September - Arkansas Ultra Running Association
September - Arkansas Ultra Running Association
HEADLINE - HORTON FIMSHES MOONBAT TRANS.AM TI# ARKANSAS I]LTRARUNNER Sepl€nbdl95 A Nqsbdq Fq Menbe6 Of MESSAGE rROM TIIE BIGSHOT (I.lo The Arka$4 Ul+mz.ine Alsdiatid tuisge nm lhe Bigsltot houi) LITTLE KNOWN ULTRA SAYINCS Fjehtm til IIe[ A*es wa foud ibB lE, iha fghtm on th. lruq bui ic{DrchMrrer). Tough Iin6 ddt laqpeople do(udoom) do n(lrmct Fq). Lif. i coodl(Bigshot). IIAR EY'S ITLTRA NEWS OF THE DAY -Or S@tenbq 2nd &d 'tl4 rl$ lmm a Irbor Drv w@ta4 rc f,il hft rhe 6flh Nn\xl Hedt O'ftM]Lt t iejl.€ tm. Th. S.taday m wiU c@is of26 nilB.rrl tE Morday m *t[ b.24 mil6. Th* i*o tm wil rak u()Elnc toueh$q d thc tcd! o to of nE A*a66 TtMlq ! A0. Satuday8 m Edl b€ oul ed 6rck m f(Bt Imioe ro,& Madlys mi, crl€d lhe rzr, M@,Lin Loop &dsllldofilc 4 Do ii tr@bling iryotr rh.UnrattuiSeisR@*2,6;00!dErlrrfdborh n lel oul Mlc. dd rE* lhe roule. To gd lo Saraday! rul\ folow Hry 10 to Willi@'Jmclim. Tm leG onro ripy 9. Go approx 5 ni!6 to w_n1m Road. Tm righ! go 4 mne. flE uwilslart otr FsR 778 a,i ihc be of I*c winom spi,t*ay. To gcl to Mmdiys ru4 folow di@iiom to Mllim' Jucrim. Tu lcff d o Hrf 9. Go.bour3 dil6lo thc Winm Smic Drirc rt6o htom a FSR 132. Folow FSR 132 to FsR 75, appmx 15 nil6. Th lcfl mto lsR 75 md so 3 mnd to th€ irteB*lion of FsRr14. TmLnedgo 1/4 mil€ ro FsR 2. PeL n€se, Pl@l don'tdriEFsR 1r4fron Win@ 10 FSR 2. lt lmb quiok ad .ary lrlt if}6[ dot haE g@d lirEs, lhe rookr !i! eal u9 I*. youwh.ol,- Quelim: LuPeyln-225-6509- cnrtfft frMlii. 1995 lzadville ,00, atgusl lqh. Al,RAh Ja.tEvtu fnishcd lhc Iladvilb l00hrlituof2a24:57, M& o'lm *,t|,t m a.mptdmdl, Jacknowha i bu*lc ro w*- Nor ro 6c o!€nookd eirhd is ihe ws {61 A[IRA'6 W6r @al EDMtatiw, M,x Welkr, &!i!hed thb yem r"d,liL tM- [email protected],idinl\is@dcrr6 Tii! @n(:i:m the JaNay ru of the UltraTruil Setis. one of ine mo$ nEntrablc t@ of Ihe did [a!I yen M the 27 nde !ag,e Rcl loop doh at Albort Prke, I^l kcl I sot a note Am AURA'! DNid Smel @nMiig thi3 )€s ,e- ga i.V.4@ng&e Rdnd Md"tdn a@, - 21 mil6 d Albdl Pile @ h.E if lie Eard i! loo h,gt\ ,oo .old dl@ icy. Also, DNid gffi ne e &lv@ lml{ aI lhe logo dcaign ofth. rasl" R@k Inp oTrd\ dd c.p for lhe NrriqBl TBils Day ru. Ar |he Bi€BIol u.d lo say, 'whm you'E goo( good lhines ULTRA CORNER The 1995 LEADVIIE 100 'r.nd.Iu, colmdo. AleBt teib 1995. Jrcl - CotgBtulilios on fnbhing lhc ka}g]le 100. WelE ,I intdeelcd in hop you did trt3 st&r witi yN prcpdrim. Ddyou get a che* to go dll md @limte bd@ r@ d,t1.........M, pepoaEdld ke 'Rad Act6s I IE gE' ircl"d.d En ddrs 4@htuotid at Lzdrhiue dd Dot , naiy hd6 tprepoali in Lrd. balde dp t@which EN ne a slinnerdh.,pet Rdh l rd ffipbt tt Hope P6t three d* tun. Em lru rh€ re.rhr Ihb yeifl- -----.---The wa4el v6 typical lo th. nMIaiB ilhich included kry bo,. clilling tui. and sntu dd td a najd laator i, the lMt litishing rdt in rhe hktod of the Leadpilh r00, t 1*ert notf@ t d Lun d,he "n6bt's hand" bjnsi,C Aft Lta ny t@, My at tvi" Latej Aid s?taoa he DM p.,@nt wU be n@h hisner. Sine 186 tut alloved blti,katthe ment I rccei9e.lag.nl4pat@tinb$e elznenab Mq@ra *ry tuif tt atu da a snall bbp in the @Be @lled Hope P6s. wl[r ye stat silru widr tlg&dr io wdring ed miie dli.g ed d!ir1i']€...........1o be pedeat, handt, I da h@ I leet d ru *id| d idividMl fio h6 o sbdas/. I tty 10 eat dd &ink duins the sl@r ecd^ dtl hop. to Mme erusl to set ne lo tt lnish lin . d the 1995 laadville ru, I do not tuq4ift alot 6food ,& 6ual I aqei ent dting th. tun bMe I ao not eat dtnnq ny treini.g d. rks n not a Oa lnc lltrriig lirc, lcn remdeddi@tq d6t w6. fEt dd s@rd litu. ....,.,.,HoP Pds % prcbabb d. d ny e6ist sectio becMe I enjqed th. .tdb b the teM6. h b so betii.l @4 the Pdnns da tunbel 6ja-4ed tutuis * a tu iapiatiq to tu., Nd ttihlint abd, ia I ffiA e"Jq HN ss goi.g d.nng repeatt llE lloF Ps d thc Hop. P6s. I,id y@ h^! ! c@ d p&q ,o lctp y.r,?.....-...3.1M th. /ae, t son oJ h.d a qd ead p@L ,4t tlv t@e yorrested aDd the wather elidi,at.d o ndbet 4 dntuis ad I w l@tundte 1o pak np d d*tandine d an-d? .r- 1d vety idebbd b$eit eiots, suiad@ @d ena@rasenentvhhhv6 the tob rcBdlo e fnkbns. ,4s rhey tay, U n@ sh@s ehd h. is b, ,hat he d@ vidt rhal h. h6." As ane pds.d, I b.lifud I had the bett aw @a pmt to betu I hm {y low poift dtring lhe ru? Uh@?.,.,.,.,.J }.d a w ry naual run arcpped dt b.latu th. fusr. did,bt ant lov ?ai"tr ott t d'an kn r@e .oM Mt b.ay did not f4 l th. uual e$ec6 oJ th. t@. There n6t be a rc@n ehich I hope Did )ou tN eil *p|din. 4n,iieia' Jt s h6t be taeeatnobtuin. SB\aENI II EDmON - VOLI MN EIGITT / AUI1A - Brd b rhe Bm Z e Al wnal dmc in rtu r,id you 6jnl yo! [ad n itr fie bag?...,......ol& I a.qujFd thc cew 4d a I wodd fti6h wilhotrt qucrtion. Dfing myyoungdy.ffi F.or in hign 'lmine d conege, I m laugh tnc fonowins: p,6, l lnd $hol THINK BIG AND YOIIR DEEDS wlLL GROW, THINK SMALL AND YOIILL FALL BEHIND, TIIIN( I1IAT YOU CAN AND YOU WILL IIS AIL IN A STATE OF MIND, LIFE's BATTLES DONT AIIWAYS GO TO THE STRONGER OR PASIER MAN, BUT SOONER OR LAIER, TTIE MAN ln'EO \I1NS IS IIIE FELI-W WI{O THINKS HE CAN I I D6t adilit &at Ctzt ls1 l,ai,ins ru in Lea&illz, I had na,y ddba ab@t vtd an ",r doks nere. Bu,nt lastrutwdots beldeLk t@ @in@d ne that I haAvhdittat sto Nowrhd y@ he had rinc ro Efl@t, woultlyou do it dry ditr6ar{y?..........No| Nai Nol ltv6 awry e4jotabb dpnen@ i" ilhich iltreN@ld aw! lins tina 1h.l^t@ryhtbnd a 100 is thc os you win tlffi forset I PhFi6[y, hN e sore pd,b- t1'e to lswe &. rlnn.-....-...Pbsicalb. ny anu.s andlqt qe ie onb renai,aet oliy badt is ready to nn Hope P6s asai,. My head is stit qi,s you doiig aA6 @t ",hat haPpene.l" oihflis., you {odd giw b &ose of B who e mi.lding Irdvilo in tE tu$r,..,.,.,.,-41 Ldt 10 dars d@linabd, cds tainins sidt wiahx d,/ina the spina .d sunnq ptia/ to the r@, train in ltut$iL d ,he sectiM skch nat gi9e t@ a nental probbn, @riut ebb'aias cB aaA p@. run nn! riLs beJM &e r e, ed ptur. Any advic., taini.g or Thd Jel &d cone.attlaiiotu,.,,.....,,,,fidler! Were did )D, @ne "p *ilh these q@no^2 LEADWLIE 100 - Tl]ns is a listing oftie ARKANSANS who have finished the Isdville 100 A1@htuT[cl{€r(39) 2l:32i45 &yB,lcy(94) y(92) Billlsra{9o) Billt4rc,(91) Bi[ Coreq9o Bin IEq92) B Iarc(88) Lrryl,Iab{9r) Rly Ban 22:31134 22139129 22:43:35 22:55:45 u:43:1r 2s.22.15 .07.54 27:27 SI]V'F-NTH IInON - VOI IIMN IJGHT / AURA - Brd to lhe Bmc 3 21:34'.25 2a3l:37 lrry Mabry(88) 28:37:24 28:40,12 MIG ltsaq92) 28:47,31 28:58:34 1995 MOONBAT TMNS - AMEPJCA FOOT MCE t olr July 25dr u(Pe,ion) drow to st ,cept\ Missoui, 10 @w for fme, Artmm ad p,miq AtiRA tltaRwer, Deid Horron, as he mp.rcd dunis lne 1195 Moonbal TraF AM a 292t mile foor race &ms the Andis. Thc m slarl€d on Jue 17th in tlulinelm Baclr Crifmia sd endcd 6a d.ysl,&r, Augut lqn, in cetrralPelr NoYdr Cit. Itis w6 s stisc noe fomal. Ew] day, a F@. The bce oficialy a(l€d m dD 63!h day, The fintl 64ft d,y wa r 19 nne grcup m inio cenrral pat. lf ny calculaL'r is dCltq $d Mascs 46 mild a day. LRRck Bob and Rcarnay M{sion wlto liw in sl cremd td Deid his two d46 in KmB, Thd u sd Rosmr.y slmd duti6 fd &c tusl day in Misoui hu loot D id lhE6 dq! by nffilf b lhc llinob lirc. I hlw rdied Ll! Bob &d Romary io shm thcn c&didB wiih E. t R*ulrs(om(ol a I@ nEl,e lnm) +!6:50:31 +33:14:50 +53:32:18 +123:46:01t* icome E ord 6y 59 hom. +.FdBlc - Sd cDGc Edd David Horlon SBr'ENTH F-DITION ' VOLUMN EIGHT / shm ALTRA. Bad io ihe wnai h. s Bd6 4 BOB AND ROSEMARY t'" "t .y Tt,eAm wd @dc fe you wnal w6,o! rocdd whayou fomd our tie t@ {s mi.g ltuoueh yoE hm.toql St Ioslpn, [dsoui, ed ou ulFa trolna @ @td8m,....-,-.W. wr. acibd dtl tw becMe I had the wner dana &er wru tunirg ,7@El ture Aui,s ,re *e.AeDA nal *e tuU b. abL to help- Bd a,A I wrc bdt abb 1,, qN d Suday and Moday .d Ia @d I hardbd I d tuadat. It look like ihe K,M? r6t wh,r did!€ lool lili..nq 36 da)E ofullo You oq 10 m€t D&id in M.rrpiUc, di<i]'@s1..,..,.,..Beorded, toa andw,r, wy thia. 1EnJlitsldriwdinMarysile, Kma, he @s, a&.ter, atut had j6t l,*h.d shMri,e and pt@eded to put bass af ie on ,k Ald ilnh hit d.partins @s, abod 30 nitu^ he w6 ruzdy tgab bnch. Enc Sb.b @d Wanen Bah., oltha Ktu6 Abatunnines'Sciety(KLB} Alet lnch$ewnt b lake a ?'choe olDdid d &e Pa,, Erpess ho" hent (a vry larye bffie fidet o, d latse e.t(dh.dide hdth.Jatt@ing brcEe hore.) He had seened so tired,lcn l lBt q"'.kl! d/1|s), but h. sea ed k tu.Mt atet shMti,s, icins, a"d eolins. t Vew n,nsj @ A lr?icd day beg@ al 4;00 a .m. sd ordEd ar 9:00 p.n Wbnl did you do in b(*weejf.-,.,.,..,n1e Aoyr all statted wty $iett. Ddtd hddb taltzd at all atul allthe athet flnwr to be ye,, neh ithi" thekt.l*r belate the ddi.s stdlA .At 5:40 an. thet a li@d up atul ofrher Eo, D@d set the e&1y ttinafeil ntla th.othets had sore oldlL, behind, Ilte cws,eet the runners 4ry iLr, [email protected] and PMtboB eart in rhe day, As the day wre on he ilibhad b Mtuntain d @dy(rcn iry b Buderfirye$, Oreo D@ble Sh6 Bc,l,Rtths. Milkrv.Er, RalLa, Reese's PB atps. .tc.) As the da! heated up. H. wted a brctd ana sp ge flith @1.1 edte/ ta sq@eze d./ hb head a,Abodt. He also.died i@ vstet ina b.file uhen n eot hot fhis n pdtan hinsell, tut bdnnt rhe p@€ is sol6t thee k hdtdlt tine to set lqAea btuk np, dtbe iles adbe ftad, bne.t dgain beifu he sett there. The@bdnew@t his*rl h'n wh.n aza I had b so b the bathrm at the sm. line dd tk s6 stadon pe b tia tiikl D M No w tfl hi HN raiy dd how fd {@ yN sl!qr$l.......-..S,ases 37lliMtha, KdM) 58.9 tutles, stase 38(EM, Kd6)361 niler dd stase 39(H@ilto", M*@ri) 48,4 niles. 8ob and I w*ed Stasa 37 anA 38. ltuand l(Rdehdd wttud Staqe 39. Eow wd you rim. spdl wha you w@ nol crcwiig D&id?,,........gdt tdd, den'ns therc M cttu tde, 2 ni|": a hish sch@l tacL, at abet 6:40 p.h. tith th. tenp.tuturc at l26t 9s d.erees i, the shade, Ihe ruh@B sat and hooled ehile the ct s td. I tun dad e6 not the 16r p.ts@. Dinnel w6 prcpa4d b tk Mffibar dd, we isied a lidle \|iti Ddid @d tAen grtu, lvd ee/t, wry hat sp/ea-d M sbepiis bass an thell@ oI th. Ma,teilb Htsh 'ah@l all night - tu air cddinoning- Mana4 Bob aaA I ctded Ddid an.l then Bab wht tova* The ttaee.rd.d ak6t vthir sht olnis aryla,*- Ddid an l I wnt to lunch and thet wnt to N AM. nhere h. w db to tde a nap anA nab pAM calb, lhen w wat b k 12 Eb@a Sch@l terc the etdp w sp.ndine dE nirtuin aiconlitioreda16e@ns, TheM@rbat SEVENIii EDnON - VOLIIMN EIGHI / AURA - Bad lo lhc Bonc 5 sdt lu eaballs and a I'qol st@p pr@ideA sdaa and deserts rers dnd dds and a hit,olical lecture @ Etuea, Kaad. Ale, di,,?t, Dd'd vsnt to bed ad Rob d I ilent hone- Ld dieed at dr hrue sha b afet ard ve all vent ta bed. and I qMd atl a.y. A|tet Tuada, we sd up abdt 3:30 a-n- aad ee,n b nee, Dsid. Daid tun a"d iced, the three of6 r.nt to lunch an.l *ited the J. c. Pehnt Muern and @miltuM J.C.\ boyhdra hme)- ,aleryalds, Dd'.lsot hi hajl. He sat ta drch e else eot all tocethd. t. had hA dn pdl afre crute. H. sot card!, ba*s, pack s4, ad cahdy- Sm. nail wB fu,"y, $ne % rechi,s, b,t al isPintid b ni . I-t2t t at e^ gkatv appr.ciated Eeeryu.'s suppqt is d eery d.ains sfue l@al llt arun"qs lrm CMu,Misstui, Bd atul Saru Ris,et,supplied Annd?dlad, piattu, cakz aa.l ie crem)- Shatur dt r dinnet, Bob arriw.l in ld's ttuck and h auitioa d€/, .ray &e suPPb oJilatet Le dd I said sdl-ttp ed tu,"e.| it all @et ta and be hod to be repb,nhed and iE Conq@st kixed up anA itu.l ddnlat the folovinC dar. Ai tl@e mna, bos tua b B@k d SMetins akttes ad tuts had ta be *asred. e thase wte so A,ythinseke D@idn@ded ldd,cbe tak2n carc dthe,*htbefore yq en,@ nee,ted iL snal."dlat ara cdld,'t depend 4l"dinEiltuntd needed crds c@tzrt eeet n dnA la Liba Iher.il6 d.htheei0nN/y pMrll In be. Hr* yon dw dom aillrlitrg cmpd*n. t lirg.-....,..10.,...NoI 1, I io lnis M@l olr LOU PEYTON n" lee lcale of I to 10 siw me a "'".v hin?, ......1 d did you m.! Ddid &d wh@ did you Jub 25th dnd statcd ttuesh HMibal, Misrtui, an Fiday the whw d a tM h'n dt 28tt. St. Jdeph, Missen, lmmba you cEw€d fm MdGloopd) at W..iem stal€s itr '85 dd pac€d me ar lhe "C,otr" in '9s, Bolh liner yotr lci lho Irmd quiL Dd you h& a pl& if D&id hnd d@ided ro rhiN in the crdsed ny nin-4 ,hat D@id |stu lrhtN in &e Tdel'' low.l duirg you *arch?,..,.,..../r I B.t Dcadib€ you tFjoal d.y momi.g, aldfidn.........At t?@l dat besan d 3: j0 a.n. Eee.ythins had ne, atins na Btdes, Shd p@, do t d$sins, pac\ins b, 1:00 d.m. Pach,s dnd laAi,s Ddi*s @np/sl@pi"s sear baCs, etc. Eat "p sonethinc. set co[@, fnkh D@id" sear ladins. At 5 dd. slatP, the r@ vd on MrJob bnetutfl"her s.ry t*a niLs\|iAprepl nedfuidt a"d/@<lt, All,i'nss that he Mld @kfat h@e 6 quickly ud @ ,c@tibb @ p6sible. Alet daybrcd., I @U settle dN" a"d besintoe"jq &e ew"L Ddid% bzAins tk ru* sah.aflhe t-e, so lhlldEd &e whicle d tte ed thdt bel,rs.d tJ Sl,,aLian ru"rer, nmed Dbdt. t Aink this ts ilhat bela/e hy dhs &e press eehicl. at DdL,n, fark hst be Lnz, ?he rad tuld thape .16 andlldtl ||6 a,idpotttldpdl6fth. deht- Ddid vd n, rundlq that.Lr, that week Wi$1A ns b so N,y ady &e rur"us Rened 3i@ thei,161th t oJetury) to te. eha pl,c.dehaft- 1 stpphed D@id vnh Cd,t6t , dsoned ezlibles fion ah'ps, .@dy, Jruil ba\, i.ed dean asd santuictd. ,4s 4e A..r ptosressea,I prcpated sp@ses dhtl a M ,Eo6f^tdpss *6 Pe q N t eMt sEl'EN'tH EDTflON - VOLUMN EIGm / AURA - Bad lo lhe Bore 6 wtet- AbaP@ttoat\Dhtpd'lL Itab8t blg chansng ha u". dnhens lq bl'sknw, *d! dd sdt'' DNd atut th? bpfue @nda3 -*Ls;* an' 4Bt n,ish?d bv n@n .ach dav. rh"n nt chq"" b.8u Unl@d hs M n'!d boa' '.; e? r' q@rt htu'wishbd-t| lttt- t nae, hn@ what h..on?d ia that hg Prupnt JN to ?at *' -&* "*" a"" ** * at e@k L. al?t ) b 2a d\u6 oJ nne D@d \onk'1 wh?ry ft a;E Mch" [email protected] an hr.h" 4e, tu.h 84 ba'k b th' "ct@t etc' I tied @e; w ilqe toCeks,Jd Ddidt2res\lht n totoPer' oPa ait, nate Phone eolts b,^'Mbh rh; c;ir\ "lthfte lars. ie chqb. n4! hM. ctedins ja cdbald @kng v6 and dD\ns .talhes, s6 th. taah b/, ice, dittiated wbt dnd resuPPlvlaod shd llt'ete t.", i.iu..*" pt-" "aL' -enb pdtcads B,fietne t Eotcttd6 rt e d'e tunrets w in bed an-4 th; q,net dke % rea y Npected. Na tallaag o hoises aier a30 p'n htckd d t@ 1 J$sie RiLr' the CdDnea@' aad his tistei daid' dbile shal3b, wp a Aotish,. Si;ie li's a, Ws Mtu,tai, nm la*e MM'le to b' interestins *N wte 8*kd ^ "-d;@. m. JapMe MeB and "ry Md. vetypoti.h; Nspd@ noE,,glith f'qewrt weJ@atut"nPld,ces oftte Moanbafi;;pd, who@e sPNus {the r@ {ho spoka E'atish r't, w' wtent@ wld -dt rrE-;raMA b;. .4let ie aars N theJaPa'*' qM eddd b'sq"adi's dM @tside the notzt d s.h@l coolins@r a gnll l gues itr6 ice ond n@dles' Th'? i,8 6r' rt JaPaMe aba h"d thei @' debt wha$dtd -i"i "i",rt -" ^a ",,r, O@ uw@l tni"s abet sme of dP Japa8e tu"ne4 is ld tlB dd itistq acctpu,.atretuldtope dt$;L, b &en hgs Mar$. nw at Pl*sure Pointt breliae dte Pain' ' T€[ u abour rV i lidriigp€[email protected].. Now lhar)ou'€ heL ho@ wh.' i.,tu 'lrB-A\i--..,,.1ilant to eo b@kfu Lut t'.! lN to Mihur o'd wi& rhe Moonbtt tu hotlu tu ta be oPdtici?ant' M. The wa{nq x impBid ofvod ffi rMeN Mt Nat 6rdrt QE k on the lunds 50K K6 l,find sFr\,'FNltl EDIIION - VOLIIMN GHT / AURA _ Bad to th. Bone 'I 1996 ULTRA TRAIL SERIES THr 1og, MIDMAfi 50K Malrr'l AlN RUt, Tine * = N€w tt,ly 2 loe. lll. Poinl! syts, Torrl Poinli Cow R@rls R@ oaladlr ftr inc qi6(S(re sepr.nr6a 4Ur0rbd Day ofthc da16 e t6raliE) \,khight 50 K Momtain Ru Snilh Momtrb t op,24mil6 &ls6 Tr.rclld 100 M16 The DdoNLalio, Ru(IBA) Cadlewood Moulain Rh 20K 10-9-10 Adwtrc Rurl. 2I Mj!6 Romd MID bop(Albert Pilc Tnil) Nd SDrins Cksio, 21 21 Ml6. Ml€s. SF-r/FNIH F-DITION - VOI I IMN F-IGBT / AI IR A - Bd 10 the Rone 8 t\r4, R@6bq {rr! lhc Trail Saiq f@ns a w!&. hodc. @lta gd ad adhlue Imi.g' Exp@t i[e ucr?e&d C&ry ARKANSAS TRAVELLER UPDATE DEAR DIARY(DD) - wel DD, re\! ord.rd b@l]*, conquBl cailitss! pink dbbm, nftlt.s ud Mourain Valcy W.&r. Am I ftisi.g e}tine? Yqtdday, N&. DM crlcd sd t lked to hu. De lbin}3 hc is chflge oforddi.g lhe slxrL d h,&. Dq tw sotniminrh6p.lmofny had fti! w.1l h& me spoirl ilts for rhe rcluxm, Ce yo! (sp a ssEe W. B.ircd ou fsl at r Am S* an6d L$ w@k. DB {i,, m@ tI he to sp€al Swi,s. ALo (tis W&. Bdrd pr&ti@ ny signing WcI dE Preeidcnt of Galbudct Uni@ily b ming q'lDi nefi m ordd fi. G.r and Berc rhs U-gaul ' rhi, @t. lm scIirE nmus DDr y* tu[ RRCA ULTRA RUNNER OF TIIE YEAR T]PDATE y€d duiig thc HealdiFcs! W@lGd(No\ebd) al Hol spdDe!, tn€ Arl.M chapter of lhe Ro.d Runa Ctrb ofAmais FE66e irr RUIINER OF T1IE YBAR Awald' Th. sl6tid of rlE Lrtti Rma of fie yu is &l€ftin d by ! Doinr rrslen $ar is mirtained by AttRA! TmyJobsm. TnL &b.rim ir.ticldy 6y maiL Tny ha a point s]rlm rht ne ues to n*€ t[c elmdm. I m prising {rc d tlE, t6h{gh Ju6. circ me a cal ifyou ml b er@ mplcto lwlls. Rmmbd we still @uple h@ nonth! to go,(thrugh Octobd) EvE y d he. 251.5 BillI:etli uo 231.5 t95 130 100 (imco(M Kin !<o Di,mc F- Bc,l I!l/ F6rklin t u Pe),t n Ldc JohMn 1165 641 .5 27s 211.5 144-5 140 80 50 50 30 30 30 SEVENTH EDMON ' VOLT,MN EIGIIT / AIIRA-Bd1llheBme 9