Team Manager Handbook - East Bay United Soccer Club


Team Manager Handbook - East Bay United Soccer Club
Team Manager Handbook
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Dear Team Managers:
Welcome to the East Bay United Soccer Club – Bay Oaks!
Thank you so much for volunteering for the important role of team manager. It is important
you get familiar with the information in this handbook. This handbook was created to support you in this role.
There are many tasks in this handbook that you can delegate to members of the team it is not meant for you to
take on everything.
Together, you and your coach will determine your exact role on the team and the role of the other parents
on your team who will be assisting you as volunteers.
This handbook is a work in progress, therefore, if you find that there is something that should be added or if you
have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].
Thank you,
Dessiree Lozano
Club Administrator
East Bay United - Bay Oaks
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Table of Contents
1. Club Contacts
2. Competitive Team Manager
2.1 Job description
2.2 Team officials
3. Pre‐Season Checklist
3.1 Background Check for team officials
3.2 The “Coach Packets”
3.3 New Players
3.4 Roster updates
3.5 Team Binder
3.6 Game schedule
3.7 Practice schedule
3.8 Manage your team online
3.9 JLSYL rules of sideline behavior
3.10 Uniforms
3.11 Rainout Information
3.12 Game Day Information
4. Season Information
4.1 Weekly practice and game schedule reminders
4.2 First Aid
4.3 Entering Scores in Norcal and Gotsoccer
4.4 Checking field assignment on
4.5 Referee assignment on
4.6 Team Photo Day
4.7 Non‐English speaking
4.8 Sportsmanship
4.9 Red Cards
5. End of Season
5.1 Senior appreciation day
5.2 End‐of‐season team party
Appendix 1 – additional information
6. US Club Soccer Information – Passes for Players & Adults/Coaches
7. Player/Adult Passes
8. Player Release Requests
9. Medical Release Forms
10. Team Binder Contents
11. Referee Requirements
12. Field Requests for Practices/Scrimmages/Games
13. Field Use Guidelines
14. Norcal Cheat Sheet
15. Gotsoccer Cheat Sheet
16. Tournaments
17. Team Budgets
18. Fundraising
19. Tryouts
20. Team Fund Guidelines
21. Important league contact information
22. EBUSC Club Profile
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
1. Club Contacts
East Bay United Soccer Club
P.O.Box 474
Alameda, CA 94501
Payments or checks to club should be mailed to:
East Bay United Soccer Club
c/o Henry C Levy & Co
5940 College Avenue
Oakland, CA 94618
Eric Sippel & Amado Lozano
[email protected]
Francis Enderle
[email protected]
Director of Coaching
Glenn Van Straatum
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Technical Director
Peter Hayton
[email protected]
Assistant Director (U9-U11 Boys)
Andre Hebert
[email protected]
Assistant Directors (U9-U11 Girls)
Rick Alatorre
[email protected]
Robin Hart
[email protected]
Assistant Director (U12-U14 Boys)
Peter Hayton
[email protected]
Assistant Director (U12-U14 Girls)
Laura Van Wart
[email protected]
Assistant Director (U15-U19 Boys)
Glenn Van Straatum
[email protected]
Assistant Director (U15-U19 Girls)
Jon Nishimoto
[email protected]
Club Administrator
Dessiree Lozano
[email protected]
Erica Stamm
[email protected]
Director of Fields
Nino Borsoni
[email protected]
Max Chiodo and Morris Dye
[email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator
Rosemary Cowen-Knight
[email protected]
Uniform Coordinator(s)
Midori Lambert & Stacey Lee
[email protected] and [email protected]
Tryout Coordinators
Saskia Dennis van-Dijl and Ciel Mahoney
[email protected] and [email protected]
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Competitive Team Manager
2.1 Team Manager Job Description
The team manager is a volunteer who will assist the coach by handling team communications and or
ganizing all team activities that take place off the field.
Once the team roster is announced the team manager should check in with the coach to determine
the exact responsibilities of the team manager.
Typical responsibilities include:
 Obtain 2 signed US Club Soccer Registration/Medical Release form. Make sure they are
signed in blue. Hang on to one set for your team binder.
 Obtain birth certificate for new players in club as well as 2 – 1”X1” picture for passes
 Create with coach and team treasurer a team budget
 Maintain team roster, game and practice schedule on TeamSnap of all families on your
 Provide information and coordinate uniforms
 Requests of fields for practice, scrimmages and games
 Communicate messages from the coach to the team on an as‐needed basis, by email or pho
 Enter scores either on Norcal or Gotsoccer depending on age group
 Create and distribute the team snack schedule if the team elects to do snacks. Otherwise,
coordinate first aid and ice duties for all games
 Inform all parents of changes to the game and practice schedule throughout the season.
 Decide on an end of season “thank you” for the coach and assistant coach based on team
Delegate responsibility to team parents. The worst thing you can do as a team manager is to try
to do everything yourself.
First of all, there is a lot of work to do, and it can be overwhelming. It is required that every
family in the team will need to volunteer for a position either on the team or in the club.
Secondly, parents will not understand all that goes into running a team. Here are some
suggested ways to divide the workload:
• Team Treasurer – create team account with bank and maintains records of money going in
or out of account for team
 Game Scheduling – work with coach, manager and opposing team to schedule games.
Make sure to give it to someone who is willing to make dozens of phone calls and access to
a computer.
 Referee(s) – important that you have at least 3 referees in team as there are referee
requirements for each team
 Tournament Coordinator – make sure you have a parent who can look into competitive
tournaments based on coach’s request and arrange for travel and accommodations
 First Aid/Ice Coordinator – have someone on the team to schedule parents to take turns
with the responsibility to bring first aid and ice to each game
 Uniform Coordinator – responsible to coordinate with Soccer Post and families of uniform
orders and distribution
 Volunteer Coordinator – this person will be responsible in getting the volunteers for team as
well as club events
 Fundraising Coordinator – coordinate fundraising event for teams to raise funds for
tournaments, travel and coach expenses
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
2.2 Team Officials
Each team should have a head coach and a team manager. Some teams might have a co-coach
or assistant coach if desired.
Pre‐Season Checklist
3.1 Background Check on US Club Soccer
Each team official must do a background check on US Club Soccer in order to receive a coaching
or adult pass. These passes are good for two (2) years.
3.2 The “Coach Packets”
Each head coach or manager receives a “Coach Packet” from the registrar. This should have the
player US Club Registration/Medical release form, birth certificate and picture. You should make
a copy of the US Club Soccer form of all the players for the coach as it should be brought with
him at practices.
3.3 New Players
Please inform the registrars of any new players that may want to join your team –
immediately. Players cannot play or practice without proper paperwork in place. This is to
protect the player, coach and team from any undue harm.
3.4 Roster updates
Please inform the registrars promptly of any changes to the roster. These changes include “no‐s
hows”, players who drop out of the team or any incorrect information. Most of the updates can
be made by you on the US Soccer Club website.
3.5 Team Binder
It is important that you bring a team binder to each game. This includes all the US Club
Registration/Medical Release form of each player in case of an emergency. (See appendix for
details on what should be in binder)
3.6 Game schedule
Based on age group and level of play will determine when game schedules are posted by Norcal
(this is the league that the club plays under). Once schedule is posted, you or your game
scheduler will need to communicate with the coach and opposing team to agree on the date
and time range. Once a date and time range has been agreed, you will need to request a field
online. After confirmation of field and time, you need to make sure to update it on Norcal or
Gotsoccer (system used by the league). See NorCal appendix and NorCal handbook for further
Update your team’s TeamSnap account with the dates, times and locations of games and keep
them informed of any changes to the schedule throughout the season. Make sure to ask your
coach what time players should arrive for pre-game warm-ups and notate that on TeamSnap.
Most coaches ask that their players be there at least 60 minutes early for pre-game warm-up.
3.6.1 Game Reschedule
It is very difficult to reschedule games because of field availability and referee availability.
Please make sure to let your opponents know that if they agree to a date and time, they
can’t change less than 96 hours. If reschedules are requested for whatever reason after
the 96 hours, there will be fine of $250 assessed from the league to the team and it will
be your team’s responsibility to pay. If it is the opposing team’s last minute cancellation,
it is important you communicate with the Club Administrator and DOC the game
information and any pertinent information so that we can provide to Norcal PAD.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Jack London Youth Sports Soccer League has a 96 hour rule that any game cancellations
or reschedules after 96 hours will result on your team being fined $250.
3.7 Practice Schedule and fields
Announce to the team via email or TeamSnap the date, time and location of team practices. The
Director of Fields will post practice schedules and location on the EBUSC website as they are
updated. Fields are either in Alameda or Oakland.
3.8 Manage your soccer team online
The club has purchased a “club” account from TeamSnap. This means that each team will have
a premium account which is paid by the Club but you will have the responsibility of the team to
maintain the information going in and out of it. Initially, the club will upload the rosters for the
3.9 Jack London Youth Soccer League (JLYSL) Rules of Sideline Behavior
Jack London has a zero tolerance policy that prohibits physical and verbal abuse, threats, and
harassment toward any person including but not limited to opposing teams, parents, coaches,
referees, players, spectators, etc. Depending on offense, this can lead to suspension either from
practices games or any sponsored events.
It is important to have a pre-season discussion with the parent’s of sideline behavior.
Note: Enforcing these rules is ultimately the coach’s responsibility
3.10 Uniforms
New teams will need to make sure they have a uniform coordinator for the team who will
handle the team order coordination. This also goes for a team who has more than one new
player coming onto the team. Soccer Post is the vendor we use for our uniforms. They have
requested that you provide them with one sheet with all the orders vs. individual sheets. The
order form can be found on the EBUSC website under uniforms.
Game Day Uniform
Teams listed as the home team in the schedule, i.e., the team listed first usually wears their
main color (blue for us). When the team is listed as the visiting team, they wear their alternate
color (white for us).
Players should always bring both jerseys as you never know what will be needed until the
opposing team shows up. Make sure you always relay to the families what uniform they should
be wearing but they should bring all.
Rainout Information
When there has been rain, our Director of Fields will assess the field conditions and will post on
the website whether the field is closed or not. This is usually during the week and before
2:00p.m. If it rains before games on the weekend, the call to close the fields or not is by Jack
Places to look at if a field is closed is on our website to the right of the page by clicking on
“Check Field Conditions” or on the Jack London website (for weekends) The rainout hotline for the Jack London is 510-812-6051.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Make sure to distribute the rainout hotline numbers that parents can call to check on field
closures and explain the system to them. Teams are not allowed to practice or play on a field
that has been closed.
Game days – if it rains and your games are canceled, please check with the opposing team to
Game Day Information
Prior to the game day, manager should:
a. Confirm with other team
b. If playing at home, check to see if there are referees signed up for game
c. Print 2 game cards
d. Bring laminated player and coach passes
Before each game begins, each coach/manager is required to show the referee the team’s valid
Player ID passes and Adult/Coach Passes along with the pre-filled Game Cards.
These passes are usually provided to manager/coach once the manager has uploaded all the
player’s information and documents on the US Club website and then the registrar will request
passes from US Club. See appendix on US Club details.
Players must be prepared to be “checked in” by the referee. They will be asked to line up and
show they have:
1) Shin guards,
2) Proper soccer cleats – no baseball cleats; they are also checked off by name.
3) Socks must cover shin guards at all times, this is for the safety of the player.
4) No jewelry of any sort, including earrings, necklaces, hair beads,friendship bracelets, nose
rings, etc.
Please make sure all parents understand that they should not pierce ears or noses of their
players during the season as players will not be allowed to play with band-aids on their
new pierced parts – this is for their safety and the referee’s are following the FIFA rules.
Season Information
Weekly practice and game schedule reminders
Send a weekly announcement to team members reminding them of the practice and game
detail information. This typically can be done automatically through your TeamSnap account,
however, you need to make sure the practice and game details are entered.
First Aid/Ice
It is important that someone brings first aid or ice to each game in case of any injuries. You can
assign someone to coordinate this with the family. You can also use the refreshment feature on
TeamSnap as an option. A small ice chest with ice and sandwich bags work well or team
reusable ice packs.
Entering scores in Nor Cal/Got Soccer
After each game, managers or coaches must enter scores on their NorCal or GotSoccer team
pages. (See NorCal or GotSoccer Cheat Sheets for directions)
Checking field assignment on for games
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Once requests have been made for games, the Director of Fields will assign games based on field
availability. Typically, if he has assigned a field for your game, you and the coach should
automatically receive an email from of this. Make sure that the Club
Administrator and Director of Fields have the accurate email and phone number for both the
manager and coach of the team.
Another way to check field assignment is by going to, under
schedules, select Jack London Youth Soccer Sports League, then select the competition schedule
your team falls under.
Referee assignment on
You can check on referee assignments similar to how you check for field assignment on To do this, follow directions above but instead of selecting the
competition schedule, in the middle of the page is “Referee Assignments”. You can look up
based on date of game. Once you click on date, games are listed by fields. If you look to the
right of the game and you see names, then there are referees scheduled. If you do not see any
names listed beside your game, this means there are no referees signed up as of the day you are
Team Photo Day
Team photo day is usually held in Fall. Teams have the option to take part in this. We typically
use a vendor (currently Shooting Stars) at an appointed date(s) and each team are to work with
our photo day coordinator in selecting a time. It is suggested if a team is interested, they
appoint a team Photo Day coordinator. Here is what the position will entail:
 Coordinate between coach/team and club photo day coordinator of date and time
 Distribute order envelopes to team before Team Photo Day
 Send reminder to families
 Organize the pick-up and distribution of photos to families
Non‐English‐speaking families
It is important that manager and coach are responsible to making sure that all parents get
important team information in a timely manner. If you have a player whose parents only speak
Spanish, and you don’t have anyone in the team who can communicate with them, contact
either the Club Administrator or Club Volunteer Coordinator to connect you with one of our
Spanish speaking volunteers. For other languages, please make sure there is extra effort that
the player keeps his or her parents informed.
Red Cards
In case of a red card in NorCal games, the referee and managers will need to report this online
on the NorCal PAD site. This is also where you can see what suspensions were imposed to the
red-carded player or coach.
Players and coaches must serve their suspensions during the next scheduled games or
tournament depending on where the red-card was given. When serving the suspension,
manager needs to make sure they bring the “Verification of Suspension form”. The opposing
team, referees an coach will need to sign.
EBUSC may impose additional suspensions to red‐carded coaches and players depending on
severity of their actions.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
End of Season
Senior Appreciation Day
Senior Appreciation Day is held to honor all our players who are seniors in high school and are
about to leave for college. These players have played with our club and we want to show them
how much we appreciate the time they have spent playing for the club.
U16 and U17 teams are responsible to organize this event. The Club Administrator and
Volunteer coordinator will provide more information to these teams.
This event is for the U18 teams, their families and coaches. Event is around April or May taking
into account tests and proms.
End‐of‐Season Team Party
Each team should poll their families for their interest and type of event they desire. This is
another task that can be given to a parent(s).
Appendix 1 – Additional Information
US Club Soccer Information – Passes for Players and Adult/Coaches
New Staff Passcards:
The team manager should notify the US Club Registrar (Erica Stamm,
[email protected]) of the need to add new staff and provide the Registrar with
their name, role (coach or manager), address, telephone contact and email address. The
Registrar will then add the new staff to your team and request their passcard. Once the new
staff has been added, the new staff will need to go to the US Club Soccer web site at and complete the online background check. They will use their email
address and Registrar will inform them of their password (but usually it is set up as their last
name) and then click on the Staff Management tab. They should follow the instructions for
completing the on-line background check by clicking on the ‘Background Check Instructions’
area. No passcards are issued by USCS without completing the on-line background check.
Returning staff must fill out the on-line background check every other year. The year runs July
31 to August 1 of the following year. Any pass issued in 2012 is good until 8/1/14. Nothing
needs to be done for returning staff except confirm the staff team assignment and make sure
they go to the USCS web site and complete the background check each year unless it is a year
their passcard expires.
New Player Passcards:
Players new to your team and new to Bay Oaks will complete the Player Registration and
Medical Treatment Authorization form and supply a copy of the birth certificate to the Team
Manager. Managers will make copies for their records and forward the originals to the US Club
Soccer Registrar. Managers will enter the player information onto the website at
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Add/Update players to your roster. Click on the Players tab at the top of the page. Then
click Manage Roster in the upper right corner of the page. If any players listed do not belong
on your roster, remove them from your roster by clicking the x to the right of their name.
To add players who were on another Bay Oaks team the previous year, first search for them
in our players list. From the Players tab of your team, click Manage Roster, then enter the
player's last name in the filters box and click Go. Registered players with that last name will
be listed below. Click Add to the right of the player you want on your roster. If you have
trouble finding a player you know was on a Bay Oaks team the previous season, please
contact registrar for assistance.
To add players who are new to Bay Oaks, from the Players tab of your team, Click Add
Player, complete the required fields and click Submit.
Add photos or update player photos. From your team overview page, click on a player's
name. Then click Edit next to the photo box. Click Choose File and select the photo you wish
to add. Then click Submit. Please note that there is no cropping tool, so edit your photos
before adding them to the players' profiles. Also be aware that when the photos are
transferred to the player passes the top and bottom of the photos uploaded are cropped, so
when cropping your photos for upload leave a little extra border at the top and bottom.
Add POB. From your team overview page, click on a player's name to go to their Profile
page. Click on the Documents tab at the top of the page. Use the Document Type drop
down menu to select Proof of Birth. Then click Choose File and select the file to add from
your desktop.
You do not have to add an email address for the player, it is not necessary. Notify the Club
Registrar when the player information is loaded onto the website and then a passcard will be
requested. Part of loading the information is uploading a scanned copy of the birth certificate in
a .PDF or .jpg format. It must be one certificate per file labeled with the player’s name. This
process is explained on the website under the Player Management tab. If you don’t have a
scanner at home the scanning can be done for you at Kinko’s. Make sure they copy each birth
certificate to a separate .PDF file. The .PDF files must be small (<500 kb, preferably 200-300 kb)
or they will not attach to the USCS website. The player’s passcard will not be issued by USCS
without the birth certificate being attached.
Players new to your team and coming from other Bay Oaks teams simply need to be moved to
your roster. Do not create a new registration for this player and do not request a new passcard
for the player if they have a valid (not expired) passcard. Simply have the previous team
manager send you their passcard. Notify the Registrar that you wish to move the player to your
team and tell him/her what team they are currently on and what team you want them moved
to. If the player is be moved from Open Player Roster on the US Club Soccer website to your
team click on Open Player tab within the Player Registration area and change the player from
Open Player to your team number. No new birth certificates or Reg/Med Treatment Forms need
to be given to the US Club Registrar. If the player does not have a current passcard, inform the
Registrar to request a new passcard for the player.
USCS Official Roster: to print out an official roster go to USCS website, go to Player
Management tab, click on the ‘details’ tab for your team and in the upper left you will see a
‘Print’ icon. Just click on that icon and you will get your official roster.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Responsibilities of US Club Registrar and Team Manager/Coach:
US Club Soccer Registrar is responsible for:
 Adding new staff
 Add new teams, changing team names
 Requesting passcards for staff and players
 Requesting a player to be released (to a non-Bay Oaks team)
 Moving a player from one Bay Oaks team to another Bay Oaks team.
Team Manager and/or Coach are responsible for:
 Adding new players
 Uploading POB (proof of birth) for the players
 Making sure players have filled out Registration and Medical Treatment Forms and send to
 Making sure staffs have filled out on-line background check every other year.
 Adding or removing players from Open Player area. You can do these yourselves.
Player/Coach Passes (For age groups Under‐9 through Under‐19)
This is a set of laminated player ID passes that must be brought to each game. Once you have uploaded
all information of players on the US Club site and the Registrar has requested passes, US Club will send a
set of passes for the team. You will need to print out, cut and laminate. It is best if you go to either
FedexKinko’s or OfficeMax and laminate the set of passes in a sheet. It will cost less by doing sheets vs.
individual cards. Once laminated, you can cut to individual passes and put on a key ring. A Player may
NOT play in the game without a pass.
It is also suggested that the head coach’s pass is on the same key ring with the player passes. You
should also make an extra copy of both the players and coach passes in case it is lost.
The head coach must bring his/her pass to each game
Player Release Request
Process Scenarios for Player Release Requests
 Scenario 1- Tranfer In - Players joining EBU Bay Oaks from other Clubs
 Scenario 2- Transfer Out - to other Clubs for EBUSC Bay Oaks players
Scenario 1- Transfer In - Players joining EBU Bay Oaks from other Clubs
Player Release Requests TO Other Club officials (their DOC+ Registrar) for the Player to be transferred
to EBU Bay Oaks within US Club Soccer
a. Our Registrar will prepare a list of one or more players by club that we need to make requests
for to TRANSFER INTO EBU Bay Oaks.
b. EBUSC Club Registrar sends an e-mail request to the Registrar from the OTHER club involved and
copies the EBUSC DOC and the Age-Group Coaching Director, and the player’s coach of this PPR
Transfer-In request.
Scenario 2 - Transfer Out - to other Clubs for EBUSC Bay Oaks players
In EBUSC, all Transfer Out -Player Release Requests (PRR) MUST be approved by the EBUSC DOC.
The request may come from the player, his or her parents or another club.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Here are the steps:
1. Whoever receives the request must forward it to the EBUSC DOC and Registrar.
2. The EBUSC Registrar will determine if the requesting player owes outstanding payments. If they
owe money, they MUST pay before being released.
3. If the release request comes from a player or parent, the player and parent will be advised by
the DOC that such a release request should come from their next club where they will get
registered with US Club Soccer.
4. The EBUSC DOC may ask a couple of exit questions from the player in an effort to learn what the
reasons for leaving and will then determine whether it is appropriate to release the player.
5. The requesting player or parent may appeal any decision to the EBUSC President.
Medical Release Forms
Your team’s medical release forms must be brought to each GAME AND PRACTICE by the coach or by an
other adult with photo ID pass in the coach’s absence. These forms are provided by the registrar to
either the manager or coach unless it was provided at the team meeting.
These forms contain the player’s medical contact info and parents contact info. Should there be an
emergency, please take care of the child first, call 911 if you have to, and contact the parents
immediately if they aren’t there.
10. Team Binder Contents
The following are items that should be in the team Binder:
 U.S. Club Soccer Passes (Players, Coaches and ADs)
 U.S. Club Soccer Roster of Team
 U.S. Club Soccer Registration and Medical Release forms (signed in blue by each parent)
 Player Birth Certificates (only put in for tournaments who require it)
 If applicable: Guest player(s) player loan form, registration and medical form for tournament
 Norcal Team Handbook. This can be downloaded from the Norcal website.
 Contact sheet for coach and players
 Norcal verification of suspension form (in case of player red card)
11. Referee Requirement
Each team is required to provide three (3) referees. Each team is required to put a $450 referee fine
deposit per season. However, if your team has had two (2) seasons of fulfilling their referee
requirement, they are exempt.
Each referee can be affiliated to at most 5 teams. Each referee must officiate at least 3 games in order
for the Game Credits to be counted towards the team. Below are the requirements found on the JLYSL
Competitive & Norcal
 2 referees for U9-U10 (minimum 1 adult) to officiate 6 Games Credits
 First season U9 competitive teams are exempted
 3 referees for U11-U19 (minimum 2 adults) to officiate 15 Games Credits
 $30 fine per game credit not covered
Game Credit
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
All assignments receive 1.0 credit with the exception of the following assignments which will
receive an additional 0.5 credit bonus:
 U15-U19 Center
12. Field Requests for Practices/Scrimmages/Games
You should go to the Fields tab under the East Bay United website to get more detailed information.
 EBUSC Practice Field Scheduler will send out a general notification to coaches and managers
that practice requests are open and available to be made by teams for the upcoming season of
 Team Managers or Coaches, or other appointed team official makes request for practice time
via the on-line request form found on the EBUSC website.
 Team Managers and Coaches are strongly encouraged to provide alternate times and locations.
 Time requests can only be made for the approved time slots. Overlapping practice time slots are
generally not allowed, however when more field choices become available to the Practice
Scheduler, overlapping time slots may be allowed as field situations permit.
 It is important to note that practice time slots may vary from field to field.
 If a team needs to change times, requests are only made to the Practice Field Scheduler.
 Teams are not allowed to secure time on their own without first consulting and receiving
approval of the Director of Field Operations. Any field pursued independently shall be brought
to the attention, and deemed usable, by the Director of Field Operations after confirming that
all required permits and insurance documents have been secured prior to ANY TEAM taking the
 The Master Practice Assignment Schedule will be updated and posted on the EBUSC website in
PDF format. It is recommended that Team Managers and Coaches regularly check the EBUSC
website to ensure that they always have the latest schedule updates.
 Once the playing league announces their play dates for the current season, the Team Managers
shall closely coordinate with their opponents so as to ensure that match dates and times are
mutually acceptable, and agreed-upon. “Zero Changes” is the goal for the “home”games
 Once the Team Managers have confirmed mutually acceptable game times, they shall submit
their team’s request for scheduling of “home” games directly to the EBUSC Competitive League
Match Secretary via the EBUSC website. Team Managers or the duly assigned official team
representative will make requests for “home” games by completing the EBUSC Home Games
Request Form which can be located on the EBUSC website. All required information must be
filled out to ensure proper and timely scheduling. Only requests using the online form are
deemed official. Requests made in any other manner will not be processed and will cause
delays in scheduling your “home” games.
 When requesting your “home” games, please be mindful of key days such as Mother’s Day,
Father’s Day, graduations, proms, religious observed events, SAT testing, etc.
 “Home” games are officially scheduled in My Soccer League (MSL). Once your “home” game is
published in MSL, the designated team officials will receive an automated email notification
informing you that your game has been “published” which then can be viewed in MSL.
 Once your “home” games are published in MSL, Team Managers are to update the playing
league (NorCal, etc.) schedule with the time, date, and location of the match. This shall occur for
any subsequent changes that may take place.
 Only league-acceptable reasons for games rescheduling will be processed.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Should an unexpected change be required after schedules have been officially published, such
changes shall be submitted directly to EBUSC Competitive League Match Secretary by indicating
any such change using a new “Home Games Request Form.”
Changes should be submitted 1 week prior to the requested change, but in no circumstance any
later than the Tuesday prior to weekend games so as to allow for adequate processing time,
and referee reassignments.
Makeup game requests due to rainouts or other unforeseen reasons that are requested to be
played during the week will be coordinated between the Practice Field Scheduler and the EBUSC
Competitive League Match Secretary. The Practice Field Scheduler will confirm that space is
available at one of the age-appropriate permitted venues. Once confirmed by the Practice Field
Scheduler, the EBUSC Competitive League Match Secretary will ensure that the field is properly
outfitted and “game ready.” The makeup game will be scheduled and posted in MSL to allow for
referee assignments.
Any post season tournament or State Cup games to be played by our EBUSC teams on our
regional fields will be scheduled by the EBUSC Competitive League Match Secretary. Requesting
fields for post season or State Cup play will be made using the EBUSC Home Games Request
Form as well.
It is also important to note that our designated field stewards may setup a field in “game-ready”
mode on Friday afternoons. Those teams holding their practices on Fridays should be mindful
and attentive if a field is setup in its “game-ready” mode. A “game-ready” field is a field where
both goals are in their proper locations, and anchored, and where all four corner flags are in
place. Should you observe that a field is in a “game-ready” configuration, it is expected that
those teams practicing on Fridays do not disrupt any “game-ready” field. Should a team feel
compelled to move goals for specific practice regimens, it is acceptable to do so, with the
understanding that once practice has been completed, the team(s) will return all goals and flags
in their “game-ready” positions and shall ensure that goals are properly anchored.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
13. Field Use Guidelines
The goal areas take the greatest amount of wear during the season. If you want them to be in decent shape for
your matches, they simply cannot be used on regular basis during weekly practice sessions. Run your practices
from touch line to touch line rather than midline to goal line. Avoid setting up goals in the normal goalmouth
position used for games on a regular basis. Rather, move the goals to the touchline, to the side of the goal line,
or above the eighteen-yard goal box area to run your shooting drills. You can just as effectively work your
crossing/shooting drills from the touchlines or goal lines. From time-to-time examine the grass, if certain areas
look thin, move your team as much as practical to another area, and report the field condition back to Director
of Field Operations promptly. Likewise if you notice soggy areas of the field, standing puddles, or other unsafe
conditions, move to another area as much as is practical, and report the current field conditions to the Director
of Field Operations.
JLYSSL has provided soccer goals for use on park, school and other fields throughout Oakland, Alameda and
Piedmont. Therefore it is important that coaches, parents and players set a good example for use of these goals.
This following describes the types of goals JLYSSL has in use that you may find throughout our parent-league’s
supply of fields and provides instructions on how they should be set up and handled.
Some GENERAL rules that are applicable to all soccer goals:
 Do not allow players or others to climb, swing or hang on any soccer goal. That is not the use for which
they are designed. A toppling or collapsing goal can be lethal to any children or adults under it or on it.
 Goals shall be set-up with anchoring pins, weights or framing to minimize the risk of toppling or collapse
during matches.
 It is strongly recommended that prior to game time, coaches make it a habit to check goals themselves
for net integrity but most importantly, for anchoring. Should a goal not be properly anchored, it should
be brought to the attention of the referees immediately. It is further highly recommended that coaches’
carry with them at all times a minimum of 4- “J”-Hook anchors for securing goals. Request for anchors
can be directed to the Director of Field Operations and they will be provided.
The following is important Safety information on proper use of goals for the different types of goals typically
found at JLYSSL-Associated Club Fields:
 Moveable Permanent Goals
The moveable permanent goals such as those located at AP Fields that are provided by JLYSSL are made
by Score Master of large diameter, white aluminum tubing selected for ease of movement and safety.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
These goals are to be left assembled at the field year around. These goals are framed with a
permanently attached back bar which serves a substantial counter-weight to prevent toppling. The back
bar also provides structural integrity. To minimize risk of injury to people, maximize the longevity of the
goals and minimize the wear and tear on our fields we should:
Prevent players and others from climbing on, hanging from or swinging on goals or nets,
Move the goals away from their regular game position at the end of play, or during practice if
the goal line striping is not critical to the drill,
Move a goal, whenever possible, using four adult strength individuals at a minimum, one lifting
at each corner in a coordinated manner, to carry it to the new position,
Move a goal for short distances, when necessary, with only two adult strength people, by raising
the back bar just above the grass and sliding the goal straight backward only,
One person should never move these goals alone, unless they are trained field coordinators or
professional groundskeepers.
Anticipate the needs of the groundskeeper and move the goal away from goal lines and
touchlines the night before the field is mowed or re-striped.
 3-piece Aluminum Goals (Typically found on Alameda fields)
These types of goals are typically used throughout our fields. They are strong and lightweight, easy to
assemble and disassemble. These goals consist of two triangular shaped uprights and a top crossbar. All
goals are typically secured with locks at a pre-designated storage location. Coaches with practice
assignments may use the goals for practices with the understanding and commitment that after their
practice sessions, they are to return them to their proper designated storage location, and secure with
the lock. All coaches will be provided the combo for the locks from the Director of Field Operations. In
doing so the coach assumes full responsibility for on-site goal safety.
 Key Notes on Lifting
To avoid risk of injury, great care should be taken to observe the following procedures at all times when
lifting and carrying goals:
For our larger semi-permanent goals we are transitioning to outfit them with wheels to allow for
easy movement of the goals. Until such time if goals need to be moved, it is important to follow
the key points noted herein:
 Ensure that strong lifters are at each corner of the goal frame.
 The strongest lifters should be positioned to lift at the front corners.
 Lift slowly and in unison with all other lifters to avoid the goal toppling over.
 Lift with legs while keeping the back straight and erect during the lift.
 Lift the goal only from the end frame with hands under the surface that normally rests
on the ground.
 Do not lift the back bar as doing so will shift too much weight toward the front corner
lifters and possibly result in the goal toppling over.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
We honor the game by showing respect for the rules of the game; the officials who help keep the game safe and
orderly, our opponents who keep the game a challenge, our own team, including teammates, coaches and
parents. We also show respect to the cities, colleges and schools that make the playing fields available to us, by
treating the fields with respect and care. As such it is important that everyone pledge:
To leave our pets at home. Pets are not allowed ANYTIME on ANY FIELDS.
To pick up litter after games and practices (including tiny bits of paper and cellophane, orange
peels, unclaimed water bottles, clothing and shoes). It is encouraged that coaches/managers
carry with them disposable trash bags and latex gloves to aide in the pickup and disposal of any
refuse left on the field by our teams or others.
To use any available specially marked containers for recycling aluminum and plastic beverage
To empty water bottles on the natural grass but seal up other unfinished drinks for
To carry away any refuse that won’t fit in the bins available at the field.
To keep glass bottles off the fields.
To remove rocks, sticks and other items that could trip a player or fan or that could
damage field care equipment.
On all-weather synthetic sports turf fields:
o Only water is permitted onto the field.
o No pets.
o No gum or sunflower/pumpkin seeds.
o No food is allowed on or near the synthetic playing surface. It is important to note that
food and drinks other than water deposited onto the field will develop bacteria that can
pose a serious health hazards to players.
o Players should avoid warming up on the field-perimeter rubberized tracks with their
soccer boots at locations such as at College of Alameda or Merritt College, Piedmont HS
(Witter), Oakland HS, Castlemont HS,. Warm ups on such surfaces if necessary, should
be undertaken using tennis type shoes.
o Spectators are to be seated in the designated areas as noted at each venue. Only
players, coaching staff, and team managers are allowed to be on the field.
During the various seasons of play, it may be necessary to close our league’s fields due to rain. The EBUSC
Director of Field Operations and the JLYSSL Field Coordinators do not take these decisions lightly. Typically their
first consideration is to protect the condition of the fields for use for games throughout the season. An equally
important consideration is for the immediate safety of players and others at practices or games. In no case shall
any debate or dissention on announced field closures be tolerated. ALL WEEKDAY OFFICIAL FIELD CLOSURE
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
 Game Days
Official Rain-outs are called by the league and will be posted both on the league’s website
or on the JLYSSL Rain Hot Line number (510) 812-6051. In order to avoid any confusion during match
game weekends, it is highly recommended that coaches and managers exclusively use the JLYSSL
website or Rain-out Hot Line number as the means for communicating the official league rain out status.
Natural grass fields are closed typically based on current weather conditions, onsite inspections of a
sampling of fields around the league, and regular monitoring of weather reports. On game days, if there
is doubt about the status of fields, a process is implemented whereby the respective club’s Field
Coordinators perform on-site inspections of their host fields. This activity typically gets underway
approximately at 6:30 AM. All club field coordinators in turn report back to the JLYSSL Administrator and
Field Coordinator who then, based on all the input received, make a call for rainout closure league-wide
of all grass fields. It is the league’s Field Coordinator’s intention to give at least a one-hour advance
notice of the closing of fields. If the first game of the day were to be at 8:00 AM, the fields would be
closed for that game by 7:00 AM. If the league makes a rainout call for a Saturday, it may not
necessarily mean that the Sunday games are also cancelled. As such, Coaches and Managers are
strongly encouraged to regularly monitor the rain out hot line and league website for updates. If fields
are open for games, teams are expected to appear. It is important to note that when raining, all-weather
sports turf fields will remain open, and will only be subject to closure by either the JLYSSL Field
Coordinator or the referees officiating the match if it is deemed an unsafe condition for players. Be
aware, that at any time, under inclement weather conditions, the referee may choose to cancel a game
for reasons of safety that may or may not be directly related to the current weather conditions at game
time. If no official referee is present, coaches may agree to cancel a game for safety reasons. It is
extremely important that coaches and/or managers do not cancel games that are scheduled on all
weather sports turf fields.
 Practices
Generally during the playing season, weekday practice rain out status will be posted on the club
website, for all natural grass fields. All-weather fields typically will remain open if you are scheduled to
practice on such a field. The Director of Field Operations will make the official field closure call given the
actual conditions of fields used. Practice field weekday rain out closures will be posted on the EBUSC
website. Rain-out announcements will be made as soon as reasonably possible, typically by 1:00 p.m.,
but in no case, not later than 2:00 p.m. that day. Should a coach find themselves out on a field when its
start to rain, the coaching staff is strongly urged to use good judgment and care to call off their practice
to ensure that the fields are not damaged nor any player’s safety and well-being is jeopardized. It is
important to note that the field rainout announcement will not be made daily. It will only be announced
when the status changes. As such, when the notice states a particular status, it will state that the status
will remain in place until further notice.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
14. Norcal Cheat Sheet
How do I register my team for an event?
If this is the first time you want to apply for a NorCal event for your team, apply through the posted
Public Link of the event you would like to apply for. If your team has already applied to a NorCal event,
submit an application for a subsequent event via your Team Page, otherwise you will create a duplicate
for your team in the Demosphere system.
How to Access your Team Page?
For Team Managers and Coaches:
1) From our homepage click on Clubs on the right hand side
2) Click on your club
3) Find the event you wish to log into and click on your team name under that event
4) Click on Team login in the upper right
5) Type in your e-mail and PIN
If the system does not recognize your email you will need to contact a current team contact or a club
administrator and ask that they add you as a contact for your team. You may add team contacts and
apply for new NorCal events from your Team page, you can even have your team picture, update your
team uniform colors, and much more. Please note that every event has its own Team page and changes
must be made for every event Team page. If you make a change for one event, it will only change that
event. If you have any questions about how to access your Team Page contact
[email protected].
If I am not currently listed as a contact for my team how can I be added?
If you are a team administrator and are not listed as a contact for your team, please contact a current
team contact/administrator that is listed or a club administrator and ask to be added.
How to add a contact to your team page?
Club administrators and listed team contacts are able to add additional contacts for a team.
From the home page, click on "Clubs" in the Quick Links section
• Click on your Club
• Click on the team you are wanting to add a contact to
• Click on log in - if you do not know your log in you can ask for it to be emailed to you by
choosing ’retrieve your log in info
• Click on contacts from the toolbar towards the top of the page
• Click on add contact from the toolbar towards the top of the page
How to schedule a home game?
1) Log onto your Team Page.
2) Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will should your team's schedule. If the schedule
does not load automatically, you can click on the "load schedule" button and it will appear.
3) Click the "Edit games" button found at the top of the Schedule.
4) You will now be able to change the time, date, and location of the game. Make sure to save.
You can find and use the communication tool by doing the following:
1) From your schedule, there will be "log" button in blue to the right of each game. Click on
the word "log".
2) After clicking 'log' an empty field will open with the statement, "Your new remark about this
game" is listed to the left. Type your communication to the opposing team in the empty
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
field. When you are finished, click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the schedule.
This will create and send an automatic email to the opposing team.
Click on ’Log’ and edit your comments as remarks for communication purposes. When
saving the system generates an email automatically and leaves a record of your update for
audit trail purposes.
Please adhere to the following NorCal scheduling rules:
(1) It is the Home Team’s responsibility to schedule all Home games, including confirmation of
Date, Time and Field Location by the League established Timeline Deadlines.
(2) All Games can be played either Saturday or Sunday, or in any other date if agreed by both
(3) All communication between team contacts regarding the scheduling of a game, like in the
old web site, should be done via the online communication tool. Click on ’Log’ and edit your
comments as remarks for communication purposes. When saving the system generates an
email automatically and leaves a record of your update for audit trail purposes
(4) Remember the rule is to respond to communication by opponents regarding Game
Scheduling within 48 hours or sooner. Be responsive, be flexible, be patient. Arrange all your
scheduling directly with opponents, no need to involve NorCal League Coordinator.
How do I create a roster for my team?
[US Club Soccer player data transfer to NorCal site]
In order to play NorCal Premier Soccer, all players need to have a valid US Club Soccer player card. In
order to generate a team ID, roster and player cards within USCS for your team please ask your Club
Registrar or visit . Once your players are registered with US Club Soccer, you will
need to create a roster in the NorCal web site for your team by selecting the players available in your
Club Pool. Your Club Pool players will be available through a data transfer process between US Club
Soccer and NorCal (Demosphere) systems.
To Upload a Roster:
1) Click on the Roster tab on your Team Page.
2) You can then click on Team Player Pool.
3) For any player that has previously played for this team, you can click the box next to their
name and add all of them at once - Click save.
4) For any new players, you will have to click on Add Player to Team, type in their last name in
the player search, and click to add them one by one.
The Team roster will be used to automatically print in the Game Cards. So, unlike in the past, you do not
need to print out and bring US Club Soccer rosters to match day. Having official valid rosters as part of
your Team Page in the NorCal web site will allow the implementation of Disciplinary Procedures that
otherwise were difficult to track. Any problems or questions reagarding this, please contact Eric Lafon
at [email protected]
How to add jersey number to your roster?
1) From your Team page click on the Roster tab.
2) Click on the "+" sign by a players name to modify their info.
3) Enter their number in the "Jersey #" field. Make sure to click "Save".
For further question regarding this contact NorCal Roster Management support administration at
[email protected]
How to Print a Game Card with both team rosters?
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
For younger (U9 - U13) NorCal State Cup(s) both teams should print a game card and take it to the
Home team has the responsibility to print out the Game Card.
To Print a Game Card:
1) Enter your team page for the correct event.
2) Scroll down to look at your schedule.
3) For the game you wish to print a Match Card for, click on the "Vs" tab.
4) Click on "Print Match Report PDF".
Please PRINT OUT your Game Card within 48 hours of your Game time, not earlier. This is
to ensure that all disciplinary resolutions are reflected in the game card.
How to Report a Game Result?
Game scorekeeping procedures
For younger (U9 - U13) Norcal State Cup(s) the first team to login can enter the score Home team has
the responsibility to update the Game result online no later than 24 hours after the match has
concluded. Either Home or Away Game Team may update the score online by going to the Team Page,
then clicking on the ’Start Screen’ tab and then ’Team Scorekeeping’. Make sure you login directly to the
correct event page.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
15. GotSoccer Cheat Sheet
1. Click on ROSTER in the grey menu bar.
2. When the page loads, click on the Register New Playerbutton (if you do not have this button see
NOTE below). Please keep in mind that when you add a player to your roster you are creating a
Player Account for them. If they already have an account on another team, you will be creating
duplicate accounts. Please verify with the player which account they will want to keep.
3. Enter the following fields:
 Player ID # (enter n/a if not known)
 Jersey #
 Full Legal Name
 Sex
 Player Date of Birth
 Email Address - This is very important for logging in and communicating with your players.
Every player MUST have a unique email address. If the player does not have an email
address we suggest setting one up for that player or using the parents email address.
The system will automatically generate a username and password for the player (to change their login
information, click on the ACCOUNT INFO tab of the player profile). Once you have created your roster
click on EMAIL TEAM in the blue menu bar. You will be able to create an email to send out to your team
letting them know you have created a new player profile for them. Our system automatically attaches a
players login information to the bottom of every email you send.
The player can then login and complete the page, as well as update the college requirements (if they are
U15 and above).
VERY IMPORTANT: Do NOT create a player account for Guest Players. Guest Players already have a
player profile and MUST first apply to a tournament using their pre-existing player profile as a GUEST
PLAYER before you can place them on your roster. Please see the help section on ADDING GUEST
PLAYERS TO A ROSTER for more information.
NOTE: if your club or state uses GotSoccer to roster and card players or is a client of ours, they have the
ability to lock your roster. If you DO NOT have a Register New Player button please contact your club.
Don't remove the players. Open their profile by clicking on their last name. Then click on the tab EVENT
ATTENDANCE and remove them from the even they are not attending.
Events using GotSoccer can allow players looking for a team to sign up to the Guest Player Pool. The
Player logs into their player account and clicks on the EVENTS link and searches for the tournament in
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
question. Once they locate it they will register as a guest player for the event. Once registered with the
event the players are listed in the Guest Player Pool.
Please note - you must be ACCEPTED to the event before you can add guest players to your roster. If
your application has not been accepted you will not be able to add guest players.
You can add a guest player to your roster by following the steps below.
1. On your team Main Menu page, click on the event your team is about to participate in.
2. Click on the Guest Players Tab.
3. A list of available guest players will appear. Only players fitting your team age-group, and one year
lower, will appear.
4. You can sort through the list by position and by left or right footed players.
5. To sign a guest, click on the player's name.
6. A detailed Player Profile page will load.
a) In the "Guest Of", choose your team
b) Assign a jersey number to the guest player
7. The player will be automatically attached to your roster for that event only. To see the guest player
click on the ROSTER link in the grey menu bar and then choose the event from the drop down menu
above the roster. Once the page reloads you will see your Guest Player highlighted in GREEN.
8. The player will be automatically notified by email, and will have the opportunity to reject your
9. The tournament will be able to see the guest on your roster.
You can add usernames & passwords for your players in the Roster section of your account.
1) Click on Roster on the grey menu bar.
2) Click on the player name to view the player profile. You will see six tabs at the top of the
3) Click on the tab labeled Account Info.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
4) Enter a Username & Password into the fields supplied and clickSave. If a Username &
password are already entered for that player the password will be hidden, but you will be
able to edit it.
5) Click the Save button.
When you click the Save button an email will automatically be generated and sent to that player to the
email address entered under the Player Info tab. The email will include the player username &
password as well as instructions for logging into their account.
If you wish to re-send this information to the players you can use the Email Team section of your
account to send a mailer to your players. You can access this area by clicking on Email Team on the blue
menu bar. Please Note - you must first create a username & password for each player using the steps
above, otherwise the email will not include login information.
Please make sure your players check their junkmail!!
Game Card
Both teams are expected to have a copy of the game card on match day. The home team will supply the game
card to the referee and the visiting team should have a copy just in case the home team forgets.
Printing a Game Card
* Log In to your GotSoccer team account
* Under Event Application History click on the link for the event
* Click on the Schedule tab
* Click on the game number to download a printable game card
Score Reporting
Call in - Each game card has call-in instructions On-line
* Go to User Login - Scoring input. Direct link:
* Enter Event ID and PIN (both are printed on Game Card)
* Enter Game number and update score - Click on Save QR
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
16. Tournaments
The tournaments have paperwork requirements, and entail travel arrangements and coordination with
It is good to discuss with coach ahead of time, their expectations of how many tournaments they plan to
have the team participate. With this information, you can research cost and come up with a budget for
the team.
The EBUSC DOC or AD can advise you on tournament requirements, costs and paperwork as well as
advice on which are good tournaments to attend.
Lists of upcoming tournaments can be found at:
17. Team Budgets
It is highly recommended that each Competitive team have a team budget.
These budgets must be open for all team families and EBUSC board at any time to review and examine.
The cost of competitive team soccer is higher than recreational soccer. Team’s that participate in
multiple tournaments will have more costs for the team. You will need to take into account the cost to
register for the tournament(s) as well as coach expenses. If the team is traveling far to a tournament,
please take into account, coach travel as well as hotel (if team is staying at hotel) and meal(s).
Tournament hotel, travel and food are negotiated between team and coaches separately.
Also, make sure to take into account any travel that a coach makes if more than an hour drive.
Once you have an idea of how much things will cost, divide the amount by player and you should have
how much a family will need to put into the team.
It is highly recommended to have a TEAM TREASURER. This treasurer will need to open an account for
the team and keep accurate record.
18. Fundraising
Each team is unique in the type of families they have on the team. Some teams need more financial
assistance than others. Fundraising will help cover some team costs. Each team can decide how they
want to fundraise for their team.
Some suggested fundraising ideas are car wash, garage sale, cookie dough sales, candies, etc.
19. Tryouts and Placement Days
U13 and U14 teams are responsible and are expected to provide volunteers to work at tryouts. The
team manager or coach will need to recruit a team tryout coordinator which they will provide the
contact information to our Club Tryout Coordinators. These team tryout coordinators will keep track of
their team volunteers and what area they are responsible for.
The Club Tryout Coordinators will assign the date and times each U13 and U14 teams will work. Training
will also be provided along with necessary information.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
20. Team Fund Guidelines
These Guidelines set forth the appropriate practice with respect to Team Funds, including reimbursing
coaches from the Team Fund for their tournament and away game expenses, accommodating families
receiving Financial Aid from EBU and referee fines and deposits.
Each team or pool will have a volunteer team Treasurer who will collect funds from each family in that
team or pool, deposit those funds in a team bank account, maintain records of deposits and expenses to
and from that fund and send periodic statements to the coach and team. A Team Fund will be used for
various needs of the team, including travel expenses for coaches, referee fines and deposits, State Cup
and tournament entry fees, equipment such as team bench or canopy, social gatherings, coach gifts and
the like. Teams often fundraise for their team funds; those fundraisers should be coordinated with the
As teams assess their annual budgets and fundraising needs, they should carefully consider the cost of
attending tournaments and especially “away“ tournaments involving hotel and even airfare expenses.
Imposing these expenses on team families without consideration of cost can create hardship for some
and discourage participation in the program.
Head coach and assistant coach (if not also a parent) should be reimbursed as follows:
1) Mileage from coach’s home to any AWAY game and return that is in excess of 20 miles
roundtrip using IRS mileage reimbursement rate, which was 56.5 cents per mile in 2013.
2) Bridge tolls to travel to or from away games.
3) Parking fees at away games.
4) Head coach and assistant coach should not be reimbursed for driving to practices or home
1) Head coach and assistant coach should be reimbursed up to $15 each for lunch when he/she has
two away games in one day that are not scheduled back to back.
2) Meals before or after practices and for any single home or away game are not reimbursable.
Head coach and assistant coach should be reimbursed for:
1) Hotel expenses, up to the cost of the hotel that the team is using, excluding any pay per view
movies, mini-bar contents, and laundry/dry cleaning services.
2) Travel expense, using the same mode as the team, for example, airfare and rental car if the
team is flying, (same class as the team), or mileage if the team is driving using IRS mileage
reimbursement rate, which was 56.5 cents per mile in 2013. Bridge tolls and parking expenses
are included in this expense reimbursement.
3) Head coach and assistant coach should be reimbursed for breakfast, lunch, and dinner of up to
$15 for breakfast, $15 for lunch, and $26 for dinner.
Head coach and assistant coach shall provide an expense form documenting the date, game and
location, coach’s home address, mileage, any tolls, and any parking fees. Copies of receipts in excess of
$10 for hotel, meals, tolls, airfare, and parking shall accompany the expense form.
Documentation shall be submitted to the Team Treasurer no later than at the end of each season.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Junior coaches shall not be reimbursed as head coaches or assistant coaches. However, it is up to the
discretion of the head coach and team manager whether any travel, gas, or meal stipends are provided
by the team.
If a player is a financial aid recipient, then team fees for that player will be reduced by the same
percentage as the scholarship that player receives from EBU. For example, if a player only pays 25% of
the registration fee (thereby receiving a 75% scholarship), that player is only obligated to pay 25% of the
Team Fee dues. A Team Treasurer should work with the EBU Financial Aid Committee to determine who
is on scholarship and set the Team Fund dues accordingly.
Each team is subject to fines from Jack London Youth Soccer League if it does not satisfy its referee
requirements. At the beginning of the year, a team must provide a deposit of $1,100 to EBU to satisfy
any potential fines, except that a team that has satisfied its referee requirements in each of the prior
two seasons and has at least 3 Grade 8 referees affiliated with it for the next season is exempt from such
21. Important League Contact Information
Premier League Coordinator U11-U13
Premier League Coordinator U14-U19
Adult Premier League Coordinator
NPL Coordinator U14-U19
Andres Deza
Jason Drury
Mike Kelley
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Region 3/4 Coordinator
Fred Wilson
[email protected]
NorCal State Cup Coordinator U9-U13
NorCal State Cup Coordinator U14-U18
Referee Coordinator
PAD Chairperson
PDP Director
PDP Administrator
Play Date Coordinator
Rankings, Older Cup(s)
Rankings, Younger Cup(s)
Website Technical Support
Herb Ziemer
Jason Drury
Moe Shafai
Jason Drury
Paolo Bonomo
Hilda Olivera
Andres Deza
Jason Drury
Elena Abrams
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
22. EBUSC Club Profile
Club Name
East Bay United SC (EBU Bay Oaks)
Training Center
Raimondi Park (1 turf, 1 grass with lights), in West
Alameda Point (4 grass field with portable lights)
College of Alameda (1 Turf Stadium - games only)
Number of Training Pitches
11 fields (1 turf, 10 grass fields)
AP (4); Lincoln MS, Wood MS, Raimondi Park (turf),
Caldecott (2), Bushrod (2)
Stadium for games
College of Alameda (Turf) (Games only)
Club Foundation
Bay Oaks SC in 1980,
Rockridge SC in 1978,
Merged into EBUSC in 2010
Club Website
Club Social Media Sites
YouTube Channel
Competitive Boys and Girls ages U9-U19
play year-around play
U9-U14s are Admitted by Annual Tryouts, U15-U18 by
a Placement Day process
Recreational U6-U8
Recreational U10-U16
Ages 5-7 (no tryouts)
Ages 9-15 (U10s, U12s, U14s) - play Fall/Spring only
(no tryouts)
Zone of Recruitment
Target areas are North/West Oakland, South Berkeley,
Greater Oakland, Piedmont, Alameda and Emeryville.
# of Teams / # of Players
by Division
No (Amateur/Pro) adult team,
(U9-U19 competitive, U6-U8 grassroots, U10-U16
Competitive “EBU Bay Oaks”
Recreational U6-U8
Recreational U10-U16
Origin of Players
68 competitive (U9-U19) (1300 players)
80 U6-U8 grassroots teams (850 players)
60 U10-U16 recreational teams (700 players)
Most diverse club in the entire Bay Area, if not the
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Mixed of different cultures, nationalities and
ethnicities and an eclectic mix in different social
economic backgrounds
20-25% players are on some form of scholarship
Competitive Bay Oaks
Recreational U6-U8
Recreational U10-U16
DOC team
Director of Coaching
and Technical Director
develop, evaluate and curriculum
for our Coaches in the Four Pillars
of Coach Management
(Practice Mgmt, Game Mgmt,
Player Mgmt and Parent Mgmt)
EBUSC Jr League, US Club Soccer
Jack London Youth Soccer Sports League, CYSA
The Ideal DOC, TD or Age-group Coaching Director is a
soccer coach with high level coaching and playing
experience in college or in the pros. Is able to
understand the culture of the club and the area and
with different levels of coaches and players
Must have a good understanding of guided discovery
teaching. Is likely coming from within the club
infrastructure of coaches.
Number of Club DOCs/TDs
# GoalKeeper Coaching Director
# Education Coaching Directors
1 Club DOC, 1 TD,
1 Club Education CD
# of Age-Group Coaching Directors
Competitive - 5 CDs
Grassroots - 1 CDs
Recreational - 0 CDs
# of Board Executive on DOC team
2 Club BOD members, co-Presidents
Competitive and Grassroots Coaches are responsible
for their teams and work together with an overseeing
age-group Coaching Director for mentoring and
development support.
They are required to attend 10 age-group specific
clinics each year. (U9-U11, U12-U14, U15-U18)
Responsibilities of DOC, TD and
Coaching Directors
Director Of Coaching
(Glenn Van Straatum)
Oversight of the entire club operation, philosophy,
vision on soccer, hiring/placement of coaches,
curriculum planning and college bound age-group
oversight, creation and oversight of training programs
Technical Director
(Peter Hayton)
Technical curriculum and build out for all age-groups,
oversight of programs, Coach Education
Age-Group Coaching Director
Norcal NPL (U14-U18)
Norcal Premier (U9-U19)
Oversight and mentoring of coaches in their age-group
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
(Mark Grody -U6-U8)
(Momi Assayag -U8 Grassroots)
(Andre Hebert - U9-U11B)
(Rick Alatorre - U9-U11G)
(Laura van Wart -U12-U14G)
(Peter Hayton -U12-U14B)
(Glenn Van Straatum -U15-U18)
of expertise U6-U8, U9-U11, U12-U14 and U15-U18.
Advisor in practice planning and during games, annual
periodization and tournament planning. College
Advising for players and families.
Role of Exec Board on DOC team
Eric Sippel
Amado Lozano
Key BOD members help with streamlining Soccer
Operations matters with Club Operational matters and
Club Management support such financial aid,
administrative, financial, fields, policies and volunteer
EBUSC is looking to evaluate and
develop our Coaches in the EBUSC
Bay Oaks Pillars of Coach
(Practice Mgmt, Game Mgmt,
Player Mgmt and Parent Mgmt)
Number of Coaches
The Ideal Coach is a former Bay Oaks player with high
level playing experience in Bay Oaks and also in college
or in the pros.
and/or a teacher educator with patience and
understanding of guided discovery teaching
Responsibilities of Coaches
Competitive - 120
Grassroots - 140
Recreational – 170
Competitive and Grassroots Coaches are responsible
for their teams and work together with an overseeing
age-group Coaching Director for mentoring and
development support.
They are required to attend 10 age-group specific
clinics each year. (U9-U11, U12-U14, U15-U18)
Recreational Coaches are invited to attend as well, but
are not required to attend.
Start of Tactical Work
Work with Weights
Number of Training Sessions
U6s - 3v3
U8s - 4v4 U9-U11 -8v8 - play 1-2-3-1-1
U12-U14 -11v11 play 1-4-3-3
U15-U18 -11v11 play 1-4-3-3 (primarily), but also
variations 1-4-2-3-1, 1-3-4-3, 1-4-5-1 and
occasionally 1-4-4--2 (DiamondMF)
Not Mandatory - incorporated into our SAQ program
with mostly body weight
3d Week (U14-U18) NPL Comp
2d Week (U8GR, U9-U13) NPC Comp
1d Week (U8s Rec and U10-U16 Rec) + game
0d Week (U6s practice/play at game)
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK
Duration of each Training
Type of Matches
Cost / Fees
U6s - 1hr (.5 practice/.5 game)
U8-U11 - 1.25 hrs
U12-U19 - 1.5 hrs
3v3 for U6s
4v4 for U8s
8v8 for U9-U11s
11v11 for U12-U19
U9-U11 - always with the ball, lots of ball moves and
combinations of moves at high tempo with speed,
dominate in 1v1, 1v2, 2v3 all over the field.
U12-U14 - ball possession by positions with
movement, working in small functional groups
U15-U18 - always ball possession, different number of
touch restrictions, quick movement of the ball, off the
ball movement (tactical awareness)
20-25% of our club members are on some form of
Scholarship - either 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% depending
on financial needs.
Zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind.
Model of Youth Club
Pay to Play Model - Player fees range from $185 for
Recreational to $1,350 for the most competitive
Simply, one of the most cost effective, high caliber
clubs in the Bay Area with close to 3,000 members. Is
considered the “SouthWest Airlines” of its local soccer
club industry - player and coach development oriented,
customer focused, efficient and by far the best value
for the money!!
“Most ethnically and social economically diverse club
in the Bay Area !!”
Cost is about $1.5M (to run the program) annually.
East Bay United Soccer Club – MANAGER’S HANDBOOK