congregation beit hillel of flatlands
congregation beit hillel of flatlands
בס"ד CONGREGATION BEIT HILLEL OF FLATLANDS Is proud to host a family musical event with the famous Jewish music star Joining as part of the band are Izzy Kieffer, Heshy R. and possible other surprising guests. Location: 2164 RALPH AVE. (CORNER of AVE. L) BROOKLYN, NY 11234 “The greatest musician in Jewish music today!" ~National Chairman NCSY, HASC. RUBY HARRIS, star soloist of Sun Records Elvis Presley All Stars, is an original member of the band that invented Jewish Rock: The Diaspora Yeshiva Band. Ruby has played with Gad Elbaz, Yossi Piamenta, Shlomo Katz, members of Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Buddy Miles, Ray Charles, Pinetop Perkins, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Chaim David, Peter Himmelman, Klezmatics, Klezmorim, Klezmer Conservatory, Leftover Salmon, Hot Tuna, Phish, Moshav and more. ואני אומר שעולם הנגינה הוא עולם התשובה שדרך הניגון..." "אפשר להגיע לדביקות ה' ולתשובה .) ענייני שירה וזמרה, הרב אליהו שאול ממודזיץ:(אמרי אש VISIT CONG. BEIT HILLEL ONLINE AT WWW.BEITHILLEL.ORG Sponsors for dedications may contact Rabbi Yair Fine at (347) 407-1842