Motorcycle Exhibition 1 3 60 000 42 000 1 462 18 000 0 7 175 31 0 0 P 17 120 0 BRINDE - Toys and Gifts Exhibition 1 5 1 777 1 777 327 0 0 2 39 4 4 4 T 22 213 330 CERANOR - House, Decoration and Gift 1 5 21 789 21 789 1 904 0 0 5 345 21 16 13 T EMAF - International Machines-Tool and Accessories Exhibition 2 4 25 048 25 048 6 583 0 0 12 423 79 154 144 T 33 659 EMBALAGEM - International Converting and Packaging Exhibition 2 4 1 206 1 206 310 0 0 2 39 8 13 13 T included in ALITEC ENOTÉCNICA - Exhibition of Technologies for Wine Growing and Wine Producing 2 4 315 315 101 0 0 1 18 1 7 6 T included in ALITEC EXPOAVENTURA - Four-wheel Vehicles and Extreme Activities 2 3 31 008 1 008 9 30 000 0 1 28 1 0 0 P 7 723 0 1 3 10 213 10 195 2 121 18 0 4 212 43 46 42 P 33 902 717 1 9 13 016 13 016 457 0 0 3 148 6 7 3 P 39 677 47 EXPORTHOME - Furniture, Lighting and Household Goods for Export 1 5 24 135 24 135 918 0 0 5 255 20 3 0 T 23 790 1 634 EXPOSIÇÃO CANINA - International Dog Show of Northern Portugal 1 2 14 854 14 854 43 0 0 2 26 3 0 0 P 5 048 0 FERRÁLIA - Exhibition of Auxiliary Equipment and Supplies for the Wood Industry 2 4 1 893 1 893 848 0 0 3 31 11 18 16 T 11 250 645 FIMAP - International Woodworking Machines Fair 2 4 12 003 12 003 3 405 0 0 5 116 26 55 53 T EXPOCOSMÉTICA - International Cosmetics, Esthetics and Hair Exhibition EXPONOR INHOUSE - House & Garden Show Furniture, Decoration, Lightning and Swimming 230 included in BRINDE 499 included in FERRÁLIA Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 87 Exhibitors Visitors GOURMET - International Exhibition of Gourmet Products 2 4 171 171 5 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 T included in ALITEC HOTELMAQ - Intern. Exhibition of Products and Services for the Hotel and Catering Industry 2 4 570 570 120 0 0 3 26 5 0 0 T included in ALITEC INTERDECORAÇÃO - House, Decoration and Gift 1 4 17 294 17 294 2 081 0 0 5 276 26 11 10 T 18 627 INTERINDÚSTRIA - International Exhibition of Products and Services for the Industry 2 4 included in EMAF T included in EMAF PORTOJÓIA - International Jewellery, Gold and Watch Exhibition 1 5 T 10 962 PORTUGAL METAL - Metal and Metallurgical Products Exhibition 2 4 T included in EMAF PROJECTO CASA - Fair of Home Products, Services, Materials and Solutions 2 4 4 337 4 337 177 0 0 1 158 2 17 12 P 10 544 0 QUALIFICA - Education, Training, Youth and Employment Exhibition 2 4 10 127 8 387 178 1 740 0 3 141 8 29 5 P 39 458 55 SALÃO DO USADO - Used Car Exhibition 1 2 2 868 2 868 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 P 10 107 0 SIMIEX - International Industrial Maintenance Exhibition 2 4 included in EMAF T included in EMAF SITCA - International Tuning and Car Audio Exhibition 1 2 18 634 18 634 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 P included in SALÃO DO USADO VIDA NATURA - Caravanning, Sports and Leisure Exhibition 1 4 13 226 13 226 140 0 0 2 136 4 18 5 P 17 700 VINIPOR - Wine Exhibition 2 4 72 72 27 0 0 2 7 3 0 0 T included in ALITEC Aquazoo 2 3 331 232 0 0 0 1 15 0 0 0 T/P included in Na Ryby Art & Craft Festival 1 4 2 358 2 358 30 0 0 4 390 7 0 0 T/P BOATSHOW Fair of Sailing and Water Sports 1 4 5 090 4 465 6 30 0 2 187 1 0 0 P Rented Space (sq.m) Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total 5 782 Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Total Foreign included in EMAF 5 782 417 0 0 included in EMAF 7 Represented firms Total Foreign included in EMAF 185 19 included in EMAF 8 4 included in EMAF included in EMAF included in EMAF Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 449 223 Poznan (PL) 9 083 Body Style (autumn) 1 3 605 584 123 0 0 5 27 4 0 0 T included in Tex-Style (autumn) Body Style (spring) 1 3 729 705 128 0 0 6 35 8 0 0 T included in Tex-Style (spring) Budma 1 4 35 360 34 041 6 273 1 319 148 27 1 257 357 26 23 T/P 53 801 Budma Interior 1 4 2 822 2 336 296 391 0 9 77 13 0 0 T/P included in Meble Bumasz 2 4 10 301 7 568 1 385 1 883 125 15 243 57 15 15 T/P included in BUDMA CEDE 18th Central European Dental Exhibition 1 3 9 122 7 977 712 0 0 12 280 36 0 0 T 88 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 9 387 9 Exhibitors Visitors Drema 1 4 27 670 22 936 4 876 3 634 290 18 398 133 72 71 T/P Education Fair 1 3 4 079 2 114 336 0 0 17 374 49 0 0 T/P Euro-Reklama Gift Expo 1 3 1 419 1 209 34 50 0 4 91 3 0 0 T/P Euro-Reklama Outdoor Expo 1 3 3 612 3 327 149 96 0 7 154 15 0 0 T/P Exhibition accompanying the COP 14 - 14 7 974 7 974 213 0 0 7 35 14 0 0 T/P Expopower 1 3 3 369 3 080 57 176 0 7 173 8 20 17 T/P Fair of Shoes, Leather and Leather Goods (autumn) 1 3 5 020 4 795 1 027 0 0 15 210 48 1 1 T/P included in Tex-Style (autumn) Fair of Shoes, Leather and Leather Goods (spring) 1 3 5 882 5 657 1 097 0 0 17 253 62 1 1 T/P included in Tex-Style (autumn) Farma 1 3 11 133 8 769 706 1 894 400 13 330 36 9 9 T/P 27 008 Fit-Expo 1 3 4 494 2 425 167 0 0 8 85 10 10 6 T/P 2 711 Furnica 1 4 6 909 6 909 954 0 0 17 219 59 11 9 T/P Gardenia 1 3 2 692 2 425 20 47 0 2 133 1 0 0 T/P Glass&Stone 1 4 1 132 1 063 165 0 0 8 45 8 8 7 T/P Hobby 1 2 3 830 3 805 0 0 0 3 104 7 0 0 T/P included in Tour Salon Home Decor 1 4 4 726 4 304 1 491 15 15 11 174 71 0 0 T/P included in Meble Infosystem 1 3 543 243 39 0 0 4 23 5 0 0 T/P included in ITM-Poland Instalacje 2 4 16 097 15 580 2 013 517 0 21 536 79 12 10 T/P Intermasz 2 3 2 742 2 679 493 0 0 8 72 23 4 4 T/P included in Tex-Style (spring) Invest Hotel 1 3 2 820 2 794 99 6 0 7 160 6 11 8 T/P included in Tour Salon ITM-Poland 1 4 29 661 28 938 7 260 261 0 28 987 371 245 234 T/P 18 248 Komtechnika 1 4 6 004 3 137 155 364 0 3 55 2 3 3 T/P included in Poleko Look / Beauty Vision 1 2 7 871 3 906 127 0 0 5 215 10 0 0 T/P 10 125 Meble 1 4 24 116 20 538 1 813 463 0 15 332 83 32 3 T/P 19 899 Na Ryby 1 3 1 515 1 252 4 9 0 2 51 1 0 0 T/P 10 805 National Animal Breeding Exhibition 1 3 9 305 6 718 319 86 0 6 428 32 0 0 T/P included in Farma National Horticultural Exhibition 1 3 708 245 0 463 0 1 52 0 0 0 T/P included in Farma Optyka 2 2 1 849 1 702 137 0 0 4 94 6 232 190 T/P Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 18 354 included in Tex-Style (autumn) 3 728 2 307 included in DREMA 1 263 24 558 1 402 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 89 Exhibitors Visitors Polagra Food 1 4 9 498 8 790 1 985 558 10 31 410 159 0 0 T/P included in Taropak Polagra Tech 1 5 13 923 12 804 1 512 939 29 17 335 90 43 42 T/P included in Taropak Polagra-Premiery 2 3 17 541 16 908 751 380 0 12 189 20 3 3 T/P 28 485 Poleko 1 4 12 390 11 963 2 252 246 20 19 738 228 103 100 T/P 15 091 Poznań Automotive Meetings 1 3 13 147 6 693 0 535 0 1 47 0 0 0 T/P 11 307 Poznań Game Arena 1 2 8 827 8 561 511 0 0 3 53 2 0 0 T/P 14 392 Poznań Optical Salon 1 2 619 619 0 0 0 1 67 0 0 0 T/P Salmed 2 3 4 183 4 108 529 0 0 18 258 50 12 12 T/P Sawo 2 4 6 015 3 869 1 176 226 0 20 195 63 27 26 T/P included in Instalacje Securex 2 4 5 187 5 042 372 145 0 19 216 26 25 25 T/P included in Instalacje Taropak 2 4 19 928 16 450 4 112 3 233 46 31 784 297 75 74 T/P 34 739 Tex-Style y (autumn) ( ) 1 3 6 161 6 033 739 6 0 15 210 39 2 1 T/P 8 824 Tex-Style (spring) 1 3 5 436 4 931 1 003 0 0 15 191 56 3 2 T/P 9 350 Tour Salon 1 3 7 981 7 007 1 807 899 0 39 749 214 7 7 T/P 15 872 Autoshow 1 4 10 221 6 428 37 1 002 0 11 70 1 28 26 T/P 25 849 Christmas Fair 1 17 3 295 2 847 255 66 0 9 352 27 0 0 P 63 661 Esoterika 1 4 2 401 1 675 29 0 0 4 263 6 0 0 T/P 14 386 Golf World Prague 1 4 625 421 42 0 0 3 40 5 0 0 T/P Hodiny a Klenoty 1 4 3 133 3 013 630 0 0 22 158 46 101 99 T/P 8 474 Holiday World / Region World 1 4 9 611 7 799 3 348 212 0 49 701 345 0 0 T/P 23 479 Marathon Sport Expo 1 4 2 051 1 703 115 83 0 4 61 3 0 0 T/P 24 806 Móda Praha - Jaro 1 3 1 726 1 456 170 0 0 17 139 17 52 35 T/P 4 512 Móda Praha - Podzim 1 3 1 183 913 189 0 0 8 90 12 0 0 T/P 2 021 Motocykl 1 5 11 588 9 042 855 589 0 8 241 21 0 0 T/P 63 945 Muzika 1 3 2 938 2 592 449 0 0 23 65 7 273 273 T/P 4 282 Pragobuilding 1 3 2 533 2 064 151 0 0 6 149 8 0 0 T/P 11 334 Pragodent 1 3 5 211 4 090 594 8 8 15 191 64 275 255 T/P Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 4 843 Prague (CZ) 90 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 included in Holiday World Exhibitors Visitors Pragointerier Living Fair 1 4 3 951 3 611 186 172 0 4 171 10 0 0 T/P 7 345 Pragointerier New Design 1 4 8 514 8 210 224 44 0 6 361 15 0 0 T/P 24 436 Pragoligna - Tooltec 1 3 3 742 3 722 561 20 0 10 109 14 39 36 T/P 3 837 Pragomedica/ Non - Handicap 1 4 5 633 5 017 249 112 0 32 256 32 501 483 T/P 12 041 Pragooffice 1 4 823 823 25 0 0 5 36 3 2 2 T/P SCHOLA NOVA 1 3 672 449 19 0 0 4 75 3 0 0 T/P Top Gastro 1 4 1 551 1 212 172 14 0 2 129 14 0 0 T/P included in Holiday World Transped - Comma - Karavany 1 4 6 402 221 35 2 681 18 3 33 2 0 0 T/P included in Autoshow ENERGIES ET ECO HABITAT - QUIMPER 1 3 972 972 0 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 P 5 291 HABITAT EXPO - QUIMPER 1 3 4 487 4 487 0 0 0 0 188 0 0 0 P 14 291 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - QUIMPER 1 4 1 296 1 296 0 0 0 0 185 0 0 0 P 14 780 ID CREATIVES - REIMS 1 4 849 849 68 0 0 3 89 8 0 0 P 11 085 SALONS CE REIMS 1 2 1 057 1 057 78 0 0 1 78 4 0 0 T 1 012 TENDANCE NATURE - REIMS 1 3 3 589 3 589 0 0 0 0 155 0 0 0 P 9 555 CFIA - RENNES - Food Industry Supplier Trade show 1 3 16 402 16 402 1 230 0 0 12 1 007 86 0 0 T 11 623 ESPRIT MAISON - ESPRIT JARDIN - RENNES Home, interior decoration, office equipment show 1 4 5 637 5 637 50 0 0 253 1 2 0 P 22 043 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - RENNES - Rennes multi branch fair 1 9 19 594 12 879 634 6 715 0 21 433 35 154 32 P 117 550 85 INTEROUTE & VILLE - Road and urban infrastructure Exhibition and Conference 2 3 6 269 5 966 480 303 0 9 226 24 0 0 T 5 888 208 L'ETUDIANT - RENNES 1 3 2 432 2 432 0 0 0 0 239 0 0 0 P 60 087 SALONS CE RENNES 1 1 2 1 023 1 023 0 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 T 967 SALONS CE RENNES 2 1 2 597 597 0 0 0 0 78 0 9 0 T 1 224 SIT RENNES - Rennes Tourism and Leisure Exhibition 1 3 3 520 3 520 0 0 0 0 422 0 0 0 P 39 132 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign included in PragointerierND 4 098 Quimper (F) Reims (F) Rennes (F) 290 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 91 Exhibitors Visitors SPACE - the stock-breeding show - european meeting place 1 4 52 961 28 042 7 213 24 919 8 883 28 1 154 283 114 77 T 113 580 VINS DES VIGNERONS INDEPENDANTS RENNES - Wine trade of winemakers 1 3 1 731 1 731 0 0 0 0 285 0 0 0 P 14 949 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - RENNES 1 4 3 690 3 690 0 0 0 0 323 0 0 0 P 41 449 1 10 705 705 1 41 P 1 035 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 9 066 Reus (E) Antiquaris Autoprimavera 1 3 4 875 4 875 Epocauto 1 2 1 130 1 130 P 1 283 P 1 672 Expro Reus 1 9 13 083 3 662 178 P 12 183 Meeting Tuning Ciutat de Reus 1 1 1 8 P 545 Saló de la Moto 1 2 1 522 1 522 1 23 P 1 385 Sao Tardor 1 4 2 580 2 580 1 15 P 863 Tot Nuvis 1 3 1 719 1 719 1 91 P 1 173 1 3 5 542 5 502 1 38 P 11 051 2 4 15 880 2 202 6 376 P 50 011 BER - BOWLING EVENT RIMINI 1 4 424 424 132 915 165 ECOMONDO - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF ENERGY AND MATERIALS RECYCLING AND 1 4 34 113 33 535 1 936 ENADA PRIMAVERA - INTERNATIONAL SLOTMACHINES EXHIBITION 1 4 15 463 15 463 GIOSUN - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF OUTDOOR PLAYING 1 4 3 422 KEY ENERGY - ENERGY, POLLUTION AND SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY 1 4 MIA - INTERNATIONAL FOOD EXHIBITION 1 MONDO NATURA - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF CAMPER, CARAVAN AND MSE - MEDITERRANEAN SEA FOOD EXHIBITION 75 9 421 1 27 3 53 1 3 Ried (A) Automesse car show 0 40 0 0 40 36 0 Riihimäki (SF) XVIII International Sportsmen's Fair 13 678 264 Rimini (I) 92 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 9 4 2 1 T 635 47 198 75 T/P 62 587 6 599 see note 1 238 199 15 53 40 T 25 168 2 569 see note 3 422 112 30 5 9 9 T 843 28 see note 3 999 3 907 268 96 10 27 9 T/P 2 124 161 see note 4 13 591 13 591 452 293 15 158 10 T 1 9 50 791 50 791 11 961 173 23 52 36 T/P 1 4 3 443 3 443 1 175 170 66 22 15 T 578 92 45 included in Pianeta Birra 114 333 2 672 included in Pianeta Birra see note see note see note Exhibitors Visitors ORO GIALLO - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF "EXTRA VERGINE" OLIVE OIL 1 4 520 520 0 52 PIANETA BIRRA - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF BEER, BEVERAGES AND SNACKS 1 4 14 395 14 395 1 160 256 25 127 95 T 88 087 2 918 see note PLANET CREATIVITY - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF HANDCRAFT SHOW 1 3 3 040 3 040 352 98 13 82 71 T 9 781 1 142 see note SIA - INTERNATIONAL HOTELLERY EXHIBITION 1 4 26 729 26 729 917 455 25 154 61 T 44 078 2 072 see note 2 4 7 524 7 524 672 136 23 126 112 T 21 682 1 350 see note 1 5 40 542 40 542 1 735 609 57 125 55 T 95 357 15 563 see note 1 4 27 344 27 296 1 228 362 25 51 39 T 23 233 753 see note 2 5 38 351 38 351 10 459 408 82 146 81 T 31 432 12 313 see note 1 3 12 212 12 212 2 510 567 165 514 333 T 9 822 684 see note 69. EXPO RIVA SCHUH 1 4 32 500 32 500 13 805 33 1 125 743 T 11 238 6 480 see note 70. EXPO RIVA SCHUH 1 4 31 574 31 574 18 134 33 1 109 734 T 10 250 6 252 see note 1 9 23 204 8 339 0 14 865 0 0 419 0 4 P 92 678 2 9 10 317 8 134 492 2 183 28 6 369 21 11 P 47 908 1 3 4 974 4 474 1 82 P 15 100 1 4 2 827 2 627 6 250 T 5 002 SIB - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION FOR SHOW AND SPECIAL EVENT TECHNOLOGIES SIGEP - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF QUALITY ICE-CREAM, CONFECTIONERY AND SUN - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF OUTDOOR FURNISHINGS AND FITTINGS TECNARGILLA - INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE TTG INCONTRI TOURISM Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total 48 Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY T Total Foreign included in Pianeta Birra note: audited by ISF Riva del Garda (I) note: audited by ISF Romans (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION DAUPHINE - ROMANS 0 Rosenheim (G) Neue Messe Rosenheim - Reg. consumer exhibition Rostock (G) AUTO Trend 500 Rostov-on-Don (RU) Building & Architectural Forum STIMexpo (Autumn) 687 200 0 39 73 5 1 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 93 Exhibitors Visitors CREATIVA - ROUEN 1 4 1 481 1 481 146 0 0 5 138 13 0 0 P 26 774 4 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - ROUEN - Rouen international faire 1 10 24 066 10 043 605 14 023 80 19 569 41 0 0 P 93 426 1 057 L'ETUDIANT - ROUEN 1 2 981 981 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 P 20 997 MAISON DECO - Home Show 1 4 4 151 4 151 0 0 0 1 258 1 0 0 P 21 432 SALONS CE ROUEN 1 1 2 1 256 1 256 34 0 0 1 92 1 0 0 T 1 663 SALONS CE ROUEN 2 1 2 763 763 15 0 0 1 106 2 7 1 T 1 366 Education Fair 2008 Rovaniemi 1 2 410 404 6 1 39 23 P 3 247 Lapland Construction Fair 2008, Rovaniemi 1 2 1 092 966 126 1 84 17 T/P 3 595 FOIRE EXPOSITION DES COTES D'ARMOR D ARMOR SAINT BRIEUC - Saint-Brieuc multi branch fair 1 9 22 278 7 361 69 14 917 15 6 301 7 0 0 P 60 806 HABITAT ECO-CONSTRUCTION ET SALON SAINT BRIEUC 1 3 4 896 4 662 9 234 0 1 231 1 0 0 P 16 118 TERRALIES 1 3 2 827 1 505 0 1 322 0 0 171 0 0 0 P 21 043 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - SAINT BRIEUC 1 3 770 770 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 P 2 717 CAMPING CAR NEUF - SAINT ETIENNE 1 1 3 483 3 483 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 P 1 283 FOIRE EXPOSITION - SAINT-ETIENNE 1 11 20 157 10 795 285 9 362 0 30 430 39 0 0 P 113 116 L'ETUDIANT - SAINT ETIENNE 1 2 1 153 1 153 12 0 0 1 85 1 0 0 P 20 725 MARIAGE - SAINT-ETIENNE 1 2 342 342 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 P 1 449 PLAISIRS GOURMANDS - SAINT ETIENNE 1 3 459 459 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 P 1 988 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - SAINT ETIENNE 1 3 270 270 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 P 1 849 1 3 721 721 0 0 0 0 92 0 0 0 P 6 106 MAISON - SAINTE CLOTILDE 1 1 9 3 072 3 072 0 0 0 0 183 0 0 0 P 52 743 MAISON - SAINTE CLOTILDE 2 1 9 3 319 3 319 0 0 0 0 184 0 0 0 P 26 747 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Rouen (F) Rovaniemi (SF) Saint Brieuc (F) Saint Etienne (F) Saint Malo (F) VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - SAINT MALO Sainte Clotilde - La Réunion (F) 94 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 Exhibitors Visitors FOIRE EXPOSITION - SAINTES 1 6 11 847 1 842 0 10 005 0 0 169 0 169 0 P 16 880 HABITAT ET JARDIN - SAINTES 1 3 2 892 1 793 0 1 099 0 0 130 0 169 0 P 7 165 Auto- und Motorradmesse car and bike show 1 2 13 794 13 780 475 14 0 3 67 14 0 0 P 17 682 Alles für den Gast Frühjahr international trade fair for the catering, restaurant, hotel and food 1 4 8 911 8 911 1 809 0 0 6 288 76 8 2 T Alles für den Gast Herbst international trade fair for the entire catering, restaurant and hotel trade 1 5 25 545 25 480 5 162 65 0 8 676 159 67 26 T 45 289 0 1 4 18 587 18 355 2 048 232 0 7 482 80 15 4 T/P 30 896 0 1 3 15 685 15 685 6 824 0 0 11 397 205 103 86 T 8 282 0 Die Hohe Jagd & Fischerei International trade fair for hunters,, fishermen and nature lovers p parallel 1 3 8 993 8 993 3 312 0 0 22 340 185 3 0 P 41 507 0 Ferien-Messe Salzburg Fair for holidays, travel, leisure and wellness 1 3 3 856 3 856 1 283 0 0 23 204 86 0 0 P 2 4 3 365 3 364 1 039 1 0 6 91 40 0 0 T 8 789 0 1 3 5 343 5 343 2 948 0 0 10 172 101 7 7 T 2 307 0 1 4 2 181 2 112 247 69 0 9 132 16 44 1 T 4 930 50 Construye 2 5 8 550 5 658 1 134 T/P 2 878 Expohostel 2 4 4 668 3 664 1 100 T Exposaldo 1 5 5 698 4 435 1 143 P 40 388 Feboda 2 3 2 670 2 140 1 76 T/P 3 967 PIT 1 17 6 392 6 392 1 21 P 39 769 Artesantander 2008 1 5 1 268 1 268 3 32 Feria del Stock 1 3 1 842 1 668 1 122 P 2 666 612 1 48 P Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Saintes (F) Salzburg (A) Bauen+Wohnen Salzburg International fair for building, interior design and energy saving Creativ Salzburg Herbst international trade fair for gifts, home accessories, design- and lifestyle L-Tec 2008 The trade fair for food technlogy and manufacture Tracht & Country Classics Frühjahr international fashion trade fair for Tracht and country house 0 included in L-tec included in Hohe Jagd Samara (RU) Industrial Show Santa cruz de tenerife (E) 2 700 1 083 Santander (E) I Feria de Novios 159 4 T/P 4 000 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 95 4 4 60 352 1 052 2 9 8 102 6 392 1 4 13 551 9 069 96 4 3 595 3 312 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign 59 300 10 019 from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Schmallenberg (G) FNS -Forest Machinery and Innovations DemoFair 169 23 495 124 T 43 877 1 710 1 412 P 71 132 4 482 2 150 1 T 128 4 64 4 T 192 3 141 5 1 124 6 139 1 94 4 129 8 21 250 33 246 3 993 Schweinfurt (G) ufra - Consumer exhibition Sevilla (E) Construcción Fecopán Mobiliaria 2 4 11 900 11 900 Sevilla de Boda 1 3 2 917 2 670 SICAB- Feria Internacional del Caballo 1 6 4 139 4 064 Simof 1 4 1 270 1 270 X Feria Mundial del Toro 1 5 10 856 8 050 144 1 5 56 945 11 812 706 757 Beer 1 4 972 972 276 0 0 12 85 22 Hotel & Restaurant Business 1 3 1 142 1 085 102 57 0 8 137 Resorts and Tourism 1 4 1 661 1 661 75 0 0 7 AgroRuss 1 10 12 649 4 686 255 7 963 55 Autoworld 1 5 8 077 5 707 1 669 2 370 BalticBuild 1 4 9 504 6 291 1 878 Boilers and Burners 1 4 1 298 1 151 CleanExpo St.Petersburg 1 3 1 232 Expohoreca 1 3 Fashion Industry (Autumn) 1 Hipposphere 1 144 75 28 T P 6 4 798 T/P P P 1 358 63 T/P 35 398 10 796 60 10 T/P 1 930 20 8 14 0 T/P 2 700 30 266 6 58 1 T 3 630 40 5 1 079 28 65 0 T/P 103 490 3 100 210 11 219 26 6 0 T/P 48 870 490 3 213 192 19 586 144 20 3 T 21 650 1 730 506 147 6 14 91 23 22 2 T 1 232 363 0 0 13 106 18 4 0 T 4 610 230 1 185 1 185 203 0 0 11 97 14 7 0 T 3 320 100 4 3 755 3 755 716 0 0 10 295 47 1 0 T/P 15 640 310 4 725 720 0 5 0 1 57 0 13 1 T 3 240 30 Silleda (E) Feria Internacional Semana Verde de Galicia/Salimat Sochi (RU) St. Petersburg (RU) 96 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 included in Rus-Gas-Expo Exhibitors Visitors Hi-Tech 1 4 664 664 54 0 0 2 117 13 1 0 T Holy Russia 1 5 1 374 1 374 186 0 0 6 314 37 3 0 T/P 25 660 130 Junwex St. Petersburg 1 5 10 591 10 591 179 0 0 10 538 19 13 1 T/P 32 410 3 240 Power Industry and Electrical Engineering 1 4 5 994 5 636 618 358 40 14 390 46 17 1 T 10 300 410 Prodtech 1 3 1 059 1 029 168 30 0 8 69 12 8 1 T 3 200 160 Rus-Gas-Expo 1 4 2 574 2 074 253 500 0 11 148 24 30 1 T 4 120 120 Russian Industrialist 1 4 4 277 4 220 269 57 0 10 420 88 34 2 T 6 340 250 SFITEX - Security and Fire Exhbition 1 4 5 221 4 855 304 366 0 12 231 14 9 1 T 11 600 460 St. Petersburg Festival Of Flowers And Landscape Design 1 4 1 500 1 141 231 359 0 6 325 102 6 1 T/P 17 650 40 St. Petersburg Technical Fair 1 4 4 974 4 954 1 732 20 0 17 325 31 20 0 T 9 080 360 Welding 2 4 3 592 3 412 366 180 0 9 146 24 7 0 T 4 370 90 Zoosphere 1 4 4 110 4 110 285 0 0 8 226 18 4 1 T/P 9 950 400 Allt För Hälsan 1 3 8 718 8 718 7 212 P 25 152 Electronics 3 3 8 072 8 072 36 347 1 482 T 7 418 FDI Annual World Dental Congress 1 4 7 522 7 522 53 277 43 T 12 308 Formex Höst 1 4 30 459 30 459 50 871 15 T 24 151 Formex Vår 1 4 27 830 27 830 52 736 8 T 23 005 GastroNord 2 4 13 574 13 574 36 393 318 T 24 173 Home and Villa/Home 1 4 15 536 15 536 18 483 P 51 539 Nordic Bakery 3 5 4 292 4 292 22 79 144 T 5 118 Nordic Building & Construction Fair 2 4 32 757 32 462 39 770 259 T 54 300 Nordiska Trädgårdar 1 4 10 830 10 830 11 364 14 P 59 345 Protection & Security Expo 2 4 11 990 10 660 23 336 150 T 17 479 Scandinavian Boat Show 1 5 11 546 11 546 26 228 72 P 29 471 Skolforum - School Forum 1 3 6 088 6 088 11 281 28 T 21 378 Stockholm Antiques Fair 1 4 6 739 6 739 5 242 6 P 27 712 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign included in St. Petersburg Technical Fair Stockholm (S) 295 1 330 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 97 Exhibitors Visitors Stockholm Food & Beverage Show 1 3 3 387 3 387 16 158 28 P 27 141 Stockholm Furniture Fair and Northern Light Fair 1 5 37 330 37 330 31/15 591/103 59/6 T/P 42 496 Stockholm International Boat Show 1 10 34 092 34 092 28 491 187 T/P 108 421 The Scandinavian Technical Fair 1 4 10 753 10 753 35 436 475 T 22 548 Travel 2 4 7 888 7 888 20 343 1 T/P 13 002 Vildmark & Svenska Flugfiske 1 3 10 399 10 399 4 201 4 P 18 690 Vinordic 2 4 6 862 6 862 38 164 604 T/P 18 406 CREATIVA - STRASBOURG - The European Fair of Creatve leisures 1 4 1 229 1 229 42 0 0 3 72 3 0 0 P 13 013 EGAST - international exhibition of equipment and gastronomy 2 4 6 273 6 273 295 0 0 7 252 12 0 0 T 21 381 436 FOIRE EUROPEENNE - STRASBOURG O U O S S OU G Strasbourg International multi branch fair 1 11 34 945 24 468 2 860 10 477 1 026 18 1 045 169 0 0 P 215 630 499 GENERATIONS - STRASBOURG 1 3 1 473 1 473 36 0 0 2 69 3 0 0 P 4 125 MAISON DE PRINTEMPS - STRASBOURG home and deco 1 4 4 659 4 069 603 590 21 1 172 23 0 0 P 14 220 PUCES ET BROCANTE - STRASBOURG 1 1 2 2 080 2 080 495 0 0 4 97 28 0 0 P 4 183 PUCES ET BROCANTE - STRASBOURG 2 1 2 1 425 1 425 360 0 0 3 69 20 0 0 P 2 380 PUCES ET BROCANTE - STRASBOURG 3 1 2 1 470 1 470 315 0 0 1 68 17 0 0 P 2 331 PUCES ET BROCANTE - STRASBOURG 4 1 2 2 235 2 235 330 0 0 3 111 19 0 0 P 3 188 SALONS CE STRASBOURG 1 1 2 1 136 1 136 46 0 0 1 77 1 0 0 T 1 174 SALONS CE STRASBOURG 2 1 2 505 505 6 0 0 1 66 1 8 1 T 1 187 TOURISSIMO - STRASBOURG 1 3 1 621 1 621 435 0 0 3 67 19 0 0 P 17 221 VINS DES VIGNERONS INDEPENDANTS STRASBOURG - Wine trade of winemakers 1 4 3 375 3 375 0 0 0 0 544 0 0 0 P 53 347 AMB -Metal working 2 5 63 910 63 910 13 209 26 1 284 270 63 36 T 85 143 5 960 ANIMAL 1 2 3 105 3 105 66 5 155 5 P 47 228 336 ANIMAL / Pferd 1 4 7 435 7 435 339 9 315 16 P 55 482 Antiquitäten.Design.Raum 1 4 2 666 2 666 113 4 156 8 P 21 016 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Strasbourg (F) Stuttgart (G) 98 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 630 see note 1 Blickfang 1 3 1 176 1 176 50 CEP CLEAN ENERGY POWER 1 3 4 036 3 799 283 CMT / The holiday exhibition 1 9 52 532 52 532 5 580 DACH + HOLZ 2 4 33 139 31 390 2 464 didacta - Trade fair for education and training 1 5 28 962 28 962 FACHDENTAL SÜDWEST - Dental surgeries and laboratories 1 2 4 381 Familie + Heim / Int. Mineralien- und Fossilienbörse 1 9 Garten 2 hobby + elektronik Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign 6 157 29 P 12 823 11 215 26 T 10 377 519 44 1 757 504 P 225 058 2 251 23 549 84 T 48 402 3 243 628 16 676 33 70 5 T 82 943 829 4 381 377 12 189 24 15 15 T 9 327 93 15 924 15 924 969 22 718 77 P 69 643 4 3 719 3 719 12 2 111 1 P 43 424 1 4 3 322 3 322 1 77 P 54 366 Interbad 2 4 16 136 16 071 5 131 22 442 127 8 4 P 16 561 3 478 INTERGASTRA 1 5 33 920 33 920 2 965 18 843 113 47 11 T 81 555 816 Internationale Mineralien- und Fossilienbörse 1 3 1 633 1 633 210 23 231 46 P 20 198 202 Invest 1 3 6 495 6 495 1 379 12 253 97 P 17 243 517 IWB - Intern. arms exchange 1 3 2 984 2 984 555 18 194 48 P 13 532 812 Kreativ- & Bastelwelt 1 4 2 554 2 554 154 6 115 10 P 30 413 LASYS 2 3 4 451 4 451 1 114 15 187 65 7 T 3 444 827 LogiMat 1 3 16 262 16 052 968 14 571 53 1 T 15 175 1 609 Medizin 1 3 3 335 3 335 27 4 177 5 1 T 7 822 78 Modell Süd Bau & Bahn 1 4 1 933 1 933 60 5 97 6 P 40 547 O & S - Surface treatments and coatings 2 3 6 470 6 470 614 10 311 40 T 4 842 Pferd 1 4 4 330 4 330 273 7 160 11 P 36 654 Pflege & Reha 2 3 4 541 4 541 148 8 243 9 P 9 067 Retro Classics 1 3 15 572 15 572 1 199 11 412 37 P 48 649 1 946 Slow Food 1 4 2 901 2 901 247 5 294 35 P 28 828 1 153 südback 1 4 19 916 19 916 1 716 13 461 64 P 29 538 1 772 Süddeutsche Spielmesse 1 4 1 973 1 973 77 4 79 4 P 43 054 237 37 1 749 65 210 53 97 5 4 10 2 4 1 1 7 14 7 see note 2 434 see note 2 see note 2 see note 2 775 see note 1 see note 2 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 99 Exhibitors Visitors SÜFFA 1 3 8 345 8 345 336 7 283 19 4 2 T 10 522 526 TV - Textile printing, embroidery, transfer and flocking 1 3 4 935 4 935 713 15 138 32 5 4 T 7 191 1 006 VISION - Machine vision and identification technologies 1 3 7 480 7 480 2 792 28 292 131 17 11 T 6 092 1 706 wellviva 2 4 415 415 26 2 37 2 T 15 488 155 2 204 P 14 625 T 4 796 7 398 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign note 1: Visitor attendance determined by a representative poll in the combination of ANIMAL/PFERD. Recurring names were permitted note 2: Visitor attendance determined by a representative poll in the combination of Stuttgarter Messeherbst. Recurring names were permitted Sundsvall (S) Stora Vårmässan 1 3 4 640 3 765 875 47 1 3 2 916 1 343 47 1 573 0 5 182 4 BUD-GRYF SZCZECIN 17th International Construction Fair 1 3 2 254 1 516 91 447 0 4 150 5 P CHEMIKA Chemical Industry Fair 1 2 220 220 0 0 0 1 13 0 T free entry DENTEXPO SZCZECIN 4th Dental Exhibition 1 2 65 65 0 0 0 1 12 0 T free entry ENERGIA 12th Fair for Conventional and Renewable Energy 1 3 475 289 39 147 0 2 32 3 P included in Bud-Gryf EZOTERIA 11th Szczecin Esoteric Meetings 1 3 71 71 0 0 0 1 22 0 P IT Home & Business Information Technology Fair For Home and Business 1 2 63 63 0 0 0 1 9 0 P free entry KARIERA 4th Education and Job Fair, Book Fair 1 2 1 050 304 6 0 0 2 46 1 P free entry MARKET TOUR 17th Tourist Fair 1 3 1 173 150 0 711 102 4 89 9 P free entry OGRÓD 10th Gardening and Apiculture Mart 1 2 841 25 0 816 0 1 49 0 P free entry ORGANIC (Jesien) Healthy Food and Natural Products Fair 1 3 177 174 3 0 0 2 38 1 P included in Ezoteria ORGANIC (Wiosna) Health and Beauty Festival 1 2 68 68 0 0 0 1 21 0 P free entry PROBIZNES 3rd Trade Fair for Entrepreneurship and Business Development 1 2 893 181 12 0 0 2 23 1 T/P free entry SKA University Book' Meetings 1 3 246 126 0 0 0 1 33 0 P free entry WSZYSTKO DLA DOMU 17th Fair of Interior Finishing and Furnishing 1 3 1 380 1 079 0 163 0 1 91 0 P included in Ezoteria Surgut (RU) Surgut. Oil and gas 34 0 Szczecin (PL) 100 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 8 022 0 Exhibitors Visitors Certamen del Caballo de Pura Raza Española, Equital 2008 1 4 5 658 632 12 2 20 1 T 2 892 Ecotalavera 1 3 2 248 1 722 56 2 45 4 T 447 FVO'2008 Feria del Vehículo de Ocasión 2 4 1 18 P 6 017 III Feria del Stock 1 3 1 556 1 556 2 55 P 7 788 Talavera Comarca y Territorio 2008 1 3 1 646 1 492 1 59 P 3 897 ASTA Autumn 2008 1 3 3 918 3 873 44 1 244 8 P 12 701 ASTA-Constructor 2008 1 3 4 3 911 107 1 232 7 P 16 169 AUTOTEC 2008 3 3 4 3 324 272 1 61 99 T 6 050 Energy Fair 2 3 4 5 466 76 4 229 32 T Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Talavera (E) 16 1 Tampere (SF) 6 552 included in Garden and Hobby ET Exhibition 1 3 784 784 0 1 72 0 P Finnclean 2008 3 4 3 406 3 121 285 4 116 38 T 12 447 Food Manufacturing 2008 3 3 3 959 3 899 60 3 145 171 T 3 480 Garden and Hobby 2 3 2 855 2 800 55 2 143 0 P 25 330 Gem Exhibition 1 3 290 290 0 3 56 0 P Good Age 2008 Fair for Ageing and Welfare of the Aged 2 3 1 973 1 933 40 2 176 0 T/P 7 280 Nordic Welding Expo 2008 2 3 3 410 3 410 0 4 103 64 T 6 038 Safety&Security 2008, Corporate Security 2008, Workplace Welfair 2008 2 3 9 430 8 408 1 022 8 296 134 T 13 613 Spirit and Life Book Festival 1 2 675 675 0 1 58 0 P included in ASTAConstructor 2008 Subcontracting 2008 1 3 13 514 12 917 596 18 899 540 T 17 919 Suomen Kädentaidot 2008 1 3 3 509 3 417 92 1 573 3 P Travelling in Finland 1 3 1 437 1 401 36 1 120 0 P included in Suomen Kädentaidot 2008 34 897 included in Garden and Hobby Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 101 Exhibitors Visitors AGRICOLE - TARBES 1 4 13 854 4 565 0 9 289 0 0 302 0 0 0 P 31 048 BATIPYRENEES 2 3 1 009 625 0 384 0 0 56 0 0 0 P 971 FOIRE EXPOSITION - TARBES 1 9 9 913 5 066 0 4 847 0 0 228 0 0 0 P 24 282 III Salón del Turismo Gastronómico - (Gusto Mudéjar) 1 3 1 482 726 1 33 T/P IV Salón de la Madera y Oficios Artesanales (Madeter) 2 3 1 287 907 1 24 T/P IV Salón del Automóvil - (Sobreruedas) 2 2 2 987 1 837 1 7 P VI Feria de la Juventud, el Empleo, la Formación y el Ocio -(Juventud Activa) 1 3 2 678 780 1 42 P VI Feria del Medio Ambiente y equipamiento municipal - (Ecoambiente) 2 3 1 918 378 1 17 T/P XI Salón Amantes del Comercio de Teruel 1 2 1 788 884 1 48 P Artissima - Internazionale d'arte contemporanea a Torino 1 3 4 932 4 932 1 866 0 0 16 173 69 19 15 T/P EUROMINERALEXPO - Mostra mercato internazionale dei minerali e Immagine natura 1 5 10 000 10 000 4 950 0 0 14 341 171 0 0 T/P Fiera Internazionale del libro 1 5 15 800 13 800 650 2 000 0 6 450 15 1 003 24 P Salone del Gusto 2 5 74 500 73 000 7 800 1 500 0 920 100 30 0 T/P 1 2 916 856 Construmurcia 2008 - XVII Feria de la Construcción y Afines 2 4 13 177 13 177 EQUIMUR 2008 1 4 11 974 Exposición Canina - XVIII Nacional y XV Internacional 1 2 FAME 2008 - XXV Feria agrícola del Mediterráneo 2 I Salón del inmigrante de la región de Murcia 1 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Tarbes (F) Teruel (E) 767 3 041 2 396 Torino (I) 12 072 Tornio (SF) Bothnian Arc Construction Fair 2008, Tornio 60 1 74 20 2 215 3 474 60 3 8 776 976 20 4 7 547 7 547 3 2 120 2 120 15 T/P 2 256 1 T 1 139 108 3 T/P 13 133 2 46 1 T/P 14 572 20 2 119 1 T 2 060 20 2 99 1 P Torre pacheco (E) 102 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 2 431 1 3 8 713 7 273 VI Desembalaje de antigüedades 1 3 2 860 VII Salón del vehículo de ocasión 1 3 XXIV Salón de la automoción e industrias afines 1 Academy of Beauty Day KONSERWACJE 13th Heritage Sites Conservation Exhibition Total Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign 72 from … countries TURISMUR 2008 - XVII Salón nacional de turismo y tiempo libre Rented Space (sq.m) Visitors Total 3 192 2 860 1 8 097 8 097 4 9 488 9 488 1 1 206 203 0 3 1 3 750 702 0 KOŚCIOŁY CHURCHES - 5th Fairs of Furnishings, Services , Art, Devotional Items 1 3 269 249 METAL TOOLS Metal Tools Exhibition 1 3 633 MOTO-TOR Motor Industry Fair 1 2 OD DZIAŁKI PO DOM DOM, INVEST INVEST-TOR TOR K Kuyaviani Pomeranian Investment Exhibition, Construction Exhibition 1 ARTISANS D'ART - TOULOUSE Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign 4 Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign T/P 8 835 133 T/P 7 727 1 55 P 4 495 1 68 T/P 8 375 0 1 32 0 P 1 028 48 0 1 71 0 T 1 032 0 20 0 1 35 0 T 603 0 30 0 1 43 0 T 1 098 666 645 0 21 0 1 32 0 P 2 469 2 681 654 0 27 0 1 66 0 P 5 649 1 9 1 882 1 882 0 0 0 0 192 0 0 0 P 30 652 EASYFAIRS BUILDING INNOVATIONS SUDOUEST - EasyFairs Building Innovations SudOuest 1 2 663 663 48 0 0 2 58 3 0 0 T 649 3 ENVIROSUD 1 3 594 594 39 0 0 2 52 4 0 0 P 1 684 14 FOIRE INTERNATIONALE - TOULOUSE Toulouse international trade fair 1 11 30 647 16 689 359 13 958 296 11 666 27 0 0 P 124 751 HABITAT - TOULOUSE - housing show : from building to interior decorating 1 9 11 523 11 523 103 0 0 2 300 4 0 0 P 40 339 IMMOBILIER - TOULOUSE 1 1 3 2 441 2 441 0 0 0 0 162 0 0 0 P 15 214 125 2 0 0 P 10 904 Torun (PL) included in Konserwace Toulouse (F) IMMOBILIER - TOULOUSE 2 1 3 2 060 2 060 30 0 0 MAHANA TOULOUSE - A trade fair to take you everywhere 1 3 2 936 2 936 575 0 0 4 119 14 0 0 P 22 230 RDV DES JEUNES 1 3 1 465 1 465 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 0 P 7 852 SALONS CE TOULOUSE 1 1 2 1 196 1 196 6 0 0 1 104 1 0 0 T 1 153 SALONS CE TOULOUSE 2 1 2 648 648 27 0 0 2 95 4 10 1 T 831 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 103 TP BAT 2 3 10 554 8 841 173 1 713 0 VINS ET TERROIRS- TOULOUSE 1 3 2 264 2 264 33 0 0 VOITURE D'OCCASION - TOULOUSE 1 3 12 229 3 119 0 9 110 FERME EXPO 1 3 5 212 5 131 0 FOIRE EXPOSITION - TOURS 1 10 49 425 29 982 MOTO QUAD TATTOO SHOW FESTIVAL TOURS 1 3 2 682 SALONS CE TOURS 1 2 TENDANCEXPO - TOURS 1 UNIVERS DE L'AUTOMOBILE - TOURS Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total 365 17 0 0 T 15 429 2 243 3 0 0 P 19 095 0 0 47 0 0 0 P 4 315 81 0 0 146 0 0 0 P 23 799 36 19 443 0 2 623 2 0 0 P 2 682 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 P 5 639 895 895 0 0 0 0 74 0 0 0 T 989 3 10 808 9 608 0 1 200 0 0 158 0 0 0 P 17 257 1 4 14 060 14 060 0 0 0 0 51 0 0 0 P 12 849 AGRO TECH AGRO-TECH 1 3 3 126 2 198 320 549 30 2 34 9 0 0 T/P 1 226 AQUA 1 3 3 951 2 681 583 625 313 5 130 45 0 0 T/P 2 091 BEAUTY FORUM SLOVAKIA 1 3 3 346 2 260 325 0 0 4 117 23 0 0 T/P 10 998 ELO SYS 1 4 10 178 9 557 1 998 174 0 11 368 113 0 0 T/P 11 325 GARDENER 1 4 1 764 857 17 801 74 3 131 10 0 0 T/P 19 751 MEDIPHARM 1 2 2 359 486 42 60 0 2 56 4 0 0 T/P 1 640 2 3 5 181 5 181 522 198 52 13 9 T 7 117 ANTIQUITES ET BROCANTE D'AUTOMNETROYES - Antiquities and secondhands trade 1 3 1 752 1 752 54 0 0 1 104 3 0 0 P 4 968 ANTIQUITES ET BROCANTE DE PRINTEMPS TROYES - Antiquities and secondhands trade 1 3 1 657 1 657 36 0 0 1 100 2 0 0 P 4 576 ARTISANS D'ART - TROYES - Creative craftsmans 1 4 1 542 1 542 0 0 0 0 148 0 0 0 P 7 476 BIEN-VIVRE A TABLE - Food and wines 1 4 1 236 1 236 18 0 0 1 116 2 0 0 P 11 656 CHINEURS DE NOEL - TROYES - Secondhands trade, Christmas trade, jewels 1 2 910 910 18 0 0 71 1 0 0 P 6 237 Foreign Tours (F) free entry Trencin (SK) Trieste (I) TRIESTESPRESSO EXPO note: audited by ISF Troyes (F) 104 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 2 512 see note Exhibitors Visitors FOIRE DE CHAMPAGNE - Troyes multi branch fair 1 10 7 567 4 543 105 3 024 30 6 290 8 0 0 P 56 592 FORME & BIEN ETRE - TROYES - Wellbeing, Tourism and Bio Food 1 3 947 947 45 0 0 1 84 2 0 0 P 5 678 HABIMAT - Habitat, garden, decoration 1 4 3 183 2 169 0 1 014 0 0 146 0 0 0 P 10 794 1 3 24 792 189 52 4 679 262 7 120 12 T 3 990 Building & Living 2008 1 3 6 245 6 122 123 1 251 150 P 22 728 Caravan Show & Camping 2008 1 3 6 925 6 869 56 3 75 11 P 6 427 Down by the sea 2008 1 3 6 204 6 172 32 1 103 13 P 8 027 Nordic Stone 2008 2 3 620 620 0 3 29 15 T/P Spring Garden 2008 2 3 2 289 2 237 52 4 105 9 P 17 934 Turku Art and Antique Fair 2008 1 2 1 624 1 582 42 2 68 8 P 8 446 Turku Boat Fair 2008 1 3 4 079 4 038 41 1 75 20 P Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Tuchola (PL) EKO-LAS Trade Fair of Forestry, Wood Industry and Environmental Protection Turku (SF) included in Spring Garden 2008 5 026 included in Turku international Book Fair 2008 Turku Food Fair 2008 1 3 1 028 1 019 9 1 84 9 P Turku international Book Fair 2008 1 3 1 740 1 740 0 1 131 77 P 3 178 178 0 1 11 0 P 4 96 10 T/P 4 602 52 231 2 188 51 T 13 983 Turku Science Fair 2008 23 095 included in Turku international Book Fair 2008 Umeå (S) Nolia Weekend 1 3 1 507 1 507 Skogs-Nolia 2 3 52 231 0 Stora Nolia 1 9 35 824 6 076 29 748 5 542 35 P 107 732 1 31 9 731 8 244 1 487 1 145 0 P 140 837 FOIRE EXPOSITION - VALENCE - LES 4 JOURS DE PRINTEMPS 1 4 3 331 2 481 0 850 0 0 135 0 0 0 P 8 927 RIST - SALON DE LA SOUS TRAITANCE interregional subcontracting meeting 1 3 1 977 1 977 0 0 0 0 230 0 0 0 T 4 963 0 Vaasa (SF) Housing Fair in Vaasa 2008 Valence (F) 10 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 105 Exhibitors Visitors Cero a cuatro. Feria internacional de Puericultura 1 3 12 412 12 412 774 19 106 18 90 86 T Cevisama 1 5 90 772 84 967 12 217 39 774 192 201 159 T 1 5 23 160 20 224 38 662 593 1 5 2 796 2 796 618 8 48 28 Ecofira 1 3 1 323 1 297 9 52 Egetica. 1 3 4 276 3 422 32 14 77 Euroagro 1 3 3 953 3 172 44 9 Eurobrico. Salón Profesional del Bricolaje 2 3 8 611 8 272 980 Feria del vehículo de ocasión y Feria del Automóvil. 1 5 21 466 FIAM. Feria Internacional de la Iluminación 2 5 1 5 1 3 FIM. Feria Internacional del Mueble 1 FIMI (primavera-verano) FIMI. Feria Internacional de la Moda InfantilJuvenil Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Valencia (E) Conferencia y Feria Europea de Energía Solar Fotovoltaica De>Co. Feria Internacional de la Decoracion y Complementos included in FIMI 79 421 23 383 T 14 4 T included in FIM 56 9 T included in Egetica 1 63 14 T 4 709 62 63 2 81 10 T 3 143 193 11 179 34 165 93 T 147 4 56 4 7 368 1 499 7 117 32 1 900 360 5 40 3 161 1 812 16 1 5 57 233 53 854 12 713 1 3 7 251 5 149 1 3 6 538 Firafesta. Fiesta y Navidad. 1 4 Fiart. Feria Internacional de Arte Moderno y Contemporanero Fiesta y Boda. Salón de Productos y Servicios para Celebraciones 7 619 P 96 34 included in Iberflora 32 429 T included in FIM 7 T/P included in FIM 86 1 P 4 375 27 590 197 235 110 T 126 588 19 545 1 484 18 208 68 17 17 T 4 581 505 4 500 1 240 18 177 56 18 18 T 11 719 945 1 789 1 729 41 3 48 2 T 1 039 18 3 76 T 2 473 14 129 P 17 287 1 329 Forinvest 1 3 1 728 1 728 80 4 72 Formaemple@. Salón de la Formación y el Empleo 1 4 5 069 4 819 0 1 100 Iberflora 1 3 21 852 20 553 3 710 21 459 106 311 161 T Mármol. Salon Internacional de la Piedra Natural, Maquinaria y Afines 1 5 3 152 3 152 1 776 16 67 35 32 32 T Motorépoca. Feria de Vehículos Históricos 1 3 4 470 3 038 60 3 71 4 P 4 364 Sif & Co 1 3 4 887 4 328 392 12 148 14 T 5 725 149 2 3 2 024 2 024 128 2 63 11 T 2 489 103 1 3 7 240 6 505 258 22 159 11 P 14 366 21 TCB. Todo para la industria del mueble cocina y baño TCV. Feria Internacional del Turismo de la Comunidad Valenciana 106 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 131 11 included in Cevisama Visitors Textilhogar 1 5 13 764 12 112 980 12 139 18 Urbe Desarrollo. Feria Inmobiliaria del Mediterráneo 1 4 4 755 3 275 80 4 70 3 1 4 2 580 2 580 72 0 5 138 4 75a. Internacional de Muestras de Valladolid 1 9 31 325 10 299 345 17 965 6 206 14 De Boda 1 2 1 308 1 308 1 72 Expobioenergía 1 3 5 650 4 035 695 20 149 28 Fimascota 1 2 9 000 9 000 1 025 7 2 447 286 INTUR- XII Feria Internacional del Turismo interior 1 4 15 156 11 105 602 16 292 74 IV Feria del Stock 1 2 2 010 2 010 1 77 Labora 1 3 7 879 7 879 1 104 Salón del vehículo de ocasión 1 4 4 200 4 200 1 13 Semana Ibérica de caza y pesca 1 3 11 320 1 917 247 22 70 10 127 VI Feria de la restauración del Arte y el Patrimonio 2 4 5 597 5 597 319 6 94 9 98 Vivienda, construcción, immobiliaria, interiores, Expojardín 2 4 4 103 3 343 95 16 72 4 96 HABITAT EXPO - VANNES 1 3 2 964 2 964 0 0 0 0 156 0 VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - VANNES 1 3 906 906 0 0 0 0 140 1 9 47 347 9 281 0 38 066 21 1 5 8 788 2 413 27 6 375 2 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign 172 43 Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY T T/P Total Foreign included in FIM 16 259 15 Valenza (I) Valenza gioielli 0 0 0 T Valladolid (E) 1 615 100 2 100 222 1 016 39 27 22 P 171 880 P 7 128 T 13 186 P 15 303 T 43 758 P 31 357 553 3 562 P P 12 464 T/P 19 873 T/P 1 314 30 T/P 20 983 0 0 P 11 528 0 0 0 P 10 933 293 13 148 69 T/P 28 266 170 4 0 0 P 22 740 83 2 121 984 Vannes (F) Venezia (I) Salone Nautico Internazionale di Venezia 2 423 see note note: audited by ISF Verdun (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION - VERDUN - Verdun multi branch fair 75 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 107 Visitors ABITARE IL TEMPO 1 5 32 556 32 556 5 304 26 752 EA Energia e Ambiente - Mostra convegno internazionale delle risorse e delle tecnologie energetiche 2 3 1 260 1 260 0 9 74 Enolitech - Salone internazionale delle tecniche per la viticoltura, l’enologia e delle tecniche olivicole ed olearie 1 5 6 521 6 092 188 429 11 202 Fieracavalli - Fiera internazionale dei cavalli e salone delle attrezzature e delle attività ippiche 1 4 80 074 57 444 8 344 22 630 2 818 24 FIERAGRICOLA 2 4 59 004 47 965 1 999 11 039 180 21 Home & Building - Mostra convegno internazionale delle domotica e building technologies 2 3 604 604 0 MARMOMACC 1 4 75 035 60 294 21 186 MCM - Mostra convegno internazionale della manutenzione industriale 1 3 1 066 1 066 0 Progetto Fuoco - Mostra internazionale di impianti ed attrezzature per la produzione di calore ed energia dalla combustione di legna 2 4 29 679 28 449 3 400 SAF & Motion Control - Mostra convegno internazionale delle soluzioni dell'automazione di fabbrica e motion control 2 3 1 997 1 997 0 SAMOTER 3 5 130 176 72 938 10 591 Sol - Salone internazionale dell’olio d’oliva extravergine di qualità 1 5 5 494 5 494 90 Vinitaly/SOL/Enolitech 1 5 87 806 87 377 961 429 1 4 550 550 0 0 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Verona (I) 136 2 976 1 230 57 238 4 639 45 688 10 811 see note 1 see note 2 24 21 T 5 403 39 8 18 7 T 33 009 3 744 555 103 62 36 T 125 975 15 220 827 83 436 91 T 114 355 13 936 42 14 741 T T included in EA Energia e Ambiente 53 1 410 667 120 56 T 57 571 10 63 2 20 19 T 38 419 70 84 84 T 10 78 3 46 45 T 33 810 129 216 186 T 105 637 10 814 5 237 6 72 8 T 37 234 6 012 26 3 994 55 812 125 T 152 495 42 162 0 78 0 0 0 P 7 933 included in EA Energia e Ambiente 60 632 note 2: audited by ISF Vertou (F) 108 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 0 see note 2 see note 1 see note 2 2 558 included in EA Energia e Ambiente note 1: audited by FKM VINS ET GASTRONOMIE - VERTOU 25 336 see note 1 see note 2 see note 1 see note 1 Exhibitors Visitors Charm - A global jewellery experience Mostra internazionale di oreficeria, gioielleria, argenteria, orologeria e gemmologia 1 5 25 739 25 739 5 698 28 1 488 366 46 6 T 16 486 7 202 Choice - Jewellery business is growing Mostra internazionale di oreficeria, gioielleria, argenteria, orologeria e gemmologia 1 5 28 128 28 128 5 845 27 1 452 321 41 5 T 15 417 5 586 First. The jewellery supremacy - Mostra internazionale di oreficeria, gioielleria, argenteria, orologeria e gemmologia 1 8 27 905 27 905 6 450 29 1 575 382 T 20 114 10 465 1 6 9 995 9 995 1 446 40 246 22 T/P 19 870 1 797 Pescare - Fly Fishing & Spinning Show Salone internazionale delle attrezzature per la pesca sportiva 1 3 1 921 1 921 229 10 99 40 T/P 4 589 0 T-Gold - The technology side of jewellery M Mostra iinternazionale i l di macchinari hi i per l’l’oreficeria fi i e preziosi. Strumenti gemmologici 1 8 2 852 2 852 278 8 113 17 2 1 T 1 875 612 1 5 6 220 2 162 0 4 058 0 0 127 0 0 0 P free entry 1 9 8 984 2 199 18 6 785 0 153 1 0 0 P free entry EXPOGALAECIA- Salón turismo 1 3 2 211 2 211 1 077 8 79 43 P SICO 2 4 10 746 6 346 1 218 7 198 46 T/P VIGO FERIA 1 9 4 342 4 342 1 812 3 122 33 P 1 4 3 577 3 568 709 2 68 8 T/P 2 982 1 9 32 399 14 105 550 9 720 29 P 96 694 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Vicenza (I) Luxury & Yachts - Salone internazionale del lusso 6 2 see note note: audited by ISF Vichy (F) VICHY FOIREXPO - Vichy multi branch fair Vierzon (F) FOIRE EXPOSITION NATIONALE - VIERZON Vierzon multi branch fair Vigo (E) 4 400 Villagarcia de arousa (E) 39 FERIA MULTISECTORIAL FEXDEGA Villingen-Schwenningen (G) Südwest Messe - Regional Consumer Exhibition 18 294 132 103 24 Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 109 Visitors 1 9 11 725 5 757 204 5 968 25 8 367 12 ACADEMIA 3rd Exhibition of Tertiary and Science Book 1 3 202 202 0 0 0 1 51 0 0 BUDOWA, REMONT, DOM 10th Construnction Fair 1 2 1 611 1 433 0 28 0 1 115 0 CŁO I GRANICA International Exhibition of Equipment for Customs and Border Control 1 2 333 273 10 0 0 2 20 COIN EXPO Warsaw International Numismatics Exhibition 1 3 475 191 134 0 0 11 EUROGASTRO 12th International Food Service and Hotel Equipment Trade Fair 1 3 7 550 5 946 570 54 0 EUROLAB 10th International Trade Fair of Analytical Measurement and Control Technology Analytical, 1 3 1 938 1 470 78 0 FRANCHISING National Exhibition of Franchising 1 3 296 257 39 GEOLOGIA International Geological Fair 1 2 256 227 INFRASTRUKTURA 6th International Trade Fair for Infrastructure 1 3 3 596 INFRATECH International Exhibition Infratech 1 2 IWIS International Warsaw Invention Show 1 LATO 13th Fair of Tourism and Recreation MIĘSO I WĘDLINY International Exhibition for the Meat Industry and Pork Products Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Wächtersbach (G) Messe Wächtersbach - Regional Consumer Exhibition P 60 487 0 P 3 096 0 0 P 2 483 1 0 0 T free entry 22 12 0 0 T free entry 11 308 62 0 0 T/P 20 587 0 7 125 19 0 0 T 5 827 0 0 5 31 4 0 0 T free entry 9 20 0 2 22 1 0 0 T free entry 1 719 243 503 50 9 113 15 0 0 T 206 194 12 0 0 2 35 1 0 0 T free entry 2 308 194 0 114 0 13 42 13 0 0 T free entry 1 3 4 340 1 990 294 1 446 0 13 340 34 0 0 P 1 2 279 279 0 0 0 1 29 0 0 0 T/P free entry NAFTA I GAZ International Oil and Gas Industry Exhibition 1 2 190 142 48 0 0 3 20 4 0 0 T free entry NOWY DOM, NOWE MIESZKANIE 20th Spring Housing Fair 1 2 1 442 1 442 0 0 0 1 132 0 0 0 P 8 146 NOWY DOM, NOWE MIESZKANIE 21st Murator Expo Housing Fair 1 2 854 854 0 0 0 1 101 0 0 0 P 2 917 NOWY DOM, NOWE MIESZKANIE 22nd Autumn Housing Fair 1 2 1 893 1 893 0 0 0 1 174 0 0 0 P 9 782 NOWY DOM, NOWE MIESZKANIE 23rd Winter Housing Fair 1 2 890 890 0 0 0 1 103 0 0 0 P 4 975 Warsaw (PL) 110 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 7 511 27 882 Exhibitors Visitors OPTEXPO 2008 1 2 600 565 15 0 0 2 47 1 0 4 T 514 Targi Budowlane Murator EXPO 10th Construction Fair MURATOR EXPO 1 3 2 090 1 760 0 330 0 1 146 0 0 0 P 5 502 TT WARSAW TOUR & TRAVEL 16th International Travel Show 1 3 6 481 1 718 2 974 23 0 56 501 296 0 0 T/P 29 810 TWOJE PIENIĄDZE Polish Capital and Finance Forum 1 3 341 241 0 0 0 1 11 0 0 0 P Warszawski Salon Książki 1st Warsaw Book Salon 1 3 342 318 4 0 0 2 74 1 0 0 P 3 726 WETERYNARIA 3rd Veterinary Medicine and Food Safety Supervision Fair 1 3 1 133 526 30 0 0 6 70 6 0 0 T 1 520 WGK Warsaw Exhibition for Collectors 1 1 39 39 0 0 0 1 25 0 0 0 P WIATR I WODA 20th Warsaw Boat Show 1 4 6 752 6 387 205 0 0 11 333 22 0 0 P 25 237 WORLD HOTEL 1st International Fair Trade of Hotel Facilities 1 3 2 130 1 763 117 0 0 3 130 7 0 0 T 2 938 ZŁOTO SREBRO CZAS 9th Jewellery and Watch Fair 1 3 2 499 2 243 152 0 0 6 234 11 0 0 P 4 356 ZOOMARKET 7th International Zoological Exhibition 1 3 559 401 58 0 0 4 27 3 0 0 T Blühendes Österreich und Ausflug 2008 Gardening, Flower and Ecological Fair 1 3 21 158 13 574 589 7 584 921 9 472 91 0 0 P 37 589 0 Retter 2008 rescuing show 2 3 3 550 2 465 863 1 085 53 6 102 36 0 0 T/P 7 894 0 Alles für den Gast Wien international trade fair for the catering, restaurant, hotel trade and food industries 1 4 11 225 11 190 1 192 35 0 11 305 53 9 2 T 12 074 0 Auto Show Wien car show 1 4 20 990 20 990 357 0 0 3 86 8 0 0 P Bauen & Energie-Messe international fair for healthy and ecological building, modernisation, financing and energy saving 1 4 22 036 22 036 1 218 0 0 11 563 47 21 2 T/P 41 955 0 Ferien-Messe Wien international fair for holidays, travel and leisure 1 4 15 082 15 082 4 685 0 0 70 823 409 0 0 T/P 116 104 0 Gewinn-Messe international trade fair for investment 1 3 3 547 3 547 562 0 0 9 127 34 14 2 T/P 8 532 0 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign free entry free entry free entry Wels (A) Wien (A) included in Ferien Messe Wien Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 111 Exhibitors Visitors ITnT Trade Fair for InformationTechnology and Telecommunication 1 3 10 885 10 885 1 134 0 0 17 437 116 84 57 T 14 062 0 Real Vienna The CEE/SEE-focused Real Estate and Investment Fair 1 3 6 701 6 701 2 905 0 0 29 305 181 5 1 T 3 533 0 Vienna Tec The International Industrial Trade Fair 2 4 31 003 30 864 5 692 139 0 17 693 230 204 171 T 29 465 0 Wohnen & Interieur-Messe fair for dream interiors, design, lifestyle, accessories and garden 1 9 28 164 28 164 4 000 0 0 16 511 86 40 14 T/P 63 764 0 DENTAMED / 7th Lower Silesian Trade Fair for Dentistry 1 2 2 089 1 089 0 0 0 8 124 8 56 T 3 081 KAMIEŃ / 18th International Fair of Stone and Stoneprocessing Machinery 1 4 5 676 2 966 2 131 458 121 17 255 104 0 0 T 9 660 Wrocławskie Targi Pracy / Wroclaw Job Fair 1 2 198 198 0 0 0 1 37 0 0 0 P AMBIENTA International Furniture, Interior Decoration and Supporting Industry Fair 1 6 20 524 20 095 5 012 429 175 17 322 73 330 269 T/P 42 988 BIAM International Machine Tools and Tool Fair 1 5 4 935 4 749 1 724 186 0 12 95 33 235 219 T/P included in Tegra CROTOUR (TOURISMUS) 1 5 1 131 1 085 286 46 0 9 60 13 84 63 T/P included in Vinovita GESUNDHEIT UND SCHÖNHEIT health and beauty days 1 4 1 528 1 528 104 0 0 8 78 8 73 69 T/P included in Medizin und Technik HANDWERK building show 1 5 2 354 2 093 36 261 6 3 53 3 259 6 T/P included in Tegra INTERLIBER International Fair of Books and the Teaching Appliances 1 5 6 948 6 883 188 65 0 4 175 10 96 57 T/P INTERNATIONALE HERBSTMESSE - Arca autumn show International Fair of Innovations, New Ideas, Products and Technologies 1 6 830 828 18 2 2 2 2 1 144 51 T/P included in Herbstmesse INTERNATIONALE HERBSTMESSE - Contech autumn show - 1 6 4 614 2 128 431 2 486 221 10 97 18 50 35 T/P included in Herbstmesse INTERNATIONALE HERBSTMESSE - Emat autumn show - International Fair of Environment, Municipalitiy and Technologies 1 6 810 560 101 250 0 4 26 5 16 14 T/P included in Herbstmesse INTERNATIONALE HERBSTMESSE - Energetik autumn show - International Specialized Fair of Energetics, Electronics and Automation 1 6 1 891 1 875 310 16 0 11 46 12 69 58 T/P included in Herbstmesse Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Wroclaw (PL) free entry Zagreb (HR) 112 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 2 085 Exhibitors Visitors INTERNATIONALE HERBSTMESSE Gruppenausstellung autumn show 1 6 837 837 837 0 0 9 121 121 28 24 T/P included in Herbstmesse INTERNATIONALE HERBSTMESSE - Modernpak autumn show - International Packing Materials and Packing Technology Fair 1 6 517 508 0 9 0 22 22 0 33 32 T/P included in Herbstmesse INTERNATIONALE HERBSTMESSE - Modetage autumn show fashion days 1 6 1 200 1 198 363 2 2 9 40 10 31 10 T/P included in Herbstmesse INTERNATIONALE HERBSTMESSE - Öko Ethno autumn show - Exhibition of products and services in the rural regions 1 6 1 200 1 200 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 T/P included in Herbstmesse INTERNATIONALE HERBSTMESSE-Transport und Logistik autumn show - transport and logistics 1 6 854 70 70 784 0 2 6 1 1 0 T/P 34 351 2 078 MEDIZIN UND TECHNIK International Fair of Medicine, Pharmacy, Laboratory and Rehabilitation Equipment, Optics and Dentistry 1 4 2 999 2 976 393 23 0 11 125 20 269 251 T/P 7 027 635 MODE UND FREIZEIT fashion and leisure 1 5 836 836 29 0 0 2 30 2 7 3 T/P 1 748 73 MUSIK UND MULTIMEDIAMESSE music and multimedia fair 1 5 971 939 0 32 0 1 26 0 63 55 T/P SCHWEIßEN welding show 1 5 1 497 1 497 118 0 0 4 34 4 83 82 T/P included in Tegra SPORT UND NAUTIKA International Sports and Nautical Fair 1 5 11 092 11 092 1 308 0 0 8 212 23 307 272 T/P 27 378 1 150 TEGRA International Fair of Construction and Equipping 1 5 19 525 8 874 2 063 10 651 469 10 301 58 210 184 T/P 28 649 2 578 VINOVITA International Fair of Wine and the Equipment for Viticulture and Viniculture 1 5 722 708 25 14 0 3 44 2 76 12 T/P 5 824 220 ZAGREB AUTO SHOW car show 1 11 28 842 26 325 1 954 2 517 181 10 208 19 435 394 T/P 171 181 5 512 Anticuarios Zaragoza 1 5 978 774 30 2 26 1 T/P 1 284 Aratur 1 5 5 711 5 137 84 4 42 8 T/P included in Ayudar Ayudar 1 5 1 081 1 081 1 33 T/P 20 406 Cerco - Feria internacional de cerámica contemporánea 1 4 960 960 88 5 51 5 T/P 1 269 Ecobuilding 2 3 1 101 783 16 2 16 1 T 3 876 Ecuzar-Taurozar 1 4 14 359 14 359 33 2 59 2 P 6 235 Educación y empleo 1 4 16 121 16 121 1 61 Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign Admission for Trade/Public Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign Zaragoza (E) 574 36 149 T/P Euro Fair Statistics 2008 - 113 Eventos & bodas 1 3 2 280 1 304 Expo Alcaldia 2 3 4 310 3 986 141 Exporecicla 2 3 3 137 2 641 251 Feria del mueble 2 4 20 059 20 059 1 257 Feria general 2008 1 7 50 824 49 471 108 Feria Infantil Navidad 1 5 4 302 1 224 FIMA 2008 2 5 66 929 66 686 Foro de empleo 1 2 693 453 Frozen 1 3 2 876 2 876 Logis Expo 2 3 3 827 3 827 Logis Polígonos empresariales 2 3 958 958 Logis g Trailer 2 4 4 914 3 653 Motor show festival 1 3 46 330 Power Expo 2 3 SID Tecnodeporte 2 SMAGUA Rented Space (sq.m) Exhibitors with their own stands Halls Total Open air Foreign Total Foreign from … countries Total Visitors Total Foreign Represented firms Total Foreign 1 71 7 72 4 28 12 61 9 4 286 6 161 1 14 35 580 1 45 305 7 82 10 28 2 244 8 43 2 33 14 1 18 374 4 38 6 12 760 760 9 152 26 17 14 106 12 883 2 257 29 310 51 305 3 3 521 2 982 136 13 51 3 2 4 39 688 37 792 2 898 39 714 SMOPYC- Salón internacional de maquinaria para obras públicas, construcción y minería 3 5 153 705 82 282 9 682 44 Un huevo de antigüedades 1 2 886 886 120 2 114 - Euro Fair Statistics 2008 8 076 168 1 353 243 777 61 000 11 243 Admission for Trade/Public Exhibitors Duration Days Space Interval Year 2008 EVENTS BY CITY 2008 EVENTS BY CITY Total Foreign P 2 193 19 T 4 764 348 45 37 T 4 145 168 15 4 3 T 6 036 13 8 6 P 21 812 P 10 452 T 8 319 698 T 1 778 56 T 1 924 17 123 665 570 P 4 T included in Logis Expo T 2 190 T/P 24 133 255 T 6 385 29 24 T 99 927 832 T 13 639 778 816 154 1 102 1 005 T 28 081 1 037 22 3 T/P 18 186 included in Expo Alcaldia 646
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