April 10, 2016 - St. Columbkille Catholic Church
April 10, 2016 - St. Columbkille Catholic Church
St. Columbkille Catholic Church Wilmington, Ohio Holy Name Chapel Blanchester, Ohio APRIL 10, 2016 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER VOCATION VIEW Jesus asks us, “Do you love me?” Show your love for Jesus in the way that you live. (John 21:1-19) Please pray for the repose of the soul of Edward Thatcher who passed on March 29th. May Jesus bless Edward with eternal warmth, everlasting life, and comfort his family. We are sorry for your loss. GIFTS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 3, 2016 900 Registered Families 197 Sunday Identified Gifts Unidentified Gifts TOTAL SUNDAY COLLECTION HOLY DAYS: Easter REGULAR SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTION (WEEKLY) TOTAL SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTION (FISCAL Y.T.D.) NEEDED FROM SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTION (FISCAL Y.T.D.) COLLECTIONS LEAVING THE PARISH: Poor & Needy SVDP Hope Emergency SVDP Dimes $ $ $ 9,252.21 793.75 10,045.96 $ 110.00 $ 10,155.96 $ 365,386.95 $ 369,240.00 $ $ $ WEEKEND REMINDER: BAPTISM WORKSHOP The Sunday, April 10th workshop is being held at 12:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. If you are a first time parent seeking a Baptism for your baby or child, you are welcome to attend. COFFEE AND DONUTS will be served at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 17, 2016, in the St. Columbkille Parish Center basement. This event is hosted by the Family Life Commission. If you are interested in joining our fun group that plans the social events of the parish family, please contact Dave Chesney at 937-486-1042. Thank you. 965.98 444.98 5.00 HELP JESUS IN DISGUISE “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40). Today, we are reminded that Jesus identified himself with our poorest brothers and sisters. The Catholic Relief Services serves Jesus in the victims of human trafficking, those who suffer from unjust laws, and those who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across the globe. Through supporting today’s collection, you help Jesus in disguise. Please be generous. Please visit crs.org/about/mission-statement for more information or to donate online. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL “BUNDLE SUNDAY” APRIL 30/MAY 1 A trailer from the St. Vincent De Paul Stores of Dayton will be in the parking lot before and after all Masses for the purpose of collecting your clean, usable clothing, linens and other items (all items must be bagged or boxed) with the proceeds used to help those in need. Volunteers will be available to help you unload your car. Your contributions will be appreciated! Please help make this “Bundle Sunday” the best ever. If you have any questions, you may reach us at 937-382-6851. Thank you for your generous support! St. Vincent De Paul Society/St. Columbkille Conference LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR APRIL 16/17, 2016 SERVERS LECTORS GREETERS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Shannon Spies, Molly Lynch Jim Gumley, Frank Stewart Adam Germann, Pat Thompson Arvil Hines, Carol Utrup, Doris Pease, Dan Murtland, Volunteer Needed Timothy Rannells, William Rannells Jacob Boehm Tom Handra, Jim Wiederhold Deacon Bob Meyer, Carol Turner 8:15 a.m. Sunday StC Emily Brausch, Noah Brausch, Anna Garnai Rich Garnai, Diann Nadeau Fred Nadeau, Volunteer Needed Deacon Bob Baker, John Romer, Mary Gibson, Charlotte Bland, Steve Geffre, (CL) Carol Rack, (CL) Hue Vu 11:00 a.m. Sunday StC John Ulmer, Samuel Ulmer, Margaret Gunn David Ulmer Mark Steinmetz, Jim Brausch Joyce Noland, Julie Umstead, Russell Madison, John Merling, Sara Carruthers, (CL) Deanna Liermann 4:00 p.m. Saturday, StC 6:15 p.m. Saturday, HNC The first name for E.M. will have the host and the others will have the cups; the first name for CL will have the host. Mass Intentions APRIL 9-APRIL 17, 2016 SATURDAY, APRIL 9 – Vigil – Third Sunday of Easter 4:00 p.m. Bud Georges (Mary Ann Georges) [StC] 6:15 p.m. All Parishioners [HNC] SUNDAY, APRIL 10 – Third Sunday of Easter 8:15 a.m. Dick & Betty Scherm (Tom & Joann Brausch) [StC] 11:00 a.m. Rosemary Ehlerding (Estate) [StC] MONDAY, APRIL 11 – St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr 9:00 a.m. Ronald Guess (Mark & Connie Guess) [StC] TUESDAY, APRIL 12 9:00 a.m. Martha Jane Custis (Estate) [StC] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 – St. Martin I, Pope & Martyr 9:00 a.m. Communion Svc [HNC] 7:00 p.m. Mary Bowman (Estate) [StC] THURSDAY, APRIL 14 9:00 a.m. John Smith (Estate) [StC] FRIDAY, APRIL 15 9:00 a.m. Rachele Guzzi (Gene & Pat Guzzi) [StC] SATURDAY, APRIL 16 – Vigil – Fourth Sunday of Easter 4:00 p.m. Kyle Curran (Rich & Nancy Curran) [StC] 6:15 p.m. All Parishioners [HNC] SUNDAY, APRIL 17 – Fourth Sunday of Easter 8:15 a.m. Jim Hayes (Estate) [StC] 11:00 a.m. Ed Thatcher (Charlotte Bland & Family) [StC] JESUS COOKS BREAKFAST Sometimes we just go back to what we did before, to what we know, to what is comfortable – just like Peter and Thomas and the boys after the Resurrection of Jesus. Read the story in John 21:1-19. We may not know what to do. But Jesus does. He shows up again. He reveals himself to us. Again! This Sunday. And Sunday after Sunday! He feeds us with himself, his Body and Blood. And then tells us to feed others. This is the mercy work for this week – loving and feeding. •Who needs breakfast? •Who needs the food I can buy and give away? •Who will I feed in love? WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Were you married in • 1941 (75 years)? • 1946 (70 years)? • 1956 (60 years)? • 1966 (50 years)? • 1991 (25 years)? If so, please notify the Parish Office by May 1, 2016, so that we can notify the Archdiocese for your scrolls. The 2016 Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass for couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary will be held at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, 325 W. 8th St., Cincinnati and Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Dayton, in August 2016. The Archbishop or Bishop presides at these liturgies on a rotating basis. No tickets are available for the Mass. Congratulations to all couples who are celebrating these and all wedding anniversaries. GARDENERS NEEDED The gardens around St. Columbkille Church are in need of weeding. If you are interested in helping, please call Diann Nadeau at 937-289-2800. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Tuesday, April 19th, 9:30 a.m. Volunteers are needed to help clean the woodwork throughout the StC Church to prep for the Sesquicentennial in June. If interested, sign-up sheets are available on the front/back radiators at StC. You are welcome to call the parish office, too. PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA AND LOURDES Father Stash Dailey, Pastor of Holy Family Parish in Columbus, invites you to join him on a Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes, June 23 – July 4, 2016. While in Lourdes, Father will join with the US National Rosary Pilgrimage which is accompanied by clergy, a medical staff and volunteers to assist the needs of the pilgrims. The program will also include a visit to the great Marian Shrine of Fatima, Lisbon, Santarem and Nazare. For details, contact Liz Grindler at the Lourdes Pilgrimage Office: 1-877276-7279 or email: [email protected]. Website: Lourdes-pilgrimage.com. K OF C SPONSORED ESSAY CONTEST FOR MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! Prizes: 1st place is $50.00; 2nd place is $30.00; 3rd place is $20.00. How to win: Just write a short essay, any length up to 500 words, on the topic “What Patriotism Means to Me.” Entries can be emailed to parishoffice @stcolumbkille.org or dropped by the rectory office by May 8, 2016. Entries will be judged by members of the Knights of Columbus. Prizes will be awarded on May 27, 2016. Start writing! SACRED HEART SODALITY MEETING Thursday, April 21, 2016 7:00 p.m. Parish Center Classrooms 7/8 All ladies of the Parish are welcome. Please contact Mary Camp at 937-382-7171 or email [email protected]. ST C SOCIAL SENIORS NEWS • CINCINNATI REDS TRIP!! Saturday, July 23, 2016 7:00 p.m. Game Time Tickets for the Cincinnati Reds trip will be available for purchase at the April StC Social Senior Meeting and beyond! Tickets are $41.00 each which includes the bus trip and a ticket to the game. We will be in Section 110. The trip is open to St. Columbkille parishioners 55 and older. Questions about either event? Please contact Rita Butcher at 937-382-8054 or email at [email protected]. WALK FOR LIFE 2016 NEW LIFE IS COMING Saturday, April 16, 2016 Wilmington Church of Christ, 909 West Locust St. Join Team St. Columbkille Walker Captain: Diann Nadeau Please call 937-289-2800 for information. Sign-up sheets are on the main bulletin board at StC, and on the pamphlet table at HNC. HEALTHY LIVING WITH GOD SUPPORT GROUP We Help Others Seek a Healthy Relationship with God Monday, April 11, 2016, 6:15 p.m. at the StC Parish Center A new, healthier you! For more information, please contact Deacon Bob Baker at 937-7252213 or email: [email protected] or Denise HecklerRoberts at 419-953-5587 or email: [email protected]. THE WEEK AHEAD… Sunday, April 10 7:15 a.m. Folk Choir Practice (CL) 9:30 a.m. VBS Parent Information Meeting (PCBYR) 9:30 a.m. Lectio: The Eucharist Adult Education Class (PC CRs 7/8) 11:15 a.m. Liturgy of the Word with Children (CU) 12:00 p.m. Baptism Workshop (PC) 5:45 p.m. 8th Grade Parent Confirmation Meeting (PCB) Monday, April 11 4:30-6:00 p.m. AHG Troop Meeting (PCB) 6:00 p.m. CAN Meeting (PCL) 6:00 p.m. Cub Scouts (Upper Level PC CRs) 6:15 p.m. Healthy Living with God Support Group (PC) 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts Meeting (PCB) 7:15 p.m. 2016 Sesquicentennial Meeting (PC CRs 7/8) Tuesday, April 12 7:00 p.m. Traditional Choir Practice (StC) 7:00 p.m. SVDP (PC) 7:00 p.m. The Bible and the Virgin Mary Adult Education Class (PCBYR) Wednesday, April 13 7:30 p.m. Confessions (StC) Thursday, April 14 9:30 a.m. Women’s Encounter (PC CRs 7/8) 7:00 p.m. K of C Council Meeting (CU) 7:00 p.m. RCIA (PC) Friday, April 15 1:00-4:00 p.m. Blessed Margaret of Castello Homeschool Group Meeting (PCB) Saturday, April 16 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting (CU) AND BEYOND… Sunday, April 17 – Sacred Heart Sodality T-Shirt Sale after all weekend Masses Family Life Donut Sunday (PCB) Tuesday, April 19 – Volunteer Woodwork Cleaning (StC) Friday, April 29 – The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told Mission Movie Series (PCB) To visit our online calendar, please go to stcolumbkille.org, scroll over News & Events tab, click on calendar. Reminder: CL=Choir Loft; CU=Church Undercroft; PC=Parish Ctr; PCL=Parish Center Library; PCB=Parish Ctr Basement; PC CR=Parish Center Classroom; PCB CR=Parish Ctr Basement Classroom; PCBYR=Parish Center Basement Youth Room; HNCSH=Holy Name Chapel Social Hall SESQUICENTENNIAL T-SHIRT SALE In commemoration of St. Columbkille’s 150th Anniversary, Ladies Sodality has Sesquicentennial T-Shirts for sale the weekend of April 16/17, 2016 after all weekend Masses. They come in a variety of colors and sizes to choose from: Red & Blue: Small Only for $10.00. Gray, Green, Red, Blue: Medium, Large, X Large for $10. Gray, Red, Green, Blue: 2 X Large & 3 X Large for $15.00. No Blue X Large available. We also have more of the shopping bags for sale at $5.00 per bag. With good weather permitting, the t-shirts will be sold outside by the front of StC. Rain will move the sale to the StC rectory porch. For HNC, please see Gloria Rannells after Mass. To place an order, please email Mary Camp at [email protected] or call 937-382-7171. ROSARY CORNER THOUGHTS ON THE CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY: On the surface this seems to be a very simple prayer. I have prayed it on and off over the last several years. For me, it has been a simple reminder to God what His Son has done for us, (“Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.”) and a request for mercy (“For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world.”) on His people because of This Great Act of Love. I have been reading St. Faustina’s Diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul, and striving to understand the depth of the message of Divine Mercy that God has given to us through this saint. There is a wealth of information that you just cannot absorb in one reading. Much like God; one must keep going back to Him in order to learn more about Him and themselves in relation to Him. Saint Faustina tells us in her Diary that Jesus Himself taught her the Divine Mercy Chaplet. She states in paragraph 476 that He said to her “This prayer will serve to appease My wrath. You will recite it for nine days, on the beads of the rosary, in the following manner…” I have been thinking of this phrase and wondering about it as it does seem somewhat harsh. We do not like to think of Jesus in this manner. He will only be appeased if we pray a particular prayer? Exactly what is God’s wrath? It does not have the same meaning as the wrath that you or I might experience, extreme anger. God’s wrath is that if we keep allowing our sins to take precedence over His will, then He will allow the consequences of our sins to run its course. Therefore, appeasing God’s wrath is merely asking for the grace of His love and mercy, which He so freely wants to give to us, if we would but ask with a contrite heart. We are not obligated to believe that Jesus really spoke to Saint Faustina. The Church does not state this by giving it’s approval of the message she writes about in her diary. The Church only states that the message is free of doctrinal error. Catholics are free to believe or not believe that Jesus actually spoke to her. The message St. Faustina writes about is one of hope for us. It is a way of salvation that Jesus is providing to us for our safe return to the Father. He will stop at nothing in offering a number of avenues to each of us so we might share a life with Him in heaven. His mission is to restore mankind to the glory God intended before the fall of Adam and Eve. He wants us to be in Heaven with Him. All we have to do is allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in following His direction. During the Parish Mission, I had someone tell me that we are supposed to meditate on the Lord’s Passion while praying the Chaplet. I had not heard this before, and it seemed to make sense at the time. I tried meditating on Christ’s Passion the next couple of times I prayed it. It is not that it seemed wrong; but that somehow, it seemed incomplete. The Chaplet is more than just a reminder and a request. It is more than just a meditation on the Passion of Christ. In some part, it might be a plea from God to us to love one another and do our part in His plan of Salvation for the whole world. It might be that He wishes us to plead to Him for each other’s souls, not in a sense of groveling to Him; but in that He wants us to have so much love in our hearts for each other; that we are willing to beg for the grace of His Mercy, on the whole world. This may be a stretch, but I have to wonder about Jesus telling St. Faustina to specifically use the beads of the Rosary for this prayer. Is there some correlation between the two? There have been many saints who claim to have had visions of the Blessed Mother. A number of them convey to us that she asks that we pray the Rosary. Just some things to think about. You can find a free pdf copy of the Divine Mercy in My Soul book online: boziemilosrdenstvo.sk/download/diary.pdf. In addition an article on God’s wrath: thedivinemercy.org/news/Whichis-He-A-God-of-Wrath-or-of-Mercy-2578. Susan Baker CATHOLIC RURAL LIFE MEETING On Thursday evening, April 14, 2016, Catholic Rural Life of the St. Martin Deanery will hold its regular meeting. On the agenda are planning for a Year of Mercy outdoor walk on October 23 at the Brown County Ursulines and a visit to our rural area by a group of young people. The meetings are open to anyone who shares our goals of bringing a Christian perspective to life in rural areas, preserving our rural heritage and working to promote dialogue between rural and urban leaders. The meeting will be held at St. Mary’s church hall in Arnheim at 7:00 p.m. For directions or more information, call Pat Hornschemeier at 513-752-0647 (day) or 937-3784560 (evening). Faith Formation News PRE-K THROUGH 12 FAITH FORMATION Glenn Gigandet – 937-382-1596/[email protected] Coming together to know God, Love God, and Serve God through Jesus Christ. REMINDER • April 10th – Vacation Bible School Parent Information Meeting, 9:30-10:45 a.m., Parish Center basement Youth Room. • April 10th – 8th Grade Parent Confirmation Meeting, 5:45 p.m., Parish Center basement. All Confirmation logistics will be covered. • April 23rd – Confirmation Rehearsal, 10:00 a.m., StC. Please have Confirmation Sponsor attend if possible. • April 24th – Confirmation Mass, 2:00 p.m., St. Peter in Chains Cathedral. Please arrive at the St. Peter in Chains undercroft by 1:00 p.m.. St. Columbkille, Patron Saint of Faith Formation PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE BEING CONFIRMED Joey Bush Sadie Carruthers Cameron Combs Christopher Custis, Jr. Liza Duncan Pedro Escobedo Timothy Farr David Forsyth Caleb Fritz Josie Hopkins Karleigh Hopkins Hannah Joeckel Marco Marin Molly Lynch Matthew Moskal Caroline Rhude Luke Ruther Nicholas Spies CHOSEN RETREAT Theme: Becoming Heroes of God’s Mercy. For 6th, 7th and 8th Graders Saturday, April 16, 2016, 4:30-9:15 p.m. La Salle High School, 3091 N. Bend Road, Cincinnati, OH 45239 Chosen is a high energy youth gathering that will focus on tapping into the super powers God has given to us and how to use them through the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Featuring nationally acclaimed speaker and presenter: Paul J. Kim. Adoration, prayer, awesome speakers, great music, fun activities, know mercy, show mercy contest, hands-on service project, break-out sessions, and a special track for parents and adults. Walk-ins will be accepted at a higher cost, but our preregistration deadlines are: Online at catholiccincinnati.org/chosen/registration/ or in person: Thursday, April 14 at noon. Mail in: Postmarked no later than Monday, April 11. This would have to be an excursion on your own, St. Columbkille is not coordinating any group to go. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2016 JUNE 13-17, 2016, 6:00-8:30 p.m. Hey, this is the time for Vacation Bible School preparation. We are planning another fun-filled week. There are many volunteer positions to fill and we would like you and/or your 7th-12th grade child/children’s help: Adult Volunteers Program Director Asst. Program Director/Treasurer Director of Skits/Skit Team Leader – Linda Ulmer (Depending on VBS date) Registration Team Leader Prayer Svc Coordinator Faith Station Team Leader – (2 volunteers if possible) Music Station Team Leader– (2 volunteers if possible) Craft Station Team Leader – (2 volunteers if possible) Games Station Team Leader – (2 volunteers if possible) Snack Station Team Leader – (2 volunteers if possible) Captains in Training Coordinators – (2 volunteers if possible) Decorating Assistant VBS Workday Coordinator Jobs for Grades 7 – 12 Group Guides – (10 are needed) Captains – (22 are needed) Thanks for all your help and everything you do for the youth of St. Columbkille Parish!! Please reply to [email protected] or call 937-382-1596. CHANGES WITHIN CATHOLIC FAITH FORMATION Next year’s changes: • Extending the religious education year to better match the school year. • Grades 7 and 8 Faith Formation will be moved to the morning. Faith Formation News continued..... YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS: HIGH SCHOOL TEENS NEEDED! Led by Rich and Julie Garnai 9:30-10:45 a.m. at Don Bosco Café (Parish Center Basement Youth Room) April 17th YDisciple believes there is only one way to adequately meet all five driving needs of teenagers, and that is through small group discipleship. YDisciple meets the needs of teenagers, in order to help them take ownership of their faith and launch them as lifelong disciples. Please contact Rich and Julie by email: [email protected] or phone: 937-382-6271. ALONG THE WAY – FAITH ENRICHMENT FOR ADULTS/YOUNG ADULTS: MISSION SERIES MOVIE EVENT Continuing “The Second Greatest Story Ever Told” Friday, April 29, 2016, in the StC Parish Center basement 6:30 p.m., Snack & Fellowship; 7:00 p.m., Movie Time. Please join us! FORMED.ORG VIDEOS WITH DISCUSSION • LECTIO: EUCHARIST Meets on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in the StC Parish Center Classrooms 7/8 Dr. Brant Pitre brings together history, Scripture, and Church teaching to illuminate the wonder and miracle of the Eucharist! Please email Bill Baker at [email protected] for more information. • THE BIBLE AND THE VIRGIN MARY Meets on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Columbkille Parish Center basement Youth Room Please call Dave Copsey at 937-728-0717 or Jennifer Gress at 937-725-8488. WEEKLY WOMEN’S ENCOUNTER GATHERING Meets on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. in the StC Parish Center Classrooms 7/8 For more information, please email Carol Bedinghaus at [email protected] or call 239-290-3649. ST. COLUMBKILLE The Church’s Dove June 9, 1866~June 9, 2016 150 Years of Handing on the Faith ~~ Growth of a Thriving Parish By the end of 1882, St. Columbkille Catholic Church was no longer a mission Parish but a thriving active and growing community. Following the death of our first pastor, Fr. John O’Donoghue, Fr. Michael O’Donoghue was called from St. Mary’s of Urbana, OH, to shepherd St. Columbkille. We don’t know if they were related but Fr. Michael stood at his deathbed and was named co-executor of his estate. Like Fr. John, Fr. Michael was born in Ireland (County Cork) and immigrated to the United States with his family in 1849. He was ordained by Archbishop Purcell in 1860. Following service at St. Mary’s (Hillsboro), St. Benignus (Greenfield) and St. Mary’s (Urbana), he became St. Columbkille’s first resident pastor building a one-story rectory in 1884. By 1885, the parish membership rolls listed 72 families of 374 members from Wilmington, Sabina and rural Clinton County. Though still predominately Irish in heritage, there was a growing number of German, French and Italian immigrant families settling in the area adding rich diversity to parish life. Fr. Michael worked tirelessly tending his diverse flock. While the Parish continued to thrive it was not without some difficulties. On May 5, 1893, at 2:50 p.m. “there came a swish, a roar, a bang …the air filled with flying limbs, timbers, shingles, mud and debris of all kinds; houses trembled, glass fell with a crash and all was over….it is safe to say that not a property the entire length of Locust Street escaped injury.” Citywide destruction from the tornado was an estimated $150,000.00 ($173,000,000.00 – 2015 Dollars). St. Columbkille lost not only its roof but a large portion of the timbers above the brick walls and the top of the priest’s residence was crushed when the Church roof was set on top of it. Once more the Parish family came together repairing and extending the Church and adding a second story to the rectory. Source: The archives of St. Columbkille Catholic Church, Wilmington, OH, and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The Wilmington Journal Wednesday, May 10, 1893 [transcribed by Doris Pease], History of Clinton County, 1915 [transcribed by Carolyn Warner] SACRED HEART SODALITY KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS It is time to renew your enrollment so the Sacred Heart Sodality can continue to participate in Kroger’s charitable donation program. Re-registering is easy and simple: • Between April 1st-30th, please visit kroger.com • Click on the “Community” in the menu bar • Click on “Community Rewards” • Sign in/If you are not a member, click on “Create An Account” • Follow the directions to re-register with Sacred Heart Sodality (#80269) or add the Sodality as your donation receiver. • Be sure to click on the dot next to Sacred Heart Sodality • Hit Save That’s it! Your Kroger Rewards card is now ready to help the Sacred Heart Sodality help the parish. Whenever you scan your Kroger card, the amount you spend is credited to Sodality. We will receive a quarterly check based on the amount our supporters spend. It costs you nothing, takes a few minutes of your time, and allows you to give back to the parish. A few of our parish supported projects include: paying for the hosts, and wine, hosting receptions for various activities, and the Faith Formation Program. If you have any problems with the (re)registering process, please call Kroger at 1-866-221-4141 or 1-800-576-4377 (press 9 to speak to a human). Thanks for your support, Sacred Heart Sodality CAREGIVER RESOURCE CONNECTION Meets on the 2nd Monday of each month April 11, 2016, 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the StC Parish Center Library Contact Person: Mary Camp at [email protected] Who is a caregiver? You are a caregiver whether you devote as little as 5 minutes a week or as much as 24 hours a day to providing or supervising the care for a loved one who is disabled, frail, or elderly. It can be both physically and emotionally demanding! Meet others who share your experience to discuss topics like maintaining balance as a caregiver, solving caregiving problems, the guilt/stress of caregiving, and learning to care for yourself. This group is free and open to the public and is here for you! If you have questions about our groups or about caregiving in general, please call the Caregiver CAREline at (513) 929-4483 for more information. FEASTS CELEBRATED THIS WEEK April 10 – Third Sunday of Easter John 21: 1-19: As I endeavor to read this scripture through the lens of the culture of life, two ideas immediately shout within my mind. The first is that the apostles were already so close to meeting their goal. One slight adjustment from the left side of the boat to the right would prove to be the difference between famine and feast. In our work of building a culture of life, we may not know how close we are to the next major positive breakthrough. For this reason, we must never give up. We must never stop exploring new initiatives and techniques to transform the culture around us. The second insight that came to me is that Jesus was aware of what they were experiencing. He had even seen this before and worked the same miracle for Peter when they had first met. In truth, Jesus is always with Peter, as he is always with us. Sometimes he sits back and lets us work. Other times, he intervenes to bring exactly what we need. In either case, we must learn from the experience of the apostles that he is always with us, always ready to make up for our shortcomings. Prayer: Let us pray for new insights and new cultural approaches to bringing forth a greater growth of the culture of life right in our homes and communities. Action: Have a brainstorming conversation about new ideas for your community to better reach new hearts and minds with the message of the Gospel of Life. April 11 – St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr St. Stanislaus was the Bishop of Cracow, Poland. A champion of the liberty of the Church and of the dignity of man, he defended the lonely and the poor. When he reproached King Boleslaus II for his immoral life, the king himself killed Stanislaus during Mass. He is the patron saint of Poland. April 13 – St. Martin I, Pope & Martyr St. Martin was born in Todi, Italy. He was elected pope in 649 during the period of the last christological controversy. For his defense of Christ as true God and true man, he was exiled by the Byzantine emperor Constans II to Crimea where he died, broken by his sufferings. catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/calendar/day.cfm?date=2016-04-11; 13. ARLAT SPRING 2016 RESPECT LIFE TRAINING FOR YOUNG PEEPS ARLAT = Archdiocese Respect Life Action Team Sunday, April 10, 2016, 2:00-5:00 p.m. Ascension Parish, Kettering Special Guest Speaker: Fr. Frank Pavone – National Speaker and President of Priests for Life. Website: facebook.com/fatherfrankpavone. This workshop is for current members of ARLAT, high school and parish respect life groups, adult leaders, and youth ministry dedicated to respecting life. Be inspired to better Know, Share, and Live the Church’s teaching on the ethic of life. Practice skills in sharing the Pro-Life message. Build community with other young people who share your passion and joy. Learn about the US Bishops vision and plan for living “pro-life” in your parish and school. For more information, and to register, go to CatholicCincinati.org/ARLAT. A DAY OF RENEWAL WITH DR. SCOTT AND KIMBERLEY HAHN Saturday, April 16, 2016, Begins at 8:00 a.m. with Mass McAuley High School Auditorium 6000 Oakwood Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45244 Open to Men and Women To register or for more information: igniteyouheart.org. You are invited to spend an exciting Spirit-filled day with the Hahns and hundreds of others from Cincinnati, throughout the Archdiocese and the Tri-State. Dr. Scott and Kimberly will assist and encourage us in reading the Scriptures “from the heart of the Church.” The Hahn’s are known around the world as dynamic Bible teachers with a powerful gift for “equipping people to enter into the heart of the living Word of God and to be transformed and renewed by this encounter.” The day starts with Mass at 8:00 a.m. celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Binzer, and includes Reconciliation, rich worship in music and a box lunch. Update: We have a group of 10 going to this event. Please join us. We are organizing a car-pool. Please email [email protected] or call 937-382-2236. REAL MEN: REAL FAITH FATHER & SON DAY OF SERVICE Saturday, April 16, 2016, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Mount St. Mary’s Seminary 6616 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati, OH For free registration, please visit: realmenfaith.app.rsvpify.com For more information, contact Tim Fernandez at mtmsknights@gmail. com. Come and enjoy a day of faith and service as fathers and sons (ages 13-18) join with seminarians and priests for a day of service work, games and activities, and a talk on responding to God’s call. The day will begin with Mass at 9:00 a.m., followed by service work at 10:00 a.m.. Lunch is provided. Please bring work clothes. ATHENAEUM OF OHIO LAY PASTORAL MINISTRY PROGRAM INFORMATION MEETINGS Saturday, April 16th, 10:00 a.m. Athenaeum Main Campus, 6616 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati Join LPMP Directors to learn about the benefits of a Lay Ministry degree or Certificate. For 40 years, we have equipped busy adults with the skills and knowledge needed to become informed and passionate missionary disciples. Graduates serve families, parishes and communities in a variety of paid and volunteer roles. Evening and Saturday classes along with flexible formation components allow you to fit pastoral studies into a busy adult schedule. The sessions will include program options, courses, fees, the application process and your questions. All are welcome! Call 513231-1200 or email [email protected] for more information. COME AND SEE WEEKEND Friday, April 15th at 5:00 p.m. – Sunday, April 17th at 12:00 p.m. Sister of the Precious Blood, 4960 Salem Avenue, Dayton, OH 45146 • Life as a Woman Religious • What do the Vows Mean? • The Power of Prayer and the Reality of Community in our Life and Ministry To register by April 8th, please call 937-609-0653 or email [email protected]. Website: preciousbloodsistersdayton.org DEATH PENALTY LOBBY DAY APRIL 12th/OHIO STATEHOUSE Death Penalty Lobby Day is your chance to get involved in important life-saving advocacy by helping to demonstrate to legislators that their constituents want to make Ohio’s broken legal system more fair and accurate. Help deliver new information and review the key issues when you meet with your Ohio Representatives and Senators and their staffs. You can help make a positive impact on important upcoming policy decisions. The gathering is being organized by Ohioans to Stop Executions and sponsored by the Catholic Conference of Ohio and other statewide partners. Please visit action.otse.org/page/s/otse-lobby-2016 to reserve your free T-shirt and spot. When you register, organizers will make an appointment for you to meet with your Representative and Senator or their staff. The Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center is coordinating transportation from Cincinnati. For more information now, please contact them at 513579-8547. A bus will leave from Cincinnati that morning and return us by late afternoon. More information to come, but please register now! Please take a few minutes to look at the 2016 edition of the sponsor page of this bulletin. It is through the generosity of our area sponsors that we get our bulletin printed free of charge to the parish. We ask you, our parish family and guests, to consider these advertisers as a source of future business. Please FFlorist, lorist, mention you saw their ads on our LLandscaping andscaping bulletin! We would like to thank our &G Garden & arden local advertisers for their support Center C enter 10623 St. Rt. 3 West • Sabina and encourage everyone to shop 937-584-5441 local to support our local economy. www.mccartygardens.com