Campaign Evaluation Report


Campaign Evaluation Report
Post Campaign report Client:​
Cat Welfare Society Members:​
Afiq Naqiuddin ​
Gwen Teh ​
Nicole Ho ​
Nur Hidayah ​
Shiona Oosha Raj ​
Velda Lim Events covered:​
MeowCon, Pawsome Mondays, Catstagram Competition 1 Table of Contents Executive Summary
1.1 Introduction
Situation Analysis
2.1 SWOT Analysis
2.2 PESTLE Analysis
SECTION C 3.1 Target Audience Analysis SECTION D
4.1 Communication Strategy & Key Messages
4.2 Communication Objectives
4.3 Marketing Objectives
Creative Strategy
5.1 Concept Plan
5.2 Budget
5.3 Timeline
6.1 Evaluation
7.1 Conclusion
8.1 Recommendations
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
2 Executive Summary Cat Welfare Society (CWS) is a non­profit organisation that aims to improve the welfare of community cats in Singapore. The organisation aims to promote a society that is loving, responsible and informed towards the treatment of cats both domesticated and on the streets. To carry out the project, a team of 27­students, called ‘Purrject Runway’ came together to come up with creative campaigns on both campus and social media. Purrject Runway takes on the concept of a runway of a fashion show. “It’s Meow or Never” is a call to action and conveys a sense of urgency for youths to sign up for the walk. The team consisted of a core team that comprised of 6 members, with two subgroups – the digital media cluster and logistics/publicity collaterals cluster. Each of the clusters worked closely with the core team to brainstorm on concepts and ideas that could be further developed. Eventually, a few of these ideas were brought to life. Some of these concepts included an exhibition and social media contests to increase awareness of the plight of community cats. One of the current initiatives was the Cat Walk, which was held in January 2015. This Cat Walk would see cat owners leashing their cats as they walk their pets together, with the purpose being to raise awareness of the importance of Cat Sterilisation among members of the public aged 18 to 25. The report consists of 7 sections (excluding introduction) in which a situational analysis was done to sieve out the weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats that CWS faced in launching the campaign. From this, we implemented communication objectives that include our objectives on what we want to achieve by the end of the campaign. Building on this, in Section E, the various IMC tools were picked to best maximize target audience outreach and made full use of how awareness could be raised and in achieving the implemented communications objectives. The key highlights of the event and an evaluation of the event are included as well. 3 SECTION A 1.1 Introduction The Cat Welfare Society (CWS) is a non­profit organisation run mostly by volunteers, and was registered as a society on 23 October 1999. Their mission is to decrease the amount of cats being culled through cat sterilization and to educate the public about cat sterilization. Not only that, the organisation promotes tolerance, kindness and respect towards cats (both domestic and community) and other living creatures, which aims to raise awareness about the plight of Singapore’s community cats in an effort to prevent abuse, abandonment and neglect of cats. CWS offers caregivers partial reimbursement for sterilisation receipts submitted to encourage cat sterilisation. When CWS approached Republic Polytechnic, there were three main objectives that they wanted to achieve: 1. Attract 50 sign­ups among those aged between 18 and 25 for the CatWalk 2. Increase the number of likes on CWS FaceBook from 29, 800 to 32,000 3. Increase volunteerism rate from youths aged between 18 and 25 This proposal will discuss how Purrject Runway achieved these objectives through integrated marketing communications and social media. SECTION B ANALYSIS To further understand the client and the environment, the core team came up three types of analysis: ●
SWOT analysis PEST analysis Target Audience analysis 4 2.1 SWOT Analysis ✓
STRENGTHS: CWS has over 31,000 Likes on its Facebook page Brand Ambassadors such as Taufik Batisah Cat Walk first of its kind in Singapore Many cat lovers among target audience(81% of target audience surveyed) CWS has formed partnerships with major companies such as AVA, Pet Lover’s Centre, Jurong Point and The Arts House Most followers of CWS are aged 25 & above Provides free cat sterilisation programmes ✓
OPPORTUNITIES: Increasing popularity of Cat Cafes among target audience Majority of target audience use social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube) An estimated of 14,500 students attend RP More Cat Cafes opening in Singapore 32% of youths surveyed spend their free time surfing the internet Youths will normally gather in places such as Orchard, Bugis and Somerset 69% of youths surveyed would volunteer for an animal charity organization ✓
WEAKNESSES: Most of CWS volunteers aged 18 ­ 25 unable to commit due to time constraints Lack of sufficient volunteers aged 18 – 25 years old Target audience may not be aware of welfare organisations Audience might not be receptive to idea of leashing cats CWS lack a successor aged between 18 – 25 CWS’ Facebook Page’s followers do not include many aged 18 – 25 Time constraints Lack of experience in holding a Cat Walk (unable to anticipate response) Public perception of CWS is important 61% of youths surveyed are hesitant to donate to a charity event THREATS: Target audience has low attention span Target audience turning more to Twitter & Instagram, as opposed to Facebook Target audience may not agree with sterilisation of cats Promotional efforts will commence only when Polytechnic term re­opens Target Audience may not be able to commit due to new school term Limited funding from Cat Welfare Society 5 2.2 PEST(LE) Analysis Corresponding Highlights factor Political ❖ Animal cruelty laws e.g. animal abuse ❖ CWS works closely with Agri­Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore ❖ Additional government bodies include town councils in which volunteers handle complaints by residents regarding cats Economic ❖ Are tied to numerous sponsors ❖ Experienced group of organisers and supporters ❖ CWS runs on donations – limited budget for campaigns and events ❖ Target audience have limited to low spending power; may not be keen to donate Socio­cultural ❖ Have worked with celebrities like Taufik Batisah previously ❖ Made headlines in well­established local and foreign newspapers such as Channel NewsAsia, CNN and The Straits Times ❖ Many other animal welfare groups are very active in Singapore (e.g. ACRES, Save Our Street Dogs, etc) ❖ Increasing trend of youths supporting social causes on social media ❖ Negative reactions to cats on leash (might be seen as inhumane) Technological ❖ Large following on social media like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram ❖ Current fans are aged 25 and above ❖ Target audience (RP students) are easily reachable through email blasts and databases SECTION C 3.1 Target Audience Analysis A Google Survey comprising of nine questions was created and distributed through personal social media accounts from the committee members. It was circulated on Twitter and Facebook and garnered a total of 101 responses. The profile of the target audience is as follows (refer to Annex A for full details as provided by online survey): 6 Profile of Target Audience Geographic Region Segmentation Age Gender Demographic Nationality Segmentation Salary Education Personality Psychographic Segmentation Lifestyle Usage Pattern Means of Communic
ation Segregated across different regions in Singapore 18 ­ 25 year olds Male & Female Singaporeans, Permanent Residents $100 ­ $250 (part­timers) & $1,500 above GCE O­Level / Diploma / Degree ● Spontaneous ● Expressive in voicing opinions ● Willing to volunteer for an animal charity organisation ● Hesitant to pay for a charity event ● Heavy users of social media (in order of Instagram, YouTube, Twitter & Facebook) ● Highly influenced by peers ● Enjoys hanging around with peers ● Attracted to the fun and exciting ● Often visits town; mainly Orchard, Somerset & Bugis ● Surfs the Internet during free time ● Has a favourable impression of cats ● Mobile Phones ● WhatsApp ● Facebook Significant Findings : Based on survey analysis, the team found out that: ➢ Target audience generally like to use Social Media and head to Town areas Target audience were found to be heavy users of Social Media platforms. The most commonly used platforms are, in order of popularity ­ Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Most popular areas that these youths frequent are Orchard, Bugis and Somerset. ➢ More than 80% of residents aged between 15 to 34 years old use various devices to connect to the Internet wirelessly Research shows that connecting to the Internet wirelessly is a habit by most users of portable devices. The Internet is mostly used to surf the web or browse through social media platforms. ➢ Large student population in Republic Polytechnic A 14,500­strong student population attends Republic Polytechnic. This may prove to be an opportunity to reach out to the student population through an event held in school. 7 ➢ Target Audience are attracted to fun and excitement Results from the survey indicate that the Target audience is attracted to activities that are deemed as entertaining or thrilling to them. SECTION D From the findings, the team understood that the target audience are drawn to activities such as ice skating, watching movies, visiting town areas or even going swimming. These activities require a degree of involvement on part of the target audience, and are deemed as ‘fun and exciting’ to them. Based on the findings, the team used several IMC tools (see Creative Strategy) such as events, personal selling, EDMs, display boards, flyers and posters to reach out to and effectively imprint the Key Message(s) to the target audience. Hype was allowed to be built up for the target audience to attend the Cat Walk event as well as to be more aware of the Key Message(s). 4.1 Communication Strategy & Key Messages Together with the client brief, there was one Key Message for the Campaign Proposal: ● Cat Sterilisation is the effective and humane alternative to killing by controlling the community cat population in Singapore, thus reducing problems commonly associated with community cats such as caterwauling and straying into homes. 4.2 Communication Objectives a. Raise awareness of Cat Sterilisation through publicity of Meow Con, Pawsome Monday and Catstagram Competition to the target audience. b. Create and sustain curiosity and interest about Cat Sterilisation through YouTube, Facebook and Twitter c. Build steady following with target audience on social media with social media blurbs and contests d. Educate target audience on cat sterilisation through Meow Convention 4.3 Marketing Objectives The following are the specific objectives for the IMC campaign: a. Gather 50 sign­ups from 18 – 25 year old youths for Cat Walk b. Increase number of Likes on CWS’ Facebook Page by 2,000 c. Increase number of followers for CWS’ Instagram Page by 200 8 SECTION E Creative Strategy 5.1 Concept Plan The campaign would feature 3 main parts; namely: ●
Pawsome Monday A social media initiative whereby teasers or entertaining short clips that were on the topic of cat sterilisation was posted every Monday on influencer’s social media accounts. The objective of this initiative was to raise the curiosity of influencers / target audience. Short blurbs were shared along with links that encouraged audience to like CWS on Facebook, sign up for Cat Walk or register as a volunteer. (Refer to Annex B) th​
The initiative commenced at the beginning of the campaign of 20​
October 2014 till 12​
January 2015. Objective(s): ✓ To stir curiosity among social media users ✓ To raise awareness and educate target audience on sterilisation of cats ✓ To raise awareness of CWS MeowCon Meowcon was a planned as a Convention. The objective(s) of organising a convention were: ✓ To raise awareness of Key Message ✓ To increase sign­ups for Cat Walk ✓ To increase likes on CWS’ Facebook page The convention was named ​
Meow Con ​
to represent cats as well as to relate to other popular conventions such as ​
Comic Con​
. Similar to ​
Comic Con​
, this convention was an event where cat or animal lovers gathered to participate in the event’s activities, to meet relevant experts and were given opportunities to meet others who share the same interests. Booths included Henna, Facepainting booth, photobooth and even a “snuggle corner” whereby cats put up for adoption were displayed in the South Agora of Republic th​
Polytechnic on the 11​
of November, from 11am to 2pm and 4pm to 6pm respectively (refer to Annex C). Prior to that, pre­publicity that included posters of the event were placed all around the different buildings. Pre­publicity included a selfie­board where there were cat displays as well. To entice the students, free popcorn was distributed when they flashed a flyer that they 9 had received from students (refer to Annex D). Catstagram Competition “A Catsy Christmas​
” ​
was a social media contest launched during the Christmas season ­ it tapped on the festive mood to encourage compassion towards animals, especially cats. The objective(s) were: ✓ To increase number of likes via CWS’ Facebook page ✓ To encourage healthy relationships between owners and their cats To participate, social media users were required to upload a photo/video of their cat in the festive mood. For example, you could have the cat in a Christmas outfit or a selfie with the owner. The competition were mainly publicised through influencers’ personal social media accounts and traced by #CatsyXmas. One of the judging criteria was number of likes of the video via CWS’ FB page. (refer to Annex E) 5.2 Budget The following was the Budget for Meow Con: No. Item Description Cost (S$) Quantity Total (S$) 1 Posters (A3) To promote ​
Meow Con 4.50 10 45.00 2 Flyers (A4) For students to redeem free popcorn/candy 375 20.00 3 Popcorn stickers (A4) To raise awareness of Key Message 350 4 The Purrfect Pose To promote ​
Meow Con (A3) 1.50 6 9.00 5 Vanguard Sheet Photo Booth 0.40 8 3.20 6 Gold Markers Photo Booth 2.60 3 7.80 7 Silver Markers Photo Booth 2.60 3 7.80 8 Scissors Photo Booth 1.50 2 3.00 9 Masking Tape Photo Booth 2.00 2 4.00 10 Cat Stamp 2 10 11 Henna Cone Henna Booth 1.50 10 $15.00 12 Cotton Candy Sugar Cotton Candy Booth 13 Cotton Candy Sticks Cotton Candy Booth 14 Popcorn Seeds Popcorn Booth 15 Popcorn Packets Popcorn Booth 2 per 35 pieces 350 pieces 20 16 Milk Packets Back­up plan if team is unable to find alternative for the use of the Popcorn/Cotton Candy booth Grand Total 134.80 5.3 Timeline The Purrject Runway campaign ran over a span of five months, with the planning phase beginning towards the start of September. Timeline of events is as follows: 11 Section F 6.1 Evaluation The campaign ended 31 December 2014 and the following evaluation tools were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. Please refer to table below. Outcomes No. IMC Tool Method of Evaluation Measurement 1 Pawsome Monday Social Media Monitoring (Twitter and Instagram) Number of retweets 2 MeowCon Social Media Monitoring (Twitter and Instagram) Track hashtags o #CatWelfareSociety o #RPMeowCon o #SpayCats o #ILoveCWS Engagement: Number of re­tweets Qualitative Feedback In­depth Interview Catstagram Social Media Monitoring (Twitter and Instagram) Track hashtags o #CatWelfareSociety o #CatMarch o #SpayCats o #ILoveCWS Engagement: Number of re­tweets 3 Method worked well but could be executed better; not everyone posted according to schedule. Should maybe stick to just one or two hashtags to track the event. Too many hashtags may cause overlapping and confusion when reviewing the event turnout. ­ Could have been publicised to a wider audience ­ however it was the holiday period as well. At the end of the campaign, the team managed to achieve the following: a. Raise awareness of Cat Sterilisation through publicity of Meow Con, Pawsome Monday and Catstagram Competition (See Creative Strategy) to the target audience. b. Create and sustain curiosity and interest about Cat Sterilisation through YouTube, Facebook and Twitter c. Build steady following with target audience on social media with social media blurbs and contests d. Educate target audience on cat sterilisation through Meow Convention 12 Section G
7.1 Conclusion In summary, there have been ups and downs in both planning for the event and in organizing it. In planning for it, we did not have very solid contingency plans. For example, we were stumped on the day of the event when our popcorn machine did not co­operate with us for the first hour of the event. Another issue we faced during planning was the fact that one of our proposed events (​
The Cat March​
) was dropped nearing the starting dates of our overall campaign. This was due to a miscommunication between the organising team, Singapore Tourism Board (STB) and the Singapore Police Force (SPF). However, in planning for it, the team worked fast in handling the situations that they faced. Despite the short time that was given to them to plan for the project, they managed to provide conclusive ideas that were successfully executed over the span of four months. At the execution phase, the team was able to relay information to the volunteers very quickly for the various campaigns (​
Pawsome Monday​
, ​
Meow Con ​
and Catstagram​
). During ​
Meow Con​
, the project faced some backlash with the crowd on Social Media (mainly Twitter). There were critics on how the event was organised due to the “treatment towards the cats” and how there were “not enough cats”. 8.1 Recommendations For future events that are of similar nature, it is advised that the team comes up with contingency plans that foresee certain accidents from happening (e.g. holding more dry runs leading up to the actual event to ensure that the programme goes smoothly). These contingency plans assist to make the execution of the event easier as the team would have prepared for every possible scenario that might happen. Information regarding the event should also be communicated clearly to all members of the team. This is to prevent any miscommunications when attending to enquiries for the event. It’s recommended for all members to understand the situation at hand. When an accident takes place, a protocol will be carried out accordingly. This allows the team to act fast and prepare for anything might take place. In addition, on social media, the team should also be more sensitive towards possible negative comments and criticisms regarding the event. When they respond to such comments, they should discuss and agree on a suitable answer before publishing their responses on social media. 13 ­­­ End ­­­ 14 APPENDICES Appendix A Survey Results that was gathered from 101 respondents; survey was shared on social media platforms ● 9 respondents aged 21& above, 69 female respondents ● 19% of respondents do not like cats, citing reasons such as preference of dogs or fear of cats ● 31% would not volunteer for an animal welfare organisation, citing reasons such as lack of passion for cause or lacking the time to commit 15 Would you be willing to donate for a charity event? 61% ticked ‘Depends’ while 7% said ‘No’. 16 Appendix B The team’s first proposal to Cat Welfare Society: 17 18 19 20 21 22 Appendix C Social media publicity slides 23 24 25 26 Appendix D MeowCon Execution Plan 27 28 29 30 31 Appendix E MeowCon Post­evaluation Report 32 33 Appendix F Final presentation to Cat Welfare Society 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47