Opdragsgivers præsentation_ 60121
Opdragsgivers præsentation_ 60121
Baggrund Visionsgruppen tror på at vækst for Nordals skal ske indenfor Turisme, – og at vi skal fokusere på Nordals som en Natur- og oplevelsespark. Visionsgruppen fik, via SET, 6oo.ooo,- dk.kr, til at undersøge om denne vision, overhovedet har gang på jord. Denne rapport viser at der er et marked for et ferieresort, samt hvilke samfundsøkonomiske konsekvenser et ferieresort vil have. AECOM Markedsundersøgelse og anbefalinger Resort sammensætning: • Hotel o Resort hotel integreret med vandpark (200 nøgler) o Boutique hotel i tilknytning til marina (40 nøgler) • Ferieboliger (400 nøgler) o 2 & 3 værelseslejligheder o 3-4 værelses huse o 3-5 værelses villaer • Campingplads o ”Glamping” (20 nøgler) o Traditionel (200 nøgler) • Vandpark o 5.000-9.000 m2 o Indendørs og udendørs • Marina o 100 pladser o Op til 25 meter men hovedvægt på pladser under 15 meter • Retail og restaurant faciliteter i tilknytning til resorthotel og Marina WIA & EIA • Analysen understøtter en samlet investering i etablering af resortet på mellem 1,1 – 1,3 mia. kr. • Analysen peger på følgende værdier for samfundet: – 360 permanente nye resort-jobs i fase 1 – 606 permanente nye resort-jobs i fase 2 – Fase 1: 136 mio. kr. ny årlig værditilførsel til lokalsamfundet (heraf 34 mio. kr. årligt udenfor resortet) – Fase 2: 409 mio. kr. ny årligt værditilførsel til lokalsamfundet (heraf 112 mio. kr. årligt udenfor resortet) Timing af anbefaling • fase 0: – Første feriehussalg Første aktivitetsområder • fase 1: – Waterpark, resort-hotel (200), glamping (20), • fase 2: – Marina, Marina hotel (40), Camping (200) Salg af feriehuse • • Over 5 år sælges 400 feriehuse Bredt prisniveau: – Fra: 950.000 – Til: 3.500.000 • • Det anbefales ikke at udlejning er et krav til ejer! Der sælges huse for 1,1 mia. (gns. 2,8 mio. per hus) Overvejelse: • Vi forventer at kunne basere business casen på individuelt salg af feriehuse Resort Hotel • • • 4-års periode fra ”start” til ”stabil drift” (=forsigtigt) Belægningsprocent 50% (stigende til 70%) Daglig værelses-rate kr. 600,(stigende til kr. 750,- efter 4 år) • Overskudsgrad på 28% efter 4 års drift Overvejelse: • Skal der overhovedet være et hotel ? Vandoplevelse • • • • • Lead ticket price: kr. 150,- (incl. moms) Yield 65% for guests Yield 40% for on-site guests Årligt besøg: – Ved åbning : 252.000 – Efter fase 2 : 560.000 Driftsøkonomien i water park forventes at gå i nul+ (men værdien for resten af resortet er enorm) Overvejelse: • Vigtig indholdsdel i resortet! Camping • • • • 3 års-periode fra ”start” til ”stabil drift” Belægningsprocent 28% (stigende til 33%) Plads-pris kr. 260,- (stigende til 300 kr.) Overskudsgrad på 50% efter 3 års drift Glamping • • • • 3-års periode fra ”start” til ”stabil drift” Belægningsprocent 36% Pladspris kr. 1.250 incl. moms Overskudsgrad på 50% efter 3 års drift Overvejelse: • Vigtig for profilen for resortet! Marina / Marinamiljø • • • • • • 4-års periode fra ”start” til ”stabil drift” Årlig pladspris: 6.000 kr. (stigende til 7.500 kr.) Daglig pladspris: 125 kr. (stigende til 140 kr.) Årlig dry-stack-pris: 3.500 kr (stigende til 5.000 kr.) Årlig service-pris: 9.200 kr. Overskudsgrad på 35% efter 4 års drift Overvejelse: • En egentlig marina (med anløb) eller blot et attraktivt marina-miljø med faciliteter i vandkanten? Marina-hotel / Boutique-hotel • • • • 3-års periode fra ”start” til ”stabil drift” Belægningsprocent 65% (stigende til 75%) Daglig værelses-rate kr. 850,- (stigende til 950,- efter 3 år) Overskudsgrad på 25% efter 4 års drift Next step Market study Warranted investment Masterplan Engineering / costing Feasibility / appraisal Design/build phase 1 Pre operation / off plan sales Operation 2018 Organisation Sønderborg municipality Vision group for Nordals Vision Group exec. committee Working group Masterplanner The working group reports to the executive committe of the Vision Group. The working group delivers all results and findings to the Vision Group (through the executive committee). The task is committed and funded by Sønderborg Municipality, who will also act as the formal legal entity in all transactions and agreements of purchases of consultancy as specified by the working group. The working group • • • • • Torben Kylling Petersen, Universe Science Park Bent Larsen, Larsen yacht-charter Peter Mølgaard, Sønderborg Kommune Erik Witte, Sydbank Nordborg Marie Grove Ingildsen, Sønderborg Kommune Project definition Geography: • The masterplan will encompas the area laid out in the municipal planning strategi from Universe to the east coast of Als Island. Integration with the local community Environment and technics Theme and architecture Geography Business Content and operations Business model: • The masterplan basis will be the investment appraisal by AECOM estimating a total investment of 1,3 mia. kr. • The masterplan will be based on a business model of sale of individual holiday homes to private holding with subsequent coordinated letting through resort operator. Project definition Integration with the local community Environment and technics Theme and architecture Geography Business Content and operations Resort content and operations: The masterplan will contain: • Holiday homes intended for sale to private holding • Camping- og Glamping • Open activity areas and outdoor facilities for recreational purposes • Waterpark (indoor / outdoor activities) • Marina environment at the coast containing: • Boutique style hotel • Retail-, restaurant-, recreational- and activity facilities The masterplanen will explore scenarios with/without berths and resort access from the water side. The masterplanen must lay out 2 hotel scenarios: 1. Including an integrated waterpark-hotel 2. Excluding an integrated waterpark-hotel (i.e. waterpark only) Project definition Integration with the local community Environment and technics Theme and architecture Geography Business Content and operations Theme and architecture: • The masterplanen will describe a modern holiday resort of high quality with a focus on attractive and unique integration with the nature of Northern Als. • The primary target group will be families with children seeking modern nature experiences and/or active outdoor holiday experiences in modern settings. Environment and technics: • The masterplanen will respect existing planning regualtions and constraints on the laid out area. • The masterplanen will, however, assume a dispensation to build within the existing coastal protection zone. • The masterplan will focus om implementing technological solutions that strengthen the sustainability of the resort both in fact and in appearance. Project definition Integration with the local community Environment and technics Theme and architecture Integration with the local community: The masterplan will assume that the guests shall leave the resort during their stay to explore and seek activity in the local community area (Nordborg and Sønderborg). Geography Business Content and operations We shall not be bound by the traditional notion to sustain guests within the confines of the resort for the longest possible time. The very basis for this resort is its ability to attract new tourists to the area and to create and facilitate new economic growth in the local community. 4 vigtige kriterier •Proposed resort content components •Resort theming, concept and profile •Resort appeal to market •Integration into landscape and nature •Reasonable investor project risk profile •Acceptable return prospects Attractive Feasable •Adaptation of resort to site and landscape •Implementation of sustainability and conservation of ressource (fit to project zero vision) •A project fit to community growth vision •Doable on the site proposed •High prospects of realisation Sensible Achievable • Her vil jeg rigtig gerne have et oversigtsbillede af hele nordals – ca fra Guderup og nord på