July 2016 - Inner Harbor Yacht Club
July 2016 - Inner Harbor Yacht Club
1963 2016 IHYC FLOATING FRIEND-”SHIPS” FOR 53 YEARS Volume 53 Issue 7 July 2016 The Commodore's Comments Commodore Captain Ken Burgio General Meeting at 8:00 PM for both July 12th and August 9th. A month of thank you's! Just a reminder that we are having a comedy show on Saturday, September 24th. There will be 3 comedians and the headliner will be Nick Siracuse. Please see the flyer for details. Get your tickets early before it Officers Articles sells out. So far, we have Auxiliary News already sold about half of the tickets. Birthdays Job well done by Fleet Captain Jeremy Schmitt for an excellent Boat Blessing. Please note that we are changing the name going forward. It will now be called "The Inner Harbor Yacht Club Annie Meyer's Boat Blessing". Annie has dedicated so much of her time over the years to help out with this tradition. I hope she is as honored with the name change as we are. The playground has been installed. I would like to personally thank Ron Wilson, Jim Ortiz, Dan Hudson, Dan Bundy, and F/C Jeremy Schmitt for their time helping out with this project. The parking lot looks great! Nice job R/C Dan Bright for orchestrating that work to be done. I also want to thank the Newsletter committee (P/C Joe Riccio, George and Priscilla Clarke) for their hard work each month to get the newsletter assembled and out on time! Please note that for July and August the Board of Director's meeting will be combined with the General Membership meeting. The BOD meeting will start at 7:00 PM and the Inside News Lastly I wanted to mention Get Well about smoking in the pavil- Fish Fry News ion. The pavilion and tent IOBG Dinner Cruise are for everyone to use and Ships Store enjoy, so from here on out Band & BBQ there is no smoking in either the pavilion or the tent Comedy Night during a club function. This July Calendar is a common courtesy, as many members brought to my attention how inconsiderate the smoking was during the picnic after the Blessing. Thank you in advance to all for abiding by this. FTGOTC Commodore Ken Burgio COMING EVENTS July 2016 08 July—Fish Fry 12 July—General Meeting—8pm 16-24 July—Canal Fest p 2-3 p 4 p 5 p 5 p 6 p 7 p 7 p 9 p 10 p 11 AUGUST 2016 05 August—Fish Fry 06 August—Band & BBQ 09 August—General Meeting—8pm 13 August—Hydroplane Races—2 days 20 August—Great Raft Up INNER HARBOR NEWS July 2016 page 2 Vice Commodore Jamie Schmitt . Spring was not too bad to us this year, but summer is officially here!! Father’s Day weekend was Dan Bright gorgeous; I hope everyone got out to enjoy it. On a personal note: thank you to those who made Teresa and my “happily ever after party” possible- we certainly couldn’t have done it without the help! Rear Commodore, I am hoping to have a new light installed under the carport very soon. As always, if you see something that needs to be done in the clubhouse, please let me know. Also, if there is something you would like to take on, please let me know as well. Short and Sweet, V/C Jamie Schmitt NEWS FROM THE REAR Commodore—Daniel Bright As your Rear Commodore one of my duties is the exterior grounds of the club. I have tasked myself with several projects to enhance the overall appearance of IHYC. I have not acted alone and would like to thank Rich Jones for his "behind the scenes" efforts in the yard, to Ralph Ferraina for tending to all the flowers and to Bill Vaughan for keeping our yard lit at night. During my morning rounds its nice to see that the trash and pavilion are picked up and neat - this speaks well for when we have guests and visitors - to all the slip holders keep up the good work. As you may have noticed the driveway has a fresh coat of sealer and stripes. The next project is the boat lift - I will be looking for help in re-rigging and painting in the coming weeks. During the June Meeting two candidates were voted on and accepted as our newest members of IHYC. Mr. Mark Barrett and Mr. James Connolly - please welcome these gentlemen and their families when you see them around the club. CANALFEST - we are only a few weeks away from this major fund-raising activity. The sign-up boards are in the club - there are still open spots available, especially in the kitchen during the evenings. I will be posting a request for help for setting-up the tent on Saturday the 16th. Lastly, if anyone is in need of a key to the outdoor ice chest please contact me at: 628-4354. From the Rear, R/C Dan Bright INNER HARBOR NEWS July 2016 PAGE 3 From the Fleet Captain Jeremy Schmitt possible. The event has struggled to break even as of recent. We need greater participation from our membership to make this worth while. With that, I will be sending out self addressed Wow how June has flew by. All of the envelopes containing index cards. I would like you to list your likes, dislikes, things you would change, and other comments boats are in the water and we welto help in the planning of Red Flannel. Your input is greatly comed two new members! appreciated and needed for this event to continue successfulWith June's passing, I have success- ly. fully made it through my second big Your Fleet Captain, Jeremy Schmitt event - the Boat Blessing. While the weather has challenged us for both Flag Raising and Boat Blessing both proved to be a good time. The winds that blew discouraged many boaters from participating as did the rising creek. The hardy few who joined us were greeted by the Edward Cotter fire boat which was able to make the journey unlike the past few years. The picnic was all attended and enjoyed by all. What a brilliant mistake it was buying half pound burgers on accident! The burgers drew rave reviews and many of our friends stood in line anxiously waiting to flop one on a bun. Fleet captain as I was warned, is a very demanding job. For me, I have been blessed with a tremendous outpouring of help. From the advice and record keeping of Dan Bright, the continual guidance of P/C Riccio to the tent crew, the fill in grillers, my lovely wife who hand cut all of the vegetables and to the many others to mention I thank you. As the dust settles, my focus turns to Red Flannel. Without the hard work of a few key members this event would not be ELECTED MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2016 OFFICERS Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Fleet Captain Dockmaster Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Kenneth Burgio Jamie Schmitt Daniel Bright Jeremy Schmitt Bill Vaughan Chris Rizzo P/C Joe Riccio Rick Kivler New IHYC Children’s Playground 208-3004 912-7226 628-4354 553-7893 445-4917 281- 984-8034 812-4424 541-7077 Please visit our web site at: http://innerharboryc.com P/C Michael Seaman P/C George Schieder Jay Rowland James Ortiz Eric Mowry Fran Capan Victor Kaye Appointed Officers Steward William (Bill) Vaughan Chaplain George O. Clarke, Jr. Marina Operator Bill Vaughan Newsletter Editor George O. Clarke, Jr. Supply P/C Jerry Hathaway Kenneth Brown P/C Joe Riccio 445-4917 694-4404 445-4917 694-4404 693-1739 692-2159 874-6582 INNER HARBOR NEWS July 2016 PAGE 4 2016 Auxiliary Officers Auxiliary News From Your President Thank you to everyone who came to our final meeting before summer break. It was a nice night with good food (including dessert – thank you, V/P Mary Riccio for bringing in homemade cupcakes!), good friends, and good times. A special thank you goes out to Tara Hudson for hosting a paint night for us. We all had an awesome time painting our wine glasses or anchors on canvas. It was so fun to see the inner artist come out in each of us! Keep on selling tickets for the Grand Jacuzzi Package at Salvatore’s! There is still time to sell plenty of tickets (if you need more contact Nancy Myszka), however please note that the drawing will be held on September 17th during our Red Flannel Cruise, which is before our September meeting. That means that all ticket money will need to be into Nancy prior to then. Thank you for your cooperation and for your support of the Women’s Auxiliary! President Vice President Rec. Sec. Corr Sec. Treasurer Fleetmates Chaplain Nicole Burgio Mary Riccio Kelly Bright Nancy Myszka Donna Sherwood Becky Ensminger Amanda Dudek Arlene Manth 983-8983 830-4904 877-0131 228-5288 695-1264 Board of Directors Phyllis Kivler—541-7007 Tracy West—244-3833 Linda Capan be appreciated. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 20th. Since it is our first meeting back from summer break we will be having food at 6:30 PM, followed by the meeting at 7:00 PM. Please plan on attending! Have a great summer, Due to the Fourth of July holiday weekend, the monthly and see you on the waFish Fry will be held on Friday, July 8th. Any pies or dester! serts you can donate would be welcomed. Canal Fest will be held July 17th though July 24th. Please sign up for a Nicole shift at the Club if you have not done so already. This is the biggest fundraiser for the Club, and any time you can volunteer towards this event for the good of the Club would INNER HARBOR NEWS July 01 July 02 July 03 July 04 July 07 July 11 July 16 July 31 July 2016 PAGE 5 Happy Birthday to: Auxiliary Happy Birthday to: John Berry P/C Ron Croff P/C James Kwiatkowski George Thomson P/C Robert Myszka Michael Baumgartner P/C Ralph Ferraina P/C Jack Luksch July 02 Donna Sherwood July 06 Anne Meyer The IHYC Ladies Auxiliary wish to thank the following for their desert contributions to the June Fish Fry. Mary Riccio (2) Arlene Hathaway Phyllis Kivler (2) Becky Mowry Cheryl Maloney Kelly Bright Tara Hudson Priscilla Clarke George A. Thomson Life Member of IHYC 5116 Willard Norris Rd. Milton, FL 32570 (850) 623-2748 Visitors Welcome GOOD AND WELFARE Special prayers and get well wishes go out to the following members: Vince Motto, Bob Blow, Ken DiBenedetto, Ken Brown, Hank Russell, P/C Bob Myszka, P/C Ron Croff, P/C Jack Luksch, P/C William Miller, Bob Weiss, Norma Stallone, Etta Glasshauser and Anne Meyer INNER HARBOR NEWS July 2016 PAGE 6 Fish Fry—Eric Mowry June was busy and we served up 144 dinners. It was good to see people out and about with the nice weather. Please make a note that due to the holiday weekend the fish fry will be held on the second Friday of the month which is July 8th. Be sure to let friends and family know of the change. Team 3 is up and we need some help here due to some team members being on vacation. We are in need of a dishwasher, a fryer, and at least 2-3 servers/ bussers. PLEASE consider helping out and filling in to help the club out. I will also be posting a checklist of sorts in the kitchen area listing the things that the teams need to make sure get done during and especially after the last order is taken. Please remember that we need everyone to pitch in at the end of the night to help clean up their stations, as well as the kitchen and dining areas. With the whole team helping out everyone can enjoy the rest of their evening that much sooner! I hope to see you all on July 8th with all your friends and family. Thank you, Eric Mowry , Fish Fry Chairman & Director TEAM 1—2016 TEAM 2—2016 TEAM 3–2016 March, July, November Dick Watson—Middle Fryer Ron Wilson—Fryer—Broil Jim Ortiz—Broiler Bob Carroll—Bus/Serve Ann Carroll—Bus/Serve OPEN—Dishwasher Phyllis Kivler—Plate Bill Sherwood—Bus/Serve Donna Sherwood—Bus/Serve Darryl Stelter—Final Prep Patti Stelter—Final Prep Cindy Wilson—Bus/Serve TEAM 3 –2016 TEAM 4—2016 January, May, September February, June, October March, July, November April, August, December Mike Seaman—Fryer John Berry—Fry Dick Watson—Middle Fryer Jamin Butcher—Fry Jaime Schmitt—Center Fryer Tom Maloney—Broil Ron Wilson—Fryer Scott Butcher—Fry Jeremy Schmitt—Broil Marla Barry—Plate Jim Ortiz—Broiler Chris Rizzo—Broil OPEN—Dishwasher Vinnie Motto—Dishwasher Room Bob Carroll—Bus/Serve Andy Vaillancourt—Serve/ Bus Dave Herbold—Serve Jerry Hathaway—Serve Ann Carroll—Bus/Serve Deanna Butcher—Serve/Bus Kathy Batcho—Serve Marsha Motto—Dishwasher OPEN—Dishwasher Room Amanda Butcher—Serve/ Bus Tracy West—Serve/Bus Cheryl Maloney—Bus/Serve Phyllis Kivler—Plate Pam Thurston– Serve/Bus Marty Siminski—Plate Arlene Hathaway—Serve Bill Sherwood—Bus/Serve Kristen Uhl—Plate Kelly Dressler—Serve/Bus Henry Russell—Bus/Serve Donna Sherwood—Bus Serve Dan Hudson—Dishwasher Open Diane Russell—Bus/Serve Darryl Stelter—Final Prep Open Open—Middle Fry Patty Stelter—Final Prep Cindy Wilson—Bus/Serve Tara Hudson—Serve/Bus INNER HARBOR NEWS July 2016 PAGE 7 . SHIPS STORE We have entered into a partnership with The Queensboro Custom Embroidery Company and will be selling IHYC Logowear on line to our members; The unique thing about our store is the Queensboro Guarantee behind it. The Queensboro Promise: At Queensboro, we promise everything you buy from us will fit you well and be of good quality, plus your order will be on time and error free. For now the product line has been trimmed to about 40 items. As we see how sales are doing, we will add the more popular items to our store. If you don't see something you might like, contact me, and I will see if we can add it. Inner Harbor Logo Wear Visit the IHYC Clothing Web Site Take 10% off your order of $40. or more! You will be able to order on-line worry free, pay by credit card, and get items delivered to you at home. The delivery time http://ihycshipsstore.qbstores.com/ averages 2 to 3 weeks. The store will have a rotating series of Delivery time averages 2 to 3 weeks. discount offers available to you via an advertisement on the store's home page. You never have to pay full price! Many of P/C Joseph J. Riccio the products are the same brands we have been dealing withfor IHYC Supply Committee [email protected] Port Authority, Gildan, etc., and other brands are more upscale i.e. Nike. A U X I L I A R Y A R T I S T S A T W O R K 2016 IHYC PC Band & BBQ Dock Party August 6, 2016 5:30 Pig Roast 7:00 Live Band Cost $20.00 includes food, beer, pop, water and a great time with your fellow boaters. Please bring dish to pass. RSVP by 7/28 P/C Michael Seaman – 716 909 4213 / PC George Schieder – 716 481 8339 or sign up at the club! INNER HARBOR YACHT CLUB COMEDY NIGHT Saturday, September 24, 2016 Doors Open at 6:30 PM Show at 8:00 PM Three Comedians Headliner – Nick Siracuse $15.00 Per Person Adults Only For Tickets Contact: Commodore Captain Ken Burgio Ron Wilson or Joe Burgio To Benefit IHYC’s New Playground Limited Number of Tickets Available *Must Buy Ticket to Be Admitted Into Club* July 2016 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 Fish Fry Jeremy Schmitt 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Seaman Canal Fest set up 22 23 7:00pm Board Mtg 8:00pm General 17 18 19 20 21 Newsletter Deadline Vaughan CANAL FEST 24 25 26 27 28 29 Canal Fest Bright 31 30 Inner Harbor Yacht Club, Inc. 50 Fillmore Ave. Tonawanda, NY 14150