
June/July 2015 Newsletter
Inspiring & building community through the visual arts
fr om the
Dir ector
Summer?s finally here! We are entering into SAGEBRUSH?s ?hustle, bustle?time of year. SAGE is
again open on Saturdays and our numbers of visitors are increasing every day. There is a
whirlwind of activity around here and I want to share some of it with you.
Last month?s, 1st Annual Juried Photography Show was a big success, with 30 photographs making it into the
show. We thank Laura Lehan, Curator and Adam Jahiel, Juror for their contribution.
The 30th Annual Watercolor Wyoming National Exhibition will be on display here from June 2nd-June 30th.
This annual exhibition is a juried show and sale that features watercolor artwork from local, regional and
national artists. The artists?reception and awards ceremony will be held on June 17th from 5-7pm.
Come July, we are proud to present the Miss Indian America Invitational Exhibition from
July 8th-31st. Work by Arlene Wesley-James, deana jo harragarra waters, Virginia
Stroud and Sharron Ahtone Harjo will be featured. The artist reception and gallery talk
will be on July 9th from 5:30-7:30pm.
Since summertime is here, why not head outdoors with your art? Join the Little Goose
Plein Air Painters! They are a group organized to facilitate the learning and experience
of plein air painting in the Sheridan area. They will meet every 2nd Saturday of the
month (June 13th, July 11th, August 8th and September 12th) and additional dates will
be added. Painters of all levels are welcome. This summer, we are jumping in, with ?both
feet?to a great offering of Kids Camps. Our Summer Youth Program will include Kids
classes taught by local artists for ages 8-12 called, Jewelry Making, Paint Your
Imagination, Draw Yourself and Waterfalls of Color. {July 20th-23rd)
New this year, will be a High School and Junior High School Art Camp! These four classes
are: ?Express Yourself with Paint! with Sonja Caywood?, ?Photography with Stephen
Mullins?, a unique drawing and painting class called, ?Wipeout Painting with Micah
Trampe? and lastly, ?Street Art with Stephen Mullins?. (August 10th-13th)
We thought a perfect time for children to learn about quilting would be during Rodeo
Week. The instructor for this class is acclaimed artist, deana harragarra waters. There
will be two sessions, Kindergarten - 2nd grade and grades 3rd - 6th. (July 11th)
Last but not least, SAGE will be participating in the Third Thursday Street fair again! We
will be inviting our members to present and sell their work for good exposure. A great
draw last year was having members actually painting. This is an inviting way to promote
our artists and enlighten people as to what SAGEBRUSH is all about. Please let me know
if you would like to join us. (June 18th, July 16th, Aug 20th, Sept 17th)
I hope you enjoy our incredible June and July! You will be hearing from me again, in
Until then, my best wishes, Kate
Of f ice space avail abl e at t he hist or ic t r ain depot
f or a non- pr of it or ganizat ion
The 11? x 11? office is fully furnished with a built-in desk and storage, two
guest chairs and desk chair. Also included is free internet connection.
Amenities include use of kitchen and board room. Lots of free parking.
Located in the Historic Train Depot
201 E. 5th Street, Sheridan, WY
Director: Kate Harrington
Receptionist: Debbie Pilcher
[email protected]
Tues thru Sat 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sage Boar d o f Dir ect or s
President: Edre Maier, Vice President:
Laura Lehan, Secretary: Alison Vold ,
Treasurer: Ed Hawkinson, Board
Members: Nancie Furnish, Darlene Reiter,
Sally LaBore, Linda Hartman, Stephen
Mullins, Mandolyn Meyer & Jessica
wor kshops
& cl asses
To register or get more information call 674-1970 or visit us at
K id s S
mme r
Ge t r e
a dy f o
r a c
J u ly 20 t h - 23 r d
f o r kid s Ag es 8- 12
Ar t C
a mp
r e a t iv
e sum
me r !
J ewelr y Ma kin g
Mo n d a y J u ly 20 & T u es d a y J u ly 21
12- 2 pm
This class will teach the fundamentals for creating, stringing and finishing a
bracelet/ necklace. Kids will learn two different projects ? one each day.
Instructor, Karen St. Clair, enthusiastically loves to teach the art of jewelry
making to kids in a fun, engaging and age-appropriate way. Kids will learn a
new skill and increase creativity!
I n s t r u c t o r : K a r en St . C la ir
Co s t : $ 35
Pa in t Yo u r I ma g in a t io n
Mo n d a y J u ly 20 & T u es d a y J u ly 21,
2- 4 pm
Kids will use their imagination and acrylic paints to transform random shapes
into silly creatures, all the while learning basic elements of form, line, color,
value and space. They will end up with a unique painting that?s all their own!
This class was a big hit last year!
I n s t r u c t o r : So n j a C a ywo o d
Co s t : $ 35
Dr a w Yo u r s elf
Wed n es d a y J u ly 22 & T h u r s d a y J u ly 23
12- 2 pm
"Un corked"
Don ?t m iss Son ja Cayw ood?s
last m on th of ?Un corked?
classes un til Fall!
Have you ever wondered what you would be like if you were an animal or a
robot or even an ALIEN? Come and find out as you draw with charcoal and
pastels in this fun and creative class! Kids will draw fun self-portraits and learn
the basic elements of design at the same time. Narrative and self-expression
will be emphasized.
I n s t r u c t o r : Alexa n d r a Eis ele
Co s t : $ 35
Wa t er f a lls o f C o lo r
Wed n es d a y J u ly 22 & T h u r s d a y J u ly 23
2- 4 pm
Come and experience how to make rainbows of vibrant color and even learn
some watercolor secrets! Any child who has an interest in beginning to paint
will be sure to have a blast experimenting with some playful techniques. Feel
free to bring along any clear, colorful pictures to you would like to paint!
I n s t r u c t o r : T en a T wit e
Un corked is design ed to in spire
an d en tertain com m un ity
m em bers. Th ose w h o
proclaim , ?I can ?t even draw a
stick person ?, leave th e class
w ith a sm ile, th eir ow n
pain tin g an d th e kn ow ledge
th at art is for everyon e.
Co s t : $ 35
Classes w ill be h eld on th e
2n d an d 4th Tuesdays an d
W edn esdays in Jun e.
Just $35
All Supplies In cluded
Quilting for kids (and kids at heart)
Visit us Saturday, July 11th, where your child will learn the basic steps of making a quilt block. Younger quilters will learn to
make a square in a square quilt block, using a paper piecing technique. Older quilters will learn to make a log cabin quilt
block. No sewing experience is needed - all supplies are included. ($10 for children, $30 for adults who are also welcome!)
Two sessions: Grades kindergarten to 2nd will be 10am - 12noon; Grades 3rd - 6th (and older) will be 1pm - 3pm.
Your instructor will be deana harragarra waters. Her "quilt studio" was part of the Denver Art Museum's Spun Adventures
in Textile.
upcoming ex hibit s
sagebr ush f ine ar t gal l er y
30th Annual
Watercolor Wyoming
National Exhibition
June 1st ? June 30th
Artists?reception and awards ceremony June 17th from 5 pm ? 7 pm
The exhibition is a juried show and sale which features watercolor
artwork from local, regional, and national artists. Interested artists
do not have to be Wyoming Watercolor Society members to enter.
Benefits of membership include quarterly newsletters, and discounted
fees for show entries and workshops. New member fees are $35 for the
calendar year. Membership information can be found on the Wyoming
Watercolor Society website
Wyoming Wat ercol or Workshop June 15t h - 19t h
The watercolor workshop taught by nationally known watercolor artist
Stephen Quiller will be held in conjunction with the exhibition. This
workshop filled quickly and there is a waiting list. This is a 5 day
workshop titled ?Color and Water Media?. Stephen will be the juror of
the submitted artwork, and the judge of the show.
The Wyoming Watercolor Society was formed in 1983. The first
Watercolor Wyoming National Show was in 1985. The purpose of the
society is ?To maintain a network of individuals interested in
watercolor painting, sharing ideas, and showing art work?. It was also
created to develop communication and information sharing with other
watercolorists and to stimulate personal growth through shows, etc.
July 6th - 31st
Virginia Stroud
Arlene Wesley-James
deana jo harragarra waters
Sharron Ahtome Harjo
Artist Reception/ Gallery Talk
July 9th from 5:30 - 7:30
Public is welcome
Refreshments will be served
Sagebrush Community Art
Center's Member's Gallery
Please come by and enjoy
the wonderful collection of
new work which will be up
until September 2015
Sheridan Phot ographers Associat ion
Contact Justin Sheely. 307-461-2448
email: [email protected].
Check out our facebook: SheridanPhotographersAssociation
Vol unt eer Member s
Sagebrush Committees 2015
Receptions: Helen Campbell 751-8211
Front Desk: Carlah Bond & Glenn Mooney
Photographer: Mandolyn Meyer
Members Sales Gallery: Nancie Furnish 672-9254
Annual ?Fun? Raiser: Sherri Johnson & Sally LaBore
Social Media/ News Releases: Sonja Caywood 751-8216
Maintenance: Glen Mooney
Newsletter : Laura Lehan & Kate Harrington
[email protected] or [email protected]
Deadline for next newsletter July 15th
A fun even in g
at POP!
(Pen cils & Oil Pain t)
w ith artist
Arin W addell
Ou r
F ir s t
a n nu a l
ph o t o g r a ph y s h o w
Director Kate Harrington
with Juror Adam Jahiel &
Photographer Flash Parker
Ray Green's "Mark"
Awarded Best of Show
& Peoples Choice
Flash Parker's
"The Boatman"
Awarded 2nd Place
Justin Sheely's
"The Dust Settled"
Awarded 3rd Place
Jenea Neeson's "The Diver"
Awarded 1st Place
Our very generous sponsors
[email protected]
Sagebrush Community Art Center
P.O. Box 1007
201 E. 5th Street
Sheridan, WY 82801