September/October 2014 - Jewish Community Center, Sonoma
September/October 2014 - Jewish Community Center, Sonoma
September & October 2014 L'Shanah Tovah Circle Friendship A program for adults 55+ 1301 Farmers Lane, Suite 103 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 528-4222 Jalena Mays, Program Director 707-528-1476, [email protected] Sandy Andresen, Assistant 707-528-1182, [email protected] The Friendship Circle is a Program of the Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County Luncheons From left to right: Myra Kramer and Jack Grill at Cornerstone Gardens; Karen Marshall at Cornerstone Gardens; Lunch at Park 121 at Cornerstone Gardens; Maria Landree and Helen Levy happy together after a wonderful outing with FC to Cornerstone Gardens Monday, September 15 Old World Charm featuring Due Zighi Baci A big hit each time we hear them and we couldn’t wait to invite them back to Friendship Circle. You will not want to miss this! Due Zighi Baci (pronounced DUE-ay ZIG-ghee BOTCH-ee) means “Two Gypsy Kisses.” Michael Van Why is a lyric tenor who specializes in 19th century French song, and excels at French chanson, Italian and Neapolitan canzone (singing in both), German art song as well as melodies from the American songbook. Sheri has spent her life playing and loving the dance music from France and Italy, although she plays any number of genres. Whether it’s a pop French tune, a dramatic Victorian style aria, or a ‘rat pack’ swing melody, you’ll love the mix! RSVP by Wednesday, September 10. This luncheon will also feature a special exhibition of DJ Berger’s Jewish Quilts. Monday, October 20 LET’S CELEBRATE Friendship Circle's 30th Anniversary! Join us as we celebrate our community, our support, our growth over the years, and most of all our friendship! The Stevens Sisters Quartet will return to Friendship Circle with uplifting, sweet harmonies from the 30s, 40s and 50s. Two sets of sisters who have over 100 years of experience combined! Tenor Shirley Stevens and lead Suzy Martin are sisters, and baritone Lyndy Stevens and bass Angie Brunton are sisters. Join us as we celebrate this wonderful occasion! RSVP by Wednesday, October 15. Details for Luncheons RSVP By the Wednesday before the luncheon 528-1182 or [email protected] Time 12-1:30 pm Location Congregation Shomrei Torah, 2600 Bennett Valley Rd., Santa Rosa. Price $12 Friendship Circle members; $15 non-members, includes catered lunch and dessert. Payment is accepted at the door. Rides to Friendship Circle events from JFCS may be available in select areas upon request one week prior to date of event thanks to a grant from the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation. Announcements • Appreciation Calendar At A Glance Sep 1 Sep 11 Sep 15 Sep 21 Sep 24-Oct 10 Sep 25-26 Oct 7 Oct 9 Oct 15 Oct 20 Oct 27-31 Nov 10 Nov 12 Nov 27-28 Dec 8 JCC Closed for Labor Day Senior Excursion – Contemporary Jewish Museum in SF Luncheon – "Due Zighi Baci" Fiddler On The Roof & Lunch, Cinnabar FC Outreach for High Holy Days JCC Closed for Rosh Hashanah Lunch and JCC Film Festival, Sebastopol JCC Closed for Sukkot Senior Excursion – Pippin at the Golden Gate Theater in SF Luncheon –FC’s 30th Anniversary Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Jalena away Luncheon – 90’s Celebration Senior Excursion – Chicago! at the Orpheum Theater in SF JCC Closed for Thanksgiving FC Hanukkah Party – with Mama Loshn New Friendship Circle Members Bruce Smith, Ivan Barta, Helen Chaiet, Marie Marez, Sondra Beymer, Carol Locke, Jan Everidge, Maurice Jones, Dan Hoffenberg, Georgina Aida Warmoth Annual Tea Thanks & Appreciation This year the Friendship Circle staff, Advisory Committee and many hard-working volunteers came together to create an elegant setting for our Annual Friendship Circle Membership Tea. A beautiful collection of chinaware and platters of freshly baked treats adorned the guest tables in honor and in thanks to our Friendship Circle members. In appreciation of those who made this event happen, we would like to thank the following volunteers: Denise Harrison, Mark Travis, Kathy Klein, Agnes Resnikoff, Karen Gould, Edee Sternfield-Squires, Ariana Elster, Myrna Rivkin, Ray Kaplan, Janine Bamberger, Natalie Friedman, Bernice Fox, Elisabeth Van Nuys, Evelyn Gurevitch, Elly Cohen, Len Cohen, Shelley Bauer, Harriet Baer, Jeanne Zweig, Geri Fabian, Edythe Smith, Ruth Turner, Iris Nadel, Arlene Pleich, Carol Jarvis, Florence Boxerman, Liz Hagen, Mike Desky, and Judy Vance. Generous Donations For contributions to Friendship Circle we want to thank the following people: • Birdie Lane in honor of the Friendship Circle • Charles and Elinor King in honor of the Friendship Circle • Penny Wolfsohn in appreciation of the Friendship Circle Staff • Jean Zweig in honor of the Friendship Circle • Ivan Barta in honor of the Friendship Circle • Vicki Kalish in memory of Evelyn Breger’s sister, Sarah Abramson and Sophia Simkover, and in honor of Joan Baurer’s 80th birthday, • Jeff and Daniela Malmuth-Calciolari in honor of Pat Thomas • Edythe Smith in memory of Sophia Simkover • Barbara Scharf in memory of Lois Glenn’s granddaughter Sarah Abramson, and Sophia Simkover • Edee Sternfield-Squires in memory of Sophia Simkover and Sarah Abramson • Bill and Pat Thomas in memory of Sarah Abramson, and in honor of the Senior Excursion Fund • Jalena Mays in memory of Sophia Simkover, • Sarah Abramson, Diane Crandon • Sid and Gerry Lipton in honor of the Friendship Circle • Elisabeth Van Nuys in honor of Jalena, Sandy, and the fabulous Advisory Committee for our wonderful Membership Tea • Barbara Cohen in memory of Diane Crandon • Thanks to Boudin SF Sourdough Bakery, Oliver’s Market and Acre Coffee for generous door prize donations for the FC Membership Tea If you are remembering someone you hold dear, or would like to celebrate a friend or family member, please consider making a donation to the Friendship Circle in their honor. A Gliklekhe Rayze! Bon Voyage to those going to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, the 4th annual overnight trip with Friendship Circle! Help Keep Friendship Circle Fragrance Free! Friendship Circle strives to achieve a scent-free and smoke free environment. Please be mindful of this when attending Friendship Circle Luncheons, Senior Excursions, and activities so our events can be safe for everyone! “NO SCENTS MAKES SENSE.” Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County • Friendship Circle • September/October 2014 2 High Holy Day Outreach Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown Wednesday, September 24 and Kol Nidre for Yom Kippur is Friday, October 3. Many area synagogues welcome guests for a suggested donation. Thanks to the generous support of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties, the Friendship Circle is pleased to offer outreach programs for the High Holy Days again this year. Program locations and times are subject to change; if you are interested in attending, please contact the Friendship Circle Assistant, Sandy Andresen, [email protected] or 707-528-1172. We are able to arrange transportation for those in need. Ragle Park in Sebastopol with SebJews. A potluck meal will follow the service; please bring a dish to share. Thursday, Sep. 25 at 10:30 am Villa Capri at Varenna with Fran Danoff on Friday, Sep. 26 at 2:00 pm Emeritus in Rohnert Park with Harry Wolf and Elisabeth Van Nuys on Friday, Sep. 26 at 3:00 pm Spring Lake Village with Rabbi Meredith Kahn on Friday, Sep. 26 at 4:00 pm Fountaingrove Lodge with Jerry Newman on Monday, Sep. 29 at 3:00 pm Lodge at Paulin Creek with Norman Eisley on Tuesday, Sep. 30 at 1:30 pm Oakmont Gardens with Jerry Newman Please contact Sandy for details, 707-528-1182 Classes New Class! Starting September 4 Modern Dance with Phyllis Nesbitt Location: Upstairs at the JCC (no elevator) When: Thursdays, 10:30 – 11:20 am Fee: $5 per class paid at the door RSVP, 528-1476 or [email protected] Exercise Class with Barbara Goodridge Location: Congregation Shomrei Torah. When: Wednesdays & Fridays, 10:20-11:30 a.m. Free, Drop in, open to all. Ongoing. Sponsored by Friendship Circle, SRJC, Cong. Shomrei Torah Mah Jongg with Carol Jarvis Please make reservations in advance so we have enough supplies for everyone. All levels welcome. Location: Upstairs at the JCC (no elevator). When: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month, 1-3 p.m. Donation: $2 per class paid at the door. RSVP, 528-1476 or [email protected]. The Russian River Jewish Community is offering these High Holy Day programs in the Russian River area. To RSVP or for specific information on these events, please email [email protected] Rosh Hashanah at Armstrong Redwoods Picnic Grounds (potluck) on Sep. 26 at 5:00 pm Yom Kippur at River Lane Resort Beach (potluck to follow) on Oct. 4 at 5:00 pm Sukkot (please contact Sonia for location and time) on Oct. 10 If You're 90 and You Know It – Let Us Know! Our FC luncheon on Monday, November 10 will be in honor of all Friendship Circle Members who are in their 90’s Please call the JCC office (528-4222) to let us know if you are in your 90’s (we’ll need your birthdate) so we can add you to our very special guest list. We’re looking forward to hearing from you! Home Care, Care Management, Transportation, and more Call 707- 571- 8533 A D I V I S I O N O F J E W I S H FA M I LY A N D C H I L D R E N ’ S S E R V I C E S Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County • Friendship Circle • September/October 2014 3 Meet Friendship Circle Member & Dance Instructor Phyllis Nesbitt From day one...well, almost....Phyllis has been a dancer. When she was three years old her mom sent her to a Tip Tap and Toe dance school in Pelham, New York. Things got really serious when she turned twelve and joined the Steffi Nossen School, in Larchmont and in New York City. This was the place she really learned technique, discipline and performance. Phyllis graduated high school and continued to study a number of different dance disciplines in The City. After her first year, Steffi offered Phyllis a scholarship... in exchange for assisting in other classes at the school... demonstrating, and even getting to teach certain dances. She became a member of the Concert Group....won Awards— the future was laid out. She joined the Summer Stock Theater Company on Long Beach Island in New Jersey. “Getting paid for doing what I loved … I’d died and gone to heaven!” As it turned out, teaching Modern Dance became her passion and career. Phyllis soon worked full time for Steffi’s school. After having three children, she continued to teach part time for Steffi and eventually started her own school, teaching “children of all ages,” from students in preschool to adult students in several communities in Westchester, NY. In her forties, Phyllis returned to school, attending S.U.N.Y. at Purchase to achieve her B.S. in the Arts. During this time, she continued teaching and taking dance classes. To make her education more complete, she went on to receive a Master of Arts in Teaching from Manhattanville College. While living in North Carolina, Phyllis was teaching art to children and Modern Dance classes for adults. Moving to Santa Rosa five years ago, she has continued teaching The Arts to children, and is looking forward to dancing with adults. Phyllis is now offering Beginning Modern Dance at the JCC; see page 3 of this newsletter for class details. “Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time, carrying our hopes for love, joy, and celebration. The hummingbird’s delicate grace reminds us that life is rich, beauty is everywhere, every personal connection has meaning and that laughter is life’s sweetest creation.” -Anonymous Submitted by Helen Levy Senior Excursion to the Contemporary Jewish Museum SF Thursday, September 11 Seats still available; make your reservation today Lunch by Wise Sons Jewish Delicatessen in the museum; guided tour of exhibit Project Mah Jongg; and free time to play mah jongg or explore on your own. Cost: Members $55.00 per person; non-members $70.00 per person (includes transportation, tour, lunch, and snacks). Bus Schedule: LEAVES at 10:00 AM from Congregation Beth Ami (4676 Mayette Ave, Santa Rosa). Please park in the western overflow parking lot. LEAVES at 10:15 AM from Petaluma Community Center (320 N. Mc Dowell Blvd., Petaluma). LEAVING CJM AT APPROXIMATELY 3:00 PM Cancellations result in a $5.00 administration fee. A full refund (less the $5.00) will be given if the cancellation is made by September 1 for CJM. Reservations: Please call the Friendship Circle office at 707-528-1182 to reserve. As soon as we have confirmed receipt of your reservation by phone, you can mail in your check made out to the JCC, Friendship Circle, 1301 Farmers Lane, Suite C103, Santa Rosa, CA 95405. This will secure your reservation. Please include the name and date of the event on your check (CJM 9/11). Medical Emergency Contact Form: You must have an updated medical form by date of departure. Please call Sandy at 528-1182 if you have any questions. You can complete the medical form online at Senior Excursions are sponsored with the generous support of the Senior Excursion Fund of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties. Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County • Friendship Circle • September/October 2014 4 Fiddler On Roof at Cinnabar Theater, Petaluma Sunday, September 21 Celebrate Fiddler’s 50th Birthday with us! Join Friendship Circle at Cinnabar Theater as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of one of America’s most beloved musicals, Fiddler on the Roof. The original Broadway incarnation of this beloved musical racked up an astonishing 10 Tony Awards by introducing unforgettable songs like “Tradition” and “If I Were A Rich Man.” Its message of family, faith, and flexibility has never gone out of style. Experience the happiness and tears of Fiddler with 40 incredible singers, dancers, and musicians. Stephen Walsh of La Cage aux Folles plays Papa Tevye with Cinnabar’s own Elly Lichenstein as his wife. Talk about a match made in heaven! Don’t miss this joyous and beautiful show. Cost: $28 Friendship Circle members, $36 non-members. Cost includes box lunch by Panera Bread, performance, and a post-show sing-along with the cast. Lunch: We’ll meet for lunch in a private room at the theater. Choose either a single item from the choices below or mix and match ½ sandwich and salad. All lunches come with potato chips, a pickle and a cookie. Please indicate your choice with your reservation (for example: Greek Salad & ½ Turkey Sandwich OR Veggie Sandwich). Caesar Salad romaine, asiago, Caesar dressing & homemade asiago croutons Greek Salad romaine, vine-ripened tomatoes, feta, onions, peperonini, olives, pepper & Greek dressing Smoked Turkey Sandwich on country with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, salt & pepper Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich on tomato basil with sweet peppers, feta, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes onions, cilantro, hummus Meet us at Cinnabar Theater, 3333 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma at 12:15 pm for lunch at 12:30 pm. Please let us know if you'd like help arranging a carpool. Rides to Friendship Circle events from JFCS may be available in select areas upon request one week prior to date of event thanks to a grant from the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation. Directions from Santa Rosa: Head on US 101 South Take the Petaluma Blvd N. / Penngrove exit Turn right onto Petaluma Blvd. N. Continue on Petaluma Blvd. N. through 2 stoplights Cinnabar Theater is on the right, immediately after the second stoplight (Skillman Ln.): 3333 Petaluma Blvd. N. If you reach Gossage Ave. you’ve gone about 0.3 miles too far. Reservations are limited to 30 participants. RSVP By September 11. Priority is given to Friendship Circle Members and those who have not attended a recent Friendship Circle excursion. Please call or email Sandy at [email protected] or call 707-528-1182 to make a reservation. After receiving confirmation from Sandy, you may call 707-528-4222 to pay with a credit card or mail in your check made payable to JCC, Friendship Circle, 1301 Farmers Lane, C103, Santa Rosa, CA 95405. Please write the name of the event on your check (Fiddler). Please make your reservation early so you don’t miss out. We strongly encourage those who have never attended one of our excursions to sign up! No one is ever turned away based on ability to pay. (Please speak to Program Director Jalena Mays in confidence 707-528-1476.) Cancellations result in a $5.00 administration fee. A full refund (less the $5.00) will be given if the cancellation is made by September 12. Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County • Friendship Circle • September/October 2014 5 JCC Presents 2014 Jewish Film Festival and Lunch at HopMonk Tavern Tuesday, October 7 Join Friendship Circle for an all inclusive luncheon at HopMonk Tavern, just down the road from the Rialto Cinemas in Sebastopol. We will begin lunch at 11:00 am and then drive down the street to the theater where we will have reserved seating for the 1:00 pm film. Don't forget your glasses The Wonders Inspired by a true story, The Wonders will draw you into contemporary Jerusalem where reality, imagination, truth, lies, fact and fiction flow freely. Arnav, a graffiti artist, witnesses the abduction of the charismatic Rabbi Knafo. He is irresistibly drawn into this adventure, forming the basis of a unique film mixing mystery, comedy, political intrigue and romance. Dynamic Israeli filmmaker, Avi Nesher, has created this film with a great musical score and fabulous original graffiti art. Comic/Mystery. Hebrew with English subtitles. Cost: If you’ve already bought your film series tickets in advance, you should bring your own ticket. If you don’t already have your ticket, you will be given one the day of the event. Lunch Only (if you are a film series ticket holder)…….…$20 FC members; $25 non-members Lunch and Film Ticket………………………….………...$30 FC members; $35 non-members Reservations are limited. Please email Sandy at [email protected] or call 707-528-1182 to make a reservation. After receiving confirmation from Sandy, you can pay with a credit card or mail in your check made payable to JCC Friendship Circle, 1301 Farmers Lane, C103 Santa Rosa, CA 95405. Please write the name of the event and choice of entrée on your check (10/7 Film & Lunch). All reservations must be confirmed by September 12. Meet for lunch at 11:00 am at HopMonk Tavern This restaurant was built by Dean Biersch, the originator of Gordon Biersch alongside beer expert and business partner Dan Gordon. HopMonk Tavern is a wildly successful craft brewery with a comfortable atmosphere including an inviting beer garden with a fire pit patio. ~ Menu ~ Includes Soda, Coffee or Tea Entrée (Please indicate choice with reservation) Cool Cucumber and Chicken Salad on Fresh Croissant made with house aioli, chives and local grapes Stout Braised Tri Tip served open-faced with red onion jam Pasta Primavera seasonal vegetables tossed with white wine, parmesan fettuccini and arugula Dessert Tavern Florentine ice cream topped with a thin caramel oatmeal cookie and drizzled with chocolate and fresh berries Directions from Santa Rosa to Hopmonk Tavern (230 Petaluma Avenue in Sebastopol) Take CA 12 West towards Sebastopol Turn Left onto So. Main Street Turn Left onto Fannen Ave Turn Left onto Petaluma Ave The HopMonk Tavern parking lot will be on your left Directions from HopMonk Tavern to Rialto Cinemas (6868 McKinley Street in Sebastopol) Head North on Petaluma Avenue (go straight through the major CA 12 intersection) Turn Right onto McKinley Street The Rialto Cinemas parking lot will be on your left Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County • Friendship Circle • September/October 2014 6 Two SHN Broadway Excursions this Fall! Pippin Golden Gate Theatre, SF Wednesday, October 15 Chicago Orpheum Theatre, SF Wednesday, November 12 PIPPIN is Broadway’s high-flying, death-defying hit musical! Full of extraordinary acrobatics, wondrous magical feats and soaring songs from the composer of Wicked, PIPPIN will lift you up and leave you smiling. This unforgettable new production is the winner of four 2013 Tony Awards® including Best Musical Revival. Hailed as “an eye-popping, jaw-dropping extravaganza” (NY1), it’s unlike anything Broadway has ever seen! A true New York City institution, CHICAGO has everything that makes Broadway great: a universal tale of fame, fortune and all that jazz; one show-stopping song after another; and the most astonishing dancing you’ve ever seen. THE #1 LONGEST-RUNNING AMERICAN MUSICAL IN BROADWAY HISTORY and now in its 18th year on Broadway! Tickets for each show are $45 for Friendship Circle members; and $60 for non-members. Cost includes lunch, snacks, transportation, parking, tolls, tax and the show! Your ticket will be given to you on the bus. All seats are reserved. If you are not able to climb stairs, please let us know in advance. Box lunch will be handed out when you arrive at the bus. Please choose one of the following options and include your choice with your payment for the trip: Lunch Options for Pippin Lunch Options for Chicago Smoked Turkey SandwichNapa Almond Chicken Salad Sandwich Tuna Salad Sandwich Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich Smoked Turkey Sandwich Reservations for each show are limited to 50 passengers. Priority is given to Friendship Circle Members and those who have not attended a recent Friendship Circle excursion. Please call or email Sandy at [email protected] or call 707/528-1182 to make a reservation. After receiving confirmation from Sandy, you may call 707/528-4222 to pay with a credit card or mail in your check made payable to JCC, Friendship Circle, 1301 Farmers Lane, C103, Santa Rosa, CA 95405. Please write the name of the event on your check (Pippin or Chicago). Pippin: RSVP by Wednesday, Oct 1 Chicago: RSVP by Wednesday Oct 29 Please make your reservation early so you don’t miss out. No one is ever turned away based on ability to pay. (Please speak to Jalena in confidence 707-528-1476.) Cancellations result in a $5.00 administration fee. A full refund (less the $5.00) will be given if the cancellation is made by Oct. 1 for PIPPIN and Oct. 29 for CHICAGO. Medical Emergency Contact Form: You must have an updated medical form by date of departure. Please call Sandy at 528-1182 if you have any questions. You can complete the medical form online at Bus Schedule for PIPPIN AND CHICAGO: LEAVES at 11:00 am from Congregation Beth Ami (4676 Mayette Ave, Santa Rosa). Please park in the western overflow parking lot where the bus will be boarding. LEAVES at 11:30 am from Petaluma Community Center (320 N. Mc Dowell Blvd., Petaluma). LEAVING SF AT APPROXIMATELY 4:40 PM Please let us know in advance if you are being picked up in Petaluma or if you need a ride to the bus. These trips are sponsored by the generous support of the Senior Excursion Fund of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties. 7 Friendship newsletter Circle This newsletter is a periodical issued bimonthly. It is published by the Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County. All members receive this periodical free. Non Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 465 Santa Rosa, CA 1301 Farmers Lane, Suite 103 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 September/October 2014 Address Service Requested • We Appreciate Your Generosity • You may make a tax-deductible contribution directly to Friendship Circle: •In honor of an event or someone who is a light in your life • In tribute to the memory of someone you hold dear We will send a tribute card to the person being acknowledged. I am contributing $ _________________ to Friendship Circle. Please print all names exactly as you wish them to appear: designate Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss In Memory of: ____________________________________________________________________________ In Honor of:______________________________________________________________________________ Contribution from:_________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:____________________________________________________________________________ Please send an acknowledgement to:_______________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________State/Zip:__________________________________________ Friendship Circle is a program of the Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County which is a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation, a beneficiary of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties. The mission of the Jewish Community Federation is to foster and enhance Jewish life here at home, in Israel, and around the world by caring for the vulnerable, providing Jewish education for our children, engaging our interfaith families, promoting peoplehood and Israel and providing aid in times of crises. Support from the Jewish Community Federation is not enough. We depend on members of the Friendship Circle community for donations and support. 8
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