directors - Julia Burnett
Burnett National Area-November 2013, Oct. Results Julia Burnett Building to 50 unaffiliated Sales Directors and an Inner Circle National Area by June 30, 2014 10+ Unit Building for October Chelsey Burling 14 NEW Unit Members Tina Frantz 13 NEW Unit Members April Hutchinson 11 NEW Unit Members A.lexandra Pallos 10 NEW Unit Members Top 10 YTD Qualifed Unit Recruiting Tina Frantz 53 Unit Members YTD 16 Qualified Unit Members YTD Courtney Holland Melissa Linton 26 Unit Members YTD 14 Qualified Unit Members YTD Amber Nichols Chelsey Burling April Hutchinson 40 Unit Members YTD 12 Qualified Unit Members YTD Ashley Tatar Christina King 44 Unit Members YTD 11 Qualified Unit Members YTD 42 Unit Members YTD 10 Qualified Unit Members YTD Heather Erbe Jennifer Raley 14 Unit Members YTD 17 Unit Members YTD 20 Unit Members YTD 14 Unit Members YTD 12 Unit Members YTD 8 Qualified 7 Qualified 6 Qualified 4 Qualified 4 Qualified Unit Members YTD Unit Members YTD Unit Members YTD Unit Members YTD Unit Members YTD AREA DIRECTORS Seminar Scoreboards Unit Wholesale October $40,000+ MILLION $33,000+ SAN FRANCISCO TRIP $27,000+ MAUI TRIP $16,000+ CADILLAC Christina Frantz $23,233.25 $10,000+ INNER CIRCLE DIRECTOR Heather Erbe April Hutchison $15,412.75 $13,574.75 Melissa Linton $13,480.50 Amber Nichols $11,006.25 Burnett National Area Newsletter - October Results $8,000+ PREMIER CLUB Chelsey Burling $9,139.00 Page 2 OCTOBER RESULTS Burnett National Area SEMINAR YTD UNIT RETAIL Christina Frantz Melissa Linton April Hutchinson Christina King Heather Erbe Chelsey Burling Amber Nichols Alexandra Pallos Ashley Tatar Jennifer Raley Courtney Holland Elizabeth Holmes Kendra Rumford Nicole Broomall Debbie Sharp Emily Schulte Denise Wolfe Bobbi Hosmon Pamela Koeninger Kathleen Thomas $165,104 $132,592 $121,655 $108,862 $92,949 $87,034 $79,288 $74,865 $62,914 $51,582 $48,751 $43,767 $42,454 $42,095 $35,701 $34,206 $30,507 $26,062 $21,263 $20,024 Building 5 National Areas by Seminar 2014! LEAH LAUCHLAN YOUR YOUR YOUR YOUR NAME HERE NAME HERE NAME HERE NAME HERE Highest Retail Month Ever Emily Schulte $15,345 DIRECTOR COURT OF SHARING DIRECTOR COMMIS. April Hutchinson $666 TOTAL QUAL. TYD 4 Christina King $729 3 Kendra Rumford $439 3 Chelsey Burling $429 3 Ashley Tatar $425 3 Courtney Holland $576 2 Christina Frantz $163 2 Debbie Sharp $94 2 Bobbi Hosmon $89 2 Emily Schulte $503 1 Heather Erbe $421 1 Elizabeth Holmes $243 1 Jennifer Raley $220 1 Amber Drum $191 1 DIRECTOR COURT OF SALES DIRECTOR TOTAL RETAIL Debbie Sharp $18,981 Courtney Holland $8,497 Melissa Linton $6,955 Elizabeth Holmes $6,588 April Hutchinson $6,223 Kendra Rumford $6,126 Alexandra Pallos $6,074 Denise Wolfe $5,977 Pamela Koeninger $5,287 Jennifer Raley $5,168 Chelsey Burling $4,519 Bobbi Hosmon $4,500 Amber Nichols $4,225 Emily Schulte $4,156 Christina King $4,007 Amber Drum $3,910 Kathleen Thomas $3,709 Ashley Tatar $3,480 Nicole Broomall $2,716 Christina Frantz $2,402 Heather Erbe $1,370 SEMINAR WHOLESALE $9,172 $4,050 $3,214 $3,065 $2,858 $2,829 $2,783 $2,894 $2,375 $2,360 $2,080 $2,071 $1,869 $1,914 $1,805 $1,826 $1,661 $1,601 $1,189 $1,032 $526 Newsletter Design by Pink Ink Media OCTOBER RESULTS Burnett National Area PERSONAL TEAM BUILDING April Hutchinson Ashley Tatar Elizabeth Holmes Alexandra Pallos Chelsey Burling Christina Frantz Melissa Linton Courtney Holland Bobbi Hosmon Christina King Debbie Sharp 3 (BRONZE) 3 (BRONZE) 3 (BRONZE) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 UNIT VOLUME BONUS Christina Frantz Heather Erbe April Hutchinson Melissa Linton Amber Nichols Chelsey Burling Emily Schulte Nicole Broomall Jennifer Raley Alexandra Pallos Debbie Sharp Christina King Courtney Holland Elizabeth Holmes $2,300.00 $1,500.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $1,100.00 $900.00 $700.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 13% RECRUITING CHECKS April Hutchinson Elizabeth Holmes Amber Nichols Pamela Koeninger Debbie Sharp Melissa Linton Kendra Rumford TOP DIRECTOR CHECKS $1,293.11 $477.69 $462.02 $328.19 $269.88 $251.75 $246.35 SEMINAR YTD UNIT MEMBERS Total Team Total Mbrs Qual. Team YTD Mbrs YTD Christina Frantz Melissa Linton Chelsey Burling April Hutchinson Christina King Courtney Holland Amber Nichols Ashley Tatar Heather Erbe Jennifer Raley Nicole Broomall Alexandra Pallos Elizabeth Holmes Kendra Rumford Emily Schulte Bobbi Hosmon Kathleen Thomas Burnett National Area Newsletter - October Results 16 14 12 11 10 8 7 6 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 53 26 40 44 42 14 17 20 14 12 11 33 13 8 18 11 10 Christina Frantz April Hutchinson Heather Erbe Melissa Linton Amber Nichols Chelsey Burling Ashley Tatar Emily Schulte Elizabeth Holmes Courtney Holland Christina King Debbie Sharp Nicole Broomall Jennifer Raley Alexandra Pallos Denise Wolfe $7,870.59 $5,113.09 $4,344.03 $3,804.22 $3,153.19 $2,341.74 $1,789.32 $1,730.36 $1,728.34 $1,469.32 $1,436.98 $1,430.48 $1,337.15 $1,306.93 $1,218.16 $1,190.83 # OF NEW UNIT MEMBERS Chelsey Burling Christina Frantz April Hutchinson Alexandra Pallos Ashley Tatar Emily Schulte Amber Nichols Heather Erbe Melissa Linton Courtney Holland Jennifer Raley Bobbi Hosmon Christina King Elizabeth Holmes Nicole Broomall Kendra Rumford Kathleen Thomas Debbie Sharp Amber Drum Page 4 14 13 11 10 9 8 6 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2013-2014 AREA CONSULTANTS Seminar Scoreboards AREA CONSULTANT COURT OF SHARING YTD NAME NATIONAL Queen’s Court of Sharing 24 Qualified New Team Members (Choice of One) Bee Fabulous Charm Bee Fabulous Bracelet Diamond Bee Ring BURNETT Court of Sharing 12 Qualified New Team Members Gift from Julia UNIT SEMINAR COMMISSION Amanda Dahlman Chelsey Burling Unit Tammy Bloch Melissa Linton Unit Holly Henderson Christina Frantz Unit Megan Miller Christina Frantz Unit Shannon Sinclair Amber Drum Unit Miranda Walker Melissa Linton Unit April Hutchinson Unit Director Stephanie Herms April Hutchinson Unit Jennifer Bastin Christina King Unit Ashleigh Rickey Christina Frantz Unit Rachel Tomaszewski April Hutchinson Unit Christina King Unit Director Kendra Rumford Unit Director Chelsey Burling Unit Director Ashley Tatar Unit Director Ashley Mack Chelsey Burling Unit LeAnna Easterday Alexandra Pallos Unit Amy Geers Courtney Holland Unit Shawnie Rump Melissa Linton Unit Courtney Holland Unit Director Amanda Bowden Emily Schulte Unit Marissa Wissinger Ashley Tatar Unit $770 $1,263 $954 $614 $212 $195 $666 $517 $391 $279 $237 $729 $439 $429 $425 $386 $310 $194 $61 $576 $440 $329 AREA CONSULTANT COURT OF SALES YTD NAME Tammy Bloch Mallory Fry Amanda Dahlman Holly Henderson Amanda Hough Amy Geers Rebecca Upperman Stephanie Herms Chelsie O'reilly Amanda Bowden Miranda Walker Barbara Harbour Anecia Maroney Kameron Smith Christine Lund Annabelle Nielsen Pamela Rasnic Elizabeth Ewing Hannah Hartig Jeanette Jones Candi Solis LeAnna Easterday Michelle Day Lori Dyer Veronica Gonzalez Caitlin Husted UNIT Melissa Linton Unit Ashley Tatar Unit Chelsey Burling Unit Christina Frantz Unit Christina King Unit Courtney Holland Unit Heather Erbe Unit April Hutchinson Unit Courtney Holland Unit Emily Schulte Unit Melissa Linton Unit Heather Erbe Unit Heather Erbe Unit Courtney Holland Unit Heather Erbe Unit Christina Frantz Unit Ashley Tatar Unit Chelsey Burling Unit April Hutchinson Unit Kendra Rumford Unit Melissa Linton Unit Alexandra Pallos Unit Heather Erbe Unit Melissa Linton Unit Heather Erbe Unit Chelsey Burling Unit YTD RETAIL $16,046 $13,375 $12,873 $11,366 $10,920 $10,619 $10,232 $9,820 $9,615 $9,585 $9,370 $8,627 $8,584 $8,285 $8,194 $8,190 $8,161 $8,160 $8,020 $7,860 $7,826 $7,511 $7,378 $7,337 $7,327 $7,159 QUALIFIED TEAM MBRS 8 7 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 NATIONAL Queen’s Court of SEMINAR Personal Sales WHOLESALE $7,756 $36,000 Est. Retail $6,394 Production $6,213 $5,419 $4,933 $4,849 $4,677 $4,681 $4,203 "Golden "XOXO" $4,455 Diamond Shamrock" Ring $4,466 Quartz Ring $3,868 $4,118 $3,768 Diamond $3,615 "Couture" $3,604 Scroll Ring $3,651 $3,605 $3,592 $3,840 BURNETT $3,668 Court of Sales $3,541 $18,000 $3,579 Gift from Julia $3,367 $3,322 $3,204 Newsletter Design by Pink Ink Media Burnett National Area Newsletter - October Results Page 6 Drivin’ in Style LEAH LAUCHLAN CADILLAC CHRISTINA FRANTZ CADILLAC HEATHER ERBE CADILLAC AMBER NICHOLS APRIL HUTCHINSON CADILLAC CADILLAC Caddy or $900 Cash! CHRISTINA KING CADILLAC MELISSA LINTON CADILLAC PREMIER CLUB OR $500 PLUS NEW ASHLEY TATAR CHELSEY BURLING DENISE WOLFE ALEXANDRA PALLOS NICOLE BROOMALL GRAND ACHIEVER OR $375 CASH NEW DEBBIE SHARP KENDRA RUMFORD JENNIFER RALEY COURTNEY HOLLAND BOBBI HOSMON EMILY SCHULTE Newsletter Design by Pink Ink Media SeniorNational Sales Director JULIA BURNETT National Sales Director Executive Sr. Future Exec. Sr. 6 OFFSPRING DIRECTORS 3 OFFSPRING DIRECTORS TINA FRANTZ LEAH LAUCHLAN HEATHER ERBE SENIOR DIRECTORS Future Exec. Sr. 3 OFFSPRING DIRECTORS APRIL HUTCHINSON AMBER NICHOLS DENISE WOLFE NICOLE BROOMALL DIRECTORS ALEXANDRA PALLOS PAMELA KOENINGER JENNIFER RALEY ANECIA MARONEY CHELSEY BURLING MELISSA LINTON CHRISTINA KING KENDRA RUMFORD Burnett National Area Newsletter - October Results ASHLEY TATAR ELIZABETH HOLMES BOBBI HOSMON KATHLEEN THOMAS DEBBIE SHARP COURTNEY HOLLAND EMILY SCHULTE AMBER DRUM Page 8 Submissions From The Units! Earned a coaching call from Julia for completing Gen-X, Book 10, & moving up in Red! Ashley Mack (Burling) Amanda Dahlman (Burling) Miranda Walker (Linton) Stephanie Herms (Hutchinson) Amy Geers (Holland) Nicole Broomall Unit Nicole Broomall - Book 10 Holly Mercurio - moved from DIQ month 2 to DIQ month 3; Book 10 Tiana Stewart - Gen-X ELITE; Book 10 April Hutchinson Unit April Hutchinson - Gen-X Stephanie Herms - Gen-X ELITE; Book 10 Rachel Tomasewski - moved from Red Jacket to Team Leader; Book 10 Liesl Gardner - Gen-X Tomora Zappa - Gen-X Sam Hause - Gen-X Stephanie Stevens - Book 10 Kristen Turner - Book 10 Nia Slaughter - Book 11 Tina King Unit Christina King - Book 13 Jenn Bastin - Book 29!! Amanda Hough - Book 10 Chelsey Burling Unit Amanda Dahlman - moved from DIQ month 2 to DIQ month 3; Gen-X Superachiever (3rd month in a row!); Book 10 Ashley Mack - moved from Team Leader to Future Director; Gen-X; Book 12 Mary Clark - moved from Consultant to Senior Kendra Rumford Unit Kendra Rumford - Gen-X; Book 10 Lindsey Bonta - Gen-X ELITE Jeanette Jones - Gen-X Melissa Linton Unit Miranda Walker - moved from Senior to Red Jacket; Gen-X; Book 11 Tammy Bloch - moved from Team Leader to Future Director Kodee Smith - Gen-X Elite (brand new consultant!) Kaci Milleson - Book 10 Jenny Raley Unit Jenny Raley - Book 10 Gabi Schuster - Gen-X; Book 10 Ryan Hays - Gen-X; Book 11 Rachael Thrun - Gen-X; Book 15 Amber Nichols Unit Amber Nichols - Gen-X; Book 11 Kelli Lawson - Book 19 Autumn Dawn - Gen-X; Book 11 Jessica Fisk - Gen-X Crystina Stevens - Book 13 Amber Drum Unit Amber Drum - Book 10 Sheila Longstreath - Gen-X Jennifer Kirkham - Book 10 Pamela Koeninger Unit Pam Koeninger - Gen-X; Book 11 Elizabeth Holmes Unit Elizabeth Holmes - Gen-X; Book 10; submitted Beat Your Best Corinne Icard - Book 10 Carl Geiman - Book 12 Tina Frantz Unit Holly Henderson - moved to DIQ month 2 and OT car; Gen-X and Bronze Medal! Megan Turner - moved from Red to OT car; Gen-X and Bronze Medal! Courtney Holland Unit Amy Geers - moved from Senior to Red Jacket; Gen-X ELITE; Book 10 Amy Jones - Book 10 Alexandra Pallos Unit Tina Stevenson - Book 20; moved from Senior to Team Leader Rachel Weaver - Book 11 Cassie Kavanaugh - Book 13 Autumn Sanders - moved from Senior to Red Jacket Anecia Maroney Unit Anecia Maroney - Gen-X; Book 11 Elise Harbour - Gen-X Ashley Tatar Unit Mallory Fry - book 10 Denise Wolfe Unit Carolina Minix - Book 12 Heather Erbe Unit Keisha Hicks - Book 10 Heather Gibson - Book 10 Julia Burnett Unit Joanna Campbell Book 10; moved to Future Director Megan Perkins Book 11 Kristy Compton - moved from Senior to Red Newsletter Design by Pink Ink Media Burnett National Area Newsletter - April Results Page 10 Newsletter Design by Pink Ink Media New Directors FABULOUS 50’s ON THE MOVE CONTEST Name Month Total Whs Total Qual Rcts Courtney Holland Final Emily Schulte Final Amber Drum 2nd $21,905.25 $16,026.25 $5,702.50 1 0 0 Name Ashley Tatar Bobbi Hosmon Kathleen Thomas Courtney Holland Emily Schulte Amber Drum Month Final 6th 5th 4th 4th 2nd Whs Needed Memb Needed WINNER WINNER $9,831.00 25 $19,296.25 17 $7,587.75 6 $12,089.25 10 $24,297.50 22 HONOR SOCIETY Name Month Kendra Rumford 8th Ashley Tatar 7th Bobbi Hosmon 6th Kathleen Thomas 5th Courtney Holland 4th Emily Schulte 4th Whs Needed $4,593.25 $5,730.00 $39,831.00 $49,296.25 $37,587.75 $42,089.25 Memb Needed 20 7 25 17 6 10 CONGRATS PAST ACHIEVERS On the Move 3 months $15,000 3 qualified personal team members Fabulous 50s 6 months $30,000 50 unit members Honor Society 12 months $60,000 50 unit members Name OTM FABULOUS 50s HONORS 12/31/02 Julia Burnett 10/1/2002 3/31/2003 --Heather Erbe 9/1/2003 9/30/2009 -April Hutchinson 4/1/2009 12/31/2009 -Christina Frantz 7/1/2009 -Alexandra Pallos 1/31/2012 11/1/2011 3/31/2012 -Chelsey Burling 10/1/2011 -1/31/2012 Debbie Sharp 11/1/2011 --Christina King 1/1/2010 -Elizabeth Holmes 7/31/2011 5/1/2011 --Denise Wolfe 6/1/2006 10/31/2011 -Melissa Linton 5/1/2011 Nicole Broomall 7/31/2013 DEAN’s 9/30/2003 YES 8/31/2004 3/31/2010 YES 6/30/2010 YES 10/31/2012 --12/31/2010 -5/31/2007 4/30/2012 6/30/2013 Let’s Cheer on our DIQ’s! Stephanie Herms : KING UNIT 4085 Walton Creek Rd Cincinnati, OH 45227 [email protected] 859-653-1869 LeAnna Easterday: PALLOS UNIT 450 N Keeneland Dr Apt 1006 Richmond, KY 40475 360-388-8693 [email protected] Holly Henderson : FRANTZ UNIT 59 Dinsley Pl Springboro, OH 45066 937-673-6289 [email protected] Holly Mercurio : BROOMALL UNIT 17 Arrowhead Dr Amelia, OH 45102 513-213-9901 [email protected] ENCOURAGE THESE LADIES AS THEY REACH FOR THEIR DREAMS! Amanda Dahlman : BURLING UNIT 685 Residenz Pkwy Apt L Kettering, OH 45429 [email protected] 937-232-9977 Kelli Lawson: NICHOLS UNIT 5215 Keeney Ct Taylor Mill KY 41015 [email protected] (859) 816-2206 Burnett National Area Newsletter - October Results Consultant On-Target Car CONSULTANT Stephanie L. Herms Holly M. Henderson Megan A. Miller Amanda K. Bowden SALES DIRECTOR ON TARGET April C. Hutchinson Month 2 Christina L. Frantz Month 1 Christina L. Frantz Month 1 Emily S. Schulte Month 1 Page 12 Newsletter Design by Pink Ink Media OCTOBER RESULTS Girls, Mary Kay Inc. is giving $ away to your family for 3+ Qualifieds. It's yours for the taking! Burnett National Area NEW! UNIT QUALIFIED BONUS Increase Your Income $6,000 Annually! MONTHLY Recruit 5 Qualified $500 Recruit 3-4 Qualified $300 Melissa Linton 6Q - $500 $6,000 Annually 12 months x $500 = $6,000 BONUS OR $3,600 BONUS for $300 x12 months 150-200+ UNIT MEMBERS Your Name Here 100-149 UNIT MEMBERS Christina Frantz Amber Nichols Heather Erbe April Hutchinson 149 117 115 109 Christina Frantz 4Q - $300 Unit Size 70-99 UNIT MEMBERS Melissa Linton Christina King Alexandra Pallos Chelsey Burling 96 95 95 83 40-69 UNIT MEMBERS Nicole Broomall Ashley Tatar Jennifer Raley Denise Wolfe 64 50 46 45 Courtney Holland 3Q - $300 Emily Schulte Courtney Holland 44 43 39 BELOW UNIT MEMBERS Elizabeth Holmes Kendra Rumford Kathleen Thomas Bobbi Hosmon Pamela Koeninger Debbie Sharp Amber Drum 34 32 32 30 29 27 27 UNIT WITHIN A UNIT - LEADING BY EXAMPLE Amber Nichols April Hutchinson Chelsey Burling Elizabeth Holmes Nicole Broomall Heather Erbe Pamela Koeninger 43 36 26 22 20 20 20 Burnett National Area Newsletter - October Results Amber Nichols 43 Personal Page 14 Newsletter Design by Pink Ink Media Burnett National Area Newsletter - April Results Page 16 Newsletter Design by Pink Ink Media Julia Burnett Senior National Sales Director 2408 Healy Lane Lexington, KY 40509 Cell: 859-312-1875 Email: [email protected] AREA GOALS: INNER CIRCLE in 2014 5 OFFSPRING NSDs IN 1ST T WO YEARS GROWING TO 50 DIRECTORS One Woman Can:
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