January 2015 Bulletin - Moose Lodge 255 / WOTM Chapter 762
January 2015 Bulletin - Moose Lodge 255 / WOTM Chapter 762
South Sac Moose SUNDAY January 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY Calendar of Events WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 10am – 1pm Champagne Brunch by Boards of Officers 3pm Coed Pool 4 Free Pool Moose Legion Breakfast – Pancakes & Eggs By: David & Evelyn 5 MNF / Hot Dogs 6 6:30 pm 9-Ball Tourney & Dinner by Rick $5 7pm District Pool 7 6 pm Burgers $6 By Evelyn 11 Free Pool 12 MNF / Hot Dogs Breakfast 6pm Moose Legion 7pm Joint Board Followed by: Calendar Mtg. 3pm Coed Pool 18 Free Pool LOOM Breakfast 19 8 6pm Tacos by Kim & Rochelle 1pm - District Meeting - Auburn 9 6pm 8-Ball Tournament and 10 12pm- AmVets Dart Invitational Pot Luck and Tournament $10 BBQ Chicken with Music by Randy 6pm Dinner by Geronimo 13 7pm District Pool 14 6pm WOTM Board 6pm Chicken & Dumplings $6 Meeting By Rick & Evelyn 7pm WOTM Ed. Adv. Committee Activity Night 20 6:30 pm 9-Ball Tourney & Dinner by Rick $5 Hot Dogs 15 6pm Tacos by Evelyn, Tamera & Bertha 16 1pm - Darts 17 Mighty 190 Golden Ball & Conferral Elkhorn 2060 6pm Dinner by Geronimo 7pm District Pool 21 6pm Ham & Turkey Sandwiches $6 By David 22 6pm Moose Legion: Enchilada Casserole, Rice & Beans $6 By JR & David 23 1pm - Darts 24 Crab Feed / Tri Tip Dinner by Rod & Debbie 7pm LOOM General Meeting 25 Free Pool LOOM Breakfast 3 7pm LOOM House Committee Mtg. Mighty 190 Golden Ball & Conferral Elkhorn 2060 3pm Coed Pool 2 6pm Spaghetti by 6pm Dinner by Teri Geronimo 7pm Karaoke by: Moose on the Loose 7pm LOOM General Meeting 3pm Coed Pool SATURDAY Hot Dogs 26 27 7pm WOTM Chapter Meeting 7pm LOOM House Committee 7pm District Pool 6pm Chili & Corn Bread $6 By Reggie 28 29 6pm Tamales by Reggie, Evelyn & Joe 30 1pm - Darts 6pm Dinner by Geronimo with Music by Lionel 31 South Sac Moose February 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY Rocker Fundraiser for Moosehaven 3pm Coed Pool 1 Free Pool Moose Legion Breakfast Hot Dogs TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY District Meeting is at South Sac! 2 7pm District Pool 4 5 SATURDAY 6 1pm - Darts 7 6pm Dinner by Geronimo 7pm LOOM General Meeting 8 Free Pool WOTM Breakfast 3 FRIDAY 6:30 pm 9-Ball Tourney & Dinner by Rick $5 Superbowl Party Pot Luck 3pm Coed Pool Calendar of Events 9 10 7pm District Pool 11 12 13 1pm - Darts 14 Sweetheart Dinner/Dance 7pm District Pool 18 19 20 1pm - Darts 6pm WOTM Board Meeting Hot Dogs 6pm Moose Legion 7pm WOTM Family Involvement Committee Activity Night 7pm Joint Board Followed by: Calendar Mtg. 7pm LOOM House Committee Mtg. 3pm Coed Pool 15 Free Pool LOOM Breakfast 16 17 6:30 pm 9-Ball Tourney & Dinner by Rick $5 Hot Dogs 21 6pm Dinner by Geronimo 7pm LOOM General Meeting 3pm Coed Pool 22 Free Pool LOOM Breakfast 1pm - District Meeting - South Sacramento Hot Dogs 23 24 7pm District Pool 25 26 27 1pm - Darts 7pm WOTM Chapter Meeting 6pm Dinner by Geronimo 7pm LOOM House Committee with Music by Lionel -- DRAFT -- DRAFT -- DRAFT -- 28 South Sacramento Moose Family Center LOOM 255 - WOTM 762 JANUARY 2015 **BULLETIN** WEBSITES: South Sac Website: http://lodge255.moosepages.org District 4 Moose: http://www.moosedistrict4.org/ 8156 Florin Road Sacramento, CA 95823 Phone: 916-381-5511 Association Website: http://www.ca-nvmoose.org E-Mail Bulletin: [email protected] Moose International: http://www.mooseintl.org Editor: [email protected] password: 2014 GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE: By: David Simmet E-MAIL BULLETIN: By: Kim Spire FYI, the current price for a pint of blood is approximately $2,000! To My Moose Brothers and Sister: 2014 is over and what a year it has been. We have had our “ups and downs” this past year and now with your help we can make this year even bigger. This bulletin is available by e-mail, in color with fast delivery to your in-box! Please send your full name (and that of other members in your household) and e-mail address to: [email protected]. If you are ever in need of blood, just give our donor number to your physician and you will not be billed. The South Sac 255 account number is 3822 and the District 4 account number is 7770. I would like to say thanks to everyone that volunteered and helped us over the last 12 months. I hope next year will be even bigger and better for our lodge. The money saved on printing and mailing the Bulletin can be put to better use with your cooperation! If you have any problems, feel free to contact me -day or night - I will be happy to help. 916-389-1103. Thanks for all your help! We will be painting and fixing up our lodge in the months to come. BLOOD BANK MESSAGE: By: Jim Smith SOUTH SACRAMENTO 255 MOOSE LEGION: By: Jim Smith, Assistant Secretary Thank you to all members who have donated to the most wonderful life-saving account - the Moose Blood Bank account. Just one pint of blood can save a life - it could be you or one of your loved ones. Remember, any child can donate at the age of 16 if they weigh at least 100 lbs. and the parent or guardian gives consent. Page 1 The Moose Legion meetings are on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Don't forget - The first Sunday of every month is the Moose Legion Breakfast from 9 - 11 a.m. Check the bulletin board in the hallway for further updates regarding the Mighty 190 Moose Legion. ILLNESS REPORT: Please report any member illness or distress to Chaplain Rochelle Strasser, Prelate Rick Brasier or to Kim Spire for inclusion in the bulletin. MaryLou McCoy was hospitalized for a few days in December. She is better now and back around the Lodge. NEW MEMBERS: Delores Hernandez’ mother passed away in December. Please join us in welcoming our newest members listed below! And thank you to their sponsors for bringing them into our Moose Family! Please keep these members and their families in your hearts and prayers. NEW MEMBER: SPONSORED BY: Flora Richmond Chris Naso JANUARY BIRTHDAYS: 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 20 22 23 25 26 28 29 30 31 Glenn Jones, John Lynn, Kim Hastie 3 Steve Reynolds 4 Dolores Merritt Ruben Soria, Maureen Costa, Rose Steele Elaine Jones Ronald Jackson Anita Alarcon, Evelyn Carrasco, Jeanette Duff, Josephine Lopez Bernard Burks Shirley Barns Armando Andrade, Roy Pickering, Diane Moseley, Maryann Velasquez Phil Anglesey, Janice Anderson Bruce Marshall, Michael Robinson, Jane Holtun Bill Bolton George Phillips, Rob Toumey, Gary Tugaeff Rosemary Mohr, Ana Uribe Dominga Uribe, Delilah Wynne Samuel Carruth Robert Cooper Theresa Brazeau Carsno Jeanne Johnson Manuel Segovia, Christine Naso Gary Hawkins, Jolene Hernandez B. Burks & Associates Real Estate Appraisals & Sales (916) 354-8777 Serving Sacramento, San Joaquin, Yolo, Placer & El Dorado since 1977 Selling and Appraising for VA, FHA, Cal Vet, US Marshalls, Banks, Credit Unions and numerous Attorneys We handle Estate Sales, Probates, Normal and Short Sales Bernard Burks Broker # 00517281 & Appraiser AG # 008336 A Proud Member of this Moose Lodge # 255 Page 2 Page 3 2014-15 Board of Officers LOOM 255 Officers: GOVERNOR JR. GOVERNOR JR. PAST GOV. TREASURER PRELATE David Simmet Joe Gipson Ted Machicek Joe Hernandez Rick Brasier 838-8344 423-2970 870-9336 730-6996 856-4453 1 YR TRUSTEE 2 YR TRUSTEE 3 YR TRUSTEE ADMINISTRATOR Randy Wachenfeld Vacant Jesse Hernandez Reggie Hutcherson 613-6597 548-6149 821-4291 Chairmen: Blood Bank Sports Moose Riders Jim Smith Rick Brasier Don Bray 389-1103 856-4453 201-2794 WOTM 762 Officers: SENIOR REGENT JUNIOR REGENT JR GRAD REGENT CHAPLAIN RECORDER SECRETARY/TREASURER GUIDE ASSISTANT GUIDE Evelyn Carrasco Helen Smith Debbie LeSieur-Heintz Rochelle Strasser Melissa Mitchell Brenda Aldridge Marilyn Nesmith Emily Bange Standing Committee Chairs: Star Recorder College of Regents Academy of Friendship 470-6517 389-1103 208-9740 716-6868 400-1544 381-2342 Special Committee Chairs: Pat Hestand Mary Conn Margaret Valenzuela Sports: Evelyn Courtney App. Review: Vacant Audit: Kathy Ceccato Chapter Development Committee Chairs: Membership Retention: Youth Involvement: Mooseheart/Moosehaven: Educational Advancement: Family Involvement: VACANT Arline Farmer Lynda Talavera Bertha Holquin Mary Ann Velasquez Publicity: Moose Charities: Health Awareness: Community Service: Tamera Parker Teresa Brazeau Kelly Denhart Laurie Chaidez SOUTH SACRAMENTO MOOSE FAMILY CENTER LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE #255 P.O.BOX 292221 SACRAMENTO,CA 95828 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S.POSTAGE PAID SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA PERMIT NO. 2506 OR OCCUPANT
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