Palette - Baltimore Watercolor Society


Palette - Baltimore Watercolor Society
Baltimore Watercolor Society: A Mid-Atlantic Organization of Watermedia Artists
June 2015
Hello Artists,
I’m excited to have new members join the BWS board. Let me tell you a little about them.
Deb Cohan will start as the new Recording Secretary at the end of June. Deb is a retired instructional
specialist from Montgomery County Schools, as well as an adjunct professor for George Washington
University. In both of those roles she was responsible for puzzling out solutions to assist teachers in
helping their students to access the curriculum. She has travelled extensively and it is reflected in the
subjects that she chooses to paint, especially those depicting people working or going about daily activities.
Deb has been assisting with the Mid-Atlantic Exhibition for the past few years, and she looks forward to
her new role as Recording Secretary.
Sabine Yeager is starting as the co-chair of short programs along with the current co-chair Diane Gibson.
She lives in Finksburg/Reisterstown, Carroll County with her husband George,
her two cats Jack and Jill, and Kaiser, a German Shepherd.
Sabine grew up in an artsy family in Germany and moved to the US in 1967.
She started working as a Photographic Artist. Soon Kodak asked her to come to
Rochester Headquarters to do slide and print retouching. She attended schools
in Georgia to learn how to use oils, pastels and dyes. At the Tampa School of
Retouching they taught her how to use dyes and airbrushing. Sabine took many
Maryland workshops to expand her knowledge of restoration. Maryland Photographers kept her busy sending her their negatives and prints. Sometimes a photograph came in pieces like a puzzle, first to be put together and then restored.
Then her career took a turn as she used her business degree to work outside of
art. After many years in the business world she retired from a human resource
director position to follow the things she likes best. Her hobbies include making
collectable greeting cards, stained glass, knitting, quilting, beading and gardening. Sabine started to work with colored pencils and watercolor. This year, she
added acrylics to the mix. She attained signature membership this past October
and her painting was accepted for the current Mid-Atlantic Exhibition. Life is
English painter David Hockney said, “The moment you cheat for the sake of
beauty, you know you’re an artist.”
Kathleen Stumpfel
Upcoming Events
Mark Mehaffey Workshop
Hawthorn Center, Columbia MD
(Registration Full)
June 2-June 5, 2015
2015 Mid-Atlantic Regional Watercolor
Exhibition, Black Rock Center for the Arts,
Germantown, MD
Exhibition: June 3-July 1
Reception: June 14, 2-4pm
Plein Air Paint Out with Fritz Briggs
Stevenson Farm, Baltimore County, MD
June 27, 2015
Plein Air Paint Out with Marshall Kinsley
Baltimore Agricultural Center
September 5, 2015
Galleries at Quiet Waters Park Exhibition
Annapolis, MD
Exhibition: August 26-October 12
Reception: August 30, 2-4pm
Indoor Plein Air Workshop with
Mark Hiles
Howard County Arts Council, Columbia, MD
October 10, 2015
Laurie Goldstein-Warren Workshop
Hawthorn Center, Columbia, MD
(Registration full)
October 19-October 22
Paint Out Events
BWS is offering three one-day plein air paint out events this year.
Register online at or contact Diane Gibson at
[email protected] or 410-357-0464.
The cost for each event is $35 for members or $40 for
Each paint out will consist of an orientation to plein air and landscape painting, a demonstration, individual instruction and a critique
at the end of the day. A recommended supply list includes a stand
up easel, water bottle, chair, hat, sketch pad, paints and watercolor
The remaining two events:
Fritz Briggs, Stevenson Farm, Baltimore County
June 27, 10am-4pm
Registration opens on April 28
Fritz Briggs is a noted watercolorist who teaches widely in the MidAtlantic area. He has taught art at the Schuler School of Art for
many years and is a member of Baltimore Watercolor Society and
the coveted American Watercolor Society.
Updated directions to Stevenson Farm:
From the Beltway Exit 23, take Falls Rd N; turn left onto Falls Rd
S; turn right onto Hillside Rd and go past the Valley Inn. Continue
on Hillside Rd past Greenspring Ave and past four houses, two on
the left and two on the right; go one mile, passing an American flag
and a fence on the left. Turn at the sign saying 1700-1708 and go
down the long road and past the tenant house where you can park.
You have gone too far if you come to the village of Stevenson.
Marshall Kinsley, Baltimore Agricultural Center
September 5, 10am-4pm
Registration opens on July 4
Marshall Kinsley is a well known teacher of watercolor and noted
artist in the BWS area. Marhshall is a past President of Baltimore
Watercolor Society and the founder of an international travel and
painting group.
Member News
Nancy Brown’s watercolor painting “At The MOMA” (top right)
was selected to be in the 2015 Adirondacks National Exhibition of
American Watercolors at the View Arts Center in Old Forge, New
York. The juror is Elaine Daily-Birnbaum. The exhibition dates are
Aug.7-Oct.4, 2015.
J. M. Littleton offers summer classes and workshops at the Littleton School of Art. J. M. was just invited by the San Diego Watercolor Society to do a two day workshop in Aug. of 2016 and to judge
one of their competitions. She was awarded the Faculty Instructor
of the Year by Howard Community College 2015. 410-828-1198,, [email protected].
April Rimpo’s painting “Fresh Fruit to Go” (bottom right) was accepted into the Illinois Watercolor Society 31st National Exhibition
2015. April earned her Signature Member status in IWS with this
Member News (Con’t)
The Galleries at Quiet
Waters Park Exhibition
Penny Kritt is offering a workshop in Computer Art. It’s easy to
improve a composition by moving and changing shapes. Learn to
put art on the net and how to make oversized prints. Bring a laptop with MS Word. Two dates at the Kritt Studio: Tuesday, June 23,
2015 or Saturday, July 25, 10am-3pm. 301-989-1799 for details.
600 Quiet Waters Park Road
Annapolis MD 21403
August 26- October 11, 2015
Reception: Sunday, August 30, 2015, 2-4pm
(Free admission to QW park for reception)
Drop Off: August 25, time TBA
Carol Bouville will have almost 100 paintings on display at IONA
Senior Services in Washington, DC as the featured artist from June
through September. Reception Friday, July 17, 2015, from 5-7pm.
Elizabeth Burin’s exhibition “Faces of Nature: Watercolors by
Elizabeth Burin” will be on view at the Creative Alliance, 3134
Eastern Ave., Baltimore, June 5 to 20. Gallery hours are Tuesday to
Saturday, 11am to 7pm.
The entrance road will be gated, therefore you will enter the Park
through the exit lane. Temporary parking for unloading is permitted
in the lower area by the dumpster. Parking is also available in the
circle in front of the Visitor Center for unlimited time during drop
off only.
Welcome New Signature
$5 registration fee, Quiet Waters takes 25% commission.
Please label the back of your painting with the following:
Artist name, mailing address, email address and telephone number,
title of artwork, medium and selling price.
Additional new signature artist members will be announced next
month. These announcements are made only after payment is received and the member is considered in good standing.
Register online at If you prefer to pay by
check, write the check to BWS and mail it to Shirley Apple Jenkins,
3 Victoria Falls Dr, Sparks, MD 21152.
Leo Kahl of Bel Air, MD
Welcome New Associates
Sandra Burns of Westminster, MD
Joe Grubb of Lyndell, PA
Susan Zander of Union Bridge, MD
You can also visit and
look for the link to “Other Art Organization’s Call for Entries” for
an up-to-date listing and additional details.
Artists’ Gallery of Columbia
Local Color 2015
American City Building, Columbia, MD
Open to MD & DC artists, jurying in person only
Drop off for Jurying: July 30 & July 31, 2015
BWS President Kathleen Stumpfel and guest speaker Philip Koch at
the Member Dinner last month.
Baltimore Watercolor Society
April Rimpo
14032 Howard Road
Dayton, MD 21036-1020
Dated Material
Baltimore Watercolor Society
Board of Governors and Committee Chairs
Display ads are published for the benefit of the BWS member who is
placing the ad at the rates below. Ads must be submitted ready to publish.
Kathleen Stumpfel President 410-322-0817
Chris Dodd Vice President 410-489-5290
Stephanie Lyon Secretary 410-381-5455
Gaye Holcomb Treasurer 410-442-1922
Sharon Green Mid-Atlantic Chair, [email protected]
Diane Gibson Program Chair 410-357-0464
Bob Coe Webmaster 410-877-3730
Joanna Barnum Newsletter Editor 410-428-3432
Joyce Durkin Archivist 717-285-3385
Karen Schuster Hospitality 410-531-5768
Karen Norman Hospitality 301-622-3770
Carolyn Murphy Newsletter Committee 410-771-4351
Marion Stern Newsletter Committee 410-823-0320
April Rimpo Membership/Database 410-766-7874
Sharon Morell Membership/Jurying 443-465-1863
Rob Talbert Workshops 240-506-5715
Kay Fuller Mid-Atlantic Awards 202-547-5477
Shirley Apple Jenkins Exhibits 443-212-5412
George Wills Publicity 410-321-8634
Harold Walpert Publicity 410-358-9543
Quarter Page (3 1/2w x 4 3/4h) $50
Business Card (3 1/2w x 2 1/4h) $25
BWS members may submit a 60-word announcement gratis to be listed
under the heading “Members’ News.”
Send information and a check payable to BWS to the editor:
Joanna Barnum (left).
“Painting in watercolor is like walking a
tight-rope; one must achieve a perfect balance
between what the paint wants to do and what
the artist wants to do, or all is lost.”
-Mary C. Taylor
Newsletter items (including ad text and fees) must be received in writing
or e-mail by the 15th of the month preceding publication date.
Please send to: [email protected]
Joanna Barnum, BWS Newsletter Editor
1451 Dartmouth Ave., Parkville, MD 21234
Visit the BWS website at
For member event registration and directory, go to