tidings - Holy Nativity Lutheran Church


tidings - Holy Nativity Lutheran Church
Worship on Sunday at 8:30 & 10:30am
Education for All at 9:30am (September—May)
Coffee/Fellowship 9:30am-11:00am
Communion Celebrated 1st and 3rd Sunday
of each month
Office Hours
Friday (September-May) 9:00am-3:00pm
Friday (June-August)
Associate Pastor Call Committee update
Happy New Year!
As of this article, the call committee has begun the
first of many interviews in search for the next Associate Pastor at Holy Nativity. We will have updates in
the bulletin as things progress. Then, hopefully within
the next few months Holy Nativity will have a new
Associate Pastor!
We want to thank you the congregation, the stewardship committee, as well as the church council of Holy
Nativity for all the hard work on the spending plan.
We greatly appreciated it and now we will do our best
to bring in an Associate Pastor that will be with us for
the long term.
God Bless!
Associate Pastor Call Committee
Kristin Daniels
Ted Davis
Bill Hartman
Tina Haugstad
Wayne Moen
Connie Toavs
Dale Wilson
Pastor Jason Wahlstrom
~ to learn the Gospel
~ to serve the Gospel
~ and to share the Gospel!
Retirement Party for Pastor Jerry Wahl
January 15, 2015
Join the synod staff as they bid farewell to Pastor
Jerry who was Pastor at Holy Nativity for 16
years (prior to Pastor David). The open housestyle party will be held at Diamond Lake Lutheran, 5760 Portland Avenue South, Mpls, 3:30 7:00 pm. Please bring stories, memories, and/or
photos with Jerry to share. Contact Janet Thompson with questions at [email protected].
Give the greatest gift by donating Blood.....
Please consider donating blood at the Holy Nativity
Blood Drive. Donations at our site have been steadily
dwindling over the past few years. Many Holy Nativity members donate at the main centers or in other
drives on a regular basis. All donations are very important; it does not matter where. However, we need
to increase our drive with NEW blood!!
Memorial Blood Center will be at Holy Nativity on
February 5th, 2015, from 3:00 to 7:00pm. You can
register on line or contact Karen Adamson
([email protected] or 612-590-6366). Give
the gift of life!
From the Pastor…
Thanksgiving – Trust – Transformation
No, this is not stewardship part 2. This is my opportunity to share some thoughts with you as we bring our mutual
time of ministry to a close.
Thank you for your partnership in ministry. For your welcome to me and my girls, Mikaela and Annika.
We have enjoyed our time here at Holy Nativity. Thank you to the staff and Church Council for your great work
and dedication to our leadership in this place. And, a special word of thanks to Pastor Jason for being a great colleague in ministry. This has been a fun year to come and lead worship, to walk through the call process and celebrate Pastor Jason’s installation as Senior Pastor.
Thank you for your trust. As pastors we are called to proclaim the Gospel, preside at the sacraments, teach
and walk with you in the joys and sorrows of life. I consider it a privilege to be invited into your life and trusted
in my call to invite you into a deeper life of faith.
Over the years I have come to accept that transition is a part of life. But I believe that when we embrace
transition and not just brace against transition we are open to the gift of transformation. For me this is about keeping my eyes open to see new opportunities as a gift. It’s also about listening and experiencing God’s grace in the
sounds around us.
Holy Nativity’s transformation continues as you welcome Pastor Linda Wahlstrom to serve in the bridge
interim time and then call a new Associate Pastor. Also, you continue to explore ways to invite new members in
and reach out to the surrounding neighborhood.
For me and my family, transformation brings us in three locations connecting by Skype, texting, calling
and playing Word’s with Friends on our telephones. Mikaela will continue at Augsburg College. Annika will
finish out her Senior Year at Buffalo High School. And I will be the Mission Redeveloper for Lutheran Church of
the Resurrection in Wimberley, Texas. I’m excited for this new opportunity and I won’t miss the cold, snow and
ice of winter here.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise the words of prophets, but test everything; hold fast to
what is good; abstain from every form of evil. May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely; and may
your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one
who calls you is faithful, and he will do this.
God’s Blessings to All of You!
Pastor Becky Sogge
If you personally have experienced the death of a loved one or a friend, you are invited to attend the upcoming
GriefShare ministry seminar series.
GriefShare is a 12-week course that uses a series of videos to stimulate conversations to help participants work
through their grief. GriefShare seminars are sponsored by Bonfire Ministry and are open to anyone who is experiencing grief.
The GriefShare ministry seminars are held at St. James Lutheran Church on Sunday afternoons, from 4:00 pm –
6:00 pm. The next GriefShare series begins on Sunday, January 18, 2015. There is a $10.00 fee for the GriefShare
seminars, and scholarships to cover this fee are available.
For more information please call Debbie Haney, the Bonfire Ministry Parish Nurse (612-408-2049).
Holy Nativity Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, December 16th, 2014
Call to Order:
7:01pm by Dennis Dalen
Devotions: Ted Davis
Secretary’s Report: M/S/Approved.
Communications Received: Thank you from PRISM for $55 donation.
Treasurer’s Report:
YTD Difference
Operating Fund Income
Operating Fund Expenses
Operating Surplus/Deficit
General Savings Account
General Fund Giving
At year end, negative savings account balance will need to be offset against other cash sub-accounts in order to
clear it. Potential offsets include Thrivent Choice dollars or the operating allocation of estate gifts. 2015 spending plan line items have been prepared. Spending plan will be allocated by function as well (Jerry to talk with
Bill). M/S/Approved Treasurer’s report.
OLD BUSINESS: Building Use Committee – Working on assessing current building use. Associate Pastor
Call Committee – Meeting with Pastor Hulden tomorrow to receive names of individuals to interview.
NEW BUSINESS Interim Staffing – Proposal to hire retired pastor part-time (no benefits) until position is
filled. Pastor Linda Wahlstrom is available and willing. M/S/Approved to hire at ½ time to assist with preaching,
confirmation, and visitation. Synod Assembly – still need 2 voting members for May 15-16 at Lord of Life,
PASTOR REPORTS: Pastor Becky’s last day is Christmas. Pastor Jason and his family have moved closer to
MINISTRY TEAM REPORTS: Youth Committee – Considering serving wine at the live auction. Discussion
by Council. Outreach – Add to January meeting: Request donation to Empty Bowls.
Closing prayer by Pastor Becky. M/S/ Approved to adjourn at 8:25pm.
The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman tells the story of Tom Sherbourne and his wife.
After four harrowing years on the Western Front, he returns to Australia and takes a job as a
lighthouse keeper on Janus Rock, nearly a half day's journey from the coast. To this isolated
island, where the supply boat comes once a season and shore leaves are granted every other year at
best, Tom brings a young, bold, and loving wife, Isabel. Years later, after two miscarriages and one
stillbirth, the grieving Isabel hears a baby's cries in the wind. A boat has washed up on shore carrying a
dead man and a living baby.
Tom, whose records as a lighthouse keeper are meticulous and whose moral principles have withstood
a horrific war, wants to report the man and infant immediately. But Isabel has taken the tiny baby to her
breast. Against Tom's judgment, they claim her as their own and name her Lucy. When she is two, Tom
and Isabel return to the mainland and are reminded that there are other people in the world. Their
choice has devastated one of them.
This unforgettable, beautifully written novel seduces us into accommodating Isabel's decision to keep
this "gift from God" and we are swept into a story about extraordinarily compelling characters seeking to
find their North Star in a world where there is no right answer, where justice for one person is another's
tragic loss.
Pine Ridge Mission Trip 2015
Mark your 2015 calendar for the HNLC mission trip
to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation located in Pine
Ridge, SD. It will be happening the end of July or beginning of August 2015. Departure & return dates
will be finalized in January. It will be here before you
know it!
Questions: Please contact Lori or Wayne Frederickson
Thank you to all who have been so generous
in your donations to KidPack! Please keep in
mind that this is an on-going need so you can
still donate! $54 sponsors a child for the entire
school year, but any amount is welcome.
The next KidPack bag packing is Tuesday, January 6th at
4:00pm. The regular packing schedule resumes on Tuesday, January 27th. Please join us!
ALSO: Friday, January 30th is the KidPack Soup and Chili
Fundraiser! It’s being held here at Holy Nativity from 4:307:00pm. Cost is a mere $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for those
12 and under. Come for food, fellowship and some great
entertainment while raising funds for this wonderful organization!. Tickets available soon.
Contact Deborrah Mickelson (763-559-7665) or Dorothy
Jorenby (763-315-0220) with any questions.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 15th at
5:30pm for a HYMN FESTIVAL! This will be
the next HNAS event so watch for further information!
NEEDED...Voting Members from Holy Nativity to represent HN @ Conference/Synod
Assembly on May 2nd-3rd, 2015. We are in
need of two additional individuals to attend on behalf
of Holy Nativity. Contact the Church Office/Pastor.
Volleyball Anyone???
Adult, co-ed, recreational
(no Olympic style)
When? Friday nights 7:00-9:00pm
Where? Sandburg Middle School, Gym B
Any adult willing to play non-power volleyball—singles, couples, friends, neighbors
Format: New teams picked each night, play about 810 games, no need to play the full two hours.
About $4.00/person/night
January schedule: 16th, 23rd, 30th
???: Call Bob Madsen 763-522-2942 or 612-219-7131
“Thank you for the poinsettia that Holy Nativity gave
me. It’s very much appreciated.” – Ray Johnson
“Thank you for the poinsettia that was delivered to my
door. It’s beautiful!” - Hazel McPherson
The Holy Nativity Staff would like to thank all of you
who helped each of us gain 10 pounds over the holidays. We so appreciate all the goodies and generous
“Thank you to all the teachers, kids, and parents who
helped make our Christmas programs such a great
success! Special thanks also to the Education Committee and Brian and Tom for all your help! Our offering raised $ 376.00 for Avenues for Homeless
Youth. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!”
- Kari Johnson
“We are so grateful for all the support for our youth at
Holy Nativity! At last count the Red Envelope fundraiser total was over $2,600 and the apparel fundraiser
brought in another $500! Thank you so much for your
- The Holy Nativity Youth Committee
Some Holy Nativity members have recently changed
an address, phone number, or e-mail address. Please
contact the office if you need new information for any
of them:
Verne Erickson
Kirby Miller
Charlotte Anderson
Adam and Caryn Cummings
Doreen McCall
Ray Schaefer
Pastor Jason and Ann Wahlstrom
Don’t forget that HN accepts used ink cartridges,
eye glasses, watches and cell phones that we in
turn re-use and recycle. We also collect Box
Tops for Education which we distribute to various
District 281 schools.
Also keep in mind that we love to keep you informed of goings-on in the life of HN. Just ask to
be added to our e-mail group! And don’t forget
about joining the HN Facebook page as well!
PRISM—People Responding In Social Ministry
730 Florida Ave So, Golden Valley, MN 55426
PRISM FOODSHELF, CLOTHING and so much more!! Check
out the PRISM website www.prismmpls.org, or "like" PRISM's
Facebook page or contact Pat Harwell @ 763-544-7186
or [email protected]
the PRISM box with toilet paper, or any other hygiene items – kleenex, toothpaste, shampoo,
soap. They are always appreciated!
Also, the Shop for Change thrift store is especially in need of household items – bedding, towels,
kitchen utensils, dishes, anything you can spare.
THANK YOU to EVERYONE who supported
PRISM over the holidays and in response to the
fire by donations of time, toys, money. (Look for
our toys total on the PRISM bulletin board by the
collection box.)
PRISM’s volunteers are away in the winter, so if
you can find time to help out, there are many
ways PRISM can use you. Contact Eleanor
Trenary ([email protected]) or 763-4324210 and she will find just the right spot for you!
UPCOMING EVENTS – March is Minnesota
Foodshare month. Also the Empty Bowls fundraiser for PRISM and NEAR is March 3rd.
PRISM has won the Walmart grant! Along with 74
other food shelves nationwide, we will receive
$20,000 for a food shelf makeover. Thank you all
for voting!
It’s not just for Christmas shopping! Don’t forget to
continue to use Amazon Smile and make some money
for Holy Nativity as well! The Amazon Smile program
donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible items to
Holy Nativity. Just shop at smile.amazon.com, click
“search for” and select Holy Nativity as your organization or use the direct link: http://smile.amazon.com/
Then shop away! Thanks for supporting this program!
This item is courtesy of Timothy Merrill and should
get us in the mood for the February Hymn Festival:
Think back many years to some of the hymns you
used to sing. Perhaps you sang some of these:
Give Me The Old Time Religion
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Count Your Blessings, Name Them One By One
Blessed Assurance
It Is Well With My Soul
There are some great hymns on that list and they lift
up some wonderful spiritual lessons. But someone
(with too much time on his hands and feeling weary in
body) took those same hymn titles and changed them
slightly to reflect the aches and pains he was experiencing. You might call these the “Hymns of the Elderly.” All in fun, of course!
Give Me The Old Timers Religion
Precious Lord, Take My Hand And Help Me Up
Just A Slower Walk With Thee
Go Tell It On The Mountain, But Speak Up
Nobody Knows The Trouble I Have Seeing
Guide Me, O Thou Great Lord God, I’ve Forgotten
Where I’ve Parked the Car
Count Your Many Birthdays, Count Them One By One
Blessed Insurance
It Is Well With My Soul, But My Knees Hurt
Prayer: O God, thank you for joy and laughter!
How good a smile feels in my soul!
In Jesus’ name. Amen
Staffing Update
As most of you know, Pastor Becky has left us to
serve a congregation in Texas. In the meantime, the
call committee continues to work hard to find a candidate to serve as our new associate pastor. That process is moving along and will hopefully conclude
within two or three months. During those two to three
months, we welcome Pastor Linda Wahlstrom to serve
as a part-time “bridge” interim. Pastor Linda is rostered in the Saint Paul Area Synod and has recently
served two interims in that synod. She will be with us
half-time and her primary roles will be preaching, visitation, and assisting with confirmation instruction. 5
Sunday Forums for January
No Forum
Invisible Children/Kids At Risk Action
presentation/discussion by Founder
Mike Tikkanen
“The Weapon of Nonviolence”
“Long Term Care—What are your
needs? Where do we start?”
Presented by Tina Haugstad
Youth Forums for January
No Forum
God Talks...with Wendy
God Talks...with Brian
God Talks...with Brian
Wednesday Night Congregational Dinners
for January
No Dinner (Wildfire Event)
Sloppy Joes
Senior High Coffee and Brunch for January
Sunday, January 11th
9:30am at Caribou
Sunday, January 25th
11:30am at Bruegger’s Bagels
January Choristers Schedule
Wednesday, 1/14: Rehearsal at 6:30-7:30pm
Wednesday, 1/28: Rehearsal at 6:30-7:30pm
(Choristers sing next on Sunday, February 8th!)
Sunday School Information
Please mark your calendars—Sunday, February
8th is Worship Participation Day for the Sunday School classes! All classes will participate
in the 10:30am worship service on February
PS: There is NO Sunday School on January
4th—Sunday School resumes on January 11th.
Confirmation Information—January
The January Wildfire Event will be Wednesday,
January 7th. We will be making KidPacks at St.
James Lutheran from 6:30-7:45pm.
drop off and pick up your child at St. James
(6700 46th Place, Crystal).
You will get an email reminder, which will include any updates in times, a few days before
the event. Please note – there will not be dinner this evening.
Wednesday Night Adult Education
Book Study
Please join us January 14th, 21st, 28th, and
February 11th as we read and discuss the
book “Amish Grace, How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy”. This is the story of the October 2006 shooting of 10 schoolgirls at a
Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania and the
remarkable response of the Amish community
to this tragic event.
Please read Part 1 (chapters 1-5) for discussion
on January 14th.
Please note we will place another order for
books on Monday, January 5th, (book cost is
$15.00, or you may purchase on your own).
The sign-up sheet as well as a more detailed
description of the book and study will also be
posted on the kiosk. Even if you get your own
book, please sign up so we know you’ll be
Please note: Childcare will be available on an
as need basis. If you will need childcare for
Wednesday night please call the office by Monday afternoon and we will make the arrangements. Thank you.
Youth Fundraiser
Professional Wrestling
Join us on Saturday, February 7th at
6:00pm when Holy Nativity youth will be
sponsoring a family-friendly professional
wrestling fundraiser for their summer mission trip. Tickets are $12.00 or $10.00 with a canned food
donation. Families of 4+ pay only $35. See Chris Daniels
for additional information. Bring your friends!
Holy Nativity Lutheran Church, ELCA
3900 Winnetka Avenue North
New Hope, Minnesota 55427
(763) 545-1647 Fax: 763-545-8339
Email: [email protected]
Web site: www.holynativity.net
Twin Cities MN
Permit No. 2285
Volume 57 (Issue 1) Issued Monthly
Celebrating 50+ Years!
Our thoughts and prayers continue for
those in military service overseas:
Michael Ditty, Matt Eittreim, Lucas
Gates, Lenny Arntson, William Meade,
Sylvia Meade, Chris Weaver, Alex Bjorkstrand,
Alex Folkerds
Please call the church office with updates, or to add a
loved one serving in the military to this list.
Senior Pastor Jason Wahlstrom
(H) 763-767-3051
[email protected]
Interim Pastor Linda Wahlstrom
(C) 651-280-0761
[email protected]
Iver Hubert
Director of Music Ministry
[email protected]
Lisa Baker
Organist & Administrative Asst.
[email protected]
Linda Lien
Coordinator of Parish Life
[email protected]
Kari Johnson
Christian Ed. Director
[email protected]
Kara Holt
Financial Coordinator
[email protected]
Brian Johnson /Tom Wiblishauser
Kelli Hovland
Nursery Coordinator
[email protected]
Brittany Anderson
Childcare Director
(HNCCCC Office) 763-591-0681
[email protected]
General Message
[email protected]
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Kent Eittreim upon the death of his mother Maxine.
“Blessed are those who mourn for they will
be comforted” ~~ Matthew 5:4
The 2015 flower chart is posted across from
the office. Please consider contributing Sunday altar flowers. $25 for flowers or plant.
Please sign up!
Game Night is going on hiatus for a couple of months. Call Barb Johnson (763536-1413) or the church office with questions.