newsletter area/Pamela Area May 20122
newsletter area/Pamela Area May 20122
Celebrating the Excellence of the Shaw Area Directors! April 2012 Results Leah Lauchlan 45 Christina Frantz 13 Julia Burnett 26 Nadine Stanley 12 Blythe Egbert 20 Allison Davis 12 April Hutchinson 19 Tina Roux 12 Heather Erbe 10 Chelsey McGrath 16 Mary Cho 15 London Arbuckle 10 Melissa Linton 10 #1 Leah Lauchlan #2 Christina Frantz #3 Julia Burnett #4 April Hutchinson #5 Mary Cho 210 Unit Recruits YTD 69 YTD Qualified 132Unit Recruits YTD 57 YTD Qualified 137 Unit Recruits YTD 45 YTD Qualified 106 Unit Recruits YTD 40 YTD Qualified 83 Unit Recruits YTD 40 YTD Qualified #6 Blythe Egbert #7 Megan Higby #8 Heather Erbe #9 Cindy Flippen #10 Allison Davis 98 Unit Recruits YTD 38 YTD Qualified 84 Unit Recruits YTD 35 YTD Qualified 84 Unit Recruits YTD 32 YTD Qualified 57 Unit Recruits YTD 26 YTD Qualified 69 Unit Recruits YTD 26 YTD Qualified The SHAW AREA was #2 in PEARL for the month of APRIL 2012! It was an INNER CIRCLE MONTH! WAY TO GO ShawTime!!! $40K+ $33K+ Million Cindy Flippen Monthly Unit Production $67,378 June 2006 Cindy Flippen Unit Monthly Retail $140,183 June 2006 $27K+ Ext Trip Trip Cindy Flippen $31,855 Leah Lauchlan $49,344 $16K+ Heather Erbe $25,011 Mary Cho $24,785 Nadine Stanley $15,486 Alison Davis $13,001 Megan Higby $24,692 Barbara Johnson $21,010 Julia Burnett $30,346 April Hutchinson $19,800 Tina Roux $18,964 $8K+ Inner Circle Director Premier Alison Burkholder $11,219 Blythe Egbert $29,045 Cadillac $10K+ Amber Nichols $15,045 Christina Frantz $29,222 Stephanie Cost $13,529 Chelsey McGrath $17,048 London Arbuckle $16,675 Nicole Pratt $9,671 Stacey Curry $9,657 Brenda Gingrich $9,201 Kaye Manship $9,099 Melissa Linton $8,077 Christina Frank $8,050 Jennifer Raley $10,552 Executive Sales Directors “ESD” ESD Julia Burnett from KY, 7 Offspring ESD Leah Lauchlan from OH, 5 Offspring ESD Cindy Mac-Flippen from NJ, 5 Offspring ESD Blythe Egbert From OH, 5 Offspring Future Executive Sales Directors “FESD” 3-4 OFFSPRING Barbara Johnson KY, 3 Offspring Brenda Gingrich PA, 3 Offspring Super Seniors 2 OFFSPRING Heather Erbe 2 Offspring Nadine Stanley 2 Offspring Senior Directors Allison Davis Lisa Lofton Amber Nichols Stacey Curry Libra Banke April Hutchinson Cheryl Auker Kaye Manship Denise Yerkes Nicole Pratt Tina Frantz 2 Offspring April Hutchinson 2 Offspring Directors with DIQs 3/2012 Looks like we have some SERIOUSLY committed NSD's! Leah Lauchlan (4) Julia Burnett (3_ Tina Frantz (2) Heather Erbe (2) Megan Higby (2) Blythe Egbert Chelsey McGrath Denise Wolfe Amber Nichols Cindy Flippen Pamela Shaw May $500 Commission Bonus You can receive a $500 bonus added to your May 2012 month-end commission check (issued in June 2012) when you increase your May 2012 unit wholesale production by at least 13 percent over your unit wholesale production from May 2011 (minimum of $6,500 Section 1 unit wholesale). Example 1: If your Section 1 unit wholesale production for May 2011 was $8,000, an increase of 13 percent would equal $1,040. So your May 2012 unit wholesale production would need to be at least $9,040 to receive the additional $500 commission bonus. Example 2: If your Section 1 unit wholesale production for May 2011 was $4,000, an increase of 13 percent would equal $520. However, to receive the bonus, your May 2012 unit wholesale production must be at least $6,500 so you would actually need to increase your unit wholesale production by $2,500 to receive the additional $500 commission bonus. Independent Sales Directors who debuted June 1, 2011 - May 1, 2012, can receive the $500 commission bonus with a minimum of $6,500 in Section 1 unit wholesale production for May 2012. STAR SUCCESS CORNER! Goal is to have 300 stars PER QUARTER! THESE units added 7+ Leah Lauchlan 45 Julia Burnett 26 Blythe Egbert 20 April Hutchinson 19 Chelsey McGrath 16 Mary Cho 15 Christina Frantz 13 Nadine Stanley 12 Allison Davis 12 Tina Roux 12 Melissa Linton 10 Heather Erbe 10 London Arbuckle 10 Megan Higby 9 Kristin Eilerman 8 Stacey Curry 7 Nicole Pratt 7 What is SHAWTIME? ShawTime is EXCELLENCE living out loud by caring, growing, hard-working, devoted leaders whose character of integrity and courage is a powerful presence in her community, in our AREA and in Mary Kay. She is marked by impeccable image, kindness, Go-Give, and loyalty (to her Sr. Director, to me, to her people, and to the Company), yet she creates her own style and leaves her own thumbprint. She is persevering; she is humble; she is strong; she is resilient; she is reliable; she loves a challenge; she gives her best. She cares. She is a Team Player. She communicates and connects. She is grounded and growing Spiritually. She is YOU! SHAWTIME RECORD BREAKERS Monthly Area Highest Ever Unit Wholesale Cindy Machado $66,378 06/2006 Highest Ever Area Production $12.6 Million in 2005 Highest Ever Unit Retail Cindy Machado $140,183 06/2006 Most Ever Area Star Consultants 1,385 Stars in 2004 1387 Stars in 2005 1098 Stars in 2006 YIKES! Highest Ever Check Julia Burnett $21.312.20 Highest Ever 13% Check Cindy Machado $2,653 06/2003 Most Unit Recruits in 1 Month Nadine Stanley 70 04/2011 Most Personal Recruits in 1 Month Sandra Lee 04/2009 13 Recruits Cindy Mac Flippen Highest Every Seminar Retail Seminar 2011 $1,004,533 Most GenX in 1 Month GenX - Leah Lauchlan - 15 GenX Elite - Leah Lauchlan - 5 Year End New Directors Highest DIQ Production Total Julia Burnett 11/2002 $41,000 Blythe Egbert Most Unit Total Recruits 288 2011 Highest First Year Unit Production Leah Lauchlan 2008 $650,000 Fabulous 50’s Mary Cho - 68 Highest Director Court of Sales New Record to be broken Over $50K Most Unit Qualified Recruits Cindy Machado - 2003 144 Recruits Denise Wolfe Highest Rank Court of Sharing 24 Qualified , $8,115 Commissions #2 Pearl Seminar 2006 Honor Society Highest Unit Retail First Full Year Megan Higby $203,143 2010 Highest Personal Recruiting Commissions Earned Denise Wolfe $8,115 Seminar 2006 Most Ever Unit Star Consultants Cindy Machado - 2003 110 Star Consultants Largest Unit Size First Full Year BREAK it starting at 100! The Shaw Area's FIRST unit to earn the Circle of Excellence trip in their first full year!!!!!! Leah Lauchlan 06/2008 Highest Ever Unit Retail Cindy Machado - 2011 $1,004,533 Most Gold Medals Sandra Lee Fastest to Directorship From Agreement Blythe Egbert 6 months 12/2007 Shortest DIQ Period * Julia Burnett 2 Months 10/2002 Tina Frank 2 Months 01/2010 Biggest Unit Club Leap Heather Erbe Seminar Year 2005 RETAIL: $251,352 Seminar Year 2006 RETAIL: $508,820 Increase of $257,468 RETAIL! Nadine Stanley Most Offspring 5 in 1 Year Seminar 2004 Most Offspring In One Year Nadine Stanley - 2004 5 Offspring Name: Susan Maguire FAMILY: Husband Jim for 19 years, Becca-15, Jimmy-13, Anna-9 FAVORITE MARY KAY MEMORY: My very first Seminar was Mary Kay’s last. PEOPLE WOULD BE SURPRISED THAT: I’m very shy. MY BEST ASSET: I always believe the best in people. TO UNWIND, I: Watch a movie. MY FAVORITE PLACE: The Beach! FAVORITE VACATION DESTINATION: ANY place warm, with palm trees and a Beach! ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE: Soul Surfer, Blue Crush, A Walk in the Clouds, All Rodgers and Hammerstein movies. I AM CURRENTLY READING: The Bible, Sun Stand Still –Steven Furtick; The Extraordinary Life –Charles Stanley MY FAVORITE TIME OF DAY: End of the day when the house is quiet and everyone is in bed. I COLLECT: Memories. IF I COULD SING, I’D SING LIKE: Whitney Houston. I AM MOTIVATED BY: MUSIC! MY TRADEMARK CLICHÉ/ EXPRESSION: God is BIGGER than that! (i.e. don’t think small! FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL: Literature BEST ADVICE I’D GIVE A 10-YEAR-OLD: Don’t let anyone “ick” on your “wow”. –Pam Shaw I’D LOVE TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH: Jesus PEOPLE DESCRIBE ME AS: Positive THE BIGGEST LESSON I LEARNED IN DIQ: DO IT WITH ABUNDANCE!!! I KNEW I HAD MADE IT WHEN: we nearly hit 10K in month 3! TOTAL UNIT SIZE (first of debut month) 41 TOTAL DIQ PRODUCTION DURING YOUR # OF BEST BOOK I EVER READ: Other than the Bible, MONTHS: 24K Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand UNIT NAME: Xtreme Team MY FAVORITE MEAL: Pizza NEXT GOAL: CADILLAC! I USUALLY ORDER: A salad or sushi. E-mail address: [email protected] HOBBIES: haha Intelliverse # - 866-291-8358 Name: Stephanie Moon FAMILY: There’s a whole lot! My dad, Oscar is my best friend! He and my mom, Kathy adopted me! My birth mom Kim is also a big part of my life, as well as her four amazingly loving children, Daulton, Raven, Tommi and Memphis! FAVORITE MARY KAY MEMORY: It’s a tie! 1) Being the first to encouraging my then Sales Director, Tina Frantz to go for the Million! And watching her pursue it! 2) Watching my beautiful senior, Chelsey McGrath, win not one, but two free cars! PEOPLE WOULD BE SURPRISED THAT: I have three tattoos!! MY BEST ASSET: My ability to communicate. TO UNWIND, I: Spend time with my friends and family! MY FAVORITE PLACE: In a classroom. FAVORITE VACATION DESTINATION: The Outer Banks, NC ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIE: Pretty Woman I AM CURRENTLY READING: Jane Addams’s Democracy and Social Ethics BEST BOOK I EVER READ: How could anyone pick just one!!!! . I USUALLY ORDER: Chicken MY FAVORITE MEAL: Homemade BBQ Chicken with baked potatoes and mac & cheese! MY FAVORITE TIME OF DAY: Mid-Morning HOBBIES: Volleyball & Scrapbooking I COLLECT: Bags & shoes! IF I COULD SING, I’D SING LIKE: Carrie Underwood I AM MOTIVATED BY: Power and Achievement MY TRADEMARK CLICHÉ/ EXPRESSION: That’s amazing! FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL: History BEST ADVICE I’D GIVE A 10-YEAR-OLD: Dare to dream the impossible and always know that hard work and dedication will get you there! I’D LOVE TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH: Jane Addams PEOPLE DESCRIBE ME AS: A Social Butterfly THE BIGGEST LESSON I LEARNED IN DIQ: To Do it Quick!!! I KNEW I HAD MADE IT WHEN: The last order went through on May 2nd!!! TOTAL UNIT SIZE (first of debut month): 32 Unit Members TOTAL DIQ PRODUCTION DURING YOUR # OF MONTHS: $21,336 UNIT NAME: Shooting for the Moon Unit NEXT GOAL: Equinox by Seminar! E-mail address: [email protected] Intelliverse # - N/A Unit Qualified Bonus $300 to $500 Bonus Winners! Increase Your Income $6,000 Annually! HOW? Monthly Recruit Leah Lauchlan 11 - $500 Blythe Egbert 10 - $500 Mary Cho April Hutchinson Chelsey McGrath 10 - $500 9 - $500 9 - $500 5 Qualified $500 Recruit 3-4 Qualified $300 Julia Burnett 7 - $500 London Arbuckle 6 - $500 Heather Erbe Christina Frantz Stephanie Cost 6 - $500 5 - $500 5 - $500 $6,000 Annually 12 months x $500 = $6,000 BONUS OR $3,600 BONUS for 3x12 months 1-2- Barbara Johnson 4—$300 Jennifer Raley 4—$300 Allison Davis 4—$300 Alison Burkholder 3—$300 Megan Higby 3 - $300 5 3-4- Melissa Linton 3—$300 Congratulations Ladies! Sandra Lee—Monthly Recruiting 13 Personals / 5 Qualified April 2009 + $2,400 Annually 12 mos x $200 (2 Qual Personal) BRONZE MEDAL Stacey Curry 5 - Gold Medal Melissa Linton 4 - Silver Medal April Hutchinson Brenda Gingrich Elizabeth Holmes Barbara Johnson $1,514.40 $1,277.80 $1,085.24 $1,085.24 $1,010.72 $ 694.23 $ 651.89 $ 607.88 $ 590.72 $ 542.59 $ 515.91 $ 500.01 $ 468.98 $ 418.73 Cheryl Auker Kristin Eilerman Laurie Proffitt April Barber Julia Burnett Denise Pettet Alexandra Pallos Lynda Crick Gail Weisenborn Christina Frantz Alina Brown Sarah Light Debbie Sharp $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 335.21 321.00 320.22 291.69 281.32 276.58 276.35 254.61 228.51 214.44 200.72 181.51 157.14 Gail Weisenborn Jennifer Raley Chesey McGrath 1 New Personal Team Member 13% Recruiter April 2012 April Hutchinson Megan Higby Stacey Curry Brenda Gingrich Alison Burkholder Nicole Pratt Blythe Egbert Cindy Flippen Stephanie Cost Amber Nichols Elizabeth Holmes Melissa Linton Johnna Cline Barbara Johnson 3 New 2 New Personal Team Members Alison Burkholder Nicole Pratt Blythe Egbert Stephanie Cost Johnna Cline Denise Pettet Mary Cho Barbie Turner Kristin Eilerman April Barber Julia Burnett Nadine Stanley Heather Erbe Pamela Koeninger Allison Davis London Arbuckle Alicia Sherrill Christina Frank Emily Gilbert Shaw Area Unit Size AVERAGE Shaw AREA Unit Size Goal: 77 Current: 82 AVERAGE Shaw AREA wholesale per unit Goal: $10,000 Current: $12,273 If your numbers are HIGHER than this, YOU are bringing the average UP! If your numbers are lower than this, will you increase them to the min. goals so you can contribute to BRINGING THEM UP and receive YOUR increase!! IF you added 8 unit agreements, etc. ---- -change results to 24, 30, 45, 60 as you go down the line. UNIT SIZE 150-200+ Leah Lauchlan Cindy Machado-Flippen Julia Burnett Blythe Egbert Barbara Johnson Nadine Stanley 314 258 236 175 173 165 UNIT SIZE 100-149 Christina Frantz Heather Erbe Megan Higby Amber Nichols April Hutchinson 143 137 121 118 118 UNIT SIZE 70-99 Nicole Pratt Mary Cho 80 79 UNIT SIZE 70-99 (cont) Brenda Gingrich 79 Denise Wolfe 71 Carly Platfoot 70 UNIT SIZE 40-69 (cont) Denise Pettet 44 Kristin Eilerman 42 Stacey Curry 41 UNIT SIZE 40-69 Allison Davis Chelsey McGrath Tina Roux Barbie Turner London Arbuckle Stephanie Cost Alison Burkholder Kaye Manship Melissa Linton Christina Frank Sarah Light Gail Hopwood-Weisenborn UNIT SIZE 39 below Esther Sue Murray Alexandra Pallos Johnna Cline Lynda Crick April Barber Elizabeth Holmes Pamela Koeninger Alina Brown Debbie Sharp Laurie Proffitt Lisa Lofton Alicia Sherrill 67 63 60 60 54 54 52 50 50 49 48 47 38 37 37 33 33 31 31 30 35 28 28 28 UNIT SIZE 39 below (cont) Sandra Lee 27 Debra Sharp 26 Jennifer Raley 24 Cheryl Auker 22 Debra-Anne Singelton 22 Kimberly Joseph 21 Emily Gilbert 19 Carol Osborne 11 ADDING ADDING ADDING ADDING 10 a month JULY – NOV = +40 to your DEC 1 UNIT SIZE! 15 + 60 20 + 80 30 + 120 CHANGE your UNIT Size and CHANGE Everything!! 5+ 2+ 2 (Your Gold Medal + 2 New Pearls + 2 Pearls from LAST Month’s new consis- MOVIN’ ON UP! New Director GOALs TOTAL : 77 Current: 50 Susan Maguire Senior, Pamela Shaw Stephanie Moon Senior, Chelsey McGrath “SHAW AREA AWARD OF EXCELLENCE” Make sure YOU are a Winner at Seminar 2012!!! SURPRISE gift being selected New Directors! Debut with min. 40 Unit Members and min. $25,000 Wholesale Complete Write Track Challenge (first 3 months as a Director add min 3 qualified personals & minimum $15,000 wh) "YEAR ONE- NEW SALES DIRECTOR TRACK TO RUN" Get On The Move On Your First Three Months! The Challenge: (1) Complete a Total of $15,000 Wholesale Production (2) Add 3 Qualified Personal Team Members in 90 Days! Earn $1,000 bonus! Senior Dir will earn $500 On the Move Your First 3 Months! Month of Contest Name Debut Month Johnna Cline Feb‐12 Susan Maguire May‐12 1st Stephanie Moon May‐12 1st Total Adj Unit Whs Personal Total Personal Adj Unit Whs Qual Rcts Qual Rcts Needed Needed Final Totals $17,255.00 4 WINNER WINNER $519.50 0 $14,480.50 3 $28.00 0 $14,972.00 3 Mary Kay’s Fabulous 50’s Club! Your First 6 Months Earn $1,000 bonus! Senior Dir will earn $500 Who will it be?? YOU??? Name 50 NonTerminated Unit Members & $30,000 ws in 6 Mos! Alexandra Pallos Debbie Sharp Johnna Cline Susan Maguire Stephanie Moon Debut Month Month of Contest Total Adj Unit Whs Total Unit Adj Unit Whs Unit Members Size Needed Needed Nov‐11 Final Totals $38,398.25 Nov‐11 Final Totals $25,149.50 Feb‐12 4th $17,630.50 May‐12 1st $519.50 May‐12 1st $28.00 37 26 35 41 32 whs met $4,850.50 $12,369.50 $29,480.50 $29,972.00 13 24 15 9 18 You will be getting the option of earning 3 STACK rings --- PLUS the $1,000 bonuses Mary Kay Honors Society! Your First Year— It’s a Shaw Area Tradition of Excellence—Step Up! * Achieve at least $60,000 in Unit Wholesale Production and * Have a Unit Size of 50 or more one year from your debut date. Honors Society Winner! Results through May 12, 2012 Melissa Linton Name Elizabeth Holmes Melissa Linton Emily Gilbert Kimberly Joseph Carol Osborne Mary Cho Kristin Eilerman Alina Brown Chelsey McGrath Alexandra Pallos Debbie Sharp Johnna Cline Susan Maguire Stephanie Moon Month of Contest Total Adj Unit Whs Final Totals Final Totals Final Totals 11th 11th 11th 11th 10th 8th 7th 7th 4th 1st 1st $62,984.25 $97,389.25 $44,480.50 $33,724.50 $20,126.75 $131,719.00 $57,574.00 $35,657.25 $67,716.50 $39,228.50 $25,305.50 $17,630.50 $519.50 $28.00 Total Unit Adj Unit Whs Members Unit Needed Size Needed 31 50 19 20 10 75 42 30 34 37 25 35 41 32 whs met 19 WINNER WINNER $15,519.50 31 $26,275.50 30 $39,873.25 40 whs met mbrs met $2,426.00 8 $24,342.75 20 whs met 16 $20,771.50 13 $34,694.50 25 $42,369.50 15 $59,480.50 9 $59,972.00 18 On the Move! Johnna Cline Fab 50’s Your Name Here Who will it be?? YOU??? Who will it be?? YOU??? GRAND SLAMMERS 2011 & 2012 THIS SECTION will begin to track our Shaw Area NEW DIRECTOR GRAND SLAM Award! I want to see our DIRECTORS bring home $3000 for each opportunity! If you have done WRITE TRACK and still have 50’s coming, or if you have completed WT and 50’s, next month you will be featured in this section! Then we will begin w/ all our NEW DIRECTORS cheering you on to hit the FIRST ONE and then 2,3 for a GRAND SLAM victory getting your FIRST YEAR as a director off to EXCELLENCE ShawX style! Sarah Light Denise Pettet New Director Debut Date On the Move Fab 50’s Honor Society Sarah Light Dec‐2010 Feb 2011 May 2011 Nov 2011 Denise Pettet Jan 2011 March 2011 June 2011 Dec 2011 Johnna Cline Feb 2012 April 2012 The SHAWX ADVANTAGE — Do you have it? Are you grabbing it? 40+ Personals / 12+Qualified Seminar 2012 / $10K+ Personal Team / 13% Rec 100+ Unit Size [every unit as you work ON the GROW in increments of 25. Growing to 50, to 75, to 100 and beyond!] 50% of unit as SENIORS/ 50% of Seniors in RED April ’2012 Results Leading By eXample, the Shaw Elite (40+) Personal Team Size Sales Director (A Must!!) New PTM YTD YTD April 2012 for the month Total Recruits Qualified 13% Check 1 Stephanie Cost * 28 2 28 13 $591 2 Nicole Pratt 27 2 27 8 $694 3 April Hutchinson 30 3 26 13 $1514 4 Blythe Egbert 44 2 22 11 $652 5 Megan Higby 41 0 21 10 $1278 6 Alison Burkholder * 30 2 20 12 $1011 7 Amber Nichols * 31 0 14 9 $543 8 Gail Weisenborn * 28 3 14 5 $229 9 Barbara Johnson * 34 4 14 5 $419 10 Cindy Flippen 27 0 6 3 $608 11 Brenda Gingrich 35 3 9 4 $1085 12 Julia Burnett 25 1 13 4 $281 13 14 15 *= GenX ** = GenX Elite Recognizing those Directors with 25+ Personals, the Elite (above) nailing that Personal 13% Check—LBX! CHEERING TO LBX EARNING 13% personal team commission but under 25 personal Team members * = GenX Elizabeth Holmes 21 * Johnna Cline 22 Debbie Sharp 21 * Stacey Curry 23 * Alexandra Pallos 15 Melissa Linton 19 * ** = GenX Elite Denise Pettet 19 * April Barber 20 * Kristin Eilerman 15 * Alina Brown 12 Tina Frantz 14 * Sarah Light 16 Lynda Crick 23 Cheryl Auker 18 Laurie Proffitt 18 GRAB the SHAWTIME ADVANTAGE by increasing your Personal Team Size by min. FIVE A MONTH until you hit 40! YOU CAN DO IT!!! ATTENTION ATTENION! FOUR to SCORE EXCELLENCE! 1. The 13% check. I APPLAUD those directors whose reputations and character DICTATES this choice of earning excellence. To miss THIS opportunity from the Company’s generous marketing plan is .... 2. Your Personal Team SIZE above 24 (which is small) and on the GROW. Your personal Team Size can never be replaced by talent, unit size or personality. It is foundational to being ‘promotable’ in this business. (my opinion and observation). Your choice to have a personal team below 30 sets the stage for many other negative results and you relinquish 'quality‘control’ of your entire organization. 3. Personal GENX and ELITE. I know I need say no more. 4. BOOK 10! (by the 5th) “27” (of 54—BRAVO!) Directors earned 13% PR check (HIGHEST # ever!). Of those 34, 17 of you currently have 24+ Personal Team Members! There were 17 Directors who did GENX/Elite. There were 12 Directors who did Book 10. And there were "4" of our Leaders who have Personal Team Sizes above 24, earned a 13% check, and of those who also did Did GENX/Elite, AND Booked 10— AMBER NICHOLS AND ALISON BURKHOLDER (again) and ADD BARBARA JOHNSON AND STEPHANIE COST— FOUR to SCORE! A repeat from LAST MONTH!! Congratulations! These FOUR places are places to WIN --- places where your ‘control’ over them is in your personal DISCIPLINE and where the FOUNDATION will give you the rise in promotion you are looking for! (SUSAN, in yellow I'm leaving here for next month)I pray you will not only applaud Amber & Alison, Barbara & Stephanie but imitate these 4 places to win. Add VISION and LEADERSHIP/people skills growth, and YOU WILL BE AN UNSTOPPABLE leader! Honestly IF you put your heart and soul into making THESE wins your reality this month, moved your NEW people through Business Debuts and scheduled Power Starts (pearls), Invested in your BOOK 10 COMMITTED DIQ’s---- YOU WOULD SEE TREMENDOUS increase! Shining in PEARL SEMINAR Rank YTD Unit Retail Sales #4 Leah Lauchlan #6 Cindy Machado-Flippen #20 Julia Burnett Court of Sharing #5 Johnna Cline #17 Stephanie Cost Director’s Court of Sales: #28 Cheryl Auker Consultant’s Court of Sales #5 Anecia Maroney - Heather Erbe Unit #13 Lisa Marie Lizarda - Cindy Flippen Unit Pearl Seminar July 18-21, 2012 July 16 TOP 5 Dinner July 17 DIR DAY – RED RALLY July 18 SHAW BANQUET July 19 Day 1 July 20 Day 2 and AWARDS NIGHT July 21 Day 3 and closing LEADERS MENTORING LEADERS to MOVE UP!! ON TARGET CARS BURNETT- Nicole Broomall ROUX- Jennifer Gillette $10,889 Marsha Setliff FRANTZ- Maura Zornes Tracy Doyle Allyson Stephens LACHLAN- Alli Allen Carissa Spencer DAVIS- Helen Jin SHAW Unit- Susan Maguire WOLFE Unit- Sarah Couch Jennifer Schmidt EGBERT- Brittanny Denniston NICHOLS- Kelli Lawson ARBUCKLE - Christinea Loudensla JOHNSON- Debbie Grube-Taylor HIGBY Andrea McCombs Sarah Lindsey NEW DIRECTOR CAR WINNERS APRIL BARBER DIQ— We have "25" DIQ's building to 100 LEADERS STRONG! "12" of these DIQ's in the FUTURE LAUCHLAN "pure" AREA "10" of these DIQ's in the FUTURE BURNETT "pure" AREA “3” of these DIQ’s are in the SHAW AREA “unaffiliated” Who is next to move up to ESD, EESD, NSD?? LAUCHLAN Alli Allen Katie Vollmer Carissa Spencer Colleen Elliott Kara May Jessica Garwood WOLFE Sarah Couch PLATFOOT Jodie Egbert BURNETT Nicole Broomall Joanna Campbell Lindsay Autrey Alison Waldridge EILERMAN Stephanie Staley NICHOLS Maggie Kays PALLOS Jennifer Shutters HIGBY Andrea McCombs Sarah Lindsey STANLEY Arlene Smith EGBERT Brittanny Denniston FRANTZ Allyson Stephen Kristin Erickson ERBE Anecia Maroney MANSHIP Siera Swift DAVIS Molly Hinderliter ROUX Jennifer Gillette And then the SPECIAL RECOGNITION goes to AMBER NICHOLS and ALISON BURKHOLDER, BARBARA JOHNSON AND STEPHANIE COST!! Directors leading by EXAMPLE – GENX Elite! (Only those listed where DIRECTOR was GenX or Elite herself) GENX April Barber + 1 Alina Brown + 1 Alison Burkholder + 2 London Ann Arbuckle + 1 Elite + 3 GX Densie Pettet + 2 GX Stephanie Cost Stacey Curry + 1 Elite + 3 GX Tina Frantz + 4 GX Gail Hopwood Weisenborn Elizabeth Holmes Barbara Johnson + 4 Kim Joseph Melissa Linton + 1 Elite Amber Nichols + 2 + 2 Elite Tina Roux + 2 + 2 Eite Debbie Sharp Denise Wolfe + 1 BOOK 10 DIRECTOR + Committed DIQ’s who BOOKED 10!!! London Ann Arbuckle +2 Alison Burkholder April Barber Stephanie Cost Blythe Egbert + 1 Barbara Johnson + 3 Sarah Light Amber Nichols + 4 Denise Pettet Tina Roux + 1 Jenny Raley + 1 Barbie Turner And then the SPECIAL RECOGNITION goes to Amber Nichols, Allison Burkholder, Barbara Johnson &and Stephanie Cost. Most Improved Unit - 145% Increase Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Wholesale Production Name London A. Arbuckle Cheryl A. Auker Christina L. Frantz Kaye S. Manship Megan L. Higby Pamela W. Shaw Julia S. Burnett Laurie Proffitt Leah M. Lauchlan Tina L. Roux 85.50% 63.30% 56.90% 56.60% 39.60% 16.90% 19.40% 26.10% ‐4.30% 21.30% Unit Size Recruits Change 14.80% 4.70% 17.20% ‐1.90% 28.70% 2.30% ‐2.80% 0.00% 46.00% 20.00% 19.40% 50.00% 24.50% 47.60% ‐8.60% 25.60% 15.10% ‐26.60% 8.20% ‐12.20% Most Improved: Wholesale Name Prior Yr London A. Arbuckle Cheryl A. Auker Christina L. Frantz Kaye S. Manship Megan L. Higby Laurie Proffitt Lynda M. Crick Tina L. Roux Julia S. Burnett Pamela W. Shaw Current Yr $42,912.00 $28,041.25 $144,546.50 $44,528.25 $111,447.50 $31,818.00 $40,489.25 $65,012.75 $207,348.00 $446,192.80 $79,618.25 $45,816.50 $226,813.00 $69,744.00 $155,653.30 $40,144.25 $50,897.25 $78,873.00 $247,660.20 $521,998.80 Cheryl A. Auker Kaye S. Manship Pamela W. Shaw Christina L. Frantz London A. Arbuckle Julia S. Burnett Leah M. Lauchlan Esther Sue Murray Barbie C. Turner Pamela S. Koeninger Prior Yr 6 21 109 106 36 119 194 14 28 18 Current Yr 9 31 137 132 43 137 210 15 28 17 Consultant Productivity 26.00% 16.60% ‐0.70% ‐6.50% 16.90% 11.40% 16.90% 20.00% ‐32.00% ‐11.90% Overall 145.70% 134.60% 97.90% 95.80% 76.60% 56.20% 48.60% 19.50% 17.90% 17.20% Most Improved: Unit Size % Change 85.50% 63.30% 56.90% 56.60% 39.60% 26.10% 25.70% 21.30% 19.40% 16.90% Name Prior Yr Leah M. Lauchlan Megan L. Higby Tina L. Roux Carly J. Platfoot Christina L. Frantz Brenda K. Gingrich London A. Arbuckle Cheryl A. Auker Pamela W. Shaw Christina M. Frank Most Improved: Agreements Name 4/2012 215 94 50 59 122 68 47 21 503 49 Current Yr % Change 314 121 60 70 143 79 54 22 515 49 46.00% 28.70% 20.00% 18.60% 17.20% 16.10% 14.80% 4.70% 2.30% 0.00% Most Improved: Consultant Productivity % Change 50.00% 47.60% 25.60% 24.50% 19.40% 15.10% 8.20% 7.10% 0.00% -5.50% Name April R. Barber London A. Arbuckle Laurie Proffitt Lisa Lofton Julia S. Burnett Megan L. Higby Cheryl A. Auker Lynda M. Crick Pamela W. Shaw Jennifer M. Raley Prior Yr Current Yr % Change $130.45 $153.25 $123.80 $85.40 $99.59 $138.61 $173.09 $131.88 $93.32 $128.36 $168.37 $193.24 $148.68 $100.87 $116.49 $162.13 $201.83 $152.38 $104.02 $139.00 29.00% 26.00% 20.00% 18.10% 16.90% 16.90% 16.60% 15.50% 11.40% 8.20% Must be a UNIT CLUB Director to win Most Improved Award. SHAWXTime Advantage Starts with 40 PERSONALS! Take Charge! I believe in you! As I dissect our DIRECTORS with 25 or more personal team members, I am EVER convinced of the truth--that the STRENGTH of your foundation and the integrity of your LEADERSHIP rests in the base you BUILD and the example you set! We have 9 directors with 25-29 personals and these leaders have 30+ Blythe Egbert 44 Megan Higby 41 Leah Lauchlan 36 Brenda Gingrich 35 Barbara Johnson 34 Pamela Shaw 33 Amber Nichols 31 Alison Burkholder 30 April Hutchinson 30 Gail Weisenborn 28 Stephanie Cost 28 Nadine Stanley 27 Cindy -Flippen 27 Nicole Pratt 27 Susan Maguire 26 Barbie Turner 25 Julia Burnett- 25 Rookie of the Year Ranking 4/2012 (Units under 2 years old ranked with other units under 2 years) Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Wholesale Ranking Mary W. Cho Chelsey C. McGrath Stephanie A. Cost Melissa Linton Alison P. Burkholder Sarah N. Light Kristin E. Eilerman Alexandra S. Pallos Elizabeth Z. Holmes Denise R. Pettet Johnna E. Cline Alina G. Brown Emily J. Gilbert Kimberly Joseph Wholesale Ranking Mary W. Cho Stephanie A. Cost Melissa Linton Sarah N. Light Alison Burkholder Chelsey McGrath Kristin E. Eilerman Denise R. Pettet Elizabeth Holmes Alexandra Pallos Alina G. Brown Emily J. Gilbert Kimberly Joseph Debbie Sharp Carol Osborne $130,292.80 $87,834.25 $77,514.25 $71,801.75 $69,069.75 $67,192.50 $58,928.25 $56,885.25 $52,257.25 $38,398.25 $35,536.75 $34,155.75 $31,262.25 $25,149.50 $19,874.75 Unit Size Ranking 1 6 2 3 5 4 7 10 9 8 16 11 12 13 1 2 3 5 4 6 8 10 11 7 9 12 15 14 Unit Size Ranking Mary W. Cho Chelsey C. McGrath Stephanie A. Cost Alison P. Burkholder Melissa Linton Sarah N. Light Denise R. Pettet Kristin E. Eilerman Alexandra S. Pallos Johnna E. Cline Elizabeth Z. Holmes Alina G. Brown Debbie Sharp Kimberly Joseph Emily J. Gilbert Agreements Ranking 79 63 54 52 50 48 44 42 37 37 31 30 26 21 19 Consultant Productivity 1 2 4 3 7 8 6 10 5 9 15 11 12 14 1 2 3 6 7 10 8 4 12 14 5 13 11 9 Agreement Recruits Mary W. Cho Chelsey C. McGrath Melissa Linton Stephanie A. Cost Elizabeth Z. Holmes Kristin E. Eilerman Alison P. Burkholder Sarah N. Light Denise R. Pettet Alexandra S. Pallos Alina G. Brown Emily J. Gilbert Debbie Sharp Kimberly Joseph Johnna Cline Overall Total Ranking 4 12 12 17 23 28 29 34 37 38 45 47 50 50 Consultant Productivity 83 56 54 54 45 43 37 30 27 22 20 13 12 9 8 Mary W. Cho Chelsey C. McGrath Stephanie A. Cost Alexandra S. Pallos Johnna E. Cline Melissa Linton Alison P. Burkholder Kristin E. Eilerman Kimberly Joseph Sarah N. Light Emily J. Gilbert Elizabeth Z. Holmes Alina G. Brown Denise R. Pettet Debbie Sharp $209.47 $203.61 $191.77 $169.90 $167.52 $155.96 $145.10 $136.40 $135.92 $132.72 $122.42 $122.38 $116.89 $114.45 $113,79 The Rookie of the Year is determined by adding up your “Ranking” for each category, and the lowest combined Ranking is the Winner! Wholesale is simply your Wholesale Production. Unit Size equals your current Unit Size. Agreements is your Unit Recruiting Total, and Consultant Productivity is your Wholesale divided by your Unit Size. The Rookie of the Year receives a beautiful Trophy on Shaw Night at Seminar! “SHAW MAN OF THE YEAR” Receive $100 towards golf green fee (or activity of choice) FREE lunch Director Day FREE Dinner Shaw Banquet Stage Recognition with Plaque Select gift from Pam To enter, submit “Supportive Husband” stories with photo all year long publication on Shaw Man page occasional Newsletter *Must be spouse of active consultant/Director. ALL NOMINATIONS AND LETTERS MUST BE SUBMITTED DURING THE SEMINAR YEAR July 1, 2010-June 30 2012 Director Court of Sales! Area Court of Sharing! $18,000 Retail Shaw Court $36,000 Retail National Court 12Q Shaw Court 24Q National Court * Rank will begin with National Court Winners! Must be on National Court to be Queen! Director Total Retail $41,003 1 Cheryl Auker $35,192 2 Lynda Crick $33,533 3 Debbie Sharp $32,010 4 Johnna Cline $29,654 5 London Arbuckle Brenda Gingrich $28,163 6 $26,240 7 April Hutchinson $25,191 8 Megan Higby 9 Debra-Anne Singleton $24,728 $22,173 10 Denise Pettet 11 Gail Hopwood-Weisenb $22,117 $21,813 12 Carol Osborne $21,580 13 Elizabeth Holmes $21,492 14 Melissa Linton $21,116 15 April Barber $20,596 16 Julia Burnett $20,405 17 Laurie Proffitt $19,684 18 Alison Burkholder $18,243 19 Jennifer Raley 20 Cindy Machado-Flippe $17,950 $17,426 21 Stephanie Cost $17,288 22 Blythe Egbert $17,154 23 Christina Frank $16,927 24 Christina Frantz $16,831 25 Kristin Eilerman Name Unit 1 Johnna Cline 2 Stephanie Cost 3 April Hutchinson 4 Alison Burkholder 5 Blythe Egbert 6 Elizabeth Holmes 7 Andrea McCombs 8 Stacey Curry 9 Megan Higby 10 Stephanie Moon 11 Allyson Stephens 12 Barbie Turner 13 Alli Allen 14 Chelsey McGrath 15 Amber Nichols 16 Leah Lauchlan 17 Alexandra Pallos 18 Debbie Sharp 19 Anecia Maroney 20 Nicole Pratt Commissions Unit Director Unit Director Unit Director Unit Director Unit Director Unit Director Higby Unit Unit Director Unit Director McGrath Unit Frantz Unit Unit Director Lauchlan Unit Unit Director Unit Director Unit Director Unit Director Unit Director Heather Erbe Unit Unit Director Cheryl Auker $5,934 $4,529 $2,880 $2,252 $3,742 $2,685 $1,630 $2,482 $3,684 $2,186 $1,850 $1,930 $1,962 $2,090 $2,188 $3,040 $2,838 $1,260 $2,711 $1,943 Qual. 23 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 Johnna Cline #1 Director in Sales #1 in Sharing Denise Yerkes—Commissions Earned SHAW AREA TRIPLE STAR AWARD Court of Sales $36,000 Retail (Average $1,500 Wholesale monthly) Shaw Area $18,000 (Average $750 Wholesale monthly) Court of Sharing 24+ Qualified (Average 2 Qualified monthly) 12 Qualified (Average 1 Qualified monthly) Shaw Area Court of Sales (+) Shaw Area Court of Sharing (+) Unit Club Tiaras & Sashes for the Shaw Court Queens, Plaques for Top 3 Sales, Top 5 Recruiting, Sashes & Photo Buttons for Top 10, Certificates for all winners! The Shawtime Super Scoreboard April 2012 Leah Lauchlan Cindy Flippen Julia Burnett Christina Frantz Blythe Egbert Heather Erbe Mary Cho Megan Higby Barbara Johnson April Hutchinson Tina Roux Chelsey McGrath London Arbuckle lNadine Stanley Amber Nichols Stephanie Cost Allison Davis Alison Burkholder Jennifer Raley Nicole Pratt Stacey Curry Brenda Gingrich Kaye Manship Melissa Linton Christina Frank Carly Platfoot Alexandra Pallos Kristin Eilerman Denise Wolfe Denise Pettet Johnna Cline Esther Sue Murray Elizabeth Holmes Alina Brown Sarah Light Lynda Crick Barbie Turner Emily Gilbert Laurie Proffitt Lisa Lofton Debbie Sharp April Barber Cheryl Auker Gail Weisenborn $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Wholesale 49,344.75 31,885.75 30,346.50 29,222.50 29,045.00 25,011.50 24,785.75 24,692.75 21,010.50 19,800.00 18,964.25 17,048.25 16,675.75 15,486.25 15,045.50 13,529.50 13,001.50 11,219.25 10,552.25 9,671.75 9,657.75 9,201.25 9,099.50 8,077.25 8,050.75 7,406.50 6,575.75 6,023.75 6,008.50 5,240.00 5,118.00 5,110.25 5,020.25 5,005.50 5,002.00 4,367.25 4,226.75 4,064.00 4,059.25 4,007.00 4,005.75 4,003.25 4,001.00 4,000.75 Unit Volume Bonus $ 3,600.00 $ 2,600.00 $ 2,600.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 $ 900.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $$$$$$$$$- Unit Size 314 258 236 143 175 137 79 121 173 118 60 63 54 165 118 54 67 52 24 80 41 79 50 50 49 70 37 42 71 44 37 38 31 30 48 33 60 19 28 28 26 33 22 47 Monthly Unit Personal Personal Director’s 13% Recruits Recruits Wholesale Check Club DIQ’s Car 45 0 $ 299.00 $15,760.59 $ 5 CADILLAC 3 0 $ 626.50 $ 8,258.95 $ 607.88 0 CADILLAC 26 1 $ 1,225.75 $16,778.19 $ 281.32 5 CADILLAC 13 0 $ 929.25 $ 8,453.88 $ 214.44 2 CADILLAC 20 2 $ 742.50 $ 9,038.65 $ 651.89 1 CADILLAC 10 1 $ 13.00 $ 6,551.93 $ 1 CADILLAC 15 2 $ 247.50 $ 6,122.15 $ 0 PREMIER PLUS 9 0 $ 603.25 $ 5,910.06 $ 1,277.80 2 CADILLAC 5 3 $ 662.75 $ 8,051.88 $ 418.73 0 CADILLAC 19 3 $ 1,027.00 $ 5,425.30 $ 1,514.40 0 CADILLAC 12 0 $ 695.00 $ 4,665.35 $ 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 16 3 $ 508.25 $ 4,416.27 $ 1 PREMIER CLUB 10 1 $ 1,238.75 $ 4,267.85 $ 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 12 1 $ - $ 3,859.80 $ 0 CADILLAC 5 0 $ 656.00 $ 3,511.50 $ 542.59 0 CADILLAC 6 2 $ 775.25 $ 3,558.84 $ 590.72 0 PREMIER CLUB 12 1 $ 454.00 $ 4,529.49 $ 0 CADILLAC 5 2 $ 653.50 $ 2,858.50 $ 1,010.72 0 PREMIER CLUB 5 3 $ 437.50 $ 2,671.79 $ 0 7 2 $ 696.00 $ 2,157.33 $ 694.23 0 CADILLAC 7 5 $ 656.50 $ 2,542.38 $ 1,085.24 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 4 3 $ 607.75 $ 2,705.06 $ 1,085.24 0 CADILLAC 2 0 $ 35.00 $ 2,082.94 $ 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 10 4 $ 729.25 $ 3,150.04 $ 500.01 0 PREMIER PLUS 2 1 $ 203.75 $ 1,846.60 $ 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 1 0 $ - $ 1,662.85 $ 2 PREMIER CLUB 4 0 $ 612.25 $ 1,454.85 $ 276.35 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 8 1 $ 656.50 $ 1,383.09 $ 321.00 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 2 0 $ 980.00 $ 2,204.20 $ 0 CADILLAC 3 2 $ 1,015.50 $ 1,181.20 $ 276.58 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 3 2 $ 654.00 $ 2,165.34 $ 468.98 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 0 0 $ - $ 1,164.33 $ 0 3 3 $ 803.00 $ 1,152.63 $ 515.91 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 1 0 $ 825.25 $ 1,150.72 $ 200.72 0 1 0 $ 798.50 $ 1,150.26 $ 181.51 0 PREMIER CLUB 0 0 $ 2,152.50 $ 567.74 $ 254.61 0 2 2 $ 298.00 $ 549.48 $ 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 1 1 $ 894.00 $ 528.32 $ 0 1 0 $ 1,000.75 $ 527.70 $ 320.22 0 0 0 $ 1,679.25 $ 907.22 $ 0 1 0 $ 2,195.50 $ 520.75 $ 157.14 0 GRAND ACHIEVER 2 1 $ 1,327.00 $ 520.42 $ 291.69 0 1 0 $ 2,030.25 $ 888.18 $ 335.21 0 3 3 $ 1,624.50 $ 520.10 $ 228.51 0 GRAND ACHIEVER The SHAWX — the SHAWTIME ADVANTAGE! Take advantage of the ADVANTAGE!! 40+ personals [by way of 25 and growing on a goal schedule] 13% personal recruiting check [every month!] 10+ New Unit Recruits Monthly!!! $10,000+ personal team production [never below $5k—bonus $$] NO money on the table—5+ Unit qualifieds monthly & $100 Personal Qualified Recruits ON the Grow to 100 and beyond in increments of 25 EVERY 90 days 50% of your Unit= SENIORS/ 50% of your Seniors in Red Jackets! HOW many GENERATION NEXT Consultants are you promoting? Keepin’ it Simple• Keepin’ it Personal• Keepin’ it REAL•DREAM BIG YTD Unit Recruiting Leah Christina Julia April YTD Unit Retail Production Seminar 2011-2012 Mary Must be $500K Unit Club or above to be #1 Must Be Unit Club to be Top 5! Director YTD Seminar Qualified 1 Leah Lauchlan 2 Christina Frantz 3 Julia Burnett 4 April Hutchinson 5 Mary Cho 6 Blythe Egbert 7 Megan Higby 8 Heather Erbe 9 Cindy Flippen 10 Allison Davis 11 Chelsey McGrath 12 Stephanie Cost 13 Amber Nichols 14 London Arbuckle 15 Christina Frank 16 Barbara Johnson 17 Melissa Linton 18 Nadine Stanley 19 Alison Burkholder 20 Elizabeth Holmes 21 Tina Roux 22 Stacey Curry 23 Denise Wolfe 24 Sarah Light 25 Kristin Eilerman 69 57 45 40 40 38 35 32 26 26 24 24 21 20 20 17 17 16 16 16 14 14 13 13 13 Total Recruits 210 132 137 106 83 98 84 84 57 69 56 54 56 43 38 58 54 64 37 45 43 36 37 30 43 Qualified are calculated by Company as SEMINAR QUALIFIED, same as the Court of Sharing. Accumulated $600 for the year (A+1 counts, but so do the others!). TOP 3 2012 Perks and Rewards The Top 5 Dinner Exquisite Dinner, Swarovski jewelry, private limo ride, time together with spouses, Pam, best seats for people at Banquet, & head table seating! THERE will be THREE SUITES for Top UNIT RECRUITING #1 Must be $500k + All TOP 5 must be UNIT CLUB Existing bracelets will receive add-a-diamond (1 @ $650k | 2 @ $800k plus) New $500k Directors will receive new ADD A DIAMOND bracelets #1 Director: Complimentary Suite, Teacher Area Day, Top 5 Dinner, Gift from Pam, #1 Plaque, Top Ten Photo Rosette, Custom Tiara, Sash, #1 Pearl/Diamond Bee, & Airport Sedan Service. Who is gonna be my Queen at Seminar 2012? Ending April 30, 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Leah Lauchlan Cindy Flippen Julia Burnett Christina Frantz Heather Erbe Blythe Egbert Barbara Johnson Nadine Stanley Megan Higby April Hutchinson Mary Cho Amber Nichols Allison Davis Stephanie Cost Denise Wolfe London Arbuckle Brenda Gingrich Tina Roux Melissa Linton Christina Frank Chelsey McGrath Kaye Manship Alison Burkholder Nicole Pratt Sarah Light Carly Platfoot Barbie Turner Denise Pettet Stacey Curry Kristin Eilerman Elizabeth Holmes Lynda Crick Gail Weisenborn April Barber Cheryl Auker Cindy Machado—YTD Unit Production $1,004,533 Seminar 2011 It’s Shawtime at Seminar 2012 #2, #3 Director: Room Upgrade to Suite, Top 5 Dinner, Teacher, Gift from Pam, Plaque, Sash, & Top Ten Photo Rosette. Prestige Trip $800k + #4, #5 Director: Top 5 Dinner, Gift from Pam, Top Provence, France Ten Trophy, & Top Ten Photo Rosette. Blythe Egbert—YTD Unit Recruiting 288 Total Recruits 2011 Cindy Machado—YTD Unit Recruiting 144 Qualified 2003 $691,461 $660,509 $513,892 $459,109 $446,310 $373,370 $348,051 $340,696 $321,298 $303,820 $277,032 $252,071 $207,355 $183,488 $169,590 $169,006 $160,825 $158,288 $156,193 $150,197 $144,913 $143,681 $140,448 $139,524 $139,521 $125,042 $119,079 $117,734 $114,986 $114,579 $109,000 $105,712 $105,207 $96,798 $95,903 Sept 7-12 Sept 11-18 $650k circle and above-Monaco GOALS Monthly Wholesale New Agreements Area Size Goal ACTUAL $700,000 500 (Ave 10 each) 5,000 Actual April WS $625,930 (Goal remains $700k) April was < $70k under March!!! For INNER CIRCLE need to MAKE up for each month under the other $700k!! ANYBODY wanna double? Actual April Agreements 320 (LETS REPEAT---IF EVERY unit added 10 UNIT recruits, we (=969 RECORD) would add 500 to our AREA! WOW, would you?) Current 4,215 Current March 15 Stars STARS for Dec 15 CAR Driving Directors 350 278 MARCH 15 Goal :350: ACTUAL 278!! DEC Goal: 350 ACTUAL: 300 SEPT Goal: 350 ACTUAL: 187 JUNE Goal 350: Actual 270 100% Current 72% Cadillac Directors 20 by Sem 2012 Current 15 Average Unit Size 77 Current Average Unit Production Gold Medals in April $10,000 30 We have 2 months until Seminar 2012 and 14 months until our 50th Anniversary Seminar 2013!! It isn't too early to DECIDE about where you'll be at either benchmark! I so know that you can be absolutely ANYWHERE you want to be IF you are willing to get targeted in your efforts, clarity in a vision, and tenacity in pursuing it by investing in other's dreams and goals! Personally Recruiting and hand selecting your offspring by working from a base of 30-40-50-60- personals--- having a vision for growth and multiplication--- ANY goal can be yours—AND YOUR Consultants! (*unaffiliated means Directors not associated with an Offspring National Area after debut as NSD). I am eager to hear your COMMITMENTS! Current GOAL $15k per unit! ALMOST THERE! Thank you to ALL Units who hit $8k CAR +! You go higher, you take OUR AREA average up. You go lower....;-( you make less $!!!) 82 High 571 Low 11 $12,273 #1 AGAIN!! Gold Medal 1 DIRECTORlinkof,thereis NOWADIRECTORTRAINING CENTER!Ithinkyouwillbe AMAZINGLY surprisedtofind allyourcurrent trackingsheets andinformation weuseOFTENso easilyaccessibleto you! Thereareacoupleofreplacementsin theworks,butforthemostpart,itis upandrunningforyou!OTHER UPDATESandcurrentrecognition coming! The 13% check is a portion of the marketing plan that is intended for Team Leaders to begin earning, and as you move up the Career Path, to RETAIN that avenue of income. I APPLAUD those directors whose reputations and character DICTATES this choice of earning excellence. It reveals your foundational ‘leading by example’ mindset, and it authenticates you as a leader. Your personal Team Size can never be replaced by talent, unit size or personality. It is foundational to being ‘promotable’ in this business. (my opinion and observation. Elite Executive Senior NSD Gloria M. Banks personal team size varies from 80-100. Mine from 30-50. Our earning discrepancy is revealed there. Your choice to have a personal team below 30 sets the stage for many other results! Let’s all step it up as we CONGRATULATE those Shaw Directors leading with this level of EXCELLENCE! Congratulations on your AMAZING month of APRIL as an AREA! Here we are— the last 60 days of our SEMINAR YEAR! Who can believe how fast a Seminar year flies? I know that in this section for MAY and JUNE results, we will have MORE NEW CAR PICTURES to feature! It is my STRONG DESIRE that EVERY Sales Director lead the way by staying in a CAREER CAR and advancing to CADDI (if that is your desire) within the next 6 months. You cannot take people where you're not willing to go, and if you don't raise up CAR DRIVERS and DIQ's in your unit's, you will be hard pressed to 'grow' and increase! CARS multiply cars. CADDIS multiply Caddis. We SHOW people the way. We don't tell them. MY 'tweet' today was (1.) Talent, Trophies, Confidence. (2.) Heart, Hard Work, Preparation, Coachable, Persevering, Character. I'll take the 2nd ANY day of ANY year and watch that person RISE to the TOP over his/her peers! I believe with all my heart that regardless where you've been, that with a CLEAR goal and time deadline, the latter will win—by a landslide! To change your results, you must change your mind. YOU choose where to park your thoughts (forward or fear-failure). YOU choose whether or not to address negative thoughts, habits, patterns that hold you back. YOU choose accountability (or not). YOU choose to grow (or not). YOU choose to dream BIG and work with big numbers (or not). YOU choose to listen to quality messages and training— what fills your brain (or not). The common factor is YOU CHOOSE! As we approach the end of Seminar 2012 which bleeds into our 50th anniversary, I pray you choose to be AS PHENOMENAL as you are! Time isn't waiting on ANYTHING! It's YOUR time. I believe in a MORE POWERFUL and INFLUENTIAL you! I ACHE for you to realize your God-given potential and to live so LOUDLY by your values that HE SHINES because what you accomplish could not possibly be at your hand. The NEWSLETTER benchmarks for Excellence are clear. GO page by page and take a look. THERE is no secret to Success. Each page, each #, each benchmark for recognition and me asurement is VERY INTENTIONAL! I believe in YOU to step up and step IN to the BEST season of your life! God bless you! Love, Pamela Did you know that for JUNE 2011, the SHAW AREA was #2 in ALL OF PEARL Seminar— 2nd only to Jan Harris and by only $5000 commission? CONGRATULATIONS SHAW AREA!!! SHAW AREA'S FIRST EVER MILLION $ Unit!! CINDY MAC FLIPPEN After completing 10 # unit clubs, 3 times over $900k, the Machado‐Flippen Unit came out in 2011 with a DETERMINATION to OVERCOME the mystique of MILLION! Offspring Directors, Denise Pettet, Kimberly Joseph, and Carol Osborne led the Unit with leadership growth and Director debuts throughout the Seminar year! Most ever YEAR LONG AGREEMENTS in a UNIT‐ (288)‐ Blythe EGBERT!! Their 3rd year a Unit, $500k 2009 $500k 2010 and $850k 2011, 2nd year as #1 Most Unit Recruits/Qualified Recruits, this year the Egbert Unit broke ANOTHER Record with most agreements for one Seminar year! Offspring Directors Amber Helman, Stephanie Cost, Emily Gilbert, and Kristin Eilerman Celebrations!!! Birthdays and Anniversaries in June 2012 Sales Directors' Birthdays Mary Cho Allison Davis Jennifer Raley Kimberly Joseph Unit Anniversaries Day 3rd 14th 15th 17th Pamela Koeninger Kaye Manship Denise Wolfe Sales Directors Anniversaries Years 7 Cindy Flippen 6 Nadine Stanley 6 Kimberly Joseph Years 22 22 4 WE ARE FAMILY!!! Greenwood Gator Men win Big Track meet! Thomas & Kenton receive the trophy on behalf if team! Baby Max Parker Higby wass born May 5 at 4:52pm, weighing 7lb 1 oz, 20 inches. Megan says, "We're in love!" The FRANTZ family enjoys a fun day at King's Island ;-) Tina and Mark tie the knot--ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! Completed 2 Months! Section 1 Wholesale - $3,675,411 16th Nationally 5th Divisionally Wholesale Per Unit - $10,939 1st Nationally 1st Divisionally 6th Month in A Row! Leah Lauchlan Julia Burnett Christina Frantz April Nicole Pratt Tina Roux Melissa Linton Heather Erbe Average Unit Size - 89 9th Nationally 2nd Divisionally Area New Recruits - 1,562 19th Nationally 3rd Divisionally Hutchinson Total Stars - 588 13th Nationally 2nd Divisionally Denise Pettet DIQs - 46 13th Nationally 1st Divisionally Cadillac’s - 11 10th Nationally 1st Divisionally Stacey Curry Johnna Cline April Barber Star Directors at Career Conference Leah Lauchlan 62 Unit Stars Christina Frantz 56 Unit Stars Julia Burnett 31 Unit Stars Laurie Proffitt Allison Davis Blythe Egbert Megan Higby Kristin Eilerman Chelsey McGrath Mary Cho Stephanie Alexandra Pallos Gail Weisenborn London Arbuckle Cindy Flippen 52 Unit Stars How Many Stars Will You Have?? Blythe Egbert 40 Unit Stars Alina Brown Cost Focus 40 Cadillac Goal! 40 Shaw Area Car Drivers Get Your Picture On Our Focus 40 Cadillac Goal Poster! 1. 2. Pam 3. Barbara 5x 6. Cindy 5x 7. Leah 11. Nicole 9. Blythe Heather 10. April 13. Brenda 5. Julia 3x 8. 12. Tina 4. 14. Amber Nadine 15. Allison Denise 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Megan PURE BURNETT Future AREA "6 Caddis PURE LAUCHLAN AREA "4 Caddis" SHAW Area "6 Caddis" GOAL: 100% SHAW DIRECTORS IN CAR “PREMIER” CLUB Melissa Linton Mary Cho Stephanie Cost Carly Platfoot Sarah Light Alison Burkholder Alicia Sherrill Chelsey McGrath We now have 16 Cadillac 2 Premier PLUS 6 Premier and 13 Grand Achievers with 14 NOT in car CHEER TO CAR!!! Come on gals! YOU CAN DO IT! Esther Sue Murray Sandra Lee Lynda Crick Pamela Koeninger Lisa Lofton April Barber Laurie Proffitt Jennier Raley Emily Gilbert Kimberly Joseph Carol Osborne Alina Brown Cheryl Auker Debra-Anne Singleton ** Let me encourage you to make EARNING A CAREER CAR either the personal or UNIT method a PRIORITY! When you Gold MEDAL— put 2 of them in pearls and do that again and again--- 5 + 2 + 2 (gold medal, + 2 pearls + 2 from LAST month getting a recruit) and repeat and repeat focusing on that smaller number of working people, YOU will RISE SO FAST! I believe in you!
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