December - PALS - Pocono Action Lambda Society
POCONO ACTION LAMBDA SOCIETY MEMBER GATHERING IS THE THIRD SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH, EXCEPT WHEN NOTED. PALS In So Many Words 2 0 1 5 POINTS OF INTEREST: / I S S U E 1 2 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5 November Gathering - Keeping with Tradition Pot Luck and Holiday Shopping • Recap of our Gathering • Save the Date This Month in Our History for Upcoming Events • This Month in Our History • PALS’ Owned Dec.ember24 1993 - Philadelphia, starring Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington is released. It was one of the first major Hollywood films to deal directly with homophobia, homosexuality, and HIV/AIDS. The movie was directed by Jonathan Demme and goes on to win awards, including a Best Actor Oscar for Tom Hanks. Businesses • Local Events Another fantastic visit at Doug 'n Thank Terry's. Gentlemen, you outdid your- you, selves again. We thank you. We all David, hope you are feeling better Terry. once The Phoenix Shop is filled with un- again for INSIDE THIS ISSUE: usual and unique treasures so much the so that they have added an annex DVDs. I Upcoming 3 PALS Events filled with sparkly clothing. I'm a think the deck was stacked in some- PALS Business Support Network 4 Local Happenings and Food Pantries 5-6 Book of The Month 7 Your Board and Notes from the Geek 7 sucker for anything shiny and sparkly. one's favor... It was good to see so many PALS This was the first ever PALS event members out in full force. There was with a baby in attendance. Welcome enough food to feed all and then to our youngest member, Jacob. I some. The dessert table was equally thought once Michael got ahold of laden with yum- him, he would never let go. They mies. Good job were so cute together! everyone. I think Remember everyone, the FACT we all gained 5 SnowBall is coming up next weekend pounds. I, for one, at Silver Creek Country Club in Hel- took home enough lertown, PA. to fill my refrigerator! See you in December at the Annual Holiday Brunch and Gift Exchange! PAGE 3 Upcoming PALS Events—Save the Date Sunday, December 20th January Gathering Holiday Brunch at the Stroudsmoor Inn Saturday, January 16th 1:00 PM - Lunch 257 Stroudsmoor Road 1:00p Trivia Anyone? ~???????~ Fume Grill - Stroudsburg Tradition at its finest Always a good time! Brunch includes Stroudsmoor's famous buffet coffee, tea, juice, and a glass of champagne 1. Q: He pretended to be gay to get out of the army in 1962. Happy Birthday February Gathering Sunday, February 21st TBA There you have it - when you think you know it all… March Gathering Saturday, March 19th Answers: 1. Jimi Hendrix 2. June 2004 Gift Exchange!!! (and trade or theft depending on who's looking when you trade) That's right - it's time to finally unload that thing that never quite made it to Goodwill. $26/pp Thank you Stroudsmoor for once again not raising the price! 2. Q: When did The Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands, currently the smallest Kingdom in the World, declare it’s independence from Australia? Madam President! TBA Subliminal Message - PALS needs more members … bring your friends …. Directions to Stroudsmoore Inn From East - New York and New Jersey: Interstate Route 80. Cross Delaware River Toll Bridge and continue on Interstate 80 to Pennsylvania Exit #307 (Broad Street and PA Route 191). Turn left onto PA 191 South. Travel 1 mile and turn right onto STROUDSMOOR Road. The inn is located at the end of Stroudsmoor Road. From the North - get to 80 - follow below or above. Travel South - Route 22 to Route 33 North. Follow signs for Stroudsburg and 80 East. Take Interstate 80 Exit #307 (Park Avenue and Route 611). Turn right onto Route 611 South. Travel 0.5 miles and turn right onto PA Route 191 South. Turn right onto Stroudsmoor Road. Housekeeping from the PALS Board Remember - Memberships are $20/year renewed January through March (payable by cash, check, PayPal, or credit card). Dues can be brought to meetings, mailed in or paid online. PALS realizes that some people don’t want to join, but would still like to attend occasionally. Non-member guests are asked for a $5.00 donation to help with expenses. Membership forms are available at meetings and on the website ( PALS IN SO MANY WORDS PAGE 4 PALS BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEUR SUPPORT NETWORK The Chiropractic Office of Dr. Lorraine Alexis – "Healthy Backs Without The Cracks" 75 Crystal St, E. Stroudsburg, 570 420 8221, [email protected] Josephine’s Fleur-de-lis 601 Main Street, Stroudsburg Josephine Mero and Martha Loomis – Fine jewelry, unique gifts, elegant home decor, eclectic, sophisticated, something for everyone Matrick Counseling Center Route 390, Mountainhome, PA 570-595-0943 Debra Matrick offers counseling for individuals, couples, families. Most insurance plans accepted. Office hours by appointment. Marty's Home Kitchen Pocono Lake, PA – Marty Pizzuti - Maker of All Natural Handcrafted Artisan Fruit Spreads and Marmalades PHOENIX – Route 209 N, Dingmans Ferry Open Every Day 10 – 5 –(570-828-7952) PHOENIX EAST - 322 Broad St., Milford (570 296-2585) - Jewelry From The Great Southwest And Other Exotic Places Unique & Unusual Gifts & Accessories For The Home Scenic Creations Landscaping - Stroudsburg, PA Todd J. Molitor Property Management, Landscape Design, Lawn Maintenance, Christmas Décor (570-982-0118) - [email protected] Wedding Officiant - Rev. Ellyn Kravette Open Door Ministries 570-764-4706 Serving the Rainbow Community for 24 years. Discount to PALS members Josephine Mero, MSW, LMSW 1056 Route 390, Mountainhome 570-595-9590 – Individuals, Children, Teenagers Families, Couples, Groups Most insurance plans accepted / Office hours by appointment Links of Interest see the PALS Website - If you are looking for links, you probably have access to the website …. Don't see your info here? As a member, you are entitled to have free ads on the website for your business and/or avocations. Take advantage! Send information for the Newsletter to [email protected] and for the Website to [email protected]. PALS IN SO MANY WORDS Select Happenings in the Area Rainbow Mountain, Mt. Nebo Road, East Stroudsburg, PA Kinky Kristmas Leather Weekend - December 44-6 Holiday Toy Drive - November 27 through December 20 Customer Appreciation and Holiday Talent Show - December 12 Holiday Matchup Game - Paint Your Balls - December 18 & 19 Christmas Weekend Specials - December 2525-26 New Year's Eve Party - Includes Breakfast Buffet only $10! Regina Sayles Dec 11 & Dec 30, 7p - Skytop Lodge Tap Room (Skytop) Dec 12, 7p - Barley Creek Brewing Company (Tannersville) Dec 15, 9:30 - Sarah Street Grill (Stroudsburg) Dec 18, 6pm - Rudy's (East Stroudsburg) Dec 20, 3p & 7p - Special Holiday Concert - Porter & Sayles - Pocono Cinema (East Stroudsburg) Dec 23, 6p, Stone Bar Inn (Snydersville) Monroe Winter Farmer's Market - Saturdays - Now until March 26, 2016 / 600 Main Street, Stroudsburg A Note from Skip: Main Street Farmer's Market at the Cooperage through December 26 - Honesdale, PA I arranged this fundraiser Meet and Greet for PALS when I was still on the Board of the State Theatre in Easton. It was Ellen Degeneres's Sat & Sun through December 20, 2p Callie's Pretzel Factory, Cresco, PA - See first stop on her Historic HBO Tour which was kicked off in Easton! I Candy Canes Made have a picture of Ellen and Anne Heche leaving the room holding hands and they broke up shortly afterwards. I'm sure no reflection on Easton in Tree Lighting, Milford, PA -December 5, 5p that Anne met no guys in Easton or space shops to cause the breakup! I do have several prints available so if someone can pick themselves out of Fact Snow Ball - December 6 5p - Hellertown, PA the picture I might have enough prints to share. For Info Email: Tree Lighting at the Stroudsmoor - December 6, 11- 6:30p [email protected] Grey Towers, Milford, PA - December 5 - 6 - A Christmas Carol dramatic reading will be performed by Joe Plummer Jr., founder and director of Gotta Kid to Feed Productions. Dramatic readings were a popular form of entertainment when Grey Towers was occupied by the Pinchot family in the late 1800s through mid-twentieth century. Noon-1pm and 3-4pm/ Price: $20 December 5, 6, 12, & 13 -25th Annual Old Time Christmas Quiet Valley Living Historical Farm December 1111-13 Winterfest at Hawley PA P with Sculpted Ice Bar at Cocoon Coffee House December 1212-13, 13 10a-5p - Holiday Artisan's Fair - Hawley Silk Mill December 16, 6-8, Art Show and Fundraiser - Dansbury Depot, East Stroudsburg Looks like lots of things are happening for New Years Eve - but, no one is advertising specifics on the community calendars yet. If you've got a favorite place, I suggest you call. January 23, 23 8p - Wanda Sykes - Bergen Performing Arts Center, Center Englewood, NJ January 30, 8p - The Indigo Girls - Wellmont Theater - Montclair, NJ Did you know… We’re on Meetup and FaceBook. 2015 / ISSUE 12 PAGE 5 POCONO FOOD PANTRY and SOUP KITCHEN LOCATIONS BLOOMING GROVE FOOD PANTRY St. John Neumann Church, 705 Route 739 Lords Valley. Pantry hours are 9:45 to 11 a.m. on third Thursday of each month. Serves residents of Pike County. Federal income guidelines apply, identification required. Information, 570-7756867. A final note... Feel pretty good? Planning your holiday feasts? Can you just taste it already? Think on this ... some of our neighbors cannot afford to eat so well. Share. BUSHKILL OUTREACH The Old Reformed Church PO Box 103 Bushkill, PA 18324 Tuesday thru Thursday: 8am - 12 Noon Other hours by appointment Kate Newman - 570-588-0660 PIKE COUNTY FOOD PANTRY St. Anthony’s Church, Newfoundland Pantry hours are from noon to 2 p.m. every third Thursday. Serves Pike County residents. Federal income guidelines apply, identification and proof of income are required. Information, 570-6764066. PLEASANT VALLEY ECUMENICAL NETWORK ( PVEN) Greenview & McIlhaney Roads Broadheadsville, PA 18322 Tuesday: 9:30am - 11:30 am Other hours by appointment Eloise Laubach - 570-992-3136 CHRISTIAN AWARENESS MINISTRIES ECUMENICAL (CAME) Route 447, Canadensis, PA 18325 1st Saturday: 8:45 am - 12:00 pm Monday: 8:45 am - Noon Other hours by appointment BECKY LEISTER - 570-595-9141 COMMON GROUND MINISTRIES Parking lot of Sheri Empanadas 3541 Route 611, Bartonsville. Held from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on the fourth Sunday of the month for low income families in Monroe County, Pennsylvania identification required. Free groceries. Information, call 570801-2699. Emergency pantry available by appointment, must leave name and phone number to set up appointment. DINGMANS FERRY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 115 Myck Road Dingmans Ferry, PA 18328 THE FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH is FOOD PANTRY SUNDAY There is a wooden bin in our Sanctuary by the altar that is always available for donations to be added, but as a reminder that hunger and need occurs all year long (not just during the holidays) we have dedicated the first Sunday of every month as "Food Pantry Sunday". 570-828-2288 - Linda Rutledge, Secretary GOOD CHEER FOOD PANTRY St. Luke's Lutheran Church Route 590, P.O. Box 66, Greeley Pantry hours are from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. first Sunday of each month. No appointment needed. Proof of residency required. Federal income guidelines apply. Identification required. Information, 570-226-3966 or 570-685-7260. HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH FOOD PANTRY 103 Delaware Crest, Dingmans Ferry Pantry hours are from 9 a.m. to noon, weekdays (appointment only — one visit per month). Serves Pike County residents. Federal income guidelines apply, identification required. Information, 570-828-7411, email [email protected] or visit POCONO MOUNTAIN ECUMENICAL HUNGER MINISTRY Rt. 611 Coolbaugh Municipal Building Tobyhanna, PA 18466 1st Wednesday of the Month: 9:00am - 11:00am 2 Saturdays a month: 9:00am - 11:00am Other hours by appointment Michael Stern - 570-894-2072 ST. LUKE'S CHURCH 818 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA Saturdays: 1:00pm - 2:00pm 570-421-9097 STROUDSBURG UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (Soup Kitchen) 547 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA Sundays: 4:00pm - 4:30pm 570-421-6020 STROUDSBURG WESLEYAN CHURCH Helping Hands Food Pantry 915 North Fifth Street, Stroudsburg, Pa 18360 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM 570-421-0750 THE OASIS OF LOVE, INC 814 Monroe Street Suite 201, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Tel:570-972-0838 / Fax:570-972-2931 [email protected] Toll-Free/Fax 866-421-0829 TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN ECUMENICAL Rt. 940 Christ the King Community Center Blakeslee, PA 18610 1st Tuesday of the Month: 9:00 am - 11:00am Other hours by appointment Stella Surowitz - 570-646-7456 LOAVES & FISHES FOOD PANTRY Paupack United Methodist Church, Route 507, Paupack Pantry hours are from 9:30 to 11 a.m. on the first Friday of the month. Link for More Information: November special on Nov. 22 and Christmas special on Dec. 20. Serves Pike County, particularly Palmyra Township. Information, 570-857-1141 (if 20Pantries%20and%20Soup%20Kitchens%202014_1.pdf contacting by phone, please leave message) or email [email protected]. List compiled 2014 - Call to confirm before going. PALS PALS Executive Board Vivian – President Ray – Vice President Pocono Action Lambda Society Greg – Treasurer PMB # 241 Steve – Secretary 221 Skyline Dr. - Ste. 208 East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Skip - Member Email: [email protected] Al – Member Bruce – Member Database Admin Marlene - Newsletter Geek Committed to creating a welcome and open gathering place for our community. Meeting the 3rd Saturday of each month (unless otherwise noted). Jen - Webmaster Open Board Seats – Members We’re on the Web! Two Snaps for a Good Read Seriously...I'm Kidding, by Ellen DeGeneres , pb $9.36 I've experienced a whole lot the last few years and I have a lot to share. So I hope that you'll take a moment to sit back, relax and enjoy the words I've put together for you in this book. I think you'll find I've left no stone unturned, no door unopened, no window unbroken, no rug unvacuumed, no ivories untickled. What I'm saying is, let us begin, shall we? Fans will not be disappointed. This hodgepodge...displays throughout the author's gift for capturing the absurd hilarity of internal monologue...[DeGeneres's] trademark wit and openness shine through.—Kirkus Reviews Note from the Geek: The time has come for me to take my leave of you in body but, not in spirit. Big changes are afoot for your Geek. Now is a time for both growth and patience. Wish me well one and all. You will be missed. Among the many exciting life changes underway, your Geek has been accepted into an MBA program at Sheffield Hallam University in England. The term begins January 2016. It is my intention to write the Newsletter and stay in touch with the Group for as long as possible. Please continue to write to me at [email protected] LLAP Her Geekness 2015 / ISSUE 12 PAGE 7
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