The Blaylock Wellness Report
The Blaylock Wellness Report
The Blaylock Wellness Report Living a Long, Healthy Life September 2014 Key Points • These vegetables stop hardening of the arteries • Regular exercise fights atherosclerosis • Western diet dangers • Nutrients that prevent cancer • Inflammation is the root cause of all cancers • Secret to preventing brain degeneration • Lack of B12 can put you in a nursing home PLUS • Cure for hypoglycemic headaches ASK DR. BLAYLOCK • Healthiest way to cook vegetables • Supplements that help colitis patients Edited by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. Vol. 11, No. 9 Prevent the Top Destroyer of Good Health: Inflammation As people age and begin to face the possibility of serious health problems, many go into a sort of “panic mode.” I have seen a number of my friends, as they reached middle age, become concerned for the first time in their lives about the potential of facing a heart attack, cancer, or stroke. At that point, many of them start eliminating the really bad food from their diets, join a heath club, and cut back on the drinking and late-night socializing — at least for a little while. Some even start collecting health books. But for too many of these middle-agers, these health-conscious revelations never surface. Over the years, I have seen nonchalant people simply laugh when they are warned that unhealthy food or a couch-potato lifestyle would lead to a major health event. “Heck,” they say, “You’ve gotta die of something.” But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do. In this month’s issue of The Blaylock Wellness Report, I will tell you how you can, in fact, prevent the major destroyers of good health that tend to catch up with people as they reach middle age. I will take a look at atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. I will also mention a number of supplements and food extracts that can help you maintain the health you had when you were younger. However, you have to keep in mind that the most important weapon you have against aging is your diet. That is the foundation upon which all else is built. Avoid Oxidized Fats for Healthy Arteries Atherosclerosis is a gradual narrowing and hardening of the arteries that occurs when cholesterol and other substances build up on the inner wall of blood vessels, forming a hard substance that is called plaque. Preventing atherosclerosis means preventing strokes, heart attacks, Page 2 The Blaylock Wellness Report and peripheral vascular diseases (such as poor circulation in the legs). Diet and exercise are your two best protections against this dangerous condition. However, there are special cases in which diet and exercise may not be enough to help. For instance, people with high exposure to toxic metals such as aluminum, lead, mercury, copper, iron, and cadmium are at a very high risk for developing atherosclerosis. But for the majority of people, the most important thing is to avoid oxidized oils. The most common oxidized oils people in the West are exposed to are polyunsaturated vegetable oils, including: • Corn oil • Safflower oil • Sunflower oil • Soybean oil • Peanut oil • Canola oil Americans consume about 50 times the amounts of these oils that they need for good health. Another type of fat, called trans fats, should be avoided at all cost. If you see the words partially hydrogenated oil on a food label, that means it contains trans fats — even if it doesn’t say so on the label. On the other hand, saturated fats rarely oxidize. The major danger involved with animal fats The Blaylock Wellness Report (#123) is a monthly publication of Newsmax Media, Inc., and It is published at a charge of $54.95 for print delivery ($48.95 for digital/online version) per year through and The owner, publisher, and editor are not responsible for errors and omissions. Rights of reproduction and distribution of this newsletter are reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of information contained herein, including storage in retrieval systems or posting on the Internet, is expressly forbidden without the consent of Newsmax Media, Inc. health September 2014 (saturated fats) is that they commonly contain traces of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, which can lead to inflammation — the main cause of atherosclerosis. Conventionally raised cattle eat grasses and grains that are saturated with these chemicals. Organic farm-raised animals consume far less of these dangerous chemicals, and therefore are healthier food sources. In addition, animals allowed to graze on wild grasses have higher levels of omega-3 oils in their tissues (meat). A diet high in omega-3 oils reduces atherosclerosis. However, you should never cook with an omega-3 oil. When heated, such oils rapidly oxidize. They also oxidize when used as a salad dressing. For this reason, you should always check the label of your salad dressing very carefully — even the ones advertised as containing olive oil. Another thing to beware of is clear bottles of olive oil in restaurants. You should avoid these, as sunlight oxidizes the oil and ruins it beneficial effects. You should also limit your intake of red meats to no more than once a week. Red meats have at least two things that can cause atherosclerosis — high levels of absorbable iron and high levels of glutamate. In combination, they powerfully stimulate atherosclerosis. For rights and permissions, contact the publisher at PO Box 20989, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 or [email protected]. Publisher Travis Davis Doctor Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. Contributing Editor Matthew Kalash Art/Production Director Phil Aron For Subscription/Customer Service inquiries, call 1-800-485-4350 or email [email protected]. Send email address changes to [email protected] © 2014 Newsmax Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Newsmax and The Blaylock Wellness Report are registered trademarks of Newsmax Media, Inc. Please note: All information presented in The Blaylock Wellness Report (including answers to reader questions) is for informational purposes only, and is not specifically applicable to any individual’s medical problem(s), concerns, and/or needs. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information presented in The Blaylock Wellness Report should not be construed as medical consultation or instruction. You should take no action solely on the basis of this publication’s contents. Readers are advised to consult a health professional about any issue regarding their health and well-being. Any action you take on the basis of the information provided is solely at your own risk and expense. The opinions expressed in The Blaylock Wellness Report do not necessarily reflect those of Newsmax Media, Inc. September 2014 The Blaylock Wellness Report Chicken, turkey, and pork all contain less iron and glutamate than red meat. You should also avoid taking vitamin C supplements with meals, as it dramatically increases iron absorption from food — even vegetables. Sugar is another major factor in atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, the consumption of sugar, especially in the form of high fructose corn syrup, has increased astronomically over the past 50 years. A high sugar intake increases inflammation, raises triglyceride levels and leads to high levels of free radicals and lipid peroxidation products, especially in the lining of blood vessels. Don’t use aspartame or other artificial sweeteners, as they are associated with a number of adverse health effects. Stevia and a product called Just Like Sugar are better alternatives. Exercise Prevents Hardening of Arteries In addition to a proper diet, exercise is important for preventing atherosclerosis. Vigorous exercise is preferred, but the levels of exercise depend on a person’s age and degree of fitness. For instance, famed fitness guru Jack LaLanne could still do extreme exercises at age 90. Most people would have to exercise at lower levels even before that age. All exercise is beneficial, but resistance exercises that build muscle are the best type. Running and jogging are the most hazardous, especially if they are done to an extreme degree. A high intake of antioxidant foods and supplements should be part of an exercise regimen. Depending on the intensity of the exercise, levels of free radicals can increase dramatically throughout the body for hours afterward. Exercise also stimulates the production of the antioxidant network, improves blood flow, improves lymphatic flow, strengthens ligaments, hardens bones, improves oxygenation and lung function, and stimulates brain repair and synaptic connections. The benefits of exercise are almost endless. Drinking adequate amounts of fluid is also critical. Many older people drink inadequate fluids; this can make the blood sluggish and prone to clotting, as is seen with strokes and heart attacks. Dehydration also impairs the lymphatic system, which is critical for clearing waste from tissues. Page 3 Veggies Against Atherosclerosis Everyone should eat at least 10 servings of nutrient-dense vegetables a day, including Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, mustard and collard greens, kale, spinach, parsley, beets, garlic, shallots and onions. In combination, these vegetables provide powerful protective effects against atherosclerosis. Organic vegetables are even better, as they have far lower levels of pesticides and herbicides. Your best bet is to pick healthy looking organic vegetables. While eating these vegetables is healthy, an even better alternative would be to blenderize them. You can add some concentrated blueberry and/or pomegranate juice to the mix. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are very protective but should be eaten in limited quantities — a few each day. Such things as noni juice and Goji berry juice are very healthy and have powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. I prefer the noni juice. I suggest drinking at least three cups of white tea a day and filtered or distilled water in between. There are a number of special berry teas and herb teas that are beneficial and can be brewed along with the white tea to improve the taste. However, you should avoid all fluoridecontaining water and other products. In addition, a growing number of plant extracts — available as supplements — are being found to reduce risk of heart attacks and strokes, and atherosclerosis in general. These include: • Curcumin • Quercetin • Kaempferol • Luteolin • Apigenin • Aged garlic extract • Grape seed extract • Resveratrol • Magnesium Vitamin D3 also plays a major role in reducing inflammation in blood vessels; when taken over a long period of time, it can significantly reduce risk of a stroke. Page 4 The Blaylock Wellness Report Dangers of a Typical Western Diet Insulin resistance is a condition in which membrane receptors on cells are impaired, slowing or even preventing glucose from entering the cell. If the supply of glucose is completely cut off, the cell might starve. Because all cells in the body need insulin to function, the problems caused by insulin resistance will involve many organs and tissues — including the brain. At least 50 million Americans suffer from some form of insulin resistance. When the impairment of the insulin receptor is more advanced, a person will be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, which is the most rapidly developing form of diabetes in the world, especially in the United States. Insulin resistance is very common with obesity — especially abdominal obesity — but can be seen in thin people as well. Abdominal obesity is the fat around your intestines and other abdominal organs and not the fat you see hanging over your belt or around your thighs. Diets high in simple carbohydrates such as sugars (especially high fructose corn syrup), and a high intake of saturated and trans fats, are strongly linked to insulin resistance. Often, simply eating a proper diet can return glucose receptors to normal. Adding regular exercise to a better diet can correct insulin resistance for many more people. Americans eat massive amounts of doughnuts, pastries, cakes, ice cream, chips, corn products, and potatoes, and also drink huge amounts of sweetened drinks. All of this is a sure path to insulin resistance. Over time, insulin resistance causes elevations in harmful fat components of the blood, such as triglycerides and the small, dense type of LDL cholesterol, which are easily oxidized by free radicals produced by sugars. Foods such as french fries provide a double whammy because the oxidized polyunsaturated oil they are cooked in combines with the carbohydrates of the potato itself, which is very high on the glycemic index (meaning that it reacts in the body like a sugar). Eating french fries produces massive inflammation that leads to atherosclerosis and many other diseases. The sugars and simple carbohydrates in french September 2014 fries also rapidly deplete important vitamins and minerals — such as the B-vitamins and magnesium — which accelerates atherosclerosis by depleting antioxidants. Low magnesium levels, which are common with the typical Western diet, are associated not only with a high rate of atherosclerosis, but also with heart failure, sudden cardiac death, and cardiac arrhythmia. Many flavonoids can lower elevated blood sugar levels and correct insulin resistance. These include: • Curcumin • Quercetin • Apigenin • Luteolin • Garlic • Ginger • Cinnamon These flavonoids are found in plants such as onions, teas, kale, turmeric, celery, parsley, and garlic. Taken as purified extracts, they can be as potent as many commonly used medications. R-lipoic acid, a natural antioxidant, also corrects insulin resistance, lowers elevated blood sugar, and is a very powerful antioxidant. The usual dose of this supplement is between 300 and 600 mg three times a day with meals for those with insulin resistance or Type 2 diabetes. Regular exercise, especially vigorous musclebuilding exercises, can also correct insulin resistance. When a good diet is combined with exercise, many cases of Type 2 diabetes can be reversed. Inflammation: Root of all Cancers A great deal of research has been done on preventing cancer over the past 50 years. Several principles can help you plan your protection. Exclusive to Current Subscribers Current subscribers have instant access to any and every past edition of The Blaylock Wellness Report. Simply go here: This month’sfor password is: is xxxxxxxx The password every issue provided (Please remember to use lowercase letters.) in the introductory e-mail. September 2014 The Blaylock Wellness Report First and foremost, you have to understand that chronic, smoldering inflammation seems to be the root cause of most cancers, even those that have been linked to viruses and bacteria. For example, the human papillomavirus (HPV) has been linked to cervical cancer; cytomegalovirus to brain cancers; hepatitis C to liver cancer; and Helicobacter pylori to stomach cancer. But all are linked to inflammation. In each case, we see low-grade inflammation that persists over the course of many years, perhaps even decades. The viruses also affect DNA and cell signaling — but inflammation is essential for cancer development. The speed of growth (tumor proliferation), tumor invasion, and spread of the tumor all depend on ongoing inflammation at the site of the tumor. Massive free radical generation and lipid peroxidation occur at the site as well. A good example of this link to inflammation is seen in experiments using the highly inflammatory substance carrageenan. If a slow-growing tumor is implanted in an animal and a diluted solution of carrageenan is injected near the tumor, the tumor will suddenly grow very fast and spread throughout the animal’s tissues. Unfortunately, carrageenan is used in many processed foods, including ice cream, baked goods, and some breads, and is used in many other processed food recipes. Earlier You Adopt Healthy Diet, Less Chance of Cancer Previously, it was believed that nutrients such as vitamin C and beta-carotene were the main cancer preventers in vegetables and fruits. But now we know that the most powerful anticancer substances are the phytochemicals such as flavonoids, sulforaphane, resveratrol, and anthocyananins. In fact, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals all interact to prevent cancers from forming. One reason earlier studies did not demonstrate powerful cancer prevention was that the early stages of cancer development actually begin many decades before cancer becomes clinically apparent, while the changes in patients’ diets were more recent — that is, Page 5 Brain Consumes Massive Energy As noted in the June 2013 issue of The Blaylock Wellness Report, newer research suggests that Alzheimer’s dementia is a form of diabetes, often referred to as Type 3 diabetes. In this case, the brain cells (neurons) become resistant to insulin and this reduces the amount of energy the brain can make. The brain consumes massive amounts of energy — 25 percent of the entire body’s glucose supply — despite being on average only 5 percent of the body weight. It even consumes large amounts of energy when in a deep coma. Under such conditions, the brain generates massive amounts of free radicals and lipid peroxidation products, triggering excitotoxicity that slowly destroys brain cells, especially in the hippocampus and the frontal and parietal lobes. These are the areas most frequently damaged in Alzheimer’s disease. Dietary change, a few supplements, and regular exercise can correct these problems and possibly prevent Alzheimer’s. There is similar evidence for the same process in Parkinson’s disease and ALS. long after the cancer process had begun. For example, it appears that prostate cancer begins to develop 60 years before it presents clinically. Long periods of development (called “lag time”) may also happen with breast cancer and lung cancer. Smokers may not develop lung cancer until after decades of cigarette smoking. But it remains true that the earlier you adopt a healthy diet, the better chance you have to avoid cancer. The lesson is that prevention should begin in childhood. There is also evidence that in the early stages of cancer development cancers may be reversible. Most prevention studies have only lasted a few years or a decade at most, and by then most of the cancers were already on their way to full maturity and could not be reversed simply by instituting changes in diet. Of course, this doesn’t mean that changing your diet later in life has no beneficial effects. For a number of cancers, inflammation is absolutely required for the cancer to develop and spread. Therefore, changing your diet and using antiinflammatory supplements to block inflammation Page 6 The Blaylock Wellness Report can prevent microscopic cancers from ever becoming dangerous. We know that cancer cells exist in most people’s bodies. By age 70, about 70 percent of men will have prostate cancer cells in their prostate — yet only a very small number will ever develop clinical prostate cancer. The same is true for women: At age 70, about 70 percent will have some cancer cells in their breasts. But again, only a minority will ever develop obvious breast cancer. What makes the difference is your diet and exposure to environmental toxins and carcinogenic microorganisms. Nutrients Work Together To Prevent Cancer Because we live in a world full of chemicals and other environmental factors that can cause chronic inflammation, your diets should be as clean as possible if you want to avoid cancer. But most people will also need some extra help from supplemental vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts. Keep in mind that many cancer-causing chemicals accumulate in the body over a lifetime. Radiation damage from medical tests also accumulates. So the older you get, the more protection you need. A number of substances have been shown to significantly reduce men’s risk of prostate cancer: • Zinc • Curcumin • Quercetin • Sulforaphane • DHA Silymarin, which is extracted from milk thistle, appears to be extremely powerful not only in September 2014 preventing prostate cancer, but can even treat the cancer after it has developed. It is protective even in very low doses. In studies, silymarin inhibited cancer in a number of ways, such as blocking angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels), inhibiting tumor proliferation, preventing tumor invasion, preventing metastasis (spread), and affecting cancer cell signaling. Also keep in mind that in cancer prevention and treatment, these various anticancer flavonoids and other phytochemicals have synergistic effects. When they are taken together they can greatly magnify each other’s effectiveness, as well as the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Importantly, these anticancer supplements also protect normal cells and tissues from being damaged by conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Other Factors That Increase Cancer Risk One of the flaws of early diet and cancer studies — and even some modern ones — is that the researchers did not appreciate that a diet containing carcinogenic foods and food additives could greatly reduce the effectiveness of beneficial food components. For example, if you eat broccoli, spinach, and kale but also eat a lot of food cooked in omega-6 oils, a great deal of your protection is lost. Likewise, if you do not wash vegetables and fruits to remove the pesticides and herbicides, you will not get nearly the amount of protection you would get from properly washed organic produce. Poor sleep habits, chronic stress, extreme exercise, low vitamins D3 levels, and many other factors can also reduce the effectiveness of a good diet. People who use cancer-linked sweeteners like A note from Dr. Blaylock: Advertisements for various supplements may appear in the newsletter or attached to the newsletter. I have nothing to do with these advertisements and do not endorse them. The only supplements I endorse are those that I list in the newsletter. This is not to say that I object to the supplements; it’s just that I am not familiar with the supplements being advertised. Please note that this advice is generic and not specific to any individual. You should consult with your doctor before undertaking any medical or nutritional course of action. Advertisement Magnesium For Your Heart™ “I experienced immediate results. Within the first couple of days I noticed decrease muscle tension, more energy, and a decrease in anxiety. And no diarrhea!” - Scott from California Magnesium... is a vital mineral involved in over 325 biochemical reactions in your body. Up to 80% of Americans are deficient in Magnesium. 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Exercise increases the efficiency of the antioxidant network, improves oxygenation of tissues (cancer cannot survive in a high-oxygen environment), and improves overall health. When combined with a good diet and selected nutrient supplements, exercise can play a major role in cancer prevention. However, extreme, intense exercise — especially when not taking high levels of antioxidants and flavonoids — may actually increase cancer risk, as extreme exercise generates very high levels of free radicals throughout the body that last for hours after the exercise ends. aspartame will not only neutralize many of the beneficial effects of good foods, but will also saturate their tissues with a cancer-causing substance. Using insecticides in the home and mothballs (which contain a chemical called 1,4-dichlorobenzene) in dressers and closets will reduce the benefits of a good diet — because both are linked to cancers and neurological damage. Another often neglected factor in determining cancer risk is the state of a person’s probiotics, which are the beneficial bacteria in their colon. Because of the use of antibiotics in many meats and the increasing levels of medicines found in drinking water, many people no longer have adequate colon probiotics. This lack of proper probiotics not only raises the risk of colon cancer, but because it impairs immunity throughout the body, it results in a higher risk of developing other cancers. And should such a person with an impaired immune system develop a cancer, the tumor could become very aggressive and deadly. It is a good idea for everyone to take a probiotic containing at least 10 billion organisms of the Lactobacillus and bifidobacterum species once a week. What You Need to Prevent Brain Degeneration As with the other conditions noted here, protecting the brain must begin early in life, but is vital at any age. Page 7 Over the course of our lifetimes, we accumulate toxic chemicals and harmful metals such as aluminum, lead, mercury, fluoride, and cadmium in our bodies. While some of these are eliminated and detoxified, a significant portion remain stored in tissues and organs, even the brain. Many of the toxic substances we are exposed to are fat soluble, which means that when a person loses fat weight, these toxic substances are released into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, they can be transferred to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys. If you have a poor diet, you will not be able to remove these harmful substances very well. Supplements that can boost your ability to detoxify harmful metals include: • NAC • Taurine • Carotenoids • Curcumin • Quercetin • Resveratrol • Sulforaphanes • Magnesium • Selenium • Silymarin As people age, they become progressively more 30% MORE INCOME IN RETIREMENT Guaranteed Income for Life* Find out how a lifetime income stream can secure your retirement. Get the Annuity Primer: Guaranteed Income For Life plus the “10 Annuity Pitfalls to Avoid” report FREE! Online: Toll-free: 855-230-5429 * See website for details Page 8 The Blaylock Wellness Report inflamed, a condition that can lead to one or more of the diseases discussed here. A diet high in omega-6 oils and low in omega-3 oils (especially DHA) worsens this inflammation. A diet high in sugar and high-glycemic carbohydrates will also make inflammation worse. If such a diet is combined with a low intake of high-nutrient vegetables, the condition gets considerably worse. Most flavonoids and other plant phytochemicals have very powerful anti-inflammatory effects, especially when taken in combination — which is why a diet containing several types of vegetables and fruits is superior to just eating your favorite vegetable. Metals Cause Toxic Immune Reaction The reality is that inflammation is playing a major role in most neurological disorders, but especially Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and ALS. Reducing inflammation significantly reduces your risk of developing any one of these conditions. Insulin resistance also increases inflammation, and may be linked to both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Metals such as aluminum, lead, mercury, and cadmium increase inflammation too. And because they are often tightly bound to brain cells, these metals can be a source of chronic inflammation. Vaccines are a major source of aluminum and mercury (especially in the case of the flu vaccine). Anything that chronically stimulates the immune system can cause brain damage because it activates brain immune cells (microglia). Activation of microglia — especially chronic activation — releases inflammatory chemicals and high levels of glutamate, which can cause severe damage. This interaction and magnification of excitotoxicity by inflammation is what I have called immunoexcitotoxicity — a process that has been well-demonstrated in medical literature. What this means is that if you have a chronic infection — such as an abscessed tooth, longterm gum infection, recurrent bladder infections, repeated vaccinations or recurrent bronchitis — you will greatly increase your risk of developing a neurological disorder because all of these conditions prolong activation of brain microglia. September 2014 Improving the Brain’s Function The other key to degenerative brain disorders is a loss of the ability to produce adequate energy, which is mainly derived from the mitochondria of brain cells. With aging, there is a progressive impairment of these microscopic energy factories to supply energy. The mitochondria essentially become sluggish. When this happens, they produce many more free radicals, which damage brain cells and their connections, called dendrites and synapses. This process also triggers immunoexcitotoxicity — meaning that everything is cascading toward disaster. A healthy diet and exercise improve the brain’s function and stimulate the release of special brainrepairing chemicals called brain growth factors, which repair damage done by all of the conditions I have noted. This incredible ability of the brain to repair itself is called “brain plasticity.” Several plant extracts — such as curcumin, quercetin, silymarin, luteolin, apigenin and kaempferol — also stimulate energy production and reduce brain inflammation, and some stimulate the release of brain growth factors. DHA and EPA can repair damaged synapses. Vitamin D3 also enhances brain health by controlling inflammation and interacting with brain cells themselves. The B vitamins, along with vitamin C and magnesium, also play a major role in providing brain energy. This is especially true for thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), methylcobalamin (B12), folate and niacinamide (B3). Studies have shown that elderly people have a high incidence of B12 deficiency. In fact, among those in nursing homes, the incidence is as high as 80 percent. Selenium plays a special role in brain protection and zinc is protective, but only at normal levels. Selenium and zinc deficiencies are common in older people. Getting restful sleep and avoiding excessive, chronic, unrelieved stress is important for a healthy brain. Stress has been shown to activate the brain inflammatory mechanisms. In fact, even minor surgery under local anesthesia can for a brief period activate brain microglial inflammatory cells. September 2014 The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 9 Health and Nutrition Updates Curing Recurrent Bladder Infections With Hormone Therapy Not long ago, a friend of ours related an experience that she had and an unusual solution to a problem. For years, she had suffered from recurrent bladder infections. Each time, treatment with antibiotics cleared the infection, but within a few weeks or months the infection would recur. Nothing she did resolved the problem, not even the usual remedies such as cranberry juice, higher doses of vitamin C, and probiotics. She was frustrated, to say the least. Fortunately, she went to see an integrative physician trained in women’s hormonal problems. This doctor tested her and found that estrogen levels were low despite the fact that she was on a hormone replacement vaginal cream. The doctor increased her hormone dose, bringing it up to normal. After that, my friend had no further problems. It has been more than two years since her last bladder infection. Sometimes the solution to a problem does not come from the usual methods. Had my friend continued to see her regular doctor instead of the integrative physician, I have no doubt that she would still be suffering from an aggravating and harmful problem. Statins Linked to Breast Cancer It has been known for some time that a high cholesterol level is protective against breast cancer. In fact, high cholesterol reduces the risk of most cancers. Conversely, lowering cholesterol levels increases the risk of breast cancer and can increase the invasion of other types of cancers as well. This news has created significant problems for the makers and promoters of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. The trouble began with a large cholesterol study called the CARE study, in 1996. In comparing women taking a statin drug to those not on a statin, researchers found that 12 of 290 women in the statin group developed breast cancer compared to just 1 of 290 of the women not on the drug. Since then, several studies have found the same link to higher breast cancer risk. To prevent future embarrassing problems, statin researchers began to stop their statin studies before the women could develop breast cancer and excluded women who might be at higher risk of breast cancer. Despite this, a study then appeared that demonstrated a twofold increase in breast cancer in women taking a statin for at least 10 years. The pharmaceutical companies designed more studies to head off criticisms, but they continued to show a link. A number of effects explain the link to breast cancer. For example, statins lower omega-3 fatty acid levels, which increases cancer risk. Statins also induce insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, and the drugs impair mitochondrial function, which can cause heart failure and raise the risk of cancer. The Women’s Health Initiative study found a 70 percent higher risk of diabetes in postmenopausal women on statin drugs. Diabetes is associated with a higher risk of breast cancer and a poorer prognosis. Statins were also found to cause an increase in T-regulatory lymphocytes, which significantly increases cancer risk by impairing antitumor immunity. Another disturbing finding is that women taking statins for 10 years or more were found to have a dramatic increase in fat weight gain, which also is strongly linked to breast cancer. You would think that these finding would be something that all women would want and even need to know. But because drug companies spend millions of dollars each year on advertising, such stories get buried. With the paltry benefits reported Page 10 The Blaylock Wellness Report with statin in terms of reducing heart attacks, you would think that these would be pulled off the market for safety reasons. Iron: Major Factor in Parkinson’s A number of studies have examined the role of iron toxicity in Parkinson’s disease — most demonstrate that it is a major player. The brain contains natural iron chelators (binding agents) that prevent damage to vulnerable neurons. The most important of these is ferritin, which is deficient in the brains of Parkinson’s sufferers, meaning they have reduced protection against iron toxicity. Iron causes mischief by triggering the generation of high levels of free radicals, especially the hydroxyl radical. Free radicals also come from immunoexcitotoxicity, a central mechanism in Parkinson’s disease. Iron is a powerful activator of microglia, the brain’s immune cells. Studies of Parkinson’s patients have shown that they have early abnormalities in iron metabolism within the areas of the brain involved in the disease, as well as reduced antioxidant defenses in these same brain areas. Using animal models of the disease, researchers have shown a significant benefit against Parkinson’s when utilizing iron chelators. Unfortunately, most chelating drugs have high toxicity and poor brain penetration. There are a number of natural iron-chelating substances found in plant extracts — hesperidin, quercetin, baicalein, IP6 (phytic acid), EGCG (from white and green tea) and curcumin. Several of these have been shown to have excellent brain penetration, such as hesperidin, curcumin, and quercetin. In addition, they are anti-inflammatory, reduce microglial activation, and are powerful antioxidants — all of which should help prevent and treat Parkinson’s disease. Within the brain, these natural chelators can help replace the lost ferritin. Hypoglycemic Headache Cure One of the great unrecognized disorders by orthodox medicine is reactive hypoglycemia. This September 2014 condition occurs in certain people when they eat foods containing large amounts of sugar or other foods that are high on the glycemic index. It is a hereditary condition, and the episodes gradually get worse over time. In some cases the symptoms can be quite severe — such as sudden, excruciating, and unrelenting headaches that respond to few pain medications, even strong narcotics. Often, these headaches can interfere with sleep. Unfortunately, every member of my family suffered from this condition, including me. Over the years, I searched for a cure, but found that if you waited until after the headache occurred even eating something afforded little relief. Being interested in biochemistry, I looked at the best way to rapidly supply the brain and pain sensitive tissues with energy. Pyruvate was the most logical answer, as it was the point for glucose to enter the Krebs cycle, which is the main site of energy generation. Recently, I had a headache and knew that I was in for a sleepless night. So I took a large dose of pyruvate (four 775 mg capsules) and within 20 minutes the headache completely subsided. I slept like a baby. Even more impressive was the fact that the headache never returned. I now use pyruvate whenever I get one of these headaches. Pyruvate is one of the best kept secrets in medicine. Because of its essential position in cellular energy production, it plays a major role in protecting against a number of disorders. Research has shown it to be superior to glutamine in gut repair, it is a powerful protectant against excitotoxicity, it prevents hypoglycemic brain damage in cases of very severe hypoglycemia, it protects the retina, prevents diabetic cataracts, and improves brain cell function. As far as I have been able to determine, pyruvate has no toxicity. I prefer magnesium pyruvate, but it is not commercially available as a supplement. One can also buy a creatine/pyruvate complex as a powder, but it has a very intense, bitter taste. Theoretically, pyruvate would be very valuable for diabetics both in preventing hypoglycemic brain injury (due to insulin overshooting) and in supplying energy when insulin is not available. September 2014 The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 11 Ask Dr. Blaylock Attention Blaylock Readers: Dr. Blaylock welcomes any questions or comments you would like to share. Each month, he will select a few to be published and answered in the newsletter. Please remember that he cannot answer every question. When submitting a question or comment, please include full name, city, and state. Please e-mail the doctor at: [email protected]. Can Antidepressant Cause Alzheimer’s? Q: I have suffered from migraines for 35 years. I was prescribed Endep 10 as a preventative. Will this increase my risk of Alzheimer’s? — Maree M., Watertown, S.D. A: Endep 10 is a tricyclic antidepressant, which can have a number of side effects. But increasing your risk of Alzheimer’s should not be one of them. If you are getting good relief, I would not change the medication. Best Dosage of Curcumin Q: I have developed many food sensitivities. I know that you recommend curcumin. What dosage? How should it be taken? — Cheryl M., Montreal, Que. A: Curcumin is very poorly absorbed as a powder, but it dissolves well in olive oil and coconut oil (best if warmed). Be careful: This can be messy. The dose depends on why your are taking it. For maintenance health, I recommend 250 mg twice a day. For serious disorders such as cancer or degenerative brain disorders, the dose could be as high as 500 to 1,000 mg three times a day with meals. Supplementing to Beat Brain Tumor Q: My mom was just diagnosed with a glioblastoma. Her treatment will consist of radiation and chemotherapy. Can you recommend any natural treatments? — Sandy P., Tampa, Fla. A: Glioblastomas are the most common and malignant type of brain tumor in humans. Unfortunately, chemotherapy and radiation treatments do very little to control this type of tumor. One of the most impressive case reports that I have seen involved a neuroradiologist’s mother who had a glioblastoma and went on a high-fat, high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet — also called a ketogenic diet. After eating that diet for some time, her tumor disappeared completely. Curcumin, quercetin, and silymarin have all shown significant antitumor effects that are quite powerful and have very few side effects. They work best when taken together. Avoiding food additives and foods high in glutamate is essential. Steam Broccoli for Health Q: I’ve been told that fresh, organic broccoli should only be steamed for three minutes, and never cooked in water or in the microwave. Is there a good reason for that? — Jules J., Novato, Calif. A: Broccoli is steamed to neutralize a compound that suppresses thyroid function. Steaming will also preserve all of the essential anticancer and other health-providing compounds in the broccoli. Cooking vegetables in water leaches these beneficial compounds out into the water, where they are usually thrown away. Diet Important With Breast Cancer Q: My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. A doctor prescribed basically a vegan diet, which has shown benefits. But her oncologist still wants her to undergo chemotherapy. What is Page 12 The Blaylock Wellness Report the best combination of conventional medicine and alternatives for treating other factors such as inflammation? — Lanny T., Smyrna, Ga. A: The evidence that diet plays a major role in cancer growth, invasion, and metastasis is extensive and should be known by all oncologists. Unfortunately, that is not the case. For a patient with Stage IV breast cancer, chemotherapy has very little if anything to offer, other than complications. This is well-known in all of the cancer literature. I suggest you get a copy of my book, “Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients.” I pray for your dear wife. Ulcerative Colitis Treatment Q: My husband has severe ulcerative colitis. A recent colonoscopy shows bleeding ulcers throughout his large intestine. His doctor is pushing for Remicade infusions. Can you give some advice regarding the Remicade? — Linda H., Macomb, Ill. A: Remicade blocks an inflammatory cytokine September 2014 called TNF-alpha. It can be quite beneficial in autoimmune disorders but has serious complications, some possibly fatal. In such situations a patient should use a very low dose of the medication combined with a number of anti-inflammatory supplements such as curcumin, quercetin, DHA, vitamin C, and vinpocetine. Magnesium is also essential for the colitis and the seizures. These supplements also reduce seizures. All glutamate additives should be avoided. Curcumin Okay Without Gallbladder Q: Is curcumin a problem for a person who has had his or her gallbladder removed? — George R., Bellefonte, Pa. A: Curcumin causes the gallbladder to contract, helping the flow of bile to the gut. But people with a bile duct obstruction, such as a gallstone, will experience increased pain and risk of gallbladder rupture. Without a gallbladder the risk no longer exists, unless the patient had a stone in his or her hepatic ducts, which is very unlikely in a person without pain. About Dr. Blaylock Dr. Russell Blaylock is a nationally recognized, board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, and lecturer. He attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, S.C. For 25 years, he has practiced neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from his neurosurgical duties to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. Dr. Blaylock has authored four books on nutrition and wellness, including “Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills,” “Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life,” “Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients,” and his most recent work, “Cellular and Molecular Biology of Autism Spectrum Disorders,” edited by Anna Strunecka. An in-demand guest for radio and television programs, he lectures extensively to both lay and professional medical audiences on a variety of nutrition related subjects. He is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation. He serves on the editorial staffs of the Surgical Neurology International and the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He also serves as an assistant editor-in-chief for the journal Surgical Neurology International. He was also a lecturer for the Foundation on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. At present, he is a reviewer for the journal Food & Chemical Toxicology and other journals. Dr. Blaylock previously served as clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Miss.
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