Caley Cruisers Navigational Chart
Caley Cruisers Navigational Chart
Telephone Conspicuous house Footpath Road Caley Cruisers, Canal Road, Inverness IV3 8NF Tel: 01463 236328 [email protected] P Poonnttoons oons _ _ 00 v v __ OO OO Inverness Marina Ltd Inverness Marina Ltd 01463 220501 01463 220501 . . v v A9 A9 H H For Forapproaches approachessee see chart chartNo. No.1078 1078 OO OO NORTH NORTH KESSOCK KESSOCK Clachnaharry ClachnaharryInn Inn Good Goodpub pubmeals meals Real ales & beer garden Real ales & beer garden Tel: Tel:01463 01463239806 239806 11 44LOCH LOCHOICH OICH 33 22 A9 A862 A862 BB EE AA UU LL YY FF I I RR TT HH BBLLAACCKK I ISSLLEE ons Pont o Caley Marina ) 10 0K M N r N e s H s Loch Dochfour OO O t t Dochgarroch Lock p t p v ]P p Chandlery, Berthing, Workshops Tel 01463 236539 v CL AC H HN AH Canal Hours of Operation - 7 days End of March to end of May 08.30 - 17.30 End of May to end of August 08.00 - 18.00 September to end of season 08.30 - 17.30 AR RY Clachnaharry Sea Lock A862 Tomnahurich Swing Bridge in Inverness is closed Monday - Friday: 08.20 - 09.15, 12.00 - 13.10, 16.35 - 17.35 B E A U L Y F I R T H Dochgarroch Lock 2 LOCH NESS 11 DOCHGARROCH DOCHGARROCH 0 RR NN ee ss ss tt 1 ii v v 22MILE MILESECTION SECTION M I L E S ee rr NN ee ttpp]P ]P Dochgarroch DochgarrochLock Lock vv]P ]P pp No VERY mooring WEIR WEIR VERYSHALLOW SHALLOW 222 7 7 S/W Wind direction DO NOT stop at Loch LochDochfour Dochfour £ the castle pier O O n O v N v WITHIN WHEN v WHENAPPROACHING APPROACHING&&LEAVING LEAVINGTHE THELOCK LOCK 300 METRES OF THE SHORELINE Do not leave boat unattended DRUMNADROCHIT A82 without speaking to Jacobite A82 Dochfour Dochfourhouse house OF LOCH NESS staff in ticket office – A831 open 7 days 09.30-17.00 Canal CanalHours Hoursof ofOperation Operation- -77days days End Endof ofMarch Marchto toend endof ofMay May08.30 08.30- -17.30 17.30 End Endof ofMay Mayto toend endof ofAugust August08.00 08.00- -18.00 18.00 September Septemberto toend endof ofseason season08.30 08.30- -17.30 17.30 t Tomnahurich TomnahurichSwing SwingBridge Bridge ininInverness Invernessisisclosed closedMonday Monday- -Friday: Friday: 08.20 08.20- -09.15, 09.15,12.00 12.00- -13.10, 13.10,16.35 16.35- -17.35 17.35 Private pier and house grounds O O BAY Urquhart Cast £ O this side of O use the pier only O O O O Harbour O O X good shelter shore power Shallow Are Refer to informa in manual overnight charge LOCHEND LOCHEND Pony very shallow A82 trekkin A82 RESERVE pNATURE KEEP OFF PLEASE n t Village 1.5miles t t CAUTION: KEEP TO MARKED CHANNEL ON APPROACH TO HARBOUR Please help to keep the glen beautiful, dispose of litter correctly LL OO CC HH NN EE SS SS Please Pleasehelp helpto tokeep keepthe theglen glenbeautiful, beautiful, DANGER fast road dispose correctly Ov disposeof oflitter litter correctly Ov v TAKE TAKEEXTRA EXTRACAUTION CAUTION TO TOAVOID AVOID RED REDLINE LINEZONES ZONES A833 Very Exposed to N/E w Shelter from S/W win Correc ta to harb pproach our v Clansman Hotel Bar & Restaurant Free Transport Tel 01456 450326 overnight mooring chargeBOATS GO SLOW PAST GO SLOW PASTMOORED MOORED BOATSAND AND Oakwood OakwoodRestaurant Restaurant (Mon (Mon&&Wed Wedclosed) closed) 01463 01463861481 861481 DO NOT COME ^^ O K K URQUHART when N/E wind blowing DANGER FAST ROAD use underpass to reach Hotel •• Light Lighthouse house K K INEE TTEEDDLLIN WDDOOTT FFOOLLLOOW A82 H H DO NOT USE N/E Wind direction pontoons pontoons vv •• Fish farm keep clear K K Harbour Clansman DOCHGARROCH DOCHGARROCHLOCK LOCK ttpp Old Oldcoal coalboat boat wrecks wrecks LOCHEND O R EARFOYERS LELA CC P see enlargeme EP EE E K K WW O O LOB852 LLLO AA SHH ER ER S G G N N AA O DD X 7 7 Islands Islands KEEP KEEPCLEAR CLEAR DO NOT pass green buoy a £ £ K H pontoons pontoons OO OO OO ss ss Request permission f INVERFARIGAIG PIER Aldourie Castle Aldourie Castle IN DANGEROUS CONDITION DORES £ H H Loch LochDochfour Dochfour pp t t PLEASE PLEASEONLY ONLYUSE USELITTER LITTERDISPOSAL DISPOSALPOINTS POINTS COAST GUARD FOYERS: NO OVER DO NOT 300 DOEMERGENCY NOTCRUISE CRUISE WITHIN 300METERS METERSOF OFLOCH LOCHSHORELINE SHORELINE TEL:WITHIN 999 Berthing for 2 3 2 LOCH LOCHDOCHFOUR DOCHFOUR ^ Nv Drumnadrochit t Village Dochgarroch DochgarrochLock Lock DO DONOT NOTMOOR MOOR unless unlessinincalm calmconditions conditionsand andforecast forecastisisgood good 22 LOCH LOCH NESS NESS 11 COAST COASTGUARD GUARD EMERGENCY EMERGENCYTEL: TEL:999 999 33 22 FOYERS: FOYERS:NO NOOVERNIGHT OVERNIGHTberthing. berthing. MM I I LL EE SS Berthing Berthingfor for2hrs 2hrsonly. only. Request Requestpermission permissionfrom fromboat boatyard. yard. INVERFARIGAIG INVERFARIGAIGPIER PIER ININDANGEROUS DANGEROUSCONDITION CONDITION NN 00 Café && Stores 01456 486233 Café Stores 01456 486233 1/2 mile steep walk through 1/2 mile steep walk through pleasant woodland paths pleasant woodland paths DORES DORES Foyers FoyersFalls Falls vv vv FORT FORTAUGUSTUS AUGUSTUS K K Cherry Cherry Island Island ^^ OOO O SUBMERGED SUBMERGED ROCKS ROCKS SHALLOW SHALLOW OO XX £ £ DO DONOT NOTstop stopatat the thecastle castlepier pier when N/E wind when N/E wind blowing blowing Clansman ClansmanHarbour Harbour O O DANGER DANGERFAST FASTROAD ROAD use useunderpass underpass totoreach Hotel reach Hotel DO DONOT NOTCOME COMEWITHIN WITHIN 300 300 METRES METRESOF OFTHE THESHORELINE SHORELINE OF OFLOCH LOCHNESS NESS t t N ]P N]P LL OO CC HH K K NN EE SS SS Red Redbuoy buoymarks marks DANGER DANGER K K 7 7 approach, approach,take takethe theline lineofofthe theAbbey AbbeySpire Spire VERY VERYSHALLOW SHALLOW LOCHEND LOCHEND A82 A82 N/E N/EWind Winddirection direction S/W S/WWind Winddirection direction K K H H Very VeryExposed ExposedtotoN/E N/Ewind wind Shelter Shelterfrom fromS/W S/Wwinds winds OOv v Boathouse Boathouse Boathouse Boathouse OO ^^v Out Pump Out v Pump Shore power and Pump Out facilities only Shore power and Pump Out facilities only available atat the top ofof Lock Flight available the top Lock Flight OO DO NOT USE DO NOT USE 222 Fishfarm farmkeep keepclear clear 222 Fish H Hv v 7 7 A82 A82 _ _ Abbey Abbey ttvvpp OO No Nomooring mooring Red Post Red Post Keep Clear ofof Keep Clear River Mouth River Mouth PIER PIER Keep KeepClear Clear Very VeryShallow Shallow FOYERS FOYERS see seeenlargement enlargement OO vvNN Very exposed toto Very exposed N/E winds. Request N/E winds. Request permission from permission from Boatyard before Boatyard before berthing. NoNo berthing. overnight berthing atat all.all. overnight berthing DO DONOT NOTpass passbetween between green greenbuoy buoy and andshore. shore. B852 B852 Hydro Hydro Station Station Keep Keeptotothis thisline linewhen when entering enteringFort FortAugustus Augustus DO DONOT NOTconfuse confusecanal canal entrance entrancewith withriver rivermouth, mouth, A862 easymistake mistaketoto A862 ititisisananeasy make make l l 23 23MILE MILESECTION SECTIONALLOW ALLOW44HOURS HOURS OO e boats moored, please pass SLOW Torvean Golf Club 01463 225651 A862 A82 Clachnaharry Inn Good pub meals Real ales & beer garden Tel: 01463 239806 BLACK ISLE i v al n Ca n d onia Showers and toilets and Fuel Tel 01463 236328 For approaches see chart No. 1078 OO NORTH KESSOCK s R Caley Cruisers Ltd (charter base) O O Sea Port Marina toilets, showers & laundry facilities Tel: 01463 233140 e C al too n v _ JK N Rail Bridge . Pon 23 MILE SECTION ALLOW 4 HOURS 77MILE 11HOUR MILESECTION SECTIONALLOW ALLOW HOUR please pleasepass pass SLOW SLOW Torvean Golf Club Torvean Golf Club 01463 225651 01463 225651 Clachnaharry Clachnaharry Sea SeaLock Lock _ Inverness Marina Ltd 01463 220501 Chandlery, Chandlery,Berthing, Berthing,Workshops Workshops Tel Tel01463 01463236539 236539 CCL ALAC CHH NNA AHH AAR RRYRY [0 Y OO 33FORT FORTAUGUSTUS AUGUSTUS A82 v v 7 MILE SECTION Your Yourcomments commentsfor forupdating updatingare arealways alwaysappreciated appreciated Ca nnaal l niaiann Ca eleddoon l a a CC boats boatsmoored, moored, Caley CaleyMarina Marina tt 1 DOCHG 3 2 Power Cables 35m O 0 22LOCH LOCHNESS NESS •Fort •FortWilliam William RR i iv ve er r Showers Showersand andtoilets toiletsand andFuel Fuel Tel Tel01463 01463236328 236328 1 Buoyed channel through Loch Oich _ 66LOCH LOCHLOCHY LOCHY A82 Caley (charterbase) base) CaleyCruisers CruisersLtd Ltd(charter OO OO Rail Rail Bridge Bridge Sea SeaPort PortMarina Marina toilets, toilets,showers showers&& laundry laundryfacilities facilities Tel: Tel:01463 01463233140 233140 K J JK N N v OO N o . v OO £ v Power PowerCables Cables 35m 35m Po Po nn totoo nn ss Your comments for updating are always appreciated v A862 A862 _ _ •Fort William A96 VERY SHALLOW 6600 M M ILE ILE S S( VERY SHALLOW ( 11000K 0DO M NOT ENTER KM KEEP CLEAR ) !)DANGER ! •• INVERNESS A96 A96 N N . o o. Y [ [00Y £ £ v v OO OO 6 LOCH LOCHY Tomnahurich Swing bridge. To avoid road traffic delays please keep close to the boat in front Inverness Inverness v v OO 5 LAGGAN AVENUE M I L E S Tomnahurich TomnahurichSwing Swingbridge. bridge. To Toavoid avoidroad roadtraffic trafficdelays delays please pleasekeep keepclose closetotothe theboat boatininfront front INVERNESS INVERNESS 4 LOCH OICH 0 A9 N MM I I LL EE SS v v 2 LOCH NESS 3 FORT AUGUSTUS Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this leaflet, Caley Cruisers cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any errors that might arise. The details were correct at the time of printing but may subsequently change. The information portrayed on these maps is designed for Caledonian Canal hire boat users only, with 1 metre draft. Highland Wi-Fi public hotspots (self service system) available at several locations along the Caledonian Canal 55LAGGAN LAGGANAVENUE AVENUE 00 A9 A9 OO OO ]P Toilets and Showers ILE S( Lighthouse Shop Approach to Fort Augustus from Loch Ness Caley CaleyCruisers, Cruisers,Canal CanalRoad, Road,Inverness InvernessIV3 IV38NF 8NF Tel: Tel:01463 01463236328 236328 [email protected] [email protected] Photographs by Tom Baker, Design by Cuan Design. March 2014. Photographs by Tom Baker, Design by Cuan Design. March 2014. Printing by Jupiter Design & Print. Printing by Jupiter Design & Print. Urquhart Bay Harbour Whilst Whilstevery everyeffort efforthas hasbeen beenmade madetotoensure ensurethe theaccuracy accuracyofofthe theinformation informationininthis this leaflet, leaflet,Caley CaleyCruisers Cruiserscannot cannotbebeheld heldresponsible responsiblefor forthe theconsequences consequencesofofany any errors errorsthat thatmight mightarise. arise.The Thedetails detailswere werecorrect correctatatthe thetime timeofofprinting printingbut butmay may subsequently subsequentlychange. change. The Theinformation informationportrayed portrayedon onthese thesemaps mapsisisdesigned designedfor forCaledonian CaledonianCanal Canalhire hire boat boatusers usersonly, only,with with11metre metredraft. draft. Highland HighlandWi-Fi Wi-Fipublic publichotspots hotspots(self (selfservice servicesystem) system)available availableatatseveral severallocations locations along alongthe theCaledonian CaledonianCanal Canal N N p H N ^ 7 60 M Pump out Water point • Inverness INVERNESS FORT WILLIAM Photographs by Tom Baker, Design by Cuan Design. March 2014. Printing by Jupiter Design & Print. Shore Power N ]P ]P FORT WILLIAM FORT WILLIAM Recycling Hotel O View point l Restaurant v Castle £ Pony trekking n & Forest walks Picnic site Golf course _ Y Caravan site Chalet development H Fishing 3 Built up area OOO Pontoon / Jetty NN Footpath Footpath Road Road Toilets Toiletsand andShowers Showers INVERNESS INVERNESS This map is for general guidance use only. Figures shown are approximate. 1 LOCH DOCHFOUR t Laundry facilities Shallow water Deep water Very deep water Caley Cruisers Recycling Recycling Hotel O Hotel O View l Viewpoint point l Restaurant v Restaurant v Castle £ Castle £ Pony n Ponytrekking trekking n & & Forest Forestwalks walks Picnic Picnicsite site Golf _ Golfcourse course _ Caravan Y Caravansite site Y Chalet Chaletdevelopment development H H 3 Fishing 3 Fishing Built OOO Builtup uparea area OOO Pontoon Pontoon/ /Jetty Jetty p p H H N N ^^ 7 7 CALEDONIAN CANAL Very Verydeep deepwater water Shore ShorePower Power Pump Pumpout out Water Waterpoint point Lighthouse Lighthouse Shop Shop Telephone Telephone Conspicuous Conspicuoushouse house Red Buoy This Thismap mapisisfor forgeneral generalguidance guidanceuse useonly. only. Figures Figuresshown shownare areapproximate. approximate. 11LOCH LOCHDOCHFOUR DOCHFOUR t t Under the heading for each section is given the total lengths of that section and the average cruising time needed to complete it. Mountains Woodland Litter disposal Green Buoy Under Underthe theheading headingfor foreach eachsection sectionisisgiven giventhe the total totallengths lengthsofofthat thatsection sectionand andthe theaverage average cruising cruisingtime timeneeded neededtotocomplete Mountains Mountains Woodland Woodland Litter Litterdisposal disposal Laundry Laundryfacilities facilities Green GreenBuoy Buoy Red Buoy Red Buoy Shallow Shallowwater water Deep Deepwater water NAVIGATIONAL CHART I NCLU DI NG LOCH NESS Key Key to to maps maps Canal/Locks Canal/Locks >>>> >>>> Key to maps Canal/Locks >>>> Please Pleasehelp helpto tokeep keepthe theglen glenbeautiful, beautiful, dispose of litter correctly dispose of litter correctly UURRQQUUHHAARRTT BBAAYY v v Clansman ClansmanHotel Hotel Bar Bar&&Restaurant Restaurant Free FreeTransport Transport TelTel01456 01456450326 450326 overnight overnightmooring mooringcharge charge n n OO N v vN v v v v Do Donot notleave leaveboat boatunattended unattended without withoutspeaking speakingtotoJacobite Jacobite staff in ticket office staff in ticket office– – open open7 7days days09.30-17.00 09.30-17.00 A833 A833 £ £ CC orr orr ecetctapa pro pro acahch totohahrb arb ou use orur usethis thisside sideofof the thepier pieronly only £ £ Shallow ShallowAreas Areas Refer Refertotoinformation information ininmanual manual very veryshallow shallow A831 A831 Village Village1.5miles 1.5miles DANGER DANGER fast fastroad road CAUTION: CAUTION:KEEP KEEPTO TOMARKED MARKED CHANNEL CHANNELON ONAPPROACH APPROACHTO TOHARBOUR HARBOUR RESERVE NATURE RESERVE ppNATURE KEEP OFF PLEASE KEEP OFF PLEASE tt O Ov v A82 A82 7 7 Conspicuous Conspicuoushouse house Y Y 7 7 7 7 OO N v v N Conspicuous Conspicuoushouse house Conspicuous house Conspicuous house FORT FORTAUGUSTUS AUGUSTUS OO Harbour Harbour XX good goodshelter shelter shore power shore power Private pier Private pier overnight charge overnight charge and house grounds and house grounds DRUMNADROCHIT DRUMNADROCHIT Urquhart UrquhartCastle Castle Pony Pony trekking trekking n n v Ov v vO v ^^NNv Drumnadrochit Drumnadrochit ttVillage Village Do Donot notuse useCastle Castlepier pierbetween betweenapproximately approximately 11am 11am- -12noon 12noonand andbetween between3pm 3pm- -4pm, 4pm, asasititmust remain clear for Jacobite must remain clear for Jacobitevessels. vessels. Berth Berthbow bowfirst firstand andon onnorth northside sideofofjetty jettyonly. only. Note: Note:Berthing Berthingmay maynot notbebepossible possibleatatallallduring during busy busyperiods periods- -check checkfor forsign signatatpier. pier. No Noovernight overnightmooring mooringpermitted. permitted. _ H H_ INVERMORISTON INVERMORISTON Correct Correctapproach approachtotoFort FortAugustus Augustus Remember Remembertotopay payatatvisitor visitorcentre centrewhen whenvisiting visiting Castle Castlegrounds. grounds. A837 A837 TAKE TAKEEXTRA EXTRACAUTION CAUTIONTO TOAVOID AVOID RED REDLINE LINEZONES ZONES very veryshallow shallow DO DONOT NOT keep ENTER keepclear clear ENTER !DANGER! !DANGER! 3 FORT AUGUSTUS Corrieyairack Pass walk N 0 FORT AUGUSTUS The Boathouse Lochside Restaurant Tel: 01320 366682 Keep to this line when entering Fort Augustus - DO NOT CONFUSE CANAL ENTRANCE WITH RIVER MOUTH it is an easy mistake to make K _^ Abbey Hv ROCKS SHALLOW Cherry Island 7 O A82 CULLOCHY LOCK No litter disposal vv [ TAKE EXTRA CAUTION TO AVOID RED LINE ZONES Fort Augustus Golf Club 01320 366660 VERY SHALLOW KEEP OUT Pump Out Pontoons commercial Jetty KEEP TO CENTRE OF CANAL e Power Cables 35m pontoon ^ Pontoons A82 O N v 3 MILE SECTION ALLOW 1½ HOURS M I L E S The Lock Inn Canalside Pub/restaurant Tel: 01320 366302 Red Post Keep Clear of River Mouth 1/ 2 KYTRA LOCK jetty SPE Fort Augustus locks (flight of five) ED LIM IT 6 good t FORT AUGUSTUS vp ]P Toilets, Showers, Laundry & Pump-Out* facilities, shore power*, water point. Along the canal bank: licensed Grocers, Gift Shops, Post Office, Pubs,Bars & Restaurants, Take away food, Award winning Butcher (vacuum packed service). *Only available at the top of the Lock Flight ed Cal MPH walk ing a long tow a l Ca n an o ni e w pip lo rf e ov VERY SHALLOW KEEP OUT Pontoon E R R I V O I C H G ISHIN F R IVE Forest Walk NO R path DANGER KEEP CLEAR OF THIS POINT DO NOT CUT THIS CORNER SHALLOW POINT Green channel markers Pontoon comme rcial Jett y Keep over to this side NO RIVER FISHING & I V R E R River fishing boundary t 4 Please help to keep the glen beautiful, dispose of litter correctly 4 LOCH OICH KEEP TO THE CENTRE OF LOCH OICH AND FOLLOW THE BUOYED CHANNEL PLEASE ALSO REFER TO AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 5 MILE SECTION ALLOW 1 HOUR (care must be exercised navigating through this loch) 0 Correct approach to Loch Oich Kytra Lock N Berthing at the bottom of Fort Augustus 1 1/ 2 Great Glen Water Park - 01809 501381 Bar & Restaurant, coffee shop, small swimming pool, sauna, laundry facilities. Outdoor activities available. Loch Oich Bar & Restaurant: Tel 01809 501383 M I L E S Loch Oich is part of a Hydro Electric scheme and and because of this the water level of the loch can vary. For this reason DO NOT PASS THROUGH THE BRIDGE WITHOUT THE KEEPERS INSTRUCTION walks along site old railway line Active Highs: Tel 01809 501459 or 07867 895354 Activity Centre at the Great Glen Waterpark Rafting, Canoeing & Kayaking, Mountain Biking, Canyoning, Gorge Walking, Rock Climbing & Abseiling. KEEP TO COURSE INDICATED WHEN APPROACHING OR LEAVING PONTOON Conspicuous House 7 A82 Slow Speed: Watersport activities! Island ABERCHALDER SWING BRIDGE CULLOCHY LOCK No litter disposal Pontoons Red Posts Island VERY SHALLOW KEEP OUT A O I C H Island WEIR Po nto R RI ^ O INVERGARRY t O N A87 nto on FAST ROAD TRAFFIC Well of the Seven Heads Store 01809 501246 Mace store and Off license bread, milk, wines & spirits, hot snacks, newspapers, souvenirs, Calor Gas, Fishing Tackle, phone cards, public telephone, …. open 7 days a week. Petrol Station & Small Shop Po Well of the Seven Heads Monument ^ A82 A82 on Picnic Site Pontoon (Berth bow first) £ Please do not disturb the Grounds Glen Garry Castle Hotel & Restaurant Good meals, local produce and afternoon teas Tel: 01809 501254 A ^ Invergarry Castle ruins No dogs ashore please by request of the Hotel. DO NOT DISPOSE OF LITTER WARNING When entering Loch Oich this RED marker can look Black in strong sunlight v VERY SHALLOW Fishing boundary OICH VE No stern berthing on wall! Pontoon Pontoons Pontoons Green post L O C H O ^ H H p H H LAGGAN SWING BRIDGE Loch Oich is part of a Hydro Electric scheme and and because of this the water level of the loch can vary. For this reason DO NOT PASS THROUGH THE BRIDGE WITHOUT THE KEEPERS INSTRUCTION TAKE EXTRA CAUTION TO AVOID RED LINE ZONES Please help to keep the glen beautiful, dispose of litter correctly Laggan Avenue on Loch Oich Berthing at Well of Seven Heads Monument 5 LAGGAN AVENUE 2 MILE SECTION ALLOW ½ HOUR Great Glen Water Park - 01809 501381 Bar & Restaurant, coffee shop, small swimming pool, sauna, laundry facilities. Outdoor activities available. Loch Oich Bar & Restaurant: Tel 01809 501383 0 Active Highs: Tel 01809 501459 or 07867 895354 Activity Centre at the Great Glen Waterpark Rafting, Canoeing & Kayaking, Mountain Biking, Canyoning, Gorge Walking, Rock Climbing & Abseiling. A Po O I C H t nto on Po A82 Laggan Avenue ^ n ntoo te Po Priva LAGGAN SWING BRIDGE LAGGAN LOCKS flight of two t v p ]P Power Cables 35m The Eagle Pub & Restaurant afloat Tel 07789 858567 nto on Picnic Site If really necessary you can tie up here close to lock gates and away from corner walls but better to lie off until lock gate is opened and you can enter lock. Please help to keep the glen beautiful, dispose of litter correctly Loch Oich is part of a Hydro Electric scheme and because of this the water level of the loch can vary. For this reason DO NOT PASS THROUGH THE BRIDGE WITHOUT THE KEEPERS INSTRUCTION A L O C H M I L E S N H vO ^ H H H p 1/ 2 LAG VERY SHALLOW GAN A82 Tel box 3 CEANN ^ pontoon litter disposal pontoon VERY SHALLOW AVE N UE H H H tp 6 LOCH LOCHY Letterfinlay Lodge Hotel & Restaurant Booking advisable Tel 01397 712622 Corriegour Lodge West Highland Sailing Tel 01809 501234 TAKE EXTRA CAUTION TO AVOID RED LINE ZONES Laggan Swing Bridge Corriegour Lodge Hotel & Restaurant booking advisable Tel 01397 712685 Correct course to pontoon pontoon Chalet development Great Glen Water Park O BEN NEVIS 2O MILE SECTION ALLOW 4 HOURS 0 A82 Nevis Range Mountain Gondola up Aonach Mor (2150ft), beside Ben Nevis. Snowgoose Restaurant, Café Bar, Sport shop, gifts. Short Walks on good paths. (7 miles north of Fort William) Tel: 01397 705825 DANGER Do not enter HYDRO ELECTRIC SCHEME 5 L O C H L O C H Y DO NOT USE Pontoon DO NOT USE X O O M I L E S For Weather Forecast please ask your boat yard or any of the lock keepers. EXPOSED N/E If really necessary you can tie up here close to lock gates and away from corner walls but better to lie off until lock gate is opened and you can enter lock. 7 3 CEANN L O C H Correct course to pontoon pontoon 3 K L O C H pontoon VERY SHALLOW L O C H Y swing bridge Hpontoon shore power Conspicuous house 3 ^ Jetty GAIRLOCHY LOCKS Old Pines Hotel & Restaurant 01397 712324 Located 2 miles from the canal at Gairlochy. Open all day for tea/coffee, scones, cakes etc. Pre-booking for lunch & dinner is recommended. Pick-up service may be available. v 6 6 MOY SWING BRIDGE DO NOT PASS THROUGH WITHOUT BRIDGE KEEPERS INSTRUCTIONS jetty jetty swing bridges B8004 O & t Please help to keep the glen beautiful, dispose of litter correctly B E I N N B H A N 2521ft O O O O FORT WILLIAM LOCH LINNIE For approaches see chart 2380 pontoon Aqueduct t ]P 2956ft Jacobite Steam Train Fort William to Mallaig Tel: 0844 8504685 or 01524 732100 O Good brown trout fishing Aqueduct 3 GAIRLOCHY LOCKS DO NOT COME WITHIN 300 METRES OF THE SHORELINE OF LOCH LOCHY O O O LOCHY PUB VERY SHALLOW Clan Cameron Museum Curator 01397 712480 Ben Nevis Distillery & Visitor Centre 01397 700200 Greyhound Taxis 01397 70 50 50 6-seaters and guided tours also available 6 BEN TEE Information Tel: 01397 705765 pontoon O Fish Farm Keep Clear TAKE EXTRA CAUTION TO AVOID RED LINE ZONES _ 6 H Approaching Loch Lochy 4406ft Fort William Banavie to Fort William - 2.5miles (4km) Shopping Centre, Pubs, Restaurants, Museum, Golf course, Fishing tackle shop, swimming pool, etc. ^ N X L O C H O BANAVIE LOCKS, Neptune’s Staircase (flight of eight locks). t v p ]P H A830 TURNING POINT FOR CHARTERS DO NOT GO THROUGH CORPACH SEA LOCK FOREST WALKS O O O O CORPACH & O Moy Swing Bridge S T O B A' G H R I A N A I N 2633ft