Jerry Pugh, T. V. 2 Tom Mosgers, T.V. 2 Debbie Mermell, WEVU
Jerry Pugh, T. V. 2 Tom Mosgers, T.V. 2 Debbie Mermell, WEVU
26 R MINUTES OF THE REGULAR fl} STING OF COUNCIL HELD IN JOINT SESSION WITH THE NAPLES PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD IN THE CITY HALL OF NAPLES, FLORIDA ON WEDNESDAY, DEC EMBE R 18, 1974 AT 9:00 A.M. Roll Call: Present: Also Present: Jerry Pugh, T. V. 2 Tom Mosgers, T.V. 2 Debbie Mermell, WEVU Paula Crouch, Ft. Myers News Press Dwight Otweil, Naples News Jim Wilkerson, WINK John Arnold, Miami Herald Steve Smith, WBBH Rachel Kern, Naples Star Gary Hook, Ft. Myers News Press Edward Anderson Lawson Adams Roger Billings Jim McGrath Clayton Bigg Harry E. 0. •Heineman, Mayor Gilbert V. Blanquart Virginia B. Corkran W. H. Herbert Arnold E. Lamm John M. McGregor Philip C.Morse, Jr. Councilmen Harold E. Williams, City Manager Charles K. Allan, City Attorney Janet L. Davis, City Clerk William Savidge, Public Works Dir. A. B. Sandquist, Bldg. & Zoning Adm. Jerry Annas, City Planner Cliff Schneider, City Engineer Diana Mullen, Planning Board Clerk John Woodruff, Police Chief Dave Dampier Gary Young, Asst. Chief of Police Bob Moss, Customer Service Supv. Bradley Estes, Administrative Aid George Reardon, Dir. Parks and Recreation Mrs. Marie Mueller Lloyd Sarty Bruce Shannon Alex Gover Clyde Taylor Wes Downing Bob McDaniel William Shearston William Walker Other interested citizens and visitors: Mayor Heineman called the meeting t_o order; whereupon, Paul Jassimides of the First Presbyterian Church offered the Invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. call indicated all members of Council present. - 1 - Reverend Roll 266 AGENDA ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MIL'UiTS : Mayor Heineman introduced the minutes of the regular meeting of council held on December 4, 1974 for Council's approval. There being no changes suggested, Mr. Herbert moved for approval of the minutes as submitted, seconded by Mr. Morse and carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 4. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING: City Council and Planning Advisory Board, Mr. Clayton Bigg, Chairman of the Planning Advisory Board called said Board to order and roll call indicated all members present. The following Item 4 -a was presented for joint consideration by the City Council and Planning Advisory Board. Special Exception Petition No. 74 -S12 - Permission to install two, unlighted tennis courts at Venetian Bayview Condominium for Heftler Realty Co., Clyde M. Taylor, Vice President. This property is located at 555 Park Shore Drive. 4 -a. Mayor Heineman announced the public hearing open at this time; whereupon, Mr. Allan read the legal notice of public hearing relative to the above referenced Petition No. 74 -S12 as it appeared in the December 2, 1974 issue of the Naples Daily News. Mr. Clyde Taylor, Vice President of Heftier Realty Co.. the company developing Venetian Bayview, was present to review the background of this petition. He noted that the same petition had been requested at a previous hearing and denied because of the location of the tennis courts. He then offered a plan revised to reflect a change in the landscaping to protect the abutting homes from the tennis courts as proposed in the development. He further submitted an Agreement as drafted for council's approval wherein Heftier Realty Co. assured them that the Condominium Association shall always maintain the trees and shrubs which are to be located on the east side of the tennis courts so long as the tennis courts are maintained and utilized. This agreement, on approval of council, was to become a part of the declaration of condominiums. Congratulations were extended by Mrs. Corkran and Mayor Heineman for the effort put forth by the developer in revising his plans to reflect protection from the courts for the neighboring residents and still maintaining a very high quality type design. For the purpose of the record Mr. Allan pointed out that under the Special Exceptions Standards one of the provisions is that any nuisance or hazardous feature involves a suitable separater or He explained that was the reason for buffer from adjacent uses. - 2 .. OF 26 ,;,.. the buffer as proposed by the developer which would comply with the standards as set forth. He continued that the exceptions and the standards also provide that appropriate standards shall be determined and made a part of the permit. Therefore, he advised, this agreement if entered into, will become a part of the records in issuing the permit to which Mr. Taylor expressed full agreement to this understanding. Mr. Lamm then summarized by stating that he wanted to be certain that such agreement was entered as part of the record and that any approval of the petition was contingent on the City's final execution of the agreement. Mr. Alex Gover, representing the Park Shore Association reported that while the members of the Association were appreciative of council's previous action for denial of the referenced petition as submitted by the Heftier Company relative to this subject matter, i_re consensus was not unanimously in favor of approval of the petition as presently stated and proposed.As an alternative -*fc what may otherwise be a less desireable vista against five story buildings, the Association actively expressed. a desire to have the proposed tennis courts together with the amenity package which the petitioner has presented. Mr. Gover commented that accordingly with the express purpose and intent that every statement and every detail which the petitioner has entered into the record in this matter be deemed a specific condition to the granting of the exception, the Association withdraws their objections and on behalf of the adjoining property owners they ask the Planning Board and City Council to give favorable consideration to this petition. Mayor Heineman then asked if anyone else the subject. There being no comments offered, the public hearing at 9:27 A.M. and asked for the Planning Advisory Board which reflected a tion for approval with the understanding that of the agreement with the City as part of the exception. wished to speak to the Mayor closed recommendation of unanimous recommendathere be an execution granting of the special Mr. L amm then move d that counc il accept the recommendation of the Planning Adv isory Board with the proviso that the drawing (Exhibit "A") be part of the record and be noted as part of the agreement that is to be executed by the City before this special exception becomes effective, seconded by Mr. Herbert. - 3 - Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Bigg retired the Planning Advisory Board from the meeting at this time. AGENDA ITEM S. Discussion of the need to advise the general public of the history of the Water/Sewer Agreement. Requested by Councilman Blanquart. Mr. Blanquart commented that inasmuch as yesterday's conferenc reflected a consensus of council that there was a need to inform Mj the public of the substance of the controversay relative to the water/sewer agreement and that the material should be prepared in anticipation of that information being given to the public, he would therefore move that this item be removed from-the agenda seconded by Mr. La mm and carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 6. A Resolution retaining the law firm of Alley, Rock and Dinkel of Tampa, Florida to represent the City of Naples in connection with all labor matters relative to its collective bargaining obligations, including acting as its negotiators. Mr. Blanquart m ov ed that the above refere nc ed Agen da Item 6 be considered as a last item on the a g enda, seconded by Mr. La mm and carried unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 7. An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Naples, Florida, as amended, by repealing therefrom section S, entitled "Zoning Board of Appeals; establishment and composition; terms of office, removal from office, vacancies; officers; rules of procedure; technical assistance; expenses; quorum"; section 9, entitled "Zoning Board of Appeals; powers and duties; exercise of powers"; section 10, entitled "Zoning Board of Appeals; who can appeal; how to appeal"; and further repealing - 4 - 269 all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith. (First Reading) - Requested by . Councilmen Blanquart and McGregor. City Attorney Allan presented the first reading of the above referenced ordinance for Council's approval. Discussion revealed that Mr. I-Herbert had been of the opinion the Zoning Board of Appeals was going to be retained in the capacity of an advisory board relinquishing only its autonomy and not being entirely eliminated as the afore mentioned ordinance suggests. He commented that in his judgment such an arrangement would appear to have been a more favorable situation rather than delegate additional responsibilities to an already work loaded board such as the Planning Advisory Board. Mr. Blanquart pointed out that the Planning Advisory Board had volunteered to accept the additional responsibilities inasmuch as the work load of the Zoning Board of Appeals had been substantially small and issues were of a nature familiar to the Planning Board members. Further, Mr. Blanquart recalled that the Zoning Board of Appeals presently has 4 out of 5 vacancies and in view of that fact was virtually non-exis Cant . Following further discussion, Mr. Blanquart move d t hat the first reading of the ordinance repealing the Zoning Board o f Appeals be approved, seconded by Mr. McGr_c or. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 6-1. AGENDA ITEM 8. An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Naples, Florida, as amended, by adding to appendix "A" - Zoning" a new section providing that requests for variances from the terms of the zoning ordinance shall be submitted to the Planning Advisory Board for consideration and recommendation to the City Council as to the granting or denying of said variances; providing that a , ubtic hearing shall be held by the Planning Advisory Board after due public notice and notice to property owners within 500 fzei: of the property described in the petition for a variance; setting forth conditions for the granting of variances, providing a savings clasue and repealing all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith to the extent of such conflict. (First Reading) Requested by Councilmen Blanquart and McGregor. - 5 - 21 City Attorney Allan presented the first reading of the afore referenced ordinance for Council's approval. To clarify any question that might arise with reference to Agenda Item 7 and the issue presently before Council, Agenda Item —' 8, Mayor Heineman noted that approval of the first reading of the ordinance referenced in Item 7 of the Agenda was a step in the direction of eliminating the Zoning Board of Appeals. The item now presented for Council's approval would transfer that authority "in part" to the Planning Advisory Board; "in part" referring particularly to that section of the former power given to the Zoning Board of Appeals for administrative review which, he continued, allowed that board to appropriate certain legislative powers which are strictly the function of the City Council. The ordinance referenced in Item 8, just read by City Attorney Allan, would now transfer to the Planning Advisory Board the prerogative to consider and grant (if advisable) variances from the Zoning Code. He pointed out that it does not grant to the Planning Advisory Board the power of administrative review. Mayor Heineman concluded by noting that the Planning Advisory Board had been contacted about the additional assignment and they were receptive to assuming the duties as stipulated. Mr. McGregor noted that approval of said transfer would take care of the question of taking evidence under oath which had not been done previously. Thereupon, Mr. Blanquart moved that the first reading of the ordinance as presented be approved, seconded by Mr. McGregor. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 6-1. x M Mr. Lamm moved that Ag enda Item 15 be co nsidered a t this time , seconded by Mrs. Corkran and carried unanimously. k - 6 - -- AGENDA- ITEM 15. Bid tabulation and recommendation for the purchase of seven patrol cars and one animal control vehicle. Mr. Allan read the following entitled ordinance for council's approval. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AND AWARDING BID TO BOB TAYLOR CHEVROLET NAPLES, FLORIDA, FOR THE FURNISHING OF SEVEN (7) PATROL CARS FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND REJECTING BID RECEIVED FOR THE FURNISHING OF AN ANIMAL PATROL VEHICLE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER THEREFOR. Mr. Blanquart pointed out that he was perplexed to find that out of 10 bids asked for the above proposed purchase of seven automobiles only two had been received in .spite of the fact that the auto industry should be competing more openly for such bids as offered in this case, namely seven (7) patrol cars. Further, with reference to the specifications outlined in the cars as a requirement of the City, Mr. Blanquart advised that he had called the State Purchasing Agent who informed him that steel belted radial tires were not -recommended inasmuch as at high speed these tires became hazardous. Mr. Herbert suggested that perhaps the specifications were such that, a minimal amount of bidders could apply and it might be advantageous to review the specifications. Further discussion with Mr, Gary Young, Assistant Chief of Police, indicated that trade-in material was at-a low value inasmuch as the trade-in cars were well used and would require more to repair than was worth considering. Mr. Williams also pointed out that relative to the steel belted tires, they were able to realize longer wear and safety measures without fear of high speed hazards since they were not used in high speed situations such as suggested in a chase etc. , 0 It was further suggested that in light of the few bids received that the City Manager investigate other sources of competition, review what other cities are paying for their patrol cars and in general broaden the entire scope of purchasing to include such areas as selling the old cars rather than use them as trade-ins or cannibalizing said cars for used parts, and check on the type of service that cap be guaranteed if purchases are made outside the city. Foilo^vin: further brief discussion Mr. Blanquart m oved that these b l d . b e rejected and call fo r ad ditional bids wi th the City Manager instru cte d to bro aden the sc ope of de alers, s eco nded by Mrs. Corkran. - 7 - 272 Mr. Williams pointed out that by rejecting the bids council should realize that they are taking the chance of paying a higher price for the same cars, plus a good deal of money may have to be expended for maintenance of the existing cars and a 60 to 90 to 120 day delivery may be realized as a result of the delay. However, he added that h e had no reservations about rebidding and surveying out of sta to areas for inclusion in the competition as long as council was a ware of what is involved in doing so. Mr. Morse reminded council that a call for bids in this matter was duly advertised and therefore available to anyone However, Mr. Blanquart reiterated his wishing to compete. request that these bids be rejected and the City Manager re-advertise for additional bids, Mrs. Corkran commenting to this end that only two bids had been received out of a possible ten and concern should be given to more competition for better_.prices. Thereupon, Mayor Heineman called for the question. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Motion carried 4-3. PUBLIC HEARING - An Ordinance adopting regulations AGENDA ITEM 9 . governing the use of water from any source for lawn sprinkling within the City of Naples; providing regulations for water main extensions to the system; authorizing the City Manager at his discretion to allow exceptions to certain provisions of this ordinance in cases of hardship; and further providing a penalty for violation hereof. (Second Reading) Mayor Heineman opened the above referenced public hearing at 10:32 A.M.; whereupon, City Attorney Allan read the legal notice of public hearing relative to this subject matter as it appeared in the November 25th issue of the Naples Daily News. He then introduced the proposed ordinance by title for council's approval. Mayor Heineman asked if anyone wished to speak to the subject; whereupon, Mr. Bruce Shannon of 1672 Galleon Dr:Lve, Naples, Florid( came forward to record his opposition to the proposed ordinance,in its present form. He noted that he deplored the implication that the adoption of the proposed ordinance was a requirement of the - 8 - 273 condition that exists today. Further, that the ordinance indicates the present state of the water is a permanent condition. He continued that the ordinance in its present form does not represent an emergency ordinance providing that it become operative only on the declaration of an emergency condition but rather proposes a permanent control of the use of water. He further contended that the ordinance is not designed to restrict the quantity of water used but rather to control when it is to be used which in some cases, he continued, would provide that more water be used than is presently realized. He continued that the proposed ordinance does not take into consideration those persons out of town who have hired maintenance crews to care for their lawns on schedules as best suits their workload, nor does it consider those present users of the system whose lawn maintenance people can't work on rainy days or days of inclement weather nor can they work on wet shrubs with electric tools if their work schedule falls on the day that sprinkling is permitted. — Following further comment by Mr. Shannon, he concluded by suggesting that the ordinance as proposed be returned to the drawing board for re-draft on the basis that when an emergency exists as declared by the City Council or the City Manager then the provisions of the ordinance will become applicable and that such provisions would terminate when the emergency ceases to exist. Further, that more attention be given to the quantity of water to be used rather than to the time, day and week it can be used. Mr. Lamm agreed that the ordinance as proposed tends to discriminate against the present water users and in his judgment if an ordinance was to be considered at all it would be one that would prohibit additional meters on the lines. Mr. Morse commended Mr. Shannon for his presentation agreeing a beginning and shut off time for emergency water use. He to made note that the City records do not show that the aquifer is now severely depressed but rather is in better shape than it was last year although the inter-land aquifer is depressed. He further reminded council that the city was in the business of selling water and they should be pumping as much water as they can for just good business reasons. He pointed out that they were down to 8,000,000 gallons a day at this time and they should continue to pump so long as they don't over extend the aquifer and at such time as an emergency exists then - as suggested by Mr. Shannon declare same and announce the beginning of such a condition implementing applicable emergency conditions until the emergency terminates. 9 - ('J announced his regrets that this discussion came as late as the second reading of the ordinance. However, he continued, he was also of the opinion that the original ordinance was designed with the purpose of authorizing the City Manager to declare a water emergency at his discretion at which time he would place into effect the emergency provisions of the applicable ordinance. He further agreed that this ordinance as presented needed to be reconsidered for if it became a law of the City in its present form regardless of all conditions, then, in his opinion, it would be wrong. Mavnr HPinem^in Mrs. Corkran recalled that, in her opinion, the purpose of the ordinance was to protect the present water supply. She pointed out that if the present water supply could be managed now in anticipation of a dry season the supply cou l d be extended longer. She advised that while there are additional users over that of last year and additional municipal pumping, there has not been , enough rain to bring the coastal aquifer up to the point it was last year in accordance with the latest November issue of the USGS. She pointed out that her concern dealt with conserving the water supply, although she was for including restrictions on new water users until such time as a source of water supply becomes available, namely, the Geitz Pit. Following further brief discussion, Mr. Mc G regor moved that council v ot e on the ordinance,seconded by Mr. Morse . Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Ma y or Heineman No Yes No No No No No Ordinance rejected 6- 1 . Mr. Morse then moved that the City Manager be instructed to rewrite this ordinance and to recruit the assistance of the City Attorney in doing so, seconded by Mr. McGregor and carri ed unanimously. AGENDA ITEM 10. An Ordinance assessing a charge of one dollar ($1.00) as an additional court cost against every person convicted for violation of a state penal or criminal statute or convicted for violation of an ordinance of the City of Naples for law swim J 2 '7 J enforcement education expenditures; excluding therefrom violations of any state statute or .City ordinance relating to the parking of vehicles and violations of City ordinances regulating zoning offenses. (First Reading) Requested by the City Manager City Attorney Allan presented the ordinance at its first reading for council's approval. Mr. Williams explained to council that the proposed ordinance sets up a program whereby the City will derive funds to be utilized in the furtherance of the law enforcement education. He advised that the Police Standards Council sets up a requirement that the police officers receive a class in police training before they can be certified by the State as sworn police officers. This course, has steadily increased in cost and the program is a continuing one that the City participates in as a matter of law that these people are required to comply with. The funds derived 'from the said court cost as referenced in the above noted ordinance will go toward offsetting costs incurred therein. Mr. Lamm moved for approval of the ordinance at its first reading, seconded by Mr. McGregor. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0. AGENDA ITEM 11 . A Resolution directing every officer, board, department, commission or agency of the City of Naples charged with the duty of preparing specifications or awarding or entering into contracts for the design, erection or construction of buildings or other structures, including additions to existing structures for the City, to incorporate or cause to be incorporated therein protection from radioactive fallout; providing exemptions thereto; and further providing that a certified copy of this resolution shall be filed with the Collier County Director of Civil Defense. Requested by W. C. Walker, Jr., Director, Collier County Civil Defense. -- 11 - 2.7 6 Mr. Allan, City Attorney, presented the foregoing Resolution for Council's approval. At this point Mr. Walker came forward to answer any questions of council relative to this matter and r explained the type structure that is considered for fallout shelter requirement. He noted that the majority of the condominiumE_ are so built that they can serve as fallout shelters as are various other buildings in the immediate area. Mr. Lamm pointed out that the Civil Defense is doing a commendable job in matters of an emergency nature and in his opinion Civil Defense should be encouraged to continue their efforts. To this end, Mayor Heineman also noted that he felt council would be negligent in their duty if they did not go along with the guide lines as set forth by the State and Federal Government in supporting the Civil Defense program in every way they can, and would therefore entertain a motion to that effect. Mr. Lamm then moved for approval of the Resolution as presented, seconded by Mr. McGregor . Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0, approving Resolution 2128. AGENDA ITEM 12. An Ordinance re-scheduling the regular meeting of the City Council from January 1, 1975 to January 2, 1975; further declaring this ordinance to be an emergency ordinance, dispensing with the second reading hereof. City Attorney Allan presented the above referenced ordinance for council's approval; whereupon, Mr. Lamm moved that the ordinance be approved as offered, seconded by Mr. Blanquart. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman - 12 - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 277 Motion carried 7-0 approving Ordinance 2129. AGENDA ITEM 13. A Resolution accepting dedications of water lines to the City of Naples from Joseph A. Long et ux, Y.M.C.A. of Collier, Inc., Florida Naples Development, Inc., Manchester Investments, Inc., Lely Estates, Inc., Collier Development Corporation and Oleum Corporation, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. City Attorney Allan read the above referenced Resolution for Council's approval; whereupon, Mr. Blanquart moved that the Resolution (No. 2130) be approved as presented, seconded by Mr. Morse. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0. AGENDA ITEM 14 . A Resolution accepting easements to the City of Naples from Leisure Properties of Naples, Inc.,G7alter G. Sorokoty, . trustee, Y.M.C.A. of Collier, Inc .. First Naples Presbyterian Apartments, Inc. and Buccaneer's Roost, Ltd. for installation and maintenance of water and/or sewer lines, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. Mr. Allan read the above referenced Resolution for council's approval; whereupon, M r. Herbert moved for approval of the esented sec n nded by Mr. McGregor. reso lut ion a s Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Motion carried 7-0, approving Resolution 2131. - 13 - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2' 9 8 AGENDA ITEM 16. Recommendation for purchase of a cash register for the Customer Service Department. City Attorney Allan introduced the above referenced subject for Council's approval in the form of a Resolution entitled as follows: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF A CASH REGISTER TO BE USED BY THE CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT FROM McCLURE'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, NAPLES, FLORIDA, DISPENSING WITH THE REQUIREMENT TO SUBMIT SAME FOR PUBLIC BIDDING, PURSUANT TO SECTION 15.12 OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF NAPLES, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE A PURCHASE ORDER THEREFOR. Following brief discussion, Mr. Lamm moved that the Resolution be approved as presented, seconded by Mr. Herbert . Roll Call Vote: Mi. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. McGregor Mr. Lamm Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0, approving Resolution 2132. AGENDA ITEM 17. Bid tabulation and recommendation for the purchase of equipment for the Public Works Department. Mr. Allan introduced the following entitled Resolution for council's approval. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AND AWARDING BIDS FOR THE FURNISHING OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT TO BE USED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND REJECTING ALL BIDS RECEIVED FOR THE FURNISHING OF ONE DIESEL TRACTOR AND ONE WHEEL LOADER TRACTOR; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS THEREFOR. On review of the above referenced subject matter, Mr. McGregor asked if additional people were being considered for operation of the recommended equipment inasmuch as there was no mention of trade-in. However, Mr. Savidge advised that no additional personnel were being considered and the older vehicle was being retained as back-up. Mr. Herbert commended the results of the bids noting that same were very close in costs. However, Mr. Blanquart again - 14 - 279 reiterated that there is a need to get more competition and he would like to see the City Manager consider merchandising their own trade-ins or cannibalize them for parts for use in maintenance. Mrs. Corkran commented additionally that competitive bidding results in a savings to the City. Following further brief discussion, Mr. Lamm moved that the Resolution (No. 2133) be approved as presented, seconded by Mr. U:: r 1- Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0. AGENDA ITEM 18. Bid tabulation and recommendation for the purchase of equipment for the Sanitation Department (Public Works). -- City Attorney Allan read the following entitled Resolution for Council's approval. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AND AWARDING BIDS FOR SANITATION EQUIPMENT TO BE USED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDERS THEREFOR. Following a brief review of the above referenced bid tabulation, Mr. M o rse moved that the Resolution (No. 2134) be approve d a s_pr esented, seconded by Mr. Lamm. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs.. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes . Motion carried 7-0. AGENDA ITEM 19 . An Ordinance authorizing the borrowing of $87,000.00 from the Barnett Bank of Naples, Naples, Florida ; providing for. - 15 - 280 the payment of the principal and interest thereon; pledging revenues of the City of Naples other than revenues derived from real or personal property taxes in payment thereof; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents to consummate said loan. Mr. Allan introduced the above referenced ordinance for council's approval; whereupon, brief discussion followed indicating a concern over the interest rate of 7%. There was, however,a comment from Mr. McGregor indicating that the subject loan can be paid off without a penalty clause. Mr. Blanquart commented that in his opinion the City Manager should be expected to go far afield to see if he can get a better rate. The question arose relative to this subject being a part of the budget to which Mr. Williams answered that Page 40 of the budget does reflect such provision. Following further brief discussion, Mr. Herbert moved that the the ordinance be approved as presented at its first readin g_ seconded by Mr. McGregor. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran No No Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 5-2. AGENDA ITEM 20. A Resolution accepting the proposal of Leon B. Murray, Consulting Electrical Engineer, to prov ice plans, specif- ications and supervision of construet on. for lighting system at Fleischmann Park football field in accordance with the. propcsal attached hereto and made a part of this resolution; further authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute said proposal. City Attorney Allan presented the above referenced resolution for Council's approval. Following brief discussion, Mr. He rbert moved that the Resolution (No. 2135) be approved as presented, seconded by Mr. McGre ^-or. - 16 - ° Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lainm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman 281 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0. Mayor Heineman recessed the meeting at 12:00 Noon to reconvene at 3:00 P.M. Mayor Heineman called the meeting to order at 3:07 P.M. whereupon, Mrs. Corkran noted for record that the air-conditioner was on as well as the heater and she would appreciate it if some attention was given to adjusting the controls so as to maintain a proper temperature and yet save on the utility costs. AGENDA ITEM 21. An Ordinance authorizing expansion of a nonconformity by adding a carport-garage to single family residence in "k-a" industrial zone, located at 201 Goodlette Road South, Naples, Florida, more particularly described as the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 3, township 50 south, range 25 east, as recorded in public records of Collier County, Florida. (First Reading) Mr. Allan, City Attorney, presented the above referenced ordinance at its first reading for council's approval; whereupon, Mr. McGregor moved that the ordinance be approved as read, seconded by Mr. Morse. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Motion carried 7-0. - 17 - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes FS 2R 2 AGENDA ITEM 22. An Ordinance granting a special exception to erect a six foot six inch (6' 6") redwood screen in side yard at 2396 13th Street North, Naples, Florida, more particularly described as lot 42 Naples Terrace, according to plat in plat book 3, page 13, public records of Collier. County, Florida. (First Reading). City Attorney Allan presented the above referenced ordinance at its first reading for Council's approval; whereupon, Mr. _ Herbert moved that the first reading of same b e ap pr oved as presented, seconded by Mr. Lamm. r, Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert. Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0. AGENDA ITEM 23 . PUBLIC HEARING: An Ordinance vacating and abandoning any rights, title or interest the City of Naples may have in that certain right-of-way situated in blocks V and VI of River Park East, as recorded in plat book 4, pages 84 and 85, public records of Collier County, Florida, as described in the dedication, dated February 21, 1968, from Naples Development Corporation which erroneously omitted the City of Naples as Grantee; providing that a copy of said dedication shall be attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance and accepting a corrective dedication therefor. (Second Reading) Mayor Heineman opened the public hearing at 3:13 P.M. to hear data pertinent to the above referenced ordinance. There being no comment offered to the subject which was introduced by Mr. Allan, Mayor Heineman closed the public hearing at 3:18 P.M. Mr. Lam moved that the Ordinance (No. 2137)be approved as presented, seconded by Mr. McGregor. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Motion carried 7-0. - 18 - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes EA C 283 As a follow up to council's approval of the foregoing Ordinance, Mr. Bob McDaniel, Attorney at Law, came forward to present to the City a deed for the subject acreage to be used as a park. AGENDA ITEM 24. PUBLIC HEARING: An Ordinance authorizing expansion of a nonconformity by adding a laundry room to a non-conforming structure located at 272-292 Second Street South, Naples, Florida, more particularly described as lots 22-24, block 18, tier 2, as recorded in public records of Collier County, Florida. (Second Reading) Mayor Heineman announced that this is a public hearing, duly advertised and on completion of the reading of the referenced ordinance anyone wishing to speak to the subject was invited to do so. Thereupon, Mr. Williams, City Manager, offered the first reading of this ordinance for council's approval. There being 'no comment offered from the audience or the council, Mayor Heineman closed the' public hearing; whereupon, Mr. La mm moved that t he Ordinance (No. 21 37) be approved as T presented, seconded by Mr. Herbert ., Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0. AGENDA ITEM 6. A Resolution retaining the law firm of Alley, Rock and Dinkel of Tampa, Florida to represent the City of Naples in connection with all labor matters relative to its collective bargaining obligations, including acting as its negotiators. With regard to the above subject matter, Mayor Heineman read into the record the following letter r eceived from Mr. L. S. Denning of 1807 Snook Drive. ii " 12/18/74 Dear Mayor Heineman: I will be unable to attend the meeting on subject contract (proposed). I would like to go on record as being opposed to - 19 - 2134 this practice. If our City Manager is not competent to deal on such negotiations he should be trained. There is a wealth of talent locally who would be willing to assist the City Manager at a considerable savings to the tax payers. City Council should be able to finalize any agreements in final legal form. Please give serious thought to training employees prior to contracting to an outside firm particularly as far away as Tampa. The letter having been introduced into the record, Mr. Allan introduced the subject Resolution for Council's approval. Mrs. Corkran raised the question of the retainer fee to which Mr. Williams noted that•said fee was $1,000 a year for a 1.2 months period with the rates ranging from $40 to $95 an hour depending on which attorney is used. Mr. Allan noted that he had no recommendation for he was of the opinion that he and the City Manager could have handled the situation but it was council's wish to hire an expert. At this point Mr. Lamm commented that he felt that such an attorney was needed in the important labor issues - :• and the big problem was to make sure of distinguishing which were the important matters. Mr. Allan indicated that the attorney so retained is an expert in the field, he is a professor with Stetson University and his primary practice is labor relations - both with the private and public sectors having handled quite a few public sectors. He was also active in national labor relations. Following further discussion, Mr. Blanquart moved that the Resolution (No. 2138) be approved, seconded b y Mr. Lamm. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0. Mr. Williams asked that council place on the agenda the subject of the John Pulling franchise for council's consideration; whereupon, Mr. McGregor moved that this subject be placed on the - 20 - n 285 agenda at this time, secon de d by Mr. McGregor. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0. City Attorney Allan read the following entitled Resolution for Council's approval: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A LEASE BETWEEN THE CITY OF NAPLES, LESSEE, AND JOHN A. PULLING, LESSOR, COVERING THE SOUTH 2 OF THE WEST 20 ACRES OF GOVERNMENT LOT 2, LESS THE NORTH 180 FEET THEREOF AND ALL OF GOVERNMENT LOT 5 WEST OF GORDON RIVER, EXCEPT THE SOUTH 500 FEET THEREOF, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CITY OPERATING A TRASH DISPOSAL SITE ON SAID PROPERTY, A COPY OF SAID LEASE BEING ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS RESOLUTION, r-- Mr. Blanquart moved that the above referenced resolution be approved, seconded by Mr. Lamm. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Blanquart Mrs. Corkran Mr. Herbert Mr. Lamm Mr. McGregor Mr. Morse Mayor Heineman Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Motion carried 7-0. X 9 X Mr. Williams reported that correspondence '--ith the Insurance Services Office of Florida relative to the Fire Defenses - Naples, Florida, indicate that Naples is scheduled fore review inspection of their fire defenses to justify a better fire insurance classification. Results of this inspection to be presented to Council when available. - 21 - O CORRESPONDENCE: None reported There being no further business, Mayor. Heineman adjourned the meeting at 3:35 P.M. 0 U ^Har Mayor Betty Anderson Deputy City Clerk Janet L. Davis City Clerk - 22 - 0. Heineman s