All Leis are $25, or two for $45 - Tamalpais Union High School District


All Leis are $25, or two for $45 - Tamalpais Union High School District
Graduation Lei Order Form
Student’s Name: _________________ Parent’s Name:__________________
Student’s Phone:__________________ Parent’s Phone:__________________
Email:___________________________ Email:__________________________
Pre-Order: Please indicate number of Leis.
White Orchid ​ ​
Green Orchid
White Tuberose
Red Carnation/White Orchid
All Leis are $25, or two for $45
White Orchid
Green Orchid
White Tuberose
Red Carnation/White Orchid
Total Number of Leis: _____________
Total Amount Due $________
Make Checks Payable to ​Redwood High School​, Cash is acceptable
**​This form must be returned​ to Cindy Clinton​ ​by​ Tuesday May 26th by 3:30 PM
Questions? Email us at: [email protected]