Sept 27 - Robbie
Sept 27 - Robbie
TWEENERS RETURNING TO THE CHURCH BUILDING AT 4:00 PM TODAY! Today’s Children’s Ministry Team: CUB SCOUTS NEWS! LTC FAIR Save this date: October 4 DCC Foyer Stay tuned for more details Facilitator: Mark Walle Because of all the things we adjust to everyday, I would like to remind us to be mindful of some important items: ● ● ● Our volunteers are willing to teach your children, and in return need and require the honor of your consideration. Please bring your child to class by 9:45 am when class begins and pick up your child as soon as class is over. Most teachers also have children to pick up or other obligations following class. If your child has an allergy, please notify the teacher as snacks are sometimes given in classrooms. Bible Hour and Nursery attendants are volunteers and need to get to their families right after worship is over, too. Please honor them by checking your child out immediately following worship assemblies. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. ~Ms. Connie F IRST SE RVICE : Nursery: Christina Flores Combined Celebration Station & Children’s Bible Hour: Sheila Gonzalez Wednesday, September 30 Den Meetings Saturday, October 3 Fishing Derby @ Camp Wisdom SE COND SE RVICE : Nursery: Drew Bowman, Claire Pinon, Chris & Michele Reno Me, Two!: Sharon Poteet BOY SCOUTS EVENTS Monday, September 28 Troop Meeting October 2—4 Camp Out @ Camp Wisdom Why do we lock the doors to the Green and Orange hallways at 10 am each Sunday? Preschool Bible Hour: Melinda Bowman, Lupe Bahena Children’s Bible Hour: Clark Hackney Combined Zoom Zone & Power Hour: Jeff Conrad COMBINED POWER HOUR & ZOOM ZONE! Room 203 Here’s why: 1. Bible classes begin at 9:45 am and late arrivals cause distress to our toddlers. Check-in begins at 9:30 am, hence, we check-in 15 minutes BEFORE class begins and 15 minutes AFTER class has started. 2. In these hallways are the Nursery and Preschoolers Bible Classes. They are locked to keep the little ones IN the hallways and as a security measure to keep others OUT. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Grades 5&6 Grades 3&4 Following Children’s Moment in 2nd Assembly COMING SOON!! FALL-FEST TRUNK OR TREAT Saturday, October 31 6:00—7:30 pm YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS & EVENTS... 2009-2010 Theme: “Born Identity” PRO-DEO GROUPS SCHEDULE: Oct. 4: No Pro-Deo due to BKU Oct. 11: Pro-Deo meets Oct. 18: Pro-Deo meets Oct. 25: Pro-Deo meets ● ● ● Junior High students will meet in the Youth Room (Room 206) from 6:00-7:30 pm. This group will be led by Scott Thibodeaux and parents of Junior High students. High School Group North will meet at the home of Mark and Stephanie Walle (624 Old Country Road, Duncanville, 75137, 972-296-1180) from 6:00—8:00 pm. This group will consist of teens living in Duncanville, Dallas, Grand Prairie, Mansfield, and Arlington. This group will be led by Nathan & Kim Lowe. High School Group South will meet at the home of Mike & Tammy Moehlman (451 S. Clinton Lane, Midlothian 76065, 972-775-5312) from 6:00—8:00 pm. This group will consist of students who live in DeSoto, Cedar Hill, Midlothian, Ovilla, Red Oak, and Glenn Heights. This group will be led by Caleb Willis. PANCAKE OUTREACH NIGHT THIS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 30 “I will praise You, because I have been remarkably and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, and I know [this] very well.” Psalm 139:14 YOUTH ROOM 6:30—8:00 PM “Teen Alliance” Starting back up a gain on Wednesday, October 4, from 6:45— 8:00 pm in the Youth Room. We will have some amazingly yummy desserts followed by a time of worship and breakout groups. See you then! This school year the theme for the Crossover Youth Ministry will be “Born Identity”, and we will be studying scriptures to look at what our identity is, what that means for us, and how that identity plays out in our lives today. West Texas Girls Conference: THRIVE! Check our website for updated Youth schedule information! When: November 14—15 Who: All Jr. High & High School Girls Where: Abilene Christian University Cost: $25 for conference (includes t-shirt, lunch, speakers, and concert). Plus hotel and two meals outside of conference (approx $25) Keynote speaker will be Candy Gilbert with JJ Heller performing in concert. There will be a wide selection of activities to attend such as art, worship, photography, improv, and writing. This will be a fun girls road trip, so contact Kim for a registration form today! Deadline to register: October 11 S P OT L I G H TS . . . PERSON OF THE WEEK: MEET & GREET OUR NEW MEMBERS: Ken & Terrye Lybrand 1117 Valerie Drive Cedar Hill, 75104 972-816-6511 (His) 972-824-8703 (Hers) Corene Alexander 355 West Westchester, #125 Grand Prairie, 75052 MISSIONARIES OF THE WEEK: Meredith Majors & Ava Craig, Kensley Smegner 2035A Falcon Ridge Carrollton, 75010 469-288-1210 Fred Gonzalez Christian Relief Fund—Nicaragua [email protected] Gerald Watson 1711 Wilbur St. Dallas, 75224 214-226-8061 ASSEMBLY & FOR-THE-RECORD INFORMATION... 1ST ASSEMBLY (8:30 AM) ASSIGNMENTS: Prayers: Opening: Communion: Offering: September 27 Tom Webster Jerry Cook Dub Bush October 4 Mark Stolz TM Kyser Jimmy Sigmund COMMUNION SERVERS FOR SEPT. 27 Gary McGrew Wilbur Phipps David Peters John Scogins Tommie Skelton Alan Stephenson Mark Stolz Tom Webster PRAISE TEAM: OCT. 4 Lois Billingsley Leah Caliendo Teresa Haynes Cindy Sullivan David Vehon Gary Fullerton Doug Dillard 2ND ASSEMBLY (10:45 AM) ASSIGNMENTS: Prayers: Opening: Communion: Offering: September 27 Phil Woodall Barry Bunn Logan Casada October 4 Russ Gardner Gary Billingsley J.E. Cooper COMMUNION SERVERS FOR SEPT. 27 Jimmy Walker John Wood Phil Woodall Randy Woods Leon Zeno Jason Allen Calvin Bailey Milton Brown PRAISE TEAM: OCT. 4 Marilyn Watts Roxanne Lowe Kelley Beck Rebecca Hackney Gary Billingsley Clark Hackney Carter McClung FOR THE RECORD: SEPTEMBER 20: ATTENDANCE: 1st Assembly ........................................................ 139 2nd Assembly........................................................ 409 Hispanic Assembly ................................................ 48 Bible Class .......................................................... 368 Tweener’s Campout .............................................. 33 CONTRIBUTION: Weekly Budget.........................................$26,963 Contribution .................................................. $19,560 J.I.G.G. .............................................................. $323 el L u ga r d e G ra c i a Duncanville Iglesia de Cristo Una familia guiado por el Espíritu, buscando conocer a Dios, creciendo en la fe, sirviendo a otros y compartiendo a Jesucristo. APUNTES SOBRE EL MENSAJE DEL DOMINGO PASADO En el mensaje del domingo ante pasado, empecé una nueva serie de mensaje sobre el Espíritu Santo, donde dimos a conocer tres formas en que nos ayuda el E.S. en nuestras vidas. Primero, nos guía a toda verdad. Dos, el E. S. glorificaría al Hijo; y tercero, el E.S. nos santifica. Aparte, en otro tema, podríamos hablar sobre la forma en que el E.S. intercede por los santos en sus oraciones. Pero primero, les hable este domingo pasado, sobre la forma en que el E.S. nos guía a toda verdad. La palabra de Dios en Efesios 2:1-3, nos recuerda quien nos guiaba y nos dirigía antes de conocer a Cristo, pues éramos guiados “conforme al príncipe de la potestad del aire, el espíritu que ahora opera en los hijos de desobediencia”. Era ese “espíritu” quien dominaba nuestra vida pasada, pero ahora somos guiados por el Espíritu del Señor. Y donde está el Espíritu del Señor, allí está el Señor y allí hay libertad. 2 Corintios 3:17. Es el Espíritu del Señor quien ahora nos libra del poder del mal y la forma en que nos libra del mal es por medio de la verdad. Si una persona se encuentra esclavizada en el pecado debido a su desobediencia, solo puede ser librada esa persona de su esclavitud por medio del poder de Dios en el Espíritu Santo y eso al conocer la verdad. Mientras el espíritu del mal (el espíritu de este mundo y del príncipe de este mundo), domina la vida del mundo para seguir el error y la corrupción de este mundo; el maligno esclaviza al hombre en todas estas cosas. El diablo logra su meta por medio de estrategias engañosas y falsas que llevan a los hombres a la perdición y a la esclavitud. Por este motivo, los sicólogos no pueden librar a los adictos ni los sicólogos, ni tampoco los médicos, porque la condición terrible en que se encuentran los hombres no es solo físico sino sobre todo espiritual. El hombre ha caído en muchas trampas puestas por el maligno, pero Dios ahora nos ensena el engaño de todas estas cosas; y nos enseña ahora como cuidarnos de volver a caer en las mismas trampas del engaño. Solo siguiendo la dirección, su guía, del E.S. podemos ser verdaderamente libres. ALUMNOS Y CLASES DE INGLES Recuerden hermanos de saludar a todas las familias que se inscribieron para tomar clases de inglés los miércoles. De hacer tiempo de saludarlos y hacerlos sentir bien recibidos entre nosotros. Hay veces cuando nos olvidamos de lo difícil que es visitar un lugar nuevo y desconocido, no sabiendo a quien saludar ni donde encontrar los salones. Recordemos la primera veces cuando nosotros visitamos este lugar y lo difícil que fue hacerlo; pero gracias a Dios ya nos hemos ubicado un poco mejor. Ahora nos toca a nosotros recibir aquellos que nos visitan. Tomemos un poco de nuestro tiempo para saludar a nuestros visitantes antes de después de cada clase. Para ello será necesario llegar un poquito más temprano. BKU PROXIMO DOMINGO El próximo BKU, reunión mensual de cada primer domingo del mes, será hospedada por la familia Sotelo. Así lo habíamos dado a conocer anteriormente en reuniones anteriores. El próximo domingo les daremos a conocer la dirección de nuestros hermanos y los informes en cómo llegar al hogar de ellos. Por lo pronto tengan en cuenta la reunión para hacer todos los planes al respecto, y recuerden que la siguiente reunión, la de Noviembre será en la casa de la familia Villagomez (Steve y Susan). Y la reunión de diciembre queda pendiente con la hermana Alma Olvera. Si es necesario hacer cambios, como puede suceder en ocasiones, se los daremos a conocer con tiempo. NOTAS DEL MENSAJE SERMÓN _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ SALUDOS Esta semana tuve la oportunidad de participar de las conferencias que hubo en la ciudad de Abilene, Texas en la Universidad de esa ciudad. Las conferencias estuvieron bien concurridas y los mensajes que se presentaron, como siempre, fueron muy edificantes y motivadoras. El miércoles después de las conferencias tuvo la oportunidad de estar con los hermanos de San Ángelo, Texas y todos ellos envían un cordial saludo a todos los santos de esta ciudad. Mi agradecimiento a Margarito Gonzales por tomar mi clase en mi ausencia. the GracePlace Duncanville Church of Christ WORSHIP... Our JOYFUL and THANKFUL RESPONSE both PERSONAL and CORPORATE to the one God for CALL TO WORSHIP “HE GAVE ME A SONG” WELCOME “MIGHTY IS OUR GOD” “WE BOW DOWN” “LIGHT OF THE WORLD” “I EXALT THEE” PRAYER Who He is, What He is, and All He is “AS THE DEER” “HE STILL CAME” as well as COMMUNION What He has done, What He is doing, and What He promises to do CONTRIBUTION EXPRESSED in the Way we think, Way we live, and Way we praise. CHILDREN’S MOMENT SERMON: ROBBIE GOLDMAN “” “ALL TO JESUS I SURRENDER” PASTORAL PRAYER A Spirit - led family seeking to know God, grow in faith, serve others, and share Jesus Christ CONTACT INFORMATION: OUR ELDERS: Rick Cotton ([email protected]) 214-924-9045 Tim Haynes ([email protected]) 972-709-7003 Stan Dacus ([email protected]) 214-435-3110 Gary Rinehart ([email protected]) 972-572-2737 Grover Davis ([email protected]) 972-723-5265 Jimmy Sigmund ([email protected]) 972-291-8154 Kirk Fullerton ([email protected]) 214-213-8051 Tim Sullivan ([email protected]) 972-296-8894 Joe Gentry ([email protected]) 972-283-9519 Harvey Widner ([email protected]) 972-298-3846 OUR OFFICE MINISTRY TEAM: CHILDREN’S: Connie Davis ([email protected]) (h) 972-262-2440 (c) 214-415-3593 COUNSELING: Steven Armstrong ([email protected]) (w) 972-257-0449 (ext. 131) COUNSELING: Linda Johnson ([email protected]) (w) 972-298-3614 FAMILY LIFE: Jeff Conrad ([email protected]) (h) 972-223-0278 (c) 214-923-9079 HISPANIC: Joe Valenzuela ([email protected]) (h) 214-677-2056 (c) 214-394-5624 MAINTENANCE: Bill Hunt (h) 972-298-1178 (c) 972-345-1392 MUSIC: TBA (w) 972-298-4656 PREACHER: Ron Carlson ([email protected]) (h) 972-572-1235 (c) 214-394-9018 OFFICE/ACCOUNTING: Al Batten (w) 972-298-4656 (x20) OFFICE/BOOKKEEPING: Clynda Davis ([email protected]) (h) 972-709-6375 (w) 972-298-4656 (x13) OFFICE/EDUCATION: Maleah Arnold ([email protected]) (h) 972-218-5542 (w) 972-298-4656 (x12) OFFICE/MEMBER INFO: Rosa Flores ([email protected]) (h) 972-291-4821 (w) 972-298-4656 (x14) OFFICE/PUBLICATIONS: Anne Bunn ([email protected]) (h) 972-709-2571 (w) 972-298-4656 (x11) OFFICE/RECEPTIONIST: Glenna Woodall ([email protected]) (h) 972-298-2474 (w) 972-298-4656 (x10) RECOVERY/PRISON: Stek Steck ([email protected]) (h) 469-575-0453 (c) 469-363-5026 Devon Wallace ([email protected]) (c) 469-335-7797 YOUTH/LIFE GROUPS: Scott Thibodeaux ([email protected]) (c) 214-923-9088 YOUTH (ASSOCIATE): Kim Lowe ([email protected]) (w) 972-298-4656 (x35) CALENDAR EVENTS AT-A-GLANCE... Date Activities Time st Sunday, Sept. 27 1 Assembly All Bible Classes 2nd Assembly Hispanic Assembly Familyfest (Sept. 27: Team 4) (Oct. 4: BKU’s/Oct. 11: Team 5) Panama Missions Informational Mtg Hispanic Ladies Bible Class Hispanic Evening Assembly Evening Life Group Life Groups Pro-Deo: Jr. High Group Pro-Deo: Sr. High North Pro-Deo: Sr. High South Place 8:30 am 9:45 am 10:45 am 10:45 am Noon Auditorium Classrooms Auditorium Fellowship Center Fellowship Center 1:00 pm 4:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Various 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Grande Room Room 106 Grande Room Fellowship Center Various Locations Youth Room Walle’s House Moehlman’s House 9:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Preschool Wing Grande Room Monday, Sept. 28 SPDO Discussion Class Boy Scouts Tuesday, Sept. 29 Ladies Bible Class: Faith Lessons Ladies Bible Class: Beloved Disciples 10:00 am 10:00 am Fellowship Center Grande Room Wednesday, Sept. 30 SPDO Youth Group Pancake Outreach Night Cub Scouts E.S.L. Classes Spanish-Bible Class CSI Bible Class Bible Study: Matthew 18:6FF Ladies Bible Class: 3:16 LTC: Grades 3—5 LTC: Jr. High 9:00 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Preschool Wing Youth Room Gym Room 106 Grande Room Room 204 Fellowship Center Room 153 Room 201 Room 225 Thursday, Oct. 1 Apartment Ministry VIP’s Event 5:30 pm 6:30 pm Grande Room Fellowship Center Friday, Oct. 2 Play Date Recovery Place Boy Scouts Camp 9:00 am 7:00 pm 6:00 pm Preschool Wing Room 215 Camp Wisdom Saturday, Oct. 3 Wayfaring Strangers Motorcycle Ride Cub Scouts Fishing Derby Boy Scouts Camp 9:00 am 8:00 am All Day TBA Camp Wisdom Camp Wisdom OUR OFFICE INFORMATION: Location: 402 West Danieldale Road Duncanville TX 75137 Mailing: PO Box 382000 Duncanville TX 75138 Office: 972-298-4656 Fax: 972-298-4829 Website: OUR ASSEMBLY/CLASSES: Sundays: 1st Assembly 8:30 am All Bible Classes 9:45 am 2nd Assembly 10:45 am Evening Life Group 6:00 pm Life Groups 6:00 pm Wednesdays: Adult Bible Classes 7:00 pm Spanish Bible Class 7:00 pm Children/Youth Bible Classes 7:00 pm CARLSON’S CORNER SERVING TOGETHER Our Deepest Sympathies to Most Pleasant Lord’s Day Morning, Fellow Travelers. In the poetic words of the great preacher Calvin Miller: “We’ve come to Terri Vehon in the loss of her father hear the Great Singer!” I hope your hearts are ready to meet God in this transcendent time of corporate worship. Remember, the Holy Spirit says you are ill-prepared to worship God if you are out of whack with a Brother or a Sister. If you harbor anger or resentment, please get rid of it this morning. It hinders your j o u r n e y… Gr e a t t o ha v e o u r missionary Robbie Goldman in the house this morning. We appreciate the fine work he and Karen do on the streets of Denver ministering to “the least of these.”… Congratulations to Kim & Nathan on their wedding last night. I expect they are somewhere in the worshipping throng today. May God bless their new life together, and may they be a great witness to His love…I begin a new “Discovery” Class, October 11, at 9:45 am in Room 218. This is for any and all, new members and explorers, who would like to know more about the adverbial questions surrounding the fellowship and activities of this congregation. I’ll explain the difference between BKU’s and Life Groups. I’ll share our mission and vision and introduce you to our website and all its possibilities. I’ll talk about elders, deacons, and ministry leaders. I’ll explain how you can get involved and what is expected of you and what you can expect of us. I’ll explain the workings of the Ministry Team and introduce many of our major ministries. I’ll go deeper into what it means to be part of the GracePlace. If you are new, please come and take advantage of this time of orientation. And as a special feature, this class will evolve into a new Sunday Morning Bible Class; perhaps the one for which you’ve been searching. Please take a second and let me or the office know if you plan to come…Ya’ know I love ~Ron ya’! PRAYER CONCERNS Hello everyone! I hope you have had a great week. Fall is officially here and I am excited about it since it’s my favorite time of year. Please don't forget that we oversee three faith-based dorms at the Dawson St. Jail, and they need our prayers. We are in full swing teaching the 49 Commands of Christ, and getting a good response from our folks down there. You just can't go wrong with Christ's commands, can you? Speaking of prison, come see us at the kiosk in the Welcome Center to sign up to visit our extended family at Dawson...TODAY is the last Sunday to sign-up! The prison is located in downtown Dallas, and the dates are Thursday, October 8 and Saturday, October 10. There are different times on those days, so be sure and remember which time on which date you signed up for. We will be contacting you this week before we go to obtain the last 4 digits of your DL# and answer any questions you might have. Corene Alexander: Recovering from battery replacement for pacemaker Harrell Baker: Recovering from gall bladder surgery and pneumonia Layla (Corrales): Laura’s 1 1/2 yr old granddaughter, cardio myopia, needs heart transplant, in Colorado Loraine Cawthon: Continuing radiation treatments for lymphoma Connie Chappell: Recovering from quadruple bypass surgery, doing better, home Cassandra Criswell: Dave & Bettie George’s daughter, problems with pregnancy Spencer Davis: Recovering from flu and pneumonia Yolanda Demarest: Chilo’s sister, recovering from brain surgery, seizure & spasm in the brain concerns Annette Haile: Betty Weimer’s sister-inlaw, recovering from surgery for subdural hematoma, improving Nat Holman: Recovering from mild stroke, home Max Howell: Friend of Ron Carlson, treatments for prostate cancer Martha Kyser: Dizzy spells, MRI in 7-10 days, EKG clear Steve Meeks: Robotic prostate cancer surgery, Oct. 6 Zona Nicolosi: Jean Radford’s sister, difficulties after colon cancer surgery, back in hospital Barbara Orsak: Laura Stepp’s mother, radiation treatments, no need for 3rd surgery Harold Sigmund: Jimmy’s father, hospice care Lester Taulton: Bone marrow transplant (2nd round), chemo, continuing isolation Ron Wright: Surgery pending for cyst on tailbone LONG-TERM & SHUT-INS Art & Wanda Blair, Luke Chambers, Ethan Craft, Ray Crowell, Melanie Darrow, Amy Davis, Joe DeLeon; Ruth Driscoll, Walt Frier, William Garrett, Edith Gross, Lola Hickman, Ludie Mae Hobbs, Ruby Horn, Martha Kirby, Winnie Loafman, Jimmy Lovett, Eugenia Lucas, Faye McCarley, Caitlin Murray, Vernon Olson, Kathryn Perry, Sally Ramirez, Truman Taylor, John & Virginia Tull, Virginia (Laura) Walker, Shaelyn Walker, Christi Wallander, Steve Ward, Vicki Webb, Rodney Williams, Herschel Wilson CANCER PATIENTS Also, don't forget you can visit my blog page for good ‘ole encouragement, commentary, and inspiration at Have a blessed week! ~Devon Betty Sue Bailey, Baylee Ann Banning, Bob Barkley, Dorena Battaglino, Wade Berryman, Mike Bounds, Mack Bray, Kay Bunn, Bryan Carlin, Jerry Carpenter, Rufus Coburn, Steven Cockerham Sr., Gary Cook, Bob Cotton, Howard Crawford, Debbie Englert, Lori Evans, Donna Gann, Joe Gonzalez, Howard Hansen, Bland Harper, Valerie Harrell, Jay Harris, Elaine Hill, Tony Hoover, Sherrill Landry, Haidyn Louden, Leon Lysen, Saundra Markwood, Jordan McCall, Frank Morris, Eileen Miller, Lisa Miller, Eliseo Monterroso, Earleen Murphy, Jennifer Parker, Jack Reese, Lorraine Robinson, Billy Scarborough, Mary Sessions, Annette Smith, Jerry Snyder, John Stancoff, Darlene Stevenson, Dale Taylor, Jana Thrush FAMILY/CHURCH LIFE MINISTRY NEWS & EVENTS... ● Panama Missions Trip for June 2010 Informational Meeting TODAY, September 27 1:00 pm, Grande Rm Facilitators: Dario & Sheila Gonzalez After 22 years of hosting the annual Family Encampment, LeVada Bush and Becky Cotton, will be taking a well deserved hiatus. They appreciate your understanding for this need to cancel, and would both like to say thank you for all who have participated in the past. So, there will be no family campout scheduled for this year, but make your own plans for a family campout and start a new tradition! “Taste...and see that the Lord is Good!” Psalm 34:8 October 23—24, 2009 Lakeview Camp & Conference Center Waxahachie, TX Cost: $75 per person (includes room, 2 meals, & sessions) Experience the lavish Grace of God with other women. Ladies, mark your calendars for this special retreat hosted by the Gals of the Wayfaring Strangers Motorcycle Ministry, where you will taste, see, and hear God’s sweet goodness in our lives. Brochures are available in the Information Center or you can sign up at the kiosk in the Welcome Center! See Anne Bunn, Betty Crowell, or Connie Davis for more details. ● Samuel Gonzalez, one of our interpreters in Nicaragua, is getting married on October 16. If you’d like to participate in a card shower for Sam & Karen, bring a card to Jeff Conrad by Sunday, Oct. 11. MINISTRY NEWS: The ministry team would like to say “Thank You” to everyone who participated in the annual BBQ cookout and of all the generous donations received. If you would like to give a donation to this ministry, there’s still time! Please see Janet Dillard or Susan Glaeser with any questions. ATTENTION Quilters & Sewers! We will be making quilts for the NewLife & Homeward Bound ladies, and we’re looking for quilters and sewers at any level to help with this new project. Please join us each Tuesday from 6:00—9:00 pm in the Fellowship Center. Contact Susan Steverson at 214-714-6464 with any questions. A card from Andrea Yip, niece of Diana & Gus Lomeli, has been posted on the bulletin board by Room 106. SUNDAY ADULT CLASS OF THE WEEK: Room 106 “Gospel of John” Chapters 15—17 Teacher: Gary Rinehart NEW SUNDAY SERIES “The Miracle of Life Change: How God Transforms His Children” 9:45 am in Room 215 Teacher: Jeff Conrad NEW DISCOVERY CLASS October 11 & 18 9:45 am in Room 218 “Connections” is a new class for our new members and anyone interested in discovering what all happens at the GracePlace and how to get involved. Facilitator: Ron Carlson PRISON MINISTRY STUDYMATES Studymates, please check your slot for an update. New studymates are needed for the correspondence part of this ministry. Contact Bobbye Rigsby at 972-816-0933. WE NEED YOUR EYES! Please help us keep our facility in order by writing down maintenance or custodial needs that you may see around the building and put it in Jeff’s mailbox in the Fellowship Center hallway. Thanks for your help!
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