Igloo Building
Igloo Building
Igloo Building By Ellsworth Hill Elementary 2015 Start by collecting A LOT of gallon milk jugs! Thanks, Ms. Julie for gathering the milk jugs! Get organized – milk jugs, glue guns, extension cords, and patience! Prep work = gluing the milk cartons 2 by 2 then 4 by 4! Gluing Two by Two Beginning with a big base The First Layer Layer by layer the igloo takes shape. The doorway is framed. The sides are complete. Taller and taller, rounder and rounder the igloo takes shape. The inside is so colorful. Can you imagine it is the Northern Lights? This is what it took 700 milk jugs to build! Are you ready to “CHILL OUT WITH A GOOD BOOK”? I am! So are we!