Bethany Bible Training Center
Bethany Bible Training Center
B E t h a n y Bible TrainingCenter E A School of the Spirit Contents A Message from the President and Dean 2 About Bethany Bethany Is... Vision and Statement of Faith Bethany’s History 3 4 5 Academics School Information Programs School Within a School Courses Course Descriptions Chapel and Class attendance 6 6 7 8-9 10-12 13-14 Admissions Applying to Bethany International Admission Financial Information Fees and Expenses 15 15 16 16-17 Students Location/Housing Student Life Student Regulations Spiritual Life 18 18 19 20 Ministries Bethany Ministries and Leadership Contact 21 22 A Message from the President and Dean In the Bible, Bethany was a place Jesus loved to visit and where He was welcomed by His friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. It was at Bethany that Jesus taught His disciples and Mary sat at Jesus’ feet in devotion and anointed His feet in adoration and worship. In the same way, we want our school to be a place where God loves to abide and where He is given free reign to accomplish the purposes of His heart both in and through us. One of our earliest school brochures says of the bride in the Song of Solomon: “No longer was she satisfied with a knowledge of things about God; she desired intimate knowledge of God Himself. An intense reduction of all her ambitions, dreams and desires brought her to a singleness of vision and purpose. We believe this is the desire of the heart of God for His people everywhere today—to know Him!" This is still God’s desire: that His people would know Him. We want to respond—to allow God to so establish His heart in us that our very lives will echo the cry of His heart for our generation. Do you have a desire to set aside distractions to seek God with all your heart? Are you desperate to experience more of God - to truly know Him? Are you seeking God for His purpose and will for your life? Do you want to be grounded in the Word of God? If you feel the Lord is drawing you to a deeper relationship with Him, consider Bethany. May the Lord bless you! Jack and Joanne Picataggi 2 About Bethany Bethany Is... A School Created for God Bethany Bible Training Center was founded in 1968 as a place where God could come and accomplish the purposes of His heart. Our desire is to be a habitation for the Lord—both individually and corporately as a school. In the Bible, Bethany was a home where Jesus loved to go and where He was welcomed by Mary, Martha and Lazarus. In the same way, we want our school to be place where God can freely reveal His character, heart and desires through His manifest and abiding presence. A School Set Apart Bethany is place where students of all ages, nationalities and callings can come apart to build a life foundation of devotion to God. Before Moses led the Israelites out of bondage, he turned aside to meet God at the burning bush. Before John the Baptist declared God’s heart to a generation that had not heard His word for 400 years, he went out into the wilderness to listen to God. At Bethany, students can separate themselves from distractions to seek God—to learn His voice, study His Word, and to allow Him to prepare their lives as a habitation for Him. We emphasize developing an active prayer and devotional life, growing in the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit and living as overcomers through the power of the cross. A School of the Spirit Bethany is a “School of the Spirit,” where training is not limited to classes or chapels, but where students are called to unreservedly surrender every area of their lives to the Holy Spirit for His training and transformation. At Bethany, we invite the Lord to come and have His way in our lives—to teach us His ways and change us as only He can. 3 As Seeley Kinne writes in “The School of Preparation,” “Before we will be able to rightly relate to the classroom lessons of this school, we must come into a practical relationship with the Holy Spirit as our Director and Teacher. Each individual will be in a class by himself and receive the lessons specifically fitted to the crucifixion of his will, heart, and carnal nature.” A School of the Bible We believe that the Word of God and the Spirit of God are in agreement, and our desire is to teach the Bible not just as information but with impartation, with a spirit of revelation that impacts the spirit, heart and mind and transforms lives. Our classes are intended to impart the life-changing truth of God’s Word so that the Word will “become flesh”—lived out—in students’ lives. A School of Ministry Our mission is to equip students to learn and function in their purpose in the body of Christ and to fulfill God’s unique destiny for their lives. We believe that ministry flows out of relationship with God; that our first call is to minister to God, and that as we seek to grow in intimacy with Him, His desires will become our own, and we can then minister from His heart to a hurting and broken world. VISION Our vision is to provide an environment where students can come apart to develop a life-transforming, vital relationship with God, and to train sensitive and mature Christian leadership with a vision of God’s purpose in the earth today. STATEMENT OF FAITH We believe that: • The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. • There is one true and living God revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • Man was created in the image of God, but, as a result of sin, is lost and powerless to save himself. • The Lord Jesus Christ is eternal deity and is the virgin-born Son of God who died upon a cross to bear mankind’s afflictions and punishment for sin; who arose bodily from the dead and ascended into Heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father and will return to earth in powwer and glory. • Sin is cleansed only through personal repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. • Personal salvation is the result of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, who baptizes the believer into the body of Christ. • Believers are to be baptized in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4; and there is a moving and working of the Spirit in lives in these last days • Jesus Christ will personally return to this earth and establish His kingdom on earth. 4 About Bethany Bethany’s History Since 1968, Bethany Bible Training Center, formerly Pinecrest Bible Training Center, has welcomed students from across the United States and around the world to come apart to be transformed by God. Founder Wade Taylor served as Pinecrest’s first President until 1996, when he was succeeded by his son, Dr. Ronald Taylor. Dr. Richard Forde then served as President from 2001-2006. In 2006, Jack Picataggi, former teacher and Academic Dean, was installed as Bethany’s current President. His wife, Joanne, serves as Dean. God placed a burning desire in the Picataggi’s hearts to co-labor with the Holy Spirit to raise up a prophetic people for the last days. When Jack was a student at Pinecrest in the 1970’s, God spoke to Jack and Joanne separately that they would pioneer a school of the Spirit. Years later, Samuel Howells, son of intercessor Rees Howells of the Bible College of Wales, prophesied that they would become leaders of a school for end-time anointed ones. In 2010, the Board of Directors voted to change the school’s name from Pinecrest—the name originally given to a state-run tuberculosis sanatorium and later assumed by an earlier Bible school operating on the property—to Bethany Bible Training Center to reflect the school’s vision and the cry in God’s heart for intimacy with His people. In May 2012, Jack Picataggi felt the Lord speak to him that the time had come to move the location of the school. With the Board’s blessing, he contacted Board member Dan Backens, who pastors New Life Providence Church in Virginia Beach, and with whom Jack and Joanne have had a fifteen year relationship. Jack met with Pastor Dan in October 2012 in a meeting that was very much orchestrated by the Lord. With the unanimous approval of Bethany’s Board of Directors and the consent of the elders at New Life Providence, Bethany Bible Training Center begins their 2013-2014 school year at the New Life Deep Creek Campus in Chesapeake, Virginia. As profoundly as God has moved in Salisbury Center, we are convinced that His purpose for Bethany Bible Training Center is not confined to its campus; His intention goes beyond a location, and we believe He has a continuing, unique call for this school to fulfill. We have great anticipation for what He has in store for us and for the students He has yet to send our way. If He is leading us to a new place, then His plans for us there are greater than anything we could try to manufacture on our own. 5 Academics SCHOOL INFORMATION Accreditation Bethany Bible Training Center is not accredited and has chosen not to seek accreditation in order to have full liberty to fulfill its God-ordained mission without outside regulation in any way. Bethany is exempt from state accreditation licensing and functions as a higher education religious organization. For a list of schools that accept Bethany credits, please contact the Admissions Office. Bethany Bible Training Center is now operating in the state of Virginia, and is exempt from the requirements of certification by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. School Schedule The school year runs from September through May and is divided into four quarters. Students may apply for admission to Bethany at the beginning of any of the four quarters in September, November, January or March. International students are accepted only at the beginning of the school year in September. One quarter credit is given for eight 75-minute class sessions successfully completed. Daily Schedule Classes are held from 9a.m. to 12:55p.m. Monday through Friday. We emphasize Holy Spirit-anointed teaching and ministry in both classroom and chapel services. As a result, chapel and class sessions may be lengthened or shortened to make room for the moving of the Holy Spirit. PROGRAMS BIBLICAL STUDIES PROGRAM: First and Second Year The Biblical Studies Program is a two-year course designed to encourage students to establish a foundation in the Word of God and to develop a strong devotional life and relationship with the Lord. ADVANCED BIBLICAL STUDIES PROGRAM: Third Year This program is a one-year course offered to those who have completed the Biblical Studies Program or its equivalent and emphasizes training for ministry and greater student participation in class discussions, teaching and prayer. SHORT-TERM CERTIFICATE COURSES I & II The Short-Term Certificate Courses are designed for students who are unable to devote two or three years to Bible school. Each two-quarter (16 week) course provides a sampling of classes from all three years of the regular school curriculum and exposes students to a variety of theological subjects. Credits from the Certificate Program are transferrable to the Biblical Studies or Advanced Biblical Studies Program. 6 Academics SCHOOL WITHIN A SCHOOL The School Within a School program is designed to propel students beyond the classroom into experiencing the practical and spiritual realities of ministry. Each school combines classroom instruction with practical experience to help students pursue God’s call on their lives. Students will be involved in ministry opportunities relating to their specific area of study, including outstations to other churches and involvement in school and community activities. Guest teachers will also share on various aspects of ministry relating to the schools. Each school is a 3-credit course offered for two quarters as part of the Biblical Studies, Advanced Biblical Studies and Short-Term Certificate Courses. School Within a School programs are available to full-time students or with permission from the Dean. School of Prayer and Intercession Students will meet weekly for instruction and group prayer. Classes will include teaching on what the Bible says about intercession and the life of Jesus, the great Intercessor. Class requirements will include spending time in individual prayer each the week in addition to personal devotions. School of Worship Students will meet weekly for instruction on biblical principles of worship, basic music theory, worship as a lifestyle and practical worship guidelines. Students will spend time in individual and group worship each week and are encouraged to seek God for new worship songs. Class requirements will include participation on the worship team in Chapels conferences or weekly student-led worship services. School of Biblical Studies Students will meet weekly for instruction and discussion and will spend time in personal Bible study, with ready and study assignments related to the study topic. Study topics may include Bible study methods, the covenants of the Bible, the cross and the blood of Jesus, or other topics selected by the group. School of Missions and Outreach Students will meet weekly to be instructed in cross cultural communication, missions fundraising, evangelism, and other areas related to the Christian’s responsibility to fulfill Christ’s great commission. Students will participate in outreaches through Victory Christian Church in Albany, NY, community outreaches, and have an opportunity to go on a short-term missions trip. School of Youth Ministry Students will meet weekly to learn various aspects of youth ministry, including priorities in youth ministry, dealing with conflict, youth issues, working with a team and planning for youth ministry. They will participate in youth outreaches through Victory Christian Church in Albany, NY and assist with Bethany’s youth conference, Challenge. School of Prophecy “…the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10).” “Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:1).” Students will be instructed in biblical principles of prophecy and will devote time to waiting and listening to the heart and voice of God to hear what He is saying and to become a voice for Him in prayer and prophecy. School of Preaching The School of Preaching is an introductory course on the basics of preaching. Students will learn what goes into the development and delivery of expository sermons, both deductive and inductive. Attention is also given to the preparation of the preacher. Students will gain experience in Scripture meditation, sermon writing and delivery. 7 Biblical Studies Program Courses FIRST YEAR First Quarter (15 credit hours) SECOND YEAR Credits First Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Old Testament Survey I 4 The New Covenant 4 Romans 3 Christian Ethics 3 Devotions 1 James 1 Church History 2 Homiletics 2 School Within a School 2 School Within a School 2 Chapel 3 Chapel 3 Second Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Second Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Old Testament Survey II 4 Major Prophets 4 Theology 3 Tabernacle of David 3 Song of Solomon 1 Colossians, I and II Thessalonians 1 Tabernacle of Moses 2 New Testament Gifts and Ministries 2 School Within a School 2 School Within a School 2 Chapel 3 Chapel 3 Third Quarter (15 credits hours) Credits Third Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Old Testament Survey III 4 Minor Prophets 4 The Overcomer 3 The Gospel of John 3 Evangelism 1 Kingdom Principles 1 Marriage and Family 2 Isaiah 2 School Within a School 2 School Within a School 2 Chapel 3 Chapel 3 Fourth Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Fourth Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Old Testament Survey IV 4 Wisdom Books 4 New Testament Survey 3 History of Israel 3 The Manifest Presence of God 1 I and II Corinthians 1 Life of Christ 2 Christian Current Events 2 School Within a School 2 School Within a School 2 Chapel 3 Chapel 3 First Year: 6o credit hours Second Year: 60 credit hours A Biblical Studies diploma is granted upon satisfactory completion of 120 quarter credits with at least a C average. An Advanced Biblical Studies diploma is granted upon satisfactory completion of the Biblical Studies Program or its equivalent, plus 60 quarter credits with at least a C average. Short-Term Certificates are awarded upon satisfactory completion of 30 quarter credits with at least a C average. All graduates must show evidence of spiritual growth and character development. Class schedule subject to change. 8 Academics Short-Term Certificate Courses Advanced Biblical Studies Program Courses THIRD YEAR First Quarter (15 credit hours) SHORT-TERM CERTIFICATE I Credits First Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Luke 4 The New Covenant 4 Galations, Ephesians and Philippians 3 Romans 3 Small Group Leadership 1 Church History 2 Pastoral Ministries I 2 Devotion 1 School Within a School 2 School Within a School 2 Chapel 3 Chapel 3 Second Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Second Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Jeremiah 4 Major Prophets 4 Mark 3 Theology 3 Ministerial Etiquette 1 Song of Solomon 1 Pastoral Ministries II 2 Tabernacle of Moses 2 School Within a School 2 School Within a School 2 Chapel 3 Chapel 3 SHORT-TERM CERTIFICATE II Third Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Third Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Deuteronomy 4 Minor Prophets 4 The Covenants 3 The Covenants 3 Principles of Spiritual Growth 1 Principles of Spiritual Growth 1 Pastoral Counseling 2 The Overcomer 2 School Within a School 2 School Within a School 2 Chapel 3 Chapel 3 Fourth Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Fourth Quarter (15 credit hours) Credits Psalms 4 Wisdom Books 4 Parables, Bible Manners and Customs 3 Parables, Bible Manners and Customs 3 Principles of Leadership 1 The Manifest Presence of God 2 Church Structure and Ministries 2 The Life of Christ 1 School Within a School 2 School Within a School 2 Chapel 3 Chapel 3 Third Year: 6o credit hours ST Certificate I: 30 credit hours ST Certificate II: 30 credit hours 9 FIRST YEAR COURSE DESCRIPTION FIRST QUARTER Old Testament Survey I: 4 credits This course is a survey of Genesis through Deuteronomy. Special emphasis is placed on the unfolding steps of God’s redemptive plan as seen in the Pentateuch and the typical significance of Israel’s journey and conquest of the Promised Land. Romans: 3 credits In the study of this Pauline Epistle, special emphasis is placed upon grace as the basis of salvation as contrasted with the tendencies of the early and modern Church to revert to legalism. The themes of justification, sanctification, and Israel’s present and future status are also covered. Church History: 2 credits This course is a study of the church from the time of Acts up to and including the Reformation. Emphasis is given to the movements of revival, as well as to the formation of the Catholic Church and its impact on European history. Devotion: 1 credit The purpose of this class is for each student to develop a personal devotional life and learn how to commune with God on a deeper level. SECOND QUARTER Old Testament Survey II: 4 credits This course is a survey of Joshua through II Chronicles. Special attention is given to Israel’s falling away and restoration, with an emphasis on typical applications to the Christian life and the church. Theology: 3 credits The Theology course examines the doctrines of God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, man and salvation, church and the Scriptures, angels, Satan and the last days. Scriptures representative of each doctrine will be examined in the context of the whole Bible. The course also includes Biblical discussions on the topics of grace, healings, stewardship, tongues and spiritual warfare. Tabernacle of Moses: 2 credits This course studies the Tabernacle of Moses in Exodus and relates its typology to Jesus Christ, the church and the individual Christian. Song of Solomon: 1 credit This course is at the very heart of Bethany. It is a study and type of the development of a close relationship with the Lord. It shows the progressive dealings of the Lord in our lives to bring us into the maturity and ministry to which we are called. THIRD QUARTER Old Testament Survey III: 4 credits This course reviews the Restoration Books and covers the Poetic Books from Job through the Song of Solomon. Special emphasis is given to principles of interpreting the Poetic Books and applying them to the Christian life. The Overcomer: 3 credits This course looks at the process of overcoming, the rewards Jesus made available to us, and His plan for usboth now as we prepare as well as what He is preparing us for in the future. We have the privilege to be part of God’s tremendous end-time plan for His people. This class will show how to walk in these great truths now. Evangelism: 1 credit This course emphasizes the importance of evangelism and teaches principles of personal and mass evangelism, as well as evangelism principles for the home, church and school. Marriage and Family: 2 credits The family is the building block of society in God’s plan. An understanding of the purpose of marriage, Scriptural principles and roles within marriage is vitally important. Special attention is given to such areas as choosing a mate, the significance of the marriage relationship, and raising children. FOURTH QUARTER Old Testament Survey IV: 4 credits This course covers the prophets from Isaiah to Malachi. Attention is given to the predominating theme of the coming of the Messiah and the kingdom, as well as principles of interpreting prophetic writings. New Testament Survey: 3 credits This course is an overview of the content and message of the New Testament books. The Manifest Presence of God: 2 credits The manifest presence of God should be sought and welcomed by the believer. In this class, we will look at what the Scriptures have to say about it and experience how to draw and keep God’s manifest presence. Life of Christ: 1 credits The Life of Christ as found in the New Testament is set forth as an exemplary pattern for contemporary Christian living. Emphasis is placed upon the application of life principles as exhibited in Christ’s life, death and resurrection. 10 Academics SECOND YEAR COURSE DESCRIPTIONS FIRST QUARTER The New Covenant: 4 credits This course offers an in-depth look at the New Covenant as presented in the book of Hebrews. This covenant reveals a better ministry and better priesthood through Jesus as King and Priest after the order of Melchizedek. Christian Ethics: 3 credits This study covers spiritual answers to social and moral problems facing our society and affecting the Christian life. James:1 credit The Book of James is a practical call to godly living; to exercising not only faith, but good works as well. This is a study intended to challenge us toward holiness and fruitfulness in our Christian lives. Homiletics: 2 credits This class teaches how to prepare and deliver sermons. Opportunity is given to practice the preparation and delivery of short sermons in class and Chapel. SECOND QUARTER Major Prophets I: 4 credits This course gives an overview of the lives and ministries of the Old Testament prophets and their effect on the nation of Israel. Special attention is given to their prophecies and their fulfillment. Tabernacle of David: 3 credits This course is a study of the typology of the Tabernacle of David, how it was brought into existence and what it represents for the believer today. Colossians, I & II Thessalonians: 2 credits This course surveys the three Pauline Epistles to the churches in Colosse and Thessalonica. Special attention is given to an in-depth exposition of these Pauline Epistles and the distinctive doctrines presented in each book. An emphasis will be placed on relating Biblical principles to contemporary situations. New Testament Gifts and Ministries: 2 credits This course gives a comprehensive appraisal of the five-fold ministries as ordained for the development of the Church. Attention is also given to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and their application in the church today. THIRD QUARTER Minor Prophets: 4 credits The study of these books parallels that of the Major Prophets. 11 Each prophet is studied in relation to both the spiritual and political background of his time, as well as the impact of his ministry on the nation of Israel. The Gospel of John: 3 credits This Gospel is studied with reference to the particular emphasis of the Holy Spirit upon the deity of Christ, from the glory of the pre-incarnate Logos, through His ministry of love and power, to the triumphant resurrection. Kingdom Principles: 1 credit In this course, students will be instructed in the preparation of a people to rule and reign with Christ here on the earth, the building of character, integrity and stability in a people, dealing with right attitudes, right motives and right actions in our daily lives. Isaiah: 2 credits The student is given an understanding of the historical background of the book of Isaiah and practical applications of the truths and prophecies of Isaiah are made as pertaining to the Church and our Christian walk. There is also a special look at the work of Christ and prophetic events as related to these last days. FOURTH QUARTER Wisdom Books: 4 credits A closer look will be taken at Job as a lesson in hope, at Proverbs as lessons for living, and at Ecclesiastes as a lesson for our time. The timeless wisdom of these books will be applied to the individual believer’s walk with God. History of Israel: 3 credits In this study of the formation and development of Israel from Genesis to the present time, special attention is given to applications for the Church and prophecies fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled. I & II Corinthians: 2 credits This book deals with problems found in local churches. It also has many wonderful spiritual principles revealed within it. These problems and principles are studied to help the student better understand God’s pattern for His Church. Christian Current Events: 1 credit This class takes a look at current events, primarily in the Christian Church. We will examine how these events affect us, how we should respond to them, and how they line up with the Word of God. THIRD YEAR COURSE DESCRIPTIONS FIRST QUARTER Luke: 4 credits This course is a study of the teaching of Jesus as set forth in the book of Luke, emphasizing Jesus as the perfect Son of Man, the anointed Preacher, and the Savior to a lost world. Galatians, Ephesians, & Philippians: 2 credits This course includes the studies of the defense of the Gospel as brought forth in Galatians, the Church as the body of Christ as brought forth in Ephesians, and the benefits and responsibilities of the Gospel as brought forth in Philippians. Small Group Leadership: 1 credit This course focuses on the dynamic of leadership as it relates to the day-to-day care and nurturing of God’s flock with emphasis on encouragement, edification and evangelism. It also emphasizes developing and strengthening godly attributes in the leader. Students will gain practical experience in leading small groups. Pastoral Ministries I: 3 credits This course covers the needed qualities, the life, the duties, ethics, and restrictions of being in full-time ministry. SECOND QUARTER Jeremiah: 4 credits This course looks at the prophecies of Judah’s final prophet on the eve of captivity and examines the life of the man himself as an example of faithfulness, hope, tenderness, and courage. Jeremiah’s ministry at Judah’s midnight hour contains many lessons for us in our own desperate age. Mark: 3 credits This course deals with the call of the Christian as a servant, looking at the life of Jesus lived in lowliness and dedication to the Father. Ministerial Etiquette: 1 credit This course covers varying aspects of ministry, including how ministers should conduct themselves in the church and ministerial conduct in general. Pastoral Ministries II: 2 credits This course is considered a continuation of Pastoral Ministries I and is designed to give the student further perspective on ministry and pasturing from those in the ministry. THIRD QUARTER Deuteronomy: 4 credits The book of Deuteronomy is a book of transition and preparation. It is a new generation preparing for new leadership and conquests into their inheritance. In it are many truths and principles applicable to the Church in this present day. The Covenants: 3 credits This class introduces covenant theology through a systematic study of the divine covenants found in Scripture. Perhaps better than any other subject, the covenants give us a biblical framework for our understanding of the administration of God’s dealings with mankind throughout human history. Principles of Spiritual Growth: 1 credit Each Christian is called to grow into spiritual maturity. The processes and requirements that produce this growth are set forth throughout Scripture. These principles will be carefully considered along with an understanding of the ways of enhancing spiritual growth. Pastoral Counseling: 2 credits This course is designed to give practical instruction regarding specific counseling needs within the church, the family and the community, with consideration given to techniques, dynamics, and safeguards required in pastoral counseling. FOURTH QUARTER Psalms: 4 credits This course studies the spiritual and poetic legacy of the book of Psalms. It also examines the devotional content, historical nature, literary structure, prophetic nature, and the place and value of the Psalms in our Christian experience. Parables, Bible Manners & Customs: 3 credits This course is a study of the parables, manners and customs of Bible times and how they interrelate. Principles of Leadership: 1 credit1 This course examines both Christian leadership styles and principles for inspiring, motivating, and influencing others, as well as how to apply these principles in organizational and church settings. Church Structure and Ministries: 2 credits This course presents a practical Biblical study of church government and ministry in the new millennium Church. Students will be encouraged to find their place in the various aspects of church ministry. Optional Internship: 15 credits (150 hours) - The internship program offers students an opportunity for observation and feedback in a ministry setting, integrating classroom learning with day-to-day ministry, hands-on experience and development of a mentoring relationship with a seasoned minister. 12 Academics CHAPEL AND CLASS ATTENDANCE Absences Students must attend each class for which they are registered. To receive credit for the class, students must be present for 80% of the classes. The maximum number of absences allowed, either excused or unexcused, is as follows: 4-Credit Class 3-Credit Class and Chapel 2-Credit Class 6 absences 5 absences 4 absences An absence for a 75-minute class counts as 1 absence. Attendance is taken in each class and Chapel. If Chapel runs into scheduled class time, attendance will be counted for Chapel and the scheduled class. An absence is considered either excused or unexcused. Each unexcused absence lowers the final class grade 1/3 of a letter grade (ex. one unexcused absence would lower an A to an A-). Examples of excused and unexcused absences are listed below. Excused Absence: · · · · Medical appointment Illness Family emergency or wedding An absence approved by the President Unexcused Absence: · Being late more than 15 minutes for class or Chapel · Leaving class or Chapel for more than 15 minutes · Leaving class or Chapel before it has been dismissed · Attending a conference outside of Bethany during scheduled class time · All absences that have not been approved by the President, including leaving early or returning late for a break or visiting relatives. Each person absent will receive an Absence Report Slip for the previous week and must return absence slips with their reason for absence to the Registrar’s office. Any slips not returned within one week will automatically be considered unexcused. Leave of Absence All absences other than illnesses or emergencies must be approved in advance. A student who will be absent may obtain a Request for Leave of Absence form from the Registrar’s Office. The form must be signed and approved by the President before it becomes effective. 13 AUDITING COURSES Under certain conditions, and with advance approval from the Dean, a student may enroll under an auditing status, and regular students may audit certain classes. Auditing students must register and pay class registration fees. Although no credit will be granted, regular attendance is required, and class preparation and participation is encouraged. Auditing students are subject to the same rules and regulations as regular students. COURSE LOAD Each student is expected to register for a full course load (15 credits) each quarter, unless otherwise approved by the Dean. GRADES Grades are determined by attendance, class participation, attitudes, tests, and class assignments. Student report cards are issued after the end of each quarter. The following four-point grading system is used: A B C D F I WP WF Excellent (4 quality points per credit) Good (3 quality points per credit) Average (2 quality points per credit) Passing (1 quality point per credit) Failure (0 quality points per credit) Incomplete (becomes an F if work is not completed within two weeks of the end of the course) Withdrew passing Withdrew failing Grade point average is determined by dividing the total number of quality points by the number of credits. GRADE CONVERSION 100-97 96-94 93-90 89-87 86-84 83-80 79-77 76-74 73-70 69-67 66-64 63-60 A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D D14 Admissions APPLYING TO BETHANY Applicants who wish to attend Bethany should be Christians who have made a meaningful commitment to Jesus Christ and who have a desire to deepen their relationship with God. Bethany admits students of any national or ethnic origin. To receive a diploma from Bethany, students must have a high school diploma or General Equivalency Diploma (GED). Those without a diploma or GED may be considered for admission as auditing students. Auditing students taking classes on a non-credit basis must be accepted to Bethany through the regular application process. Audited classes will appear on a student’s transcript, but no credit will be given. Audited class fees are the same as classes taken for credit. How to Apply To be admitted as a student, an application must complete and submit Bethany’s application forms, available through the Admissions Office or on Bethany’s website. Acceptance Applicants will be notified by letter when accepted. All students are accepted for a probationary period of one quarter. Bethany reserves the right to reject any application for reasons it deems sufficient. Prospective Students We encourage prospective students to visit Bethany to attend classes and chapel, either during our scheduled Preview Days or for a personal visit. Please contact the Admissions Office for more information or to schedule a visit. Transfer Credit Credits that are equivalent to the content and program of Bethany and with a grade of C or above may be transferred to Bethany from other schools. The maximum number of credits that may be transferred into the Biblical Studies Program is 60 quarter credits; the maximum number of credits that may be transferred into the Advanced Biblical Studies Program is 120 quarter credits. INTERNATIONAL ADMISSION Note: The following information does not apply to Canadian applicants. Upon acceptance, Canadian students will be issued an I-20 form to present to the U.S. Immigration officer at the border when entering the United States. International Students are accepted at the beginning of the school year in September. Additional admissions requirements will be explained to the applicant upon contacting the Admissions Office. An international student who has been accepted to Bethany and who has submitted the required funds will be issued an I-20 form and the necessary documents to apply for an M-1 nonimmigrant student visa at the American Consulate in his or her country. 15 FINANCIAL INFORMATION Tuition and Fees Detailed financial information and refund rates can be found in the Fees and Expenses sheet. Bethany reserves the right to make adjustments in charges as necessary. Students are expected to make full payment by Registration for each quarter. Bethany Bible Training Center operates as an assumed name of Pinecrest Bible Training Center, Inc., a nonprofit corporation. Financial Information Because Bethany is not an accredited school, we cannot accept federal or state financial aid. Please contact the Admissions Office for information about the following options for financial assistance: • Student Scholarship Award: 50% scholarship awarded yearly to one new student • Youth Conference Scholarship: 15% scholarship available to students who have attended Youth Week or Challenge FEES & EXPENSES Full-Time Dormitory Per Quarter Class Fee ($53 per credit hour X 15 credit hours) Spouse Rate ($26.50 per credit hour) $795.00 Room $714.00 Registration Fees (Include: Activity, Yearbook, P. O. Box) $70.00 Quarterly Total $1,579.00 Acedemic Year Total $6,316.00 16 Admissions Non Dormitory Full-Time/Part-TIme Students Class Fee ($53 per credit hour X 15 credit hours) Spouse Rate ($26.50 per credit hour) Registration Fees (Include: Activity, Yearbook, P. O. Box) Quarterly Total Acedemic Year Total International Students Per Quarter $795.00 $70.00 $865.00 $3,460.00 Per Quarter Class Fee ($53 per credit hour X 15 credit hours) Room & Board Registration Fees (Include: Activity, Yearbook, P. O. Box) Quarterly Total $795.00 $1,314.00 $70.00 $1,179.00 Acedemic Year Total $8,716.00 Miscellaneus Fees Admission Fee Late Fee (for late registration or late payment) Official Transcript Returned Check Fee Auditing Fee (per credit hour) Part-Time Student (per credit hour) Room & Key Deposit (refundable if compliant to expectations) Note: Fees are not refundable. $30.00 $25.00 $15.00 $26.00 $53.00 $53.00 $100.00 Refund Policy No refunds will be made for absences. If a student withdraws before completion of the program and wants a refund, he/she must fill out an Academic Course Withdrawal Form from the Admissions Office. Refunds will be made as follows: Class Fees: During the first week Second week Third week Thereafter Room & Board: If a student withdraws before the end of the quarter, his/her room and board fee will be prorated based on the official withdrawal date. However, no refund will be made after the fifth week of the quarter. 17 100% 70% 40% None Students Student Life... Bethany students come from all over the United States and around the world. They range in age from high school graduates to retirees and have different backgrounds, different educational experiences and many different callings, but the common factor among our students is a love for the Lord and a desire to follow Him fully. School Location Students will be attending chapel and classes at New Life Providence Church, which is located in the neighborhood of Deep Creek in Chesapeake, Virginia. School Facility Address: 423 Shell Road, Chesapeake, VA 23323 Housing Students will be living in the Kingsbridge apartment complex in an area of Chesapeake called Great Bridge. The apartment complex has three hundred two or three bedroom units that have been recently refurbished. Students should expect to have a roommate. Each apartment has a kitchen, 1-2 baths, living room and dining area. Bethany does not offer housing to married couples or families but will assist in helping you find lodging nearby. Kingsbridge Apartments Address: 13 A Johnstown Crescent Chesapeake, VA 23322 Activities Bethany offers a variety of activities throughout the year to students, including: • Christmas and Graduation Dinners • Fall and Spring Picnics • Student-led Home Groups • Movie and Game Nights • Coffee House • Off Campus Sports Student Automobiles Student automobiles must be insured. Parking space is provided at the school location and apartment complex in designated areas. School Breaks School breaks are listed on the Academic Calendar. Students have the option of remaining on campus or visiting family or friends during breaks. Arrival The nearest airport is located in Norfolk Virginia, and the closest bus and train station is located in Newport News, Virginia. Bethany can arrange for transportation to the school for a charge. Please contact Guest Relations at least three days in advance for a transportation pick-up. 18 Students STUDENT REGULATIONS Conduct When God called the Nazirites apart for service to Him in Numbers 6:1-8, He required that they take a vow of separation—to abstain from certain things out of a willing commitment to deepen their relationship with Him. Similarly, at Bethany, students have the opportunity to lay aside things that may have normally been acceptable to give their undivided focus to God. The student regulations are intended to help students structure and discipline their lives to make the most of their time at Bethany. Student guidelines are presented in detail in the Student Handbook. In addition to academic standards, students are expected to show evidence of spiritual growth and character development. Students will receive a Student Handbook at Registration; a copy of the handbook is available in advance upon request. Attire All clothing must be modest and neat. School Attire: Classes and Chapel Women: dress pants and shirts, skirts or dresses knee-length or longer Men: dress pants and collared shirt 19 Spiritual Life... Students are encouraged to develop a lifelong hunger for intimacy with God that can only be satisfied by spending time in His presence. Spiritual development is not separate from other aspects of life, and Bethany considers every area of life part of a student’s spiritual training, including “practical” aspects such as work ethic, community living and self-discipline. While students may enter with little or no knowledge of the moving of the Holy Spirit, all are expected to be open to His working in their hearts and lives. God meets the students both corporately and individually. Chapel Chapels are held Tuesday through Thursday during the school year. Students may participate in chapel by leading worship, sharing testimonies, preaching, praying for special needs, learning to enter into worship and learning to recognize and function in the moving of the Holy Spirit. Sunday Worship All students are required to attend a Sunday morning service at a church of their choice and are encouraged to support a church through their attendance, active participation and tithes. Counseling Each student is assigned to a counselor who is available for prayer and Biblical counsel for individual needs. A dorm counselor is also available for the men’s and women’s dorms. 20 Ministries and Leadership Bethany Ministries... Bethany Ministerial Fellowship Licensing and ordination is available through the Bethany Ministerial Fellowship (BMF), which also offers support for those in ministry, including conferences in the fall, regional meetings throughout the year and a quarterly newsletter, Community. BMF believes that the Lord calls and ordains individuals into ministry, and that man merely recognizes that call of God upon their lives. For more information, contact the BMF Office at [email protected]. Correspondence School of the Bible Bethany offers courses through correspondence to allow those who are not able to enroll in Bethany’s on-campus program the opportunity to study the Bible from their homes. For more information, visit the Bethany website or contact the Admissions Office. The Banner: The Voice of One Crying The Banner: The Voice of One Crying is a quarterly devotional journal published by Bethany and is available by mail or online on Bethany’s website. Website Bethany’s website,, offers information about the school, news, devotional articles and messages. Bethany Leadership... 21 Board of Directors Jack Picataggi, President Joanne Picataggi, Vice-President Steve Chiyka, Treasurer Dan Backens Alan Bugos, Secretary Jack Buskey Robyne Dunlap Tom Worth Contact CONTACT Bethany Bible Training Center P.O. Box 6010 Chesapeake, VA 23323-6010 Phone: 315-429-8521 Email:[email protected] Admissions Office [email protected] Bethany Ministerial Fellowship [email protected] Business Office [email protected] Guest Relations [email protected] 22 B E t h a n y Bible TrainingCenter