
1000s of Hours of
Research Streamlined
for YOUR Convenience!
----------------------------Master The Art Of
“First of all, thank you for picking up this guide! Despite owning the Arcade cabinet for STREET FIGHTER (the very original) when I was 3-years old, I had only played fighting games
very casually until the release of SUPER Street Fighter IV.
My reason for choosing Ibuki as my main character is solely because of how cool her Ultra I (Yoroitoshi) looked in the trailer.
Since then, I’ve been learning the character through teaching
others over Xbox LIVE.
This book is
all of the stume sharpen
skills. Hopeto find new
see my older
into being popular players all over the world.
a Thank You to
dents who let
up my teaching
fully I’ll continue
ones progress
“Ibuki PLAYER GUIDE” is a free .pdf book distributed online. You
are free to reproduce any of the data found in this booklet, and
post it on any blog/site.” -- Izuna Theophilou [[email protected]]
I would like to put emphasis on the fact that the data in this guide
isn’t all mustered up by one Ibuki player. This is a collaboration of everything useful I could find from the Street Fighter IV community.
• [Training Stage Image]
• (Nagoya Street Battle)
SUPER Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition is owned by CAPCOM, the use of images is without permission. PR guys, if you want me to take this down, just send me the e-mail.
Table of Contents
PAGE (#) | Content
4. Introducing Ibuki
5. Unique Attacks
6. Special Moves
7. Ultra Combos
8. High Jump Cancels
9. High Jump Cancel Training
10. Combos and Challenges
11. Okizeme and Kasumi Gake
12. Escaping The Kunai Vortex
13. Understanding Cubes
14. Advanced Techniques
15. Zoning and Footsies
16. Special Thanks
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
Ibuki is a female ninja, which is called “kunoichi” in Japanese. Born an orphan in a ninja village, she spends
her time living a double life. She keeps her Ninjustu a secret while attending High School with Makoto.
Introducing Ibuki
Ibuki may be considered as an easy-to-use, hard-to-master character. Her
typical gameplay is based on knocking her opponents down, and attacking them while they get up. With high damaging combos, and many ambiguous tools, she can quickly shift the momentum of the match in her
Her drawbacks then, are that her entire gameplay revolves around her opponents defensive abilities. That being said, she has a harder time fighting characters with tools to escape on when getting up. However, in this
guide, we will look at ways to overcome this issue using [safe-jumps].
Currently a character who places Top 10 in Japanese Arcades (beaten by
boring multiples of characters such as Yun and Fei-Long), Ibuki consistently places high in tournaments all over the world; rarely however, coming in first place.
People do in fact call Ibuki a “random character”, winning matches due to
chance rather than decisive ability. There are those out there who wish to
disprove this theory, using never-before-seen tactics, which only another
Ibuki player would know how to defend against. Read on to find out...
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
Her first appearance was in Street Fighter III: New Generation. In 2nd Impact, she was S-tier alongside Gouki
and Sean. Capcom addressed her imbalance by removing her Hashinsho Super Art for 3rd Strike.
Unique Attacks
HAMMER KICK (f+MK) -> Combo-able overhead, safe
on block. Pretty slow, but hops over some fireballs and attacks. Can be cancelled into from b+MK.
AGEMAN (b+MP) -> Ibuki’s main anti-air. First hit may be
cancelled with a Special Move.
SPIN KICK (f+LK) -> Far-reaching attack with the same
speed as st.MK. Can be cancelled into LK Tsumuji/Kazegiri,
or EX Tsumuji/Kazegiri for a combo.
SAZAN (df+MK/slide) -> Ibuki’s slide that hits low. If Ibuki
is too close, it is very unsafe on hit. If done at the correct
spacing, you can link st.LP after it for a combo. This move
slides underneath every projectile in the game (including
Sagat’s Low Tiger Shot).
KARA-THROW (st.MK xx Throw) -> She can extend her
throw-range by performing a st.MK, and quickly cancelling
it into a throw. The main use of this is right after a couple
of very close cr.LKs.
AGEMAN is Ibuki’s go-to anti-air. It hits opponents jumping in at
an arc towards her. The first hit is cancellable by Special Moves,
which allows her to do a great deal of damage while setting up
an ambiguous attack for a follow-up (this is shown on Page 8).
STANDING ROUNDHOUSE (st.HK) is also an anti-air, but for when
opponents are vertically above Ibuki. It puts opponents into
a juggle-state; which allows Ibuki to perform an air combo.
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
The highest ranking Ibuki player in the world is named Iyo. He went up to a player in the arcades and firmly
said: “Don’t film anymore of my matches.” Just like Ibuki, he keeps his Ninjustu a secret.
Special Moves
NECKBREAKER (qcf+P) -> EX version goes through projectiles (including Sonic
Hurricane). The normal version is what is used to set up Ibuki’s Kunai Vortex, as it
causes an [Untechable Knockdown]. It is very unsafe on block, so please refrain
from using this move unless part of a combo, or when reacting to a projectile.
TSUMUJI (qcb+K) -> LK version is used for Tsumuji Loops. MK and HK versions may cause an [Untechable Knockdown] if the [3rd-hit = low attack]. Less damaging than Neckbreaker, but not as unsafe on block.
EX version is used for wall combos. Range on knockdown is variable!
KAZEGIRI (dp+K) -> EX version is the only move Ibuki has that make her invincible
on the first frame (it is her Shoryuken). All versions have [Throw Invincibility], but
are unsafe on block. EX Kazegiri can be cancelled into LP Kunai (which makes it safe
on block) but the Kunai can be focused. HK version does the most damage.
HIEN (reverse dp+K) -> All version are overhead attacks (must be blocked
standing). Hien is unsafe on hit unless EX, or cancelled into Kasumi Suzaku. Don’t use this attack unless you have a full Super Combo gauge.
KASUMI GAKE (qcf+K) -> HK version makes Ibuki go through characters. There is
no invincibility with any version, and they all put Ibuki at a frame-disadvantage.
RAIDA (hcb+P) -> LP, MP, HP, and EX versions increase in range, but only EX deals
more damage and stun. It can be used on juggled opponents. Raida also beats all
throws in the game, but is largely unsafe on block. It can be used to break limbs
(including Dhalsim’s from afar), but the timing is very strict.
KASUMI SUZAKU (qcfx2+P) -> Ibuki’s Super Combo has many uses. It may be
chained into from Hien, cr.HP, and st.HK (via the just of a High Jump), and Kazegiri. It is very difficult to combo after a Kazegiri, and have all of the kunai hit, so it is
typically used after st.HK or Hien instead.
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
Ibuki’s taunt in Street Fighter III was hopping over her opponent. This could done on a stunned opponent,
and it also increased her attack power.
Ultra Combos
YOROITOSHI (Ultra I) -> This Ultra Combo is a grab up close,
with a startup of 2-frames. This means that anything that puts
an opponent close to Ibuki, and is 2 or more frames negative
on block, she can punish with Yoroitoshi. If the throw doesn’t
connect, she throws out an orb instead, which may cause a
jumping opponent to fall to the ground.
HASHINSHO (Ultra II) -> This Ultra Combo passes throw projectile attack (including Sonic Hurricane). After connecting, it
pushes the opponent into the corner, but Ibuki recovers far away
from her opponent.
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
In Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix, Ibuki escapes the ninja village to visit Harajuku, Tokyo. Ibuki even had to
beat up Sakura because she wouldn’t tell her where the ice cream shop was. How immature!
High Jump Cancels
HIGH JUMP TRAINING – “Unless you’re a master at this already, or you don’t want to beat people
up with the strongest Kunoichi in fighting games, skip this sub-heading. Otherwise, practice!”
This one is what’s required of your to complete Ibuki’s Trial #24. In the usual notation it’s [st.LK, st.MK xx
High Jump xx Hashinsho]. Load up Training Mode, turn on INPUT DISPLAY, and give this combo a go. Do it
as slow as you need to, don’t rush this. Keep practicing until you’ve done this twice.
(AE Only)
A LOT of people have issues with this. In shorthand: [cr.HK xx st.HK xx High Jump xx HK Kasumi Gake]. It is
very important you do this combo as shown above; any other method isn’t going to help you be consistent.
If you’re having troubles, just do the kicks with the High Jump, and watch when Ibuki jumps. That’s when
you want to press the final kick. When you’ve done this twice, move on.
Shorthand: [TC4 xx High Jump xx Yoroitoshi]. After this, consider yourself well prepared to use [High Jump
xx Kasumi Gake] more often in matches. Even though you probably won’t use this combo, it’s very important to give this one a go before you give up on High Jumps.
Are you getting EX Raida instead of Yoroitoshi? Take a look at your INPUT DISPLAY on the left of the Training Mode screen. Take a look at the very last input, you should see this:
If you see this as your last input, and you’re still getting EX Raida, find this input:
If both of these exist, then you’re just doing the movements too slowly, or they’re not accurate. Practice
Yoroitoshi on its own, and then try again.
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
Makoto attending the same school as Ibuki was an issue. All Makoto wants to do is fight strong opponents.
Ibuki dodges Makoto’s challenges day in, day out, hoping that her classmates don’t suspect she’s a ninja.
High Jump Cancel Training
• cr.HP xx High Jump xx Neckbreaker
• cr.MP xx High Jump xx Hashinsho
• cr.LP, st.LP, st.MK xx High Jump xx Hashinsho
• Target Combo 4 xx High Jump xx Yoroitoshi
• cr.LK, cr.LP, st.LP, cr.HK xx st.HK xx High Jump xx [Kasumi Gake] (AE Only)
A High Jump cancel (otherwise known as a Super Jump cancel or SJC) is performed by inputting [Down] then [Up] during a move. Not every move can be
cancelled into a jump, and most of the time you won’t actually want to, but if
you want to combo into Ibuki’s Ultra Combos, there’s no other way.
HIGH JUMP CANCELS (TROUBLESHOOTING) – “If you’re not getting the right combo, it’s YOUR fault...”
THIS MINI-GUIDE REFERS TO [Target Combo 4 xx High Jump xx Hashinsho]
• You get nothing [after the final hit]: Your inputs were way too fast!
• You get a High Jump, but no Ultra Combo: You didn’t input the KKK [at the correct time].
• You get EX Kazegiri/EX Raida: Your inputs are still slightly too fast: More specifically, you’re pressing the KKK buttons too early. You want to High Jump, and
then link into the Ultra Combo. If you’re getting EX Kazegiri/EX Raida, then it’s
because you’re cancelling TC4 straight into the Special Move instead of the High
• You get the High Jump, and then a random kick in the air: Your timing is
off. More specifically, the gap between the High Jump and the KKK input is too
• You get Kasumi Gake (Command Dash) instead of Hashinsho: Check your inputs. You’re not inputting the correct directions.
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
Ibuki hates Guy’s stuck-up attitude towards being a ninja, but that’s not the only reason, he’s just plain weird!
Once, Ibuki wanted to fight Guy, but he dodged the challenge by distracting her with a potato (to eat).
Combos and Challenges
THE IMPORTANT COMBOS -- “Feel free to skip this sub-heading if
you’ve played her trials, but them all a try!”
• Target Combo 4 xx [Neckbreaker]
• st.LK xx st.MK xx [Neckbreaker]
• (Close) st.LP xx st.MP (2-hit) xx cr.HK xx st.HK
• cr.LK, cr.LP, st.MK xx [Neckbreaker]
• cr.LK, Target Combo 4 xx [Neckbreaker]
• st.MP, st.LP, st.MK xx [Neckbreaker]
• f+MK, cr.LP, st.MK xx [Neckbreaker]
• Hien xx Kasumi Suzaku
• Target Combo 4 xx HK Tsumuji (3rd hit = low attack)
• (Corner) st.MP, st.MP, st.MK xx EX Tsumuji, HK Kazegiri
• Target Combo 4, st.LP, st.MK xx Neckbreaker
• st.HK, HK Kazegiri
You may have noticed already, but the harder combos are weaker. Well,
that’s not exactly true once you start using what we call [Tsumuji Loops],
and [High Jump] cancels. A [Tsumuji Loop] is a st.LP after LK Tsumuji!
CHALLENGE COMBOS -- “Sakonoko is famous for doing some of these
hard combos in tournaments. You should check him out!”
• st.MP, st.LP, st.LP, st.MK xx EX Neckbreaker
• cr.LK, cr.LK, st.LP, st.LP, cr.MP xx HK Kazegiri
• cr.MP, st.LP, f+LK xx EX Tsumuji, EX Raida
• st.HK, Yoroitoshi
• f+MK, st.MK, HK Kazegiri xx MP Kasumi Suzaku
• j.HP, cr.HP xx High Jump xx Hashinsho
• st.MP, st.MK xx LK Kazegiri, st.LP, st.MK xx HK Tsumuji
• TC4 xx LK Tsumuji, st.LP, st.MK xx EX Tsumuji, HK Kazegiri –FADC– cr.HP
• j.HK, cr.HP xx High Jump xx LP Kunai, TC4, st.LP, st.MK xx HK Kazegiri xx MP Kasumi Suzaku
If you perform the final combo in a recorded video, your name will be
on a list of the sickest Ibuki players in the world; seriously.
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
In Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix, Ibuki can transform into many different forms: Rolento to throw a kunai;
a penguin to perform Hien; and a geisha to sing. She can also summon giant frogs with her Ninjustsu.
Okizeme and Kasumi Gake
Okizeme refers to limiting an opponent’s options while they are knocked down. You may have heard about
Ibuki’s Kunai Vortex. We will be looking at how to practice Ibuki’s Kunai Vortex, and how it is escaped by
each character (next page). We will also explore the uses of Kasumi Gake (pronounced Gah-Keh).
Ibuki’s Kunai Vortex is the very foundation of the character. The plan is to try and knock the opponent over
to start the vortex, and to keep the vortex going by using a combo that initiates another knockdown.
• Select Ibuki as your character.
• Select Ryu as your opponent.
• Press Start, and select TRAINING OPTIONS
• Repeatedly Perform LP Shoryuken
• Hit Ryu with Neckbreaker, or MK Tsumuji (3rd hit = low attack)
• Practice Jumping Forward, and Throwing a LP Kunai
You need to understand that Ibuki’s Kunai Vortex shouldn’t hit the same area every time; otherwise the opponent will always block the correct direction. You want to practice this over and over until you see Ryu get
hit in different positions, or completely missing Ibuki with the LP Shoryuken.
KASUMI GAKE – “If only Ibuki had an EX version of this move.”
Kasumi Gake is commonly known as Ibuki’s [Command Dash]. It is used to move Ibuki closer to her opponent,
and sometimes, behind her opponent. Below are a couple of combos/strings that we want you to try out.
• (Close) st.LP xx st.MP (2hit) xx cr.HK xx st.HK xx High Jump xx HK Kasumi Gake -> f+MK, cr.LP, st.MK xx Neckbreaker
• st.HK xx High Jump xx cr.HP
What you need to understand is that Kasumi Gake has a long recovery time. Good players are able to react to it, and
start blocking the correct way. Despite this, it works as a frame-trap since you can go straight into an overhead or
throw. The best uses of Kasumi Gake however, are as part of Ibuki’s Kunai Vortex, or to extend an anti-air combo.
• Neckbreaker -> LK Kasumi Gake -> HK Kasumi Gake
• Neckbreaker -> LK Kasumi Gake -> LP Kunai
• (Anti-air) Ageman (1-hit) xx LK Kasumi Gake, st.HK, HK Kazegiri
Ibuki is able to deal a lot of damage or stun with an anti-air. Play around with [Ageman (1-hit) xx LK
Kasumi Gake] with Raida and cr.HP instead of st.HK. Think of it as an air-combo.
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
Fitting all of this important information onto one page wasn’t such a good idea, but sometimes the life of a
ninja is a hard and puzzling one. I’m sure Ibuki cuts corners with her homework too.
Escaping The Kunai Vortex
If an opponent back-dashes, it puts them into a juggle state. Ibuki can combo with Raida, but reacting to the juggle is unrealistic, and Raida is an unsafe attack. After the opponent falls to the ground, it is still possible to use the vortex, but the timing is very strict.
Every character can [Focus Dash] out of the vortex, but depending on which direction they choose to dash, they either back away from Ibuki, or run into her face. Technically, it’s not a real solution, since if they dash the wrong way they’re susceptible to more damage.
Ibuki’s Kunai Vortex (when timed perfectly) will not allow moves to auto-correct. Some characters rise off
the ground faster (or slower) than others. Timing needs to be adjusted accordingly.
& Shout of Earth (Anti-Air)
EX Soul Spiral
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
The top ranking Ibuki player in Europe is known as F-Word, who regularly attend a local tournament called
WinnerStaysOn. Players usually include the likes of Ryan Hart, and sometimes F-Word overcomes him.
Understanding Cubes
CUBES – “Courtesy of Air (Ryu), let’s Describe Spacing
When you select TRAINING, the Stage will always be [Training Room]. Apart from looking
like the least imaginative stage with hardly any geometry, it’s actually rather good for practicing spacing. You have to do the training yourself however, otherwise you won’t memorise move ranges. Only experience can help you here.
Ryu and Sakura are [4 Cubes (4C)], or[20 Little Cubes (20b)] apart. In the back you
can [2 Air Cubes (2A)]. We won’t be using Air Cubes often, because of how difficult it is to measure in real time. It may seem complicated at first, but don’t fret.
Different characters have different walk speeds, and different moves. This is what makes
Street Fighter IV complicated. Sometimes, you’re at a disadvantage, just because the distance between you and your opponent.
Please consider these cubes when you practice footsies in Training Mode. Eventually you
will be able to visualise this grid in any stage, and then you will always be able to do things
like Ibuki’s slide at the correct range.
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
If you use Ibuki’s Alternate Costume in SUPER Street Fighter IV(: Arcade Edition), you will notice that she pulls
down an imaginary mask down, and pulls out a kunai. Perhaps she hides it in her mouth?
Advanced Techniques
• cr.LK, cr.LK -> Kara-Throw
• cr.LP, cr.LP -> Throw (walk)
Note: “Technically any throw attempt after stun is
a tick-throw, but the set-ups above are hit-confirmable into combos.”
• cr.HP (Far)
• Ageman xx Kasumi Gake, st.HK,
HK Kazegiri (Jump-in/Close)
• st.HK , HK Kazegiri (Vertical)
• Target Combo 4, st.LP
• f+LK
• f+LK xx LK Tsumuji
• st.LP, st.MK xx LK Tsumuji
• TC4, cr.LP, st,MK
• MK Tsumuji (2-hits),
st.LP (Standing) or. [f+LK xx EX Tsumuji]
• Neckbreaker -> Ageman -> j.HP(+MK)
• Neckbreaker -> Ageman -> sj.LK
• Neckbreaker -> cr.MK -> sj.LK
• Neckbreaker -> f.Dash -> nj.LK
• Raida -> LK Kasumi Gake -> sj.MK
• b.Throw -> f.Dash -> sj.LK
• Neckbreaker -> (walk) -> (s)j.LK
• (Corner) EX Tsumuji -> cr.HP -> j.LK
“After cr.HK xx st.HK xx High Jump xx”
• HK Kasumi Gake -> cr.LK, TC4
• HK Hien
• HK Kasumi Gake -> Hammer Kick, cr.LP
• cr.MK, st.MK (Close) or. f+LK (Far)
• cr.MP, st.LP
• Most Overheads (Sakura f+MK) [U2]
• Most cr.HKs (Abel, Akuma, Ryu, Ibuki) [U2]
• Shoryuken FADC [U1]
• xx High Jump xx Yoroitoshi (-1 on hit)
-> kara-throw
-> EX Kazegiri (beats reversal regular DPs)
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
Ibuki is able to kara-cancel Kasumi Gake with a Raida, showing her after-image before grabbing her opponent. This has no practical use however, but Sakonoko has used it in matches (presumably showing off).
Zoning and Footsies
When zoning with Ibuki you have to keep in mind her lack of defensive options. If you find yourself in a
block-string without a bar of meter you have no reversal DP. Ibuki’s optimum range against most of the cast
(excluding M. Bison (Dictator), Chun-Li, and Fei-Long) is roughly starting range, just a little closer (about 1b).
The reason for this is all because Ibuki’s Ageman (anti-air), Sazan (slide), cr.MP (OS Neckbreaker), and High
Jump are all great options that puts her opponents (usually) to a stop.
However, once you start playing against stronger opponents, you’ll find that there is an answer to just about
every option Ibuki has. Some characters can even beat her Ageman. Besides knowing your opponents offensive options, you’ll need to know their defensive options. To get you started, let’s deconstruct the match-up
vs. Ryu, as it will cover the majority of the match-ups in the game.
Optimum Range -> you can reach this at the start of every round by taking a baby step forward. When it’s not
the beginning of the round, you’ll want to be trying to tackle your opponent’s movements to take this space.
Once you’re in optimum range, you’ll be looking out for Ryu’s options: if he jumps in, Ageman will work as an
anti-air; if he throws a fireball, Ibuki can slide underneath (and sometimes chain a combo); if he performs
Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku, cr.HP may punish.
Of course, this assumes you have pretty good reactions, but if you know what you’re looking for it’s easy. Furthermore, as the match progresses, the options change drastically in Ibuki’s favour. Fireballs may be punished
with EX Neckbreaker or Hashinsho, or Ibuki can even punish a Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku with Hien xx Super.
No one plays perfectly of course, but in theory, this is Ibuki’s advantageous point. If Ryu jumps back, you can
dash in to reset the situation. If you systematically practice each match-up in Training Mode, using the Cubes
as reference, you don’t learn what to do in every match, but you narrow the options down. This is the way to
better your reactions, by learning what to expect.
By zoning your opponent, you put them into your advantageous position. You can do anything from neutral jumping, throwing a low kunai, focus attacking a normal (and subsequently dashing), to simply walking
forward. To make things more complicated, there’s a type of zoning called footsies. This is when you use far
away from your opponent to bait them into using theirs, and then either closing up the gap by moving in, or
using a more far-reaching normal to hit their extended limbs.
Ibuki’s important footsie tools are st.MP, cr.MP (buffered into Neckbreaker/Kasumi Gake/Tsumuji), Spin Kick
(f+LK buffered into LK/EX Tsumuji), and cr.HK. To give you an example, imagine the round starts with Ibuki
vs. Makoto. Ibuki uses cr.MP, and quickly inputs Neckbreaker. If Makoto doesn’t move, the cr.MP whiffs, and
the Neckbreaker doesn’t come out, but if Makoto dashing towards Ibuki, she gets knocked down. However,
if Ibuki does the cr.MP, and Makoto jumps, she can’t use Ageman to anti-air. Spacing and options belonging
to 40 characters is impossible to read up on and apply. But don’t fret; you don’t need to know this to get
into the Elite Replay Channel!
Ibuki TRIVIA - Did you know...
Zoning is a psychological tactic that makes you ready for the expected. With one correct read, you can start
Ibuki’s vortex, and move on to winning the round in seconds. Be patient, yet unpredictable!
Ramzi (RMZ) - “Thank you for introducing me into the Street Fighter
community. I’d probably still be playing RPGs, or Ninja Gaiden Black, if
you didn’t beat me so bad when SUPER came out.”
FoRE GoD VII - “Remember that legendary Makoto mirror match?
My first student; you got me into teaching!”
RedCaliburn - “Quite possibly the most commited-to-learn player
out there. Good luck in your tournament.”
Ryan Hart - “For representing the UK and putting us on the map.
Good luck in EVO!”
F-Word - “A lot of what I know comes from “spying” on your Ibuki,
just saying.”
MingoDynasty - “For proof-reading and overseeing this book.”