June 12, 2016 - St. Joseph Church
June 12, 2016 - St. Joseph Church
ST. JOSEPH PARISH 11045 St. Joseph Blvd. Mantua OH 44255 Parish Office 330-274-2253 / Fx 330-274-2254 PSR Office 330-274-2268 www.stjosephmantua.com E-Mail: parishoffi[email protected] Find Us On Facebook & Follow Us On Twitter > StJosephMantua PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Edward Stafford Pastor Deacon Gerry Scopilliti Permanent Deacon ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME June 12, 2016 Sr. Joyce Schreiber, SND Pastoral Minister Mrs. Margaret Haney Director of Religious Education Mr. Bill Davies Music Minister Mrs. Kathi Trares Parish Secretary Mrs. Cindy Clark Business Office Manager Mrs. Ruth Fitzgerald Ox Roast Fair Financial Secretary Mr. Jason Garey Maintenance LITURGY SCHEDULE SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. SUNDAY 8:30 and 11:15 a.m. 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. (Summer) WEEKDAY 8:00 a.m. Tues.-Thur. HOLY DAYS & SPECIAL LITURGIES (please refer to bulletin) RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturdays 4:00-4:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday each month 6:00-9:00 p.m. Please call the Parish Office for Mass & Prayer Intentions, Carillon Memorials, Catholic Exponent, Family Info. Changes, Bulletin News, Parishioner Registration, or details about any Parish Organizations, Committees and Ministries. Proud Home of the Ox Roast Fair! JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY On today’s Jubilee for Those Sick and Suffering Disabilities, Jesus encounters a woman who is “spiritually ill.” She is thus “disabled” from participating in Israel’s worshiping community or polite society. Bathing Jesus’ feet with tears, drying them with unveiled hair, anointing them (Luke 7:38) risk Jesus’ becoming “unclean.” Yet his mercy welcomes even such inappropriate behavior as her sincere manifestation of love: “Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace” (7:48, 50). Go not just in “peace,” but in shalom, the all-enveloping, life -changing assurance of God’s mercy. She is anonymous, “known in the city” only as “a sinful woman” (7:37). The character with name and religious title, “Simon the Pharisee” (7:36, 40), judges her harshly, but himself not at all, and thus forfeits God’s mercy. This Jubilee Year of Mercy challenges us to selfexamination. In which role do we most often cast ourselves, humble sinner or judgmental Pharisee? Jesus declares that only by an unfailing willingness to show mercy to fellow sinners can we hope to obtain mercy ourselves (see Misericordiae Vultus, 9). —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Last week’s “Treasure” no doubt raised an eyebrow or two with the image of the deacons scurrying through the streets of Rome, or perhaps galloping on horseback, with fragments of eucharistic bread from the bishop’s liturgy. These would be dropped into the chalice at outlying celebrations, presided over by presbyters, to express unity with the bishop, and perhaps also to remind the presbyters that they were not free agents. The Council of Laodicea forbade the custom of the fermentum in the year 348. Generally, one of the rules of interpreting law is that people don’t make laws about things that aren’t happening. So, by mid-fourth century, we have an important clue that what had once been a Roman custom had become widespread. Interestingly, when the Church of England (and its related bodies) went through a liturgical renewal in the mid-nineteenth century, they reclaimed this custom from the mists of history. Today, it is the custom in some Anglican dioceses for a fragment of the host from the bishop’s Holy Week liturgy (what we call the Chrism Mass) to be carried to every parish. On “Maundy Thursday” (our Holy Thursday), the fragment is dropped into the chalice to signify the parish’s communion with the bishop. This modern revival of the fermentum is different from the “comingling” action we are used to, in which a fragment of the consecrated bread is dropped into the chalice just before Communion. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LITURGIES FOR THE WEEK Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. 8:30 a.m. Mass ...... Bill & Rose Sontag 10:30 a.m. Mass.... Mary Lehman No Liturgy 8:00 a.m. Mass ...... Jim Sargiovanni, Sr. 8:00 a.m. Mass ...... Albert J. Ortenzio 8:00 a.m. Mass ...... People of St. Joseph 6:00 p.m. Wedding Rehearsal 2:00 p.m. Scharf/Weisenseel Wedding 4:00-4:30 p.m. Reconciliation 5:00 p.m. Mass...... Flower Fund Intentions 8:30 a.m. Mass ...... Flower Fund Intentions 10:30 a.m. Mass.... Flower Fund Intentions THIS WEEK’S READINGS Mon: Tues: Wed: Thur: Fri: 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab,11,16; Mt 5:43-48 2 Kgs 2:1,6-14; Ps 31:20,21,24; Mt 6:1-6,16-18 Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15 2 Kgs 11:1-4,9-18,20; Ps 132:11-14,17-18; Mt 6:19-23 Sat: 2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5,29-34; Mt 6:24-34 To Prepare For Next Weekend’s Mass . . . Sun: Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63:2-6,8-9; Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24 PASTOR’S CORNER I love the statement made in a preaching resource for this Sunday's scripture readings. “God cannot help but forgive, because God, who is Love, loves us too much." We are all imperfect human beings who fail to love and forgive at times. But God keeps reminding us, because He loves us so much, that we are made in His image and likeness and are always capable of loving and forgiving to a greater degree as we grow in grace. As we gather as a faith community to hear the Word of God and receive the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, may the graces of God be poured forth so that we can live more loving and forgiving lives and encourage the growth of the kingdom of God in our world. Jesus expresses in today's gospel passage that the woman's many sins are forgiven because she has shown great love. God loves His human family so perfectly that He wants us to never be discouraged, to grow in faith and love and to go forth in peace! Fr. Ed Stafford PRAYER INTENTIONS Suzy Hafemeister Joe Robine Sabina Delgado Andy Kollarik Joan Kodash Jane Raps Kathy Morcarski Pat Smith Chuck & Marcia Verardi Kathy Paroff Ruth Curtin Betty Flynn SISTERS OF Paula Krebs Diane Sanderson Irene Welling Cheryl Erickson Dean Kohanyi Zoe Craig (Pinter) Bunny Fritz Alivia Julliana Tammy Cozzone E. Louise Clark Sharon Olszak Marcia Reed Lynn Davis Dan Nuti Jo Marie Bailey Susan Temple Mary Ann Feddor Dan Baumbick Natalie Jahn Vic Santillo Reynaldo S. Bernardo Cathy Sherbondy Lily Peterson NOTRE DAME PRAYER LINE: 440-279-1163 LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE—6/18-19: 5:00 p.m. M. Cymanski 8:30 a.m. J. Gerhardt LECTORS L. Brugmann J. Horvath B. Cleary T. Murphy 10:30 a.m. G. Schweickert C. Schweickert B. Curtin A. Shultz EUCH. MIN. J. Robine J. Cymanski J. Huter M. Romanello G. Scopilliti S. Ebie J. Duriak D. O’Donnell P. Fussaro B. Haas J. Herman C. Kotkowski R. Skocdopole M. Feddor S. Greenwood B. Custer R. Fitzgerald SERVERS SUPPORT MINISTRIES: MASS SET-UP CLEANERS D. Fedor STEWARDSHIP WAY OF LIFE SUNDAY COLLECTION (6/5): ONLINE GIVING (6/5): WEEKLY AMOUNT NEEDED: OVER/UNDER: # OF ENVELOPES & ONLINE: CHILDREN’S OFFERING: CHURCH AT HOME (6/5): $4,789.00 $1,295.00 $6,125.00 —$ 41.00 166 (of 493) $ 0 $1,171.00 STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT Today’s Gospel calls us to consider how we serve God. Do we consume like the Pharisee who simply reclines at the table and expects to be served? Or, do we contribute like the woman who kneels before Jesus and washes His feet? Every day we must make a choice. Take or give? Consume or contribute? Recline or serve? Visit us on the web at www.stjosephmantua.com July 15-17 2016 THE MEMORIAL CHALICE PROGRAM The Memorial Chalice Program is designed to memorialize a 4 th Degree Sir Knight who has passed away by presenting a chalice, with his name engraved on it, to a bishop, priest, parish or mission. Bernice Heritage is presenting Br. James-Peter Trares, O.P. with the chalice she received for her husband, Austin, who passed away January 1, 2016. This chalice will be used for the first time at Masses this weekend, June 11/12, when Br. James-Peter serves as deacon. He would like to express his heartfelt appreciation in accepting this honor. Austin will be remembered in every Mass in which the chalice is used in Br. James-Peter’s ministry. MAIN RAFFLE FIRST PRIZE: 2016 Harley Street Glide FLHXS Vivid Black Motorcycle valued at $23,199.00 & supplied by Carlton Harley-Davidson of Mantua, OH SECOND PRIZE: $3,000.00 Cash I LIVE NO LONGER I, BUT CHRIST LIVES IN ME Is Christ inviting you to let Him live in you through singlehearted service as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? If so, please contact Fr. Christopher Luoni (330-744-8451 or [email protected]). CHURCH AT HOME COLLECTION Thank you to everyone who participated in the combined collection for five major CHURCH AT HOME ministries last weekend. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development provides local diocesan and national support for groups of lowincome persons to change their lives. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the CCHD collection stays in the Diocese to support local efforts. The Catholic Communication Campaign supports the efforts of the Catholic Television Network of Youngstown (CTNY) and other national telecommunications services to help spread the Word of God. Fifty percent (50%) of the CCC collection stays in the Diocese. The Catholic University of America and Newman Campus Ministries continue the educational programs at the national university of our Catholic Church. Thank you again for your generous support. If you have yet to respond, please place the Church at Home envelope in the offertory next weekend. FATHER’S DAY FLOWER FUND INTENTIONS To remember that special someone, contributions to our Father’s Day Flower Fund may be made by using the special blue envelope included in your contribution envelope packet or by using the WeShare Online Giving option. Donations must be received by Monday, June 13, to be printed in the bulletin. Be sure to PRINT the names of those you wish memorialize and indicate whether your contribution is “in memory of” (deceased) or “in honor of” (living). THIRD PRIZE: 60 Flat Screen TV donated by Kepich Ford of Garrettsville Tickets: $10.00 each or book of 6 /$50.00 > Available in Narthex or Parish Office < Parishioners receive one free ticket for each book sold! Or Purchase Online At stjosephmantua.weshareonline.org (checking/savings direct withdrawal, debit & credit cards) Drawing held Sunday evening of the Fair at 9:30 p.m. (winners need not be present) http://stjosephmantua.com/ox-roast-fair CHAIRPEOPLE MEETING Sunday, June 26 9:30 a.m. in Hughes Hall Get updates , address any concerns & get geared up for ORF 2016!!! SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES There are still plenty of ways that businesses or individuals can support this year’s Fair . . . from stage, booth & area sponsorships to events like the Run of the Ox 5K and Tractor Pulls. For more information, please visit http:// stjosephmantua.com/ox-sponsorshipopportunities or contact Jay D’Aurelio (330569-8156 or [email protected]). NURSING HOME BINGO GIFTS NEEDED St. Joseph Cares is in need of donations of small prizes for Bingo Nights at Maplewood Care Center. Items needed include male & female cologne, 2-1 shampoo, body spray, notepads/ pens, large print word find, small mirror w/brush or comb, body lotion, socks, tissue, and little stuffed animals. Please place your donations in the basket provided in the Narthex. On the third Wednesday evening of each month, members of our St. Joseph Cares entertain the folks of Maplewood Care Center in Streetsboro with a Bingo Night. An hour and a half is spent with the residents, who get great pleasure from their attendance. Bingo gifts and refreshments are also supplied. Volunteers to help with this outreach effort are always welcome. If you have any questions, please contact Jeanine Maczko (330-569-7368). FORGIVENESS To forgive is to set a prisoner free and to discover that the —Anonymous prisoner is me. CHICKEN DINNER FESTIVAL St. Ambrose Church, 10692 Freedom St. in Garrettsville, is hosting it’s 57th Annual Chicken Dinner Festival the weekend of June 25-26. Come out and enjoy their delicious chicken dinners, Chines auction, games of chance for adults, children’s games, raffles, and bingo Saturday, June 25, 1:00-800 p.m. and Sunday, June 26, 11:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Chicken dinners are $10.00 for adults and $6.00 for children (carry -out is available). For more information, please call 330-527-4105. LOYOLA RETREAT HOUSE RETREAT FOR WOMEN RELIGIOUS, LAY ASSOCIATES AND PRIVATE RETREATANTS June 26-July 1, 2016 Directed by Fr. Gerard Gonda, OSB Arrival: Registration 5:00 p.m./Dinner 5:30 p.m. $375.00/person ($50.00 deposit due w/registration) 700 Killinger Road, Clinton, OH (330-896-2315) Registration form & info at: www.loyolaretreathouse.com IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Immaculate Conception Parish in Ravenna is celebrating its 26th Annual Golf Outing on July 16. This Amateur 4-Ball Scramble takes place at the KSU Golf Course with modified shot gun start at 8:30 a.m. (registration starting at 7:30 a.m.). Registration fee is $75.00/person and includes 18 holes/cart, dinner, refreshments, door prizes, and skill prizes. Checks should be mailed to Chuck Calaesina, 4301 Clover Dr., Ravenna, OH 44266 by July 1 (made out to Immaculate Conception Parish). They are proud to say that over the past 25 years the proceeds from this outing have gone back into the community in many different ways as well as helping to cover the cost of their youth receiving a Christian education. If you’d like to help with this event, please consider one of the following sponsorships: Cart Sponsor (Two $500.00 spots available) - signage on each golf cart & in golfer’s brochures; Hole Sponsorship ($75.00 each) - Your name or company name on a beautifully designed sign placed on one of the holes & in golfer’s brochures; Gift Sponsorship ($50.00 each) - Used to help purchase door prizes & name listed in golfer’s brochures. For more information, please call Chuck Calalesina (330-325-1116), Aaron Borkoski (330-283-9311), Roger Savako (330-297-0929), Al Stoessner (330-296-4191), or Mickey Marozzi (330-819-8104). FAITH & FAMILY FESTIVAL A day of fun and fulfillment for families and friends will be held on Sunday, July 10, 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. at Hoover Park across from Walsh University (2020 E. Maple St., North Canton) and it’s FREE! Featuring the Most Reverend Bishop George V. Murry, SJ, Bishop of Youngstown and participant in the 2015 Synod on the Family. New format: All day Kids Activities, Praise & Worship Bands, and affordable Food Stations, plus Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and Mass with Bishop Murry. Sponsored by the Office of Pro-Life, Marriage, and Family Life of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown. For more information, please contact 330-744-8451 ext. 272 or [email protected]. REGIONAL EVENT FOR YOUNG ADULTS FOR WORLD YOUTH DAY, JULY 30–31 The Dioceses of Ohio are working with the Archdiocese of Chicago for a regional event for young adults in Des Plaines, IL. Registration deadline is July 15. For information and to download the registration packet, please visit: http:// youngstownoyyam.weebly.com/2016-wydpilgrimage.html. CATHOLIC CHARITIES COLLECTING SCHOOL SUPPLIES The Ravenna office of Catholic Charities Serving Portage and Stark Counties will again be collecting school supplies to help Portage County families in need prepare for the upcoming school year. Items needed are listed below—please bring them to the Narthex by Sunday, July 24. Questions? Please contact Judi Wise (330-297-7745). If someone from our parish would like to volunteer to deliver the items to the Catholic Charities no later than Monday, August 1, please contact the Parish Office (330-2742253). Thank you for your support! backpacks/book bags (new or gently used) wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper college ruled loose leaf notebook paper wide ruled single subject notebooks college ruled single subject notebooks 1” & 2” 3-ring binders calculators dry erase markers boxes of Kleenex washable markers colored pencils disinfecting wipes #2 pencils hand sanitizer glue sticks 3-prong pocket folders lunch boxes or bags Breakfast Lunch Dinner 4680 Prospect St., Mantua Mike’s Electric Company For All of Your Electrical Needs Licensed • Bonded • Insured Michael Viggiani V.P. 330-274-2201 See us for all your physical therapy & fitness needs 4707 Mill Street, Mantua, 330.274.2747, www.arhs.us Edie Benner, PT, PhD, OCS Juli Robine, MPH, PTA [email protected] [email protected] www.bestfunerals.com 440-632-0818 15809 Madison Road Middlefield, OH 44062 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 330-274-0700 www.JakesEats.com 330-274-2569 For further information, Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise please call the Parish Office. starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and D & D MARINE Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Mechanical Repairs • Storage Boat Covers • Used Boats 3018 State Rt. 82 Aurora • Washed Sand & Gravel • Road & Driveway Gravel • Boulders • Limestone • Fill Dirt Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 3498 Frost Rd. Mantua 44255 C OMPETITIVE R ATES P ROFESSIONAL A DVICE AUTO - HOME - FARM - BUSINESS - LIFE an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 330-562-8638 10878 NORTH STREET GARRETTSVILLE, OH 44231 (330) 527-5626 (800) 589-2818 WWW.RYSERINSURANCE.COM Following Jesus Every Day: 330-527-2020 GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING 8106 Main St. Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! Garrettsville PRO-FLO SEAMLESS GUTTERS, LTD. Gutter Systems • Leaf Guards Clean Outs and Repair Free Estimates Terry McHone 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm (330) 274-5520 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! www.jspaluch.com email: [email protected] Call Kevin McCollum 800.945.6629 MANTUA STATION DRUG CO. “For All Your Health Care Needs” 330-274-2209 10870 Main St. Mantua F & S AUTOMOTIVE Towing & Recovery Complete Mechanical Repairs 10485 Main St. 330-274-8525 Mantua, OH 800-686-9996 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 DO YOU HAVE SALES EXPERIENCE AND ENJOY CALLING ON LOCAL BUSINESSES? WE MAY HAVE AN IDEAL POSITION FOR YOU. $55K to $60K earning potential BECOME AN ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FOR J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, NATIONAL PUBLISHER OF CHURCH BULLETINS. • Excellent Commission Compensation Program • Medical Benefits, 401K, Life & Disability Insurance Available Call Vinnie DiNicola 1.724.553.4145 or email resume to [email protected] TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 910078 St Joseph Church Advertising Sales 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Christian Formation & Education PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION: Pre-School—8, 9:40 –11:00 a.m. Sundays, September-May. ~ For the Week of June 12 - 19 ~ Sun. Mon. 1:00-6:00 p.m. ............. American Red Cross Blood Drive (Hall) Tues. 7:00 p.m. ...................... Men of St. Joseph Mtg. (Church/Classroom) 7:00-9:00 p.m. ............. Boy Scout Mtg. (Hall) Wed. 8:00 p.m. ...................... AA Mtg. (Hall) Thur. 7:00 p.m. ...................... Music/Choir Rehearsal (Church) Fri. 6:00 p.m. ...................... Wedding Rehearsal (Church) Sat. Morning ....................... Appalachian Experience Departure 2:00 p.m. ...................... Scharf/Weisenseel Wedding 4:00-4:30 p.m. ............. Private Reconciliation Sun. ~ 4C’S Collection Weekend ~ CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD (CLOW): Age 4 - grade 2 during Sunday Masses. CATHOLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION: Please visit our website’s Religious Education page for a link to options for your children. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS): Sundays, 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Parish Center. Please contact the Parish Office for details. FAITH ENRICHMENT: Offered periodically throughout the year including Bible Study, Advent Prayer Services, Lenten Activities, Stations of the Cross, Spirituality Groups, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary Recitations, and Prayer Services. Please consult bulletin. CEDAR POINT BUS TRIP St. Ambrose Church, 10692 Freedom St. in Garrettsville has reserved a bus for their youth group to head to Cedar Point on Wednesday, June 15, and they have extra seats to fill! They will leave St. Ambrose at 8:30 a.m. and return by approximately 11:00 p.m. Cost for the bus trip and park ticket is $59.00. Students and adults of all ages are welcome. For more information and to reserve your seat, please contact Jackie Kable at 330-719-7115 no later than Monday, June 13. WHY THE CHURCH ALWAYS NEEDS MONEY Every need is an unfailing sign of life and growth. Body, mind and soul have their needs and they must be met continually. A ministry that is constantly in need of funds is alive and growing and going somewhere. A dead ministry has no need and will not bother you. In addition, just like any facility or even your own home, maintenance and improvements are needed as well as keeping up with utilities and other bills. As you probably know, our buildings are over 53 years old and need continual upkeep. With our extensive grounds we are constantly busy maintaining them to keep them looking good and continuing to be a wonderful community asset. Last weekend, you may have heard Fr. Ed speak at Masses about our current mower having to be replaced. The tractors are 30 and 50 years old and have been “bandaided” and repaired for quite some time. Quotes for a replacement for the large tractor are being reviewed (parts from old unit being sold off). HOW CAN YOU HELP? You can assist with the care of our parish by using the green Special Contribution Envelope in your packet and donating toward Building & Grounds Maintenance. Thank you for your support. APPALACHIAN EXPERIENCE TRIP NEXT WEEK Blessings and safe travels to this year’s Appalachian Experience group who will travel to Clintwood, Virginia, to participate in the Housing Repair Program June 18-25. Volunteers will be helping low-income residents maintain decent housing for their families by doing household repairs at owner occupied homes. The experience includes some hard work, meeting new people, learning new things, local site-seeing, and discussions around Appalachian issues. Thank you to everyone who has supported this outreach effort through Bake Sales, Rummage Sale, and monetary donations. Those taking part in this year’s effort include: Dan & Sean Fejes Vince Festa Molly Ridge Ezra Bard Clair Forrestal Olivia Rocco Bill Bash Aaron Hluch Mike Shilling Bill Curtin Chris Rector Nell Simons Support Ministries & Spiritual Care HOMEBOUND & HOSPITALIZED: Making present God’s love and the Church’s care to those in need. Please call the Parish Office if you know of anyone who’d like a visit. FUNERALS: Please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible after the death of your loved one so that we may help you during your time of sorrow. SEASONS OF HOPE: Bereavement support program helping to explore mourning through Scripture, prayer, reflection activities, and faith sharing. Six week sessions held in Fall and Spring. Celebrating Sacraments BAPTISM: Please contact the Parish Office for Parent Preparation Sessions and scheduling. FIRST EUCHARIST: Preparation & celebration held during 2nd grade. CONFIRMATION: Celebrated with the Bishop annually for Catholics in 8th grade (or older) who have attended preparation classes. RECONCILIATION: Saturdays, 4:00-4:30 p.m., or any time by appointment. Communal services held during Advent and Lent. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please contact the Parish Office to inform us of anyone who is sick (home or hospital) for visitation or anointing. Communal services are held annually. MARRIAGE: Couples should contact the Parish Office/Priest before making any arrangements for marriage (at least 6 months in advance). Couples must be registered in the parish and participate in the marriage preparation program. HOLY ORDERS: For information on religious life, please contact Diocese of Youngstown’s Director of Vocations at 330-744-7451.