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TWO SCENIC MAIN LINES \ \. -------------1' " - G 0 Thru Romantic Rocky Mountain Wonderlands w DENVER & RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD SCONSlN Colorful Colorado and Utah, the Unique, where nature laid a lavish hand-in scenery, in climate, and tn riches . .. T he Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad is the modern steel highway through choicest wonder spots o£ this remarkable land. Only railroad in America possessing for its own the pcNonaliry of the Rocky M ountains, the Rio Grande alone prov1des travelers two scenic routes linking the capital cities of Cokraclo and Utah, two vital links in the clirect central cross-continent rail lines. The Royal Gorge route, th ru the mighty chasm of the Grand Canyon of the Arkansas river and over the Continental Divide at Tennessee Pass! The lvfoffat T unncl rome, a scenic shom:ut under the Continental Divide and thru the valleys and canyons of the silvery Colorado river! I! D A H 0 E MINNESOTA I N ROYAL GORGE ROUTE Denver to Oqden 782 milea 0 W A BOSTON NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH BALTIMORE WASHINGTON BUFFALO CLEVELAND TOLEDO DETROIT INDfA.'IAPOLfS CINCINNATI COLUMBUS DAYTON LOUISVILLE CHATIANOOGA NASHVILLE BIRMINGHAM ATLANTA SAVANNAH TAMPA l\Ol V A D A I I' 1-------·-· ORAHO CANYON NAT''-;"';.,~· 0 K L T A R A NEW M E X c ---- E N N -----·--. --· ------ -DENVER & RI O GRANDE WESTERN RAILROAD SYSTEM Route of The Scenic Limited. All regularly assigned cars atr· conditioned coaches, diners, standard and tourist Pullmans, loungeobservation cars. The superb skyline of high front range Rocky Mountain pe•kl overlooking Denver, is on inspiring prelude to the amazing panoramas presented along this far-lamed route. Skirting the foothills gleaming rails lead to Colorado Springs, ,~;enter of the Pikes Peak region, and on to Pueblo, Pittsburgh of the West. Turning wc>t· ward toward the mountains, the line follows the historic Arkansa! river. passing the oil fields of Florwa: and the fragrant orcharc ui>trict surrounding Canon City. The river valley narrows; just si> short miles thru the towering canyon is Hanging Bridge, in the ver) heart of the Royal Gorge, America's best-loved travel wonder. Packed into the narrow depths of Royal Gorge. carved by sand latlt:n waters of the turbulent Arkansas river thru aeons of time, an scenes of splendor and of glory. Hanging Bridge is a marvel of man'• mastery over nature, with the entire roadbed suspended trom ste•, trusses braced in the cam•on walls, where the walls are only thirtl feet apart. Spun like a <pid•r's thread across the chasm, the \Vorld;l Highe>t Bridg•..<panning the Royal Gorge. 1,053 feet above the Rir Grande tracks, is a sturdy structure 1,250 feet in Jcngch, with a" aucomobile thoroughfare ciglueen feet wide. The World's Steepest Railway, running on a 45 degree anp;le 1,550 feet between Ha nging Bridge and the \Vorld's Highest Bridge, is another scenic delight in 1his place of marvels and thrills. From the roadway of rhe World \ Highest Bridge there is an amazing, breathtakinp; view of th< Royal Gorge. with the Scenic Limited hugging the canyon's flank• on ribbons of steel. Out of Royal Gorge and up the east slope of the Continental Divide the Rio Grande borders the Arkansas. Post Salida, almost II' the exact geographic center of Colorado, and on to rhe snblm" majesty ol Mt. H bert (14,431 ft.) and Mr. Massive (14,418 ft.) highest peaks in the L:. S. Rockies! Not far from the top o' tht world is Leadville, where forty-n iners and their som opened a min i!Jg district that has produced $450,000,000 in sixty yean. . The Rio Gr•1uk <:rosses the Continental Divide thru Tcnness~· Pa.s, 10,240 feet above the level of the sea. From eternal snows of the towering Continencal Dlvide, water Aows eastward and westward, making its way to the Atlantic, and to the blue Pacific. Down thru Eagle River Canyon, where two thousand foot chtf< bmd the river to it< co11r<e, th<· way leads to Dotsero. where rails of the Roya l \.orge route and the Moffat Tunnel route merge into one- · a magic roadway toward the westering sun beyond the far blm· horizon of Utah. MOFFAT TUNNEL ROUTE Dennr to Ogden 606.9 miles Route of The Pano1 amic. All regularly assigned cars air-conditioned ~oadte!l, Uiners, standard and tourist Pul1mans, lounge-observations. The Moffat Tunnel Route, scenic shortcut straight thn• the Rockies, is Denver's only direct transconnnenta l railroad. A brief hour from m ile-h igh city streets ahnosr • quarter of Colorado's tOtal area spreads out in an •ll-cmbracing view revealing Denver as the romantic Queen l.ity of the Plains. R1ding the ridges along ap· proaches to the Continental Divide, the Panoram1c darts thru a score of little tunnels in the hills, and just 50 miles from the teeming capital of Colorado, the line shoots like an arrow thru the rocky backbone of America. Moffat Tunnel, one of the nation's great engineering feats, extends 6.2 miles under the Continental D1vide The apex in the center of the tunnel, 9.239 feet in elevation, is the highest point on the Moffat Tunnel Route, and is 4,021 feet under the lofty crest of James Peak. The railroad thru the tunnel is laid with continuous jointless welded 112-pound rail, providing unusually smooth rid1ng qualities. Total net construction cost wa s $18,000.000. 'Work started in August. 1923. Completed in February, 1928, it was then the longest railroad tunnel in the western hemisphere. From the Atlantic to the Pacific slope of America in jmr a few n'lomentsl Truly a remarkable achievrmrnt! Down the we<t slope of th e continent the track parallels the Colo· rado river for 23'5 entrancing miles. The Colorado spnng> from the earth a gentle >trcam, fed by evcrla>ting snows on sky-piercing peaks. A riprling hrook, it soon becomes a restless torrent, d•shing over jagged IJoulders thru towering canyons. Great defts like majestic Gore Canyon. longer and deeper than most mountain chasms, bear the gcolog1cal history of the Rockies indelibly record<d on mgged rock walls. The Dotsero Cutoft, a new 3R-mile railroad between Oresrod (Dot<ero spelled backward) and Dotscro, joins the Moffat and Rio Grande railroads . At Dotsero the Moffat Tunnel and Royal Gorge Routes hlend into a single bewitching steel speedway. G lenwood Canyon, portraying the Rockies in festive mood, wirb countless evergreens brightening colorful red walls, is the enchanting passageway to Glenwood Springs, summer-winter playground cradled in the Rockies. A little farther on a peach-bordered Jane leads to Grand Junction, gateway to the myriad wondP" of Western Colorado. Westward the scenic Rio Grande w.av<·s its way into Utah, the Un1que-rhm rhe shining portals of Castle Gate and across the \Vasatch plateau to find the benediction of glacier-crowned Mt. T impanogos, sleeping princess of the Wa;atch range. To Salt Lake City, the fascinating metropolis that rose from the desert on the shores of America's inland sea; or to Ogden, on beyond. NOTABLE RIO GRANDE WONDER SPOTS THE PIKJ;S PEAl: REGION is dominated bv America's most famous mountain, towering 14,109 feet above 'Colorado Springs and Manitou, renowned recreation center founded by Gen. Wm. J. Palmer, builder of the Rio Grano~. There are spectacular side trips galore, in lu xurious sightseeing limousines. The sublime Garden of rhe Gods, with its weird and colorful rock formations! Seven Falls, where a crystal mountain stream plunges hundreds of feet in a magm.ficenr senes of cascades! Cave of the Winds, with its eternal Temple of Silence and millions of stalactites and stalagmites: Will Rogers Shrine of the Sun, a memorial of simple and dignified beauty in a glorious setting on Cheyenne Mountain! Almost Without end arc the cmrancmg wonders in this vac.arion paradise. } J } GLENWOOD SPRINGS, tucked away •t an el~v•rinn of only 5758 feet alongside the Colorado river, is surrounded by the <now-capped Rockies oi Western Colorado. This picturesque pleasure and health resort literally "has everything." The world's large>t open-air warm-water swimming pool, fed by Ya1npah Hot Springs, famed in Indian legend! Vapor baths in caves excavated by nature! Pine-shaded horseback trails into primitive high country! Trour fishing in the Frying Pan, Roaring Fork and Crysral rivers! Grouse, deer and elk on high wooded slopes! Golf and other summer sports under tnr<p~nise skies, 2nd America's finest <ki slopes ar nearhy Aspen! The beauty and charming informality of Redstone Inn, guest ranch just a half hour distant! The recreational possibilities of Glenwood Springs cannot be exhausted during an cmire >ea.on. ., 1 f GRAND JUNCTION. midway between Denver and Salt Lake City, is the gateway to the s.:eniL wonders of \!/estern Colorado. To Colorado National t\1onumt·nt, newly Op<:ncd 18,000 acre fairyland of mighty monolith~olor splashed rocks eroded in fantastic shape">, with a new scenic thrill at every turn on the twenty mile dnve around Monument Canyon rim. To lfrnnd M-sa, world's largest fiar-rop mountain, with it' 200 troutfilled lakes. Via spectacular Chief Ouray Highway to the Clitf Dwell ings of Mesa Verde National Park, endos111g the largest group and best P.reserved of all rrehi,wri<: ruins in America. } } } SALT LAKE CITY. fam.-cl for its heanty and individuality, rose from the desert on the shores of Great Salt Lake to become a modern metropolis, capital city of Utah. The Mormoro Temple, built on a site ;elected hy Brighau1 YoUilg July 24, 1847, dominates Temple Square, a ten-acre cract enclosing treasures that delight the sightseer and portray the history of a remarkable people. The great domed T obernocle homes the world-famed pipe organ, enjoyed oy thousands at no.>OU reCJta)S doily. Renowned for its own marvels, Salt Lake City i> likewise the gateway to scores of orh.-r ~ccnic wonders. Great Salt Lake, America's inland sea, where bathing is a unique plca~ure-in water so buoyant it is impossible to ~ink' Fresh water Utah Lake and rhe Jordan river in the va>l fertile valley ncar Provo, at the foot of majestic Mt. Timpanogos! Bingham Canyon, where giant dectnc shovels arc literally removing a mountain of copper, in North America's largest and most spectacular surface mining operation! Salt Lake City, glorious consummatiOn of the vision which inspired Brigham Young to cry out to his weary band of Mormon pioneers, "'This is thr place. Drive on!" TRAFnC REPRESENTATrYES Denver & Rio Grande Weatem Railroad Detailed information concerning passenger fares, freigh t rates, and train schedules is available at any Rio Grande Traffic ollice. Your Rio Grande traffic representative will cheerfully answer your transportation problems. CHICAGO. ILL.- Suile 805 Bankers Bldg. lOS West Adams Sl. Randolph 1064. Rand:>lph 1065. r. C. HOGUE Assistant T•a!!ic Mauoyer. CINCINNATI, OHIO 337 Dixie Terminal Bldg. Parkway 3212. f. H. HARPER, General Agenl. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. 206 E:xchange Natlonal Bank Bldq. Ma:n 201. F. E. Nt:Mt:C, D1slrict Passenger Agenl. DALLAS, TEXA5-1317 Libcrly Bank Bldg. Phone 2 4770. f. B. LATIME:R, Traveling Freight <5. Passenger Aqenl DENVER, COLO. C. A. Johnson Bldg. 505 S<>v<>rot<><>nlh St. Tabor 1162. C. E. SPECHT, City Ticket Agenl. DETROIT, MICH.-5-123 General Molors Bldg. Madison 3025. Madison 3026. G. c: CLEGG, General Ag&nt. FRESNO, CAL.-501 Mason Bldg. 1044 Fulton St. Phone 3-6713. CHAS. K. F'AYE, General Agent. GRAND JUNCTION, COLO.- D. & R. G. W. Fre:ghl Depot. ?hone No. I. N ). BROWNE, General Agent. KANSAS CITY. M0.-524 Rallway Exchange Bldg. 700 Walnu: Sl. Viclor 5216 H. r. J::LCfNE, General Agent. LOS ANGELES. CAL. 514 Central Bldg., 108 W, 6th St. Tdnity 0703. J. D. STACK, Assistant Tmffic Manager. NEW YORK CITY- Rooms 1402-1404, 500 Fifth Ave. LOngacre 5-3885 LOngacre 5-3386. V. A. FARRELL, General Ag&nl, Paose:'lger Departmen t. OAKLAND. CAL. 514 Central llonk Bldg. Gleneourt 4925. A. W. MAY. General A9ent. OGDEN, UTAH- 130 24th St. Pho"e 1138. C. r. MOULTON, General Agent. OMAHA, NEB.- 912 W. 0. W, Bldy., 141h & Farnam Sts. Jackson 3948. H. G. BOCK, General Agent. PITTSBURGH. PA.- 3J7 Park Bldq., 353·59 5th Ave. Atlantic 2765. ). T. NElSON, General Agent. PORTLAND. ORE.-317 Pacific Illdg. Alwat&r 3750. W. M. KIRKPATRICK, General Aqent. PUEBLO, COLO. -Room 4, Union Slation. Phon" 219. T. B. EASLEY, Dislrict Passe nger Agent. RENO, NEV. 325 E:ast 41h Slreel. Reno 211, G. I. MARTI!\, Genera~ Aqenl. ST. LOUIS, MO.- Room 701, 1218 Olive St. Chestnul 6399. C. N. GRAY, Generol Ac;ent. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH-24 South M::rin Street. Wasolch 71C. 0. J. GRIMES, Assistant Traffic Manag<>r. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.-291 Monadnock Bldg. Exbrook 7678. Exbrook 7679. ). E. COt.iRTNEY, Assistant Traffic Mar.ager. H. I. SCOFIELD GEORGE WILLIAMS General Traffic Manaqor Passenger Traffic Mana:g•r Denver. Colo. Denver, Colo. Ask for your G~tid• BMk to Rom,mhc Rocky Mountain Wonderlat~ds, an illustrated booklet descnbing in detail the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad and its territory. HANGING BRIDGE N THE ROYAL GORGE 1053 FEET BELOW THE WORLD'S HIGHEST B.RIDGE I PIKES PEAK (14,109 FT.l. THRU GATEWAY ROCKS. GARDEN OF THE GODS CLIFF DWELL! NG RUINS MESA VERDE NATIONAL PARK ALONG TH E TRAIL ON CRYSTAL RIVER IN GLENWOOD SPRINGS REGION COLORADO NATIONAL MONUMENT, NEAR GRAND JUNCTION MORMON TEMPLE AND TABERNACLE , SALT LAKE CITY GORE CAN YON OF THE COLORA DO RIVER . ON THE MOFFAT TUNNEL ROUTE 6. 2