C - Oak Lawn Public Library
C - Oak Lawn Public Library
Approved~ Board of Educat: AU90 24, 1962 An a:ljotU"l'Jed raeetirlg or the Board of Education District 123~ County Cook.ll Illinois, was held at 8'00 pomo, August lO, 1962, at the Cook Avenue School!, 9526 South Cook Avenue, Oak lam, Il1 1 na1s o .Answering roll call at 8,01; p.mo VEllI."e the following JJl9J7Jbers t Messrs. Dason, D1r1g, M.acR1tcb1e. Palmar MS.ddaugh. Ifr'. P1ke arrived at 8.20 p.mo Absent, Mr o Is1d.8. Also prell611t.. lohasrso Clazokp Mc::Gugan, Harm, lfl:'o Franklin Klein, Mr. Dcmlferontcm, Mrs. Bates and 1nterested residents of the district. am Defer r.dnutee of :luJ,y 27. 1$162 It was maved by Nr o Dawson" seconded by lir. i'almors that the mlnutes of . ~ 27, 1962 be deterred•. Vo1A1.l3g a;yes ifessrs. Dslfson, Pa1nIer. I1n'1g, MaeRitchie and Middaugh. Nay, none. Carrest?OJ?f!!nce Letter f'rom. the League o£ \'lomen voters thMldnc l~. Middaugh and Mr. Ihrig tor assisting in ma1d.ng their bus tour succossful. As8e~:f! - licDonald pr~ b:r Mr. M1ddauch, seconded by 1","0 DsIlson, that the Board eu'tbCXl'."iae IT. KJ.e3n to fUe objeet1ons with recard to assessments 81 to 91 inclusive, am to proceed with h1r1ng an 1Jx!ependelrt; eng:l.ncer to evaluate the benef'1.tel the school cH.strict would der1ve i"raI1 these assessmentso Total cost not to exceed. $500.00. Vat1.Dg ay9: Haasrs. MUtdmJgb, nason, Ihrig, lfacR1tch1e, Palcer aM?ike. ~.. Z1ODO o It vas mo"ted ( AP~ of contraot .. new teachers onereCOtlltllendat1On of the adldnistrat10ng It was moved b.1 Mr. Palt1er, 9Gcotded b:rJJr. Pike, to . approve BoB. degreQ teacher ~ Robbins ($5550) en:l ~hool soa1al worker Dorthea SChultz ($5850) far the 1962-1963 school year. Vot.1.nc ~I Mcs3t"So PaJJaer, Pike" Dawson., Ihr:t~J Macft1teh:1e and. H1.ddaugho ~. noneo AP1!'oval of comra~ - nurse It vas moved by Mt-o Pike, eecolx!ed by Mr o Pa1J:1er~ on the rec~ti.on or the administrat10ng to apprave the contract tar Maureen Ao X·1acMahon as a school nurse at a saJ.s17 or $4800 for the 1962..].96.3 school yearo Vot1ne~: lIessrso Pike" Pa.lmer.l) Dmrson, Ihrig" Ma.cRitchie and M1.ck!a.ugho ~~ nonc o ApProval of' contract - pr1noipal On th9 recanmdation of the adminiat.ro.t.1on, it was noved by Hr o lfi..ddaugh. sacom.. cd by Hr o Pike" to approve tho oont.t-aet tar Hilliam lJ o Randol] as Q ~ at a salary of $82,50 tar the 1962-1,963 school year" Vot1.ne ayes I~ssrso U1.ddaugh, Pika" DawsOllg Ihr"..g, MacRitchia lUld Pa:1.Mm'o Nair, noneo Archi tect,lnosrd f$l:ceI11BIl;fi It was r.1OV'ed by Mr o DawOD" seoonded by l1r o PalI:1erll to approve the Architect/ Jloard acroenant as prepored arrl recor.n-m1ded by tr.o school attorney (see apperrled f'Ue)o Voti.ng aye: HesSl"so Dswaon~ ?nlr.1at", Ihrig.. HacIU.tchie, Pike end l-I1ddD.U{tho NS\Y", none o MINUT!:3 ()J TH.'::: ADJOURNED l·G ::'lTn, A~lJ:UST 10, 1962 ... 2 .. street dedioation ... lO2rJd sto, Wo ot Kostnir It vas !lIOV'ed b7 ~!r. Pike, sec:onded by HI:'. Drr!&b to 8dDpt a resolut.1Cl1D to ded1cata c8l'ta1n sohoo11and tar Bt.ir:'eet parpo88II. vh1ch resolution appeara at the m1 of the .IlI1mItes o£ this~. V0t4r2s.,e I l{essrse .P1ke, :E:br1g, D81ftJon. MacRitcb1e, Pa1JlIsr and lfiddaugh. He" DOne. ApP£9!Q}. - b1.tua'JYlIJS surrac1.q;/er:-avel C'GIII lIaS JIlOVecl by Mt-. Pa1JTIerIl seconded by IT. P1ke, to aocept; low bid J:1Beting epec1f'1catiOtlS fat! b1tuPd.nous sun"ac.1.De an:! granl .-eas, John DiUcm 8D:l COIlIp8J\Y', at ro,369. Votit1g.1 MeS8l's. ?a:JMr, P1ko, DawoD, Ibr'1I. Mac:fi1tch1e and i11dda ngb. ~. none. It Jle.1,ect - terauo b1d8 It vas I'lJO'Ied b:r Itt-o MacR1tch1e, aecondad b1lfr. Palmer. to :reject b1ds tor ept'.JZ7 tet'aso (HometovD end Cc:wingtoD achoo1a). Voting • • Hessrso MeaRitchie, PalJJ1er, n.son. Ihrig, P:1kn m:1 H1ddaugb. Hq~ nom. SR!¢aJ. Educat1cm ~!!l c It was ncwed vJ Ht-. IUAdaueh, GOcarxled b7 l-fr. Derson, to approve transpartat10n far special education children and approve the contract with \:T1l.1dnsan t s Transpc:J1'"tat1cm in ID 8IIClIDt to be detez,:r1zm4 at the Mxt meeting. Voting.1 UessrB. l21ddm1ch. Dawson, Ihrig, t{acPJ.teb1o, ?a1Qar and Piko. n~, rume. Co., 'leachc-s' §alary :Plan SU!Bt!0nna1re It was noved by Hr. I-t1.ddauch, seoonded b;r :Jr. nason, to 8pFOVlI the Teacher's 8al.ary Plan queat1~_ :=: ClUJ liiOIaJ a Dllbi!" VotitJg 4j1e~ Uessrs. Middaugh# Davs~ Ibr1g, tch1e, Pa1.Iner 8M P1keo Hay, nonao uti 1~1f.u- 1',,6.,'f'ff/f1 "r N"'/I'''''f /4/114 ~~4"1.c~ ARP!'<!VsJ. to 1& ~e2QQ ... Golden Gate HurserT ,II,., Hoc k','d, 1/1"... F~~.t.. lei .)1 It was moved by Mr. Macn1tch1e" seCOllded by lir. Ib.r1g. to approve the bill and psq $l~500 to the Golden Gate llurse17. V~ -.vel Naaers. ltacRitch1e,Ihr1g. DSW8011~ Midd$ugh, Palr3er, snc:l P1ke. Nay, nom. . }t1n1er~ t.rSllBeorta;t1on Parents present at the meet1ng axpressGd.the1r T1n8 ~arding transportation far 1dJxlerg£l1'"tGn chU.dre11o '!'be ndJ:rl nf st1."at1on 1d.ll extetti bus services, beyond tho ~.,proved achedule, to tho oxtent tlutt; these edd1t1nnaJ. sarnces ore p068ibleo }d.1~nt ... 10.49 p~ It vas :moved. by nr. DSWrJOtl, socondod. by Mr. l-lacRitch1e, to adjourn at 101119 pomo Roll call vote was unan1r.Ioua and the meeting vna adjOlXrned. The recuJ,ar metinG of the Boe:rd o! Educat.ion School Diotrl.et 12J~ Cook County, I1.lino1s, 1dll be held at Ihoo p.n., August 24, 1962, at the Cook Avenue School, 9526 S. Cook Avenue, Oak Lawn, Ill. ... ' Approved by the Board of Educatior Sept.. 28, 1962 The eegular n~etiI1f, of tho ~3Gard of ::Jucation District 123, Cook County.9 Illinois, was held at 8:00 p.mo , Auf,Ust 24, 1962, at the Cook Avenue School, 9526 South Cook Avenue, Oak Lawn, Illinois o Answeririt; roll call at a:05 p.m.. were the following J11e:tiber~: !fossrs. Ihrig,p MacRitchie, PalMer and Uiddaugh. !·fr. Dawson came in at ad6 p.m. Absent were Hassre. Lewis and Pike. Also r.>resent, Messrs o Clark:t McGugan, nann, 111.a8 Rita i:e1ah, Ifrs .. Schurke and interested residents or the Districto Approval or minutes ... July 27, 1962 It was lltOVed by 1'fr. MacRitchie, seconded by tho. Palmer, to approve the minutes of J"J.ly 27, 1962 as writteno Voting aye: Basarso HacP.itchie, P~r, Ihrig am 111.ddaugh. Na:r, noneo ApprOVal ot mimtte.s - August 10, 1962 It 'Ifas !l1OV'ed by Mr. HacRitchie, seconded b~r Hr. l11.dd.a.ugh, to approve the minutes or August 10, 1962 as corrected.. Voting aye: :lfessrs. :1acRitchie, lfi.ddaugh, Ihrig and Pa.1.rner. l~a.v" none. Superintendent's report At the invitation or the Superintendent, !'l1ss Rita \,'elsh g language arts teacher and Chaiman of the Guidance COMluttee" presented an outline ot the proposed guidance pror,ran which will be used in the school district ber,1nrdng Septo 19620 Mr. McGugan presented a SUJllMSrY' of the SUMJ!I01" school. programo Mr' 0 Clark informed the Board that a new interpretation of Section 10-20012 has been made by the Otfice of Public Instructions ttrhat a child born on December 2 will attain tho see or six by Decer:lber l.. If t.fr. Lemmer, legal advisar to the Superintendent or Public Instruction" reports that the courts have approved this method or computing age. Approval of contract - new teacher It was !X1Ved by Hr. !1a.cRitchie, seconded by Mr. Palner, to approve the contract ~rcar" and to revise the contract for Florence Drurmond to l~ days per week g $2Ol0~ rqr the 1902-1963 school year. voting aye: ~·\3ssrs. HacRitchie" PalMer, Dawson, Ihrig~ and !11ddaugh. Nay" none" tor Bo A. deeree teacher Rita Plerl1ng, 15850, tor the 1962-1963 school Election judGes - September 15, 1962 It was moved by Hr. Hieldaugh, seconded by Hr. Da:tiGOn, to authorize Mro l~r to select the judges far the referendur.1 election or SepteMber 15" 19620 Voting aye' :1es:Jrs. I-tl.ddaughJl Jawson, Ihrigjt lfacRitchie and Pe.lr.1ero Nay, noneo It was moved by Hr. Ihrig, that the question ot continued participation in Tri-County EoT C)V be tabled until the regular meeting in October o The MOtion died for lack of a secondo I) Tri-County E.;r 1)V 0 It was I"lOVed b:'" ~-fr" Palmar, seconded by Mr D !1acRitchie ~ that the Board of Education subscribe to EoToV" progrS!l1 for the 1962-196,3 school ~rearo Voting aye: Ues51"so PaJ.zner, i-mcRitchieJ) Dawson and Middaugh. ~L9.y, IJlr o Ihrie .. Approv~ - bills and ~oll It was moved by HI'" HaeRitchie, seconded by Hro/l Ihrig:> to approve the bills and p~oll as liste(h Educational F1Uld Pa:,rroll Educa1iional !"und bills Transportation Fund bills Geno Bldg" Fund . 3.,163~94 .30000 9~182026 35.11 099076 $ 351'309053 NCF#9 Total Voting ayel $ 7$18330'7 Z.~sarso !-tacR1tchie" Iln-ig, Dawson, PalMer and l-fiddallgho nona 0 .MJourment CD 9'1.6 Pam" It 'Was l'I1OVed by Mr o Ihrig, seconded b"J 1-h-o l.facRitchie, to adjOm."Il to Septenber 7, 1962, at 8100 poI't1o Roll call V:Ote was unanill10ua end the meting was adj ournec1o An adjourned meeting or the Board or Eduoation District 1239 County Cook, Illinois, will be held at 8:00 pomOJ) Sspter.lbcr 7 9 1962, at the Cook Avenue School, 9526 S011th Cook Avenue It Oak Lawn, Illinois" Approved by the Board of Educa1::ior Sepi: o 28, 1962 An adjourned neetine or the Board of Edtlcat,ion District 12311 County Cook" Illinois, was held at 8tOO poll1o at the Cook Avenue S<:hool~ 9Sai South Cook Jtvenue~ Oak Lawn, Illinois, on Septer.tber 7. 19620 Answeri.ng· roll call a:t 8,08 poJl1. were the following 11I!JTlbe1~J Messrs. Ihrig B MacRitchis, Pike and ltlddaugho Absent. lfessrBo Dmrson"Lew1s and Pal..rEre Also presentl) 1los91'5. Clark, ~.fdjugan, l·tann, ~-Ils8 Dre~den'p Mr. Koaul. MrSo Sehurke and 1nteres1;ad res1den1:is or the District. .. . §ecretar:r ,.' pro-te!It It was :noved bY'Mr. Ihrig, seconded bY'Mr. Pike, to appoint Mro l~acRitehie secretary pro-tem in the absence of Mr. Palmaro Voting ayel Heaereo Ihrie. Pike, Middaugh and l~itchieo Nq, noneo Correspondence Letter from Mrs. Ruebenson.ll Program Chainum of Homtmm. PoToA o irrrlting the members the Board of Edur'at1on to attend and participate in the PoT.A o :meetings at Hometown Sehool. or 214 with a proposed resolution reeonnend:S.1'Jg that the office or Township Treasurer of SChools be aboltshedo Also, Bu1let1ng H9 tran Cook County Superintendent Noble J. Puffer recommending t~ the present school tre~'8 systelil be retained o Letter brom Johh Ao Haas, President of School District ,Township Treasurer of Schools It was MO'red by Mr. Uiddaugh, seconded 'b-J !-fro IolacRitch1e, that the 30ard of Education Dintrict 123 'Will not ado~ the resolution as outlined in lh"o Haas's letter or August 21, 19620 Voting syel l'~sarso t11ddaugh» :!acRitchie, Ihrig and Pike. Nay, none o SUper,intendent. 's report At the invitation of the Superinterxlent, Mias Dresden reported to the Doard of Education, the District's [)IIrticipation in the lIDEA apprcwed Girted Prograt1o Mr. Kozul reviewed for the 30ard the revisions be1ne undertaken in the social studies curriculum o Surfacing..landseapiro - Hometown and Covineton It was moved by' MI:'" MaeRitchie, seconded b:r Hr o Pike, to accept tho recoroMe!l'o\<dation of the attorney and the achnin1atration to award the contract tar surtaoing and landscap:1.ng at Hometown am Covinet,on schools to Ao To l-t8rss, at a revised 1:d.d of $17,160 0 Voting aye: ;ieS5rs. !iacR1tchie~ Pikeg Ihrig and Jf1.ddaugh o . Ns;y,£) nOM 0 Clock bids It was moved by Mro l.fi.ddaur,h, seconded by l1r o Ihri6, on tho recoonendation of the adr:1inistration p the bid far re~ of the clock system at CovinGton School be rejected, and that the cloo..'<: system be re-b1d at a later da.te. \'oting ayes :'1essrs" 111.ddaugh, Du-iGD HacRitchia and ?ikeo }lay, nooo a •....'l·~'1.",···'C! .'u.~, JJ..wv I":r.' '.Jl' 1"; ..... _ll~ :n....... 7~ 1962 .. .. ,". " """J""rn~""'n Aii '.I ji'.j':':'i.J ·.n··'·TT'ff" ·Ii., _LU.lI ~~r'~"1"Ol'O .•- .I,~. Annual Repo:tj; - wPlieation or It was r.IOVed by :'fro Hiddaugh, seconded by 111"0 Pike, to darer decision regard,... 1ng publication or the annual report unti1l the next r.set1ng. Votine ayer ;·fessrso l,addauehJ) ?ike, Ihrig and J·tacRitchis. N~" none. Gaddis SChool - final inspection I It was moved by Hr o MacR1tchis, seconded by'lfr. :'ike, to accept the Gsdd1.s School and approve tinal payr.!Ont of' $822020J) subject to col!lpletion or the Bodes five paint. closing programo Votine aye: lEsarso HacRitchie, Pike. Ihrig and Middaugh. Uay, none. Tranaesz:tati.~ The adndnistration reported to the 30ard that pupil transportation schedules are in operation 'With busses filled to near capaalty. Provision will be made to assist hardship cases wherever possible without e:xoeeding the capacity liJdt o ~ourr.went It was moved by Ml:- o l1acRitchie" seconded b:r Hr. Hiddaueb, to adjourno At lll20 polll. roll call vote vas unaniroous and the meeting was adjourned<l the regular meet1ne of the lloard ot Education Disti'1ct 123, County ~ook, Illinois, 'Kill be held at 8100 pomos Sept9rnber 28, 1962, at the Cook Avenue School. 9,26 South Cook Avenue, Oak Lawn, Illinois. t.fIKJTiS Clf 'l'HE :3,.JEC~.A.L ~ i:: .'I'Il:G or S'~ . >TF;·1:[l'.R 21: .1.962 Approved by the Board of Educa1::ior" Septa 28, 1962 A special "'-leetin;;; oi' the 'joard 01' Ed;1Cation District 123 9 Co~mty Cook, Illinois,. 'Was held at 8;00 pomo~ Septenber 21.. 1962:) at the Cook Avanua $chool" 9526 So Cook Avenue, Oak Lawn, Illinois::. AnsweriIlfi; roll call at 8:OS poIl1o were the followinf: Members: l·feSBrSo 1e'wis» MacRi tchie p Palmer II ?ike and lofiddsllah. Nessrso Dawson and rnrig wore absento Also present, t1'essrso Clark,p ~1c(h.1gan8 Imnnjl Klein and l'lro o SChurke o l-!t"o Middaugh cal.led for the canvass of the special election of September 150 Poll books, tally sheets and other records far the special election held on September 15, 1962i' were produced and carntassedo Upon auch camra"J8 bei~ CCJI'I)ot plated the Board f'omld that the total vote cast was as folloWs: Precinct #l - Hometown #2 - Covington - #3 - McDonald - #4 #S - Sward - Qasteyar - 482 587 SS4 455 .'340 The Board f'urther f'ound that the vote on the proposition was as followsl Precinct III ... Hometown ;/2 - Covington 113 - McDonald 114 - Sward II'; - Ga.ste;yer Yes No 292 179 174 h02 374 258 179 1565 170 190 1SS 868 It was then l710Ved b'rJ nr o NacRitchie. seconded by Uro Lewis" that a resolution be adopted4zcl« rtl;t!j the results of the election, 'Which resolution appears at the end of the minutes or this meeting., Voting aye: aesaro" MacR1tchia, Levis, Pa.l.mer I Pike and H1.ddaugh 0 Na;y, none 0 Adjournmerrt. It was r.1oved by l-!ro !.facrl.itchie" seconded by :fr. Pike, to adjourn o At 9,20 poMo roll call vote '\Ia.s unaniMOUS and the meotin3 was adjourned o The ree'.l1ar ncetin'" of the :3oard of' Education District 123,11 County Cook, Illinois 'Will be held at lhOO pam", September 26, 1962, at the Cook Avenue School, 9526 So Cook Avenlle~ Oak Lawn" Illinois o The regular meeting of the ~3oard of ~~ducation District 123 9 County Cook v Illinois g vas held at 8:00 pelno, 3eptenOOr 28.;0 1S62~ at the Cook Avenue School", 9526 South C':lok Avenue" Oak LQVng Illinois Q A.n.swerinr, roll caJ.). at 8:07 po:llo were the folltJl&li'i'rg l'!lSmberSI Hes9rso ~·fa.cRitchieB Palr.'ler, ?ike a..rrl !·tl.ddauf,ho Absent, :'ilssrso Dawson, Ihrig and Lewis.. Also Present, ;·tessrs.. Clark.ll ~lcGt1gant I-1anne Klein, Cone, I1r80 SChurke and interestad residents of the district. ~.B.orovaJ. of J:'Iinutes .. August 24, 1962 It was moved by 1-fr. Ha:cRitchict itlBCOI1ded by Mr o Ps.J.mer, to approve the minutes or August 24i 1962 as liritteno lfating aye, ;-iessrs.. Macititchie" ?a.1nar, ?tIm and :.fI.ddaugh. !lay, nooo o .Ap1?£oval oi" minutes .". September 1, 1962 It was MOVed by 111"0 ~.facRitchie, seconded by :11:"0 Pike, to a.pprove the III1nutes of september 111 1962 as written. Voting~, Hessrs o HacRitch1e, Pike, PaJ..roer and Hiddaugh.. Nay, none:) ~a1. of minutes - SepteJ11ber 21, 1962 It was IllOVed by Hr.. Pike, seconded by Mr o Hacltitch1e, to approve tho Minutes SepteMber 21, 1962 as writteno Voting ayes HesBrs o Pike, HacRitchie" ?a.lmer or and z.Iiddaugh. Nay.. none 0 Correspondence Invitation to the Board to attend the charter dinner neetinB of the .AfT t!l431 0 The secretary 'Wss directed to acknowledge the 1.mitation am. inf'onn the president and secre~J that Board roembers 'Will bEl notif'ied arxi invited to make their own arrangements far attending the dinner meetingo Letter .from 11r8., (10 \-!inslow, president ot l-1cDonald PTAg thanldng the Bom-d for ita successful presentation and planning of the Septet'lOOr 15, 1962 bond re.f'crendW'!'1 g and sUGgesting that the new school be n~d the Janes Hanntn Schoole HI" 0 Clark aI'J1O\.1Ilced that the Park District 'Wan prepared to asSUMe all responsibill1:;7 for the care of equipment and gr-olmds at the Gesteyer school a1 teo Board l".enbers l;oere invited to accept dinnel' reservation tickets for Tri...cOllnty dinner maeting to be held October 4# 19620 The Buperinterxient presented an outline which he recorn:'leooed for a Jlosrd,.. Superintendent Report for 196~1963o Board....superintendent P.eportn 19§2""196,j It was moved by ar o HiddauCh~ seconded by l!ro Palmer g to outhorize the suPCl'> intendant to prepare B. Dt)ard-5upfU"intendent report and dlstrlbute it prior to American Pct:lcation 1'eak" NoveMber ll~ 1%2.. Voting eye r ilemn"so Middaur,h ll Pa.:l..roorSJ HacRitchie and ?ikeo Nay. none .. ~ 2 ., Name £or new school building .. l05th 1'1. Kolmar It was moved by Hr o Pike, seconded by !'fro lt1ddaugh, that the president shall, in tinE i at>po1nt a comMittee to consider the n8l1le of the new school bu11d1ng~ this cOll1.oUttee to report on a date to be sat at a later I'lleeting" This subject not to appear on the ncard agenda until such report is nsadao Voting ~ez l'iessrso Pike. I1iddaugh i I·~oRitchie and :'al.mer. NS¥, none 0 ResiEationa On the rec~ndation of the ad!dnistration, 1 t was l'lOV'ed by :'fr" Pike, seconded by l1r o ?iacRitch1e" to accept the resignation of Rita ~ and Harr.arat l3rouwero Voting aye: BeaSTs" Pike, HacRitchie" P.a1zTler and l-ftddaueho ~, noneo Approval of new teacher contract.,! On the recor.r.tendation or the 8 drdnistration~ it was 1I1OVed by 11r o MacRitchie,p seconded by :.fr" Pike, to approve the contracts tat" Ar:1 Arlon, MoA. degree.. $,250 (pro-rated) as rep1aceJllSnt tor Miss Brouwer, and Patricia Pow1lls, Do So degree, $4800 (pro-rated) as replacemant for Mrs. Pleming. voting ayel Hessrso MacRitchie, Pike, Pa1JIIer And Hlddaugh. Nay, noneo Liabil1ty Insurance On the recor.l.lnendation of Belt and Ricker, it was lIlO'II'9d by U'r. :.facRitch!e, seconded by 11r o PaJ..ror, to renew CC>I'1prehensive autoraobUe 11ab1l1ty and physical dMage insurance 'Hi th U"SoF" ard G.. \' oting aye sHesers. f·faeRltchie, Pa1.lIler, Pike am MiddaU{;h" Nay, none 0 sale of 30nda - S6so~ooo It ",as Moved by Mr. Pike, seconded by 11l". MacRitchie~ to authorize the attorney to send out notices or the proposed bond sale tor ~$O»OOOo The sale is to he held on OCtober 19, 1962" and shall set forth in the notice a schedule of matur1ties as shown in the pr090sed schedule attached to theae minutes 0 Votinr, aye: Messrs., Pike, Haa'-I.itchie.f Palmer and Hiddaugh. Nay, none., Survey - Teachers' Salary Prof,I"am It was moved by ifr o ;.Iacnitchie, seconded by Hr. Hidclaugh, to preserve the anonyrrdty ot those replying to the Board request tor the survey, that the Soard neet11n executi7S session on October 1962, to tabulate the results and to adjourn said lQeetine to ()c'&'uOOOr l2 g 1962 to evaluate the resultso vot~ ayes Hessrso'racRitch1~ Middaugh, Palnar and Pike. Voting M3', none o '9 Bille and payroll !~o PalmerI) seconded by Ur o l-ta6titchio g to appt'ove the bills and payroll as listed: Educational Fund Payroll ... 8~3099~··15 & 9~30 126,(1180 2) It was moved by 0 Educational Fund Bills = 9~28 Transportation Fund Expenditures Genef'al Building Fund B111a .. 9'28 NCF#1 NCB#9 nrn Fund ~ August and September ToUil 13 9 193 0 04 736 0 24 ~~,lJa29 .,53 822~20 668 36 0 ~~99~49 A.b1j .. :$2~ ;@' ... J Voting aye. HesBrs o PaJ..r.1er, !1a.cRitchie, Pike and Hiddaugha nay~ noMe! Agj Otn'1'1n3nt It was moved by Hr o lfacRitchie. seconded IT,r Itt". Pa:lJner~ to adjourn to October ~962, a1; 8,00 p.Jllo Roll call was unan1.rIJous and the meeting was adjourned" 5, An adjourned meeting ot the Board of I".ducation District 123, County Cook, IU= 1no1s, 1411 be held at 8:00 p.mo, October ;, 1962, at the Cook Avenue 3000019 9526 South Cook Avenue J Oak Lawn, Illinoiso M1nutes of the adjourned Jl'Ieeti%1gg October 5g 1962 An adjourned Meting or the Board or Education District 123, County Cook, In-. ino1.s,p was beld at BtOO po1l10, October 5. 1962, at the Cook Avenue Schoo~ 9526 South Cook Avenue, Oak Lmm, Illinoiso Answering roll call at 810$ poMo were the following RBrnbersl lfessrso Ihrig g Lewis g HacR1tch1e~ Palr1er, Pike and Middaugh" !-':r o Dawson came in af'ter roll call 0 .Exeeu1ilve session. It was moved by ITo MacRitchie, seconded by ITo Ihrig, to adjoum. to executive session to discu.ss and tabulate returns of the Teachers' Salary Progr8ll1 queSa tionna:1reo \"oting 93'8 1 !~ssrso HacRitchie, Ihrig, Lmds, PalJrler, Pike and r~dda.up,h" Nay, none. Return to r6BUlar session It was moved by Mro 11ac:Rltchie, seconded by Mro Dawson, to ret'lU'"Jl to ref;Ular seesiono Voting Si:'9 J Messrs 0 Y1acP..ltoMe I Dawsong Ihrig" Lewis, Pa:I.n:?r" Pike and t·1iridaueh. llay, noneo Adjournme~ It 'WaS moved by liro Ihrig, seconded by Nr o Machltchie,to adjourn to October l2 p 1962,p at 8 tOO porno Roll eaJJ. vote was unani.r:lous and the meting adj ourned o An adjom'md meeting of the Board of rducation District 123, COllnty Cook p 1111no1[will be held at, 8.00 por.t..,p October 12, 1962, at the Cook Avenue School, 9526 So Cook Avenue, 18k ~ 1110 Approved, by the Bd Q ox Ed o -10-19-62 An adjourned meting of the Board or Education District 123, county Cook" Illinois, was held at 8'00 pamo, October 12, 15'62, at the Cook Aven1te School, 9526 South Cook Averme, Oak Lawn, Illinois. In the absence of the pres1dent, the secretary called the meetinr~ to order lit 8.04 p.mo A..n.swering roll call were the f'oUOId.ng llIBJ"Iberss r1eSBrSo 1And.8, 11acRitchie~ Palmer and .?1ke. Absent, 111"0 ~.flddallgh. :'i~'o Ihrig and IT. D_son came in atter roll call. Also }2t'8sent, :ofee8Z'lIo Clark, lfsGugan, !-fann, Cone, ;.frso Schurke ud interested residenta at the district. President Pro-te It was MOVed by Hr a Pike, eeconted by Hr. Leu1a, to appa1Dt Mr. :iac Ritchie as pl"es1dent ~o-tem in the abeenoe or Mr. :·l1ddmgh. voting ayel Hes8ra. ?1k:e, Lewis, Pa.lmr and r1acRitchie. lla:" none. APProval or rdnutes - Regular meeting, September 20, 1962 / It was mewed by' I·fr• .Pike, seconded by' fir. ?a1Mer., to approve ~e nLnutee of 5ept8fllber 28" 1962 as vrltten. Voting a:.rea i,ss8ra. P1ke, ?nlntlr" Ihrig, Lew1a and itacIU:tehie. lJa.T, norJ8. APEOV'al or J'Ilinutea - Adjoumed meeting, October S, 1962 It was rrm'ed by Mr• .P1.l{9, seconded b-J Hr. PalMer, to ap,arc:we the ndnutes of October 5, 1962 as written. Voting aye. HesBrs. i1ke, ?a1.Mer, Ihrig, Lewis" and HacRitchie. Nay, none. p~spoaxtence Letter trOlll Mr. Klein presenting the loCal DOticm or bond 8418 which vas sent on behalf or the District announcing the sale or a650,OOO on Oct. 190 Letter .trom 1ft'. Kasson, Klein an:! Thorpe, regarding vilJ.sge asSe8SJ'l1e1'\ts. Letter prepared by Mr. Klein 1'JOtitylnr, the 111 0 School Adldine COlllt'11ssion or the impendinG salo of ~SO,OOO in banda far the purpose or school buildinr. constrllet1oD o Illinois School :ndM;Lnc CoJlIraiss1on It was l110Ved by lir o ?ike, 8e~onded boJ J-h-. Lc1d.s, to authorize the president am secretnry or the Board or tducation D1strlet 123, to sien the lettet" prepared by the Dchool attorney to the Ill1no1s School !3uildlnr; Go."T.11ssi.on regardin;: the sale ot :;650,000 in bonda. Voting aye. ;·iessrs. Pika. Lew"'J.8. Ihrig, PalMer and J.T..acru. tchie. Nay, l1Ot1Co Sugerinterrlent •S rem The super1ntendent announced that the Illo AsS'D o or School !JolU"ds annual J'I1eetinr 'Will be held at the Shaman House, UoveJl'lber 18 through 20. Dinner reservations 1d.ll be taken for Board ncmbars on Octobor 190 Mr. Clark announced the 1nstitut.e to be hold for K..,6 starf members a.t the GB8te".rer School, and the articulation ;Jror;rnn ;>latUlt1d for Districts l22Jl 12) and 229 staffs at Oa.'" La:-.m Hi[!'.h School.. Board members 'WEJI"e invited to attend the institute !1T0fTama.. Teachers' ;)~, ?rogram - tabulation It was ncwed by Hr .. Palmer, seoonded by ;1r. Ihrig, to defer action at the Teachers' Sal8'1i! ?rogram cpestionna:1re ,mtil It later I:'lletinr.. '\'oting 8iY"8s 1!esBrso ?al-,er, Ihrie, Lewis, Pike and Y·racRitohiEh Uay, noneo New construction prO!E8m It was moved by Hr. Ihrig, seconded by Hr& Dawsonii' that the 1:Jldding for the construction work be by invitation B.tXl by advertisement, 'With the quaJ.1fication that anyone requeatine plans upon 'Which to bid MUSt f'1rst satisfy the Board of iliucat10n of his complete c01'llp8tency. Voting ay92 i1esBrso Ihrig, Dawson, ?al.nI.er, Pike and I1acRitchis. Nay, none. I1r o Lewis lett the neeting prior to the motion. Cera:rd.c cove-J'lIO~ , It was mved by Mr. nawson, seconded by' nro :.faoRitchie, that the architect _. authorized to investigate the cost of cermdc cove mol.di.ng for the nev school and if the cost is $l500 or less, add it to the plans for the corridors, Voting 839: l'.IeSBrS o D8.1Ison, 1·1acRitchie, Palmer and Pike. rating nay, Jofr. Ihri[ AoJ!Y1aJ. or plans and, specifications It was moved by !-1r. P1ke~ seconded by lfr. Palnler, that the !Joard or Ecil\cation approve the plans and spec1.f.'ications as presented b:r Cone and J>arnbusch for l) 10 rom school at l05th end Kolmar, 2) siX room addition to r.ov1nr,ton and :n two rom ldndergarten addition to HOMetown School, and authorize Cone arid Dornbusch to advertize tor bidso Votine ayez liessrso ?ike, ~a1.Mer~ Dal4Bong Ihrig and HaoRitchie 0 Nay» none I) Fel~ase of .elana and snec1f'icati~ It was Moved by :-1r.. Ihrilh seconded by ltro?ike to authorize Cone and Dornbusch to release plans and specifications for 1) ten room school at 10$th and Kolrnar, 2) six roOr.1 addition to Covinr:ton ::ichool s and ) a two roo1'l1 nddition to Iiol118town School for bid on October 22, 19620 Voting aye: ;Iessrs" Ihri bD ?ike.. Dawson.. ?a1.r.ler and :1acRitchie. Ns.:r" none.. AdjournMent - llzlS pql'r.o It tI8.S r.tO'Ved by !ire Ihrig, seconded by ir o jia.ct'1.itch1e, to adjourn to Oct .. 19» 19620 Rooll ('all vote lias unmu.:'lOUS and the I~etinc was adjolU"11ed o An adjourned meetil1i:~ or the Joard of l:ducation District 12), Connt:r Gook" Ill o : will be hp.ld at 8zoo p",I11", October 19, 1902, at the Cook Avenue School, 9526 S Cook Avenue, Oak Lawn g Ill o .i"ipp:CQ':,;B 0, ;.J> Board o:f Educ:.: tiou";1.1-16-62 ( An adjourned meetinr, or the J.JClTd of :ducation District. 12.3, -County CookB Illinois, was held at 0,00 p ..!l:'&" October 19# 1962~ at ths Cook Avenue SchQ&l1l 9526 South Cook AVenlle,1< o~ Lawn, Illinois Answering roll c311 at. 8105 poni.. were the follow:tne Members; Hesarso Ihrig, Lewis, HacRitchie, PalJ11er, Pike and Hiddaugh.. IT. Dawson came in e:t 9sOS p.me Also pre;!leJ1t. HElssra. Clarlc, HcGut;an, Mann" lQein, Mrs. Scburke, and visitorso Approval of' mtl'.1tes ... October 12, 1962 . , I t was li1O"Ied by ~lrO' Pike" seconded by Mr. Isw'is, to sprro'Ve the lTIinutes of October 12, 1962 ~ written. Voti.nr ~s HeaEl1'13o Pike, Lewis, Ihrig, Io!acRitchie, ?almer and J.fi.ddaugh. r-Jq, none., Corre!I?O!1dence Invitation.t"ro!11 Public Service COMpany to attend ~ open house at 7roo p.mo on October 22, 1962, a new school in ~nt, In. ' Supe;:,inteooent r s report' The superintendent armounced that the enrollroant, as or October 1. 1962 ,is b27h pupils, an ~ease'ot 219 ,aver June, 1962. ' (- Reservations far the Dinner l1eeting of' Notto 19, 1962, will be Made for board znembers who moe interested in attend:1.ne the annual I'.S.B..A. 1'I8eting in the Sherroan Rouse, Cbicagoo , Sale '0£ l30nds • ~50JlOOO The president stated that the first 'order or b11s1ness would be to receive b1ds for the purchase or, g6$O,pOOO School Building and Site IJltpl"ovemsnt 30nds of this D1str1.ot~ said bonds to 00 dated NoveMber 1, 1.962, and to became due snd payable aerially~ $10,000 on DeceJttber 1 of each of the years 1964, 1965, and 1966, ~15iOQQ on Deoet'lber 1 or each or the yee.rs 1967j 1968, end 1969. $20,000 on DeceMber 1 of each or the years 1970 and 1971" $25»000 on :oeoam,... bcr lp 19743 $50.0000 OD De~mber 1~ 1975~ SSS,OOO on Deoe1'llber 1 of' each of the years 1976 ard. 1971J e60,ooo on December 1~ 1978, ~5:l'OOO on December 1" 1979 S> and $80,000 on December 1 or each of the years 1980 and 1981, interest on said bonds to be payable Dece7'lber 1" 1$163, and sem-&nrJU.lllly thereaf'tero Franklin l: Klein reported that notice of this sale had been sent to approxo imatoly 61r.hty bond i'irros ard banks. 0 The bids 'Were then opened and the sa:na were as follows a 10 Bidder ... Jam If.iVEEN & co.... :.cDOOJAL MID COl-moll, INC. Interest Hat.aa - Bonds IT'.aturi.nc in the years 1964 to 1961 inolutdvs.o ~J Bonds maturing in the year8 1%8 to 19R1 inclusiVe ... 301~ Premium per bids $9.80 Net Interest Cost! Arount. ~278,460.001 Percentage 300841% - 2 20 BI!)~). R .... 3AP.CUS KIW::aJill & CO~ ... F.EYNOL.i')S &: en.. C'J ~ 'l'HB U£ITE-i-'lI1LIJ.?S GO"" INC" Interest RCItes - .sonds maturing in ther years 1964 to 1966 inclusive L% J Bonds maturing in the years 1967 to 1919 inclul9iiHJ"" 3~1 Bonds mturing in the years 1980 and. 1981 .. 3$10% PrendUJl1 per bid: $40$ Net Interest Cost: A.'11Ount t3274,l 768 78 J Percentage .3004312% 0 30 BIi:'lDr:R. ...... NtiI.WlEY ''!ELLS & ca.... MJCORI1!CIt & co... NmlZARD, mraams &. r-fJP.RAY,J.', IIDNICIP.([. Bmw CGRPmATION L,terea'G Rates - Bonds maturing in the years 1964 to 1973 inclusive ... 3~; Bonds ma:turine 1n the years 1974 to 1978 ir.clusive ~J Bonds Mat1.11'ing in the years 1979 to 1981 incllls:l.ve CII,3 C) lit P.rem1um per bid; $227050 1'1et Interest Cost: Amount S279s o75073J Percentage .30088:r,; 40 BIDDl·'R C> SHEARSOll H£1;·1ILL & co... Clwn·lFR lmt-JHAN Sr:C\.l'RITIES COo - BAtJ"l'W>f Al·m l-fAIN Interest Rates ... Bonds maturing in t.he Bonda ma:cUl"i.ne in tho Bonds JTi..aturing in tho P..onda rnatur.tng in the Premum per bid: 813098 Net Intarest Cost: Amount $28h,,082042; .( years 1964 to 1969 years 1970 to 1974 years 197~ ~ 1978 ;years 1979 to 1981 inclusive - ~J inclusive .3%;inclusive .. )G10%.; inclusive - 3020%• GO Percentage 3.,l.4628%41 All of the above bidders offered to ~ the cost of Ohapman and Cutler legal opinicZ'l end "tho co~t of Pl"'l~~l.g th;;, beuds" . It appearing that the bid or BARC:.TS KDm!o'J) &. COo~ REImlT..J)S &: CO. AIID THE l..m TE.. 'pHILLIPS ~q.l\. D\C., was the bast hid. race1ved~ it w8s J'llOVOO by !-fro or.clGd by r~o MlcR1tchi9that the said b1d be eccapted~ and that the Prasiclem and Secretary ot this Board of Educa.tion be authorized to exeC'..lte an acceptance of such bid on behalf ot this Board~ The roll 'WaS oalled on this motion with the gollotdng reatutl Ayeal l~Bsrs. Dsnson, Ihrig" I£tds, 11acRitchie. Hi.ddaugh:p PalMer and P.:Ucao Nay, none~ The President de~ed tho ll1Otion ce:rrlcd-a Pika; 'Sec- .00'2 },tesolutiOXj-to isaus" $S50~OCO school buildinr. and site iInproverrlSnt bomB A Resolution 'WClS then rea.dp ent.itledt RESnT..:i7IOil (!" SC~i0'JL T)ISTP..ICT wrmrR 12), COOK COUNTY, IIJ..I1mI3, rnOvID:Gr; Fer l• T:L~ IS:,~TA1;Cj~ OF ~50AlOOO SCWiOL BUILDI1U AND SITE ot this r:IffiOVF.l"~mT OONDS lt which Resolution appears at tho er'..d of the minutes l'lIDetingo 'WaS then ll10Ved b.:r 1'J1"o }.fiddau~h" seconded by Mr o Palmer, that said Resolution ba adopted as reooo TI-.e roU, WC1.o c...::Uled on the rootion w:th the foJ.lowine result ~ Ayes l!esSI'so Dawson" Ihri~.lI ~l'itJ~ NncRitchiejl Hiddaueh" Pa1r'Iet' .a..'1d ?ike., Nay~ It no:ne o '. lJfI.NUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETIIDj) OCTOBER 19{j 1962 ( =3 c:> D1stribution at mater1a1a • paliIphlets, etc. It was MOVed by Mr. I~ddauBh_ seconded 'b7 1ir o Lewis, to approve the rules md regulations as proposed 1n thft 1'lJinutBs of the AdNlntstrat.1ve Council.. dated. Ootober 1£, 1962. far the d1.stn'but1on of Mter1a1a to the schools. Vot:1.J1g 8iY8 1 l.fesBt'so H1ddaDgh,. Istd.a. MacR1tcb1e and Pa1.mer. Nq, J.fro Ihrigo A41curnme~ It was moved by Mro MacRi:tchie, seconded 'b7 Hro Lev1s, to adjourn. A't 913, pom o , roll call vote was unin1raous and the mee"t1r.g was adjournedo The regular meting of the Board of Education, District 123, Cook County, Illinois, v:U1 be held 8,00 poDl., actobel' 26, 1962, at the Cook Avenue School" 9$26 South Cook Avenue, Oak Lawn, Illinois. n .Approved by Boa£d of B4uca'tion rbvo 16'S' 1962 The regulB JOO~.ng or 'the T3CIard of Educati~n Di~tr1ct 123, Cook CourrtY'~' Ill~ , 1nois, V88 held at 8sOO PoDlo, October 261. ,l962 g at the Cook Avenue Sohooli' 9S26 South Cook Avenue, Oak :Lzm~ Ill1no1s o ~ roll call at 8104 p.m. ~ th~ f'o;Llov:1ng memberSI n88srs~ Ws~ !.facR1tchie, Palmer. P1ke aIld Mldtlaugh. Absent: }:SSS1'"80 D8II8orl and Ihrige Alao present. l'tessrs. Clark, l~, f.fann, CoDe, l-!rs. SChurke and interested residents ot the D1str1ct o Correspondence or F.dllcation ret1llesting tu:t.'tion paymnt for for sight-saving clasa',placement. sta:te1llEmt tram the Chicago noard 4! mntbs s ~ t s ,repgrt The eupc-intendem referred 'to plana and procedures which have been developed in connection with air raid ~8. Copies of the bulletin which was prepared tor adm1n:1Btration, teacho1's, parents and cb:11dren on this topic 1tIlere d1str1butedo Lcckerp • Covington add1t1on ( It vas moved by' Mr 0 Pa.1Jlv3r, seconded by' Mr. Lavis, that the Board adopt the recOPnBrJdation at the archi teet in the 1Mtal1at1on or the lockers in the Covington SChool addition. Voting qat Messrs. Palmer, LeH1s ~, lilsBrs. Pike and Hl.dd&11£h. The JllOt1on can'1ed. em MacR1tehioo gua1ificati0PJ! • General contractors It WBa moved b;r Mr. M1ddaugh, seconded by Hr. J.!acRitch1e, to alopt the rules perta.1ninr. to the qualification tor approval to b1d on the new construction as set forth in the architect's letter of October 25, 1962, as toll.awsl 1. Financial capacity am credit ratinr; consistent with the size and scope of the contracts to be leto 2. Completed work of sinUar sLze am nature, finished to original coospletion schedules. or qual1ty construction, 3. An organization that includes at least two 01' the following'tradesJ carpentry, concrete, masonry. 4. satisfactory <Amer ani Arch! teet references. Votine ayel l1essrB.. MLddau.gh, f1acRitchie, Pa.1Itler, Lewis and ?ike. .Approval of contracts - nati' llay, none o teachers It was romed by Hr o Pike, ssconded by lit' .. Lewis, on the recoIl'lll8ndation of the adMinistration, to approve contracts far tho balance or the 1962-1963 school year for Frances Curnp,BoA".!l 04900 (rn-o-ratod) arxl Barbara I1cCO'Jj) 13 o S oe4900 (pro-rated) .. Vo-tin~ aya: llesSTs ... ?ike, 1e'tdss Palnar, 11'acRitchic and Hidda.ugh, Nay, nona" HINtrrr;s OF 'I'll'S R::;GULAR >1eETnl1~ OCTOnER 26, 1962 - 2 ... ( Uotion to acceAA HcDonald School. add! tion It was lIlOVed by llr. Ul.ddangh, seconded by lir o ?1ke. on the recQllMBJ1daiAton ~ the Pttnistratlon. to accept the UcDonald SChool addition based on the cCI!lpletion of the 9Ul1ch list. Voting ~tu lfessrs. l'f1.dd8ugh. Pike, Lew1s~ I1acR1tchie and PalJnero ~, none o q1oc1c s:v;steM - Covington School It was lIIOVed by Ur. PaJ.rrsor, seconded by lfr. MacRitch:1e, on the recarnemat10n the adNnistration, to accept the low b1.d. JllHt1nE: specii"1cation, of West Suburban Electric Coo~ in the eanount of • 2~SS tflf'the 1nstallat1on or one muter c1.ock system at cov1neton School. Voting Messrs. ?a1mel'. MacR1toh1e, Lewis. P't-ks and Middaugh. Nq. none. or _,In s.1e or District-owned aut<DObUe on the recommendation or the idiiinistration, it was JrJCW'ed by Hro P1ke, sec0nded by IT 0 Lewis, to accept the biBb b1d at $hl.OO or !.. S. Oppenheim far the Distric'tcso1med y;ray Chevrolet. Voting ~I I.f$ssrs. P1ke, Levis, 11ecR1tch1e. Palmar and Middaugh. Nay" noneo 'teachers' Sslary ( PJ::ort!m 9uest1o~ It vas IIlOVed by !T. Pike, aeconded by Mr. Lew1a, that the !3oard avail1tse1f' of' the serv1c~ of Universal ~farketine f..esearch tor the Teacherzs' 5al.a1'7 Program Questionnaire tabulation and anaJ.1B1a, I30t to exceed 3300.000 Votil16 aye: Hessrso Pike" Law1a, r·1acR1tcb1e. i'a1%IIe.l' and Middaugh. N~. none. !PEraval of' bUla and It was and nmoM ll\OV'ed by Mr. MacRitchie, ~oll as listedr seconded b7 Mr o Pa:JJner to approve the billS $ll6>>4.36031. Education Fund Payroll - 10-15 and 10-)1. 26,lh61175 Edlteation Fu.nd l1lla - 10-26 617025 Transportation Fund Payroll - 1O-1S and 10-31 3.3304.3 Transportation Pund Bills - 1.0-26 17,99~.ll (Seneral :lirllding Fund :l1lls - 10-26 935.10 II-R Fund ll11ls - October J g 20 lQ"1I9 31lls - October ,>27015' Total, all expenditures - Voting 8i18: J1esBre. MacRitch1e" PIlmiir, ?ike and Middaugh. Na;y, DOneo rd!l86 ~O\J1"1'1Ment 10.25 p.m.." it 'Was moved by lir. Palrer, seconded by Mr. JfaeRitchie, to adjournoto NoveMber 16, 1962. Roll call was unan1mus and the f.1e~ was adjourned. At or the iloard or :r~ueation District 1.23.0 County Cook, Illinc:d.S g nUl:. a held at 8100 p..mo~ Rovember J£, 1962" at the Cook Avenue SChooljJ 9526 South Cook A.venue, Oak I.awnt Illinaiso An adjourned mee~ " , - -.. ~ '; ,. ""'f•• •• I, ~ ~ An adjou:r'ned :'12ctinr; of the 3om-d 0£ <.'~h.ication, Dietrict, 123 ~ COl.mt:r Ceok.) I11ir:ois~ waa held at 8:00 Pdil(JJ 'November JL, 1962 at the Cook Avenl.tO School,? 9526 South Cook Avenue,\) Oak Lawnj/ Illinois.. Answarinr. roll ;::aJJ. at 8 :0) wer9 the following rne::lbeI'S» liesBrsQ Ihriv:; L-f:'tds;:; MacRitchie p .)a1,'i'..eI' and :fi.ddaugh., ;'Ira?ike came in a.t 8:25 9 11ro !)ltW:;Jon G.:t 9tl0.:. Also present, rIessrs" Clark:l HcGugM!} Mann~ HI's" Schurkeg i.Ir., Gene a".;rl rep'.t"~.. sentative8 of f:i.rr1B who we..'"e interested in the opening of bids for the r,elol construction program p an::l il1t.areoted residents of the District", Approval of r:t1nuteli! .. OCtober 19 1 1962 It was i!OVed by HI'" L·!a.cRitchie 3 seconded by Mr o Ihrig p to approve the rd..rrJte~ or October 19~ 1962 as written.. YotU1g aye: HasSI's .. lracRitchie, Ihrig; 1eloli:.:::. Pa.lr.1er and Hiddaugh.., Nay;) ncneo Aopraval oi~ m:tnut.~s ... October 2t:, 1962 It lias MOVed by 1-[1"'" Lewis:! seconded by lir.. ?a1mer, to approve the Minutes of October 26:t 1962 as 'Written o Votine ayes Hassrs.. Lems, Palmer, Ihrig, . HacRitchie and Hiddaugh o U~, none" Opeffirnj of b}.ds for new construction ( The president called on }1ro Cone to open and record the bids on the new oon.. struction proeram... An analysis SUM."'1S17 and recomnendation Will be submitted to the :3oard lor action on NOVeMber 230 On behalf' of' the Board of Education" iTo Cone expressed appreciation to all contractors who sublutted bids far the construction t'I"0grem .. Correa~!1dence A letter from the lYrA Councj.l~ signed by lh"so Co nergwa11~ ?resident" and :TSQ K. 13arz, ~lP-slation Chail"I'1Sn, annour£inr; the ::JI'A 'Will use far:tily l!la1.iir..(-; lists when 5endi~ literature end i!'.formation of B. controversial nBt-urri}o 13unerintendent ; s ro.e~ The supe~.ntendent discussed brie.fly the first drart copy of the :-3o~rd of Education ?olicy Hanunl. A tentative date of Januory ll, 1963 ll83 set to oor,in 'WOrk for the ndoption 0: the ;>o11cy manualo IJ.r .. Clark annou:lccd that the Doard-5uperintcndent Report 1962 was di.g"~rlb\:,tE!d. to the school enrolJ.r.ont o Adclitional copies are s:vailable upon request!! Reserved banquet ticl:eta for Boord ref.lOOrs are available at the registre:t.:1.on desk at the Ill" Assoo" or School ~ards r:meting November 113..20 at. the Sher:n::m House~ Ch.:lcago" .- EX:Julsion . It 'WaB rnoyed by M'r o Itl.ddaur;h.:Jo seccnd.ed by 11r o Lewio Jl that r.obert Sto"'!cnson h::-: expelle<! from ;)istrict 12.'3 sch'Jols in accordance '\0.1. th the rocor.r.endatlofl of 1',; 1: ' administ.rat..ion based on ~. desCl"iption in the ~Tittel1 case st'.lct·o "':otine ,1,,,/8; :-5sssrso r:idds.ugh,:! k'Wis;1 )ID1SO!l.ll Ihr!gg Hacl'.1tchie D Pal.r1er and ?ike, ~lfl:r.' lV',"!': • ,f' .,'" It \-las mV'3d 1>:r Il:"() Dm130n~ seconded by :.t:'" iiacRitchie p to rcta.tn~ en the :::'aco~rondtltiGn of the 2dJ:linistration:i' ~lt and r~ickar,l Inc o as ins1.--xanca ccn·· $ultants for jJ.i.strict 123 i"or a. ~iod of December 2,il 1962 throtlgh Jt:ne 30~ 1963 at Ii feo of ~J50cOOo I.'oting aye: ;bssrs" Da.woon.ll ;'!acH.itchia~ Ihrig.ll Lewis 11 Pa.1.mt.:.r II P"!-ke a."1d Ydddaugh" 11a~t, nonce District administrative he!dguarte.rs It was r.tO"fcd 'b:r i"l'r' .. IhriCll seconded by !.1r" Lolv-:iS ll that an appr:dsal be made of the Covk Avenue school ~operty by a qua.l:ified cOmIlYJrcial real. estata a.;:praiser at a fee not to exceed $100,,00 0 VotinI~ aye: 1~5Brs... Ihrig, Lewis~ Da'rIson~ l'.ac;1itohie 11 Pa.1rte:t" t ?ike and Hi:!d1!llgh o I~ay, none" District 12.3 reprasentative Ian HacRitchie rer>Orled on the M.pcting he attended as a member of th~ Tri-County Advisory COr"'.rritteec ITo r:acRitchie requested g:.ddance reF.ardinr~ teacher tenure rights which is a topic to bo studied ani discussed at the next neeting of the advisory cOrrUtteeo Teacher Tenure Ls',:1 ( It was moved by Mr'., Ihrig, seconded by i1ro Palmer, to fa:vor the retention of the present tem;ra rights f(jt' te{H':he'.L'soQ Vo+..ine aye: ;1essrs" Ihrig, ?a1mor g ;}awson,9 Lewis, ~'~cRitchie, ?ikl; and ~1iddangho l~ay, nOMo f~esifjMtion It uas Moved by Hro Ihrir" seconded by HI'" Lc'Wis lI en the recoJn."lendntion of the adr'linistratioD,i) to accept the resir,nation of HI'S" Jane f"YOt effective UC17an-ber 30, 1%20 ~\'otiJ'lf" aye: :'l2ssr5 0 IhriC, Lewis, Da.wsonS' !tac~1tchio, Palner sc 2ike and lliddaugho NayS' none., Teachers' Sal.a!":,'. iTperaru r;nestionna.:i..t:e Ju,'"'E:¥!:Y It 'Was MOved by Y''!''o IhriGg seconded by :'1r'o 13.ddaugh:l that the .;30arct of Ed\4cs.... tion meet in execlJ.tiva session on DeceITiJer 7p 1562, at 8100 poT.1 0 : to discuss the Teachet"d' Sa1SI",/ :::>r0cra."1 Q!lestionnaire and related nater:tals 0 '!o tine aj'B I >es3rso IhriC9 Hi'idau6fl, :J~wson'p I.ewi5, :'taci:'itc:dc ll PaJ.r.1r:r and :>iko., Nay~ none., Adjournnent - 10:45 p.,m., It was JTlCNe<1 iJ'J l'ir" :B.ddPJ.lChg seconded by::o Le"Ais",to adjourn., roll call vote 'Wl\S unan1:"1Qus and the :1eetin:3;; as adjolU"ned., At 10:45 porno The reBu1nr ~eti.r'l2; of the "30;;rd of ;dnr.ation¥ D~~;trict 12.3) Cmmty Cook, Ill.,,, '.dll be held at 8 zOO per.l o , l;ovembar 23; 1962, at the Cook Avenue 3choo1,p 9$2G SO~.1t.h Cook Avorvle J :lnk LaUD, Illinois o Ed,:: ( ~~~.: l~ ... The regular neeting of the Joard oi" ~:dl1ca.tionSl District 123, Comt.y Cook~ Illinois:l 'Was held at 13:00 PoIllG:l' ljO'I1'er.'lbilr 23» 1962, at the Cook Avenue School5< 9526 South Cook AVe.t'1u.e~ Oak Lsm, Illinois o Answering Toll call at 8 :10 p"I:1" ;.sere the follmn.ng ronbersa Hcssrs o HacRitcr.ie!. Palmer!! ?ike and l!iddaugh" 1ilirent o Hesarso Dmlson~ Ihrig and Lewis" Also present., Hessrs .. Clark, r:one~ Kasson g !·~s .. Schurke and interested. residents of the Districto Correspondence Lette-r of resignation trOM Roy Cla'r'k, superintendent.. It 't488 r.lOVOO by Hro Hiddaugh, geconded by ~l) Ha~'1it.chia, that the :~d'.lcation accept the resignation of Roy Clark as superintendant of Board of District. 123 schools effective Janua.."'Y 15, 1963, with regret and best wishes for success in his new appointmanto Votinr, &yea Eessrso Iti.dde.ugh" Hac.'titchie, Palmer anrl Pike 0 Nay, none.:\ SU~ndentls re.eot1 r·b;-.. ( Clark announced that the precedent of offering one pay period in December end July would be continued and should be included in the new polic;r manl1al o The superintendent announced that all five points have been completed with regard to closing or accounts nth Auburn Construction COMpany lrork at HcJor.ald o Gifts and gatuities It was moved by Hz- o l'~er, seconded by Hro Pike,9 'that the practice of ecnd:ln& In"i tten notification to all suppl1ass reGarding gi.f'ts and reI'1C1"l.oorancaa for stafr end noard members be discontinued" Voting ayea Hessr90 ?aJ.rnar.., ?iko~ ~facRitch1e and ~·1iddaugho lJay~ none" JulY; and JeceJ'l1ber oayroll It W2S Move:! by 11r o H1ddm:.~ht' seccndod by !1r o l'alner,p that the 30ard estnb. 11sh a policy or a sinele payroll for the months of July and iJecembar, to be pa"Ld on a.bout the 15th of the month o Votinr, aye: Hessrs" Hirldaur,h, ?a1.'lHr p r1acRitchie and l'ike.. Nay!! none o New construction b1d~ It 'NBa moved by Hr Palmer, sacmJdod b'J ::11'. ?ike$) that the noard authorize the architect to inforrll Ho H.. RenoD Inco$ that their co~nter proposal is not acceptable to the Board and unless it is idthdra:wn~ the architect is ~lthor·> ized to consider the noxt lOi-l bidder" \'otinr; aye: Hcssrs ... ?almar, -"ike" !1r..cRitchie and Hiddaugh.. r:n~/J nor-eo I) New const.ruction bid~ .. ba31i!-bid It was r.'lOVed by :'fr o JlJ.ddaugh,:l seconded by :'-1r'o JacRitchieS) that the 130crd authorb:e tho arch! tect to negotiate 'With the low base bidders 'Wi th rel~:.u'"d to ( alternateo that will lower the base-bid cost o ;.r.l8o.rtitcm e g PaJ..m,ar a.nd i'like. Nay ~ none Voting aye: :;essrSl> ;1j.d:!aueh, CI ApDI"oval or ]ills and Pa;G'oll It 'Was ITlOV'ed by l1r o NacRitchie, seconded by !-fro ?alr1.er, to approve the bills and payroll as follows 2 $59 ~JS2007 Education Fund P~oU .. trov 0 15. 1962 23 D916 o S4 Education Fund ~ills a Novo 23,1962 416 0 26 Transportati~n Fund Payroll .... Novo ISs; 1962 428 0 27 Transportation F'1.md Bills Novo 23. 1962 101 485038 Gen o Bldg. F:md Billa .. Ncw o 23~ 1962 84 03 l1JF#7 3ille .. Novo 23 lJ 1962 . l'g960Cl90 1~FiJ9 Dills .. Novo 23 t 1962 m0Jd,13051 TotaJ. - Voting~: HessrB o HacRitchie~ Po1r.I.er, ?ike and ?tl.ddaugh.. Nay, nona o c> Q E:xecl!..tive session e Novo ~lt 1962 Middaugh~ seconded by I1ro Pike» that the Joard of I::duca... tion meet in executive sessi.on on llovember 261' 1962, at the Cook Avenue School at 8,00 pcJ!1., for the purpose of discussine the vacancy created by Roy Clark's resignation o Voting ~e: ;'~sar5" Z'1iddaueh, Pike, HacRitchie and Palmero ~ay I none 0 It was moved by Hr'., C. Adjou:rnI!1ent ... 10:10 p.rno It 'Was moved by :.11:'. HacR.itchie, seco::tded by I1r o :>iko to adjourn to l~ovemher 26, 1962.. At 10:10 poJTloI roll call was unanimous and the meeting was adjournsd o The Board rc:mned to discuss the disposition or the 0650,000 until needed fer construction pa:mentso III". Ka.c;son explained the savings and loan, bank and UoS o TreastIr"J notes" Additional matarinls rega...""d.ing 1r.tfestr~nts will be rne:le available to the Joard from the attan-.eyo An adjourned meeting of the Board of Education$! District 123, County Cook,\) IUe s. 'Will be held at 8:00 poIno, November 26, 1962$ at the Cook AVenue School g 9526 So Cook Avenuej) Oa.l( Lawn,p Ill o i~l:Jj~l~ ~':~".::; Bd. 'J ();;: ·.i 3. \.:~ ,~ ( ;'Ul w:i.jo;:rnoo r:Jt.;at:!.ng of the lom.'d Clf rducati6;.'1,? Di3~:::'i.:;t 123) C1Y.ir:ty C.x)k , ::J.U.n'Jia, 1mB ne1.d n.t 0 :00 r:;·!Jl.,,;) en !Jov"nber 2{;~ 196'2; at the Gc,nk i~'\T€;11~';'; 3c:hotJl.~ 9~;26 South Cook :lvol'~\~a;) Oak La.. .I r.? Illinois.·. Answerinr. roll t.::all ai; 8 tt},',) porno 'h'e-l'e tha fol1o;.ri,nr-; :-:ml1lbc:rs: ?lessr~() IhriSg r...o~r.ts, Eac'Ritehiaj;l 2'''l...lmer....Pika Elnd Yd.dd811gn" l-n-" i1~Json C2T'l'3 in. .at 8 :45p.;:j., It -,If:l!J !:\O"led b" !Ih'o lta.c..ttitcr..:i.e, ~condad by 1-1:"a ?ike, to adjourn. t(! exacu+.J.'\;c sasr-don for the ;JUI':Josa of discu9si-'l'lg tha 'VaoanCj CT-sE>ttoed by' tho r~a:~g~'Ulticn or ·tha ~~pcti.nt-1Jr.donto ,teting R;eturi.!.~2..t:e~ a~,...~: !~~:;:;roo Z·1~~:.:ecr.J-~p NSj'.J none., ?ikei> Ihrig, Lr;wi~D Pellner a.rc 11idde.Llgh.. session I t was moved by Hr" PF!.llrter~ aeconded by 7Yrc. HiddaugI~lJ to return to reguJ.r:rr session" Voting aye: Hessr5~ Falmer,lt !11.ddaagh, Dausonj) Ih-~g~ w.t11s$) r1adtit chi Q and ~..ke0 Nay:. none Cl MJoUt'~cel1t \. I t 'Was I11.OVod b'f 11:1:' ?ike:J seoonded b' - HI" Ihrig to adjourn to Docer.;.'b!:Jl> 7 ~ 1962~ at a:oo poo"l1". Roll call vote liaS u:nanir.1oua and the Meeting 'Wag s.d,... journed., (l Q An adjo1rrned roeti)'1~ ot the Joard of :d!lcation$ District 123» Cou.!lty Cook,? will be held at 8 :00 p...,m~1 Decemlx.~ 7. 1962, at the Cook Avenu;3 Sc..t.:ool~ 9526 3 0 Cook Avenue~ '1a1< La".m g Illinois", An adjourned l!teetini~ of the 30ard or Gdncation, Distr.ict 123, Count:r (:(')01-::, Il'!.in(')is, 'Was hold at 9:00 p.. m. s DecerlJOOr 7, 1962,\1 at the Cook Aven~e School, 9526 South Cf)ok Avenue, Oak Laim, Illinois o Ammering roll call at 8:06 porno were 'the followiru..: meMbers 1 Iff:ssrs o Lewis, .·laCR 1.'tchie, ?nlmer, i'ike and aiddaugh. l~.. Ihrig. ca."!18 in at 8: 15 polllo" ;'17:. ,~m;son at 9:05 9.::t. Also present•. Tca3rs. Clark" i-ic<hlf];tlI1, ~'1a.nn, :'!ro Cone, Bra. Schurke. Hr. :h1leacamp of IIliversal Harket Research was !lI"8aent to discuss the 'L'eachers' SalBr"J :TOf'I'8.'!t Questionnaire ~:J.rJrla1"Y'. Corresnondence Letter frCM Chief' L'lbhen, Hometown rire Jepart."1Cnt recardinr. a 'burn-down t of the HometOlm portables. ![orretolm Portables It 'Was I"1OVOO by :'!r. ?ike, seconded by ?fr. :iacRitchie, that 1£ this course is approved by the attorney, the insurance consultants, and the architect subject to ec.ono~, the Board approves the request; of .the Hometawn Fire Department as a publio service. Voting aye: ~1essrs. Pike, ~'lacRitchie, Lewis, Ihrig, ?aJ.o:Jer and ~'Iiddaugh. lJay, nonc. Aonroval of teacher contract ( It was Moved by Hr. Palmer, seconded by Hr. Lewis, to approve, on the recommndation or the admini5'tration, a contract ~or !~u~ena Lllis g '!3E de~, in the amount of ~37S0 rar the balance of the 1%2-1903 school ~rear. \ oUng fliYel i:essrs. Pa1r.ler, Lewis, IhriC, HacRitchie, IDe and l·tiddaush. I;q, nonoo Expulsion It was Moved by ~·ir. Pike, seconded by Hr. Po.lrner~ that 1''rank :n-itton be expelled frolll District 123 schools in a:cordancc "In th the reconmendation of' the administration based on a doscription in the m'itten case study.. Yoti.nr. ~rel :lessrs .. Pike .. Pal."lOT, Ihrig, J.,c,.;ris, >!acnitchie and !~ddaugh.. Nay, none. A'Wardinc of contract « New school building ... l05tJi 'k Koibmar It was Moved by :'!r. Lewis, seconded by Hr. ?ike, to award contracts to ?resbitero and Sons for construction of a 00'" school huilding at 105th Stroot t'.e AolJ11ar at the cost indicated on analysis coat, presented b'J the architect dated Decemer 7.. 1962, and revised by the Board of' Education, as follows I General Contract - Presbitero flo Sons - $197,869. 70 0 (Tch.. To P,oom) + Heat fl. \. p.rrtiletion- I{oran Blurnbinr. .. R. Co hruso Electrical ." American Electric.... ~i97199l .39,0 2l,2Rl + 285.. (Tch o ~ ,:U.. T~non) (U) () Voting ayes :1ensrs. Lewis, Pike, DlIWSon, Ihrie, HadRitchie, PalMer and Hiddnugh o Hay-II 001"..00 'JJ;.J •• ;J '/r:·-7"'l'I' .s;.~ , ...'11·, ADJ "''\:,T:-'~''''T'I ( Awardi.rlg or 7, 1962 - 2 .. il, 1""'~ '''''''P:~f:-r:u .... 1..;t!\. eo contract - Covington School addition It was MOVed by llr o HacRitchie, seconded by 111'. Pa1JrJer" 'to award contracts to H. ',:. Reno~ Inco, for construction at CO'IiJ1Cton SChool at the cost indicated on analysis cost, presented by the architect dated ~el"Iber 7, 1962 ~ revised by the 30ard o£ Education as 1"oUowua General Contract HeatiXlg - H. \Y. Reno, Inc. !1aran, Inc. .?lumbing - H.. C. Crrruso f.lectrical - A:nerican • $ 126,03.3 - + .33,620 1L5. 14,328 (re-calibration) 1:L,79lt- i~lectric Gl/) .300 Voting ayes :!cosrs" Ha.clltc.'li.e, P3lne1", Dawson, Ihrig, I..ewis, .?ike and IfL:idaugho Hn:!, noIlO o ReJect bids tor HOJ'lleWwn ld.nd~sarten addition It vas moved by Hr. 11:.ttldaugh, seqonc1ed by' !b:'. 11acRitebie, to reject all bids on the Uometawn kindergarten addition and d1rect the arclrl.tect to revise the cJrawines, maintaining the same design, provide new specifications and make it available for n"'U bids. Voting aye: :·Tos:Jr:J. alddaugh, :·fac!litch!e, Dawson, Ihrig, I.ewis, P~r and ?ike. }lay, none. ( Exec'.rt.ive session It 'Was moved by Hr. Palnar" seconded by !ofr o ?ike, to adjol~n to E'.xecutive session to review the 91L"'1JI!arY report or the 'l'eac!'lers' Z'>alar;r :TOr:ram questionnaire. Voting ayes :1cssrs. ?alrr2er, Pike, Dawson, Ihrir.. l..cwis, :facRitchie and ;'l1ddaueh. Nay. none co r;.eturn to recular session It was MOVed by Mr. ?ike, seconded bJ" lira UacRitch1e, to return to reGUlar Bession o Voting ayes and Hidda'.1sh.. l~ay, ~bssrso Pika, :'lacHitch!a. Dawson. Ihrig, Lewis, Pa1.IrIer none. Ad,1ournment , It was J'!1oved by :-lr. :-1i.ldaUGh, Bocondcd by Hr. ?alMer. to adjourn to Jecenber 14, 1%2, at 8:00 paM o P.oll co11 vote 'Was unani~ousttntl the w:etin;; 'Has adjourned. 1ln adjourood mcctin;~ of the ,.-card or r bcation, lJistrict 123, COlmty ~ook, Illinois" Hill be held at 0:00 pon o , December 11, 1962, at t:10 Cook Avenue School, f/S26 South Cook Avcnae. '10k Lam, Illinois. APPEND TO ~'lINUTES OF iJECE>lBER 7$1 1962 con COPY COPY DECEMBER 7~ 1962 RE a Oak Lawn-Hometown District 12) CONE AND D<RNBUSCHjI ARCHITECTS COlIIDTON SCHOOL General. Contract .... (Ho Wo Reno~ Inco) Base Bid Credits. 1. 20 3~ 4. Qld.t 2 sk;ydomes Omit]. Teachers WashrM o Sand under slab in lieu of grav~lo Omit 3 new entrances in 8308 old~o 2,161 203 laO Total credits: ...::;,,3,~.09---2 Total contract r ~~' 1; 126.·~)3 .~ Heating - (Fo Eo. l4Oran, Inc.) Base Bid ';' Credits ( 1. ~p~ in lieu o.f Kewanee boiler. &2,«>.20 20 Carnes roof exhausters in 12) lieu 01: I1g 30 Aurora pumps in lieu of Bell & Gossett 100 40 Recondition:tng &: reuse of 4" 3.\=1f8Y valve Omi:t repaJibration ~ce .'0. 180 116 Total credits 1. Total contract I- ...,;;;o2i~.;~70 33,,~20 ****'l$ It" at-* ... Pl~ CD (Ro Co Caruso) Base Bid Credits Omit 1 teachers toilet $ 28$ Q1rl.t 1 drinld.ng r ountain 172 10 2 Q Total. credits:~ Total contract: . ~ Electrical .... (American Electric) Base Bid Credita (Adjustment 1:t 2 school contra.ct Total contract: =¥...4 14p 328 APPEND TO MI NOTES OF DECE11BER 7;) 196 2 COpy ( COPY COPY DIDElmEa 7S) 1962 REf Oak Lawn-Hometown Distrio1i 12,3 CONE AND DORNBUSCH ~ ARCHITECTS NEW ElEMENTARY General Contract - (Presbitero & Sons) Base Bid Credits: 10 Om:lt exterior signs 20 Face brick in lieu or block ,30 OIII1t 1 teachers toilet ~ 40 Reduce length of wall oabo Total .....3~9i,;;,,6,;;;;.~ credits:~ Total contracts: 191,869 ********** Heating and Ventilating ... (Moran) bl,2'7S Base Bid ( Credits: 10 Thermopak in lieu of specified boiler 29 Carnes roof' exhausters in lieu of Ilg 30 Tutle & Bailey grills in lieu of Titus 40 Aurora Pumps in lieu or Bell & Gossett Total credits: Total Contract: 1 9 880 2hl h8 ,0 29129 )9g0'T6 ********* Plumbing ... (Ro Co Caruso) Base Bid Credits: 1 0 Omit 1 teachers toilet Total contraat ~ Electrioal - (Ar.1erican Electric) Base Bid Credits: Total contract 21,p;66 285 21,9281 A."1 adjourned rweting of the iJonrd or ::d~lcation~ j)istrict 123.0 Connty Cook» Illinois lI '\:ISS held at 8:00 p .. rno,ll :iJece!'1ber 14, 1962,9 at the Cook Avenue Schocl;1 9526 South Cook Avenue~ Oak La:wn~ Illinols o Answering roll call at 8:05 p"mo were the follawil1R Members: :'YessrSo Ihrig g Lewis, ilacRitchia, Pike and Hiddauy)lo Absent" Ueasrs .. Dawson and Palmero Also present, Hessrs .. C1ark!1 HcG'lgan, i1ann, >lrso Schurke and interested residents or' the district o Secretary pro-tam It was moved by.l·h· o Ihrig, seconded by Hr .. Lewis, to appoint Hro jiac.ttitchie 8.9 secretarj"- pro-tern in the absence or Nr .. Palmero Voting aye: :iessrso IhriCp Lewis, r'lacRi'tchie.o Pike and ~1iddaugho lJay I none 0 !-f>f?,roval of ITIinutas ... llover:t'ber 16, 1962 It was MOVed b.'f !1r o HacRitchie,9 seconded by :fr. Lewis, to approve the minutes of l'1oveDtoor 16 11 1962 as written.. Voting aye: Iiessrso ;.JacRitch1e, Lowis g Ihrig, Pike am Hidctaugh o Uay, none" Approval or JIli.nute~ .. l:ovemb<:r 23, 1962 It vas MOVed by Hro E::fr.e, seconded bY' !1['0 !1.a.cRitchie" to approve the minutes or November 23, 1962 as 'Wl"itten. Votine ~I IIesarso Pike, HaclUtchie~ Ihrilb Lewis and ai.ddaur,h. Nay, nom o Approval of rdnutes ._. I';ovem'ber ~, 1962 I t was moved by Hr 0 Lewis JI seconded by Hr. Pike, to tl:'?pI'ove the Ildnutos or liovember 26, 1962 as 'Written o Voting aye: Hessrs. Lems, Pike, Ihrig" 11aeRitchie and HiddaUf,h.. Na~/, nOMo AWl1·oval ,of minutes - December 7, 1962 It was r:taV'ed by Mr.. Joft.ddaugh, sccomed ~J !-fro Ihrig. to approve the minutes or December 7 1 1962, subject to tho addition or the architect's analysis dated December 7, 1962 as an appendage to these minutes, with a COI'l"ection on the new builclinr; electrical corrtrac1i from t-23,,498 to S23 DOOO1, and a correction in the electrical contract for Covington School from $21»784 to f>21,300o Voting aya: Hassrso ~:iddal.lgh, Approval of bills and Ihrig, Lewis, l1acRitc.\-Q.s and Pikeo Nay J none. payroD: It was MOVed b;'r Hr. Ihrig, seconded by Hr" HacRitchie, to p~ the bills and payroll as follows: 11 "4 BS5- b3 ~ ~ Education Furxl Payroll - lIov o )0 arx1 Deco 15 p 1962 17,029093 Education I'und 'lills, Deco 14, 1962 1.t.1426,,22 Transportation Fund l'8JTollll Novo 30 and Deco 15, 1962 1 9 uJ6oUl Transportation Fund :1i115, ~co 14, 1962 25, '3( 9 0 91 General ;)n11dinr, I:'und !3111u, Deco 14.11 1962 1 9 817,,3J I:n F:md :31118, l!ov" and Deco 1962 1 9 599,,80 I: ... CoF" fr~ 1~:L~2" 7,6 ~: ,,(: of'. "10 ~o31= Total;J nl1 oxpendit'lI'oS J.-.'IJ/ o·'l¥',9Y Voting on the motion to approve the bills and payro1l3 aye: MacRi tchie,g le'wis 3 PikQ and Hirldaueh" IJa;,r:t none 1I .Audit - :'lea~rso Ihrl.v.s 1961-1962 It was mvod by Hr .. Ihri bS seconded b? l·1r o PikeJ) to accept the 19£,1",,1962 ,audit of Board of fducation s District 123 accounts as submitted by Brnst and Ernst on DeCeJllber 2; 19t2o Voting ,va: Hessrs" Ihrigp P:iJp33 ~..ac.i1itch.ie~ =I1ddaugh0 Nay, noneo Park District - Board of ::.'d11cation agreeMent It was rKWed by Hr o Hiddaugh.ll seconded by'Mro HacRitchie g that the Joard or Edllcation advise the director of the Park District ;->roeram by letter concernin~ the <Ji.fficll1t.ies encountered with the administration of the present pro~am and request or the director a meetine with him and the Buperintendent tomso1ve these problems.. Voting aye: Messrso Hlddaughp MacRitchis g Ihrig and Piko o N~1I nOMo p~on School - entrance doors and win10w wrl.tB seconded by Ur.. l'.acHitchic ll to accept the recOl'!\o» mendation of the sdrn:1n1stration and accept the low bid of Reno Construction,9 meeting specifications as advertised by Cone and Jornbusch, for three sets of' alUM1nWll doors to be installed at Cavinrton School in the amount of 82,1£1000, and, to accept the low bid of Reno Construction, l'IlCeting specifications as advertised b;r Cone and Dornbusch, for fourteen 'Window units to be installed at Covington SChool in the SI!lOWlt of S8~952eOOo Voting ~I H.essrso Ihrig, HaeRitehie, Pike and ?!l<ldsllgh o Na;,y, noneo I t was JT10Ved by aX'o Ihrir" AdjournMent - 11:10 porno It was moved by Nro Ihrig, seconded by rh'oo MacRi tchie, to adjoU1"no 11:10 porne, roll call was unani.mus and the meetil'lf. was adjourned o At The rcr.ular r.1ectinr. of the Board or :'·ducationg District 123, Count:r Cookjf Illinois lI will be held at 8 sOO pomo, Decer.iber 28 g 1962,. at the Cook Avenue School~ 9.526 South Cook Avenue, Oak Lawn, Illinois o Approved as written - 1-25~63 The regular neetinr, of the BOS1"d at Education~ District 12), County Cook~ Illino1:s, vas held at 8;00 p"Il1o J December 28, 1)62, at the Cook Avanue School, 9S26 So:.Ith Cook Avenue, Oak Lawn, Illlnoiso lor lack or a quormn~ it was moVed by I!r o PaJJner, seconded by Hr. MiddaUgh to adjOtll"D to January 4, 1963. An adjourned meeting or the Board of EdUcation, District 123,. coUnty Cook, I~ will bo hald at 8:00 p.rno , January 4, 1963, at tho Cook Avenue School, 9,26 So Cook Avenue, Oak Lmm, ~U. Approved by the Bd D of Ed o , as written- 1-25-63 MINf1!'ES CF THE ADJ~tnNED 1f::'mlIG, JANUJ\RY or the Board held at 8:00 p.tlo. JQl'1uar:r 4, Cook Avenue, Oak Lmm, Illinois o An adjourned Meeting 1184 or h, 1963 Education. District 123, County Cook, Illo 1963, at the Cook Avenue School, 9,26 South A.n:nIer1nr. roll cal at 8110 po1'l1o were the fnllowing members: J·foS8rS It Dawson; Ihrig. Lewis, Mac.:.titchie, 1'a1ll1er,. Pike and Middaugh. Also present, lteam'so Clark, t·td:iugan, Hann~ Cone, JO.ein, Mrs. SChurke and interested residents of' the district 0 porrespondence I Letter trom the Connittee on Tax Objeotions regarding Board participation Letter f'r0Jll E¢ward Te::a:ml, President of Oak Lawn Park Bom-d Park District...Board of Education agreement It was moved by ltr o DaNSon, seconded by Ml'o HaoRitchie, that a letter be sent to the president or the Park Board stating what actua.1ly happened at the DoceJl1ber 14, 1962 meetinr, and the spirit in which it happened and suppl.yine information that this was not a news-release, and, stating that the Board feels that a sp1r1t or cooperation between the Park District and the 8cllool board has nat dirdn1shed. I.f the Park Board still wishes a Jl\eetine to be held, the I.3oard or Education \lill Met at the Park I30erd fS convenience o Voting aye I r.essrso Dawson, IofacRito:d.e, Ihrig, Lewis, ?a.J.mer, Piko and lt1.ddaugh o Nq, nomo s rrr"·.,...... .'!.l.JHJ.I..?:. fJF ~l"" Au """'J"' " .. D .t:• '-- "'-'"G ,.L.Il:' '.; i,c!.,'. .I. ..L1. f i J~"J~PY .'<.:.., f,;;.. 4!J 1'-":"3 7V SuPfJrlntend.ent ':3 reJ?<?rf: loiro Clark introduced Hrso Arlene I.a.ird, a. District 123 kindergarten teacher" ;-11"so Laird spoke brietly regardin;; the Jistrict I s kinciergarten pror.raro and the Kindergarten Curriculum Guide 'Which is in use in the District o .The superintendent presented a revision for section lV of the proposed policy JlW1Ualo The Board eched'..lled Friday. FebruBl"J 1 to beein revisions and adoption or the proposed r.umual" 30arrl mel'l'lbers are invited to subM:tt corrections and changes before January 2; for typing and distribution prior to the February 1 metingo l-!ro Clark announced that a new co-operative fetr speciaJ. education was being considered between elementarY' ani hiGh schools in the irned1ate area., The DoSl"d was invited to send a representative to the meetinr: to be held on Jarr..tary 22 at 61)0 pamo, at the ()ak Lmm High School., I~o Ihrig and }Iro M: 'cGugan will attend the Jneeting for District 1230 Ceramic tile alternate - new elementary school On the recommendation of the architect, it was moved b'J !-fro Da:wson g seconded by Hro Levis, that the Board of ~ducation accept the a1ternate in tho amount of $850 0 00 for the installation of' eeramia tUe in the corridors of the new elementary school o Voting ayes :.fessrso Dawson. Lewis, Ihrig, MacR1tchie g Pal..roor" Pike and r'fiddaugh., Nay, none 0 Brick selection .. new elementary school It was Jl10Ved by aro Palmer, seconded by Zofro Pike" that the Board accept the reoOllJ'1endation or- the arohitect and select Tile Cratt Carpo "Ebony Velours Blend" birck for the new eleIl1entary schoolo Voting aye I Ilessrso PaJ.ner, P:1ke JJ Da:wson, Ihrig. L€Wis,9 lIsc.ilitchie am} rtl.ddaugh. l;sy" noneo Lockers - new elementary e.n:l Covington addition On the recor.tr.\endation of the architect anet the attornay" it 'Was moved by nro Dawson, seconded by l!r o Lewis, to authorize the ,resident and secretary to sign contracts authorizing All-steel Equipro1ent, Inc o " to install and fur.. nish steel lockers in accordance 'With spec1£ications dated October 29, 1962" at CC1lTin~n School at a cos1; of ~2,050000" mJd at the new elell1Cntary school at. a cost of $1,03>04.3. Voting aye. :'ieSBrSo Dawson, Lewis, Ihrir., Hacfi.itehie,p ?almer, Pike and H1ddm.tgh o Uay, none o folding at~e .. nell elo1'rlentary school On the recommendation of the arcbi teet and the attorne~', it was MOVod by i.fr o Lewis. seconded by :11:-0 PalMer, to authorize the !Jl"esident ani 13ecretary to sign contract 8uthorlzine I. Po RieGer Coo, to furnish and install Schieber foldine stage con.sistin~ of two units (one 8' wide,\) one 10' wide), JOlt high, am two portable steps per specification dated October 29 g 1962, at the new elementary school at a cost of !~lJl509000o Voting eyez !1essrso Lewis. ?a1Jne:r g Dawson ll Ihrig, HacRitc.ldeJj Pike and 11i<ldaueho Uay.ll none o Contracts ... OOli (Ilenentary school and Covington addition On the recomMendation of the attorney, it 'Was moved by Mr c I.ewis lI seconded by 1ft" Ha.cRitchie ~ to authorize the president and secretary to sign the following contracts on behaJ.£ or the Board of Education District 12): G New elementary school Cayington add1tion Presb1tero & Sons $ 197,939000 F. f.. l1oran, Inc J9 g 0"76000 RoC o Caruso Coo 2l:S66 000 Iuoorican Elec o Consto Coo 23,000000 Ho vI o Reno Coo, Inco F E. Horan, Inco I) I) :t o Co Caruso Coo An1er1can 'Sleco Const .. Coo Voting aye: Haserso Lewis"" UacRitchie, Dawson, Ihrig, Palr.1er g Pike and 1-!iddaugh o llay, nOM o Chama orders • Covington addition It was moved by Mr. HacRitchie, seconded by Ur o Pike, to accept the recommendation or the architect as follows: a o Eliminate the concrete in the court area b. Install fire doors, based on cost subm1.tted by Ho \'0 aeno (also see letter frcn Do E. Chapnan, 0 0 L. building conrrd.ssioner, dated 12-28-62) 10 Door from teachers' rOOll1 to carridat' /Ill Change from C-l with w.tre glass transOll1 to a "C n label, fiush hollow metal door ani trams with closer 0 <bit transan and carry wood paneling and =asonry across door head. 20 Provide "Cit label, flush hollow metal door and f'raroo with closer fram passage III to basemnt stairway in lie\.:. or re.movinr; existing door as shown on the drs:wingso 3ft Provide wire glass in the exLsting doors and transom reviaine stops as required, in the coITidor north of the extating lobby" 40 Floor storage #3 Voting aye. rtessrso :1a.cRitchie, Pike, Daw3on, Ihrig, Lc'lds, Palmer ani :11dd'"!ugh o Nay, noneo Joint Service Program ... Tax Objection Com.rdttee It was J:'1oved by 'Hro Pfr..e, seconded by 11r o 11acRitchie, to authorize expenditure of $187oS0 in account with the Joint Service l"rocrmn os a proportionate contribution far Meeti~ ~nciil1r. rail roed objections to their property MSeSBr.2ents for tax purposeso Voting aye. l1essrso Pike, HacRitchie p Dawnon, Ihrig» Pa.l1ncr, Lewis and Hiddaugho Nsyg none o Msosmnenta and street dedications It was r.1OVed by Mr o Ihrig.!' seconded by Mr", Lewis, that the question or assess... ments and street dedication be detel"1"'6d until the ne:di regular meeting at whioh tiMe the Joard may expect the attorney to be present to report on the ~og:rEl5S or asse~nts and related i88U880 Voting ~ei Itesm-so l~itchiQ, .?nl.r1er D Pike and t1iddaugho 1{1'l".r, noneo Ihrig, Levis, Dawson~ Resolution ... investment of funds It vas noved by I·fro Palmer, seconded by j·!r o Lewia, to adopt a resolution pro~7,000 in. Uo So Discount B1lls~ which resolution appears at the end of the Dt1.nutea of this metingo Voting ~t licasrso .?a1rler, Lewis, Jawson, Ihrig, UacRitchie, ?1ke and Zt1.ddaugh.. Nay, nona/) vidinr: far the investment of Act1n£j super;tn~,nde~ - D.. Ao !·1c(jugan It 'tI8.8 moved by 111"0 Uiddaueh, seconded by !-!r o ~8 that Douglas A" HcQugan be appointed actine S'.1perintendem. erfective January lS, 196.3, at. the saMe salary he is rresently receivingo VotiJ1{; aye. ~iessrso Middaugh, Ihrig, Dsw~ Lewis, HacRitchio# Palmer and?ike o llq, none. 9orn.-dttee ... to recoJ'!1,"l9nd name tor new elementary school The president appointed a comm1ttee (J.fessrso Lewis, Pike and Pa1.Dl.cr) to ecreen Si.lC&~ostions and present a recommendation to the l3oa.'rd tar l1aI'II1ng the new elenentary school.. carin1t1iee of the whol~ - superintendent vacancy It was moved by I>f!:'o Ihrig, seconded by l1ro MacRitchie, that the Board meet; as a cor.uu1ttee of the whole on January 11, 19631l at 8100 p..mo to determine procedures and time table far intarview1nG applicants tor super1ntendant o Voting aye. r~DsrS$ Ihrig, Ha.cR1tchia, Dawson, Lewis, Palmer, ?ike and Middaugh o U~v, noneo Reception The president announced tha.t a reception in honor or Superintendent Roy Clark 'Will be held frOf.l .3 pone to S p.~. on s~, Jano 6, at Gaddis Schoolo Residents or the District are 1m!tedo AdjournMent - 11:10 p"no It was ttovod b"J J1r o Ihrig, seconded b"J Hro !lawson to adjourn.. roll call was un9l'li.moU3 and the meetine was adjOl.U'nedo At ll.lO PoDlo The regular Meoti~ or the !3oard of :~ducation.. ~)1striet 123, County Cook, Ill", 'Will be held at 8:00 tJol':10 1 JanuUI"'J 2!:i, 190.39 at the Cook Avenue School, 9$2t South Cook Aven:.ts, Oak La'W11, I111nois o Approved by Board ox Education as written-2-8-63 The regular neati~ of the Board of Education, District 123, COlm1;y Cook. Ill., was held at. 8,00 p.m.-, Janu~r 25. 1963, at the Cook Avenue School.. 9S26 So1lth Cook Avenue, Oak Lawn, Illinois. .. Answer1nf. roll call at 8102 p.m. 'Ware the f'01l0'Wing !Wllbers: ":iessrso Lewis, ~4aeR1tch1elJ Pal.mcr and P1.ke. }~. Ihrig cmno in at ~r05 p.m., }h-o Dawson at }h-. I-t1ddaugh was absent. Also present: lteSSI"S. ZicO'JgGn and 11ann, Schurke and interested residents of the d.1str1ct. 9107 p.r.t.. rn. President pro-tem It was J'IlOV'ed by 111'. Lewis, seconded by l·fr'. llac:R1tcbie, to appOint Hr. :'ike as president pro-tea in the absence or Hr. ;·f1ddaugh. Voting~: :teaS1"s. Lowis, !2cRitehie, Palner and ;'1ke. l1ay, none. ApprOVal or ninutos - Adjourned zneetin.1. Dec. 14p 1962 It \laB l!2OVOO by Hr. Lew1s, seconded by !fr. :1aoRi:t,C1'd.8, to approve the Minutes of December 11., 1902 as written. \"oting qat l1essra. Lewis, t-tacRitchie• .?alnor and Pike. Im:r, none. japprO'laJ. o£ mil'11.\'be8 - Regular meeting, December 28, 1S62 It was r.tOV'od by %lr. HacRiteh1e, secOtlded bY' 1'.1%". Levis, to apFOV'e the rd.n!1tea or Decenber 28, 1962 as written. Voting 1q8: !fessra. MacRitchie, Low1a, Ib:r1g. 2almer and ?ike lit nay, none 0 Aperoval ot r.21nutes - Adjourned Illeeting" Jan. h, 1963 It was moved by Mr. Ih:r1g, seconded by Jir. Paoor, to approve the Illinutes or January h, 1963 as written. Voting aye: :108sr8. Ihrig, Pa.lner, Lewis, HneRitchie, and .?ike. Nay, none., . Corresoondence Letter f'rOlit the A."'!iCrican }'ede1"a1iion ot Teachers subr.dtting S'Jgf:estims to be considered tor the proposed board policy r.umual. Su~ntend6ntts re~ Mr:trugan reported tha:t. he had ~t with Hr. Tonnel and Hr. llebel or the Park District and reports that a meetiDf, or the board will not be noeded to solve schedu11Db and adJrd.nistrative problGr.1S. Mr. ¥d}ugan announced that a meetinc had been set with Ur. ZSjack, diraator of' the Park District programil A French workshop will be scheduled far :Jistrict l23 and Hill bo open to all teachers wo are interested in the foreign languaee prOC,rI3l:1. lh- o t·1dhcan invited Mr. IIs.nn to repOrt on the bu1Jdj ng PI"Of:r'a.r.t. . 'rOr.;ress of' the conatrJction program has been impeded although Il'IOSt of the f'ootines vere put in bef'ore the tet1pQ1"ature rel1 below zero. Traffic aatety - letter to the \:'1.11aee of Oak Lmm It vas r:1OVed b:r IT. Ihrig, seconded b:1 Hr. Lewis, to approve the sU'~sted letter reque::ltinc the \TiJ.J.ace or Oak Lmm to assist in !Jolving the traffic problem. \'oting ayes :fe:1srs. Ihrig, Lewis, l"'.acRitchie, Pll1r.ler and :'1ke. tlay'. none 0 'rr"'V'l'~'" ; .._l'. I .....) (' ..". ,...·r· 1" .. : ••• :1~"'."; II') l •..A.I 'J.Jool\..l. ''''-''''''-1'''' ~ .• , • .1. .\1". J~~'I""/ JU . . . U~ .. ">r' t:'.:,), lAt.) :"'1;} - 2 - S1cction ... April 13, 1963 MOVed by ;·fr. Ihrig, s8cODded by l~. Levis, that the socretar"J be directed to prepa:ro tar the school 'board e1ect1cm to be' held A;r11 1.3, 1963. Voting aye. :Jossrso 1.'hrig, Lewis, Hacr11tchie, Pal.mer and ;'1kc. l14y-, none. It was Cert.1.1"1cate or valuation • Cook Avenue SChool It vas mved by Hr. Ibr1g, seconded 'b1 Ur. HscP..1tcbie, that t.'lC appraisal. dated January h, 1963 be :N.1ecI tor Muzoe 1'e.terenee. vo~ ayea l~esars. Ihr1g, :1acf.:ttch1e. Lewis, Pal.aIJr and. ~'1ke. llay, J'ICIJIeo A!!!!8t!I8stes The Board autharized the admln1stra:M.on to l'1eet nth the attorney to continue tho stud.v of' asoossnente, and to Jroep the Board 1nfQl."l:Jl!d. of the progress of this stud1. Re!1fmations ~ the reoonJllendat1on or tho sdm1n.18trat10l1, it was moved by Ifro Hadtitchie, lleooJ1ded 1);/ }!r. i'a1mc1", to accept the resignation or tho tollow1nr, teachers. :-frs. llancy Debow, effective Jarr.lC'Y 15, 1963 - :·t's. Sylv\..a !·re1kers and r·fr'so AnD Roa&'Clon" etfective JlUlWfl'iI 31, 196) • In. ?atric1a !fcCoy, effective Februar/ 28, 196). Vot1Jtr.., ?-108:J1'8. Hacnitchie, Pa1.ner, Lewis, Ihr1g and Pike. }!ay, DODO. Apprcmal of ~acta c:a the recOIl'IJlIOndation ·at the adI:d.n1atr8tlcn. it vas ncwed 'tv Mr. l'aJJtm-, eecondcd by Mt'o Low18, to ~ ~ contracts tor the tollow1tlr, teachers. In. Dorothy Halbezog, :93, S48~ (pl'o-rated) • M1ss Uary,aret Hecran,' r3i. :~~SOO (pro-rated) - Itl8s Judith neaenbcrg, DA~ :sqsoo (pro-ratod), and 1~80 HeUie 5hut"'Y, DA. !\hOS1 (adjusted). Vot1J2g ~a 1!osara. ?a1mer'p Lewis. Ihrig, :-YaCJ;11tcbie, and?ike" Ita.?, nono. Title III - french ?rogr8ll1 It vas novod by- Hr. ?ike, secon:led b1 Hr. Pnlner. to I pprovo, on the recom1Qend.at1on or th~ &drdn19trat1on. tho application tor Title III. French Pror;r8ll1 in the azn.ount or ~9.8$. Vot1n~ 8;101 :~S81"8. P::lke, l'a.'l.mer, Ihrig, Lovia and :iaaRitehie. lla.;r, noneo It. vas moved by lfr o Ihrit:. occondcd b;:' Hr. Lewis, that tho 100rd schedule the tollowinc meot1nrsl Februa:r:r 1 • Toachers' 3u:rry ,'roW4lll B .. Honetmm School plans 22 - Feeller meting :fB:rch Voting aye I tray, nOMo ~!cmn·s 0 15 - Board Policy Manual Ihrig, Levis, DaJd:3on, l!a.c?1tchie. Pa:lnor ann ?ike. ,I Superintendent Vacancy It was 1'I3OV8c1 by Ur. UacRitchie, seconded by Mr. Lewis" to authorize the seeretal7 to procoed 1d.th the ar:rancenents tar ~g candidata4 far the superi.nterdant vacancy. ?alae~ aut :JSJce. ~ Ns;r~ Voting ayet I·rasars. Mad'..iteh1e. Lew1.s.. ~OD, IhriC, none. hicb 8Chool speg181 educatica. i!'9fiE- Mr. Ihr1g reported em tho J8lJU1Ifl7 22, 1963 e1slent817-bir,b school co-operative pr06l'- meoting which be attel2ded nth lr. l%4lugaa at oak Lawn C01ll'lUDity' High SChool. Spec1a1 education Board aer:Ibera fer AppEO'ra1 of J?il1! stwt;. ~ vUl be duplicated and aul:l'd.t.ted to and Rm'ol1 It vas J!IOvect b~, Hl'. HacR1teh1e, secmxled 'b¥ pa.yroU as l1f1te4a ( l~. Ibr1I. to 1'81' the b111s ani F,ducat.1on Fund PlO1"oU - Jan. 1$, 1963 8 6O~h.70 Education Fund bills - Jan. 25. 1963 U.,831oJ&3 Tr~ Fund billa - Jan. 2S, 1963 3164.33 General 3ui]d~Dg Pund bUls - Jan. :S, 1963 6,912.3.6 lx:F1lO b1Ua • Jan. 25, 1963 ~~ Total, all expenditures ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Voting Nay, .z none. J!eSat'fl. lSacR1tcbie, Ibr18, DaMson, Le'id.a. Pa1nmt and ?1ke. ~ourDlDl9Mi It vu ra.oved by 121". Ihrig, seconded by llr. l-1acR1tch1e, to adjourn to Feb. 1, 1963. RoU call vote vas unanitaous 8J1d the JlI8etlnc vae adjourned at 10,00 pili An adjourned JD8et1Dc or tho Doard of Education, ~ct l23 C1Dok COllmq, Ill1no1s, \1111 be held D:t. 8.00 p.m., Fe'brua17 1, 1963. at t.he Cook .11.V8Jl'l.1D School, 9Sas South Cook 'venue, Oak Lawn, Illlaols. Approved b:, Bd .. of Ed .. -2-8-, " An adjourned mectil1(J of the Board or Education. District '123,9 County Cook~ Ill.. was hold at 8:00 p.mo, February 1, 1963, at the Cook Avenue School, 9$26 South Cook Avenuejt Oak Law) Illlnoisa .. A.nsweri.ncr roll call at 8:OS pol'l1o were the :f'oUowing rnembersr :.'feaSTso Ihr1gll Lew1a, :,facR1tchie. i.'a.lmer and 11.i.ddaug~. Ur o ?1ke came in at BrlO and Mr o Jatlson at 9:1Op.I:1 o Also present, :-Iessrs. l-!cGupn» l-lann, l11"e. Schurke and interested residents of the district o Correspoffience p.~J Clark expressing appreciation far the recep.tion held on January 6, 1963 on behaJ..t or Ur. Clarko, . A thank you note from Urs e if., Lotter frOl!1 Hr o Fa:x:warth, S..s'.N. E. regard:1.Dg oustodial wagca and benefits o Tbe letter was referred to tho arlll'd mstration to be considered at the t1t1G salaries far the custodial statf are discussedo .'t., Letter frCfll1 lttss I. Reed an:l llrs o It. Fishback, AoF requestinG approval to present a proposed teachers' salary plan tar 1963-196u. Superintement t s repoct l-Jr.. HcGugan announcod notice of public hea:zo1J3t to be held on February 6, 1963, 7130 p.m., in the oak Lawn Vi1.J.llbe Han regarding a zoninr. ord1ne.nce to permit the construction of a MObile hOr.1es park in the vici.ntty or 9lst street between Keating and KUpatrieko A new BC1ence workshop is scheduled to be held in District 123. sponsored by lIDSA. ZOmne It was lllOVed by Mr o Ihrig, seconded by ITo ?ah1er, to authorize" on beha1t or f;he Board or Education. the superintendent ard/or the attorney to ntend and pl"escnt a letter of objection to the change in the zol'J1ng at the public meeting to be held on Feb. 6, 1963, at the nak Lawn Village Hall. Voting ayel Ilessrs o Ihrig, ?alner. lewis, MacRitchie. Pike and Hiddaugh o N~, noooo pR,2eial education co-ooerative erop;r8l'1 It was l'lOVed by Hr .. ?1.ke, seconded by l~o HacRitchio, that the Board indicate ian interest in the high schoo1-elernentary planned co-opcrative for special educationjJ and request that it be kept; inf'ormed or its pr0h1'esso Voting aye: ·'~ssr3 .. Pike, HacRitchie, Ihrig. Le1ds., i?alMer and Hiddaugh. l:,v, nonc. Proposed Teachers' Salary ?rOgrM - special education personnel It was moved by 1-!r o Ihrig, secondad by l~. Pike, that the coOOitions surrounding special education personnel be continued as a part or the salary schedule o Vot1rJc aye: !1esm"so D1r1g, Pike" Lelds and lIiddaueh. Nay, Hessrs. Da:wson, UacRitchie p..nd Palmero The notion carried. " :.JINlms 01' Tm~ ADJ.1UHE1ID H!:::TIlll, FEB~UARY 1 .. 1963 - 2 - jgJourJ1IlIent to It. was .:wed by 1.Jr. Pike, seconded by J·fr. Ihrig" to adjOl11:D Fe'bru8ry 8, 196.3. At 10:30 P.Jll. 1.UW1i!lloU8 and the II1Mting ~ "CU1"D8Cl ron can vote 1IU ad.1ournedo An JllBetinr. or the lJoard at !Ahcation, District l23. C~Y' Cook, Ill1JlO1s, vUl be held at BaOO p.m., Febru8l7 8, 1963. at the Cook Avenue School, 9S~ South Cook Avenue, Oak Lavn, IlJ.1no.1.s. ... / .- I " ,x_",~i1O /IJ1 adjo'lrr..cd ::-:eeti,::' (' :lc.:r;."d of ....:J-.:cation, Jistrict 123, Jo:mt;.r Illinois, ~'.:as held ::c, ;~ :,cO ;J.pr"J lI 1J r'cIT-i'aor:r .3, 9526 30:.tth Cook t~w:r::j(~.1t Oni: V~1-m, Illinois 1963~ at the Cook ·:~u;;::=. J\.venl1(~ .'·~cl1o::1,:.. G :\nS1Jerinr roll call i;.t :h03 ;'),,:it> 'Here the i'1111cr.d.n:· nnl'lb(~rs:·;as::rr:.:., l.£mis~ i~c:titchio, ;la].:1£'r:,.'ike a"1d' .:.idrJll:\(:h o Ihrir, carn in at f3:50 ;J.n.. ;!) ~,;rc; :'mlson cane in at (}:o;; ;1.. :1 0 ;'lso :)I"('!ser.t, ::OssrS o :-YQ:i:lr,an, '.~.n, :3a'7.lclscn of~plt and r:ic!(C!r.., Cone of Cone nnd .Jorn'i>i1sch, i1rso tichurko and intf'rcm6 residentu 0'£ the district o ;r. AOT)l"ova! of Minates *" Jnn.25, '1%3 Moved by lira !1.keJ ·seconded by :rr.. Lewis, to a:,>pI'ovc t;,e ::dnutcs of 25~ 1963 as },X'i·t";;on. '.otin:; aya: r:eDsrs o :ike, r.m-r.ts, :~cnitchie, :'alr.1cr nnti i!iddaur:hi) ::a:yJj none" It l-1BS January It '~as rtoved ~; rlr., Lc't·rl.s~ seconded b' r :'11:'. ;'1ke, to snprove the rdn1ltes of T'obrulU"7r 1, 196.3 as 'tl!'itten Votinr: aye: :Jessrs. Lewis, .?ike, l·:a.c~tchic$ Pnlr:1er and rad::augh~ ':otin~ na;-r, noneo Q S:.tf)orintement t S reneri! "1r. ;!cGnr.an re;>orted tha:t tha adrtlnistration is contirr.dn&: tho stady of asses.:;, monts and ulll lItCet 'idth t.'1e attorneY' for further clnr:l.ficntion., !1r.. r1cG~gan rer.1inded the :.3oard tlurt. reservations Eortha I:SBA neotinr. 'Ware dU8. It 1'1ClS t!1e consensus of: °l:.he l!1Cnbera ?!'Csent that j;r.. l!cCi!lr:an attend the annunl l1Cetin:~ if he could orra."1Ge his sC:loduloa Teachers e Salary. i'ro;:p:'eJ:1 It usa rloved by .·!r:-CI ~'ikf.lJ seconded by:!r. Palr.1er, that the Teachers' ~;a1::xr:r :'TOrTar.1 196.3-1964 as ~ndad nnd ~sented by thG adI:xinistration bo adopted o (appended) "ottn:" a;,re: :~ssrs. l'::U(c, .i.'nlMcr, Leuis, ;·ra.cl~itchi.e and I::tdctau[h", }:ay, nonso ProiJosed adeution - Honetmm ~c:1001 ~he nd.r.rl.nistra:tion outlined n tentative tion 01' the HOMCtmm ,:;c~l~ol addition: sched\.11~ to be foll0i1od in t!lE? cons'til:-:" Feb" 28 - Advertize for bids 8 - Re1easo ;')Tints to hiddf:"l"s :'!al' /J 15 - Open bidS 22 - Let contracts It Has Md-lcd b;r i'ir o Pike, seconded b'J :ir .. ;·Tac:titchic, to authorize the archL.,· to m'ocr.cd Hi th the ll(')rldn:~ rlral,r.!.n:·s !'or n t"10 rOOM nddi tion to thc llonetmm ~ichoolJ) ;mr} attc:1:r~ to :1C('!t f,hc schedule as oLltlil1oo b:.r t:1(3 adn1nistratiol1:. Jistrict sT,ar.an.,.-0..D <U1d cpnlificatioI13 m'G to be n;~t3incd in relRtinn to th:; " 0:; ( -.L·/C),) ."". ~ size of thE:! constl":lction job o \'ot1ng aye: HE:!ssrso ;:like, llaoHitchie$ ~)aJ..nr·l" ar.d ;':i:'idaUf~ho Nay, nooo o 2 ,... La'lds~ Insurance - nuildin,,;, content tlIld liability It "UaB I:'1oved b'J :·11'"0 ~I!!.c."iitchie" seconded by 11£0. Ihrig, to accept t.'le conditions regordin1 baildinr;, content and liabilit:r insurance as proposed in J .. ~"aul :Iu£t's letters or Jan. 29, 1%.3 and T'cb o ~, 1%3. Voting ~I IJay, none. Ihrig, Jawson, Lem.s, i'a.lncr, :'ike and ?·!i,UI1".1gh. :.JeS3l"So ;'Iac~tch1e, !tesi13nation b'r.r :11"0 Ihrig, seconded by ~!r. Hac.llitchie, to accept the resir,nation Urs. ~Iadonna Fishback effective !'ebrum""J 28,. 196.3. ~rot1Jm~: Hessrso Ilu"ig g I1acRitchie, Lewis, ~awson, ?a1I:tcr, ?ike and Hl.ddi1~tr.~. l!a;r. noneo It 'Was moved or School naIlIe aim - riaste-,j"Qr School It "lias moved b:· lir o nawson, seconded b~, lr. Palr.tcr, to approve the 1"CqllCst or the naste"..rar School ;YfA for tha installation of a school name sign as per SaMple submitted, and to thank the PrA for this b"...ft. '·'otinr. aye: ::essrs. TJa'Wson• .'a1ner, Ihrig, ~B, Hac."litchie, Pike and 11idda'.1r,h. 1iny, none. School nam sims - District s!>Sc-'..fications It lias MOVed by l'~. Ihrip.;, seconded b:, lIr o ?almr, that the adMinistration be req'.lcstcd to develop r,cneral naMe si(m spec-1..fications with the architect, and that these s:'>6cirications be prescnted to the 30erd at an oarly date. \' otine ~ I ., ".....', , T_...t • ....t·f t)"t~" J '.' .) '-W:1,.-.oJ .:ODSI'S". ..." ,·.u~·..r.r., .ll.!J"lCr, ~W..L.s W!\.l .l8C,u., c;u.e.· ~ay, .;e:;srs•• awson, J"..L.Ae dolo ..... ~tLlda q:;h. Tile notion· ca.rr:'cd o Sale of !";lOOtooo-tax anticipation wnrrants It liB3 Movcd b:r :Ir. Pike, seconded ~r :ir. nsuson. to a:,,rove the sale of t.lOO:aOOO tax anticipation warrants for tho benc.f'it of the r:dl.lcation Fund. Votinr. a~JeI resers •.'i~, ;)pwson, Ihrir., Lewis, 1:n.cn1tchie, PaJ..nor and Hiddanuh. trey, none., C'.1stodians - vacation and '.nrlJ.'oms It lms MOVed ~r !.~ • .I>ilce, seconded by ;1r. ~ia~itchie, that tho '1oard consider em,loyee vacation schedules and cnstodial unii'ams ~cr rencraJ. policies rather than in the salar:r schedules. Votinr: aye: ;".cssrs. ;'ike and Hac....itchic. nay" ;':essroo)awson. IhriG, LEnds, :'nl.ncr and :ticldalJ.l;h o ~he notion failed. Custodiana - 2 weeks vacation It was noved b:r }~o ~nwson, seconded b;r !'.r. ;'ikc, to continue tho rre sent ,olicy of two weeks vacation period for custodial en:'llo:.!(!es. t:otin~ a;'19: :~ssrs. :)a'Wson and .L"ike. 11ay, :essrs. Ihri(;, ~s, :·!aC!"'.itchie, ?alr.1er And l~iddal1r.h. 'i'he notion failed. C'.1stodians - 3 lreeks vacation lifter 10 It 'Was MOVed ~rea:rs b:: ~lr .. IhrigJj seconded by i·lr. I.elds, that custodial en;11oyt"es be 1·ff~'U1'ES OF 'l.'HE hDJOlIR1\FD ;"IEETU?G ~ FEER UARY 8, 1963 '"' .3 - r,ranted three nooks ',racation a..f'ter 10 :roars of service o Aye t : leS srSo Thrir;~ Ullf.i.S ard !·1idclanr,h. lJay" :.:essrs :lai1S0n, HacRitchie, Pn1rlcr and }il~e. :'he MOtion fa.iled o ( G Custodians - 3 weeks vacation after 12 years It lias l:1OVed b~t Nr o I.ew1s 19 seconded b'J Hr. PalJ:Jar, that the custodial starr (castodi8I1S; Maintenance" bus drivers) be granted three weal:s vacation after 12 :!ears or service. Voting ay'C: ::essrso Le'H1s, :alncr, UlriC and ~'lacJ1itchie and :a·.ldaUC;". lja~,-, 1·1essrs. UaHson and :>i.ke. The mation ClIl"ried o CustQ..dian:;, - 'J.1'li.forr.1S It nas noved b'J Jlr o Lewis, seconded by :1r. IhriC. to supply ·.:~oms for the custodial start (c~tstod1ans~ riaintenance arxl bus drivers). Yotin.-: ~re: !!cssrso Ul'Wis" Ihrig, :!ec.~itchie and l>aJ..ncr. 1~;" IIessrs. :)a;lvson, ~>:1ke and :a.dda'l;,1h o The notion carried o C'lstodia1 saJ.nr.tes • - 1963-19611 It was t10Ved by i':r.ilike, seconded by :'fr o Lewis, to nccQ;1t the recoT.lI"1Ondation of the E'.dm1n1stration and approve the sSlary schedule as outlined tor custodians, Maintenance, bns drivers arid suoopers, erreC""...ive July 1 .. 1963,' appended o hObort 100hm Harold !!ovasse ( Joseph ~>ajkos r.larence Hoenan :!err.um ~-rreide Ker.ooth :3r.ttth HeJU'~t !~osna. ~'aul !'Cass Carl J:tlien George :l1.bble Karl Larsen ibgh 11~ (- .",~'.~ r~ennie r-6,900 4 920 Bert IIais:sa l:dward 1indenan Edwin Joet;e . 5.»/320 Uobert Leiner r.ayMOnd Finn 5~7£0 GlOM Livinf.ston j 4~ 5,!:ao 5,(;40 5,7(,0 5040 ·:"S:.7¢ .., 4,?20 ;~,~ .' :;';; ': ~:l!.~' .• •• .~ .....- .. '~ t.' 11,300 '. v' .', "\" ~>:ikc, Lcr1is~ ~·1iici1itC!;i~. ~ic, :1t4Merand.. 7.;1ddauGh.. toting a;:ro: r:Cssrn. J;';~:'-;"'-' 1"I~:";':iro 'lawson e Mr~ Dmon ~. t~ ;;-r··.. '-:"'-:',:! --.r". . .... '. :~:i:}.· '.' ~'''Clcrical salaries - 1%~19G4 - C;"a:rles Johnson quaUtiGci his MY' vote toindica~ his dissent was- witli.. the budget and not with personnel "',::' >'-- ':.'... : : ." .,~. concerned o .. ~ .. "I. '. ~ .. :,It was noved b;.· ire ~·tiddnur:;-" seconded b:/ '~~~'Lcrr_n, to a<,:~r>t the reco6ncnda,t1.9J1 o~ the 2drrl.ni9trs;~ion::{UXJ a)'lp.rovc t.l-t,,e sa,lor1es tar school c1(?rl~ and parttiMe clerks, effective 196}uui964··.sch901.:~ar.. (a?pnnded .. ) ,; Violn '3aker Lois Bar.1herr:er Ruth .J' Anico garian Cnrlstedt ::ildred .hlien !~nncy' La."'1?rirter . 03..l26 020 3,12G020 2,984.1(Y-' 2,62!3~·'15 3,1~o20.., .2,9311010 '. 2,9 Bh.,lQ .1 "\~I lIh Ylore~ce ':nods ': ..... '.'otinr a;.re: ::essrs o 11itlda:tr,!l'; Lc';-lis.\'. I~~gD ltac~tchie and :"i.ke.. I!a:rg :\Cssrso ~)a.uson and ,lalncr o Mro Da'tvson qualified h.ii "nay vote to indicate 11:is dissent was with the budget and not the ~ersonnsl concerned o . ~- MINUTES Cf' THE ADJOURNED HEE.'l'IID jJ FEB o Fl ~ 1963 C' . :t-';xaC'ltive session It was noved by 1':1'. ;)nl!1er, seconded b'J :!r. :':U:c, to adjourn to executive session to diSC".lSS personnel I'10tterso ':otin~ aye: !:essrs. ?alr1er, ?ike, :lawson, Lewis, :tacT'titcl't.ie and r-addaur,!lo ra;::, 11r. Ihrig. ~aturn to remUar session It 'Uas MOVed by Hr. ;'ike, seconded by l~. lracPJ.tclrl.e, to return to reGUlar session. VaUnt: &::Ie: :1essra. ?ike, :1acRitch1o, Jllnson, Ihrit'1, ~w1.s .. :'a.lncr SJX1 I:iddauf;l. I:~·, nom. Administrative Assistant It was :"lOVed 1>:' Ih". ;ttdda:J01, seconded by 1:r. ~'alner, that the saltlr".r or the ad.tninistrative assistant be increased :~300 to :~lOJlOOO effective July 1, 19f:3. Votin;; ~: ;:essrs. ~add3.u~hJl }aJncr, Lctlis, Ho.c.'1itchie and .1.ke. l~ay.t ~tesarso Dawson aninn-ir;o- Y:ro U:.~~n qua,li.t'1ed b:1s na:;" w'lf) to indicate his dia-uni; we with the budget and not with personnel conce~~~ Central Office rersonne1 c It 1f88 J:lQVcd by Hr. }.H.ddauG:l, seconded ~. !~o ?ike, to approve saJAr.Les tor cantraJ. otfice [X'.raonnel as reC'Ol'U"'Iended by t:,o Cldrdnistration, erfectiva .July 1, 1~3. :ti.norva Schurl:e, Su;:ro. Sec. ~S~S20 Toni Jates, Asslt. Supt.Scc. 3,960 l1ary t. Hoyt,J'ldno Ass ~t.Soc. 'Doris 'lrosdon. :lookkoeper h.. 920 4,200 _ ,",o'tin:.: a:re: Zbflsrs·. raddn~tch. ?i1::e. Lewis,- ;-tacR1ich!eand Pn1ner. r~r. ::Sssrs. l1awson and Ihrig. ~fl·" ~WSCll qualified MD rJ.ij vote to 1na~Oll~ his dis.... sen't vas with the budget and DOt with personnal Qoncamed~ AdjO!I1"nl:1P.nt - 1l:05 pon. It 'Has MOVed by l~. ,'iko, seconded by l-:r. la.ddQ.~:L1 to adjourn. roll call vote was unaninous and the MectinG una adjourned. At 1l:Q!) pr.l The recul.or ooctinr: o~ the :?onrd or rducation, Jiat:rict 123, Co-:mty Cook, Ill., m11 he hold at 0:00 ;1.r.t., february 22, 1%3, at tho Cook .":ven:lC :1chool, 9526 Sr. Cook Avenue, Onk Lmm, Illinois" '. ~rrT],::'S 'I .' ('Jl' Ttf:. REUlJ11Jl T't·'::'t!.G, :"~'RJARY 22, 1'7(3 l~Pl:JI:~;)Vb.;), B.l.. of 11..:10 3-15-1::)63 The regular nceting of tho .Jocrd of ~..ducation, :li:::trict 123, Cook Connt~r, Ill o3 '\las held at 3:00 porlo, l'EJbru<~~ 22, 1%3, at the Cook Aven1le Jchoo1, 9526 ...)0 Cook ,~vcn :0, )/lk ;.K~1-m, Illinoiso Answerin~: roll call at 13:00 "eno '\lore the f ollmr.tnr. ncnbora: .J)Ssr3. Ihrir, Leuis, . Iac!'~itchic, 'alrer, ~'iko and :!id~!au~!l. la-. Jauson cane in at 9:05 p.n. Also :1rescnt, :'cs::;rso :'IcG:lr,an aJ'rl ;mm, ira. :ic:nrke and ~£:rcstcd rcDidcrrlis of t~lC district. Anpraval of r.lirr.ttes - i'ebI'uary B, 1%3 It was '"lOVed by aro o Ihrig, to approve the mirr.1tes of uritteno The l'lotion failed far lack of a second• r'e~r ,<l, 1963, as .:'pnroval of Min'J.tes - ;"ebrl..18rJ 13, 19t3 It ,,:as naved by 1-&-. Palmer, seconded b:r !1r. !1acF.itchie, to ap~o the minlltc8 or :'cbrtwr"j 8, 1963 as written, "lith the r.dclition of Hr. :laYson's statenant o Votin;~ aye. Jlcssrs o ?a1.Mer, Hac:litchic, Pike and :a,ldaur:ho N~r, ;.fcssrs o Ihrig and Wwis o 'l'hc MOtion carried. Correa")ondence ( Letter !'ron Clk'l1'1es I • H~lnter, Area Coordinator far :1PATI - J.jorthuestcrn 'rniv.. crsity rer;ardinr a deMoootrat-lon of prorrl1r.1 reception by "'8;•• or nCl'lly 1nstalled tronsnitters on the "1old Jui1d:inr in Chicago. at the Lincoln School, .3f;th and (1st street, Cicero" on l·eb. 28, 1963, at liDO p.r.I. Latter from tho ,'ark .listrict req:le:;t1!1f; that the lJonrd confim by lotter satisfactor'J sottlc.'":1Cnt or recrnt ;roblens re3'l1tin;: fron the lark .>i:;tT'ict evenin;- ~Jro~:rDn9 held in thf-' school baiJ.diru"s. Letter !'ra:t the Caucus invitinr: "oard J'X?nber::J to attend. tho CauC'ls 3chool or !nstr'.letion for 'lros~ctivo school Joard z:tenhcrs to he held at Honetown 0choo1 on ;!2l"ch 13, 1963 at !):oo :'>.:1. 5'..1 ")0rintendent 's rerxn"t Kinderr,arten round-I .1!> ROO repstrntion uill l)Q held in the schools on April 3, fra:1 9:00 a.m o to 3:00 ['J.M. iveninr confCT'ence sessions Hill he held for ;>arcnts ber,~~nr.inr. ::arch 25. totiec of the ror;iotration :n-o;ran 'Hill Co e distributed to children on ;larch 150 :!r. ~rcGur.an anno'.lnced that the di~.ct ,':'11 a::>onaor n science workshop at the Govinrton School bp.rimlinr: rebruar~! 25, and a f'orcien l.-nnr;tw.re llorkshop at ':;".lard .1chool bcr:inninr :1arch 1£,0 :!r. :!cGar:an announced that he net ldth 11r o Zajack of the ?ark :liatrict rn-0l!.I'ar.1 to dincuss the o[)Crl1tion or :.h(: rwrk '1ro'";1"on. k:);")roval of: school c31endar - 19(.3-1<X.4 It lias Mov-ed by :lr" Ihr:!.r., seconded by i.r. :;ac::itchic, t.o n:>:»"ovo tho school calendar for lq£,3-19{,h as reco"1.!1P.n.rJ.cd lr,r ~r..c l1d1'1.~nistration (1l:1~nded)o '.'otin· a,ye: '!csGrn" !hrir, .ac·itchio g Lrwis, :'n!.nc-r ,l '>i!(c <:m<l !ti. It!~ur,h. 1:a::" nol1Co R fil.;'1'! 22., 19L) ,l ( .. 2 .. :1oi1er insi.u'ance It was moved by llr o :iaci~itchie, secooocd ~r ih- o .'nlner, to acc(,;>t the lowest of seven ::>ids, ,ichlloske and Associates, for bcd.1(?.r inS'..uoance in the MOunt of ~l,tOnol.£., for a teI'%'1 frOr.t :~arch t, 1963 throur;h Februl11"J 1, 1C)('£> as recClll'lr.'lP.nded b".1 ~e ad.'!Iinistration and flr:1t and P.ickero Votin{~ &yea iles!lrso Ha.cr.itchie• •)alner, . )S'Wson, Ihrif" Lema, Pike and IIL:da:.tr:ho N~, none" '; 'ormen t s Comoensntion Insurance It 'UBS moved b"J lYra :1awson, seconded by :k- o lJ.ncf~itchie, on the recOl'lll"1endation of the adMinistration and ;~lt and Ricker to accent the lot..rest of 6 hids, Van ~hmdy ,'ceney in :'he amount of (~l,86hoh6 for \~orknants Compensation Insm-ance, the term of the :1Olicy to be aarch 3, 1963 throUhh :·'e'brunr".r 1, 196h. roting ayea l:essrs o :J:1WSon, ~'1acRitchie, Ih..-rtig" lmds, f'aJ.Ioor, l'ike and Hiddauch. r;ay, none o SChool nar.rl.nr cor.u1ittoe The COM:'l1ttee announced that correspondence has been received frOt'l six sources s;1~festinr nar.tes for the 11ml school to be constructed at 10$th and KolMar 0 The co.'Tlittcc will screen the sar:('cotiol1s and present So recoM:'lCooation to the Board for considerntiono c: 5chool Board l'qlicy llanuS;1 It "as Moved by Hr. ~B.ddaup,h, seconded by' ~iro IlacP.it.chie, that all :k)ard member ::r.1 "estions inth reGard to the :lroposed ;Jolicy nanunJ. be aub:Mitted to the adr.d.nistrative office by l'iarch J5 far thc purpose of distribution" and tha.t the ~ord ?olley ;1anual be deferred \mti1 such tine as tho -work loud will pomit o \' otinr; a:;o I . ~s srs. ~':iddauh:l, l,:a.cP.i'l:,chie. Jawson, Lewis, ?almcr and ,'ike 0 ' Ho:r$ !.jr 0 IhriG 0 ~311deet analysis It ,-las J:lOVcd ~, I·~. Pa1ncr" secoMed tTl :~'o Lewis, that item 12 of the ar,endn (::bdr-et analysis-~rel1Mi."lElr:r discussion) he deferred tlntil t.ho neA-t ncctine" '.otinc ayes ::esorso .)nlr.1cr, 1c':'Wis, Jawson, ;·Tacrritchie, Ihrig, Pike and Hiddauch o l:a"J, none '" A:1praval of bills and :>a;rroll It uas roved by :Ir o atddauch, seconded by:1r o ?il::e, to a.;>;1rovc the hUls and p~Toll an listed: ~ ll7,1.~o42 I:ducntion j'lmd payroll - Jan o 27,651 093 :education ?ltnd hills - reb. 31 r": :cb o 15,1963 22, 1963 1325097 Transporta·tion F,tm payroll-Jano 31 .1~ r-'<:>b. 15,1963 L12023 'i'rans,orlation I'unci l"ills - reb. 22, 1963 13,259041 Gnneral :hl1diIlf' r,tnd Bills, Feb o 22, 1963 963 0 02 I:·R :-lmd bills - Jan. 1~r63 :~:id[l:lr;h~ 5, 7J3o~ a:~Fl10 ~,ills - '!'ob. 22, 19[3 lL6,OOlo98 'l'otnl nll cX'{1Cllditures - Yotin:-: aye: :',cs::;rso :1.ke .. :lallOon, Ihrir, IAmis ll HncLitchie, and .Ja1.rlcro 1:a.~r, noneo ... :}t.' .'IT'·;..,,..· _ II IL;:; "':r' P"r;. .~P '-' If "-"'\;.. ·,..··..,.,,,:ro ' \l:l ".~-:= .. ·X1. r'·n'T IU..... 22 ~ l.-.LJ ~"t.J - J - " ( ?\Xeclltive session It 't'las OOV'od b'.! ~·~o :t1.ddC1UCh. seconded bY' l~. Hacititchic,t to adjourn to cxe~ltive session tor the !Jur,ose or ciiscussinr; personnel nat~ra. \'oting a:,re: :7cssro. :-ti.ddaur,h.. Hacititc.'li.e. Dawson, Lewis, ?alner and .'ike. l!r. Ihrig was not oresent tor tho roll ('.all. Un,., none. itet.urn to open neet.1nt; It '!las nove<:! by Hr. ~audau:;hJ ooconded by ~~'. l)B1nor.. to return to open \' otinf; aye: ~·k!ssro. ~ :1:1da~hJ Po.lncr, :lawson, Ihri~, IA:miD, aacr~itchie ond ?ike. n~!, none. neeti~. It was naved by' ;;:.. :11.ddaur".h. soconded b:T :'r. Palncr,to voto was adjourned to Horch u!1aninous and the neetinr- llSS adjO\m1. ~oll 151' 1963, call 3:00 p.m• •~ adjourned neetinr, o:~ the ;soard or Education, :listriet 123.. Cook CO'.mty, Illinois, will be held at 8:Qf) r>.Me, Harch 15, 19ii 3, at the Cool: Avenue 3chool. 9526 ~iotlth Cook II.venu.e, Oak LAwn, Illinois. c. ." • ': :.: "'"l --~'-"'.. 'w,l_ :v: . "t . , > ( An adjourned ncotinr. of the ~oard of ::~.iltcation" :1istrict 123, Co'mt,y Cook, Illo~ was held at 13:00 por:te, .:arch lS~ 1<)(,3, at the Cook AvenllC Sc!1oo1, 9526 30uth Cook Avenue School, Oak Lmm, Illinois o Anst-leriIl(" roll call at 8:02 IlGI'1o ,-:ere th~ fo110\l1n:; nenbers: ::essrso I1riC8 Lalds, :~!:itchie, :JaJ-"1er and .1jJ~o I~. ::>awson cane in at 9:05 p.l'!1. :!r. ;'a.dda'lfh was absE'nt. Also :>reser:t, ::rc~:;rs. :TcGu~an. :mm, Cone, Kasson, Hrso j.'. ;';churke an~ int.1,.ested resiltcnts o!: the district. It uas :1Ov~d b:r :11:'. :'ike, soconcied by ~rr. Lewis" to a~):)()int 111". ::aci~itchie as ~residr'nt To-ten in tha absence or ::ro :B..dde.:ICh. \·o~i.ng aye::·tessrs. ;1.ke" Leuis, IhriG, :-:ae:itchio lU1~i ,'nlrlcr o :~n~l', nono. Apprcwnl or Minutes It "t'lSS :'lOVed ~r ;'h". Lewis, seconded by lir. ~'nlner, to Q:Jln-avc the minutes or !"cbrw:!ry 22, 1963 as written. ',otinr ~'O: :~ssrs. !£:wis, .;lalncr, Ihrir., ,'like and :Yac~.:itchie. ,'ot1ne ~1, noneo' ,Sll'>erintendent's renort :'jr. ;:COuf:an tll".Ilounced that the Oak Lmm-: :vcrrrecn .'ark Institute will he held at : .vercreen .'ark m.j"h School on :farch 2S. !!oar<! m:mors are 1mritr.d to attendo c ·4'0 Hcihtr;an re;JOrled that the Civil lcfense has 1"eql testcd n;>;1TOVal to rer-ard Cavinp"ton School as a shelter and storoee area and to !lOst a sir,n to t,Ms effect. :lr o llann re;>orted on the of' the hui1din~ rn"O:'1"artl. A tele;Jhonc voy uill he nade available to t!lC :loard in the nnar future,? prO['TeSS 9:11"- - Hometown addition - ol)f;m.ry.- of bids . :''r. Cone was nrcsent to open the bids for the 2 rOOM addition to Hometotm. After study the architect will make his recOl"'Jllendation to the Board for a'tJardin(; bids. Civil i:lefense - r.ovin'rton School It ":1B.S !':loved ~r ;'r o :':J.ke, seconded b:·; ;~. ~'nlner, to desicnate t.he basenent :'ovin:'7ton ~chC'ol tll':l a Civil :lef'enoo shelter a.nd storace area. ',otil\': QytJ: ;:t.!oors•• ~l~c~ 'alrY!r, Ihrig, Lewis s:mc1 lIac~itch1co l;a:r, nonc. or /~:'30ess:1P.nts ~tr. ?"..as13on "las ~)1"eaent to re;X>rt on asseSSMents (spe a;')j'X!nded file). Tax anticination warrants On tho recol1'lCndation 0.:' t:1C a.dr.rinistration and the nttorno:r, it UQ.S :tovcd by ?i::c 1 seconded by !:r. !h:rir., t.o approve the sal~ of' :~l05'pOOO tax nnticipation warrants ( t - 10) for the benofit. of the ::dacation i'nnd. ':otinr a;'!'O: ... ,.. ":) "1_- and .~., ,- ~it c.w.e. I." JI .. . ,c .• 3rS • •"),II. -.lJ.e, Ihri • r;, I·..I ..crlJ.o~ .D..l.nt.:r .n." noOOo ~1r. A!):J:['oval or cor~tracts - 1~3-1964 It \13.'3 ilovml by ;1r. IhriC, soconued by r :::1. Lcu:i.s, to 0·1;:'er contracts as listed and rccOl"'ll1Cnded b: r the adniniotration (a~nendcd).. ~·otinr· a::u: :CS0TS o Ihrir." (' ~.r;natio~ It 't~as Moved hy :~ro '"111:0, seconded b:" ir o Ihrig, to ncca:}t the resir.nations as i"0110\-:8 t !trs o I:.mc;r Trefi"eran:J cfi"octive Harch 2, 1963 - :b:"so .Jacqlleline t'it,;ke, effective ;\.rxri111, 1963 - 1ll;t i\rlong effective Jum 7, 1%30 Vo~ aye: ;lessrso .J:fJco, Ibrir, )atvsong Le'tds, :'nlncr and :!ac:'ti.tc!rl.c o !;ay, , nomo ~:~'"I:'n' Sc l :oe,l :'roITElr.1 It T.1Oved by :!r o ;)n1nP.r, secorxlP.d :1Y 'WaS :'ike, to a;):irO'\Te the stmr,er school \ otinr~ ~: ::011 S"S 0 i'a:l.rnr, ~'ike, IIaY', none" nt"o !D"'~rraI!l as ol1tl1ncd by ~he ad."tI.niatr,:ltion. :)awson, Ihrir, Lewis 31'ld :iilc.:;,itchio o ~·.lccti~I} - ~ precincts It ,~o.s moved by :i"o Ihrir,,, seconded by :1r'o Lc1ds, to ado:>t eS'tablish S election precincts for the election to be held 'Which resol:ltion B?j)CS1"S a.t the end or the t'linutes o! this a:,pcndcd filco) ~'otinr. a..ve: I:essrs. IhriGJ Lmd.s~ )at{son, :!ao1itchie" llay, nonco ~~lect1on -( a resolution to on Arril 13, 1963, mctinf;.(sce ?aJner, ;>ilea er.d - judr,e' 5 pq It w.s moved b:,' :!r. ;)swson~ seconded b"'J !~o Ihrig. to eet the election jadre's p~ at :·~J.5000o ~'otinr, aye: :hssrs. DaNson, Ihrir., lewis, .'nlr.1cr, ::'11ro and JlacHitchieo l!a~r, DOMo :aection - public notice It '\-ISS noved by ;!r. :'p.1.nl:'r" sAcondnd b;:!' Hr o ;)awson, that. the puhlic not1.oe at election 1,e nuhlishcd in ~he 3uhl.lrban :conor.dst o Votinr~ tJ.':te s I:f'!s~sG ;'alrr·r" ;)81lson$ IhriB, I"ewis, Pike and ;la.chitc.'lie. Nn:!", none. loard of ~'nucation - O.Lon.n.B. AITe~ It was MOVed by lir o :>awson" seconded b:r 1~. ~c.o +.0 t1.i'prcvC the ;~ard of j;Qttcation-0ak Lmm ,~e :nan ror 'Boys ~veenent as rocor~nded by the adMinistration and tl:>LJToved 7 thn Qttorr..ey. 'I:otin.... aytU :~ssrs• .:lauson, .'>ik(l, IhriC. Lewis, ;~lncr am Hllc!t.itchie o l;n.:" noneo It 1ms rm"('ld lJ:,- :71'.. Ihrir:, r:r. ?ikc, ,",0 continun, on tho rccom>rcacnt .mp11 !.mltranCe :>1..111 ,,:ith ~lut!!al sQCondcd b:.r nendation of the adMW;;trlltion, ~hc or ·"halta for the 1963';'19£,4 sc:1"ol :,rcar. ':oti.nt; a;:.tel ,haSTs. Dlri~, ~"11~, Lollis, l'n.1Mer El.n:l ::ae-~:ttchic. l:n::, 11r o Dawson. ?u'>i1 Savinrs Plan It 'Has nm-cd by :1r'Q ~'likn, pInn \nth On!: Lffi.In :.'cdoral ::r. Lc"'iD, to a,"'~O"!c ~lC :m;Jil sllvinr-s rcnd Loan .,\!)sociation on thr three ynar ncconcicd D;r ~"invint:s -3at'Teer.umt ;llano '.:otin;- a:1e: .:cssrso l:ac:itc:ueo llB.;!1P nooo. ~1.kc, k>\rl.s, la\lson, Ihrig, Pnlr:1or am :Jand instrJlllents liBS r.tO'Ved b:r Hr. ~'aJ.r:mo, seconded by :-ir o Ihrir:. to accept the low hid of Lyon and Healy ror the Conn '~enor 3ax at ::~24a.,o, and the low bid or Karnes ;·ittsic !"or the follow1nga Conn Tuba uith case, ~?43S.00 • Conn 'witone, ;··2:~O.OO, ]~ :3ass C1<Jr1nct, ·~300000 - :l'.mdy !-:b Clarinet, ~87.00o \otin: ~re: ?·essrs. :r.lner, Ihrig, Jawaon, Levis. Pike and Z:acI:itchia. %Ia:r, none. It AdJournMent It WIIS noved by l'r. !hrir., seconded b't.r ~:r. ,>:U.nor, to adjourno roll call vote 'Was une.n1rtous and t:1C l1cetinr l-JaD adjourned. At 9,,5 i'oJ!1o reftll1ar motil1!~ of the :oard or i:dncntion, '>i:rt.rict 123, Count:, Cook. IU o , 1-lin be held at 8,00 ]Jon., UBrch 22, 1963, at tho Cook \veJ1'lC 5c~oolt 9526, So Cook lI.vemle, !)ak Lmm, Illinoiso T~)E) ( APPROVED 3Y Bdoof Edo-4-19-6~ ( The regulsr lOOetine of too lloard or Zdl1ca:tion District. 123, Cook Count.y~ Ill.... was held at !3:OO po!11o, Harch 22, 19'63, at the Cook Avenue Sc;hool~ 9,26 South Cook Avenue, Osk Lawn, I1l.1na1ao .An.s1ierine roll call at 8&04 polllo vera the followil'Iff roenbers: Hesm'so Ihrle» :'acRitchie, ?8JJoer and !fi.ddatl{;ho Hr o ?ike came in at 3:10 p~ I-ESBrS., Dawson and I..cwis "(-Jere absent. Also present, !,k!ssrso :id}usan" 11ann, Cone, Jfrs o Schurke and interested residents of the districte:t ApFO'!al of minutes It was MOV'ed by Hr. Hacllitchie.. seconded by' ar.. Ihrig.. to approve the rO.nutes of :'farch 15 9 1963 as -written.. Vot.i.ng aye: !·fessrs. :'TacR1tchio, 'Ihrig, Palmer and ;.f1..ddaUf.h" Naj', noneo CO'!'7;eDP2ndence Letter from Illinois Association or SChool :Soarda 1rtvitine the board to cast its ballot to determine tho position or township school trustees in Cook CountYo Tcnmship SC~lool 'rf11stees It W88 !'lOVed ~t Hr. Palmer, seconded b'J Mr. :'IacRitchie, that the board take the position or retaininl1 the position or l1mmship School Trustees in Cook Countyo Voti..ng aye: !·k3ssrs. Palmar, HacR1tchie, Pike and 141.ddaugh. Nay, ITo Ihrig lJ c, Suoerintendent 's re~ Mr. McGugan announc~d that too district's new assessed valuation is ~79,J6,,719o ?!r. :-1cGugan distrib'-1ted a study enrol.J.ment growth 'Which vill be used as a or pupil assigJ'Dnt tar '1963-019640 The Oak La'wn High SChool has req:lested the use or District 12,3 school £ac111ties tar the hiGh school board election to bo held on April lJp 19630 bas1s f~ oak Lawn High SChool election .. April 13, 1963 It was moved by 1-11'0 Pike, seconded by ?!ro Ihrig, to r;rent the roquest or Oak Lawn Co:TlW'lity U1Ch School Board of Education tor use or District 12.3 :f'ae1lit.i.c~ tor election purposes on Aprl]. 13, 196.3, without chargee> Votine aye I ~!egsrs. ?ike" Ihrig, t·facRitchie. Palt1er and lfi.dda'Ugho Nay" noneo C~on SChool - colors for :new additioD l-fr'o Cone ex;>lainEld the coordinated color scheme to be used in the COV'ington School addition. .Hometown School - addition and alterations It was l'IDVed by' Hro ?ike, seconded l;ly rw.o liacRitchie" to award the contracts for the tuo room kindergarten addition, and alterat.ions to the entrance and library at HOMetown School to the low bidders as reconnendcd by the arch1 teet t General contractor .. I1aras 9tlilders - ~,4,810 Hoatintt t:. Vontilatinr. - "'!eVerly Heating 6,%3 Plwnbinr; - Electrical - HUT:ihy' - ~:ooerord !;lectric -. 4,901 Jt)p 16,2 S 72,501000 ( Agenda shanfie It was ~ed by Ur o 1t1.ddaubh, seconded by Nro ?alner, to defer iterr1 7 (co".ring.... ton alterations) to item 16 g b1.ldbat di8CUSs1o~ \'otinc aye: ~·lCSsrS., Hiddaugh, ?a1r.le:r~ Ihric, Haci~itch1a and i1.kco lIay, nonOe Covineton SChool - ch.ance order #4 It was moved by l11" o Hac:Ritchie, seconded by l1ro ?ike, to approve, on the recam..,. mendation of the architect and the adr:11nistrationg change order () 4 as follc::M~U l1Far odditional wark required due to poor s011 conditions and obstructions fotmd duri..nG excavation: 10 F,xcess excavation or rubble 2 0 ~cess excavation - sand till 30 r.xcess excavation - crushed stone 40 sand fill oil tank 5It rtaohine spread and compact 60 70 Hand labor Labor11 material and equipment to replace sewer line Total effect of cha~e arder pt"iceo It C #4 is to add 3 617000 to the C011tzact Voting aye: r·\9ssrs o ltacRitchie, Pike, Ibrig, Palmer end Middaugho liar, noma French instruct.ars· salaries - 1963-1964 It was moved by :·11"0 Pike, seconded. by 1!r o Ihrig, on t.he recorunendation of the administration. to a pprove the salar:r rate tor the French instructors as followsl Christiane Kelly .. ~27 000 per day) Alexandrino G~Jbow - ~~oOO per dayo Votinr, aye: ..Iesnrs o i>.tks. Ihrig, MacR1tchie, Palmer and :·1idda.ugho flay, noneo Resignation It 'WaS moved by l:ro Ihrig, seconded by 11r o Piko, to accept the resignation or Niss :·1atn-oen l:eade effective June 30, 19630 Vatinp, aj"e: :'1cSst'fl o IhriG, PikeD I.facni tchie, ?alroer and Hiddaugh o lJ~, nona 0 Agenda chaffie It ,.,as noved br HI'", itl.dd2.1..Igh, seconded by j':r", Pike, to defer item 11 (neea:1=' to obtain bids on street 1.Mprovenents tor new bui1dinr. at l05th flo Ko1Jnar) to item 16, budget discussiono \·otinr. a~r Heaerso H1driallr,h, jl1.kC!~ lJuoig, :iacnitchie and Po.lr.1f.'To Na.:,r, nonco ~ndation Auditors ... 1962-1963 (. It was MOVed by ~'1ro IhriCsr seconded by J~o PD.1.nar, to retain the rim of Ernst and ErIl3t os auditors for the 19'62-1963 distriot accounts o Vot..ins~ ~r Y~ssrso Ihri~D Palnnr~ HncRitchiol) ?ike and lt1.ddauf,h o N~'~ none", Insurance consultants ( It was J110Ved by ~1ro Ihrig» seconded by l'r" nac?itc~!, that the boal'd uill 110 1.oDger omploy en ir.lsurmlC6 consultant tor the 1963-J9tl4 school yearo Voting aye. Itessrs o Ihrig, HacRitchie, Pa.lr.lerJl Pike am 11'iddaugho lh;~,t, nooo" Cov1pgton School .. sc10nce tables and chairs It was aoved. ~ t-ir o Pike, seconded by Mro UacRitchie, on the r,ecar.nendation of the adm:ln1Btration. to accept loll bid meet.i.ng spec1f1caticms tar 18 .. 2...pupil sc1ence tables frm Beckley.Cardy' at S2,1b2 0 00, and lOY bid r.leetinr, speoL.""icaticma far 40 pupil chairs from FrankJ.in...Lee at ~3S0000,, for a total of $2.492000. Vot1ne &yeZ ~·1ossrs. P1.ke, ~·1ac.lti.tch1e9 Ihrig, Pal.'Tm', and 1,tiddal.l~ho Nay, r.toneo AppFcwal - bills and payroll , It was 1!1OVed })..r I·n- a Ihrig. seconded by' I·1r 1t Uac:Ritchi.c, to approve the bills and ~oll as listed: c Edllcation 1-'U11d pB3'roll Education Fund b1lls Transpo Fum pay,roll Transpo Fund bUls General 9ldgo Furxt bills IoneRo Fund billa NoC.Fo #10 Total, all cxpenditures Ft:lbe> 28 ec Hal'o. 1"0 22 Feb. 28 a H~o J5 15 ~1ar., 22 Haro 22 Feb o , 196.3 ·:oting aye. :teSBrSo Ihrig, HacRitchie, Pnlr1er, Pike and lB.ddaugl'l. Budget - llay, noneo 1963-1964 pgyington SChool alterations It was moved by !~o J'11ddaugh" seconded by Mr o Pike, that the board direct the adrrt n:f stration to bclude the proposed i tams sa out'limd (Covington School aJ.terations: entrance wrq, noc:ti:', ceill.ng and upper hallWay - 2 roan addition to JlO'II bl1:1)rlj!1fi a.t 1eY;th & Kolmar) in the General !3uUd:tnr. Fund budget o Voting aye: lfessrs o Mtddaugh, P1keQ Ihrig" ?a1Iner and MacRitchieo Uay» none" ,Street 1Inprov~nt - lOSth and 'KolMr It was noved by Hr o Middaughg seconded by!{ro Ihrigg that the board aut.~or.. ize the sdr.ttnistration to obtain bids far street 1l:'1proverents at l~th and Ko1Jnar in cooperation with the Village of Oak Lawn o Voting aye: Hessrs o :·1tddaugh, Ihrig, Hac.1itchie, Pa.1.Ioor and Pikeo lJay, noneo AdJourn - 10115 Polllo It was moved by ?-fro Mac.:'11tchie, secondod by Hr o Palmer, to adjourn to l1arch 29.9 por.'lo Ttoll call vote was unanimous and tho mcetit'J{; was ndjourood? 1963, at 8:00 ( The board will meet as a col'lll1ittee at the whole at 7(30 PoIllo on March 29, 1963 pur!'Ose of clI.scussing the superintendency vacsnCYo tw the An adjourned neet.i.ng of the Board or Educat10a D1~ot 123, Cook County, 111 09 1d.ll .,.bald at 8.00 poJllo on lweh 29, 1963. at the Cook Avenue SChool.. 9$26 Se Cook 'Avenue, Oak Lawn, Illinois. ( -.." APPROVED by Bd ~ o.t"Ed. 4-19-63 ( An adjourned mcetine of the Joard of Education District. 123, Cook County, Illinois was held at 8~OO pono~ Harch 29,p 19631) at the Cook Avenue School, 9S~ South Cook Avemle, Oak 1alm, Illinois.g Answerinc roll call at 8.15 poI!lo were the following MaJllbe:::'S: ~~ssrso na.w8~ Lewis, HacRitchie and lr:1.ddaur)l. Absent, !'1nssrso Ihrig. PalMar am Pike. ·Also present, :i!ssrso HcGugan, Hann, COM, loll's. Schurke alX11nterest.ed residants o£ the district. Secretary pro-tel!l It was lWV'cd by' Nro Lewis, seCOlldOO by Hr o M1ddaugh, to appoint }tr o UacRitchie as secretar:~r pro-ts in ~e absence or ~tr. pa.J.Merto voting~: :'i!ssrso Lewis, MLddaugb, Dawson and M8dl1tchie4 Nq, noneo ?4r. Com was present to d1sCllSS the rencwations to be done in 'the Covington SChool. lobby and upper hall. Cqv:ipgton School .... rer.avations .... upper hall. and lobby' It was moved by 1<tr0 DaHBOn, seconded by' :!r. Lev1s, to accept the law bid or ~g 794060 tor 1"eJ1Ol1ation work in the upper hall and lobby at Covington SChool o Vating aye~ Hasers o Dawaon, Lewis, 11acR1tch1e and M1.ddau~ho l~, none. Resisnations ( It was J'l1OV'ed by tiro UacRitch1e, seconded by Hro iJa'Hson. to accept the resignations or ~·!rso Joan Cienimmld. and i~so Harnaret stears erfect.1.ve June 30.19630 Voting ~: r:essrso HacR1tchie, Dawson, Lewis and :·11ddsugh. 1;~, none. . ' APe-oval ,or . contr~ It was r.1OVed ~ lh" 0 t·1i.ddaugh, secondf!d by rir 0 Lewis, to approve contracts l·tiss Kathryn Kolar and M1.as ;larbara Hiller tor the 1963-1:964 school ;yam-a Votinr, ayn: : Iessrs o a1dtlaugh, Lewis. Dawson am MacRitehie.., Nay; nOMo J$1~runent - It \lSS for 9:30 pomo Il\OVed b'J Hr. Lewis, seconded by' 111". :·jacF.1.tchie, 'to ac:l.1ourn to April 1. 61)0 PoJl1o Roll oau vote was una:ni!ttoUS and the r:tee'liine tea adjourned., 19630 at An adjourned rteeti!l{!. of the Board or Education. District 123~ Cook County, Illc)t 'Will be held at. 6:30 pcJl\o, a1i the Cook Avenue tichool, 9526 So Cook Avenue, Oak Lawn, 1110 APPROVED BY Bd.of Ed o .An adjourned meet1nc of thp. 30ard of Edueation District 123, Cook Ccr.mty_ 4-19-6.3 Illinois, was held at 6130 pol'llo, April 1, 1963, at the Cook Avenue School, 9,26 South Cook Avenue.. oak Lawn, nlinois. Answerinr. roll call at 6 d6 p.m. were the followinc mer.lbers: HesSl:"s. :Jawsong Lewis, :~itch1e, ?ike M1r.!daugho :Ir o Palmer CSJ'lle in at 6147 p.D. Hr. Ihrig was abeeJ:It. Also present, JfeSI!Jl'8. MdJtq;;an and l.fann, and Mrs. SCh'LU'"keo am secretary ero-ten It was Jl10Ved by !'b:'• .21kc, seconded by :iro Levis, to at>point lu-. Uacn1tchie as secretary' pro-ten in the absence of Hr. ?aJ.mero Voting~: "lessrso l'1ke, Lewis. Dawson, 11act11tchie and 11'iddaugh. l1aY', DOne. Add1 tion to new school - lOSth ~( Ko1mar It was l!lOVed by I-lr. Pike» seconded by 1'fr. Lewis, to awarct contracts as follows tor a two ro<IIl addition to the no'H school at 10$th and Ko~. em the ~ 9f'1PPdtt·pr~t.Tn' t' ErecOIlnBrJdation of the architect tar expediency' of constructions GeneraJ. contractCll" - ?resbitero r, Sona Electric - AIJlcr1can IUectr1c HeatinL nnd \'f!ntilatina - i'. 'E. Moran P1Wab1ne - 'R. c. Caruso c $20,800.00 2,690.00 3,S.30.00 1.266.00 . $ 28,288 0 66. The total contrac:t represents a cost or $13070 per &1. ft o as ~ d to Sl4046 per sq. ft. far the original. 10 roan build1n/I, and represents a net cost of 76' per Bqo n. leas than the original contract. Voting aye. Nessrs. Pike, Lmds, Dawson, JtacRitchie, i'aJJncr and Hiddaugh o 'Nay, none., ~ourrncnt It 'W8S - 6,5, pen. moved hY' Hr. Pike, seconded b1 J.fl'. ?almr, to adjourn to April 199 p.m. Roll cal,.l vote 'W88 unaniroous and t.'le ncetinc was adjournedo 1963, at 8,00 An adjourned I'I1ActiDf, or the Bot:ll'"d or ::'ducation District 123, Cook County, Illinois, wUl be held at 13100 lom., Arril 19, 196.3» at tho Cook Avenue SChool" 9S26 S. Cook Avenue, Oak Lmm, Ill o 'ITl::,n:.'s .f 11' '~~;r: ,<)'Y0.JI,:n ;L-;--:r.';::D, APR.II . : j i.96~ APPROVE0 E', BD o OF ED n ~._ 5-13-0':.. An adjouroed meeting of the Board of 2.ducation District 12.3, County Cook, IUo ilJ vas held on A};rl.l 19 9 1963 at 8100 pomo at the Cook Avenue School, 9S3S South ( Cook Avenue, Oak I..mm, I1lina1s o .Answer:i.r'.g roll call at 8 zOO p.rno were the tollow:i.nr. %llenbersl Hessrso Dawson, Levis" UacRitchie, Palmez', JI1ke and Hiddaugh. Absent, Ml'. Ihrig. llso presr.nt~ 11e::rars o HcGugan and Hann, ~fto Schurke, and interested residents of the district.o .Ap;xroval o£ minutes .. J1arch 22, 196.3 It was moved by' Mr. :'1acP.itch1e, secomsd by I.fr o P1k8. to approve the n1nutes of Harch 22, 1963 as writteno Voting a,e: ;.~8t'8. UacR1tchie, Pike, Dawson, Le1d.s, Palner and U1ddau~. ~J none. Approval or rd.nut.es - l-fa1"ch 29, 196.3 It was J'!IO'l1ed by }-jr. Dawson, secoOOed by'1t.ro Lems, to approve the minutes ot 11srCh 29" 196.3 as written. Voting ayet HesBrSa Dawsonp Iew1s, l.facRiwbie, Pnlrtler, ?ike aJ1d H1<ldaugho nay, none. ;Approval por minutes .. April 1, 196.3 It was ccwed by 11t"o ?ike, seconded by:ir. ?almer, to approve the ninutes of April 1, 1963 as corrected. Voting aye: 1!eaBrs. Pike, Palner, Dawson, Lewis, MacR1tchie and. Uiddaugh. Nay, nona• c •SU~entls r!P211 Mr. l~ugan announced that reservations tor the Tri...county meetings to be held on !~ 7.8 and 9 mq be Made through the district o1't1CGo Resolution - to dedtcate 98th street and the Kolin avenue cul-de-sac It vas moved by Ifr o Dawson" seconded b'J Mr. Lewis, to a:1opt a resolution to dedicate the south i ot 98th street .frt:lmltolin to Kildare. tJle east t' or Kolin, cul-de-sac to 98th street as show in the plat of dedication. which resoluUon appears at the end or the Jldnutes of tb:1s Jneetingo ,: oting aye e MeSlll"So Dawson, Levis, l-faclt:1.tchie, Pa.1Joer, Pike and }!:Lddaugho Nq, noneo Canvass or the ~ion or AJ!:U 13' 126J tfl-HOMetown H2...cov1neton U)-HcDonald 1·lacRitchie, Ian 92 J1erstedt, l'aul )6 SChreck. I:cNard Lattua, John J 0 Eo Lucas Shoud Cloveland, J o Pluhar, Eo Ferjack,R. IhrigD Ro Rosenberg~o Dur!!I Roy Huft. J. Po Adart1lI, CCI "'eckel, To 2la5 152 1 1 114-sward I!S...JJ~ 167 ]h) 199 U9 133 U7 83 172 96 1Q!) 1C17 247 m l1t5 228 164 Tote1, 7ho 677 6hh 919 2 3 6 4 3 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 -2 1 1 2, ., 1 .\. 1 1 ) 1 "Pproval of' the canvass of election It was moved by Hr 0 Pike:J seconded by rT & DawsonD to appro"1e and accept the canvass of the election of April 1.3. 196.3, and to declare Ian Mg ;i!lcRitchie and John J 0 Laf'tus elected to the Board of F~ucation District. 12.3 for a term of .3 years each 8fI menbers of the boardo Voting.: l:Cssrso Pike, llaWsong Lri1.8~ MacRitch1e, Pa.:J.J:1cr and Hiddaugh. ~. DOne o MJourn sine die It was lI1O'Ved b.'f z.~o .Lewis, seconded by Mr o PalMer", to adjoUtt. sine die o Vot:1rlp, ayez Hassrs. Lewis, ?aJ.mr, Dawson, HacRitchie, Pike and Hiddaugho l-iINmS OF THE tEGAHIZATIONAL !Ontn, APRIL 19, 1963 TemperS Chairman c It 1l8S ~ by ttt'o Dawson, seconded b,y l!r. Pike, to appa1.nt Mr. M:tddaUf,h as tempal:tary cb.e.1.J:TJano Voting aye. :Jessrs. Dawson, Pike, Lewis" Loftus, :.facRitchie, 1'aJJ'Ier and atddauCh. Ns;r, noneo .~~'tion end el~ction of ffi1!a1dont. Zir. MI.ddaugh vas naninE1ted as preaidenti bylT.. Palmer, seconded by llr. Da1Ison. It ,.,as then moved b:r l>1r. UacRitchie, seconded by Hr o ?ike, that there being tVi further nor.d.natiOM£) that Hr. l11ddaugh l:e declared the president of' the Board or Educat1on~ Voting 8\Y'!z :-tessrso l1adlitchie~ Pike, Damtor1J1 Imd.s" Lottus. Palmer and 11tddaugh o ,secreia£Y .... a me~ l1q, none o of the board It wns moved by !tr o Lcnr.Ls, seconded by llr o Dalfson, that the secrotary of the Doard o£ !~ucat1on shall be a ~er of the boardo Vo~ a;J'O r i lcssrso Low1s" Dawson, tort\1S~ HacRitchie, ?al!11er, i'ike and H1rldaugh. Uone, ~o ~sistarrt-to the secretary of the board \laS lllOV'ed secre~J or by Hr o Pike, seconded by Hro PalMer, that an ass1ntant to the the Board of r..duc.ation be enployed, ,,110 need not be a .tEr.lber It or the boardj lUlU that the board pa:r the nssistant to the secretary' ~25000 per tlCeting aaJ.ary, arxl that the eecrcrtary receive no salsryo Vot1.nc ~I V.oessrs. ?ike, Pa1ner~ Dawson, 1e'tJis, Lortus, HllCRitchia and Middaugh. llay, noneo \. ]}.ection-of the eecretsry Hro IlacRitchie was naninated 8..'1 sec:rctsry by ITo P:tke~ seconded by :fr o Palmero ( It lIas then I:1CWad by ITo paJJi'ler» seconded b:r are Hiddaughl) that there boing no furt.her noninations j that HI" l·Iae~ tchie be declared the sec.\'"E'ftary or the 30ard or ?=:ducationo Voting 8JTGt I~a3r'So Palmer, ifi.ddSUGh;tt !)a;lsonD lettie, Lortua~ Pike and l-1adtitehieo l~, nonoo Q Ass1stant-to the secretary' • It 'WaS noved 'by :~o lTacRitchi~ sccotded by Hr. ?1ko, that lt1nerva SChurke be enploynd as assistant to the secret.ary at a rate of :.)5 0 00 per each regu.l.ar IJnd adjoumed neet1neo Voting~: :~ssrso l-!acP..itchio, ?1ke,g D8IIBon~ lAW1s" Lortus II PaJJ:Isr and l-t1ddattsho Nay.t noneCl J":1r.II and dnte at, It vas MOVed b7 remAar J.~e nee~ 1-l1.ddaugh, seconded by Hr. P1ke, that the time of the reew.a:r :meti.rlc or tho 30ard 01" diucation be set at. 8:00 p~ to 11:00 pemo, or 'earlier. on the 4th M<mdq or the ~ VoM.nc e:J9 t Hesarso l·addaugh.o ?ike, lewis, Loftus" i!acnitch1e, a%Xl M.J.~ CD 6:16 .l.)aJr.2ero Nay, :tr:-. DawsonCl pgfto It 1mB noved b:r Hr o LmI1s, sccomed b".r lIro t!acRitch1e" to adjourn.:. At O:~ PoIllo roll call vote was u.nanirtxJus Cld the neet1n~ vas adjourned o The reeuJ.,ar ceet~ at the Board or F.dl\cation District 123, county Cookg Illinois" will be held at 8,00 pcmog .April 22.0 1S63t at the Cook Avenue School, 9526 Gouth Cook Avenue, Oak Lmm, Il1ino1s ct APpr~OVED BY BD o OF ED o 5-13-6': The regular neet1tlb Qr the Board o.r Education DitJtrict. 12.3, Co'.1f1tlJ Cook.!) !llinois~ \IllS lleld at 8,00 PoI'lo. April 22» 1%311 at the Cook Aven'J.8 School,\} 9526 South Cook A'9'Sl1UO g Oak Lmm. Illincris o Answerin;; roll eill at 8,02 !,of.1o were the fol1O\dr~~ members, :bssrso Loftw]~ HacRitchieg ?ike ~ ~fLddaugho J1r o Pa1Inel' C!lr.le in After roll callo liro iJac1son and 1:1"0 towis were absente Also present, ;'A'!GSI"So !lcGugan ard ltanng l:-s o 3churke. and interested residents of the district o Corrcsoandence Letter i'rarn. tho Haootawn school r.,-oun::1::!'rar a 4th Ap2!oval at regU~8t 4th or or Jul;r Co'i."'J1ttee req~lcstinr, usc of I1onetown July celobrationo .. City of IIa:1e'toHn It was moved by lir o ?l.ke g seeondod by l~o HaCl1itchie~ to Bpprc7'1O the request of tho City or HOJ'iletotm far uso or lI<X'lG'tom1 school tac1llties tor a 4th or July colebrntion, subject to ap.r:a-wsl of !J1"oper insurance certificates by the school attornelo \-otinl; ~z l~ssrso Pike, HacR1tch1eg Lottuss PBlmer and :·!1ddaugho nay, none o suem;tntendent Qs report c lofr o HcG'!Jcan reJ:rl.Ilded tho board to we reserva.tions throuch cnntral office far the recr10nal Tri..co~mty meetings to be held on Hay 711 a am 9" Registration day' will bo held at McDonald School for students 1d10 ul11 trana.. ter !"ran ~ of H8rtyrs tar the next school :,,-cD:r' 0 or l-fr o !1d:iugan reported that a total mno teachor have resihlled up to this date as compared to 32 which resigned at tho end or the last school ;marc: ~esismations It lIa8 moved b"J Hr o ~tl.dd4ughB seconded by' tiro Pilro j to acceptg on tho rt1CCJll1"oo mendation or the admn1atration" the tollotdne resir.nations e!'.f'eetive on Juno .30B 196.38 l~h Cusack. Cli.nton DeS'lOnd,_ Dolorea Jensen, ~~uth .I..m:P partar and Barbara stermnbargo Votint: ayer tosors o Hiddauch» ?!.ko g Lot'tUSg Haci..i.tchie and l'a.J.r.lcr o l~, noM o ApprovaJ. of contracts On the rcconncnrint1on or' the adninistretion.a it UDS novod by iro lliddaur.h» seeoooed by H:r o lladlitc."do, to 81JPrOVC contracts for the 1963-1964 school J."OBr tor the £01law1nc dcGl"OG : teac.'1craj mn to ro-sdjnst the 1%.3-1964 contract for l·:ro o Holen Di.r.1D.3 frm full..tine to 3/5 t..ino, :step 7, . ·.J930o!X}g C:oylc, Carol "~5300 Cllr:hr.an, Gloria 5100 Usven:xn-t» Borma 5700 Jolly, Charlotte 5100 K9nt., Karen ~100 Kostbadeg Gail lassen,? C:rnthia Pritchetti I;laine Ronshausenp Joan SaUer s Hc1.en ~"ta:n:w1$ Uard~ Roaer.m-:r :Jaxogaret $5100 5100 6250 65$0 6550 51.00 5200 Voti.ne ~: j·!Cssrso H1ddauchi 1~cEitchie. Lo:rtus, ?ike and ?a:!J:1cro NCWI none. Spgcial education - tuition It was I:1OV'od b,111ro ?slMor p seconded by Hr. Loftus" to approve tuition £or special. education pup:tJ.:3 for the 1963-1964 school yearo Yotinc 8\Y8J r·~ssrso Pn.lr:1er s .I..o.rtus" Ha.cRitchie" ?1ko and !!ide.ta.~ho 1-i~, no~o 'Waa moved by Hro Pike", seconded by 1;1'0 PnJner.o that the Board of Education continuo participation in tho South i5uburban Public School. Cooperative AsoCKttatioh far 196 )al964 as reCQ'$19nded by tho sdlllinist1"aUomo Voting ~: :·toSsr8o ?ike, ?n.J.r:Iar,p Lot'tus, Btle-litchis and laddaugho l1q" It nona o ( !lrl ] d~ Pfj re~ Hr. lJ'.ann Gave a pt"or,ress report on the buiJ.cl1ncs under constructiono $.iltange order 118 - Covingt;on School. It 'WaS r.1oved by l-fr o Pike J seconded by lIr o Pa.J.mer" to Bpi:Jl"'OVe change order nt1t1ber 8 "For increaninr. Giza of sanitary saYer to pick up oM clay t:Uc sewer line ADD $17$ to tho contract priceo tt Voting ~I i'i;)ssrso Pike, PaJJnar_ LortUBJ) !Io.cP..itc'hie and Hilldau;~ho lUly" none 0 Chance order 112 - Covineton School. It was Da'led by ll'r o PaJ..r.1er, secondocl by ~~Cl Laf'tus~ to appr'OV'e change order number 9 "For work required due to buried oil tank ADD ~75ooo to tho contract price o It vot1ne B\Y't!J !tossrs o Palner,p Lortus, :Ia.d~.itchic~ Pike arid ~t1ddaULho I~n;l'p none 0 Anprova1. to sell - TAll \, It 'Was MOVed by }fro ?1.Y..c, seconded by ~h'-o 111.ddaueh, to approve the sslo of ~759000 tax antic1r>ation warrants for the benefit of the education i"J.nd o Yotil1t"; ayes I:OSSTS o :?1kc~ Hidtlaugh~ Wtus p l:a.cr·:itehio and ~)n1Me:ro naY1l nOI1e o Approy;a:l;.ot bills .ern Pm~l:!: It was !"lOVed by llr", Palr.m·, seconded by nrC) :fncRitch:1.e, to l\!,prove ths bille a."X1 payroll s $JJ6~093o~ F.ducat1on 1·"uDi ~oll ... .3--30 on:1 4-15 -.AprU 22, 1963 928 0 50 TranaportAtian rum ~on - 3-30 and h-15 432(/09 TramJpOrtatiOl1 fund bills - AprU 22, 1963 972 0 29 IoiIJt. bills ... j.farch 1963 169 126033 General Mldin~ Ji\md bills - A[.lI'1l 22, 1963 76.a!=h7 026 n~c oF 0 i:!~O b1lls ... April 22, 1963 $!'l'7,~joW Total - Vot..1.ne eye t ~ias a:rs 0 PaJner, Mat...JU. tohie p Lo.rtus. Pike an:! Hiddaugho Na;r, noDeo 6,363006 FA-.lcation FurxI b1lls SU~nsY Tho boArd authorized the secro~ to ~ange interview appo1ntnonts 'Wd.th candidates tor the poait1on of supel'intcrdenii or schools. 1'ho secretary 'Will not1f'y' tho r.tGr.1bers \Ihon trl':t'aJ1{;4r..eIIts are com:pJ.eteo .!!tt~ - 9s16 PoCo It "as moved by nt's» l·3.ddau(:."'. secon:!od b:,r l-rr o Pike, to adjourn, to nay 13g 196';0 Roll call vote was unan1noUs and the meet1nt; ,laB tdjOl1%"mtL . An adjourned nectinr. of the Board of r..duos.tion District l23, CountY' CookD Il1:1no1s g will he held at BtOO pono. Irq 13, 1963, at the Cook Avenue School, 9626 South Cook Avenue II Onk Lawn, Illinois lJ •.[".,..,..~ ~,1.l._",':":> '1',' oJ" ( ""-rr ~')J""'1T"'''''n :.:1.L.1 't.i. I')!' :J. .r, . . .!·.... MI··.. ':JJ. .• J 'fly 13S ~,,\ 19~.3 0 AP.i?ROVJJ;J BY THE BD. OF jj.D.. on Hay 27, 1963 An adjourmd neetinc of the I10ard of l:ducation District 123, County Cook, Illinois" was held at azOO paM.. , on ITay 13, 1963" at the Cook Avenue School" 9526 South Cook Avenue, Oak L9."Wl1# Illinois• .~ roll call at 8:06 PJIl. ,mrs the followinr; r.1eMbers' ~!essrs. Le\ds B :;acP..i'tchie, Pall'ler, Pike and l·H.dtlallch. 11r. Loftus car.1C in attar roll callo ~1ro Hauson was absent. Also ;'%"Osont, :lelJ0r8. ;1di 19an and i·lann, i~s. Schurka,tJ Hr. CoM ani representatives £roM Presb:1tero :~u1ldcrs, and. interested residents or the district. !:::rJrrNaJ. of rdtt..1te,s • AprU 19, 1903 It was MOVed by !Ir. ~'ike, seconded by :!r. :'alne1", to a,,"'prove tho :rdnutes or .I\,'lril 19, 1963 as written., Votil'1{~ ayea . :CDars • •>ike, ?alncr, Lewis, BacRitchic, and ?5.oo811ch. Nay, nona. A1r1I"av,al or ninutes - April 22, 1%3 It lJas roved by 11r. l'alMcr, seconded ~J Hr. i>.1ke, to ll)prave the rdn't'te8 of A;xr11 22, 1%3 as written. '.otir.;: aye: .essroo ~ , ?ike, Lewis. ;rac!1itc1de and i tl.dda.llr,h 0 l:a:t, nom. Superintendent's report ( ?rr o :·rcl'i!lCM tmnO'.mced tha.t HB 1097 (to increase state reinbursencnt to districts .t'ror.1 r-.252 to ~'297 per pupil) ""ould be read. in the legislature on t:odne~~ naj 15. Tho bill nlso considers an increase in the qua1i.1.":r.1.nLr rate, frQ"l 54¢ to 65¢ 0 The School ~Toblens GOI'll"lission favors the increase and encouraroa c:ttizona to reqilest their lec1s1atcrs to vote in laYer or the increases. . \ Hr. HC:'Iur;an ra:ve a. brief report on the liSBA convention trhich :iJssrs. i'1ke and . :'lacfiitchie atter.ded with hi.m on April 270 Lerrislature It 'Wll.S Moved b:r :b"'. ~>aJ.ner. secondod by r:r. Louis, to direct the Bocretar:r to sond a 'Wire to the ler.islntar-a reprcsent1n(; this area statinr, that the ~oard or !':(bca.tion favors the increase in state aid for nora oql l1table financ1nc of public schools in Illinois. 't'otin..1 a:,ret ~!cssrs. ?aJ..rler, !£wia, Lortus,l) 11::1clitchie g Pika and ;::i:3dauch. 1:a7, none. Ec'W' ..... school - l05th At ;{o'lrtar Cone" Ta:rlor, Ziz.'1."1erI'U1t1 and ?roabit.ero 'Were ;.tresent to diSCUrlS , ..ith the board the snount or rill nr:eded to 'brinr. Up .the r,rade level at t.'1e netf b".1iJ.ciinr. aJDsrDo at le>;;th "; :<olrnlr. Inte:-protntion c£ tho mtrV'<J'.{Or t s charts resulted in too foundation leval bei~ raised ai:'~ox1.M.ately i'irteen inc.'1.t.!s hir~het' than tho arc.ltitectural plans had called foro Mffi~J'44'CIr%~~ ~~~~~~~~ '"' . ~ Mt-n Presbitero.ll spealdng for Pres" bitero and Sons, agreed to provide the difference in ba~~l1 required due to the additional 15 inches in the heighth of the building, at no cost to the distric ( Landscape architact's fees It 'JaB I!lOVed by ;:r o l'1}:e, secondod bY' :~o Pa1ner, on 'the recaU1ieooation or the edninistration, to en:'lloy Cone nnd ~)ornbuach for landsca4'1ne; nnd a1:J:.e inzt,rO"Tel:ICnts on the new con:Jtr'.1ction at a fee of Gr; of cost o '.'oting aye: :le581"60 :1.ke, L>a.1Mer, Lewis, Loftus, LacHitchie and liiddaugh. lIa.:r, noneo Resignations On tho reca'ln6nda.tion of the adr.11niotration. it nas nave<! by 7l"g Pike, 3oconded b'J~To 1A7'tds, to accept the resicnation or ~1arr.aret Z!r.wan f!l1d iJarbars. :3etchez' orrec1;:i.ve June .30, 19630 '\ otin!- a;ro: . Ynssrso .1.ke, Lavis, Loftus, 11ao-ilitc."ie, Pa1rler and racldaur,ho 1J&;!, noneo A:nraval o! contracts On the recon'1Bfldation or the adrdnistration. it was MClVed ~r Hr. l'alner, sec0nded by 1Te Lawis, to ap:rcwc contracts tor 3A darree teachers: L1tc1l1o DtAlessandra and Audrey ~!ovak, each at ~SlOO, tor the 1963-1964 school ;;"Car. Votinr, aye. :ieSRrso Palner, ~-s, Loftus, IAc:titch:1e, Pike and il1ddaur,h o 11a;·, nonoo Ch!.1Ji8 order - HonetOtm School ( It was moved by Hro iliJre, seCOlXled b"J :~. ~>alMer, to ap:rove Change t")rdC'r It]. as recomrended by the s.c:fr.11n1atration and the arch!tect I Far changes in library cabinets per Cone and Dornbusch drawln.1 I!102 dated. April 11, 15'63. DED1iCT ~12, f'ra:t the contract price. Voti.ng ~-re& ;d!ssrs o l>1ke, PalMer, Lewis, Lof'tus, !!acRitch1e and ~addBUghl> I:ay-, none 0 A:>r.u-aval - Title III - science and nath It was MOVed by llr o ?ike, aocorded by ih"o la-1uallr,h, to authorize the adr.'d.nistration to s~brdt the Title III application for science and roth to the Office of Public Instruction far o.:1!JI"OVeJ.. Voting ~1'C: ::essrso P:Uce, ;.1:Lddau[;hg Lewis, Lort~ts~ HacRiteh.ic and .)a1ncr. liQ:r, nor:e o f)n tho rooOf'1MOndation o~ t:1C ndrrl.ni:rtrntion, it was 1'10'100 by Iiro ID1d.s~ second... ed by 1-1ro ilndlitchie, to D.;>prove the SU!'l.'1cr curriculUI"l oonn1tteos at C25aOO per day per teaohar as outlined by the adnini::rb:'ation o ro~ a:rel ;:OOSI's. l..Ende, Lac::'itohie g tort11S, ?a1rlor, ;'ike and !liduaudlo lrB\':, nonCo .C~tstodiaJ. s~:,):Jlles nn tho reconr1endation or the adninistration, it llllS MOVed by nro Piko, second... ed by oro Le"Ilis, to approve low bide. ncetin"': s~ciricD.tions, as followsl 5anitox Fred :; ~.og:1.nr, {oehler ?a,er Sanitation Cor')o Ssni-Grart . iiork .~nnitar:" ;tng CO a Voting aye: ~ 1essrs 0 Pike, Ields, Loftus ~ ZIacT~itc hie~ :la1Mer and ; a.ddaugh 0 H~r, noneo InstructionaJ. sup'Jl1es On the rcconmndation or tho adrJinistrat.1.on, it uas navcd by i1r. Lewis, seconded b'J l-irlJ lriddaueh, to 1It"~l1"oV'e low bid., neeting spoc1..fications, for ins'"lIractional gU~;Jlles as tollows: !Jecl-.ley Cardy ranarna. 3esver :So 1.'• .1oehm. Y.rilorarm Voti.n& ~: iiessrs. Lewis, lIid<1a.uch, Loi"tus, Hacititchie, l'A1.ner and Pike. l:a~r, none. 1-1agszine subscriptions On the recOJ'lt'1enda.t1on of the a drdnistration, it lIas J:1avcd by 111'. ;:acRitchie, seconded b:r Z-ir. Lewis, to approve low bid or Ho.nson-1M".nett Agency tor m.eaastnes in the 81'!'2Ount or 3954.8S. Vo1i.in(; ave: J:Csars. l!acRitchie, lewis, Loftns, PWler, Pike and lltddaugh. t!~..., none. c Pup;1l seatinc On the recof.l:1Ondation or the a:Inttn1stratiOD, it was naved by !1r. l=:Lddaur.h, seconded b:l Jr•. Jalner, to ap:T0V8 t.i.e low bid neeting specillcat1ons, tor pupil scatinc, as tallows: franklin-Lee :3eCY.ley Cardy Votine aye: ::essrs. I:iddaugh, PalMer, Lewis, Lortus, !ia~-:itchie and ?ike o I{ay, none. Cra::;s mower :)n the reccnnondation 0: the OOninistration, it 'Was naved by' are i'ike, seconded by Hr. :la1.., er" to a!l,rove the law 1:Jtd l'.1Ceti11{~ s,)ecii'icntiw far a 3-rnng MOucr fran Illinois !.mm i:qui:ncnt at -;1,534.00. Vot..:tne 9\'[e: ibssrs o l':S..ko, ;).i11'1ar, Lm-lis, Lo.rtus, ~ia.cr.itcldo and :·adcJa1lf,h e na:r , nono. It '"'ss MOVed b:r ~:r. itons 18 ::.i.clc1al1eh~ seconded by I~o :iaci~itc;rl.e, to dcrer agenda nr.d 19 (l:d:lcation Fllnl ihd{;et and ;1:d1din,~ I':U1d ;1:tdf.et) to the next rocular ncotinf~e Votinr, ayel ~ressrs. i:iddc.:nr.\, :iac~itchie, I.md.sJJ Loftus, PalMero Jtro ?iko 'WaS out of tho rocn durinr. roll call o noneo nay, " 'rrl·-tr!T"' ........J.', ",'~LL ~ J._", ~ t,} ~: ..~" lJ0I L.; 4 • Jr.l"T·') ''''-'M,'\'"' ,j ....... J Jr. A.l, 110 _ _.It. 'fAV U\_ .&. 13 , IN. ":f'.i 3 - i..j."'" Adjournment - 10:35 p• .l'!'lo It was !"loved by Jr. Lewis, seconded by :·tr. LoftI1S, to adjourn.. At 10:35 ;>.M. roll call vote was unaniMOUS arx:l the J'ilCetinr; WIlS adjourned. The regular ~otinr 0:.... the ;3oard nr . :d:1CAtion llistrict 123, Co:mty Cook, Illinois, will be held at 8.00 PoI!lo, ~~ 21, lC'l(.3, at the Cook f.verI'le 3chool, 9S26 South Cook !..v enae, ·1ak Lmm, I111nois. ( ,i" ( ED" OF' ED o on 6-:/ ':'~63 ': The raf;;\1l.a2" l'.:lceting 0:" the Joard or <iucation District 123~ County Cook~ Ill o ,? !Iay 27 ~ lS'63~ at t.lte Cook Averm.a Scl1oo1~ 9526 sout...~ Cook Avetr<le g Oak Iam,9 Illir.:oiso was held at :);00 1'ol'1o 9 ~ roll call at £1:06 PoIllo \Jere the £ollOtdne r.aerr1berS! l·bssrso Lewis" Loi'tus. l:acn.itchie, :'alr.ter, ?Uca and 111ddaugho 12r o Dawson carrs in at 9:10 poCo JUso present, !'ESsrS :!cG~ l:anng Go-'..Jnan or Com o.n1 !,)orzibuseh" Klein or Klein and Thorpa:1 l'obuda or the Cook Cmmty IIichway Dapm"tr1ent g l1rso Schurke Q and interested residents of ~ or ~s ... nay too distr!cto 131J 1963 1'~", .Pika, seeonded by Hr. ?alrJer. to ClP;n"OVe the !U.nutes or the zdJaiiJ:nSd reeting or l'~ 1311 1963 as l.rrl.tteno \·otinc a~rol ::CSSl"13o :i?:lkc, PaJ.J:ler; Louis; Loftus, :rad1itchie and 1·1iddll;,zg.lt" lISIY. ncm~ It was t'1OV'Cd by A note fra:1 senator ?aul Do:tCle.s instructing tho board in t."'a nathod to be used in obtain:L."1[' a .flag far t~o 1'1CN 0011001 d.edica.a-lAton~ .!.t2!JrO'la;L to ( ~ase::'~ It 'Una novad b"J Hro Pllro, .secon::!Gd by'Iro Lortus, that the Boar"J or f.ducatiton reql,rl.si.tion a nag (59 x 0' - C605o>., and that the f'lag be now aver the Capitol of the Jrdted States tor one da;y'J to be f'lol,m wcr t.'le new school em the dB:1J or dadicatiol1u Vat:.1nc Q\Y'e: :hssrso P:ikn, I.o.f'tua, Lew1s~ 11acRitch1e.o PaJ.r.ler an:l Iliddaueho I!B\1# none o Invitation to Sepator RoHc~ It l:as noW<! b"J 1·~o :tt.ddnugh, secorxled by I!r o Loftus. that the Joard or tduca.tion addresS a letter of invitat.ion to Senator uoUGlas invitin3 h1n to attend the ne'';1 school dedication c~non105 on ~uObGr 6 or Oct<.\"oor 13 at :;100 pomo Vcruine; a:re: ~bssrso la.,JdauCh;J Loft~lS, Lawis, lfacRitc.ltie" Palnor a.nd P1kQ o l!ay, none o _Dedication 0......... of .row school .... date ard time It ~ novod ';:r ltc- o l~ddauG~l.l1 sccorxled'lTJ :1"0 P11<e g that the board sot the t.ine ar.d date of the new 50:1001 dOOiCtltion as .3:00 poT.14 on aetobcr 6" 1963~ and invite 3cnat<>r Do~.\Clns to attond the dodication corononicso Voti.rlt: a:re: fusSI'so I:ic1do.t~h" .?ik6,\l 1evlis; Loftus" I1aolitclrl.e and ~'a1..r..cro rJaj, nonoo Invitation to 30nator Di.rkoon It "las novod by !~o 4J:l.ke,\\ soccrx:lod by =~o ?rl1r.ler, that t!1o iJolll"d of Ld"lcation Drldrass a letter of invitation to Senator ~...rkoon irnritita hin to attorrl the OOiol Bchoel cLnclication coronor.d.c5 on October 611 1963~ at 3:00 poro" Votinc eya: ::~(~nSTSo ...'iko, I'rll.'ier, I..e1ds a Loftus,/) l!aclli.tchio and :ti.ddaUCho :ia:r, nono., :'tr" ~;c('r'llr,a.n re,?Ortcd on tho ~erGSS cd.' HoD" 1097 (i.nc:rcnso in ata:ta reinbu:nl()eo ront>! th~ Illino:t:J :',ic!1001 node l'\..~qni.T"CJ1Ont that all nc':.o1 ,~sonnel enployDd in ,I ( thtl diatrict lTJ.st S'..1PPly a phyS"'.caJ. e:~nation re!J(lrt; and3 the r..cst recent clevelornerrta regardi~ the construction of apartMent lJtrl.1d:i.nr,s alol".g 87th stre<rt l-,jest o.r52nd mrc,m1.le in Dist.rict 123~ Notice of obJection noved by Hro .Palr:1er, seconded by l'r. !iacRitc.i.ie~ that the board authorize the att~.r to object to the constr-.1ct1on of apartnent 1r.rl.ldincs nith: _....-A~ L~l' in District 123 aJ.onc 87th streo"t s1nce S".lch construcUon would result in 4.. 0-----recr..1ction <1.,.~ ,iiz~$;fa5 ; P!l: i3l \'otin;; ~I HesSI'so PalmorD :1.ac.1itchie" ~S, Loftus, PL~ and Hidda.ugh~ :ra:r, none" It '1 1188 Change order 5. A-.uvr:J1.( cRA~ • a..4.4..t.<l4~4. ~ ~ Covinu~on SChool f !.!2 - "lias noved by 1-11'0 Imrie, seconded b"J ;'~4 l'i..lte, on the recaanen:la+.A.on o! the archi teat and t.ie administat-ation" to approve chaI'-ee order (.'9. "For paintin:: or c::-cterior ca:non brick acco~ to your proposal It dated April 16" 1963. ADD ~,OOO to the contract )'rlcso lf Voti.nt:5 aye: :Icssrso Lewis" Pike, Lartus" HecRitchic" Palner and ~'!iddn~ho Hr" 0 ilaw'son nbstained o Nay, none 0 Aeonda deferment ( It was .maIled by ib:- o i·li.dda:.tgh.o seconded by IJro T..cwis, to darer agenda itelrt 0 (a~nroval to enploy Cone and Dornbusch to cncinocr ven1AUation or Drandt ~)o Voting aye. !jeSSI"S. J-1idda.1te!1, Lewis, iJswson, Lof"tus, I1acRitehie" Palmer and .i.>ikao lIay, noneo Ap;:xnnt.r..en;t or suJX!1.!Itendarfr. - DOUGlas Ao 1·!cGuGSn It \oms noved 'bJ Ur o ItLddaueh" secot"'..clod 11'J :rr o :fa.cRitc.'rl.e$ to at>r..oi.nt Douelas Ac :·1cG:.tr;an as mtrw..rintenderro of schools at an armuaJ. salary ot m.4,,000 effect.., iva !-fay 28, JS63 The attorney was directed to prepare a eontraafi to this effeot:a. \'o~ine' Pa.J..r.1er mx:l .?ike It $' :~ssreo m.dc1aught) ;1ac.~itchie.? DSW3OT1~ N~noneo L ,!l. .........._'t ........",.~ ;;'~r JJ I A'preNal to sol1 f,(>O"OOO - Tax Anticipation i:!xt''I''ants e: • Levis, Loftus, l /".:; It 'WaS tloved by ;·CrCl Dm-rson, seconded by :'Tro i)jJce" to o.pprove tho sale or t£'0aOOO tax anticipa,tion ,..ran-ants far the 'benef'it o~ the ~-ducation 1Und o votill(; ~: ;:-essrso JEtWson" l'iko;) Latrls, Lo.ft~p I'lac.'tC.tehie, l'cllI:ler nnd Hid... do.llgho Ir~~3 nonco R.esima.~ It lIas novc<i by i·~o ~1l.ddm.tg.~". seconded by ::r o PaJ.nar~ to acco~ the rosio'.a- tion of i>arothy Presden~ HeJml Eo !:oD1-::i.ns arxl I~arnan DeBol-l cff~VG June 30" 1963, as rocor.r.;onded tTj' t!1C lIrln::Lnistrlltiono '''otiIlG .?nJ..r-.er, :>mrscn" Leui3 l' Lort1ts~ !·;aC:U.:tdlie and ~1.kea a:ro s :!cS:3rs<» Z:iI.1da~lr,h, lIay, moo. ~ccption It lI2,S novcd by nro =ft.dcl[l.~1g!1:} s~corrlod by :lr o l:ac~tchiell that t~e ;30ard of HIlf.JI'F..s ('j7 ?!tr. Rr.G:rLfJl T.r:rIU:, !-'!AY 27, 1963 Ecb.cation write a letter of thanks to t:te T:xooutive Do3I'd of the Hor'.atm-m ?l'A thanking then for the invitation to attend a re~ption fryr Hiss Dorothy Dresden~ nccaptinc the invitation for those mo are able to attendo Vot..i.r.g 2!;{e1 ~!cssrs\) IH.ddaugh, :·lacH.itchie~ Da:uson, Letd.s) Loftus~ Palmer and ?iY..eo US\Y, none 0 Gaddis School 111"0 Pobuda dr~~ or the ditch Cook County HighwS\'{ Dapartnent lIaS ~aent to discuss inporvcr:Jentl:J 'tfuich are ooinG T1£!de on Crawford avenue ~ and the inprov8M9ntS the drainaee ditch on the southYest corner the Gaddis Sc.1tool propartyo The Doard or ::ducation aut.~oriood the administration ani the attorney to contact the Village or Oak Lmm to discuss t.'1e lone rar.ge pl.nns the village or or Ii1.DY have for this Stl'1."1Br ~ curriculum 'WOrk - principals It mlS IID'lOO by Ih- o Pa::trlcr, seconded by 1-71'>0 1'1ke, to author.tze the Ddninistration to en."lloy pr-lncd.palD for S'lJl"!JMer ·mrrl.culut:l workl 2 pt"incipals for 6 weeks each and 2 principals for 1 week each" at a rate of P.&x>oOO per month. ~:oti.n{; aye: Uessrao Pa.J1:mo. P1ke" DQI-lson, ImIis" Lartu~ lfacR1tch1e g tmd liiddallc;h o l~. noneo Chl!Pfl2 crdcr Its - new bll.i 1M ng 'WaS noved by Hr o lfaeP.itchie, secon1ed by ;lr. Loi"ttlS" on the rec~n:la 'tion of the adr.t1.nistra1iion am tho nrc:d.tect. to a:>p1"OW ch.ance order 7;18: "For furnishine and in.sta:l.l1ne 1&2 additional lochers tar Addition J ADD 0481 0 74 to tho contract rrlcso" Votinc ayes ~'iessrSo :!acrl.itehie.. Laftus# Dawson" Leuis, Pal1:2erg ?ike and It I1'i·:ldauCh o !.Ja:'~ no~ 0 Pianos • It \U1S novod by :'h"o ?aJ.r1arJ» seconded by :~o l'ike" on the ~ndation or t.~e adr:dnurtration, t..o accept the law bid mo'f;i.ne Dpoc:t.."'"ications tor , pianos at an expend1t~Jre of ~2,625000,, i'rctl1 Helody Hart, Inco Vot1ne 8\781 ;£JGSI'So Palnor" Piko, IAnds, Lort~.1S~ ;rac."litobie end !·1iddauch lll IJD\:", Ixo Ju'Usono - Coal It 'Was r..ovcd 'b-J !;r" .)QJ.r:lt1r~ seconded by ;~o Dm:son;, on t.'1o rcc<:I!lf'J3rrlation of tho adninist.-at:'on" to nccept t.~o lCM bid rooetinc spocif'icntions for coal at t~llo25 ~ ton, fran 1rnndt mld Sono Vot!.nc ~!CI :~s~o ?alnar, Dawson~ Lewis, Loftus, :1ac:".itchie p Pike o.nd :'1i<htaucho ll~r, noneo ~ .. 1963-1964 The Jonrd of :::dl!Clltion directo<1 the adrrl..n1strntion to prep.'lre the budget for ~ubllc h~-D.:; am fi.nn.l ndopti~ 1963-1964 -4Approval It was bUls and pa,:yrnll noved IT" HI." H1.ddaug!l" seconded by : 11:". Loftus, 'to a!Jpt"OVe the bills and {» ~ ~ or as 1.1.sted: 114,029 0 83 9"llOc:J!) 7930(;6 .300013 7" 769070 D:l1.1cation Fum Payroll, A"[Jt'o jO nnd 1~ 15 l;cbcation l'und Jil1s" :..ta:y 'Z7, 1963 Trar.s,artation ~"~md ;>a:,Toll~ A":Jr. ,;0 and :ray 15 Tram!'Ortlltinn I:'u.'1d Jills~ lIlly 27 GeneraJ. :r.tildinu Fnnd ;3Uls, 941058 n-R l'und 3i.lls - A'11"iJ. 68,,0810 23 l~F 1110 !3ills, :'1cW' 27 $2CD.,0.34099 Total, all Vot.1ng Pike. ~: ;!csers g 1~, DOl1eo Ma10urn - :la:y 'Z7 eY.!Jemit~es. HLddauch, Lortusb DaHSon, Iewi.s" !;1ad'..itchie. ?3J.rrJar end lll30 porno It ~ms MOVed b~.r Hr. :·~itchie) seconded b"tJ :·fr. ?ike, to adjourn to June 10, 1903, at 8:00 Z'eMo toll call vote was unm:tiJ7J.ous an:! the neetin6 was adjourned o }J1 tldjOUt'ned nce--c.J.ne of the Board or Education District 123 CountY' Cook, Ill., 'Will be held at 8.00 pono~ J!ma 10, 1963.. at the Cook Avenue School, 9526 South Cook Avenue" Oak Lmm p Il!inois o APPROVE.))' .: 6-24'·63 as written t:l0 Board or ::d'.1cation" District 123, Co~mt:r Cook.l1 Illinois, was held at 8:00 pon... June 10, 1963, at the Cook flvGn1.J.C SchoolJP 9526 South Cook Avenue, Oak rAWn" I"J.inois o An adjourned rnet:1.ng of Anst·lerinc roll call at 8:19 p.no wore the rollo'tJinr. r.n'1bcrs: :~3srso ~wis" Lorttls" :tac1dtchie, Palmr, ?1ko mxl :7iddaufi!l. :.):0. £lawson cane in at 9:05pt1. Also !'Jl"Caent, ~rcGm"S. :'!c!iuean, ZIann, :1ro. SChurko an:lintereotod residents ·o~ the district. Aeproval or r.tinutea - 1__ 27, 1963 ULlB noved b:.r i;z.. i'ike, secorAed by :1r. l'aloor, to approve the r:ttnutes of l~ 27.. 1963 l1S corrected. Votint; ~I :essrs. P1ko, Pa.Jner, Lewis, Lai'tus, IAcllitchie am I1tr lc1alch. llay, none. It Corresoonder.ce • L letter fran Senator D'...rksen acknolfJ.odcin:~ roccipt oi" the invitation to attend the dedicatar"J cerenon:tos far the nm: school hundiD;;1 on October 6, 196). Sn'Jel"intcndent I a re:'>Ort 111". lfcGugan reported the vandaliSt't uhich occurod at t.'le Cov:tnrrton School on June lJ that S'JMC'ICr curr.:tc-l1lun co.&M1ttccs began wrk an June 10 tlu-ough June 2lJ and the S'JIl'Ir.1Or school mlll-.arin on Juno 17 throur)l Jtl1.1 26. Resicno.tions It 'WaS Moved lrJ :11:'. ?a1loor.. seconded b:T I~. J..c:nds, to accept t.'1O rosiemtion or Hrs. Delares rlo.1"'l1egClr and nr. t'illiar.1 C. I1itzavm erroC'tivo June 30, 19630 Votine aye: :reSBr8. i>a:!ner, Lewis, l..oi'tus, ~·Iac.'1.itchic.. ?ike and Hiddaugho l!n:.~, none. AR,tJrwal of contracts - teachers It "JUS r.1oved b:r Hr. ?tko, seconded 'b:' :.2r. Lo!'t~s, to approve, on the rocommendation or the adr:rl.nistration, contrncts for 3A decree teachers frYr' the 196.3-1$164 school year I ~ ial""'J ! ~llen Archer !3arbara Bllbcock Virginit.L ;}Jtrke Tracy An.'1 Kirsch Sally Ar.n Kohner Lois l·icGco .. & 2725. (! time) 51000 5100. 6$fjrt 51000 ~9S0o Judy hD.3scrr.um. !JJ50o Vot1.rla a:!u: ::Ossrs o ?ike" Loftus, kwis, ~:ao1itch1e'p ?alner a:rxl liay, nom o ~ii:uauc:ho Approval of contract,s - prlr.cipals It 'Has MOVed b'J =1r o r·1acR!.tchie~ socondod b'J :ir o Loftas~ on the reconrlCndation of tho superintendent, to a;;>;rrove contracts for ;rlnci,als as follm·rs: ..,. ilorothy Co :!ecl:loj - ~ Aldo ITo r anti Theodore O'):')Cn"-lem ~ ;illian Randl11l ~:CSlrs. VotiJ1g ayel •"•~,r, noneo ,. ,~ ... 9t-50. 9050. 98,0. 3700. Alice SC:U1Oider 96,0. l!acRitchie, Loftus, lewis, Pa:J.ta-, P.Lke tUrl Ittddll~o AporoVaJ. - sn1.ar'j adjustnent It vas rxwed by :'1r. Iswis, aecon:ied b'j Hr. Pal11Or, on tho reccn.-JOr.tda.tion ot the adr1inistration, to ndjuat the salary or Joseph .'ajkos to ~920.00 e1'fect1ve July 1, 1963. Voting aye: LesDrs. Lends, ~)lIlner:", LoJ:tus.t ~ ':act1i tch1e, l'ike, and ! :ick!augh. lIa.;j", nona. RosciD1 board notion - sale I or TJl1i !:r. ?!ke, seconded b".r ~1r. ?aJ..r:or, to reacinl the mt1.on or !1Q:r 27, 1963" "a,prC1lfal to iJGll Xo,OOO tax en'ticipation uarrants tor t.'le ber.e1'it o~ tbe Ed':cational P'l11il", as reo(J':03rx!ed by- the edr.ttn1s1zoation. Voting aye J :1ossrs. ?ike, Pa.l.r.1er, lewis, Loftus, !M~tcbi.e and ;1i.ddtlugh. It was noved by I;a:', noneo Textbook rental fee • - 196.3-1964 It lias J'1OVCd b"J lh'. Palr.1er, secondad b"j Hr. lEwis, to sot the tenbook rental fee tor the 1963-1964 school ~rear at 02 tClr ldJ1dert{;arten and ~.'O far rrades 1 - 8, as reccrnnxled b;r the adr.ttnistrntiono Voting &yOS :bssrs. l'alr1er, Lewis, Lo.rtus, :1acltitchio, Pike o.nd :H.d<.I.auc11. Ap,TOVaJ. of l;a~:, nona. 1963:1964 bucteet - subject to fin41 adoption It 'H'aS MOVed b;r :.Yr. UacR1tch:..e, seconded b:! lir. ~>ike, ~ ap~ove the ?.dueationt.1J., GoncrDJ. ::·:.d1din.:, 'l'ransportntion, !.::.n. ar.d ter.tal ood{;ots in tentntivc .tom, s:bjcct to f~.nnl odo;>tion on July 22, 19630 Votinr; DL;C: :k!03rSa :'Iae1i~e" ?ike, Imds, Loft-la, i'olr1cr' om ;tLU('s;.t~~o l!lly" none. ?..1blic ~Ie~ - 1%3-1964 budget It was navcd lr'J :1r. Pike, sccorrlcd b'J ~-tro Lewis, that tho ilonrd or !-:.ducation hold a. public honrin3 on the ~=cl:tcationA1, Gcncrnl ::.:rl..1dinc, 'l'ra11Sr>ortation. !.:!.Ro, nnd :'lcntal f'.lrxl bndgets a.t 13:00 p.no on J'J1y 22, 1963, at tho Cook Avenue 30."l001, ond instructithe attorne:r 7.0 publish notice of such henrinc at least 30 days ;rrior thereto, a.'1d ODko the bud(;Cts availnb10 to public' inspection fron J-.me 20 1%3, to July 22, 1%3, in tho o.:'fico of the Sur>erlntendcnt o~ Schools, 95'it Sout':1 Cook Aven~le, DaY. Loom, Ill. 't'otinc aye: :cssrso ?ike, lJ3tds, LoftUD, :!ac:~itc!~e, ~>nlror ani :·tL·.1d~Gho n~r, nono o ClUU1f}e order m ,- Covi.n~on School It was t'1OVed b:r l·~. w'tds" secorrlod by ;h". ~)al...,cr, to n~e chnnco order n'u:Jber 11, on the rcccn:'1Cndntion or the architect nnd the o.drrl.ntstrn.t1on, as follows: HY:'O!" ~ntilntion t-lol'k in existint! girls' toilet room and toochers; roam" unit venti1o.tor ~ Cone an:l Dornbusch letter dated J'!a.rch 20.. 1963, and onittinC fan in Joiler ::OCS!l AIm ·~435.oo to too contract price.. !' or ~as nator relocation to ncet Public Service Co. requirenents ADD ~327.~ to the contract price." Vetin[:; ~z :Ji.dda:zch. !!cssrs. !..e'tds~ liay; nona. Z'alr..er, iJauson~ Loftus, HaCL1.itcbie, Pike ani Ded:i.cation Co:nittee ... The ;J1"Csident ~..,!,)Ointod !nssrs. Loi'tus,t !~acRitchiQ and j)m~ te nark ldth hiI!l as a conr.tittoe to l11"rlUlC8 the dedication of the nan buiJ.dinr. on October 6, 19638 BttiJfH.!lG inspection - Honetoun" Cov:i.nJlion, ne\1 building T'J'le board 'Hill neet at 7:00 p.!Ilo on Jl.Ule 24, 1963" at tho Honatoun construe... tieD site for the pur~ose of' ina~ the bU'~.ldinr, pr0crat1. ,M10UI'l1r'1ent • 9:25 p.n. It 'WaS novod 'b'.r :·Ir. ai-1dtlUCh" E:econded b'.r lr. ~-ar.ncr, to adjourn at 9:25 porn. Roll call vote was unnnimous and the Mriotinr; t·;as m:1journed. The regular l!1OOtinc of: the ?"oard or Fducatio~, District 123:» County Cook" Illimin, ,·1111 be beld at 0100 p.mo on June 24.. 1963.. at the Cook Avenue School, 9526 South Cook Avenue, On1;: Laun" Illinois. .:-L:'.:-'li:.)'.lED by tt .Bu. of Ed .. - 7-22-63 The regulBr JOOeting of the Board or Education District 123, Count,y' C~ 1111 n~~ was held at 8:00 pono~ June 24, 196.3s at the Cook krTenue Sdh... 0013 9520 South Cook Avenue, Oak Lrmng DJinnS.s. ~ roll call at 8e12 pem~ were the £ollowing J.Babers. ~ssrso Iew1ss Hac.Ritchie, Palmr ard Piko o Hr. Dawson came in at 9:05 p.m. ITo f-tl.ddaugh and ITo Loi"'tuS'W1"e absente Also ~sent$ .1·1esarso UcGuga:a. MatmJ' Cone~ lfrs. SchU1"ke Md interested residents or the district. Pre~t E£O=teIl! It was moved by l·~o ?a1r.Jezo, seconded by Hl"o Lewis,. to appoint Ito. ?11ce as president pro-tem in the ab8enca ot z.tr. l%iddaugb. Voting 8:'.19 ~ Hcssrs• .PaJJGar$ Imds, HacRitchie and Pike. J~.r, nom. Aoprova.l of' minutes It was r.JOVed by Hr. ?a1rne:r. aeconded by lfr c Le'H1s, to 8.:')pI'OVe the .I'!1nt1te& of June lO~ 196.3 as written. Votine ~cs I·bssrs. ?aJJ:1er, Lewis. I1a.cR1tchie and Pika. lIay, nona. Corres~nce ( Letter frCill senator DoU(:las ac1a3owJ.edgj.ne receipt cipate in the neu school dadication on October 6. or imitation to parti- Assi~uant County Supt. of' Schoo1.s. congrat,u.. lat.:3.nr; the board on i t8 selection o! DOUClas Ao l~ugan as super1ntezxlento tetter !'rom C. Hobart Engle" ~ntewsntls ro~ Mr. r·~uean reported on the recrui'limerm progress tar teachers.. principals and an assistant superlntendsnt; the enrollment in the SU!!I:1CI" school pt'OcramJ the objectionable paint probletl tihich is notl 'bcl.1:t& studied by the paint producers} ~ inquiry has boon directed to the village tor ita op1.nion on the drainage ditch on the Geddis school poropert;Yoo House Bill lO21 or was nDVed l:u Hro PaJr.m-. appreciation to the area senator mxl representatives who were instrumental in 8 U ~ House Bill 10970 Voti.ng ayes J.bssrs o Pa.lr.tsr, Iswis J l{acRitch1e ani ?ike. n83'~ nonao On the recOlll"lerldation seconded by Hr o Iewis~ the edr.ttn1stration~ it to address a letter or Ap!lrOVBl of contracts On the recOl"ll"Xmdation or the administration. it 'Was noved by }-~o Lewis, eecordod by Hr:'o ?alr.\sr, to B:Jprove corrtztacts ror der,ree teoohars In• .shirley I3erxlaa, $5100, and iTs o Sharon Richards, 3S100, tar the 196)- 1964 none 0 school ycaro A;raz :1cS31"'8Cl' !.e'Wis", PnlMar. Ha.oRitchie and !'1ke" lIay~ ~te It Itnpt:O!!''lEmt .. 'WaS 1l1OVed by c~...nu"'1;on" H ~ :1r. Pike~ and new rntSJd~ng aecamsd by Uro Mad'dtchie. to award the contract tor site work in the S'IlDU:nt not to. exceed $.~.OO to Pre8b1t.a\to and SoDs" m:l auth~ the admS mstratioD to mgot1ate a red:uct1ao in the Ir'JDlmt due to the d1££erel":'S in est1mates or fill. Vot:1.ng., l!esars. Pike. I-TacRitch1e. IGII1s and .'nJ..nlor0 nay, none. street Improvenents • new school On the reconmerxlation of the adJdnistration. it was ::lOVed by 1'11". Levis. eecondod 'b1J iTo MacF.1tcbie. to a.pprove the low bid or T~ :av!ng CCJl1I?8DY. in the amount or ~20o.35, am authorize the Village or oak Lmm to pr0ceed 1:4th the letting of the contract. Vot.1n6 aye. l-lessrso Leu1sb Uaen1teh1G, Palr.1er and 'i.'1ke. !Jay.. none. See apponded tile. Itecor.nmdation of Corn1.ttce - name far new school The com1ttee orfercd the name "Alrahsa Lincoln" tor the new schoolo It was lJXm3d by lYr o lIac.~tch1e. seconded by Hr. l'81nor. to defer' action tar nau:!.nc t.Jte new school untdl S'.1oh time as tho entire board is in attondancso Voting eye& :sssrs., HacRito.'lUe, Palnar, Lewis ani Pike. ~"none. ll~ covari.$l:l - Coving;ton and ne'H' school It was mvcd 11'/ Hr. Palmr, seconded by :'h'. Lnuis, to accept law bid r.lCetillg specifications tar ter.il:1.te ohadss and drapes tar Cov1J!eton end the new schooJ.. Floyd ~ in the a:nrnmt or ~Sp07Oo70. \'0'ti11g.: !~Bsrso Palmers» LeNis, ~1acf?.itchio mx! Pike. ~ra:"J none. . !1>iY:!tcal education eguiI?f!!nt On the rocor.nendation of the adrrd.n1stration. it '188 noved by Ifro ?ike, seconded ~J lfr. l'aJJeo, to accept low bid 7:1ee~ spec1ticat&i.OI2S ter physical OO:Icataion equipmentl Palos Sporf;s~ !ne o D • • $ll22o~. . ~!arq~1Qtte S~s ••••• !Jlo'S Vot1l'2« eye: ?1o.!:isrBo Pika,t Pal.':1el"" I.et.r1s and. ~·tad'J.tchie. .. Nay, nom. Librarz Furtd.ture On tho reca:non1ation of tho administzoation, it was I'1O'O"Od by Uro Le'ld.s" seeonded by lYr o Po.J.r:m-, to accept low b1d z:ret1n{; speo1t1ca.t1ons for 111:rary' turn1.ture for the new school, Frankl1n-1J.:lo. in the anount or mJa).ooo Voting aya: HasSl'so Lmds, Pa:I..r.m-, ~1seRitch1e and ~~o llay. DOnoo ~ttarne;r - 1963-1~4 It 11tlS ::lOVed by Hr o ?:iI..~" seconded by l1ro ;,tacRitchie" to retain t.'lo rim or Klein nn:i Thorpe as school attorneys tar 196.3-1964, on the present basiso Vot1ng a::ro s : fessr'S lit PalMer, ; :acRitchie, YAWls!J Da:w'Son and Pike 0 Ns;ygnone 0 J;mprest Fnm. - tarrTlinate It was r:lO'V'ed by HI:"., Pike, seoon:led by ;'&-o :ra.cnitc!lie, to tarm1nl1te the !nJprest Fund er:rect1ve June 30, 19630 Voting. '~: les:srso Pike, 11acR1tchie, D~ Lewis and. Pa:I.mer 0 Ua:', noneo .~st FilM - establish It was n::rwd l:u Mr'. ?a.J.Jlv3r" seconded by Hr. P1k:e, to establish an Inprest Fund in the ~ or $1,000 far the 196.3111l96h school ~'"Coro vot1I3g a:Je1 lTessrBo Pa.JJoor, P1kB, ~ I..eId.s tmd I~tcbi9o IBy, none. ~ o.f b1lls and paYrOll It was noved by %11- 0 UacRitchie" seconded by l1r'o Le'Wis, to approvo the bills an:! payroll 88 follows: $115g438.01 - f.ducat1on Fund ~oll, ~:",39 and 6-\15, 1963 9;S"u¥: - Ed~1CB.tion 7und bills, '-24-03 8,51",'~ 938 0 00 Trnnsportation :r'U%Xl1*Qr01l~30am '124064 Trans:>ortation Fund b1ll.s" -1963 6-15-1963 '3,308.53 - Geru:rsl 3ui1d1nc I·'und bills.. 6-24-63 $'G3.!> - I:·P. billa" nay 8J.98lt,61l - 4/9#01 IIdf ( ICF #10 bills, June 24, 1963 .. $ ';S?jC63i§ - Total, all eXpenditures. Le\lis" Dawson, ?~:w P:1.ko. IfEtr" noneo Voting ~I iessr'So I-IacP..itch:1e" Public lJear:1ng - 196.3-1964 hldeet It vas lY.tVC-<! b:t !~~ ?iko, secondod 1>y :~., :!o.c!1itchio, that tho Board of Bdllc'".a.... tion hold a public hoorin{; on the ::eucational, General ~1uildinc, '.i'ranspc:rta- . tion.t IoMoRo, am Rental FuM Wdgots at 8100 p.no on August 1963, at the Cook Avenue SChool» end ins~..let the at1io:r'ne"J to publish not1.ce or such hoor~ at least 30 ~ prior thereto, am rake the bU~ts availJlble to public inspection !rom JuJJ 18, 1963_ to Aueus1; 1963, in the Qf'i'ice or the Superintendent or Schools, 9526 South Cook AVeDlw, Oak Lawn, roo Vot1.nl: Byes ;·tossrsa Pike, HacRitehie, Dawson, Lewis am Ha1Jncro J~"I rxmeo as, as_ @ourntJent. - 9s15 PoMo It W88 %l)OVod by Uro Imlis, oecoxxled by fro ?1lJ..t:lcrl, to adjou:rno roll call vote 1148 U!".aniJynua and tho meetinS" was adjOtU'"'Z'1eClo At 9115 ~ Tho reeuJ.ar ncctiru of tho Doard or f.ducation n1strict 123, County ~~ IUo • ldll be hold at 8100 poll1o, July 22, 1963, at the Cook Awnuo School, ~as So Cook Avenue, Onk Lmm, I110