January 2014 Newsletter
January 2014 Newsletter
January 2014 The HBHS Record Ex-student is World Champion Ex-student, Dan Ritchie, who is 27 years old and attended HBHS between 1998 – 2002, visited his old school in September to catch up with his old teachers and see how the school has changed in the ten years since he left to begin his career as a professional athlete. Dan was originally a talented swimmer, racing the 1500m for Team GB, and achieving a world ranking of 72. However Dan switched sports and in 2008 Dan raced in the fours (rowing) at the World U23 Championships, finishing in 6th place. In September 2013, after years of hard work and commitment, Dan succeeded in his ultimate goal and won a World Championships rowing gold medal at the Korean based event. Dan Ritchie, ex-HBHS student, celebrates winning a gold medal at the Rowing World Championships of September 2013. Dan raced in the men’s eight. And in a landmark performance he and the rest of the team led the race for all bar the first 250 metres, beating the reigning World and Olympic Champions Germany into silver place in a time of 5:30.35. Dan, whose sister Gemma, and brother Aaron also attended HBHS, is an inspiration and role model to all of us - Dan had a dream and worked hard and with support achieved his goal. An We at Herne Bay High School are very proud of him Dan shows off his gold medal to HBHS’s Principal, Dr Owen Dan in his 2001 school photograph. Notice the slightly different school tie Wall hanging sent to Malawi A group of students in Design and Technology – Textiles, completed a project of creating a wall hanging to send to a charity in Africa. The charity ‘Joshua in Malawi’ supports orphans and provides community care for vulnerable children in Malawi. The organisation supports five primary schools and has provided funds to build six education blocks for students who live in rural communities. Students from HBHS researched the charity and designed a wall hanging which will be displayed in an early education classroom. Each student designed a square of fabric with an African inspired theme. The fabric was printed on and embroidered to create individual pieces, the squares were then sewn together to create an inspiring wall hanging. ‘Joshua in Malawi’ charity thanks HBHS for their kind gift The Head Girl and Head Boy receive the wall hanging on behalf of the rest of the students from the deputy head teacher during an assembly. The Autumn Showcase On 21st November, a group of talented students entertained a packed theatretournament with their Autumn Showcase concert featuring songs from musical shows. There was much glitz and glamour, fine singing, a live band and a little light humour on show, with each performer being well received by an enthusiastic audience. The talent on display was breath-taking and it was down to the commitment and hardwork of the students and staff that made this extremely successful evening possible. The students show their appreciation of HBHS’s hard work. Celebrating excellence at HBHS’s annual Academic Prize Evening HBHS is committed to excellence whether this be in the realms of sports, the arts, working with and for the school or wider community or in terms of academic achievement. In order to celebrate the vast numbers of students who excel within the school, HBHS hosts three different awards evenings every year, namely a Mini Community Awards Evening, a Sports Awards Evening and an Academic Prize Evening. On 13th November, HBHS hosted its annual Academic Prize Evening. This inspiring evening recognised the academic achievements of students from Year 7 to Year 12 – please see below for the winners and further on in this newsletter for some photographs of this inspiring evening. Year 7 Prize Evening Maddison Ahearne Matilda Boys Amy Chivers Ella Eastwood Ayla Furminger Elliot Harris Luke Herlihy Justin Oakey-Morris Millie Rogers Adam Strotton Jamie Tooth Isabella Williams Science RE Geography ICT & Maths Drama Art Technology MFL PE Dance/Music English History Year 10 Prize Winners Joshua Agada Chloe Alexander Rhiannon Allsopp Charlotte Anderson Robyn Armstrong Liam Bagnall Sophie Barton Jessica Caira Alexander Davison Bobbi Eden Lauren Gardner Sophie Hughes Max Newton Elisha Padgett Sophie Strotton Tiegan Westley Science ICT Maths MFL Technology Music History Dance Catering Health &SC Drama Geography Business PE & RE Art Year 8 Prize Winners Niamh Alexander Natalie Austin Lucy Beacon Henry Boys Taylor Chandler Rebecca Connell Mollie Gambrill Amba Godden Amy Tritton Tess Walker Imogen Welch Megan Wilson Rosie Young History Geography Dance Music & RE PE Technology Drama Art Science ICT English MFL Maths Year 11 Prize Winners Kendall Borer Jemma Farrow Hollie Ferrett Grace Goodman Phoebee Green Rebecca Johnson Georgina Miller bb Hannah Radley Lucy Twyman Alexandra Wadey Aimee Walsh Chloe Wheeler Imogen Williams Louis Wilson Harry Worrall Science Business Drama T & Tourism PE Music English & Maths History Catering Geography Dance MFL Health &SC ICT & Tech RE Year 9 Prize Winners Jake Ashby Dance Connor Bennett Drama Harvey Brivio Geography Sophie Cook Technology Oliver Dickson Science Ira Hills Maths Nathan Holder ICT Rhian Knight History James Langridge RE Emily Sharkey PE Megan Vest Art/MFL Luigi Walker Music Amy Worrall English Year 12 Prize Winners Harry Evans Psychology Luke Fruin Drama Lauren Gibbons ICT George Harber COPE NancyHarris Art & English Joseph Holland PE Nicole Ironmonger Law & Sociology Matthew Jaundoo Geography Victoria Kearney Health &SC Zoe North RE Cally Planson Business Kimberly Powell Technology Deon Quinney T & Tourism Kristian Stockbridge Maths, Music & Science Brett Thomas Dance Jordan Whiting Media A few photos from 2013’s Academic Prize Evening Sports Award Evening 2013 The 2013 HBHS Sports Awards Evening took place in the Bay Arena on Wednesday 25th September. The audience of parents, staff and governors were entertained by trampolinists, climbers, roller hockey players and performances by the Boys Dance Company and Year 13 BTEC Dance, showcasing the wide variety of activities available to HBHS students. Awards were presented by Olympic swimmer Chris Cook who told his story and personal journey in sport to inspire the students. Throughout the evening 103 students received “Colours” Awards for representing the school in at least two sports; 43 students received Silver Sports Star Awards for commitment to over five PE clubs and at least one community club and 14 talented students received the Gold Sports star for being involved with at least five clubs and having received District or County representative honours. The night is the school’s opportunity to recognise individuals for their extra special achievements and commitment to PE and Sport and this year the winners were as follows: ***Outstanding Sports Leader in School ***Outstanding Sports Leader in Community ***Outstanding Sports Leader in Partner School ***Outstanding Dance Leader in School ***Mat Parsons Active Lifestyle Award ***Outstanding Achievement in Extra-Curricular PE & Sport ***Outstanding Achievement in OAA ***Outstanding Commitment to Extra-Curricular PE & Sport ***Team of the Year (Please see below for a selection of photos from the evening) Brian Steele PRIDE Values Awards (please see below for a few of our prize winners). Joe Holland Emily Sharkey Lucy Twyman Ellen Lacey Albert Kenny Georgia Legge Luke Horley Emily Sharkey U15 Girls Basketball Team Mollie Eyles The HBHS Gallery Key Stage 3,4 and 5 students within the Visual Arts Department have been busy developing their drawing and painting skills on themes such as Portraiture, Fantastic Forms and Food. Here is a snapshot of a few pieces. The art team are incredibly proud of the students' efforts and perseverance, and they look forward to seeing this year’s homework project entries. Look out soon for information on the school website about the upcoming homework project exhibitions. HBHS’s Jiu Jitsu Club The Herne Bay High School Brazilian Jiu Jitsu club began in June 2013. It has steadily grown in popularity and each week we see the loyal regulars and some new faces. With the students mastering the basics, the introduction of Gis and belts will add a new dimension to the techniques already being drilled. We are always looking for new students to come along and join our friendly and hard working team! Thursday afternoon’s (3.304.30) in the gym all welcome! Miss Lidyard and Mr. Gregory Going potty for Potter! Since the launch of ‘Accelerated Reader’ (http://www.renlearn.co.uk/accelerated-reade) in October 2013, students in Year 7 and 8 have been reading like mad! They have stepped up their game to participate in quizzes on books they have read and are engaging in reading more than ever before. 796 books have been quizzed on in the past 30 days, which is a total of 15,825,005 words read – and that isn’t counting anything read by older year groups, or books read in class. As a reward for such success in reading, the English department took 45, Year 7 and 8 students to the Warner Brothers’ Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter in the last week of the Autumn Term. Students and staff alike loved the trip, with the opportunity to see the actual sets, costumes, props and special effects used in the Harry Potter films. They even got to ride on broomsticks! We are hoping that the new term will see even more success; we want students to be reading continually, both at home and school. Keep on quizzing! DID YOU KNOW? • • • • If you read for less than 20 minutes each day, your ability to read will gradually get worse. If you read for 35 minutes or more each day, you will make rapid improvement! When you are reading, you should take time to pause after every few pages to think back over the story; this will help you to remember the details of the story when you finish the book. People who read regularly live longer, make more money and have clever children! Mrs Vass New Football Academy at HBHS Herne Bay High School, Herne Bay Football Club Community Interest Company and the Charlton Athletic Community Trust are joining forces to develop the Herne Bay and Charlton Athletic Community Trust Football Academy for students aged 16 to 18 to start in September 2014. The Academy will be a two year full-time education and football development programme delivered by Herne Bay High School in partnership with Herne Bay FC and the Charlton Athletic. Students will have access to high level football coaching and fitness training. Students will also have the opportunity to achieve FA Level 1 and Level 2 Coaching qualifications. Students will select their other A Level or BTEC courses from those offered in the sixth form prospectus which can be found on the “kentchoices4u” website. The Academy will be open to any talented footballers aged 16 to 18. A playing trial will be required to support an application and these trials will take place on dates to be confirmed in 2014. Students should apply through the “kentchoices4U” website. For further information please contact Daniel Gill at the Charlton Athletic Community Trust ([email protected]) or Mrs Bourne at Herne Bay High School ([email protected]) or Ron Boddy at Herne Bay FC CIC ([email protected]) Cinders comes to HBHS The Year 12 BTEC Performing Arts students presented their own production of Cinderella to Year 7 and Year 8 students. The show was a great success and actors and audiences had a wonderful time. Year 8 Eagles Music TARDIS Soundtrack competition In the Autumn Term, the Year 8 Eagles group learnt how to use Garageband to create a soundtrack in Mrs Short’s Music lessons. The group used the story they had previously written when Dr Who’s TARDIS came into school as a stimulus, and worked on sounds to accompany various images of the TARDIS. Heron Point Reward Trip Over 50 of the school’s highest performing students, as demonstrated by their achievements in class, in community work and in sport were rewarded with a trip to the Kavanagh Cinema in Herne Bay to watch Thor 2. Well done all in your great achievements keep it up! At the end of the term, the group invited in Mr J Jones to be guest judge and the class presented their work to him in order that he could decide which soundtrack was the most appropriate for the images. All the students worked very hard and were proud to show their work to another member of staff. The overall winner as chosen by Mr Jones was…….. Oliver Pitcher JCS Congratulations Oliver! Mrs. Short Other newsletters to read through Please check out our Herons newsletters and our Sports College newsletters and in addition please have a look through previous school newsletters. These are all accessible on our website: http://www.hernebayhigh.org Children in Need As has become a tradition at HBHS, the school’s staff and students supported the BBC’s Children in Need appeal. The star of the show is the annual Dance Dash, now in its fourth year, which danced in the High Street and within eight schools around the area. The twenty Year 7 to Year 13 dancers raised an amazing £3,354.47 this year. Pirates, superheroes and cavegirls put on a wonderful music concert that added to the pot and there were cake sales, a roller disco, non-school uniform day and other events that were well supported by the whole of HBHS’s community. In total HBHS raised a massive £4,860.01 for the 2013 Children in Need appeal. Year 9 Enterprise Day On 14th January 2014, Year 9 students were involved in an Enterprise Day where they had to develop ideas, plan a business strategy, produce a product and market a Smoothie. Specifically, the students were tasked with developing key aspects of a business plan - establishing pricing strategies, target markets, where the product would be stocked and how it would be promoted. Sixth form Business Studies students acted as ‘business consultants’ throughout the day supporting and advising the students, who had been organised into groups. Once the business strategy had been devised, all the teams had to present a formal ‘pitch style’ presentation to a representative of the East Kent Business Partnership to outline their ideas and provide reasoning behind their decisions. Each group was judged on their plans and presentation skills. There were some really innovative business ideas and all teams were creative and unique in their production and planning. Mr Hudson Some art clubs that students may wish to join Year 7 Welcome Week, 2013 In August, HBHS’s Student Forum invited a group of upcoming Year 7 students to their new school to take part in a series of activities. The students had the opportunity to experience the following: Climbing, cooking, art, trampolining, team games, roller skating, bowling, English and Maths work and a trip to Bewl Water Outdoor Centre for canoeing and raft building. The best thing about all these activities was that everyone had to work together as a team, develop friendships and the Student Forum were able to support the new students to become familiar with their new school. When the new students started school in September, they immediately came up to members of the Student Forum and told us how well they were settling in and this made us very happy. I know, without a doubt, all of the children loved the trip to Bewl Water. Whilst there we built rafts and went canoeing. At the end of canoeing we all got a chance to capsize our boat! The Student Forum have run a Welcome Week for the last few years and aim to do this every summer, as it has proved very successful in helping our new Year 7’s to settle in to their new school. Article written by Daisy Laming (Year 8) Abigail Howland (Year 9) Trip to Dover and Deal Castles Year 11 GCSE historians and their teachers visited the castles of Dover and Deal on 25th September. This visit was part of the students’ controlled assessment which comprises 25% of their overall GCSE History grade. Dover Castle was visited in the morning where the pupils had to identify the medieval defensive features to enable a comparison to be made with those at Deal Castle, the destination for the afternoon. However, filming was taking place for the new Johnny Depp film which made it difficult to get to some of the areas in the castle grounds. (Johnny Depp was unfortunately not on set that day much to the disappointment of the students!) Miss Fairbard Head of History Where are they now? Please see below for information related to the destinations of last year’s (2012-2013) Year 13 students. Summary Year 13 destinations Continuing into Higher Education i.e. University 58 Continuing into Further Education 11 Employment and Training 19 Employment 6 Other 8 102 Get Set to Make a Change Leadership Programme In October Mrs Bourne, Mr Wooldridge and a group of Year 12 students attended the ”Get Set to Make a Change” conference at Canterbury College. The students were inspired by Olympians and Paraympians to develop their own legacy of London 2012 by working as a team to make an impact on their community. Some new music clubs Studio Training – For Year 10 upwards on Monday and Wednesday lunchtimes. Learn how to use the analogue studio – professional training to use a professional recording studio. Open to all students, regardless of whether they study music or not. Japanese Taiko Drumming - Every Friday lunch in MU04. Open to all students. HUGE drums! A good way to get rid of any frustration! Mrs Reece French trip to Arras’s Christmas market The Year 12’s took part in a range of activities to develop their team work and planning skills and came away with a set of resources to help them continue their project. The team are now hard at work planning a “Paralympic Legacy Day” that will take place in March 2014 for Year 6 and 7 students from schools across Herne Bay and Whitstable. The participants will experience a wide range of activities to raise their awareness of disability sports and gain an understanding of the Olympic and Paralympic values. On windy December day, 90 Year 8 students braved the cross channel ferry to visit the Christmas Market in Arras, northern France. Olympic gold medal winning canoeist Tim Baillie and paralympic bronze winning swimmer Natalie Jones pose with HBHS Year 12 students during an inspiring day Practice your Spanish whilst roller skating! The students enjoyed a lovely day practicing their language skills, tasting the local sweets and treats, then finally they picked up some last minute Christmas presents at Cité Europe. HBHS has a group of Spanish students visiting The Bay Arena for a roller disco session on the following dates and HBHS language students are welcome to attend for free: ***28th ***7th ***14th ***2nd ***23rd Mrs Bourne Ms Willets March April April May June 3.30 – 5.00pm 3.30 – 5.00pm 3.30 – 5.00pm 3.30 – 5.00pm 3.30 – 5.00pm HBHS PE Department is awarded Sainsbury’s School Games Kitemark at Gold standard The Sainsbury's School Games Kitemark is a Government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and within the community. In order to achieve the award we had to evidence our commitment to competitive sport at Level 1 inter-school (minicommunity), Level 2 intra-school (fixtures against other schools) and Level 3 county festivals (Kent School Games). We also had to demonstrate how we are engaging our students in leadership and officiating, how we use sports coaches and sports club links to increase opportunities for our students to participate and compete. This year we rebranded our morning mentor sports leadership programme under the School Games banner and they formed a School Games Organising Committee. The assessor was able to see the 6th form students at work, training the younger leaders and said that this was a shining example of good practice. We were judged as Gold standard and I would like to thank everyone involved at HBHS for giving our students and community these Gold Kitemark opportunities. Thanks to the PE team for their boundless energy and commitment and to the School Games Organising Committee and the many School Games Leaders in the school, to staff from other departments who support PE, to our coaches, linked sports clubs and to Active Life for our strong working partnership. Finally we applaud every student at HBHS who takes up the fantastic opportunities and makes it all worthwhile! HBHS Top 5 Books The LRC can reveal that the top 5 most borrowed books in the Autumn Term 2013 were: 1. Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan 2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins 3. Billionaire boy by David Walliams 4. Zom-B by Darren Shan 5. Catching fire by Suzanne Collins Over 5000 books were borrowed from HBHS’s Learning Resource Centre in the Autumn Term. Reading is a skill that improves with practice so please would parents and carers continue to support their children in developing good reading habits. Mrs Kelleher Mrs Bourne LRC Manager Y7 Halloween Disco Code Club On a late October evening, the Year 12 ASDAN CoPE team hosted a Halloween themed school disco for Year 7 students. The Year 7 students joined in with the fancy dress theme and there were some great costumes! The students made a fantastic effort, and we were very impressed that they helped to make the night so much fun. Code Club is a nationwide network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children. Its mission is to give every child in the UK the chance to learn to code. It was a great night, not only because of the Year 7 students’ great effort, but also because of all the staff that helped to make the night run so smoothly. There were games, competitions and prizes on the night including, a scariest costume competition, raffle tickets and a dance contest. We would like to thank Mr Ferreira, Mr Dubois, Mrs Miller, Miss Wynter, Mrs Brown, Mr Collison, Mr O’Rourke, Mr Hasler, Mrs Rake, Mr Black, Mr Cave, Connor Bennett and Finn Connolly for their fantastic contribution to helping us run the disco. Asdan CoPE Team Learning to code is an important skill now that we’re living in a digital age. It’s not just enough for children to know how to use technology, they should know how it works too. Learning to code doesn’t just mean you can become a computer developer, it strengthens problem solving skills and logical thinking and supports key academic subjects such as Science, Maths and Technology. The projects teach children how to program by showing them how to make computer games, animations and websites. Code Club is about fun, creativity and learning through exploring. The club focuses on computational thinking and students develop expertise in coding. In the first term children have been learning how to create games and animations using a program called Scratch which can also be downloaded free at home. So that one to one attention can be given, the Club will initially be limited to 20 students. For further information speak to Mrs Franklin or Mrs Kimpton. 6th form trip to Parliament In order to improve their understanding of how democracy works, Year 12’s visited Parliament during the Autumn Term. The students explored the Palace of Westminster, visiting such areas as the House of Commons, House of Lords and the debating chambers. This trip allowed the students to experience first-hand the history of parliament and how elections and voting takes place. On entering the House of Commons, students made links with what they had previously read, seen or heard through the media. Before ending the visit, students took part in a workshop which encouraged them to imagine they were part of a political party. Students had to decide on whether they should pass certain laws and the effect that this might have on their supporters. Summing up the day, it reinforced how significant it is to vote and how precious democracy is. By Lauren Tong – Year 12 Attendance At HBHS we place a very high value on attendance, as research suggests a clear link between high attendance rates and future success both within school and ultimately within the workplace. Indeed Kent County Council research suggests that students with an attendance of 95% or better have a 91% chance of gaining 5 A*-C grades, whilst students who fall below 95% attendance have a 36% chance of gaining 5 A* to C grades. A new document has been published by the Government on school attendance which comes into effect from the 1st of September 2013 see: (http://media.education.gov.uk/assets/files/pdf/a/advi ce%20on%20school%20attendance%20%20final%20cleared%20v2-march22.pdf. Some notable elements include: A Headteacher/Principal no longer has the discretion to grant any leave of absence during term time. Medical appointments – change to guidance now reads as follows: Missing registration for a medical or dental appointment is counted as an absence. Schools are to encourage students to make appointments out of school hours. Where this is not possible, the pupil should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time. Illness – change to guidance means that for any child that is absent for 15 days or more through illness, a referral should be made immediately to the local authority via the GP, so that education can be accessed at home. Guidance is categoric that there must be no delay in these cases. Also, as is our normal practice, schools can request parents to provide medical evidence to support illness and record it as unauthorised if not satisfied with the seriousness of the illness compared to the amount of time taken out of school. J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 4 Herons @ HBHS Herons’ Reward Certificates As Accelerated Learning Manager, I always take great pride in distributing reward certificates to those Herons who show a consistently excellent attitude to learning. Any Heron in Years 7, 8 and 9 who achieved over 50 Heron Points in term 1 and 2 has recently been issued with a reward certificate. In particular, congratulations go to Lacey Compton in 7NCP, who has achieved an outstanding 208 Heron Points so far! We currently have 252 Herons, and I am very pleased to say that 205 Herons achieved their reward certificate – well done! I am confident that this hard work and effort will continue and be reflected in an even greater number of certificates being distributed in terms 3 and 4. Miss McKenzie – Accelerated Learning Manager Praise for ASDAN CoPE Students Year 9 Heron students have continued working on their portfolio for their Level 2 ASDAN CoPE (Certificate of Personal Effectiveness). All the students are now coming to the end of the course as they have completed the six key skills and produced evidence for 12 modules. These skills range from Problem Solving, Improving Own Learning, and completing a research report with a final presentation of their findings. The ASDAN course has given the students a level of independence and choice when producing evidence and pieces of work, allowing the students to clipboard.galleryitem further their interests and produce some outstanding pieces of work. The ASDAN co-ordinator has visited the school on a number of occasions and looked through the students folders and has commenting on the excellent standard of work produced for students at such a young age. Their folders are being submitted for moderation at the beginning of March and if successful, the students will gain a B grade at GCSE, which is a fantastic achievement. Well done everyone! Mr Ferreira The English Baccalaureate Pathway for Year 9 This term, Year 9 will be choosing their KS4 option subjects for 2014-16. As Herons, there is an expectation to follow the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) Pathway, alongside optional choices. The subjects identified under the EBacc incorporate GCSE Maths, English, Science, Geography or History and a language. The English Baccalaureate is intended to give pupils greater opportunity to study in and beyond the vital core subjects in preparation for A levels and further education. It is our intention to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our students. Further information regarding the English Baccalaureate Pathway will be available in the Year 9 Option Booklet. Miss McKenzie Ella Eastwood wins Canterbury Sports Award On Friday 18th October I had the pleasure of attending the Canterbury District Sports Awards with Ella Eastwood and her family. I had nominated Ella for a Community Sport Award for her participation in sport and fundraising for Kent Association for the Blind (KAB). Ella was nominated because she is an inspirational student at Herne Bay High School. She is registered blind as a result of Stargardt disease (a form of juvenile macular degeneration) and has to attend regular appointments at the specialist Moorfields Eye Hospital in London – typically five hours at a time. Despite her severely limited eyesight, Ella is sport-mad and fully participates in PE lessons and attends numerous after school clubs including girls’ football, trampolining, rock climbing and roller skating. Outside school Ella uses her love of sport and physical activity to fundraise for KAB (Kent Association for the Blind). Last year she raised £3000 climbing Mount Snowdon with her dad, reaching the 3560ft summit in an onslaught of hailstones and 80mph winds. This summer she completed the Herne Bay Race for Life in a very impressive 32 minutes and raised £300 for Cancer Research UK. She has recently taken part in a 5km walk for KAB and she is currently planning a triathlon in which she will complete the bike section on a tandem. Nothing fazes Ella – she always has a beaming smile on her face and such a positive attitude to life and the challenges she faces. Three nominees for each She is a true inspiration. category were shortlisted and on the night each person was invited on stage whilst their achievements were read out to the audience. A guest presenter then opened the winning envelope to announce the overall winner. We were extremely proud when the name they announced was “Ella Eastwood” and Ella stepped forward to receive flowers and a To round off an evening of pride for Herne Bay High beautiful glass trophy. School, former student, now World Champion rower, Dan Ritchie also took the Senior Sports Performer of the Year award. Mrs Bourne Parent Questionnaire Each year in order to ensure that the Heron students are being continuously challenged in their work and expectations, we ask for parents to comment on their child’s progress as well as the quality of the curriculum, work and homework. The result of this questionnaire provides valuable information in developing the curriculum pathways and support to ensure the students fulfil their potential. Mr Jones Herne Bay High School’s Uniform Policy All students: Black blazer with school badge Plain white shirt with a ‘classic’ collar, with a top button that should be done up for the whole day School tie related to the Mini-Community to which the child belongs , that should be worn at the correct length with the top Heron logo showing below the knot when done up All students should have a plain outer coat (not a fleece, sweatshirt or denim jacket/coat) Hoodies are not permitted in school as either outer coats or as a replacement for the school jumper or blazer Boys’ Uniform (in addition to the above): Girls’ Uniform (in addition to the above): Formal black trousers (not corduroy, denim jeans, cotton drill or track suit bottoms) Plain black shoes with no logos (not trainers or plimsolls) and black socks Optional ~ The school plain V-neck black pullover with the school logo can be worn under blazers. No other jumpers, sweatshirts or cardigans etc. are permissible The standard school skirt (available from Rogers’ Menswear) Tailored black trousers may be worn (not leggings, corduroy, denim jeans, cotton drill, ski pants, track suit bottoms or wide flares) Black shoes with no logos (not trainers or plimsolls) with a sensible heel no higher than 5cms (measured from sole to instep) Black socks must be worn with trousers Plain black tights or ankle length black socks may be worn with the school skirt Optional ~ The school plain V-neck black pullover with the school logo or the school cardigan with the school logo can be worn underneath the school blazer No other jumpers, sweatshirts or cardigans etc. are permissible Jewellery/Make-up Girls are permitted to wear discrete make-up. Extreme hair styles (cut and/or colour), as identified by Dr Owen are deemed inappropriate. Facial piercing is strictly prohibited, e.g. nose studs, eye brow bars or rings as are visible tattoos For health and safety reasons the wearing of jewellery is not allowed within school except for a watch and a single discrete stud in each ear. During the summer term, students are permitted to wear a: White polo shirt with the School Sports College Logo in place of the formal white shirt, blazer and tie Over the polo shirt students may wear any of the following items, and a coat if necessary: o School tracksuit top (no other tracksuit top or hoodie is acceptable) o School black jumper or girls may wear the school cardigan with badge o School black fleece top The wearing of trainers is strictly forbidden Shoes, trousers, skirts, socks and tights are as above Should students choose not to wear the summer uniform they will be expected to wear their ‘normal’ uniform in accordance with the guidelines listed above. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sanctions for those students who fail to abide by the school’s Uniform Policy Where a student breaches the school’s uniform policy, this will be seen as defiance of school rules and that student will be subject to school sanctions. Following DfE advice, these sanctions may include exclusion, depending on the circumstances of the case, even if the student does not otherwise display poor behaviour. HBHS’s Pupil Premium Package Year Free School Meals Subsidised school trips Additional financial support if appropriate 7 8 9 10 11 Economic times are tough with very few people receiving pay rises, record numbers out of work, a lack of jobs available, benefits and overtime being cut and prices ever increasing. Arguably then it has never been more important to ensure that everyone takes advantage of any financial support that they are eligible for. To be eligible for the PPP the pupil's family must be in receipt of one of the following benefits, and claiming Free School Meals, Income Support; Income Based Jobseekers Allowance; Child Tax Credit (not including Working Tax Credit) - if the household income is below £16190; the Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit or be Asylum Seekers. As such schools are encouraged to publicise the Pupil Premium Package (PPP). The PPP is additional money that the school receives to support its children. It is worth noting that HBHS is committed in ensuring that any child who receives the PPP is not singled out or made to feel in anyway different. At HBHS, we have a PPP that aims to offer individualised, practical and financial support to our children, this will include subsiding school trips, helping with the purchase of resources to support students’ progress and responding to individual requests for financial support to ensure that all students have the same opportunities and progress at the same rate. The school has also established ways to ensure that no-one, other than the child, will know that they receive Free School Meals (FSM) as each lunch time they will have their cashless catering card automatically credited with £2.40. This can be spent in the school’s restaurant on either hot or cold food. Should the child not use their FSM allowance or have not spent it all, at 1.20pm their card is automatically wiped. It is worth considering that this means that a child who receives FSM will benefit from an additional £12 per week or around £450 per year. If you wish to have more information or ask any questions please email [email protected] or phone the school and ask to speak to Mrs Clifton (Dr Owen’s Personal Assistant). Mrs Clifton will also be able to point parents in the right direction to apply for this opportunity. Attendance – the facts: Regular attendance at school is vital to help children achieve and get the best possible start in life. Children who frequently miss school often fall behind. There is a strong link between good school attendance and achieving good results. For example, only 12% of pupils with below 80% school attendance achieve five or more GCSEs at grades A*-C including English and Maths, compared to 68% for pupils with attendance greater than 95%. Furthermore, good attendance at school shows potential employers that a young person is reliable. If you have any concerns about your child’s attendance or wish to discuss attendance issues, please speak to Mrs Molloy, the school’s Attendance and Administration Manager, on 01227 361221. Extra-Curricular Opportunities HBHS prides itself on the wealth of opportunities that it offers students beyond their normal lessons – please see later on in this newsletter for a list of over 100 clubs and activities that students can get involved with when they are not in class. The list, which is sometines updated, is also available on the school’s website: http://www.hernebayhigh.org/43/document-area Herne Bay High School Clubs and Activities for the Spring Term (2013-2014) MONDAY Time Activity Year Venue Staff 7.45-8.15 Breakfast club – Basketball All Sports Hall Miss Baxter 10.35-10.55 Break time Homework Club All LRC LRC staff 12.50-1.15 Technology Homework Club All TE03 Mrs Murton 12.45-1.15 Cornerball All Sports Hall Mr Beeson 12.45-1.15 Fitness Suite All Fitness Suite Mr Hopper 12.45-1.15 Badminton / Table Tennis All Bay Arena Mr Scorer 12.45-1.15 Boys Dance Company All Dance Studio 1 Mrs O’Neill/Miss Thorpe 12.35-1.10 History Homework Club All Hi11 Ms Fairbard 12.35-1.15 Maths Homework Club All Ma18 LSAs 12.35-1.15 Lunch time Homework Club All LRC LRC staff & LSAs 12.35-1.15 Games Club All LRC Mrs Williams & LSAs 12.40-1.10 Music Tech Club All Mu03 Miss Reece 12.40-1.10 Radio Cabin All Mu04 Mrs Short 12.40-1.15 Quiet Study Yr11 PE01 Mr Ferreira 3.15-4.10 After School Homework Club All LRC LRC staff & LSAs 3.20-4.30 Art “Catch Up & Carry On” KS4 Art Downstairs SP & LS 3.15-4.15 Fitness All Fitness Suite Fitness Instructors 3.25-4.30 Girls Basketball All Sports Hall Miss Wynter & Mrs Small 3.25-4.30 Trampolining All Gymnasium Miss Baxter & Mrs Small 3.25-4.30 Hockey All Astro Miss Munns 3.30-4.30 Mixed Advanced Technique / Performance Group 10-13 Dance Studio 1 Mrs O’Neill/Miss Thorpe 3.10-4.10 Business Catch Up Club 10&11 BS04 Mr Hudson 3.10-4.10 Health & Social Care Catch Up Club 10&11 BS01 Miss Rake TUESDAY Time Activity Year Venue Staff 7.45-8.15 Breakfast club –Football All Sports Hall Mrs Small 10.35-10.55 Break time Homework Club All LRC LRC staff 12.45-1.15 Basketball Yr 7&8 Sports Hall Mr Beeson 12.35-1.15 Roller Skating Yr7 Bay Arena Mrs Bourne/Miss Wynter 12.45-1.15 Dance Rehearsals GCSE/BTEC Yr 10-13 Dance Studios Mrs O’Neill/Miss Thorpe 12.45-1.15 Fitness Suite All Fitness Suite Miss Belsey 12.35-1.10 History Homework Club All Hi11 Ms Fairbard 12.50-1.15 Technology Homework Club All TE03 Mrs Murton 12.35-1.15 Maths Homework Club All Ma18 LSAs 12.35-1.15 Lunch time Homework Club All LRC LRC staff & LSAs 12.35-1.15 Games Club All LRC Mezzanine Mrs Williams & LSAs 12.40-1.10 Music Tech Club All Mu03 Miss Reece 12.40-1.10 Class Band Programme All Mu01 Mr Vinall 12.40-1.15 Quiet Study Yr11 PE01 Mr Hopper 3.15-4.10 After School Homework Club All LRC LRC staff & LSAs 3.30-4.30 STEM club Yr7-11 Sc13 Miss Gibson/Ms Powell 3.20-4.15 Art Club KS3 Art Downstairs All Art staff 3.20-4.30 Art “Catch Up & Carry On” KS4 Art Downstairs Miss Penfold/Miss Southwick 3.15-4.15 Fitness All Fitness Suite Fitness Instructors 3.25-4.30 Girls Climbing All girls Climbing room Marcus Bodey 3.25-4.30 Netball Training Yr 9,10,11 Netball Courts Miss Munns/Miss Baxter 3.25-4.30 Roller Skating All Bay Arena Mrs Bourne 3.30-4.30 Boys Dance Company All Dance Studio 1 Mrs O’Neill/Miss Thorpe 3.30-4.30 CODE Club 7 Herons IT12 Mrs Franklin/Mrs Kimpton 3.30-4.30 Photography Club All Art Upstairs Mr Davies-Evans WEDNESDAY Time Activity Year Venue Staff 7.45-8.15 Breakfast club – Unihoc All Sports Hall Mr Beeson 10.35-10.55 Break time Homework Club All LRC LRC staff 12.45-1.15 Fitness All Fitness Suite Miss Belsey 12.45-1.15 Dodgeball All Gym Mr Ferreira 12.35-1.10 History Homework Club All Hi11 Ms Fairbard 12.35-1.15 Maths Homework Club All Ma18 LSAs 12.35-1.15 Lunch time Homework Club All LRC LRC staff & LSAs 12.35-1.15 Games Club All LRC Mezzanine Mrs Williams & LSAs 12.40-1.10 Music Tech Club All Mu03 Mrs Short 12.40-1.10 Class Keyboard Club All Mu02 Mr Vinall 3.15-4.10 After School Homework Club All LRC LRC staff & LSAs 3.20-4.30 Art “Catch Up & Carry On” KS4 Art Downstairs Miss Penfold/Miss Southwick 3.15-4.15 Fitness All Fitness Suite Fitness Instructors 3.25-4.30 Climbing All Climbing Room Mr Horton 3.25-4.30 BTEC Sport Catch Up Yr10 &11 PE01 Miss Wynter/Miss Baxter 3.25-4.30 BTEC Sport Catch Up Yr11 PE03 Mr Wooldridge/Mr Ferreira 3.25-4.30 Cricket Hub Club Yr 7 & 8 Sports Hall Miss Munns 3.30-4.30 Junior Mixed Dance Company Yr 7-9 Dance Studio 1 Mrs O’Neill/Miss Thorpe THURSDAY Time Activity Year Venue Staff 7.45-8.15 Breakfast club – Basketball All Sports Hall Miss Munns 10.35-10.55 Break time Homework Club All LRC LRC staff 12.45-1.15 Girls Futsal All Sports Hall Miss Wynter/Mrs Small 12.45-1.15 Benchball All Gym Miss Munns 12.45-1.15 Dance Senior Rehearsals All Dance Studio 1 Miss Thorpe 12.35-1.10 History Homework Club All Hi11 Ms Fairbard 12.35-1.15 Maths Homework Club All Ma18 LSAs 12.35-1.15 Lunch time Homework Club All LRC LRC staff & LSAs 12.35-1.15 Games Club All LRC Mezzanine Mrs Williams & LSAs 12.35-1.15 Chess Club All LRC Mezzanine Mrs Williams & LSAs 12.40-1.10 Music Tech Club All Mu03 Mr Vinall 12.40-1.10 Ukulele Club All Mu04 Mrs Short 3.15-4.10 After School Homework Club All LRC LRC staff & LSAs 3.20-4.30 Art “Catch Up & Carry On” KS4 Art Downstairs Miss Penfold/ Miss Southwick 3.20-4.20 French GCSE Drop In 11 MFL Block Ms Willetts/Mr Dubois 3.30-4.30 Drama Club All Theatre Miss Pottle, Miss Stockley & Drama Leaders 3.15-4.15 Fitness All Fitness Suite Fitness Instructors 3.25-4.30 Roller Hockey Yr7&8 Bay Arena Trish Osborne 3.25-4.30 Trampolining All Gymnasium Miss Baxter 3.25-4.30 BTEC Catch Up & Upgrade Yr11 PE01 Miss Munns 3.25-4.30 Netball Training Yr 7&8 Netball Courts Miss Wynter/Mrs Small 3.25-4.30 OAA BTEC Catch Up Yr10&11 PE03 Mr Horton/Mr Beeson 3.30-4.30 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu All Sports Hall Mr Gregory/ Miss Lidyard All Dance Studio 1 Mrs O’Neill/Miss Thorpe 12/13 Fitness Suite Mr Hudson / Mr Hasler Dance Project Rehearsals 3.30-4.30 Dance Dash 3.10-4.10 Public Services Fitness Club FRIDAY Time Activity Year Venue Staff 7.45-8.15 Breakfast club – Football All Sports Hall Mr Wooldridge 10.35-10.55 Break time Homework Club All LRC LRC staff 12.35-1.15 Dodgeball All Sports Hall Mr Wooldridge 12.35-1.15 Roller Skating All Bay Arena Mrs Small 12.45-1.15 Boys Trampolining All Gym Miss Baxter 12.45-1.15 Quiet Study Yr11 PE01 Mr Hopper 12.45-1.15 Dance senior performance group. Project based pieces. Yr1013 Dance Studios 1&2 Mrs O’Neill/Miss Thorpe 12.35-1.10 History Homework Club All Hi11 Ms Fairbard 12.35-1.15 Maths Homework Club All Ma18 LSAs 12.35-1.15 Lunch time Homework Club All LRC LRC staff & LSAs 12.35-1.15 Games Club All LRC Mezzanine Mrs Williams & LSAs 12.40 – 1.10 Trumpet/Horn/Tuba Club All Mu01 Mr Vinall 12.40- 1.10 Singalong Friday All Mu04 Miss Reece 3.15-4.00 After School Homework Club All LRC LRC staff & LSAs 3.30 – 4.30 Trumpet/Horn/Tuba Club All Mu01 3.25-4.30 Tennis All Tennis Astro Mr Tripodi (coach) 3.25-4.30 Basketball All Sports Hall Mr Beeson
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