april2015newsletter. - HFMA


april2015newsletter. - HFMA
Certification Program:
Provider Press:
Mercy Medical
Region 8 Mid American
Summer Institute
Volume 68 | Issue 1
April 2015
Outpatient Prospective Payment System Final Rule 2015
WRITTEN BY: Sue Brammer, CPA, FHFMA, Partner | BKD, LLP & Chad Tysdahl, CPA, Managing Consultant | BKD, LLP
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the final 2015 Outpatient
Prospective Payment System (OPPS) rule in the November 10, 2014, Federal Register
(FR). The rule is effective January 1, 2015.
This article highlights several of the major provisions related to outpatient services. The
complete text may be found online. Consistent with past years, the OPPS rules exclude
critical access hospitals and Indian Health Service hospitals as well as hospitals located
outside the 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
The Medicare rates will increase by 2.2 percent, more than the 2014 increase of 1.8 percent. The increase includes a 2.9 percent market basket
increase, reduced by 0.5 percent multifactor productivity adjustment and a 0.2 percent adjustment as mandated by the Patient Protection &
Affordable Care Act. CMS projects an increase in Medicare payments of approximately $5.1 billion. For hospitals failing to meet the quality
reporting requirements, their rates will continue to be reduced by 2 percent. Rural sole community hospitals (SCH) also will continue to receive
the 7.1 percent additional adjustment. Table 49 of the FR includes the estimated rate changes for the various hospital types, which includes an
estimated 2.3 percent increase for urban hospitals, 1.9 percent for rural hospitals, 3.1 percent for major teaching hospitals and 2 percent for
nonteaching hospitals. For hospital-specific information, CMS has included on its website an impact file organized by provider number.
article continues on page 4...
In This Issue
Treasurer’s Report ................. 3
From the President ................ 5
Annual Chapter Awards.......... 7
New Members ....................... 9
Casino Night ....................... 10
Panel of Payers ................... 11
HFMA Announces.................12
Vice President
Shawn Steffen
Darren Osten
Kara Dunham
Chad Tysdahl
Deanna Gray
Kyle Wilcox
Crystal Estabrook (1st term/2nd year)
Tim Huber (1st term/2nd year)
Dave Muhs (1st term, 2nd year)
Jeremy Behrens (1st term/1st year)
Denise Hook (2nd term/1st year)
Phil Roudabush (1st term/1st year)
Event Photos .............. 13-14
Region 8 ..............................15
Certification Q&A .................16
Sponsor Spotlight #1 ...........21
Hospitality Events ............... 24
Upcoming Programming ......25
Provider Press .................... 29
Sponsor Spotlight #2 .......... 30
Meeting Minutes................. 31
Check out all the great things you can do on the IOWA
Chapter website at: www.hfmaiowa.org
Luke Gruber/Mike Dobbs
Trenton Fast
Darren Osten
Larry Brown
Jeremy Behrens
Kara Dunham
Susan Horras
Marcus Goldenstein
IHA Liaison
Dan Royer
Job Referral
Krista Ketcham
Shawn Steffen
Newsletter and
Tim Huber
Denyse Scott
Marcus Goldenstein
Stephanie Hultman
Kara Dunham
Chad Tysdahl
Kara Dunham
Strategic Planning
Darren Osten
Robb Rood
Shawn Steffen
newsletter editor:
Stephanie Hultman, CHFP, CRCS-I/P
Communications Chair, Iowa HFMA
Past President 2011-2012, Iowa HFMA
319.240.5306 | [email protected]
Total Actual
Other Meeting Income
Kyle Wilcox
Meeting Income
Education Income
Golf Outing Income
Dues Rebate from National
Interest Income
General Sponsorship
Budget vs. Actuals:
FY 14-15 Budget FY15 P&L
Total Income
June 2014 December 2014
Meetings Expenses
Newsletter Expense
Golf Outing Expenses
Social Event Expenses
Directory Expenses
Member Recognition
Member Survey Fees
HFMA Web Site
Office Supplies/Copying
Membership Fees
Administrative Expenses
Credit Cards
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Operating Income
Other Expenses
Reconciliation Discrepancies
Total Other Expenses
Net Other Income
Net Income
– page 3 –
Outpatient Prospective Payment System, continued...
In analyzing the rate changes, it is important to also evaluate the
impact of the wage index changes. Sixty percent of the outpatient
payment remains adjusted by the wage index. Similar to the Inpatient
Prospective Payment System (IPPS) regulations for federal fiscal year
2015, CMS is implementing the new core based statistical areas
(CBSA) from the Office of Management & Budget (OMB) based on the
2010 census. For hospitals negatively affected by a CBSA change,
there is a one-year transition period during which the hospital will be
paid 50 percent based on the old CBSA wage index and 50 percent
paid based on the new index.
Other changes include:
C-APC & Other APC Changes
A major change is the implementation of 25 of the 28 proposed
comprehensive ambulatory payment groups (C-APC), which CMS
defines as “a classification for the provision of a primary service and
all adjunctive services provided to support the delivery of the primary
service.” The 2014 final rules included the regulations regarding
assigning device-dependent APCs for a single service payment
effective January 1, 2015. The 2015 FR is a continuation of the
discussion regarding C-APCs.
For the C-APC codes, the status indicator is J1. These 25 C-APCs
represent 219 procedures. Table 6 includes the list of exclusions from
the C-APC services. Table 7 lists the C-APCs, which include 12 clinical
families. The families are important because if there is more than one
service with two different families, the payment will be based on the
higher. Finally, Table 8 lists the add-on codes that are evaluated for the
complexity adjustment.
Not to be confused with C-APCs, CMS also has composite APCs,
which also receive a single payment for groups of services performed
together normally. It is important to review the changes related to
composite APCs.
CMS is conditionally packaging ancillary services that are “integral,
ancillary, supportive, dependent, or adjunctive to a primary service.”
Ancillary services with a geometric mean cost of $100 or less will be
conditionally packaged; they will be paid only if that service is the only
one on the claim. Service performed with an emergency room visit,
for example, will not be paid. Exceptions to this rule for preventive
services can be found in Table 1. Other services excluded from
packaging are certain psychiatric and counseling-related services,
low-cost drug administration services and add-on drugs like immunizations. The APCs conditionally packaged as ancillary services are
listed in Table 12.
CMS also finalized changes to conditional package services with
status indicator X (ancillary services). CMS will delete status indicator
X as of January 1, 2015. These services will be assigned status
indicator Q1 (conditionally packaged) or S (significant procedure, not
discounted when multiple). Ancillary services will not generate
separate payment in 2015 if provided on the same date of service as
a procedure or visit. CMS also finalized the packaging of add-on codes
assigned to device-dependent APCs. All medical and surgical supplies
covered under the OPPS now will be packaged.
– page 4 –
CMS finalized its proposed changes to device-dependent
edits beginning in 2015 and will require facilities to report a
device code for procedures currently assigned to a devicedependent APC.
All implantable prosthetic supplies now are packaged with
the related surgical procedures. This general category
includes items such as ostomy skin barriers and phalanges.
Replacement prosthetic supplies at a time later than the
initial surgical procedure and outside the hospital still will be
available through the DMEPOS Fee Schedule. It appears
nonimplantable prosthetic devices, such as braces and
splints, commonly provided in emergency room visits and
physical therapy department continue to be payable through
the DMEPOS fee schedule.
CMS will use a high- and low-cost threshold for skin
substitutes based on the weighted average mean unit cost
for all skin substitutes based on claims data. These costs
were factored when assigning the application procedure
CPT codes into the correct APC. CMS also will evaluate skin
substitute applications to determine whether to use passthrough payment through the device pass-through process
versus the drug pass-through process when setting future
payment rates. The Healthcare Common Procedure Coding
System (HCPCS) codes for skin substitutes have expanded
from two in 2014 to 61 distinct codes in 2015. The vast
majority of the codes (43) continue to be packaged. Only 18
HCPCS codes had or continue to have pass-through status.
Tables 34 and 35 offer further detail.
Any new or revised CPT codes after July, when the proposed
rules are released, will not be included in the final rules or
quarterly updates. Instead, new and revised codes will be
delayed in adoption for a year. The exceptions are those CPT
codes that describe a whole new technology or procedure
not previously addressed under OPPS. Those new CPT codes
would be priced and made effective outside the annual
rate-setting process. This change is effective January 1,
2016. Therefore, only codes released by the American
Medical Association by July 1, 2015, will be included in the
final rules for 2016.
Nonpass-through drugs and biologicals separately payable
under OPPS will be reimbursed at the average sales price
plus 6 percent.
The inpatient-only list has been modified to add CPT 22220
(osteotomy of spine including discectomy, anterior approach,
single vertebral segment; thoracic) and delete CPT 63043
and 63044. See Addendum E for the complete list of
inpatient-only codes.
article continues on page 6...
Darren Osten, CPA, FHFMA
I cannot believe how fast the HFMA year
has come and gone. It has truly been an
honor to serve as the President of the
Iowa Chapter of HFMA this year and
serve on the board of the chapter over
the last several years. As the year winds down, I am truly thankful for
all the support I received throughout the year from fellow board members, volunteers and chapter members and I personally want to thank
them for all of their efforts throughout this past year. My time serving
as an officer of the Iowa Chapter has led to many great experiences
with in the chapter and on the national level and has led to the development of many great relationships both within the chapter and
through networking with other chapters throughout the nation. I certainly would not trade the value of the HFMA experiences I have encountered over the past few years.
The strength of our chapter is also displayed through the benefits we
provide to our membership through educational offerings. This year,
the Iowa Chapter embarked on several new successful endeavors in
our educational offerings as follows:
Collaboration with the Iowa Hospital Association at the IHA
Annual Meeting. The IHA meeting had over 1,700 attendees
over the 3 day period, and we certainly had a strong turnout
at the HFMA track held at the meeting. We are working to
continue to develop and expand upon our collaboration with
the Iowa Hospital Association to provide additional educational offerings for the benefit of our membership.
Another collaboration we developed was the Revenue Cycle
Webinar Series with Iowa AAHAM. This endeavor provided a
new educational offering each month, focusing on relevant
revenue cycle topics geared toward business office professionals. In the first year of this series we were very pleased
with the content of each webinar as demonstrated by the
large attendance of our members and other healthcare
professionals for each of these sessions. We are certainly
planning on continuing this effort into next year and are
looking for other collaborative opportunities to provide
educational topics.
Our chapter is a very strong chapter nationally and it is seen that way
on the national level through benchmarking criteria and what others
experience when they attend our chapter events. That strength is only
developed through the engagement of our volunteer leadership and
membership. I strongly encourage all members to get involved with
the Chapter. The educational opportunities and experiences I have
received throughout my role in the chapter have been very valuable.
We offered a HFMA Certification practicum in conjunction
with our Winter Meeting in January 2015 to assist members
in preparation for the Certified Healthcare Finance Professional (CHFP) exam. Our chapter ranks 3rd nationally in
percentage of certified members, and we continue to work
on improving that ranking. Since the course was held, we
have had two additional members become certified and
several others are working toward preparation for the exam.
Also, the activities of the Chapter could not be done without the
support of our corporate sponsors. Their continued support and
engagement within the chapter certainly adds to the strength of
our chapter by allowing us to provide quality educational opportunities
for the benefit of our membership.
The strength of our chapter is certainly displayed through the results
of the annual Membership Satisfaction Survey. The survey resulted in
a 68% Overall High Satisfaction rating provided by our membership.
The chapter is rated on educational topics and programs, quality of
speakers, meeting location, coverage of state and regional issues,
chapter newsletter and website, networking opportunities and an
overall rating. Incoming Chapter President, Kara Dunham, and the
rest of the Chapter leadership team will be utilizing the results of the
membership satisfaction survey in planning the activities and the
direction of the Chapter at the upcoming national Leadership Training
Conference in April and the chapter strategic planning meeting in
I have certainly enjoyed my role in the Iowa Chapter of HFMA and am
very thankful for the opportunity to serve in this role. The support
received from the team of officers and directors Kara Dunham, Chad
Tysdahl, Deanna Gray, Kyle Wilcox, Tim Huber, Jeremy Behrens,
Crystal Estrabrook, Phil Roudabush, Denise Hook, Dave Muhs and the
late Shawn Gosch were instrumental in everything that was accomplished this last year. All provided excellent leadership, guidance and
direction that contributed to the success of the Iowa Chapter. The
national HFMA theme for this year was “Leading the Change” and this
group along with all other committee members, sponsors, volunteers
and our membership as a whole certainly demonstrate the ability to
lead the change for Iowa Chapter to continue to improve upon the
healthcare industry in our state. n
– page 5 –
Outpatient Prospective Payment System, continued...
The recalibration of the APC-relative payment weights was computed
similar to the 2014 final rule methodology. Refer to Addendum A and B
for the relative weights for 2015.
Provider-Based Departments
In an effort to gather more information about payments made to
off-campus provider-based departments, CMS is creating HCPCS
modifier PO, which should be added to the outpatient claims for
services provided in off-campus PBDs effective January 1, 2016.
The definition of “on campus” is not changing—the main building or
buildings adjacent to the main campus or within 250 yards of the
main buildings. Reporting of the modifier is voluntary for 2015. In
addition, CMS is changing related place of service (POS) codes on a
professional claim. The POS 22 (outpatient hospital department) will
be deleted and replaced by two POS codes to indicate on-campus or
off-campus. The new POS codes will be available by July 1, 2015.
The POS 23 for emergency room visits will continue. Finally, please
note the above changes for off-campus provider-based facilities do
not include remote or satellite facilities as defined by 42 CFR
413.65(a)(2) and 42 CFR 412.22(h), respectively.
Quality Provisions
With regard to the outpatient quality reporting (OQR) program, CMS
is adding one measure (OP-32: Facility 7-Day Risk-Standardized
Hospital Visit Rate after Outpatient Colonoscopy) for 2018 that was
proposed to be added for 2017. Prior to reporting the measure, CMS
will perform a preliminary analysis to allow hospitals to review their
scores and provide feedback. CMS also is excluding one previously
adopted measure (OP-31: Cataracts—Improvement in Patient’s Visual
Function within 90 Days Following Cataract Surgery) for 2016, making
it voluntary for 2017. CMS has redefined “topped out” and removed
two such topped out measures (OP-6: Timing of Antibiotic Prophylaxis
and OP-7: Prophylactic Antibiotic Selection for Surgical Patients).
OP-04: Aspirin at Arrival will be retained in the Hospital OQR Program
requirements. Clarifications related to the data submission for OP-27:
Influenza Vaccination Coverage among Healthcare Personnel was
included and delayed data collection for two measures (OP-29:
Endoscopy/Polyp Surveillance: Appropriate Follow-up Interval for
Normal Colonoscopy in Average Risk Patients and OP-30: Endoscopy/
Polyp Surveillance: Colonoscopy Interval for Patients with a History
of Adnomatous Polyps—Avoidance of Inappropriate Use). Other
changes include revisions to the validation procedures and criteria
for extraordinary situation extensions or exemptions. Program
resources and requirements can be found on QualityNet.
Physician Certification
Based on the 2014 IPPS final rule, CMS requires physician
certification, including an admission order, for all inpatient admissions.
However, the 2015 OPPS final rule changed this requirement so that
as of January 1, 2015, physician certification is required only for longstay cases expected to last at least 20 days and for outlier cases.
The admission order remains required for inpatient stays.
The OPPS rules also include numerous changes to APCs, CMHCs and
physician ownership expansion issues that are beyond the scope of
this article. It is evident from the 2015 OPPS rules that CMS plans to
continue consolidating and packaging payments in subsequent years.
It is important to evaluate the impact of the 2015 and future changes.
For more information, contact your BKD advisor.
Article printed with permission from BKD, LLP, www.bkd.com.
All rights reserved. n
Iowa Network
Publication Objective Iowa Network is the official publication of the Iowa Chapter of Healthcare Financial Management Association. Iowa Network is published
four times a year. Our Objective is to provide members with information regarding chapter and national activities, with current and useful news of both national
and local significance to healthcare finance professionals and to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information.
Editorial Policy Opinions expressed in articles or features are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Iowa Chapter of Healthcare
Financial Management Association or the editor. The editor strongly encourages the submission of material for publication. The editor reserves the right to
edit material and accept or reject contributions whether solicited or not. n
– page 6 –
SUBMITTED BY: Shawn Steffen | PHOTOS BY: Deanna Gray, FHFMA
Awards – It has been a great honor and privilege to have been part of
the Iowa HFMA Organization as a member and as an Officer. I look
forward to many more years of continuing to support the Chapter.
I have had the great honor to have worked with a great group of
individuals that have represented the Iowa Chapter so significantly.
Yerger Award Multi-Chapter Event: Darren Osten –
For the ICD-10/Rac Symposium
The awards we received from National are the following: (Not every
Chair, Board member, or Officer receives awards but it takes each of
their efforts to help support the ones that did – thank you all)
Gold Award for
Kara Dunham
Hottum Award for
Education Improvement:
Kara Dunham – this award
goes to chapters that have
a significant increase
attendance at educational
Yerger Award: Darren Osten – Sponsorship Fair – Any individual,
with Board Approval, can write a Yerger. This is an award to recognize
a project or event that benefited the chapter greatly either in attendance, member satisfaction, growth, new programs or improve
Gold Award for Membership Growth & Retention: Tim Huber
Medal of Honor Recipients: Shawn Steffen, Randy Rubin,
and Tim Huber.
Yerger Award Multi-Chapter Event: Darren Osten – this goes to the
chapters that have worked on developing programs that cross state
boundaries and bring in a wide array of education, leadership, and
networking opportunities This award would have been for the Mid
America Summer Institute.
This prestigious award recognizes an individual who has been actively
involved in HFMA for at least three years after
earning the Muncie Gold Award, has provided significant service at the
chapter, regional and/or national level in at least two of those years,
and remains a member in good standing.
Thank you to the Committee Chairs, Board Members, Officers, and all
the great members of the Iowa HFMA Chapter for making 2013-2014
such a success! As 2014-2015 comes to an end, it has been a
wonderful year for me as your Past President of the Iowa Chapter. n
– page 7 –
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– page 8 –
> http://www.linkedin.com
Type “HFMA Iowa Chapter”
in the “People” search box,
Request To Join
> http://www.facebook.com
Type “HFMA Iowa Chapter
Chapter” in the “Search”
box, Click on “Like”
Region 8 Webinars:
Coming Soon...
Revenue Cycle Webinars:
April 9, 2015
April 23, 2015
New Members:
SUBMITTED BY: Stephanie Hultman, CHFP
Lisa M. Schultz, Advanced Asset Alliance
Anh Le, UnityPoint Health
Jaime Fritz, Mercy Medical Center
Allen J. Kehm, Mercy Medical Center
Darleen A. Poe, SnF Management
Penelope L. Soucie, CPA, Jackson County
Regional Health Center
Kristin Brewbaker, University of Iowa Health Care
Craig R Flanagan, UnityPoint at Home
Justine V. Burns, Aetna
January 2015:
February 2015:
Jean Ward, UnityPoint Health
Stephanie Giberson, Henry County Health Center
Luke Bland, 1Comm Medical, Inc.
Kim J. Stout, University of Iowa
Ashley P Bassett, Monroe County Hospital
Tara K Steinkuehler, UnityPoint Health
Deb Althouse, UnityPoint Health
Tanner Jontz, UnityPoint Health
Mark Feilmeier, UnityPoint Health
Lisa Ryan, UnityPoint Health
Jessica Hoepker, Monroe County Hospital
& Clinics
Laurie Tobias, UnityPoint Health
Kara L Winker, Greene County Medical Center
Danielle Johnson, UnityPoint Health
Hannah J O’Brien, Great River Medical Center
Christine M. Anderson, State Hygienic Laboratory
at the University of Iowa
Kim K Grimshaw, Great River Medical Center
Lacee Richmond, BKD, LLP
December 2014:
All meetings, except the October
meeting, are held at the Hilton Garden
Inn, Johnston, Iowa. Mark your
calendars and plan to attend.
Ken L. Fisher, University Of Iowa Healthcare
Courtney Petty, Navigant Consulting
January New Member Breakfast
The new member breakfast was held at the Winter Meeting on January 23rd. We had three members in attendance,
Luke Bland with 1Comm Medical, Brian Grimes with Credit Bureau Services of Iowa, and Steven Juve with Creditor
Advocates. They were joined by Shawn Steffen, Darren Osten, Kyle Wilcox, and Tim Huber. Time was spent sharing
personal backgrounds and information on the Iowa Chapter of HFMA. It was a great opportunity for chapter leaders
to discuss HFMA and for the new members to network with fellow Iowa Chapter members.
We value your commitment to HFMA and want you to make sure as members you continue to receive the benefit of outstanding resources,
networking opportunities and how-to solutions. Watch your e-mail and mailboxes for valuable information on renewing their membership for the
upcoming year. Both our current members and reinstating members can renew online or by calling (800) 252-4362, ext. 2. n
– page 9 –
Prairie Meadows
Des Moines
Join your fellow members for an evening of
fun and excitement!
Enjoy a trolley ride to Prairie Meadows for a
complimentary dinner buffet, followed by a
lucky evening of gaming!
Let the Fun Begin!
– page 10 –
pril 16, 2015
5:30 pm
SUBMITTED BY: Crystal Estabrook, CHFP
HFMA and AAHAM sponsored their 3rd
annual Spring Panel of Payers on March
25 at Iowa Methodist Medical Center in
Des Moines. There were over 70 attendees present for this popular event. The
meeting began with Bryan Dempsey with
Iowa Medicaid discussing updates on the
Iowa Health and Wellness Plan. Ashley
Savonell with Iowa Medicaid also joined
Bryan to provide information on the ICD-10 conversion.
The presentation continued with payer representatives Paige Petitt
with UnitedHealthcare, Kim Foltz with Meridian, Ellen Myers with
Wellmark, and Jan Ervin and Mary Sue Gardner with WPS Medicare.
All payers provided updates on ICD-10 testing and discussions on
provider readiness, along with other billing and audit highlights. At the
conclusion of the payer presentations, breakout sessions were held
so that providers could ask additional questions and network with the
payer representatives.
This event was also a great opportunity for revenue cycle and billing
professionals to network with one another, as well as receive updates
from our major payors. HFMA and AAHAM are will be hosting the
4th Annual All Payer Panels in November 2015 and March 2016. n
– page 11 –
New Certification Program
In June of 2015 HFMA will be reconfiguring the CHFP Certification Program. The intent is to move beyond the traditional
focus on demonstrating competence in finance and accounting and focus on issues that reflect the contemporary
healthcare environment. The reconfigured CHFP will consist of two online modules:
The Business of Healthcare: A big-picture overview of healthcare finance, risk and risk mitigation, new payment
models, financial accounting and cost analysis, strategic financial issues, managing financial resources, and shifting
payment models.
Operational Excellence: The application of business acumen includes exercises that use a case study approach to
understanding the business of health care.
Both modules as well at the test will be available online from your own computer through HFMA’s online learning platform. This will replace the
current testing that is done through Castle Worldwide. If you are currently studying for the existing CHFP program you are able to do so and still take
the CHFP exam through Castle Worldwide as you had planned.
For further details and answers to any questions please see the CHFP FAQ document attached to this newsletter or visit the website at
www.hfma.org/chfp. You may also e-mail questions to the HFMA Certification team at [email protected]. n
– page 12 –
White Elephant Gift Exchange
– page 13 –
Winter Meeting
and Rube’s
– page 14 –
SUBMITTED BY: Tracy Packingham
Spring 2015
Wow, it’s hard to believe this is my
final Regional Executive message and
another HFMA year is almost complete.
I would like to take this opportunity to
say “Thank You” to all of the Region 8
Presidents – Darren, Amy, Troy, Rita, Tim,
Sarah, Jon, Becky and Jim. It has been
a privilege to work with and get to know
all of you. It has been a phenomenal
year to say the least. All the chapters
in the region have met or exceeded goals and will be presented with
National Awards at ANI this year in Orlando. It takes a TEAM to make
this happen and we have an amazing group of dedicated individuals.
CONGRATULATIONS to each of you!
Stephanie Hultman and her TEAM have been working hard to bring
yet another fantastic year in 2015/2016. Thank you Steph for all your
support through this year; the region is in very good hands with you
and Bill Fenske. Thank you for the continued support of all of our
officers, directors, volunteers and members. Our chapters are truly
exceptional. Region 8 ROCKS!!! Get involved and make this next
chapter year even better.
Thanks for the opportunity to serve as your Region 8 Regional
Executive. This was truly a fabulous experience and look forward to
working with the new leadership.
Lastly, I would like to thank all of the chapter leaders who have made
the Region 8 Mid America Summer Institutes a success. Don’t miss
the conference this year, August 26-28 in Minneapolis, MN. Hope to
see everyone there.
My telephone number is 314-570-3580 and my email address is
[email protected]. I welcome your questions and
comments at anytime!!!
Tracy Packingham
Regional Executive
HFMA Region 8 n
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Sponsor Spotlight for April 2015: ICE Technologies
– page 21 –
Platinum Sponsors
Avadyne Health
Pam Brindley
10604 Justin Drive
Des Moines, IA 50322
[email protected]
Baird Holm, LLP
Michael Chase
1500 Woodmen Tower
1700 Farnam St
Omaha, NE 68102-2068
[email protected]
Kevin Morey
1201 Walnut, Ste 1700
Kansas City, Mo 64106-2246
[email protected]
Clifton Larson Allen, LLP
Trenton Fast
121 West Bridge Street
Owantonna, MN 55060
[email protected]
Jim Davis
6215 W St Joseph Hwy
Lansing, MI 48917
[email protected]
Luke Foslien
13219 Tyler Street NE
Minneapolis, MN
[email protected]
Eide Bailly, LLP
Joseph Splinter
1545 Associates Drive, Ste 101
Dubuque, IA 52002
[email protected]
Seim Johnson
Brian Green
18081 Burt St, Ste 200
Omaha, NE 68022
[email protected]
Early Out Services, Inc. /
General Service Bureau, Inc.
Brad Uhlenhopp
2829 NW 165th Street
Clive, IA 50325
[email protected]
Tom Newton
1331 Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50309
[email protected]
Paul Baumert
13616 California St, Ste 300
Omaha, NE 68154
[email protected]
Gold Sponsors
McGladrey, Inc.
Jon Hillmann
201 N Harrison St, Ste 300
Davenport, IA 52801
[email protected]
Prosource Billing, Inc., / J.C.
Christensen & Associates, Inc.
Shelly Soupir
200 14th Ave E
Sartell, MN, 56377
shelly.soupir @arraysg.com
Jody Heard
PO Box 306
Marshall, MN 56258
507-532-3324 Ext 305
[email protected]
Bankers Trust
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Michael Siurek
135 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60603
[email protected]
Credit Bureau Services
of Iowa, Inc.
Brian Grimes
1306 S 7th St
Oskaloosa, IA 52577
[email protected]
The Hauge Group
Charlie Cole
2320 W 49th St
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
[email protected]
Patient Matters, LLC
Paul Hoyt
518 S. Magnolia Ave, 3rd Floor
Orlando, FL 32801
[email protected]
– page 22 –
Pete Heydt
3333 Piedmont Rd, 5th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30305
[email protected]
Silver Sponsors
Aureus Group
Nuria Archer
13609 California St, Ste 100
Omaha, NE 68154
[email protected]
Cirius Group, Inc.
Mark Ehnen
140 Gregory Lane, #240
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
[email protected]
Mark Middendorf
3055 Lebanon Pike
Nashville, TN 37214
[email protected]
ICE Technologies
Karlie Van Soelen
411 SE 9th Street
Pella, IA 50219
[email protected]
MDS (Medical Data Systems, Inc.)
Estelle Welte
2001 9th Avenue, Ste 312
Vero Beach, FL 32960
[email protected]
Medical Protective
Michael Mitchell
5814 Reed Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46835
[email protected]
US Bank
Rob Bakker
520 Walnut Street
Des Moines, IA 50309
[email protected]
Bankers Trust
Melissa A. Stover, Esq.
453 7th Street
Des Moines, IA 50309
[email protected]
Halvorson Trane
Kit Cartwright
2220 NW 108th St
Clive, IA 50325
[email protected]
Medical Reimbursements of
America, Inc.
Veronica Modricker, CHFP
7105 Moores Lane
Brentwood, TN 37027
[email protected]
Xtend Healthcare
Kimberly George
500 W Main St, Ste 14
Hendersonville, TN 37075
[email protected]
Commerce Bank
Denyse Scott
3155 Indian Point Dr.
Ellston, IA 50074
[email protected]
Charlene Mathis
46191 Westlake Drive
Sterling, VA 20165
[email protected]
Bronze Sponsors
Denman & Company, LLP
Jay Horn
1601 22nd St, Ste 400
West Des Moines, IA 50266
[email protected]
Doug Darnell
1002 Deming Way
Madison, WI 53717
[email protected]
Des Moines University
Master of Health Care
Gina Smith
3200 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50312
[email protected]
Relay Health
Deanna Gray
1001 W Sunset Circle
Indianola, IA 50125
[email protected]
Robb Rudd
2600 University Parkway
Coralville, IA 52241
[email protected]
Meridian Health Plan
Cathy Crowley
666 Grand Ave, Floor 14
Des Moines, IA 50309
[email protected]
SilverStone Group, Inc.
Lauren Fleharty
11516 Miracle Hills Drive
Omaha, NE 68154
[email protected]
TrueNorth Companies
Matt Evans
[email protected]
Tim McMahon
[email protected]
500 1st St. SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
Advanced Asset Alliance/
AAA Collections
Jill Heyden
3500 S 1st Ave, Ste 100
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
[email protected]
American Express
Bryan Olson
774 Oak Circle
Victoria, MN 55386
[email protected]
Automated Accounts
Management Services (AAMS)
Luke Gruber
4800 Mills Civic Pkwy # 202
West Des Moines, IA 50265
[email protected]
Scott Allison
11128 John Galt Blvd #400
Omaha, NE 68137
[email protected]
Eagle Recovery Associates, Inc.
Nancy Vollmer
424 SW Washington St, 3rd Floor
Peoria, Illinois 61602
[email protected]
Gronewold, Bell, Kyhnn & Co., PC
Chris Nelson
1910 E 7th St
PO Box 369
Atlantic, IA 50022
[email protected]
– page 23 –
SSI Group
Christy Dawson
4721 Morrison Drive
Mobile, AL 36609
[email protected]
The Harry A. Koch Company
Derek Briscoe
14010 FNB Pkwy, Ste 300
Omaha, NE 68154
[email protected]
SUBMITTED BY: Marcus Goldenstein and Denyse Scott
Rube’s Steakhouse!!!! You ask WHY all of the exciting punctuation?
Well, because of all of the fun stories that are told before, during and
especially AFTER the event! This Rube’s dinner and White Elephant
gift exchange has been running for four years and counting, and each
time there are new and hilarious stories and gifts that just cause all
sorts of excitement! Due to the expanded attendance this year and
also availability of the space, we convinced Rube’s management to
give us the entire party room. With this came great food, conversation
and interesting white elephant gifts. There were approximately 60
attendees on Thursday evening, January 22. Similar to years past, the
entire group enjoyed grilling their own steaks, chicken and seafood
with the White Elephant gift exchange ending the evening. We promise
you, it NEVER fails, the gifts are always surprising and cause such
a ruckus of laughter. Thanks again to the attendees and the very
creative gift ideas. A HUGE thank you goes out to our six sponsors:
Avadyne Health, BKD, Coverys, The Hauge Group, Patient Matters and
Seim Johnson. As always, we appreciate your continued support of
the Iowa HFMA Chapter and the hospitality events. The spring meeting
will be held April 16th and 17th. Plans are still in the works, but the
theme is going to be a Casino Night. We are figuring out the logistics
and details. More information will be coming once the event is coordinated. Hope to see you there!
Your Hospitality Committee Chairs
Denyse Scott (641-772-4480)
Marcus Goldenstein (402-330-2660)
– page 24 –
SUBMITTED BY: Chad Tysdahl
Iowa HFMA - Spring Meeting
April 16-17, 2015
THE INDIVIDUAL. During our time together you get the opportunity to
focus on your personal development as an authentic and moral
person. This investigation takes place through discussion, self-discovery,
and self-reflection. Once you have an idea of who you are morally we
then explore the role you play as a leader in society. As a leader we
discuss the obligation of ethical decision-making and you get to
consider how you best contribute to this obligation. It is through these
processes that you will be better equipped to go down the moral path
when confronted with a dilemma. During the last part of the session
we synthesize your self-reflection and the role of leadership with the
AICPA Code of Conduct. During this synthesis activity you will identify
the direct impact you have to help uphold and support your profession’s ethical obligation to yourself, to each other, and to the public.
Thursday, April 16
HFMA Update: Price Transparency in Challenging Times
Todd Nelson, Technical Director with National HFMA
Program Objective: More than ever, healthcare finance is in the
spotlight, with media, regulators, and consumers focused on issues
such as healthcare pricing, healthcare quality, up-front payment, and
medical debt collection. Learn strategies and tactics for presenting
common-sense information to external audiences, including information about HFMA’s key initiatives.
After this session, attendees will be able to:
- Identify key challenges in external communications about
healthcare finance issues
- Understand attributes of an effective external message
- Describe successful practices for sharing information with external
- Describe HFMA’s key initiatives that address today’s healthcare
finance challenges
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the importance of ethics in today’s business
- Understand the sophisticated cognitive process associated with
ethical decision-making
- Explore the various factors that help identify a moral dilemma
- Synthesize the AICPA Code of Conduct with the individual
characteristics of the
- Explore the role of leadership in the accounting profession
- Understand the critical role of the individual in the ethical
decision-making process
HFMA 101: A Year in Review
Darren Osten, Seim Johnson
This program will provide an overview of the results of the 2014 HFMA
Chapter Survey and ongoing activities of the Iowa Chapter of HFMA.
Learning objective: Help you gain a better understanding of how the
Board of Directors is working to continue to fulfill the mission and
vision of your chapter.
Installation of 2015-2016 Iowa HFMA Officers/Board
Todd Nelson, National HFMA
Ethics: The Role of You
Jeremy Wortman, Owner HRD Initiatives
Course Description: Our session takes a unique approach to discuss
ethics in the accounting profession. We start with the most critical,
and often the most neglected, element of moral decision-making,
– page 25 –
article continues on next page...
Current Sessions
Finance Track
Revenue Cycle Track
Financial Health of Iowa Critical Access Hospitals
Roger Thompson, Seim Johnson
The Impact of Quality Metrics and Outcomes on Hospital
Reimbursement: Extending Clinical Documentation programs
to safeguard against financial penalties.
Kelly Gates, Optum 360
Program Description: The Affordable Care Act is demanding the health
care industry focus more on quality outcomes. Quality-driven
outcomes will not only impact hospital reimbursement but will also,
because these measures are publically reported, provide a layer of
transparency for health care consumers. It’s critically important that
hospital leaders review such outcomes today, as they will need plan
for mitigation of any negative impacts. This session will discuss how
unplanned readmission penalties, mortality measures and other quality indicators will impact hospital reimbursement as well as reputation.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize how evolving quality industry trends will impact hospital
- Recite which quality initiatives will result in financial penalties.
- Identify how expanding the scope of a CDI Program can deflect
potential revenue reimbursement penalties.
- Identify how organizational team work can produce better
- Describe methodology for ROI on quality measures attributed to
CDI reviews.
Program Description: Through his continued work with the University
of North Carolina Rural Health Research Advisory Board, Roger will
utilize financial indicators compiled by the Flex-monitoring team to
illustrate how Iowa CAH’s compare to its region (J5) and nationally.
He will provide anecdotal comments on differences, challenges, and
opportunities for Iowa CAH’s.
Revenue Cycle Track
Defending Against a ZPIC or other Potential Fraud Investigation
by the OIG
Sarah Mendiola, Fotheringill & Wade, LLC and Washington & West, LLC
Program Description: During this session we will explore how
providers can best defend their organizations when faced with
potential fraud allegations. We will discuss the growing auditing that is
being performed by ZPICs and the OIG in the federal government’s
pursuit of fraud and what they are potentially looking for. In order to
understand the unique impact of a ZPIC audit, we will provide an
example of a case study to analyze statistical sampling and the effect
of extrapolation on an organization. Using this case study we will walk
through the steps of the audit and explain how to recognize and
respond to the ZPIC, and if necessary, how to subsequently appeal. We
will also take a look at what lies ahead and the activity that providers
can expect to see from the OIG in the future.
article continues on next page...
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Learning Objectives:
- Analyze an example of a ZPIC audit from the medical records
request through the appeals process to understand the potential
ramifications an organization may face.
- Understand the OIGs recent areas of focus and the impact that they
can have on an organization by reviewing a sample case study.
- Gain a prospective view of what these auditors will be auditing in
the future.
- Understand how the auditing landscape is changing, potentially
aligning physician and hospital interests for “related” claims, and
what this means to providers.
Finance Track
Creating a High Performance Decision Support Team
David Moldawer, Strata Decision, Hallie Klein, Strata Decision
Program Description: As financials get tighter in healthcare, the speed
and impact of decisions are becoming more critical. The role of the
decision support team has changed from reporting volumes to reporting value. This shift has created challenges for decision support
departments who don’t have the proper tools or processes in place.
Learn how re-designing your decision support strategy and workflows
can better meet the needs of your organization and help build the
capacity of your team.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the changing landscape of decision support
- Evaluate your workflow and processes to find gaps and areas for
- Illustrate how leveraging systems and self-service can build
capacity for your team.
Revenue Cycle Track
Bad Debt Management
Tom Mentz, Mercy Iowa City
Finance Track
GASB 68 Considerations for Iowa Governments (and Non-Profits)
with IPERS Covered Employees
Darla Iverson IPERS CFO, and Andy Nielsen Deputy Auditor of State
Program Description: Darla Iverson and Andy Nielsen will present a
session summarizing the changes required by GASB Statement No. 68
and provide practical insights and sample note disclosures and
required supplementary information designed to help implement the
reporting requirements for Iowa governmental and non-profit entities.
GASB 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions, amends
the provisions of GASB 27 and is effective for Iowa governments and
other entities with IPERS covered employees whose fiscal year began
after June 15, 2014. GASB 68 requires IPERS participating employers
to recognize the employer’s proportionate share of IPERS’ net pension
liability in the Statement of Net Position and a more comprehensive
measure of its pension expense in the Statement of Activities. GASB
68 also requires more robust pension note disclosures and schedules
of required supplementary information.
Thursday, April 17
Registration/Hot Breakfast and New Member Welcoming
Achieving Cost Reductions and Revenue Enhancement by
Engaging Physicians
Dr. Kent Bottles
Dr. Bottles will bring his experience from teaching at The Thomas
Jefferson University School of Population Health and from consulting
with numerous integrated delivery systems and hospitals about how to
get physicians to buy into the transition from fee for service to value
based payments, changes in compensation, achieving safety and
quality metrics, and participating in the pilots contained in the
Affordable Care Act. Many physicians are skeptical of these changes
and are not convinced that they will have to play ball.
article continues on next page...
– page 27 –
Dr. Bottles will provide concrete real life examples of how physicians
have been convinced that they have to change their practice in order
to support the health care organization struggling to adapt to an
environment where everyone will be held accountable for cost and
quality metrics. The value based modifier will be explained as a
revenue neutral program that will give some providers more
reimbursement and some providers less reimbursement based on
quality and cost metrics.
Learning Objectives: By the end of the session, the participant
will be able to
– Understand how physicians are responding to the transformation of
the American health care delivery system.
– Implement strategies that will educate physicians and provide
them with reasons to engage.
– Gain more reimbursement from CMS by successfully participating
in the value based modifier program
– Articulate how some hospitals have modified physician
compensation plans
– Learn from case studies of different programs that have
successfully engaged physicians in new programs.
501(r) Update
Mike Engle, BKD
Learning Objectives. Upon completion of this presentation,
participants will be able to:
– Identify changes related to financial assistance policies, charge
limitations, billing and collections
– Recognize ways to calculate amounts generally billed in
accordance with 501(r)(5) regulations
– Predict challenges and applications
– Understand the essential elements of a compliant financial
assistance policy
– Understand the types of reasonable efforts required before
initiating an extraordinary collections action
– Learn what changes were made from the proposed regulations to
the final regulations
Iowa Hospital Association Update
Erika Eckley, Iowa Hospital Association
Program Description: This session will provide an update on state and
federal healthcare policy and Regulatory issues impacting hospitals
and healthcare organizations. n
– page 28 –
An Interview with Paul Blazer, Mercy Medical Center-Dubuque
SUBMITTED BY: Kit Cartwright
Tell me a little about your organization.
Mercy Medical Center is located in Dubuque, IA and owns Mercy Medical Center Dyersville, a critical access hospital.
We offer the usual, full range of Medical/Surgical services, Psychiatric, Rehab, SNF, and an ICF. We have been
designated a Magnet Hospital for a third consecutive three-year period.
In your experience, how has the Healthcare industry has changed over your career?
Here’s one personal example: After a year on the job, I completed our 1975 Medicare cost report by hand. Now they
can be completed using only extremely sophisticated computer software! This typifies how we have advanced in
complexity, but not just in administrative functions. That “complexity” has also has also resulted in major advances in medical technology in that
time as well.
In your experience, how the HFMA Iowa chapter has changed over your career?
When I started in HFMA in the late 70’s/early 80’s, the major opportunities were the quarterly chapter meetings, ANI, and hfm Magazine. Now, in
addition to those, there are substantially more state, regional, and national educational seminar/webinar opportunities.
How is your organization preparing for an uncertain future?
Our hospital was essentially a standalone hospital when I started in the mid 70’s. Through numerous mergers and consolidations, culminated by
the merger of Trinity Health with Catholic Health East in 2011-2012, we are now a member of one of the largest non-profit healthcare systems in
the U.S. with hospitals from the East Coast to California, resulting in centralized operational efficiencies.
What HFMA resources are you utilizing to help you deal with a changing healthcare landscape?
With my retirement approaching shortly, I can look back at active participation in HFMA - through achieving fellowship, board membership, several
years guiding others to certification as chair of the Certification Committee - as the best resource to help me stay current in an ever changing
healthcare environment. n
Mercy Medical Center - Dubuque | Dubuque, Iowa
– page 29 –
Baird Holm's integrated team of 85 attorneys, licensed in 19 states, is committed to connecting each of its
valued clients to the positive outcomes they seek. With extensive and diverse expertise, we leverage each
other's skills to respond efficiently to our clients' local, regional, national and international legal needs. We
are proud to represent public and private companies, individuals, private funds and other investors, financial
institutions, governmental entities and nonprofit organizations. Baird Holm has enjoyed steady and measured
growth since its founding in 1873.
For more than 40 years, our health care group has focused exclusively on the care and success of our clients
in this highly regulated industry. Our combined experience in this field enables us to understand and appreciate the unique interrelationship among the health care facility, patient, physician, non‐physician practitioner,
and the third party payor. We are also experts with regard to the varied payment and reimbursement
mechanisms; the compliance and enforcement environment; the tax environment in which nonprofit health
care providers operate; the constitutional and statutory environment; and the constant tension between the
regulatory and competitive environment.
Our attorneys often serve as general counsel, and provide a full range of services to many of our health care
clients. We also serve as special counsel on individual issues and transactions, and work with clients' existing
For more information about Baird Holm, please visit www.bairdholm.com.
Sponsor Spotlight for April 2015: Baird Holm, LLP
• Reclaim 87 minutes per day for
each member of your team!
• Reduce first pass denials by 44%
and increase recoveries by 17%.
• Generate more self-pay revenue
AND increase patient loyalty.
Expect More From Your CPA Firm
Pamela Brindley
Account Executive
(866) 812-2149
[email protected]
Eide Bailly is a CPA and business advisory firm with a
national health care practice. Our services go beyond
audit and tax to help you maximize your reimbursement,
streamline operations and develop a plan for a strong,
confident future.
Ground-breaking Technology…
Unparalleled Services… Unified.
Your Revenue Cycle. Perfected.
It’s your money.
It’s your
Are you running out of both?
– page 30 –
Deanna Gray, FHFMA
Davis Chapter Management/Chapter Balanced Scorecard Review:
Reports through 9/18 distributed.
Minutes Iowa Chapter HFMA
Board of Directors Meeting
October 07, 2014
Hilton Garden Inn
Johnston, IA
Member Satisfaction Survey: out 10/27. Will be announced on
Thursday morning at IHA.
Attending: Darren Osten, Tim Huber,
Marcus Goldenstein, Denise Hook, Kara
Dunham, Deanna Gray, Kyle Wilcox, Crystal Estabrook, Rob Rood,
Jeremy Behrens, Stephanie Hultman, Larry Brown, Dave Muhs. Chad
Tysdahl joined via conference line at 4:30pm
Education: Tysdahl and Osten to work with IHA to tabulate hours for
joint meeting. 1000 ahead of last year for education hours; on track
for Gold.
Call to Order: President Osten called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm.
Certification: on track based on revised requirements
July 2014 Board Meeting Minutes: Huber motioned to approve.
Steffen seconded. All approved and motion carried.
Fall President’s Meeting: 9/21-22 in Chicago. Focus was aligning
hospitals, clinics, and payers. All chapters in our region are struggling
with membership. Discussion regarding Yergers earned in various
chapters, succession planning, officer rotation variations (planned for
Jan BOD agenda); ways to increase provider participation. Regional
Executive following Steph Hultman will be Bill Fenske. Regional
Treasurer succeeding Gretchin Heckenlively will be Randy Hoffman.
Reviewed Region 8 outcomes.
Past President Report:
Yerger Committee report: six on the table, need to narrow it down
to four. Revenue Cycle Webinar Series is currently in process.
Recommendations for additional 3 are Student Engagement (Wilcox).
Networking (Goldenstein and Scott). IHA Collaboration (Osten).
Deadline for Yerger submission is April 1st.
Presidents Report: Osten led discussion on the following:
Burgess Foundation: Received acknowledgement of the Iowa
Chapter of HFMA’s $1000 donation in memory of Shawn Gosch
Membership: at 383 with goal of 419; current challenge
Strategic Planning Document: intended for use with succession
planning. Document distributed for evaluation and input. Goldenstein
will redistribute spreadsheet for all to update current role duties and
article continues on next page...
Our experienced healthcare team specializes in
Paul Baumert, CPA, FHFMA
Dan Bartz, CPA
Kirk Delperdang
Bo Hansen, CPA
Dani Holley, CPC-H
Julianne Kipple, MBA, CPA, CHFP
Nancy Thygesen, RHIA
Tara Wisdom
– page 31 –
Joint Meeting: Physician Collaboration with IMGMA: 2/17-18
Omaha In planning phase
IHA Meeting Attendance Expected: Rural Health Talk: 80
confirmed; Panel, 46 confirmed
President Elect’s Report: Dunham reported on the following:
Winter Meeting: 1.5 days with Tracks for Thursday. Sponsorship fair.
New member breakfast on Friday morning. Rube’s will be the awards
2014-15 Corporate Sponsorship Drive: kicked off first week of
October. Five pledge forms received so far with many evaluating new
sponsorship levels. One brand new, two increased current levels.
LTC – April ’15 San Antonio, TX; details TBD
Payer Panel: 37 registered
Webinars: 10/16 McGladrey Part II Ambulatory payment, 10/19 final.
Region 8 for IA: Conifer will be speaking regarding charge master
review. Goal was to hit 100 per meeting and we’ve exceeded that for
the first 3.
Mini LTC: in the spring in Des Moines; details TBD
Nominating Committee: need to finalize nominations to be
announced at the January meeting
Summer Meeting Review – good feedback on meetings. A few
technical difficulties. Budget was 92, had 125 attend. Only actual
speaker expense was Brenda, plus T&E for all speakers.
Attendance: 125 registered attendees for April meeting.
Finance: Wilcox presented verbally. Reports will be distributed to the
board for closer review, tabling for approval. Update as of 1/15/2015:
financial reports were distributed via email on 10/17/14 with first
approval from Steffen on 10/17/14 and 2nd approval from Muhs on
IHA meeting – Dan is still waiting for his final version of the brochure.
Chad and Darren will coordinate a conference call. New member
breakfast will be moved to January.
Region 8 webcast: good feedback
(Osten) DCMS goal 16.2 hours per member (24.6 per member for
Bylaws: No updates
Certification: Brown presented
Founders Points: No updates
Goal: National changed goals from number certified to percent certified. Iowa was 2nd in the country at 19.2%. We are already at Gold
based on the change.
Membership: Huber
Drop List Discussion: 77 as of July. Need to reengage at least 50%
to reinstate. Needed 67 as of July to hit 419 as target, believe we’re
at 383 per DCMS. Have renewed 15 with 6 additional committed. Still
29 short of goal.
Prospect List: anyone who attends an HFMA event and is not a current HFMA member is emailed to Huber once per year.
Certification Survey had 34 respondents. There were 30 interested
in becoming CHFP, and 24 wanted to proceed to FHFMA certification.
29 were interested with onsite education although 22 were more interested in a webinar format. One study guide requested during the
Programming Committee: Tysdahl presented
article continues on next page...
– page 32 –
National Certification Course Proposal from Christoph S: speaker
fee $2500 + OOP (for either in person or webinar), receive a study
guide with the program. Suggest that we charge $199 as a deposit
and then reimburse upon passed exam. Two half days, and this will
be offered in January the day before and the first day of the meeting.
Osten suggested free participation to those who attend for the rest of
the January meeting. Greater St. Louis is offering five 2-hour sessions
in November as another option for members. Crystal will research
locations. Discussion regarding inviting multiple chapters to share
expenses. Larry will confirm availability and Darren will send invitations to surrounding chapter presidents to solicit participation.
October Hospitality for IHA meeting: Tuesday after Board Meeting:
“Progressive on Court”: Appetizer, Entrée, Dessert, Nightcap. Sponsor
at each one of the locations.
January Meeting: Hook recommended that we conduct the awards
banquet during lunch vs. the evening meal. Tysdahl will allow for a
longer lunch. Social will be at Rube’s Steakhouse with White Elephant
Founders Points: No report
Membership Directory: Behrens reported that the Directories were
completed and distributed in person at IHA meeting, and the rest will
be mailed.
Certification Policy: Updated and distributed via survey and
Website: Rood reported that logos will be updated to the web site for
links directly to sponsor pages per sponsorship
Newsletter: Hultman reported
Fall Newsletter Distribution 10/2 and reported to National:
Job Referral: No report, although there are 4 posts on the web site
Historian: No report
515 Emails
Bylaws and Policies and Procedures: included for periodic review
and in preparation for review of the officer rotation structure.
Adjournment: Hook motioned to adjourn the meeting.
Steffen seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 5:34 PM.
Networking: Scott and Goldenstein reported
The Professional Liability
Resource Group at TrueNorth
specializes in finding the
right liability coverage for
your practice’s unique needs.
– page 33 –