Lumen 1968 - St Patrick`s College Strathfield


Lumen 1968 - St Patrick`s College Strathfield
St. Patrick's College) 5trathfield
[ ...........
lI egi.,le,rd III ( ; .P.O .. .Sydney, for lroll.!lIIi;sion by posl as a periodical.
,-/.I Wf' fe lelJraled Cll/i,l/lI1a ,l ill Ihe rI.)'lIIg daVI of '68: tI/lee
IlII ell{(1II a" /mll-
outs, Fmlll! 80 rll1all, lI 'i l/ifllll Allden fl/ld la lllf'l ' . ()J lellll'l' le r/ullII,!!. Ihe II/(JOII,
,.J ,I
we (Olllll1elllOraled ollce lI10re Ihe relle/alloll whirll Ihe Cleator
10 liS
of /-l is 1m Ie , II/I'ee of 0111' fel/ow IIlell weI(' ('X/Jlorillf!, IIIOle df'eP I)' a (/1/lf' It'1I1
J'('7 Iela lioll : II, e re7wlalioll which tI,e Cleator gi 'e I 11,\ 10lltillllal/y of lI i,l ,JOWl' I
IlI ld lIi,l lI ' isdoll1 lIIallifested ill 'h e wOlldn,1 oj lIi,l lTeatioll,
Th eIl' 11111'1' 1',\·
jJlorer:, o[ Ih i" lIIodem age lillder:.toot/ Ih e jJli7Iift'!!,e w lli rh wa" Ihl'l/l,
s(lIIclifled th"ir pwlJillg o[ "jJare I), readillf!, [or
Ih " tilllele,l,l 1111111,1 o( (;elll'" i,I ,
Th ey were wi"e ellollgh 10 see th e wOllder; of Crelilioll agaill .lt Ihl' 1}(IllIdlllP
of the alllliglll)' jJIJlL'n IIlId IL'i"dolll w ill ch f!,lll le It IHillg,
Pmsibly we were rell1inded Of the words of Ih e '"
lool! liP a/ /ho.I('
he(/7Iell,1 of thille , Ihe worll of /h y hallds, a/ Ill e 1110011 and the stars whirh tholl
110:.1 :,et ill Ih eil jJlace.l ,"
Maybe we were rell1illded also of those fllrther re/let'·
tlOI7S of th e Psallllist; li e was Ihinl!illg of th e grandeur o[
i" abie to,
appleciate these wOllders: "Thou hast plrlled hill1 ollly a lillie beioul Ih e allgel,l,
(rowllillg him with glory alld IIIJIIOllr , olld bidding I,illl rille Ol'e r the lOorl! of
III )' halle/.I " Ps, 8: -/ ,6, ,-I s we waited hO/Jeflllly for the sa[e retllm of till'le
W(/ll -
deren ill s})(lce we ullderstood a lillie 1I/OI'e flllly Ihat til e Creator has gllle ll t(~
mill! a .Ihare ill H is OWII Power alld IFi.ldom: lI elwr before 1/(/.1 lIIall beell
aware of his OWII borea tness: a barea tlless whicll ellab l e; hilll 10 explore ell('r IIWl e
deeply th e limitless wonders of creation: to Jeali;e el'er //lore ful/y the magllill(e llce of Ihe WfJ/l!" of Ih e Crealor of all,
The lli.lio ll cOllld be 100 awesome: oll1l1ipolellce call be frightellillg; bill there
is 110 lIeed lor fear: Allllighty Power callie alld dwell OIllOllg liS so that we III/ght
learn Ihat Hi; lin li llg IOlrlpassiol1 [or His creatllre; is as limitless a" His Pow er.
Frolll this siems lite tasl! of Ih e People of Cod: 10 I!eep ali,'e ill the hnllts of all
'68 i.1 dedicated in a slJirii of congmt7i1ation and af)jJreciatioll
mell the IU/IIwled boe Ihat Ihe LOl'e o[ (;od i" ....![reater
Ihall a/l
Hi.1 Eminence Sir Norman Tholll([.1 Cardinal Gilroy , ArchbishojJ of
S)dlley, ([nd to those Cllri.I/;([11 Brothers who over tIle 1)(Isl one hllndred
yean h(l1Ie {a{iOlIred wi"l the Awlra{iml Hierarchy for the well-tieing
of Ihe
of AlIsiralia.
Will /1 .1,
of th e Prin cipal , Re\,. Hr. T. 1. elSe), in
the distin guish ed prese nce 01
H is Em incn ce Sir ~ orman Tholll as
Cardinal Gilroy.
ReI . 1110.
I. C"'CI . 11 .. \ ..
\1. \ .C .I·..
Your Eminen(e, R e v. Bro th er Prov incial ,
R ev. Fath e r~, R eI . Broth e r" , Di, tin g ui,h ed
Cue,t;, Ladie; and Cemlern e n:
In pre;elll in g th e Forty- Fint ,\nnu al R epon
0 1 Sl. P;llri c k\ C o ll ege, Strathfield, to th e
Pare nl> ,! nd Fri e nd., 01 thi; College, J lI"i.,h
firstly to welcomc His Emin e nce to thi Speech
~i " ht a nti J Il"i, h to thank him , o n lour behall
lor hi s kindl) acce ptan ce of o ur i~vita tio n t~
pre,c m lhe pri/ e'> to th e '> ucces;ful tud e lll of
I wi,!! lO a;,wre Hi ~ EllIin e nce 0 1 th e lo yalt),
e~tee l n a nd allenion 01 th e College Stall, th e
, tud e lll IJ od), and th e ir parelll;'. D ee pl y CO II ,( io u; 0 1 th e difiI c ulti e, conirolll in g hi, Emin e ll ce durin g the pre;,e lll tim e, [ \I' i,>h to a s ure
him o [ a remellibrance in o ur pra>er;, lo r hi ~
in te nti om..
T o ni g hl , it i., m ) wi;h to di;cus, th e place of
th e Catholic School in thi, ch a ng ing society of
o ur; . That our ,ocie t) i,> chan g in g \I'e arc very
mu ch a 11":1 re. \\' e ;ee ,ociet)' LOtla) a, m ore pe rmi"il'e in it, attillItle, more mat er iall y-mind ed
in its ,a ill es a nd more LOlerant LOwartis its no nco nlornli~t ;, .
In th e micbt 01 chi., c han gin g
, ocict) \I'e find o ur Catholi c School:,. In th e pas't
our ;chool s have large ly bee n e tee m ed a nd
praised beci\lI,e o f th e ir rep utatiom. Th e ir re p ·
utati o n for academic re;, ults in publi c exa min ati o n, 11'<\;' h a rd -ear n ed and \I· e ll -d e~e rv e d . Theil
reputation fo r h e lpin g in th e form a tion o f
)oung st ud e nts into m e n and wom e n o f ge nuin e
(hri;Lian ,alu es 11'<1;' 1lIore than d e e n 'eel. Rut
thac our :,choob had a re puca ti o n for ma">produ cti o n of we ll -be haved young ge ntl em e n .
rather co lo url es;, in pe rso nalit y <lnd too easih
conforming in outlook w;\', both unnatural a nd
unh ea lth y.' This ima ge of th e perfect sch oo l i,
exe rt forre and pres, ure o n th e sUld e nt bod> tn
bring auout, at leas t, an exter nal appeara ll ce 01
not ju,t a real o n e. It i" p o", ibl e, 0 1 (our,e, to
a. pe rl ect , tilOol.. . \Ith ough thi ;, look;, b"ood a nd
I, IlIO,C co miortlll g to parent, and 10 the head Il\a~ter, it is a P") cho log ica II ) un,ou nd id ea I
ba,ed on lea r a nd repre,;,ion. Th e lea Ih .,oullli
idea l i;, LO e nto urage alld advi.,e the ' tlI ~lc nh to
prauise res pomibilit ) in a ll a~pe(l;, 01 thcil
ch oo l li lc. In e nco urag ill g thi , pel "o nal re,poll,ibilit), Il"e mu st ex p ect .,ollle to di ;,a ppo illl
u; - but Ih e ol'e rall be ne fit II"here yo ull g nlell a nd
1I"0men act respollsibl ) 0 1 thelllsclve~, 1;lr outweigh;, I h e d isappoi Illme lll;, lI"e nlll ~t e xpec l.
Th e ;,c hoo l mu,t be big e nou g h in it;, o utl oo k to
IOler;lte ,lIch impel i"cuion. \I' hell th e,e impelIeni o m , hO Il'e ver, bee Olli e d i,co u rte" o r d i,·
hon e~t) or d efia nce 0 1 authorit). ccr~a ill ' :1 11 ( tioll~ IIlU,l be impo,eel a, th e ,ehool 1I111.,t maill '
taill sta nd arcl!, o f di;,eiplille in order 10 IUllction
e lil cie ntl ). But le t u, re l11 01 e a ll th e emp h ;l,i,
IrOI11 ,chool rep uta ti o n and l oCll~ it o n p er,o nal
re'pon,ibilil)" of the ~ llId e nt hinhel f.
Id ea l edll ca tioll d oe, no t re;t with th e ,(hool
a lon e. It invo lves oe iec l , th e Chllrch the
pare nts ,Inel the ;,choo t. II :\11 ) o ne 0 1 lhe,>~ loul
group, la il, to edu cate th e c hild in a fittin g
lI·a) . th e (hild Illust .> urfe r <I, a re.>ull. COllsidel ill g th e ;,ch oo l fir~t, let llIe ,,<1 ) that 1 'ee th e
lunctio n 0 1 o ur Catholic School> a\ th e preparation o f th e )oung '>llIdent for lull a nd ge lluill e
Catholic IiI in g ,,'> -I lI'orl hll"hil e ( iti/ ell ill OUI
communitl . . \elded LO thi ideal i., hi, aca d emic
educati o n ' in th e cla.>;,room . The ,>c hoo l i re;pom iblc for p repar in g )O UI ,on acadelllical"
a nd for a" i'>ting )O U ill the Chri,ti:ln l:.du cat ioll
o r \our child . Thi, i, our ba, ie IUIHti o ll- tlJ
as~i~t parellt'> in di ;,ch argin g their re<;pomiiJilitl
/11 I·el)llllll,' . Ihe PI07'illrial of Ihe C!lIi;li(1II Rloth ers pre;ellled Iwdp,cs I(J Ihe newly a/Jpoillied College
Prefect.1. Caplaill of Ihe College wm Peler Freebody alld Ihe College I'ice-Captaill W({,I Pall! Cirdler.
Theil fellow prefects were Peler Beal/mont, Peta 13 'm I(il/f, Sie/Jhell Bramble, Stephell D ewar, AlIlIIOII),
Dillon. A'e"ill Gill. lam e:, Har'/ley, Cm!wlII Hordem, Creg()ry /li rd. johll ,1/ enlies. f ohll ,\lills, Mi{hael
.\t>7 I ille , Peler Qllinn, .-ll1lholl )' Slleehan, C/lJ"islo/Jher 'iid()li. Stephen Sine/iar, La/lrellre I 'ale alld
Telell{e I'illson.
to their children. But Catholic Schools ha\'e
almo,t u urped the role 01 parents in marten, of
dre,s, cOlldu<t, penonal appearance, e tc. Any
mi,demeanour in anyone oj the,e poi illS is
blamed on the dlOOI. These matlen are really
a parelllal re pon ibilit y and concern the school
onl) insoJar as it a ,ists in and reinforces what
parelll; uuglu to be doing at home. Parents must
counter the influences of the (al,e idols o(
ociet) and the false values of behaviour present
in ociety by a genuine upholding of values and
ideal; that are of intrinsic worth.
diffIcult to catc h the allention of the modern
student JS he is a prod uct 01 the Illas -media age.
It i his practice to turn 011 an uninteresting
programme be it on televi ion or radio. H e is
a);o able to ,elen whatever suits his lancy.
Faced by 01 teacher in the classroom who fails to
win his illlere>L, the ,tudelll witches off, not
ph}'ically. but melllally. \\lith a too formalised
Christia,l Education Syllabus he become, bored
and begins to equate religion with boredom inHead of being eager to learn about Christ, to
value His concern (or all men, and e,pecially to
appreciate Christ's great personal love and care
(or each and every individual. The Heirarchy
o( this .\ rchdiocese i well a,,'are of this problem
and is at pre,ent working on a course that is both
relevant a nel lIlea n i ngful. Duri ng adolescence,
there occurs a change from the simpl e religion
of a child to a ~et oj nell' concept; wititble to
the adult mind. For the )OLlIlg adolescent it i,
a time of uncertainty, insecuriLY and cven rejection. The parellls, during this period, Illust
It might be consoling to parents who feel
untertain and ome"'hat inadequate in Julfilling
their responsibility that ,,'e, too, (eel ,omewhat
inadequate in the Christian Education oj our
adolescents. It is not that our values and principles are doubted, but that methology and content have created certain problem'>. It is very
relllain call1l, treat the )oung adolescent' probIcm,> with ;)llIpath) and underHanding, and
th em,cl I'e, rCIII a i n tru e to the e;;elllia I and
ba,ic principle, 01 Chri;tianity. The parent,
IllU t remain finll in the,e cs,e lllia!; evcn il the
adole,cent reject, their valuc;. They are giving
him something to CUt hi, teeth agaimt, to n :;I~, e" hi, l a lue, again;t their own, to recogni,e
that the) oe nuinel y rcgard the,e values as basic.
to lile. Very ;oon, it i, hoped, the adole;cent
Il'ill recogni;e the importan ce o f the;e value, and
make them hi~ oll·n. Thi, i; II'here we ,ee the
rcal worth ol the Catholic School. It re-infor(t'~
the \"alue, 01 the Catholic parclll; ,0 that the
genui ne Chri;rian lil'e; of Par en~, and Teacher
make r(>aell a real and worthwhile ~el o[ I'alue,
at a tim-e I;'hen the maturing adole,cent becomes
aware of their nece"ity. \ \lhen parent, are
Chri.,tian in nam e only, the Catholic School i,
unable to rc-inforce what mu;t and ;,hould
begin in Ihe home.
The Church and Societ) mu,t al,o pla~ their
part in the education o.f the ,Young: T.o quote
Gabriel .\roran of .-\m enca, "Education I, not to
be equat ed with llIere ;,choo ling- it i, a life-timc
experien ce."' I n Vatican II the Church h,t',
.,hOll' n her co nc ern i; ;0 lIlan) lI'ay, that I need
not dwell upon them tonight. f lI'ould , hOll'e\'CI .
like to ;<1)' wmething .abo ut Societ(s rol<; . .We
mU~l not alloll' the attitude 01 .\ mencan Soclet)
to re:lch t'xce"il'ely illlo our Oll'n .
In .\ meric;l. ,>oeict) look., to the ,choob in
ortlel to oll'e her problelll,. Thi, i, impl not
thc role of thc chool, lor e\ cl") nell' \ cllture that
i, undenaken b) the ,c.hool (e.g., in .\IIICI ita,
learll-to·dri \'e and road coune,) cour,e, are run
in the ,thoob) there lIIu,t be a cOlre'po nding
break·dOIl n ill the ,chool\ cflteicnt) ill it> ba,ll
f ullction. Then, too, lI'e knoll' lrolll experience
that the el il UlnnOl be rellloled unle." thc
,ource, in thi, G1 e oeict), doe, willcthing about
it it,ell. Societ) llIu,t be renell'ed: ,tandard, and
ideal; l11tl\t be rai;,ed. Our )ollth i., being exploited alld cOIllmerciali,cd beforc ollr \CI") eye,
and we wonder Il'h) lI'e hale problem, lI'ith our
ado le,celll (hildren: at tillie" undc.,irable, (ontrol club., and team., lor youth, in (llir ICI)
di.,tri(l', and \I' C wonder whl ollr childrcn be·
cOllie roltl>h
coar,e, and iIT~li!!.ioll":
a (ode •of
(ondllct i;, dictated to u;, through the entcI taln ·
melll world and through nell',p,lj>el, and 1Ilaga·
line., II'hidl i;, at variancc with whal II'e expeu
Irom our (hildren and lI'e lI'onder thai ClUl child ren rejell our value,. ,\llthi., pre.,ent,> a (hallellge
to parenl> of all Chri,tian beliel., to inJlu ence
our ,ocietl to take an active inlcre,t and palt
in loca I ~\' e n b, to strongl) re jen and prOLC,t
aga i n,t the ex ploi ta tion tha t i, degrad i II g. OUI
,oe iet)', rendering it umuitable a., all environment lor our chi ldren. f hal'e 11 0 alhll'er to how
thi, Illi~ht be done, nut ociety i, failing in it,
respolhibilit) to educate th~ ) b~cau,>e Il
negatc,> II'hat is being taught.1Il a Chn,>uan hOIl.l e
a nd ~c hool. COlli placenC) III th I, rega I'd 11'111
achiel e nOlhing: Catholic people. LOgcthel with
Twu'e dllrillg Ihe ye{/l '\/0; ,\ Wfl\ celebraled Jm Ih t> C{)/legt> roll/IIIIIIIII )' Oil Ihe On": Ihe /11 .11 O{{/I.I,101l
If III(I} '" Ille 1)1' 1' lIill " ()f fhe Mhool )'ea)"' Ilu' sec()/ld {){(a .llO/I ll'a; Ihe (efl .11 ()( SI. 1ll;IWIIII.1 of 1.0,0111
> "
. '
. .
I 1.
I) ' ,
alld II/arked Ille fellsl day of fhe fOlillder of Ihe Chrt;!tall n rol"e/~. Brolher r{ 1I1/i/1( [!.IWIIIII lin .
REPORT (Continued)
people 01 othel' belieb, IllU,t eek to tille the
exploitation 01 )oung people and attcmpt to
inllucncc the area!> where the) live.
Edulallon is not something that can be !cIt
entirely to the ,chool. J t i, ne(e,~ary that we
work together, that parent, reali,e that the
dlOOI will re-inforce " 'hat the) do. The attitudes
01 ociety around us will omewhat spoil what
we are attempting to do, but b) working to"-ether, by a cia er under tanding between
parent, and school, by our own genuine accept·
ance 01 Chri;rian values, we will both be lui·
filling our re ponsibilit) to your children. The
ideal in education i, diHicult to achieve, but in
our (hanging society the role 01 the Catholic
S(hool i, to assi t )OU, the parent" in forming
our )oung men into wortlndlile Christians.
1 wish, now, to poilll out something 01 the
financial problems coni ranting the College at
Ihe present time. J draw the attention of the
-'[ember.. of Government who are pre!>ent with
me on the stage, and whose interest I appreciate,
LO the inuea ed difhculty of raising finance for
the increa ing running costs of this one school.
A ,imihr difhculty confronts all independent
;chooh in thi, State LOday. Our teacher salary
expen es ~lone w ill rise Irom S81,OOO LO S9-1,OOO,
an inue;]sc of S 13,000. This has bee n caused b)
the introduction 01 a tea cher salary scale and by
the additional staff required for next year.
Ordinal y running costs, too, have risen so that I
have no other choice but to increa,e the school
fees in 1909. This will also eliminate any need
ror rarrles within the school-so, in 1969, no
more ~lhool raffles will be h e ld.
The 1\linister for Education and Science has
inrormed us that the grant ror our nell' Science
buildilw will be paid in the financial year,
1970-7 tIn the meantim e, we have been obliged
to obtain a large bridging loan rrom the Com·
monll'ealth Hank. \Ve have recently received
a generou, allocation or funds ror science equip·
ment rrom the Federal Government ; in the near
ruture we expect to hear details of a similal
grant ror books in the Senior Library.
The tate Government ha, increa~ed its per
(apita pa) me lll to schools for primary school
pupils to 24 a )ear. For both this Federal . aid
a nd Slale aid we are most grateful: but mlghl
I draw to the attention of all present here to·
night that a mere 5% of all the money allocated
ror education in this State is directed to I ndependent chools, whi(h educate 25% or the
State"; <-hildren. 95';0 01 the allocated Lund, are
!>pent on ' tate Schoob where 75% oL the State',
<.hildren are taught. Thi, i!> hardly a lair
divi,ion ol lunds when lI'e considcr that the
prinicple 01 State aid ha, been accepted by our
lOllllllunit) .
The very !>ucce,slul Walkathon Fund 01
' 12,500 enabled u, to buy much needed equipm ent and library book~. During this year sOllle
S·I,OOO lI'orth oL books were purchased lor th e
Senior Library.
A lurthel ' 1,500 dollar; is being spent on the
Junior Library. Further projects in mind, and
we hope to have them in u,e by next year, are
the setting.up 01 a Vi,ual Aids R oom with a
closed circuit television unit, and the ~elling.up
of an .\rt R oom.
Next )car we will have our Physical Education
departlllf'nt organised to meet th e State department', requirements. \<\Ie hope to have a teacher
o[ I\[usic who, in addit ion to 1\lusic Apprecia tion, will abo do choral work in the classes and
provide group activity work. The Art Department " 'ill likewise be re·organised so that proper
Lacilitie, will be available for this important
lI'ork in the \ Vyndham Scheme.
We were very satisfied with our rcsult last
) ear. The~e were published in the 1967 "Lumen"
and so are quite we ll·known to you. \V e were
particulall) plea~ed with the 20 Commonwealth
Scholar;hips and the further 22 Teach en'
College cholar,hip, that were gained. La,t
jear's S(hool Certificate class gained 22 Comlllon·
wealth Scholarship"~ In general, we were very
pleased with last year' results in both public
examinations and only hope that this ye(lr lI'e
can do as well.
\ Ve haw' prese lll with us tonight as ~ pecial
guests the 1968 Higher School Certificate class.
This class has just completed its examinations.
J wish them (Ill every success, as success in these
eX(lm~ mean so much to their future lives, I
wish to pay tribute to thi, class lor the great
body or College Prefects, for their good spirit of
study and ror the loyalty they gave to their school
at all limes. I cannot thank sufficient ly the
College C:rptain, Peter Freebody, and the ViceCaptain, Paul Girdler, for the work they have
done and the enthusiasm and leadership they
have shown. I am very graterul for the support
and co-operation that they both gave to me and
for their work as leaders of their school. They
leave school now, knowing that they have won
the respect of both staff ilnd students. By facing
up to lhe responsibilities or their positions,
th e ir, has been a grea t and worthwhile experi.
The College Dux i, Christopher Sidoti. I
wngratul<lte Chris on behall 01 all who arc
a:,sociated with th e, College on his attaining thi"
great ?lslI.nCllon. Chnstopher has been, throughout 111& llille years at the College, a com istelllly
fine st ud e nt who lI'a; mo,t interested in illl the
(ultural and inte llectual aClivitie~ wiLhin the
College. I tru st and pray that he and the other;
01 hi, cia» will live up to the high ideals that
he and they now pos~e,~ a; they ,land read) to
enter into a new phase 01 their lives.
This year, through the co·o peration 01 the
COl11monll-ealth Employment Olbce, we piloted
a new scheme lor bringing inlormation on
(areers to those ,tudellls who were intere,ted .
Some 120 ,llldents availed of this ,ervice; three
oillce rs of the departm e nt gave individual guidance to the e students on the careers in which
their interest la y. J feel that thi, has been a most
wcce, ful venture. For the opportunity to be
the first chool where thi, ,cheme (Quid be te!> ted ,
o ur thank, are due to 1\1r. L. D . Petrie 01 th e
Burwood Bran ch and I\[r . .J. Shall' 01 the Central
Oilice. The cheme has since been introdu ced
into some High SLiwols in the State so that
rull appraisal of its merits can be made.
Vocation [rom th e ;tudent body are a measure
0 1 the ;t irrings of Grace operating within the
College, which in a special wa y, bless our work
of Catholic Education. FrOIll the Senior Form,
there are already three ,tudents who have joined
our .Iuve nate. These three yo ung lIIen will enter
lhe Novitiate early in th e New Year. A fourth
nlember o[ thi, Senior Form will join tbe
Society of SI. Paul within a few wee ks. To each
01 these ) ou ng' men we wi,h every ha ppi ne,s
and bl ess ing in their R e ligiou, Vocations_
Participation in ~port i, a hea lthy and worth ·
while ph;!se of school life. This year we had
large numbers 01 boy, who wished to play in
th e College teams. Our teallls were encouragingly ,ucccsslul, especially in Rugb y Union: we
lee l that we hav e now made the grade at last
in this game after only lour seaso ns. \Ve arc
hoping that the ncwl y forllled A,sociation 01
The Combined Schools will add grea ter illlere,t
and enthusiasm LO all the ga mes. I wish to
thank all teilchers and parents who as isted in
the trainin no' o[ our team,. l\(i,,-ht
I single oul
:\fr. John Ball es t), LO thank him lor the time and
e ffort he put into our Senior XV and to CoOl·
ora tulate him on his selection to repre ent Au~·
"lralia in the recent lOur overseas.
Peter Fr(' eiJody
tl) S,P.C.
ill 11);9; he I/{Is
had ({ lIe I)'
,I lItreJJ/" ! if' lI
a t lh.e
College ({lid
r/, oire as
College Caplaill
lor 1968.
I thank, too, all tho!>e \\'ho have a,~i!>ted 51.
Patri ck 's in !>Dille lorm or other; might 1, without elaboration, ex tend to )OU our gra tilllcie
lor your a,~iHance thi, year and ,eek )'OU I co·
operation in all way, in 1!J(i!).
I am grea tly indebted to the Depu ly Head lI1a;ter, R e\. Broth er Berg, lor hi; tre nl e ndOll!>
co·opera tion in all ways in the acllllinislIation 01
the College and [or his co nstant and lo),al
support al all times. Brother Berg, a, well a,
being the Dep ut y l-Ieadlml!>ter, i, abo the
College·Sportsma;ter. Becau,e 01 th e trelllendou
load of work he ha!> u nderta ken wh it h he
carrie!> out a very well, L wi,h Brother Berg to
know that he ha, the re,peCl and grati tud e 01
the College Stall and Sllldent" and lh e Parent,
0 1 o ur sllldelll, lor his enthmiaHic e nd eavour.,
o n behall 01 SI. Patrick'!>.
To all lhe Brothers and T eachel> and ,\dlllin iHration Staff o[ SI. Patrick'" might J express
Illy ,incere gratitude for the trclllendou, lo)alty
yo u hav e shown to myself, lor yo ur und ers tand ing wh en problems arose, and lor jour e nthu~i ­
a,tic work in th e cla,srooll1 .
,\ncl, finall y, now that Chri,llll<lS bell .. can
distantlv be heard, and ,train; 01 ".ling le Belh"
are once more a lamiliar wund, I wi,h to ex·
pre;; to )OU all , Guests, Pare nt." FI ic mh, taff
and Studenb ever) Happine,s a nd Rl e,sing fOI
ChriSlllla, and ew Hope and Pro~per it) in the
T. I. C\SEY,
PI in cipa l.
Chi i~tiall Duell ille
Chl'i'ltiall D OClrine
\lamn Pri/e for CapLain of the College
ReL Il r.
E. H)llc, ;\1emoria l Prile for Lead er,hip
Dl" of Ihe Cullege (The O,II,l'. Prile)
J. J.
\\' ahh Prize for E,emplal) Conclucl
ile for (;encral Pmfidellc) in . llld) and
Oraton Pri/c
1'\lc:\e\ in ~t elllorial Prize for El\~li'\h
Dr. K\ n eur Prilc for ~ rench
Rc\. Br. Hallid a) )1 emorial I'ri/C for I.alin
;\Iaholley Prize for ;\Ioclern Hi,,,)! \
, OA \ ' 10 LEONG
Rile \ Prize for ,\ncicnl 1I;,lOn
AS.I, Hank Pri7e for Economil'
TRE\'OR \ ' ELL\
Rc\ , Br, R , ;\1. English ~I cmoria l PI ile for ;\Ialh clllalits
Fell is PI ilc [01' ~cience
Pri7c for Geography
Re\. I\\. I , B, ~1urph) Pli7e for General Exccllence in
Sport (The Read 'I mph))
Form I V A
Form 1\' B
(The Hr, G, E, R ,'l m er Me morial Pri/c)
Forlll 1\' C
The Oriel ~l c Lll ca5 Memoria I I'ri/c,
ROI3ER I \\,ATSO'l'\
1'011 1 lit
LAL' RENCE FERGl ' SO:-Engli~h
i\ 1Cllhcm3 lie,
Technical Drawing
I hild
I' if I h
p ,\l' L SCL' L1 ,Y
101-l:\' DE L,\l' :-\EY
" ccolld
I hi,,1
IOOli l t h
!-i II h
(111 j"i£lll
D ourine
I It i "I
1' ''''l'Ih
"'clond Place in CIa"
1 hird Place ill CI'I>'
l'Ollllh I'lacc ill Cia"
tift h Place ill Cia"
.\~()RE\\, KRI.YS/,TO:\"
Leadc. ,h ip , fh e Rc\. Br. "ichol!> \l emoria l Prizes
FOlm \ ' \
CL\l ' S KLEI,\H.\PL
Forlll \ II
1'01111 \ C
J 1 L1AN EGA '
Form \ ' l)
D ",
~L\ROL ' ;\1 5TEI'H E:-\
MI C IIAEL \\' .\RI)
G \R Y PA ' I rERSO:\"
I. atin
helle It
KEVI:-\ BE:-\:-.1ETT
\l odern H i"'llon
\uciell! IIi ... tor\
(,('Ogl apln
Ecollom ic..,
;\II C I-1.\EI. COLLlI\~
\l alhcI1I3Ii"
~1 a th e mllti c'i
I cchnica l Drawing
J)\I ~
Cill i ... t jail Doc( line
~ ccolld
I Itilll
1'0111 lit
I-i ft It
RICII.\RD \\' ,\LLlI. \:-\K
HRI.\~ DON:-\ELI..\:-\
Chli,li.l1l DO(l';l1c
Ii, i 1(1
!-i flit
I' \l ' l. IlRI ' IO
;\1 \RI, IOIl:\,!,ON
1'\11. \R~IOl R
1>.1 \1 ~;\II I II
I hiI'd
!-i fl h
Chli-riall J)otlrine
~I \Rk D,\\ ORE:\,
pE'1 ER IlA~IO
I hiI'd
I' ourth
I' ill h
I I II E\\ I, \\ ROOI
Chri,tilln n OLiline
JOII:-- ROl \I
I' \1 I 10(, ,\:-\IIUI \ICI I,EI.LY
;\IICII \£1 I'R , \~ ER
(1I1i,lial1 nO(lIillc
Il \\' Ill I' \R;\IEI ER
1),\\ ' 11l I' \ R ~I E I Ell..
ROB ER ' I I, II I ,\1.1' \
10WPII 1I0In .\ III
\II C II \£1. ;\IOR II~~
I EI'H E" C \ \1 I'BFLl
'-;(,(0 11<1
~l cDO:-\O(,H
,\LD(,\:\"oER L.\GE;\I.\~
I hiI'd
l' Ollll h
C R ,\IC M cI)O~"\I.D
e ll \RI E.~ IIEII ~\IOR'F.
1'1111.11' I' \~I' IEI.I )
1'1111.11' 11.\\ I, ~
1011,\ "I \EI.£'\~
D\:--E (,II.L\~I
CL I\ E IIE!'.II\,
Cllli,liall Dourine
I hild
1 U I.IE~ nRO L: I.ER~
J...\l' RE:-\CE .\I\I)RE\\,~
ANTHONY PH 11.1.11'5
GRAI!A;\1 MAN:-\
STEplIEN BRO\\':-\
Chril"l ian Do ( trine
I hild
Chri'tian Duclrine
Form II .-\
Form II 1\
Form II C
Form II J)
Du x
Hi "lon'
CRE(;ORY S' I E\\',\R I
1'£'1 ER ROBER ' I S
('RE(.ORY S' I E\I' ,\R I
pn ER \\'I:\GLEE
~ICIIOL\~ ' I Hl ' R~
Ilo\\'d ~l cll\(lI'ial Prill' fill Sllld) alld
D'\\,ID (),~EII.
ERIC smo r.
IIIU£:\, nIO;\II'~Oj\
ERI( ~11l0 I J
D\\' 11l O':-\EII.
\ Ie I OR R,\Kl ~
\11(,11.\ EL I'OOLE\
(,111 i ... taill DocI rille
SIXTH I , R,4 UC (,In [.
CR£(,ORY \\',\RD
LESLI E \\'0/:\ IC /K ,\
PETER QllJ:-\L.\:\"
,\:\"1 HO:\Y pE I I n I
Chri"liilll Douri ll e
Rc\, 1\\, H, \\"
Chrislinc Doclrin e
Form III A
Form III B
FOllll III C
Form III n
1 hird
Fren ch
.101-11\ 13,\RI.OW
GREGORY MO:-\!\(,II :\:\'
1 "d c l
l ' "der
I ' nder
I ' ndcr
l ' ",ler
l ' lId er
1" HIer
l " Hl e r
1' lIL1cr
Co llcge Challlpioll (%ech) '1' 01'11\ )
CR ,\H .\i\1 IIORDF.R:-\
Co llege C)"o . . , Co II II II ~ Champioll
' I ERE:\'CE \ '1:-.150:-\
Kc \ in \1(~l aholl I H)pll\ 1m Be.;t Performall(c
\ ' 1:-\(,1'.:-.1'1 -I H ,\ CKE R,\Y
l ndcr 17
ell RISTOPH ER ~IORG , \:-/
1 ndcl J(j
R,\Y;\IO'\J) DE L.\ ~IO I IE
I ' "der I,;
KE\,IN Ml ' U ,EI\'
Llllder II
SI~IO:>l ~IORO:--:\'
I ' nder 1:1
1 ndel 12
I.EO:-\ BRl ' J)ZI:\"SKl
l ' ndcr 13 Prim a l \
D,\ VID O':\"EII
1 IIder 12 PI illlar~
.\:-/ ' IIIOi\'Y \\,IIITE
I ' "d e r II
P,\L' L DRL' R\
1' "dcr III
eLi \ ' E IlEEII \
1' lHlcr 9
I ",kl 1:
.I EFFREY O ' IIR a.:-\
;\IICIL\EL C, \LI ,\( , IIER
\IIUI \1'.1 Cl \I~II:-\(,S
IIRL\" CO RRI( •. \ '\
\II(;II\EI. D,\\EY
~II('II \ EL \IOR G .\ N
III Gil \\,11111'.
IIR 1\ '\ ~I>.II'PE:>I
\1.\ROl '\ ~ I EI'III': N
1>.1\1 ~ I.\PI.E' lO,\
I' \l ' 1 LY()'~
IIRI \ '\ IIF:-\"O:\'
Co\lq\C Cl,ampioll
L mlel IIj
1 IId c , I;'
1 "dcr II
l I1tiCI 1:1
1 IIder I"
C ll li ege Chmn pi :lI
IIRI.\:\, \111 C HELL
Captain 01 l-il-.l XI
(Coo 111 b,) I, "pll\)
LI :-\ DS,.\ \' \\' A rso:--:
,R " \HA~I HL ' G(. I:\"S
Caplaill of I-iJ ... t X\'
PEIFR 110 Uh
SIXTH FOR ,[ '68 Continued
1 0 th e,>c ho~,> \l'ho hale no\l' cO lllpleted th cir ~dlOOI lile, the Student bod) a nd Star! of Sl.
P.ltrit\.," e,tl'lld el cr
good lI'i.,h for the ,lIcce, o!' thei I 11Itlire Iil·c'>.
Anthony Brown
Michael Musso
Peter Beaumont
Stephen Dewar
James Harvey
Froncls 0' Abrero
Graham HugginS
Kenneth Millard
Bernard Smith
Peter Boulous
Paul Andersen
Anthony Odlon
Joh n Doolan
Robby Distefano
Christopher Sidoti
Andrew Krzyszton
Michael Short
KeVin Gummer
Kellh Reynolds
Antony Egan
Gregory Turner
Brion Bailey
Christopher White Paul Reece
Peter Nelson
Peter Dixon
Peter Boyle
Drew Clark
Brian Hollings
Joseph Grabowski
Peter Freebody
FranCI S Rickett s
Bernard Farrell
Gregory Mowter
David Hayes
Peter Sugden
Paul Mlnslow
John Mills
Allen Lyons
Peter QUinn
Peter Hai gh
Victo r Bagdon
Steve n H olborow
Kevin Gill
Paul Murph y
John Friesen
T erence Bambery
Gregory Jurd
Patrick M u rphy
Anthony Poulton
Victor Brennan
Paul Girdler
Patrick Corrigan
DaVid Leong
Ian Th ackeray
DaVid Stubbs
Peter O' Brien
Geoffrey Hough
Anthony M oran
Peter White
James McCaffrey
DaVid Stubbs
Alvar o Tudorln
Leo Orland
Peter Cavanagh
Mark Egan
John Skehon
Gary Lawler
Phdl,p Neoll
DaVid Regan
Stephen Parmeter
Anthony Bahrl
John McBride
FranCI S Rodl
James Gardner
And their results
'68 Continued
Higher School Certificate
I·.IRREI I" 11C'II, anJ ~I. : Ell g. 2.
II i, . I. Fto. 3. (, .'i .
I indi calc, Firl l ICleI p a, ,: 2 ind ica les ' econd Iclcl pal>;
3 indi cat e!'! third Ic \ c l p a ~s: ill ~l a th c lllali (., a nd Sciell t e
!!F alld ~S indi ca te p a" ... c"t at l'tCC0 1UJ Ic \ c l Full and :,ec(l lld
FIK .IR . ,Illiho ll, I .: Ell g. 2.
I. Fr. 3. (. eog. 2.
ICI e l Shol'l . CS indical e, " pa , s ill Ge ne ral Siudie,.
ANDERSE:\' . I'a nl F.: Ell g.
C eog. 2, C .S.
~Ialh •.
I, Se. 2 1'. Fr. 2.
c. .S.
ANDERSON . Lo ui s 1'.: Ellg. 2, i\1 :llh". I . Se. I. Fr. I. ( •.5.
I· RIE<;E:\,. j o ha lln e, F.: Ellg.
II i,. :1. ( •.S.
H.I ])Al SKAS , Ri cha rd : En g. 2. Malh ,. 25, Se. 2S, Mod .
H i,. I. Fr. 3, (, eog. 2. (, .S.
C I L!. . Kedn
I) ·.II\ ER .I Da li" F.: Ellg. 2, Mail" . 2 1'. Sf. 2 1'. C .S.
DJo:\I'-\R . Slcph ~ Il 1\' .: Ellg . I. i\ l a ll" . 21'. IS. 21'. Lal I.
( ..s.
III STEF \ NO . Rohh) S.: Eng . ~. ~Ialh., . 2 F . .\Il l. Hi . . . 2.
Graha m H ordern
Steph e n Sl nc101 r
Anthon y Sh eehan
Gregory West
John Sh irb tn
Gregory W ul ff
Gary Bri die
Laurence V o le
Simo n Grose
Ric hard Bodouska s H ugh Gavers
Chri st ophe r Wal sh
Raymond H yd e
St ephen Bram b le
A n th ony M oon ey
Antho n y Ftkor
Christ ophe r Byatt
Kenneth Ryan
Paul D iehm
Anth ony T orpy
John Graha m
Richard Gebal skl
WarWi c k Halcrow
Rex Hodder
Lindsay W at so n
Poul Ly nch
Pe t er O' Hara
Leo Campbe ll
Teren ce Vi n so n
III EH ~1. .I nlh o lll I'.: Eng . 2. St. 3 . .IIl e. Hi,. 3. C .S.
DII .1.0:-: . AIllholl ) G .: Ellg. 3, .\ lallh. 2S. Sc. 2S. Mod .
II i,. 2. Fco. 2. G rog. 2. C.S.
DIXO;\, . Pe le r D. : Ellg. 2. ~I a lh ..,. 2S. St.:. 25. ,\ n c. Hi ... , 2 .
Fl'. :l. C cog. 2. C .S.
DOOI,.IN . johll ~I. : Ellg. I. ,\ l a lh l. 2S. c. 3. ~I (ld . Hi,. I.
F •. 2, (; .S.
£G .I :\ .. lnlo l1\ G. : Eng. 2. ~I a llt, . 25. Sc. 2 1'. Eco. 2.
EC 1:\ .
k F.: Ellg . 2. ,\ Iallt, . 2S. Sf. 2S. I nc. Hi,. 2.
Ern. 2. Lal. 2. C .S.
I !I
~I a lh ,.
2 <; . Sc. 2S. i\l od . I Ii,. 2.
CI ;\IMER. Kelill j.: Ellg. 2 . .\l a lh,. 2<; . St. 2S. Illr. 1·1i ,
2, Fr. I , Lal. 2.
H .\lCli . I'<l e r R .: Ellg. 2. i\l a lh ,. 2<; . ~I o d . IIi,. 3 .. Int.
II i,. '\, Eco . 2. CS
HAI.CRO\\' . \\' arwirk E.: EII .~. 2. ,IIIL IIi,. 3. Ero. 3.
1' 1.
I. I.:'l. 2.
HOI.HORO\\ . Si el e n J.: Ell g. I. i\lalh,. 2 1'. Sc. 2 1'. i\lod
IIh. 2. C eog. I.
1·IOI.I.I:-\(.S . IIriall II. : EII~ . 2. ~Ialh ,. I . ."t. 2<; . lOw. 2.
Lal. 2. (, .S.
HORDER:-\ . (.rah"m D.: Eng. 2, \I ,lIh,. 2<; , Se . 3, Mod
Hi,. 2. lOw. 2. C eog. 2. C .S.
HOI ·CII . C. eolfrcl ;\1. : Ellg. :1. Sc. 3. ,It)(1. IIi, . 3. In .
II i, . 2, Fco. :1. c. .S.
Ill ·(;('IN<; . ( .raham ,I.: Ellg. 2. ~I al h ,. 2'> . ~ I od . I Ii , . :1.
Eco . ~, C cog. 2. C .'i .
IIYDE. Ra\llI o nd ~ .: Ell g', 2. i\ l a th,. 2 F. St. 21-', 1' 1. I)
( ;.S.
.I l · RD . (.rcgc lI ~ j .: Eng. 2. ;\Ialh,. 2<; . Sl. 2<; . ,lll C. IIi, . 2.
Fr. I , I.
KR/\,'i1 I 0:-\ . •lud, clI· J.: En g. I. ~Ialh ,. I. ) l. I . All c
Hi ,. 2. ( . .S.
J..I \\· I.ER . (.a.) h. .: Eng. 2. ;\I a lh ,. 2<; . 'i c. 2S. lu c. Il k
I. Fr. 2. (. cog . I.
I.EO:-:C •. D'l\id h. .: Ellg. 2. 'I<lIh ,. 2S. Sc. 2S. i\l od . IIi l. I •
.11It. Il k I. h . 2. C .S.
1.":'\ (: 11 . P;tul h. : Eng. 2. ~l,tth , . ~ 'i . ~c. ~ 'i , ~l () cI . Iii .,. 2.
Eco. :1. (.5,
1.\ O:-\~ . .llIen R .: E ng. 2 . ;\!.ul". 2S. ~e. 2<; . \I oc l. Iii ,. :I.
. \IH . I ti .. , 2. G<:og. 3. C ."' .
\I.I:-\~()l R . j o hn 1..: En g. 3. ~ (, :1. f «). 3
CORR IC, .IN . "a!tick E.: Ellg . 2. i\l a ll". 2 ~ .. \n c. Hi, . 2,
C cog. ~. C .S.
CR ,I II'FORD . .Iohn R .: Eng. 2. Ecc>. 2. (. .S.
LoUIS Anderso n
Ellg. 2.
H .IR"E\" j;ulle, C.: Eng. I. ~I a lh, . 2S. St.:\'
IIl·('IlEN . Pele r R .: Eng. 2, M,"It ,. 2S. Sc. 25 . .-\n c. Hi ,. 2.
Eco. I. C .S.
IIY.I TT. Cltri sLOph c r P.: Eng . :1, o\Ialhs. 2 1', Sc. 25. ~ I od .
His. 3. Eco. 2. ( ..S.
C . I~IPHELL . Leo G .: Ellg. 2. i\lalh, . 25. Sc. 25. i\ l od. Hi,.
I . .Inc. Hi s. 2, C .S.
C.\\ '. \:-\ .I C H. Pe lc r \1. : Eng. 2. i\l a lh<. 3, . e. 3. :-'Iod . H i<.
3 . . Inc. Hi, . 2. £ (0.2. C .S.
eI..IRK . D rc w .J.: En g. 2. Sc. 3. An e. His. 3, Em. 2. C.S.
M Ichael Ry an
Noel FItzpot nck
M ichael NeVill e
Arth ur Ande rson
11 .1 YES . D'I\ id .I .: Ellg. 2. i\l od . II k :1. ,In ('. II i, . 2, Ecul l
2 .. (; .S.
HODDER . Re x D. :Sc. !I. i\l od . Hi , . :1. (, cog. :1.
( .. S.
Trevor Vell a
John Monsour
Ma ll". 2'i . <;L 2<; . . Ine.
CROSE . Simoll D.: Eng. I. i\lall". 2'i .. llI c. Hi ,. 2. 1'1. 2.
Eco . 2. ( ..S.
3 . . c. 25 . Mod . His. 2.
IIRIDI.E. Car) n .: Eng. 2. Ma lh s. 25, Sc. 2S, Fr. 2, Eco. 2.
C .S.
BROWN . Anlhon y 1'.: Ellg. 3. Sc. 3. ~I ()d . His . 3. Eco. 3,
M at th ew Pa ss more
Jess ZapPlo
John M enkes
Bf/on M it chell
Nich olas Sou los
Da Vid M or ns
:1 .
('IR])LER , Palll \\'.: Ell g. 2. Ma lh ,. 2 1'. Sr. 2<; ,III C. H i,
2. C .S.
COI' E RS. IIl1g h J.: Ellg. 2. M:llh ,. !I. Sr. :\. .llI c. IIi,. 2.
Eco. :.1.
CR,\IIO\\'SKI . j Olcph I .: Ellg. 2. i\l a lh,. I. St. I . Fr. 2.
C .S.
C It,IHr\~I , j o hll \\' .: Ellg. 2. M,"h,. 21'. SL 2 1', I' r . 2.
1I0l· LOL·5. Pe le r J. : Eng. 2. Ma illS. 2. Sc. 2. Mod . His. 2.
Fr. 3. Ceog. 2.
1I0\,LE. Pelc r R .: En g. 2. i\lalh s. 3. lOco. 2. C .').
HLE . Sle ph c n F. : Eng. 3. Ma lh I. 3. Sc. 2S, Eco.
BRENN .I :-: , \ ' iewr L.: Eng. 3. Ma lh,. 25. Sc. 2S, Eco.
,lll C. Ili ,
I- r . 2. C eog", 2.
II .IILEY . II. ian S.: Eng. 2. ;\f a lh, . 2 1'. Eco. 2.
IIA~IIIERY . T erre", e P. : Ell g. 2. ~ I allt, . 2 ~ , Sc 2S. An e.
His. 2. Eco. 2.
IIEAl · i\IONT. PCle r 1.. : Ellg. 2. i\ l alh s. 2 1'. Sc. 21'. Lal. 3.
~ c. 2 ~ ,
CEII ,I!.SKI ; Ri chard S.: En g. 2. \llI,il I.
~Ialhs .
2<; ,
( .. IR)):\' E R , .l a m e, 1'.: C.'i .
II.IC))O:-\ , "ino . G. : Eng. 2, i\l a llt,. 2 1'. Se. 2 1', Geog. 3,
C.S .
H.IHRI . rlmho", 1'.: Eng. 2. i\lalh s. I, Sc. I. An c. Hi,. 2,
1I0YI.E. Slc ph e n j .: Eng. 2.
Eco. 2. C eog. 2. C .5.
~I a lh, .
2<; . An e
Fll/p,1 I RICh. . Noe l .1. : Eng. 2. i\lalh ,. 3, .I nc. Il k 2,
E(O . :1. C cog. 3, C .S.
FREEIIOJ)\' . Pe le , R. : Eng. I . .ll a lh ,. 2<; . . In c. IIi,. "
Jor. I. La l. I.
Mall". 2S. 2c 2S , Eco. 2.
INDERSON . Atlhur .I .: Eng. 2.
~ I a l h, . 2 ~ . ~c.
\1.\ \\"1 ER , Cregol) J: Eng. 2, ~Ialh, . 2S. Se. 25. Ant.
Hi,. I , h . 2. Lal. I , (, .5.
\l rBRI\)E, John 1'.: Eng. 2. \l alh,. 3. Sc. 2S, I\lod . Hi ,. I ,
\ne. Hi>. 2. Fr. 2. G .S.
~I L\n RF\ . jame, \1. : Eng. 2. \I alh,. 25, Se. 2S .. \n e.
Hi,. ~. h . 3, (, .S.
\1E:-':KES . John 1'.: Eng. 3, Se. 3. I\l od . II i. 2, Eeo . 2. G .S.
\lIl.L,\RD . Kenn elh c.: Eng. 2, \J alh~. 3, Se. 3, Ant. His.
2. Eco. 2. Gcog. 3.
~lILL. . J o hn C.: Eng. 2, \I alh~. 2S, . (. 2S, .\n e. H k 3,
h . 2, I al. 2. C.S.
\l1,\,~LO\\·. Paul ( •.: Eng. 2. \l alh,. 25 , S . 25. Ane. Hi,.
2. Eco. 2.
\II rCH ELI., Udan 1'.: Eng. 2, \l alh,. 25, e. 2" I\J od .
11 i,. 2. 1'1. 2. Eeo. 2.
\lOO:-\ EY . . \ntho n) 1'.: Eng. 2, Ma lh,. 21', ~e. 21', \lusic
2, C ..
\l OR.\:-1 , .\nthOIl\ J .: Eng. 2, \I 'lIh ,. 3. e. 3, ~Iod. His.
2. Ane. Hi<. 3. Eeo. 2. C ..
\tORRI , Da, id T.: Eng. 2, G.S.
\1L' RPHY, Pa lri ck J.: Eng. 3. :llalns. 25, Se. 25 •.\1 od. Hi,.
:1, Ant. Hi,. 2, Eco. 2, C.S.
:lIL' RPHY, Palll c.: Eng. 2. ;llalh<. 2S. Sc. 3. Ane. Hi s. 2.
Fr. 2, Ceog. 2. C.S.
'lL'>SO. ;lliehael A.: Eng. 2, An e. Hi,. 3. G.S.
;-.'E,\LL. Phillip C.: Eng, 3. Sc. 2S. Aile. Hi,. 2, Geog. 3,
(_ . .
;-.'EL. ·O;-.' , PCler R.: Eng. 2, ;I[alh ,. 2, e. 25, Ane. His. 2,
Eeo. 2, Grog. 2, G.S.
~E\ ILL E, Michael .-\ .: Eng. 2. :llod . His. 2. An e. Hi~. 2.
Eco. :1, Gcog. I. C.S.
O ·13RIE:"I. Peler \ '. : Ellg. 3, \fa lhs, 2 , 1\Iod. His. 3. Eeo. 2.
O ' HARA , Pelcr T .: Ellg. 2, Malhs. 2S, Se. 3, Anc. Hi>. 2,
Eco. 2. Ceog. 2, C.5.
ORLAND , Leo C.: Eng. 2, Malh,. 2S, e. 2S, An c. His. 2,
Fr. 2, C.S.
lephen T. : Eng. 2, Malhs. 25, Se. 25, Ane.
H i" 2, h. 2.
PA S\IORE, 'Ianhew D.: Eng. 2. :llalhs. 3, Se. 25, Ane.
Hi~. I , Eco. 2, C .S.
PAl ' LTO:"l, Clhe A.: Eng. 2, \lalh s. 25, . e. 25, Ane. His.
3. Eeo. 3, c ..,.
QL· I,\,:-': . Peler (, .: Eng. I , !\lath,. 25, Se. 2S, Ane. His. 2,
h . 2. C ,S.
REECE, Paul J : Eng. 2, \falhs. 21', Se. 21', Mod. His. 3,
Eeo. 2, C .S.
REGA:-': , D,I\ id G.: Eng. 2, :llalhs. 2S, Se. 3, Ane. Hi;. 2,
h .2.
REY:"IOLDS , " cilh E.: Eng. !i, ~ I alh, . 2$ , ~c. 25 , Fr. 2,
RICKET-I S. Fl a nci, R.: Eng. I, Se. 2S , I\lot! . Hi,. 2, 1'1'.2,
Lal. 3, c. .S.
RODI. F,ank :II.: Eng. 2, 1\1"11,,. 2S, 2(. 25, Anl. Hi ,. I,
Fr. 2, Geog. I. GS
R\'r\~, Kcnn e lh .J.: Ellg . 2, ~ I alhs . 21', Se. 2 1', 1'1. 2.
RYAN . :lli rhacl J : Ellg. 3. I\l a lhs. 25, Sc. 25 , Mot! . Hi s. 2,
Fr. 2. G .S.
SHEEI-I.\N. AlIlholl) R.: Eng. 2. ~I al h . 21', Sc 21', Eeo . 2,
La!. 3.
~HIRI3I~ , johll ~I. : Ellg . 2, ~I alhs. 2 1', Sc 25. Fr. I,
Lat. ~.
SHORT. John \\'. : Eng. 25. ,\l a lh s. 2 . Se. 25 , I\lod. H h.
I , Ail e. 1'1 i,. 2. Eeo . I.
SID01 1, (.hri'lOphcr D .: Eng. I , :llatll'. I , Se. 21- , .\ ne.
Hi,. I . La!. I. (;.S.
SINCL\I R, Slephen D.: Eng. 2 . ~I alh,. 21', Se. 3, Eco. 2.
SI\' E\\' RICJ-IT, john B. : Eng. 2, ~I al h s. I . Sc. I, 1'1. I ,
C .S.
SKEHA~ . john L. : Eng. 2. ~Ialh s. 2S, An e. Hi <. 3, Eco . 2,
C .S.
S~1I1 1'1 , Bernard L.: ~Ialh~. 2S, Se. 2S, Eco. 2.
BB~ .
A.: Eng. 2,
~Iath s.
I , Sc. I , Fr. 2,
nadd .\ . :Eng. 2, ;\Ialhs. I , Se. 21'. C cog. I.
1 HACKERA Y, Ia n K. : Eng. 2. :llalh5. 25 , Sc. 2S, Ail e. Hk
2. Fr. 2.
TORI'\" Antho n\ 5.: Ellg. 2, ;\I al h<. 3, Ane. Hh. 3, Eeo. 3.
1TDOR I;-\, .\ I\aro : Eng. 3, Se. 3, Ane. Hk 3, Eco. 2,
Ceog. I .
T L' R;-\ER , Crego,)
1'1 is. 3, Eco. 2.
2, ;\13th,. 21', 2c. 21',
I\ lod.
VALE, Lauren ee C.: Eng. 2, ~ l at I", 21', Sc. I , Fr. 2, 2.
VELLA, Trc"Jr J : Eng. 2. I\l a lhs. 2S, Se. 25, An e. Hi,. I ,
Fr. 2, fco . I . C .S.
V I NSO~, -I erenee :\1 .: Eng. 3, ~Ialh s . I , Se. 2 1', Fr. I.
\\'.-\LSH . Chri stopher A.: Eng. 2, Malh s. 21', Se. 21', Fr. 2.
WA150:"l , Lilll"a) D.: Ellg. 2, ~lalhs. 25, Se. 25, .\n e. Hi ~
2, Eea. 2.
WEST, Crego, \ M .: Ellg. 2, ~I alhs. 21', Se. 21', Eco. 2.
WH ITE, Chri ~ LOphcr K.: Eng. 2, ;\[at h;. 25 , Se. 2S. ~I od.
1'1 is. 3, Eco. 2, G .S.
WH ITE, Pctcr A.: Eng. 2, I\lal h~. 25, Se. 25, I\ lod. Hi ,. 2,
Ane. Hi,. 2, Eco. 2, (,.5.
\\'l'LFF, ("egol) J .: Eng. 2, lalhs. 3, Se. 3, Mod. Hi>. 2,
Fr. 3, C .S.
ZAPPIA , .I'''' n .: Eng. 3, ;\Iod. His. 3, Eco. 3, C .S.
Commonwealth University Scholarships:
Advanced Education Scholarships:
Arthur -\ndc"on , Louis Ander"m , Anlhon)' Bahri , PClcr
13eaumont , Stephen Dewar, Peler Freebody, J o,eph
Crabow,ki , SIC' en Holborow, Raj mond H )de, Cregory
JUld. Andrew KfI)SlLOn , Gar) Lawler, Dadd Leong,
Gregory \l awler. Anthon) :lloonq. (-r'"1k Rodi , J ohn
Shirbin , John Short , Chrl'LOpher Sidoli, J ohn Si'ewrighl,
:-':ieholas So ulos, Da,id SLUbb~, Laurence Vale, Tre,or
\'ella , '] Clence Vinson .
Car} II, idle, PCler Bugden, Christopher Byall, Leo Campbell , Da,it! D·Abreu,. SimOIl Crose, Btian H o lling;, Johll
Mill s, Paul Reece, Anlhony Sheehan, Ian I haekcra y,
ClcgOf) -Illlller, ChI i'Lopher \ \'al'h, Lilld ",y ''''al'><ln.
Peter Matt ick
Peter Edward s
John Fo ley
CI'-.nstopher Maley
Robert Maguire
Bernard Fitzgerald
Gory Winterbott om
Brion Skippen
Peter Corrigan
Peter M .tchell
R. Chodasewlcz
Paul McMurtrie
Mark Worner
Paul Hord
Peter Mullins
Richard Morgan
Michael Collins
ChriS Egan
Claus Klelnhapl
Mark Hood
PhIllip Salter
John Darcy
M orrie Stephens
Vincent O'Malley
Philip Griffin
Gregory Williams
Vital Krlkunov
Brion Cook
Richard Crow
Dean Schleger
Ken Gray
Christopher Burt
John Pullen
Bruce Hogan
P. De Pormentler
R JakubovskYI
LaWrie Lawless
T om MacDonald
FORM FIVE '68 Continued
FORi\1 FIVE '68 Continued
~; lI
Poul Griffin
Paul Stevens
John Shortholl
Peter Hines
John Paine
Gary Lillymon
Jon POnlCZ
Chris Priestley
Martin Josephs
Michael Ward
Mortin Lynch
Carl Dayle
Richard TWigg
John Roche
Mark Burgess
Leslie Innes
Stephen O'Mora
Paul Brown
C. RUmore
Roland DupressOir
Geoffrey Q/Hare
Peter Howe
John $urtees
David Brown
Simon Symond
Daryl! New
Stephen Murphy
SOi\ fE 1i\ I PORTANT D.\ TE5 IN '69
Januar y 28th -
Term 2
:'Ila y 20th -
Term 3
Sep tember 9Lh -
July 23rd -
Kerry Hayes
Michael Smith
Kevin Bennett
William Santleben
Stephen Frost
Roger T oylor
Peter Murphy
Paul Mood
Peter Dormer
Gerard Colreovy
Stephen Ahern
Gregory Lloyd
John Lee
Peter 0 ' Arcy
Anthony Gardner
Francis Burton
Thomas Harvey
John Moran
FrancIs Lavorata
Ian Leach
Lawrence Eakin
Michael Burns
Mark Kerner
Robert Parmeter
John Pet.
Gregory Word
Michael Nelson
Peter McGro th
Gory Patterson
Jack Krupski
Robert Damiani
Geoffrey O'Brien
Jules Egan
Greig Corroll
Gregory Bngg s
Geoffrey Rooney
Gregory Gliliver
Paul Ire land
Matthew Young
Roger O'Neill
August 21,1.
Dece mber II Lh,
COlllmonwealth Secondary Scholar,hip
October 29Lh Michael Osmond
:-' I <ly 8lh,
N ovem ber 5th -
T e~ L Commen(e~
High er School Certil icaLe Examination
School Certifica I e Exam i nit Lion
DaVid Emery
zn lighter mood
End 01 terlll u,uall) ,all"
the College Hall in Ie"
lormal attire. Coloured
l i glll~ and le,toom 01
balloons and other
decorations gave a ICHive
air! 'Grou P'; provided nlore
of the atmosphere and
parLner; 11'0111 neighbour.
ing schaab lI"ere happ) LO
co me along and make the
evening' plea;iJJ1l onc,.
Form six and Form five
held the;e ;,aria I lunCliom
at the end 01 Term two
and at the end 01 the yea l.
Forlll four had their fir,t
dance at the end 01 the
yea r.
fhe) were wondcriul
even ing' . . . made more
so by the ;plendid cooperation o( th c;e good
mother; who ga ve li me and
,uppers to emure that
their ,on, were lI'ell looked
The phOlO; here were
taken 01 the ;[udeJ1ls frol11
Form five <1\ the) relaxed
al ,upper lime during the
Second Term Social.
Martin English
R. Urbanavlcius
Peter Holt
Milton Morrison
James Carroll
John Nicholson
Venni Armonno
Lorry O'Neil
Robert Watson
James Neville
Michael Lynch
Roland BOSSI
Mark Macaulay
Steohen Beaumont
Greg McCray
Michael Thomas
Gerald O'Byrne
Frank Roffoeh
Brion Shanley
PhillIp Peatey
Michael Bellemare
Timothy Furlong
Vernon Tonna
LOUrie Ferguson
Peter McCluskey
Anthony Dummett
Vincent Thackeray
Sheamus McGhee MIChael Chahoud
DenniS Del Favero Gerold Gleeson
MIchael Hayes
Ray Oe La Motte
ChriS Ferns
Gregory Nelson
Peter Jurd
Paul McLucas
Mark Kelly
Peter Moses
John Gallagher
Stephen McKoy
John SIdotI
- ]
FOR I FOU R "68 Cominued
Robert Crawford
Michael Corry
Bruce Robinson
Gerard Plummer
Denis Creston!
Chris Lehmann
Stephen Crowley
John Mackey
Paul Sloane
John Blyth
Geoffery Lee
Stephen Paul
FO R M FOU R '68 Contin ued
James Bray
Brion Healy
Phillip Bateman
Ian MacDougall
Bernard Cur ron
Mark Turner
Robert Spiers
Andrew Zions
James Squodnto
M. McCormack
Stephen Mmslow
Patrick Denison
Alan Ryan
Kevin Mooy
Peter Gozzard
Michael Musgrave Bnan O'Neill
Peter Scallard
Paul Kelly
Ion Hay
Michael Donnellan
Anthony Patton
Michael McDonald Peter Slattery
James Ruc; ::,o
John Munro
Cristopher Nosh
John Smylh
Patrick Bibrowicz Paul Erman
Barry Sheppard
James Tlnslay
Stephen Castell
David Randle
Kenneth Dorval
Stuart Sullivan
Paul Rooney
Michael Ryan
Stephen Preen
John Daniel s
Robert R ierchy
Paul Devme
Paul Provera
John Giuffre
Michael Kemp
Gary Robllilard
Alan Whitton
Lester Nicholls
Noel Batchelder
Stephen Cary
Bnan Rcakes
Vincent QUinn
Patrick Hanna
Stephen Ryan
Jo hn McNomorro
Gerard Meijer
Vincent French
Michael Spicer
Paul Lincoln
Phillip Tarpy
Michael Burden
ChriS Sullivan
Gary Phillips
Anthony Crui se
Graham Nixon
Paul Clark
Anthony McArthur Simon Taaffe
Raymond Shannon
Peter Graham
R Ichord Kenna
Phillip McDonald
School Certificate Results - '68 (Con tinued)
FOR:\I FOl R '68 Continued
Christopher Pocock Stephen Cross
Peter Hood
John Godsel1
Paul Sh,rbin
Mark Moher
Geo ffrey Sugden
Norma n Endeon
Peter Terry
David Sharkey
And their results
the '68 School Certificate
E amination
Code fm
R c~ulh:
1 Engli;h, 2
:\[alh e l1lali c~,
:; Geog.aph). 6 Hi ,lO')
David Waterson
Robert James
Kim Williams
David Snedden
Michael Dorohy
Michael H eyes
II Technical Drawing, 19 Frcnc h , 21 Lalin .
.\ indica lcs a pas, al .-\.d,an ced le, el, C indicales a pass al Credil le, el, I' . c jJ. e,el1l, a pas, a. Ordinal') le, el, :\1 . e preselll ,
J I'd" a l 'I odihed le,cJ.
117 1>""
\l ere p.c;enled for Ihe
Certiflcale ;
1~ 5
p",'ed Ih e e,ami nal io n ,"ctC,,(ll1).
.-\lInallno, V. G.: 1,-\ 2A 3A 6.-\ IIC 2 1.-\'
Balchelder. R. , .: 1:\1 31' 61' 19.\
lIaleman, p . J .: I I' 2 P .W 191'
IIcallmol1l, ~ . J.: IA 2A 3A 6A 19A 2 1A
Be ll emore. :\1 . c..: I A 2A 3A 6A 19.-\ :2 I A
lI ihrowiu, 1'. A.: I I' 21' 31' :;C 6S II C
III)lh , J. \\'.: II' 21' 31' 5 1' 6A 19 1'
BoS\i, R. R .: IA 2A 3.-\ 61' 19.-\ 2 1A
lira\', J. :'1.: I I' 2C 3C .'iC 6C 19P
Bllgd e n. (, . J .: I I' 21' 3M 61' 19M 211'
1I1Inlen, \I . R .: I I' 2G 3C 5C 6G 191'
Ca 1'1 0 11 , J. :\1 .: IA 2A 3A 6A 19A 2 1A
Ca'iell, S. "I .: IA 2.\ 3C 5 1' 6A 19C
(huhoud , :'1. C.: I A 2A 3A 6C I j;\ 2 I A
Clark, p . J .: Ie 2C 31' 5A 6A 19 1'
Corr), M . A.: IA 2A 3C 5A 6A 19C
Crass, S.: 1C 2A 31' 5C 6G I I I'
Craw ford, R . J.: IC 21' 3C 51' 191'
Crcslani , D. J .: I I' 21' 3C 61' IIC
Crowle, , ~. L. : II' 21' 31' 51' 61' I II'
Crui,e,'A. D .: I I' 21' 31' 5A 61'
<'1I : I<1n. II. I .: I-\, 2,-\ 31' 6C 19-\. 2 1 \
Daniel;, J. J .: IA 2A 3C 6A 19A 21.-\'
Dal\ a lJ. K.A.: IC 2,-\ 3(, 6-\. 19A 210\
De La :\I Oli C, R. R. : I A 2A 3A :'A 6C 19A
Del Fa' c ro. D. J .: 1/\ 2A 3A 6A 19A 2 1/\
De ni,o n , I' . ~I. : I I' 21' 31' 5 1' 6]> 19M
Dc,in c. I' .J .: IC 21' 31' 5 1' 6C 19]>
Do nllellan , '\I.V .: IC 2A 31' 5 1' 6.-\ 191'
Dorah ~, ~I.G . : II' 2A 3C .'i l' 61' IIC
D"mlllcll , .\ .'\1.: IA 2A 3A 5A 6A 19A
Endcan , !':.J.: IA 2C 3]> 5 1' 6A 19A
EIIgli,h , :'1.1:.: IA 2A 3A 6A 19A 21A
Erman, P .R .: I I' 2A 31' ,i C 6C IIC
Fergmon, I..D .: IA 21' 3A 6A 19A 2 1A
Ferris, C.J.: lA , 2A, 3A, 6A, 19A , 21A
Fren ch, J. V.: I C 2A 3C .<;A 6A II I'
Furl o ng, T.J.: IA 2A 3A 6A 19A 2 1A
Gallagher. A.I'.: I I' 2 1' 31' 61'
Ca lIaghe . , J.J. : I A 2A 3A 6A 19A 21 A
Gallagher, P.C.: IA 2A 3C 6A 19A 21A
Galla.d . P.G .: IC 21' 31' 5 1' 6C I I I'
(,illff.c. J.~ .: I \ ~A 3<' :, \ 6.\ IIC
(,Ice,oll. C .P.: 1.\ 2, \ :1. \ (; \ 19.\ 21A
Lod,c1I , 1.\\'.: II' 2(; 31' .i l' GC
Lraham. I'.E.: 1.\ 2. \ ~C 6.\ 19 \ 21,\
Haller, R . \ .: 1.\ !1A :1 1' (i ,\1 19,\ 2 11'
11 '"11.<1. 1'.11 .: I I' ~ I' :j<. .;~ I 61'
H,'llCIII, , \..1 .: Ie ~ I' :1 1' ;p 61'
I la). I.R .: 1:\1 ~ I' 31' .i I' liC III'
I-fa)c" ,\1.1 .: 1.\ , 2.\ ,3. \ . G.\ . I!I.\ . 21.\
Hea l\'. B.J .: 11'!1 \ 3C .i. \ (i. \ III'
lI e'e,. '\1.1 .: IC 21' 3C .i l' 6 1' 19 1'
Ho lt , I' .J. : 1\ !1.\ 3 \ 6,\ I!I. \ 21.\
Il ()od, I" D.: II' 2 1' 3 1' .i l' (; 1' 191'
lam(',. IU I. : I I' 2. \ 3C .i l' 61' I!JI'
JlIrd. 1'.( •. : 1. \ ~. \ 3 \ (; \ 19.\ 21 \
"ell . :\/..\ .: 1.\ 2 \ 3 \ 6.\ I!I.\ 21. \
kelh,I'.L: IC2C :I ( .i ('li(. III'
"((liP, '\/..\ .: 1.\ 2C 3C 1;.\ II P ~I. \
"elllla, R . 'I. : 1.\ 2.\ :IC GA I!JI' 2 1C
Lcc. (, .Il .: I I' 2 1' 31' .) 1' 6(; li e
Lehmallll. C.J .: 1.\ 2.\ 3C .i C 6.\ 19, \
linwlll, I' .J .: I I' 2,\ :IC .i l' 6 1'
L)lH h . ,\1.11 .: I. \ ~ . \ 3. \ .i . \ 6.\ 19C
\Ia talllc), '1. .\ .: 1.\ ~. \ 3.\ ". \ 6.\ 19.\
\l ac<ilH./{al l. I.E.: 1. \ ~ P 31' :;C 6.\ I!J.\
'\I ad.c\'. J.C.: IC 2C 3C 6C 19.\ 21.\
'\I aher. :'1.<..: I I' 21' :1 1' .i l' 6 1'
:\/ L \llhllr, A .. \ .: 1.\ 2. \ 3C Ii.-\, I!J.\ :.11. \
\l cCIl"kc'. I' .J .: 1\ 2. \ 3 \ 6.\ 19.-\ 21. \
\I (Corm ack. ,\1.1' .: 1.\ 2C 3 1' .j. \ 6.-\ 19A
:'lc Cra), (, .R .: 1.\ 2,\ 3 \ 6A 19A 2 1.\
,\l r Do ll ald, '\1.(. .: I I' 2C 3 1' ;iC 6.\ III'
\leDoll a ld . 1'.1'.: 1.\ 2.\ 3C .i C GA 191'
,\l eChec, S. D.: 1.\ ~ ..\ 3A 6 \ 19A 21.\
:'lr Ka). ~ . R .: 1.\ 2.\ :\. \ 6.\ 19.\ 21. \
'l eLlle,,,. 1'.\\'.: I.-\ :n 3.\ G.\ I!I. \ 21.\
,\1 (:\'a lll al<•. J.F.: IC ~ . \ 31' :'C 6C 19C
\I cijer. ( •. :'1.: I I' 2.\ 3C Ii(. 19. \ 2 1.\
\Iill slo\\,. S.J.: 1.\ 2C 31' 6C 11),\[ 2 1I'
:'1 (0). K.F.: I I' 2C ~IC -,.\ 6C II C
.\furri,o ll . :\1..\ .: 1.\ 2. \ 3.\ 6C 19,\ 2 1A
:'Io,c,. I' .J .: I I' 2C 3. \ .i l' 6C II C
,\1 1I1l1 0, J .J .: 1.\ :.IC 31' 6.\ If) p
O ·:'\cill. II .E.: I I' 21' 3 1' 61' I!I.\J
O· ' cill. I ..1 .: 1.\ 2 \ 3 \ .-, \ Ii \ 191'
1""101I. \ . I.: Ie 21' :1 1' .,C IiI' 191'
I'alli. ~ .J .: II' 2(, 3 1' .iC 6 1' l!ll'
I'C;)le,. 1'.\ .: 1.\ 2 \ :1.\ Ii \ I!IP 21. \
Phillip" C. .. \ .: I( 2C 3(' .i I' ii I' I!IP
PIIIIIIIIIC •. ( •. 1'.: IC 2 1' 31' .i l' 6e 17 \
p, (()'~, C ..I .: 1(, !1.\ :IC -,I' 61' I!IP
I'.eell . ~.I, .: I P :! \ :IC li(. II I' 21 \
P. ()\ Cia. 1'.1,.: I I' 2(, 31' 1; 1' I!II' 21 \
QIIIIII1. \ '. 1'.: I I' 2C 3C .i I' IiI' I !II'
R' lifa e lli . I·. J.: I \ 2<: :1. \ (i \ I!I .\ 21 \
R ,lIlllall. l.. I .: I I' :!C 31' iC III' I!IP
R.II)(lIc. n .(,, : 1,\1 21' :lP .)\1 1i \1 HIP
R c,, ~ c,. B.S.: I I' 2C 3C .W Ii \ II (.
RicHI" . R .J .: I I' 2. \ :lC 6 1' I!ll' 21C
Roililli<lId , e..].: I I' !1. \ :IC ii I' II I' ~I(
Rohill''' "' 11 ..1 .: I I' 2( 3 1' til' tiC III'
Ro()) .c). PoO \ ': I I' 2 1' 3 1' .i l' (iP 19 1'
RII,'u . .I .e..: I I' 2 ~1 :1 1' :'1' (il' 1'1 \
R "Ill . . \ .J. : II' 21' 3 1' .i p (;1' II f'
R\all. \I .J. : I I' 21' 3(:;>1' 6C 191'
R H.II. ~.J . : 1.\ 2C 3C Ifl.\ 21. \
~(()lla)(I , P.e.: I I' 21' 31' t, 1' iiI' II I'
~h elllc). B. \ .: 1.\ 2.\ 3. \ 6.\ 17e 19.\ 21 \
~hallll () lI . R . \ .: I \ 2C 3(: 1;.\ 19. \ 21 \
~h a.~c'. n ..\I. : I I' 21' 3 '1 , 1' 6 1' III'
~h epp:lld, liS: I I' :.Ie: 31' ., C 6 1' 11(,
"hllilill , I'.J. : IC 2 1' 3 P :;C 6C I'll'
~idol i. J . V.: I C 2. \ 3 \ , \ 6. \
~Ialle.) , I'. ~ .: II' 2C 31' .i l' 6e Illl'
~lIl\lh. J.P.: IC!1(' 3 1' iI' tiC I!J I'
Slleddell , D.J .: Ie: 2C 3C .i P 6C 19 1'
Spilcr, ~I.J. : 1. \ 2A 3C 6.\ 1!l 1' 2 1 \
"p ier,. R.n .: L\ !11' 3,\1 .i I' 6G l!l l'
~lIlli\all, C. D.: IC 2 1' 3 1' 6 1' II I' 21. \
~lI lIh ;)lI. S.C, .: I J> 2C 3C .-,1' 6 1' 11 <:
I "a ITe. ~ . J) .: 1.\ 2(; 3C G \ 19.\ 21. \
I .Illlla. \ '.F.: I C 2C 3,\ iiI' l!ll' 2 1 \
rcrl\. 1'.'\1. : 1<' 2 1' 31' ;; (. Ii.\ II I'
I hae~cn", \ '.(,.: 1\ 2.\ :1.\ G.\ 19.\ 21.\
I ho))).,,- R .\I. : 1,\ 2 -\' 3. \ ' .-\ 6.\ 19 \
I ill,lal . J .e:.: I I' 2C 3e: .i P liC II I'
10'1". I'.h .: II' 21' 3C .j .\ (iC
I lI)'))e •. '\1. r .: II' 2C :1 1' .iC iiI' I!)I'
l .haIHl\ilill'. R.: II' 2 ·\ 3.\ iiI' 171' 2 1 \
\l'a lcho ll , D .. \ .: IC 21' 3 1' .",(. 6C I!lC
\l'alsoll. R .I. : L\ 2.\ 3.-\ (; \ I!J.\ 21. \
\I·hiIICII., R .. \ .: Ie: 2.\ 3(; .i .\ 6 1' lie
\\ illia.", . " .. \ .: IC 2.\ 3C Ii.\ I!iP !1 1 \
\l'1I11f. CoO \ ': I I' 2.\ 31' ,i .·\ (iG 191'
li nll'. \ . .\1.: IC 2 1' 3(; 3(: GC I!II'
,\1 II 'g 1'01\ c, '\I.IZ .: II' 2 1' 31' "C 6C
:,\",h. <:' 11 .: I I' 2C 31' liC 19C !1 1(;
:'\CIWII , G. n .: 1\ 2A :J \ 6.\ 19.\ !11. \
:'\c\ille.J.F.: 1.\ 2.\ 3 \6\ 19.\ 21. \
:'\ irtlll II,. 1..(, .: IC 2 \ 3C .i l' liC Inl I!I .\
' ie hu]'oll. J .J.: I \ 2<: 3. \ j l' 6 \ 19 1'
,i WII, C. \\' .: 1<' 2 1' 31' fiC I!ll' 2 1C
O ·B\I'l1 e . c, .. \.: 1:\ 2.\ 3.\ 6,\ 19 \ :.11. \
COJllIllOHH't:'n/lh .\ (,COllf/m), ,\ clwlanhiJH Ort' l'fI/W't/ al .. ·IOO.Of) tL W'flr Icu two yeiln, Ttl'i'll" 10111 of IlInt
\dlO/(II~ltil)S lItt'lt:' H'UH hy .\1. Pullick',\ boy..,. Thl'\' 11'Pl(, J\J irlllu" /tf'l/l' lIIore. / illl ellllul/, A nlllOli \' D"III1I1(' Il .
,\l m/i" Eng/ish. 1~(I/"(' lIrf' Ft" f.!II.ww. Clni" I<'e"i 'l, Tim P,"loll~, Ptl el (;allllgltel. CeHIld ('/c'(,WII, Pf"ln /-l oll.
,II "r/, I\e//I' . CI/lil
1 (·1,11(((//1,.
illIl"ol/)' .Il rAlIh,lI. Pelf>
Il'ni .\oII.
.IlrC/II'/(' I'.
C"'g Se/IOII. / illl "'",Ii//e. Phillij) I'e((/c'v. FIIIIIII Rn//(Il'//i. II,inl, SIIfCII/e\'. l'illrl).1
9_ .J
"'' fCCl,e
III \'.
( . ('/((1(/
Apo tolic Group
Ho) '> I rom thc
FORM THREE '68 Conlinued
en ior
da~~e, IIcre anil e in
, \p o~LOli( work, The
"iment dc Paul Junior
C.onlercnce lunctioned well
during thc )ear and LOok
part in man~ ll'Ork .. of
C OnlaCl,> with Catholic
hOI" in non-(;a thol ic
Sc hoob wcre made hI
mcmber .. 01 ,ome gr,)ups,
\,i.,ih LO Sl. Patric\.\ lI'erc
an anged 101 oUl',idc
pal tie, and the [acilitie,
oj thc College lI'ere put
at their dispo al.
Sl. Vincent de Paul Societ), members
Childr~n I rom the school [or retarded pupib
came to 51. Patrick', and were entertained b)
bo),> Iro m some 01 the Junior ~econdar) and
Priman t1a se,>, Communit\ ;\[ asses lor bOIs
IIOIll Dcp<1rtmemal Hi gh Schools were held {n
the College Chapel. The Sodalit) oL Our Lad)
met regular!) during the )ear and wa respon,ible lor thc holding 01 inlormative Lonllm at
Il'hich Olll'>ide speaker5 put their views before
the senior bo}s of the College,
,\ weeki visit to a local Sheltercd " 'o rk5hop
for retarded youngster wa the pecial concern
?£ Form In pupils, while Form 11 pupil kept
III order the grounds of Sl. Jo,>eph\ Home at
The I, CII' Christian Brothers' r\'ol'itiate 101
native Brother; was g iven it I irst donation b)
Form 1[[ who put on a 5pecial revue one cvenin g to did this mission ,
Stephen Aus tjn
Michael Brady
Gregory Bateman
Steven Danielson
John De Louney
Paul A shley
Bryan Burrows
T ony
Peter BOlrd
Peter Donnellan
Phillip Dorval
Christopher Drury
Thomas Dlrou
Ken Buillvant
Justin Dowd
Burges ~
Ian Dempsey
Anthony Dreise
Peter Edgtt on
Greg Kelly
Michael Kidd
David Franke
Anthony Holland
Stephen Hollings
Richard Jankowski Martin Ferguson
Phillip Brody
ChriS Adams
John J Jm~s
Peter Foley
Paul F.tzpotrack
Paul GOI tie)!
Peter Cel !"('III
Anthony Gums
Justin H ealey
Hoyden Hill s
M ichuel Kent
Amh ony Gavan
Nicholas BI . rden
Anthonv Briggs
Mark Denny
Allan Anderson
Phil HolliS
Anthony FerriS
Mich.;]el Ga!lagher John Gilroy
Stephen Herne
Richard Hughes
1011 Hobbs
Peter Cawcod
Anth o~y COfT'eron
Jol1n Kellert
Mart I n Graham
ChriS Kenny
Kevin Flanagan
FOR I THREE '6' ConLinued
FORM THREE '68 Continued
Philip Mortln
Garry Monson
Don PulhclM
Michael Tot.ersoll
GoIIC9 (1~
Tony Doyle
Wodlh O'Geil
Paul Mullf-n
EdWin Terry
Gregory Walsh
Phillip Holder
M . Cummings
Stephen O'Neil
Gregory O'Neil
Ronald Wenman
Dominic Vortuli
Gary Firman
David Bendelch
Patrick McCaskie
David Markham
Poul Scully
John TOnltto
Noel Heoly
Stephen Baxter
DOVld Murphy
Warwick lindsay
Mark Woodward
Gregory Sale
Stephen Foldhozy
John Cohill
Christopher Peck
Donal Minehon
Timothy Tmdal e
Peter Thompson
Mark Horan
John Divola
Paul McNamarro
Robert Monahan
Jefferson Stone
Mark Sincla1r
Wayne Faulkner
Anthony Davey
Stephen Raynham
Peter McNamorro
Paul Morland
David White
Noel Smith
Bruce McGowan
Peter Rouw
Roymond Roheb
Mlchoel Rogg
Robert Mezzapico
MIChael McMahon Vincent Morgon
Jeffrey Pettlr:
Stephen Posfleld
Patrick Mortln
Mark Rumore
Stephen Ross
DanIel White
Paul Woods
Patrick McGhee
Jeffrey Phillips
Mark Q/Ned
Paul Scanlon
Robert Marchese
Gregory Yotes
John Wolsh
Laurence Young
Jeffrey O'Neil
D . Tweeddole
John Phibbs
James Townsend
Rodney Smith
Michael Simpson
Paul Kirwin
Paul Wolter
John McGloin
Shone Webber
Peter Purcell
Gregory Watkins
Anthony Khem is
Mitchell O'Brien
FOR"I TWO '68 ConLinucd
Kerry Morrison
John Paine
Phillip Manning
Shoun Murphy
Stephen O'Hare
Barry McGrath
THE CHANGING SCENE ... a thought for Form 3 a, the), move Lo the arduou:. \l'ork 01
Form I.
D,I\ it! Dale " 'a, ac.coul1led an ·e).traordinan beullbe 01 th e provision he made lor
the education of thildren. In 1800 he had fjye humired 01 them working lor him in hi;, CO LLon
mill> at ;-\ C\I' La nark ... "Their food \l'a;, nutritious, and wlllained plent), ol protein . Th e)
bega n \l'0J k a t fi a.m. and '\'Orked till i p.m. with break> at 9.30 a.l11. lor breakla;,t and 2 -,~ p.l1I.
lor dinn er. .-\Iter ;,upper at 7 p.m . education cOlllmented a nd (ol1linued until 9 p.m ."
Qu oted 11'0111 the " Educational Innovator"
Paul Moclnonte
John Carbone
Edmund NIcholls
Anth ony Lar kin
Bret O'Shea
DaVId Hopley
Bnan Corrigan
John Smith
Anthony Plummer Julien Droulers
Anthony Corry
Mark Smi th
Anthony Moody
Anthony Daniels
Paul Godsell
Timothy Cri SP
Michael Kerr
Peter Howcroft
Michael Freeman
Gregory Thomas
Mortln Damo
Brian Keogh
Peter Va n Shaten
Geoffrey Murphy
David W illmott
Gavan Mackey
T imo thy Hager
Peter Ricketts
Roy White
Paul T insloy
Gregory Sugden
M Ichoel Goonan
Michael Cah ill
Pau l Tyson
M Ichoel Buchhorn
Garry Parzloni
James Boyd
T imo th y McAnulty
Robert Bani
David Mowter
Mark Burns
Michael Lone
David Smith
Lawrence Andrews
DaVid By rne s
MIChael Rohl
Thomas Crrpps
Glenn CrUise
Stephen Brown
Graham Mann
John Fardy
Anth ony Phdllps
Geoffrey Hili
Kevin Mullen
Shone Kelly
Roger MacGlbbon
Paul Donovan
Glenn Mood
Gregory Cud don
Michael Richards
Anthony Kelly
FORi\I TWO '68 Continued
TWO '68 Continued
John Beater
Stephen Boothe
Phliop Daly
Mark Nosh
Stephen Shanahan
Mork Wilson
G. Wallington
C. Gallagher
DOnlel Swaney
Michael Pansl
eric Grove
Timothy Slattery
Gerard Osmond
Joseph Squadnto
Damien O'Mara
Peter Hardman
Gregory Conroy
Maxwell Rodgers
Michael Murphy
Kevin Hoy
lahn FIeld
Pet~ r CU'ilck
Philip PI~kln
j ohn Millar
Rus:op!1 SMiTh
D"vld Eldrodge
Mi: hael FiclJs
DaVid Hanna
Geoffrey q Int
Glenn Keller
Mlo:ha~1 Hay
Stephen Doron
L<!'e Kime
M ichael O'ReIlly
John Fr;ar
Stephen 'Jeell
Pett?r HorgreovE!'"
Garry Standen
John Hayes
Anthony McAdam
Chr is Green
Brion MacDougal! MarK Parnham
Nicholas Pocock Gorry Bes!:.on
Andrew MOJewski l ohn Marlow
lolon HQlt
Peter McKay
Michael D'Arbon Peter Cr~wft)(d
WC,!rner Kleln"opl Da vid Santi eben
Jeffne Horp2r
Howard Brown
K. Montgomery
Patrick O'Connell
Peter Erman
Gregory 5fl1it h
C Macklin
Kim Stapleton
Ian Buchanon
MIchael Shrrbln
Paul Barnes
Joh n McMah on
Stanley Burrows
Stephen Inn rs
Michael McGaw
Raymond Wmglee
Adr ian Paine
Simon Morony
C. Fitzgerald
A . Beaumont
John Hutton
Peter McBride
Raymond W ing lee
ChriS WilkIe
William Drury
Jonathon Grose
Kevin WhItton
John Merlino
Adrran Newman
Chris Wilkie
FOR;\! TWO '68 Continued
John Ferllto
Warren Benson
Robert Pontello
Gregory McDonald
Michael Hard
Mark Farrell
Peter Longrell
Leigh Moulds
Clive Hodder
Michael McFadden
Paul Crowley
E 'G8 Continued
Anthony Green
Paul Lyons
FORM ONE - 168
A. McQuarrie
Graeme Catt
Desmond East
Mark Bradshaw
Paul Keating
Geoffrey McGrath
C. Eldridge
Peter Dowd
William Moir
Michael Donohoe
Zoll Almady
Stephen Myers
Anthony Nicholl
Patrick Healy
Richard Mortin
Peter Malcolm
Peter Kenneally
Brenden Vole
Michael Kenny
Marcus Donnelly
David Gardner
Timothy Murphy
Paul Furlong
Richard Mattick
Kelly Hudson
William Sullivan
George Sokol
M . Fitzpatrick
Leslie Woznlczko
Paul Davies
Paul Clark
Thomos Tyrell
John Shanley
Paul McKenzie
Mark Clark
Stephen Stewart
Anthony Hume
Graham Shaw
Peter Quinlan
John Hoare
Louis Droulers
Gregory Word
Peter Young
Robert Scott
Gerard Stevens
Eugene Sullivon
Timothy McDonald
Richard Russo
Stephen Yeomans
Mark Webber
T ony Gates
John Shanahan
John McGhee
Peter Spyrdz
Peter Phibbs
Martin Grose
Peter McNamara
Mark Peralear
M . Schoenmaker
Gary Bryant
Christopher Bran
Charles McCloskey Tony PettItt
ONE '6( Continucd
Rodney Hannan
Mark Zions
Peter Roberts
Alex Soboslay
Anthony Walsh
Richard Crawford
Morco Mezzapica
M. McNamara
Paul Goodrick
Peter Cifala
Phillip Lee
Peter Winglee
Christopher Laird
John O'Neill
Gory O/Here
David Baxter
John Phelps
John Bray
Robert Pettener
Nicholas Thurn
Bernard Musgrove Paul Studdert
Anthony White
Michael Ricketts
Dominic Parisi
William Malouf
Chnstopher Byrne
Terry Petherbrldge
Stephen Todd
Peter Harrington
George lind
Michael Webb
Gregory Stewart
Bnon Smith
Stephen T odd
Martin Riordan
Brian Walsh
Peter Gosper
Poul Sheehon
Adrian Lyons
Borry Towns
Rodney Hannon
John Hawtnorne
Robert Donovan
Mark Emery
Philip O'Leary
John Barlow
Paul Cuddon
E '68 COlllinllcd
Michael Davey
Michael Holmes
Anthony Barry
Groeme Gurney
Michael Ddosa
Peter Denny
Wayne O'Brien
Paul O'Malley
Stephen Hood
David Holmes
Gregory Di Stefano G. Monaghan
Brion Benson
Michael Finch
Groeme Frazer
Paul O'Malley
Stephen Puz
Michael Mooney
Anthony Lynch
Kevin Farrell
Richard Wallbank
Raymond Hynes
Poul Denmeade
Jeffrey Allwood
Patrick Doonon
Peter Ireland
John Mitchell
Paul Millar
V. Brancotlsano
Poul Komander
Stephen Hills
Peter Bennett
Gerard Josephs
Chris Hallahon
John Doherty
Peter Bendelch
FOR;\I ONE '68 Continued
John Kyneur
Richard lyons
Kevin Scully
Gregory Jones
Bnon Ingoll
Paul Kellert
Stephen Fisk
Peter Drury
John Considine
Graham Boyd
Michael Gill
Peter Danielson
RE V. HR. D. E. TRIi\'KS, ,\..\.S.,\ .
R EV HR. R. L. SPEE RIi\'G, B ..\ g.Sc.. ;\I.Ed.
BrOlher Trink; came lO Sl. Pa lr ick's thineen
year; ago. Hi~ training in accountancy ;tood
him in good stead: he lI'a; appoimed College
Bup,ar and in lhal ro le came to be well known
lO everybody as;ocialed lI'ilh Sl. Palrick',.
Brolher laughl COtllmerce in the middle ;chool
a nel olher ge nera I ~1I b jen;.
Brother Speering C;ltll e lO SL Palr i<;k's direcl
lrom hi, )ears o[ training at Slralhfield and at
Sydney Un iversil). For the pasl len year; he has
1I'0n the admira tion o[ boys o[ the College ali
;enior Scicnce ;\Iaster. There have not been
tlIan) empty hour~ in lhal len )ears. Brolhel
Speering ha, been lO the lore in coachi ng foolball and cricket teams: he has carcd for lite
aClivilies of the Sl. Vincent de Paul Sociel): o"et
recem )ears he h as been respon;ible for the
Alhlelics al St. Patr ick's.
J n hi, ca p;Jcil y a; School bur;ar Brolher
Trink, had eXle nsive d ea lings lI'ilh tradesmen,
lI'ilh domeslic staff, Wilh secretarial staff. Amo ng
lhese people Broth el- won a wonderful reputatio n for his considera tion, [01- his though tful nes,
and for his minule alle mion lO delail. He will
be long remembered by them.
Despite all lhi; aC li vily lhere 11':1 lime lor
attendancr a l Sydne) Un ivers it) lor lunh cl
Sludie~. La;l yea r we were de ligh ted to .,ee
Brolher co mplete the requiremenl, lor hi>
;\Iasler of Education.
Roger Burden
\\I e at SL Patri ck's lI'ill miss Broth er Trink;:
lI'e ex len d LO Brother our good lI'i; hes [or a
ha pp y and lruitful AposLOlalc at Sl. Patrick's
Sutherland and ass ure him lhal he will alll'iI);
be welcomed in o ur mid;L
Our besl wishes go with Brolher lor a very
happy \ta} al his nell' ;chool . . . Sl. Leo'>,
Brother John Rewi Crichton, M .B.E.
thcir wedding, i, I\lOther Crichton! they arc delighted
to hale him a, g ll e,t o( hunollr at the lc(eptiuns that
follow. JL j ... no wonder that the annO lill cement on New
Year's Da) that H er Maj e't) the Queen had conferred un
Brother Crichton the ~r.H .E. wa, hailed with delight h)
all f.iend, of the College.
J ohn Rcwi C. ichton came to Au,trali" a, a l ei) )oung
man from hb n31i\c :\'cw 7ealand. The name Rcwi i.,
an old ~l a01 i word meaning warrior and it ma) ha\ c
had ~omelhing to do with an c;nl)
enlistment in thc
fir>! A.I.F. J ohn Crichton wenl o\er,ea, with the
.\ .1. .. . alH..! wa"l on aUhe ~cn ice in }-ranee until the
ceS\ation of hO\lilitie,. Afler the war he ,etUed dowll to
work a, :t cabinet maker ulltil he mct BJO . H ickc) who ,
al that timc, was the Australian Pro\incial of the Chrhliall BlOlher,. The result o( that mceting wa, a dcchion
to ghe his Ii(e to the c"me of Catholic Education and in
the mid-twenties he en tered the ~O\ itiale at Slnllhfield.
Bro. Crilh lon. iI"I he now \\'3'\, taught at the B roth er'\ '
<chool at Burwood in hi, eady leachin g lear"~ but when
in 192R it lIa, decided to open a school at SL. ath lield
he wa~ one of the thlce pionecl'~ "ho was pre"clll o n the
opening da} of what was then a \cry '1rnall "Ithoo l. For
the pa't C"rt) ) ears, with the exception of olle lcar .pent
at \\'ollahra, n.other C. ichton has been a1. SL. " atlick's;
he ha, helped ill the education o( Ihollsands of ho)s flOm
~\dne\" \\'c,tern Suh u.l".
1 he 'ta lf, the pupils, the old 13o)s of tlli, Coll ege rejoice with Brothe. Crichton; they congralulale him and
wj~h him man) more }car"l of fluitful anu act ive a~~oc ia ­
tion wi th the pupil, of loday and those in the yea"
REV. fiR. J. P. R. CR ICH r 0'". \1.I\ .E.
Ulother Crichton and Sl. Patrick"" ~trathficld, arc
dlnW"!Il \\IlCI10IlH)U:. term'!i. \\ hell old bo)"l return the}
l'.l ror l\r{l(her Cnchlon; when the) come with thei!
h •• de,. to be married in the College Chapel the Brother
"ho " happy 10 ~pend hOlliS preparing the Chapel for
Paul Donnellan
Peter Damo
Bill Gleeson
Tim Ryan
Maurice Brody
Andrew Ferguson
William Darcy
Peter Blomgren
Andrew Crichton
Peter Gassman
Michael Bouffler
Gregory Booth
Gerard Carroll
Martin Dirou
GR .-\DE SIX '6
David Eisler
G_ Denmeode
Peter Govan
GRADE SIX 'fi8 Continued
Peter 0' Arbon
Mark Brandtmon
Phillip Corrigan
Peter Goodrick
Bruce Croucher
Peter Aschoff
John Burns
Joseph Giuffre
Gregory Foley
Mark Bateman
Fabian Gleeson
John DOnlels
Carl Adorn
Brion Ashley
Adrlon Healey
Dean Randall
Anthony Couch
John Gardner
William Sabine
Ion Cutcllffe
Chris Donnelly
Anthony Coombs
Domel Downey
Albert Giacomin
Robert Farrell
Mark Doolan
Peter Conroy
Garry Clarke
Mark Buggy
Peter Brewer
M . McFarland
Andrew Smith
Michael Orland
Bernard Nicholl
Michael Oirau
A . McCluskey
MIChael Lynch
Gregory Heyes
Chris McKeon
Sam Pellegrino
Paul McMahon
Bruce Malouf
James Mona~hon
Theodore Meijer
Phillip Monghon
Murray Norris
Mark Monsour
Mark McKinley
Borry Hickson
Michael Williams
Mark McFadden
Brion Shaw
Paul McNamara
Bernard Hines
MIchael Logan
Andrew Moody
Gregory McAnulty
Anthony WhIte
Stephen Murphy
Bruce MacDougall
Peter Hollingworth
Anthony Hudson
RIchard Monoha.,
Wayne WatkinS
Paul Homann
Albert Ka'rrooz
MIchael Mart in
PhIllIp Hyde
MasSImo Lukslch
Paul Grells
Alex Logcman
Paul Gllan
MIchael Leahy
MIchael Morgan
Peter McCloskey
G R ADE SIX '68 Continued
GRADE SI X -fi8 Con t inued
Stephen Hogan
Cr0l9 McDonald
Martm Mel nerney
Peter Moberly
Michael Kotow
John Kelly
Leo Hoger
Gregory Hayes
Joseph Isoac
Poul Ly nch
Poul Hayes
Bnon M cDonag h
Joseph Musico
Micha el Mac aul a y
Phillip McGloin
John Zubrickos
CCJ~ toldl
Leon Srudzlnskl
Mlchoel ,.. ... dilr.c,
Stephen Woolr.dge
David O'Ne,1
John WH .o.,
Mlcnoe C.:>wley
Patrick O'Carrigan
William t;\ulr
Mlchqcl Pottp;son
'v'orl<. Payne
Stephen O'Ne"I
'N" ,te
Kelly O 'Sne:'1
Geoffrey WIllard
Mortln Smith
John Collins
Nereo Zottero
Robe rt MUIr
Andrew Royal
Mark Collins
Victor Raku s
Mark Stevens
Brett MUZI k
Enc Sidoti
Stephen Tomse n
M ichael Wh i te
Michael Orland
Garry MUirhead
Peter K yneur
Poul Munro
Anthony Wilkin s
Robert Bro wn
Anthony Neville
Brien Thompson
Richard Piekarski
Eric SC.erri
Anthony Murph y
Michael Poo ley
John Pontello
Paul Smith
Paul McFadden
Bradley Playford
Christopher Pari si DaVid Parmeter
Paul Russo
Carl Salter
Mark Samuel
Eugene Sarlc
Ion Mcintosh
Warren QUigg
Paul Rumore
John Senlo
Wayne Twomey
Paul Wal sh
GR,-\DE Fl\ E '68 Continued
Mark Smith
Mark Johnson
Chris Gaskin
Bnon Millar
Peter Osmond
John Weeks
Phillip Ross
Robert Wmglee
David Loth
Bnan Lone
Peter Griffin
Michael McQuone
Michael Couch
John Queoly
A GUilfoyle
Paul Brennan
Phillip McKee
Bnan Downs
GR,-\DE FIVE '68 Continued
John Melton
Ion Show
Kim Smith
Jeffrey Willmott
DaVid Cameron
John Rouw
DaVid Besson
Paul Drury
Stephen Murphy
John Stewart
Yarro B,alowlcz
Anthony Nicholl
Robert Holl '"95
Peter Keating
Michael Turner
DaVid Muirhead
Anthony Hord
Michael Kelly
Matthew Lucking
Richard Fields
Michael Turner
Peter Fitzgerald
DaVid Lee
Paul Logon
Nicholas Hill
Dale Lansom
Christopher Brown
Gregory Dowl mg
Michael Wong
Alan Marlow
Joseph Horvath
Martm McCluskey
LOUIe Bugltti
James Dumas
James Sullivan
Mark Dewar
Owen JenkinS
Robert Killalea
Mortln McCluskey
Stephen Campbell
Paul Farrell
KelVin Simon
Demlen McAdam
Bernard Corey
Craig Fox
Gary Welk
Michael Barlow
Peter Maddock
Eddie Kraemer
Peter Merlino
Kelvin Cutler
Russell Donnelly
Domlen Castaldi
Paul Armour
MIchael Kreamer
Andrew Morgan
Peter DeMartin
Vincent Greek
Anthony Woods
Peter de Mort In
Mark Kyneur
Michael Mort.55
Mark Douglas
John Healy
Christopher Tyson
Mark Dovoren
GRADE FIVE '68 Continued
Peter Le Breton
Stephen Daly
Terry VICI
Anthony Pye
Matthew Koyrooz
Peter Moloney
Umberto Pantella
Graham Holmes
William Treweeke
Anthony Shells
Mortln Follon
Nell QUinion
Richard G Daly
David Lucey
Peter Q'Loughlln
Lorry Wenman
David SCrlmgeour Robert P Crow
John F. Donovan
Peter Mally
William James
MIchael Mongan
LOris Mattiussi
PhilIppe Droulers
Michael McCoskle T Imoth y Thurn
Rodney Studdert
Phtllp Monaghan
Peter Johnson
MIchael C. Bevan
Adnan Rumiz
Douglas Gregory
MIchael Fra ser
MartI n McGhee
MIchael Beaumont
Kenneth Maso n
Rick J. Asqulnl
Done GIllam
Peter Clark
C. McMahon
Mark Lennon
John GIuffre
Peter GIllman
C Dormer
C. Gribble
Charles Bellemare
DavId Dormer
John Giuffre
David TWigg
A Lehmann
Michael Toomey
Mark Langrell
Hugh White
John MUirhead
Clive Beeby
Timothy O'Bnen
Michael Jaqouro
Peter Kenny
Pout Spicer
Peter Orland
C. Biddie
Andrew Haynes
Peter Smith
Barry Kdlaleo
Paul Hughes
Phillip Hayes
Paul Musgrave
Geoffrey Weaver
N Wallington
Mortln Howcroft
A Gallagher
Patrick Kelly
Phillip Briggs
Stephen Brennan
Martin Howcroft
Peter Godsell
David Hume
GRADE FOUR '68 Continued
Jus t one h u ndred years ago four Christian Brothers arrived
at POrl Melhourne in the S.S. Dona ld McKay. They were pennile~s;
they had to borrow ten shill ings from a fellow passenger
to get themselves and their luggage from Port Melbourne to the
Rishop'; House. B ishop Gou ld had approachecl the Sacred Congregation for Religious in R Ollle to ask jf some Christian
Brothers from I reland could be persuaded to come to Victoria
to aSI>ist in t h e work of Catho lic education in his Diocese.
Graham Watson
C. McKenzie
David McMahon
Mark McMahon
Nell Stockpool
Martin Pull ietn
Andrew White
Anthony Rodl
Paul McCarthy
Jean P. Staelens
In 1968 t. Patrick's entered the Catholic Secondary Schools Debating Competition ,
Thi~ gave ne\l' impetus to the efforts to impro\'e ~he general s~a,ndard o[ ,Public Speaking,
Debatin o teams lrom Forms one to five took part III the competItIon and thIs gave an opportunit) tg thirt) bo)~ to participate in public debating,
Six teams debated each Friday night and ;eme o[ the schools we had the pleasure o[
wmpeting against \I'ere Santa Sabina, De La Salle College ,\ shlield, ;\lollle Sant j..\ ngelo,
.\Jari t Brothers' Colleges [rom Eastwood and Parramatta, and, Our L,ady 01 .\ Iercy College
Parramalta, .-\ total 01 twenty nine schools are members 01 thIS A.ssoClatIon and we were de,
lighted to have the opportunity of partiLipating even though in this, our lirst year~ we d id not
reach the semi-linals, However \I'e made a good start and are hopelul that '69 will see more
On one occasion we reali~ed our deficiencies in the matter of debating more than on
an) other. One school competing against u came to the debate with the "T<:lIlg subject prepared but took us on impromptu: we were prepared ; they were not yet we Just managed to
crape home by a very narrow margin,
J\ great deal of the credit [or the organi/ation of the debating i due to Brother Needham:
Brother started the debating in the !>enior school in 1967 with a view to competitive debating
in '68, With the help o[ Brothers Sullivan, Hancock, Finegan and Brady the project got under
wa) in '68 and nobody had any regret!> , , , de'pite the lack 01 success,
Representatives [rom the College participated in !>evera l public speaking competitions,
One of these was 'Youth Speaks for ,\ustralia' in which Chris Sidoti, John Sidoti, John de
Lallncy and Kevin GUlllmar took part.
Eliminatiom were carried out within the ;chao I and Chris Sidoti won this section of
the competition, He went on to represent St. P,Jtrick's in the area, regional and state finals,
ChriS won the area and regional finals and gave a very fine performance to finish third in the
state finals, There were twelve finalist!> from all over the State in this final section,
So publ.ic sp~aking an,d debating got off to a good start in '68 and we are all hopeful
that progress III thJ~ [Ield will continue in the fULUre.
John Sidoti
" ' hen Brother Treacy and hi~ tllree compre,ellled thelmelves to the Bishop
he told them to thro\\" themselves on the
charity of the Catho.lic people 01 the colon):
that he him;,ell \\'a;, not in a position to give
thcm any a;,~i~tance. They did ~o and their
ronl idence was not misplaced. From that
humble beginning one hundred years ago
there are noll' live Provinces 01 Christian
Brothers \\"ith over one thou;and member;,;
bctween them they conduct one hundred and
thiny t\l'O chools with total enrolment!> 01
o\er lilt) thou~and pupil>. In thc call) d ; I)~
thc )(hool., were .,talled b) Brothc.., [rom
Ireland: to-day there are ani) loul teen Irish
Brother., in the lI'hole 01 ,\u.,tralia.
The extrao rdinary gro\\"th 01 the Order
in . \ u,tralia ovel the past hundred ycal" ha
been the came 01 Thanbgiving to the
.\ Imight) during 1968: the year 01 CCIllCnaJ)
ha., ,d"o provided the oppOrtu n it y to look
ahead to the c1imcmion and direction 01 OUI
. \ pmtolate in the age to wb i< h lI'e belollg.
II e fli 'I/. Palricli '; do 11111 1t(llIe JlJul; whi ( 1t go IJocl! 7Ier), {or ill lit e lti;IOI)' o{ olle 1IIIIIdled
Slili {or lite /)(Isl {Oily year:, w e Itm'e ploved a 1101 ullill7porlalll p(lIl. III IIt(' Imlmy of
'lit e Broiller,,' ;rlf{) o ls ill Sy dlley, II is illieresilli l; 10 look 01 w ltat~t. Palrl,/o IOIlI!('(! 11!le III
III Nlliv dO)'-I. Tlti.1 /; Iwlo appeared ill nile of Ill e Mltolllllloga : II)('; III Ihe IIl1d-Iltnlu'; , 1110111;
of lo-d;,)' slto w 11'1/111 1/11; veell IIC("I)IIl/J/isiled lo elloble 1111; .Illuml 10 !f.row /10111 (/\/Iwll i l~IIIUIt ·
.,·ltilll mlered for Ie;; Iltoll II Itlilldred bo),s 1 .' 1 III IIljallcy to tlte IIIlgltl)' Iwci), II /1 tl)-cia ) 71'1111
(JlI el Iwe fr'e Itulldred PII/Jil;.
Oi"\E Hl
YE.-\RS -
(0000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Whln the Brother, lame to ~Ielbountc
ill lR(j8 it \\'a a ~econd arri\al in ,\u:,tralia ;
tht) had 10Ille or iginall) to Sydne) in 18·1:\
but ulllor,een (iJ'(um,tan(e. had compelled
them w return Lo Irelalld. \ "hen one or the e
'S)dlll:) pioneer~ ' returned to Ireland h e
taught in cla~~ a III I ill;,pired a )oung man ,
Patri ck Trea( y, \\'ho \\,a" to join the COllgre~ation and bring the Brother
IJack here
\\'ithi" ,lIlothcr twelll) year,>. But it \\'as to
~Ielbourlle that h e (ame and .,0 thc centenar)
(e lcblation~ ,,'ere lor the mo,t pan held in
th:lt cit), .\ Celleral Chapter 01 th e Congrel.\<ltion which \\,a, due to he hcld in the
I entellan \'ear \\'a~ held at .\Ielbourne and
,0 B r() dl ~ r; I rom all o\'er the \\'orld \\'ere abl!:'
to join th e Australiall Brothers in their
[ e lebration~.
Ihe Cf'lIlellary .\Ta,ls was
/)l'l'a( hl'ri Ii)' I lis L",£lI/II/1 III.I /mp 1111111'.1 I"'/'{' IIIIIII !J.V .. aux·
10 lIi.l ElI/illellCe Cardillo I Cilm)', Ri.lhop Fre('III(/II
71'(11 eelllllllnl (II 'iI, ,\llll)'·., Clllhf'rimi /-ligll 'ir/wol S),dlll'),.
IIld leflrllers 11'1"1' 81'. /I',
, III/lillg IIi
//('(lrimll.\ le! o( 'Lewij/IfIII/' alld
illl'fliided ill IIII' \I,
llilill Ii( elid /IIJ /lilill Hlll'll'()od. fllld H,.
rl'(elltly PWi'illcifl/ of "il .
81'111111'1.\ alld
f. D.
/-Iea/y 111111/
Prm 'ill((' IIf IIII' C/mlllflll
.s lfllioll ed (II ·Le1I'i.,II(IIII·,
8i.lhllp Freemall
/-Ili/)' 1'(llhe1' Pflul 1'1
, \lIll")' ·.1
I ' , (;)'(.'1'11 , re(,f'lIl1),
bel'li n/l/loillied by
8lsho/l oj .-/rll/idale il1
10 f1is Lmds/II/J BIi'!wp [)()lidy 1I,ho died dUl'lllg
'r,,\'. 811/111/) Dood)' II'(lj a Ii/olhe! oj /II', / ', ,-I. Doody who
tlurill ~" '68 has
11(1111 IllerI' (I .' a slaff
Lewi.lllfllll (llId
III em
Most Rev . J J , FREEMAN D,D
SI. Palrich',1 will lIIi.I.1 Bi.I/IOP Fr eelllall, ,-1.\ Ih t
P(lIi,I/1 Priesl o( Ihe ileaI'll ),
C,,"cord he h(l.\ alway.1 Iflh ell a lieell illlere,ll ill Ih l' /I'l'lfarl' IIf 1)111' .1 1 II dell 1.\ fllld
//(/.\ "eell a greal (rielld Iii Clilislillll Ihl)lhe! s elw'),ll, II ere.
11'1' lillie IIIi.l ul)purl11111 Iy. )'1)1/1' Ll)rds/llp.
0/ 1':\ll'lIdillg Iii )'011
11'111'1'.1 111111 YOllr .-Ipo.llulall' ill ,-/rlllidale lila), be IOllg IIl1d (l'IIil/III,
In the I ir,t \\'eek 01 ()elembel a "eminal
)n P,('>toral Cuidall( c and Coumelling \\,a.,
held at th e (,harlll<l,) College in ~Ielbourne .
I hi" \\,<1 largel) conductcd b) HI'. John Egan
C.F,C.,Ph.D, ,,·ho i, in charge 01 the De partmellt 01 Guidance and Counselling <it lona
L1niver,it) , a college conducted b) th e Chri tian Brother; in the State 01 l'\ e\\' York . Thi,
, elllinar \\',1\ allended b) people lrom all
Orphanage - Clontar[ - wa, being conducted
by the Brother;. There \\'as a ,('hool al.,o at
Thi., i, not the pia e to detail the ;pread
01 the .,thools 01 the ChriHian Brothers o\'el
the pa,t hundred ) ears, however there i,
impil ation in looking back to the courage
01 tho'>e pioneers who built '>0 quickl) and
,p,ead their inLluellCe '>0 widel) . The lir t
,(hool wa, e.,tabli,hed near the [amou, l.
F,anci., Church in :\IelboUlne: it was di.,con tinued .,oon alter the opening 01 the ' Parade'
in Ea.,t \Ielbourne in I i I. In the next ten
lear; the 101l0\\'ing loundatiom had been
made: St. \ 'ill(el1l\ Orphanage. South :\£el bourne: ~l. ,\ugU>tine\ Orphanage. Geelong:
C.H.e. Sl. Kilda : . 1. PaLrick, and St. .'\I)piu.,
H,tllarat : Cregor) Terrace and St. lame, in
Uri,bane : \\'akelield Sl. in Adelaide. B) the
lliln 01 the centul'\ thele ,,'ere ",hool., in
Balmain, l.e\\i,halll', :\e\\'to\\'n in ;\,S,\V,:
Queemla nd had seen the ,tal t 01 ;\ ud~ee
College, Ip,>\\'kh , Rockhampton. :\£<ll'\bor)Ugh, ' I Go\\'oomba: in \"e.,tel n .\u,>tralia
p ening' had. been. made at St. George'>
I erra(e and III \\'e lllllgton Sl. (St. Pall irk's)
in Perth and on the out,>kilb 01 Pelth anothel
,\nd ~o the gro\\'th has continued to the
pre,ellt cia).
Dil ling tilt' 1(I ('(' k of Ct' lI/l' lIl11V n ' h-Ina/ioll,
niHlIl' l
71 ' (/ ,\
tho,e \\'alk 01 lile where guidame ;lIld (OUIl, e lling ale nelC ,>ar allll \\'a \er) bCllclic ial
to a II.
In S)dlll') Hi" Elllinen(e tht' Clldinal hon oured the B,otln:r,> b) arrallging thaI Ihe
\\'hole 01 the .\II .. tralian Ili erar(h
hOldd be
\\'ith him in Sl. ,\1<11') \ Cathedl<tl a, he, togct her \\'ith "i:-. Old HO\, 01 the (:111 i,tian
HHllhcr,>,lon(elebrated ,/,olellln ~I,I"" Thank,gil inf.{. The lO-(elebralll~ wt're .\ rchbi,llOP
Cood) 01 Pcnh (c'B.C. Penh ): .\ rlhhi,hop
Cal'l o ll 01 S)dne) (e. B.C. l.c\\,i.,halll ): .\I lh Hi,hop He(lI ich 01 .\del:tidc (C. B,C:, l'\onh
\I c lhouln e): , \nhbi~hop Youllg of Ilob'lIt
(C. B.c:. Roc kh<llllpLOn): Bi,llOp Ste\\,alt 01
Sandhul,t (C.B,C. :\onh .\ Ielhoulnc ) and
Hi,llOP Ru..h 01 RockhalllpLOn (c. H,C. Creg(1) Telr,l(e Bri,hane), Th e nlll>i( 1(>1 Ihe
Sol emll \/a» \\,a;, l()'lIpo~ed 101 the m(,;hion
b\', ;\Ir. Ri(ilard Conlloll\,.
Latcr in the )ear an open-air ;\1;1.,., \\'a,
celehl ated at the White Cit} lOll I I> 101 the
pupil, 01 the Brother,' SydnC) ,(hook .\ Ian)
]>1 ie,l'> lrom SHine) parishe, \\'CI e pI e,ellt alld
ga\'e 1-101) Communion to thou"lIld., 01 bo),
I\'ho b) their piet} and d c\otion on thi,
ona,ion gal e eloq llent te,tinlon to the elli( at) of th e I\'ork '>ta ned one h umb ed } ea I
af.{o h) lour co llrageou, Cod -lcJ\ ing IIICIl .
J/ dlwlIlIlI' dllliing 11/( fint
1If' ItI in til(' ., t/IOO/ 1/(/ 1/ of CIU;,/iflJl N ,ollu' ,,' /',11\/
.! .!,III/tl'lill,!!. of C/lli,\ I;(l1/ u ,tJ/ltt/\
, "(1 (' 1
to 11I/u- j,/arc
tfIlHI'IU' It'
lJ't'('/; of J),'olllhn .
A."i/rI" .• 111110\/
III till' iI'mld . HII r/ou ' " 10 /JIfIIIO. Fit; , 1,IIOIu
,hOll ' \
(/ ,('rfirm of tilt' Ha lllt'l,;'" tilt ''' /)('1i01 (.tllt' lal. Ulolhn AIl/lin AII.,I;n I .of/II', "rldlf" H' /in Itlll/lln, Oil lIlt
In le(ent lear'> other Pro\ ince, have (0111·
menced to ,,;ea k a bOll L nel\' IOLInda tions in
Liberia, Zambia, Rhodesia, Peru, L1rugua);
')tlr ,\u ,tralian Pro\'ince, ,>peak about plate
like :\Iongop, Kinangunan , VU\'u, \V el\'ak,
\It. Hagen . . . all of thelll :\£i."io!l'> in til '
TerrilOl), 01 Papua ,Inel New Guinea. There
Ire Primar) ,>('hooI-" ;econdary 'c hools and
Leacher,' College,. ,\llI ong the ,\u ;tralian
Chri,tian Brothel''> there are now l'\aLive
Brothel; Irom the 1.,l and" to our l'\onll. In
19(j8 a '/u\,cnate \\'a,> .,taned to educate po.,tulant, to the Congregation Irom the 'e w
Cuinea :\£i,~ion aleas; in 1969 therc will be
'I :\0\ itiate 101 T.P.l'\,G. member,> 01 the
Congrega tion e,ta bl i'>h ed at :\Iongop. Th i, i,
the e~citing nel\' lIend alter the fir.,t hundred
) ear~.
flill/\ fI1l1l ie/('a" u· ltirll ,/wlIlri rlrlir '(I/( fIIn Iff/ cltill!! COl1f,!Il 'gali()tI ill tllf (.'11111(11.
I Ill: c lilli ax 01 th e ,lI'inlllli ll g
,ea,>on (ame Il'ilh th e u ip 01 th e
.,W illlllli llg tca lll 10 Br i.,ba n e, Thi,
lOok plac e durill g th e Ea ,. ,ter
\ \' eek-e lld .
1 he .,ucce.,., of the .,,,·illlmin o 1)102Ta 11l1ll eat St. I'atr id.', O\el rcccnt lear.,
",a,> d e lllOlI I
,u:Itcd bl th e peIIOnll;IIHC,> of thc College ,"' illlm er,> ill the I'al iou., carnivals held ill '(is ami h)
the pell Ol lllam e 01 .,ollle 01 the College ,,,-inllllcr, ill the ,\u tralian 0:ati o n a l Champiomhilh.
-llHhe Il'ho qualified for final, in the .\u ,tralia n ;'\' ''tiOll ,d Champion,hip" ",ere Lim!.,,,) \\l au-o ll.
Peter O ' Brien, .l ei ieI') O ' Bri en, Laurie ,\ndrell"'>, :\licha el ClInlllling" :Ind .\Iichael Da ve, Durillg
There \\'a, a d ;I,,'n d e parlllre O il thc
(,hllr,day 0 1 Hol) -W eek . . . a
nea r 1I1idnig ht arrival ,It St.
Co llllllban\, who we re o ur 11O.,t, lor
th e ,ta) in Bri.,ba n c . . . and what
ge n ero u, ho;[., th e) were.
Ih e Sch ,)ol >"'illlllling ,ea.,on Lim!"a\ \\' abo n captained the C o ll ege ' ''' illlming team and led
thcm to .,u((e" in the Combin ed Schoob Carni,al h e ld at th e 1'\orth Sydne) OI)lllpic Pool.
The talent in the ",immer., IrOll1 the 10"'er age., 11"01., I eI') nluch in e l'id c n ce durin g th e
:\.S.\\'. Shell -. \ ge Champioll>hip.,. Th e,e el e nl) II"hich cater lor bo)., in the ulld cr 13 age gro up
and be loll' lI"e re held during Fehruar), ' t. Patrick',,> bo), II"ho qualified lor elll i·fina/;. lI" ere
.\nth on) . .\/i chael a nd Hu g h \\' hite, .\Iart in and P e tcr Damo, .\[ichael Dal'e), ;\/i cha e l .\/orga n ,
Brian C Ol rigan. Laurence .\ndre"·, a nd Pc tcr Cu,iek. Tho,c II"ho qualified lor the Final, Il'e re
.\ /i chael Dal'c) ( Llnd el I~ Free,tylc and Ba ckstro ke): .\/ie ha e l .\/organ ( Under II Bae k"u'oke):
Pe ter D,lIll o ( L' nd er II Brea., tro ke): Hu<> h Whil e ( LInd er 10 Brca, tro ke alld Ba ebt ro ke).
A:\,:\, l '.-\L SWIM JI:\'G CAR:\,IV.-\L
held at the .\ubuln OI)lllpic
Pool on Frida) el enin g, .\/ a l ch 15th. It 11'".,
an c~(iting elening and the linal hou,e poinr,
.,hol,· the c!o,cne.,., 01 the compet itio n: Th e
Blu e., "on with 70G point>: The gree n., were
,etOnd wi th 704 poin t,: th e) Il'ere loll oll'ed
hI the R ed T ealll ((iSO point,) and the Gold
T eam ((i 70 poinb). Fo urteen nell' r eco rd.,
,,'el e ,et in the ~9 el'CI1l., . , . a tribute to th e
11"01 k 01 the S"'imming coach .\ Ir. Bcn H owe
and thc e lllhu,ia;m 01 the '>lI"imming commillee.
College ChampiollS and RlIllner!>-lIp.
Open: Lill(ba) \\'a t.,on: Peter O ' BI ien .
l ' nd e r 17: Graham Hu gg in, : L e; Inni,
L' ntl er IIi: .J ell 0 ' Bri c n : Chri., F err i.,.
L' ntl el 15 : .\[kh ae l G a ll agh er: Ha)d en Hill>.
l lndel II : :'Ilich ae l CUlllming;: .John \\',,/<'h .
L' ndel 1:1 : Brian COlfigan : David Ba"ter.
l ' ndel 12 : \Ikh ae l Dal e), Steph e n Hilh.
1:.\' 1:.:\ -1,'> WHICH RI:.CORDED RECORDS
50m FreeslyleOpc n: I, L. \\'al.,on : C) S. Bram ble: ~, P.
O'BI ien . Tim e, 27 . 1 '>c('>.
\\' al.,h : 3 ,
~ . .\1.
Da mo : 3,
L' nd er II: I, ,\1. Cummillg.,:
L. ,\lId rell'.,. Tim e, 29.2 .,eo.
L nd er 13: I, B, Corrigan:
p, Cmic k. Timc 32 .·1 ,eo.
L' nd er 12: I, .\1. Davc\':
Do nOl a n . Tilll e, 32.5 ,>e".'
S. Hill., : 3, R.
50m Uuuel-f1}Ope n : I, P. O ' Brie n: 2, L. \\' <1 t,OIl : 3, 1' ,
Howe. Tim c, 29. ,1 ces.
Linder II: I. .\1. CUlllllling., : ~ . ./. \\' ab h : :{,
L. .\ndrell''', Tim e, 32 .G ,ee.,.
50m BreastrokcOpe n : I, L. W a t;o n : 2, P. O ' Bri e n : 3, P.
Girdlel. Tillle, 37.3.,ec.,.
.\1. CUlllllling', Tillle, ·10.5 .,ec"
L' nd e l 13: I, D, Baxter: 2 . .\1. Dalllo: 3,
B. Corrigan. Tilll e, 13.7 ~e(,.
l ' nd cr 12: I, .\[, Dave y: 2, M. '\[oolley: 3,
(equal ) R. DOllovan , S. Hilh. Timc, ,15.9 ,eC'>.
50111 BackslrokeOpe n : I, P. O'Bri e n : 2, L. \\'at.,on : 3, S,
Bra mbl e. Tilll l', 3 1. 1 ,c(~..
lnder 13: I, B. Corriga n : 2, G. :'I/urph) : 3,
.\1. Fan e ll. Tilll e, 39 ,1 .,ee,>.
Under 12: I, .\f. Dave) : 2, R . Donovan : :{,
S. H ilb. Tim e, 10.0 'C(."
I o() nl e u e, Free' t ) Ie School Cha m pion~h i p:
L. \Vat,o n : P. O ' Brien : ,\ 1. Cunlllling., : 5~J.(;., .
('h e re lI'ere tll'O ;,1I' illlllling m ceting' : o ne o n th e Saturdal at Sl.
C:(~ lulllban\ between th e 11O.,t
'>C hoo l, St. Coluillban\, Sl.
LIIITence\, South Bri,IJan e,
Crego rv T e rrace. Bri , ba ne, a nd Sl.
Pau:irk :, . It 11';1 ;' n o t a, ,uccc"lul
," II' C had hoped : th e Bri,ba ne
,d100i> wcre pOII'erlul co mbin ati o n,: po"ibl) lI'e had not
I C( 0 1 ered I rOIll the ,trangc m ea I.,
01 the Ilu, trip no rth .
\\'e lI'o n onl) H evc nt, 0 1 th e 51
fir'>t dil' i ~ i o n eve nt.,. Hut o ur lack
(, I ,>ucc e" did not ruin the e nj c ) IlI(' nt 0 1 the o(iI'>ion : lI' e fini"hcd
thc da ) lI'ith a barbecue Ill eal at
St. Co!lllllball\.
On th e Sumla) we ex plored th e
Cold Coa,t, "all' pcrlorming , eal,
or " 'e re th e) dolphim- vi.,ilcd a
bird ,a n Cl Ua r) and ,all' thou,and.,
01 th elll , , ll' a m at variou., POilH,
a nd th e ll II'cre (a ug ht up in a
Ill elll orab le tra/hc ,liar! ,I'> we lI' e nt
back to m ec t our h c ,t, o nce Illore
at St. C:olllmban\ .
.\/om!;l) lI'a, Irec until th c a ft er·
noo n : th c n we had our .,econd
,Willllllillg m ec tin g at th e pool or
th e De La Salle College at
Scarborough . Th erc 11'01;' not quite
a, Illuch (0111 peti I io n th i, l iIll C a Ild
lI'e ;,eelll ed in beller [01'111: wc had
Illan y Ill o re fir" pla ce;, a nd o ur
relal tea m, did reall) well.
:'I/onda) el'c nin g ,a ll' our d e lJa rture
I roll I Bri,ball e, Fivc o'clock o n
f'u c,da) morning ~aw our 1m,
't e~din g qui eti) lip to the Iro llt
d oo r 0 1 S.P.c. 1'\in e o'clock ;,,111'
.,OIlI C or u, in .,dlOOI . . . il had
bcc 11 a great wee k-e nd,
'6) Conlinued
.\, (an be ,een, lounccn nell' record,
lI'ele ,et in the 29 e\"elll,. The,e retard, in·
diulle the lI'ay in II"hich ,"' imming i, de\ el·
oping at 5l. Patrick',: the) ,holiid pro\"e a
,timlllll', and a challenge to lI'immer, 01 the
1 he Final e\ ent 01 the c\"ening lI"a, the
Illlel-Form Handicap R el:l) , II"hich " 'a, \"er)
nalroll"h " 'on b\ the men of Form ' ix, II'ho
jmt pl~duced ~he final blll·,t nele "II") to
ui\e them \icton, o\er Form Three. who
lame ,elond, and Form One. The unolficial
time lI"a 0 fa twe daren't publi'h it!
Bo), who bro"c 1 elOreb were:
;\Iilha el DavC): 100nl F / S U. 1/ (69. 1,):
50m F ( S ll. 12 (32.5,.): 50m B/ K U. 12 (39. h.)
:\li Chael Cumming': 100m F( S ll. 15
(li:Uh.): 30m F S LT. II (29.S,): 50m F/ S LT. 15
(2!/,i,.): 50m B F l ' . I-I (32.5,.)
Petel O'Brien: 50m B K Opell (30.S,.):
50m H F Open (30.5;,.); 200111 :\ledlty Open
- )
( "_Ill.;'"~ I ''.:>'.
Lill((.,a) W ;mon: 100m F , S Open (5!Uk ):
50111 F S Open (2 7.1,. ): 50m HIS OpCII (37.3,.)
-llh COl\/Bll\'ED SCHOOLS
R ebl) team, breaking recorel, were:
__ . 0 .).
. LJ n( I Cl- I I ('J
_111 -/._",
') )
I T nlI el . I _'J (')_111. 'J')
Held at ~' onh Sydne) Ol)mpic Pool the
Fl ida) lolloll"ing the School Carnival, thi
atlJaned a big gathering 01 upponer, and
,,,,imlner'>, II"ho both performed \'er) lI"ell. l.
p" lJ id.' took out 15 01 the 2/ nell" record;,
,lIl d ,Igain t wille ,tronO" opposition, LOok 39
fir,t place, in 67 event .
The Open R ela), eqnalled their record 01
la;t )ear with 1m. 55.5,.
Congratulations to all the e ,"'illlmer, lor
their ,plendid performance, and to the Coll ege Swillll11ing Coalh , ;\fr. Bert Howe.
\ollle of ,.p.e. ,"-rimllling leolll 7.-,,";el/ vili;lpf/ Rr;,/Jall l' file r/Jowll "n(~. sill;lI!; hy t/1t' j)vo/· ,\ ifie. 1I11 'ailillJ!.,
,willI ill 11t(' ClImi1'nl l1'hirh wns Itt'ld al S/. Colltmbam. III tI,e /ltIrk!(,",)llIld il Ih~ College CIIt//)el. '/111' /'00/ al
" . CO/UIII/J(I7I '.' i, 11,1' Brolh,., RaWllfI MI' fllOIial Pool al/d all allorial,,/ willt \/ . I'fll>irll ', will )I,(tI/i 111111 lilollte !"
RfI\ 1Ilf"l , nn e>..-/Jtl/)i/ of \1 . CO/II III IUI1I \, 'II tfL \ IllIgicalh droll 'II()rI il l/life \troill,!!; II" , lizw\ oj fWD ~/. PlJf tirl(~ IJo\, .'i
,..110 gol il/lo diffiClilliel il/ Ihe "of (II 1\ ollongllll!( il/ 1956.
-; I
All lcams have had an interesting yeaL Tll ere
have been improvements in thc school facilitic~
for cricket pl'actice and th i~ ha .~ meant an up'
,urgc or intercst in the game. At the end of term
2, a howling mach inc was purchased. This ha,
mcant a far more consistent practice session ror
the batsmcn and see ms already to have givcn
hatsmcn more confidencc and varicty or strok e
pla y.
TOil'" rd~ the e nd 01 the yea r Hr. Berg ,ct OUt
two area, 01 turr lor practice " 'ickel> and the,e
,hould be in lull u~e during the coming lear.
Tlw,e improved opportunities lor S.P.c. pla)cr,
and also the commcncement or the new CO Ill ·
peti tion a mong the s( hools of the 'C.S.' ,hould
gi\'e a great boo>t to thc Hanclard or cricket in
the ,(" hoo l.
During the lir>! term , S.P.C. played ~ix
ganle, for three wim, tlVO dra,,', anci a loss. Gen·
er:tlly the tealll, which contained eight pla}ers
having their third ;,eawlI with the First XI,
pla)ed wundl). The be;,t S.P.C. cricket for the
, eaw n wa, witne,;ed against \Va\'erle), St.
Ignatiu,. and S.P.C. Goulburn . . \ tthe conclu,ion
01 the lir;t term ga ln e, there were seven bat'llIen
with an average O\'er 20. Captain Brian :\fitchell
had a total or 260 (avcrage 32.5): he headed the
balling average,. H e wa, lollml"ed by Stephen
Sinclair 3 17 (av. 31.7). Peter :\fullen 169 (av. 28. 1)
Chri., White 80 (av. 2G.7) John Menke:, 259 (:1\ .
25.!1). Greg .Iurd 215 (av. 21.5) alld Martin
.l c .,eph, I I!I (a \'. 21.:1).
The \'a ried a t tal" wa, headed h) pat e-bowici
.lohn :\I enke, who captured 3(i wicket, at an
:I\'erage 01 7.9. Other pace bowie" were GI ahalll
Hordern ( 16 at <In averag ' of Ii . I), Brian
;\fitlhell (15 at an average 01 13.5), and i\fichacl
l\e\'ille (I ·' at an average 01 11.1). Both "pinner,
Gar) Lawler (2(; at an average 01 11.5) and
Greg ./urd (21 at <In ,I\erage 01 IO.H). had ver)
,lI( ce"lul "ea'>on,.
TE'-\:"\1: 1st Xl
R c,ult, o r Term I matche,
Ra ck Row: Gl ego l ) JUld ,
Chri ,> lop h er \\' hile. Pe tel Quinn ,
:\Iidwc\ 1\ e l ill e, Stephen Sin(lair,
:\I arli n 1000ep h ,>.
Cranblook 3 18 1 dec. deleatcd S. P.c. 5 1 ( :\1.
1mep h,> I I) a lid 75
Trinity lOR (G. Lawl er I / (i, B. :\Iit( h e ll 2/ '23
an d 105 (G . Lawler 1/ :l!l, B . .\lilc h e ll 2 ( 1) d e-
S. P.e. 7 :II:) dec. - a r c{()rd S.P.c. ht XI , cO l e
caled S.P.c. 5'2 (,\1. Neville 16)
( P. Clark 79. P. :\llIlI e n 58.
S.P.C. 9/ 176 d ec (G . ./unl ti l, S. Sillclair 1·1,
Front R ow: Gra h e lll Il o rd er n ,
Peter Bou lo ll ,> ( Vi<e·C ap t).
Brian :\Iitc h e ll (Capt ). Peter
.\ lull e n, Gar) L awler.
Ah,ent : J oh n :\f e nk c .
Bea un lOlll :1:1, R . Shannon
.\ 1. J o,e ph ; '21) d re w lI'itlt St. Ig natiu ; ~' I 11 8
(J. :\I e llk e, 7 / I (i).
:\/. BUl ge"
\Va\'er le) 68, (C . H o rd ern
1/ ' ,1, G . LmIer 3/ 7,
S.P.C. 150
ii i 1:1.
TE:Uf: 2nd Xl
Back Row: P c t er :\1 itch e ll ,
Chri top h er H ya tt. :'I/i c h ael
:\I e nk e; !l l 15, C . Hord e rn
11-I n. O., ','f.
cI ec. (S. S'IIlC I;111'
;\; e\' ill e, 30, J :\lenk e, 29, B. :\fitc h e ll 2:l) drew
w ith St. L eo';:l l 13·1 (J "I e nk e'> 2 / 10. )
Clark , K en n e th :\Iilli ard .
Lawler 2 1) delealed S.P.C. G o ulburtl
:'II ic h ae l ;\' c h o n .
:\Iilch e ll
Frolll Row: R e\,. Bro. Spee ring,
'2 / !l!l .)
.\nth onl, Dill o n , P e te r Hai ,'", h
(Ca pl) . o h n G i ull r e ,
T er m III
.\1 a I' k
.l a m e, I SO) and I I I (:\/. ./ o,>ep h ,> 1 / '2~,
Clark '2 0, d c leated Old
Bo;' l ' nioll
\\·ick e t,!) . (J . . \mallO ,/ / 50, P. CI;lrk
5 I 9'2
S.P.c. 8 / 258 d ec. (S. Sill(lair 5!l, P. :\full e n 50,
./. :\I e nk e; :l8 . C. White 2<1, .\ 1. J o;ep h ,> '2'2, C .
107 ( I'. Clark
S.P .c:. 170 ( :\1. '/ o,e plh 17 . ./. Cillilre :l:{, !'.
tJ- / </9</
_ ,, _
Thoma>, Pe te I Freebod ), Pa u I
L eo'~
1'. Clark :1 / '2 1. .\1 . Bu rge." :1 / .57).
2 / 16) and 8 / R9 (.I . .\lenk es 5 / 11, G . .Iurd 2 / 11.)
•S. 1)('
. '.
:\1. j o,c ph, '2'2,
2 1 n.o .) deieatl'd St. Pim X . I I:)
Blll ge!>, !l:l) d e leated St.
:\Iit<h e ll 2 1, P. Bo ul o u,> 2 1) d erea ted St. Pill'> X
Giutlre r7. S.
S.P.C. ~5(i (J.Gillllte 107 . :\1. j mep lh 15 . .\/.
:\I e nk e, 2/ 17 ) a nd 2/ 9.1.
,\ lellk e, '22, S. Sintlair 2 1, B.
59 (G. Lawl e r !l I S.
( P. Clark Ii '27, R . Shallilon '2 / '27 ;Ind I 11 8 ( I'.
Cial k '2 .~~).
S.P.e. l()7 (.I ..\I e nk e, :l l , G . Jllrd !lO, B. :\lit·
( h e ll '27 ) d e lea ted
(.J. G i ult re :10).
( ~1.
110 ( 1:1
50 ) and
Bu roc,~ 5 /,1'2).
W e,te rn Suburb
1:17 ( :\/. BUl ge", :l '21. :\/.
'/ o,l'p h, !l 28, J. ./ a m e, '2 / 13) d eie;lled S.P.c:.
IO(i ( .\ /. -I h Ollla, '2().
133 (Ii.
1/ 39, ,\ /. Ne\'ille 3/ 18. G . H ord e rn
'2 1:l 1) and 7 / 119 (,\/. N c \'ill c 2 / 10 a nd C . Jurd
S.P.e. 1 / ~ 07 d el.
j o,ep h ;, 1:1,
1'2 , P. Clark :l7 n .o. S. B ea um o llt 2'2. P. ~llIlI c n
'22) d efeated SpOIL' .\ I ;I,t er', XI (i~ ( I'. Clark
G/ IO . J. .lam e> 1/ '2 0) and 8 / 1:17 ( P. B. Wilki c>
.~:), .\1 . I(he ph s 5 / 36. R. Shanllon '2 1'20) .
.\, Sixth Fo rm pla)er, we re unava il a ble lor
, c lection dllrin g th e third te rm. nin e n e ll' m e m ·
her, h a d to lo und . :\Iarlin ./ o,e ph , a nd P e ler
TE.-\:"\f: 3rd Xl
Back Row: Terry Vincl'lll,
Paul Smith, Paul Girdl er,
D ;I\ id I-Ia )c,>, Patri< k Cor r iga n ,
.\ lilt o n :\I oni'>o n .
Combined Catholi( College; X I
.\ lull c n we re th c ,o le , un i\,or, 0 1 th e T erm I
Durin g th l' third terlll 0 1 '(i8 a tea m 0 1 Indian
tea lll. Thi, )outhlul n e ll' ; id e wll e r ed tll'O h ea l )
,c h oo lbo) crickcters LOllled the Ea"tertl State,
deleab in th e ir lir'>t two ga m e,; h OIl'eve r th ey
0 1 .\lhtralia. Onc 0 1 th e matchc> th C) pla )ed
impro ved rapidly and th ey produced ,om e lin e
in S)dne) \\' a; again t a tea m cho,>en Iro m th c
(r ic ke t a s th e team progr e~ ,ed . Th e outstanding
lealure 01 th e te;lI11 wa, ;1 record ,core 01 7/ 3 1!l
pl;l) ed durillg th c lir,t lI'ee k 01 D C( l' lllbcr at
declared, against St. Piu ; X.
.\i rey Park : this oval lI'a, mad e ;t\ailable lor
E\'erything point' to a lin e season rrom this
tea m
1969. Th e n e wl)
the match
B )all (Capt ), ./ o hn :\Iilh ,
Tim FUllon g.
L e wi,halll C.B.I-I.S.
Ii 18!l
Th e
mal( h
th e kind (o-o p erat io n 01
H ea dma,tl'r 0 1 H o m eb ll '> h Hi g h
R e,ult'> 0 1 T e rm III IIlatch e,
Vinu:: nl O':\lall) , ChI i>lo ph er
thro ug h
.\ l r. G . ~I) e r"
appointed cap ta in
durin g th e thirdtcrlll wa, .\ l arlin '/o,e ph,.
Front Row: J) ;I\ id :\1 0 11 i".
chool; 0 1 S)dney.
Fo ur St. Patrick'" bo)" wCle cho,en 10 1' th e
d ec. d e lea ted S.P.C.
tea m ; th e) were Brian :\Iitch e ll , Slephell Sin-
8 9 (.I. Ciulrre 23, P. "Iull e n 22) and 2/ 65 ( P.
(lair. G reg jurd and :'Ilartin '/o,eph , . Th e m a tch
rc,>ulted in a draw .
~Iull e n
!In n .o., J. Ciullre 28 n.o. )
TEAM 15:\
R.lck Row: Greg l3ate ma n. ;\Iichae l R )a n .
Bri a n O ' Ne ill , No rm a n Entlean . Anth o n )
o unlm ell , G eo fl" Pe ti l.
F .. ont Row: Anth o n y Bu rges~, Ba r l')
:\1((:I :l th , R a \ Sha nn o n, J o hn .l a me,. Pe te l
.I u n l.
Hack Row: Pa ul :\Iun ro, Pe ter Co nro y,
. \nd rew Smith , Ga l ry Cl arke, Dav id
Burgess, Mi chae l \villi a lll!>.
Front Row: Ba iT) Hickw n, .\ fi chae l
Loga n, Dav id O' N eil (Cap t), .\Ii chae l
Dirm, ,\nd rew .\ f ood y.
TEAM 14:\
Back Row: Anth o n y ,\ I ood ), G co flr q
Crumpton , I\li cha e l Kidd , R ev. Hr. Fin ega n .
Gl enn Ke ll er , Gl enn C rui,c. Gregor)
Th o ma,.
P R E P B's.
FrOIll Row: J o na th a n G ro;,c, Chri, to ph el
G.t1l ag her, ,\ I a rk Sin cla ir, \villi a m Drur) ,
J ohn Bea tel .
TEAM 13:\
Back Row: A nth o n y Philli ps, Pa ul Do novan, Pa ul G oodri ck, R ev. Br. :\f ea rri ck.
Petel La ngre ll , G erard J 05e ph " Pa ul C od·
,c ll.
Back R ow: Bruce ]\J a lo uf , Victo r R a ku"
jo hn Po nte ll o, Stephen H oga n, Bria n
,\ , h Icy, :\f ar k Bran dtlll a n.
Middle Row: ;\I a rk Doo la n, :\I a uri ce
HI ad )" Cregory Boo th e, ,\1 ichae l L ) nch ,
Steph en W oo lr idge.
In FI'ont: i\ nd rew Fergu;,o n (Cap t).
Fro nt Row: Steph e n T odd , Peter H a l'greave>, ,\Illh o n) Beaum o nt, Bri a n Keog h .
Pa ul Ke ll e n .
I lA 's .
TEAM 12's
Back Row: Ste ph en 1\/ )er5, Pe te r DOlI'd ,
,\ I a rlin G ro;,e, :\I a rcu;, Do nnell y, ;\/ichael
\V ehb, :\/ ar k Cl a rk .
Fro nt Row: Eu ge ne Sulli va n, J ohn O'N ei ll ,
Tim Gth ) ,\ I(D o na ld , Pete r \vin glee, BCIna rd ;\fu ;,grave.
Back Row: Pa ul Do ne ll a n, Pc ter Goodr ick, ,\nth o n), \vhite, C raig :\l cDo na ld ,
;\1<11 tin Di l'()\ , Fab ia n Cl ec,o n.
Middle Row: Pe ter Bre wcr, \ Va) ne
W a tkim, :\I a rk Ba tema n (Ca pt), Philli p
C()rr iga n, C rego ry Do wlin g.
Fro nt: Bri en T ho lll p,o n.
During 1968 the Junior Sthool I iel~led 5 cricket team in th~ I ndcpenden~ Prel~araLOr)
dlOOb Cricket competition. Our outs.tandlllg tcams were the II ~\ sand d.le ~I ep I~ ,. Both
I ini,hed the ,cason I,' ith a talh 01 I 11"111" one draw anti onc 10". I he othcl te,lIm h,ld IIl1eL·
\lating fortune, and among tl{em fini hed the sea,on with (i wins. 3 .draw, and 210,5e :
The eawn wa a very good one and all the phl)ers take thIS opportunity 01 thankIng
tho,e parcnb who were good enough to tran,p')rl u, week altcr week to o ur dlflercllt game,
The following table give, our ,ched ul e 01 game,:
W on
The football season was a most successful one. Twe11l Y ninc teams took thc field cach
Satunlay and the succcss cnjoyed by most teams indicates that Rugby fundamC11la ls, aftcr fOlll'
ycars of hard wcwk, have bcen mastel·ed.
The first XV won cight and drcw one of its eightecn matches. This was OUI' most successful First X V I'ecord ever. H owever during the fil'st term the First XV won o nl y onc' of its six
matches; il was during the second term that the tcam, und er the excellent coaching of John
Hallesty, came into its own and lost only tlnee of its clevcn matches.
Enough cannot be said of J Ohn's work with the First XV and this couplcd with his sel.
ection in Austn, lian Test teams against New Zealand, FI'ance, Ireland and cotland made 1968
a memorable one £01' S.P.C. football.
-Prep A
Prep B
- -Lost
11 A
W on
- Drown
" T. C. S."
ome ~ears ago St. Patrick' withdrel\' fr?m
the :\Ietropolitan Catholic Colleges POrtJllg
,\ ssociation. One of the aims of this move " 'as
to en~ure a greater degree ol participation by
all ,1lIdents in the \'arioui> sporting activities of
the year. .-\ lurther change at the same time was
the adoption 01 the Union Code which meant
lormino new a; ociationi> with chools which
could "
pro\ ide u, with games under this Code.
I n the ~ear., ,ince the change Sl. Patritk'; has
been lortunate. \\'e hal'e been accepted as
Iricndl~ ri\ah b) man) school; in the metropol·
itan area and hal'e enjoyed our sporting en·
counter, " 'ith them. The,e encounters with
mcmber., of the G.P.S., with member schools 01
the A.,,>cc iated Schools, and with other schools
'Iree.lancing' like ounelve" havc been regular
.md '>timulaling. Our programme, have been
\ariecl and lull. For thC',e opportunities Sl.
Pall itk\ have been and will continue to be
£(raleful ; the~ have been lor us the means of
Imming enduring Iriendships, friencl;hips which
I\,C lIl1'>l will flouri,h in the ~ears ahead .
Howevel there ha., alwa),> been the leeling
Ihat the ab.,ence of a formal competition ha'>
been to some extelll a disadvantage. Discu;.,ion
halc been going on for a lew yealS aimed at
101 mingo a ne,,· as'>ociation which would provide
Ihe (lo.,e competition which does so muth fOI
em bers lor 1968 werc:
- -
11 B
The tea m
developing the lamil) spirit IdLllin a ;chool.
Thi, year ha, seen the inauguration 01 wch all
association. 1t is to be kno"'n as "The Combined
Schools". The foundation members of the ne ll'
a,>ociation are Sl. ,\u gusti ne's Brookvale, Sl.
Piu., X Chat,\\,ood, Sl. Leo's \V a hroon ga and St.
Patrick ', Strathl ield. Therc i, no wggestion that
the nell' as'>ociation will be clo,ed at lour IlIelll ·
bel" and other chools will possibly be joining
the lank~ 01 the T.C.S. as time goes on . Tht:
loundation members are no ,tranger, to on e
a natheI': the) ha I e bee n (0111 peti ng on ani n Ior·
mal ba,is lor some year, though Ironl '(is tile)
will have .,perial ob ligations to one another alit!
nothing but good (an come lrom thi, c!o,er
tie betweell school> whidl already have I1lIlch in
The in augural meeting 01 the nell' ""or·
i"tion \\'a~ the Athletic !'.Ieeting held at the E.
S. :\Iark, Field in the third terlll . In the coming
~car., the T .eS. will provide competit ion in
Cricket, Swimm i ng, Ten n is, F ootba II , ,\ th letic '>.
Basketball and Golf.
There i~ 01 cour'>e no suggc,>tion that the
nell'l) formed T.C .. will replace the link,
lormed ovel' the )ear~ with so man) '>Choo1'>; on
the contrar) it is hoped that the growi ng
Sll ength 01 the nell' associa tion wi II ilia ke au I'
othel' (OlllaCl~ more vital ilnd more beneficial to
to all concerned.
PETER HOULOUS (Capl.) playcd break·
a\\'a) lor 18 matthe,. An excellent ca ptain
who lead his team Irom out fr o III with many
fine cli'plaYl>. Rare ly far from the ball: he
excelled in cove r clelence.
P AUL GJRDLER (Vice·Captai n) played
second roll' lorward lor Hi matches. Paul
showed a relUrn to his lOp lorm of '66. A
tireles; forward who was never far from the
ba II. An efftcicnt Ii ne-ou t forward who has
a LOud of 52 First XV appcarances to his
KEITH REYNOLDS Full back for 12
match es. A light pl<tyer who was promoted to
the Fir,ts for the Sl. J o,eph" game and played
o I,"cll that he retained th e position. A sa le
(Iearer 01 tht: ball wh e n under pre"ure and
a learle,., tackler.
MICHAEL NEV JLLE P I aye d for 16
matchc. ]\fichael is a big pla)er who was
hard to pull down . He scored >Ollie excellelll
tri e, a nd was the tcam', lead i ng tr MOrel'.
ROB DJ STEFANO plil)cd 12 Ill atches a
a winger. A light player but one who alway,
perlormed creditabl). His bcst try wa~ in the
I irst Sl. Lco's match .
GARY BRIDLE played a, winger for 7
matche.,. H e staned the ,ea>01l brightly hut
did not fullill his early promisc. Scored an
exccl len t ll") aga i n,t Sl. ,\ ugu.,ti ne\.
GRAHAM HORDER N played ilS a willger
lor (j matches. Injuf) kept him out of the
.,ide during the earl) pan 01 the ,t:aSOIl but
la tel' he carned h is place in the .,ide with
~ome so lid periormances.
Back Row: Gar) Brit! Ie, ,\ I ithacl
Quinn, ./ ohn Skehan, Kevin Cill.
Brian :'IliLchel1.
Middle Row: '/alllc;, Il an'e), Terence
\ ' ilhon, Paul :'Ilood, Graham Il ordern,
\Illh on) Sheehan, !'ioel Fiupalrick.
Row: Da I'it! H a) e"
Kci lh
.\11'. .J. P. Balle~l) (coach ),
Peler Boulou, (capl ), Paul Girdler
R e)'nold~,
(I ice-capt). Rob Di'lephano, SLephen
Br;nn ble.
Rack Row: .Ian Paniu, Lauren(c Vale,
. \ lien L) om, V iCLOr Brenna n . ./ 0 eph
"fiddle Row: John Claham, Frank
Radi, David :'Ilorri;, ./ohn .\ I enke"
Pelel- O'Hara, Gerard Colrea,).
Frolll Row: ./ohn .\I oran, R ev. Hr. R .
L. Speering (coach ), ,\Jith ae l O'>lIland
(capl ), Gre!'or) Lloyd, Car) Paler,on.
Back Row: Garry Lill)ll1an, John
\lcBlid e, ./im ~lcCallery, Pelcr Boyle,
Bernald Snlilh.
Middle Row: Ken ,\Iill ard, Phillip
S<lller, Clll-i;, Byall, Car) Paller,on,
~ ichola., SouO'>, Teren( e BClllbery.
F.·Olll Row: ,\ Iark Egan, ,\II'. T. E.
H ealcy (coath), Ian Thackclay (capl),
C;lIy Lawler, Creg Willia1ll,.
ANTHONY SHEEHAN played out ide
centre lor 9 matclle,. I Ie too came into the
ide lor the St. Jo~eph' match and then kept
hI'> 1)lacc. Hc I)roved a ruoned
ccntrc i'n
auack and delcme.
. PAUL MOOD played imidc (entre. Early
In the scawn hc pla)ed on the lI'ing but when
hc moved lO thc centre he gave many finc
dl~play, de,p~lC hi,. youth. We expccl big
Llung" I rom hnll dUring 'fiY.
NOEL FITZPATRICK pla)cd IG millc.he,
ii, live-eighth . ,\
olid player \\'ho provcd a
~oulI(l link belll'ecn lorward, and lhreequaner, . . \ hand) gOill-kicker.
BRIAN MITCHELL played 13 matchc,
a, hair. He lI'a;, a hall lI'ith a good piliI' 01
hand, and quick rcflcxe;,. Cleared well el en
II'hen under pre"ure.
KEVIN GILL pla)ed a, lock and had 17
malche;. Hi, form lhroughoul the sca,on 11',[>
llIagnificent. The opposili on had no amll'er
LO hi~ hard Hra ighl running and hi, defence,
particularly covcr delence, was oUl,tand in g.
STEPHEN BRAMBLE had eighL malchc;
wilh the lealll and played as breakall'a .
Traged) ,lruck the tcam II'hen thi fine pla)el
lI'a; injured al lraining and hardly pla)ed
again. \viLh Peler Houlou; and KCI' in Gill he
lormed a pOIl'erful back roll'.
ANTHONY TORPY camc illlO the leam
II'hen Slephen Bramble lI'a;, injured and
pla)ed 7 game;, a;, breakall'ay. Though nOl
a; brillialll as his predcces;or he llIrned in a
wlid di;,play in cach nlatch.
JOHN SKEHAN pl<lyed 13 matches lI'ith
lhe Fir;l; in the ewnd 1'011'. He lI'a;, a keeil
,econd roll' player, lI'orked hard and was vcr)
u,>clul in line-ouL'.
PETER QUIN I a ~econd ro lI'e 1', played
7 nlatche ... Earl) in the ,ca;,on Pelcr lI'as caplain of the Second X V and \\'a, promoled aller
1l1all) finc di;pla),. Kepl up hi;, fine lorm ill
lhe Fir;L XV.
STEPHEN SINCLAIR ( Prop) pla)ed 1:1
nHILche, \\'ilh the Fir,l,. Thi; cxperie nced
player lI'a;, a hand) man to have in the fir'l
roll' . . \ hard worker.
TERRY VINSON (Prop) p I aye d II
l11alche;. This fine player put sOllie fire in to
lhc I rolll roll'. (\llh ough hi~ form al the end
of the scason ma\' nOl have been a; good a
i, \\'a;, in the earl) part, h e can look hack on
a ,ound ,ea,on.
JIM HARVEY (Prop ) had II l11alche~. H e
11',1; anOlher of lho,c \\'ho came up lor lhe
St. .I o;,eph', gamc and ;,t<lyed. Allhough lacking in hcight, he miixcd it \\'ell with bigger
opponelll~ <lnd <lllI'a), played ,olidl).
SIMON CROSE (Hooker) had 12 Illalche~
wiLh the FirH~. He 1I'0n hi5 fair hare of lhe
ball and we Jail' good pia 110111 him in lhe
opcn .
DAVID HAYES had () IIlaL(he, a, hookcl.
\\' hen he came illlo Lhc Lcalll lalC in lhe
~ca'OIl , he WOII 1II0re 01 the ball lhan Inall
c"pcncd and hi, fine 1011 lacklillg lI'a, a
lealllre 01 hi, pl'I).
Olher, II'ho repre,elllet! the ,,('hool 1or ~h()ner
period,> lI'erc:
John 1\lenkc, 5 IIlalche,: Creg Llo)d 5: ,\lI en
Lyoll' I: \/i chael O,llIand 2; Cer;lId Colrea"
2: Vic Brennan I: John Crahanl J: Pa'l
COl rioan I: David \1 01'1 i, I: Gar) Paller~oll
I: John PaniC! I.
The ;ccond X\' had quite a ,ucce,.,lul
;,ea,on: lhe) pl;l)ed lhirteclI gallIC' lor ,ill.
lI'ill'>. ;,i" lo,,,e, and olle drall'. The (oach 01
lhe Leam once more wa, HI'. Speerillg and the
lcalll wi,he~ lO expre,~ il, graliwde lo hilll
lor the lillie ,pelll in devclopillg the "piril
and proll'c;, 01 the lealll.
Caplain 01 the lealll .\Ji(hael O~lIIand alld
Creg Lloyd formed a fine combinalion ill lhe
hall posiliom . . \ll ell L)ol1'> and ,\nlh oll)
Sheahan lI'ere alllong lhc Inore expcrienced
player; in the team though bOlh lI'erc aL
lilllC, pia) ing lI' ilh the Fir l, and lI'e did nOl
alll'ay; have the benefil 01 their abilil). Cal)
Paller~on and Peler O'Hara lurlled ill 'OIlIC
vcr) fine perlonnance, on lhc lI'ing. Vi( tol
Brennan proved very sound in clelcnce and
penelraling in attack .
,u englh 01
,\m ong the lorll'ard, lh
Laurie Vale, .Ian Pani u and .lo>eph Clal>ow,ki lI'a, al a ll Limc, JrI0,l lI'elconle. \Ienlioll
,hould be made a 1;0 of the good cover del en( e
of John Graham and the good allac.king
1II0ve, inilialed b) Frallk Rodi . . . In all
lhe ;eawn lI'as an enjoyable onc and ,howed
. ollie lalenl for Fir,t X\' po,il ion, in '(;!!.
11'' ,
DUI ing the ,eawn lhere II'Cle ,ix Open
le:llm pla)ing regularl): all had lIIixed 101lune" '>onle good lI'im alld al time, hea ) Im,e,
agaiml wme 01 the stong cOlllbinalions lhey
came up ilgaimt. Coache; were gcnerou, wilh
lheir lillie in imprO\'ing lhe Handard 0 1 play
and lhey lI'ere succc;, /ul ill their effort,.
ports iIIa~ler ReI'. HI'. Berg I\'a, voici ng lile
,enLimenl;, of man) wben he ,aid lhal S.P.c.,
afler several )ears of 'olid ground work had
11011' al rivcd a;, il force to bc rcckoned wilh
ill compelition foolball.
Thc lhank, 01 all pla)e" in the Open
leam, go lO ~Ir. T. E. He:de), :-'11'. ~r. T.
BOlI'e. ,\1'1'. 'V . Quinn and Leo Orland lor
lhe illlere;l and hard 1I'0rk and time lhc\
lI'ere <,0 generou, lI' ilh during the year.
THE 16.-\ TE'-\~I
The team had a seawn of mixed lonllne,.
L ndoubtedly the highlight 01 the ea;,on was
lhe I~-II 'I'in oyer SI. Jo;,eph\. DOlI'n 8 - 0 at
hall lime, lhe S.P.C . team rallied and linall )'
rail OUt " 'inner;, in a tell,c ,trll ggle.
\Vill, lI'ere abo 'Cored over Newington,
~«)t" Waverley, St. Pill, X, Chevalier, St.
Leo'> alld we drew in the game against Oakhill. This gave 1I > it final lally of ;even win>
IIld ,I drall' in thirteen inter sc hoo l Ill:-ttches.
rh e I in:-tl lIlatch 01 the se:-t;on was a close
h:-trd ·lough t llI:-ttch aga in;t our oll'n sc h oo l
~econd, ; the Second, ran Ollt Il'inners " 'ith
the ,('ore 6-3. This match lIncovered 'fi9 ' Fir;,l
X V' pro,peCls , uch a, raptain and prop Laurie
E:-tkin, newcomer john ~lcNamaril, ce nt re
Ri chard Kenna and lull -back J oh n :'Ifunro.
Finillly a >incere 1I'0rd or th an k, LO our
lOilche, .'Ilr. N. H ea ly and Hr. Berg ilnd LO
o llr nllmerOIl, suppo rt ers.
SIXTEEN .-\ ' 5.
Back Row: Stephen Preen, ,\1 ichael
Blird e n , J ohn .\f c~amara, B ria 11
H eal), Peter Hill e>, ,\ lilton ,\ l olr i,on ,
.'Il ark ,\ Iah er.
R ow: Tom I-Iar\'e, Johll
.'IllIllro. Ri chard h enna, .\ Ii chael
Thoma;, Lallrie Eakin (Capl ), .lim
Rw" o,
.'Il aurie
()':'\ eiJ I.
Stephell ,
SI XTEE;\; I:rs.
Frolll Row: Greg Brigg." .'II ichael
Peate) ,
(;Iee>on , Kim Willian]>, Chri., .'1101 gan, R oland Bo>;,i.
Front Row: Greg Carroll , 1';1111 Clark ,
Chr i., Ferri" R ev. HI'. B . C. Berg
(roach ), Jame
i'\e\'ille (Capt), ,\ I ilrk
Burge,;" John Gilillre, Peter .'Ibllkk .
FIfTEEN .-\ '5.
Back Row: M ilrtin Ferguwn, Cerald
C),B)l'Ile, Pillil (ully, Palll 5hirbin ,
Greg .'Il cCra), CaIT) ,\I ((;rath, Phillip
I-Ioleler, Bria n 0' e i II.
Fwnt Row: Michael R yan , Jeflre),
Pettit , Lee R andall , R ev. Br. B. D.
Laidlaw (coach), R aymond Shannon,
J o hn Jam es, Brian Burroll's, Vincent
the lather, Il'ho lI'illingl) ,upplied lian port
during the '68 ~ca,on.
5 1.\10:\ T .\ .\FI-' E (Captaill )
.\It el a slo\\' ,tart to the ,eaWII the tealli.
unperlurbed , greatl} improved und er the
le;lder,hip 01 .'Ilanin Engli,h and the paill'taking training 01 .'Il r. Gallego,. TOIl'ard,
the laller part 01 the ;,ca,OIl the ' gailled ,Olli e
de('i,i\'e \'ictorie>. The final Ihrec ga ill e,
again,t 5t. Piu>, Chevalier alld SI. Leo\ \\'ere
\\'on 11 -0. ~ .~ -() alld I(i-O. The large 11IInlbel'
01 Irie, Mored h) the back, (~5 ) \\,a, made
p o"ible Ihrough thc ha rd work 01 the 101'ward;,. These lorwartl!., "purred on b) Hnl(c
,\ I c(;o\\'an, then1>ell'e, .' lored another 10
tric, during the ,ea,on. Paul Provera \l'a
the rcglliar goa l-k icker a nd did \ Cr II'cll.
Thc comb in ed ellorts of all pJ;l)er' helped
l11ainlain a \'ery fine ,p irit throu gho ut the
,eaw lI an d thi, \l'as one of the mO;L plea ing
a,pect> 01 the ea,oll's footba II.
;\IARK .'Il ac.\lJL \Y & RAY De La ,\ IOTTE
THE 16£
The 16B team h ad a I'ery succes ful sea o n
during '68: they 10 t o nl y tll'O matches out
01 the 12 played. In scor ing 2 19 points man)
good trics " 'ere '>cored and th e oppos ition
o nl v crossed the team's lin e on lour occas iom
in 'scori ng 28 pOilll,. The games again t
NewingLOn, Scots, Shore ;1I1d \ Vave rl ey were
\'ery h ard ones bllt the S.P.c. forward s were
,Irong and forced many openings in mO~1
games and ga\'e th e back:, amp le sco rin g opportuniti es \\'hich th ey were no t slow to se i/e.
.lim Neville cap tain ed the team \'ery capab ly
Ihrollghout the season.
The thanks of the team go 10 ;\fr.
.\lcNamara and Br. Berg for th e time spent
in coachin g the tcam and LO all tho e parenls
\\'ho transporred boys to games each Saturday.
UN DER 14,-\ TEA
Although outweighed on lIIany OtGI ion>,
the St. Pat r ick's I J.\ team (;ll11 e Ihrollgh the
,eason 'I'ith the record 01 tell will> and three
lo:,;,es Irol1l 13 game,. The la ~t ,ix game,> all
rewlted in \'iCLOrics. Thi, \\'a, Dilen due to
th e n tenacious approach 01 th e tea III to the
game. With great lead ers hip b} Greg \\Iabh ,
captin-coach, and vice-capta in Greg O'Neil,
the t eam~ scored many wcces,e , ~onle 01 the
hardeH lo ught being th o;,e aga imt NewingLOn ,
Kn ox and Chevalier. The thank> 01 the tealll
I11mt go LO Hr. Finegan lor Ih e a."i,tance h e
gave with thc coaching.
JL' STI1\' DO\\lI) ( H ooker)
Due mainly to a hard working pack 01
lor\\'ard s and some fleet footed balk" th e 1-1 B'5
had quite a slI cce"fu l ,eason. 'Ve ,taned the
5cason \\'ell lI'ith good wi ns over Sl. ,\ ugu'>tine's
(2fi-O), ew ingLOn (15-3) and Scots (5-3). ,\fter
lhal lh ere lI'a somelhing 01 a ; Iump but lI'e
, oon pulled ou t 01 it :-tnd won our laH "e\'en
l1Iatche, in a ro\\'o Our thanks I11UH go LO Paul
Girdler who carr ied on coachin g of the tcam
even after a slig ht mi;hap with a goa l-po,1.
Allogelher we won ten matches and lo;t five.
The IImler 15A's had a moderately suc( e>, 11I1 seaso n \\'inning nin e out of sixteen
~ames , los ing three and drawing fOllr. The
leam had good \\'ins over 'VaverJey, Trinity
an d Knox but playcd in consistellll y against
St. Joseph's, Scots and the Juvenate. In th e
backs o utsta ndin g \\'ere Pa ul Shirbin a nd
i\ [artin Ferguso n ; in th e forwards we were
be,t served by Greg ~ l cCray &: ~ fi c ha e l R ya n.
Our lhank s to Br. Laidlaw our coac h and to
JOHi\' CAHILL (W in ger )
The .Juni or S<l1Ool b) the enel 0 1 the '68 ~ea,()n had a line l ecord , \\'e lilli~hcd the rml e l
01 game, lI'ill,1 a LOla I 01 II win , 10 dram" and ~() Im.,c" The II ,\ \ (e ighl Will, and 2 lo.,~e.., )
and the 10 B.., (9 II'ln~ and I 10-,,) II'(:re the 'ea'on .... olll,landing per/o),)lIer . . , Our ,ill( Ie lhall!...,
LO all our (oadle, and ~upponer~ anel above all 10 the IJarenl ... \\'ho \\ere al\\al, lI'illin" to
lO a I I the gamc."
R ow: Carl") Clarke, Dal id
HlIrge>~, Daviel O';\'eil, '\lilhacl Will iam" Gregor) Roolhe, Erit Sidoli ,
.\li cha el Poo le) , .\I ben Ciacolllin ,
foh n Danieb,
Fn)1ll R ow: Bruce "laloul, .\nelt ell
Fergu on , .\lichael DirOI', .\nd re ll
:\l ood) (capl), Dal'id Ei,ler, Ccoflre)
\\ 'illard, :\li chael Logan ,
A 'ys ius
O' hill
N' .ngton W'verley
-Prep A
Los t
W on
- Wo n
I~ack Row:
G' mmar
Hi ck,on, .\ l icha<.:/
William" Garr) :'Iluirhead, Brian
';h;I\I' , \fictol' Raku " Philip :'IlcCloill ,
Brian . \ ~h l e) , ,\ /;II'lin :'Iltlnernc),
From R ow: :'I/ark Slel'cm, ,\ licha el
:\/ ;lI'lin , ,\nlhon) .\/ cClmke), :'lIar!"
(capl), Paul Cil ;tn , :\Iauric e
Brad), :\Iark Doolan,
II A's
R ow: . \ n lhon) \ \' h i lC, Pa u I
H omann, .\Iarlin Dimv, Paul Do n ,
neilan, Lcx Lageman, Fabian Clec,oll
(Capl), Pele r Goodrick, Craig :\Ic,
From Row: Brien Thom p~on, .I o,eph
Ciullrc , Robe n .\Iuir, .\Iark Balcnlan, \ Villiam :'Iluir, Carl Salle l ,
R o ben Croll',
Prep B
Prep C
W on
Los t
Wo n
W on
Los t
Los t
Wo n
Wo n
11 C
W on
10 A
W on
Wo n
- -Won
I_Los t
W on
The \'ea r I 968 ~a \\' lhc i Illroeluuion of a
CO<Jlhino ' squael lor Juni or Rugby Union relcree" <fuilc a fe\\' bo y> ,a( rificed lheir spare
lime in oreler LO becollle qualified referee,
Thi . . entailed a concclllraled wd) o[ the rule,>
a nd I he approach LO the ga me, a n~1 i l W;I',
on ly the keeness of the class which ke pt
IhcllI a l the la.,k UJ1lil il ... cOlllplelion,
ranging lrom I ~ LO Ifi Ivears, !)a,sed
lheir c)..aminalion and arc noll' proudl) \\'earing lheir Junior Ru gb) Ll nion R efe reeing
Badge,>, The) arc (;eoff Bugden, Gerald
Clec,on , Tilll Furlong, Brian Healy, PCler
funl , .\Iark Keli), :'Ilichael Kidd, Peler
Murph) and .J illl l\'eville,
W on
W on
- Drawn
- Los t
- -
W on
;\'inc OUl 01 the original 'lJ u ad o[ eleven
FrOnl Row: Peler L(' BrclOn, ?I I icha e l
,\ I allgan, .J ohn Donovall (Capl) , Paul
Logan, :'Il ark Dougla,>, [an Shall',
(,1 ahanl [Iollll e"
- --
/() A's
Back R ow: .\Ialthcll' Kayroo/ , Philip
Brigg'>, Da \'id Parmeler, Kellnelh
,\ Ia;on, Paul Drul') , Damien Ca,utldi,
:'ICark Dewar, .\ Iark Sallluel.
Wa n
The etrecliveness 01 the ;I'>lem lI'a'> '>oon
cvidenl. Th e Il'al in II'hi(h lhe'>e ho" (on lrolled the gam e,> lI'ilhin the College and
lhe game" I\'ith olhcr "dlOOb Il'a" bOlh I rom
lhe poinl 01 I iCII' 01 klloll'ledge of the lul e'>
and abo Irolll the poinl 01 I'iell' 01 "lll'CUJlOI
illlere>[, a credil lO lh ' lraining lhe) had
beell lhrough , The) sholl'cd (omplele conlrol
0 1 the gallic, lht:) handled and el idcnced
a high degrec of COl11pelellte,
Thc lhank> o[ lho;c II'ho weill lhrough
lhe (our,e mU'>l go LO HI', Laidla\\' \\'ho ha,
been a LOlI'c r o[ ,lrenglh lhroughoul h) hi.,
leculle" In' hi., ;Jcil'ice and h hi., lol e ranl
approach LO a dillicull a."ignl11enl.
In the ,ear., ahead II'C ,hould ... cc 11101 e
lui" the atil'alllage" 01 lhi., coaching .,,,lem :
ill(l'ca,>ed cn jO) mCIll b) both playel" an~l "PC( laLOr ... will re,ull [1'0111 the new movc, 01 'Ii ,
Ti,e fll~II()~/lhf'l"e fli Ihe Col/('!!,e
.11)(n Is II 1Jllile dilfelelll froll/ Iltal
III Ihc 'flriulls I/{{rll alld field
tI/ ('{'llllf!,.1 Il e/d dlilillp; 111f' YNII.
As the football season came to a close those whose
interests lay in track and field events commenced their period
of training for the Athletics season. Late in second term the
College Cross Country Championships were held; early in
third term there were two preliminary meetings, the College
Carnival and to complete the season the Combined Schools
Athletic Meeting at the E. S. Marks Field.
TI'(,le i.1 SlrenllOU,1 ('ollllJe l iitoll,
IJlII 111.10 II, erl' is Ih e fuu of
IU ,!!,-O-INII'. III I' .111'1111//;1/110
n oj
IUI/ue! ball and IIII' e.\ ·I/"{/ordillllry
(()III()r lllJlIS of 11/(11/)' of lite
rOllllll'liIO}s in Ih e 11' 11 eel blll}"()1I'
/lues alld Ihe hon e alld ;orile)'
Ra) De La
"Fh ar' 1I'a~ (I depllrilire Ihi~ )"el/)
fmlll Ihe lradiliolllli aoe.(ol;)}/I
(olnpelilion. Th e (olll /J elil ioll
11'0.1 III rgely arm nged on a
1)(IIis e"re /11 111 Ihe arilia I
CI,IIIl/llio/J.l/ll"jl ellen /~ . This
IN' llled
10 ell ~oender a t'I"rea l el ~ /)I}II
(;, rll 'a /I)' 1lilIOlIg Ihe /;o)'!> lind l(1ill
/)mIJabl), he Ihe bmi.\ lor fuilire
" /1 (;fI.II' " . II h lei ir C Il/"ll irla 1.1.
~ I olle
It \\,a, a cold windy day when the competitors .lnd some non-competitors turned up at
Cabarita Park for the Annual Cro s Country Championships. The Under 12 runners were the
fir t away and tlle fields cominued to move away umil the Open fina ll y moved olT. The
winner of the Open event, and so the College Champion lor '68, wa Terry Vinson who won
tOnvincingly Irom Kevin Gill. The other age winners were a fol lows :
Under 17 - Greg Llo)d.
nder l..f - Greg Walsh
LInder 16 - John .\l c 'a mara
Under 13 - Peter Langrell
Under 15 - Vincent Thackera)
Under 12 - Peter Drury
Ih e a(colllpallyillg /Jholm
a cOllsiderllble al/Jo}{/}I of
op l illli.lJ/l alnollg Ihe " R ed f-/IJlt !>e"
.I ull/)I)rlers. Th eir o/l limi,l/ll Wfl~
lIol well foullded. The evenilia l
pre.lellialioll of the troph y for '68
.Iml' Paul Girdler (t('(( e/J lill g the
Ilward Oil behalf of II, e "8Iue"
Our first invitation l\I eeting for the year was at King's School Parramatta. Our athletes
did not do particulary well again t the formidable opponents \\'e met frol11 King's School and
Irom Barker College. However the meeting was very good experience for u, in compet ition
running and we were most gratefu l to the King's School lor giv ing u the opportunity to be
On the fo llowing week, at a meeting held on the Co llege Ova l, the St. Patrick's athletes
proved \'ery strong against the competitors from the Christian Brothers' schools at B urwood
and St. :\l ar)'s Catl1edral and from the De La Sal le Colleges at R evesby and Oakhill. Spurred
on by quite a few spectators who came to ee the Meeting, the
team's o\'eralL performance showed a marked improvement since
the previous week and promised well for the Combined Schoo ls'
\ feeting .
Rc\ . Hr. \1. \ 1. O ·Connot. O.lU:..
l"c'ClIt, Ihe College Alhletic
r"am I roph~ to Paul (.itdlcr,
,aplain of thc . HIlle,'.
During the week preceeding the 28th September many
of the long distance events and field events for the College
Championships were decided; eliminations for the track even ts
were .carried out and everything was readied for the Saturday
;\leeung. The day was a good one and the times record ecl were
on the whole prom ising. The College champions as decided on
the day were as follows:
Graham Hordern
nder 17
.. Greg Lloyd
Under 16
Ch ristopher forgan
Under 15
R aymond de la ]\ Jotle
Under le1
Kevin Mu llen
l ' nder 13
Simon Moroney
Under 12
Peter Dr u ry
COIl!!,mllilalwilJ 10 all ti, e
/!,IlIli.len of I hi~ rle}), I,a P11)'
('Cflsioll: 10 Ih e Illall), parelll:, who
{(Jll1e a/oil!!, 10 all as officia/~: 10
Iho.le w ho tiline 10 lelld Ih ei,
.III/JIJOII 10 olle or olher 01 Ihe
1('(IIII.I: 10 all Ih e siudell is who
rOlllrilJIIled lOll/aile th e c/a)' 11,(,
ell ;o)'able ()(({/ .I ion il really r;'a.l.
* * * *
Indi\ idllal S.P.C .
cO l1lp c lilOl'"
'-Jhowl1 in Ihb group of Photo . .
(1"10111 Ihe top)
\illcc I had.era) al Killg ",
tI l C
~ c hool.
\I ichacl I-Ia)c, hurdling al Ih e Collegc.
Johll 1',,\ lie, High JUIIIP at King", ilchool.
Glal1alll lI ordern willllillg Opcn Hllldlc,
al Ihe COlllbined Schools' ~ I ecling.
Rogcr O'Ne il Illlldlillg al the College.
A, THLETICS '68 Contillued
Athletics '68 - Conlinued
1.0 . ' (; Jl \11' : R. Rapcr ( I.) I; I.. Denl (X) 2;
(,. \ln~al<l' ( X) 3: ~1. II HJIIIIN1I1 (l.) 4.
f)I\l llllre: I H' 2\ ",
H I( , H J l ~IP : " II . lI e:lI) (X) I : ~1. !-ahe ( I.) 2;
h . Ilaidenb) ( I.) :1: E. O ' Donncli (J\ ) I.
1'l t' lgllI : .i" " .. ITt.
~IIO I , Pl n: .\ 1. Ha)e, ( I') I: J . I'carm"n (X)
I ).
P. S.hll bill ( I') 3: "i. \,"J (X) .1.
J)nJ(/nt(~: 11 .6.; Ill".
REI..\\'S: S.I'.c. I; SI. Pil" 2; 51. Leo", :l.
I he ;\Ieeting at the E. '. :\Iarl.s
held on the 12th OClOber \\a,
I.cen" wnte,ted and produced
"umc fine perform':lI1cco;; hom
eath of the three schools,
~1. I'atricl..\ did not ha'e ,ulheient
'trength in the Juniol
di, i.,ioll!\ to ha\ e 0\ er II 11 .,u(cc .. .,
but in the "lcllioT and
"uh·'ienior section" there wete
,ome 'plendid performances b)
ollr athletes.
J he fmal point, in the IOlll
di, i .. ioll~ were as follo\\ ,,:
jlllliol< ( 12. 13. 14) SI. Leo ', 116;
~1. Pin, 112: S.I' .c. 61.
\lIb·wliOl ( 15 & 16)
.I' .e. 92;
SI. Leo ', SO: SI. Pius i4 .
\Fllio, (Open di, i ion) 51. Leo 's :;2;
S.I'.c. 38; 51. Pill< 33.
Agglt'gale: 51. Leo'~ 24R; ~1. Pius
219: ~.I' ,C. 191.
Ij }eal>: • imon ~lolOn e) 200
metres and Sh(H Putt.
I:' lear,: ;\fichael H3 ),e,- Hurdl e,
and Shol 1'1IL1;
\"in ccnt Thackela) 800 metre,
and 1.;00 mel re"
16 lear,: MillOn ;\]orrison SUO
melle.., and 1300 metre:,
Chris ~forgan 400 lIIel res and
Long Jump.
Open: Greg L1o)d 100 lIIelle,
and the 200 melre",
Simon Moro ney ( 13 ) ears) 2()()
melre, in 26.6 ,ec,: shot pill! of
~Ii chael Ha)'es ( 15 lear,) Hurdl es
in 14.8 sec,.
Vincent 1 hackeray ( 15 ) "'" s) 80U
1lH.: trc'l ill 2 mill . 11.7 "C<'.
Chri, i\lolgan ( 16 '~a,,) Hllidle,
i 11 El.I ~CC!).
I he 16 lear rela), tealll C. i\lorgan. R . O'Neill, i\1. 1\1", ·
rison. P . Hin es in 17 .i ~Cl'i.
Greg L1o)d (Open) The 100 metre,
in 11.4 ,ccs.
Captain of th e .-\thlcti c lealll \Va,
Clallam H order,,; Graham won the
Open Hllrdl es and WOII places in
the IO() metres, the 400 metre; alld
the Long Jump , He wa' an in~pir ·
atioll to hi'i team and hi~ W(1)... for
Ihe .\thl etics conuibuled g lcat l) to
the a\\ard which wa~ made to him
011 Speech Nighl Thc HI'. ' 1 , B,
~furph) 1'1 ile for GClle",1 E,({'II ·
l'lIce ill Sport.
rinu~ :
14 \
,10? ' ~I 10-1 RES: J . 'an Bel kel (l.) I; R. Janl.ow,l..i
P) ~: , I . Wong ( X ) 3: I . 1.I0)d ( I.) I.
I 1111(,: 11 .! I.l 'C( "I. re(.
200 \1 El RES: J.
Bel kcl ( L) I; ' I . \I ong (X)
~: I . ,Llo)" ( I.) 3: R . Jankow,ki ( 1') 4.
I 1I11f': !C).~ .,el'"
XOO ~IE 1 RE~ : I , \I ong (X) I : K. ,\ llIlI en ( 1') 2;
1' , R:'l) ~ r (l.) 3: C,. 0 ' 111'"1<1 (1') I.
\\"ahroonga; X -
I' SI. Patrick's ; L SI. Pi,,, X. Chabwood.
P . Foxall (X) 3; P. Slac". ( L)~ .
rillle: :'4.6,ec,.
800 ;\IETRES: "I. ~I orri 011 (1') I ; P . Foxall ( X)
2; 1'. Fisher (L) 3; ' ( , ~lcLean ( L) 4.
Time: 2 mins. 13.1 sec,.
I.j()O "I E1 RES: "I. "Iorrisoll (1') I ; p, Fhher (I.)
2; C. Barl") (L) 3: C. Briggs (1') 4,
Tilllr : 4 mi",. 401.1 ,ecs.
H l ' R DLES: C. "I orgall (1') I ; 1'. ~/ac" 3) ( L) 2;
R . Barq (X) 3: R. O ' Neil (1') 4.
ri lIIe: !) 1. 1 sec"!. rce.
LO C Jl' ''II': C. Morgan (1') I; D . Chud leigh
(I.) 2: 1'. Hille, ( 1') 3.
Leo '~,
OI'E:'\ }\ E:'\TS :
IO() ;\IE1 RES: G. L1o)d (1') I ; 1'. BI()" II <X ) 2;
~r. Hollalld (X) 3; G. Hordelll (1') 4.
Ti III (' : 11.4 sees. rel.
2()() ~IETRES: G. Lloyd (1') I; K. Bllrke (L) 2;
1' , \I e("lean (L ) 3; 1'. BIO'\I1 (X) 4.
ri 111(' : 24.2 ,ec,.
400 ;\IETRES: "I. Rolfe (L) I: ~1. Holland (X) 2;
J. Whyte (L) 3; G. H ordern (1') 4.
Tillie : 55.9 secs.
800 ~fETRES: p. Bollen (X) I; ~1. R olfe ( L) 2;
J . \ ' ino;on (1') 3; "I. Osmand ( 1') 4.
Time: 2 min, jl.l ,et~.
IjOO ~IETRES: K. HollOn (L) I; 1', O ' Hallohan
(X) 2: ~1. Collins (1') 3; P. Rarr) (L) 4.
Time : 4 mins. 53 sees.
HlJROLES: G. Hordem (1') I: P. Bollen (X) 2;
:\1. Quinn (L) 3; r. ;\lcDonald (1') 4,
rime: li .6seCS.
L07'(, Jl":\II': J. Wh)te (l.) I : 1'. \I el.ean (L) 2;
C. U(»)d II') & G . Hordem (1') eq. 3.
Disltl1lce: 20' 8! ",
HIGH ]l· ;\fl':"P. ~lcLean (L) I; J. I'a}ne (1') 2;
J, Whyte (L) 3.
Heighl: ')"2".
SHO'1 PL' Tl: ~1. Chri'tie (X) I; R . AndClson
(I.) 2; J. Whyte (L) 3,
Disl,,"re: 10.90:; illS.
RELAY: S.I' .C. I ; ~1. l.eo's 2; SI. Pius 3.
rj'"e: 4i.2 secs.
16 YEAR~ E\' OITS:
D i, I(llIre: 18" II " ,
HIGH Jl' i\lI' : 1'. Foxall (X) I: R , narl)
D. Chudlcigh (L) 3; G. Brigg; (1') 4,
H eighl: j '
SHO-I Pl' TT: J. Edwards (X) I; ~1. ' I iel1le) ( I.)
2; 1'. Waite (X) 3; I' , Hin e, (1') 4.
Di511111ct': 12.23 m-,.
RELAY: S.I',c. I ; Sl.l'im2; SI. Leo\ 3.
rill/e: -17.7 l!ICC!'J. rcc.
100 ME' I RES: I'. ~fanlon (L) I ; R . Raper (L) 2:
n. H ealy (X) 3: 1', McCoy (X) 4.
Ti lIIe: 12 sec., rec,
200 METRES: R . R"per ( L.) I ; 1' . Manton ( L) 2;
P . ~IcCo) (X) 3: P. Shirbin (1') 4,
Tillie: 2;;,0 secs.
400 METRES: G. Minards (X) I ; G. ~lcCra\' (1')
2: 1'. ~ilk (L) 3; e. Va"al (1') 4.
I IJI'(~ : 2 lIlin . 19.;1 'C( ....
Hl ' RDLES: S. ~11I'I)h)
( X ) I: K, \lllll e n (1') 2;
Ci;lIdleigh (I.) 3: J. 'an IIcrl..cI (L) 4.
I (IIW: I;'. I sec.,. Ice.
1.0;\1(, Jt ' ~II' : J . Chlldlcigh ( I.) I; , . 'an Iklkcl
( I.) 2: . 1 . Wong &: D. l inga I X) cc( . 3,
DI\/lIlIre: I T3! ".
1-11(.1-1 Jt .\II' : J. Child leigh ( I.) I: \1. l.c\\i, (L )
~: Il . I.II/ga (X ) 3: II' , DIIII) &: R . ' al1l..ow,ki (1') eq. 4.
,110 I I'l " l I : J. Chlldleigh ( I.) I: R. Jal1l..o""l..i
( 1') ~: :\ . Hiller ( I.) :l: I . 1\'(Jl1g ( X )~.
Di \/t.' l1rc I~JI9 Ill "!.
REI..\Y : ~l. Leo", I: ~l. I'ill' 2: ~.P . C , :1.
filllt': ,iO ,,) ~,C ( \ .
H eig/ll:
1:1 \
E . \R~
I" I (1"'.
rim e:
12.~ "Ct". rt'c
1.0;\1(, Jl \11' : ..\. lIallll ( \.) I: ~ . I'Cl1l011 JOII l"
(X ) 2: , ~ . \l OIOlIl" ( 1') 3: \1. SiIllIllO'" (I.) I.
E. \R~ E\"E;\1 ' I~ :
19.~ 'ICC,.
:1: C. lIalll1 (X ) :1: I . ~ll"11 (I ) I.
fllllt' : 2li.6 M ..'b . eq . n~ (.
HI)O \l EI RE.' : 1', 1 ,ll1gll'lI ( 1') I; C. Il"" ( :\ )!!:
C. (., i( 111011 ( X ) :1: 1' , l.cHIcIl (I) I.
rilllt' : ~ mill . 21.2 ~CC,.
lit RilLES : C. Bc kl..c1i (X) I: P. I all' I X) 2 ;
1', I allglcll (1') 3: \I , hlR .... I' (I ) I.
E\ ' E:\ I, :
,\ lE'1 RES : .\1. \llI rpll> (X) I : (, . Hanl1 ( X) ~.
., . \1 ()I,o l1c) ( 1') 3; \1. ~iI1I111 0 n, ( I.) I.
Tllnc: 13.5 'cc,.
~I)O \IE I RES: ~ . ~lorol1 ey (1') I : \I , \11I'I) h) ( X)
11 ·.j"
111(,11 Jl ,\11': ~1. I mg.III' (I.) I : \ . 11 ,11111 ,' l
I' . la,l' ( '\ ).>(: I . F""11 (I.) <''I . !!.
H elghl: I'll" ICC.
~IIO I Pl ' I I : ~, ~Iorolle\ (I') I ; (,. I (,11111 I' )
:!: I.. 'te''''11 (X) :1: \I . held, (I') I.
J) i\ttlll((':
I O.' I(j
REI. \ Y: ~1. Piu, I :
filii I':
I co"' ~: ~ . p.c. :1.
"let ... .
12 YE . \R~ £ \ ' E:-\ "I "';
Ion \lEI RES : 1', Ba~el ( X) I: I . \I<lJOII,lId ( 1')
!!: S, P,,"crillo (X) 3; I, . ""111'(111 11.) I.
Till/(': 11.0 'Ch. eq . ICC
2IJO \IE I RE,: I , \I '!)OIl.lld (1') I: I' Bal.", (:>.. )
!!: K , S''''II 'OI1 (I.) 3: S, Po"clillO ('\ ) I.
I' illll): 2!).1 .. c<').
~O() ~IE IR E,: n, QII.,dc ( t) I : C . \I N
II) .,.
R . lJadd"," (X ) :1: I . \l lIlpll\ (1') I.
Till/(' : 2 mill . 29.9 .. ('( ....
III Rill 1:.,: n. ~I(hcllc, (I.) I: P. 1l1IJ\:1I1 I I.) 2;
1'. Ilal..c l IX ) :1: I . ~Id)ollald ( 1') I.
Ti IIIi': 13. 1 "'Ct'l .
I 0:\(, .It ,\(1' : II . \I(i, c ll;1I I I ) I: ,. l'o" "lil1o
(X ) 2:. I'. Dellll)' ( 1') :1: K. ,,,all'OI1 ( I ) I.
/) 1,\/fIIl(('; I! "f·p ' '.
111(,11 Il \11' : II . \1<I, ellal (I.) I: II. Qu"de ( I.)
' •. 1' . 1I.,~ cl I(: I . 110111 ~c IX) cq . :1.
1I (" ~hl:
j"j ",
RELI\ : ' I. I cO"' I ; ,I. Pill,!! : S.I' ,c. :1.
r illlt ': ;' ll.G'I('( ....
The ..Junio)" School hcld thei)" .\thl ctic Carni\al indcpendentl) 01 the Scnio)" S( IVlUl. .h
pa ll oj theil' ,\thl ellc ,eason thl:) LOok part in two .\thl e ti( '\Ieeting~: the lil'>t ,,·a, .In illl itation
Carnl\ ,Ii held at De La Salle Coll ege Oakhill. Thi.,
a 1110 t enjoyable o((a,ion and Olll
bo), \'c ry lI'e~1. .\t the end 01 the da) we had ama",cd a LOtal 01 2G Fir.,t pla(e" 2 J .,c(ond
placc,>, 18 Ihlrd" and ten lourlh,. It ,,'a, a \'CI' ) plollli,ing ,tart LO the ,Gl'>on, and a \ e l\
hal'P) o ne: thank., to Oakhill College for making it p w" ibl e.
The Collegc Carnival wa, held on 27th SeptcllliJel; the weath e l lI'a., 1I0t a., killd a, it
might ha\'e beell and there were ,trong win(" <l nd lowel ing cloud, but wc malla"t'd to lini I!
the cia ) and thc weather did not poil an)' of the elllhu,i;hlll oj the (()lllpetiLOI~ 01 oj the
,u pporte rs.
Fillall) I,'e had Otll South of the HarboUl." Ind epelldenl PleparaLOr) School, Carni\'al
\\' e were plea,ed witl! our periorlllancc, and finl.hed the da) with :I lir!'! plac e" 8 ,clolld" 8
thirds and 7 JOIII th.,. ,\11 in all it 11'<1, a \'cr) ,uc((",Jul ,[,;,,011 .
Time : 5H.2,cc,.
800 METRES: V. I hackeray (1') I; ~1. ' I hOlllps"n
(I.) 2; C. Minald. (X) 3; G. i\lcCra) (1') 4.
'T illie: 2 mill't. ) I scc~. rec.
1500 ME' I RES: V. ' I hackeray (1') I ; n, O ' Neill
(1') 2; J. Galely ( L) 3; n, Ro()ney (X) 4.
Tillie: 4 ins. 42.7 "iCtS.
Hl' RDLES : M. Ha yes (1') I ; R . de I" MOlle (1')
2; M: Thompwn (I.) 3; B. Healy (X) 'I.
rllll e: 14 .R secs. rec.
100 MEl RES: J. Edward, (X) I; C. ~Iorgan (1'):.1:
P. H}ncs (1') 3; P. Hergin (X) 4.
Tillie: 11.5 sees. rec.
200 METRES: J. Edwards (X) I ; C. Morgan (1') 2;
1'. Hines (1') 3; 1'. Szac" a IL) 4.
Time: 23.2 ,ees. rcc.
400 METRES: C. Morga n (1') I; J. Edwards (X):.1;
Junior Slhool \III lclil ( cam
\Ihl uic I calli
Lack 01 competition tennis ha les elled
imere.,t ill $.P.c. tellni, over rccem years and
it i, heartelling to sec that the formation ol
the nell' competition group 'T.e.S.' ha. meallL
the indll,ioll or tenni. in the illler·;chool list
01 fixLUre~.
Toward the end o[ term three the I'arioll'
lInder aoe chaJIII)ion were decided in a .eries
o[ compctition
game '. Over the ) car. B'
Skippen hOI been the L' nder .\ge champIOn
each I('ar and thi lear hi. winning 01 the
open lroph) became 'a lI'alkol'er a. hi, oppon ·
elll., 100Ieited their game. to him. Howcver
hi., periormances in the Chcl'alier Cup at
Bowral ,howed that he wa. len JIIuch the
school champion on the tenni, ~ourt,. The
LInder Iii champion In!> "Iorric Stephen: his
I iClOl) w<]., no eas), one - the rir,t et wa,
10 t to Pa trick De La Parmemier i - 5 but
~Iorn lI'ent on to win the ncxt two .,ets 6 . 3
and 6' - I.
I n the L nder 15 group it ha become al most tradition [or Le.,ter 0:icholls to pia)
off agaimt Phillip Torp : '68 was no exception and thi, lear Le ter became the LInder
15 champion I~' ith set score, of 6 - 2 and 6 - 3.
The remaining champion we r e Kim
Stapleton (under 14 ): Paul L)oll> (undel' 13):
Brian Bemon (under 12) and Peter Goodrick
(under II ).
S.P.C. kncl\' 1I0thing of walkathon,
bel 01 e ,cc ond terlll ·(jS. By the time
tC11lI ended we lI'ere all old hand, at
thi~ nel\' ,chellle lor as,i,ting the
finance, 01 the school.
:-; kholl,
b) 3 games to 2 and went on to play Chevaliel
the fi na I.
In the finals S.P.c. defeated Chevalier <l
matches to I, winning the -f singles but Iming
the doubles.
The scores: B. Skippen I' W. Gralll 6 - 3
L. Nichols I' ,\1. Hall G - I
Skippen and 1\:ichob v Hall and Gram 6 - 8
L. Nicho'" I' \\I, Gram 6 - 2
B. Skippen I' 1\1. Hall (i - ,I
The incere thanks or the S.P.c. bo),> go
to the wIH' and boy,> 01 Chevalier lor giving
the opportunity for thi competition and 101
their h o,>pitality on the occasion.
Brian Skippen and Le ter 0:icholls went
to Chevalier College at BOliTa I to defend
thcir Litle to the Chevalier Cup. The matche
I,"ere pl<l)ed at Chevalier on ~rar(h 31>t and
,el en >chools competed. The S.P.c. run to
the final, wa., not an easl onc and in the .emi·
finah all eemed lost \\"h~n we lI'ere down 5 . 2
in the final game to Sl. Edmund Rice \Voll·
ongong and the games stood 2 all. However
131 ian and Lester snatched vieLor) in the semi
.It !5 quite. impossiblc to a'> eS5 whether an individual school is or is not achieving
It~ obJecuves. It IS ea~y ~nough to co~n.t up exalllination rcsults, or scholarships, or athletic
tllumph~, and no one ",til deny that It J> plea~al1l to get them; but, really, they arc no critenon. eh urch ~chool,> ~hou Id al I\'a), be af ra id or shon-terlll rew Its. for the resul t~ which
Ca!l be s.e en and e,timated ~re for the IIIO~t pan valuele,,: and those which are wonh anyt.~II~g ~Ie un~sess~ble untl! lon~ after"'~r?s. But wh~rever an Old Boy, great or humble.
I ~c1. 01 ~oo.r, ,I~ patte:1l1} .doll1g hiS ~Iul), IIvll1g . accordlllg to hi, principles and u') ing ill
IIh .llelel ".a~ to ,.ene hi, community. there ",III be lound the evidence that the School
h;l'. nor enureh laded .
, .. From the ,>chool Report by Dr. J. R. Darling ,H Geelong Grammar School
( 19(0)
The suu:es, 01 other ,c hoob dec ided
II, that fllnds LO improve the standard
01 eqllipment in the ,chool could be
lai'>ed with an "all·in " I\'alkathon.
There lI'ere mOl1lhs 01 preparation.
'\'e came LO knoll' I"hat a "ponsor ,,'as:
how much a sponsor at IOc per mile
\\'ollid pay us LO walk 20 miles while
we advertised his wares,
'Ve (hoose July 31 1'01' the venlllle;
0 111' route LOok us through Punchbol,-]
and around the Bank"LOII'n aero·
drome. The Riverside Goll Club
was our dinner LOpping place: some
travelled the distance >0 quickl y that
the), lI'erc away [rom Ril'er,ide
bclore the meal arrived! HOlI'el'er.
tho e 01 us who travelled at a
I easonable pace were wcll looked
alter. Never I\'as th ere a shortage 01
" ~JliciLOU
parent, and organi,ers to
ch eck our mileage and to care lor u,
a t the "drink statiollS" or the "meal
, Ull ion."
Over a thousand boys walked the
twel1ly milcs; the generosity 01 our
principa I sponsor- Shclley>- who
kept lI, supplied with ,olt drinks
along the route WitS pos,ibly
in,trulllental in keeping OI1lC 01 the
lailll·hearted on their leet lor the
whole twenty miles.
01 er S I ~,OOO was made during the
day . .. thanks to the generosity 01
thollSancb or sponsor~ and to the
tirelc,>s energ) of the organiser,
Brother \1, :\f. Dorall.
Once agaill the P. &: F. , \~sac iati on [ullctioned \Ir . .lim :'Il ani"s. Pre idelll: :'III'. Bo)d Cuddell,
energcticall~ on behall or the College in 1968.
Vicc-Pre,idelll: :'Ilr. Bruce Phillip" Treasurer ;
Two m.ljor forum, were arranged in association J\JI'. Bru ce i\lcKen/ie and i\lrs, Val erie \\' hite,
\dth the kindred as,Qc iation Irom Santa Sabina j oint Secretaries.
to di,cu" the development 01 th e "\\1) ndham
Scheme:' The first of th ese wa held at the Earl) in th e \'ear the Parelll,' i\la,s wa, held in
the College Chapel: thi s \I'a an inspiring O({ ~I ­
' a Ill;] abin<l H all and wa attended b~ a very
,ion alld ga \'e parelll and pupil an opportunit}
large gathering o[ parents: the second, \I"hich wa
equall) \1"(:11 attended, was held at Sl. Patrick's: to join in pra~el- LOgether for the bles ing of the
on both occasiom there wa, ~pirited discussion . \lmight\ on the scho la tic )ear \I'hieh was then
which indicated the close intere,t \I"hich th e commenci ng.
pat elll> of ,tudelll at the two chools are taking
in thc educational proces,es which are forming
,\1 1'. Don Spicer lI'a, the principal organiser of
their children.
the commit tee which co ndu cted th e '68 lete: one
Thi, inl'o"'cmem III thing educational on the (, [ th e big "behind the scenes" operations thi.,
part 01 Parelll .hsoci,.tion i, highly encouragillg year W.I, the constr uctio n or permanent ,tall." a
and it i LO be hoped that the [onl"ard thinking ta,k which emailed a treme ndous alllount of
which h:I> prompted thi t)pe 01 aCli\'it) will be (lIlling and welding. Thank, for man) week end of unselfish labour go to :'II I'. Bob Fr)er
much in e\ idence in the )ears ahead.
and :'III'. Tim Fit/gerald: the) ha\'e the con o[a \t the filst General :'Il eeting o[ the )'ear th~ tion of knowing that their work \I"ill en dure fOi
Of lice bearer, for 1968 \I'ere elected: they were III a n) year, to come.
, 11 litl' .-lllllllal Fele Ihere were lillI/I)' I'xhiliils Iu 1'/11' 11':,1 yOllllg IIlId old: III(' P. ,II.(; . [) el)(I)'IIII(' 1I1 Iwd
For th e da) it,ell there lI'ere the u,ual dOlem
thi, \I'ondetlul propet t) but ()lll' petrol tankel
dril'er had different idea,. Car Tt iab without
petrol are difltcult and thi, olle had to be
abandoned. Howe\·er. booking, h,l\ e been made
already to go to Glen D,tlough next )eHr and
the lI'ollderiul hospitalit) of J\lr. Cooper will.
plea,e Cod, bc experienced thell. In pla(e ol
the abanclolled Car Trial .,Ollie parclll, went
, () me week, later to Sl. Cabriel\, CI,tle Ilill. 101
a Picnic Da) and thi, 11' ,1\ ,Ollie (Oilipematioll
101 the general outing of parellt~ \\'hi(h II'C had
looked 100ward to but did not have .
r, 1 work e r, without wholll the lete would be all
illlpo"ibility. Cake ,tall;, produce stall, LallC)
Ha lls, to) ;talb, choco late wheeb, H oop-la, and
I"hen the day WitS lI ear ly done there was a barbacue to fini,h the da). There W<l; nearly eli,;; ster whell during' the af ternoon a ;Lldden storm
dren( hed sta ll , a nd (u>tomers, but it wa, shortli"ed and the emhu,ia,m of buyers a lld sell ers
,etllled l!lIdampened when the sun came out
once more.
A disappointment
During the ;econd terlll a car trial \I'as organised
to the plOpert} 01 :'Ilr. ,\11 Cooper at Glell
Dal o ugh: it wa, LO bal e been our first vi;it LO
Financi til ), the }ear Wil, mo;t gratil)i llg: frOIll
the serie, 01 lUll< tiom, ma III 01 the'll Ilot men tioned here. the .\ »ociatio l; rai.,ed o l'er SR.OOO
to a" i.,t t he need~ of the school.
The Dinner Dance
During L1~ e second term the .\nnu a l Dinnel
Dance wa, held. The principal organi,ers o[ the
Dinner Dance were :'Ilr. Bruce :'Ifc Kenl ie a nd
,\ It .,. Valerie White. Their eITorts were high l)
weces,l,d lor over 320 gue,t; assembled in th e
\V entworth H o tel for Dinn er. :'Ilr. .Iu stice Johll
O'Hrien ,Ind :'If,.,. O'Brien were g ues ts of ho no ur
Leget her \I' ith R eI', Hr. i\leClade, Provincial of
the Chri;tian Brothers a nd a former Prin cipa l
r.f Sl. Pa trick's.
During th(' Dinner the ke), 01 the H olden UI I.
\I'hich \I'a, the pri/e in the Holde n Car Club
,\ppea l. lI'ere presented to the \\Iinller
;\101 a Pa l ne. The H o ld cn Car Llu b \\,a, I el I
'lIe~e,;lulf) organi~ed b) :'Ilr. Lauric :'I1 :llhOU;'
a nd the gratilliele 01 the .\;,ocia tioll a nd the
College go to :'III'. :'Ilamour for the ele\'o(ed \\'a~
in which he und ertook thi, I eI') exacting ta.,k
The .\nnll al raflk 01 the ,";,ociation lI'a (ared
lor b) :'Ilr. :'Ili chael .I arjoura and titi,. too. \I,a,
financially a great boon lO the ell on., 01 til
,\ ." oci'lIion to rai;,e lund~ lor the 'lhoo!. O\'er
::; I.oon \I'a, ra i,ed b) the raffle a lone.
dnpla), of lec/milal aspecI; IIf Ihe admini,lraliol) of Ihe P, .II.(; . / ohl) PlIllell Iwd a ,l /Jlelldid
model Of a (;erlllal)
1/)t'tiaIIJlS. A15o. Ihere
lowl) cIJlnlJlele It'il/)
1<'1/1 1/
. ,~
lrains and 11'11111')' Inoel.
boolh whi(h
" 'helher il i.1 m 'er
TIlerI' was lIeltel a shrJlllloe III
Ilr(, cellln' of al/raclioll fIn 1//(111)',
0 ,1
/tere i~ 11111' /JhOlo -
bllllch of {lower,1
01 '1'1' a jar o{ jalll.
III' sOllie pierf' o{ {IIIIC)' wear. Ihere i, lUllleIhillg wOllderfll1 alJlJIII Ihe illl 'o/t'elllelli wilh
{Jill' III;olher whil h Ihe , /IIII1 [(I! Fet e does for
IJilrents, II is IIO/Jed Ihal IIII' social a~pell .1
of lIr e Fel(' lire lI el'!'r Iwl. .\[(II;i1 l e aid {rn
,\('h(Jols lIIig/t1 do
for tire lieI'd for fllllri
/IIi.lillg IIlId ill .1111111' wily; III/'S miglll be II
blld Ihillg: Ihe jo)' Ilrlll ('(Jllle.1 {mill lI'orkillf:!,
I rwelh er.
ill 11' 1'('.11.1
br/ll~ /11111'1111 lo!!.ether 1I'/Ih Ihe iellllll' lI IIlId !JO)'.I
1'1' 1')' illllHJlllIlI1 {I/rlm ill I/)lIkillg Ihe ClIlholil .Ilh{Jol II", flielldly 1111Icr' wlllch
I II lIr e IItlllul/JIII' le of Ih"
Ihat 111I,lilll'l.\ elllr' llnile feelillg:
11' I[(lt l' J.1 IIlId
/; I(/('lIt, 1111'
IIlId Ih
111011111111' wheels Ihl' IcllOol 11111'1
be((JlllI'l ; Olllelifill' 01 olh(,1
'I'rnkillf:!, logl'lhn f
, 11' 1111111'
,IOlllf' (OIlI/I1()1I good,
.'. FRIEl D
AS OCIA TION Continued
\,\Then a separate Parellls and Friends As,ociation lor the Junior School was e,tabli,l~ed
in 1961. one of the elected ollice bearers was :'Ifr5. Oriel Lo)ola ,\ !CLucas: ,he wa, the vIce.
prc,ident 01 the A,sociation and worked unceasingl) lor th.e success 01. the venture.
Her man) wonderlul qualities made her a.n adllllrable ~holce to emure the. whole.
hearted co·operation oj the moth~rs on ~he. executive oj the A"oclatlon. ~he was at al.1 un.les t!le
,oul of good humour: she was dIplomatic III h~r ellons to weld to.gethel lIlembers "ho,e 0Plllion; at times dilfered; ,he was emineJ1lly practical and bU,lIle;; lIke III her approach to the
problem, in hand. It i, a tribute to her ,.,·ork that t~e band ol.mothers ,,·ho came tog.ether at
that time to a ist the College have continued evel· ,lIlce as a ,ohd core 01 devoted helpel s.
Trao-ic ill-health caille to Oriel. as she was known to all. However her elforts never
,Iackened: 11er good humour never lailed. She worked to the end. , \ nd a, her illness became
more and more eriou" her charitl [O,,·arc! all became ever more apparent.
On the 2bt eptelllber :'lIn. Oriel :'IfcLucas weill to her eternal reward, mourned by
all Iriencl; 01 the College. Boys from the Coll ege lorllled the guard 01 honour as tl.l e funeral
mO\ed awa) from the College Chapel after J\,!:tss had been oflered for the repose 01 her soul.
In pleviou, years it has been the practice
to hold a huge meeting for the parents 01 all
cia se . Thi )ear a change was made and e.ach
cia" or lorm conducted its seperate meetlllg.
Thi; ga~e parents a far better chance to discuss
the matters relating directly to one particular
age gJoup. Jt meant also that teachers were in
a better po;ition to meet the parents ol th e bo)s
the, were teaching in class.
The meeting; were al,,·a)s well attended:
the u ual form \\'a to have an addre;s given
b) ,ome teacher connected with the particular
fOI III and then the meetings ,,·ere thrown open
to general gueSlions and discu~sion. For the
junior ,e(ondal") classes there was a thorough
discussion 01 the nell' ,,·ays of educating and a,scs,ing boy; through enior school: lor the more
advanced there were closer discussions ol th e
needs of senior exa minations.
.\ t the clo e ol the lormal di,cusslons
there wa the opportunity to discuss over a
rup of tea the matters that had been raised. All
,eemed to agree tha t a new stage had bee n
reached in the invo"·ement 01 parents in the
academic lives 01 their sons and that much good
would cOllie I rom the new venture.
The Annual General ,\Ieeting of the Old Boys Union was held
in the College Hall on Sunday, >lth Fcbruar) when the following
member; were elected as Ollice Bearer to administer the Union
Allairs lor 1968.
PRESIDENT: Mr. P.C. Dowling.
VICE-PRESIDENT: '\[r . .J. Darragh.
TREASURER: ~[r. P. Tilbrook.
SECRETARY: '\Ir. B. \Vooldridge.
ROLLS OFFICER: ,\lr . .J. ,\ rmstrong.
CO'\I~flTTEE: Messrs. A. Swift, A. Mitchelmore, F. Hin es,
1\/. l\IcDiarmid, D. Mitchelmore, J. :'I£CNamara, R. Houston ,
P. Hennessy, J. i\laitland .
MI. PilI /J o,../ill!!.
/l)6i 68
P ,.~\idt'lll.
One 01 the outstanding events of the yea r wa, on SUllda}, 28th April whell the Centenary
01 the Christian Brothers Order in Au,tralia was recogni~ed with a Solemn High Ma;, in Sr.
j\[ary's Cathedral.
The occasion Wit, unique in the lacl that the Mas; was con-celebrated ,by Hi; Emin ence
Cardinal and six Australian Archbishops who are Old Boys of Christian Brothcrs' S(hooL<..
Almosl the whole of the f\ustralian Hierarch) gathered in the Cathedral ror this Solemn occa.,ioIJ .
This magnificent spectacle is without precedent in thi, country and pos.,ibly has not
been duplicated anywhere in the ,,·orlel where thirty-lour Bishop, have joined in honouring all
Oreler 01 Brothers in this \\'a) .
1000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0000000000000000oooooo·oooooooooooooooor
S Olli e poillts of v ietv
'Among the mercantile classes in London, that is to say, the tradesmen , shopkeeper~,
and all who Ji,e by trade I find a great desire lor less imtru([ion in the classics, and more
thorough teaching in modern subjects ... " ' hen 1 have asked them lor the reason lor this
leeling against the classics, the ans"·er has beel. "Our sons' school lile is not long enough lor
the production of the lruits of which )OU speak. They do not come to any maturity in the
tillle: moreover, though clas;ic; ma) be excellent, yet mathematics, modern languages, chemiSll), and the rudiments of physical science are essential, and we do not lind time enough
lor all ... "
Quoted Irom the Taunton Report ... An Inguir} into the state of Education in Great
Britain in 1868.
find one /l/Il/dred )'ears late) _
One of the most dangerous falldcies of our time i; the belief that humane ~tudie,
.lIe d.ispensable .Iuxu:ies th~t can be negle, tcd with no great loss. A wciety which neglens Ils mas~erpleces IS a sOCiety on the wa) re) destruction .. . As recent history dear"
reve~l;, ~ hIgh. ~egree 01 development in s, ience and technolog) can go along with a
dec!lIlc lJl po!'t,cal Creedon'. ~nd intellectllal dignity, with a tyranny over the mind
w~,ch. make~ !Ife not \\,ol:th Ilvln~. One can leadil) imagine a technological civili/atioll
wllh IlS elflclen~) and ItS seClIIlt) de\·eloped to the full, yet no more fit to live in _ Icn J
man endowed Wllh po\\'en of thought and nitici,m, creative curiosity alld imaginatoll .
than an alll heap .
. . . From the essay 'The Nature of the Humanities' by Prolessors A. G. ,\ Jitchell
and J. A. Passmore.
Mr. all{/ MIS. Pel el Smilll
//I(m·ied 2·1111 April 1968
M,. Qlld MI5. P. AleC/oill
//I(II/in/ 211d Mn\' 1967
The Old Bo)
Joree, to oroani e the
J am"happ) to
organi,ation 01 thi hi
'68 Continued
of all ChriHian BrOlher~ College~ in ~ell' South \Val e~ joineu
event and afterward tendel ed a luncheon to thell' Lord,lllp"
,a) t. Patrick '~ Old Bo)~ l nion pla)ed a ignil ieant part in the tOlllplcx
toric e\,ent.
Co-operation with the College
.. , On
.t~l e . College f ~'on t,
O ll~ .executl\e
To mark th e lourtieth lear 01 the Coll ege, th e Committee decided to invitc one of th e
lhree orio inal Brother who opened the chool i n 19~8 to joi n u, for the An n ua I 0 inner it nd
brought Brother 1\.. P. Kent from G eelong to S) dne).
The iunction wa~ the greateH we ha\'e C'\·er . had and of the ongllla l 39 pllpd ~ ~I'ho ,attendcd lhe fir I dal a t St. Patricb, exacth one thll·d were pre~ent, ion )' lear later. C ertalnl)
.111 indication 01 th~ spil-it Ihat exi,t, tQ(i<I)' and ha~ exi~ted from the earli es t. uay .of th~ C.o llcge.
Our Annual Ball goes [rom lrength to stre ngth and oClall)' and ImanClall )' II I, noll'
lhe bioIJe,t
elent in o Ill' calendar , .. howing· a financial r e~ldt in cxee, 01 $700.00.
' poning anil iti e, in pre\'iou, )ear, had l~nfortuna~el)' been a iealllre ol.some di,harlllon)
in the l ' nion bccau,e th c regular wcekl) sporting fun ction, ha\'e been oroa nlsed b) a separate
bo(h with a ~eperate c.onstitutioll.
, Jt had al\ .. a), been Ill) opinion that thi bod) \I'a, more po,itivel) pcrforming the function
01 an Old Bo), Union b) ill\ olving upwards of 100 lll elllbel, per week in ,port than is the Com miltee 01 \/anagement 01 the Union \\'hich organi,e;, o nl) onc lunnion of each type in a whol e
Jam happy to report lhat thi~ epa ration h a, no\\' bee n bridged and the Union I) a \I'hole
lIld imlllen e l) tronger bod) , .. ith th c addition 0' lh e e I'ariou) tea m ; and 'POrts .
.lfr. al/d ,11 ..,. Peter ill/fIlicle
1II1l11itr/ Oil
'68 Continued
ISIIt .\ m'fllllnr 1967
(I/lfl ,1/ 1\. 101111 Co 1/1/111'1' (" il,Ii/"
I1lflllll' (/OIl
AUgIH/ .
I, ~.I
the co-opera tion a nd good " 'iII. lha I ex illl, betwccll lh c Pri ncipa I a nd
t~l e hl g h c,s t order a,nd we r.ecord o ur col~lld e n ce th a t ulld ~r g~li(~n n(e <lnd juris-
di ctIon 01, Hr. C"'C) the Collcge \1'111 CO ntlllll e to groll'
the grea t Co llegcs 01 thiS wile.
~lallll-e a nd
l1lallltalll It , plaec alllong
I\ t th c c.o n(llIsio n o f 1968 we h~nd over a U ni o n ,tro ll'" in ; pirit, h ea lth y ill financ e a nd
Jl1lll1 c nl'l ch cd uy thc <Il1lalgnl1lauon of a ll o ld boy interc [) and 19G9 o pe ns with all prospeo) 101 th e co ntInuin g g rO\l'th a nd developmc nt 01 th e trll e .,pirit of Sl. Patrick's.
p , C. DO\VLl~G
L ni\'ersity Students please!
SI. PII I 1'1 (-/(' .1 is nlwllys /JII)lId 10 IIcIII' of Ille afl e) .1(11001 ,III((C.I.IC; of il.1 Old n o)'.I.
/11 111f: ~)(I.II H'l' II m'c 1101 followe d a .1 .111(('('ssfllll), a .1 we lIIip,II I i ll Ille pap:('.1 Of 1111' ' / _lIll1ell'
I/,C l III I'{'/';I / )' .IUI('{'.IS('.I of 0111' Old 8 0),.1. It II'o llld III' a 111111/1'1 of 110 smnll l'IIUJIII'IWellll'1I 1
10 /JI'esl' II I fJ u /Jils 10 111111(' y0 1l1' 11I 11I'e7>I' IIIl'lIls jJI'C.II' IIII' ri 10 111('111 III II/(, /JIII!/'.1 ~f lhis
111 a f!,(1ZIII".
I f YOII III'C p,rlldlllliing ill '69 . rOlllt! YO II \(' lId II )1' /)011 Of YO lIl'p,/{/dlill//()1/ 11'1111 II g l(/d ".alu)/] pllOlo n,"d. I(,~ ; 11l/1I. be proud 10 Iini 'I' I I III 1111' /) age.1 of ' 1, llIlIell'. \ ('lId II 10 III "
I~ dll()) , 1, III1ICII , SI . / a l l/I 1i .1 (;o//ege by Ili c I'lld of 1111' W' ({J al/d WI' .1111111 iii' 1//011 p,)a ll' flli.
Ih e Editor
J\[ 1. 1111(1 1\1 ",' .
Graham IV('ir
Mr. ami M IS. foil"
//Ialli,' r! 011 21111 AI/gIl'll 1968
J){/\(' I'