newsletter area/PS_AreaNL0707A
newsletter area/PS_AreaNL0707A
Celebrating the Excellence of the Shaw Area Directors! June 2007 Results Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG #1 Leah Lauchlan 27 Unit Recruits 7 Qualified #3 Heather Erbe 12 Unit Recruits 4 Qualified #2 Barbara Johnson 16 Unit Recruits 7 Qualified #4 Suzanne Jarboe 10 Unit Recruits 2 Qualified Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG $40K+ $33K+ Million Extended Trip to Prague Cindy Machado $55,633.00 Heather Erbe $34,206.14 $27K+ $16K+ Top Trip to Munich Leah Lauchlan $32,764.50 Cindy Machado Monthly Unit Production $67,378.00 June 2006 Cindy Machado Unit Monthly Retail $140,183.00 June 2006 Cadillac Barbara Johnson $29,849.75 Julia Burnett $22,485.26 Nadine Stanley $17,371.63 $10K+ Inner Circle Director Suzanne Jarboe $16,089.25 Esther Sue Murray $14,057.25 Amber Nichols $13,165.01 Denise Yerkes $13,029.13 Alexander Baker $12,209.51 Jennifer Bryant $12,071.75 Brenda Gingrich $11,371.25 Barbie Turner $11,020.76 Gail Hopwood $11,000.00 Darlene Heithoff $10,612.75 Dawn Antes $10,001.38 $8K+ Sandra Lee Grand Prix Karen Weaver Nicole Pratt Lynda Crick Lisa Lofton Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG Fabulous Fives! $500 Bonus Winners! Grow Your Business, Grow Your Income $6,000 Annually! HOW? Monthly 5 Recruit Qualified UNIT Recruits = $500 Monthly Bonus!!! $6,000 Annually Equals a $6,000 in Bonus Pay! Barbara Johnson 7 recruits Leah Lauchlan 7 recruits Gold Medals! Sandra Lee 37th Lisa Lofton 12th “Don’t Leave Money on the Table!” Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG The Shawtime Super Scoreboard June 2007 Director: Cindy Machado Heather Erbe Leah Lauchlan Barbara Johnson Julia Burnett Nadine Stanley Suzanne Jarboe Esther Sue Murray Amber Nichols Denise Yerkes Alexandra Baker Jennifer Bryant Brenda Gingrich Barbie Turner Gail Hopwood Darlene Heithoff Dawn Antes Karen Weaver Sandra Lee Nicole Pratt Lynda Crick Lisa Lofton Nancy Mayer Vicki Krempels Jean Horning Rebecca Mancini Judy Bush Beth Ann Steffy Kaye Manship Libra Banke Diane Witherspoon Ruthi Schultz Stacey Curry Sylvia Mathis Debra-Anne Lettman Sandra Lys Delone Plummer Narainee Bhagwandas Debbie Taylor Paula Broadway Elaine Bailey Ruth DuPont Joanna Campbell Pamela Koeninger Erica Ethington Pearline Williams Sheila Johnson-Ramdh Tammy Vaughan Dawn Davis Maria Guillen Amy Cuenca Janet Wilson Elizabeth Delaney Vivian Link Jennifer Caccamo Cheryl Auker Katrese Dick Curlinda Brown Wholesale $55,633.00 $34,206.14 $32,764.50 $29,849.75 $22,485.26 $17,371.63 $16,089.25 $14,057.25 $13,165.01 $13,029.13 $12,209.51 $12,071.75 $11,371.25 $11,020.76 $11,000.00 $10,612.75 $10,001.38 $9,218.26 $9,167.50 $8,509.50 $8,380.64 $8,213.51 $7,980.50 $7,515.25 $7,337.25 $7,012.75 $5,860.13 $5,599.00 $5,535.63 $5,414.00 $5,309.00 $5,057.75 $5,008.38 $4,641.75 $4,607.00 $4,489.38 $4,303.75 $4,062.50 $4,059.75 $4,028.00 $4,024.63 $4,016.00 $4,014.75 $4,010.75 $4,008.75 $4,006.13 $4,002.00 $3,579.00 $3,311.75 $2,961.25 $2,902.25 $2,559.25 $2,391.88 $2,298.75 $1,658.25 $1,504.75 $1,458.75 $201.75 Unit Volume Bonus Unit Size $5,100.00 $3,400.00 $3,200.00 $2,900.00 $2,200.00 $1,700.00 $1,600.00 $1,400.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $900.00 $900.00 $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 268 108 97 126 127 139 56 69 84 68 120 83 63 72 61 53 33 41 101 61 24 67 31 80 67 59 22 39 42 35 18 30 43 16 33 45 32 24 15 25 36 20 32 35 37 20 27 29 48 34 30 22 33 35 22 22 23 31 Monthly Unit Recruits 7 12 27 16 9 7 10 2 5 8 8 2 1 4 3 1 3 1 7 7 2 7 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 4 3 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 4 1 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Personal Recruits 2 0 2 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 1 0 3 0 5 3 1 6 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Personal Wholesale Director’s Check Director 13% Recruiters $606.50 $1,661.25 $600.00 $858.00 $1,851.00 $606.75 $4,196.75 $600.50 $409.00 $818.00 $888.75 $1,051.75 $1,205.75 $353.00 $1,507.25 $3,960.00 $2,759.00 $1,948.25 $610.75 $3,270.25 $3,443.38 $1,201.00 $5,894.50 $1,832.50 $634.50 $104.75 $5,070.25 $289.50 $628.63 $809.25 $5,008.00 $1,309.25 $790.25 $1,824.00 $1,207.75 $1,209.25 $1,405.75 $1,001.50 $210.00 $2,393.75 $612.50 $405.00 $854.25 $801.00 $65.00 $716.25 $651.00 $954.00 $100.00 $776.75 $332.25 $2,072.50 $402.00 $0.00 $264.25 $600.75 $0.00 $0.00 $15,617.42 $8,498.26 $9,959.39 $9,690.71 $11,410.98 $5,984.71 $3,691.60 $3,227.44 $3,131.04 $2,993.79 $2,787.24 $4,901.04 $2,978.32 $2,675.86 $2,530.00 $2,379.66 $2,300.18 $2,098.37 $2,752.03 $1,914.31 $1,889.48 $1,926.11 $1,837.47 $2,045.71 $1,653.84 $1,611.66 $1,261.82 $1,227.87 $1,219.63 $1,868.48 $1,352.67 $1,157.51 $1,491.47 $603.43 $598.91 $583.62 $559.49 $528.13 $527.77 $709.31 $523.20 $522.08 $521.92 $521.40 $521.14 $520.80 $520.26 $322.11 $298.06 $266.51 $261.20 $230.33 $215.27 $206.89 $149.24 $135.43 $131.29 $18.16 $1,529.97 $1,634.39 $1,036.26 $1,059.22 $525.79 $1,636.39 $0.00 $241.54 $0.00 $268.86 $531.55 $715.39 $1,338.42 $0.00 $658.52 $551.36 $647.42 $287.38 $817.21 $386.46 $533.13 $0.00 $187.49 $0.00 $356.10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $222.53 $575.77 $0.00 $381.23 $681.40 $366.31 $234.46 $0.00 $217.04 $397.93 $0.00 $422.99 $217.95 $0.00 $0.00 $340.54 $0.00 $342.34 $172.45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 DIQ's 0 1 1 1 3 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Car CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLAC Grand Prix Grand Prix CADILLAC Vibe CADILLAC Grand Prix Grand Prix CADILLAC Grand Prix Vibe CADILLAC CADILLAC Grand Prix Vibe Grand Prix Vibe Vibe Grand Prix Vibe Vibe Vibe Grand Prix Vibe Vibe Vibe Grand Prix Vibe Vibe Vibe Grand Prix Vibe This is what $2k in sales looks like! Julia finished up her year by selling over $2k personally and man! Look how she sends her product out the door. Totally impressive!!!! She is ALSO a new Cadillac (3rd one) winner as of June 30, so maybe we can tie it into that. Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG JUNE 2007 1 New Personal Team Member LISA LOFTON GOLD MEDAL 6 Recruits SANDRA LEE GOLD MEDAL 5 Recruits ALEXANDER BAKER SILVER MEDAL 4 Recruits Pearline Williams Gail Hopwood Brenda Gingrich Lynda Crick Delone Plummer Tammy Vaughan Sheila Johnson-Ramdh Barbie Turner Paula Broadway 13% Recruiter June 2007 BARBARA JOHNSON SILVER MEDAL 4 Recruits RAYNEE BHAGWANDAS BRONZE MEDAL 3 Recruits STACEY CURRY BRONZE MEDAL 3 Recruits SUZANEE JARBOE BRONZE MEDAL 3 Recruits NICOLE PRATT BRONZE MEDAL 3 Recruits DAWN ANTES BRONZE MEDAL 3 Recruits Leah Lauchlan Pamela Koeninger Cindy Machado 2 Recruits 2 Recruits 2 Recruits Judy Bush 2 Recruits Vicki Krempels 2 Recruits Jennifer Bryant—Monthly Recruiting 10 Personals / 16 Qualified June 2003 Nadine Stanley $1,636.39 Heather Erbe $1,634.39 Cindy Machado $1,529.97 Brenda Gingrich $1,338.42 Barbara Johnson $1,059.22 Leah Lauchlan $1,036.26 Sandra Lee $817.21 Jennifer Johnson Bry $715.39 Stacey Curry $681.40 Gail Hopwood $658.52 Dawn Antes $647.42 Libra Banke $575.77 Darlene Heithoff $551.36 Lynda Crick $533.13 Alexandra Baker $531.55 Julia Burnett $525.79 Paula Broadway $422.99 Narainee Bhagwandas $397.93 Nicole Pratt $386.46 Ruthi Schultz $381.23 Sylvia Mathis $366.31 Jean Horning $356.10 Pearline Williams $342.34 Pamela Koeninger $340.54 Karen Weaver $287.38 Denise Yerkes $268.86 Esther Sue Murray $241.54 Debra-Anne Lettman $234.46 Kaye Manship $222.53 Elaine Bailey $217.95 Delone Plummer $217.04 Nancy Mayer $187.49 Sheila Johnson-Ramdh $172.45 CELEBRATIONS IN AUGUST Sales Directors' Birthdays Name Cheryl Auker Unit Anniversaries Day 15th Sales Directors' Anniversaries Name Delone Plummer Erica Ethington Maria Guillen Heather Erbe Nicole Pratt Years 7 7 6 5 3 Name Beth Ann Steffy Erica Ethington Janet Wilson Judy Bush Elizabeth Delaney Years 6 6 3 3 3 Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG The SHAWX ADVANTAGE — Do you have it? Are you grabbing it? • 40+ Personals / 12+Qualified Seminar 2007 / $10K+ Personal Team / 13% Rec3 • 100+ Unit Size [every unit as you work ON the GROW in increments of 25. • 50% of unit as SENIORS/ 50% of Seniors in RED Growing to 50, to 75, to 100 and beyond!] June ‘07 Results Leading By eXample, the Shaw Elite Sales Director (40+) (12 Min.) Personal Team Total Seminar Qualified Recruits (A Must!!) Total Recruits Y-T-D Total Recruits June 07 Feb 07 13% Check 1 Sandra Lee 39 24 66 5 2 Alexandra Baker 37 17 35 4 $531.55 3 Brenda Gingrich 34 11 16 1 $1,338.42 4 Nadine Stanley 30 3 4 $1,636.39 5 Heather Erbe 30 9 21 $1,634.39 6 Gail Hopwood 30 10 18 7 Darlene Heithoff 30 1 15 8 Barbara Johnson 28 13 21 4 $1,059.22 9 Pamela Koeninger 28 12 21 2 $340.54 10 Stacey Curry 27 14 26 3 $681.40 11 Cindy Machado 26 4 9 2 $1,529.97 12 Nancy Mayer 26 2 5 13 Sheryl Gordon 25 1 $658.52 $551.36 $187.49 14 15 16 17 Recognizing those Directors with 25+ Personals, the Elite (above) nailing that Personal 13% Check—LBX! At Seminar 2007, LBX Recognition for those Directors with Personal Team Size of 30 & minimum 12+ New Seminar Qualified Personal Team Members!! The SHAWX ADVANTAGE • • • • • • • — the SHAWTIME ADVANTAGE! Take advantage of the ADVANTAGE!! 40+ personals [ by way of 25 and growing on a goal schedule] 13% personal recruiting check [every month!] 10+ New Unit Recruits Monthly!!! $10,000+ personal team production [never below $5k—bonus $$] NO money on the table—5+ Unit qualifieds monthly & $100 Personal Qualified Recruits ON the Grow to 100 and beyond in increments of 25 EVERY 90 days 50% of your Unit= SENIORS/ 50% of your Seniors in Red Jackets! HOW many GENERATION NEXT Consultants are you promoting? New Director Steps to Success! Get On The Write Track Your First Three Months! The Challenge: (1) Complete a Total of $15,000 Wholesale Production (2) Add 3 Qualified Personal Team Members in 90 Days! Win a beautiful Leather Folio & the Exclusive Write Track Pen for You and Your Unit Members! Write Track Tracking Your First 3 Months! Name Debut Month Month of Contest Sheryl Gordon Jul-07 1st $0.00 Jessi Harper Jul-07 1st $294.00 Adj Unit Whs Needed Personal Qual Rcts Needed $0.00 $15,000.00 3 $294.00 $14,706.00 3 Total Adj Unit Total Personal Whs Qual Rcts Mary Kay’s Fabulous 50’s Club! Your First 6 Months 50 Non-Terminated Unit Members & $30,000 Wholesale at the End of Your First Six Months! Name Debut Month Month of Contest Leah Lauchlan Jan-07 Sheryl Gordon Jul-07 1st Jessi Harper Jul-07 1st Total Adj Unit Whs Final Totals $96,480.75 Total Unit Adj Unit Whs Unit Members Size Needed Needed 97 WINNER WINNER $0.00 31 $30,000.00 19 $294.00 39 $29,706.00 11 “SHAW AREA AWARD OF EXCELLENCE” Make sure YOU are a Winner at Seminar 2007!!! New Directors! Win the Sterling Silver SX Pin! Debut with: • Debut with min. 40 Unit Members and min. $25,000 Wholesale • Complete Write Track Challenge (first 3 months as a Director add min 3 qualified personals & minimum $15,000 wh) Mary Kay Honors Society! Your First Year— It’s a Shaw Area Tradition of Excellence—Step Up! * Achieve at least $60,000 in Unit Wholesale Production and * Have a Unit Size of 50 or more one year from your debut date. Honors Society Winner! Results through July 13 2007 Total Unit Adj Unit Whs Members Unit Needed Size Needed Name Month of Contest Total Adj Unit Whs Joanna Campbell Final Totals $56,982.51 32 $3,017.49 18 Narainee Bhagwandas 10th $33,917.00 21 $26,083.00 29 Pearline Williams 9th $20,318.63 19 $39,681.37 31 Jennifer Caccamo 8th $23,058.00 20 $36,942.00 30 Leah Lauchlan 7th $98,581.25 54 whs met mbrs met Sheryl Gordon 1st $0.00 31 $60,000.00 19 Jessi Harper 1st $294.00 39 $59,706.00 11 Joanna Campbell Honors Society– Wholesale Alexandra Baker $241,554 2003 Honors Society– Unit Size Alexandra Baker 117 2003 Write Track Fab 50’s Sheryl Gordon Leah Lauchlan Fabulous 50’s Alexandra Baker 99 5/03 THIS SECTION will begin to track our Shaw Area NEW DIRECTOR GRAND SLAM Award! I want to see our DIRECTORS bring home $3000 for each opportunity! If you have done WRITE TRACK and still have 50’s coming, or if you have completed WT and 50’s, next month you will be featured in this section! Then we will begin w/ all our NEW DIRECTORS cheering you on to hit the FIRST ONE and then 2,3 for a GRAND SLAM victory getting your FIRST YEAR as a director off to EXCELLENCE ShawX style! DARLENE HEITOFF DENISE YERKES GRAND SLAM winners recognized at SEMINAR 2007 Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG SHAWTIME RECORD BREAKERS Monthly Area Highest Ever Unit Wholesale Cindy Machado $66,378 06/06 Highest Ever Area Production $12.6 Million 2005 Highest Ever Unit Retail Cindy Machado $140,183 6/06 Most Ever Area Star Consultants 1,385 Stars 2004 1387- 2005 1098- 2006 YIKES! Highest Ever Director Check Cindy Machado $17,978 6/03 Highest Ever 13% Check Cindy Machado $2,653 6/03 Most Unit Recruits in 1 Month Vicki Krempels 57 8/00 Cindy Machado Highest Every Seminar Retail Seminar 2006 $950,019 Most Personal Recruits in 1 Month Jennifer Bryant 10 16 Qualified 6/03 New Directors Highest DIQ Production Total Darlene Heitoff at $43,954 Year End Sandra Lee Most Gold Medals– 32 Most Consecutive Gold Medals 24 (counting 1/07) Highest DIQ Production 1 Month Elaine Bailey $27,733 06/05 Fastest to Directorship From Agreement Suzanne Jarboe 5 months Shortest DIQ Period * Julia Burnett 2 Months 10/02 Alexandra Baker 2 Months 12/02 Highest Ever Unit Retail Cindy Machado $950,019 2006 Highest Director Court of Sales Dabieba Hudson #2 Pearl Seminar 2006 $69,318 Retail Most Unit Total Recruits Sandra Lee 213 Seminar 2006 Denise Yerkes Highest Rank Court of Sharing 24 Qualified , $8,115 Commissions #2 Pearl Seminar 2006 Fabulous 50’s Alexandra Baker 99 5/03 Most Unit Qualified Recruits Cindy Machado 144 2003 Highest Personal Recruiting Commissions Earned Denise Yerkes $,8115 Seminar 2006 Most Ever Unit Star Consultants Cindy Machado 110 2003 Honor Society Highest Unit Wholesale First Full Year Alexandra Baker $241,554 11/03 Largest Unit Size First Full Year Alexandra Baker 117 11/03 Biggest Unit Club Leap Heather Erbe Seminar Year 2005 RETAIL: $251,352 Seminar Year 2006 RETAIL: $508,820 Increase of $257,468 RETAIL! Nadine Stanley Most Offspring 5 in 1 Year Seminar 2004 Most Offspring In One Year Nadine Stanley 5 2004 Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG Shaw Area Goals for Seminar 2008 $700k w/s MONTHLY 77 Area Directors by Leadership 700 STARS by Christmas 7 NEW First Line Giving us over $8 Million w/s for Seminar 2008! We will have 100+ DIRECTORS [Class of 2007] Who have Unit Sizes of 100+ [can you say…] Who add 100+ NEW UNIT MEMBERS this year [to qualify 40+…] Who all add 100+ TIMEWISE customers [2 customers a week = 100+ new, formerly Century Club] And have $100+ days! [can’t go wrong with this focus!] SHAWXTIME ADVANTAGE Each Director with 40 personals Each Unit AT 100 with 50% Seniors 50% of Seniors in RED JACKETS and beyond… A pattern of On-Target TEAMS w/ $10,000+wh. Director Personal Team Production of A Director Earning $8-10,000+ monthly 13% Monthly on Per. Team Minimum 10+ NEW RECRUITS per unit per month/ min. 3 QUALIFIED- 9+ qualified Quarterly- NO $$ ON the TABLE!! GENERATION NEXT Focus – Growing Accountable and Working Leaders Can you STAND it? IS that GREAT or what? Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG We Are Family!!! CONGRATULATIONS MT. MOVERS ON A THREE-PEAT OF THE CADILLAC. We also completed the $400,000 retail unit club! ---Julia BARB TURNER’S boys shine at Charley’s wedding!!! Jennifer Caccamo becomes Mrs. Sanzo! GORGEOUS bride! Congratulations Jen!! LEAH BURNETT! (Julia’s daughter) CHARLIE (pictured) and BARBIE Turner are proud GRAND parents of Baby Layne born to their oldest son Saturday 7-7-07!!! Barbara J’s birthday!!! WOW! Couldn’t have timed that any better!! Congratulations!!! REBECCA Mancini’s Brianna!! Lynda Crick’s family Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG Focus 40 Cadillac Goal! 40 Shaw Area Car Drivers Get Your Picture On Our Focus 40 Cadillac Goal Poster! 1. 2. Pam 6. 3. Nadine 12. 11. 9. Nicole Julia 13. Leah 16. 17. 18. Cindy 10 Sandra 14. 13. Amber 5. Barbara Alexandra 8. 7. Barb 4. Heather 15. 14. 19. 15. 20.
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