September/October 2011 - Jewish Community Center, Sonoma
r/October2011 Issue Date: Septembe Circle Friendship a program for adults 55+ 1301 Farmers Lane, Suite 103 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707) 528-4222 Program Director: Barbara Scharf 528-1182 • [email protected] Assistant Program Director: Jalena Bamberger 528-1476 • [email protected] The Friendship Circle is a Program of the Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County Beautiful cake for Elsie Rich's 110th birthday celebration. The cake was generously donated by Elisabeth Van Nuys. Photo by Eric Messick. Volunteer appreciation luncheon. American’s Tough Jews: The Origins and History of the Jewish Mafia Monday, September 12 12-1:30 pm Ben Benson, Professor of Anthropology, will present an illustrated lecture about the culture of the Jewish Mob. He will illuminate some important lessons that can be learned from this dark period in American Jewish history. RSVP by Thursday, September 8 at noon Jalena Bamberger, jalenab@ or 528-1476. Kira Reginato, Host of the Elder Care Radio Show Monday, November 21 12-1:30 pm Kira Reginato is the president of Living Ideas For Elders and radio host of KSRO’s Ask the Expert - The Elder Care Show, airing Fridays from 12:30 - 1 pm. KSRO is at 1350 AM. RSVP by Thursday, November 17 at noon Jalena Bamberger, [email protected] or 528-1476. William Florian Master Story Teller and Musician Monday, October 17 12-1:30 pm We had such a good time last year when William performed, we’ve invited him back for more. William's performance includes an upbeat, energetic, musical journey of America’s greatest hits of the 60s including songs he performed as a lead singer of the famous New Christy Minstrels. He also performs the music of Peter Paul & Mary, John Denver, Pete Seeger, The Mamas & The Papas, and uplifting originals, presented along with amusing stories. RSVP by Thursday, October 13 at noon Jalena Bamberger, jalenab@ or 528-1476. Details for the luncheons on this page $10 Friendship Circle members; $12 for non-members, includes lunch and dessert. Payment is accepted at the door. All the luncheons take place at Congregation Shomrei Torah, 2600 Bennett Valley Road, SR. Rides on the JFCS van are available upon request one week prior to event thanks to a grant from the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation. Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County • Friendship Circle • Sep/Oct 2011 High Holy Day Outreach ᴥ Biographies Outreach For the Holy Days The Friendship Circle is pleased to offer High Holy Days outreach programs at the locations listed below, with our community volunteer lay leaders. If you are interested in attending please contact Jalena Bamberger [email protected] or 528-1476. We are able to arrange transportation for those in need. Villa Capri at Fountaingrove with Fran Danoff Friday, September 30 at 2:30 pm Merrill Gardens in Rohnert Park with Judith Goleman Friday, September 30 at 3:30 pm Emeritus with Norman Eisley Monday, October 3 at 3 pm Spring Lake Village with Caryn Fried Tuesday, October 4 at 4:30 pm Lodge at Paulin Creek with Caryn Fried Wednesday, October 5 at 2:00 pm Oakmont Gardens with Jerry Newman call for date and time Russian River Community with Sonia Tubridy call for date and time Edee Sternfield-Squires Ray Kaplan Edee has been volunteering with the Friendship Circle’s Advisory Committee for about two years, and had attended functions for awhile before that. Her favorite events are the outings to San Francisco and she thanks the Friendship Circle for the opportunity to go to the theater. She was born in Chicago, a place she holds dear to her heart and enjoys visiting. She was married for 20 years and has a son who currently lives in Sacramento. Sadly, her husband passed away at the very young age of 47 years. Edee lives in Santa Rosa where she has lived in the same house for 35 years. Edee has worked at the Hanna Boys Center for 27 years as a legal secretary administering health benefits. Edee loves the theater and has been going all her life. She also enjoys traveling and reading. Currently, Edee is funneling her energy into redecorating and updating her house. Ray was born in Cleveland, OH “a wonderful city to grow up in.” He graduated with a BA in English Lit and Psychology from Miami University in Oxford, OH. In order to duck under the radar of the draft board for the Vietnam War, he decided to stay in school for his Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology. Later, Ray enlisted with the Coast Guard Reserve which brought him to Boston, MA. He loved to ski, but the New England snow was too icy, so he moved to Colorado where the snow was more to his taste. There, he spent time in the beautiful Rocky Mountains and the bustling city of Denver. His experience in the restaurant industry led him to restaurant/ resort management and eventually to be a restaurant owner. In 1975 he decided to move to California. Before settling in Sonoma County in 1989, he lived in Marin, Napa, and San Francisco counties, where he worked as a catering manager and event planner. Somewhere in between his many jobs, he worked as a stock broker before he retired in 1998. As well as being a volunteer and chair member of the Friendship Circle since 2001, he has served on the JCC Board for three years. He was awarded volunteer of the year by the JCC in 2009. He also loves volunteering as a docent at di Rosa Art Collection (, where he was exposed to a marvelous group of people who have grown to be close friends. His passion for music and art has attributed to his nickname “culture-vulture.” Ray has a brother in Amsterdam as well as a sister and brother-in-law in Marin County with whom he loves to travel. Ray is fond of outdoor activities and appreciates the privileges and blessings Northern California provides. The Friendship Circle fondly remembers Ray's mother, Frances. Jewish Community Free Clinic 490 City Center Drive Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Free medical care for the uninsured, without regard to ethnicity, race or religion. Urgent need for doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers and translators. Elizabeth Hagen, Friendship Circle Advisory Committee Member, has generously taken on the task of photographing and introducing volunteers who are dedicated to the success of Friendship Circle. ~Please Volunteer~ 707/585-7780 telephone • 707/585-7784 fax 2 Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County • Friendship Circle • Sep/Oct 2011 Announcements Save The Date Bon Voyage to those going to Ashland on the first ever overnight trip with Friendship Circle. This trip is sold out! We hope you will be able to join us next year. September 1-16: Barbara Scharf will be away. Contact Jalena Bamberger during that time at 528-1476 or [email protected]. September 28: Erev Rosh Hashanah September 29-30: JCC closed for Rosh Hashanah October 8: Yom Kippur October 24-27: Ashland Trip (Barbara Scharf away) November 4, 2 pm: Improving Memory Through Music December 12, 11 am - 2 pm: Annual Hanukkah Party A very special thank you to Tom and Dina Bray for hosting the Ashland “Getting to Know You Potluck Picnic” at their beautiful Santa Rosa home. We all had such a good time! Dedicated FC volunteers Lois Glenn and Carol Jarvis Thank you to all the volunteers who prepared food and helped make another Friendship Circle Annual Membership Tea SO MUCH FUN. We thank Deb Wright and the group of talented Hawaiian dancers for the entertainment. Generous Donations Sylvia Sendar, in honor of Helen Plotka’s birthday. Joyce and Wayne Bowen, in memory of Jan Goldman. Max and Michelle Stein, in memory of Jeff Blustein. Gussie Hankin, in memory of Shirley Rosaler. Lily Crandon and the Shabbat group at the Lodge at Paulin Creek. Harriet Baer and Jo Robinson for excursion tickets. Susan Miller, in honor of Pat Thomas' birthday. Thank you to Eric Messick for doing a professional video as part of our gift to Elsie Rich on her 110th birthday. Membership Dues We are close to reaching our goal for the 2011/2012 Friendship Circle Membership Drive. Your participation in this fundraiser allows you to receive the benefits of membership in addition to helping us keep our events affordable for everyone. Your dues make a difference and insure those who are less fortunate the ability to participate fully in our programs. It’s never too late to join, just contact our office and we will make sure you become a member of Friendship Circle. Thank you. Clubs & Classes Mah Jongg with Carol Jarvis Yiddish in Petaluma 1st & 3rd Friday of each month at 1:45 pm Classes are held in private homes. For more information: Belle Ganapoler, 664-1256 or [email protected]. Instructor will supply everything necessary to play. Please make reservations in advance so we have enough supplies for everyone. All levels welcome. Location: Upstairs at the JCC (no elevator) When: 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 1-3 pm Donation: $2 per class paid at the door. RSVP: The Friendship Circle office at 528-1182. Yiddish in Santa Rosa Classes are usually on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday from 1:152:15 pm at The Lodge at Paulin Creek. This is a drop in class and there is no fee. Days and times are subject to change, so it is best to contact the instructor if you are new. For more information: Loretta Denner, 566-1955. Exercise Class No class September 28 & 30 and October 7 Location: Congregation Shomrei Torah 2600 Bennett Valley Road, Santa Rosa. When: Wednesdays & Fridays, 10:15 to 11:30 am Fee: $24 per month, paid in advance; drop in fee $4 per class. Contact: Barbara Scharf, 528-1182. Co-sponsored by the JCC and CST. If you play Pan and would like to meet more players, please call Barbara Levinson at the JCF office, 568-6207. New Class! Yiddish Literature in Translation 3 Join Loretta Denner to study the works of Yiddish writers in translation. Sholem Aleichem, I.L. Peretz, I.B. Singer, and poet Kadya Molodowsky are some writers whose classic works will be included. English translations of Yiddish writing make the literature of Yiddish speakers available to larger audiences. Class dates are August 22 & 29 and September 19 & 26. For more information: Loretta Denner, 566-1955. Circle Friendship NEWSLETTER 1301 Farmers Lane, Suite 103 Santa Rosa, CA 95405 This newsletter is a periodical issued monthly. It is published by the Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County. All members receive this periodical free. Non Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 465 Santa Rosa, CA Issue Date: September 2011 Address Service Requested Year w e yN Happ na Tova Year a w h e S ’ N L weet S A u ng Yo i h s i W • We Appreciate Your Generosity • You may make a tax-deductible contribution directly to Friendship Circle: •In honor of an event or someone who is a light in your life • In tribute to the memory of someone you hold dear We will send a tribute card to the person being acknowledged. I am contributing $ _________________ to Friendship Circle. Please print all names exactly as you wish them to appear: designate Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss In Memory of: ____________________________________________________________________________ In Honor of:______________________________________________________________________________ Contribution from:_________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:____________________________________________________________________________ Please send an acknowledgement to:_______________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________State/Zip:__________________________________________ Friendship Circle is a program of the Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County which is a 501(c) 3 non-profit corporation, a Beneficiary of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties. The mission of the Jewish Community Federation is to foster and enhance Jewish life here at home, in Israel, and around the world by caring for the vulnerable, providing Jewish education for our children, engaging our interfaith families, promoting peoplehood and Israel and providing aid in times of crises. We are also grateful to be funded, in part by a grant from the Jewish Community Federation. Support from the Jewish Community Federation is not enough. We depend on members of the Friendship Circle Community for donations and support. Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County • Friendship Circle • Sep/Oct 2011 JCC Presents 2011 Jewish Film Festival and Lunch at Stark's Steakhouse Tuesday, November 1 Join Friendship Circle for an all inclusive luncheon at Stark's Steakhouse, withing walking distance to the Sixth Street Playhouse. We will begin lunch at 11:30 am and then walk together to the theater where we will have reserved seating for the film. It would be best to park near the Sixth Street Playhouse (52 West 6th Street, Santa Rosa, in Historic Railroad Square) and not the restaurant. Inside Hana’s Suitcase This film of astonishing power and hope begins with the delivery of a battered suitcase to the Tokyo Holocaust Center. It came from the Auschwitz Museum and had Hana Brady’s name painted on it. Fumiko Ishioka and the children in her class never imagined that this one, ordinary empty suitcase would carry a story that would be filled with a mixture of emotions and coincidences. Hana’s story has reverberated around the globe, first as a book and then in this moving documentary. It offers people of all ages a lesson in hope and tolerance. Cost: If you’ve already bought your film series tickets in advance, you should bring your own ticket. If you don’t already have your ticket, we will give it to you at the luncheon the day of the event. • $20 members $25 non-members • $30 members $35 non-members Lunch only (if you are a film series ticket holder) Lunch and film ticket Lunch: We'll meet at Starks Steakhouse at 11:15 am and then walk across the street for the matinee which begins at 1:00 pm. Reservations are limited. Please email Jalena at [email protected] or call 707-528-1476 to make a reservation. After receiving confirmation from Jalena, you can pay with a credit card or mail in your check made payable to JCC, Friendship Circle, 1301 Farmers Lane, C103, Santa Rosa, CA 95405. Please write the name of the event and choice of entree on your check (11/1 Film and Lunch). RSVP BY OCTOBER 10 Please make your reservation early so you don’t miss out. Stark’s Steakhouse brings classic fare with a modern approach to downtown Santa Rosa’s Old Railroad Square. The restaurant’s decor blends classic charm and vintage detail with lush fabrics, weathered leather, and two fireplaces in an old brick setting. Stark’s Steakhouse is located at 521 Adams Street, Santa Rosa. Menu Baby Lettuce Salad with Apples, Candied Walnuts & Gruyere Entree (please indicate choice with reservation) Stark Standard Burger, Salsa Verde & Cambozola Cheese Or Chicken “Under A Brick,” Arugula Salad, Lemon Parsley Jus Or Four Cheese Mac with Dijon Dessert Platters of Cookies Coffee & Tea Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County • Friendship Circle • Sep/Oct 2011 Join Friendship Circle for a Senior Excursion Contemporary Jewish Museum and Brunch at Max’s Deli in Corte Madera Thursday, November 17 California Dreaming Exhibition, From the Gold Rush to the Present explores Jewish life in the Bay Area from the Gold Rush to the present. This participatory exhibition tells the story of how Jews settled in the area and made lives for themselves in the spirit of independence, renewal, and entrepreneurialism. These characteristics have remained unique to the Bay Area and its diverse Jewish community. Trip Description: First we will stop for a delicious brunch buffet featuring Jewish food at Max’s Deli in Corte Madera 10:45 am to 12:15 pm. Following brunch we leave for San Francisco where we will be treated to a docent lead tour of the exhibition from 1:15 to 2:15. At 2:15 you will have time to stroll at your own pace around the museum until we meet the bus again at 3:00 for the ride home. Cost: Includes brunch, transportation, admission to the museum including tour, and afternoon snacks on the way home. • $25 members $35 non-members Mobility: You must be able to do a good deal of walking and manage a few stairs on and off the bus Reservations are limited. Friendship Circle Members and those who weren’t able to attend one of our recent Friendship Circle excursions will be given first priority. Please call or email Jalena at jalenab@ or 528-1476 for reservations. After confirmation with Jalena, you can pay with a credit card or mail in check made out to the JCC, Friendship Circle, 1301 Farmers Lane, C103, Santa Rosa, CA 95405. Include the name of the event with your check (11/17 Contemporary Jewish Museum). Please make your reservations early so you don’t miss out. We strongly encourage those who have never attended one of our excursions to sign up and give it a try. No one is ever turned away based on ability to pay. (Please speak to Jalena or Barbara in confidence.) Cancellation Policy: All cancellations result in a $5.00 administration fee. Each trip has its own policy, but generally a full refund (less the $5.00) is given if the cancellation is prior to the following schedule: One week (with no tickets); two weeks (with theatre or other tickets). Medical Form: For all trips you must have an updated medical form by date of departure. You can call if you have any questions. We will send you a new medical form before the day of the trip, if necessary. Bus Schedule: LEAVES at 9:45 am from Congregation Shomrei Torah (2600 Bennett Valley Road, Santa Rosa). Please park in lower parking lot only where the bus will be boarding. LEAVES at 10:10 am from Petaluma Community Center (320 N. Mc Dowell Blvd., Petaluma). Please let us know in advance if you are being picked up in Petaluma or if you need a ride to the bus. This event is being sponsored with the generous support of the Senior Excursion Fund of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties.
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