CODA __ - US Air Force Band United States Air Force Musicians
CODA __ - US Air Force Band United States Air Force Musicians
CODA REtIRED AIR FORCE BANDLEADERS AND SUPERINTENDENTS SOCIETY V foinibeb 1960 JUL/AUG 1993 SOUSA POST # 1112 This American Legion Post is the ONLY all musicians post in the Legion. Joe Lash, one of our members is Commander. Some of the members are: Paul Bierly Sousa Biographer Carl Costenbader USAF Louis Kriebel USAF Vito Pascucci CEO LeBlanc Leonard Smith Dethot Concert Band Herman Vincent USAF Wayne Lewis former Sousa Bandsman Joe Losh,..setired USAF Band Director William Middendorf former US Ambassador Frank Scimonelli retired Professor Donald Stauffer retired US Navy Band director Toni Ryon ACB Administrator For more information write: Joe Lash 1662 W 8th St Brooklyn NY 11223 DECEASED SOCIETY MEMBERS: We ask that families notify us when there is a death of one of our members and you desire we list the deceased in the CODA. .Also, would you please write the obituary as you would like it printed. Lou Pub! Note: We are beginning a new series of Biogra phies on active duty Bandleaders and Superintendents. We feel all of you will want to meet these present thy AF musicians, who will one day become members of our society. Vince CODA is the unofficial publication ofthe Retired Air Force Bwjdleaders and Superintendents Society. Editor: Lou Kriebel, 5647 Rosewal! Circle, Leesburg FL 34748 PubL: Herman Vincent, 4126 Hyde Ave., Lake Charles, LA 70605 Coda VOL XI!!, N04 OUT OF THE DEEP FREEZE INTO THE HOT SEAT Welcome to the new Chief, Bands Branch, Maj. Frank Hudson, who has reported in to the Pentagon from his last assignment as Commander/Conductor of the Air Force Band of the Pacific, stationed at ElmendorfAFil, Alaska. We wish him success in his new assignment.!! AcTIVI DUTY NOTES USAF BAND TO PERFORM AT TEXAS, ARKANSAS BANDMASTERS ASSOCIATION CONVENTIONS IA. Col. Alan Bonner will conduct the Concert Band and Singing Sergeants in two showcase concerts at the Texas Bandmasters Assoc. 1993 Convention in San Antonio on July 29 and at the Arkansas Bandmas ters Assoc. 1993 Convention in Fort Smith, AR on August 2. The concerts will offer premiere perfor mances of several band works in addition to a perfor mance of the winning composition of the Col. Arnald D. Gabriel Competition for Young Composers. SINGING SERGEANTS FEATURED IN CONCERT FOR TEXAS CHORAL DIRECTORS. The Singing Sergeants will present a special concert for the Texas Choral Directors Assoc. Conven tion in San Antonio, TX on August 1. The program will feature MSGT Patricia Wolfe as Carmen and TSGT Alex Helsabeck as Escamillo in "Scenes from the Opera, Carmen" NOTE: Also, please see article on ACC SAC Rand in this issue. Page! TAPS MARY RUTH KIRKPATRICK 12 March 1922- 19 May 1993 Interment Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana Texas Mary Ruth Kirkpatrick, wife of John Kirkpatrick died of cancer at their home in Corsicana Texas. Ruth was born in Sweetwater, Texas, and was a graduate of Hardin-Simmons University. She became a teacher and a member of the First United Methodist Church. She married John on 8 August 1941 and travelled with him during the next 20 years as a faithful homemaker through sixteen PCS moves during his Air Force Career. On retiring and settling in Corsicana Texas, she was a member of the Hospital Auxiliary and the Ware house Women’s League. Survivors include her husband, J. B. "Kirk" Kirpatrick, Rt 1 Box 1480, Corsicana TX, 75103; two sons: Dr John R. Kirkpatrick, PhD., of Oakridge, TN and Colonel James W. Kirkpatrick, M.D. of Ft Riley KS and one grandson. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, Navaro Unit, P0 Box 1236, Corsicana, TX. RUBERTA LFJONA UBLANI l9July 1909- 16Apr11 1993 Interment Tacoma Cemetery, Washington Ruberta L Uhland, wife of Henry R. Uhland was born in Stafford, KS and was reared in Missouri. She passed away in Des Moines, Washington after a long 20- year baffle with cancer. Fortunately she suffered no pain, and being a staunch Christian, firmly believed she was going to a better place. She graduated from Central Missouri State College, taught school in Missouri, California, Colorado and Maryland. She is also a graduate of the School for Medical Records Librarians, Oakland, CA. and was employed as Record Librarian at Sonoma County Hospital, Santa Rosa, CA from 1941-45. ShewasalsoaLegalSecretaiyforthe Civil Affairs Division, Presidio of San Francisco, CA 1945-46. She married Henry Uhland on 21 March 1948, in Santa Rosa, CA. She is survived by her husband, CWO4 Henry R. SHank" Uhiand, USAF ret, 23600 Marine View Dr., South, #202, Des Monies WA 98 198-7352; a daughter, Martha Richard of Tacoma, WA; a son, Thomas H. Uhland of Youngsville, NC; and three grandchildren. Services were held Tuesday, 20 April 93 at the Evergreen Chapel at New Tacoma Cemetery. Memori als may be sent to Tacoma Rescue Mission, as re quested by the family. GLEN ORTON 24 March1928- 10 June 1993 Interment Arlington National Cemetery Glen Orton died at Bethesda Naval Hospital on 10 June 1993. He was born in 1928 in Kalamazoo MI. He retired from the USAF after 22 years as principal Tubist with the USAF Band. He is survived by his wife Sheila Orton, Twin Oaks, Indian Head MD 20640, two daughters, Sandra ChifariandSharonOrton,one son Eric. The family requests that memorials or contribu tions be sent to the American Cancer Society. Page 2 PERSONALS Ross and Betty Whitehead we finally got home and "RV 33 checking in have been busy ever since. Have had a new roof put on the house, refinanced the mortgage, and now have been in the process of putting wood flooring down in the RV..what a job! Didn’t realize it would take so long, cuting so many pieces of wood to fit the corners and all the minute areas! We are now finished and it does look terrific. Also, we are waiting to get the outside of the house done with vinyl siding and that will take some time. What a trip we had for the last 13 months on the road. Hoods, high winds, tornadoes, earthquakes, snow, ice and then came home to a severe storm. Just wasn’t our year, I guess. Oh I forgot the house batteries in the RV blew up and we had to have them replaced in British Columbia, also the solenoid blew up! We are planning on staying home this year, 1993 and have started planning a long trip next year. Maybe to the Mid West, North West and through Ohio and W VA. Will Include Baltimore, MD to see the Great Grandchildren. We have two and soon to he three. I am too young and so is Betty to have Great Grandchildren that is what is says in fine print All the best to all fly low and slow on your trips. ., Dick and Arlene Daugherty "Richard C. Daugherty, Operations manager fur Boosey and HawkeslBuffet, Crampon, has announced his retirement effective Aug 1, 1993." "Dick has been with Boosey and HawkesfBuffet, Crampon since its move to Libertyville in Nov of 1987." comments B & H president Jack Faas. "It was Dick’s job back in ‘87 to find the facilities tbr warehouse and offices, set up the phone system, start to hire customer service and warehouse personnel, etc. In his job as Operations Manager, Dick has taken the Customer Service Department a long way from its inception to the smooth running operation it is today." During his distinguished career in music, Dick, who is an accomplished trumpet player, went fbr a double high C and hurt himself. It was then that he enlisted in the Air Force as a trumpet player and rose through the ranks to become Deputy Chief of Air Force Bands, assigned to the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force at the Pentagon. Shortly after his retirement from military service he was recalled to arms as the marketing manager fbr the hand and orchestra division of Chicago Musical Instruments Norlin. After a twelve year career with CMI, Dick tried to retire again. However, six years later in 1987 he was recalled to active service in the music industry as Operations Manager at Boosey Hawkes/ Coda Buffet, Crampon. Its been a long time coming, hut this current attempt at retirement seems sincere. Joe Lash Joe writes that he expects to he with the Windjam men in Baraboo, WI, 21 25 July 93. Will most likely conduct one recording session. Hope all is well with every one. - Victor and Myrtle Keehner Just received the May -June issue of the Coda and sure do appreciate the effirts of you and Vince in this regard. I certainly did not realize the extent of that list on the Honor Roll. So many good friends there of the past. Here on the Coast we have had a few items worth mentioning. The powers that be have voted to allow dockside gambling on the coast and as a result the casinos are springing up and battling with each other as to who gets what location and where. It seems that they are trying to out- do Las Vegas. Who knows? Our neighbor next door, Keesler AF Base is perco lating as usual with their training mission, and with the closing of some other bases, Keesler has advanced to Wing Status. However, since they deactivated the 502nd AF Band at Keesler, Musical activities over there are nil. Again, Lou, thanks for the CODA. Myrtle and I send our best wishes to all of you. Bob and Mary Turner Bob and Mary sent a greeting card to everyone from Baltimore, where they were attending a National Genealogy conference. Joe and Ruth Drobny Just a fast card to let you know how much I appreci ated the "Honor Roll" in the last Coda. CWO’s are an "Endangered Species." I have wondered about so many of them I have known. My thanks to the parties responsible fbr publishing this Honor Roll. Lew and Irene Andersen Just a line to keep in touch. I’m keeping busy playing nearly every weekend. While living in Boardman, OH 8 or 9 months a year rm perftrming with the "Jim Frank Trio" in northeastern OH and western PA. Living in Ft Myers Beach, FL I play with three different groups. Fm now playing trumpet, pocket trumpet, flugelhom and baritone horn with these groups. It’s keeping me off the streets Irene says and as long as she allows me to stay out at night past my bedtime, Ill keep ‘blowin my horns’ as I still enjoy performing. Please keep the Codas coming. I enjoy seeing what the much older AF retired musicians are doing.! Best to all. Page 3 HISTORY AIR COMBAT COMMAND "iIEARTLANI OF AMERICA" BAND The ACC Heartland of America Band dates back to Jan 15, 1943 when it was first designated as the 402nd Army Air Forces Band. It was first stationed at Ardmore Army Air Base, OK. The band was redesig nated the 702nd Army Band in Dcc 43 and later the 702nd AAF Band in 44. In 1945 it was assigned to Andrews AFB MD and was later designated the 702nd Air Force Band in 1947. In 48, the band was trans ferred to Offutt AFB, NE where it has remained. In 1953 the band was assigned to SAC HQ as the SAC Band. It dropped the numbered status in 1991. Its present title was effective in 1992. The unit is a four time recipient of the AF Outstanding Unit Award, one time AF Organizational Excellence Award, one time George Washington Freedom Foundation Honor Medal and two time Col. George Howard Musical Excellence Award. The unit has performed for Presidents, Chiefs of Staff Secretaries of state and other US dignitaries and foreign royalty. It marched in several Rose Bowl and Cotton Bowl Parades, and performed at the 1962 and 1964 Worlds Fair. In 1963 the band traveled to Spain to join forces with the SAC Band then assigned to Torrejon AFB in Madrid. The Combined bands then toured Spain, performing in Madrid’s Plaza Mayor, as well as Seville and other locations. It performed in the St Patrick’s day parade in NY City as well as the Ed Sullivan Show. The band sent a group in support of the troops during Operation Desert Shield/Storm. It recently performed with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in Salt Lake City. The Band is planning a 50th Anniversary on SeiM.. 27.1993. Any former members who have any information or colorful anecdotes should contact Sgt. Monica Strief, Band Historian at the following address: ACC Band 105 Washington Square -Sm 6 Offutt AFB, NE 68113-2126 Tel: 402 294-6046 Coda AIR COMBAT SAC BAND SCHEDULE 1993 Aug 1 Aug 5 Aug 6 Aug 8 Aug 15-20 Aug 20 Aug24 Aug 27 Aug29 Sep 6 Sep 9 Sep 10 Sep 11 Sep 12 Sep13 Sep 27 Missouri Valley, IA Harrison County Bellevue, NE Washington Park Omaha, NE Heartland Park Ralston, NE Wyoming State Fair Omaha, NE Col. Gabriel, Guest Omaha, NE County Bldg Omaha, NE Rockbrook Village Glenwood, IA Davies Amphitheater Omaha, NE Heartland Park Alexandria, MN Wilmar, MN Detriot Lakes, MN Park Rapids, MN New York Mills, MN Omaha NE- Orpheum Theater-. 50th Anniversary Gala Concert - - - YOU GUYS IN tHE !4AVL ‘1 MAUL BAND ! Page 4 686th BAND USAFE 50th ANNIVERSARY IN 1995 With the 50th anniversary of the USAFE Band approaching, commander LtCol Roger Sebby and archivist Toni Ryon are amassing a collection of photographs, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia from the unit’s notable past Ms. Ryon Executive Director of the Association of Concert Bands, an international affiliation of adult community bands visited Lindsey Air Station and Ramstein AFB, and the Darmstadt headquarters for the European edition of Stan and Stripes, accumulating archive and biographical material on the 686th Band and Col. Arnald D. Gabriel, Conductor Emeritus of the USAF Band and commander/conductor of the USAFE Band 1958-63. Gabriel is included in a new reference on outstanding 20th century conductors; after writing that citation and critical review, Ryon will complete a comprehensive biography as her doctoral thesis. Ryon has asked for assistance from anyone who served with the 686th Band since 1945, or with Col. Gabriel in other commands Sampson MB, 1951-55; Langley AFB, 1955-58; USAF Academy, 1963-64; and Bolling AFB, 1965-1981. She is particularly interested in names and addresses of former bandsmen, and memorabilia to be copied or photographed. Two specific items being sought are a banner with miniature flags across the bottom depicting all the countries visited by the 686th Band, and a William Bendix film shot at Lindsey Air Station around 1959 The Phony American, featuring footage of the USAFE Band in the opening credits, with children of the bandsmen seen throughout. Ryon can be contacted at 2533 S. Maple Ave. #102, Tempe, AZ 85282. Phone 1-800-726-8720, FAX 602-894-6687. Page 5