Pat Jaskula - Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides


Pat Jaskula - Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
Dog Guide News
September 2014
The quarterly publication of Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
Diabetic Alert Dog Guide,
Jackson, fetches a blood
sugar testing kit for his
handler, Hunter.
Alumni Update Opening Doors Amazing Donor
Skyla & Crumpet to Independence
Pat Jaskula
Skyla and Crumpet have made leaps
and bounds together since graduating.
Read about what this dynamic
duo have accomplished on page 5.
The Opening Doors to Independence
campaign is underway but still needs
your support.
Read about how you can make a
difference on page 9.
Sponsorships, the Grimsby Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides, and golf
tournaments: just some of the ways
Pat Jaskula is changing the lives of
Canadians with disabilities.
Read more about Pat’s projects on
page 6.
Dog Guide News
Dog Guides Happenings
Table of
September 2014
Message from the
Chairperson and
Executive Director
Wish List
Purina® Walk for Dog Guides
Volunteer Profile
Out & About
Amazing Donor
Opening Doors
to Independence
Grads Talk
Always by
Our Side
News Roundup
Congrats Grads
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides
152 Wilson St. Oakville, ON L6K0G6
(905)842-2891 • (800)768-3030
Julie - Ext. 223 [email protected]
Purina® Walk for Dog Guides:
Merilyn - Ext. 231 [email protected]
Apply for a Dog Guide:
Liz - Ext. 222 [email protected]
Kaley - Ext. 226 [email protected]
Message from the Executive Director
Last year we launched our Opening Doors to
Independence campaign with an exciting renovation
and program expansion plans. We completed the
first year with a lot accomplished: 153 graduates
(a slight increase on our highest number ever)
and record financial results. The strong support
allows us to move ahead confidently towards our
goal of 200 graduates from our now six Dog Guide
programs. This is necessary as our waiting list is also
at a record level and is only expected to increase.
What motivates us is the feedback we receive from
our clients. Our annual client survey once again had
fantastic results with client satisfaction hovering
around 9.5 on a 1 to 10 scale. When asked about
the impact their Dog Guide has made on their lives,
we again scored very high with a rating of 9 out
of 10. Comfort level is said to increase, people say
they are able to live more independently, require
less assistance, be more active in the community
and other ratings showing an improvement in the
quality of life. Knowing this, we know we can count
on everyone’s continued efforts to provide more
and more life changing Dog Guides to Canadians.
Sandy Turney
Message from the Chairperson
Did you come by our booth during the International Convention? Did you
take time to visit our Oakville’s facilities? If not, I can assure you that you
missed something.
First, I would like to give a salute to our staff and foster families for their
presence. I had the chance to meet PDGs and DGEs from many parts of
the world who were impressed by the work we do. There was a gentleman
from Europe who told me it was the first time that he heard about the
way we do things. He was impressed by our ability to provide each Dog
Guide at no cost.
As for those who took the time to visit our facilities, it was great meeting
you and showing you around. I spent most of my Sunday at the school
meeting Lions members. Thank you very much to everyone who donated;
as I always say, there are no small donations, just donations adding up.
Finally, I had the privilege of giving a five minute speech at the Canadian
Caucus. (Did I say five? Maybe it was seven, thanks for the additional
minutes.) I spent most the time talking about a young girl who has autism
who introduces her dog as her sister, and a mother and father who no
longer have to wake up every few hours at night to check the blood sugar
of their twin girls, and the woman whose Dog Guide has started alerting
to her seizures just before they happen. All success stories that have been
made possible through the support of the Lions Foundation.
I ended my speech with this thought, “when you support Lions Foundation
of Canada by sponsoring a team, making a donation through the Adopt-aPuppy program, or by purchasing a tree in the Memorial Forest, you help
someone. You don’t know who, you don’t know when, you don’t know
where, but you are giving back security, mobility and independence to a
Canadian in need.”
Daniel Poulin
Dog Guide News • 3
Out & About
Dog (Guide)
Days of Summer
Foster families, future Dog Guide puppies and Dog Guide graduates flocked
to Ward Island in Toronto in late July for a day of fun in the sun. They
enjoyed a picnic and let the dogs play in the water.
Sandy’ s
Ice Bucket
Executive Director Sandy Turney took part in the ALS ice bucket challenge, but with a Dog Guides twist! After being nominated,
Sandy made a donation to ALS and then offered the Lions Foundation staff the opportunity to dump buckets of ice water on her
if they made a donation to the Lions Foundation. Many staff turned out, donated, and everyone shared a fun morning break.
Dog Guide News • 4
Alumni Update
Skyla & Crumpet
rom the moment she
met her new parents,
Skyla was on track to
receiving a Dog Guide.
Skyla was born blind
and her parents had
been told that she
would not become an independent adult.
Her adoption by Gloria and Tony marked
a new chapter in her life, one that was
destined to be filled with new found
independence, responsibility, and a white
Standard Poodle named Crumpet.
Skyla was flown to the Oakville, Ontario
training school in late October 2013,
leaving four weeks later with her new
Canine Vision Dog Guide. While in Oakville,
Skyla was introduced to Crumpet and the
pair spent their days learning how to work
together preparing for life outside of the
training school. Skyla learned commands
such as, “harness,” “forward,” and “find
the door” and practiced building her
handling skills with Crumpet. They
participated in class discussion and trips
to downtown Toronto and Oakville.
The celebration of their graduation
continued in Skyla’s hometown of
Coaldale, Alberta. They were greeted in
the airport by news crews and family. The
change in Skyla was noticeable to many;
she had become more independent, or as
her mother says, “more grown up.”
“After seeing what
I have in this past
year with Crumpet, I
have no doubt that
Skyla will be all she
can be and more.”
– Skyla’s father, Tony
Fast forward a year later and Skyla’s father
describes Crumpet “as much a part of
Skyla as her own feet.” Skyla now takes
trips with Crumpet to the store without
help from mom or dad. She wakes each
day and starts her routine: first she
wakes Crumpet and takes her outside
for a bathroom break, then brushes her
hair and teeth, feeds her, and then helps
with her special needs siblings. From the
moment she wakes to the time she goes to
bed, Crumpet acts as Skyla’s eyes, guiding
her around obstacles and on daily routes.
“After seeing what I have in this past year
with Crumpet, I have no doubt that Skyla
will be all she can be and more. I picture
her in 8 to 10 years being a very important
part of a corporation and likely living in
her own apartment. Before Crumpet,
Skyla was finding natural ways to adapt
through life as her brain began to develop.
By adding Crumpet she now has an extra
essential body part that not only helps
her but is an added challenge daily. Often
I thank God that this match with Crumpet
was given to her while she is 13 years old;
it gives them the opportunity to grow up
together,” shares Tony.
Crumpet was provided to Skyla at no cost,
despite costing $25,000 to raise, train
and place. Part of the cost was covered
through Fido’s generous sponsorship of
10 Dog Guide teams last year.
Dog Guide News • 5
Amazing Donor
Pat Jaskula
Pat was initially introduced to Dog Guides through
Steve McDonnell, a long time foster parent. Steve
frequently brought his foster puppies into the
Canadian Tire store in Grimsby that Pat owns. After
cuddling a few future Dog Guides, Pat was hooked
and knew she needed to get involved with the
cause. Her first goal was to raise enough money to
sponsor an Autism Assistance Dog Guide team.
After attending the graduation ceremony, Pat was
moved by what her efforts had helped accomplish.
“I needed only to attend the graduation of the
first team I sponsored to feel a tremendous sense
of gratification. It was a happy, tear filled event,
where I met the mother of the child who has
autism, who was to receive the Dog Guide. I knew
then that I wanted to continue to raise funds for
this organization,” shares Pat.
Pat has some advice for those who are looking
for some motivation to giving back, “I personally
suggest reading all the information available on Dog
Guides. Also, find out if there is a Walk taking place
in your community and see if they need help. Call
the school to see if there is anyone in your city who
has a Dog Guide and ask if the school could put you
in touch with them. Spend a morning attending the
Dog Guides Open House in the spring or fall.”
Pat and her husband Ron are generous and loyal
supporters of the Lions Foundation. They have
involved and inspired friends and fellow Canadian
Tire store owners who are also lending their
support. Pat’s enthusiasm and dedication is an
inspiration to others as well as the fundraising staff
at the Lions Foundation.
In addition to sponsoring Dog Guide teams, Pat has
also taken on organizing various fundraisers for
Dog Guides. Pat and her husband Ron along with
the Jarvis Group host an annual golf tournament in
Fenwick, Ontario called Golf and Dine Day. She also
organizes the Grimsby Purina® Walk for Dog Guides,
which was one of the top 10 Walks in Canada this
year due to Pat’s enthusiasm. Pat also involves the
Dog Guide graduates she has sponsored as well as
local businesses to raise awareness, understanding
and funds for the cause.
“I am motivated to continue these fundraising
events as I have had the opportunity to learn more
about the organization and the amazing work they
do. Two facts that impress me the most is that the
administration cost is 13% and that there is no
funding from the government. Not to mention
seeing the happiness and independence that
sponsoring a Dog Guide provides to a family,” she
Thank you for being a special and amazing donor!
Dog Guide News • 6
This past year, Lions Foundation of
Canada launched a new national
fundraiser, Dog Bowl. This “blind”
bowling event is dedicated to
increasing awareness of visual
impairments and raising funds for the
Canine Vision Dog Guide program.
Started by the St. Catharine’s Garden
City and Merritton Lions Clubs, this
past year Dog Bowls also took place
in St. Thomas, ON, Vernon, BC and
Victoria, BC.
The Dog Bowl is an insightful
fundraiser and the Lions Foundation
provides assistance to organizers
including promotional material. Why
not consider hosting one this winter?
If your Club would like more
information on hosting a Dog Bowl,
please contact Kaley.
Save the Date:
Fall Open House
October 25, 2014
9:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Lions Foundation Training Facility
Oakville, Ontario
Visit for
more information!
Carl Semple
Annual General
The Annual General Meeting for Lions
Foundation of Canada will be held on
Saturday, October 18, 2014 at 3:30 p.m.
at the Oakville school (152 Wilson St.)
Three new board members will be
elected, and the incoming Chairperson
of the Board will be announced.
Recognition will also be given to the
dedicated volunteers who donated
more than 100 hours of their time over
the past year, as well as individual and
corporate patrons. All are welcome to
Ride for
Dog Guides
Over the course of the summer,
motorcycle enthusiasts participated
in Rides in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Oakville, Ontario and Enfield, Nova
Scotia. Thank you to the organizers
and participants who helped make the
Lions Foundation of Canada’s Ride for
Dog Guides a success.
If your Club would like more
information on hosting a Ride for Dog
Guides, please contact Kaley.
Rest in
PDG Carl Semple was on the Board of
Directors representing New Brunswick
from 1996-97 through 1998-1999.
His wife PCC Bev Semple, is current
Past Chairperson.
Lion Robert Coulter passed away at
his home in Grande Prairie, Alberta on
August 14, 2013.
He was the son of Past Chairperson
Lynne Coulter and Lion Donna Coutler.
Dog Guide News • 7
Purina Walk for Dog Guides 2014
New Walks
Lions Foundation is extremely grateful for the
new Clubs that are coming on board to host a
Walk. This year, the Brighton Lions Club held their
first Walk and raised $5,740!
Thank you for making this another outstanding year for the Purina®
Walk for Dog Guides. As a result of the commitment and generosity
of thousands of organizers, participants, sponsors and corporate
partners, the 2014 Walk was a tremendous success and raised
With more than 200 locations across the country, the Purina® Walk
for Dog Guides has become the Lions Foundation’s largest fundraiser
and an invaluable tool in helping raise greater awareness and funds
for Dog Guides. Thanks to sponsors, one hundred percent of the
funds raised goes to the training of Dog Guides for Canadians with
disabilities. Our national sponsors included Nestlé Purina PetCare,
Fido and WestJet.
The national date for the
Purina® Walk for Dog Guides
is Sunday, May 31, 2015;
we hope to see you there!
Walk Prize Winners
As the Lions Foundations largest fundraiser,
every dollar raised helps provide Dog Guides
at no cost to Canadians with disabilities. If your
Club is not currently involved, consider making
a Walk a Club project in 2015. The Walk is a
great way for your Club to increase their support
of Lions Foundation of Canada, to generate
awareness within the community, and attract
new membership.
There are many ways the Lions Foundation
helps to get your Walk started, including a
comprehensive organizer’s guide, individualized
posters and donation forms and online
registration on the Walk website.
If you are interested in hosting a Walk or would
like to request a Walk presentation for your Club,
please contact Merilyn.
1. Toronto West
2. Lethbridge
3. Oakville
Hearing Ear Dog Guide graduate Heather Forsyth,
Calgary Purina® Walk for Dog Guides
4. Kitchener
$500 Best Buy Gift Card and one year’s supply of pet food:
5. Calgary
6. Orangeville
7. Toronto Harbourfront
8. Newcastle
9. Grimsby
10. Saskatoon
Congratulations to the winners of the 2014 Walk prizes, who
coincidentally are both graduates of Dog Guides!
Two tickets anywhere WestJet flies:
Service Dog Guide graduate Phil Raney,
Paris Purina® Walk for Dog Guides
Dog Guide News • 8
Apprentice trainer, Karen, with MPP, Kevin Flynn, Future Dog Guide, Umi, and Director of Development, Julie.
Update: Opening Doors to Independence
Almost two years ago,
the Opening Doors to
Independence fundraising
campaign was launched.
Donations to this project
have already made a
significant difference at
the training school and
will continue to do so into
the future, with the goal of
providing 30% more Dog
Guides to Canadians.
All donors contributing
$5,000 and more will be
recognized on a permanent
plaque at the entrance. In
addition, for a donation of
$10,000 your Club’s name
will be on a door of one
of the new rooms. This
donation will cover the
costs of the furnishings for a
room including a computer
and telephone.
Donald Meehan, LCIF
and the Ontario Trillium
Foundation, led the way to
enable the Foundation to
begin the renovations to
the Oakville facility. Since
then, many donations have
been received and the
construction of the new
client rooms and space for
training staff is complete.
However, donations are
still required and your
Club can be included in
the recognition of this
successful campaign.
Donations of all other
amounts are still needed
as the final stage of the
campaign will enable the
Lions Foundation to serve
the 200+ people currently
on the wait list for a Dog
This campaign successfully
launched the Diabetic Alert
Dog Guide program with
the next class to be held in
For more information
about Opening Doors to
Independence please visit
or contact Julie.
Check out some of the buzz around
the Diabetic Alert program:
“Linda & Juno Diabetic Alert Dog Guide Grads”
CFAX 1070
("Cafe Victoria with Bruce Williams" Podcast - August 7 @ 30min mark)
“Dog a ‘lifeline’ for diabetic twins”
City News
“Dog used in diabetic care”
“Nettle the dog is twin girls’
‘best friend ever’”
“Dog Guides prove to be
Oakville women’s best friends”
Oakville Beaver
Dog Guide News • 9
Diabetic Alert Dog Guide Grads Talk
What makes your Diabetic Alert Dog Guide so special?
“Jackson is an
extra special dog
because he is so
loyal to Hunter, and
his ability to sniff out
a low blood sugar
before Hunter feels
it! Sometimes even
before it actually
“Nara is trained to
help me manage my
type 1 diabetes and
hypoglycemia. She will
alert me to my lows and
save me from losing
consciousness, going into
deprived lows and having
seizures. I finally have
peace of mind because I
know she will alert me to
my lows night and day.”
– Sandra, Hunter’s Mother
Alex, Richmond Hill, ON
Diabetic Alert
Dog Guides
Vanessa, Oakville, ON
Hunter, Colborne, ON
“Having Juno has given
me the confidence to
go out on my own, to
take longer walks and
to try new experiences.
In the past I was
hesitant to stray too
far from my comfort
zone in terms of walks
or trips because of my
“I have lost
consciousness and had
seizures as a result of
my diabetes. I am high
energy and really active
so I test my blood a
lot; sometimes up to 20
times a day, sometimes
more. Yvette is helping
me more accurately
manage my diabetes,”
Linda, Victoria, BC
Dog Guide News • 10
Always By Our Side
Mitchell’s Story
A heartwarming story told from Mitchell’s unique puppy perspective.
Canine Vision Graduates Eric and Mitchell out for a walk.
After fostering a future Dog Guide named Mitchell, Susan Kerr was inspired
to write a book about her experience. The book is a collection of memories
and weekly columns she had written from Mitchell’s perspective for her local
newspaper. The book has morphed into a fundraiser for Lions Foundation of
Canada Dog Guides, with profits from sales being donated.
Copies of Mitchell’s Story can purchased online through
Susan’s website Susan Kerr Loves Dogs.
We give Mitchell’s story four out of four paws.
Dog Guide News • 11
Dog Guides
Wish List
The Wish List is a unique way to make a contribution to
the Dog Guide program. If you wish to contribute an item
or make a donation towards the purchase of an item,
please contact Julie Jelinek at:
905-842-2891 Ext. 223 or 800-768-3030 Ext. 223
• Minivan for client visits
• Furnishings for new client rooms
(cost per room with name on
a permanent plaque on door)
• Commercial sized washer
to meet our residence needs
$ 7,500
• Commercial sized dryer
$ 4,500
• Two new electric hospital beds
for Service Dog rooms $ 6,000
• Accessible doorway installations
for additional residence rooms
$ 5,000
• Defibrillator
$ 1,700
• Tilt mirrors, other adaptive equipment
for Service Dog client rooms
$ 1,200
• Projector for teaching $ 1,000
• Flat screen televisions for client rooms
$ 1,000
• Heavy duty sewing machine
for leather harness repairs
$ 1,000
• Power washer for puppy program
• Mattress replacements (per room)
• Harnesses for Diabetic Alert program
• Grooming table
- OTHER ITEMS INCLUDE • Gift cards to grocery stores for food for clients
• Gift cards to gas stations and office supply stores
• Canadian Tire money
• Dog toys - Kongs and Nylabones
Dog Guide News • 12
Volunteer Profile
Carrie Maiorano
Volunteer for the Seizure Response and Diabetic Alert Dog Guide programs
Carrie is a strong asset to the Seizure Response and Diabetic
Alert Dog Guide programs. She always arrives with a big
smile on her face and asks “what’s the plan for today?” She
has worked hard as a volunteer who graduated from kennel
cuddling to walking Dog Guides in training. The trainers
Carrie works with often wish they could clone her!
Carrie never hesitates when asked to help out with different
tasks including various administrative jobs and becoming
involved as a member of the Ride for Dog Guides volunteer
committee. The Lions Foundation is forever indebted to
volunteers like Carrie that dedicate their time to the cause.
Thank you Carrie!
Dog Guide News • 13
Lions Foundation News Roundup
Lions Convention International: Toronto 2014
Dog Guide spokesperson, Beverly Berger spoke to the audience of over 20,000 at the Air Canada Centre about living
life with a Canine Vision Dog Guide.
The 97th annual Lions Clubs International Convention
was held in Toronto from June 27 to July 10, 2014. Lions
Foundation of Canada Dog Guides participated in the
convention activities including educational seminars, award
ceremonies, presentations and hosted an information
The Convention was an enormous success and brought a
lot of attention to the Lions Foundation and the Dog Guide
programs. Lions from across the world toured the facilities
and met with members of the Board of Directors, staff,
foster families and Dog Guide graduates.
International Guide Dog Federation Accreditation
Lions Foundation hosted two representatives from
International Guide Dog Federation for three days in August.
Chris Muldoon, from Australia, and William Chen, from
Taiwan, visited the school to assess training practices and
evaluate if the Lions Foundation meets the standards set
out by IGDF required for reaccreditation. Chris and William
shadowed trainers, met with foster families, clients and
staff to learn the different aspects of the Lions Foundation
and the Canine Vision Dog Guide program. Accreditation
approval is pending but everything went extremely well.
This will mark the third accreditation by IGDF.
The Lions Foundation is also accredited by Assistance Dogs International, is a founding member of the Canadian Association
of Guide and Assistance Dog Schools, and is recognized as a member of Imagine Canada’s Ethical Code Program, a charitable
organization that meets the highest standards for accountability and openness in its fundraising practices and policies.
Dog Guide News • 14
Lions Foundation News Roundup
Planned Growth & International
New Apprentices Assistance Dog
Week 2014
With the demand for Dog Guides
at a record high and showing no
signs of slowing down, the Lions
Foundation has welcomed four new
apprentice trainers to the team.
Jennifer Thompson joined the Autism
Assistance Dog Guide Program. Laura
Johnson and Jessie Waller have joined
the Service Dog Guide program and
Karen Russell has joined the Seizure
Response Dog Guide program. Lucy
Harbach has officially completed her
three year apprenticeship and is now
an official Canine Vision Dog Guide
trainer. The additional training staff
will help prepare Dog Guides for the
24 classes that are scheduled for
September through June.
The addition of apprentice trainers is
part of a long range plan to provide
more Dog Guides on an annual
basis. The plan has also included a
renovation of the Oakville training
facility, which is almost complete. The
renovations include the addition of
nine new client rooms, new training
rooms, and office space for Dog Guide
trainers. The renovation is a part of
the Opening Doors to Independence
Lions Foundation of Canada Dog
Assistance Dog Week in a big way this
year. In conjunction with the Town
of Oakville, August 3-9 was officially
declared International Assistance Dog
Week. The Town flew Dog Guides’ flag
at Town Hall and made a proclamation
to recognize the hard work and
dedication of Dog Guides, foster
families, and volunteers.
Councillor David Gittings, who is also
a foster puppy parent, hosted the
proclamation ceremony on August 5
with the help of some Dog Guides in
training and Lions Foundation staff.
Check out the article the Oakville
Beaver published about the event.
Indie: A British
Dog Guide
Dog Guides’ newest international
student is Indie, a 7 month old Golden
Retriever. Indie came from Guide Dogs
for the Blind in England as a part of an
ongoing cooperative agreement. He
is the fourth dog sent from England
and will be assessed for the breeding
Dog Guides’ cooperative agreement
with Guide Dogs for the Blind has
resulted in other exchanges. Pringle,
a Standard Poodle from Dog Guides
was sent to Guide Dogs for the Blind
last summer. Pringle has already
been bred and has produced some
successful Labradoodles. Guide Dogs
for the Blind has sent three other dogs
to Dog Guides: Tommy, Nugget and
Odette. Tommy came to Canada as a
full grown Labrador Retriever. Nugget
and Odette both arrived as puppies
and, after assessment, became
breeding dogs. Tommy, Nugget and
Odette have all produced successful
puppies that have gone on to become
life changing Dog Guides.
Dog Guide News • 15
April - June 2014
AAD Graduates
Lucie & Gael
Kenner & Ivy
Nathan & Icarus
Long Hoang Vu-Tran & Galway
Caleb & Gilmore
Zachary & Norbert
Arian & Chief
Maya & Ivic
Chelsea & Snider
Eric Zhang & Rodeo
Callum & Mercer
Nicole & Sydney
Dominic & Mina
.Jakob & Sergio
Kein & Roan
Iyaneh & Brogue
Aeden & Frodo
Owen & Rowdy
Jalen & Monty
Brady & Merlin
Chase & Tux
Cole & Rancher
Jacob & Roper
Kitchener, ON
Kitchener, ON
Glencoe, ON
Stoney Creek, ON
Pitt Meadows, BC
Chelmsford, ON London, ON
Ottawa, ON
Port Alberni, BC
Calgary, AB
Kamloops, BC
Port Alberni, BC
Winnipeg, MB
Cochrane, AB
Stayner, ON
Brampton, ON
Marysville, ON
Glencoe, ON
Burlington, ON
Fonthill, ON
Barrie, ON
Conestogo, ON
Brampton, ON
CVC Graduates
Jean-François & Frost
L’Ancienne-Lorette, QC
Mireille & Delight
Montreal, QC
Jeevan & Fenway
Toronto, ON
Ernest (Ron) & Dottie
Blue Mountains, ON
Leanne & Albert
North Bay, ON
Michael & Winston
Chatham, ON
Kenneth & Maggie
Cambridge, ON
Bill & Oscar
Bobcaygeon, ON
Patti & Leaf
London, ON
Kathy & Melody
St. Catharines, ON
Bev & Stanley
Waterloo, ON
Barbara & Lilac
Hamilton, ON
Gary Stephenson, ON
Dutton and District Lions Club, ON
Oakville Firefighters Calendar, ON
Canine Vision Graduates - June 2014
Valerie Jean Griffiths, ON ; Club Lions de St. Hyacinthe, QC
Tom Moreau and Diane Brockman, ON
Sam Hobbes & Friends of Fenway, ON ;
Mississauga Central Lions Club, ON Tina Kiss, ON; Fisherville Lions Club, ON Feniwck Lions Club, ON;
Walkerton Lions Club, ON Truro and District Lions Club, NS
Wolfville and District Lions Club, NS; Fido
Woodstock Lions Club, ON
Garden City Lions Club, ON
Don and Julia McGowan, ON;
Long Point Lioness Club, ON
Dog Guide News • 16
DAD Graduates
Linda & Tulip
Maya & Wilfred
Linda & Juno
Toronto, ON
N.Vancouver, BC
North Saanich, BC
Regina Beach & District Lioness Club, SK
Newcastle Lions Club, ON
HED Graduates
Stacey & Folly
Burlington, ON
Allen & Acorn
Burk’s Falls, ON
John & Presto
Sarnia, ON
Kenneth & Matilda
Cheticamp, NS
Vera & Pint
Saskatoon, SK
Stephanie & Pesto
Barrie, ON
Jean & Splash
Edmonton, AB
Nancy & Ohana
Montreal-est, QC
Véronique & Deja
Trois-Rivières, QC
Catherine & Dora
St. Adèle, QC
Bailey & Giselle
Cambridge, ON
Sharon and John Kurtz, ON
Sharon and John Kurtz, ON
Denbigh Griffith Lions Club, ON
Kingston Lions Club, NS
Rhein and District Lions Club, SK;
Shell Lake Lions Club, SK
Medicine Hat Community View Lions Club, AB;
Swift Current Lions Club, SK
Susan Johnston, ON
Anonymous, ON
Sackville Lions Club, NB
SRD Graduates
Connor & Viola
Cory & Yola
Sandy & Muggs
Thornhill, ON
St. Catharines, ON
Rostock, ON
Care-Alive, ON
Care-Alive, ON
Humphrey Law, ON; Care-Alive, ON
SSD Graduates
Lesley & Ego
Heather & Grandin
Alyssa & Moxie Kenny & Halim Melissa & Ira Julie & Ghillie Burlington, ON
Woodbridge, ON
Humphrey Law; ON
Calgary, AB
Barrie, ON
Guelph, ON
Windsor, ON
Dog Guide News • 17